10 THE OMAHA DATLT BEE: THURSDAY, APRIL o, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Trade in Both Grain and ProTUiom Unimv illj Large. DEMAND THAT KNEW NO FULFILLING Tlmir In the I'll fn Hint as a Sircu littUr MarUrt A'hrnt llrol.r II Otvn llemrtl fur n j triiis , CHICAGO. April 4-ThH wns a day of. ex citement on 'ehnnge. The trade In both rln anl provisions whs bewildering In It rf.ormity. The corn ami provisions pits were the centers of Interest, tint nil over the floor the erfor t of nn Increasing omand whs felt. The news generally wns bullish, liut It wns overshadowed by the Irresistible buying fever. May wheat closed VoW. Mny torn W2c. May oats Mile and pro visions from 22Hc to 3c higher than Mon day's figures. ... May eom opened Vft4c over Monday at arii?tWc. sold to ll'ic the hlglust price plncc Mav 1W. and nosed strong ami buoy, lint l'j.i2r Improved, at 41,r These lift mo tcn Vho story of a deman. 1 th.it seemed in Wnnw no ruuuiing mil'- "" ".;. ...!, i iimi orferlnus 1. 1 I.. .....r., fr... i.VPf 10c ..... .tin ..in .... ,,,.i,'. ....ss.'.l Hint tluure with Its fra tlonal additions with scarcely a tremor. There secmeil to be no leadership-Just , tilg general scramble for corn. In the lie ; nf nos were the Liverpool advance, which Tins considered by shorts eatly; news .. HTlous damage by Hoods In Argentina and the usual light country offt rings. At lb offerings for prollt were mote liberal and the price was crushed back to injur, nut I hey wore hungrll) swallowed and the .mar ket shot up again to II'V. losing shortly nfter this point was touched. Local H -lelnl!, were 72J cars. Atlantic port clear nnees were I,172.(' bu. Primary rocelpts "veto Uo.fjfX) bu.. compared with 72S.nc bu. n ''i'nVhe'prnvlslons imirket May pork openeil X.l!f,.V- over Monday at JlS.iXVf 13.30, sold to JI3.I.1, the highest price since 1S!H. eased on profit taking to JI3.I0 and closed l..c lm uroved at $13.20. I'luct nations In lard and ribs were less wide. May lard ranged from If, fi7" to M.7.V i losing 22'Ac up at ..i, nnd Mav ribs, from $''..sn t,. $ri M's. with the close "7ii'e better at Jfi.WVTH; OJ'-b- As Iti orn the hcsslon was one of great activity and Htreugth. An advance In hogs of 2iV since Mondav. the bullish showing of stocks ami the upward trend of corn were the main Influences. There was a heavy demand from commission bouses and packers ami shorts were compelled to do a deal of cov ering. , , ,, As a speculative market wheat broke lis mvn record for n year, so those In the pit tii Id. The trade was excited and the pit crowded, but the general feeling In the suf ficiency of stocks to meet all demands was nich tnat the excitement did not approach the wlldness apparent In com and provl uiini Mnv niiened sc higher at fiiMinT'S.r. Inlbifnced by higher cables of damages to crops In Kroner. Latgely under the Influ ence of the corn nnd provisions strength the market later rallied to IM'.c. The bulge met prollt taking ami May eased back to iMj4e, hut steadied and closed strong 'VCnc ..v,,.,..i iii IN,. l IiiiIh and the local tal ent wore both short and had to coyer. The north west nlso sold. The bears were not without statistics In suoport of their post ii.. n hut ihi'v were unavailing. Atlantic port' clearances In wheat ami Hour were 190,- i ii !... ton Ami I.., ..r It fl.nf. Prl.iii.rv H"l Oil., 111. .Mil ..!',."'.. i,, ,i ....... . . receipts were IWVOOO bu. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 371 cars, against 47" last week and .".' a year ago. Local receipts -were 10S cars. 1 of contract grade. There was the same experience In oats as In the other markets-a general demand big enough to overshadow all else. One hun dred thousand bushels were reported sold for export. The strength In the neighbor ing pits was the chief Influence. The eom mlsslon house buying was mainly of July. Local receipts were 111 cars. May ranged from 2IS.C to 2i,jc and closed 'i'lflc over ainnday at 2.V4c I'stliuated lecelpts tomorrow: Wheat, fio cars; corn, ft) cars; oats. 270 cars; hogs, SI. Kin head. The leading futures ranged as follows; At tides "open.l High. I Uw. ' Close. l.M'u'y. Wheat April May July Sept. Corn April May .Inly Sept. Oats May duly Sept. J'ork May July I.nrd May July Sept. Jllbs May J uly Sept. I l i 07" fi7 r.7'b fiS ,i'i7ift'i lkS,fi'4ll:,H'fi7,s'it,4 ',! ,('il7Hl6S7,'ill (Vj"Vfiii si, t;S:,'(ifi9H0'.:fl5n l i I ll's 12V I 3!)''i. 40',: 41 li)V7l 42',. IOMiV, 42t'l0-.i1fl4 -1 IM ll'Jh 2IM 2.V,i, 2I 2r.iJ2l'4f6i, 2t,2.-.Ml','j :t i st I 23'h I I n on i n ir. 12 50 I 12 55 13 W 13 20 ' 12 7T. 12 50 ,12 12141 12 32'4 I r, 75 l fi K7'1 fi 7f i fl I7'A I SO f, S2UI r, 75 ' fi W ' fi I fi !) I fi 90 I 6 S2I-1 fi 7'j fi ft.'. I I I I I I r, fi 9J'v fi n i fi ;i2Vi fi 7. i fi v. fi 7.1 i fi sr. I i; ss i smt r. so 1 c (V. fi f,7i fi 70 No. 2. Cash uunlatlons were as follows: KLOt'U Klrni; winter patents, J3.50?i3..V.; Ptralghth, l2.Wil3.3fi; clears. J2.7ofi3.05; uprlng specials. J3.S0; patents. J!. 101(3, 43; MralghtK, J2.fi0f3.00; bakers. J2.0flij2.l3. WIIKAT-No. 3 spring. CKi67V:c; No. 2 red. 7(V(70Uc. COItN-No. 2, IOrp; No. 2 yellow, 40'fi 41"C. OATS No. 2. 2rii,ffi2fic: No. 2 while, 27!i;ff ls'jc; mi, ;s wnitc. .'.'-'(istuc. IIYH-No. 2. Mr. HAHLKV No. , imille. SICKIIS-Klaxseed. No. t and northwest, Jl.CR. Prlmo timothy, J2.35fj2.IO. Cloor, contract cratle. J7.B0. I'ltOVISIONS-.Mess pork, per lib!., $12.00 tilXXi. Lard, per KM lbs., Jfi.fiO'iifi.;,-,. Short ribs sides (Ioosim, Jfi.S."i'(i7.l0. Dry salted fhoulders (boxed). Jii.2Tifrt.50; ehort clear slde I boxed) J7.1ff7 30. . WHISKY Distillers' finished goods, on tin Ms of high wines, per gal., J1.23. SIIOAHS-Cut loaf, Jti.OO; granulated, Following aro the rccclnts and shlnmcnls ' """ 1 Articles, iteceints. Bliipmts. Flour, bids 13 000 111 mil n?-',vi ?-ioM IS liiSl 1.,'Ui! '- ' "Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu Parley, bu 17l,wi0 717.000 S3I.0OO 21,000 131.000 On tho Produce exchange toilav tho but tor market was weak; creameries, lit22.': dairies, 16i20c. Cheese, llrm at 12frl3c Eggs, steady at lOfJWV. M'AV YOU K lir.MUUI, .MlltlvKT. Qiintnlinim far (In- Day on Various ( '0111 mod 1 1 ics, NEW YORK. April 4.-FLOCR -Receipts, 62,914 bbls.: exports, 6.76S bbls.; market fairly active and firmly held; win ter patents, J3.6Jir3.90; winter straights, Jl. 45(ii 3. 60; Minnesota patents, JJ.70HI.Ot); winter extras, J2 65'(t2.93; Minnesota bilk ers, J2.S5ij3 00; winter low crudes, J2.25W 2.40. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, Jj.'JO'if 8.15: choice to fancy, J3.20jj3.50. CORNMEA I. -Strong; yellow western, S9c; city. Sf,e; Hrandywlne. JJ.23H2.33. RYE Quiet; No. 2 western. 62'iC f. o. b. afloat; Plato rye. 67c c I. r.. New York cur lots. HA RLEY Quiet; reeding. 43't-fi I5',e. New York: malting. 6(!fi3r. New York. HARLE V MALI -Dull' western, 65Ii 65c WHEAT Receipts. 42,5.30 bu.; exports, Hi.. 151 bu. Spot, tinn: No. 2 red. NOV- f. o. b. Rtlont: No. 2 red, 77c elevalor; No. 1 nor.h rrn, Duluth, 7S:Sc t. o. b. alloat, pt'utnpt, No. 1 hard, Duluth. So,c r. o. b. nlKiat. prompt. Options were generally strong, with few and unimportant exceptions, reaching tho highest point of the se ison. Foreigners bought treely and local demand xvas nctlvely stimulated by llrm cables, damage reports from India and Fiance and the strength in corn and provisions, close llrm, Ml'io net advance; May. 74 T-lGTl 75',c. rinsed at 71V': Julv. 71 11-101.754C closed at 71Ti.c; September. 7Ith575V. rb se I nt 75'ie. CORN Receipts, 10S.225 bu ; exports, 116. I5! bu. Spot, strong; No 2. Ix7c f. o b. ullimt anil elevator. Options, although opening a' little off under realizing, expetl citced a sharp advance on big speculative demand, the jump In provltdons, higher ca bles and export talk. Closed strong, 'sftle net ndvance; May. 15'jli I6)4c, clo.ed at 463ic; July, 46147,4f. closed at I7'4C OATS-Receipts, 141,10) bu.; exports. 7m) bu. Spot, llrmer. No. 2. 21'c; No. 3. 2x',c; No. 2 white, 32c; No. 3 white. 31',c. track, mixed weHtern. SHT:J0f Options moiler ately nellve and tlrtner with corn, closing tlrm, 'IfoVe net ndvance; May closed at 29c; No. 2 white, May, 30''f)31c, closed nt Jl'iC. ' iiAY Firm; spring, 451i70o; good to choice. S0fl90t HOPS Qlllct; state, common 10 cnoice. UW crop, 6, 1893 crop, 760c; 1693 crop, Wit ior juiy in '- "- i" :,ittPli i nimui w poinis irom yes en ay s m vance, jecent prai lice, tin j I 1 1 t I J K ' 1 1 H i . 1 I w r ' continued firm In tone. The decline Hie advance. i'dght J" ''1" r . Vr n tie w"s 'I"'' generally to unfavorable enbles for expnrt-a bit of ro u e r " from I...ndon. The close was tlrm at $17. total of the day 'h bus In ess It v ns. inn T aH(, fr , - , , was liberal lirollt t'KInK' ?,s It w m off-r'ngs. . lo-dng barely steady at lien vv t.opket ng of losses by shorts. it wiM .. a,,n,.rn iw.uovor o.t.ti I.....U i.. n.,.1.. wiiii were iijiu 1i. I'h. in.- man. 1W rrop. 4tlc; 1S9S crop, 7'fli , isfj irup li'nu I miJi-.H- linn, uuixesinn. .v 10 . ids.. 19,c California 21 tr 3S lbs., 21V; Texas dry. .'I to :to lh . 15c I jKATII Kit Stmdx . hemlock sole, Huenos Arc, light to h".vy weights, 2S4J2fL4c; a.Jd. WiiWy . Wool.- Dull; domestic fleece, 25?2Sc; Texas. 1.5fx, . COAI.-Stea.li- lllir.l.ttiliM.L. 11 ....... .1 .. . l I .. 114 M j rn m i n I w. n-- i-ei, ti-im.i , mini.. ...'iv iilttfi; mess. Jlo.6ofill.on. Herf hnms. Jjo.oo tik."'. pnmet. sn.jj04liz.ie: city, extra inut.i mss. l.vwr.'j.oo Cut meats, steady; pickled teiile j, nvfin nicKled slioulilers, J6.o: nlekled hain. Sio 2ffiin.to. I.ard. strong western steamed, S..o"'j, refined, steady; lonttneni, J. I", outn .Mnerica, ii.u; torn pound. .12',i' l. Pork, stroim: family. ! 1 HO. 11 Sn. alinrt ..l,.i- til I. KM I VI- ...... . I 3.JM.I3.7B. Tallow, dull; city i pet; pkg. , , f,..w.,. urn tfl.ii.. im.iioT. 1 V.V., .... i colored, lnfiM'jc; small, fancy, wlilte. 131( 13Uc; small, fancy, colored. 13i1T13..e. , KC.OS Hccelpts. I!i.rd7 pkgs. ; steadv; western, at mark. llfllSc, southern, lift ll-V'. SCOAIl Hnw, steady; fair refining, 3e; centrifugal. W test. Ir; molasses sugar, 3 ll-ICe; retlui'd. Irregular. CO'ri:i:-Steaily. I' ii 'K Steady ; ilomestlc. fair to extra, 4j tfiltc; Jiipati, li4Te. M( IL.AHHKS Steady ; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. Hf(.3e. IMIANCTS-Steady; fnncy hntulplcked, 4 'l4'c. other domestic, S'tle. I-'HKKJHTS To Liverpool, market sttnng; cotton, by steam. 3M; grain, by steam. S-il. MHTAI.S The metal market wns Irregu lar and business fair. 'Copper reacted KirriiKiii on me l'iioii exnori movement . ,.,,,,. . ....... ... i ... I .... ii ii'-uit; t. iii.ini ill tt.n..J 1. I", 1-IOHlllri iirm in tone i-ig iron warrants, ipuet. Lead ruled thill nil dnv closltit? nncbniieed at $1 r,7'2 bid and $4.7U asked. Tho brok ers' price for lend was it. 43 and for copper JI7.fioftl7.2T.. OMAHA VIIOI,i:s.I,i: MAItlCIVt'S. Coiidltlons of 'Irnili' anil tlnntntlnns mi .Staple ii ml 1'n tic y l'rodllrr, i:0(!S Hecrlpts liberal; fresh stock, tlrm nt 9c DItKSSIOD POI-LTilY-Cholee to fancy turkeys. OTilOe; ducks, 9c; geese, 9c; spring chickens, fifilOc: hens. nfJlOc; roosters, 4f?5c. LlVH POt'LTHY -Mens, Re; spring chick ens. Sc; oung, staggy and old roosters, 3'(5c; ducks, 7'ic; geese. 7'sc; turkeys. Sc. HI'TT Hit Common to fair, 15c; choice, li'i(il7r; separator. 21c; gathered creamery, 22'.j2.1c. IMCICONS-Llve. per doz., Jl. VITALS -Choice. 9H10e. OYSTHHS- Medium, per can, ISc; stand ard, tier rati, 22c; bulk standard, per gal lon, Jl.2."; extra selects, per can. 30c; extra selects, per gal., Jl B0fM.7.ri; New York counts, per can, 37c; New York counts, per loo. J I."-,. FISH Herring, per lh 5e; round perch, 5c; sun, 5c; rod, fic; haddock, fie; blue pike, fie; scaled and dressed perch, 6c; clscoes, fic; medium dressed trout, 714c; cronnle, 7'ic; pickerel. 7'c; finnan baddies, 7'ie; white fish, Or; yellow pike, dressed, 9e; small trout, dressed, 9c; red snapper, 9c; smelts. 9e; smoked white flsh. 9c. HAY- Per carload lots: I'pland, choice, Jf! 50; midland choice, J.V50; lowland, choice, J3; rye straw, choice, $5; No 3 com, 33e; No. 3 white oats, 21'sc; crneked corn, per ton, JI3; corn nnd onts, chopped, per ton, JI2 50; bran, per ton, J13; shorts, per ton, J13.50. VKfiKTABLES. ASPAItAC.rS-Cnllfornla, per lb., 12fT13c. Ni:W Tl'HNIPS Per doz. bunches, 60c. SPINACH Per box. Jl. NKW HHHTS Per doz. bunches. 40060c. LIC'ITCCK Per doz. bunches, 40c; fancy bead lettuce per nni.. j. ItAniSIIi:S Per doz. bunches, 30fi35c. SWICIOT POTATOES - Per bbl., Illlnol", J3, Jersevs. J3; lingo bbls., Kansas $2.75. POTATOHS-Per bu.. choice, 231j,30c. CAHHAOI';--Ca1lfornln. per lb.. 2',y3c. CA I'LIFLOWKH California, jcr crate, J2..V)f(2 75. CICLKHY Per doz., 25Q30ci California, per bunch. 6'VjiP0i Tl'HNIPS Hut aba gns, per lb., lic. TOMATOES Florida, per rtx-baskot crale. J4.50. MCSIIHOOMS Per lb. box, 50c. HHUnAHH-Per lb.. S0Se. ONIONS Hetall, yellow, 75c; red, 8S90c; Ohlos, per bbl.. J2.2.'f(2.60. FHUITS. STRA WHEHH1 ICS Few arriving from Texas and Florida; per nt., 45g'60c. APPLES Choice western shipping stock, JI.50; New York stock, J4.50; fancy. Jo.OO. mi apks-Mnlaca. ner bbl.. J7.0OR9.0O. CHANHEHHIES Jerseys, per bbl., J10.50; per crate, Jf.iO. THOPICAL FRUITS ORANC.ES California, fancy navels, per box. J3 l.'iT3.50: choice navets. w.uu; .noa. Itorratiean Sweets, per box, J2.50fj"2.75. r.MMnsL'BCnllfnrnla. choice, ner box. $3 fancy, J.1.50; Messlnas, choice, per box, J3.50; f, ti HAN ANAS Per hunch, medium, J2.25 2.50; largo. 2.iti:i.t. HIDES. Tiirtt?aVi 1 preen hide". 7c: No. frrnnn hi,in fin NTo. 1 salted hides, 8e; No. 2 salted hides. 7e; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs.. 9c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., sc. MISCELLANEOUS, iinvri' l'i.i. "t-sci'lton case. S3. 50. NUTS Hickory, large, per bu 11.25; shellbarks, I1.3. St. Louis (irnlii Mini Pros Islons. ST I.OIMS. Anrll l.-WnEAT-Hlgher: No 2 red. casli. elevator, 72,c; track. 73'.4c; April May, "l-Ve; July, KStjc; No. 2 ''I'l'i'iiS'i il'-her: No. 2 cash. 39'ic; track fOUSi 44).-. April. 39ic; May. WsfflOc; July, 0vr oatk. 1 llcrlntr: No. 2 cash. 2.Vic: track. 2".'4li2f'Bc: April, 25c; May, 25r'ic; July, 2Jr; No. 2 white, 2!i'. eve -l limber; 5fic. I'LOl'H Stronger: patents. J3.S5ft3.65; ex it-,. r,..,..f f.l .tiK.l. clenr. 12.70fi3.f"i. rh e.l n -'I lim.iiiy. J.'.oof(2.20; pteady for ord'piir.- Fli. nominal at If. w. eoiiMMKAl Higher nt J2.0r.fi 2. 10 Hit AN Scarce and tlrm; sacked, cast ti i'I'k HAY- Stcndy; timothy. JlO.Ooft 12.50; prai rie. Jli.jOflH.no. WHISKY- sternly, ai Ji.'a. ,,. COTTON TIES-J1.20; bagging, G'sOTnC l.n.i... tlt'l.l.. .,-. I . I I . Ul.l.ln I'KOV IttlU.M I orR. IIIKIK'l . . j.ui.mi.. r 10 for old si.'. :o for new. Lard, higher; prime uteam. Jfi .M); choice. J6.55. Dry salt meats ibo.M-di. higher: extra shorts, Jfi. .5; .1,'iir ribs. Jfi. ST',,: clear sines, i.i.'-j. i" 1 ...... 1 Iw.vn.l I lllirl , ilw.vedl higher; extra shorts. S7.25; i. tT - ,.m.r ulilns. S7.fi2K, Clear in.". " 2. t-... .....v.-, r-.., ... , , MK1ALS- Len.l quiet; Jl.53?t4.57',4. Spelter, higher; J4.I2U. POFLTRY-FIrm; chickens . CfiSc; tur- kes. 7'(t9c ducks, Sc; geese. 3fific. I EnnS-Higher: 914c Hl'TTEH Steady; creamery, 20fl23c; .1.. i.-v i.;r,iiOc. RECEIPTS -Flour, 3,000 bbls.; wheat, 13, Oho bu corn, flo.noo bu. : oats, 29,0() bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. S.000 bbls.; wheat, 37,0") Iiu. : com. llfi.000 bu.; oats, 19.C00 bu. Unnsns Clt.v (irnlii nail ProvlMloas. KANSAS CITY. April l.-WHEAT-May. fit . ah. No 2 bard, RVAc: No. 3, filfitilr; No. 2 red, 701171c; no. a, wnt.:i'c. CORN- Mav. 377c; cash, No. 2 mixed, IMl3Dc; No. 2 white, 3J'-'it0c; No. 3, 39fj 39'-c. . OATS No ? white, 26';e. nvl.' V.i V... IIAY-i'ludce timothy. J10 OOff 10.50; choice pialrlc. J6.75rr7.25. ... , iti'TTFP-creiiinery, 1720c; dairy, ISc. EOCS- Firm: tecelpts large, but domaml liberal: fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, .si,c dozen, rases returned; new white wood cases Included. 9c. RECEIPTS (two daysl-Wheat. fit.SOO bu.; corn. 21,70") Int.; ontM. fi.OOi) bu. SIIII'.MENTS-Wbent. 37.SOO bu.; corn, lfi.'.im bu.; oats, S.trno bu. 1,1 1 ei-l.ool Cmla ami Provisions. LIVEIWOOI.. Apill I. - WHEAT - Spot, nominal. Futures, unlet: April, nominal; Mav 3sl0Vid: July, 6a 9VI CORN S:mt. llrm; American mixed, new, 4s1'-(d; American mixed, old, 4s 2Vtd. Ku tuies, steady; May, 4s l4d; July, Nl'id; Senteinber, 4s l'4il. .ntiDVlKlDN's Hacon. Cumberland cut. llrm at 13; short ribs, llrm nt 41s: long clear middles, light firm nt (is; long clear middles heavy, nrni at tnsui snort near backs, tint) at iiwwi; 1 icar neiues, nrm ill lis 6d. ShouliUrs. firm nt 3us 3d. Kl.Ol'R-St. Louis fancy winter, firm at 7s Od. Pcorlii Mnrkol. PEORIA. April l.-COHN-lllgher; No. 2, :v.e. OATS Higher; No. 3 white. JS'sc billed through: truck. 27'sc. WHISKY Firm, on the basis of J1.25 for Mulshed aoods. Illttxiiiikre (irnln Market, MILWAFK EE. April 4.-WHEAT-',e higher, No. I northern, tlxli6S'-..c; No. 2 not thorn, fifi'vlii'ne. H YE Wr higher; No. 1, 5SV. HARLEY Steady ; No. 2, 45TTI6c; sample, Vi i;!c. I) 11 1 11 1 Ii Wheat Mai-I.el. l)FLl"III. April l-WHEAT-No. 1 hard, cash. hO'tc; Mm. 70Lc; No. 1 northern. cabh, 67',4. May, CSUc, July, 6Sc. Septem- northern. Ctj' No. 3 fpring, 62', OA I S-2lyli25c. COHN-3lc 'I'uleilii Market. TOLEDO. April I. Wl I HAT Active and iiik iif i . . niPii, i , .May, j st . i'ORN Higher nnd nctlvr: No. 2 mixed. 41c. HATl,ll,m . ...1 kl.hu. V., .nlvn.1 .... . . . . . , . - tiifcr llVH -Dull and inn hanired. CLOVERSEEO-lllghor. prime cash. old. JI.$7U.; now. J5 20- Anrll ij in- October JI.96: ' No. 2 seed, JltMHA. MIiiiiciiimiIIs (iriiln Mnrl.el. mi v-v-l i tmt to t.ii i.i ,m-i. .,V,Ver n'rVi Mientr il l".- second iiiitent. 1 '. rr..- ' . P' ' o - , f . SCOIlll I'lltPlHS, miAN-Iti bulk. II1..W(I1.75. ' iioiiii'To. w"; .o. . iiuriiinn. ui-nc I'lillnileliililn Produce Miirkcl. lMMt.AI)i:i,tMUA. April 4. HI'TT Kit Dull and isf?le lower; fancv western cream ery. 21'e, fancy wesiiin prints, 23c. KttC.S Weak, fr.-ih nearby. 12c; west ern, 12c; southwestern, 12c, southern, ll'.o. CIti:i:Si:-Qlllel but steady. m(vi:mi;ts of stocks ami 110. mis. Deinniid SIiimas a 'lendeney to Con irri' nn a I'rtv Storks, NEW YORK, April 1 -The stock market n frit In reflected strong buying power today, orders for stocks coming from widely sep arate sources both by cable and, telegraph. The demand showed 11 tendency to converge on a few stocks ami sttength was shifted from one irrnun to another. Prices turned back from the highest level In the case of all tho active, stocks, under t'.ie Influence if prollt-tnklng bv the professional room traders on the day's advance. I he sustaining force of special stocks was a1o availed of to take profits on stocks which have already en.oed a notable ad vance. The market was almost entirely re lieved from unv depressing factor In tho shape of positive weakness In Individual storks, though some pressure wns brought to bear on Federal Steel and People's Oas. The net result of tho day's trailing Is 11 higher average of nrlces und nn Important digestion of realizing sales without any ma terial harm being done to prices. The move ment In Pennsylvania was the most exten sive In any Individual stock. No special news reached the public to ac count for the movement and It was at tributed to the Increase of funds mndu avallablo for stock market use and the ac cumulated evidences of the prosperity of the company. Its recent Investment In the slocks of Hattlmore & Ohio, Chesapeake A. Ohio and Norfolk & Wertcrn. besides tho advantages given In the extended control of possible competitors evidently Insures a good, direct return of tho nutlty In tho shape of dividends. Reasoning by analogy irom 1110 course or 11m Pennsylvania com pany, many rumors ate current in the stock oxehnnire of movements toward consolida tion of railroads In New York Central ter ritory, one such, nlleglng the passing of control of the Erie. Reading ihlgh alley to New ork Central was denied by Reading nlllclals and the early strength of the stocks affected gave way to sharp re action. The rise In Chicago, Indianapolis Ac Louisville anil Lake Erie A Western Is due to tho prevalent heller In the general pollry of extending control and Influence on re part of tho great trunk lines. 1 ne mamed strength or the Pacific stocks was largely due to demand from abroad, tho hlll'lnir for London account nirnln nn- sumlng Important proportions. St. Paul on tho further week statement of eirnlntts and several other railroads stocks on good i-iirnings were points or strength. nnd Siicnr, the local traction stocks nnd To bacco showed good advances. Realizing wiim heavy In Hnltlmnve At Ohio, Pronle's tins and on a lighter scale In the Atchison stocks and some others, q'lm Dual reaction of 1 point In Pennsylvania from the ton level checked tho netlvltv of iho tn.ni.-nt , and the closing was dull. I ItUSltle.SS In t?lv bonrl ninrliot n-no in . largo scale. Reading general ts being taken in rounu nmount.s. ine liuvlng was gen erally widely distributed nnd prices ad. yanced. Total salow, par value, J5.795,0OO, I nlted States refunding 2s, Avhen Issued, 3s. re.-rlstered, old 4s and 6s declined '. In the bid price. 1 be Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: In the markets hero activity began to revlye today, partic ularly In Americans. There was a good genoral tone, but the Easter holidays ate too near for a ustnlned movement. Amer icans began bullish. Haltlmore ti Oalo was below New- 3 ork' sensational parity, but steadily Imptoved and from J3 to Jl xvius given for calls on Haltlmore AV Ohio to end iV'i n,",i; iv,"s " "trong house tin to buy Lnlrm Pacific, and Northern Pacific. New .ork confined Its buying In the after noon, causing a buoyant finish near tho lop. London followed this lead, but not very actively. There was, however, a ills, tlnct Improvement. Tlntos scored a new record at (; Anacondas sympathized up to ll-V No gold Avent out or came in; monn was easy The large sum due the bank wns repaid this morning, but In the after noon there, was some fresh liorrowlng for !t.f.,wook 0.r, ,p.n ''"J "10 market's sur rrruMonr,,:,)riAro,Ilrro0 1,PaVy '"v",-n" "ia iTn0 folI.owlnB nr the quotations for tho today-K tock 011 the Xew York exchango Atchison do pfd Haltlmore A: O.. Can. P.iclllc ... Can. Southern f'hru AV Ohio... Cblcngo (51. W 2S'i TJnlon Pacific-? do pf s lAYnbaf.h 97'i1 do pfd 53'5iWheel. AV L. E. 32l do 2d pfd.. Il, Wis. Central .. .. ft)1, .. 77- 74 .. 2' .. 11, .. 31 'n 19 ('.. H. i"i Q.. l.i.1.' I hlro Avnniin nil Chicago, 1. AV L.. 27 Adams Exnre.s.".l p; inn ni iMnerican Kx 115 Chicago AV E. I.. 1i)1 C. S. Express . 4S Chicago A- N. W.I6l',.Well.s.l'argo I'.x.U'l ('.. H. I. AV P 113'4 Amer. Cot. Oil... 3i l . . . tv ni. ii. in-. iiu mil... -.1.1 'S 4- 22 401 4 S9'4 1?' Colo. Southern Amer. MiiUIiil- do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd... Del. AV Hudson.. Del. L. AV W Den. AV It. .... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd... Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Coal .. Hocking Valley. Illinois Central . Iowa Central ... do pfd K C, P. AV (J... L. E. AV W do pfd I.ako Shore 15 do pfd 19 Amer. H. AV It,, US do pfd 1S0W Amer. Spirits .. 22'S do pfd 7l'i Amer. S. If ... . . 1 I do nfd SI . n Amer. H. AV V., K'l 165i do pfd 90?j, T"4 Amer. Tin Plate. Ill'.'t, 37 do pfd S314 111'fe Amer. Tobacco ..107 . lS'.i do pfd 13514 . 5..U. A. Mill. Co 5I'(, . 19 Hrk. Hap. Tr 72'i --4 COIO. I'", & I S7i . . !i Con. Tnbn 1 Mi 200 do pfd . S6I4 Federal steel .. . . !6i, do pfd ..163', fien. Electric . . . 13-Sl (ilucose Sugar .. 6SJ4 ,io nfd . W Int'n'l Paper . . SI', .hi . 63 . 21--. L. A- N Manhattan L . Met. St. Ry... Mex. Central . M'nu. AV St. Ii. do pfd ...11. .....ii. ... n no pm tui Mohl'n AV Ohio.. 47 Imel.Mle (!,u 75 M., K. .XV T 114 National Hlscult. :!fiU do pfd 35'.;.. do pfd 90 ' 1 N. J. Central. .. .113M: National Lead ..2I'4 S. V. Central.... lfK4 do pfd 1011 Nor. AV West 3.., National Fieri ..IP4 nn. I'aciiu no pfd.. 05 do pfd.. do nfd 01 No. Pacific do pfd Ontario AV W .... Ore. Hy. AV Nnv. fi2 N. Y. Air Hrake.12S 77 No. Amerlenn ... U, "'i racitic co.at 42 1 do 1st nfd . .1..4 . SI . lilt . 36 .107-, . 5'P.. . 3' 1 .1S3 '.l'f. .lis . 951 . 121 . 73 . 31 '-. no put. 76 I do 2d pfd Pennsylvania ... .1403; Pnclllc Mall . Heading j do 1st pfd .o-'s people (ias ('4 I'resseil S. C. do 2d nfd... 31 , do nfd Rio O. W do pfd St. L. AV S. !' do 1st pfd... 53',i Pullman 1. C 90 K. ii. .t- T. ... 114 Sugar 71". do pfd 37-Tenn. C. AV I.... 12'iil'. S. Leather... :v: do pfd 126 V. S. Hubbor ... 172'u do nfd do 2d nfil St. L. S. W.. I...'1,0, ,',f''--" ht. Paul ...... . uo jitu... Oil'. 1 SI'S, n ilfiv, St. P. AV Omaha. 110 Western Union.. So. Pac'llc 41'.. Republic 1. AV S. So, italiway ia no pfd do pfd. . . 604 I. C .. 1714. C. AV St. L. US Tex. xV lirjfle Offered. IIokIoi! StocU It llollldons, HOSTON. April 4. -Call loans. 3'ifil'i per cent; time loans, VqU per cent. Closing prices for stocks, bonds and mining shares: ATT-AV-S Fr..772.xi4 West End T. 93 do pfd 73' Wis. Contrul 13 Amer. Sugar 10S lAtcblson 4s luo do nfd ICXi.N. E. O. ,t C. 5s. 70U Hel Telephone... 310 1A1I venture 5 1 Ronton AV Alb'y..25 'Allouez M. Co Ho ton AV .Me rji 'Amai. copper 9,;' . t-., 11. At q.. .lWs Atlantic 2fli, , pom. 10111 is iHoton AV Mont.. 32i do nfd 1141, Unite AV Boston. S3 Federal Steel . do pfd Fitohburg pfd Oen. Electric . do pfd Ed. Eire 111... Mex. Central . N. E. O. C. Old Colony ... Old Dom'nlon Rubber Fnlon Pacltle Fnion Land .. . )X't 1 'ill. At I levin.. . 7 l'a Centennial .... .132 Franklin .1304 Humboldt .116 iO.crolii .2(15 IParrot . 13iaQuney . IS', Sintu !' Cop. .21 iTumnraek . ri Ctnh Mining . . f.J Winona . K0V Wolverines .... . 3'1 751 , 21 , 17 1 . 72H . M5 .117 , fi'i .193 , 35' 1 , 5, . 42'i I'orrlun Financial, LONDON. April I. American railways opened rather firmer In response to better prices from New York and were well main tained. The 1 losing was llrm Spanish Is closed nt 72V'. PARIS April 1-4 p. in -Three per cent rentes. 1 01 f jo.- for the account. Exchange on London, 25121c for checks. Spuiilsli 3 her, fiX'w . No i lused .it 71 to. Huslnrss opened favorable on the b iurc todaj. hater rentes were of fered and prlce became easier P'tbse iuentl. on the rumor that Croat Hrlt.iln Imd accented the mnllnilnn of the rotted States In the South African war. there was all-round re, overy and the market cin.ed tlrm. Portuguese were In demand on the news of the passage jf British troops through Helra. Hlo tlntos Hdvanced shatply on Incessant speculative buying. Kalllrs were strong. HERLIN. Anrll I nn the bourse today Americans were unlet, hut Canadian Fa- clllcs advanced conslilerably. Internatlon j"1 were quiet. ! Hank shares were heavy In the absence of unv stlmulii". Coal shares I were llrm owing to Huslnn railroads having icontraited for 2..12.i.im) tons at 2s above tlw I'rlce of last ear. but closed w Ith the llrm- . . . . . New York Money Market. NEW YORK, April 4.-MONEY-On call, steady at 311 per cent, last loan, at l per cent; prime mercantile paper. 4,;4 ii.t cent. STFP1..V. J-,'.i MANiiE Firm, with n.- nun nusiness 111 Hankers mils at JOSfi I W for demand and at JI.S2-,fi l.Wk for sixty (lavs: hosted rales. JI.S3U1.S1 nnd J4". lommenlal bills, JI.S2i,fi l.c. S LVER Certlllrntivs ftii.tifilli.-! t...r 69V: Mexican dollars. 47sc. iiu.-siiM-uovcrnmcnt, wenK; state, strong, railroad, strong. The following are the closing quotations on bonds: U. S. 2s reg 100'iN. Y. C. 1s IIOU do 2s. ref 1031 N. .1. C. urn. 5s . .19.11 : do IN. reg KV't, No. Carolina fis..12Pj Canada So. 2....10., Reading gen. Is., vg'f, I. '. .V U. IVjs ii.iH i. ii. w. is 9.1't, do 6s 120i St L & I M c. 6s.lll C. & N. W. o. 7.li2 St I. A: S F g. Os 120 do S. F. deb. 8s.l22'a St. Paul consols. 171 Chicago Tcr. Is... 97 St. P.. C. .t P. Is. 119,, D. At It. ti. ls....I3'3 do 6s 120U do Is 994 So. Ry. 6s 113 E. T. V. & O. Is. 101', S. R. A T. fis .... ;2 Erie gen. Is 7.3 Trim. n. s. 3....!.5'i F. W. - D. C. Is. 72', Tex. AV Pnelfle ls.1li, Cen. Elec. 5s.... 120 do 2s ,V Ci. II. A: S. A. fis. no ,1'nlon Pacific 4s..l0iH do 2s 10s Wabash Is Il7'a II. .t T. C. 5.. ..110 do 2s 10.' do con. fis los IWist Shore s....lli2 la. Central Is. ...Ill Wis. Cent. 1 91 K. C. P. & O. Is.. 7I' Va. Centuries ... 90U La. n. c. 4 pis i do deferred .... 9' L. N. nnl. Is.. mo Colo. So. 4s Sl4 M.. K. & T. 2,s.... fi) So. Pacific 4 85 do 4s 9.14 When Issued. Offered. rsv York Mlalnjc Stocks. NEW YORK. April l.-The following nro tho olllclal closing quotations for mining shares: Chollnr 15 ( 'town Point .... 18 Con. Cat. A: Va..l50 Deadwood 60 (Joulil A: Currle.. IS Hale fc Norcross. 22 llomestnke toon Iron Silver 65 Mexican 22 Ontario Ophir .Plymouth Quicksilver I do pfd Sierra Nevada Standard .I'nlon Co?i . ... 'Yellow Jacket ,.S25 ,. S3 ,. 10 .175 .SCO . 50 .313 . 16 ,. 12 London Stork Quotations. LONDON. April 4.-1 p. m. -Closing: Cots., money.. 101 7-18 Penn'lvnnln ....'VA . i . . , . ..... 1 1 .n,- tui iii-t-iiiiii i . . . . i"i-i iti ii.niiK iij'a : Pun Pjiclfl.. 1171! Vn P.nlOn nf.1 -f.V ' Pan. laclflL 1 No Taclfle pfd.. .C- In " Vsj;'nfii "" 441 I mi I "v 1 1 In sot initio's (Vtit -ai'"l10 ;?nn Tniiiit' M tl V !:"f, '. . . :: ;k Anaconda . IP. St. Paul. com. ...IW, Hands 3Ci , N-- Central.. 142ii ', . a,, V.M1 . , r,r Ivl'S!.,'.I-Il-2',sl1 nT ounce. l.u'1'' 'ttw PT rent. . 1 hP rn,,? or discount In the open market iui 1. 1 iiii i iiiu i.s .i ;i-in ii-r rein arm ior three-months' bills 3 9-16ft3 per cent. Fliinnrlnl otrs, PHILADELPHIA. Anrll 4.-Clearlngs. J22.S75.fi25: balances. J2.95l.629. HALTLMORE. April 4.-C car ngs. J5.029.- 016; balances, Jl. 277.763. CHICAOO. April 4.-Clearings. J3fi,9l.r.5; balances. J2,11l.135: posted exchange. Jl.SSii 1 4M..S7; New York exchnnge, 10c discount. do new't;; ieg::.33?; n7 s 5? j ; ; , 55 , lo coupon l.tlU do l HM; Match r2 I 4 ft1 i ?ti 3 - 9i 4 46 4 41 do old 4-. reB.. Ill4 N V C A St L 4s 106 Marc 2.V I 4 So a 3 :e 3 ?il 3 75 4 56 4 44 ! do ooupoti Ill, N. Ai W. con. 4s. 9'2 .Mnrc 21 i ? Si t -i i h 3 63 t 49 fi 4 te m 1:::! iji ,s !-3 IB ! j I HUhTON. April 4. Clearings, J26,fl0,191; the week, especially heavy rat hulls, balances. Jl.fiS7.171. Stoekers and feeders were In fair demand CINCINNATI. April 4. Clearings, J2.9IS,- ! with only a moderate supply, and the mar 406; New 3'prk exchange, 25fi43c discount; I ket did not present any new fentures of money. 3fi4 tier cent. ST. LOftS. April l.-Clearings, J5.17S.13S; balances, J571.377; money, 4J?7 per cent; New York exchange par bid, 10c premium asked. NEW YORK. Anrll t.-Clenrlugs, J226.934. 401; balances, J11.26fi.02S. ( oiiilltloii of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. April 1. Today's state ment of the treasury balance, exclusive of the Jl,30,(V),ooo sold reserve, shows: Avail able ensh balance, J157.379.572; gold. J9S.498, 251. Cotton Dlarkrt. NEW ORLEANS, April 4. - COTTON Firm ntxl advancing: sales. 6.660 bales; ordi nary, Sl-1fic; jjnod ordinary, S9-10c; low middling. 9c; middling ii4r; good middling, 9 7-16c; middling fair, 9 11-lfic; receipts. 4.75 bales, stock. 321,439 bales. Futures, steadv; April, J9. 20 bid; May. J1.3'u9.2ti: June. J9.23W 9 2I; July. J9 2iK(92l: August. J9.0K,i9.02; Sep tember, JS.2X-iiS.29; October. J7.9M7.9(; No vember, December nnd January. J7.SC1i7.S7. ST. UU'IS April 4. - COTTON - Fn rhnuged; middling 9'c; no sales reported: receipts. 343 bales; shipments, 313 bales; stock. 62,7X3 bales. LIVERPOOL, April t.-COTTON-Spot, In fair demand, prices 3-I!2d higher; Ameri can middling, fair, 5&d; good middling, 6I3-3'.M; middling. 5 11-32d; low middling, 5 7-32d; good ordinary. 5 1-32d; ordlnarv, 1 27-32d. 'i'be sales of the day were 12.00J bales, of which fino were for speeulHtlon and export, and Included 11, im American; receipts. 2I.OO0 bales. Including 13.1100 Ameri can; futures opened and closed steady lit the advance; American middling. I. ni. c. April. 5 15-iMi5 ID-fild. sellers; April and .xiay, 1. 12-i.i'iir. i.i-iiiii, buyers; May and June, fi 10-fild r.ellers; June and July. 5 7-RlfiS R-Gtil. sellers; July and August. 5 5-6ld. sellers; August and September. 4 fi)-fi4fi4 fil-fitd, buy ers; September and October, I l2-6ld, buy ers; October nnd November, I 31 -Gift I 32-fild, sellers; November und .December, 4 26-6 Id, sellers; December und Juntlary, llil-6ld, sellers; January nnd February, 4 22-6Hj 1 23-6 Id, buyers. Wool Market. HOSTON. April l.-The Amerlenn Wool and Cotton Reporter tomorrow will ray: The wool market continues dull. Somo houses report a little more looking nrnund on the part of the consumers, but there Is no Improvement to be noted In the netual demand. Manufacturers as a rule nro In need of wool. Nothing but favorable re ports are received from the goods trade. Some of the impatient ones have, nfter waiting three months for an active busi ness, resolved to make business bv letting their wools go at concessions. The sales of the week In Hoslon amounted to 2,614, Wl lbs. domestic and 100 000 lbs. foreign, making n total of 2.714,000 for the week, against a total of 4.42I.S3S lbs. for the cor responding week last year. The snles hlnci Jiinunrv 1 nmount to I2.729.Oi10 lbs , against 19.076,300 lbs. for tho corresponding time last year. Coffee MarUol. NEW YORK. April 4.-COFFEE-Spot. Rio, quint; No. 7, Invoice. 7V: No. 7 lob blng. S',c. Mild. o,ulet; Cordova, 9'4fJ11c. The market for futures opened Arm tit un changed prices to in points ndvance on light European buying, bullish nverage to cables and the small receipts In Hrnzil; further advanced 5 points on covering, with demand met by reallzers. The speculative demand wns checked by unsntlsfai tory warehouse deliveries anil continued nonthv In spot circles. Closed steadv nt net un changed prices to 10 points advance. To'al sales, 15.000 b)g. Including: May. SI 53: July, Jfi.051ifi.7O; August. Jfi. 70: Sentember, Jfi.80; October Jfi. 85: November M.S5; De cember, J7.031j7.10; February, S7.20. I)rv CooiIm lliirlo-t, NEW YORK, April l.-DRY OOODS Thero Is no change in the market for cot ton goods In any direction. lluslness In brown bleached and coarse colored cottons Is dull without change In nrlces of spot goods. Print cloths and print cloth ynrfl fabrics, neglected nt previous prices. Prints end ginghams, quiet nnd unchanged. Woolen und worsted dres-i goods, quiet throughout Men's wear woolens, Inactive and prices Irreuular In some medium anil low grade casHlmeres. Silks, steady, lint business indifferent. Callfm-llla Dllcil Frails, NEW YORK. Aoril I -CA I.I FORNIA DRIED FRCITS -Nothing In the way or new buslnes transpired In evaporated ap ples toda , the market, however, holds steady and prices about unchanged; evapo rated ii-iplei. common, miiSr; oritur. 5i?(i 6c; choice, 717';.e; fancy, Prunes, 3V;1(7c nrr lb., as to size and quality, A pri nts. Royal, IlKjlSr: Moor Park, lSfilSr. Pe.ichis, peeled, !Xfi22c; impeded, 7'-fUc, OH Market. OIL CITY. April l.-OILS-Credit bnl ances, SI .fix; certltlcates, no bid or sale; shipments. M.72x bbls., average S'.'.filfi bbls.; runs, 102.511 bbls., averace 70.502 bbls. LONDON, April I -OI LS ( 'ulcut ta Un seed, spot. 1'is lid. Linseed oil, 23s 7'jd, Turpentine tplilta, lis fid, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET' K'ceipti of All Kindt Continue Rather null. BEEF AND PORK SCORE A SHARP ADVANCE lasers .Vnitt ltcef Cnttlr and I'nj 1'lir to Ten Cents Higher fur Tlieia lldH" Sell Ten ('rats llluber atul Arc Active. SOt'TII OMAHA. April 4. Receipts were: Cattle. Hops. Sheep. OHIclal Monday 1.511 30 4.U4 Olllclal Tuesday 2.021 Olllelal Wednesday 1.96. 5.VJ2 6.I.W 5.15 Three days this week... 5,530 14.PH 11.2 1 Same days last week.. . 6,530 15,160 17. Ml) Same days week before, S.712 25,334 lfi.tr.ii S.uno three weeks ago.. 9,520 21,627 20,W1 Average price paid tor hogs for tho last several days with comparisons: I1PO0. lS9S.(U9S.lS97.lS96.U9j.lS94i Match 16. ..I 4 S3I 3 S5I 3 701 3 S7 3 77; 4 27 4 47 .March 17... 1 4 94) 3 65 March 18... I 1 3 58 3 71 3 911 S Wl -1 V" -il u 1 11 1 10 3 73 J Ml 71, 1 1! J" iiarcn 19... 4 (-9 Mi..,.li 1iA C 111 1 1.1 1 M 1 QT fl AAl I 7S I Jl .March 31... 1 6 10 3 691 3 62 3 91, 3 fO, 1 4 63 April I 3 61 3 u3, 3 92; 3 54! 4 SO I April 2 5 0 3 671 3 9J 3 64 I SI 4 43 April 3 5 15 3 6.3 a tu a ii t ;i ; ' April 4 5 251 3 66! 3 7.1 3 52 I 76' 4 5S Indicates Sunday. , The olllelal number of cars of stock biought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. ll'r's. C, M. A": St. P. Hi. I O. A St. L. Hy.... Mo. i'aclllc Ry 1'nlon Pac. System 1 IS I 21 5 19 I 17 C. Ar N. W. Hr .. F.. E. A- M. V. H. It. 19 C.. St. P.. M. O. Hy. 23 H. A: M. H. It. It C., It. At Q. Hy C, H. I. ,t I'. Ry E C, H. I. As P. Ry., W 11 8 1 75 Total receipts "0 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber ot neaii inuicniea Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p Omaha Packing Co.... .n.ircil L-J f. lfi H 1)0 a 1.31 3 161 "vi i - i 167 521 35fi S7t 101 272 942 231 lill 1,6.16 .".1 3t'i 1,451) 2,15.) 4 14 'Jfi .N SI 30 S 15S .... fiSt O. II. Hammond Co Swift und Company Cudahy P. Co Armour At Co Swift, from country Yausatit At Co Lobtnau .t Co Hill & Iluntzlnser Livingstone Si Schnllcr., ll'abblck Other buyers Totals 1.S2 5. 125 3.CI3 CATTLE Continued light receipts t ... .i ii.. .... . .r. - . l"clirnilV illl IlllUK'.-l poiniS IIHS I HO nai- ral resuit of putting up the market, nnd t,,trB w,ls R gonernl advance all along tho ,l,lc t0'm-v- Th" K'neral market, In aMl- !!.n to 1,nlnK MhT.' wa.s !clv. nml BV.t'r- "ol" H,,u ""'" l' 'c' early hour. .Huyers of fat cattle wore out early, and they got down to business right at the start. The market on cornfed steers was generally 10c higher under the Influence of the light receipts, very good demand nnd favorable advices from other selling points. The market can safely be called 15f?20c higher for the week. There were a good many common rattle in the yards and nothing prime, but some pretty good steers sold as high as J.3.05. Cows and heifers were In active demnnd nnd huyers were not long In rlenrlng the pens, as tne supply wns tar irom large. trim nrlpnu tialil ivirn tili.li.it thnii The nrlces paid wero 6ff10e higher thnn yesterday. Hulls have been rather slow all Ininortunce. Salesmen appear to be afraid that tho advance In the mnrket will bring in large receipts of killing cattle, which they np pear to think would result In the market going down again. For that reason sales men as a. rule arc cautioning shippers against too free shipments to any market. As a salesman remarked. "If the cattle could only be kept coming right along steadv, the market would be good all tho time, as the cattle are all wanted." Rep resentative sales: HEEF STEERS. No. 1... 1... 1... 1... P.!!.' 1... 0 s ... s... 1... 12"! 21... 5. . . 21... 4... 3... 4... IS... 7... 15... 21... 61 . . . 18... 17... 3... Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. K 3 75 IS 1124 4. 55 ... 910 3 90 6 1089 4 53 ... 9S0 4 0) 2 1015 4 65 ...770 4 00 11 1016 4 R7"j ...10)0 4 00 17 1197 t 00 ... 902 4 00 18 1122 60 ... 900 4 00 16 1222 I 60 ... 770 4 15 15 10)5 4 6.1 ... 9M 4 20 9 1155 1 60 ...1005 4 20 3 966 4 60 ... S4fi I 25 17 1177 4 60 ...InfiO 4 25 2fi 1190 4 60 ... 951 4 25 2 1120 4 CO ... 920 4 35 3 10lfi 4 60 ...951 4 35 15 SS9 4 65 ...1130 4 35 17 1194 4 65 ... POD 4 f.3 17 1264 I 66 ...997 4 55 3S 1207 4 70 ... 956 I 35 19 117rt 4 70 ...10ir7 4 35 22 1262 4 70 ... 9S5 t 40 34 1202 4 70 ...1000 4 10 15 1458 4 75 ...1013 I 40 14 1275 I 75 ...1167 4 45 40 127S 4 SO ...1100 4 45 19 1336 4 SO ...1105 4 50 35 12S6 4 SO ...1016 4 50 16 1312 I SO ...11S0 4 50 18 129S 4 SO ... 965 4 50 19 1344 I S3 ...1125 t Ml 20 1366 3 00 ...1050 4 60 1 1400 6 00 ...1023 I 60 14 1330 5 00 ...1096 I 50 20 13S9 5 05 ...112!) 4 55 20 1292 6 03 ...1152 I 65 COWS. 4... 10... 21... 41... .... 770 2 00 3 11.1ft 3 65 6 1108 3 65 1 940 .3 C,5 6 1150 3 70 1 SS0 3 7fi 2 1260 3 75 1 S20 3 75 2 DSO 3 73 1 1070 3 76 1 10X7) 3 7r, 2 ISffi 3 SO 2 9S0 3 S5 4 1037 3 S3 1 1260 3 S3 1 S40 3 S5 1 11 10 3 S3 2 610 3 S5 4 1113 3 S3 12 9S0 3 90 1 7S0 3 90 6 1124 1 90 15 1157 3 90 4 1037 3 95 10 1257 4 00 1 1320 4 (V) S 91S 4 f1 15 1121 I 00 7 1205 4 0) 3 1226 4 00 2 1300 4 00 E 960 4 05 " Illfi i 00 4 1113 4 10 1 K10 I in 2 1010 I 10 14 1350 I 10 1 1260 I 10 6 10OI I 15 2 S55 I 15 3 1 2.5 4 15 4 1227 1 lfi 6 1013 I 15 1 1S10 I 15 1 910 t 15 5 130? J 1,-, 5 1?1f! 4 x .... S30 2 25 ....1010 2 50 .... R50 2 50 .... 830 2 65 .... 930 2 75 .... 835 2 75 .... 900 2 75 .... 970 2 75 . ... SCO 2 75 ....10)0 f. Oil S40 3 00 900 3 () ....1010 II 00 11S0 3 00 .... 900 3 00 10x0 3 10 930 3 10 990 3 15 1025 3 25 967 3 23 1225 3 26 11S0 3 23 S70 3 25 910 3 25 S.X0 3 25 S30 3 25 S00 3 25 11fir, 3 33 1120 3 35 935 3 35 filV) 3 35 1135 3 40 1300 3 60 1230 3 50 11S0 3 50 11S5 3 50 1110 3 60 10SO 3 60 1200 3 60 ...13T0..3 F0 ...1210 3 50 m 3 S5 1000 f. 55 10"0 3 60 1... 1... 1... 1... 5... .1100 :i m STEERS AND HEIFERS. , ,. 700 ) 00 5 1022 4 40 ... 91S I 35 16 DM 4 60 ...IflSO 4 35 15 135S 4 70 ,.. f05 4 40 COWS AND HEIFERS. 13.. 17.. C.. 6.. 21.. ...1111 4 m n ...1023 1 05 2 Wl 4 10 ..1215 4 15 .. 741 4 10 ..1000 3 75 ..900 I no ..1100 100 ..900 I 05 ..13C0 I 10 ..101S I 0 ..917 4 10 . . 700 I 30 Ill'ill- KIIN. . S00 3 25 . 715 3 50 . 610 4 10 ,1400 4 20 . 070 4 25 . S70 4 25 . S10 I "5 , 963 4 ?5 . 755 1 35 10.. 1.. 1.. 1.. SS... 1... o 1 1.. 5.. 10.. 1.. , 760 4 35 CALVES. . 320 5 0) 1 . . . . ,. 190 fi 00 3.... ,. 175 0 50 1 . . . . 1... 1... ....170 fi 50 .... (63 7 00 ....170 7 00 ....16R0 3 ro ....1760 3 50 ...,1070 3 60 ....1700 3 6.5 ....1660 3 C.5 ....15T5 3 C.5 ,...110 3 C5 ....1?00 1 TO .,..1470 3 73 ...1C0 3 75 1560 3 75 ... I5C0 3 75 1(1. 1.I.S. . . . . 92fi 3 20 ....15X5 3 Ml , . , . S70 Ui ....1270 3 3.) ....1640 3 35 ....1540 I! 10 ....1560 3 10 . ...lfA) 3 0 ....1620 3 40 ....1620 3 40 . . 1610 II (0 ....1940 3 45 1. 1. 1.. 1.. 1.. l".'.' L. 1.. 1 . 1 1. 910 i :o 13J) 3 JO . .i::o : 50 1 llso 3 M) I !10 10) STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. Ml) 2 40 90 3 .... 2 75 976 2 o m 3 00 . ... 9'") 3 ll 7M 3 4) 7Ml 3 SO 940 I! J-ft 70 SB) SCO 3 75 910 3 75 J 7so IM 1. 410 t () 1... 3... fi'. '. '. 1... 710 4 0) 610 I 15 320 I 25 m 1 2-. 7 I 30 6N I 30 ftil I 35 510 I 50 5r) 3 ,j STOCK CAliVKS. 3ii) 2 SO 1 393 3 25 1 30 I '0 4 330 i as 150 5 5-) 33.) 5 to 335 t SO STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 520 3 00 500 3 25 (- 3 50 S70 3 75 S05 I 25 22... 14... 1... 5... 5... H V.'.'. 1... 1... . . 1 fi.3 I 35 .. 77 1 40 . . S00 I 50 ..10S6 I M . .1042 4 50 . 570 t 50 . . S--0 4 50 . . 910 t 50 . . M) I 60 .. S35 I 60 ..467 4 60 . . 305 I 00 . . 767 4 ft) ! 5. . . 1... 2... 1... 1... ... 21... t... 1... s . . . 464 3 73 . KW) 3 SO . 7V3 4 i . 7ft) I 03 . !) 10 . C.I I 15 . 00.3 I 20 .SIN) I 23 . ftm 4 25 19.... 27.... .1023 t STAC.S. 1... tfitfl I OA 1 ...1000 4 0.3 I lotSS Itecelnts were small, the demand good, and advices from other selling points which resultid In a higher market. Huyers started out bidding prices that were a little hluhxr. but rpIIc.s .i.te banclng on for a 1.. 1.. 1.. substantial advance nnd when the trading i dreams," said tho quietest man In Hit was once under way the market wns Inst ' Krotlp of nRllt 0w, SJ,yS the Now Orle.ma about 10,- higher. The trade yas fairly T1 "When I sneak of frlitbi be con. nitlve nt the advance and the hogs were, limes. w ncn I speak or rrighl, he con all sold earlA. The light and light mixed tinned, "I don't mean alarm In any of Its hogs hold largely at J.5.20ii5.224. with s.inie ordinary Felines I mean that sort of brute t amnion light nt still lower prices. I he . ., ,h , . . . f Hl)rti. ihoiiBht general run of good mixed loads brought 1"" 1 ro ,s ' "a " Hpctvh. lhouf,l)t J3.ri nnd from that on up to J5 30. It will am' volition; tint turns him sick nnd cold, be remembered thnt the loti string yes- . that leaves such a deep nnd Indelible h -ar highest point ..f the year so far It will be very memory of II, years afterward, will notrit from the table of average prices above that thn butts sold today lust about .7'jc higher than on Monday and 20c higher than on Wednesday of lorl week. Repre sentative sales: No. Av Sh. Pr. No ill.. 20 . 7fi.. r.9.. 7rt.. Av. Sh. Pr. 37 201 21.... IMS SI 172 S3 17S 52 H, ICS 161 116 1.33 . . . 5 17'a 40 5 20 ... 6 20 SO 5 20 ... 6 20 4 a 5 20 40 5 20 ... fi 20 ... fi 20 10 5 20 ... 5 20 160 5 20 PjO 6 20 ... 5 20 40 fi 2'ij ... 5 22'i 40 5 22'-j 40 fi 2214 SO 5 22's ... 5 22'i ... 5 ?.'' J 0M !'"!237 27 2W 2h7 215 160 5 23 40 5 23 1110 5 25 ... 5 25 10 5 25 f.7. 59. 7S. 67. 60. 71. 69. 76. 6S. 70. fill. 65. 211 15 11-2 ....240 12-) ii 25 ....227 10 5 25 ..IS5 ..193 ..1Rt 21! ".'.211 . .215 ..2(2 ....253 SO ....22 ... . . . .235 . . . ....216 160 r iiTi r. 2.5 5 25 ....211 .231 40 33 201 ..251 ..241 . .261 ... 6 27'i ... 5 27', SO fi 27' 1 74. 207 34... 76.. . 13... 42... 70. . . 7... (37... 61... 36... 76. . . 37... Hi... 90... 90... R2... 74... 62... 72... sr.. . . 1 46... It... 75... SO .. 70. . 1 (A... ...213 !!Ts ...212 ...ro.3 ...223 '. '. '.22S . . .215 ...200 ...246 ...200 ...200 ...197 ...214 ...229 ...237 65.. 66.. 76.. a.. ft).. 16.. 62.. 65.. 79.. 77. . 52.. 79.. 61.. 66.. 63.. 67.. f.l.. SC.. 120 5 27' i ..270 SO 5 27' SO 5 27', ... 6 27'!, ..23) SO 40 5 22' 6 22', 5 22'? ..211 ..244 110 ..-.'.' ..273 ... 6 27', . .266 200 6 27' j ..247 40 5 27', ..22S 200 fi 27' i, ... 5 22', ... 6 22U SO 5 22 'A 40 5 22- SO r. 2214. SO fi 22' i 40 fi 22J.4 40 5 ?5 SO fi ffi 120 fi 2.3 ... fi 25 211 ... 6 27', .202 SO 6 27', . .270 ... fi 27'i ... fi 30 ..217 .211 120 5 30 ..29) . . . 5 30 ... 5 30 ... 5 30 ... fi 30 SO 5 30 ... 5 10 ..255 ..303 ..2.V. ..261 ..21S 12 .22S 240 5 25 210 ... 5 25 .212 SO 6 25 .234 ... fi 25 .227 SO fi 25 .227 120 fi 2.5 .221'. 160 fi 25 213 . . 5 25 ..247 240 fi 30 61. 52. 62. 70. ..271 ... 5 30 40 5 30 .306 ....269 120 5 30 .247 SO b 30 2R. IS 10 SIIEEPTodav's mnrket was not entirely to the liking of sellers. Ruyers seemed to be feeling rather bearish and the market was slow and inclined to drag though about everything km cleaned up In renson able season. As to prices, the tendency was . lower. The condition or tne marKoi couin I perhaps best be described by calling It weak In 10c lower Pome of the same wethers that sold for J6.10 yesterday brought J6.00 today. On tne otner nnnn inmns soni ai Jfi. 90. the same as yesterday. Another hunch of western lambs sold for J6.76. the same as was paid for them last week. Spring lambs sold nt $9.00, which was the same price as was paid for the same kind on Monday of this week Quotations: Choice yearlings. jS.IStKi.Su; fair to good yearlings. Jfi.001i6.15; good to choice wethers, J6.00f?0.10; fair to good wothers. J5...fI5.Ro; good to choice fed ewes, to choice' fiMl" limb;;- WWW 1 rch ,hn l"froom "'out any mis 7 00; good to choice western lambs. tfi.Wi hap, and had Just openeil the door of tho 00- fnlr In pood western lambs. Sfi.6ofiti.S5 feeder wethers, J4.5O1I5.O0; feedT yearlings, J5.0CVK5.fiO; Rood to choice feeder lambs, J5.25 5Ji'.00. Repreiyntatlvc sales: No. Av. Pr. 1 cull ewe 70 J5 00 il cull owes 7S 3 00 20 cull ewes Sfi 3 00 26 clipped tailings 65 4 00 i ewe 70 4 Ml 1 buck HO 4 50 1 cull Iamb 60 5 00 l.ir. shorn wethers 79 6 00 Iffl western ewes 92 5 00 42 western ewes S3 6 35 5K western wethers 97 fi ) 3SS Mexlcnn wethers 101 fi 00 121 western lambs 62 fi f.0 461 Mexican lambs 71 fi 75 6.12 western lambs 71 6 90 166 spring lambs 45 9 fo MARKET, CIIICAfiO I.IVK STOCK Cattle fSraernlly II Iftlier Sheep nail l.nnilin llluber. CHICAGO, April i. -CATTLE- Receipts, 11.500 head: generally 10e higher; natives, best on sale today nt J5.S0, nod to prime steers, J6.O0Tt6.S0; poor to medium. Jl.25f 1.90; selected feeders. Jt.fiVjj l.s.1; mixed stoekers, J1.GOM.00; cows, J3.00.TM.W); heifers. Jl Z.i'if 1.75; fanners. J2.10fl'2.75; bulls. JJ.60lf4 25; calves. JI.5O6G.00, Texans, receipts. SoO head; best on sale today. 4 cars nt J5.05. Texas fid steers, JIOOSoO,.; Texas bulls, JJ.20ii3.6O. IIOOR-Recelnts. toiUv. 19.00.) bead: to- morrow, 20.000 head, estimated : left over 2,500 head; average fully PV higher: tops, J3.6.5, mixed nnd butchers. J5.3Oi(.i0; good to choice henvv. J5 4Mi5.65; rough heavy. J5.IW 6.40; light. Jft.25fi3.624; bulk of snles, J6.45 SHEEP AND LA MRS - Receipts. ,2, head; strong to KV higher; good to choice wethers, j'j.ijo-nti an; rnir to cnoice mixeu. S3.00'(6.00; western sheep, J5.7.vfifi.30; year lings, JS0o?i6.60; native lambs. J5.60fr7.li'; western lambs, J5.(Vrj7W. Neiv York Live Muck. ...lt -lt- t .ll I lll.'L'1'rt! cclpts, 2,467 heaVl; steers Hten.lv ; bulls and' cows 10,- lower, nil sold; steers, JIMii56i; oxen and stags, 3.IOH5.(); bulls J1.2iVfi4.IO; iiVtii?. 12c; Liiiilon market eteady; exports. 4.iv) quarters of beef; tomorrow. 200 cattle and "'(?ALVi:S- Receipts. 2.157 head: active and fully 25c hlifncr than Moudns , veals, J4.00- 7.25: tons. J7 60. fed calves, J3 0O1I3.6O. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recclpts. 5.693 luad; sheep, steady. lambs, firm; top grades. 10c higher; one car unsold; hep, J4.60fjts.00; culls, Jl (Vft I 23; clipped sheep, J4.7-3; lambs. J6.fiiMi8.26; clipped lambs, J6.60; spring lamtis. 11 .a. HOOS-Hecelpts, 6,6X0 head; firm; west ern pigs, weak. St. I. mils Live Stock. ST LOftS. Anrll 4. -CATTLE -Recelnts. .1.000 head. In. biding 1,150 head Texans, mar ket strong to uv nigner; native shipping and export steers. J.60iiC,75, dressed beer and butcher steers. JI.OfJ.75 and Ji.3.Vf3.10; steers under J.ooo His. f3241j-i.f(0: stoekers and feeders. J.t.751i 1.63. rows ami heifers. J2.n01il.su and J2.MHi3.Xii; dinners Jl 50H2.S5; bulls. 1.1 1.10, lexas anil Indian steers. W.Ktl.5.05. ()(.s nn elnts, li.ioo head: market 10c higher: nigs and lights. J5 20f5. 10: nackert.. J5.25'ii6 15, butchers. JUOJift.KS. SIIEKI' A.N1) LA MHS Here 'its. 1.600 head; market steady: native muttons J5.35 6fi.lO; lambs, J6.ivyij7.i3, with spring lambs at JS.DO; culls und bucks, JI.0Ofi6.25. Stork in Sljclit. Following are the receipts at the four principal western markets for April 4: Cattle. Hogs Sheep South Omaha 1.962 5.4IM 6.125 Chicago 11.500 i9.no.) 12.DO0 Knnsas City ti.vo 9.:oo :,iin St. Louis 3,000 ii 900 1.000 Totals 23.262 40,5.1'! 2", 7 S3 Kansas City Lite Stock. KANSAS CITY. April t - CATTLE Re celpts 6,000 head natives and xoo head Tex ans: slaughtering grades active and steadx to 10c higher. 1 hob e slo. kers and feeders, steady, plain grades, slow. heu native steers, J I. SO? 6 31). light we'ghls. l2.Vn5lii. J. It. IV A Id.. (,'oiislin your 4)11.1 1 uml WARE lb LELAND, 200-210 RIALTO UUILDING, CHICAGO. W rite f . Vl t 11 i i U"n lefrelilltce. roii.tsntl, o t floor of ths Clilrirnltorilnr..1r. tliu Insiirlns pinni. eieeiilUm nf sll oioers, sn.l rlosi. sUeiition lo ll Irnsl. DM! entrmtf A to ut. Kit IVA II l 4. II K I.U A . In I Imi a .r l,.,i.i. J V-.VL. JL ... ' stoekers and feeders. J3 .or.t.'M; butcher ,iws and heifers, J3.l0til.45. i.inners. I 3 Ht. fed westerns, Jl mni-J.W). 'Icxans, Jl.MC I 4. iinnHr. ..mis. n.2flo hrnd: market xery nnlmnled at advance of lOfllfie; heavy. Jo W JA3.32'-. mixed, J5.20fi6.3.3, lights, Jj.WtIo-30, tdes, i 5oiit5.0ii. SHEEP AND LAMPS - Receipts, 2.0OJ head; good active demand; muttons, llrm. lambs, steady to easier, spring lambs, JJ ml ft 10 00; fed lambs. J6 75Ji7.i); muttons. J5.5U difi.15, stoekers and feeders, JI.5')U6ii. culls, J3.5ofM.SO. St. .tosrpli l.lii' Stork, Sot-Ill ST. JOSEPH. April (.-(Special ) The Journal quotes: CATTLE -Receipts. SiV) head; market 'f 16c higher, natives. J4 lOf5.10; Texas mil westerns, Jl.fttfi4!H): cows and heifers, J2 6"4f 4.1.3; stoekers and feeders, J.1.5iJ I.S.3. HOCS-Recelpts. 3,700 head; market 10c higher; all grades. Ji2.ifi5.l5; otllk of sin. . J5.23fr...t5. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recclpts, DW head, market stiong. SiiKiir .Market, NEW ORLEANS. April I. - SI'tlAR -Quiet, open kettle. 3M'I 3-fic; open ket tle, centrifugal. IMM'vc, centilfugnl, cl low. 4'S44c, sc. oiuls, 2l4'!4'c. MOLASSES-tJulet and nonilnnl. P AHAL3 ,i;i) 11V I'ltHillT. An H iierlence Set I'ortli to Illustrate What the i;prcsslon Menus. "Very few grown -up people, know what fright really means, except perhaps In mane linn quail anil summer, it IB unpen- slblc. In tny opinion, for mcro danger to produce that feeling, even in tho rankest cowards, for you must bear In mind It U not fear that I am endeavoring to describe, but lomethlng entirely different, somvthlti; against which personal courage furnishes no immunity whatever. When n man in afraid his Instinct Is to run away, to escape; when he is frightened hr linn no such Impulse he simply suffers. "In 1SS9 I was holding n Job as proof reader in a big printing establishment In Chicago. The building then occuplml by the concern wns a rambling old hurra -ks of a place and tho little Inclogtirc where I worked was In tho cxtremo rear of tho upper floor, which was tisel as a composing room. Next to my cubbyhnlo was another and considerably larger Inclosure, where a religious weekly was eel up on special con tract. That second room had a slnlstT reputation, for the sufllclrntly startling reason that it hnd been tho Hcone of tw 1 suicides. A former collector for tho llrm, who wns short In his accounts, had gono there to blow his brains out, and later on .1 poor old printer, broken down nnd despon dent, had cut his throat In front of tho cracked looking glnss which hung over the sink. All that happened long before my tltno, but tho memory of It abided, and It seemed to Invest tho place with a peculiar air of gloom. I havo gono Into the.?o details to give you an Idea of tho Iny of the prom ises, and now I'll get to the point. "Ono night, in tho fall of the ynir, I hnd an unusual lot of proofs to read, and de elded to go hack, nfter a late supper, and finish them up beforo going to bed. When I reached tho building on my return from tho restaurant everybody had gone, nnd tho placo was as black and silent as a cave, hut I let myself In nt a side door and groped my way upstairs, fumhllng In tny pockets for a match. To my annoyance I dlda't have a slnglo one, but 1 remembered thero was a boxful on a tnble In tho olllco of tho religious weekly, and knowing tho compos ing room pretty thoroughly I started with out hesitation for my den. "Tha sky was stormy and overcast that night, and Inside tho building It wan per fectly dark, to dark that I literally couldn't ( bpc my han(, l)cforo my fncc Nevertheless, adjoining Inclosuro to get tho matchei when tho thought of the two flulclden Unshed through by brain and sent an icy nhtver down my spina For a moment I had an Impulse to back out and bent a retreat, and, wullo I put that aside, I won't deny that I was considerably unnerved. The loneli ness of the place, tho pltch-darkncfu. the whispering nolnes ono can nlwayn hear In a big empty building nt night, nnd tho memory of thnt ghastly Blory of self-murder, all mndo my heart beat like a drum, and It required every particle) of resolution 1 possessed to enable me lo take a step forward. I moved slowly and cautiously, with my right arm extended to ward off i obstaelrp, and had advanced perhaps a dozen , paces whcti my clutched hand was la'd flatly upon a human face. I could feel tho nose and eyesockeln against tny flngeiH nnd a stubble of beard pricked my palm. "Now, gentlrmen, this may peem IIU" nothing as I tell It here, with the Includes crnlH ablazo and pcoplo passing to and fro, hut In thnt black, deserted rookery It wns this Incarnation of horror. I real ized then and there, for the. first time In I my life, the real tnuinlug of the word trigiit. it 1 nan actually seen a gnost ir 1 -would have shaken mo less, but that faro nKnnsl my hand In the dark-nh! I will . ... , in. . never forget It, never, .if. long as I live' I recoiled, nnd as I did so my flnge . - I oountered the matchbox. Hy pure I.m, 1 1 snatched out a dozen matchm and Btr-f . , tnem on the tame; a gas jet was naif a foot away, and In an Instant I had It lit. Then I understood tho situation, and you will smile, no doubt, when I explain. "A printer, whom I knew very well, and o waK the ot of tho ofuco, was standing besldoi onn of the cases in a slrunken doze, Uo Da,i hoon on a spree and whon the otll. e raH ciosei '' ". """'-' hind a pile of paper. My steps on tho stairs had nrotmed him and ho staggered ,0 1,ls fpet- " Blo" thrr. silent and stupid, until I hlundorirl ngnlnst hltn In tni dark. I lixrttlnir Arithmetical Trail 1 1 lull. New York Sun: Jack How did you como out on that bulldog pup you bought? Dick Lost over 100 por cent on the trans action. Jack Oh, I guess not. Onn hundred per cent Is nil you ran possibly loe. Dick -Think so. do you? Wall. I paid J10 for tho pup and then I had to give a boy ti i 1 n in, him out and drown hUn. If that .,,., ,,ft n(lr Ioa!,. VA nv., to kno... wi...t ',, '. you call It. rcif. imp H.RPBiriEYaCO. ROOM 4 NY LITE ELD0. cma'u ntn BRANCH lOJUttST oncoui net. JAMES E BOYD & CO,, '1 clcphonc loaf). Oinnli.i, N, COMMISSION, ( It A IN, PROVISIONS am, STOCKS HOARD l)i" TllAllll. Correspondence John A Warron Cn j inrect wires to Chirnco and New Yurk, r. r. i.n.iMi, SlIIKIls) ami arn.l jrimr nrilrrs In t