10 TI1E OMAHA DAILY B7SE; "WEDNESDAY, APTITL 11, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL nTJT Z kettle. Rood to choice, llfiMc. ... , PEANTTS-Stendy; fancy handpleked, 4 . lifM'tr: other domestic, 3'fl 1c. Uncertainty Ow OoTernmint Ornp Eepoxt imihkjiits-to Liverpool. mArket utronij; ',.,.. ir , . 'cotton tiy steam, M; grain by steam, 3id, CORN MARKET REGAINS YESTERDAY'S LOSS Prices In lrnUlnn fit rr Active nnil StrnnK, Although Htm Arc Knsler On Ix Mnrkrl I'tillim Corn 11 llli Unlet I'ltlelltj. CHICAOO, April lO.-rncertnlnty ovrr tho government crop report, duo this aft ernoon, and tho prudence of u large short Interest fearing It would be bullish, pro duced a dull but llrm wheat market today. May wheat closed UfcSe. M"' Por M'Sc find May oats c over yesterday. Provi sions were Rtrong.nnd active, closing from 214 to frc lrlKher for .May ribs to 25c Im proved for May pork. Wheat pecan' the session tlrm. May V over yesterday at (77f6714c. Paris was higher and tho Michigan condition was put nt 61 per cent. Ordinarily such Items would have received but little notice, but ns there was no early news of another sort traders took what they could get and acted on It. The market touched 6fir. fol lowing tho opening, but reacted later, helped by Hrndstrect's decrease In the world's visible and the strength of corn, May ascending to fi"V The close was tlrm. May lif-o up at fi'ic. The- market was narrow and mostly local In character. Uncertainty over the government report had the effect of blocking any big moves either way. As the session progressed tho belief that the report might put the con dition under previous expectations grew and undoubtedly had some effect In boost Ing tho price. Hecelpts here were . cars, none, of contract grade. Minneapolis and Dulilth reported HSU cars, against 521 ost week nnd Wi last year. Primary receipts werr KW,0 bu.. compared with 290,000 bu. a year ago. Atlantic port clearances In wheat and flour were i'lpial to 73,000 bu. Corr was strong but rather dull. The provisions strength was a help and re newed buying by a prominent long who had recently confined himself to taking heavy profits contilbuted much to the advance which regained what the market lost yes terday. The news was rather bearish, but It was Ignored generally. It was not n big anarket despite Its .Mtrength. Local re ceipts wore 6C6 cars. May sold from Bflttff 5'ic, to 40ic, closing yU'Kic over yesterday nt 33?&ftl0c. Many of yesterday's sellers were buyers today. The low rates west ex pired today and a reduction In receipts Is expected In consequence. Some sources re ported country acceptances freer others Bald they wcro still light. Provisions were active and strong, al though hogs were easier. Liverpool was higher for bacon, lard and ham, which was n consideration, but tho market owed Its strength to tho heavy cash demand against which packers were liberal buyers of fu tures. July product made a record for high prices, pork for delivery during that mouth touching $13.15, lard $7.10 and ribs $7.10. 'May pork ranged from $12.8216 to Jltl.flfi and closed 25c over yesterday at $n.or,: May lard, from $S.ROifi.si2',4 to $7. closing ViWlbc up at $7, nnd May ribs, from $7.05 to $7.1714, with tho closo 2165f5c bettor at $7.13, Tho oats market followed corn with quiet fidelity. May ranged from 2l-fi2IVic to IlViP and closed llrm, '.Ac up, at 2IHc. Rc celpts here wero 2-14 cars. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 40 curst corn, 300 cars; oats, 133 cars; hogs, 28.000 heed. The lending" futures ranged ns follows: Articles. Open. High. j IjOiv. Close. Yes'y. Whent A.prll May .Inly .Sept. JIllV July Sopt. Oats May July Sept. Tork .May .lulr I.ard May July Sept. Rlbs Alny July Sept. ffiHi 104fi w 211! 23141 12 fi 8214 n ',) .7 00 7 1214 l IJO 67 69lS 68 4014 30Ufl- 407!, lOij'IOli, 41i 10. I 2li 21?fP,4 311411 13 05 13 15 7 00 7 10 7 20 7 1715 I 1U 7 10 L'l 23 12 S2V4I 13 IM) 6 SO fi W 7 00 7 cr fi 0714 fi 9714 67 67'4 6G 6Wl67 6'J 3911 39T1I0 4 (Mi UK, 2IN. :iiwi 23V 13 03 13 13 7 00 7 10 7 1714 I 7 1714 7 10 7 10 39 lOUfiU 40 2114 2ISttl, 231; 12 80 12 SO 6 R214 6 0214 7 00 7 1214 6 !5 Hl'TTEIt Receipts, 9.400 pkgs.i steady; western creamery, 17I20cj factory, lfiflli'ic. f'l IKIiHH Kecc lots. 2.123 tiackages; weak; fancy, large, white. )2'il2ltc; fancy, Inrge, colored, 1.1c; fancy, small, white, 12V3124C; fancy, small, colored, i.rij'ic. EGOS Hecelpts, 2l,flS7 packages; Arm; storage, western, nt mark. I2tf12c; regu lar pocking, 12'i,c. ROOAK Hnw, strong; fair refining, 3 J5-I6c; centrifugal, !! test. 4 7-lSc; mo lasses sugar, 3e. Hellned, strong. METALS Tho local market for till re acted from yesterday's decline to $39.60ff 30,7.". a net rlso of 23 points. The advance win duo clilclly to favorable advices from London nnd tho scarcity of sellers. Tho closo was firmer but quiet nt M0.GOtX10.75. IOKp copper continues to hold urm at ti.. I'lg Iron warrants were dull and nominal. Lead ruled dull and nominally unchanged, closing at the old basis of $f.67'-4 bid nnd $l.72'4 asked. Spelter was steady and un changed, closing at $i.72'i bid and $l.77'4 asked. The brokers' price for lead was $!.!. and for copper $17.2.117 50. omaiia avii()i,i:sai,i: .M.uiKirrs. t'onillllon of Trmle nnd Qnotntlons in Staple unit I'niiey I'roduee. IXIOS Hecelpts liberal fresh stock, 10 lOltc DHIiSSKD POfLTItV-Cholce to fancy turkeys, 111IOc; ducks, 9c; geese, 9c; sprlns chickens, !i10c; hens, OHlOc: roosters, Bf?6c. I.1VK I'OL'LTHV-Hcii!'. SUc; spring chickens, Sc; young, stnggy and old roopters, lyfic; ducks, 71ic; geese, 714c; turkeys, Sc. Hi TT 13 H Common to fair. 12c: choice. ltfilSc; separator, 22c; gattired creamery, 13C. OYSTKRS Med urn. ner can. 18c: stand ard, per can, 22c; bulk standard, per gal lon, $1.25; extra selects, per can, 30o; extra selects, per gal., $l.6wl.7S; New York counts, per can, 37c; New York counts, per ino. $1.23. Finn Herring, per in., sc: rouna percn. Dc; sun, Gc; cod, Cc; haddock, 6c; blue pike. Cc; scaled and dressed perch. 6c; clscocs, 6c; medium dressed trout. 7!4o: cropple, 714c: pickerel. 714c; finnan haddles, 714o: whlto tlnh. 9c; yellow pike, dressed, Dai small trout, dressed, !ic; red snapper, 9c; smelts. 9c; smokxd white fish, 9c. riOKONS Live, per Uoz., $1. VIOALS-Cholco. alOc. HAY Per enrlond lots: t'nland. choice. $(i.S0; midland choice. $3.50: lowland, choice, ryo straw, choice, $o; rvo. 3 corn, sw. No. 3 white oats, 25c j cracked corn, per ton. $11.50; corn nnd oats, chopped, per ton, $15: bran, ncr ton. $13.30: Phorts. per ton. $13.00. VKC. ETA TILES. ASPAHAni'S-Callfornla. per lb., 15c. NKW TUHNIPS-Pcr doz. bunches, 60c. SPINACH Per box. $1. NKW I1KI3TS-Per doz. bunches, 4060c. LKVri'OH Per doz. bunches. rvJNOc; fancy bend lettuce, per bbl., $3. IIADISHES-Pcr doz. bunches, 30tf35c. 8UUD SWIOIiT POTATOES-Pcr bbl., $2.23 (&2.G0: Kansas, $2.76. POTATOES-Per bu., choice. 2530c. CAHUAOE-Cnllfornla. per lb 2HS3C. CAULtFLOWEH-Callfornla. per crate, $2.75. CELERY Per doz., 2330c; California, per hunch, 601i90c. TnUNlPS-nutabagns. per lb IHc. TOMATOES Florida, per rtx-baskot crate. $t.0. MtTSHHOOMS-Per lb. box, BOc. nnUHARH-Per lb.. S09c. ONIONS-Hetull. yellow, $1; red, $1.:01.25. Ohlos, per bbl., $2.232.C0. KnUITS. STRAAVHEnRIES Texas, per 24-qt. case, $0; Ijotllslana, per 24-qt. case, $3.I5-3.50. APP1ES Cholco western shipping stock, $1.50; Now York stock, $3; fancy, $5.50. ORAPES-Mnlaga, per bbl., $7.00(89.00. CRANBERRIES Jerseys, per bbl., $10.50; per crate, $3.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California, fancy navels, per box, $3.2.Vf(3.50; cholco navels. $3.00; Med iterranean Sweets, per box, $2.502.75. LEMONS California, cnoice, per dox, j; July. 70V: N". 1 northern, rash, 6iC, Mi 67'je; July. 69"c: September. 67'4c; No. 2 northern, fiSc; No. 3 spring, 62c. OATS-24H2t4c. CORN-374e. Knnsn Cltr tirnln nnil Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April 10. - WIIEAT. May, CHc; cash, No. 2 hard, 62!4S3e; No. 3, iViffP2c; No. 2 red. 69.-; No. 3. 6fytltWc. CORN Mnv, 36c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 37U1f37Uc; No. 2 white, 3Sc; No. 3, 37!iff 'oATS-No. 2 white, 2S'4e. RYE No. 2, 5114c. . . HAY-Cholce timothy. $10.001110.50; clioico prairie, $7,2517.75. Ill'TTER Creamery, 17ftl9c; dairy, Lc. EOtlS Market continues llrm; fresh Mis souri and Kansns stock, 9c, eases returned; new white wood cases Included. H'4c. RECKIITS-Whcat, 1S.W0 bu.; corn, 2S.600 bu ; oats. 3.000 bll, S H I P.M E NTS W Ilea t , 109.S0O bit.; corn, 14,000 bu.; oats, 7.CO0 bu. MlinienpnllN U'lient nnil I'lonr. MINNEAPOLIS. April lO.-WHEAT-In store: April. crHc; May, 6WTJ6l?ic; July, fiU1iWc; Septemher. 65He. On track: No. 1 hard, Sc; No. 2 northern, Ctldc. FLOl'H First patents. $3.CG; second pat ents, $1.55; first clears, $2.S0; second clears, $2.15. HHAN-ln bulk. $11.751712.(0. I'lillndelplilu I'roiliice Market. PII1LAUELPI1IA. April 10. BUTTER Steady; fancy western creamery, 20c; fancy westt m pr'nts, 22c7 lCClOS Firm; sc higher; frosh nearby, 13c; fresh western and southern, 13c; ftcoh Kouthwestcrn, 12M;c. ClIEESE-yulct but steady. MllvrntiLci- (iriiln .llnrkrt. MILWAUKEE. April 10. - WHEAT -Steady; No. 1 northern, 67'4Q6Sc; No. 2 northern, ovfi67c. RYE-Stendy; No. 1. SSfloSUc BA RLE Y Steady ; No. 2, mf!3c; sample, 41142!4c. MOVKMHVrS OF STOCKS AMI IJO.MJS. Benrlsh Korrm Prevnll In Mnrkct nnil It Closes AVonU. NEW YORK, April 10. The movement of prices In today's stock market largely rep resented a contest of speculative forces for supremacy. The forces of reaction finally prevailed nnd the market closed decidedly weak and nt a level generally below last night's close. This result was achieved after ninny vicissitudes and extreme Irreg ularity, but the mere fact of the presence of an nggresslvo bear clique In the mar ket served as a deterrent to tho buying iletnnnd from outsiders, which has eon- stltuted tho underlying strength of the IIllirKCl. i (iiillllissiuii ihium:i ivimiil a falling off In tho volume of orders, which hnvo mado the market open for many days with a rush to buy nnd which served to conveniently absorb the protlt-taklng sales of the professional element. This class of orders has cither been withdrawn or has been placed at n level of prices below that now existing. Tho operators for tho decline have not yet succeeded In bringing nut any very heavy volume of offerings, but they work In the confidence that they will reach stop-loss orders, which will precipitate a sudden drop nil nrnund. Their efforts were contested tndny by pool operations In n number of stocks and the continued demand from London for stocks was ngalnst them. But the operators for a rise seemed to lose courage toward the closo of the dny and realizing In stocks which hnd shown strength was very gen eral. These Included tho railroad list, particularly the Baltimore & Ohio stocks, Missouri Pacific and other southwestern rallrnnds, Norfolk & Western nnd some of the coalers. The Industrials and specialties were extremely active nnd Irresulnr, under the Inlluence of special causes. Sugar ral lied shnrply from an early decline on tho announcement Hint the company's principal competitor had advanced tho price of re fined sugnrs to a parity. The stock sold off ngnln with tho general weakness of the market. Third Avenue shot up nenrlv 10 points on tho announcement that Its bond Issuo hnd been placed. A long standing short Interest was forced to take losses nnd close out, nfter which the stock re lapsed somewhat. Realizing by the Brook lyn Rnpld Transit pool forced the stock down 414 points from tho early high level. Tho metal stocKs were untier near pres trading rather light The final tone was steady. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on balance today whs rauxwi. Oold premium nt Madrid, 30.10. PARIS, April 10 On the bourse today prices were Irregular. International secur ities commenced In a hesitating manner, being Influenced bv tho weakness of Span ish fs. Kaffirs wero strong on a British success at Bloemfonteln, Three per cent rentes, lolf &3c for the account. Ex change on London, f 20c for checks. Spanish 4s closed nt 73.07'4. 'mv York Money Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, April lO.-MONEY-On call, steady nt 3Q4 per rent; last loan, nt I per cent; prime mercantile paper, 414W 5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE - Strong, with nctuiil business in 'bankers' bills at $I.S7U fil.87-Ho for demand anil at $t.S3V4 for sixty days; posted ratP(i, $ t'd4,St!4 and $!.!!; commercial 4dlls, $I.S31ifi I.S314. SILVER - Certificates, WUfJSUic: bar, C9J-C; Mexican dollars, 47-c. BON DS flovernment. Irregular: state. In active; railroad, Irregular. i no louowing are me closing quotations on bonds: U. S. 2s.Teg P9'4 N.Y. C.-ls 110'4 no s, rer Idl N. J. c. g. os. ... ,21 do 3s, reg 10914 No. Carolina 6s. .127 do coupon llOVt do 4s - 106 do new Is, reg..lW No. Pacific 3s ts'i do coupon .'.....133 do 4 I0P do old 4", reg..H4HN Y C & 8 L 4s. 101 do coupon 114), N. & W. con. 4s.. 9Ti do 5s, reg Ill n do gen, 6s 133 do eoiitton Ill Ore. Nav. Is 110 n. of C. 3. iV,s....l2) do Is 101 .; Atch. gen. 4s lOO3! O. S. L. 6s 12S do mil. 4s ilo con. 5s 11114 Canada So, 2.?.... 107 ReniMng gen. 4s.. S9'4 C. & O. 4'4S 9914 R. (1. W. 1 9914 do 6s 122 t L & I M c. 5s.Hl C. fi. N. W. c. 7s.ll.114 St L & S F g 6s,.122i do S. F. d. IX..122 St. Paul con 172 Chicago Tor. 4s.. !!' St. P. C. & P. ls.1191; u. ; it. o. is.,,.103'4 do r 12FH HO IIJ4 HO. IlUIIWny 09.. .113 2. T. V. St (J. Is. 10214 S. R. & T. 6s.... 71 Erie gen. 4s 74:SiTeiin. n. s. 3s.... 95 F. W. & I). C. Is. 72 Tex. & Pa. Is... .111 Oen. Electric 5s,.1171i do 2s 57 O H & S A 6S..U014 Union Pnclllc 4s. .1061; do zs lis wnoasli is nsi 11. & T. C. &1....U0 do con. 6s 10S la. Central Is.. .115 Wis. Central Is. K. c. I . & CI. is. 734 vn, centuries a. new con. 4. .idt i no deferred & N. unl. 4s.. 101 Coo. So, 4s... M., K. Si T. 2s... r,9USo. Pacific 4a il o 4 s 93 Vt lloslnn Stock Unotnt Ions. BOSTON, April lO.-Call loans, Viftitt per cent: tlmo loans. 4U5 per cent. Closing prices for stocks, bonds nnd mining shares: Union Land . A T. & S. F 26i do pru 70't Amer. Sugar ....109 ilo nfd no BHI Telephono ..316 Boston & Al 5I51 Bosion Elevated. US B. & Q 129'i Dom. Coal 4)'4 no nrt ii.i Federal Steel .... 47 uo run .'? I'liciuiurg pfd ...i;,vi Hen. Electee .... do nfd 136 Bd. Elee. Ill 205 .ilex, veiurni .... iu N. K. a. & C... 17 old i oiony Lim Old Dominion ... 22M Rubber W1 Union Pnciflo .... 571i fancy, $3.5o; Messlnas, choice, per box, 3.w; , H1r0i P!,poclnlly Steel nnd Wire. The fancy. 4 .., ' bears circulated rumors that difficulties BANANAS Per bunch, medium, $2,259 )lH(l ))P0 encountered In tho projected llst 2.50; large, $2.75if3.00. ng of tho stock on the London Stock ex- HIDES. I change. Continental Tobncco suffered from Tmrr.r. .. i.Mo. tv. t tin 1 rumors of ii iiooi showing of earnings to irreeiT hides 6iic- No 1 palte'd hides, BVic; bo mnde In the annual report, which Is No 2 sa ted hlde. 714c; Nc? vcul calf, t to expected tomorrow. The Pacific stocks suf- 12 lbs., 9c; No, i veal cnir, li io id ius., cc. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case. $3.60. NUTS Hickory, large, per bu., $1.15; shollbarks, $1.33. CIIAM1KS IX AVAILABLE SUPPLIES. of No. 2. Cnsh quotations wero ns follows: FLOUR-Stcatly: winter patents. $3.60?? 1.70: stra chtH. J2.9f.5l3.40: c ears. $2.70173.10 uprlng specials, $3.SOfi3.90; pntcnts, $3.infj) 1.45: straights, $2.60ff3.00; bakers, $2.00f2.l5. WHEAT No. 3 Hprlllg. 6ITi6c; No. 2 red, I9i(70c. COHN-No. 2, 39e; No. 2 yellow, 39(S' I91iic. OATS No. 2. 2T.Ui2GJc: No. 2 white, 27'4 2SVe; No. 3 .white, 2714108140. RYE No. 2. 57o. BARLEY No. 2. 4014fillc. SEEDS No. 1 flaxseed and northwest, 11.73. Prime timothy, $2.3Vfl2.0. Clover, contract grade. $7,60. PROVISIONS Mos-i pork, per bbl., $12.23 fffl3.05. I-nrd per 100 lbs.. $6.7.Vfi7.C0. Short rib sides (loose). $6.9Wf7.). Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $fi.73f7.00. Short clear Hides (boxed). $7.M?7.35. WHISKY-Dlstlllors' llnlshed goods, per gal.. $1.2514. SUOAHS Cut loaf, $6.00; granulated, $3.41. Following nro tho receipts nnd shipments for todni': Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour, bbls 29,00) 49.000 AVheat. bu 7S.OO0 101, Cm) Com. bu 357.010 192.0CO OatH. bu. 379,000 381. OOJ Rye. bll 11,000 :i,V) Barley, bu 56,000 19.CKI0 On the Produce exchnnge today the but ler market was easy; creameries, ltfiisc; dairies. 13fil6r. Cheese, llrm at Vilfttc. Eggs, steady; fresh, 1034c. M1W YOHK r.lCMlltAI, MAHKIVr. fered esneelallv from hear pressure ond realizing nnd the grangers were somewhat affected by tho forecasts of the govern ment crop report, which had a bullish effect In the wheat market. The signs of illsennrnirement on the nart of the ma nipulators for tho advance uecentuuted the reactionary tendency as the day progressed nnd somo sharp net losses In railroad ulneks nre tho result. A further rise In sterling exchango to within a fraction of tho gold export poini icci to a discussion Vn rlons (liintntlmis for the liny on CiMiiinoilllK'N, NEW YORK. April 10. - FLOUR - Re ceipts, 23,717 bids.; exports. b.86l bbls.; sales, S.SOO pkgs.; fairly acllve on low grade winters ami winter straights, but there was little call for spring bakers or other wheat brands; winter straights, $3.l3c S.60; Minnesota patents, $l.70fr I.H0; winter extras, $2.65Ii2.9o; Minnesota bakers, $2.S3'(f 3.00; winter low grades, $2 2.fii2.tO. Ryo Hour, cany; fair to good, $2.9091 3. IS; cholco to fancy. $:l.2(V((3..'o. COHNMIlAlz-FIrm; yellow western, 89c; city. S7c: Branilywlnc. $2.2.Vii3.23. RYE Steady ; No. 2 western. 62',4c, f. o. h ulloat; state, 67c. c. I. f., New York, car lots. BARLEY Dull: feeding. Illsfi ISUc, New York: malting, 5(!S3c, New York. BARLEY MAJ,.T-Dllll: western, 53iiffic. WHEAT Receipts. 110.C05 bu ; exports. 5.1,6X7 bu. Spot quiet. No. 2 red, 79e. f. o. b., ' alloat. Hint: No. 2 red. 'ffinc, elevator; No. 1 northern, iniluth. 77'S.c, f. o. b. alloat, lirompt; No. i hind. Duliith. 73'iiC. f. o. b., nflnat, prompt. Options displayed llrmuess pretty much all day as a result of local covering. Inspired by bullish gossip on the government report, together with strong continental markets anil good foreign buy ing. Closed firm at l4fie net advance. Mny, 73 15-165) 7 IV. closed at 7llkc; July, 7.1 lS-WIHe. closed at 7llc; September, 74'4fl7ISc, closed at "lc. CORN Receipts, 36.015 bit ; exports. 1li,- R!0 ibu. Spot, llrm; No. 2, I7c, f. o. b Telcurniililo nnil Cnlilc ncporln fi nil n Afloat ll ml Ashore. NEW YORK. April 10. Special cable and I nf tno prospect of an outward movement telegraphlo communications to Bradstreet's of gold. The continued ease of money . .'. i i.. ini,i. liern would favor such a movement, but now mo ioi.ow.iig t the taking up of the Installment of the supply, ns compared with the last account, -riti,,), oall, which stiffened todny's mar- WHEAT United States and Canada, enst n London, may bo followed by a re- of Rocky mountains, decrease, 2,577,000 bu.; taxation In money rates there and n sym- ,r i.,...i nr Tmiin. ndoat for pathetic respond in sterling exchange i;!lSelTWbUit0l,V, bond market was moderately ac B"ntVi. df.cr."Jc'?.T'."V -. i tlvn and nrlce chances were rreinilar. cyiw-uimcii mm u . , , ,,'.,; .. ..-,: J2.mO0O. United Wi?c J nu 1 new 4s declined and tho old 4s ,,?S7n mi n 6 liu 1 advanced and the 5s '4 In the bid price. Rocky mountains, decrcNise. b .uiw nu. . commerc ill Advertiser's London A?,,i"l."0..1I.np"r,uUK.M rthn AmeTn financial cablegram says: The markets in UrndstieetM not given in mo oiuuini supply statement aro thoeo of 1,200,000 bu hero wero neglected but steady today. supply statement, ore ' w' 7OT nm Business Is likely to bo dead until next nt northwestern Interior elevators. U99.000 " ' .- wero verv l(p l)Ut Imr,i both tho continent and London buying slightly. New York took some Norfolk & i,, . ,, Mi.nlmhn Ktorncre nnlnts. 188.000 bll. at Port Huron, 161,00i) bu. In Mllwaukeo private elevators. 100.000 bu. at Cleveland, 91.000 bu. nt Chicago private elevators and 63,000 bu. nt depot harbors. Principal In creases are thoso of 150,000 bll, nt St. Louis nnd 61,000 bu. at Portland, Me. Tho nggregate ptock of wheat at Port land, Ore., and Tacoma and Seattle, Wash., Increased 138.000 bu. last week. St. l.ouls Cruln nnd Provisions. ST. LOUIS. April 10. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 72c; track, 73c; Anrll. 7l!ic: May, 71c; July, 67Hc; No. 2 hard. 64'41i07c. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash. 3S'4c: track, 39141; 39V; April, SS'.jc; May, 384c; July, 39?ic. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 2514c; track, 26c April, 23'ic; .May, 23c; July, 21c; No. V white. 2Sc. RYU Firm: 5flc. FLOUR Dull: patents. $3.5;ffn.65; extra fancv. $:i.2ifi3.30; .clear. $2.7o?3.00. SEEDS Timothy, lower. $1.50W1.73 for poor, $2.13 for good. Flax, nominally higher at $1.70. ( 'ORN.ME A L Steady nt $2.032.10. BRAN Nominal; sacked lots, cast track, ''lIAY-Steady; timothy. $10.00013.00; prai rie. $7. Wi9.no. WHISKY-Sleady lit $1.2514. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.30; bagging, 6T (r'W.c; hem:' twine. 9: PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, $13.00. old: $13.50, now. Lard, nomlnnlly higher; prime steam, $5,60; choice, $3.63. Dry s.ilt meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts. 7; clear ilb $7.12Vj: clear sides. $7.2i. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $7. CO; elnr ribs. $7. 621?; clear sides, $7.75. METALS load, steady; $l.55JTl.57'i. Speller steady. $1.55. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 61iSe; tur keys. 7Si9c; ducks, sc; gtcic, 3-t,c. KCOS Steady; SIIp. BUTTER Lower; ireamery, 18iff21c; delrv. ISKilSc. RECEIPTS Flour. 7.000 bbls.; wheat, 2j, (i bu.; corn. 230.000 bu.; oats, 61,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour, 11.000 bbls.; wheat, 32.000 bu , corn. 159.000 bu. ; oats, 21.000 bu. I.lveriiool Crnlii nnil l'iiiUloii. LIVERPOOL. April lO.-WIIEAT-Snot firm; No 2 red western winter, 6s Id; No. 1 northern spring. 6s lid. Futures t-teady; Anrll. nominal; May, 5s lO-d; July, 5. 10d. 1 1 1 1 . I. o. ll.. ' pnuv-Snnt Amnrtfim inlveil. new. nfloat. 'anil 17c , tdovator. Options opened Hteady at 4s 2.1: American mixed, old, firm " """ .Kin vwiimi in is ;n,u. i.'iuures sieiiuy; ahiv, is .'ku; offerings, a good speculative, demand west July U Id: September, Is l'l. nnd the strength In provisions. Closed tlrm I BROVISION? Pork, prime mess west, at ho net advance. May. 411WiI54c. closed ern. llrm at fils 9d. Lard. American re nt 45Se; July. J.'.'S.filijUe. closed at 46V; lined, In pnlls. firm at 37s 3d; prime west. September closed at l6so. i (rn. In tierces tlrm at 35-. Hams, short OA I S Receipts, 2111.000 'tin.; exports, 3.663 out, tlrm nt 50s 6d. Bacon, Cumberland Western nnd Baltimore & Ohio, Jerking the former up In tho street nnd then let- ting it drop, copper snares were steady The hank bnucbt 20.000' gold In bars, Money was hard. The bank did a fnlr loan business nt 5 per cent nnd consid erable discounting. Paris cheque, 25.20; Her hi. 20.4SK. Tho following nre the quotations for the ending stocks on the Now York exchance today: 97'jii' 66141 33 nu 129'4 2IV4 58 10214, Atch&oit do pfd Baltimore & O., Can. Pacific ... Can. Southern Ches, & Ohio.., Chicago at. W, C, B. & Q Chicago, I. & 1 do pfd ChlciLc-o & E. I Chicago .V N. W.162 C R. I. & P 112 C C. (!. & St. L. 6.T Colo. Southern .. 614 do If. pfd.... 4:P4 do 2d prd.... 17 Del. & Hudson.. .117 Del. L. & V 18014 Den. & R. CI... do pfd Erlo do 1st pfd. Ot. Nor. pfd... Hocking Coal Hocking Vnlley 2fiT!i Union Pacific . o-,! do pra 518 s' Wabash do pfd W. & L. E lOTi do 2d nrn.... :w 4 Wis. Central .... 1814 nurd Avenue ...iiii',4 Adams Ex 117 Am. Exiv.-ess ....HI U. S. Express...: 4714 we is-i' argo ux.izs Am. Cot. Oil 37 do Pfd 93 Amer. Mulling .. 4li do pro 21 Amer. S. A: R !954 do pfd 89V, Amer. Solr'U .... 214 . 21 do pru 17 . 731tlAme.r. S. H 32 .11 do pfd 80 . UVAnier. S. & W.... 52 .16:1 1 do pfd . 1S, Am. Tin Plate .13 do pfd OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Big Receipti of All Kinds cf OattU, Hogi and Bhoep, BEEF STEERS SILL A LITTLE EASIER llntelirrs' Stnek MrlnK Stenilr Prices IIok Open lllKhcr, but Close Tilth Most nf the Ad Tnnce AVIpcd Oat. Recelnts were: Official Monday .. Olllclal Tuesday .. SOUTH OMAHA, April 10. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. :,! .1,1111 6,141 9,168 4.67 4,"C!J Two days this week 6,793 Same days last week.... 3,56.x Same days week before.. 5,312 Samo three weeks ago.. 6,921 Tho olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. 12.308 8,672 9,692 16,825 10.577 9,176 15.263 9,813 C. M. & St. P O. & St. L Missouri Pacific 2 Union Pacific 50 C. & N. W 2 1 E. & M. V 51 S. C. & P I C. St. P. M. & O.... 20 11. M. H 47 C. B. & d 7 K. C. & St. J 1 C. R. I. & P., east.. 3 C. It. 1. tc P., west.. 5 S I 3 21 1 43 3 6 20 3 123 t io 24 do 2s 101 West Shore 4s.... 115 924 91 5 Slli 85 When Issued. "Offered. Total receipts . ...103 The disposition of tho day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num. bcr of head Indicated: Cattle. Hobs. Sheep. Omnha Packing Co 455 i.aw (1. II. Hammond Co... Swift nnd Company... , Cudahy Packing Co... Armour & Co Swift, from K. C Swift, from country.... R. Becker & Desalt. ... Lnbmnn & Co W. 1. Stephen Hill & Huntzlngor Huston & Co Livingstone & Schnllcr. Hamilton & Rothschild. L. F. Husz 11. L. Dennis & Co lloblck Other buyers . 214 vVest End 93 Wis. Central .... 1814 Atchison 4s 100U N. E. CI. & C. 5s. 691 Adventure, 514 Allouez Mln. Co.. 2 Amal. Conner ... Df Atlantic 26 Boston Sc Mont.. 320 Butte St Boston., so Cnl. & Ilecla. Centennial ... Franklin Humboldt .... Osceola Parrot , Qulncy Santa Fo Cop Tnmarnck Utah Mining . Wolverines. ... 155 773 613 l.fiOfi 21 'ins 209 173 134 19 110 76 166 93 1 2S7 1,256 1,945 2.038 2,681 "ik 479 783 1,487 1,647 427 31 eiv Vnrlt Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. April lO.-The following nro the official closing quotations ror mining shnres: Chollar 10 Crown Point .... 16 Con. Cal. & Va..l60 Dendwood 65 Gould & Curric. 25 Hnlo Sz Noreros. 3) Homestake 6000 Iron Sliver 65 Mexican 22 Ontario Ophlr Plymouth Quicksilver ... do pru Sierra Nevada Standard Union Con Yellow Jacket Totnls 4,521 9,190 4,856 CATTLE Today's receipts Wcro the larg est In some time, and as prices havo been tending up pretty rapidly, It was only nat ural to expect that buyers would tnke ad vantage of the liberal offerings to pound tho market. The market onencd slow and I tho feeling wnB extremely weak at llrst, but I a little later, when It became apparent thai I the demand was as large ns the rocclpts, tni jit rade livened up nnd the market became quite active, so that tho onerings wero 22W j nearly all taken soon after 10 o'clock. Tho 16'4 prices paid ranged all the way from a little easier to 5wl0c lower In extreme cases. The quality of cattle averaged up pretty well and there were some here good enough to bring $5.15. Considering the largo receipts the market was In good condition, and as a rule sellers wero wen satisfied. Cows and holfers were in good demand and the market on that kind of cattle was not only steady, but actlv. The offerings wcro all taken early and the pens cleared. Some good cornfed oows and heifers sold as high as $4.50. Bulls did not show much change, prlcs being Just about steady. Veal calves nlso sold In tho same notchos as yesterday. Stockers nnd feeders were In good de mand and the market wag steady at yes terday's prices. The offerings were small and the mnrket was active, so that the pens were cleared of that kind of cattle In a very short time after tho market opened. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. 1 . 70 . 4714 .138 . 6i .193 . 3314 . 4014 .813 . . 75 ,. 12 ..150 ,.750 ,. 48 . .313 ,. 28 London Mock Quotations. LONDON, April 10. 4 p. m. Closing: Cons., money ...,101 (Pennsylvania ... 72' OO IICCL iUl o-io lll'.tUIIIK 1UTH Can. Pacific .... ,10014 No. Paclllc pfd.. 7914 Erin do V 1st pfd. 14 1 Atchison . W:i l,ou!svii1o .... Illinois Central ..119 .Grand Trunk P. nfd 78i Anaconda .... St. Paul, ootn.o. 12714 Rand Mines . N. Y. Central.... 142Aji ... 2814 ... 871, 11 3614 Illinois Central ..IHVaAni. Tobacco 1U. Snot, easier: No. 2. 2.Vic: No. 3. 2Ste No. 2 white, 31Ufa3Ui,e; No. 3 white, 3OT,'!r 31c: track mixed western. 29fl30c; track white, .'HS33i Options Inactive but steady; May closed nt 2SVjO ; No. 2 white, .May, cioseu ui ,i4C. cut. llrm at 16s: short rllu, llrm nt 12s 6d; long clear middles, light, llrm nt 42s; long clear middles, heavy, llrm at 41s 6d; short clear backs, llrm at 39s 6d; clear bel lies., llrm at oseu 111 .r;4i-. Keceinis u wneni uurnii mo nisi inrce HAY Steady; shipping. CSfiTOo: good to dnvs. 221.000 centals. Including 61.000 centals choice. SOSiSOc. I American. ' HOPS Steady: state, common to choice, Receipts ot American corn during the 1896 crop, 6t'i 1898 crop, 759o; 1S99 imp, 121f ' last three days, 1C2.300 centals, 13c; Paclllc coast. 1896 crop, 4fiii; 1S9S crop, I Weather clear and line. 74ie: 1899 cron. 12ll3e. ! Toli'ilti imrKci, TOLEDO. Anrll IO.-WHEAT-D11II hut hlcher: No. 2 cash, 73c! Mnv. 73c. CORN Dull and lower; No. 2 mixed, 10-V-. OATS Weak nnd lower; No. 2 mixed, 25V. RYE-Dull; No. 2 cash, 68c, CLOVER SHED-FIrm and unchanged; prlmo cash, old, $1.90; new. $5 20: Ap"-ll, $3.10; October, $5.10; No. 2 seed, $1,401(1.65. 1814 do pfd.. . 5114 A. Mln. Co . is Brk. Rnp. Tr., . 3214 Colo. F. & I . . . , . 97 Con. Tobacco . .200 I do pfd . St4 Federal Steel .. . 97' i do pfd .10614 Oen. Electric 11 67 9i) 54141 la. Central do pfd K. C. P. C... L, E. & W.... do pfd Lake Shore ... L. Sc N Manhattan L . Mot. St. Ry... Mex. Central . Minn. Sc St. L do pfd Mo. Paclllc ... Mobile & Ohio. M., K. T... do pfd N. J. Central . N. Y. Central. Nor. & West.. do pfd No. Pnclllc ... do pru 7ii iso. American Ontario Sc W 2514 Pacific Coast Ore. Ry. Sc Nav. 4- I do 1st-pfd do pfd 76 I do 2,1 pfd Pennsylvania ,...139Vt. Paclllc .Mall Reading 1914 do 1st prd.... l'l do Id nfd.... 31 Rio O. W 3314 do pfd 89 St. L. & S. F do l.t pfd.. BAR fllLVER-Stendy at 27Vd per oz. MONEY VMii Per cent. Tim rntn of discount In the oDon mar ket for short bills Is 414 per cent; for three months' bills, 441MU per cent. Fliinncliil Notes. rmirAf-.O Anrll 10. Clenrlncs. $21,641.14.1: balances, $1,600,762. Posted exchange, $I.S4U 6T4.X8. New York exchange, 30c discount. PHILADELPHIA, April lO.-Clearings, $17,858,772: balances. $1,749,024. BALTIMORE, April 10,-CIcaringS, $1, 933.135; balances, $37,S73. BOSTON, April m. Clearings, j.i.on.ioii balances, Sl.5STi.471. NEW YORK. April 10. Clearings, $211, 061,203; balances, $11,212,373. Condition nf the Treasury. WASH INC! TON, April 10. Today's stato mmit nf tin. iri-iisiirv balances In the gen eral fund exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve tu tho division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $159,318,009; gold, $94,998,216. Wool Jlnrkrt. BOSTON, April 10. The wool inarkct con tinues stonily and tho prices nro llrm. Fleeco wools nro quiet but sales of XX aro rejiorted at 3!c, with linn Ohio delaine nt 3c. Following are tho quotations for lead ing descriptions: Ohio nnd Pennsylvania IIopcp X nnd above. 30fj31c; XX and above, :f34c; delaine, 35c; No. 1 combing. 3514c; No. 1 combing three-quarter-blood, 35c; quarter-blood. 35c; coarse and lira Id washed. 32ti3lc. Wisconsin, Michigan, etc. Mlchlgnn. 23ft2Ce: No. 1 Michigan comb ing. S3ft34c; No. 3 qunrter-'blood washed. .TlfjSle; braid, 31c; X New Hamnshlro and Vermont. 32c: No. 1 Now York, New Hnmp shlro nnd Vermont. 32f3-lc. Unwashed, medium, etc. Kentucky and Indiana quarter-blood nominal' No, 2. 26f(27c; No. 3 quarter-blood, 27(ff28c; Missouri quarter blood combing, 26f(2SV; three-eighths-blood, at?26'4c; No. I combing, 22823c; lake and (ieorgla, 245525c. Territory wools Montana and Dakota Una .medium and fine, 22f(2214c; scoured, 57&5Sc; staple, 63f65c; Utah and Wyoming flno medium and line, 191(200; scoured. 6Vi)u7c; staple, 63i4mc; Idaho fine medium and tine, 18iil9e; Hcourcd, &VS5"o: medium, 2t5'23ci scoured, 62fi3lc. Australian, scoured basis, spot prices Combing, superfine, nominal at 93Q (Cc; good, 8Sl90o; average, SOUSoc. Cotton MnrUcl. ST. LOUIS, April 10.-COTTON-Steady; sales, none; middling. 9 5-16e; receipts. 471 Dales; shipments. 927 bales; stock, 60,293 bales. LIVERPOOL, April 10,-COTTON-Spot quiet and prices 1-32d lower: American middling, fair. 5 23-32d; good middling, 514d; inlddlliur. 6K.!6d. low middling. 5 5-16d: good ordinary. 51td; ordinary, I 15-16d. Tho No. Av. Pr. No. 1 1000 3 50 12 1 540 3 50 26 1 610 3 60 20 21 900 3 75 30 1 1010 S 75 63 1 1190 $3 85 10 30 1225 4 00 18 4 732 4 00 22 1 1000 4 00 7 1 POO 4 10 18 7 838 4 10 20 29 893 4 15 30 I 1050 4 15 18 5 1060 .4 15 23..,.. 3 776 4 15 35 2., 775 4 25 26 9 907 4 25 fi 3 1036 4 in CO 30 800 4 25 49 2 810 4 25 20 15 9H1 4 25 19 13 817 4 23 36 9 906 4 26 40 4 801 4 30 16 37 940 4 36 1 3 796 4 35 23 161 1024 4 35 1 25 806 4 35 21 22 1101 4 40 14 20 1020 4 40 10 4 1080 4 40 4 6 4 865 4 45 35 40 1009 4 16 16 19 967 4 45 1 2 12 IOW 4 43 12 4 1032 4 43 18 21 1008 4 43 11 13 1102 4 4i 20 16 1003 4 45 IS 43 982 4 50 61 1 1300 4 50 37 1 1520 4 50 13 7 1142 4 50 8 13 1107 4 60 20 17 1201 4 50 19 5 894 4 50 36 II 1150 4 50 39 12 1090 4 50 1 22 1050 4 65 1 4 1015 4 55 18 15 1110 4 55 36 19 10S0 4 65 15 11 1026 4 55 19 9 914 4 55 14 1. 46. 20. 15. 6. 6. Av. Pr. ... SS0 4 55 ...1210 4 65 ...1041 4 55 ...1191 4 60 ... 732 4 60 ...1149 4 tit) ...1188 4 60 ...1217 4 60 ...1125 4 60 ...1216 4 60 ...1201 4 63 ...1216 4 65 ...1182 4 65 ...1217 4 65 ...1299 4 63 ...1290 4 65 ...1112 4 65 ...1227 4 65 ...1151 4 6714 ...1178 4 70 ...1251 4 70 ...1245 4 70 ...1260 4 70 ...1221 4 70 4 4 75 4 73 4 75 I 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 I 73 4 Cilucoso Sugar do pfd lllt'n'l Paper . do nfd lii 1 .,11c cue tins .. 11 National Biscuit. 44 36V do pfd 88 119' National Lead ..2314 136T4I do pfd 10114 36i National Steel .. 41 77V.I do pfd 91 50i N. Y. Air Brake.125 1.1I4 521, M 631i . SS14 . 32'4 . M14 .106-1 .133 2'.'?) 1 sales of tho day wcro 7,000 bales, of which wi nnies were inr specniiiiniii nnu fx- r." I port, and Including 800 bales American; 28 receipts, 21,101) bales, nil American. Fu SI I Hires opened steady and closed quiet nt n'4 tho 1 cc no: Amer can micuiung. 1. m. c. April, 5 20-6lf5 21-6U1. sellers; April nnd Mny, 5 17-64d, buyers; Mny nnd June, 5 l.6l(fi5 15.6ld. value; June nnd July, 5 12-61(1, value; July and August, fi 9-641T 5 10.61(1, buyers: August nnd September, BfiB 10-6ld, buyers; September nnd October, 4 41-6ld, buyers: October nnd November, 4 31-64(1, sellers; November and December, 4 25.61(1, buyers: December nnd January, 4 23-61(1, buyers; January and February, I 21-61JJT1 22-61(1. sellers. ..132 .. 5114 .. 9814 .. 21 .. 61 70 ! People's (Jus Pressed S. C. do pfd.... Pullninn P. C. S, P.. Sc T.... im Sugar 70'A do HIDES Firm: Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs.. 1914c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 2114c; Texas dry. 21 to 30 lbs., l!ic. WOOL Dull; domestic fleece, 251i2So; Texas. tMilSu LEATHER Steady ; homloek sole, Buenos Ay res, light to heavyweight. JS'if 25lsc-; arid, StittSi'Atc, JllCE Steady; domestic, fulr to extra, 4!1ilWo; Japan, IVtfl'.c COAIStondy, PROVJSIONS-Beef steady; family, $12.00 Ii 13.50; niehs. $0.5iVii 11.00; beef hams. $20.10 6(22.00; packet. $ll.50ti 12..W; city extra India PEORIA, mess. S1S..V3JII2.0O. Cut meats, steadv: " .He. pickled hemes, $7.6)k.ii; pli Med shoulders, , OATS- Quiet : No. 3, white, 2(i',.' 2Hlie, $6,7517.00; pickled hams, $10.504110.75. Lard, I WHISKY Firm, on the basis of $1.2Vi strong; wesiern sieanieu, (..rj; renncii, : ror iinisueu coons strong; continent, $7,10; houtn America, i. Pcnrln Mnruct. April lO.-CORN-E.islor: No. compound. $6.10. Pork, strong, family. $14,254(1 ITT.; short clear, $!3.0(Hi 11.50: mess. 13.syti 13.75. Tallow, otvudy; city ($2 per 1 llnliilli Crnln MnrUct. DULUTII. April 10 -WHEAT No. 1 hard, caah, C?c, May, C9',4c; September, 6S'jc; nM .... do 2J pfd.... 3714 Tenn. C. Sc I St. L. S. W I214U. S. ' Leather do pfd 32141' do pfd.... St. Paul 12314 U. S. Rubber. St. P. & Omaha. 117 do pfd So. raclllc ... So. Railway . do pfd Tex. & Pacillle Sin Western Union.. 14v Republic 1. Sc S. 5914 do pfd 1S4 P. C. C. i St. I, 33 . 10714 . 5214 . S3 .183 . i;j ,109'i. .101 . 93H . 12 . 71 . 33 .100 . S2'a . 201 . 61 67 Cnllforiiln Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. April 10. -CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Kxhlhlted little energy, ruling dull at unchanged prices. Whllo not particularly active, tho market for evapn rated apples developed considerable steadi ness of undertone In view of the light sup ply; tlie market, howover remains un changed as to price; state, common, HfefiSc; prime. SfjCc; choice, 7fi7!4c; fancy, 81.,.'. Prunes, .".i.jf7c. Apricots, Royal, 13W 13c; Moor pirk. 134118c. Peaches, peeled, 18f22i", impeded, 7!ifl9c. OH Murl.cl. OIL CITY. Pa.. April 10.-O1 LS-Credlt balances. $1.37: certificates, sales of cash oli. $1.51: no bid at closo; shipments. 77,330 l)Dl", nvorngn.'Oi.iioo iiuis.; runs, ius,;wi onia., average. 79.317 bbls. LIVERPOOL, April 10,-OILS-Cotton-seed, Hull refined, .May-August, firm at 22s, LONDON, April 10. - OILS - Petroleum, Aincrldin rellned. 7M- Turpentine spirits, lis lO'.Ml. I'n re lull I'iiiiiiiclnl, BERLIN. April lO.-The weeklv state ment of tho Imperial Bunk of (lermiinv shows the following changes; Cash In hand. Increaso 10,820,000 niurka: treasury notes. Increase lio.poo marks; other securities, de crease, 66,620.0110 marks: nolo in circulation. .lnrotiun f.::'J(1 fUMl marks. Prlpnn vnr Ir. regular on tho bourso today. Spanish 4s 1 brown cottons wiih small wcro rapier un uiv 1 muni nun 11 mi-go in ternal loan was to bo negotiated. Ameri cans and Canadian Pacifies wero steady. Minn shares were tlrm, but subsequently fluctuated. Exchango nu London, ?) marks 60U pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, I per cent; three mouths' bills, 41. per cent. LONDON, April 10, -American securities opened steady nt about parln . level mid remained generally llrm throughout with Dry liondM Mnrl.fl. NEW YORK. April 10.-DRY CiOODS Another dull day has to bo recorded in nil divisions of the mnrket at first hands. Spot trade has been slow and mall orders barely up to the average. The dcTnund for Drown cottons wus smnii. 1 nero novo peon 1111 changes in nrlces in nny direction In cither simile or fancy cotton unods. thn market being without feu turn. Men's wear woolens Inactive unit uneliniiBCd. Minor Miii'Lct. NEW ORLEANS. April 10.-SICAR-Qillct. open kettle, S'if(4 3-16c; open kettle, centrifugal, 0(f(4'to; centrifugal, yellow, 4114 I3-I6c. seconds, 2:)44l,c, MOLASSES-Qulct and nominal. 1520 ....1295 ....1270 ....1266 ....1230 1164 ....1226 ....1210 ....1355 ....1145 ....1215 ....133S ....1210 4 76 ....1291 4 80 ....1225 4 80 ....1217 4 80 ....1236 4 8214 ....1266 4 83 ....mi 4 So ....1270 4 S5 ....1186 4 S3 ....1322 4 S71A ....1302 4 87U ....1420 4 90 ....1200 4 90 ....1202 4 90 ....1402 4 90 ....1362 4 95 ....1.W 4 93 ....1379 5 00 ....1318 5 00 ....13.80 5 00 ....1178 3 05 ....140.1 5 15 ....1432 5 16 10 23 9 15 3 4 V.'.'.'.'.'. 5 ll'.!! 3 1 1 1 1 o L 1 1 o 1... 5.., 1.: 1.. 4.. 2. . 3" 1.. 1.... 10.... 1.... 4.... 1.... 4.... 10..., I I.'!!! 10. 16.. 9.. ..914 4 55 ..1090 4 55 ..1189 155 19 ..1011 4 55 36 .. 990, 4 V, 16 ..1006 4 55 20 ..11)00 4 55 STEERS AND HEIFERS. .. 702 4 36 11.. ..900 4 50 19.. , 1090 4 55 19.. 1066 4 55 COWS 626 2 00 1.. 882 2 f1 915 2 25 970 2 25 934 2 10 10IC 2 75 920 2 76 S33 2 75 920 2 75 S93 2 75 1000 2 75 910 2 SO 1060 2 S3 1106 2 85 871 2 S3 975 3 00 1060 3 00 830 3 00 1170 3 00 890 3 00 980 3 00 1190 3 00 1000 3 00 8)0 3 00 976 ,'i 10 1120 3 25 1200 3 25 1067 3 25 946 3 25 930 3 25 1006 3 25 1010 3 25 902 3 25 910 3 25 1030 3 Xi 1240 3 3o 1133 3 10 1013 3 10 1360 3 13 1260 3 50 1060 3 50 1170 3 30 ..1050 3 50 ..1080 3 50 ..1205 3 50 w 1270 3 30 1090 3 50 1130 3 50 1000 3 50 12fO n 50 1176 3 fi) lsno 7, 10 1310 3 60 15. 1217 1 60 3, 780 3 60 4. 1113 3 60 1. 1270 ?. (IT. COWS AND HEIFERS. 119 3 3 50 14 1061 4 65 1080 4 10 10 1370 4 80 1093 1 10 HEIFERS. 1.... 1.... 1.... 10.... 1.... 14. 1. 42.. 1.. 1.. 9.. 26.. 1.... 6.... 15,... 4.... 4.... 5,... 1.... 2).... 1.... 19. ,f 20... fi... ,HFo 4 63 .1024 4 63 .1161 4 65 ...1220 3 63 ...1110 3 70 ...1210 3 70 ...1205 3 70 ...1210 3 75 ...12S7 3 75 ... 840 3 73 ...1262 3 75 ...1162 3 75 ...1135 3 75 1200 3 75 960 3 75 1200 3 73 1060 3 75 1103 3 SO 1112 3 85 1180 3 85 1093 3 90 975 3 90 1270 3 90 1185 3 90 1150 3 90 1000 3 90 1100 3 90 1062 3 90 1330 3 93 1169 3 95 1160 4 00 1000 4 00 1205 4 00 996 4 00 1220 4 00 1370 4 00 1180 4 00 1050 4 00 1050 I 00 1110 100 1208 4 00 1277 4 10 1135 4 10 13(4 4 10 1OS0 1 10 1120 4 13 1660 4 15 1182 4 15 1160 4 15 1.-.S1 1220 1027 1110 1010 1075 ,....1131 1076 1172 4 15 I 15 4 15 115 4 ?0 4 "5 4 25 I 25 4 3,5 ..1320 1 50 1.... 1.... loo!;! 1.... 6.... 1.... 31,, . . ISO 2 50 ..1090 3 73 . . .SO 3 75 . . 970 3 75 ..1110 3 Rfl . . S50 3 90 .,700 3 90 , . 790 4 00 .. 580 I M . . .890 4 00 ..449 4 00 .. 8S0 4 10 ..710 I 15 . . 910 115 S10 4 15 800 4 16 , .1319 3 1.'. 13:i 3 15 II BULLS. I 15 I 20 4 25 I 2.3 I 23 4 25 I 23 870 . 807 . 970 . SS0 . 8)3 . 928 . 920 .10(7) 4 .1102 4 23 . 700 4 33 .1073 4 50 .1115 4 50 1465 3 50 1S30 3 50 1 1160 3 15 1 1880 1 1150 3 20 14 1733 1 1160 ,1 Ai 1 1550 1 1670 3 36 1 1580 1, 950 .1 )0 S 139J 1 1210 3 30 1 1760 1.. 1800 3 SO 1 1720 1 1141 3 to 1 llrt) 1 1400 3 3) 1 1560 1 1110 3 n 1 1660 J 153) 3 33 1 1100 1 H90 3 1 270O 1 1470 3 35 1 18) 1 1460 3 40 1 1600 3 .....1616 3 10 J 6f(l 2 1615 3 43 1 1230 1 2010 3 45 1 12"0 1 920 :l 50 1 760 1 1740 3 60 1 460 1 1(10 3 JO CALVES. 1 70 4 ft) 1 200 1 260 5 00 3 166 1 190 DM 1 110 1 90 6 60 2... 193 1 140 6 7i 4... 100 STOCK CALVES. 4 237 4 25 5 416 1 630 4 65 6 246 1 570 4 CO 1 2ft 1... 3.. 1 1... STOCK COWS 270 3 25 940 80 710 430 30 3 15 3 75 3 7 11 856 3 75 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 62.1 3 W1 3 .VI 3 63 .1 55 3 65 3 f-S 3 tin 3 60 3 60 3 CO 3 l 3 70 3 70 3 75 3 85 3 S3 3 90 1 90 4 70 5 00 6 75 7 00 7 00 7 ft) 7 00 5 ft) 5 ft) 6 23 AND HEIFER:. 26 610 4 00 1 730 t no 1 830 I ft) 8 792 4 2fi 3 913 i 25 Jl. Delehunly Nebraska. 26 steers... .1282 4 60 MARTIN SORENSON MONTANA. 35 feeders.. 10,12 $4 CS 62 feeders. .1023 $165 HOGS Tho advance In tho hog market commenred yesterday was continued today. mo market opening tins morning eioco in 5c higher. The early market wns quite active and hair of the receipts, or more, were soon disposed of nt the advance noted, Tiien tne mnrKot slowed up, ns some or tho more urgent orders were filled. Some of th nackers were nlavlng for a decline nnd were nonung ,ick nmi nimiing onlv steady nrlces. The fact that tho re ceipts -were liberal and that Chicago came closing easier ueipen nuyers witn uenriMi incllnntions to nave tneir own way. 1 lie lesult was the ble nackers wanted the late arrivals nt J5.351i6.371? for good loads and tho market cioseu very siow witn tne ad vance most an lost. The early sales or good mixed loads were very gonernlly at $5.37W.e 5.40. with a few of the commoner loads at $6.36. and some of the better loads nt $5.1214 (uo.iii. 1 ne mnsi 01 mo nogs soin on .10n daynt $5.3ftl(fi,35. with a $5.40 top. It will lie noien. irom ino tame 01 average prino nhnvrt Hint thn hncrs sold fndm nt llin Mrli. est point of the year nnd 20325c higher than a week ngo. iicprcseniauvu sales: 3.. 3.. 9.. n 66!'.'. 3S,... 5.... n "i'.'.'.'. 4... 1( 3 ... I ... S .. 670 .. 720 ..1055 . 721 . 910 .. 791 .. 502 .. 602 . 680 .. 510 .. 112 . 870 . 911 . 731 . 9 If . V,0 . 958 3 50 3 75 I 00 4 60 4 00 4 10 4 2(1 I 21 4 25 4 25 I 15 I V, 4 35 4 35 4 10 I -0 4 45 ll. 4.... 1 20. . . . 6.... 48.... 3 6 54.... 33.... 9.... 29.... 10 2K...., 9..,. .IS.... 3.... 18.. ...1015 ..1320 ... 9s9 ... 850 ...1127 .. 676 .. 769 ...720 ... 861 ... 600 ... 611 .. 626 .. 648 ...1226 ... 415 ... 470 .. 681 4 43 I 45 4 50 4 60 4 60 I 634 4 65 4 1.1 4 75 4 80 4 80 I 80 4 85 I 85 I 85 4 85 5 00 5 00 stcad.v, others shade lower, heavy. Jl f-WJi S.0; mixed, $5.35115.10; light, $5. 1000.37 1 , pigs. $I.TW5.0fl. 8IIKI0P AND LAMBS - Receipts. 3.0W head; fed offerings very active and strong to 1 00 higher, spring lambs, lower, selling" nt $7.fi; fed Colorado lambs. $7 00(17 15; mut tons, $S60f6.3S; stoekers nnd fecder.i, $!.3ftjf 6.25; culls, $3.60ff(.S0. .etv York l.lvo Stock. NEW YORK, April J0.-BEEVES Re ceipts, 1,361 head, all for exporters and slaughterers; no trade and nominally steadv: ejhles lower: live: cattle, at Lon don, 114fil2i.o per lb,: refrigerator beef, vie per in.; exports, aw nenn came, to morrow. 800 head cnttlo and 7,200 quarters of beef. CALVKS-Rceclpts. 68 head: very little, trade; feeling steady; 45 calves unsold; common veals, $3.23. SHEEP AND I ,A M IIS Receipt s, (58 head: 1 cms on sale; market qulot but generally steady; l'4 cars held over; common clipped sheep. $1: common and medium unshorn lambs, $7.25ti7.86, common clipped lambs, $6; no good stock sold. HOtSS-Hccelpts, 2,106 head; 1 car on sale: llrm at $3.7oi(5.S5; western pigs, steady nt $5.335(6. 43. ' St. I.uills I, lie Stuck. ST. LOUIS, Anrll 10.-CATTLEHerclpts. 3,500 head, Including 1.S17 head Texans; mnrket stronger; native shipping and ex port steers, $1,6045.83; dressed beef and butcher stfors, $I.237J6.15; steers under 1.000 lbs., $3.734il.ftl; stockers nnd feeders, $3.SMe 4.80; cows nnd heifers, $2,ftKf4.80; calmer. $1.,V'((2.S5; bulls. $.1.601f4.25; Texa and In dian steers, $3.90(('(.Sj; cows and heifers, $2.60114.00. HOC1S - Receipts, 6.90O head; market 60 higher; pigs nnd lights, $5. 13473.55; packers, $5,104(5 60; butchers, $5,671-55.70. , SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.000 head; market steady to strong; native muttons, $5,555(6.25; lambs, $.25j.Sfi; spring fltmbs, $7,004(8.00; culls nnd bucks, $3.60'n J.23; Texas muttons, $5.00516.60. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 61 143 ...$4 60 73 239 ... 5 3714 71 195 ... 5 30 69 232 ... 5 37H, 91 192 ... 5 3214 4 2 246 ... 6 37;? 60 219 ... 5 35 SI L'42 ... 5 37 '4 91 212 SO fi 33 60 245 SO 5 37U 80 217 40 5 35 62 231 ... 5 37'5 64 242 ... 5 3 5 71 233 120 5 3714 61 190 ... 6 33 44 240 SO 5 3Vj 50..... 250 40 5 35 66v 247 160 5 37U 82 222 ... 6 35 78 228 40 5 371? 59 188 ... 6 35 75 248 ... 5 3714 77 198 SO 5 35 48 255 40 5 37ll 97 196 SO 5 35 76 225 ... S 371, 15 224 ... 6 35 12 214 ... 6 40 95 206 160 6 33 71 251 ... 6 40 76 219 40 5 35 74 236 ... 5 10 71 333 160 fi 35 71 255 ... 5 40 76 215 ... 6 35 72 217 40 5 40 82 209 120 5 35 83 250 ... 5 40 85 212 SO fi 35 76 217 80 5 10 79 216 40 fi 35 78 211 40 fi 10 S7 205 200 5 35 76 220 SO 5 10 83 226 120 5 35 68 201 SO 5 40 41 176 80 5 35 65 253 ... 5 40 81 193 40 5 33 75 241 160 5 40 79 205 ... 5 35 72 258 SO 6 40 81 240 80 5 3714 24 259 ... 6 40 K7 235 ... 5 2714 71 241 ... 5 40 124 216 SO 5 37U 12 325 ... B 40 70 253 130 6 3714 f7 272 ... 5 40 75 230 SO 5 3714 "3 249 SO 5 40 71 207 SO 6 3714 79 211 ... 6 40 68 217 ... 6 3714 61 224 ... 5 40 S7 235 SO 5 3714 79 237 ... 6 40 53 213 ... 5 37U 68 258 120 5 40 33 242 ... 6 3715 66 212 ... 5 40 81. .....240 40 5 3714 ra -67 40 5 471 236 255 80 5 3714 76 226 ... 5 40 33 280 ... 6 374 69 247 ... 5 10 24 242 ... B37V4 71 245 80 5 40 84 200 160 5 3714 2' 253 ... 5 40 75 233 ... 5 3714 42 240 ... 5 (0 59 242 210 5 37 VS 68 260 40 5 40 82 202 ... 5 3714 251 SO B 40 72 242 120 5 3714 68 232 6 40 61 269 ... 5 3714 Ki 233 40 5 40 63 235 R0 5 3714 64 252 ... 5 40 72 240 ... B3714 81 219 80 fi 40 75 236 40 5 3714 75 225 ... 5 40 S7 237 SO 5 3714 63 264 SO 5 40 S3 236 ... 5 371, 69 274 ... 5 40 77 214 1 60 6 37 61 262 80 6 10 84 219 40 6 3714 60 293 200 5 40 68 257 120 5 3714 .r's 246 ... 6 40 78 223 160 6 37 U 53 283 ... 6 4214 33 307 80 5 37"? 65 312 40 5 424 77 224 40 5 371., 61 251 80 5 4214 45 227 ... 6 3714 63 B 4214 39 242 ... 5 37U 60 261 40 6 1214 6.3 270 80 5 3714 M 2" " 42U 63 250 ... 6 3714 7' 23s m r 42 73 240 40 5 3714 232 160 5 4714 76 262 160 5 37 H 61 258 ... 5 15 60 262 SO 6 3715 '3 260 ... 5 43 82 233 ... 5 371 65 287 200 5 45 60 302 SO 5 47'i St, .loscpli l.lvc Stuck. SOUTH ST, JOSEPH, Mo April 10,-(Spe-elnl.) The Journal quotes: CATTLE-Herelpts, 1.300 head; mnrket ac tive and steady: quality fair: natives, $1.10 (5.15; Texas and westerns, $3.7646,15: cows and heifers, $2.25 t. 60; bulls and stags. $20 5M.76; yearlings and calves, $1,005(5,20; rtockers and feeders, $3..W!j(.kO; veals, $4 23 (6.50. HOOS-Recelpts. S.20H head; mnikPt steady: nil grades, $5,304(5.50; bulk of soles, $3.40f(5.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS -Receipts, 2 800 head; market active; lambs. 104(15c higher, lambs, $6.0(V((7.;:o, wethers, $5,504(6.00; vear llngc. $5.75f(6.23; ewes. JA.ti09iS.S. CiifTce Market. NEW YOHK, April 10 -COFFEE Tho market for cnfTee futures opened llrm with prices 5 to 10 points higher on active gen- 1 erai inlying, icq ny suoris, prompted nv I firmness In European markets, smaller Brazilian receipts than looked for. excep tionally neavy warenouse deliveries nun the Improvement In spot demand Trading; continued active all day, with the market showing Inherent strength. Partlnl mic tion resulted from flurries of profit t ikllic. Tho mnrket closed steady at 11 11 elm 11 trod I prices to 15 points advance Total sains 1 reached 25,000 bags. Including' Mnv. $6.86; 1 .lulv. $6.90; September. $7,054(710; October. J7.wisi7.in; jNovemuor, 7.05iii7.io; December, $7,355(7.40; January. $7 404(7 15; February, $7.60. Spot steady. Invoice, $7S7't; .lobbing, $8.3714. Mild, steady; Cordova, $9.5rt4 14.00. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA SHEEP There was n fair run today and a corresponding good uemano. nuyers were all out early and tne onerincs ror tne most part were soon disposed of. The mnrket was strong In uddltlon to being active. The Jansen wooled sheep brought $6.25 as against $6.15 Inst week, and the clipped two and three-year-olds $5.60. Tho Craig sheeri sold at $6.05 the middle of last week nnd today thev brought $6.20. The Berry clipped sheep sold at $5.70. All these prices were very satisfactory to the sellers and they were considerably higher as will he noted from the comparison with the sales of the same kind of stuff last week. Quotations: Choice yearlings. $3.16&".2G; fnlr to good yearlings, $6.004j6.15; good to cholco wethers. $6.006.25; fair to good wethers. $5,75fi6.00; good to choice fed ewes, $5,501(6.75; fair to good ewes, $5,004(5.40. good to cholco native lambs, $7.004j7.15; good to cholco western lambs, $6,905(7.15; fair to good .western lambs, $6,tHii. 85 , feeder wethers, $l.5O5r5.O0; feeder yearlings. $5,004(6.60; rood to choice feeder lambs, $5.25 416.OO. Representative sales: No. 15 western ewes cull bucks shorwn shorn bucks shorn Inmbs western wethers western wethers shorn... shorn Inmbs , western wethers westerns, mixed 1 goat 5't goats 3 clipped liurk.i , 25 cull lambs 22 cull lambs 10 clipped wethers 448 clipped wethers 220 western ewes 78 western ewes 461 clipped wethers 372 clipped sheep, yearlings. 193 lambs I wether DRY GOODS. 20 211 15 tfV 104 65 .51 491 Av. Pr 101 $1 00 97 3 2) 105 4 1214 50 1 75 108 5 50 101 5 60 65 6 00 103 6 20 101 25 60 2 50 61 2 50 110 4 50 66 5 00 50 5 00 103 5 00 102 5 40 91 6 60 93 B 50 103 6 50 91 6 70 66 6 25 170 6 25 CHICACO MVU STOCK MARKET. 4'nttle (lonrrnlly Steady Hon Asrr 11 kc Sbnde II luher Slirep StrmiK. CHICAGO, April 10,-CATTLE-Recelpfs, 1,600 head; generally steady; natives, best load on sale today at $5.55; good to prime steers, $5.10516,80; fnlr to 'medium, $ 1. 254:113.00; selected feeders. $1.25571.90; mixed stoekers, $.1.6O5j4.00; cows, $3,005(1.10; heifers, $1.504( 4,80; caliners, $2.25'ir2.S0; bulls, $.'.734t 1.25; cnlves. liberal supply and lower ut $l.25f( 6.50; Texans, receipts, nono; Texas fed steers. $l.004f5.10; Toxns bulls, $3,255(3.73. HOOS Receipts, today. 26,000 head, to morrow, 23,000 head, estimated; left over. 1,009 head; average shade higher, closing weak; top $5.70; mixed and butchers, $5.40tf 6.6714; good to cholco heavy, $5,535(5.70, rough heavy, $5,405(6.50; light, $5,355(5.60; bulk of sates, $5.53(5.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Sheep, strong; lamb, about steadv: good to cholco weth ers. $6,205(6.60: fair to cholco mixed. $5.0n5i' 6.10; western sheep, $6,005(6.50, yearlings, $6,005(6,75; native lambs, $3.00547.53; western laiiiiis, jij.wnn w. Stuck In Sliclit. Following arc tho receipts nt tho four principal western markets for April 10; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 1,672 9.168 1,8.13 Chicago 1,501 26,000 Kansas City 8.J00 15,000 3,000 St. 1JUls 3.5ft) 6,900 1,000 M. E. Smith & Co. la-wttr- m4 Mhmn at Pry Goods, Furnishing Goods AND NOTION BOILER AND SHEETIRON W0RK3 nrake, Wilson u & Williams Sacce-mr Wilson A Drake, Manufacture boilers, smoke stacks and breechlngs, pressure, rendering;, sheep dip, lard nnd water tanks, holler tunes con stantly on hand, second hand boilers bought and sold. Special and prompt attontlon to repairs In city or country. 19th and Pierce. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ASestern Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. lootrlo Wiring- Bolls and Una Lisicttai a. Vf. JOHNSTON, Mir. IB! Uow.rd 01 BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS, H merican Hand " 1 V Sawed Shoe Co Mi'frs 1 Jobbers of Foot Wear wx-TXKB Aoirarm Wu JMplt BtmiBran Bnkbn O. CHICORY. The American Chicory Go. re-ran aM -ikatiUoturrt f all fermi ot Chloory Omh-rrtmtin.ONll SAFE AND IRON w.ORKS. The Omaha Safe and Iron Works, G. AND ItEIvIs, Prop. Makai a, specialty of T TT ESCAPES, ind Durilar Proof Hafe, and Vu t Doors, eta nil) S. t-llli .. Ilmihn, Neb. ELEVATOR SUPPLIES. c H. Davis & Son Klevntor Hydraulic and ll ui i. levators Elevator Safety dates. Klevator repair ing a specialty. Leather Vnlvo Cups for Elevators, Engines and Printing Presses. Totals 21,172 67.06 S.S33 Knnnns City l,vr MncU, KANSAS CITY, April tO.-CATTUC-He. celpts. 8,200 head natives and 300 bend Tex ans; supply fpilckly disposed of nt steady prices; heavy nallvo steers, ll.755i.'..MV, lluht weluhts. JI.IOf(5.lO; stoekers and feeders, J.:.5050.20; butcher cows and heifers, i",.ini 5.00; canners, 2.75ff3.IO; fed westerns, 91.15 (fil.M); Texans, Jl. 15-9 1.60. HOOS - Hecelpts, 15,000 head, supply mostly of Inferior tlusi; desirable grades Davis & Cowglll Iron Works. MANUrACTrUKHS AND JOBUHI18 OF MACHINEHY. OENKIlAIi ItEPAIHINO A SPECIALTY. IKON AND IlKASSi'OUNDimS. I.'OI, l,1o:i nnil ir.O.V JnokHon Street, Olllllllll, .Veil, Tel, r.ilH. E. Zabrlskle, Agent. J. 1$, Cowglll, Mgr. rzi" T5 IU -55 vm H.R.PEfiME.Y&CO. ROOM 4 MY! LIFE EIXG. BRANCH 1036 KAT JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone loan. Omnli i, V COMMISSION, (RAIN, PROVISIONS mid STOCKS IIOAUU (tie TKADi:. Correspondence: John A. Warren A Co. uirect wires to Chicago and New York. Hr lh v if rifclTTlT irtTiMliMlKI MM