Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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ItnoiM Hall'i Charge of Political Treuon
Laid Againit Aim.
Bar Dili Not Knlcr 1 it tit Con-
piracy tit Ilrnt llnynnril (Hit
i of the Sciintorlnl
LINCOLN. April .'.Special Telegram )
The proposition of Frank M. Hall to
donate SI .000 to nny religions, rh.irltable or
eleemosynary Institution If he falls to cstab
Huh thi truth and authenticity of h:t prlntcl
nsscrtlons concerning I). K. Thompson, to
which was attached the rondltbn that
Thompson agree to withdraw from the sena
torial light If he succeed in establishing
their truth, has not brcn accpted by Mr.
Thompson. Hall charged Thomps n with
political (reason, claiming that ho signed
nn agreement with eertaln fusion members
of the last legislature, agreeing to support
the principles of the poptlllM and demo
cratic parties If they would elect him sen
ator, f'nncernlng the Hall proposition, Mr.
Thompson sayB-
"If Mr. Hall has nny cvldenco that I en
tered Into a conspiracy It beat Mr. Hay
ward out of the senatorial election let him
bring It forth. If ho has not, then In fair
ness and eemmon decency he should close
his mouth and put away his pen.
"As to his proposition, or any other that
Mr. Hull or others may make, I will say
that Mr. Hall has put his charge In the
shape of 'I believe.' I have made my denial
and I aland by It. I am willing to go Mr.
Hall one bettor than he proposes I will
leave my case to the people. If they be
lieve him they will repudiate mc; If they
believe ini they will give mc their help and
At the republican primaries here today
delegations to the Lancaster (ounty repub
II an convention to bo held tomorrow were
If 'ted. Nearly all delegates selected are
pledged to endorse I he candidacy of I). K.
submitted on demurrer to reply and answer
to cross petition overruled.
Henry M. Matson was granted a divorce
from Clara A. Matson on payment of costs. (
In the case of David I'ltman, guardian. ,
against Hanford L. Cable et at. the plain
tiff was granted permission to sell certain
real estate.
A motion for a new trial was overruled
and forty days given In which to file bl'l
of exceptions in the case of Anna Ooos
against Hans Ooos.
Anna Wilkinson was granted a divorce
from John Wllkln:n. ami alimony fixed
at $1,000. $250 to be paid within thirty day,
J2..0 at the end of six months and to00 at
tho end of one year. Motion for new trial
overruled and forty days given In which
to flic bill of exceptions.
, GAIN IN WbSTERN CLEARINGS 1 nran,s up t0 ,hc flmount of ,he app,opm' I S Z f
I terday morning and In yet coming up. Heavy
, ice seas have been running so thickly to
btatrmsnt tor tim yusrter 01 mis lear ; jay ihnt uo crossing could be made.
Compared with 1899.
The river has risen four feet since yes- , Verible error to inform the jury that it
Well Known too I. limn l)r feiiilniit lit
Cno lit O'Neill.
O'NKILL, Neb.. April 6. (Special Tele
gram.) Jacob Kraft was before the county
court today for preliminary hearing upon
the charge of criminal assault, Kay Munt
being the complaining witness. This Is
Tiitnl .Mnrt'h Itrttirii Mmmt n llrorense
Conipnroil tilth I, nut Vcnr W lie it
Mook I'lotiitloti Wn nt
ll llelnht.
WjoioIiib Itepiilillciin Convention.
CHBYKNNB. Wyo . April : (
Telegram, i The republican Btate conven
tion will be held In Cheyenne on May 10,
when six delegates to the national lonven-
tlon win ne elected, a m uirec prcicicniuti
cltctors and a candidate for congress.
NEW VOIIK, April 5. Hradstrecfs In Its
Issue this week will aay, reviewing the bank
cUarings for tho first quarter of 1P00:
During March a jwr ago stock flotation
wns at Its height and speculation In theso
and other securities was of enormous volume.
Trade to'j was g od and staple prices wete
advancing. The result of the working rf
nil these forte was reflected In the larg"st
aggregate of bank clearings cer reported.
i nt lllieriv to take Into consideration the I romlltlnti of the proectitrt at the i
time nf the alleged assault In arriving nt
Its verdict.
7. The ullldavlt of Juror relating to the
argument or statements made by them
while deliberating upon their verdict may
not be received to Impearb the verdict.
Muiray against Homlne. Ktrnr from i
Douelas county Alllruied. Norvnl. C. J. ,
In ejectment proof of adverse ;
Is admissible under a general denial.
A verdict liiisul niton the evidence SHIM-
eleutly to ortabllMi a holding of possession
of propertv adversely, openly, notoriously,
ment of an action, under a claim of tight, .
t v ..-nTi 7 ,., vvlll not be disturbed, although the evidence '
,,,.,.,,,.. .,. vv..... ..... ,,...... introduced to establish such Tact may not
to adjournment. A. v . t uiilvvdl and A. t . i i, itn oii-lttent with a liolding under a
Frost were admitted to practice. Heed claim other than of title,
against Nntlonnl Hank of Commerce, l.e- ; 3. IVisosslon of one occupant nV h
ii..,.. .,i., umith Minuet iiniinit. ttfp tacked to that of another If one acquired
lane ugulnt Smith. .Mutual Ilonetlt 1 .1 fi 1)0,.plon from ,p olhrr aml tm, ptw
Insuriince Company against Davey. ( HI- nrv ,,tates are connected and continuous.
ago. Iliirllngton X- Qulncy Hallway Com- I. Color of title Is not e?intlul to ml
panv against Shook-ScUticr Comp.iny and I vcise po.elon. ,,,.r.i,ii First Vat In nil It ink of ! The rlllt "f onp P"Son holding Pn
Henenu against t irsi ; rvsslon adversity may bo transferred to
Hroken How. dismissed; liotntlcr Mill I ,iot'r verbally.
Manufacturing Company against Wright, ft, instructions examined and held to have
J nes against Miller, dismissed, unless up- t,ecn pro-ierly give n.
...ik.. .i,..,.. .i n, ,.mi Comparing, as current returns do with these pellnnts serve and file briefs p thirty dnvs, Lancashire' Insurance Co. against Hush.
another chapter of the Stuart lase. reportel "e at reuirns uo. itn tntso Webster agnlnst Citizens Hank, defendant i Krror from Uinrnster county. Atllrmed.
In The rice Sunday. In which Wlilhm Fuller , ,no"nol swollen aggregates It In not ; lo ,,rvo an(1 ntr hr'.efs In thlrtv days; liar- 1 Sullivan. J.
surprising io una tnat tne totals for Mar'h vey against Fleming. leave grnnted to llle a Judgment vvlll not lie reversed becauo
this year show considerable decreases and ! briefs as per stipulation: Oerner ngnlnst I ,,f an error or defect In the proceedings
J(t If the detnlls nr. rirrfnltv enno Into Vates, Hrownell agnlnst ! tiller and llarker j which does not affect the substantial
it. 't t . ? . . Konc Into, 1(1Kalst u-heelrr. advanced; Sutton against rKH r ,),,, complaining party,
little but what Is encouraging can be Sutton, time for tiling briefs extended ten j. Fndfr tV valued policy law (section
brcught out and It will be found that with days; Aultman, Miller fi Co against .Mollne, i x elutpter x lilt. Compllrd Statutes tM) the
the foHm nf snn-nlntlnti iilwoot ihr. ,n. ' -"""urii . r'oooarii . oinpans , i i- mntllto tlxes tile vvortll o tne nroperiy
was bound over to the district court up n
the chargo of nssault upon the same girl.
As many as eight of tho young men of the
town have been Implicated by the testimony
of tho young woman. Nearly every busi
ness man of Stuart, besides other represent
ative men. to the number of nbsut thirty,
spe. illation absent the , Krnnted to nlalntlf! tp tile briefs fnstantcr;
maimler. which constitutes solid business, la
were in the city today to attend the Kraft t0' rpa"y very large volume,
hearing on behalf of tho defendant. A j Tho total bank clearings at eighty cltlss
number of them were Interviewed by The , lr the month of March. lfiOO. as reported to
Hee correspondent, nnd they nil expressed . Ilradstteet's. aggregated $7.fS2.22."i.4(i5. a gain
the opinion that the prosecution la cither:0' nearly ID per cent over tho short month
malicious or that the chargo Is for tho pur- o' February and a total practically ns large
pose of blackmail. Tho defendant Is n as the aggregate for January of this year,
man cf about 15 years and has a family. Ho Compared with March n year ago there Is a
Is a stockman and reputed to be well off decrease shewn of 12.7 per cent, but com-
olirnkn Kleotlon Itrttirns.
HANCHOFT Tho village election yes
terday resulted in tho election of
Hired democrats nnd two republican!. The
board for the coming year stands: J. K. L.
Carey, democrat; R. V. Catcs, 'democrat:
H. V. Francis, democrat; W. W. Sinclair,
republican; K. T. Hlce. republican.
CFLIIKUTPON At the vlllago election tho
Tho list of candidates decide I T'" WPnl ,lry bv nn avcrago majority of
pared with March. IStiS, the gain Is over 3,
per cent. As tho vnrylng number of bua
i Iness days In the different months cause
somo differences In comparison It might be
Dlllrtt against Kviins. atllrmed: (lerner
against Vates, leave to defendants Metier
and outoilt to lllo cross netltlons; Heal
ngalnst McMenemy. dismissed unless appel
lent serve and llle briefs In thirty days.
April I- State ex ret Christy against
Stubbs. leave to defendant to tile briefs In
one week, llulldltig and Loan Association
against lillan. Building and Loan Assocla
tl hi agalnt Walker, Klkhorn Valley Lodge
against Hudson, Matiek agalnt Brown ami
Ailing against Fluher, r hearings denied.
Lancashire Insurance Comp.iny ngalnst
Hilterborles. Lancashire Insurance Com
pany against Kalhoff anil Philadelphia
Mortgage and Trust Company against Ful
ton, dismissed: Smith MKiiln-'t Smith, sug
gestion of diminution allowed, costs to be
icmnrkcd that tho nEcrccate dallv clearincs I taxed as hereafter ordered. Mangold
" . I ......1..... .ill . ........ ..I
upon by the Thompton management Is: Fcr
lirtito cf tcpretcntatlves from tho city, John
Mockett. Jr.. A. W. Lane and C. II. T-fft;
for tho fenato from the city. H. O'Ncll; for
tho senate from tho country, J. C. F. Mc
I'iij ntrr Itelrnses 1lll.
After serving two years and two months
of his llvc-ycar sentenco In tho state penl'er
tlnry Ilcnjatnln Mills of Hnrlan county was
released Aorll 1 by Ooveinor Foyntcr, bo
ciiiiso of tho Ill-health of the prisoner anil
his wife. Mills was president of tho Re
publican City bank. At that time his
cousin. James Whitney, was treasurer of
Harlan rounty. Mills borrowed county
money from his cousin for tho use of tho
bank. Whitney wns tried before a Jury and
found guilty on tho chargo of embezzlement that ,nero should be no billiard halls. Thosj
ulneteen votes out of eighty-five votes enst
LOUP CITV Thero was only enc ticket in
the field, being tho entire old board, which
Is for license.
LYONS The city election resulted as fol
lows: Republicans elected W. II. Clements
Justice, nnd Franklin Everett nnd Henry
Crellln for two years, and William F.
Tnylor nnd A. IJ. Lyon for one year, to-
spectlvely, to servo on tho town board.
MONROK Tho following were elected
members, of the village board: C. W. Hol
llngwhend. Hurt Strothers, C. Kelley, W. K.
Cole, Oarret Units.
at all cities in March were tn excess of
l $280,000,000, while In February they were
1 nearly $, in January $2ir.,0fl0.roo
nnd In Mnrch a year ago they were nearly
J321.ono.fl00. In only two grours Is the totnl
of bank clearings this year smaller than a
year ago In March nnd theso two groupj
contnln tho greater speculative centcrH of the
country nnd such Important cltlca as Bos
ton and Philadelphia.
Western ('Men (illln.
Tho decrease In New England is 13.6 per
cent, whllo tho falling off In tho middle
states group is 16.8 per cent. Touching this
latter decrcaso It mighj. bo observed that the
decreaso at New York alone Is IS per cent.
Amcng tho sections showing gain tho far
western cities uro prominent, with un In
creaso of 12 per cent, and the western nnd
southeastern cities come next with gains of
of county funds. Ho wns sentenced to a
term of three yeara In the penitentiary
Mills was then tried on tho charge of being
in accessory to tho embezzloment nnd found
guilty. Although tho sum In which ho was
Involved was hundreds of dollars less than
that which Whitney had embezzled, tho man
was sentenced to flvo years In state's prison.
Ilo wnB twlco put on parole, by Coventor
1'ovnter. The pnrdon of Mills was kept
elected were: S. W.
land, A. O. Monson, S
WESTERN Peoplo's ticket
good majority. For license, 64
Oushee, Amos Do
A. Snider and John
Veternnn nf Shllnh.
SCHUYLER, Neb., April fi. (Special Tel
egraw.) Veterans of Shlloh aro Schuyler's
guests, city and business houses being brll-
a secret bv Oovernor Poynter for political Ilant with decorations In their honor. The
leasons. meeting tonigni was largely attended, nil
The nDncnl of D. E. Thompson from the neing delightfully entertained. An ad-
nctlon of Secretary Wilson In rejecting his dress of welcome was made by Mayor How
application for water from tho Platto river aril nnd the responso by John Lett. The
for irrigation nnd power purposes wns u- principal speaxcr or tne evening wn3 Thomas
missed today by tbo Stato Hoard of Irrlgn- J. Majors, who was followed by Rev. C. II.
Hon Mr. Thompson proposed to construct. .Miner, pastor ot tho local Presbyterian
h cannl from a point near Llnwood, on tho church, Ron of nn cx-confedcrate veteran.
I'latte to Fremont. wnose talk along (lie lines of why the south-
rh Statn Hnnklnc board today fleslg- crncra fought was very Interesting. He
nated tho Union Stato bank of Harvard a thinks the war one of tho best things that
itnto depository. A bond for $30,000 was ever happened for tho south. A solo wns
filed nnd approved by tho board. suug by Mrs. Miller, and there was a drill
Robert E. Davis, the student who mys- given ny company k. or scnuyier.
terloudv disappeared from this city Tues
day night, has been located at his tiomc In
Falrhury. Ho left Lincoln unexpectedly
without notifying hla friends.
sitir milliliters Attend mill Olllcrrs
Are Rlei'teil.
NEBRASKA CITY. April r. (Special Tel-
ecrnm.) Tho annual meeting of tho Ne
braska presbytery of tho Presbyterian church
was held hero yesterday and today. About
nltv ministers were In attendance. The
olllcers elected for tho ensuing year were:
Dr. W. M. Hlndman of Lincoln, moderator;
Hev. W. II. Parker of Tablo Rock. Rev. J.
it naulsberrv of Oresham. clerks. Dr.
Hlndman nnd Rev. M. C.llmore, F. R. Fra.
zler nnd I. S. Tyson were ejected delegates
io tho National Presbytery. Tho next meet
ing will bo held In Auburn.
I'lnltanioiitli Court Itlnniloseil,
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. April 5. (Special.)
After disposing of the following cases
Judee Paul Jossen ndjourned district court
sine die. An unusually largo amount ot
business has been accomplished during the
term, and all seem well pleased with tho
sterllnn executive abilities of the new Jud;e
In the easo of tho First National hank of
Omaha against the nank ot Cass Cunty
the previous verdict for plaintiff was set
aside and the plaintiff was given leave to
OSCEOLA At the election It was decided respectively 9.6 nnd S.7 per cent. Tho fall-
by a majority of eleven that Osceola would Ing off ot 2 per cent at Chicago Is responsl
bo dry this year. Tho questions decided ' bio for tho very slight Increase. 1.6 per cent,
were in favor of no saloon, that electric shown by tho northwestern group. A de
HghtB bo kept up by a majority of 123, anil , crease of 23 per cent at Baltimore explains
tho slight gain, 4.3 per cent, reportel by
tho southern cities, In splto of active cotton
speculation this year.
If the clearings at New York nrc ex
cluded tho decrease Is only 1.5 per cent,
and to heavily reduced speculation at a few
cities In fact may be attributed the entire de
creaso shown in March this year.
Aa Illustrative of tho expansion of legiti
mate biihinesB thin year over last it might
bo remarked that ono out of seventeen cen
tral western cities knows a decrcuse from
March n year ago, only two out of fifteen
from northwestern cities, only one out of
eight in the southwest, only one out of
lltteon in' the south and ono out ot nine In
tbo far west.
Ileerensp nt Siieettlntlve Centers.
For the Iff quarter of tho calendar ;ear
the clearings at eighty cities aggregate, $21.
r.nfi, 496,060, a decreabo of 10.5 per cent from
189!, but a gain of 26.7 per cent ovor 1898,
of 74.5 per cent over 1S97 nnd of 96 per cent
over 1894. The responsibility for tho do
creaso here, of course. Is placeablc on tho
decreases shown at tho few largo Bpecula
tlve centers. Outside of New York, In fact,
tho total clearings actually show a gain of
nearly 2 per cent.
Canadian clearings for March were $120.
175,304. und for tbo first quarter $371,965,
921, decreases of respectively 9.4 and 9.1 per
cent from tho same periods a year ngo.
Trill n Collided nil'.i lVnunn,
BRAINARD. Neb., April 5. (Special Tele
gram.) Joseph Jacob, n Bohemian farmer
living about three miles north of this place,
started homo tonight about 6.15 o'clock, nnd
when about threo blocks out of town, while
crossing tho Fremont, Klkhorn & Missouri
Vnlley railroad track, was struck by a south
bound pnssenger train. Mr. Jacob was
thrown out of tho wagon nnd badly bruised.
Ho wns picked up by tho train crew an.l
taken into town nnd nil that medical all
could do was done. His recovery is very
doubtful. Tho team was unhurt, but tho
wagon was xitlrcly wrecked.
against oft. motion to dlsnl overrule
court adjourned until Tucsdav. Aorl l.
when the following enscs will he called: 1 nuiiluxt N ! ewaner: Harlan
Count against Ilogsett, Flynii against
llllev . St James Orphan Asylum acalnst
Shelby; Finch agnlnsi Morris; Pohlman
against Iohim.Vfr; Wnbaska Electric Com-
tmnv iiifiilimt Wvtnnre: Itriidfnril iit?!ilimt I
Chicago. Hiirllngion
Company against
county; Waldron against First National
Hank. Oteeliwood: Little nun nut H ate:
State niralnHt Bvron: State ex rel Chrl-Uv
agaltiHt Stubbs; State ex rel Smyth against
Kennedy ; state ex rel I'arHer against
Staley and Jenkins against State.
Insured conclusively nt the valuation writ
ten In the contract of Insurance ami. In case
of total loss, that sum Is the measure or
3. Under such a policy. In cne of partial
loss, the actual damage Is the ineanire of
I. If. under a valued policy, the property
insured Is totally destroyed a the result
of two or more tlrei. the tneasute of re
cover! for the Html lass Is the amount writ
ten In the contract less amounts paid In
settlement of previous losses.
. After a partial lo-s under a lire policy
which render the building untenable the
Insured Is net guilty of a breach of the
vacancy clause of the contract where he
permits the property to remain unoccupied
pending the period during which the In
KUter Is authorized to cxen ise Its option to
len.ilr the damaged building.
i!. There In nothing In the constitution of
the United States or of this state, which
forbids classltlcallon of subjects for the
purpose of legislation. The power to class
ifs Is subject to the limitation that the
t lasslllcatlon must be arbitrary.
7. The provision of section II of the valued
unllcv law iscc IV c!i. n Hit. Collin. St. Iv.l.ll
A tjulncv permitting the taxation as costs of a rea-
llltcncoeK i Konable attorney's fee ution tendering the
They Are the Most Important Or
gans of the Body.
To Test for Yourself the Wonderful Curative Prop
erties of Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Reme
dy, Every Reader of the "Bccv May Have
a Sample Bottle Sent Absolutely
Free by Mail.
Judgment against an Insurance company
on a contract Insuring teal estate Is
grounded en considerations of public pulley
nnd Is constitutional.
Accident In n lluuimny,
NORTH I'LATTE. Neb., April ,r.-(Ppe-clal.)
Former County Clerk Nowell Burrltt
was In town yesterday nnd started to drive
homo this morning when, out about two
nl!en from town, his horse became fright
ened and ran away. Ho was thrown from
tho buggy nnd his head struck against a
post, Inflicting a cut about six Inchc long In
tho scalp, which rendered him unconscious
for several hours. He, was found in nn
unconscious condition by a man coming to
town, who brought him here.
An Honest .Metllelne for l.n tirlppe.
Ocorgo V. Waltt of South Gardiner, Me.,
says: "1 have had tho worst cough, cold,
chills and grip and have taken lott of trash
of no account but profit to tho vendor.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is tho only
thing that has done any gODd whatever. I
h.ivo used ono bottle cf It and the chills,
cold and grip have all left me. I congratu
late tho manufacturers of an honct medicine."
Veil I'riii'fM of Spllclnir Small I'leecu
of (iri'itt Importance to the
lllnek IIIIIn.
Condition of Wnterionn Heller.
OSCEOLA. Neb., April . (Special.)
I'rnf. R. W. Waterman was brought to this
town after his Injury nnd Is now receiving
tt.n haat nt mndlpnl eL'lll and thn rnr, nf
amend Its petition oy inicnineuwon. mm uw tnp Mo0(,rn Woodmen of America, of which
defendant given mtrty nays in wnn.ii iu w (8 a mrml).r. Tho jUry wns received
Harriet M. Eaton against Ell Eaton was
last Friday evening In a runaway. He Is
onlv conscious for a few minute at a time.
His physician has strong hopes of his com- ' process means
pleto recovery. The father of Mr. Water
man Is postmaster at Beaver Crossing.
County MortKnme Heenrtl.
NELSON. Neb., April 3. (Special.) Tho
following la tho mortgage record for Nuck
olls county for the month of Mnrch' Nine
farm mortgages filed, nntonnt, $30,0b!t.ol;
twenty-one released, amount. $21,953; nine
ctv and town mortgages filed, amount,
772 51. five released, amount, $53,290.02; 12
battel mortgages filed, amount, $5J,290.02,
211 released, amount, $37,506.71.
OEADWOOl), S. I).. April n.-(Spcclal.)
Tho shipping of rnilca from Custer county,
in the southern Black Hills, has now te.ome
a permanent Industry. Last week 300 tons
of mica were shipped to Valparaiso, Ind ,
by tho Chicago Mica company. At this
place this company has a large plant whnro
a new process has recently been put Into
prnrtice of splicing small pisces of mica
together and making large sheets. This
n great deal to tne uncK
Utile. Tho smnll plete3 of mica are pur
chased by this company for about $10 per
ton. They are rut into uniform sizes and
aro then pastel togebber with a fireproof
cement. Tho sheet Is then subjected to a
heavy pressure, after which It Is passed
through nn Intenso heat. Most nny size of
theet can bo manufactured In this way and
It Is state 1 that n mica leaf thus made Is
equal to H leaf of the same slz3 taken dl
rectly from the mine. This company of
Chicago will tako from 100 to 300 tons of
mica from Custer county every month
The first mica shipped from tho Bla.'k
Hills wns In 1S7S, during the great gold
excitement. For a time thero was a pros
pect that the southern Black Hills at least
would become a mica Instead of a gold coun
try. It crit at that time. 11 cents per
pound to gel the mica out of the hills ns
. far ns Chcyenno by stage, and there was an
I additional eon of considerable to get It to
r.vutiuellxts Iti Nc!rnkn. I tho eastern oompnnles. yet mlr.i mining was
TABLE ROCK, Neb., April 5. (Special ) ' very prclltably carried on In thoso early
Rev. C. H St. John nnd his wife. Rev. days. Owing to the cofl or -mining ami
Eugenia F. St. John, the fnnirus evangelists Bhlpplng It then only the largest "books"
from Kansas City, delivered gospel ad- wire handled. Some of tfce early mines
dresses on the subjeot ot temperance tn a produced books as largo ns two feet square.
rrowded house at tho McthodUst church hero A great quantity of small-sized sheets were
last evening. thrown away and these old dumps are now
I about to become of value owing to the Chl
1 cago company's process cf cementing tho
small pieces together
l.oilKe IIiiIiIk Open llniixe,
CENEVA, Neb.. April 5. (Spo:lal.) Last
night the Ancient Order of United Workmen
bi.l nn open meeting find Captain W. C.
Henry talked of the brntilts of thn order.
Several miihlcal selivt'ons weio lende'ed
land MUs Maud Harnett delivered "Sworn
Off." the prlzs rtvitallon.
Supreme Court Syllnlil.
Mcflellantl against Citizens' Bank. Error ntZ
twntn ln...n.l V-....t . I"1"1-
....... I'l'iihinr v ..... j . ... .viiii. t-yyt . ,tii,
f. .1.
A contract whereby one ngrees to not bid
at a chattel mortgage sale Is contrary to
public policy and a note given In pursuance
of such contract Is unenforceable.
Cook against Westchester File Insurance
Company. Appeal from Washington county.
Atllrmed. Sullivan. J.
1. A contract of Insurance which docs not
express the real Intention of the parties
thereto may be reformed.
2. Evidence examined and found tn sus
tain a finding that the inviirer Intended to
deliver an effective contract Insuring the
owner of the building described in the
iietkln agnlnst Tletkln. Appeal from
Otoe county. Ilolcomb, .1.
Evidence examined and found to support
the decree of the trial court granting a di
vorce from the bonds of matrimony on the
ground of extreme cruelty practiced by the
husband toward the wife. Held, nlso. that
tho evidence supports the Judgement ren
dered awarding the wife permanent ali
mony In the sum of Sl.doa,
Henderson against South Omaha Appeal
from Douglas county. Atllrmed. Sullivan J.
The presentation to the ilty authorities of
a city of the first class having less than
25.0HO Inhabitants of a petition signed by
persons owning a majority" of the front feet
of tho lots abutting uport the portion of
tho street to be Improved Is a Jurisdic
tional prerequisite to authorize such eitv
by ordinance to eliargc tho, entire cost of
paving such street against property ubut
ting thereon. '
State ex rel Dlekln.-oo I'aper Company
against Scott. Manda-Jis, Writ denied.
Norvnl. C. J. T;,;-
1. An order directing a. .ecelver of nn In
solvent firm to sell assets other than real
estate Is not suporsedeable as a matter of
2. Mandamus will not He to control the
discretion of a eourt ns to the nllovvnin e
of supersedeas resting In Its discretion.
Frenzer airalnst Hlchards. Atllrmed. Er
ror from Douglas county. Sullivan, J.
1. An assignment of error directed against
a group of Instructions will be considered
uo further than to ascertain that one of i
the instructions complained of was properly I
2. Where error In the giving of lnstrtic- J
tlnns is not so assigned that it can be re
viewed a verdict In accord with such in
structions must lie permitted to stand.
3. A borrower under an usurious contract
who pledged property ni security for the
loan and who has paid or tendered thn
principal of the loan Is entitled to the pos
session of the property pledged divested of
tho lien.
Woolworth against Parker. Appeal from
Lancaster county. Afllrmed. Ilolcomb, .1.
Objections were entered nnd motion made
to vacate and set aside an appraisement of
real property lit foreclosure proceedings of
a real mortgace for the reasons tlut the
appraisement wns obviously below the ac
tum value or tne property; tnat the ap
praisement was fraudiilvnt In Itself nnd
tnat to permit tne appraisement to stand
would work nn fraud on tho de
fendant. Similar ob ectlons were mnde to
confirmation of sale Evidence examined
and held that the appraisement was not
n low ns to be presumptive y frnudti lent.
Hold, further that the appraisement mnde
Is not matetlally disproportionate to the
actual market value of the property and no
sutl'.clent cause exists to justify Its vaca
tion or being set aside.
I late against Murphy. Error from Lin
coln county Atllrmed. Sullivan. J.
1. The purix'se of the registry law Is to
furnish record evidence of tho stato and
ccmlttion of land titles.
There Is no law requiring or authoriz
ing the registration of personal contracts to
pay debts.
3. An nsrreement to Pay n debt, although
evidenced by a recorded Instrument, is not
(oncluslvo. in fnvor or a party who. in pur
chasing a Hen ngalnst property, has acted
on tho ralth or tne record.
4. The erantee in a deed containing an as
sumption clause Is not estnppeel from deny
ing the validity of thn contract of assump
tion as against a party who, relying on the
recitals In the instrument as spread upon
the public records, purchased tho debt se
cured by a mortgage on the land.
Welsh ngnlnst State. Error from Holt
county. Atllrmed. Norval, ('. J.
Application for change of venue, or a con
tinuance It addressed to the sound discre
tion of the court, nnd lis ruling thereon
will pot be disturbed where no abuso ot
discretion Is disclosed.
2. Whenever at any general or medal
term of the district court, for any cause,
thern Is no panel of petit Jurors the court
mav. under section (M of I Tip. Code of Civil
Procedure, direct the sheriff to summon
persons having the qualifications of Jurors
to ap mm r and serve as petit Jurors.
3. In a i)ro--eouton for rape It compe
tent for the state to prove that the prose-
llenvj- Snow Mortii in Oenver.
DF.N'VER. Anrll o. Snow has been fall-
Inr all over the state nf Colorado for the
twenty-four nours. rne warm
weather make;, the snow so soft that It
ellngn to trees and electric wires, breaking
them down. Much trouble has been experi
enced In this city. Telephone, light nnd
trolley who nre down In vnilous parts ot
the city, inunv telegraph atnl long-dlstancn
telephone lines have been disabled. The
street cars nre stopped on many lines In
this city
P 1 L' 'n
i J 1
Trouble n ml Veier suspeet It.
I ml In nn ml In Ciirpenters Out,
INDIANAPOLIS. April 5. The union
carpenters quit work today, causing a sus
pension of work on buildings where union
carpenters are employed.
Some of the contractors have been paying
the scale, but the men declare they will
not work until the contractors all come to
the terms askcil by the unions.
A committee was appointed today to nr
range for n conference with the con
tractors. About ion men are out.
Dock Trial of ttnfinliiii Cruiser.
PHILADELPHIA. Apt II 3.-The Russian
erulfer Varlag. which Is Hearing completion
at Cramp's ship yard, was given a private
dock trial yesterday, the test eiTiitltinlng
the greater" part of the day. The pirt
engine was sel In motion and operated
satisfactorily. The commission of Russian
naval otlidals under whose dlrect'on the
war fhlp Is being bunt e pressed them
selves as pleased with the trial.
Iln I'nllli In KmiNiiN City.
CIIH'AOO, April 6. Secretary Walsh of
thn democratic natlona committee said to
day that he had every confidence that Kniv
sas City would be able to furnish a sultnhlt
! meeting place for the national convention
"i cannot sneaK tor tne committee. ne
raid, "but personally I am satlslled that
Kansas City wdl meet the emergency and
that tho convention will be held there
Juli- I."
ThiiiiNiim! of Women llttve Klilne)
Is that great human engine, which dc-
cides the health of every man and woman,
working properly?
Am symptom llko tho following edarlng
you In the face every day.
Weak, sluggish circulation.
Puffy or dark circles under the eyes,
Sallow, yellow, unhealthy complexion.
I'rlno rloudy, mllk-llko or stringy; dark
In color or offensive.
Painful, scalding sensation In passing It.
Dull, heavy headaches, dizzy, tired feeling.
faint spells, irregular heart.
Obllgod In go often during tho day, and
to get up tunny times at night.
Pain or dull nche In the back.
Feeling of oppression and apprehension.
Restless. Irritable mid hard lo please.
All fagged out, run dowli. sleepless nights
and discouraged.
If you havo nny of these symptoms, take
the advice of ono who has made a life study
of Just Mich diseases and look well to your
self, because you have kidney trouble.
If your uiino when allowed to remain tin
disturbed In a glarn or bottlo for twenty
Tour hours, forms a sediment or settling or
has a cloudy appearance. It Is evidenre that
your kidneys need ImmeJIate attention.
Brlght's dKease. which Is destroying moro
human liven than any other dlscai-e. may
be stealing upon 5011.
Tho symptoms you havo noticed are the
danger signals nature sets to show that tho
track of health Is not clear.
Take Swamp-Root, the famous new dis
covery,' whose fame' Is' being heralded by
grateful men and women, saved from un
timely grave by Its Immediate, nnd mm
velous power over iIIsciscb of the kidneys
and bladder.
Espi'dally In cases of Blight's disease M
Swump-Root winning new friends every
Swamp-Root succeeds becauso It cures.
Every man nnd woman, no matter how
healthy nnd vigorous, would profit by tnk'n
Swamp-Root every now ami then as a pre
vcntlve. and thus absolutely forestall kidney
and bladder troublis.
Swamp-Root Is the wonderful dlscoverv
of tho emlnrnt kidney specialist. Dr. Kll
mer. nnd Is used In the leading hcnplial.
recommended by hklllful physicians In their
private- practice, nnd Is taken by doctors
themselves who havo kidney aliments, be
cause they recognize In It the greatest nnd
most succcFsfnl remedy that medical science
has ever been able to compound.
If you havo the slightest Hymptom of kid
ney or bladder trouble, or If thero Is a trace
of It In your family history, send nt onco
to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnghnmton. N. Y .
who will gladly send you freo by mall Im
mediately, without cost to you, a sampln
boltle of Swamp-Root anil a book of won
derful Swamp-Root trntlmonlals. Be sum
tn say that you read this generous olfer In
the Omaha Morning Bee.
If you aro already convinced thnt Swamp
Root Is what you need, you can purchase
thn regular fifty-rent and one-dollar slzi
bottles nt drug stores. Don't make any mis
take, but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root.
Showers I'rnlletetl for Toiltiy Sntur
lny to He I'nlr lvltlt Vari
able W'lnil.
WASHINGTON. April 5. Forecast for
Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska Showers Friday; Saturday
fair; varlablo winds.
For lown nnd Missouri Showers Friday
and Friday night; clearing Saturday; south
easterly winds. "
For South Dakota Fair Friday and prob
ahly Saturday: southerly winds.
For Kansas Showers Friday; Saturday
fair; vnrlublo winds.
For Wyoming Fair Friday, with warmer
In southeast portion; Saturday fnlr; vari
able winds.
latent Iteeoril.
OMAHA, April B.-Olllclal lecord of tem
perature ami precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of he last three
JD'.tl. IV.' I.
40 M
1901. 1 1
. 69
.. Sfi 31
. 52 37
. .00 .01
Maximum temperature
Minimum temperature.
Average temperature..
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day anil since March 1,
Normal for the day It
Excess for thn day 3
Excess since March 1 3i
Normal rainfall for the day "9 Inch
Deficiency for the day 09 Inch
Total precipitation since March 1.1.50 Inches
Dellcleney since March 1 11 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1S99 1.11 Inches
Dellcleney for cor. period, isss 31 Inch
lteporln from Millions nt rt p. in.
si'HciAi.ivr.s ''nn nisi: vsr.s of
yv. m wovmx.
references; Office Hours:
Host Hunk and
Leading Huslucss
of Omaha.
s a. m. to R p. m.
Sundays, 10 to 1
If you hnvc been trcatiiiR with
other and less a hie and skillful
doctors, or have been using quack
remedies at so much a buttle, do
not be discouraged and lose hope
of ever being cured. Call and have
a talk with the specialists of the
State l'leetro.. Medical Institute,
who gmirantee a cure in every case
accepted. They will explain to you
their method of combined Iilectro
medical treatment and why it is
that they cure when all others fail.
Call today it maybe the means of
saving your life.
MADinnnCI C and Hydrocele treated with
VAnlOUuLLL never falling success.
Cured bv their now method
without knlft, truss or detrn-
2 " P
02 it
5 S3
2 Et
Omaha, partly cloudy
North Platte, partly cloudy.
Salt Iike, cloudy
Cheyenne, cloudy
Rapid city, cloudy
Huron, partly cloudy
Wllllston. dear
Chicago, partly cloudy
Si. I, mils, clear ,
St. Paul, cloudy.
Ten .Minutes Four Times a Day .ill
euro Cnturrh, UrunohitlB and Asthma
Ten .Minutes Every Hour will euro
Consumption nntl I'noumonia.
Ten .Minutes at Bedtime will euro a
Cold or Croup.
Five .Minutes at auv Time will euro
a Cougii.
Your Money Refunded
if it Fails.
II YOMKI u the only Oormletde which can
be. Inhaled it can be used while at work.
In the church, at the theatre, or In street
cars. Contnlm no poisonous compounds
r dnngerous chemicals.
Sold by all druggists or sent by mall.
Comalote Outfit J1.00. Trial Outllt. 25c.
Bend for five days' treatment tr,
THE It. T, UOOTJl CO., Ithc. N, I,
District Court nt I'onen.
I'ONCA. Neb.. April B. (Special.) Dis
trict court convened here .prll .'. wiin
Judge droves on tho bench. Tho first case
rnlli l. and the mcst important case on tho
docket, was that of the State of Nebraska
t against Charles O. Williams, charged with
, statutory rape.
There nre a dozen
or more old dumps In tho county which are
eovcrc.l with hundreds of tons of smnll books
of mica, which Is now worth 10 per ton
Thero aro a goo.l many mica mines in the
county as yet unworked, which will turn out
bnoks two feet square. This size Is worth
I1nvrnnnrl clear
iiitrlx made complaint of the Injury to Helena, clear ...
others recently after the commission or the . Kansas cits, clear..
allejct ortensc
I. 'Ihe illnwing of leading questions to bo
put 1" .i witness rests In Hi.- sound discre
tion ,.f the court
n It l nut error to assume In nn Instruc
tion th" existence of a inlluteral fact es
tali.thcd by uncoiitrov erted i v den. e and
llav re b-ar
Ilisinan k. i lear ' fil
Clnlveston. clear til
weak organs, shattered nervous system,
cnoanil ! overwork, excesses or self-abuse
resulting In weakness of body and brain. (on front work -a pnlnless, sure and pet
night emissions, pisses III the tirlne. Im maueiit cure
potency, dizziness. taiiiUB iiieinorj , ikck in
confidence and ambition; pains in the back,
loins and Jildnevs. and other dliliesslng
symptoms, unfitting one for business or
pleasure. Our special system of tteatmeiit
vvlll euro vnr, restore your physical ami
sexual health and mnke von once more a
man among menno matter who or what
has fnllod.
fill, .0-1
I'.SI .ft)
00 .00
.no I
T lndicntc trace of preelpli itlnn
i, a w,
Local Kire. list Otlb lal
Clnlmniits for Dail- I'roperts. ,$10 to I5 per pounu. ntnaii hooks, mrrr
! PlTl'SHI'ltO. April 3. -Two more, claim-1 and four Inches square, will bring about SO
Innts t the property left by JiiarlrH 1, , cntH .,cr pound.
lUvis lAlvin .lohllni have turned no and It I 1
ih i-ald they will contest the will, which I . ii11ii1.r
' bequeaths the bulk of the estate to .Mrs. Pierre 1 nlnters
I Margaret Shrlver Simpson of Detroit. The PlKRRK. S. I).. April ,r..-(SpeMal Tele-
new cinim mis are .iri. r.niinn i e-jMin ' The republican county central com-
r Qh.l,lnn VV'vr, nm .In n r. h I ne 1 . . ... .
mtttee. at its meeting last nignt. set June
lit as tho dato for holding the primaries in
this counly for Bclo-Mion of a county ticket.
The wolf bounty case. whU'h comes up on
an appeal from Judge licorge of the Eighth
circuit, Is being nrgucd in the supreme
court today An early decision is hopel for
, by the state auditor, that be may Usue
tvivla ,if Sheridan. Wvo.. mill (Inuchter
Mrs. Kmmn Hetmont of New 'Vork. A .Sew
Vork Attorney here now making an in
vestigation says '.ie can prove that iiivls
wn married to Ills client nt hssex Market
police lourt New Vork, on May 15. 1S70.
DavK It Is alleged, deserted her a year
Inter and shortly thereafter the daughter
was born Tbo amount to be distributed
under the will after the payment of all
detHB Is about t-&,000.
iB n Wood taint; tho blood boing full of poisonous
mutter becomes weak and sluRnish, and fails to
nourish and sustain tho body. S, S. S. is the only
remedy that strengthens and adds new life to the
blood -that makes Iho Diooo pure, hironj; aim
healthy. Nothing but S. S, S. can reach deep wntod blood diseases.
4u nij Berofiila makes cripples and lifelong suf
Ouro mo UlOOU f(,rorri uiPSS treated promptly and with the
Cure tho Disease rjiltl remedy. S. S. S. is made of roots and
herbs, and is perfectly harmless.
.1. M. Heals, lift Public Sqium, Nashville, Tenn.,
navs: "Ten years ago my diuiRhtcr fell und cut
her forehead. From this wound the clruids on
the sidoof her face became swollen and bursted.
Home of the bet doctors hero and elHewliero
attended her without any heneiit. we iieciaeu in
trv K. S, H and a few bottles cured her entirely."
-' , i i en.!., -r-v:
CTflU A P U Catarrh, ulceration nnd djs
OlUmHuil pepsin. Indigestion, weakness,
pain, fullness after eating, heartburn, etc.
DUCIIMATIOM Relieved In n few mln
nntUmMllom nates and utterly routed
In n few das
HATAQQU Positively cured.
, uniniiuii
Syphilis anil all diseases of the 'lon,l n AnnCf AN.) URINARY Troubles
promptly and thoroughly eureil and every DLHUULiI Hill) UnHlHllI treated sue-
ttnee fif pnixnn eradicated from the system eessfullj'.
forever, restoring health nnd purltv. iniro All troubles peculiar lo your fp
nniWAWC niCCACCC Onnnrrhoeu nnd LHUlLO most successfully treated nnl
rnlVAVt UlotAoto and the worst promptly cured by this combined Klectro-
eases of Stricture and Gleet promptly and Meillcal Treatment without pain or opera-
permanently cured. tlon. ,
OUR S. E. M, I. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES manufactured. Satisfactory results NTKK! I" every Instance Cull and examine FltKK OF CHAROh; or wrlto
for further particulars beforo purchasing
u.niit: If you cannot call at the rifll-e. fully describing your symptoms nnd you
YYnllt will lecelvo In a plain envelrme n scientific aid honest opinion of your
easo nnd a book of valuable Information fieo of thnrge. Write for n "Guide to Health 1
State Electro-Medical Institute.
Permanently I.nenteil, lltOS I'nriinni St., near llllli, tliiinlin, .-veil.
The Only Klectro Medb al Institute. In Nebrnska.
As well as men can
find no tonu no
healthful as a pure bcor,
lie suro you get the pine
is hermetically sealed
then boiled wliuli nsme
It to bo free from baUeria quite essen
tial for frail K-ople. Order a trial use.
I'houo 120.
All Ray and All Night
Elevator Service
The elevntorH In TIJK HKK
III 1 1,1)1 N J run twenty four hours
lu the tiny nnd hcvpii ilnjH In tho
week. That Is one reason why tho
best jiliYKlclniiH In Oiualiii uru Io
cnted In
The Bee Building
Mlit or Sunday ulllre hours
cause no Inconvenience to jmtronn.
Think of that and then look at
rooms In the HKK lU IIJMNO. Wo
will be pleased to show you.
R. C. Peters & Co.,
(iitot i) I'l.oon, Mini
Cure Gonorrhoea. Gleet, unnattirul dls
thurgis in a few days. All druggists, a. ept
only Docuiii. ny man nw, inn ouecuuiiB
"Write for book on Blood and Skin Diseases. S. S. B. Co., Atlanta, Ga. I dp k & co.,'i33 centre st ,' New York.
Cures when ill
others fall. I'rompl
in action. Unto unl
ur. Try It, tin.