Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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IllKRcr llnruiilnx, llluuer Irond, lllu-
KPr Xnlen lln-ry tiny til Hip Unlf of
"THK PIXM'LK'S" 300,000.00 STOCKS.
"The People' Storo" brand now stocks
nro hero. They woro sacrificed for snot
cash. They're now on sale nt the nig Storo
nnd nro affording thousands of customers
tho most sensational bargains In the finest
goods ever put on sale. The Irnmeniilty of
theso purchases added to our own gigantic
ntotks compels m to ofler stronger Induce
ments than ever for Thursday. Bo on hand
ciiowrjiNo us to thi: doors.
ont cioAK dkiwrtmhst spkhals.
Indies' nil wool man-tnllarcd suits, silk
Jlned Jackets, new box plent skirts, worth
Jin GO. for It. S."; 1.".0 of the best suits In
Amerlrn for the price, $7.50; 200 suits In
fine Venetian cloths, material alono costs
more, taffeta-llnod Jackets for J10.00.
tallies' line heavy blistered crepon skirts,
worth $10.00. for $I.9S; 70 sample suits at
$15 00, $20.00 and $25.00, worth double; 100
ladles' tuffeta wnlsts, worth $fi.0, for $2.98;
300 dozen wrappers, $1.98 quality for SI-IS-"WASH
Tho People's 8c challls, 2'r; the People's
15c nnd lflc fancy drew ginghams, Be yard:
the People's lRc nnd 20c dimities and or
gandies, 8'$c yard; tho People's 11c dress
percale, M,4c yard; tho People's 2nc. line
Ulssuo madras, Otic yar; the People's G0c silk
ginghams, 26c yard; tho Peoplo's 60c nnd 63c
Bklrllng moreen, 29c yard. Selling the
new Bprlng wash goods from tho People's
Tho most coloiwal sale In mercantile his
tory. Men's $3.00 nud $1.00 shoes at ll.lti.
Men's $1.00 nnd $'..00 shoes, $1.97. tadU'
$H00 oxfordi. $1.38. '.idles' $100 nhoes at
$1 S9. Iloy' $2.2.-i shoos, $1.28. Misses' $2.C0
iihuos nt $1.13. MM) valr the ery finest $C00
nnd $7.00 men's nnd women's shoes from tho
Trench Shrlner & Urner stock, In nil sizes
nnd widths, will go In this sale at $2.9S.
Ml "The People's" gloves In ladles and
mlwiei, thnt nold up to $1.00, on sale nt 39c.
tadW $l.r.0 kid cloves nt C9c. 300 iliu.
ladles' nnd mlwicH' gloves from "The Peo
jihrV' storo that they sold up to $1.50, on
nnlo at filKj. 500 floz. men's nnd boys' col
lars 4-ply nil linen, nil style, standing nnd
turn down, regular price Lie. our price 5c.
25c limit cuffs at inc. Men's 75c underwear
nt 39c. Men'H 50c and 7.1c neckwear nt 25c.
tallies' $1.00 corsets, W. C. C, mcHtly nt
49c Ladles' 50e viuts ut 12'jC Men's $1.00
colored laundered shirts ut 19c. Men's 35c
nuaponders at 15c.
Tlio most completn nnd handsome lino of
trimmed hats In Omaha ut nil prlcm from
$1.98 to $25.00. Artmttc millinery to nld
jnit In r,t curing n becoming hat from our
Great nortments. All tho newest styles In
ready-to-wear hats at cut prices. Kxquls
ila display of Howors und trimmings at
lowest ccst.
STOCK Is rnpldly being sold out. Come
'hero and sco tho largest silk stock In tho
country "thousands nf pieces that wo have
no room for that must go nt nny price and
go quickly. Wo will cut ami slash the
jirlres until every yard of People's silk Is
t-old. $2.00 black silks In nil weaves at only
75c. $1.00 colored taffeta go at 59c. C9c
colored taffeta go at 29c. 50c corded wash
Mlks nt 25a 10 c fancy waist silk, all col
ors, 15c. OOo heavy French poplins nt 39c.
$1 50 high grade waist, dress or lining silk,
49c. $2.00 and $2.50 best Imported novelty
Hllk. 59c. $1.25 lino black taffeta, 21 Inches
vide, for 75c. $1.75 line black taffeta, 3G
Inches wide, for 9Sc. $1.00 foulards, from
Peoplo's Htore, at 59c. And thousands of
other silk bargnltis await you at the big
ullk department.
Thursday will bo a lively day In tho linen
department. Tho Peoplo's Storo table, lin
ens at 25c nnd 50c yards two lots ask to
ceo them. Nnpklns, 50c and $1.00 dozen.
People's storo glass checked toweling sold
ut 10c Htiydcn'a prlco 5c. People's Store
25c towels nt llaydcn's 15c. People's
Ptore 95o bedspreads 50c each. Peoplo's
Storo turkey red table linen, was 19c Hay
den's now sell It ut 10c yard. People's Store
butcher linen, was 35c and 15c, now at Hay
dens' 2,1o yard. 50 pieces yard wide blendied
muslin Peoplo's Storo prlco Gc, 7c nnd Se
al! In one lot tomorrow at tho big storo nt
fie yard 20 yds. $1.00 limit, llomnants of
table linen, sheeting and whlto drops goods
tomorrow. IIAYDKN I1ROS.
Civil MM'vlrc I:iiiiiIiiiiIIiiiin.
A class of forty-nine was present nt tho
departmental elvtl service examination nt
the federal building yesterday. Tho ex
iiiilniitloii was conducted bv I,. V.
l iiwell of WusliUigtiin. assisted by the local
hoard. Of the forty-nine taking the ex
amination nineteen deHlre positions as de
partmental clerks. !lfteen would lie taggers
nt the packing houses, eleven of tbem de
li Iro position!' us stenographers and type
writers, two wunt to go to Washington ai
compositors In the government nrlntlng
nfllco, while tho positions of guard ut the
federal penitentiary und skilled laborer In
I lip government printing olllco each nt
tract ono applicant.
The larzest class for nny one :osltlon
will bo examined Tnursday wlion rtxty
elght persons will report fur examination
for n'aces In the railway mull ervlce.
An tloiimt .Medicine for I.u irliie,
(loorgo W. Waltt of South Gardiner, Me.,
pan: "I hnvo had tho worst cough, cold,
chills and grip and hnvo taken lots of trnsh
of no account but profit to tho vendor.
Chamberlaln'w Cough llemedy Is tho only
thing that him done any good whatever. I
have used ono lottlo of It nnd the chlll,
cold nnd grip have all left me. I congratu
late tho manufacturers of an honeHt med
icine." Vli tlmlrcHK In the DurU
When by traveling In tho luxurious sleep
ing cars of tho CIIICAdO. MILWAUKEE
AND ST. PAUL RAILW Y you may turn
on the electric lamp nnd mako tho berth as
light' as day.
City Office, 1504 Farnam st.
All palms, bulbs nnd other rnolco plants
from Greater America exposition are for
sale at Apalry building, Exposition grounds,
ut very low pr'ces. Open Sunday.
Grand millinery opening Wednesday nnd
Thursday. Fred Kern, 1 103 Douglas,
HOLMES George, April 3, nged 79 years.
Funeral Thursday morning at S:30 a. m.
from residence, 150S Williams street. In
torment at St. Mary's cemetery.
Wn nro .selling blnck silk suspensory, with
leir m rutin und aist bauds and lubber draw
Htrlng, for 75c. Another ono at sumo prlco
Is mado out or wwioshk oouing cioin, wun
leg straps, very cool. Hlg value at 75c.
Then wo have, nlio silk susneni orles with
Just one band nround tho waist at 50c, and
very good suspensories in both styles men
tioned above at 20c. .Mailed postpaid Uxm
receipt or price.
Sherman &McConnell Drug Co,
'JCew location ltith and Dodge Streets,
UJiialiu, Neb,
Today Will Be a Spiclal Bargain Dj in
Oar Millintrj Department.
All These Are Strictly Xeiv nnil Sljllsli
A (irnml Stock to Select I'roni
All lit Chiillc lice Sole
I'rleen Today.
1,000 trimmed hats will be puon sale and
marked way down Just for Thurwday's sell
ing. Note the prices quoted and don't fall
to come nnd sec theso grand bargains.
200 good styles trimmed hats In large va
riety of colors and shapes, will go at $1.00
200 flno trimmed hats In turbnn, short back
and pompadour shapes, trimmed with new
est of materials, go on sale at $2,49.
$8.00 PATTKIIN HATS AT $3.49.
300 very nobby hats, exact copies of $10.00
pattern hats and good values at $6.00, but
wo have ma iked the entlro lot down to $3.49.
300 most stylish pattern hats ever shown
In Omaha, Including the new "Mlm Hobbs,"
tho "Anna Held," the "Sapho." etc.,
trimmed with lino flowers, chiffon, rosc.
foliage, ornaments and straw cloth, In fact
a regular $10.00 hat will bo sold Thursday
at J1.9S.
$12.00 TAILOR MADK SUITS, $5.00.
50 tnllor mado milts In covert cloth nnd
plain two-toned tiergcH, In tans, blues And
browns, actually worth $12.50; challenge sale
price, $5.00.
tadltn' tailored suits, skirt and waist
sPk-llned throughoir, and ma le In the I.nest
styles; challenge price, $' OS.
$5.00 SKIHTS, $1.50.
Ladles' strictly nil wool tailor made skirts,
light nnd dark mixtures; challenge salo
price, $1.60.
100 dozen percale wnlstn In this challenge
sale 29c.
China silk waists, black nnd colors, ac
tually worth $5.00, tucked, corded und
plaited; challenge ealo price, $2.98.
1.000 spring JnckeU to select from In
black, tan nnd bluo covert cloth, lined
throughout: challenge salo price, $2.9S.
$1.50 beaded uprlng capes, challengo salo
price, 29c each.
$1.50 JKUSKVS, 25C.
1,000 strictly oil wool Jerseys In black, tan,
red and blue, all slzeo; challenge sale price,
Ready to wear walking hats and trimmed
sailors; challenge sale price, 10c.
Short back sailor hats, trimmed with
chiffon, mallne, quills, etc.; challengo salo
prlco hi basement, $1.00.
Children's hats, all shapes, fancy Tuscan
effects, trimmed with chiffon, flowers nnd
ribbon; challenge wale price, 98c.
Illack molred nklrt patterns with fancy
borders; challengo sale price. 35c.
High grade flno quality whlto apron lawns
un salo at 5c and 10c yard.
1,000 yards laco effect dress organdies,
i'i tul designs, challenge sale pr'ce. 5c jard.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas.
Grand millinery opening Wednesday and
Thursday. Fred Kern, 1408 Douglas,
It should ALWAYS bo remembered
Only ono Chicago railway lino
Operates Library Huffet Cars
On ALL limited trains.
ONLY ONK railway lino
Runs a limited day train
From Omaha to Chicago, Illinois,
With Drawing Room sloopors, library and
dining cars.
ONLY ONE railway line
RUNS TWO fast night trains
From Omaha to Chicago
With completo dicing and library car
THE OLDEST railway line In Omaha.
Tho greatest mileage of any Omaha line.
Tho most modern nnd best equipped.
The Attention nf tlie
Travollng public Is respectfully Invited to
the magnificent equipment offered to patronj
PAUL RAILWAY" butweert Omaha ami rhl.
cago. Solid vestlhuled, steam heated and
electric lighted trains. Palace sleepers and
diners, huffet ami llhrarv enra f ro,iin.
Ing chair cars, fast time and union depots.
i'uy ncKei umce, looi Karnam st.
F. A. NASH General Western Agent.
See C. F Harrison's real estate bargains.
The "PeopleV entire grocery stock now on sole
In Our Grocery Dept.
Every article will be sold for less than one-third
actual cost Read startling prices below.
Glass Jars puro fruit Jams, worth 20c,. 5c
Ilurnham's Hasty Jelllcon, worth 15c... 5c
25c bottles all kinds Pepper Sauce, only 6c
Gallon Jugs puro Tomato Catsup, their
prlco $1.25 now only C9c
35c bottles Puro Olive Oil, only 5c
2-pound cans Strawberries, Ooosoborrles,
Raspberries worth 25c now on salo S l-3c 1
Klastlo Klectrlc Celluloid, etc., Stnrch,
per packago 5c
3 cakes any kind Sweet Chocolate for.. 10c
All flavors Fruit Puddlne, 15c pkg Gc
10c packago Unking Soda, only 5c
Uneeda Illscult, largo package, only. . . ,3'.c
25c cans Imported Sardines, only 7'c
Lopez & Dukates Shrimps, large cans,
worth 35c, now 12VjC
Squaro GlaMi bottles all kinds Pickles .. 5c
Largo Glars Dottles Whlto Onions 8 l-3c
10 Pkgs Mixed Dlrd Seed, now 6c
20c cans sliced or grated Pineapples,
only 1214c
Raked lleans In tomato sauce, now.... 6c
20c Dottles Puro Tomato Catsup, only..7',s.c
20o cans Lima Heans, now 6tic
20c cans Curtice nroe.' Jams, assorted 8 l-3c
10c Pkgs. Puro Mince Meat 5c
Tea and Coffee Sale.
Fancy Wholo Santos Coffee, only. ...12'ie; New Tea Slftlngs n'c
Best Golden lllo Coffeo 15c I Basket Fired Japan 33 i-3c
French Java and Mocha 25c 1 English Breakfast. Gun Powder and
2-pound can best Old Government Java Oolong 35C
worth 75c, ouly 60e '
Selling the "People's Store" stock.
Wa Ohilleagt Anton to Show Such Bar
glim as Wo Do Today,
15 1 .00 llmlirolilery rioitnt'lncs -,"e
y.",e I.necu '2 l-ile nml fie -fie Silk
VcllltiK T,c Yd I. miles' nml
Chilli's I'nst lllncU. Ilime tie.
$2.00 KID GLOVES. 59C.
5,000 palm ladles' high grado kid gloves, In
black, browns, grays, English rcdn and all
tho latest spring colors. Part of this grand
lot of gloves has been displayed In our front
show window. This Is tho grnndriit lot of
extra high grado kid gloves that we havo
been able to sell at such n sacrifice. In this
lot will bo found mocha, English suede, real
kid gloves, In all sizes. The prlco would bo
$1.60 to $2.00 if bought In tho regular way.
Challenge Hale price, 59c.
Illg lot elegant embroidered and hem
stitched skirt flounclngs. In 27-Inch and 45
Inch widths; made of lino swIss and nain
sook, worth $1.00, go In this challenge ealo
nt 25c.
25C LACES. 214C AND 5C.
This Is one of tho grandest bargalnw ever
offered in laces. Including torchon, French
Valenciennes, Mechlin, Normandy Valen
ciennes, worth up to 25c, in this challengo
salo 2V4o and 5c yard.
10,000 yds, medium width embroidery nnd
Insertion, extra flno quality, I11 whlto swIss
and nainsook: also red, bluo and pink em
broidery, worth up to 25c yd., go nt 314c, 5c
nnd 7',6o yard.
1,000 ladles' perfect fitting corsets, extra
well made, all lengths, nil sizes, drabs and
fancy colors, worth 75c, go In this challengo
salo ut 29c.
Large hurgaln table piled high with many
Ktylcs of nil silk tuxedo veiling, including
nil colors of chenlllo spots, worth 25e, chal
lenge sale price, 6c yard.
Hundreds of ladles', mkcs' and boys' fast
black hose In plain, flno and heavy ribbed,
full seamless. In thin challengo sale Gc pair.
Ladles' and children's fast black, extra
flno hose, lisle thread, full seamlesB, worth
25e, challengo salo price, 9c pair.
1,000 nil kinds of buckles, suitable for dress
trimmings, worth up to 25c, go nt 5c
All kinds of colored border, hcmHtltched
hnndkerchlcfs, challengo sale price, lc each.
600 dozen ladles' laco nnd embroidered
edgo hnndkerchlcfs, worth 25c; challenge
salo price, 5c each.
COO bolts French Valenciennes laco and
Insertion, nlco flno quality, challenge salo
price, lc yard.
$3, $1, $3 SHOKS AT $1.39.
Your cholco of 2,000 pairs ladles' finest
shoes nt $1.39 a pair, nny o: which nro bet
tor than nny you could buy elsewhere for
three dollars n pair.
Quito a lot are better than nny shoes
you could buy for $1.00 a pair.
And some nro even better than those
you'd pay five dollars for.
Take your choice of the lot for $1.39.
N. W. Cor. lGth and Douglas St.s.
An tioiiiieenie ills.
Tho bill nt tho Crelghton-Orpheum Is full
of entertaining variety and tho performance
seoma to pleaso the largo audlencc3 that nre
attracted. Tho program Includes comedy,
singing, dancing, character sketches, acro
batics, moving pictures and so on. At the
next Saturday matlnco every child attend
ing will bo presented by tho Orpheum man
agement -with a copy of the new magazlno,
"Tho Children of tho United States." pub
llshed by Graco Sorcnson of Omaha and
written by and for children.
Sunday afternoon nnd night tho Rays'
company In tho farce comedy su.- ess "A
Hot Old Tlmo" will bo neon at Iloyd'a tho
nter. Beginning Monday night IlUn he
Walsh and Melbourno McDowell will open
for n four performance engagement. M. n
dny nnd Tuesdny nights they will prenctit
"Cleopatra." Wednesday matinee "Fedora,"
and Wednesday night "La Tosco.."
Gcorgo Kennan, tho famous traveler, who
lectures at tho First Congregation!! church
Saturday evening on "Cuba." is described
by tho Atlanta Constitution as "tall of
stature, spare, hut sinewy, with lines o
heroism In his fac and the stamina of en
durance In his elastic frame " This wll
bo tho fifth feature of tho Omaha schoo
teachers' lecture course.
Stonocypher, printer, ad-wrlte- Up-to-dat
cuts for sale. 1201 Howard. Tel. 1310.
35c cans Plerro Vlans Mnplo Sap 221,4c
70c cans Plerro Vluns Mnplo Sap 43
$1.35 cans Pierre Vlans Maple Sap 89i
20c packago Cereal Coffee, now 61
35c cans Asparagus, now u,
15c quality Inrgo French Prunes 71ji
10c quality largo Santa Clnra Prunes .. 5i
8c quality Turkish Prunes, only 31.51
Gc quality Fancy Raisin Cured Prunes. .2',st
Ralston Club Breakfast Food, Pllls
biiry's Vltos, Oranoso Kin km, Shred
ded Wheat Biscuit, Grapo Nuts, etc.,
etc, only, packago 8i
(Worth from 15c to 25c everywhere.)
Packago Oatmeal, any brand, only .... 6c
2 largo packages Washing Powder for,. 6r
3 largo cans Salmon (worth 15c can),. 25c
3 largo 15c cans Pumpkin, for 20c
15c packages Imported Figs, only o.
Sunrlso Baking Powder, large cans .... Sc
20c cans nil kinds Plums, now 10.
20c cans Baked Benns or Sweet Potatoes,
now s 1-3.
Every artlclo must be Bold no matte,
what price, to get them off the tloors am,
countere where they uro now piled.
IIiiKliirero ItoeMntcr mill llerr- lln
(lenior tn tome In Term" u to
Atiitrnuelii's of Vlmliicts.
City Engineer Rosewater had a confc:en"e
yesterday with Chief Engineer Berry if
the Union Pacific rallr-ad relative to the
construction of tho new viaduct at Twen'y
fourth street nnd on the boulevnrd near
Thirty-first street. On the boulevard tho
railroads desire tho city to construct a soli 1
embankment as nil approach, while the rep
roseutatlves of the city Intimate tint the
railroads should construct this portion of
tho viaduct also. The city engineer snys It
has not yet been decided whether the city
or tho railroads shall bear tho expense, or
whether tho approach shall bo of earth or
trestle-work. He has the drawings prepared
by tho engineering department of the Union
Pacific totting forth Its side of the conten
tion and will express a more definite oiliitou
later. Although the controversy Is qulto on
Importnnl aiu, the city engineer dors not
hollevo that it will Interfere with the speedy
erection of the viaduct.
Tho railroads also show a disposition to
begin at once the erection of the viaduct
spanning tho tracks nt Twenty-fourth
street, although their contract allows them
until Juno, 1901. From assuranres made by
tho representatives of the Union Paclllc, Mr
Rosewater Is confident that both structures
will be completed during the present year.
Grand millinery opening Wednesday and
Thursday Fred Kern. 1I0S Douglas.
No License Required
If you want to go hunting tn low 1 ou vo
got to take out a license llrflt In 1ima.11
all oil do is take a bottle of our Hl'HK
DEATH nnd you can hum all ! v ;ind r
license required -and sou arc sine i., g, i
game, too. H n the only preparatioii in !
that will kill all the bugs mid insula tn
tho hoURonnd It costs but 20c n pint bottle
Cramer'H Kidney Cure G9r
Schuefer s Suro Death 2"i
P.ilne's Celery Compound ffiic
Bromo Quinine i.
HViod'i' SarMaparllla iKte
Miles' Nervine 7
I'lnkham' Compound "."1
l'eruna ".'
nuffy'H Malt Whisky s..e
Pierce's Prescription 75c
Ayers' Ilalr Vigor
Pyramid Pile Cure 4
Stuart's Dyspepsia Cure to
Malted Milk I0e, 75. , $.1 ',
Ozomnlslon 75c
Physclne J2 .0
Scott's Emulsion 75c
Cor. 10th anil Clilcnua Mis.
Tho end of the great flro stle of Pianos draws near Decisions must be ma
quickly, but this Is easy with such tempting prlco ba the tags on tho Piano
show. This salo enters Into Its fourth week with undiminished vigor, but It
deserves to, for It has been A PIANO SADE WITHOUT A PARALLEL. Tho
Pianos, tho prices and tho terns have mado It so.
A Few of the Many Bargains.
Fine Upright Pianos, all varieties of woods, $138
and upwards.
Cabinet Grand Upright, worth $325, only $188.
Fine Hallet & Davis, walnut case, only $225.
Ebony Case Upright, only $100.
Pianos, $100 less than regular prices. New, clean, dry Pianos on which th
faotory mado special concessions owing to our Iocs by fire, at oerrcapondtnBly
low prices.
Evory lnatrumnnt fully warranted. We enll on oasy monthly paytnonts
clro handsome Stool and Scarf trus with each Instrument.
Schmoller & Mueller.
Reliable Piano House.
1313 Farnam Street. 337 Broadway, Go. Bluffs
Fabrics for
for Men and Boys.
Extra Special Offer
or This Week
of Men's Fine Absolute!
i Wool Suits at
j'he choice of fabrics of every loneeWabln pattern. Tailoring of the most do
j.ondablo character throughout. You cannot buy lis equal clsowhere for Itng than
$10.00 to Jli.oo. Even at theso prices we doubt veiy much if tho tailoring and lit
of our garments could bo compared, an ours Is of tho famous makers, such as Mi
chael Stern & Co., Hart, Schaffnor & Marv, etc. Wo would he pleased in have you
call and try the coat on nnd think tho matter over between now nnd Easter, If nt
1 resent you nro not prepared to buy. You will not regret your visit.
Men's and boys' Stills, worth J.ri.fln, at $2.7.".
Men's lino Worsted Suits, wonh JS.00, at $6.00,
Magnificent rungo of men's extra fine new. up-to-date Bmuh at $12 ."0. $r 00 and
Clb.00 suits that only compare with $.!n 00 ti. $(', 'io made-io-ordc r sultK.
Our stock of boys' and luldren s tine Spring Suits is the largest and most com
p'eto In America, nt prices way below all competitors.
Selling the People's Storo Stocks.
We Are Ready
To ph'jw ft complcto lino of up-to-dato
tlca In ladles'
Tailored Suits
Jackets and
At prices that will meet the approval of
those who appreciate quality of material
and superior workmanship. Miny of our
styles nro exclusive. Wo invite you to
IS 10 Dmiuhis St.
Wo change old teeth to new ones. Bet
ter teoth mean better henllh. Our plates
are comfortnblo nnd satisfactory. 1
flood Set $5.00
Cold Fillings $1.50 up
Teeih Cleaned 75c
Tad's Philadelphia Dental Rooms,
ir.1T l)()UCil,AS ST.
We Are Strong in
the Newest and best
and Summer Wear
W .vv
0 Lfejf'1,1
Your aster Attire
Must be chosen soon whether it be for
Men, Women, 1.3oys or Girls, and The
Nebraska is headquarters in all lines ot
ready-to-wear necessities. Come with the
crowd and join them in looking at the
greatest line ot Easter things in America.
Your Easter Hat.
pointment as to how your hat will look aft or it is trim
med we do away with all theso little annoyances
your hat is here roady-to-put-on, if this ono or that ono
doesn't suit you there are hundreds of others for you to
select from, you take no chances and you're better oil'
by half in your hat expense. (Third iloor.)
Ladies' Sil
How could silk waist buying bo easier or safer for
you? Kvory waist chosen by a buyer who knows qual
ity differences. Many choico styles confined to our
trade, and the prices such as cannot be improved upon
here or elsewhere. Tho Kobespiero cull's are- seen on
most waists and in several different forms in the col
lection of our stylish silk waists. Where tho sleeves
are long the cuffs are situated low over the hand so as
to barely leave the knuckles visible. A cuff of this
kind makes the hand look small and for this reason is
worn very flaring. The waist cost in this storo is as
small as can bo found any whore and the styles are al
ways in advance of those shown or sold elsewhere.
Boys' Clothing,
This department is full of newness
new in design new in style now in pat
tern new in all the kinks of fashion and
with it all economy is studied in giving
the lowest prices consistent with good
quality. 'Twill bo Easter soon and your
boy will want to present a neat appear
ance. Hetter mako your selection now
while the stock is new and fresh tho se
lection hero is tho largest in tho land
while the prices arc tho lowest. This is a
mother's store for her and her boys.
JNVJ3 S Tl ii
Clir. Iiw.rllR nf tile lllff. lellt Illlnls 1 if -f, IT.'
t. tiylng, nml In lltj s.i 1 1 111, nib. r i lir, r
ihlngv Klrt, the iiinllt . mi mid, -
ring ciipaeliv. third iluriildllt Tliene
are ,iiulltles making a g"'"t pilot ami we
niiike tills ass. Him! wit In i ut f. r of hih -,
i iHliil i iiiitraillc tlnn Unit
will cover more surface per gallon, will
last lunger nnd look better ufttr live eii"j'
wear than nny paint now on the market,
white lend nnd nil lint excepted This in a
strong statement and If you wlfh tu palm
your houso we will give you .1 guarantee
that what we sny Is true, Imckeil ,v mie
of the largest paint houses In lie I i il t i
States. Call for color cards nml li.fnrin.i
tlnn. J. A. FULLER & CO
lit iuticu nut ;;ists,
Oiliest I'll 1 .1 1 limine In (liiinliii.
1 llli mill MuiiKlni Ms. j
OI'KV l,l. M'.IIT.
WANTRD-t nat ut fa Health that
rt-I-I'-A-N S will not Vionerlt fc-ml d cnti
to nioins Chemical Co.. Net; Torlc, for U
umploi. and 1 000 testimonials.
v. n. kick m. r. co mamiimcti ai:ns,
The dreams and fan
cies of far-olf brains,
cunning hands a n d
practiced eyes give ua
the most notable dis
play of ready-to-wear
Millinery imaginable.
And still beyond this
the prettiness
comes the price. Less
by half what you pay
generally. io wonder
tho millinery business
here has such attract
ions. Oddity and va
riety seems to bo tho
dual aim of the French
milliners, and many of
the new spring hats
are entirely different
from those seen in for
mer seasons. There's
no worry, no disap
Painless Dentistry
The work of the expert Is easily dls
t uiKuinhed from thnt of the less skill
ful Our system of Uciitlstry 1m freo
from dcfeitn. Continued study, long
pia' tlce and unlimited facilities enable
us io treat our patrotiH with entirely
satisfactory results. Killing, extract
hilt and replacing teeth Ik done In .i
manner which meets with uuqiialillcd
When having teeth extracted take
LAl'tilUNli OAS only $1.00.
BAILEY, the Dentist
rt12 I'nxlon 111 lc. Kill, .t fnrnniii,
I. ml) A I temlimt. I'linnr 10H.',.
Ah wpII ah men Lau
lliwl tin turn n
healthful an pine beer
lie --uru )ou get (lie
If ll er Ml el i, ;v 1 1 v .ralnl
then hulled v In, h inHtiir.
ll In lie frre lp,m bacteria- -rjtiitr etnen-
tlal fur frail people. Order n trial rjse.
st. i.ouis, mo,