I ft THE OMAHA DAILY WEE: FRIDAY, A PHIL 0, 1000. ll 1 ni .'. I; a 4 J SPECIAL NOTICES Ad crtlNciiicnts fur these riMiuinm 11 III lie liiKcn utilll I- in. for Hit' rieiiliiK edition mill until Hillll p. in. fur morning; mill Siiiiiln)- edition, It Men, I l-lie it mini llmt Insertion! ! a twiril tlierenfter. MiIIiIiik Inkni for less thnti il'm for the first Insrr tlon. 1'Iii'np mil, crttsenientii must be run eotiseeutlvpl) lilt, ertlscrs, by rciii-Nllnic n iiuni-lii-rt-il check, enii lime mi-mem nd-ilri'KM-il to a numbered letter In run: of The llee. 1 iism er nii tiililresseil Mill In delivered on presciitntlon of tin- check onl). W AVI ED-SITl ATIOXS. M ANTED, situation ns housekeeper ami irmk on ranch by un experienced tnlildte ugid lady. Address IJ .IS, Bee. A M98. a dvertisement for proposals I H. Potoillce, South Omaha. Nob . April 4lh 1WI. Sealed proposals wll be receinl nt this building until 2 o dock . in.. Tues ibij Muv 1st, 19uo, for furnishing fuel, light, water. Ire, inl'vcHnm-nti-) supplies, wash ing towels, hauling ashes and sprinkling trets for t.ils building during the Ilscal year ending June :c. I9ni, or smh portion of the year may be deemed ndvlsnblc. The rlKht t reject any und nil bids is n Kcrcd by the Treasury department FRED J ETTER, Custodian. A-5-7-E linOKKUKrUH familiar with private und corporate accounting desires few hours' work evenings. Address D Co, I If A -M ISO'S WANTED .M 11,12 WANTED; we have steady work for n few Kood hustlers or good habits and Itppeur uriee. C. F. Adams Co., 1019 Howard St. H-4B7 WANTED, manager ntid agents: salary or commission; cheapest and largest lino. Hunter Tailoring and Shirt Co.. Cincin nati. Ohio. B-Mll'J A" SALESMEN to sell olllco specialties; line side lilies; used by all mcrellnnls: catalog free. .Model MTg. Co., Box II. South llend, I ml. U-.Mf.iS A7 nARIIER trade taught thoroiiKhly In short time. cntuloKue and particulars free. Address Westcui Harbors' Institute, Omnha, Neb. I J ii'."J WANTED, nti experienced, competent llor Ist who speaks Herman and EiiKllsh. Ap ply H. Haas. 1SI3 Vlnlon St. H--2H WANTED, nu n to learn tho barber's trade; we offer the best Inducements to those In tendlni! to learn the barber's trade thor ough! v; send for catalogue The Ameri can Harder College. Midland Hotel Imlld Ing, corner lfith and Chlcagii Sts , otnada, Ned. H-Mr.7t WANTED, pnpfr hangers, and wnll paper cleaners lo send loc for samplfl of the "Ilest Wall Paper Cleaner" on earth; If sample 1b satisfactory will sell recipe for $1.00. Address 11. V McDonald Co . No. 73 West Columhla St . Spring field. Ohio. H-M8I1 7 WANTED. Ilrst-class harness cutter for factory; must lie sober and well recom mended; gooil steady position for compe tent man. Addles, stating wage." wanled. Patrick. Mastlek te Co., Wholesale Har ness and Saddlery, Portland, Ore H M H.10 ! WANTED, a tailor; good wageo. Apply fi2l Hroadway. Council HlutTS. H-M973 B WANTED flood wood worker; steady em ployment. St. Joe Hllggy IV. SI .lor. Mn. B-9S3 .". WANTED, men to Irani- harder trade; 7 Weeks, completes;, positions guaranteed, expel t Instructions; constant practice; free railroad fare to the hirge.t . college.. -In the world at Duliver; , too(s furnished; beware of fake cata logues and misleading oners from my envious biothcr at Chicago; no other schools connoi ted; write for particulars. Moler Harder College representative, Crelghton Hlock. Omaha. H-M993 !i WANTED, experienced male stenographer; slate references anil salary expected; l Hltloli permanent. Address, care Hep, Ex change llldg., South Omaha H M99J 7 WAN.TED, road salesman for Iowa: must h'lVo ail cstadllsded trade and Ihuroughlv "lloSUfl lirMftdfllery K'nilIlK Meyer. nillUier' tint 11 & Co., St. Louis, Mo. B M12". H WANTED Two gentlemen of good address to do special work In connection with sale of new reference work. Call 5Jo Ramve bldg. ii-mi:;o.s w x ri;n i i;i i,i; 11 1:1, i. WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel S7. C-fflO 80 girls wanted. Canndlan olllcc 1522 Douglas C-KIl flood cook and second girl; quired. 2fr-l Douglas St. reference re-C-75H WANTED, good cook. 2211' Howard. C-M93S f, COMPETENT girl for coneral housework. Mrs. W. M. Rogers, 270S Farnani st. C-M9S9 6 WANTED. Ilrst-class millinery salesladies. IIIkIi salaries paid to uood. exnnrlenced salesladies. Hoston Store, J. L. Ilraudels & Sons. Proprietors. C 9S4 C WANTED. 11 oung lady to do cop.tlng. Address I J IU, lice. C M.. THOROl'OHLY competent waist and skirt girls; wageM high as paid In city. Apply ul once. Mm Frank Hrown, 2.129 Hamil ton. C 102-r. COMPETENT girl for-genernl housework: 1131 H. SUth ave. C-110 s WANTED A soubrettp and character man for repertoire; wlm at once stating salary Tor balance of season. Kerkhoff-Iicke Co. Falrllold, Neb.. April 2 to S; M.mkato, Kan., April 9 to 10. C IDS 5 YOl'K'O lady or widow to assist In electric parlor. Apply Crounso block lfith ami Capitol ave., opp. P. O.. room 12. :'nd Moor C-M 131-7' HEM' WAVriJI). WANTED, two good hustling general agents, cither ladles or gentlemen of good uddresw, Hiokp that will appreciate a per manent and paying po-dllnn. Call rooms BOA uuU COB Barker Block. 913-6' i'oh hunt iiorsns. IF YOtT want your houses well rented placo them with Benowa & Co. D C32 llOFSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. D-C33 llOl'SES. all kind. 36 U. S. Nafl Hk. Bldg. D-34 l'Oll RENT Tn small family. 7-room cot tage, In good repair; city water IntMdp; cistern; coal shcil; 22nd nnd California Sts., $23. Inquire at 607 N. 19th St. D-6r. ALWAYS moving H. H. gomls. Pianos. Oltlco 151lit Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or 863. D 036 houses, stores. Ilemls, Paxton block. D-637 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city. Breiinan-Ixivo .Co., 309 So. 13th streot D CSS FIVE roooms. 2S2t South 16th St. D-W) CUIUS BOYER, 2123 Cuming. Tel'. K 2'51 D-M597-A9' CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry B Payne, C01 N. Y. Llfp. 'Phono 1016. D-640 UOrsHB and Hats. Rlnswnlt, Barker Rlk. D-Gll l-'OH Rr.N'T small cottage, J4; store for ; . wi vii ., un 1 Apply I'll Douglas. i....., en-., un very nivurauie icruis. D-92: I0-ROOM brick house, all 'modern. In first. i-llirn nrili-r. mi So. 211111 tit. U HIS. li. HPIISOII. 310 Rhmiko Hldg. D-WvS 10 J-JJ00?J. h?,,s"- K0Dl' repair; 2Stl Miami St., 10. . I.. Colby, Chamber of Commerce. D-979 6 DETACHED s-room modern house with darn. 2011 Pierce. D-9S1 NINE-ROOM modern house In good re pair. Ill walking instance. J35. M. J. Ken nard & Son, Suite 310, Drown block D-M9.i MAOOARD Van A- Storagu. 1016 Cipltol Avo Tel. 1196. D-643 FOR RENT, four-room cotlaVe. 2723 Dodge t JS. 6' nioin-", H5 South JSlh, 7. both uMvly .ijimp." ii-d palntd '" t Bros.. IJarkft- Block, D-MSC3 run hht hoise?. Hol;S)'. to rent. Y Life . C. Patterson. V. N. D-fitJ LARGE ft-room modern hotiro with barn. S"-I So 21st t D-M973 FOR KENT. ,1 or I rooms with alcove, fur tibjhed . omnlete for housekeeping; ever--thing modern. 29i2 Dodge st. D-109 FOR KENT FL'HMSIIEI) ROOMS. 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 7112 8. 11th. E-M9 3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping for man and wife; rent taken In board. 113 N ITth. E-30O FURNISHED rooms. St. Mary's Ave. housekeeping 5623 E-M521-A2P FOUR largo south rooms, furnished or unfurnished, nil modern conveniences. Inquire nt 413 N. 36th st. K 85 7 FOR RENT, furnished rooms for light housekeeping cheap. 412 N. ISth sf. 12-10S 5. l'l'IIM.Si:i) HIIOMS AM) 1IOUID. THE Merrlam family hotel, Isth-and Dodge. F-Cli TO 2 gentlemen, In prlvato faanlly. 2020 8t Mary s Ave. K-G45 ROOM and board, I to Jo. 1512' Davenport. K-R22-A.9 THE PRATT, ilMlrublc rooms? "phone IflSi 212 So. 25th. K 112 HANDSOME tmrlor beilroum; other rooms; Ki'iitlernett only ; raten nunlernte. Tho Roe, 2W Harney. K M30-A12 NICELY furnished room, Rood board; next door 70S OeorBla Ave. E 6t ROOMS and board. 2013 DouRlas. K-901 7 I'LEASANT home for fcmr adults In strictly private family, one block from Hanscom park. 11 Cleorela ave. E-MSfW 7 ELKOAN'J' front rooms with board. 1'J Can'tol avenue. FMMS 10 ROOMS, -lth board. ?H'J Cain. K-M12S 12 Edit iii: r-iM rnisiii;u ittio.Ms. 2, 3 OR I modern (or furnished), block from car line, facing Hanscotn Park. 2DCI Woolwnrth. . n 62 2 FRONT rooms for llRht housekeeping. 100 Leavenworth SI. O 971 S FIVE uirfurnlsheil chnmhers for housekeep ing to man and wife. 319 N. 17th. !-9SJ I'lllt lli:T STOIII1S AM) (H'l'K'ES. FOR RENT, store In llrst-clnss location, rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters it Co., ground lloor, lice bldg. I 2C3 STORE ROOM. 11 trt Fnrnnm' Opp. old P. X). I-li STORE ROOM, 1106 Farnnm. Opp. old P. O. I-C3J FOR RENT store room In good county sent town, central .Nebriudta.. size 25x60, brick cellar, good two-story brick build ing, centrally located. Address D 37, Hep. J 011-5 .WiE.NTS W XT 1-111. AtlENTfl makp V, 10 in a day -selrtng thp i-hiapest and most purfect water -lllter over Invented. R. -tails at-Jl,M ' Big prollt to agents. Apply 200S North 19th streot, J-0;9-9 WA.NTI-lU TO IIEXT. Fl'RNISIIEl; house of eight or nine room. Must ho near car line.- E. 1L Ti-rrlll. 203 Paxtou block. K .M910 6 ST(ltAiE. PACIFIC Storage and WarehoUso Co.. 912 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. '7 Om. Van Stor. Co., 1511V.- Faru. Tel 1559, MB. (US WA.vrr.n to iii;y. ALL kinds of household. goods, hotels, etc., In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co., 140U-10 Dodge. Tel. 2U2U. N-019 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Hank accounts. Brennan Lovo Co., 3U9 So. 13th. N-C50 ENTERPRISE Fl'R. CO. pays high prices for good household goods. 102 So. mh. N-MC71 A 10. 2D-H AND books for cash. Crane, 207 N. 16th N-MB61 ELK teeth. Edholm, Jeweler, 107 N. 16th. N-C07 PARTIES having secondhand bank coun tir to dispose of please send description and lowest figure to J. W. Dolan, Indian ola, Neb. N 921 7 CALVES. Address U 44, Beo olllce. N-M971 10 LIST real estate for sale with F. p. WEAD. 1521-Pouglns St. Established 17. N-95 0 WANTED, a second-hand piano. Chlcker lug. Knahe or other standard make; must be a bargain and in good order. D 49, Hec. N MU7 S l-'OH HAI.K-IIOItSlOS, VKIIICI.KS, KT(', TOP Bl'flti Y for sale. In good conriTtlon I" 40. Bee. I' M190 PHAETONS, buggies, rorfd' wagons' and hariuss. Andersen Buggy Co.. Oor. lRth and Davenport Sts. P 621 FOR SALE chcri for cash, second-hand, largo two-seated carrlago In good Condi' Hon. Address D 31, Bee. P M932 C EXTENSION leather top 'double Cnit'lagP. F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas. ' ' P-C fi O-PASSENdER carriage. cost-JMO nt'ttvror sale for 1115; good wheelsO' ' Almost new Columbus light phaeton, cort 1225; now 1C. v Top buggy, good ns new, handmado, J100; coat 1225 nw .' DRl'MMOND CARRIAGE CO. u p-oso r. l-'OH sale mim i:i,i,m:oi s. CHEAPEST and best poultry and hog fence. VJl Douglas St. (j G52 Cl'TTERS of drug prices. Sherman Mc Conuell Drug Co., Cor. 16th anil Dodge Q IkVJ FOR SALE, ten R-.p-A-N-S for G coats at druggists. One gives relief. Q 654 A19' 2DIIAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam. Q-TO B. HAAS, Florist. 1613 Vinton St. TeTrie! Plants, gut llowers, boquets, luill, reHl. dence. wedding and- grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly tilled. Q-GM NEW bicycle tires, J2.25, J2.50 nnd $3 0) flood secotulband wheels, S, Jio nnd 112 Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. 0-657 SAFES, buy, sell. Schwartz, 111 S 13. TI-1W Q-.Md.S4 Cl'T prices at A. E. Wyllo's, 151.1 Faruam; Hermitage Bourbon. Quckiinbeltner Rye. fc. years old; drink, 10c; Ij-pt.. 2jc; pt. 50o: qt.. SI; gal. sent C. O. D., 4. Q-MgS3 AH WIRE fence. Leddy. 1617 Howard. . Tel. 159a Q-615 Aug- (1ET our price, on our pneumatlc-tlrisl blko buggy with wood rims, bicycle spokes, ball bearings; tho latest out. Omaha HI cyclo Co., liUh and Chicago. Q 11745 HORSE clippers and repairs; wo grind razors, shears, clippers, etc. A. L. Undo, land. 100 S. 14th SL Q-MSSt All FOR SALE A Parker hnmnu-rless shotgun, good as new; cost J). Apply to Ed Yaton at Schaefer's Drug Store. Q 104 4'. OOOD Incubator, cliwip- J. O. Anderson, 3W0 Curtis ave. 0 M120 M' .MlhtlELIiAM-lOl'A. WE are all ready for business; Urges t lino In city of d hand household bocnIp Kn torprUo Fur. Co.. 102 S. Hth. R-.M672-A10 NOTICE, country deulej-s. 2dluind furniture A: htoves at lowest prices, airo.id lots or less, end ago Furniture Co,, 140ii-l Dodge. R-6iS 1 ( LAIIH OV NT.", tlREAT FORTt'NE TELLER Free test Just arrived from Europe, where for tlftv years my grandmother was the greatest astrologlst of the Ua. will remain a short time, tells six dlffer-nt w.iys, past, pres- f nt. future, in person ,or by letter, gives Itnky numbers, tells lady or gent who the future husband or wife will be b the letters In the hand: brings back husbnnd or lover In so many days, advice on grain nml BtocJ,; tine hair growing tonic; cures corns, nervous trouble; churiii freo this Week; ladles In trouble cull at once; fe male troubles, tumors, coughs, colds, rheumatism. asthmu und catarrh. MADAME DE HAZARD, Omaha, Neb. Parlors, filH South 13th st.: olllce hours, 10 ii. in. in -,i p. m., open Sundays; will touch hand of each customer free with onlv true i luck stone In America. S M9S9 7 I MME. a YLMER genuine palmist. l&C Dnlgo S-061 MRS. FRIT, clairvoyant, 812 N. 16th. S M2 MRS. HILU Dewey's friend. 7th daughter, born with veil, fortune teller, locates hid den treosure; ladleM, Doc; gents. 11. Read ings by mall. 2yn2 Cuming. Prof. Spiers, magnetic healer faith cure. S 32S-A22' MME. PALMER, mcdlumTRes. 1707 Cast Hi. S-977 6' EI.ElTltlf THEATMEXT. una titAti.uv .i.v.i.. i . . . .......j. ..w.vi.a, 1.1 if iiillKilv rue II t. U t llivi 1 b . and biUhs. 119 N. 10th St., 2d lloor. Op- ' poslto P. O. T-019-Ap-21' MlltirsMITH. room 2, lis'4 N. lfith; mag. neno iruatuient and baths. T MS63 7 I'EIIMO.NA!,, VIAVl, woman's wuy to lfealth. 316 Bee bldg " I U-663 MONHEIT, Chiropodist, IBIS Farn. Tel. 2,133. YOUR hair shampoed, dressed 35c. Hair to. let goods. Monhelt, 1518 Farnani. Tel. 2m F-672- PIUVATE hospital for ladles Itefore. fc dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. U-669 DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns and superllu ous hair removed by electricity. Room 12, Frenzer Block. j U C6I PLEATING and pleated iklrt of all kinds. M. Goldman Co., 2u0 Douglas block. u-;ss PRIVATE homo before and during conllnc ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 263.1 Decatur. U 670 STAMPS for collectors; albums, pupplles. Frank Brown, 220i,s S. 13th. U-671 Rl'PTL'Rl-; cured knife, no pain, no danger. Send for circulars. Empire Rup turo Cure, 933 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U-667 CANCER CURED; no pain. Dr. llcnshaw. sclentlllc sjicclnllst, 016 N. 19th t.. Omaha. U-M713-A10 IF OLT suffer with your feet and diislrp ImmcdlaUi or permanent relief cull on Prof. Lund, 511 Karb.ich block. U-953-A17 LL PAPER cleaned like new, reason ii hie. Beck & Co.. 1520U Capitol ave. Tol. 2333. U-MS5S 7 CLOTH by the yard for ladles' tailor suits. Dresher Tailoring Co., 435 Paxton Block. C-M970 m3 MME. SMITH, magnetic treatment and batbs. MS'i North lBth, room 2. C-970 10' YOl'NO man holding good position Is de. slroits of meeting nice appearing; discreet young lady. Address D 17. Bee. U-M101 b REGILDING of all kinds Hollelted; frames you havd storeillii garret made new; also furniture, ornaments, etc. A. Krauss, 1212 Douglan, Tel. 1621. s U 115 11 HOMES WANTED: Five boys nl'the Chlld Saving Institute between the ages of 8 and 11 years want homes, where they Van do chores to' earn their board for the summer. Theie'bQ.vH are not for adoption, but If satisfactory places can bo found they may remain until of age. V M122 S' PSYCHICAL PHENOMENA CIRCLE tills . (Friday) night nt m North 19th st. Door 1 'collection, ii cents. u M126 il MOM2Y TO I.OA.N HEAL ESTATE. PRIVATE mon'oy, 7, uVj, 0 per cent; no du lay. Ourvln Bros., 1613 Farnam. W 673 PRIVATE moiipy. v D. Wead, 152! Douglas! W-671 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds und warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Beo Bldg. W 673 5 PER CENT monuy. Bemls, Paxton block. . , V-li7C FIVE per cc,nt farm Iwins. Chns. E. Wil liamson. M' 677 MONEY to loan, on llrst-clas's Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne Knox Co., New' York Life. W 67S D, .'Vj, 6 per cent on Omaha, S. Omaha. W. H. Thomas, 503-lst Nat. bank. Tel. 161S. MONEY to loan at 5 and per cunt on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle, 101 S. 15th. W-6S9 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th. W-690 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent. Borrowers can pay $100 or any multiple. Any In tel est. date. No delay. Brennan-Lovo Co., 309 South' 13th street, Omaha, Neb. W-691 JI.OX) and upward to loan on Improved city property, and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 13J0 Farnam. W 692 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. Georgo & Company, 1001 Farnam st. W M967 .MO.M1V TO I.OA.V -ClI.iTTKI.H. LOANS made salaried people on personal note w.thoat security; rates reaxinabe. J. VV. Tuyloe, 21S First Natiouul dank. ' X 693 MONEY loans on furniture, rlsis, bicycles, diamonds, watches, etc; payment un known to friends. Omaha Ioun Bank. 1 in; Fnrnam, upstairs. X 696 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPI.Ti holding permanent iosltlona on their own name without endorser or mortgage. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and LOW EST RATES. No Inquiries made of em ployer or frlendt'. You can borrow luiy amount and repay on easy weekly or monthly payments. Before borrowing t-eo us. OMAHA CREDIT CO., suite M-526 N. Y. Life Bldg. x-697 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD Fl'HNlTCRE, PIANOS diamonds, watches, on easy payments, un known to others; you keep the goods, each payment leiisens the cost of tho loan; no charge for paper and wo make nn in. qulrles of your neighbors. BERGERS' LOAN CO. 1604 Farnum, over B. & m., ticket office. X C9S SALARY loans after working hours. If you want cheap money address 11 57, Bee. X-S20-AU MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent xmltlon with responsible concerns upon their own names without security: easy payments. 'IMIman, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg X-701 MONEY to loan on furniture, planoe, horses, cows, etc. J. W. Tayloe, 21s First National bank building. X 702 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. I-', Reed, 319 S. 13. X-700 MONEY ADVANCED FOR SALARIES. Salaried' employes of good character enn obtain accommodation at much less cost uml omli ii-ruB4rnnii Ihnn hnu I . ...... . been possible by applying to American Ioan Co., Room 601 Boo bldg. x 815 MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their own name. In amount from 110 (0 up. A comparison of our rates with others Is all wo ask, as we are positive that ours are the lowest In the city. Remember that we urp the only loan company giving you the privilege of paylntf your loan ALL or In PART at any TIME and thereby stop, ping the cost. Business contl Jenlliil. Treat, ment courteous. OMAHA MORTGAGE IIAN CO. Tel. 22i. Room 119. Board of Trade Bldg. N-M931 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture horse cows, jewelry, uurt urcen It b, Barker b'k X-703 MIIM'A TO I.O. ( IIATTlll.S. LOWEST RATES. QEICKEST SERVICI- We loan on furniture, planns, warehouse re.-rtpts. live stock, eft You have the use of both the property and th-- mi-nev You may pay the titan b.i. k in one month or keep it longer and pay for It only what time you keep It. No expense for papers and nothing kept out of the amount bur rowed. OMAHA MORTGAGE IIAN CO.. (Established PfflJl. 3r8 South Hth St. X-922 in si.mvhs ( ii ( r.s. GROCERY stock, splendid location, well established trade; as n business propo sition will pay to Investigate. Address C 26, Bee. Y-M1G0 A17 FOR SALE, a small steam brewery with mnlthousp. In pastern Nebraska, In excel lent condition, with good location; must retire on nccount of 111 health. For fur ther particulars call on or address F. W. Platz. Schuyler, Neb. Y-M266 A20 THE NEW SNOW CHURCH CO., gives strict attention to nil classes of collec tions. 401-2-3-4-5 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. Y 757 FOR SALE, on nccount of sickness and death In family I now ofTer my hotel property. The Alhlon House; one of tho best hotel towns In state. A bargain for some one that wishes to engat- In hotel business. For Information -write to J. E. Needham, Albion, Neb. Y M95I 9' PRINTING olllce for sale, Nebraska county seat; good plant, good business. Tor full particulars address D 10, care Bee. Y MM3 10 BUY one of our npw or spcond-hand nietry. go-rounds. 2200 Iake st , Omnha. Y-M9C9 10' FOR SALE, drug store or half Interest In same: doing good business nnd located In one of the bpst towns In Nebraska. For particulars address Frank Nedola, Crete, Neb. Y-M750 BUSINESS opportunities at Pan-Aniprlcan Exposition, Buffalo. Uxnds adjoining Ex position for hotpls. residences, amusement and business purposes, for rent or snle. Apply to Klngsley of Buffalo, at Hotel Millard, for circulars and Information. Y-946-5' FOR LEASE, good business corner lot, 30th and Ames avenue. No saloon. Apply Flodman & Co., 1514 Capitol live. Y M741 11 FOR SALE or trade. In downtown district, ilrst-class factory, manufacturing u sim ple stnplo article; brings prollt of 12'Q month; will sell at a sacrlllee, less than one-third tho value. D 4, Bee. Y-M127 S FOR SALE, blacksmith shop and tools, best location In the city. Address W. II. Amnion, St. Paul. Nou. Y-M110 12' FOR SALE, four-year lease of rt furnished hotel, 50 rooms, In one of the best towns In Nebraska, population 3,ooo; has all thft commercial trade and making money; good reasons for selling. Address D 41, Bee Olllce. Y-M11S S i'oii nvi ii a.mji: RESIDENCE lot to trade for good horse and buggy. Henpwa & Co.. lift N. 15th. Z-M9i 0 HAVE good farms lo pxoh'ge for merchan dise. W. V. Hedges. Hoc bldnc. Omaha, Z-M965 6 I'OII SAI.i; HI2AI, KM'A'I'li. BARGAINS OFFERED BY F. D. WEAD. Jl.'i.&fto 3 of best built brick dwellings: only short distance from Boston store; rent, $1,110. JlS.ono l-stpry brick store building; cost $22,000; rent, $1,200. Jll.OOO ;i brick dwellings, half block from ground worth Jfioo per front root. $12,0110-1 modern S-room dwellings In best location In Hanscom Place. and others all the way down to $1,100 for 3 cottages, renting at $130. DWELLINGS. $l,50o 11-room ' house und 4 lots accessible to South Omaha. $6,000 for new home on hill between Farnnm and Dodge; very complete. $3,2)) 12-room house; lot 70x110; house alone cost $5,(100; No 2DIS N. 21st St.; will accept $500 cash, balance easy. ' $2,6i S-room house, Kountze Place. $l,0O0 7-ronni house, Spleu1lil condition; largo lot; room for twll more houses, tooo-j-room house ili1i -bA'r.n .14x20. $l,S0O 5-room house und yarn cast of Hans- com Park. $l.5mt--i-oom. N. 21st St.: lot 30x140. $1 3'M-5-roorr. cottage and lot N. 19th St. $5o N. W. corner 1Mb and Bancroft. $450-r.l8 Parker St.; 5 rooms. $J50--;J1I2 Maple St. UNIMPROVED. $63011 lots near school. $i.ooo Beautiful lot on Cuming overlooking Bemls Park. $1,500 for two lots, 40xlfi.; east front on 37th, V's blocks from Mr. Cud.ihv's. $400-50-foot east front. 40Ui and Jackson. $2,000 East front, loth, near Dewey av.e. FOR EXCHANGE. $2,500 worth improved property In Shelby, la., and cash for If) acre farm. $2.0iK)2 lots opposite Sacred Heart; paving fully paid for; Improved. $v)0-Groi-pry and cash for Income property. F. D. WEAD, 1521 DOUGLAS. RE-9S7 f. PAYNE-KNOX CO., HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS: LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE;' HOUSF.S, FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First lloor, N. Y. Life Hldg. in: 7oi HENRY H. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate, Rentals, Loans, Insurance. RE-706 IF YOU hnve a bargain to offer In real estate see S. A. Broadwell, 501 N. Y. Life. RE-707 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also lire Insurance. Bemls, Paxton blK RE-70S FOR QUICK returns on bargains only see 8. A. Broadwell, 501 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-709 A BARGAIN, four acres, 40th nnd Pacific, two blocks from car line, on belt rail road, $2,500; easy terms. McCnguo In vestment Co., 15U1 Dodge. RE 710 BARGAINS. Chris Boyer, 2121 Cuming. TpI. K-2652. RE M59S A9 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, aOfi N Y L RE-711 SNAPS In rpal estate, money to loan, L. L. Johnson Co., 311 S. 15th St. RE-712 GOOD-DYE! I am going lo Chlcngo. My residence at 2117 Wirt is going to bo sold for what It will bring; opened dally for inspection; make your offer; incumbrance, $5,000, 5 years, 5 per cent. J. J. Gibson, 506 First National Bank Bldg. RE-M5S5 A12 CHEAP homes on monthly payments. In surance. Money to loan. G. E. Turklng ton, ft6 Beo Bldg. RE 925 Wc nro authorized to place on the market SIX BEAUTIFUL LOTS At tho S. E. corner of Ixiwe ave. nnd California st. at phonnmpn.il bargulns. Think of this: A 5o-ft. lot facing on Lowe nve., with all paving tax paid and stone sidewalk all paid for, for only ll.lno Terms, one-third cash and the balnnce at 6 per cent or fi per cent discount for all cash. Again 50-ft. lots facing north on California St.. just cast of Lowe ave., all tuxes paid, at from $000 to $700 each. These are great big BARGAIN and WILL GO QUICK. PA YN E- KNOX COM PAN Y, Sole Agents, Main Floor New York Life Building. RE-M93D S SEVEN-ROOM dwelling, bath room, etc.; full lot, shade trees, east front, Ideal home, near 40th and Cuming; must sell; great sacrlllee, $2,000. Answer soon If wanted. Address D 45, Beo Olllce. RE-M990 7' 40 OR SO ACRES near Benson, within 2 miles or line, $60 per acre. 99x132 feet, sightly corner down lown, cheap nt $10,ri0. Houses and lots from $150 to $2C,000. Farm lands near Omnha from $25 to $00 per acre. Five (5i per cent money to loan on gilt-edge property and farms. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. RE-M510 WE ARE authorized to sell the property at 1922 Dodge at a little over one-third of Its actual cost on conditions of rale by April 15th. A tine largo burn, alone, costing $3,.W ami 12-room house on corner lot 41x120 nnd Dxco lot . 3 blocks from P. O. The grounds are today worth more than tho whole will be sold for; so are the Ijn provenientfi. Conditions are cash and 10 da; ft' limit Make us a bid. Payne Knox Co., N Y. Life bldg. RE 116 14 BUSINESS property. 41x14 feet on 10th htreet opposite north end of vlndiu t , ud Inlnliig property sold to Ames est ite for ItVioi nmrly $ per foot. We can offer the II feet, one-third the size, for $75 per foot. U M. Hicks. 320 Board of Tra le RK-10C I 'on s.v 1,1: it i : vi. nvrvri:. BARGAINS, April fi and 6. 19CX C F. HARRISON GEO T. MORTON. ?!3 N. Y. LIFE-TEL. 311 OR 212-F. INVESTORS AND HOMESEEKKRS, ATTENTION! We want to talk to you about nn S-room house on Hint high plnlt-HU near 22nd nnd High school, 66x150 foot lot. street and alloy paved, $6,0uo. 3116 Mnrey street, a new 7-room house on W-foot lot, south front, houro Is right nnd prlcm Is right. $1,5 Dozens would rent It, but must sell. RE-10J o BARGAINS IN BUSINESS PROPERTY. $12,500, well Improved corner, right In track of railroad developments, east end, rents $l,20o to $1,500 per year. $11, (m, another same neighborhood. $1,700 t feet Cuming t-tret't, corner, choice cheap. $J.iVm, 70x70, corner on Cuming, rents $32S per yeir. $J,iV). 4lxt'., 3 blocks from Paxton hotel. wholesale district, cheapest property of the kind In Omaha. Hnlf block, 16th and Izard, fluent trackage and warehouse block In the city. George O. Wallace, 313 Hrown block . HE Ul 17 FINE iraiden Inlld. r. tiered eloso to city, $750. Hicks, 320 Hoard of Trade. RE-107 5 PROFITA RLE 1 N V ESTM ENTS-RENTAL PROPERTY. $ifio 3 full lots, paved street, with cottages und store, bringing $Vo per year. $1,200 Cottages, stores and Hat; rental. $650 per year; close In. $3.00O-Nenr 13th and Pierce, lot 60132. 3 .buildings, room for more, rental, $4M nr year. $l,5iw Corner, South Omaha, I blocks from Armour's and Cudahy's, with 4 cottages, rental $22.5 per vear. GEORGE G. WALLACE, 313 Brown Blk. RE- 113 7 RESIDENCE PROPERTY CHEAP AND GOOD. $ii.5ril Choice home north Hanscom Park $l,50o Another, corner, same locality tlXiOit Nice home. 19th street boulevard $2,200 Full lot. jin veil street; S-r. mod house 2.tv- Cottage, largo lot, near ,11st & Mason 1.I0O- Good lot, 2 cottages, nenr ami -6 $2.2.iO Neat 5-room cottage, lot 75 x 225. two street fronts, room for 6 or S houses, near isth and Vinton, cheapest thing In that vlclnlls. $7ID to $1.000-Fifty well-located smnll htuses 111 different parts of the cltv. Get list GEORGE G. WALLACE. Brown Blk. 16th and Douglas. RE 112 7 BARGAIN NEAR HANSCOM PARK New S-room all modern house, oak tlnls-h, latest plumbing, tmrcelnln bath, elevtrlc lights, speaking tubes, line cellar sta tionary tub, steel range In laundry east front lot 50x140, large shade; owner lein lng city; niut sell. Price, $3,800. J. H. SHERWOOD, 939 N. Y LIFE RE M 123 S FINE corner, east front lot 7S.XI33, lust right nbovei grade, line shade, good S-room modern house, electric lights, large barn. 4 boxed stalls; permanent walks and pave, ment paid In full; have refused $30 per month rent. Price. $l,0no. J. II. SHERWOOD. 939 N. Y LIFE RE M 124 S FI It.MTllHIl HEI'llltlM'. GLOBE Couch Co., 1519 Ienv'th. Tel. 2529. 5"S PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feather reiiiiMitlng. Tel. 1331. M. s. Wnlklln 2111 Cuming St. ;t:j Mattresri upholstering, llnlshlng. carpentry. Omaha. Cabinet Shop. 1606 Cass. Tel 2ISS -930-A16 ' LUNDEEN, upholstering, cabinet-making, rellnlshlug; mattresses made over 152J Leavenworth. 292 Muy2t SIIOHTIIAMl AMI TVPI21VHITI.MJ. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life -727 AT OMAHA nils. College, 16th & Douglas. 72S BOYLES college, court reporter principal. Bee Bldg. 729 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthnnd col lege. Boyd's theater. 730 HICYCI.ES. IN order to redtiPo stock wp will sell for .1 short lime only second-hand blev-lcs at one-half price; good wheels, $3.W to $15 00. Flescher, 1622 Capitol Ave. -717 Ennmeled, $2 up. Bicycle Hospital, 711 N. 16. -71S Repnlred, 21 & Charles; tires, $1.75. Tel. 2327. -917-Mny ! OSTEOP ITU V. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, 515 N. Y. Llfo Bldg.; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Old. E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, mgr. -714 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still school, Klrksvllle, Mo., 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367. -715 A. T. HUNT.osteopath; all chronic diseases; "results tell." 305 Knrbach Blk. Tel. 2352. -710 .MEDIC. II., LADIES out of health And prompt relief. Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential. -M373 A27 HOTELS. METROPOLITAN, European, 12th X- Doug Ins; lowest rates. Win. Barr, Mgr. Tel 241. M -676 THURSTON. 15 & Jackson; American & European. Newly relltted. Prices mod' r' to F-M7H- I.OCKS.MI'l'IIS. KEYS lit ted. locks repaired, by B, W Schneider, at Townsend Qun Co. Tel S70 M620 A 29 C. R. HEFLIN. expert locksmith and model maker. 307 South 16th St. Phone 2022 931 - .1 1 K. B. & M. Junk house. J. Milder. Prop., dealers In all metals, bottles, etc CarmHils a Hpcclalty. &01-S03 Farnam, Omaha. Tel 2378 101- M 1 LOST. STRAYED A black angora cat with white feet; please return to 212 S. 17th St cor Dougla: . and receive reward. Lust 111 7 LOST, a fox terrier, blark and tan head March 25 Reward If returned to No 513 N. 21rd st it M121 6 Al'CTIO.MlERS. OMAHA AUCTION CO. Satisfaction guar antced. 620 N. 16th St. Telephone 21ns. - M732 MIHUOIt FACTOR V. OLD mirrors roMlvored; new ones to order country orders promptly filled. 70s N to' S71-A13 WATER I-'ILTHHS. "STANDARD" Wnter Filters, all kinds of lllter supplies. Tel. 306. 1507 Harney SI -MS13 A31 TIU VK IMCTORV. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit enses Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 12119 Farnam I-M ll.MTI It 12 PACK I Mi. OM. Van Stor. Co , lSlUs Farn. Tel 1559,f,il': -72.1 LA I'MIII V. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 Leavenw h Tel '17 721 STOVI2 HEP 1IIIS. GASOLINE stoves cleuned&0I-3 N lfith- -J1354 I'I.E ITIMl. ACCORDION pleating, tvory-rlm biitt. i Mrs. A C Mark. 17th Uatnam HI U Mi A21 HIIK K MIII2W1I.K. VV FOOT. If ordered enrlv vmt cs.11 site money. John McGowan, MS S. 2Mb St -M5H A2i!' II I It UN AMI T.l I ItEH M 1 . STOCK S Bird store. Ifle3 Leavenworth STIMMEHIXl AMI Ml ITHIIIMi, CURED. Julia Vuughnn, 430 Riunge Hldg I'lWMIHOKEHS. EAGLE Loan Olllce. reliable, accoinmoilai lug, nil business conlldctitlnl. 13)1 Douglas 733 Ml'lii: I'LATI N ( CYCLE PARTS, all kinds plating. Omaha Plating Co . Bee Hldg. Tel. 2Mo. -726 T PI2WIUTI2HS. REMINGTON Standard Typewriter nnd supplies. 1619 Farnam. - 720 TYPEWRITERS, seeoiiilhutul. 1116 Fnrnun. -121 llHI2SSM.lKI.Mi. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2216 Davenport, S79 A 13 SUES & CO. Patent Lawyers Heo Hldg-,, Oiniibu. Tel 10-211. Advice free, HAIL W1VT1.ME T1IIL12S. XSCfi II4I..I.NOI8 CKNTUAIi SSSsft "Hl'roail. City Ticket i.tllce, 5QK5K3c5 P'ion 215. Depot, Tentu und Mason streets. Leave, a 12.10 pm a 7:35 pm Arrive, n 4:05 pm a b:15am Chicago Express Chlcngo Limited Minneapolis nnd St. Paul Express Minneapolis nnd Ht. Paul Limited Fort Dodge Local from Co. Bluffs ... b 7:00am b 9:40pm a 7:35 pm a S:13nm b 4:30 pm b 10:15 am a Dally, b Dallv except Sundays. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL and & Pncllle Railroad "Tho Great Hock Isl. and Route " Cty Tick et Olllce, 1123 Farnnm Street. Telephone 42S. Depot, Tenth & Mason ouutin ii-iepnone. m. Leave. A 1 rive. bes Moines and Daven pott Local a 7:05 nm bll:35 am C Ii - uso Lxpres- bll;15 am a S:10 tun ' rilt.iJln. Express, it 5:(i pm n 1:25 pm St. Puul Express a 6:00 pm bll:35 am Llncoin, Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo nnd nWe?. . ' , i . a 1:29 nm a 2o pro Des Moines. Rock Isl and and Chicago a. 7:23 pm a 5:50 pm Colorado .t Texas Flyer. a a oOpm r 9:20 am a Dallv b Dally exce.ut Sumiuv. CHICAGO. BT-. PAUL. MlnnenpolU & Omaha Railway - "Tho North western Lino" General Olllces. Nobrnskn Divi sion, 13th and Webster and WcbsVcr Sts. """""- Jel'. n.i . Leave. Arrive. 1 win City Passenger... a 6:00 nra a 9:10 pm Omaha Passenger u,i 4j Sioux City & North- a east NcbrnsKa . . .a 3:40 pm a Dally b Dally except Sunday. SIOl'X CITY i PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" General Olllces. Untied States fatlonnl Hank Building, S. W Corner Twelfth 77. . """ 1'iiiimiii "is. nnKOi Omce, 1101 Farnnm St Telephono 561. De- iuii it-iiui en .uason ais. t eiopliono C29. lenvo. Arrlvo. Twin city Express. Twin City Limited. Sioux Citv Local .. a Doily ..a 6:55 am a 7.20 jim ..a. 2:00 am nl0:50 pm u h:16 urn u 4 :20 pm FREMONT. ELICHORN Jk Missouri Valley Railroad -'The Northwestern I.lne" - General Offices. United States National Hk. Hldg.. 8 W. Corner Twelfth Olllce. 1401 Farnnm St. Telephono' 561. De pi', 15th and Webster Sts. Telephono 1I5S. r,i 1 tux . Leave. Arrlvo. Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas..... d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva. v!&eliir anr s,ewn'd- .b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pro Norfolk. Verdlgro and Fremont .... b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Lincoln. Wahoo and i remont .. b 7:30 am Fremont Local e 7:.io -m bl0:25 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun- rSnSiw.only .d..rjally Saturday. DallJ- except Monuav. CHICAGO A NORTH western Rallwav "The :?.'hV!',s.", Llne" Clty Ticket Olllce, 1401 I'lirnam Streot. Tele phono 561. Depot, Tenth phone. C2J. mm -iiiinun nireots. Tele Leave. Arrive. Duyllght Chicago Sne c'ul a 7:00 nm Chicago Passenger ....a 4:15 pm Eastern Express. Des Moires, Marshalltown, Cedsr Rapids and Chi cago al0:I3 am Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East a 4:65 pm Fast Mall, Chit ago to Omaha Omabn-Chlcagn Special. a 7:30 pm Fast Mali a Dally. all:20 pm alOilV urn a 4:05 pro a 4:05 pm a 2:45 pm n 8:eo am a 8:30 am UNION PACIFIC "THE OVER. lnnd Route" General Offices. N. E. Cor Ninth nnd Fnrnm Btreets. City Ticket Olllco, 1303 Farnam Street. Telephone 31V. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 629. L.envo. Arrive. Tho Overlnnd Limited a 8:20 am a 7:20 pm Tho Fast Mall a 8:50 am a 3:25 pm Tho Colorado Special ..all :33 pm a 6:50 am Tho Portland Sjioi la! .n 8.20 am u 4.35 pm Lincoln, Beatrice und Stronisbnrg Express.. I 4 10 pm bl2:25 pm Pacific Express a 1 25 pm a 6:50 tun Grand Island Local ..bC'30pm b 9:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. 3T. Jo seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Office. uiu i-arnam street phone, 250. Depot, and Mason Struols. nhone. 12S. Tele Tenth Tele- Leave. Kansas City Day E . .a 8.50 am Kansas City Night Ex al0:15 pm Arrive, a 6.17 pm a 6:15 am 01 mollis r iycr ror nt. Joseph and St. Louis, .a 4:55 pm all:15 nra Daily BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Rnllroud "Tha Burlington Route" Oeneral Olllces. N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnnm Sts. Ticket olllce, 1502 Far nam street Tolophone, 259. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. 12S. Loave. Arrive. LI. dn Hastings nnd McCook a 8.10 am a 7:23 pm LO.. oln. Denver Colo- rado, Utah. California. a 4:25 pm a 3:00pm Lincoln, Hla.k Hills. Montana & Puget SounC. A 4:25 pm n 3:00 pm Lincoln Iicn . a 7:00 p,n al0.35 am Lincoln Fast Mall ,...b3;00pm al0:35 am Lenver. Colorado Utah & California al2:3S am a Dally b Dally excent Sunday. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON A Qiilncy Hallroau-"Tho Burlington Boute -Tdket nim-e 1502 Farnnm St. Tel . 250. Depot. Tenth & Mason Btreets. Telephone, 128. . ii.cutju niii.-imi . aii.zi am Daj igi.t Kxprcss a 7:25 am Lhlcago Vestlbuled Ex..n 40 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a K.50 am a 4.05 pm Chicago Limited ,,a. 7.30 pm a 7:45 urn Pa itu Junction Iocul nl0.45 an. l' Mali a 2:45 pm a Dully II1IL1VAV TI.Ml; T.l HI,I2S, MlSSltUU PACIFIC RAIL- r- .1.1 General Olllves nnd Ticket Olhc Southeast Cor ner Hth and Douglas sts. Telephone. 104. Depot, lith a-i, Ucbiler Sts. Telephone, tjinl-A. Arpk-A S. Louis, Kansas A ,.Neb. I'mlte l .. a 2:30 pm al!:5S pm k C St L. Express a 9-50 pm n 5:W am NVbraska txical Via Weeping Water b f.:05nm 11 9:43 am a D'ly b Dally except &undar I'OMAHA ST. LOUIS RAIL- road Omnha, Knna City Eastern Railroad "Tho Qii'ncy Route"-Tlcket Of- flpi. 1 1 1 1,'fiM.nni UtrAnt t-m m Telephone, 322. Depot. Tenth 1 M1H1 nnd Mnrcy Streets. Tele iPMHim phone. 629. I Leave. Arrive. St Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:05 pm a 7:55 am Kansas City nnd Qulncy i,ocai .. a cuuam a ;w pro a Dally CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Hallway - Cltv Ticket Olllce, 1504 Farnnm Street. Telephone 2M. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 629. l.envo. Arrlvp. Chlcngo Limited Ex... a 7:35 pm a 8:05 nm Chlcngo & Omnha Ex .blHOO nm b 3:55 pm Bloux City and Des Moines Express blLOOam b 2:55 om a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. W ABAS M RAILROAD Ticket Office. 1504 Farnnm Street. Telephone S93. De pot. Tenth and Mnrcy Streets. Telephone J29. Leave. Arrive. a 6:05 pm a 7:53 nm Express a Dally. Bt. Louis ' 'Cannon Hall" l'OSTO I' I 'ICE X OTI CB, (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, a.H i-iuincc may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending April 7. 1900. will .lose 1 PROMPTLY -In ttll casesi at the General PustofTlcp ns follows: PARCELS POST MAII.S clo-e one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels Post Malle for Germany close at f p. m. Monday and Wednesday. Trnns-.MIniitlo .Mnll. SATURDAY Al S a. 111. for NETHER LANDS, per s s. Rotterdam, via Rotter dam (mall must be directed "per s. if. Rotterdam"), .it S:30 a. m. (supplement ary 10 a m 1 for EUROPE, per h. s. Lu canla', via QucetiMown . at 9 u. 111. for ITALY, per e. s. Ems, via Naples tmall must be directed "per s s. Ems"',; at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. n. Ktlin.iia. il Ulnsgi.w (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Ethopla"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - German hteamcrs sailing on Tuesdays tnkn printed matter, etc., for Germany, nnd specially nddressed printed matter, etc., for other parts of Europe. American and Whlto Star steamers on Wednesdays, German nnd French steuinerx on Thursdays and Canard and German steamers on Satur days take printed matter, etc, for nil countries tor which they are advertised to curry mall. After tho closing of tho supplementary Trans-Atlnntle malls named above, addi tional supplementary malls are .ipened oil tho piers of the American, English, French nnd German steamers, ami remain open until within ten minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. Mulls for South unit t'entrnl America, Went linlle-i. i;ic, FRIDAY- At I p. m. (supplementary 1:20 p. in. 1 fur TURKS ISLND and DOMINI CAN REPUBLIC, per H. s. Cherokee. SATURDAY At 10 a. m (supplementary 10:30 a. 111.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SA VAN 1 1. LA and CARTHA G EN A, per s. s. Alleghany (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "tier s. s. Alleghany"); al 10 m. (supple mcntnrv 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI, per k, s. Alps; at 11 11. in. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico via Havana; at II a. m (supplementary 11:30 a. m.) for NASSAU. N. P., and SAN TIAGO, CUBA, per h. s. Cltv of Wash ington; at 11 11. m. (supplementary 11:30 a .m.) for PUERTO RICO, (via San .Tumi) CURACAO. VENEZUELA, 8A VANILLA and CARTIIAUENA, tier s. s. Caracas, ni 11 a m. fur YUCATAN, per s. s. Tor i" -nsklold; at 12 m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. Westhall. SUNDAY - At 2::ii) a. 111. for NASSAU, N. P.. per steamer from Miami, Fla. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, nnd thenco by steamer, close nt this olllce dally nt 8:30 p. in. (connecting rioso hero every Monday, Wednesday nnd Saturday). Malls for Mlriuelon, by ir.ll to Boston, nnd thence 1 steamer, close nt tills olllco daliy at S:30 p. m. Mulls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa. Kla., anil thence by steamer, close nt this oftlrn dally (except Monday) at n m. (the connecting closes arc .-n Sunday, Wed. nesday and Friday). Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami, Fit., anil thonco Dy steamer, closo nt this olllce every Monday. Tues day and Saturday nt "2:30 a m. (tho con necting closes nro on Tuesday nnd Satur day). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addreshed for dispatch by steamer, close at this olllco dnily nt 2:30 n. m. nnd 2:30 p. m. Mnlls ror i.'osln Rica. Belize, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence bv steamer, close at this olllce dally at "M p. m. (connecting closes here Tuesdnys for Costa Rica and Mondays for Belize. Puerto Cnrtez nnd Guatemala) "Regis tered mall closes at C p. m. previous day. Registcrei' mall closes nt U p. ni. second day before. Trnim-I'iieine Mnlls. Malls for Hawaii, Japan. China nnd the Philippine Islands, via Ban Fran cisco, rinse here dally at 0:30 p. in. up to April "'2d. Inclusive, for dispatch per h. h. China. Malls for China and Japan, via. Vancouver, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April "10th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Kmpress or Japan (reg istered mall must be directed "via Van couver"). Malls for Hawaii. China, Japan nnd Philippine Islnnds, via Snn Francisco, close here dally at 0:30 p. ni. up to April 12th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Doric. Mails for Australia (except West Australlaj. New Zealand, Hawaii, Fiji and Snmoau Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. in. after March "'31st and up to April "'Hth. Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s. s. Campania, due nt New York April "'Hth, for dlfpateh per s. s. Monna. Mails for China, Japan nnd Philippine Is lands, via Tacoma. close here dully at 6:30 p. in. up to April 19th for dlfl patch per s. s. Goodwin. Malls for China and Japan and Philippine Islands, via Seattle, close hero daily nt 6:20 p. m. un lo April 19Hi for dlspntch per s. s. Rlolun Mnru (registered letter!" must he directed "via Seattle"). Mails for 1 In wnll via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April 27th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. M. Australia. Mails for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zenlanil, which gnes via San Francisco), Hawaii and FIJI Inlands, via Vancouver. 1 lose here dally at frlio p. m. up to April '"2Sth, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Mlowera. Transpacific malls nre forwarded lo port of sailing dally and the wchedulo of clos ing Is urranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. "Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. pre vious dav Postnllleo. New York, N Y , Murch 30, 1900, CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. IIiiIhiipnh of (lie Hell, Tho annual report of the Amerlrnn llell Telephono company for 1S99, recently made public, hIiowh earnings of $5,760,106, nn In crcaw of $311,105 over tho preceding year. Of this sum $758,462 was pnld for expenses, tnxes took $523,933; IntereM, $401,762; divi dends.. $3,882,915, leaving a tmrplus of $190,001. The total surplus of the company amount) to $2,975,078. The value of the telephones owned by the company has In creased $1,210,318, nnd stocks, owne-l from $58,776,420 to $70,9(5,500. Hills and accounts receivable have lucreim! from $2,08(1,092 to $9, 272, 336. Profit nnd loss nccounln, re ecrves and surpliiH amount to $39,398,507. Tlio capital stock Man remained unchanged. The company earned the equivalent of 15.8 per cent on Its capital account. That Is, t received that amount chiefly from rental of telephoncn and from dividends paid by tho HUb-com'innlrs. How much more tho latter actually rarned It Is iniposalhle to tate. Tho report inaktH no mention of that. Presumably, of course, the net enrn lnca of these suh-ootnpnnlos 'were muoli grcatir than wero actually divided. It ap peam thnt the Increase In tho iiumber of Ktibsrrlber.H tins been more than double that of any previous year und In the in 11 In this growth bus la-en healthy nnd, II Is be lie veil, will continue permiiient. Tho output of instrument) for the year was 1 580 101 nn Increase of 175,2.15 for th' year and CC0.9&0 for two years, MWA"h'f Jplk