Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1900, Page 8, Image 9

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    THE OMAHA "DAILY lilDIO: MONDAY, Al'IUL 9, 1000.
Dr. Stono Shows Sentimental and Sanitarj
Valaa of Cremation.
J'cdtllpiu'P Itnn ArlHpn from Infection
of HoiIIcn I.oiimt Since I)ciI No
IIiimIh IUUtN fur Any Itcllu
loux Olijcetluii.
At tho Unity church Sunday mornlnrj
Itobcrt Mnrscna Stone, M. I)., or this city
lectured upon tho proms of cremating tho
dend from botli a sanitary and sentimental
point of view. Dr. Stono Is a strong advo
cate of this modern method of disponing of
man'a earthly hnbltatlon and has adopted
It In sovernl cascn which havo como under
his control. Tho church was well filled, a
largo number of outsiders being attracted by
tho popular Interest of tho theme.
A iitudy of tho customs of civilized nations
of tills nnd many past generotloi:fl," said
Dr. Stone, "shows that wo havo blindly nc
ccptcd ono custom nnd followed It for Indefi
nite years without much question. It Is tint
of tho dlspoiltlon of our doid. Long-
nccontcd custom has decreed that earth
' burial Is proper, ami wo have accepted It.
- . !
Onco In a great 'while we experience a rudu '
shock ch wo learn of nn event thnt took
-tho r.o:cs-
placo In Cuba during tho late wa
It Vnnl t ver ll h oil ft thit burnlDK I "ounccd b HtUo beauty by all who have ex-
of yellow rover with oil and their burning , ' J constructed for
on vast pyres becauso the sanitation of Rml"w um:'i was consirucieu ior
. non nn f!nt nil Inko. llpenen zlnir thn beau v
city demanded It but wo lapse Into rcae
coptance ot tho old custom and continue to
think eurth-burlal tho only procedure for
ordinary death. Few men caro to think and
reason about uch matters until forced by
tho prefcnco ot grim death, and then grief
holds sway and tho tlmo for dlspasslonato
thought has passed.
"This particular study nnd nddre Is due !
to a discussion of the general question of '
f.r,iltlnn nf (hn ,lnn,1 atinrt frnln ntiv '.
personal Interest,
It arises from a query , "letinwnuo no mis mil negiiuicii um uiiick
best tliat wo bury our ' 8n,hh shop and tho boat has been built en-
presented: 'In It
dead?' 'Is thero good reason for a custom ,
so long established, so well settled, to thor- j
oughly accepted by tho civilized world?' 'Is
thero any good reason why some other
method of disposition should bo adopted?'
Harm to the I.IvIiik,
"And still another question Is put. and
to thn physlclnn this Is the hard
est of nil: 'Do tho living suffer harm by
reason of tho nlmoet universal custom of
earth burial 7' Still another: 'Are these few
of whom wo occasionally hear, who cremate
their dead, fanatics, who without good i
reason havo adopted that method, or are
they wiser than tho .masses, have a deeper
lovo for their tellowH, nn unwillingness to
seo them harmed nnd hnvo they as tender
affections and sentiments on tho rest or
"Ono of tho noblest sentiments, the pos
session ot which is characteristic of the
civilized nntlons of tho world, Id that of a
roveronco for the dead which Impels us to
honor them after death, to erect monuments
to porpo'.uato their memory and to regard
na holy and sacred tho particular spot se
lected .for tho last resting place of one's own
dead, to bo kept beautiful by constant caro
nnd by adornment by flowers. Tho custom
ot nctlng on this sentiment can never be
changed until wo lenrn that tho presence
of tho urnn containing tho ashes of our
most loved ones renders tho chamber In
which they aro placed, In our own houses, or
tho columbaria In a cemetery, equally sa
cred places for communion, for reflection on
tho virtues ot tho dead, places to bo beau
tlfiod with flowers as tho graven now are
and having tho ndvantago over them, es
pecially when they aro In one's own home,
of constnnt access, regardless of weather or
111 hoalth.
"I am firmly convinced thnt this substi
tution of sentiment from tho gravo to tho
urn, this recognition that tho urn with Its
ashes renders Its homo sacred, will soctier
or later .bo accepted and will result In tho.
transfer of our holy regard from the gravo
to tho urn, nIo, bcnutlfied with constantly
changed flowers nnd result In the ndoptlon
ot cremation by thinking, cultured people
of all communities.
Fnte of tlit Ccmctcrj-.
"During all tho ages all cities have had
tho same experience. Ilurlal spots have
been chosen when tho population was amnll,
In a district not far removed from tho city.
Tho population has Increased, the city has
nt last reached beyond tho plot nnd tho
cometcry, which has becomo full to over
flowing, is no longer n pleasant and desir
able spot, and Is abandoned; those Interested
In Its prc8orvntlon hnvo died nnd no one
longer enres for It. Tho city needs tho
ground tor parks or playgrounds for school
children, and nbsorbs It, nnd tho bones nre
dug up without protest nnd the monuments
used for making a roadway. This is a
common history nnd has been true oven In
this very young city ot Omaha.
"In districts where tho undersoil Is ot
clay 'hardpan,' nnd It Is Impossible for tho
fluids to soak down, or In districts like New
OrlcnnB, La., whore tho water reaches to
the surface, rendering carth-burlal Impos
sible, the conditions nro at their worst. Sir
Henry Thompson nptly said, In 1874. 'No
dend body Is ever placed In tho soil without
polluting tho earth, the nlr and tho water
above nnd around It.'
"VaBteur showed thnt earth worms hnd
carried to tho surface, twelvo yenrs nfter
death, ot an animal from splenic fever, tho
germs of tho fever which brought about n
now outbreak of tho disease Prof. Selml,
tho great Italian, proved that tho common
constituents of tho body, brnln, blood nnd
ftbrln, nro converted by decomposition Into
moatv virulent ptomnlns. Frelro of Itlo
Janeiro proved thnt tho soil ot tho ceme
teries In 'which yellow fever victims had
been Interred teemed with micro-organisms
Identical with thoso found In the vomit ami
blood ot yellow favor victims.
IIcIIkIoiih Objection.
"Tho religious objection was at first very
pronounced. Mnny of tho clergy called cre
mation Irreligious, heathenish nnd pagan.
Such objections nro no longer heard, On
tho contrary, most eminent religious men
nro now tho strongest advocates of tho prnc
tleo, Tho iblshcp of Lincoln has enld: 'Only
wciik-mlnded brethren might hnvo their
belief shaken In tho doctrine of the resur
rcctlon.' Lord Shaftesbury saui: 'What an
audacious limitation of tho power of the
Almighty! What has becomo of the blessed
martyrs who wero burned nt the state?'
Canon Lldilon said: 'The resurrection of a
'body from Its nshea Is not a greater miracle
thnn tho resurrection of nn unburnt body.'
"Slight objection baa been mndo that tho
parting with our loved ones, knowing that
the next moment will seo them consigned
to tho furnace, will prove a greater source
of nngulsh than to seo them lowored Into tho
open gravo nnd to hear the earth fall on
tho coffin. Earth has no greater nngulsh
than tho last Bight ot tho dearest face on
earth to us, but It thero enn bo any differ-
Bears tb " ftll!a " 113,9 lffJ'5
the Kind Yen tlava Always Bou"M
Bmm th lha Kin(l Yoa Haw Always
lhi Kind You Have Always BouM
onco, It seems to mo that tho placing of a
loved ono In a cold, dntnp, lonesome grave
to rot, would bo far tho greater.
"Mrn. Alice N. Lincoln, who had witnessed
tho cremation of scmo much loved one, said:
'As wo stood In stlenco watching tho rosy
glow which plnyed over tho whlto surfaco
of tho retort a fooling camo to mo of awe,
certainly, .but also of penco nnd rest. Thero
was something spiritual, elevating In the
absolute purity of tho Intense heat; It
seemed far Ices appalling nnd deprewlng
than tho blacknrcs of nn open grave.'
"And thus only may wo rest In peace."
I.iikImikI'n Armorcil Trnlim.
Thn mnnnlflcCTit nrmotcd trains used bv
England 111 her war with tho Doers will
transport her troops, protect bridges and
telegraphic communications In about tho
Bamo way that Hostcttcr's Stomach Hitters
drives dyspepsia from the human stomach
and then mounts guard that It docs not re
turn. Tho Hitters has won In every case of
Indigestion, biliousness, liver nnd kidney
troublo for tho past fifty, years. It Is ln
valunblo at nil times.
Improve) 1114 Otltl Moiiit-ntH In Cnii
ntriictliiK a IMciinurv I.iiiini'li to
I'ly on C'nt-Oir l.nWv.
Carl N'cgathon, a blaclcsmlth, whoso shop
and residence nro at Fifth and Locust
streets, ha given a practical .lcmonotratlon
.irliAfr nn.a a nnt t.wlllatfV will n pcnni til I n M .
ot what persistent Industry will nccompllsh.
llv worklnc nt odd momentw-tlmo that Is
devoted to frivolous pltusuro by less thrifty
uso on Cut Oft Inko. Recognizing tho beauly
of that body of water, tho resourceful black
smith conceived tho Idea that a pleasure
boat of modern design would bo a profitable
Investment and indications nro that his
Judgment Is sound. Negathon Is a natlvo
f Uenmnrk nnd In hla enrly days ho roamed
tho 8eaa 08 ft salIor- For """ -car8 1,0
llas uec" a resident of Omaha. About eight
months ago, with his rear yard for a work-
shop, iNCgathon begun his boat. In tllO
urLy out ol "B"'" worthing nours. ii ,a
u,, ...... .uuU.u
iuu lai. ui juim in uruur iu convey it to
tho lako tho boat will be hoisted upon
house-moving apparatus.
Tho superstructure of the boat Is of plno
and, although Negathon Is not a carpenter,
ho liaa executed all ot tho work In that lino
except eorno finishing touchce which wero
put on by a pair of carpenters within tho
last two days. Tho boat Is flfty-flvo feet
long by twenty-two feet wide over all. Tho
hull Is thirteen feet wide. It Is built on a
keel six by six fect and Is of oak. Tho ribs
nro tour by four oak timber. Tho craft Is
seaworthy In every reepect. It will bo op
erated by a gasoline engine. The boat Is
a Blilcwhcoler, thus accounting for tJio
width at extremes. Thcrci nro two small
cabins on tho cnglno deck, with modern
accommodations, nnd the upper cabin is ono
larg room, elegantly furnished. This will
bu used for dancing parties and concerts.
This boat will compare favorably with any
pleasure craft In this part of tho country.
Tho Investment will represent an outlay of
A, H. Uass of Morgantown, Ind., had to get
up ten or twelvo times in tho night and had
Bovcro backncho and pains In the kidneys.
Wns cured by Foley's Kidney Cure. It Is
guaranteed., ,For sal? by Myers-Dillon Drug
Co.,' Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store, South
Itnlniy SnrliiKtlmc Attrnctn lluiiilrciln
of Mil ii ilny Afternoon Stroller
to Cut-OIT Luke.
Sunday was an Ideal spring day nnd
Omaha took nn outing. Hundreds of visi
tors strolled nlong tho hanks of Cut-off lako.
Many of them were equipped with hook and
lino nnd tho wily fish was eagerly sought.
Hut Mr. Fish wns not anxious to blto and
but few catches wero made. Some declared
Sunday was fisherman's hoodoo, while others
attributed tho 111 luck to tho wind, which
blow somowhat forcibly, although not
enough eo to bo dlsagrecablo to pedestrians
Strollers who did not care to try their luck
with hook and lino rambled about tho ruins
of Courtlnnd Heach, a onco promising resort
which Is now rapidly going to decay. On
account ot tho fine weather, but a small
percentage of tho population of Omaha re-
malncd Indoors Sunday.
W. W. Mayhow, Merlon, Wis., says: "I
consider Ono Mlnuto Cough Curo a most
wonderful medicine, quick and safe." It la
tho only harmless remedy that gives Immedi
ate results. It cures coughs, colds, croup.
bronchitis, grippe, whooping cough, pneu
monia and all throat and lung diseases. Its
early uso prevents consumption. Children
always llko It and mothcrn endorse It.
An noil ncc incntM.
Tonight Hlancho Walch and. Melbourno
MacDowell will begin nn engagement at
Hoyd's that will terminato Wednesday
night. Tho bill In which they will open
nnd which will contlnuo over until tomorrow
night will bo "Cleopatra," the most stu
pendous production traveling. On Wednes
day nfternoon "Fedora" will bo given nnd
on Wednesday night "La Tosca." Owing
to tho length ot time the play consumes,
tho curtain will rise promptly nt 8 tonight
It should ALWAYS ba remembered
Only ono Chicago railway lino
Cporates Library Huffot Cars
On ALL limited trains.
ONLY ONE rallwny Una
Runs a limited day train
From Omaha to Chicago, Illinois,
With Drawing Room sleepers, library and
dining cars.
ONLY ONE railway line
RUNS TWO fast night trains
From Omaha to Chicago
with complete- dining and library car
THE OLDEST railway lino In Omaha,
Tho greatest mllcago of any Omaha line.
Tho most modern and best equipped.
The Attention of flic
Traveling publlo Is respectfully Invited to
the magnificent equipment offered to patrons
PAUL RAILWAY between Omaha and Chi
cago. Solid vcstlhuled, steam heated and
electric- lighted trains. Palaco sleepers and
diners, buffet nnd library cars, free reclin
ing chair cars, fast tlmo and union depots.
City Ticket Office, 1601 Furnam st.
P. A. NASH- General Western Agent.
l'lcturcM anil 'otcn Rnrnutc
Is tho tltlo ot a hnndsomo descriptive book
let Usued by the Illinois Central railroad
Illustrating tho scenic features ot Omaha
Council I!luffs, Iowa and northern Illinois
as seen from tho car window on tho "Chi
cago Limited." For copy of same call on or
address W. II. Drill, dish let passenger
agent, Illinois Central railroad, Omaha
Why Uiulrca In tlio Dark
When by traveling In the luxurious sleep
ing cars of tho CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE
AND ST, PAUL RAILWAY you may turn
on tho electric lamp and make the berth as
light as day.
City Office, 1GCM Farnarn st.
Stonecypher, printer, ad-wrltnr. Up-to-dats
cuts for sale. 1201 Howarl. Tel. 1310.
Graham, tor pure Ico croaui. Tel, 32
Ulgby Hell has appeared beforo Omnha
theatergoers ns a star for several seasons
past. First ho worked his way Into their
affections ns n buffoon In light opera pro
ductions, then ho won their plaudits ns a
legitimate comedian In ono of Augustus
Thomas' ntmosphero plays. Regardless ot
the fact thnt ho had won tho fnvorltlsm of
playgoers In comic opera, it was necessary
for him to re-establish himself with them
ns a portraycr ot legltlmato comedy. Mr.
I,c" '3
tho "headline" attraction on this
week's vnudevllle 4)111 nt tho Crclghton
Orpheum, having but recently deserted tho
drama for this new, nnd whnt Is Bald to ho
moro lucrative, field In the theatrical pro
fession. Ho was compelled Sunday, for tho
third time, to win his way Into the gco.l
graces of tho amusement lovers ot this city
nnd he did it quite ns easily nnd effectively
ns before. That Mr. Dell Is a success In
vnuduvlllo there can bo no doubt In tho
minds of those who witnessed his perform
nncea Sunday-. He does a sort of a mono
loguo character Imitation and singing net
that Is much moro high-class than local
vaudeville patrons nro accustomed to see
ing. Ills stories nre new, original nnd told
ns only such clever fellows as Dlgby 11611
nro capable of telling stories. Not the least
Interesting part of Mr. Hell's stories nre
tho facial expressions that go with them.
Ono of his character Imitations, that of a
tough boy witnessing a base ball game front
a Beat on tlio fence, is especially clover.
80nB9' t0' nr 1500,1 0,1,1 Wl'" h U
not the possessor of a wonderful voice It
Is a fair baritone, well ndapted to the rend -
lion 01 comic songs.
Tho balance of this week's bill Includes
Martlncttl nnd Orossl, novelty musical
artists; Anna Whitney, monologulst nnd
vocnllst; Mile. Proto, too dancer; Douglas
nnd Ford, sketch nrtlsts; Hnlllday and
Wnrd, comedians, nnd Walter Stanton and
his company In a one-act comedy entitled,
"Tho Hypnotized Cockatoo."
"A Hot (Mil Time"
At Iloyd's theater tho Sunday attraction
was tho farco comedy by tho nbovo name,
In which tho Hays havo won moro or leES
fnmo and fortune, although It was not pre
sented by them on this occasion. The Hays
wero seen here In tho pleco a season or
two ago, and the Impression mado by them
wns not nn nltogether favorable one. This
year tho company touring this Bectlon of
tho country with the piny Is by far superior
to tho ono hoallcd 'by Johnny and Emma
Hay. Tho lending characters nro played by
ohn W. Jess and Ada Henry. The engage
mont wns for but two performances, a mail
nco and evening.
No toil llcnlcr In Toivn.
Tho greatest healer of modern tlmea Is
Banner Salve, for cuts, wounds, soros, piles
nnd all Bkln diseases. It la guaranteed. For
salo by Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha;
Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha.
McCiinc Gocn After ImllnnN.
Mntor William MeCune. officer of the day
for Huffalo Hill's Wild West, will leave
Omnha this afternoon for Pino Hldgo
Agency, whore ho will take chnrgo of tho
Take it
for n tonlo In tho spring
drink It nil summer
and keep cool.
Tho favorite tompcranco
drink, la cooling, refresh
ing and harmless.
Vrtt for Hit of prrmlami
offtrtd free for UtIi.
Malvern, P
Will Dewey Do It?
A few days ago wo advised Dowcy not to
allow his namo to go beforo the convention
nnd to keep out of politics. Will ho do It?
He bns mndo a good admiral, but that don't
signify that ho would make a good
dent. We'ro a first-clnss druggist, but as a
sailor wo'd bo n dead fntlurc.
Crnmer's Kidney Curo 75a
Suro Denth (kills bugs) IWc
Schnefer s Snrsnparllla ta
Miles' Nervine 75c
Hromo-Qu n no lac
Stearns' Cod Liver Oil 75a
Syrup of Klgs (California) 23c
lJonirs 1'ins wo
Ktd-nc-olds 40o
S. S. 8 75o
1'lnkham s Compound 75c
Wine of Cardial 75c
Cnrtcr's Liver Pills 15a
Hostetters Hitters , 75a
Pcruna 75o
West's Nervo and Drain 23c
Cor. Kith find CIiIvhko Sin.
Look Nice
on the Porch
Tho porch chairs will look Just llko now
If you paint them with tho SIIERWIN
comes In elegant shades of RED, BLUE
GREEN and YELLOW. Remember, for
tho porch chairs uso tho Sherwin-Williams
DUGGY PAINT. In 25c and 45c cans.
uso Sherwin-Williams "VARNISH STAIN
This nrtlclo stains and varnishes at one
operation. It cornea In OAK, WALNUT,
35c, 45c and 75c cans. Call for color cards
Sherman &MGConn8ll Drug Go,
1Uth and Dodge.
Another Portland Train.
Will nlaco In service an additional Port
land train. This train
Will leavo Omaha 4:25 p. m., arrive Tort
land 7:30 a. ra.
Only Two l)n on tlio Ilonil.
Tho timo of tho present Portland train,
Leaving Omaha 8:20 a. in., will bo re
duced 2 hours and 45 mluutea. No chang
will bo mado In the leaving time at Omaha
Dctwcen Omaha and Portland,,
Only BR Honrs nnil -l) Mluutea
Telephone aid,
Kind of Indians enraged to participate In
tho show dtirlni? thn rnmlnir season.
ait, f
I MtCunn will accompany the major. From
i-iiie Kiugo Agency flinjor .mcunc aim ms
red men will go to New York, where tho
Wild West opens at Madison Squnro garden
Aurlt 23.
Thrown from n CnrrttiKC
Miss Hrown, n teacher residing near Thir
tieth nnd California streets, was driving
rapidly on Seventeenth street nenr Nicholas
enrly Sunday morning when the buggy
overturned, throwing her violently to tho
pavement. Bho was removed to the Clnrk
son 'liosnltnl after nr. Ludlncton had been
called. Tho affair seemed to bo hedged
between 4 p. m. nnd 7:25 n. in., u flyer
for Chlcniro leaves tho Burlington Station.
VegtlbulcU flyer 4 p. m.
(Sleeping, dining nnd chair cars.)
Chicago Limited 7:30 p. tn.
.. (Sleeping, dining and chair cars.)
Chicago Special 12:3T n. m.
(Sleeping, iPnlng, library and chair cars.)
Daylight Kxpross 7:25 a. ni.
(Parlor and chair cars.)
Ticket Oltlco, Burllnolon Station,
1502 Farnam St.
Tel. 250.
Tlio tnido-marks of the best
on the clothing we sell. But you need not go by tho names.
Examine for yourself tho trimmings, tho sowing, tho linings,
tho slaying and finishing as well as tho patterns, tho fabrics
and tho styles, of tho garments, we offer for your selection.
Wo will be glad to afford you
tion and comparison.
Our Extensive Line Insures You
Our large advance spot cash buying enables
purchnse In this department. We fit every
free of charge We guarantee every gar
back. A raugo of prices to suit all purses.
Biggest Bargains Ever
Soft hats In colonel, pasha, II. It., and
Fedora styles and In many
styles nnd colors $2.50
values on salo nt
Fedora and It. II. shapes In $1.50
values, In nuy color, at CJvFw
Never beforo hnvo nny such bargnlns
been shown.
and of life long service to
every BOY and GIRL now in school
Contains all thero is in tho English language,
compiled, pronounced, and defined by the most
eminent specialists of tho present day, in every
department of literaturo, science, and art.
JJT7JPg Should not undorestlraato the value to thulr oblld-
ren of immedlnto conaultation of n Standard au
thority whonovor any question orleoa with roffurd
to a word, The enrly use of reference books by tho .young loads to
habits of thoroughness in study, prevents carolcss writing, and cultivates
exactness in conversation.
The Richest Treasure.
I'lf every cchool truitoo and overy man having a family
ot growing children could realize tbo value of thla Diction
aryiho would not be long without It, It Is worth more than
flhd clothei, jewelry, high living, or summer outings, and
tondi, to Improve and onnoble tho character, and makes better
cltlzoui ot overy porion who studies It." Milwaukee 8;ntlnel
TO YOUR CHILDREN OR A FRIEND It would ba diflloult to flpd .
amortj desirable, utoful, or welcomo present than
The Standard Dictionary
847 of tho world's most eminent men labored, nnd more thnn $900,000
rrero expended to produce this mngnlflcent work. It Is tho authority
most valued by tho learned and tho learner everywhere. It can now bo
procured, elegantly bound In full sheep, at the unprcccdcntedly low prlco ot
about with n deep air of mystery and for
vomi' uiiKnown rtupuu mini mc mniur nim
tho lioxiillnl tieonlo refused to say a word
concerning tho young woman's Identity. An
Inquiry ut the hospital Into In tho evening
rllrlted tho Information that "Miss Hrown
Is doing very nicely nnd not nt all seriously
Injured." Howover, the physician Is quoted
ns saying thnt her Injuries are of n pe
culiar nature, with serious complications
llnblo to arise at any moment. Leon Hoyd,
a well known young traveling man for nn
Omnha wholcsnlo grocery house, wim with
Ml:) Hrown nnd driving the vehicle nt the
tlmo of the accident.
Seo C. F. Harrison's real cstato bargains.
10th and Mason Sis.
Tel. 120.
tailors in America aro found
every opportunity for inspec
of Getting a Becoming Suit.
us to savo you 25 to CO per cent on your
customer perfectly. Alterations mado.
ment to give satletuctlon or your monoy
Men's Suits, regular $.'.00 values, at $2.75
men's line worsted suits, worth $8, at $5.
Men's Alio absolutely all wool suits, in tho
Just fabrics nnd every concclvablo pattern,
. $7.50. Tailoring of the most depcndablo
character throughout.- You cannot buy Its
1 'equal elsowhero'tor' less than"" $10 to $15.
These suite nro from the famous tailors,
Michaels, Stern & Co., and Hart, Scbaffner
& Marx.
A magnificent rnnge of men's
extra fine, now, up-to-date suits nt $12.50,
$15,00 and $18.00 suits that can bo com
pared only with $35 and $10 made-to-order
Boys' and Children's
The handsomest nnd most extenslvo show
ing over mado in Omaha. All tho new
ideas, new fabrics, new patterns, nro
shown nod nt prices that will please econo
mical mothers. You nre wolcomo to ex
nmlno these.
Known in Hats and Caps
Crush and Derby hats
In values from 73c to $2.50,
on sale nt
We enrry nil the lat03t blocks In stiff
hats rmd also nny color In tho Into golf hnt.
Men's broadcloth yacht stylo caps, 45c
and 60c.
Head pago 13.
Growing Growing Growing
It's tho story of "The Nebraska" constantly going
ahead steadily increasing. Evory day brings new
Men's Clothing
Is the most comploto of any in tho land. Moro cloth
ing moro styles hotter selection and lower pricesthan
ever beforo. You never wore hotter clothing than
'Nebraska Clothing," A somowhat sweeping state
ment to irako, do you say? Maby, 'tis tho honest truth,
though you may havo paid fancy priced to the clothing
Btoro who thinks you should pay live dollars moro for a
suit becauso it's mado by X, Y, Z but you don't got
any better clothing than Nebraska Clothing no matter
who makes it.
Nebraska Clothing is mado to wear look well lit
to bo satisfactory in overy respect and who can deny
that all these points, and even moro, aro not carried
out by us. Wo'd like for you to seo that $7.00 suit
you may bo tho judgo of it yourself.
.- .
Grandest of All Easter Displays.
JuBt received, a large lino of tho finest Pattern Hats and
Bonnets over shown in Omaha. Prices raugo from $5.98 to
$25.00. If you are hard to bo suited, don'tfail to-examine
this line beforo you buy.
Special Easter Sale-
tho lato popular pastel shades,
at ;
A cliolco lino of nobby Trimmed Hats, by
our own artistic milliners at
$1.98 and $2.95
Also a very extenslvo assortment of tho
latest Itcady-to-Woar Hats at prices that
mako tbo Ills Storo popular.
Children's Fancy Hats In flno laco braids
at 25c.
The Greatest Oaks Come
From Little Acortis
SHERIDAN COAL conies from Wyoming
Lump $5.50, Efig$5.O0, Nut $4.50.
VICTOR WHITE 1605 ffig1. street-
As well as men can
find no tonic o
healthful as a mire beer.
Ha sure you get lUe pule
Is hermetically sealed
then boiled which liuurrr
it to be free from bacteria nulte essen
tial for frail people. Order a trial rase.
Phono 20.
WANTED Cuso ot ra ntaltti that
rt-I-I'-A-N-H will not benefit. Pud i cents
to Itlpana Chemical Co., Net; Yoric, (or II
Huplun and 1.009 ttatlmoulaia.
customers. Bettor than all
growing ovory clay in tho
estimation of patrons. Wo'ro
untiring in our elForta to im
prove by gathering tho most
Xleasing fabrics and fashion
ing them into correctly styled
and correctly made Suits for
men and boys.
Thero is something to bo
learned ovory day. Our
best foot is foremoat always,
and just now tho
iMtMii r nmr
.400 Trimmed Hats, Including all tho latMfl
.styles, trimmed In tho finest mnterlals attfl
3.98 and 4.98
Ladles' Untrlmmcd Dress Shapes, blaotf
nnd colors at ,
25c, 45c, 75c and $1
Amorlcan Ilcauty Hoses 5c.
French Vlolots fie, 10c, 13c.
A full assortment ot 'trimming offecta tfl
mohairs, chiffons, straw braids and flow
All Day and All Night
Elevator Service
Tho olovntors la TIMS nKB
IIUILDIXO run tvvcnty'l'our liours
lu tho day nnd huvou dnj'H in tho
week. That Ih one reawm why tho
hOHt physlflaiiH lu Oniahii aro lo
cittcil lu
The Bee Building
NlKht or Sunday olllco hours
ciuiBo no Ineonvenlcnro to jintronfl.
Think of that and then !"' at
rooiim In tlio HUM HUILDINU. Wo
will he pleased to nhov yon.
R. C. Peters & Co.,
nn.NTAi. a on vrs
Cures Gonorrhoea, aitet, "nn"tuJtt'
charges In a few duys. Al IdrucKlsU, accapl
only Docuta. tiy mall l, full dlreoUei
Dick & Co,, 133 Ccntro St., New York.