Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 TIT 12
MINOR MU.vno.i.
Davis cells glass.
Hudwelscr beer. L. Koscnfold, agent,
l-'lno A. B. C. beer, Ncumayer's hotel.
Schmidt's photos, now unit latest styles.
Waterman phiieton for sole or trade. W.
II. Ili-ed, :Bi Scott street
Attorney I. N Fllcklnger returned Inst
evening from Den Moines.
.Mrs. J. F. Hunt has bwn taken to nn
Omuhn satiltfirluni for treatment.
Attorney John M. aalvin left tn.t evenlnff
on a business trl to Des Moines.
Oct your work done at thc-populnr Eagle
laundry, 711 Ilroadway. 'I'hone 157.
Hen artogravures. Alexander & Co. clv
iccclal prices on frumes for them.
V. G. listep, undertaker. 2S Pearl street
Telephone: Office, 97; residence, S3.
House cleaning, carpet cleaning and put
ting down. F. II. Swan. 1106 H. ith St.
Miss Mary Stark will leave today for a
visit with friends In Colorado Springs. Colo.
Mrs. II. C. Hrown. wife of Alderman
llrown, has been called to Utc. lu., by the
death of a relative
N. P. Dodge and family have removed
from the Urtind hotel to their new residence
on Woodbury avenue
Mrs. 8. T. Spangler of Aurora, In.. nr
'rived ycpterilay on a visit to her daughter,
Sirs. A. T. Fllcklnger.
Judgo Oliver was In the city yesterday
on his way home to Onawu from Ixican,
where he hud been holding district court.
II. K. Iloynton. representative of the
J'ortsmouth Savings bank of, Portsmouth,
N. II., Is In the city for a few days on
F W. Keyes. recently chler dispatcher
for tho Milwaukee at Manlllit, la., has been
unsigned to tho position of day operator
III the company's yards here.
Tim regular meeting of, '.Htuffs' company,
No. 'J7. I'nlform rank. Knights of Pythias,
will b held this evening-. In Hughes' hall,
when everv memlKT is requested to bo
(lovernor Shaw has named John Bohoent
ceii of this city ns one of tho Iowa com
missioners to the TrmismrsslsKlpul Commer
cial congress to bo held at Houston, Tex.,
this month.
Justice of the Peace Fe"rrior acted as po
lice Judgo yesterday morning In the absence
fll JllngO Ayiesworill, Willi in nun i-uiiiiiit.-ti
Niw Guardian of Oity Funds Anilines tbo
Batiei of Offica.
l-'riini Xov On All city AVnrrnnt .nl
lie I'll lil In Cnsli-Pii) inputs tor
.Mnreli Heaviest on
Tho City COIItlCll lltl.lnr,. rnmmlll
slsted by City Auditor Kvnns, completed
tered tho windows of the room. The flames
enveloped Peterson for a second, burning his
fae and hands. His hair was almost nil
singed oft his head and he will be com
pelled to rejsrow his former luxurlnnt growth
of whiskers.
M'PHIMIMIV Wll.l. s't'AV I limit (HI.
Will .Not Annum- Hie .llllelili Till
Cunurein ViIJi.iii-iim.
Private advices received here from Wash
ington state that Congrewmau Smith Mc
PherBon will not qualify for tho federal
Judgeship, nor assume tho duties of the of
fice at least, until after congress adjourns.
It Is nlo said that as previously nrrahged
Judgo will p'renlde at tho May term
of federal court In Dos Moines and not Me
Pherson, ns suggested a few days ago by tho
dispatches from Washington.
Hon. Iewls Miles of Corydon, United
Slates district attorney for the southern
district, lit quoted ns saying: "It Is pretty
generally assumed that Hon. Smith McPher
son will not qualify for the federal judge
ship, nor OMUtne the duties of that olllco
yesterday checking up tho accounts of ex- untl utter congress adjourn. Congress has
City Treasurer JJrooks Heed. Everything Bomc important biiRinen to deal with, and
o Bimsiuciory nna tho olllee was thin 1 dcovo "lni ' toe general opinion that
formally turned over to Frank T. True, the Mr- McPherson will want to remnln with
newly elected city treasurer. j tho delegation until the end of the session.
On assuming tho city treasuryshlp Mr. I,n 'ho meantime the business of the rourt
Trim has tho satisfaction of being able to hero can bo easily attended to. Judge Shiran
pay hII city warrants in cash, u condition ,H handling the various sessions In the stale
that has not prevailed for a long time. On w,,h wise nnd I don't think It will be dlf
Aprll 1 Treasurer ltid turned ovuf to his tult tor him to take tare of the entire
successor $i7,02l.l!t nnd of this sum Tionsuior business until Mr. MrPhcrson Is qualified
them nnd hong having been settled. Tho
painters and decorators' local union put a
new scale Into efte-t April 1, but Long re
fused to agree to It. The new sole calls
for 30 cents nn hour, eight hours to consti
tute n day's work. When seen yesterday
Mr. Long snld It was not a matter of wages
but of hours. He said he paid some of his
men even more thnn tho union scale. Said
he: "I pay them what they aro worth to me
and not what the union says shall bo the
scale. This is not a union shop."
Iliuiril r Ntipcrt lxir.
Outside of the usual routine of allowing
bills nnd attending to county road matters,
but little business was transacted by tho
Hoard of Supervisor nt yesterday's sessions.
Tho assessors throughout the county nro
required to haVti lliclr books returned to
tho auditor by the llrst Monday in May
and tho auditor was authorized to pay them
not to exceed two-thirds of tho contract
salnry upon their doing so. Tho balance
will be retained until the books aro checked
up and found cornet.
Tho contract for .supplying the county
court house with Ico for the ensiling year
was awarded to llllbert Ilroa. Supervisor
Matthews Is still confined to his home by
slcknefs nnd unable tu attend tho meetings
of tho board.
Holmes In Cimtmly.
The police received word yesterday after
noon from Atlantic, la., that Holmes or
Hoch. the man who passed a forged check ; concurred in this ch
Iowa Hou.89 Diiposes of Tolejraph, Tele
phone and Express Taxation Bilk
Home lln, CiiitBlit l't ultli It wrU
mill .m-Ioiik or Hoi It House Will
I'roluilil.v llo fliinril li-l-'rliliij-
DKS MOINKS. April 5.-fSneelnl Tele
gram.) The house this afternoon disposed
of tlm telegraph, telephone and express tax- '
ntlou bills by iwsing them In the same form
iw tho sennto did. This applies the principle-
of the Cheshlro amendments, the unit
mileage system of taxation, to the express 1
compnes of the state and principle of the 1
Hlanchard substitute to the telcgrnph an I
telepln no bills. In other words, these cor- 1
poratlons will bo tnxed ns railroads are now '
taxed. There was very little effort male,
to get tho Cheshlro telegraph bill through !
as the end of tho session was to near. J
Oinnlliiik Mill l et. I
The senate cleaned up tho appropriation '
bills, which makes both Iioumw now up to i
the omnibus bill, which will be passed to. I
morrow. The achat.. inm.n,i,i it...
,. . ........ ,.,(.
Hoard of Control hill bv a, I, tin,, jn nna i
complete the old people's building at tho
Soldiers' Homo nt Marshalltowii, making
the total now $705,174.03. nnd tlm hm.,.
inge. Tho state edura-
The box with the perforated seal
Tlie name on the mantle
are two ways of telling the genuine
A brilliant light and a long life
are two other ways.
Once used, always used.
See tliat you get the genuine.
Sold everywhere. Price, 50c
can now draw iholr salaries In c.ish In place attention."
of having to discount their warrants. 1 A leading local attorney who has had
Tho Issue of bends in the sum of $200,000 1 considerable correspondence with Crtngress
to redeem tho outstanding warrants In tho man Mcl'herson, snld yesterday that Mr.
general nnd wnter funds, recently brought to McPherson had quite a large amount of busl
a successful consummation by Messrs. True ncv,s to nttend to ami that he would not.
ana need, has been tho means of cleaning J,uRinK from the tone of his letters, resign
fill ftwi VniininVnr tintnl ti-a lltirlni nrprJt . . ...
w .. ' .......jv. nuibi t.v.i.. l..vvtmMI I, ill . .
True him iilrwW m i .Iinli-o Miincer nt Om.-ilm la nt, mtilmpl.l lliorr. When taken Inln rimlndv lie p.ivi. Ibi. ! I'.is-eu as It caino from tlm,
Tho advantage of tho city now being" on a ! '" '"'f"'! '"" niattcra of the court here ' ""me of W. R. Hoch. Tho same fellow Is house c-lrrvCl' i'uI vim' U ",aS!C'' U!
pormanent cash basiB Is duly appreciated by n"1' tan Issue orders or handle any other ' nld to have passed a forged check on Wll- ..' ,r,J , ' , , ' l8t'vt'r:" nmend-
uiu iuuuicipaiiiy-8 oniccrs nnd cmplojeH, who H1,cn ""whwi inni migut rcnuiro immcaimo 1,1111 r.iru.ini siruui, uinuna ilpfrufmi . , 1 " , v""
1'iinoi 14 ill!' Dill
Deputy Marshal White will go to Atlantic
this morning to bring the man back here.
Magazines 'well bound. Morehouse & Co.
Davis sells paints
Ion n Cllnreli Cniifcroiier.
Up nil tho old outstanding Indebtedness of until congrcM udjounis. There wero a nuin- I A.MKS. In., April fi. (Special.) Tho
'tho city and from this tlmo on nil warrants ucr of nuitters that Mr. Mcpherson was per- ('illicit Evangelical church has been holding
issued for current expenses can bo oald the tonally Intennted In that he would deslro a conforenco of the Des Moines district
moment they nto drawn. The refunding of ' se 'Hsiwsed of beforo leaving Washlng
tho old indebtedness nlso untied over tl00.- to"-
rVorm, wuu li nun v-uiiiim.-ti nnn . ,. . . . . '
. .,. . - .....i. ). ..., , vnr,.ru vvv ui mi- l v h I'lisii wiiinn II in nun IriUltll
Ul ills ildlliU nn II. vjl MK-iiii. u.t.rshtn. - .........
I 1111 In 1,'inliB Trnnmui. lo.l l.. .In.. .....I.. WUIllil'.ll
iko l-'runklln, the. colored man- charted rcfusel to pay It out to take up the old or the
iiv a piunrv WOMAX.J
n lth assaulting Jacob Stein, tho Hroadway now warrants owing to tho unsntlsfnetorv
junk dealer. dem.mded a Jury trial In Jus- I '' " , ", . , , , ,. l' y
Jl.... tn..n. r,,.rl vr.ul..r.lnv him tlm i-iimk . rI"lnR 'hO SUprelllO COUTt III the CIISC
ivlll bo tried today. brought to test tho right of priority of the police are
William jicauiey was nrreweu last even
ing for creating a disturbance at Ills home,
111 'Plerc? street. This Is tho second time
that tho police; liavo been called ujuin to
restoro quiet at tnal domicile
Are Sepnrnli-il from
Uiientn liy u Siren.
rnt'lllir llin lliHt wreli !lf Invvn Penler. Thnrn "'" "'UCUrred In the llOUse nlllenilllliMilu in
wns n full uttendaneo of the pre.icherB of j ,h" Hnelton bill limiting the special as
thls district, beside prominent church olll- I stnonts In cities to the benefits accruing
clals. Including lllshop Stanford. The ap- I to Property, tills amount In no case to ex
polntments for the coming year inclmlo CCI''1 -' Per cent of the actual value of the
f5. W. Mullln. presiding elder for tho Cedar property. Tills is a tenmorarv Inu- in
. Ilnld .llallr, ... I I U,. nt V.. i llf'V, I'llInO ln.l t,h I ,.
go,Hl looking young woman uhom the " , ?' w ! T'Zr ' until . n.M. . V . : " V "
flfmrntirl'itltitr . ".nn i t....... ,trcv 'r1;;,:. ;:. Columbia Coaster Brake
Oilman, superintendent of that Institution. ..... ..... ,,.,, .
and never returned. A similar bill h.u 'VI' (-OLL .illil A
defeated In the house) yesterday, bin it I
passed the senate bill this afternoon.
I.'ltlnl nnllnn 1 . .. . .. .
u uiHfii uy uotn nouses on
11 Tlllllllm l.n.. ........ ....
inipui inni iiiensures, 'rne sen
S. Lang. Zearlng; J. M. Ilanford, Colo; II.
II. Nelble. Des Moines; Charles Pickford,
Iowa Center.
isutiiii e.
Tho senato also concurred In minor
amendments to the bill by Mullan extend
ing mo law course In the law schools of the
...iMihui iu n-Ki mo rigiu oi priority 01 me nollco are now iiiiyIiiiih In Input,, nm.pniliiil ............. . -- - , ui- L,miiiuec 10 uo
old or tho warrants Issued for current ex- ZlnK tho la. wdl faS ini' l,fa Mo,nori ,,ls,rlct' wlth headuuarters , appolnlet by tho assembly to rectify tho
Ponses. I . ..,i,L ,,.,, .?". , ,urklnK "'nt Des Moines; T.- M. Kvans, Waterloo: C. I municipal laws can report to the next W.
Ilrnvy tnrrh Piiyiiirntn. this city nth a fako mlvtrt 1Iiik Rchcim.
Th(l lKHlllnir nt flioan Knntlu .m,l iK 1 SflO ronfiMltn 1 11 tllilt ulin U'lia iiitv'nrf Ifilnir
,n ?f l,h0 ' h made the pay- ' "Rer of a publication enti.lcl "Useful
nveiilng. mere is nusiness oi imiyiriiiiiep v-um iu, iUU uiuuui i .iurcn me Heaviest '!": umm ,t- iiinj ih,-sikiito
to rumo beforo the council and every mem-1 In tho history of the city. During tho "r 'ho use of Methodist churches. Sho
vvr is reiiienn.-.i i in; 4,1 t-t-iii,
ChnrleSi S
Hie I
Bblo inlnlnK property In that roylon. I eluding tho procc-ds from tho bond issue ir wero her special "graft" and In one citizens, was dying In a Chicago hospital"'1 1 wlH-
l-'or rent, at a very low rental, "ovw" . was J215.0D8.80. block she secured $1 from each of nine He has been undergoing nn operation for1 1 "oiiso took action on the stipulated
FiTv acVe5'nn7on"r ,icres, near Council Although tho Income for the present fiscal of tho eleven attorneys In the building. I 'he removal of a cancerous growth. The ,um "' wMrb P38! 'he sennto last
Jlluffs and Omaliiu Apply to i'onanl l-;v- year will bo smnller thnn it was last year The young woman was dcclccdly pretty, well , ucwb comes ns a greai shock 10 1110 enure - w um providing en-
nctt. IS Pearl street, Council llluffs, In. cily olllclnls say that with proper economy dreFsed and her manner Inspired conlldence, ! community, as Mr. (Irnngor is ono of Its "y'y new regulations for these companies,
f,ndMrsr VruKramV'NoTth Klghth ' bo ,"' l t nil legltlinatc de- so that she had very little .....lenity .n se- most popular clcns. "vor had any particular ls
tu, 111. ...... . ,,vnixt
t.-mn- imnirtj t n ' r. . fo.uLi .state from two to three vears. 'Ph.. nui.
I.., . 1. ... .. . . .,1.. 1.....1 ,.. 1 1 . . . .. .,. n-t , 1 ,1.1- 1 "-" uiii.111 1 t-u in mo no ise .-uiu. mil, w.niu 1,,
. ,. .. . . 1 ni"i ""vit oi 111.iL TuonLii i reasurcr Itceil took "'"" " " wuikhib iiere ior inn neneiu , I'leKmiii.j .un nun h-li-icu m-n- iun ,, .... ,, ,, , , , i CL
lm unnDH,'!n where"! nAn re- "'' and 1,alJ 1,1 harl cns" warrants nggre- "f 'he Fifth Avenue Methodist church nnd afternoon that C. I,. Granger, mayor of this 'l0 '" "m,""B ,,ho H"i"bte.lncss of cities !
n for several months lil file" Vploy of Rating J2!)3.524.n2. Tho amount received 'hat tho pastor. Itev. K. W. Krlckson. had city for eight years and ono of Its most " o l one-fourth the actual value of
Anita Mining company, owners of valu-j in tho city treasury during the month, in- contracted lo take 100 of the bonks. Iiw- prominent business men and influential , ,. , y ro,1,r,1(-'a D' 'ho lust assess- plums. W
Chain or Ghainless SPALDING Chainless or Imperial
(Saves one-third the pedaling Only $5.00 nxtrn.)
One-pound pressure on Columbia Constcr Ilrnko docs same work ns fourteen pounds
on nny other brake
COUWIIIl-V CH MN'I.KSS. $60 nnd $7ft: KPAhDINfJ CHAINI.KSS. $110 and S75
ChiiltiU'-s an- outselling hlgh-grndo chain wheels two to ono this your.
Council Bluffs.
plums. When completed the entire orchard
will cover lfi" acres, making It tho largest lu
In support of this assertion they curing victims nt $1 apiece.
isotlec of funeral -will Do given , i(10 twelve months Inst closed ,11,1 ,,ni rmoh same nerson who turned . aimllnr tri.-t- nt
troet. died lust evenlnir from water, on
tho brain lifter four weeks" Illness, aged 32 point to tho fact that tho expenditures for Tho young woman Is believed to be the
Army l'tml nt Den Molnrs.
Tnle of it lliiHliin nllir Who VUlleil
the I'lnee Iteeenlly.
tho bill with ail nmpmlmnnf rnfl.llm. l.n ! Tlirnr vmrn nim mnnrl Mtilrl f Vint llnliln-
DES MOINKS, April 5. (Special Tolo- Hicpo companies all dpnoslt with thn m. 1 FOn -'runt.'n islanil-that lt of land uo
C i ... 9 tU.. J-A..imnnlt.1 in . . u liiu au" IllVqtlTlnilu n ml Vi rt f11 ifruwn In tUn
liar trll'K at , o.....o... r v,., rn.rv.,r.ll .n. ... " mo .in- invsti.rlnils nnil vi.l r iv,.ll truvvn In thn
' i Mm .,.,.(, ,-i.i ... ek ,i, ...i .. j ....i... i... "' " .im"-"" ui Hi.uc securities eouni 10 tim nmmi, i.::.. .. ..v.;;: v.". 1
A defective Hue was responsible for the r. "r.?"K ' ' . ' " " 111 "l r'.:i.. ' . . 1 . ,u, ' " Kxchange today received a telegram from of the value of the ihv , Z " i S , , n i w ,.,n.,.i,
llllll lllllicu l'olilni.loii ulnllnf ihnt l'rpldellt MeKln- frln,,.!,, f .1... i.,,, ... '. .... n ...... ,.. ...... i.
and us healthful today I
miles oil toe I'linean i
d to tho shlnwre. ked ,
in the romance which
iv urii-rinr 1111,7 Willi itvinnipiinr iui 111 , . . . ........ . ,, . ..........
destruction by lire yesterday afternoon of , departments nnd thnt the city saved no less the pastor of the local Christian
the one-story rrnnio tiuijciing nt im west man b,, Tlio total appropriations was used
Hroadway occupied by CharliV Clbff ns a ,nu,j0 for tho last llscal year were $72,000 wroto to
Zl KB ,? "with V iX hul M ir. nl the report of City Auditor Kvnns iust bo on tho
K. Mlnnlck. nrrested Wednesday night comploted shows that against this amount but Hho left
for disturbing the iiesiee.of the Inmates of varrautn for $65,69!).fi'.i only were drawn, warning reachlni; here. The police hope to
Iirnl t,i rini V m ,l UiZ ii.i leaving the above balunce on the right side catch her, as she can be easily identified
ccmtK f tho lPlK''r- Tbilt 8l" wis saved by a conspicuous gold front tooth.
until April 10. Ho guvo bonds for his ap- hist year it Is claimed demonstrates that
venrnnce. .fy 1 several of the city deimrtments can bo sue- -Jilts. KI.i.a It A Ul'int i) is DKAIl,
A building permit was-, issued yiterdny cessfully run for this year on tho diminished
to Mugg e lliick for a one-story brick build- appropriation. i AVIiloiv of n IMmieer Settler of Counell
lug nt tho corner of Tenth street and "l'Plriiuioii. III,iv i...,.
Hroadway, to cost $.S00, and one to Martin Tho appropriation Inst year for the pollco j '
Nelson, for the erection of a one and half department was $17,000 nnd of this only lrs' ''nm 1 rn'rrd, widow of Daniel W.
story frame cottage ut 911 Avenue A, to jls ,20 t.Xp0i,led Tho appropriation Crawforu"- no of tho pioneer settlors
Lrt L Des Moines Is to the effect Jhl " that '; boUt
Mint the bill to establish a state board to tho department can bo run ns cheaply ror .""f?""? , Ult , of 111 r llll,1Uer-
regulate the-burbers' trado will not pass the the next twelve months as It was for the MrH- M- "o"rer, -J9 Vino stieot, aged SO
rl"l.teUZVh, y f h.'.lf. nZ '."'h, ilny Inst t,ar- So' cutting of expenses may ,l'-
.W.iPfr.r. "1, lV .L'.. .r"'.'.' . -h"l have to bo done In the lire denartment. as , Crawford camo to Council llluffs on
that body assumed that the senate would tho npproprlntlon this yenr Is only $10,000, ,n Missouri river steamboat before any rail
Kill u.
Mayor Jennings has niuyiivneed that ho
will call a special meetlnu'of the city coun
cil for next Monday nlglit to approve the
bonds of the olllelafs appointed at the ses
sion Inst Monday night. Mt Is deemed ad
visable that these otllcers assume their du
ties before the dJourne,d meeting of tho
council a week from Monday.
Miss Christ In n Sort. oVfeil 3.1 years, died
early yesterday mornlniCnt tho Woman's
Christian Association hospltnl. She had
been employed as housekeeper lu the family
of Alexander Wood for u7 number of years,
until her recent Ulnessi. which resulted
from nn nttiuk of the grip. Arrangements
for the funeral will be made later.
Funeral services over tho late .Miss Kath
erlno McKlnley will bo held tomorrow
morning at 9 o'clock at Francis Xnvler's
ehurcJi conducted by ltolv. Father Smyth
Tho funernl cortege will leave the residence
of the deceased's sister-in-law. Mrs. Anna
McKlnley. 1.11S West Dro.idwny, at S:it)
o'clock. Interment will bo In tho Catholic
cemetery. '
That an nttempt to enter the Jewelry
store of Jnciiiieniln Uo. on Main street
ihad been made during tjie previous night
was discovered yesterday morning by ono
of the clerks when he "wcni to open up.
Tho door has a double lock and It was
found that ono lock was thrown and the
other broken and could not be opened with
the regular key.
Tho Sunday working barbers have pre
pared a petition protesting ngalnst the pas
sage of the ordinance prohibiting the oiien
lug of barber shops on the Sabbath, which
They will present to the; city council. A
prominent lalor union man of the city Is
responsible for the statement that every
one of the new aldermen -Is pledged to sup
port the ordinance. '
Mrs. Margaret Klllott'-of 119 William
street, Omaha, was In the city yesterday
In queH of her son Harry, aged 11 years,
who dlsiiiuienred from his home last Tues
day morning. The lad was neiit to the Lin
coln rchool, but only got as far ns tho
school yard, when he learned he was
wanted In the principal's room for punish
ment, lie left the yard and has not been
seen since. The police failed to secure nny
trace of the Uiy on this vtile of' the river.
J: "v- "' tlh' ' ley had just signed tho bill establishing an tieally kills it The ZZ Z. " ! ? tul
iuu piuue uore, Iiuiliyillg mem 10 , . tlt tor. na nn II la nnur n lnw -. ........ " in 8 local oil 4IIO
lookout for ih v,,n- wom!, " tZ " . of which coast as it appeari
the cl.y one day ahead of the I ,.'"" n VA"-' nn I no '"validated by rulings ' . - ' '
v r v.iti u h -v . rf ........... i in ii i ii in iiiriuiL' crnnntn i - i a - iin. iiiiiui:
Wnltern May Strike
DKS MOINKS.-.Anrll n. (Special
Rram.l-Thcrb larohahlllty that the ,cfoatI' but tho most prominent mem- it.i1l,,.!,ul!,f,'t1r,H
wnlters in tho hotels and restaurants of DerR Ba' " will knock out a lot of these cuted In the actual ex
ni... i . . ... ii win oe rememneieo tnai tne auven-
..iv nwi.uu una niiernoon concurred In the Hires of Itoblnson Crusoe In llctlon were
Tele-1 10 li0 H''iiment rather thnn lot tho bill roughly th( adventures of Alexander Sel-
nuu 1 lie sirange tilings
nc were nearly dupll-
v-tiiit'litti on ,,f tliA nllinr
Dps Moines will strike. Only a few of tho companies, If not all of them, by making So the cave In which Alexander Selkirk !
proprietors have 'fn'et tho demands of tho , -trlngont a renulrement. I ""red TX ofhn I
! rliluy Ik ClolnK Dnv. 1 Crusoe. John Hums, a Heston sailor, was
At tho close of the afternoon session the. o'pinVS ',. wl, r"CFnUy v,H,ted lhn ,
was uo doubt In the minds of tho members "We visited' nil of the haunts of Alexan
that tho business of tho session would bo lor Selkirk, the real adventurer whom the1
Good Things
waiters, nnd tho wnlters today Issued an
ultimatum giving the employers until April
15 to accept.,
County Suprvlnorfi IJoiirit
whllo last vear J17.075.nii was expended. I1""1 rim ncro '"" ad at the time of her
Tho balunce s,ivod from last year will go (ln'ls" heen a nsident of this city for for
into tho general fund nnd enn bo called upon 'y-Kht enrs. Mrs. Hohrer, wife of ex
to meet contingencies and by drawing on Mayor Hohrer. Is her only surviving child,
tho contingent fund any extraordinary ex- j her son, the late Philip Armour, who was
reuses connected with nny of the depart- 1 1'ostimiBter of Counell llluffs during Pro
ments can bo nnct In this manner, thus ,!," Arthur's administration, having died
keeping tho expenses of each department l" 1S!,:1- r'r grandchildren survlvo her:
within tho appropriation us required by . Mrs- Jumps A. Ward, nee Lottie Armour,
01 .uinnenpons, .Minn.; unarios is. Armour
of Des Moines; 1. Ilcers Hohrer nnd Carollno
Test Hohrer of this city.
The funeral will bo held Saturday after
noon at L'O o'clock from tho residence of
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. F. Itohrcr. i39 Vine street.
Hov. (Jeorge Udward Walk, rector of St.
ntnxis ix tin: ijisthict nxiiT.
Suit llrouulit llefore Smith t Iteeover
1111 Seliool Churls.
In the district court yesturduy Judgo
Smith heard tho case of J. H. Ilurd ngalnst
1 nlmin.i .. .... .. . . fim-nllnt ti.nlf fnr lilu hi.n, W, ulflrt.,.1 tha
....... .. . ,t ret ., m. , . vi.-vii 11 1, 11 y lit ,1111 1, rinfi v- --, ........ - "- ....... . .....
u.-nawa, ia.p April o, tapeciai leie- .h,M, ,,,,.:"",' . sandy shore where the man Frlduy was
gram.) Tho Hoard of Supervisors of Monona ' ueen noninu me scimtc, found. We enteied Crusoe's cave, where
county, who have been In Besslon this week. tlaa, cauRht up with its work until It had ,,"',;H find memoranda wrre carved on the
adjourned today. Their last act was to nt the close of the afternoon , Vy rXu In the mountain for
knock the Woodbury-Monona county ditch s,s,s'on ""t to pass tho omnibus hill to- at least forty feet. It does not start from
nuestion off the kopje by a vote of two to raorrow HmI attend to n few minor matters. , '''' water, bm hns Its mouth somewhat
one. This .tth, it for Monona county for uk tlto "b'",'"-.. f , $ &
tho present. '"1H n"-'noon was the Titus bill to prohibit very attractive, other smaller caves nr.-
...u ,ii..iiuun;iiiie m peari ouitoiis and butter-I "far at iiiiiui, one ur wnim is now 01 eu
tubs in tho state penltcntinrles which was 1l(1 1,J' an 01,1 woman and two voung chll
killed by the house. It wn ,,' , i.m .!"'"' ,.A,. ",.W I1.0.".4. Ill .'!' K". "!V' ;l..u!!'1
...1 : ... . . . . . .. . v v '' Kiim neni 10 mane no ine iiuiiuv i.imu
Itobert beeier or iiarnum went to inu mis disposes of It finally. The tax H certainly looks veiy picturesque to set -a
cago nnd while taking In tho sights met fcrret b)11 rmsf0l by t, Relmt0 Vester.liv modem while enameled bed with bras
three men, who relieved him of J1.S beforo ' " "L c Mer ,.y trm,n lwUw , ,., C..VP wUh ntnig
Parting. 3 lne ' us tod -O- The senate s valllul on ,Jl(. nor ,.xl.,,, wlmt nature pr vlded
it. t'. AlKen. a reurca inrmer wno iiveo j ii mo iuer nony and so .1111' to see tne i iuidren. cnicKens. UU' ks.
lmvn ivs Notes.
Carroll county has an empty Jail.
prohibiting free w"'l goats and old woman on the bed at
which will now en .0 r..!1""..; .... ....
near Ida Grove, committed suicide by did tho house oicnmirc
iwiiKinjr wiuie vifminj: wmi a rrienu. I'oor lunches in salooiiK
li cnlth In iiHRtfTtipd rts tho c.:il)s&. . . . 1
mm.,. v ..n.. u... .i 1110 SrmatO Sifting COmmitlee. Tlio senatn nivn nml kjh.- lhn t:ill.t roil! hv nn Knir.
the work of double tracking Us main lino collateral inheritance tax hill was nlso passed ,i4h h man In memory of tho
across the Htato and it is expected tlio un- by the house. The nenato passnl the bill ,lvpn!"rer Selkirk, who made tho iwland
At . - luiiiuiin
ilortuklni? will bo onmnlotod thin vonr.
P. NVah.Kren. formerly pre.l.lent of the , vices for " "'nnU pass" tho na" l.arl.Sf w !!.',oWCrll,H ,l!fle.ihnboV,t'PnC?ho riictllllf tl.O exhausted dilutive or-
Hoard of School Directors or the Independ- J !ynn" ""er'et bo I-lrIov ; l.VA'"' ' w i'SVfekt r,' h " "ol.nt v-JTms ,lonil1 reorKanZatlon hill dolnK away KlHta TiK.-"i'1, on! ! St lelil'VSUl OVCrctl dlCSt-
ent school district of (larncr towiiHhlp. Tho "llllry- will brine about n settlement of lltlfratlon with brigade organizations and IncreasliiR l tti? KetVin....1t f V'liri. r.n riornV-.,V anl a,1(1 tonic- -N" I'tT liropariltlOH
suit Is to recover 350. the value of four- For gtoVL,s wo ave ,p buRt faclI. J?"" W" ",eft I ,ho a(1Jutant K-ncraPs salary H.soo vScotrhmc, and n few Italians.' numherliiK I Ci,n hLprnuch It ill Oillfloncy. It ill
teen ceocrnphlcal charts, which Ilurd ,,, ,h ltv Ynl.P ,.. ,,.. ,inwn sW ",.L '.:,. .. ""'.J.. ... ! to $2,000. Tho barbers' commission bill in all about elphty-llve. Mere on this Kem I Stltlltly R-lieWS 1111(1 pcntlllliently Clirea
Iliilr-iioiiiiil, oiM--Hiilia nnd
'1'ivo-iioiiiiil pneUiiKen
... JOHN C .
Woodward & Co.
MiiiiiirneturliiK Confeetlonrr.
Jobbers of IIIkIi Crnilr C'lnnm.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It.'irtllk'iallvdlL'osts tlio food and nlda
Nature in BtreiiL'tlicnitiy and recon
itles In thecltv. Your stove taKen down, set
claimed the board contracted with him to ' ,, ani ,mt ln ah comition as when
K. Y. Plumhli ? Tei. J.r-0.
Itenl I'kIiiIc TriinHfrr.
Tho following transfers were tiled yesler
lay In the abstract, title and loan office of
J. W, Squire. 101 Tearl street:
Omaha UrldKe & Terminal Ilullwny
company to tiny C liarton. part of
e'v liw1! 2-"."i-ll. i e d $
I.ydla M. Sherraden to Mjrtle K and
Harriet 1.. Shuart. w'v hit i In block
10. Hnyllss1 2no add. w d
3.. ll.irter to D. II. Kmery. lot 1 In
Hutchinson's subdlv, q c l
1'. (J Webb and wife to D II. Kmcry,
lot 2 In block A, Kiddle's subdlv, q
e d
C. l- Webb and wife to P. 11. Kmeiy.
lots 21 and 2.' In block 15. Hums' add,
q e d
rat rick Wnnl to Chicago. Hock Island
H Paclllc Hallway comp.inv, lot II,
block 20. Kiddle's Kiibdlv. w l
Ida Cawtdy to the I'littawattiunle In
veKtmcnt ciimpanj, lot 10 In block C
nnd lot l In block s. and lots I and 2
(except iIkIu ijf way) In
Mock ill, Hums' add. mul lot. 12 in
block !i Kiddle's subdlv, w d
CieorKO W. I.lpe and wife to Iletsv J.
.loiies, lot 18, block I, Twin t'lty
I'luce add, w d
Jt. W. McKer and wife to Charles M.
Hooker. hU lot 2 and nil of lot :i in
lilock 2. Cars'on. w d
J. A. Udell and wife to W. J. Wood
ward, lot 0 In block I, Curtis & Hum
soy's add, w d
AiiKUsta Johnson, widow, and Albert
.lonnson nni wire to a. .m. I'owcii,
se'i nw'4 anil 2S acres lu nw'i of ne'J
nnd lot a lu sw'i nwi, all In SH-TH-ls,
TV d 3,1500
Total, eleven transfers Ji.ssi
Mr. Rlloy 6-cent clpar.
deliver nnd then rescinded the order. Tho
contract, which was produced In evidence,
was nlso slRned by Henry C. PIllinK. secre
tary of tho board, but as ho has since died,
Ilurd brought suit aRalnst WnhlKren alone.
Tho court took Its decision under adviso
ment. Tho hearing In tho suit of tho Omaha &
Council llluffs Knllway and Drilled com
pany against tho Omaha, Council llluffs & Ilullwny company to detcrmlno
tho relative rights of the two rival com
panies on Hroadway and Main street, was
again postponed, this tlmo to next .Monday.
Tho defendant ln the suit of tho Omaha
Urldga and Terminal Hallway company
against the Mount 'Ann Baptist church, In
which tho plaintiff seeks to quiet Its title
to certain property formerly belonging lo
the church bougMt under tax sale, tiled an
amendment to Its nnswer yesterday. It sets
up thnt the property In question wns used
for religious purposes solely, and that there
fore was exempt from taxes, and that nn
tills account the tax deed under which
the plaintiff claims to hold it is invalid
and of no force.
Mrs. Ilattle C. Ilergmnn was grunted a
divorce from 1'red K. nergnian on statu
tory grounds.
Charles Langilon, Indicted on the charge
of maliciously putting his fist through a
plato glass, window In Kd linker's barber
shop at 110 West Hroadway, entered a pica
of guilty and wns sentenced to twenty days
lu tho county jail.
William C. llrooks, a farmer of Coburg,
Mont'gomery county, (lied a voluntary peti
tion In tho I'nlted States district court yes
terday asking to bo declared a bankrupt.
Ills liabilities, secured and unsecured,
amount to $3,036.70, nnd he has nwctH ag
gregating $300, which he claims as exempt.
He alro lifts as assets real estate valued at
$5,000, but states It Is covered by mortgages
to tho amount of $0,752.85. which hiue heen
placed lu our care.
Mcrrlam Ulock.
Commonwealth 10c cigars are good cigars.
Have your magaznles bound.
& Co.
Negotiated in Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N. Crmady, Jr..
l-i Main f,. Connrll TtliilT..
They only cost 10 cents more. Kxtra
double strength mantles, the "Yuscn," 100
cnndlo power. Oct them at Illxby's. Tele
phono 193.
K n Kin err Ifnilly llnrneil,
Lewis Peterson, engineer nt the Ornnd
hotel, was somewhat seriously burned about
tho fHce und hands yesterday nornlng whllo
locating a leakage of gas with a lighted
candle. Tho smell of gns was noticed In
tho slnkroom on the second iloor and Peter
son went lo Investigate. Tho lighted candlo
caused an explosion of the ca which ahat-
('limine nt I'ollee lleinliiiii rtern.
Some changes nro promised In tho nenr
future at police headquarters, with n view
to miming tho fnrco to bettor advantage.
Tho sergeant's desk, which is now In the
olIU'os on tho second Iloor of tho patrol
house, will be removed hick to the city
Jail. This will place an additional man In
the Jail office and make It possible for the
day and night Jailers to act ns patrol drivers
during the hours they are on duty.
The second Iloor of tho patrol house will
bo continued to be used ns general pollco
headquarters and Chief Albro will liavo as
his nfne the room now occupied by tho
sergennt. The room formerly used by the
chief will be utilized ns a private consulta
tion room or "sweat box." Hy this arrange
ment of plnelng the desk Fcrgeants and the
telephone servlco in the Jail olllco It is be
lieved that the' force can be reduced ono
man without impairing Its efficiency.
Mayor Jennings has not yet made nny
appointments to 1111 the vacancies caused by
the resignation of Olllcers Rergmnn, Husso
and Wnlklngton. The latter Is still on duty
nwnlting tho appointment of his successor.
Patrol Driver Doty has, nlso placed t-hla
resignation lu the hands of tho mayor, as it
had been decided to detnll him for pollco
duty and he has no deslro to walk a beat.
Chief Albro has reappointed Charlo3
White and Dick Denny ns his deputy mar
shals and will submit tlio same at the next
meeting of the council for conllrmttlon.
Km i. ' r ' ,l r '? l';f.r'M u8 it- isia, i on, Heart rn,
"1S of Staten Island, three miles wldo by llfteen , i! .,, ei.n. -W.,,iu.
hn.l I hov lr.i.l I,,.,,v .iv-lulnnnA MM,.... I 1' 111 I II U'lU'O, OOUP .MOIIlHC.Il. JNilUSCfl.
. make nn "easy iiiiur frmii the iisheries. for Sick HeadaelicOastiali'ia.CraninH and
a i.7 vir. . " .,.. , .,.'" '-'000. Tho barbers' commission
west of Albla on last Sunday. A special ImS!,0,l by tho houso some weeks ago
train broucht In about 50O nerson frnm klllod by the senate thin nftern
Des. .Moines, Ottumwii, Oskaloosa and other not heen recommended hv tho nm
towns in the vicinity. About twenty lights ,,,i,, ., ' . the bav Is full of lobsters and vellnw-tiill.
wero had, lasting the entire dny. and u fl "c"5 "lul" muignniinn on a smail cannery in on the island, where the
good deal of money changed hands. , tho part of tho members of thnt committee ilsh Is put up f r shipment. A schooner from
John T. Drill.', supervisor of the census when Senator Hayward called it up out of Chile loin Ins there every twenty days to
for the Tenth dlstrlut, Is experiencing dltll- order '""i' w,tl1 ,M to deliver the
culty In Inducing competent men to accent t-1, . . ... mall. A few men are engaged in the seal
positions as enumerators. The competitive' sennto nt un ovenlng session passed fisheries nnd un- ibdng well. The seals are
examination which must be taken and the tno luso bill by Hawk, providing for tho numerous .inmiid the Island, but they aro
tomi anuiveiy small pay which goes with , use of voting machines in Iowa. The vote " n " v" '."' " "n""crn seal, on nc
the. lob apparently deter many men from
"i-i-niiiK upiiuiiiimeiu.
was unanimous.
count of their light fur
"The Island Is covered with wild goats,
wild donkeys and wild pigs. The nntlvfs,
strange to relate, rati h the goats In tho
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Price 50o. himI $1. I.urgo hlzecontalnnS tlmc9
aiiiiillsl.e. Hook iillnlxjutiivspcpituinallL'd free
Prepared by E C. Dc'VI" T & CO., Chlcaao
reck'n I wuz created tu show thai the man
who has the biggest thirst up lilm allua
has tho fiwist ways of gnitlfjln' It."
Ir. 3IooiIn Hiii-khIii.
Comparatively few people knew Ihe Ini-
Melsner sells Mlssquri wood nt $.".25 ier
iHird; ifi-luch rick wood, $1.25. N'cxt to
M. 13. church. Promlum Htamps given.
"What's the matter with thn Common
wealth cigar?" "It's nil right." Try ono
and see for yourself.
Hardline I.Icciihcm,
MrenscH to wed wero Issued yesterday to
tho following persono: ,
Name and llesldence. Ase.
Kdwurd Johnson, North Hend, Neb
.Mrs. Mlln Kad. Cienevn, Neb
John T. Hlalr. Omaha f,7
Mrs. Mary K. Kddy. Omaha 2
.1 M.i.-.
... ... I -"."'.
""""" n Ulrei'l I nr. Wmlilnirlnn Clnr. KMI.ln. n i.i i. untm. ti-nv tlinl II Is l-nllnrlnil H.illrlilf ,11,1
big. Ilue-Iookllig man sat in the corner n-i. .i.i .n ...1 ... ... "The mils- fruit that I saw there was the morons side of the Lite Dwleht I.. Mon.u
of a south sldo car reading his newspaper ZL";, , . "u,-rl-H l""ro " fit? and the qnlii. e Altogether the Island says the Saturday Kvenlng Post, yot nmoiig
reports the Chlca-o News Vnvt in him poIlcemnn tH bc found?" , 5 n strange little nrlni lpallty. Its mom.- the neighbors and frit nils of his b,.hood he
-i i ii 1 1 ..., i. ." . . . v sat "Have you met that party of ruffians who i"lns n i- h to a height of 3. 000 feet and It was known as .1 uoo.i ,i,.i f ,, wag and a
a little woman In an up-to-date frock. Sho , hav .., dlseliarclnc llrenrms ,t ii , 's nrrltv well watered. heaity laugh was a benediction in him.
had ti box of candy in ono hand and an 1 , fl ,. . lerrl- ..)t wll , 170, Umt Alexander Selklik. I One r his old friends, Mr (lenrge ri
opera libretto In the mlmr ),., innH rylnK tno ,,o'"'"y" Pld tho citizen, 1 the Scotch seaman, wns east aw.iy here and , Ho. kwood of New York, then his summer
Si n , .,t...n..L t"cr- hhe tried to tromitlausly. ! remained four yens ber.ire he was picked neighbor, standing with him one day In
get a newspaper from a boy who camel ..,.,,, ... . 1 up by a Hrltlsh ship and taken back to his front of his home at Northlleld. dwelt wit n
through the carj but the conductor broke up I , 1 1 , '' v""11 ,ro town country. ! great enthuslnsm upon the beautiful view
. , .. .... 'i I'rlniRnn f.lilen inni u.'t ui,nl.i.l ,, I ........ ,i... ...... . i n .. . ...t., .... . .1... , ... u1 ..... ...
,,, v.i 1. wou 1 .iiiiii ni- no' i-Ain-i ii-iiii-n Wlllt'n me 111 nn' . oniii-i'urui river anil ill' rolling up
time. Wo wnnted n large portion, nnd wo I islnnil hns undergone since then, ln the lands pni-i iited from the spot,
wanted It served nnlek " early part of this century It was used fori It is one of the llueftt stretches of land
.. . ""l"' a time us a com let settlement and In the - scape In the entire ntute. and nil who have
woman in tho up-to-date frock paid her I mihu ih ncsi wans or me run lire 10 no inunu niliuireils , seen It luivi-ndinliwl It greatly.
fare In ncnnles and smiled i for J'01"" 'awlem companions, and you want of dungeons hewn by the prisoners them- "Vcs," nald Mr Moody, "trim's the only
T,,n hi , t sm""- J tn ,,avo th , nrrP8tfl(i ., . cn..T. l1n .... , selves In Ihe heart of the rock. Hut the 1 fraud I ever committed. When I pur-
Tho big mans newspaper was spread out i J" . . irnsieu so iney cant Uo nn 1 ,ih,i.,n.o from Ihe malnlnnd. as we 1 as the chased this place, th.- poor fellow who
neiore ner eyes, aim Bnc glnnced at the iiiiiu wiiy oi k-i-imi k iiii-Kari imiu provisioned . owned it went otT and left tlio view, nnd
headlines. Then she read n half column -u' Blr' "l,v' omy go: started, nut ','."." ii r.. .I'lV. . lll""' i
about a thrilling rescue of a typewriter girl ! "r "nimunltlon's give out. an' wo want rSon Tni trnoni The 'l!
by a gallant fireman. Sho glanced sideways 10 flml Bnm" PoU'uien so's we kin tako ' ment then dei ldel to iibaml
the transactlon and. seizing tho small news- I
dealer by tho slack of the pants, put him J
down on tno pavement. Then the pretty
nt tho big man. Apparently he was taking
no notice. She began on a story of bur
glars Iri u south side flat, how they bound
nnd gagged a woman, stole her sealskin
sack, nnd
"Oh, oh! the horrid things!" she exclaimed
Tho big man looked nround Inquiringly,
nnd then, quite as a matter of course, ho
"Hnve you finished this page, mndnm? If
so, let us turn to the stok reports nnd the
society news."
their revolvers away from thorn."
nnndez a a convh t settlement.
inner came back for It
II In Text i mini Im I,
How do you liko your now typewriter"
Gravel roofinc
Howell's Ant!-'
A. II. Head. 511 D'way.
Ho;' nnd the Cons,
A llttlo fresh-nlr wnlf was spending his
flrat day In tho countiy. When the cows
camo up In tho ovenlng tn be milked ho went
down to tho barnyard with his host to see
tho operation. The cows were standing about
placidly and, as is their custom at that tlmo
of day, wero contentedly chowiug tho cud.
Tho boy watched the mllkulalils at work
, 3 j and his eyes dwelt with growing wonder on
, tho ceaseless grind of tho cows' Jaws. At
length ho turned to his host and said: "And
do you havo to buy gum for all them cows?"
Detroit Journal: "Forgot you?" she ex
claimed, palnedly. "Never."
Yet Harold, In his heart, whr not con
vinced. Ho would test her.
Now It chanced that tho nomination to
tho vice presidency of tho I'nlted States , j,", IobJ(!
huh going lagging .11 me moment. this i he tnml
Harold accepted, nnd after presiding over i from th
tho senate for four years presented him
self again to Ihe beautiful girl.
"Your fnrn seems familiar, but your name
quite escapes me!" she said, with froldetir.
This fable teaches how unreasonable
somo men nro.
i. ... ,o .,i ,,,n ii.- ,i i... inoii ieu li e ,im i.
again inhabited when iVum" l..ior ..r11'" f,i,nJ?'" ","H ",e """'" ':"''
term of years by n Swiss natri.-hu, ,m,.,i "I, wonder how I ever got along without
Huron von Ilodt. He had served In Ihe
i. II II ..,,,.l,l I . . 1 .....
Austrliin onvnlry and reielvc-d wounds that . .,V i . i' "-"",".,.r,v'"K mB "
disabled him for army life. Convert ing h ,n.H, ",".,n " ,.to. . . .... u .
fortune Into money ho left Kuropii an went ","',lnl,v. lm,'- n ". ?"'-, h
to Vnlparnlso, Chile. Having ii I erinlt's r?'"!' !"' ,lls Hl'."'!' '" Incredibly
dlsposl. on he established hlmf If cm he "''.'.T' ''"T. ''" oul this:
.inn, nr .............. ,, ..ti' i . ii in i -iniii 1 1 ii u iiinuiif'iiiin
rl,,. .1. .11, ,lll I- ... IHIII.11'2. I' 1I1II II
a type writ, er for thre nmonlh an d Ovei.
priiliounee It pronoce It
than the Mnnufnctuii
this Industry, us well as fruit raisin on a 1,1 . ' 1 .' .V ,J"rl"K '" ,' '"' "en In po
large and iimlllable scale ,UI!""K a session o I. th ree innntli ?l Id has morn than
.ter an. other kind of fisheries "cm Id '? XsX;.m,ily n
lo j.rolltable he leased the Island t ' ? "v, , 5lP
ie Chilean government nnd conducted ria f,,,- t Jri,ic
ustrv its un ns fruit n.iui., .... ' 'aini. u i ii uiiring
Only One Tlilni; to Do,
Chicago Post: "Thnt set of nntlriuo oak
I'he win- with Peru nt lenutl. nr r ni-i-. ,i
nnd his liiifclneMs whs broken uu. He re
turned to Kurope, but found himself so
llttlo adapted for civilized life after ills
Island experience nnd so homesick fur his
ocenn home that he again set will for Jiinn
Fernandez, this tlm.. tnklng with him n
charming bride lo share his lot. There o.
the green tropical shore the most lniiosng
of the dozen villas Is his home today, lie Is
I...... ' i";vv ' saving oi u an . n iur.
lohn $ fllbbs."
"There jou me. sir "
"inanKN, Bum the ngent, and
quickly went nwny.
Poetry Trust,
Detroit Journal: At this the poet formed
Knwf curen cnugh. eolJi.
Striker Iteouiue 'WnrU.
Three union painters In the employ
. II. Long, who walked out on
t)uV f. 1. nri.,..n.l it. ,.
furniture does not match the woodwork oi now covfrnorof the 'sluml ns well nn the ! "the price of nil poetry will ho tlO u.r
the house," sho said. I best t-ducnted nnd wealthiest of Its lnhabl-, airate line!" 1 r
Ills Order.
Cbiciigo Tribune: "What else have you
got"" n.ked Cholly. looking languidly over
Ihe bill of fare f'-r something to tempt his
Jaded iippe-tltc.
"Well." replied the wnltrcss. "we huvu liot
strlko blseulls. loo "
Wednesday aflernoon. went to work nl?ilr, . 1 pal 11 do, baid i;.nolly, resting-ni.siniei-
t.l II .u nol.l.
yesterdiy inQrulni;, the difference between me a hot blucult stew."
"Well, If you think I'm going to buy an
other set of furniture," he announced, "you
nro mistaken."
"Why, of course not. dear," she answered,
"Tho furniture Is all right, but I'm nfrald
wn will have to get another houso."
I.iirucsl Oi-cliiiril In Ciloriiilo,
J. S. 'Mc-Olelhind is going to have the larg
est orchard ln Colorado. Ills Kort Collins
orchard at present consists of sixty-seven
acres of apples, plums and rherrles Ho Is
going to add 100 ncros mure to this, fifty of
which will be planted to apples, cherries and
IniitM. and Is known us Don Alt redo
Only the rich could nffnr.i n,w,i,-.. .,
I A" or. tlie poor all the poetry wns taken
HunnliiK sores, ulcers, bolls, plmplts, etc.. '"',' m,'.'.V" r ''"fKerei
quickly cured by Hanner Salve, the rarflt mn& .$lV.ln
healing nalvo In the world. No other "Just New Jersey i.winn or
as good." For fule hy Myers-Dillon Drue ,
Co., Omaha; Dillons Drug Sioie. South , !. , H' I.h,
Omaha I DMrolt Journal: "l;t mo but write ihe
um""a' I people's songs," cried ihe poet, "and i
.. rr; , T" ""' wh" wto'1 their laws!"
I n III 1 1 1 n III" Mission. i 'r,(, inaniiuer of the .....mI-. i,,.i. . h....
Clilcngo Tribune: "Have you ever tried, ; a liiugh of scorn. '
my friend." askwl the aged philanthropist,
"to grasp the meaning or your existence?
"Ye, sir " rcspomJ.-d Tuffold Knult,
pock ting with ls'ble dlsuust tho hum
sandwich thut had lu-en minded to htm. "I
i ii.ii snows now lime you know of ih.
ndvorttelng value of hostile leglslutfin.'- Un
And, Indecil, It was not for hU to lon
demn Jurltiiruduice.