12 THE OMAHA DAILY IH3E; TUT DAY, APRIL 0, 1000. OFFICIAL FAMILY AT HOME Uajor's Appointeii Bcln Thair Admin istrttiTt Lift. EIGHT ARE INDEPENDENT OF THE COUNCL Odirr MiimI Siiliiult Tlirlr Honda to the l.eKl"lntlri- Mini)' for Itn Ap iirot nl Tut ( oiiiiiiloxliiiicr , Atlll I'll II CllTliK, Tho new administrative family chosen by the, tnaynr haB taken up Its abode In the city hall. Tho nppnlntccA to tho eight rharter ofllcos have all filed their bondB and, with iv few oxceptlons, havo entered upon their duties. In tho caflOM of those Belected for olllces established by ordinance, bonds must bn submitted to the council for approval. Their incumbency thereforo cannot begin until 'next week. In the city engineer's offlce the routine has not been Inicrrupted. As chairman of tho Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. Andrew Hosewatcr will today dlspennu with tho services of over 100 men, who have been engaged dur ing tho last two weeks In cleaning the streets. This action has no political sig nificance, however, and simply Indicates that tho winter's accumulation has been rtrnioci1. On account of tho Insufficient appropriation tho outlying strcctB must now rely largely on rains for their purification. At Its first meeting today the Hoard of I'ubllc Works Is expected to select a street commissioner and perhaps a number of his mbordlnatcs. Thcro aro numerous nppll cantH for '.ho placo of Commissioner Donockcn. William Coburn, clerk to the Hoard of I'ubllc Works and the Advhory board, was reappointed at the first meeting of tho latter body. ColTinnii Tnkc Ilio Melon. Health Commissioner Coffman ban prepared tils bond and haa taken powenslon of the olllco. Ho took his first lesson ycaterday at tho hands of Retiring Commissioner Italph and said he would return for another lesion later in tho day. Ho will mako no changes for tho present In tho olllce. force. Amlotnnt City Attorney Scott has not as yet surrendered hlB olllco to J. H. Adams, M tho latter Is taking a few days' vacation In order to securo a location for his parents, who havo com'o from OBCeola, Neb., to make their homo with him. Inspector of Weights and Measures Tom LMahammltt may still bo ocen nt his former post ns messenger to the mayor. Tho con gested condition of tho mayor's anteroom fctlll makes his prcsenco necessary In tho ca pacity of genlnl hoot. Ills bond Is on file, however, and he will rellovo John W. Loig In a few days. Superintendent Hugh, who will succeed Jerry Sedgwick ns custodian of tho city liall, Is Informing himself as to his duties, nlthough IiLh reglmo will not begin until next Wednesday. An lnvoico of all tho furniture and other effects In the building will bo taken, for which ho will render a receipt to his predecessor. Tux Olllcu Under Treasure, A few changes have occurred among the city olllces outside of the mayor's Jurlmllc tlon. Tax Commissioner Fleming has ap pointed Ull Garrett and James Nlcholls, loth democrats, as clerks during tho rush Attendant upon preparing tho tax lists. Two copies of tho huge volume containing both tho realty und personal lists mutst be pre pared by May 1, undo.- tho law, ono for the utia of tho treasurer and the other fjr the comptroller. The wi.rk Is not advanced as far us could be Jeslred, and In order to meet tho tlmu limit two clerks nre obliged to work at night, going on duty nt 5 o'clock when tho day force loaves tho ofllce. An other clerk may be ndded in caso Mr. Flem ing considers it necessary In order to com pleto tbo UstH. Doth Garrett and Nlcholls rn candidates for n purmanent position which will lio mado later by tho retirement Df ono of tho present force. Deputy City Clork lllgby In still perform ing tho duties of that olllces which he hopos (U Icftvo for that of license inspector. Prank Ilandhnuer of tho treasurer's office sill begin his term as deputy city clerk next n-cck. HAVDH.V IIHOTIIi:ilV IIAHMAI.VS H. Clark, Chauncey, (la., says DeWltt'B ' Witch Hazel Salvo cured him of plies that tad afflicted him for twenty years. It Is also i speedy cure for skin diseases, now aro of langcrous counterfeits. Heiiieiitliriiiii'e. It should ALWAYS bo remembrd Only ono Chicago railway Una Operates Library Huffct Cars On ALL limited trains. ONLY ONE railway line lttms a limited day train From Omaha to Chicago, Illinois, 'With Drawing Koom sleepers, library and ! dining cars. ONLY ONK rallwny linn JtUNS TWO fast night train From Omaha to Chisago With complete dining and library car service. TUB OLDEST railway lino In Omaha. Tho greatest mileage of any Omaha line. Tho most modern and best equipped. THE NORTHWESTERN LINE. Prom the People' More nnil Hotter ItnrRUlti nn Thin .Snip Proicrrsscn. Hundred of saving chances in tho sea son's choicest style and bargains galore In every Btock. Tho big More Is full to over flowing and never demonstrated moro fully than now that your dollar buys most here. Tho salw of "Tho People's store" J300.000 stock la tho greatest bargain opportunity ever presented. FRIDAY TUB PEOPLE'S STORE SILK REMNANTS all go on salo on Hnyden's bargain square. H-00 8llk in remnants for 23c. 11.60 silks In remnants for 49c. 12.00 silks In remnants for C9c. We aro soiling every piece of tho People's storo silks for leia than other dealers can buy snmo silks for from tho mllln. DRESS OOODS. Friday ic remnant day, and wc have thou sands of goods that havo accumulated dur ing this week at about one-tenth of their regular value. Remnants of plaids, as long a tuey last, 2c yard. Remnants of wool dress goods, double fold, Gc yard. Rem nantH of high grade drcjs, worth up to $1.23 nt 23c. 500 dress patterns, f.i-ln. wide, strictly nil wool, People's prlco 6De yard; wo will sell entlro pattern of f. yards for J1.25. For J1.9S wo will sell you full dress patterns of nil wool plaids, nil wool novel ties, silk and wool novelties, serges, coverts, etc.; goods that "The People's'- sold up to 11.00 yard. He suro nnd attend the crepon salo. Strictly nil mohair goods I'Mn. wide, tine bright effects. "Sc. Extra fine mohairs, crepons, silk top crepons, soufle crepons and goods that "Tho Peoples" sold from $1.30 to $2.50 yard, will go on this sale at 9Sc. MORE WASH (JOODS HARAOINS. Friday's sale the biggest of tho week. Thousands of yards of tho fine, wide dress ginghams, Br yd.; hundreds of pieces of fine dress percales. 6c yd.; a wngonload of chal lls, tho washablo kind, nt 2',ic: all the cal icos from "The People's" at 2 7-8c yd.; all tho 25c fine zephyrs from' "Tho People's" nt 9Hc yd. Thousands of other bargains for tho peopio from "Tho People's" stock. LINEN AND DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Every day new bargains nro placed on our counters from tho "The People's" stock; 13 pieces of Turkey red tablo damask, People's storo price, 39c, at Hayden's for 25c yd.; yard-wide cambric. People's prlco was 10c, now selling at Hayden'H nt 5c yd.; -lu-lnch wide India linen. 10c yard, on salo tomor row nt 3e; 10c white dress goods, iti stripes and checks, now on sale at 5c yd.; new line of 8-1 and 10-4 tapestry tablu covers Just received direct from tho mills; among these you will find somo handaomo designs, 36 Inch wide, flno drapery awlss, In long mill remnants, worth 15c, on sale tomorrow at Sc yard. EASTER NOVELTIES. A very handsomo nnd extensive line of beautiful cards nnd novelties for Easter will bo put on sale for tho first time tomorrow In tho stationery department; prices run from 3c up. Tho newness, daintiness and appropriateness of theso goods, ns well as thn littleness of tho prices, will appeal to all. HOOKS AND STATIONERY. "The People's Storo" books and stationery Just invoiced will go on sale nt Hayden's beginning Friday. Extra clerks havo been put In this department nnd you can get tho groatest values over put on sale In these lines. CORSETS AND FURNISIIINO (lOODS. All tho corsets from tho People's stock that sold up to 75c on sale at 25c. All the corsets that sold up to $1.50, from the I'eoplo's stock that sold up to $1.25 on salo at 49c. 10c 4-ply all-linen collars at 5c. 25c 4-ply all linen cuffs at 10c. Men's 50c light underwear, from the People's stock at 25c. Men's $1.00 colored laun dered shirts at 49c. Men's 23c handker chiefs nt 8',4c. HAYDENS STARTLING PRICES. 48-ounco cans grated or sliced pineapple, worth 23c, now 12V4c. 20-ounco glass Jars, assorted flavors, preserves, worth 20c, now 5c 20c bottles catsup, tablo sauce, ex tracts, onions, ollvo oil, baked beans, sal mon, pickles, mustards, etc., etc., now &c. Sac cans shrimps, now 15c. $1.25 size Hurnham's clam boullllon now on sale, for 25c. 73o bottles, nil kinds extracts, 25c. Unecdn biscuit, per package, 3Vc. EVAPORATED FRUITS. Iargo prunes, People's prlco 15c now 7"c Largo prunes, People's price 10c now 6c. Largo prunes, Peopln's price 8c now 5c Raisin curl prunes only 3c. Evaporated peaches, pears, raisins, blackberries, etc . etc., worth 15c pound, now Sc. Selling tho People's stock. HAYDEN BROS. Mortnllty NtatUtlen. Tho following births and deaths were re ported nt tho olllce of tho Hoard of Health durliur tho twenty-four hours ended at noon Thursday: Hlrths Charles A. Fnlchor: liwrence Koungsoy, 2230 South Twenty-Seventh, girl; 1,. ii. MeCnun, 2321 Chicago, boy; Millard "Itobertson, CM South Twenty-sixth; Frank MoKennn, (lis Pierce, girl; Arthur Chrlsmnn, tills South Eleventh, boy. Deaths Vtudek Jelek, county hospital, 45 years; Mrs. W. SI. Schmidt. St. Joseph, va years; Mndellno Salttn, 613 South Twelfth, ii vuit-H. Aitiiitiinepiiipitta, "The Llttlo Mother." a delightful little sketch, "Tho New Tenchcr." a musical comedy. Impersonations by Pltrot, dancing by tho Passparts, a comical net by Harris and Fields, acrobatics by DeWItt and Hums and tho blogrnph pictures mako up nn en joyable program at tho Crelghton-Orpheum. At tomorrow's matinee each child will bo presented by tho management with a copy of the new magazine, "The Children of tho United States." published by Grace Soren son of Omaha, and written by and for chil dren. Tomorrow night Omaha will Imvn nn nr.. portunity of hearing tho intrepid Siberian traveler, Oeorgo Kennan, lecturo nt tho First Congregational church. His subject will bo "Cuba." This Is tho fifth lecturo In the Omaha school teachers' lecturo courso Stonccypher, printer, ad-writer. XIp-to-datt tuts for sale. 1201 Howard. Tel. 1310. The Attention nr fii- Travollng public Is respectfully Invited to tho magnificent equipment offered to patroni or tno CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST I'AUL IIAILWA between Omaha and Chi cago. Solid vestlhuled, steam heated and electric lighted trains, Palaco sleepers and niners, buffet and library cars, free reclln Ing chair cars, fast time end union depots. City Ticket Offlce, 1504 Farnam st. P. A. NASH General Western Agent. im wmmmm mm AND NOT A MINUTE LATER Tho Hurllngton's Denver Limited, which leavni Omaha nt 4.25 p, m. Is duo at Den ver at 7:10 next morning. It gits there nt 7:10 AND NOT A MIN UTE LATER. Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars. Tlokot Olfloe, 1 502 Farnam St, Tel. 260. Burllnalon Station, I Oth and Mason Sis, t Tel. 128. f m BOSTON STORE'S CHALLENGE We Delj tha World to Hold 8nch a Bim nant Salt ai Thii, STILL GREATER CHALLENGE B RGAINS Will He Offered In Ktor.v Department, .MnliliiK Tmlii)' the (Srrntest liny So I'nr In Our llntlre ("IiiiIIciikc Sale Come Toilnj. REMNANTS $1.00 TAFFETA SILK, 49C. Thousands of yards remnants of taffeta. In plain colors, stripes nnd brocades, In waist lengths, on salo nt 49c yard. 75C NEW SILKS, 25C. From our great challenge sale ull the 73c silks In remnants from 2 to 5 yards, includ ing foulards, taffeta, plalu silks, black broeaden, all on salo nt 23c yard. Silk remnants in short pieces, brocaded silks, black silks, taffetas In nil colors; Just tho thing fnr millinery trimmings, fancy work, etc., go according to slzo of remnant at 5c, 10c, 15c and 23c each. 75C SILK MOl'SSELINE DE SOIE. 29C. Remnnnts of silk motiwellne do sole, satin striped moupscllno do sole, silk polka dots and embroidered moussellne de solo In plain colors, light and dark Moral designs, in lengths from 2 to f. yards; many pieces to match, enabling a lady to mako nn entlro gown; actually worth 75c; on salo at 29c yd- bnort remnants of moussellno de sole, snmo ns above, only short remnants, many to match, on sale at I5c yard. 49C DRESS GOODS REMNANTS. 15C. Tho accumulation of remnants from our great 19c challenge Bale of dress goods, In all wool cheviots, homesputiH, silk and wool mixtures; all on salo in remnants from 2 yards up, nt 15e yard. $1.00 DRESS GOODS REMNANTS, 35C. Puro wool and silk and wool cropons, cov ert cloths, broadcloths. Imported silk nnd wool mixtures, in lengths from 2 to C yards, on front bargain sriuaro nt 33c. 50C CASSI.MERES, 19C. Strictly all wool cawlmeres, checks, plaid and plain colors, for rainy day skirts and boys' wesir. on sale at 19c yard. E.MHROIDERY REMNANTS, 3'SC. EC. "Vir- Large bargain counter, with remnants and odd pieces of nil styles of embroidery. Including reds, blues, white and fancy colors, go nt 3'c, 5c nnd 7'.c yard. Remnnnts of laces Including torchon. Val enciennes, black and cream silk chantllla laces, nil go on bargain squnre at lc, 2ic and 5c yard. REMNANT BARGAINS IN BASEMENT. 10 eases organdies, lawns und dimities, wortli up to 15c yard, in short remnants, lc yard. 25c Imported French nnd Scotch ging hams. In short remnants, many to match, 5u yard. 10,000 yards best standard prints In long remnants, 3V4c yard. 5 cases 36-inch wide percale, would bo cheap at 10c yard, in long remnants, 3Uc yard. 15c figured sateens in long remnnnts, at 7,4c yard. 5,000 yards white lawns, India linens, dimities nnd nainsooks, worth up to 40c yard. In long remnants, 6c, 8Hc, 10c, 12V4C nnd 15c yard. 5,000 yards art denim and ticking worth 23c yard, go nt 10c yard. 15c covert and bicycle cloth In lonf rem nants at S4c yard. 5 cases madras glnghnm, worth 26o ynrd, In long remnants, 8'c yard. 25c linen colored and plain white dress Swiss, 10c yard. Remnants of table damask In lrngthx from 1 to 3 yards, go at less than 14 their real value. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas. HOODLUMS OVERLOOK A BET Cowboy from Wjonilntr Sleepi All Mwht In n Gutter uith -.Vi In II In I'oehet, Thomas Ferrlsh of Green River. Wyo., ar rived in tho city Wednesday with $40. and after spending $S for east side liquor, put up for tho night In a. gutter comfortably up holstered with mud. There, his pocket bulg ing with a $32-roll, he slept nnl dreamed of punching steers nmld tho veldts of his nntivo heath. That ho was able to He there at least flvo hours and nwako still solvent is a pad commentary on tho thrift of the east sldo hoodlum, but such Is the case. In polico court yesterday ho was charged $1 nnd cosU for tho use of tho gutter. Why I'mlrex In the llnrk When by traveling In the luxurious sleep ing cars of the CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn on the electric lamp and make tho berth as tight as day. City Offlce, 1504 Farnam st. debate w.is. 'Resolved. That the dally newspaper Is detrimental to the rising generation " The nlllrmntlve side was up held by Messrs. McKlttrlck nnd Sldwell hihI the lieK-ittlve by Messrs. Dumont nnd Ilnke Prof Wnterhouse. Miss Plillltlil and Miss Peterson, acting ns Judges, ren dered a derision in rnvor or tne negative "The I. my Thoughts of a t.iuv Fellow" were Interpret, d by George Tlndell Omaha to San Francisco The ladles of the First Presbyterian church will servo their last lunch for this season on Friday, April fith. Ampin pro vision will be mudo to servo all who may come without delay. All palms, bulbs and other etiolee plants from Greater America exposition nre for sole at Apalry building, Exposition grounds, at very low pr'ces. Open Sunday. Sant'l Hums, 131S Farnam, Is soiling a genuine Wedgewood dinner set. $S 75. Dehnte of the Ileiuosl hen In in, The Dcmosthcnlfiii Debating society of the High school gave Its Ilrst nubile program Wednesday afternoon. The subject of the To Mayor Moores You have Just passed through a linnl siege by reason of chronic olllce seeker, leg pullers, pikers and professional dead bents. Your appointments give universal satisfaction. Your system lins had a gnut strain upon It. Now. mayor, take our ad vice. Telephone us, No. 747, to send you n few bottles of our SYRUP SARSAl'A HILLA COMPOUND t lie best spring medi cine on the market for building up that .lr.,.1 ft..,!!.,. Schaefer's Srup Parsaparllla Com pound Cramer's Kidney Curo Miles' Nervine 3c Carter's Liver Pills 1"' Duffy's Malt Whiskey Mp nanus Pills 4ft' Kld-ne-olds We Schnefer's Cough tfyrup zio Hlrney's Catarrh Powder 35e Syrup of Figs 29e Itostetter's Hitters 3c 9. S. S 75c l'liysclne $2.50 Or.omulslou 7Dc PRICE DUUGGIST file SCHAEFER CUT Cor. ltlth nnd Rlilenno St. OPEN DOOR POLICY bother It is gentle spring or somber autumn our stock will lie f..nl replrle with seasonable drugs and medli-mes -Ve keep a "PLAIN DHt'O STORE No WHlt..'10 hairsplitting- iHstlnctlmn. as lo HOM we enter. Wo sell drugs to doc tors and lawyers, hospitals, 'hnbnes" and ''haute monde." "Our friends, the eneinv ' In tho DUI'O TRADE, may obtain their "SHORTS" of us flf they pay for them promptly), regardless of whether their "at. tltudo toward us, to our face or behind our back. Is friendly or not, ami regard less of whether this competitor Is de scended from a line of Caesars, Hlsmarcks or of the Disraeli persuasion, nr et n "Norman from tho Grampian Hills." Tho open door policy will nt all times prevail. Wo keep a drug storo on the corner und "mlddlo of block." Sherman & McGonnell DrugGo. Now locution, Cor lfifh and nortp. $15 Wo can soil you a new wheel as low as $15. Our prices are always the lowest no one can undersell us. STUiiiii.in-io. .si'alding tjt:tr. , H.vcY.ci.i: $:m. .M A.NSO.V-ljCli:. Tires ns low ns $1 50 fienond hand Wheels ...,S, $10 and t2 tiniinless Wheels $60 and $75 Omaha Bicycle Co. KiTII AND CHICAGO STS. IBM 1 I I I I 11 M 56 Hours 55 Minutes Is tho time made by "THE OVERLAND LIMITED" II hours 55 minutes quicker than any other line. Through Drawing Room, Pullman Palaco Sleepers, Buffet. Smoking and Library Cars. Dining Cars, meals a la carte. CITY TICKET OFFICE: lailU KAHXAM ST. Telephone :tll. Something for Easter A Jewelry storo contains somo of tho nicest tilings for gifts at Easter time. A piece of silver, a dulnty piece of Jewelrv, a watch, or the ver beautiful diamonds always mako an acceptable present. S. W. LINDSAY, HAYDEN ; The Most Stupend ous Shoe Sals in America. The greatest ehoe bargains ever known. "The People's Storo" entire shoo stock added to the JSTaylor, Crookerfe Young stock. The French. Shriner & Urner stock and tho Underwriters Salvage Go's stock makes a total of over 40,000 pairs fine shoos sacrificed to us for spot cash. They're on sale in our two big shoe departments and arranged on big bargain tables according to sizes to mako selection easy. Thoiisancls of people are taking advantage of these tremendous shoe bargains. 1,000 pairs ladies' finest $4.00 and $.0.00 vici kid shoes, made in the latest styles, tans and blacks, all sizes and widths, O Oft salo price only VO 1,800 pairs ladies's fine $3.00 and $8.50 vici kid shoes with turn and flexible soles, up-to-date styles, all sizes and i DA widths, on sale at Lkjz7 Ladles' fine $2.50 Oxford and strap slippers In patent leather and vici kid, on tale at $1.38. Misses' nnd boy's fine $2.60 shoes In vici kid and calf, tans and black, all sizes, on Ralo nt $1.13. Men's lino $1.00 and $5.00 patemt leather vici kid and Russian calf shoes, in all sizes, all widths, at $1.16. Men's tino hand welt $8.00 nnd $7.00 shoes, In French patent leather. Russia calf and vici kids, all swell up-to-dato shoes from French, Shriner & Urner stocks, all sizes and widths, at $2.98. Tremendous bargains from the People's Store stocks on sale at the Big Store. HAYDEN BROS. Selling the "People's Store" stock. The, Jeweler, 15 1G l)oti;.us St Don't Be Fooled If you wish to get a KODAK or CAMERA call on us. Wo havo just received a very large shipment of PRE.M03 and POCOS and can glvo you a beautiful double lens Poco Camera, with a leather carrying case, comploto for $0.00. All other Amateur Supplies at lowest prices. Krco Instruction for begin-nero. The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 Fnrnitm St. Developing and Printing Done, Vholemile unit Ilctitll, We now display our new spring llpe of BIKE WAGONS BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, CONCORDS, PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS, FARM WAGONS, And quoto tho lowest prices In Omaha. Sno isnit Model, World Bicycles $30 Orient ItiiiKlnterN fKO World HomlMtei-N . . . . I l nnil IjC.II Other netv itht'rln frimi Ifllt up. Nreiiiiilliunil wherln from I.", up, I.urKett mill lient equipped Repair Shop nt IiMtrst iirleea. II. JS. Fredricfcson. 9IBI1 HEIIlil HHBaaiH lath and Dodrrc. The Rich Need No Welcome but they must have SHERIDAN COAL-best coal mined in Wyoming Lump $5.50 Egg $5.00 Nut $4.50. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam. Tel. 127. It Must Be That we are giving the best values and selling the best goods for the lowest prices if not the people wouldn't continue to come here. It's a common-sense propo sition, and the people are not fools. Men's faster Suits. There's no use trying to got out of it, tho men folks are just as anxious to look their best on Easter morning as aro thn women folks. Your wife ot courso will look her best, and she'd bo ashamed to have you along with your winter Buit on. It doesn't cost you as much as you might think for to bo just as drossy as your neighbor who spends $.35.00 for his suit. We don't sell any men's suits at $tff.00, but we'll sell you a ready-to-wear suit of clothes for less than half, and tho only dill'oronco is in tho label. 'The Nebraska" in tho back of your coat collar is a proof of economy, a proof of sound judgment. If you buy a suit of clothes hero and change your mind about tho pattern or stylo you can return it and exchange it. If you shouldn't lind just tho pattern you want we will return your monoy. How about it if it's mada to order? Our Farnamstreot win dow is a perfect fashion plate, you may choose from it with very little trouble. Sometimes we havo customers who do not buy at first looking, but they come back. We suggest the Si). 00, .'HO. 00, $11.00, $12.00, $l,5..r)0, $14.00, $15.00, $10.50 and $17.50 suits for your Easter outfit. Boys' Shirts. Lilliputian Shirts, made jUBt like papa's. In fancy Percales, laundered bosom, with culfs attached. You can't blame the boy for being a little-man. All sizes from .'5 years up. Price 45c. Soo Fifteenth street window. Men's Shoes. It isn't good .lurJirment to delay your shoo buying until Saturday bo fore Easter, better wear 'em one Sunday and get them broke in. While we're all proud of our now things for Spring it isn't necessary to walk like an Indian on a stone sidewalk by breaking in a now pair of shoeB on Easter morning. We've Men's black or tan Vici Kid shoes with or with out fancy vesting tops. Jiox Calf, Kussia Calf in ox blood and russet colors, reg ular $3.50 shoes, for $2.50. We've Men's black Vici Kid shoes in nice vesting tops, neat last, a perfect dress shoe, all sizes and widths, our price $3.00. We've Men's shoes in black Vici Kid, Russia Calf in ox blood, all tho late colors and lasts, tho same shoo that brings $5.00 elsewhere is hero for $3.50. Ml ' T HA HAYDEI CLOAKS IS AND SUITS SurroundliiK opportunities at tills tlmo arc In mmplpto harmony with thr policy of our cloak depaitmont Just when other dca lir mcrywhern nro titlkliiK lusher prices wo ovorwhelm you with bnrRalns that hiuo novcr been equalled. There, In u wonderful power In our larse cloak department. Tho o onditlotm that Rave uh b.irKainn many am now bewailing. All who aro In the mood to Havo dimes and dollar should not rervalu away from Tho Hlg Store tomorrow or any day thin week. Wnmcn'H nulls, light, medium nnd dark gray homespuns, tallnr-mado. tailor Rtltch- Hklrtfl, Jackets silk lined, bought In hoII fur l'J.00, to morrow Women's SuIih, hanclHomo Venetians, home spuns, oton JackelH, faced with satin, sin Klo pleated hack skirls, $l."i value, for .... Woman's suits In gray homespuns, venotlana and chcvlotH, some all silk lined through out, we ehallengo tho world, worth Jl!-'-I0 . Women's Suits, the very bent manufactured, man-tailored, silk lined throughout, In linn Venetians and chovlots, mado to i-cll for JUO.OO. on sale nt 4,75 S.98 12.00 19,50 A Dress Skirt Opportunity. S00 women'B dress sklrtH, mohair skirl. liomcHpuiib, irepons, eiievlots, ana ap i(iucd nklrts, all newest style, box pleut back, pejvallno Unci, tallor-Hlltohed, mado to sell for (j.OO, your tholio tomorrow .... appllqued cheviot skirts, double box pleat back worth JU.50 for 100 hlnck cheviot skirls, appllqued effects worth $10.00 for "A Ml.lC WAIST S.U.IJ ) P r.MJSI'Al, .M.Wi.MTt'DK. Prices far below manufacturer's cost, II gh-clnfis qualities, comploto 2.48 3.98 5.98 asortmen' and sImr anil the ostahllnhod fact that sll k waists aro moro fashlonabln than over mako this u most Important wale. .Not a waist hut U worth 60 por cent moro than to morrow's mnrvelouH prices. All tbo Taffeta silk waists In pinks an d violets, with embroidered cording!), tucks, all over pin tucks, sleeve trimmed to match, at I1.9S. Indies' Taltota silk and black satin wa ists, entlro blouse corded, sleevo to match, on salo at $3.93. Illack silk wnlsts, all over diamond tuc king, at J2.9S. 25 samplo walnts, worth $20.00, for 18.9S. oi.oiinn im:tti;oat.n. Satoon underskirts, black and colored, 15-Inch flounce, OSc. Mercerized French Poulard I'ettlcoats, black and colored, with two flounces and elfin rows of cording, worth .' oo. for Vi S. 100 dozen wrappers with rulllo over shoulder, braid trimmed, worth J1.25, for C9c CO dozen wrappers, worth t- oo, for OSc 2i dozen wrappers in dark colors, worth $1 .00 for 39c. SIMM IAI, Mil. I, mm v sai.i:. A grand showing of tho mest exquisite. nw styles in handsomely trimmed die -a hata, chk street hats and (lowers and lemmings, at special low prices. HAYDEN BR0 hULLI.NU TIIU IMIOf MVS .VIOHU STOCKS. I