TnE OMAHA DAILY BEE. MONDAY, APRIL 0, 1!)00. ) y A SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for them- column vlll l.o tn li-ii until IU til. for the I'vcnluir edition nml iinltl Milto i. in, for iiiiirnliiu; nml S ii 11 t ii ' edition. Hull-, I l-lie. u mini first Insertion) Je mini thereafter. Niitlilnir tnUcn for I en Hum UHe for (lit Urn! Iimrr Hon. These ml vertlneinenlN must In rim eoiiaei-ullvrly. Advertisers, li- rotiiicnfliiK n innii lierrd -lie'W, run Inive nnimern nil ilreNsctt (o n iitimliereil letter In onre of Tlie lire. Aiiftlver ho mid reused will lie delivered on prcneiitntlmi of llie cheek on I)-. WANTED-SITI.ATIONS. WANTED, noslllon ns city or traveling snlesmiin by young man of exiiprlence. O G2, llco, A-M?JJ1U INTELLIGENT, hustling, reliable man, liouorublo position of any kiwi: oillco work preferred. D 05, Bee. A-M332 10 WANTED MAMi HEM. WANTBDi wo liavo steady work for n few good hustlers of good tiabltH and nppear- unco. c F. AUamg Co., luia iiownru mi. 11-437 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short lime; cntaioguo and particulars tree, Address Western Omaha, Neb. Institute, WANTED, nn experienced, competent flor ist who spcaKs uermnn aim ungiisu. ap ply B. Haas, 1813 Vinton 8L 11-211 WANTED, men to learn the barbcr'H trade; we offer the best inducements to those In tending to learn the barber's trade thor oughly; semi ror catalogue. Tno Amen can Barber College. Midland Hotel build Ing. corner 16th and Chicago Bis.. Omaha, wen, u Aloft WANTKD, first-class harness cutter for ractory: must tie souer nnti wen recom mended ; good steady position for compe tent man. Address. staling wanes wonted Patrick. Mastlck & Co.. Wholesale Har ness nnd saddlery, Portland, ure. D-M930 9 WANTKD. men to learn barber trade: 7 weeks completes: positions guaranteed; rxnert Instructions: constant practice: fleo railroad fare to the largest college in tno world at Denver; tools furnished: beware of fake cata logues and misleading offers from my envious brother at Chicago; no other Henoois connected: write ior particulars. Mnlcr Harbor College representative, i. rcignton ihock, umnna. u mvm a- WANTED, I carriage painters nt once, Drummond Carriage Co. B 136 WANTKD, men to learn barber trade, no limit to term, all the advantages of our system given until competent, class room, lecture books, graduating department and diplomas entitling you to worK nnywnerc; hiho uuow tree uckci to our nenrest col lege, c'hleago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Minneapolis, where wo can give the bene fit of conslnnt practice, expert Instruc tions, etc. we hnvo no school in Omaha or Denver; positions guaranteed, cata logue and particulars mailed free. Moler naruer college, cnicngo, in, B-M153-12 WANTKD, experienced cashier In largo re tail House; must nave nrHi-eiass referen ces: stato who you have worked for, how long, nnd to wuom you enn rcier us. ah dress D 51, llee. Heo onice. B 171 9 FIRST-CLASS man to tako charge of a wholesale, nnd retail liquor business. Only goou man neeu apply, giving previous experience, references und salary wanted. Address, u Ul, lice. D M220 10 Advertising fans, eood side linn for trnvnl Ing men, Uurkloy Printing Co.. Omaha. H-M177-M7 EXPERIENCED crockerv salesman. Ad dress, with references only, E 6, Bee viuce. jj 3 WELL digging, nlso hauling, to take pay In iiuusu rent, m u. a. iari iiaiin mug. B-M331 10 SALESMEN to sell onico specialties; fine side lines; used by nil merchants; catalog free. Model Mfg. Co., Box It, South Bend, i no. J J ittbss AI WA NTEH FE W MM II KM, WANTRD, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 870. C-G30 SO girls wanted. Canadian ofllce 1522 Douglas u wi WANTKD. a good clrl for ironorul bouse work: 3 In family. Call Monday, 9th. at 2775 Webster street. C 172 9 Good cook and second girl; references rc- uuirea. wci Douglas Ht. c 756 WANTKD. n girl for general housework at 627 Ho. 2,th Ave. Good wages. C-1G4 9 WANTKD, cook nnd second girl, second gin to artist in trie euro or two children good wages. German or Hohemlau pre ferred, 111! 8. 32d Ave. C M201-10 EXPERIENCED saleslady for crockerv do partment. Address, with references only i'l k. iiph rynip f o WANTKD, girl for second work and to tnke euro of baby. Mrs. U. C. Peters, 13H oo. sum nvc. u A134U 10 GIHIj for general housework; must bi good couit, ju-i i iirK n venue. t; juij jy- Ulilu -wanted for general housework. Kn qulro 2020 lSnimet. C M3W 11 WANTED, 4 experienced seamstresses, one -who understands making alterations. Peoplo's Btoro. C 139 7 WANTKD-Competent girl for general nousowork; good wages, Call 533 South 12nd street. C M378 10 roil iirT-iiot!si:n. II-' YOU want your houses woll rented plnco them with Uenewa & Co, D C32 JIOUBKS, etc. V, D. Wead, 1521 Douglas! D-33 HOUSK9, all kinds, 30 U, 3. Nan Ilk. iildg; D-C31 KOU HUNT To small family, 7-room cot tage. In good repair; city water lnlde; elstcTn: coal shed; 22nd nnd California Sts its. Inquire nt C07 N, IStli St. D-U3J AI.WAYH mining H. II. good, l'ianns, Oillco 1311'i l-'urnam St. Tel. 15T.9 or RC3. D-VM 1IOUSKS, stores. Hemls, Paxton block. D-C37 llOUSKS for rent In all parts of the cly. IlieiUHn-lx)Vo Co., 309 Ho. 13th street D-G3J l'MVH roooms. 2321 South ICth St. D-C39 CUIUS UOYKIt, 2123 Cuming. Tel. K 21 D-M537-A9 CIIOIOIO houses, cottages, stores. Henry U, Payne, C01 N. Y. Ufe. 'Phone 101C D-CIO llOUSKS and lints, ningwnlt, llarker Hlk. n-GIl VOIt HKNT small cottage, Jl; store for grocery, etc., on very favorxlilw terms. Apply 1)01 Douglas. D-92J- 10-ItOOM brick house, nil modern. In flrstT class order. 011 So. 2!t!i St. Chas. K. Henson, 310 Huuige llldg. D 9S3 10 DUTACIIKD 8-room modern house with turn. 2CU Plercu. V 9SI NINh-HOOM modern bouse In good ro jmir. In walking distance, jsi. M. J. Ken. nurd & bon, Suite 310. Hrown block. D-M93S J,no.AnnD Vnn & Storage, icifi Capitol Avo lei- H3. A D-tS VOn HKNT. four-room eottnge. 2723 Dodico St.. ft; 0 rooms, lOi South 2th. J7; both newly pniiered and painted. Hlngwalt Ilros.. Iljrker Hlock. D MIH3 HOUSKS to rent. It. C. Tatterjon. 305 N. Y. Ufe. D-6U FOH HBNT. 12-room. modem, detached house, shado trees, lawn, $15. kis cap. uve. Tel. &73. II. II, Hulilson. D Mid FOH HKNT. desirable modern houso. small barn. 8sl3 Woolwortb nvo uue; rent. J27.W. Hlngwalt llro., llarker Hlock. 1) 176 6-IIOOU modern cottnee, furnished or nn furnished. SUC 8o. gOtli. D-IC0 13 FOR HKNT, furnished house, ten rooms, modern. The O. F, Davis Co., ICoj f'ur ntm nt. D M3i2 it rott rent not se.s, 6-HOOM cottage, city water and gas, JI5.W. . 2U30 N street. 6-room, modern cottage, 2107 N. 2Sth, J16.00. or c'lmiueiciy lurnisneu, ror i-r.iom house, city wuter, S2I9 N. ffith, IO.UU, 4. II. JUIIBSUfti 811 N. Y. Life Illdir. D-MSOl i'oh nn.vr i'unMiuin hoojis. 3 NICK rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. Uth. K JI9 3 FUHNISIIKD rooms for housekeeping for man nnu wife; rent taken In board, sia N. 17th. K-3G0 F1JHN1SIIKD rooms, houwkeeplng, 2C23 hi. jwary s avc. h mo'ji axi LAHGK front parlor. 1311 Cass. K SI 157-13 4 HOO.M3 furnished for hpusckfeplng, mod ern, m noor. loil Hiierman Ave. li 333 9 TIIHKK or four furnished rooms, ground nnor; llglit housekeeping provided for. 613 South 2Cth street, K-M3J3 10 FOUH largo south rooms, furnished or iimurnisneu, nil mouern conveniences, Inquire at 413 N. 23th st, K-S73 7 I'llHMHIIKD HOOMS AMI HOAHI). Till) Mcrrlam family hotel, 23th and Dodge, P Clt TO 2 gentlemen, In private family, 2020 8t Mary's Ave. V CIS HOOM nnd board, SI to $5. 1512 Davenport. P-C22-A-9 TIIH PHATT, desirable rooms; 'phone 1091 212 So. 25th, P H2 IIANDSOMR patlor bedroom: other rooms; gentlemen only; rates moderate. The Hobo, 202) Harney. P-M3S9-A12 KM-IOANT front rooms with board. 1909 Cnnltol avenue, P M93S 10 HOOMS, with board. 2402 Cass. P-M123 12 HOOMS nnd board. 2013 Douglas, F-901 7 roit hi:.t;iimsiii?u imiom. !, 3 OR 4 modern for furnished), ',4 block from car lino, facing Hanscom Park, 29C4 Woolworth. G-6S2 FIVE unfurnished chambers for housekeep ing to man nnd wife. 319 N. 17th. G 9SJ FOH IIU.-ST-HTOHI'.S AND OI-'FICHS. FOH HRNT, store In first-class location, rent reasonable. Apply H, C. Peters St Co., ground lloor, Uee bldg. I 205 STOHR HOOM, 1100 Farnam. Opp. old 1'. O, I-OIO BTOR13 ROOM, HOC Farnam. Opp. old P. O. I-63J AGENTS WAM'KI), AGRNTS make $0 to $10 a day selling the cheapest and most perfect water litter over Inventod. Retails at J1.60. Ulg prollt to agents. Apply 200S North 19th street. J-939-9 WAXT12D-TO ItHNT. WANTKD, oftlco room for desk, table and small safe. Address D 59, Uce. K-173 WANTKD. by young lady. May 1, board nnu room, nanscom parK vicinity. Ad dress D 03, lice lllco, K-M311 9 STOHAUK. PACIFIC Storage nud Warehouse Co., 912 914 Jones, general storage und forwarding. 017 Om. Van Stor. Co., 1311V4 Parn. Tel 15K, m. WANTHII TO Ill!. AI.I. kinds of household goods, hotels, etc., In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co., H0fi-10 Dodge, Tel. a. N-CI9 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Hank accounts. Urennnn I.ove Co.. 309 So. 13th. N CIO ENTERPRISE FUR. CO. pays high prices for good household goods. 102 So. 14tli. N-MU7I A10 2D-HAND books for cash. Crune, 207 N. lfith N-M051 ELK teeth. Edholm, Jeweler, 107 N. ICtli. N-C07 CALVES. Address D 41, Bee olllce. N-M971 10 ALL kinds of household, hotel goods. Drop a cnnl or Tel. 1112. Leiiiue & Schon.stead, 301-C N. ICth. N .M321 JI7 PARTIES having secondhand bank coun-te-rrt to dispose of please send description and lowest Ilgurc to J. W. Dolau, Indian ola, Neb, N921 7 WANTKD, 5 cats, will pay Me each; bring them to shipping department. People's Store, ICth and Furnam. N 110 7 FOH NAI.E-HOHSIIH, VEHICLES, ETC. TOP HUGOr for sale. In good condition. U 40, llee, I' JU90 PHARTONS. buggies, road wagons nnd harntss. Andersen Buggy Co.. Cor. 15th und Davenport Sts. I 920 SECOND-HAND top buggy n good condi tion for sale cheap. Inquire 2121 Locust street. 1-MM7 FOH SAI.E MlSCln.I.ANEOl'S. CHEAPEST nnd best poultry und I103 fence. Wl Douglas St. Q 052 Cl'TTERS of drug prloes, Sherman & Mc Council Drug Co., Cor. 10th and Dodge Q-051 FOR SALK, ten R-I-P-A-N-8 for S cents nt druggists. One gives relief, Q 054 A19 HORSE clippers nnd repairs; we grind razors, shears, clippers, etc. A. I,. Undo laud, 10G 8. 11th St. Q MSSI A14 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1110 FarnanT Q-055 U. HAAS, Florist. J8t3 Vinton St. Tel. 770. Plants, cut llowers, boquct, ball, resl deuce, wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly tilled, Q-0Vi NKW bicycle tires, 12.25, J2.50 nnd Good secondhand wheels, JS, $10 and $12. Omuhn Ulcycle Co., JCth und Chicago Sts. U-G37 SAFKS.Uuy, sell. Scliwartz, 114 S 13. Tel 1CJ7 Q-M8SI Cl'T prices nt A. E. Wylle's. 1513 Farnam; Hermitage Bourbon, Guckenhetmer Rye, 8 jears old; drink, lOo; H-pt., 25c; nt.. 50c: qt $1; gal.- sent C. O. D., $1. Q-MSS5 A14 WIRE fence. Leddy, 1617 Howard, Tel. 1590. TWO-revolutloii Campbell newspaper and Job press, front delivery, two roller, rack and screw distribution, slzo of bed 32x16; nil steam fixtures, for sale cheat). Ad dress D 52, Bee olllce, Q Ul THE latest pneumatic tired hike buggy, $135. Omaha Bicycle Co., ICth and Chicago bU. Q-M1G0 6.000 MAPLK trcea for sale by D. P. Red man, west of Port Omaha, Q M276 10 0 HEAD registered Jersey frown, also number of heifers. II. J. Hackett. 4622 Boulevard uve., 3d houe west Deaf and Dumb Institute. U-M316 9 FOR SALE Good Cedar blocks for wood, 22nd and California streets, Monday April . W. P. Mumaugh, Q-M2h 9 LOT shelving and tables for n.tlo cheap. Address 1318 Farnam. Q-M337 9 MISCELLANEOUS. WE are all ready for business; largest lino In city of 2d hand household goods. Kn terprlso Pur. Co., 102 3, Hth. R-M6T2-A10 NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furniture & a to Yin at lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co., 140G-H Dodge. H-G59 CLAIRVOYANTS. MMK. GYLMKll genuine imlmlst. lfr Dodge S-CCl MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 812 N. 16th. CIjAIHVOVAMS. MHH. HII.U De-wey's friend, 7th daughter, born with veil, fortune teller, locntes hid den treasure; ladlei, Wc; gents, $1, Head ings by mall. 2oo2 Cuming. Prof. Spiers, magnetic healer faith cure. 8-22S-A22 OHKAT FOHTUNK TRhLKH Free test Just arrived from Kurope, where for Mft years my grandmother wns the greatest nstrologlst of the day; will remain a short time; tells six different ways, past, pres ent, future, In person or by letter; gives lucky numbers; tells lady or gent who the future hurband or wife will bo by tho letters In tho hand; brings back husband or lover In so many days; advice on grain nnd stock: line hair growing tonic: cures corns, tu-rvoiis trouble; charm free this week; ladles in trouble call at once: fe male troubles, tumors, coughs, colds rheumatism, asthma nnd catarrh, MADA.MK DR HAZAHD. Omaha, Neb. Parlors, 510 South 13th hi.; olllce hours, 10 n, m. to y p. m.; open Sundays; will toucn hand of ench customer free with only true luck stono In Amerlcu, S M370 8 KI.ECTItIO TREAT JIENT. MRS. BKRRY, electro magnetic treatment and baths. 119 N. ICth St., 2d lloor. Op poslto P. O, T-C19-AP-21 MMK. SMITH, room 2. U8V4 N. 15th; mag netlc treatment nd baths. T MS 11 PERSONAL. VIAVI, woman's way to health. 316 Boebldg U-CC3 MONIIKIT, Chiropodist, 1513 Farn. Tel. 2333. Y'OUIl hair shnmpoed, dressed 35c. Hair toi let goods, Monhelt, 1518 Farnam. Tel, 2333. U-C73- PRIVATE hospital for ladles before, & dur ing conlliiemeut; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. U-C9 DR, ROY, chiropodist, corns hnd superflu ous hair removed by electricity. Room 12, Frcnzer Block. U C6I PLKATINO nnd pleated nklrts of all kinds. M. Goldman & Co., 200 Douglas block. U CCS PRIVATE homo before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2033 Decatur. U 070 STAMPS for collectors; albums, supplied. Frank Brown, 220'A 8, 13th, U-671 HUITURB cured, no knife, no pain, no danger. Send for circulars. Empire Hup turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U-C67 CANCER CURED: no pain. Dr. Hcnshaw, scientillo specialist, CIS N. 19th st Omaha. U-M713-A10 IF YOU suffer with your feet and desire Immediate or permanent relief call on Prof. Lund, 511 Kurbach block. U-953-A17 CLOTH by the yard for ladles' tailor suits. Dreshcr Tailoring Co., 433 Pnxton Block. U-M970 m3 THOSE who nttended tho loctures of Dr. Sidney Flower of Chicago while he wrtS In Omaha will learn something much to their benefit and Interest by sending their names and addresses to 13 05, Boo olllce. U M1G1-8 REGILDING of all kinds solicited; frames you have stored In garret made new; nlso furniture, ornaments, etc. A. Krauss, 1212 Douglas, Tel. 1621. U-U5 11 MMK. SMITH, magnetic treatment and baths. HS'.i North 10th, room 2. U-970 10 WALL PAPER cleaned llko new, renson nhle. Beck & Co., 1520'A Capitol avo. Tel. 2393. U-M30O 10 INFORMATION wanted of the whom aboutH of Charles Truch by his father. Address James Thomson, 1410 Hull street, Baltimore, Mil. IJ M2I9 10 $8.00 BILK iiklrt or waist for 25c: for In formation wrlto tho American Silk Co., Kansas City, Mo. U M2S4 9 YOUNG lady will be In Omaha throueh tho slimmer, wishes to meet nice appearing young man. Auuress uox zis, Lincoln, Neb. U M233 9 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money. 5, 5',, 0 per cent; no do lay. Garvin Bros., 1C13 Furnam. W 673 PRIVATE money. F, D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. W-671 WANTKD, city and farm loans; nlso bonds and warrants. R. C. Peter & Co., 1702 i-arnam si., jjco uiug, v tRj 5 PER CKNT money. Bemls, Paxton block, W-070 FIVE per cent farm loans. Chas. E. Wil liamson. W 077 MONEY to loan on !lrst-cla.u Improved city property or for building purposes. Pnyno Knox Co., New York Life. W U7S , 5V4, 6 per cent on Omaha, S. Omaha. W. 11. Thomas, 603 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1041 MONEY to loan at 5 and 0V1 per cent on Omaha property. W. B, Melklo, 401 8. 13th. W C9 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th. W-90 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms nt 5 per cent. Borrowers can pay $100 or any multiple. Any in terest uato. woueiay. tirennan-Love Co., 309 South 13th street, Omaha, Neb. W-691 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property und furms. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. W C92 WANTKD, city loans, bonds and warrants. George & Company, 1001 Farnam st. W M9C7 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. LOANS made salaried peoplo on personal note without security; rales reasonable. J. W. Tayloe, 218 First National bank. X 095 MONEY loaned salaried peoplo holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon tholr own name without xecurlty; easy payments. Tolmun, 700 N. Y. L. Bldg. X-701 MONEY loans on furniture, rigs, bicycles 1 I 'I til Jl tlil at Wt t olllktl iltr ' wt. ......... v...., ijiiit:iii un known to friends. Oinuha lxan Bunk.HlG MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own nnmo without endorser or mortgage. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and LOW EST RATES. No inquiries made of em ployer or frlendc. You can imrrnw nnv amount nnd repay on easy weekly or mummy imjinviin. jiuioro oorrowing SCO us. OMAHA CREDIT CO., suite 525-526 N. V. Lifu Bldg. X--C97 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS diamonds, watches, on ensy payments, un known to others; you keep the goods, each payment lciucn the cost of the loan; no chargo for papr and we make no in quiries of your neighbors. BERGERS' LOAN CO.. 1501 Farnum, over B. & M.. ticket office. X 693 SALARY loans after working hours. If you want cheap money address B 57, Bee. X S20-AU MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc, C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. X-700 MONEY ADVANCED FOR 8AI.AHIES. Salaried employes of good character can obtain accommodation at much less cost and embarrassment than has heretofore been possible by applying to American I.oanCo., Room C01 Boo bldg. X 815 MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their own namo, n amount from $10.00 up. A comparison of our rates with othors is all we ask, as wo are positive that ours are tho lowest In the city. Remember that we are the only loan company giving you tho prlvllego of paying your loan ALL or in PART at nny TIME nnd thereby stop, ping tho cost. Business contldentlal. Treat ment courteous. OMAHA MORTGAOK LOAN CO.. Tel. 2295, Room 119, Board of Trade Bldg. X-M931 LOWEST RATEO, QUICKEST SERVICE. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, live etock, etc. You have tho use of both the property and the money. You may pay the loan back In one month or keep It longer nnd pay for It only what tlmo you keen It. No exnenso for papers and nothing kept out of the amount bor rowed. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., (Established IbJJ), 306 South 16th St, X-922 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses cows, Jewelry. Duff Green R, s, Barker blk X 703 LOANS on furniture.' liorses, cows, elp, OUR TERMS ARE THE BR ST OF FERED IN OMAHA. J. W. Tayloe. 21S First Nat. Bank Bldg. X 702 IlfSINIiSS1 CHANCES. GROCERY stock, splendid location, well established trade; as, a business propo sition will pay to Investigate, Address C 20, Bee, . Y-M1G0 A17 FOR SALE, a small steam brewery with miilthouse. In eastern Nebraska, In excel lent condition, with good location; must retlro on account of 111 henlth. For fur ther particulars rail on or address F, W. Platz, Schuyler, Neb. Y-M200 A20 THE NEW flNOW CHURCH CO., give strict attention to all classes of collec tions. 401-2-3-4-5 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. Y-757 FOR SALE, on account of sickness nnd death In family I now offer my hotel property, The Albion House; one of tho best hotel towns In stnte, A bargain for some one that wishes to engage 111 hotel business. For Information write to J, E. Needhnm, Albion, Neb. Y-.M9.i4 9 PRINTING office for sale, Nebraskn county sent; good plant, good business. For full particulars address D 40, care Bee. Y M953 10 BUY one of our new or second-hand meiry-go-rounds, 2200 Lake st., Omaha. Y M969 10 FOR SALE, drug ptoro or half Interest In namo; doing good business nnd located in one of tho best towns In Nebraska. For particulars uddresd Frank Nedela, Crote, Nob. Y-M750 FOR LEASE, good business corner lot, 30th nnd A UK'S avenue. No saloon. Apply Flodmati & Co., 1514 Capitol nvc. Y-M74I U VOn SALE, blacksmith shop and tools; best location In the city. Address W. II. Amnion, St. Paul. Neb. Y SI119 12 FOR SALE, first-class stock of harness goods; also building; only shop In town. Address G. F. Coulon, Moorhend, la. Y M2-S8 10 FOR SALE, lease nnd furniture of family hotel In Omaha; clears above all expensea $300 per mouth; investigation solicited by parties with $2,000 In cas-h. D 61. Bee. Y-M1M FOR SALE, good clean stock of furniture. aueensware, chlnaware, etc., in good vely town of 1,000 peopli In northwest Nebraska; reason for selling, have out side business that needs my attention. Address D 53, Bco. Y M163-13 WANTED, capital to develop a cart de signed for use In Alaska nnd places whore other than muscular power Is dllllcult to obtain. The Invention covers a broader field of usefulness than mentioned here, but could be realized on financially nt once for this purpose nlone. It Is a good thing, Investigate It. Address D 57, lice. Y-170 9 SMALL grocery stock In good locality: other business compels owner to sell. J. II. Johnson, 841 N. Y. Life Bldg. Y-M303 FOH SAM' TIE. U, ESTATE. PAYNK-KNOX CO., .HEADQUARTERS for HEAL ESTATE BARGAINS: LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES, -FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. Y, Llfo Bldg. RK-704 HENRY B. PAYNE. C01 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate, Rentals, Loans, Insurance. ' RE 706 - IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real cstato sco 8. A. Broadwell, 501 N. Y. Llfo. RE-707 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire Insurance. Bemls, .Paxon blk. HE 708 A BARGAIN, four ncreH. 40th and Pacific, two blocks from car line, on belt rail road, $2.5(10; easy terms. McCagtie In vestment uo., ioue 'uoago. hw 710 7-ROOM house, full lot, on Farnam street, $1,100.00. Lot. Leavenworth and 33th Sts., $123.00. Fine residence, Kountzc Place, $5,000.00. I. N. Hammond, ICth and Farnam Sts. RE-169 9 FOR QUICK returns on bnrgains only see S. A. Broadwell, 501 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-709 BARGAINS. Chris Boycr, 2123 Cuming. Tel, K-2C52. RE-M598 A9 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 305 N Y L HE 711 SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co., 314 8. 15th St. RE-712 SICKNESS forces owner to ienve city; will sell nt a sacrifice of $1,500 from what It cost her a few years ago, the C-room house, with city water and barn, at 2700 Grnnt street, price $1,230; $300 cash, bal ance, long time. Bee me. quick If you want It. J. H. Johnson, 841 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. HE-M303 CHEAP homes on monthly payments. In surance Money to loan. G, E. Turklng ton, COS Beo Bldg. RE 925 10 ACRES on L St.. Just west So. Omaha, $1,400. J. H. Sherwood, 939 N. Y. Life. RE-M327 9 40 OR SO ACRES nenr Benson, within 2 miles car line, $60 per acre. 99x132 feet, sightly corner down town, cheap at $10,000. Houses and lots from $330 to $25,000. Farm lands near Omaha from $25 to $60 per acre. Five (5) per cent money to loan on gllt-cdge property and farms. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. HE-M510 SEVERAL vacant lots. Hnnscom Place, cheap. J. II. Sherwood, 939 N. Y Life. RE-M327 HANSCOM PLACE house, with good barn, an Ideal place, $G,000.00. ' Another for $7.ron.m. Another for $s.500.00. And still another, nothing better, KViOIOO. M. J. Kennurd & Son, 8ulto :il0, Hrown blk. RK-M187 BARGAINS IN BUSINESS PROPERTY. $12,500, well Improved corner, right In track of railroad developments, east end, rents $1,200 to $1,600 per year. $11,000, nnother samo neighborhood. $1,700 80 feet Cuming Mreet, corner, choice cheap. $3.5C0, 70x70, corner on Cuming, rents $323 per year. $3,009, 41x00, 3 blocks from Paxlon hotel, wholesale district, Cheapest property of the kind In Omaha. Half block, 10th and Izard. Ilnest trackage and Wfirehnusn block. In the city. George G. Wallace, 313 Brown block . t.o RK 111 17 H'AVK custpmnrs for enttnecs on monthly payments. " Who has nny for sale. 3. II. SherwW; 939 N. Y. Life. 81 RE-M327 9 WE ARE authorized tq sell tho property at 1922 Dodge ut a little over one-third of Its actual cost on eonflltloits of pale by April lfith. A line largt'i.blrn, alone costing $3,500 nnd 12-room houso on corner lot 41x120 nnd 40x60 lots. 3 blocks from P. O. The grounds are today worth morn than tho wholo will bo itAld for; so ore tho Im provements. Conditions are cash nnd 10 dnys' limit. Make, us a bid. Payne Knox Co., N. Y. Lire bldg. RE-110 14 n r.ri TWO cottage nnd lldrgo lot to trade for acreage out awuys. Sherwood, 939 N. V. Ufe, RE-M337 9 RESIDENCE PROP:HTY-CIIEAP AND GOO U. $6.500 Choice homo north Hanscom Park. $1,600 Another, corner, same locality. $1.500 Nice home. Hth street boulevard. $2,200 Full lot, paved street: 8-r. mod. house 2.000 Cottage, large lot, near 31st & Mason. 1.400 Good lot, 2 cottages, near .... and 20 $2.250 Neat 6-room cottage, lot 73 x223; two street fronts, room for 0 or 8 houses; near ISth nnd Vinton: cheapest thing In that vicinity. $700 to $1,000 Fifty well-lorated small houses In different partB of the city. Get list. GEORGE O, WALLACE, Brown Blk. 16th and Douglas. Ill" 112 7 PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS RENTAL PROPERTY, $,600 3 full lots, paved street, with cottages nud store, bringing $S00 per year. $I,200-Cottages. stores and flat; rental, $GM per year: closn In. $3.000-Nenr l$th and Pierce, lot Wxl32. 3 buildings, room for more, rental, $400 per year. $1,500 Corner, South Omaha, 4 blocks from Armour's and Cudahy's, with 4 cottages; rental. $223 per year. GEORGE O. WALLACE, 313 Brown Blk. RE-113 7 FOR BALE, choice lot. Orchard Hill, lot 10, block 6, street Improvements. Wunt cush offer, M B. Wutson, 601 N 4th St., Hannibal, Mo, RE 11318 11 FOIl SALIC HEAL EMTATI3. BARGAINS April 7 nnd 9. 1900. C. F. HARRISON & OEO. T. MORTON, 913 N. Y. LIFE TEL. 314 OH 2012-F. 10.613 sq. ft. In wholesale district, opposlto Rector & Wllhelmy, nt 10th and Jones, a full Inside lot nnd a 41-foot tongue facing 10th st $20,000. Tho 41-foot tongue, setierntelv. M.MO. Trackage on Jackson St., good proposition. 9-r. house, 38lh, near Farnnm, excellent brick house, E. front, $3,000. HE-16S GOOD-BYE! 1 nm going to Chicago, My residence nt 2117 Wirt Is going to be sold mi wimi 11 win uring; opened uuiy ior Inspection: make your ofTcr; Incumbrance, &.000. 5 yenrs, 6 per cent. J. J. Gibson, 600 First National Bank, Bldg. RE-M5SG A12 TYPEWRITERS. REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and suppllos, 1619 Farnam. 720 TYPE WRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Pnrnnm. -721 NICKEL IM.ATIVti. CYCLE PARTS, all kinds plating, Omaha Plating Co.. Beo Bldg. Tel. 2535, 720 MEDICAL. LADIES out of henlth find prompt relief. Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential. -M573 A27 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic institute, 515 N. Y. Life Bldg.; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Old. E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, mgr. 714 M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school, Klrksvllle, Mo., 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1307. 715 A. T. HUNT.osteopath: all chronic diseases; "results tell." 306 Karbach Blk. Tel. 2332. 716 FURNITURE REPAIRING. GLOBE Couch Co., 1619 Leav'th. Tel. 2529. 5SS PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feathor renovating. Tol. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. 7ij Mattress upholstering, finishing, carpentry. Omaha Cabinet Shop, 1600 Cass. Tel, 2183. -930-A16 LUNDEEN, upholstering, cabinet-making, rollnlshlng; mattresses made over. 1523 Leavenworth. 292 May21 LOST. LOST The plush robe that a gentleman was seen picking up Saturday afternoon im.uD.av.enport sre. between ICth nnd 17th, belongs to the Palace stables. Re turn samo and get reward, Lost-M373 9 S TRACED A black angora cat with white feet; please return to 212 8. 17th St.. cor. Douglas, and recelvo reward. Lost 114 7 LOST Black cocker spaniel dog; has scar on front leg; answers to name "Mingo." Reward If returned to 2133 Franklin street, Lost-M371, SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfo. -727 AT OMAHA Bus. College. 16th & Douglas. -728 BOYLES college, court reporter principal, Beo Bldg. 79 NEBRASKA Uuslness and Shorthand col lege. Boyds theater. 730 BICYCLES. IN order to reduce stock wo will sell for a short tlmo only second-hand bicycles at onc-hnlf price; good wheels, $3.00 to $16.00. Flescher, 1622 Capitol Ave. 717 Enameled, $2 up. Bicycle Hospital, 711 N. 16. 71S Repaired, 24 & Charles; tires, $1.73. Tel. 2327. -917-May ! LOCKSMITHS. KEYS fitted, locks repaired, by B. W. Schneider, at Townsend Oun Co. Tel. 870 -M620 A29 C. R. HEFLIN. expert locksmith and model maker. 307 South 16th St. 'Phone 2022. -021 DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Bturdy, 2210 Davenport. -879 A1S HOTELS. METROPOLITAN, European, 12th & Doug las; lowest rates. Wm. Ilarr, Mgr. Tel. 241, M-G76 THURSTON, 15 & Jackson: American & European. Newly refitted. Prices mod'r'to F-M741- THUNK FACTORY. THUNKS. traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks ropaired. Om, Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam 722 JUNK. B. & M. Junk house, J. Milder, Prop,, dealers In nil metals, bottles, etc. Carloads a specialty. 801-803 Farnam, Omaha. Tel. 2378. 101-M 4 AUCTIONEERS, OMAHA AUCTION CO. Satisfaction guar anteed. 620 N. 16th St. Telephone 2108. -M732 MIRIIOIl FACTORY, OLD mirrors resllvored; new ones to order; country orders promptly filled. 703 N. 16. 871-A13 WATER FILTERS. "STANDARD" Wnter Filters, all kinds of fllter supplies. Tel. 300. 1507 Harnoy St. M843 A3! FURNITURE PACKING. OM. Van Stor. Co , 1511ft Farn. Tel. 155.0, 8(3, 723 ii.iu.vnnY. OMAHA 8TKAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY'. 1750 Loavenw'h. Tel. 647 -724 STOVE REPAIRS, GASOLINE stoves cleaned, 801-3 N. 16th. -M351 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Rnmgo Bldg. 731 I'I.EATINO. ACCORDION pleating. Ivory-rlm buttons. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th & Farnam. R 1-11. -600 A20 IIHICK SIDEWALK. 7HC FOOT: If ordered early you can save money. John McGowan, si? 8. 23th St. M5M A 20 limits AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 Leavenworth. -725 PAWNIinOICERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential, 1301 Douglna, -733 SUES & CO. Patent Lawyora Boo lUdp,, Omaha, Tol 1023, Adrlce froo, 11A1L WAV TIME TABLES. CHICAGO. Rt-. PAUL, Minneapolis A Omaha Hallway "The North, western Lino" General Olllces, Nebraska Divi sion, ISth nnd Webster Hl. Cltv Tlokal rim 1401 Farnam St. Tt-lenbona Ml. I1n,n iKih and Webster Sts. . Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. .a 6.-C0 am a 9;10 pm Omaha Passenger all:20 urn Sioux City & North east Nebraska n S:40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Ratlrond - "Tho North western Line" Oeneral Olllces, United States National Bank Building, B. W, Corner Twelfth nnd Pnrnnm fttt Ttflrat Omce, 1401 Farnam St. Tolephono 601. D pot, Tenth & Mason Sts. Telephone C2. Iavc. Arrive, Twin City Express.. 1. ..a 8:65 am bIOXO pm Twin City I-lmltcd a 7:20 pm u s;l5 am Sioux City Local a 8:00 am a 4:20 pro a Dally. FREMONT. ELKHOHN A MIksouH Valley Railroad Tho Northwestern L'.no" General Offices. United States National Bk. Bldg., 8- W. Comer Twolfth and ln ft n UU Office. 1401 Farnam Bt Telephone 66L De pot, 16th and Wobster Sts. Tolephono 1451 Black Hills, Dendwood. Arr,Ve Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming. Caspr and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 6:00 pm Hastings, York. David y City, Superior, Geneva. x,',?,r aS-i,w",d:v.b 3:00 P b 6:00 pm Fremont b 7:: Lincoln, Wnhoo and :30 am bi0:25 am I- remont b 7:30 am bl0:2S am Fremont Local c 7:30 im a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, e Sun day only, d Dally except Baturday. Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH, western Railway "The Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam Stroot. Tela phono 661. Depot, Tenth kiiu oiason aircols. Telo- YiitSriF'-. Leave. Arrive. sujriifiui iwucago ope- n ?'"; a 7:00 am all:J0 pm Chicago Paisenger a 4U5 pm alviio am Las Urn Express. Dos Moines, Marshnlltown, Cedir Rapids and Chi cago al05 am a 4:05 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Mall, Chicago 10 Omaha a 2:45 pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7'J0 pm a 8:00 am Fiat Mall a 1:30 am a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket ofllco, 1402 Farnam street. Tele pnon. 245. Depot, Ttntu und Mason streets. T.nnii. A t. Chicago Express a 12:10 pm a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:35 pm a 8:15 am Minneapolis and 81. Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited a 7:33 pm a 8:15 am Fort Dodge Local from Co. Bluffs .... b 4:30pm b 10:15 am a Dolly, b Dolly except Sundays. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE A Di, i-aui iiunway City Ticket Ofllce, 1504 Farnnm Street. Telephono 2S.I. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Slrccls Telcphone 629. , 71 ... jvic. Arrive, Chicago Limited Ex.. ..a 7:35 pm a 8:05 am Sioux" City and Des M Moines Express bll:00 am b 3:56 om a Daily, b Dolly except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Offlce. 1604 Farnam Street. Telephone 895. De pot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone CS29. Leave. Arrive. a 6:03 pm a 7:55 am Express a Dally. 8L Louis "Cannon Ball" MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Olllces and Ticket Office? Southeast Cor ncr 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone. 104. Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone, 1133. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis, Kansas St Neb. Limited a 2:30 pm 012:55 pm K. C.-St. L. Express. ...a 9:50 pm a 5:60 am Nebraska Local Via Weeping Water b 5.05om a 9:45 am a Dilly. b Dally except fiundar. . CHICAQO. ROCK ISL- luiu ot i-acinc uauroad "Tho Great Rock Isl and Route." City Tick et Omce, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephono 423. Depot, Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, (29. Leave. Irrivn. lcb juoincs ana uaven- uprt Local a 7:05 am bll:35 am Chlcugo Express bll:18 am a 8:10 am Chicago FaBt Expros..a 6:00 pm a 1:25 pm St. Paul Exprcsb a 6:00 pm bll'5 am Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., Denver. Pueblo and W'ejj a 1:39 pm a 4:25 pm Dea Molnos, Rock Isl- and and Chicago a 7:25 pm a 6:60 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 5 60pm a 9:20 am a Dally, b Dally exceot Biinday, OMAHA ft ST. LOUIS RAIL- roao umana, jiaiuaa city & Eastern Railroad "The Oulncy Route" Tlckitt nr. llco, 1415 Farnam Street. TeleDhone. S22. Dooot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tele phone, C29. T 11 r ak A pclu at Bt, Louis Cannon Ball Express a 6:05 pm a 7:65 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local ..a 7:00 am a 9:00pm a Dally. UNION PAOIFIC-'THEOVER-land Route" General Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Pnrnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllce, 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone 3U. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone G29. L,eave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited., a 8:20 am a 7:20 pm Tho Past Mall a 8:50 am a 3:25 pm Tho Colorado Special, ..all:35 pm a 60 am Tho Portland Special,,, a 8:20 am a 4:35 pm Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express. ,b 4:10 pm bl2:2S pm Pacific Express a 4:25 pm a 6:50 am Grand Island Local. ...b 5:30 pm b 9:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. 3T. Jo seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "Tho Burling ton Route" Ticket Ofllce, 1502 Farnnm Street, Tele phone, 250. Depot, Tonth a .id Mason Streets. Tele Dhone. 128. Leave Artlve. a 6:17 pm a 6:15 am Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 8:60 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:15 pm bt. mollis lyer ror nt. Joseph and Bt. LoulL.a 4:55 pm aU:lt am Dally. BURLINGTON ft Mis souri River Ratlroad "The Burlington Route" General Olllcos, N. W. Corner Tonth and Farnam BU. Ticket office, 1502 Far nam street. Telephone, 259. and Mason Streets. Tele- Depot, Tenth , I, i ,10 19Q Leave. Arrive. r.lnrnln TTnnttr.ES and McCook a 8:40 am a 7:21 pm Lincoln, Denver. Colp- rado, Utah, Callfornla.a 4:25 pm a 3:00pm Lincoln, Black Hills, Montana as rugei Souu4 a 4:25 pm Lincoln Ioca; a 7:00 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 8:00 pm h 3:00 pm ul0:3S am al0:S5 am Denver, Colorado utan & California all:35 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON t Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Homo 'Ticket Offlce. 1503 Farnam St. Tel.. 250. Dopot. Tenth ft Mason Streets. Telephone, 123. I.0.1V4. Arrlu Chicago Special al2:35 am Daylight Express a 7:25 urn Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7:48 nm Chicago Local Express. a 8:50 am a 4:06 pm Chicago Limited a 7:30 pm a 7:45 am Pacific Junction Local,, al0:43 art. Fast Mali.,.., a 2:46 pm a Dally. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should bo reud DAILY by alt Interested, as changcH may occur at any tlmo,) Foreign malls for tho wek ending April 14. 1900, will close (PROMPTLY In nil cases) at tho General Postafllce ns follows: PARCELS POST MAI 1-3 closo ono hour ourllor thin closing time shown below. Jr M!LWA"KEEI POSTOPI'ICE NOTICE. Parcels Post Malls for Germany clone at 6 p. m. Monday nud Wednesday. Triina-Atlmttlc Mntln. TUESDAY At 7 a. m. for EUROPE, tr s. . Kaiser Wm. der Grosse. via Chor h'Xirg. Southampton und Bremen. " EDNhSDAY At 7 a, m, (supplementary 9 n. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. St. IaiuIs. X,,.a..ou!1,lunl,to"; 10:30 ' tor BEL GIUM direct, per s, a. riouthwark, via Antwerp (mall must he directed "per s. . Soiithwark ). TIIUUHDAY-At 7. n. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, VOlC ?i ,?'b. TURKEY. EG Yin- and BRIT ISH INDIA, per s. s. L'Auulrulne, vu Havre (mall for other parts of Kuropo must be directed "per s. s. L'AiiultuInu''); n.t..!t."-.m- (ai'PPlementary 10:30 11. m.) for LUROPK, per s. . Knler Frledrlch. via Plymouth. Cherbourg and llnmliurg. 8ATURDAYAt S a. m. for NETHER IjANDS direct per s. s. Mnnsdam, via Rotterdam (mull must be directed per s. s. Maasdnm"); nt 9 a. m. for ITALY, per . s. Werra, via Naples (mall must be dl kSSV."'.'..'!''.?1" ?; Werra"): at 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct, per s. s. Island, via. Ohrlsttnl.t (mall must be directed "per s. m. Island"); nt 11:30 a. m. (supplementary lp. m.) ror EUROPE, per s, s. Etrurla. via Uueenstowii. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - German steamers sailing on Tuesdays tako printed matter, etc., for Germany, nud specially addressod printed matter, etc., for other part of Europe. American nnd White Star steamers on Wednesdays, Germnn and French steamers on Thursdays and Cunard and Germnn si earners on Satur days tnko printed matter, etc., for alt countries for which they are advertised to carry mat',. After the closing of tho suppWuontary Trans-Atlantic mnlls named above, addi tional supplementary malls nre opened on the piers of the American, Englls!,, French nnd Gorman steamers, ana remain open until within tun minutes of the hour ot sailing of steamer. Mnlla for Smith unit Centrnl America, AinvnAV.Ai 1i--n ... tnm v-iao?? k? P., Per steamer from Miami, Fla. TUESDAY At 10 a. 111. for INAGUA nnd ji.iiii, per s. s. nnraiu; at 11 n. m, ror iPUEHTO RICO, pur s. h. Ponce, via Hall Juan; nt 9 p. m. ror JAMAICA, per h. s. Admiral Dewey, from Boston. WKDNESDAY-At 2:30 n. m. for NAS SAU, N. P., per steamer from Miami, Fla,; nt 8 n. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. 'Irlnldad; at 9:30 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL A-MERTCA (except Costa. Rlcu) nnd SOUTH FA- M1,ll lMI'Pf3 ...... .. . .III...... Colon (mall for Guatemala must lie di rected "per s. . Alllanca"): nt 10:30 a. m. for PUERTO RICO, per U. 8. traiwport ? . v v u o, uaimMH (, i"- f-t Juan; at 1 p. m. for CUBA. A..,:.;; . tin. iaiiiwju nnu CHLVPA8, per n. h. Yuentan, via Havana and Progreso (mail for other parts of Mexico must bo directed "per s, s. Yuca tan"); at 1 p. m. for MEXICO, per s. h. Mngara, via Tamplco (nmlt must bo di rected "per s. u. Nlngara"). THURSDAY At 9 p. m. for JAMAICA, per ------ tv.iij 1.1, win juatuiia 8ATURDAY-At 2:30 a. m. for NASSAU. 41. ier nieiimer irom -AUlllnl. f ill.; at J,A',V,i ? 'MARTINIQUE, GUADELUPE. BARBADOS and DEMERA1HA. per s. a. laltsman; ut 9:30 n. 'in. (supplomentary 10 n.,tu.) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and DEMEILVRA, per a. h. Fontabello (mall for prcnada and Trinidad must bo dlrectixl "per s. s, Fontabollo"); at 10 l,".'.rKW'".lSm.'n.tnrr 10:30 a- ") for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. 8AVA- CAHTIIAOENA nnd GREY TOWN, per s. s. Altai (mall for Costa Hint must bo directed "per b, s. Altai"): nt 11 n. 111. for BRAZIL direct, per s, it. Rngusa via Pernambuco and Santos (mall for North Brazil must too directed "per . s. Rngusa"); nt 11 a, m. for CUBA, per YUCATAN, per s. 8. RaveiiHdale. vlaiPro greso; at 1 p. m. for NUEV1TAS Or BARA. BARACOA and PUERTO ' PA DRE, -per a. s. Laiienburg; at 3 p, m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES. 'per a. V. Rlvcr- H M7?tnXr,Ai-8:30 P-. for ST- I'IKK M1QULLON, per steamer from Halifax. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, closo nt this ofllco dolly nt 8:30 p. m. (connecting closo hero every Mondny, Wednesday -mil 8aturduy). Mnlls for Mlqut-lon. by rail to Boston, nnd thenco by steamor,' closo at this ofllco dahy at 8:30 n. m. Malls for Cuba, by rut! to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, close nt this ofllce daily (except Monday) at 7 a. m. (the connecting closes arc .jn Sunday, Wed nesday and Friday). Malls for Cuba, by rati to Miami, Flu., nnd thenco by stenmcr, closo at this olllce every Mondny, Tues day und Saturday at "2:30 n. m. (tho con necting closes are on Tuesday and Satur dny). Mulls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, closo at this ofllco daily at 2::l a. m. nnd 2:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica. Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, nnd thenco by steamer, close nt tills ofllce dnlly at p. m. (connecting closes liero Tuesdays for Costa Rica and Mondays for Bcllzo, Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala) Regis tered mall closes at 0 p. m, previous day. Registered mall closes at 0 p. m. second day before. Trnns-Pnclflo M11IU. Alalia for China nnd Japan, via Vancouver, cloHo hero dally at 0:30 p. m, up to April 10th, Inclusive, for despatch per . s. Empress of Japan (registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver"). Mails far Hawaii, China, Japan und tho Philippine Islands, via San Fran cisco, close here dnlly at 0:30 p. m. up to April 12th. incluslvo, for dispatch per . s, Doric. Mulls for Australia (except Jest Australia). Now Zealand, Hawull, MJl and Samonn Islands, via San Fran cisco, closo hero dnlly ut 0:30 p. in. after March 31st mid up to April Hth, In clusive, or on day of nrrlvul of s. s. Cam pania, due nt New York April 11th. for dispatch per s. 8. Monnn. Malls for China, Jnpan and Philippine Islands, via Tacoma, closo hero dnlly nt 0:30 p. m, up to April 19th, for dispatch per 8. 8. Goodwin. Mnlls for China nnd Japan nnd Philip plno Islands, viu Seattle, closo horo daily ut 0:30 p. in. up to April 19th. for dls ipatoh per s. s. Rlojun Mnru (reglsterud wt',or,,.mll?.t 'o, '"reeled "via Seattle"). ?i,".V." f.or "awnll. Japan, China und the Phlllpiilno Islands, via San Francisco, closo hero dally at 0:30 p. m, up to April 201 h, inclusive, for dlsnatcli per s. ". NIpiKiti Mnru. Malls for Hawaii, via H(m 1- nincispo. close hero dally nt 0:30 p. in. tin to April 27th, Incluslvo for dispatch per h. a, Australia. Malls for Australia (ex cept West Australia, which goes via Eu rope, and New Zealand, which goe.-i via San I-rancisco), Hawaii, and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close horo dally at 0:30 i m. up -to April 28th. Inclusive, for dial patch per s. h. Mlowera. Transpacific mnlls nro forwarded to port of sailing dally and tho schedule of clos ing Is arranged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Registered mall closes ut 0 p. ru. pre vious day. GOVERNMENT NOTICES, PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Dfpartment of the Interior, Ofllco of In dian Affairs, Washington, D. C, March 20, 1900. Scaled proposals. Indorsed "Proposa for beef, flour, etc.." ns th n ciiHo in:) be, and directed to tho Comir.lsHoncr of Indian Affairs, 235 Johnson street, Chl cugo, III., will bo received until 1 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday. April 17, 1900, for rur nlshlns for the Indian Service beef, flour, bacon, beans, coffee, sugar, rice, tea and other ftrtltlcrt of subsistence; also for boots and shoe?, groeerles, soap, baking powder, crockery, agricultural Implements, paints, oils, glass, tinware, wagons, hurncss, leather, shoe findings, saddlery, etc, hard ware, school nnd medlcnl supplies, nnd a long list of miscellaneous nrttclcs. Senled proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for blan kets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, utc," as tho enso may be, nnd directed to tho Commissioner of Indian Affairs Nos. 77 nnd 79 Woostt-r street, Now York Cltv. will be received until 1 o'clock p, in. of Tuesday, May 15, 19u0. for furnishing for tho Indian Service blankets, woolen nnd cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats and raps. Bids must bo inado out on govern ment blanks. Schedule giving all neces sary Information for bidders will bo fur nished on application to tho Indian Of fice, Washington, D, C; Nos. 77 and 79 Wooster street, New York City, or 235 Johnson street. Chicago, III.; tho Commis saries of Subsistence, U. 8. A., nt Chey enim, Leavenworth, Omaha, St. IjouIh. St. Paul and San Francisco; thw postmasters at Sioux City, Yankton. Arkansas City, Caldwell. Topcka, Wichita nud Tucson. Btdn will bo opened nt the hour nnd days above stated, und bidders aro Invited to bo present at tho opening, The Depart ment reserves tho right to dntermlno the point of delivery and to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. W. A. JONES, Commissioner. M20 to A1CM Old hut Antlvr. Andrew Joseph Thompson of Santa Rosa, Cnl. aged 113 years. Is at Milwaukee at tending the murrluge of his grcot-grand-daughier, Ireno Tlbblls. Mr. Thompson l as active us 11 kitten und bright-eyed us a lud of 15. He wis nccompanlrd on his trip from California 1y Vnrdon Thompson of Santa Rosa ind Elmer Thompson of the sumo town, Thcso gentlemen aro Mr. Thompson's grandsons, One Is CI years old aivd tho other 69.