"2 THE OrATTA TJATTV lXTW.t rT?.rl n a a- apijtt. i t mnn e --- i - --" v u i u 1 i 4 i r wv-r. t iiaviih.v iihox. m:v riticns. the l'rlcpn ('ill SUM Ditimt to JHI tnekn frnm I'Foplf'H .Stuns No Ktoro over attempted Mich bargain glv lnK- No utoro ever hnil sttfh ii colosaal stock to Mcrinco. Not a one of Ibo thousands who Jam tho big store from morning to night go" awny dlftflpimlntcd. "Tho Pco la's Store" $800,000 tock must bo closed out no matter how nbmirdly low tho prices have to ho made. Humembor, these are nil fine, new, stylish goods bought for this nurlng'H tradu. No matter how ridiculous tho price may seem you will find the gooJs Just as represented, Kvery table, counter end cbkg crowded with bargains. 91.00 LAMES' NECKWEAR, 23C. Tho Peoplo's Store purchased their Easter nockwear,' all perfect and stylish, worth $i, $1.50 and $2.00, Wo place them on sale at 25c, 50c and 75c. COO FANCY IUIIIIONS, 12V4C. , UltKSS GOODS SALE. Our drees goods salu will continue ns long ns n yard of the goods lasts. Cl-lnch wool Hiiltlngs, tho Peoplo's price was 9c, our price will bo $1.25 for five yards; 31, 3C and 38-Inch homespuns, 31-Inch Jacciuards, 31 inch silk, wool and cotton mixtures, goods that the Peoplo's sold at 2uc to 35c, our prlco as long ns goods remain only !)c; handsome nil wool checks, luiw spring plaids, new iprlng novelties, good that tho I'cople'n mid ns high ns 75c per yard, will go on tho center tnbles at 25c; 46-Inch novelties, silk and wcol and nil wool goods, tho Peoplo's Hold at OSc, our prlco only 39c; oxtrn heavy chcvlols. 50 to 54 Inches wide. In fine blacks, etc., goods that tho l'coplo's sold at $1.25 to SI. 50, our price on this wile only 75c; 500 ilrrsrt patterns from tho People's Store at $1.2." to $1.98 for entire pattern, worth up to $5.00; nn extra now lino of French chal lls Just In, 49c, strictly all wool, lino tylcn. 1 11IO SHOE STOCKS ON SALK. Thousands of peoplo are buying tho best makes of shout at u fraction of their cost. IA11 tho shoes from "Tho People's Store." nil tho Hhoes from tho French, Shrlncr & Urner stock, nil tho nhom from the Naylor. (looker and Young stock, all the shoes from tho Underwriters' and Salvago Co.'s stock on hi I o nt less than tho cost of making. (Men's $1.00 shoes at $1.97; ladles' $3.50 iihotH, $1.89; mlsscti' and boy' $2.00 shoes (it $1.13; ladles' $2.50 slippers and Oxford ties at $1.38. TUB IHO SILK SALE AT HAYDEN mios. In creating more comment nnd arousing (morn enthusiasm than any silk Bale over hold In our city. All these silks aro new nml stylish anil tho llnest that arc retailed over any counter. Remember, not the kind tiKcil hi making ready-to-wear garments, No wonder wo do tho business. Only read theso prlccH: All silk taffeta, nil colors, nt :5c. Ileuutlful satins, In now shades, 25c. $1.25 fancy silks, nil brat stylo, 30c. $1.50 fancy silks, nil best style, 49c. $2.00 fnncy nllks, all best style, 59c. Dig salo on black taffetas, worth $1.25, for only 75c. Wo aro nhowlng some now arrivals In foulards, La dlre watting for thoso new shades In Wins low tnffctn may now call, for wo have Just rocclved n largo shipment. SPECIAL COIISBT SALE. All tho cornets from the Peoplo's stock that nold up to $1.25 on salo nt 49c. We carry a full llau of American Lady nnd Kabo corsets on special sale. Ladles' flno hosiery that tho Pooplo'n Store sold for 25c and 35c on nolo nt 15c. Ono lot of Indies' vests that tho Peoplo's Store sold up to 50c nn mlo nt 1214c. Children's 25o hose, with doublo knee, heel nnd toe, on salo at 15c. Bpeclal on men's neckwear that sold for COc nnd 75c on sale at 25c. Ladles' $1.00 kid gloves, In all sizes, at 69c. LINENS AND DOMESTICS. HIg bargains overy day this week from tho Peoplo's stock. 25c towels wiling nt 15c each. 10c linen toweling Cc ynrd. 79c (blenched damask 50o yard. 39c turkey red damask 23c yard. 19c turkey rod damask 10c. 29a blenched damask 15c. 35c cream dam oak 20c. 79c bed spreads 50c. S9o bed spreads COc. 65c bed spreads 35c each. So bleached tmiBlIn 6c yard. 26c wldo nheotlng 18c 10c cambric 5c yard. These nro real bargains nnd straight reductions from tho Peoplo's stock, Tho goods must Ibo Bold and theooncr you como the better selection you can raako. Todny wo will offor a big lot of remnants ot table linen, towoltag, sheotlngs nnd remnants of white dresu goods nt lowest prices ever quoted In Omahn. Sett thorn. IIAYDEN J1KOS. WHILE THE COW LAY IN STATE Iliiril-IIcnrtnl Drivers or n Demi Wiikoii Slum- nUri-xix-ot for n l'uiiilly'n (irlef. Warrants nro out for tho nrrest of Jerry Chaplain nnd II. Allen, drivers of tho henrso for duml brutes, charging them with disturbing tho pcaco nnd using pro fano nnd abusive lunguago. Tho complain ing witness Is 1 1. L, Carter ot 1210 Hur dctto street. For several years Mr. Carter and his fam ily have owned a controlling interest in n cow of docllo temperament and lovnblo dis union, to which thoy wore much attached. They regarded tho animal aB almost a member of tho fnmlly. Every night sho was curried and bedded with great care, and on pleasant days sho would bo let out upon tho lawn, where- tho children would rldo her and tlo ribbons about her horns. Hut last week sho was taken 111 with a complication of bovine mnlaillcs. A few days she languished, and then died. Tho children refused to bo consoled. Mr. Carter notified Oarbago Master Me Donald, hut told him not to send his wagon for tho carcass until nfter dark, as Mrs. Carter nnd tho children could not bear to see It hauled awny. This part of tho In struction was . overlooked, however. Tho wagon eamo about 4 o'clock In tho after noon. Mr. Carter told the drivers they would have- to go nwny and return later, and told them why, but they were Impervious to the sentiment of the orcnslon. With no respect for tho grief of tho Carter house hold, they scoffed nt the crape on tho stablo door, nnd. Mr. Carter siys, sworo and cursed until n great crowd was gathered. It Is not so much what tho newspapers ray, as what neighbor says to neighbor, or friend to friend, that has brought Chamber laln'H Colic, Cholera and Dlrrahoea Homcdy Into such general use. It Is as natural for peopio to express ineir grniuuiio nfter using this rwnody ns It Is for water to How down hill. It Is tho ouo remedy that can always bo depended upon, whether n baby Is sick with cholera Infantum or a man with cholera morbus. It Is pleasant, safo and reliable. Have you a bottlo of It In your home? Street (in hum nt Work. Street Commissioner Hummel yester day put thirty-tlvo men to work on tho streets. They wero divided Into four swell ing gangs presided over by Foremen It. P Dahlman, Thomas Rolden, Anton Sadtl and P. M. Heck, Tho mayor's otllco Is thronged with many others desiring positions as fore men or luborcrs. BOSTON STORE WAIST SALE We Ohtlltngs th World to Product Bach Bargains ts We Do Todaj. Fi,0M BROOKLYN SILK WAISF MFG. CO. TlioiiftnmlK C'omidclrly .Miule Silk U'nlxlH, I'arll) Mmlr .Hllk Wnlntft IMpcpn of .Hllk WiilM silk liy llic Vnril WitUt TrlniiuliiKN, Hear In mind we bought the entire stock of tho Ilrooklyn Shirt Waist Mfg. Co. Everything in tho whole stock wo bought goos on salo today. $5.00 UNFINISHED WAISTS, 60C. All tho wnlsts from the best taffeta silk, In all colors, cut nnd ready to mnko up, parts pinned together. In flno quality of tnffeta; If tho waists wero finished would bo worth $5.00, but go on salo nt COo each. Many odds nnd ends Included In this pur chase; odd collars that nro finished, beau tifully tucked nnd corded, In black and nil colors, that can bo worn with nhy waist, In this salo at 6c each. ODD PIECES SILK WAISTS, 5C, 10C, 25C ; All tho odd pieces, such ns alcoves, back's I or fronts of waists, In plnln silks, checks ,and plaids. Many of theso nro corded, tucked nnd shirred. They can bo used for I dress trimmings, millinery, fancy front-) nnd other useful purposes. Go on salo ac cording to size of piece, at 5c, 10c and 25c each. FINEST WIDE TAFFETA SILKS, 49C. Thousands of ynrds henvy nnd wldo taffeta silk In philn colors, checks and plaids, also' brocades. Theso aro all very flno qualities, nnd manufactured purposely for silk waists, but they aro also very well adapted for petticoats and dress skirt lin ings. They como In black nnd all colors. On sale at 49c yard. All tho finished waists, every one tho latest stylo, nnd thoro nro thousands to select from. Wholesale prlco up to $5.00 and $7.50, go In four lots. BSC, $1.98, $2.93, $3.98. Lot 1 Contains all tho wash silk waists In tho latest style, light nnd dark colors, go at OSc each. Lot 2 Contains all tho $3.50 pure China silk waists In plain colors and floral de signs, light nnd dark grounds, on salo at $1.98. Lot 3 Contains all the $5.00 taffeta silk. corded and tucked waists in black nnd colors, on salo at $2.98. Lot 4 Contains all tho $7.50 extra heavy tnffeta wnlsts In plnln colors, ribbon nnd Ince trimmed. Also handkerchief waists. Tho latest novelties. All in this lot nt $3.98 ench. 19C SILK ItUCHINO, 3C YARD. 500 pieces of all silk narrow ruchlng. A small part of which has been displayed In our show window, tho name style as Juby trimming, known tho world over to sell nt 19c yard, In black nnd nil colors, go on I bargain squaro nt 3c ynrd. Dig Iota of silk bow knots nnd ornaments for trimming fancy wnlsts nnd dresses. On ; bargain squnro at 10c and 15c. i Thousands of bolts all kinds fancy braids and silk gulmps, on bargain square at lc nnd 3c yard. Immcnso lots of nil kinds buttons, Includ ing almost overy style mnde, worth up to $1.00 dozen, go at lc dozen. Also flno but tons nt lc and 2c each. Plain and fancy carved pearl buttons, 10c dozen . BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas. SEWAGE FLOWS INTO LAKE Council Inspect. flrnlnitKr nt niver vlew 1'nrk, TrltH View to Extrml liiK Sewer Toward Hirer. KELLEY, STICEK & CO, Birgaini in Ladin', Miaias' nnd Children's Fine Shots THAT CANNOT BE EQUALED ll.YDi:,Vfl The iikj (Jitmiiiiv .ham:. IIOSTO.V All STOltll II.VSTI'.ll MIIOKft. till N client unit Snellen! Sprhm Mien or I'lnr Knott en r, ON SALE NOW AT I10STON STORE, OMAHA. Ten new styles of the very latest thing In l.nille' ?:t nml $1 Slincs nt (fl.tlS, fta.Ur, Sliorn nt 1..-,0 MNncft' 9I.M!i nml Ifl'.r, Shorn nt If I. 'J.--SOIUli nml l'i-to-l)n(e. I'eoplp'n Stock on Snip nt l.cnn Tlinn Onp.llnir Thplr Prleen. Now Turkish prunes, per lb., 3e; new I Arabian prunes, per lb., 4c; French rnlsln- I cured prunes, 5c; largo Italian prunes, u-si, Dew laiirornia prunes, ,Hc; new patent vlcl kid and patent cnlf shoes for cvaporatd apples, lb., 7!4c; new California ladles' wear. Shocw with Louis XV. heols. peaencs. 124c; new California pears, 124c; and with low heels, with very thin soles or new Cnllfornln apricots, 126q; now red with mannish medium weight soles. Qo on raspberries, 15c; fancy largo bright lemons, Mi0 nt $3.00, $3.50, $1.00, $5.00 and $6.00. dozen, lc; nil kinds preserves In Jars, 6c; All tho now styles of black and tan shoes, Andersons, Curtice Hros.', Eagle, etc.. Jams n tho celebrated "Queen Quality" nnd "Fit ! n. '',0UI"I cans only 8 l-3c; 2-pound cans E:,9y.. 8hot.. fop whlch w . , wnuo Clierrles, worth 20c, 124c; 2-pound All new stylo In mlssm' nnd ehlldr...,'s Pineapple, worth 20c. 124c; 3-pound Bhces, black, tnn nnd colors. ouiiuuu ior x.c: uuuany s uiam nn n . 1., ii i .i.u .11 IMctiiri'n nml otrn TSnrntitp Is the title of a handsome dcscrlptlvo book let Itsuod by the Illinois Central railroad Illustrating tho scenic features of Omaha Council llluffs, Iowa nnd northern Illinois ns seen from the car window on tho "Ch cngo Limited." For copy of same call on or nddrcsd W. 11. Drill, district passenger agent, Illinois Central railroad, Omaha, Neb. Why ruilrenn In I lie DnrU When by traveling In tho luxurious sleep ing cars ot tho CHICAHO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn on the electric lamp and nialio tho berth at Ladles' -button shoes, welt solo, coin toe, at $1.98; cut from $4.00. Ladles' laco shoes, turn solo, full toe, at $1.98; reduced from $3.00. Ladles' lace shoes, medium wale, round toe, nt $1.98; cut from $2.60. Ladles' laco or button shoo, heavy or me dium sole, coin too, at $1.50 (all sizes); cut from $2.25. Ladles' tan shoes, vesting top, nt $1.50; reduced from $3.00. Ladles' laco or button shoes, welt nolo, round toe, at $3.00. Ladles' lnco shoes, In tho dark tan color, nt $2.50. BARGAINS IN MISSES' SHOES. Mlfses' laco or button shoes, heavy or medium soles, at $1.25; cut from $2.60 nnd $1.85. Miasm' laco shoes, heavy sole, round toe, nt $1.75. Child's shoes, samo as above, nt $1.35. OUR BOYS' DEPARTMENT. Llttlo gents' shoes, sizes 9 to 13, nt $1.75. Youths' shoes, henvy nolo, round toe, sizes 13 to 2, at $2.00. Hoys' black shoes, new last, sizes 24 to C, at $1.85. Hoys' tan or black shoes, full toe, sizes 24 to 54, at $2.25. KELLEY, STIOER & CO, CAT WAS IN THE RUBBISH For lliirnlni; 11 Ilenp or Kcfune mill Polluting the Air .1, C. Ilouclier In Arrested. cans cans mince meat, pkg., 5c; large glass bottles, pickles, olives, onions, catsup, mustard, celery relish, etc., sold at the Peoplo's for 10c, now 8 l-3cj 3-pound cans nil kinds plums, 124c Squaro can Urook Trout or Mackerel In tomato sauce. Regular price 25c, now 124c. 3-pound cans linked Deans of Baked Sweet Potatoes, worth 20c can, now 124c 10a package Bird Seed, now 34c. Blackburn's Kaspberrltu, Blueberries, Gooseberries, etc., etc., 3 cans for 25c. Rnlston Breakfast Food, 1 "Of rV1.Iflnn D . tll . . . r.vn..hv( o i-ju, iitai .nanna, uc package, 4c. Quail OaU, 10c package, 4 for 2Sc. Undavcno Flakes, 10c package. 5c. Granoso Flakes, 20c package, 94c. Granol3. tho health food, only 74c. Gralno, per package, 20c. Largo Postum Cereal, pack age, 15c. Small I'ortum Cereal, package, 10c. Cream of Wheat, 20c package, 12c. Pills bury's Vltcfl, 20c package, 12c. Orapo Nuts, brain food, package, 0c. Everything gois nt less thnn half the Peoplo's Store prices. IIAYDEN BROS. '- 1 ItcmemhrniiRr. It should ALWAYS bo remembered Only one Chicago railway lino Oporatos Library Buffet Cars On ALL limited trains. ONLY ONE railway lino Runs a limited day train From Omaha to 'Chicago, Illinois, With Drawing Room sleepers, library and dining cars. ONLY ONE railway line RUNS TWO fast night trains From Omaha to Chicago With completo dining and library car service. , THE OLDEST railway line In Omaha. Tho greatest mileage of nny Omaha line. The most modern and best equipped. THE NORTHWESTERN LINE. All palms, bulbs and other choice plants from Greater America exposition aro for Bale at Apalry building, Exposition grounds, nt very low pr'ces. Open Sunday. Seo C. F. Harrison's real estate bargains. sizes, fcr Infants, children, misses nnd la dles. New styles In men's nnd boys' shoes. Everything that Is absolutely new for this season. Our stock of shoes Is the most complete In Omnha nnd our prices very much lower than any ono elso for tho mmo quality of shoes. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts. Churchgoers who last Sunday morning pressed' handkerchiefs to their noses nnd murmured anathemas against tho evil smell which beset them a few blocks west of tho city hall will be gratified to know that tho source of tho stench has been fer reted out and. Its unhappy author brought to Justice. It wns caused by an open-nlr crematory conducted by a negro named J. C. Boucher. Ho set flro to n pile of rub bish In nn nlley near Twentieth and Far nom streets, but, standing penitent beforo Police Judgo Gordon yesterday morning, he affirmed Ignoranco of the fact that con cealed beneath the litter of papers was tho mortal part of n lato lamented cat. This afternoon ho will bo given an opportunity to explain why, In observing tho rlto of burnt offerings on Palm Sun day ho used cat, thorsby polluting a cubic mile of atmosphere. The charge against hlra, copied from tho ordinances of the city reads as follows: "That he un lawfully, bv thn use of hent nml flro HI,' then nnd there render animal matter and chango tho form of an animal carcass so as to taint the nlr and render it unwholesome and offensive to tho smell." The city council, In company with the city engineer, paid a visit yesterday to Rlvorvlew park, where It la desired by Councilman Hascall of tho First ward to oxpend $15,000 in the construction ot a sewer. It Is proposed to uso the funds left from tho recent bond Issue for tho com pletion of tho North Omaha sower. Councilman Hascall pointed out that the sowngo from tho vicinity west ot tho park on both Tenth and Bancroft streets at pres ent flows Into the park lake. It Is proposed to extend the drain toward the river a suf ficient dlstanco so that tho park nnd lake may be preserved for tho purpose lntendod. Tho council recognized tho need of tho Im provement nnd it will probably he author ized. An ordlnanco has already been Intro duced to tbnt end. Aimoiiiior nientn. Tho Crolghton Orpbeum offers an ex cellent program for this nftcrnoon'i mat inee. The sale of seats for amateur night, which Is Friday evening, Is very large. Among tho amateurs who will appear on this occasion are Lulu McDonald, vocalist; Dan Marctta, wiro performer; Myrtlo Bruce, songs and dnnces; Inez Palmer, serio-comic; Harris and Payne, songs und dnnces; Maud Myer, contortionist; tho threo Grangers, cako walkers; Billy nnd Buck, comedians; Golda Smith, and Call and Murphy, como-dlans. The Attention or the iraToung pumic is respectfully Invited to tba cnngnlflccnt tqulpmtnt offered to patron or tno CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY between Omaha and Chi cogo. Bona vestlhuled, steam heated and electrlo lighted trains. Falac sleepers an diners, buffet and library cars, free roclln lng chair cars, fast time and union depots, City Ticket Office, 1604 Farnnm st. P. A. NASH General Western Agent, This afternoon Blancho Walsh and Mel- boumo MacDowell nnd their company will bo seen In "Fedorn." Miss Walsh will en act tho tltlo rolo nnd Mr. MacDowell tho part of IjouIb. Tonight "La Tosca" will 1 be presented, with Miss Walsh ns La Twvm nnd iMr. MiicUowcll as Baron Scnrpla. Both plays are highly dramatic nnd nro excellent vehicles for the display of tho talents ot both artists. Inother Portland Train. Two Trains llailv EFFECTIVE APRIL 22. THE UNION PACIFIC Will placo In service nn additional Port land train. This train " THE PACIFIC EXPRESS " Will loavo Omaha 4; 25 p. m., arrlva Port land 7:30 a. m. Only Two Dnya on thn Road. Omaha Tent and Rubber company are pre pared to till all orders tents, awnings nnd canvas goods. New location, corner 11th nnd Harney. 'Phone 883. Tho time of the prcsont Portland train, "THE OVERLAND LIMITED" Leaving Omaha 8:20 a. in., will be re duced hours and 45 minutes. No change will be mads in the leaving time at Omaha, Between Omaha and Portland. Only OB Hoar and 40 Minutes SPLENDID EQUIPMENT. CITY TICKET OFFICE: 1302 FARM AM ST.. Telrphnue 31. tie ibwom mm Stonecypher, printer, aa-wrlter. Up-to-date cuts for sale. 1201 Howarl. Tel. 1310. Easter Egg Dye 5c Look In our window niul you will seo whnt you need for coloring eggs for Mast er 12 colois of dyo for ro, or 21 sheets of dye paper for Gc. YES; Wo still cut orlccs. Regular Our Cut Prlco. Price, , 25o Mention's Talcum Powder 12c I ever day in tho -week 25o Pucker's Tar Soaii 15c 50j HorHford's Acid Phosphate lOe COc .Malted Milk Wc lc II. & II. Soap, for cleaning !v 50c Stuart's Catarrh Tnblots 4fto l.o Tetlow'8 Swans Down ISo M.Oo Yale's llulr Tonic 75c tV llayo'M llnlr Health -4(e $1.(0 llulb Syrlngo 80c $1.00 Fleming's Mult Whiskey 90c 4-plnt cans Shenvln-Wllllums Paint 15e , riic Syrup of Figs .inc- ISc Vermont Root Boer He (Makes 5 gallon.) 2.V Thompson's Cherry Phosphate.... lie $1.(0 IIurnhnm'H Sarsiiparlllii 40c Wrlto for catalogue. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go Now Location, Cor. 16th and Dodge, EVEN THE WATER IS SAFE An analysis of the drinking wntor used on Burlington Honte dining cars has been mndu by W. 8 Mnberg, city chemist nC Chicago Hero's Ills report; "No disease-producing bacteria wero present. This is a flno drinking water, nnd tho examination shows it to bo frco from sewago contamination." Dining cars.- to Chicago, Denver and Kan sas City. Tloket Olllce, 1 502 Farnatn SI. Tel. 250. Burllntjlon Station, 10th and Mason Sis. Tel. 12B. Cures Kidney and Liver Troubles It Is not recommended to cure all dis eases that flosli is heir to und we do not recommend any one to take It who does not need t. but If you need It and tako It tho remedy will cure you. Wo have pub llshed In the dally papers some of the strongest testimonials ever printed, civon by prominent residents of Omaha who highly endorse this wonderful-medicine. Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure Is an Infallible remedy for dlsenses of the kidneys, liver, bladder and urinary organs, and wo have tliounands of tostlmoiiinls to prove it. If you arc. not feeling right (Und you can't feel right when your kidneys are wrong) take CRAMEK'S KIDNEY AND LlVllH CUIIE atd the effect Will surprise $1 00 Bottle 75c ounncrEii druggist Cor. J6t&tud Chlcnxo Sis. An Easter Camera This Is tho season you thought of getting a Camera. Wo carry nil tho latest makes ot Eastmans Premos Pocos Call and see us before purchasing. All Instructions free for beginners. The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 Farnum St. Developing and Printing Done. Wholesale and lletnll. ABSOLUTE PROTECTION We guarantee to all who b u y Hard man pianos. Evory piano is warranted for ten years. You do not buy potatoes the way you buy pianos. When you buy potatoes the more you get tho hotter of! you are. With the piano it. is different. Sometimes vrhat you leave out is just as important as what you put in. When selecting a piano remember this and call on the MUELLER PIANO & ORGAN CO., 214-16-18 So. 18th St. Pianos tuned and repaired. 'Phone 1098. I EASTER GOODS GALORE! A cornucopia of men's and women's ready-to-wear clothing. A mine of Millinery. , : A furlong of Furnishings. A hamlet of Hats. A shower of Shoes, Unexampled tnstofulncss in tho selection of Eastor merchandise. The smiling skies of Eastor shines throughout tho store. 1 he store's supremacy is not questioned but ambition is rustless and reaches out for a higher top. Wo have told you tho Greatest Ladies' Suit and Cloak stock was gathered here. It was a modest statement. Wo want you to walk tho whole length of tho cloak room and seo if you over beforo saw so many wraps so many styles such a vast range of prices. There has been no hesitation in getting high novelties. Wo aro not in tho cloak bus iness with weak notions, and tho cloak interests will bo centered hero for your interests and for ours. The Men's Clothing Dept. Has a roputatton of fifteen years' standing. Wo need not call your attention to its supremacy. You al ready know. All tho Eastor styles are hero at your service. To the Men Will the gentlemen take a peep at the Easter neck- WW1V? Tim wntnmi rlmi'l I have all the good things hot all tho wit of the man ufacturer's work is apent for them. Thoro is evidonco hero that some of tho best of it is for the male side of the house. To the Women Will tho ladies take a peep at tho Easter neck wear? Tho ir.on don't have all tho good things not all tho wit of tho manufac turer's work is spent for them. Thoro is evidence horo that some of the best of it is for the fomalo side of tho house. We have a glorious collection of now neckties such as are commonly found only in tho "swbll" storeB you don't need to be told of tho difference in price or how much less they aro here. Women's Neckwear Band, bows, strings, em broidered ends, stocks.cord ed ties, chiffon, mull, lib erty silks, imperials, wide ends, fronts, etc., and all tho wanted things for Easter. Men's Neckwear Band, bows, strings, four-in-hands, bat wings, imperials, wide ends, wash silks, and all the wanted styles in Easter neckwear. "A willing helper does not wait until he is asked.' r So come and help yourself with our assistance 'twill be mutual. mvncu! GRAND MM I SPECIAL Easter Offerings. Four Days to Sell ' I'll IH IKI .H Keasons why we will sell 75 per cent of all the clothing to be sold in Omaha. 1st We can show more variety in up-to-date styles, than all the other stores combined. 2d We save you from $2 to $7.50 on ev ery man s suit you buy. Men's all wool suits at $2.75 Men's new stripe suits at $3.75 Men's fine check cassimoro and pure worsted Buits at $6.75 and $7.50 Our linos of men's suits at 10.00 and $12. 50 are the equals of suits sold elsewhere at $15 to $18. Our Suits at $15, $18 and $19.50 can bo compared with $35 and $40 made-to-order suits. Boys' and Youths' Department The Largest West of New York. Beautifully tailored long pants suits to fit young men from 8 to 19 years, in tho now fashionable stripes and checks, ngle or doublo breasted vests, at all $75 -f. $150 rices from . On our lino of children's vestee, sailor and double breasted suits wo will save you from 25 to 40 per cent on any suit you may ouy. Uome early tins week and avoid Saturday's rush. HAYDEN BROS. NOW si pr IIAXinCU' Cloaks -a IIAIULRS Millinery. The Fastest Growing Cloak and Suit Department in America, Unlimited spot cash to buy up enormouo stock at a fraction of their real value, coupled with our clean reputation, makes our concern a safo place for you and your families to trade. Our cloak department was crowded to the doors last week taking advaiitago ot this great ealo. OlIT Slllt haV C5tcol,once' tono nn1 IrRt claiis skill In evory ono of them. Note UUI OUI13 tno fit the set, the sweep, and tho stylo. Always reliability no mat ter how low the prices. 4.95 .9.98 15.00 6.98 3.75 Ladlen' all wool Homespun Suits silk lined Jackets skirts with now box pleat back grays and brown mixtures they aro worth $10 Wednesday for Ladles' all wool man-tailored Suits In overy shado lmaglnablo, black Included In tlRht-flttlng, Eton ami Jacket effects worth $18 to $20 for ... Ladles' man-tallorel Suits nearly all Hllk lined throughout silk appll(jtio front and skirt worth $25 and $35 Wcdnrnday at Ladles' Homespun Suits, man-tailored, silk llnel Jacket, now box pleat back skirt at One Lot of Skirts, In plaids, mixtures, chocks and strlpea bought to sell for $8 on salo Wednesday at Ladles' Golf Skirts worth $7.00 for y. Ladles' fine high c!ns Skirts at $10.00. $1G.00, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00 and $.T Ladles' Eton Jnckctw In all colore at $: I ariiOC I InnaPCIIPtc ladles' Underskirts, with ono and two .OS .00 .9S rullles worth $7 aud $5 nt -well corded nnd pleated llounco regular Ladies' Silk Waists 2.79 .1.48 2.98 Ladles' Mercerized Undersklrts prlca $2.9S on salu at Ladlro' Mercerized Foulard Skirts with ruffles pleatod flounce made up In tho very highest and beat raannor worth up to $7.00 your cholcs Our Silk Waist Department Is tho talk of tho town and surrounding country. LadU' Silk Taffota Waists, corded and tucked, worth $0.00 on bargain squaro at , 500 Silk Walts in flno silk taffotas In nil colors and black -w worth $7.00 for ...09o 25 dozen Wroppers, -with 15 and 18-lnch flounce, worth $2.00, nt 98c. 20 dozen Wrappers with rufllo over shouldor hoavy porcalo body lined extra waist trimming for 09C 50 dozen Wrappers In dark and light percalew A body lined Children's Jackets nt, each $1.00. $1.50, $2.00 and 13 00 2.98 Easter Millinery Special for Wednesday 3.98 and 4.98 400 trimmed Hats Including all tho latest, styles trimmed In tho (Incut matorlal nnd. the lato popular patel shades at.. A cholco lino of handbomcly Trlmmod Hats at jjg an(j jo gj Everything In Flowers and Trimmings. HAYDEN BROS 8ELLINO "THE PEOPLE'S STORE" $300,000 STOCKS. That's My Tale What's Yours? ' SHERIDAN COAL is the best coal mined iti Wyoming. Lump $5.50; Egg $5.00, Nut $4.50. 1 Usht as day, City Office, IfOi Farnata it. r. VICTOR WHITE 1605 Farnnm Tel. 127. Street.