11L.I5 OMAHA DAILY HRE: Tt I2SDAY, AIMUL 0 1 SPECIAL NOTICES ilvi-rllNi-iiH-nf-i for llu-m- i-nlnnm 11 III lie (iiI.i-ii until I- in fur (he ruiiliiK edition nnil imlll Klillt i. in. for iiioriilnu nnil SiiiiiIii) i-illllitii. Ilnti-s, I l-Ui- it iioril llrst Inirrllou ! n mini lliiTi'nf Iit. Sotlilnu titUeii fur less tliuii Mf for 1 1 t- first liim-r-IIimi. Tin-si nil iTt NeiiirntK must lie rim i-iini-fiill !. li i-rllscm, li ri'iiiifilltiu n it tn -ln-reil -Ih-i-U, cm ii linn- nnwr ml-iln-ssi-d lo n iitiiuln-rcil letter In I'liri of Tin- Hit. AiiNVti-rs ho iidilri-oeil li III Ih ili-lli fri'il on pri-sentul Ion of the r-licc-U mil). W A VI' H I l-S 1 T I A T I C S . A STENOGRAPHER. When you wnnl ono picnsu cull tip llie Kctnlllgluh lypowmui olllcc, 1G19 Farnum HI., telephone 15iS. A-620 wavied-male help. VANTijI; we have steady work for ii few gOOll llllStll.TS Of good tllbltB II till appenr uticc. C. F. Ailntns Co., ltil'J Howard St. 11 027 WANT HI), manager und agents, wilury or fnmmlxslrin: chcniiest nnd largest line. Hunter Tailoring und -Hhlrt Co.. ( Incin. tmtl. Ohio. 11-M11-. A7' 3 picture agents, expenses paid. IMS Lcnv'tli, II 3ll A.l SOLICITOR wanted: n reliable, hustling salesman for tailor-made suits and trous ers: salary or commission. Twin t it Tailoring Co., 10W Fnriiutn. II MKJi CII VUMI'V in mcII nlllrn HIH'clultlcS : lino side lines; used hy all merchant!!; catalog free. Model Mfg. 1 0., liox i, bouiii '"""' HARRBR trndo. taught thoroughly In short time; culnlnguo aim iiruniir ' -Address Western Barbers' IntHuto, Omaha. Nel. WAVTMh ii nxtiprleneeil. eomoetcnt llor- Ist who speaks German and English. Ap ply II. Ituus. 1S13 Vinton St. H--H WANTED, men to learn the bnrbcr's trade ..rfnt. it... I.nul Itwliii-ioncnts to those 111 tending to learn the barber's trade thor oughly; send for catalogue. Hie Aincrt ..5 ii,..u. ,-,.ll..,.r, Ml, II, in, I Hotel build inir pnrnnr lfitb and Chicago Sts., Onialia Neb. -M57I WANTED, a coachman and a gardener references required. II. W. Y atos. Ne braska. National Hank. ii-.w .i tifv ic ... ib vmini old: ineehanleal Ideas Industrious, ambitious to thoroughly learn tllO Optical lUSllleSS, living MI Ilimie, ir. ercnees reipilred; Rood opportunity. J ol iimhl.'m Ontlcal Co. H-M593 JlOIiKH IlaHier Colleges are located In xt,., v,.rt rhirncn fit. TjouIb. Minneap olis and Snu TranclHco and wo olTer freo transportation to our nearest colleRe for ntiy ono to learn barber trade. We have no rchool In Omaha or Denver; wo offer n.ini o .I v.intn ires tn graduates tnli onrlnK and will guarantee ton wases after only two months practice: thlH naves two ......rnntlroollln cniistant iimctlce can bo had In the larfior cities. Catalogue and all particular mailed free. Moler Harber College. Chicago. "I- H Miti 0 THIIKH exiierlenced canvassers enlarKltiK portraits; leading western house; liberal cotnmlcilon. Call Wednesday and Satur day afternoons at 10H So. 11th St. I iwi-2 WANTED, paper hangers, nnd wnll paper cleaners to send 10c for sample "f the "Hest Wall Paper Cleaner" on earth; If samplo Irt s-vtlsfactory will I sell reclpo for-$1.00. Address It. W. McDonald Co.. No. 73 West Columbia St . Sprlng ( Held. OhljJ. H-MSU nt:fltli:UMBN' . wanted. Steady work. Twin City Tailoring Co., WW I-arnnm. D 920 WANTED Young man for house and yanl work. W. It. McCord, caro McCord-nrady Co. H 91S I WANTED, two bright young moil of good address about IS or art years of age to act as lloor walkers; those having expor -enco preferred; salary W l-r week. Call only between S nnd P nnd 5 nnd o clock. Ask for Mr. iStone. People's Store t 13 .IIJ-W WANTED, first-class harness) rutter for factory; must bo sober and well recom mended; good steady position for compe tent man. Addrens, stating wages wanted, Patrick, Mastlck & Co. Wholesale Har nosa and Saddlery, Portland. Ore BOYS everywhere to distribute circulars, samples; good pay. Iloyal Oum Co Chi- caro. 111. 11-M92S3' SALESMAN in every cltv of 3.00il to sell lilirh.unule shoes to consumer. Carson Shoe Co., Medina!) Temple. Ctilcago. ill M927 3 w.t"i'un. nt one., six canvassers to work In city or country, sulary. tOM to Jis.(i H, 2Ul Pit. li ij o AVAXTBD-KBMAI.B I1BI.P. WANTED. 2W girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S7. C-K30 SO girls wanted. Canndlan olllco 1522 Douglas flood cook and second girl; references re UUlred. 202t Douglas St. C-758 OIKI, wanted to do liousework In small family. 220S Ohio. u-mmi ;i ron niiNT-iiorsBK. IF YOP want your houses well rented placo them wltn llenewa. .: t o. u ti,u HOUSES, etc, F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. D-63.1 HOUSES, ull kinds. .V. L. S. Nat l Ilk. Hldg. D 031 FOR RENT To small family. 7-room cot tage, in good, repair; city water Inside; cistern; coal shed; 22nd and California Sts., 2.t. Inquire at 607 N. 19th St. D-633 ALWAYS moving II. If. goiwls. Pianos. Otllco 15111a Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or SO). D C3G HOUSES, stores. Hemls, Paxton block. I) -637 HOUSES for rent In all parts of Pie city. Hre.nnan-Lovo Co., SCO So. 13lh street D-63S FIVE roooms. 2:121 South 16th St. D-K CHRIS HOVER, 2123 Cuming. Tel. K 2652. D-M597-A9 CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry H. Payne, m N. V. Life. 'Phono 1010. D-C10 SIX-ROOM modern cottage, will ple:x 2710 Parker. near motor, D 305 HOUSES nnd ll.its. Rlngwnlt. Haiker Hlk. D-GIl MAOOARD Van & Storage. 1610 Capitol Avo Tel. 1196. y i)-t!3 HOUSES to rent. V. Life. C. Patterson. 305 N. D-till iilri DODOE seven rooms, hotel. Inquire Shelton D T04-2' AND still renting? Not because you can not buy. for homes are being sold every day. If you aro Interested to know moio about how and where, please call. W. II. Russell. CIO N. Y. Life. D-M912 3 FOR RENT small cottage, fl; store for grorerv. etc , on very favorable terms Apply 901 Douglas. D-9il- N1NE-ROOM modern hcuse In good re. pair. In walking distance. $.15. M ,1. K'en- n.inl fi son, Suite 310, Hrown block. D-M9.1) nm iti:vr rriiMsiiED iioo.tis, 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. Uth, E-M902 ROOMS, modern. S0 Harney St. e-:io-a: 3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping for man nnu wue; rent tnKen in ujaru. aw N. 17th. E-3C0 3 FURNISHED rooms, with or without board: strictly modern nouse; walking distance. Aunress n -ji, nee. k-cm 3 FURNISHED rooms, St. Mary's Ave houivkemdng. 2023 E-M521 -A2I TWO or three- furnlhed or unfurnished. roomi tor ugnt nouecKceping. inixtcru IU B. Uth et. &-MSII-; ron itr.vr-rt ttMxtir.n iiooms. r 17, i it'll Isrue south r.xtn. furnished or conveniences K-MiTS 7 iinfurnlshed. all modern Imiulre nt 113 N. 25th St. I'l IIMS:it IIDOMH AM) DO III). TIIK Merrlum family hotel, 36th and DihIkp. 1- ui TO 2 Kentlemen, In p-rlvrtto family. ?) Ht Mary s Ave. K 015 JtOOM and board. 11 to $S. 1512 Davenport. i- jn a-j THK I'ltATT, desirable rooms; 'phono 15f2. 12 HO. 2BU1. 1113 HANDSO.MK imrlnr bedroom; other rooms; gentlemen only; rates mmierate. -i ne itoi-e, 2ir.i) Harney. F-Ml9-A12 NICI-n.Y furnished room, good bonrd: next nonr TUS oeorgla Ave. k aj HOOMS and bonrd. 2013 Douglas. K-Ml I'LHAHANT home for four adult In strictly private family, one block from H.insconi park. 1501 Georgia ave. F-M5W KIjKOANT front room with board. 19W Copltol avenue. K-M93S 0 roil II 13 VI' I MTIt.VIMIIll) ItOOMV. , 3 Oil I modern lor furnished), 'i block from car line, facing Hnnscom Park. 23CI Wool worth. 0-682 I'ou hunt vroiiBN am) orricBH. KOFI ItBNT. store In llrst-class location, rent reasonnme. Apply it. l. l'eters ,v Co . ground tloor, Hee bldg. I 200 STOHB ItOOM, 11W3 I'arnam. Opp. old P. O. 1 tjtli STOUB nOOM, 1106 Farnam. Opp. old P. O. I-C39 W .TI2I) TO ItBNT, Kl'ltNISHED lion so of eight or nine, rooms. Must bo near cur line. B. 11. Terrlll. 2C9 Paxton block. K M91C S WANTED, eight to ten-room furnished cottage In good location by small family whom we can recommpnd. W. I-'nrnam Smith Sc Co , 1320 Farnam st. K-MMI fi MO It. Mil PACIFIC Storage and Warehouso Co., 012 911 Jones, general storage and forwarding. 017 Om. Van Stor. Co., lBtUfc Fnrn. Tel 1559. m. r4S WAM'HD 'I'O 111 V. ALI, kinds of household goods, hotels, etc.. In large, or small iituinlttlos. Chicago Fur niture Co., HOii-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. N-019 WILL purchnse a limited number of Omaha Savings Hank accounts. Hrnnan I.ovo Co., 309 So. 13th. N-C00 BNTEHPP.ISE 1-TIt. CO. pays high prices for irooil household uoods. 102 So. 14th. N M674 A 10 2D-HAND books for cash. Crane, 207 N. 10th N HOUSE to move. F. D. Wead. N-M531 Bl.IC teeth. Bdholm, Jeweler, 107 N. 16th. N-W7 PARTIES having secondhand bank coun ters to dlnposo or please send description and lowest llgure to J. W. Dolan, Indian ola. Neb. N-921-7 OH SAM-IIOIISBH, VBIIICI.i:S, ETC. TOP lU'OUY for sule, In good condition. II W, Ut'K. i' .mi so l'HAETONS, buggies, road wagons and harness. Andersen Iiuggy Co.. Uor. istlt and Davenport Sts. P-92G FOH SALE chea-j for cash, second-hand, largo two-seated carriage in good condi tion. Address D 34, Hee. P M932 G GOOD horse. 1121 N. 19th. P-M929 I'OU SALE MISCRM.ANKOI'S. CHEAPEST and best poultry nnd hog fence. 9U1 Dougluu St. Cl'TTEHS of drug prices, Sherman Mc Connell Drug Co., Cor. 16lh and Dodgo Q-G5.1 FOH SALE, ten H-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggists. One gives relief. Q 061 Aiy 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1UG Farnam. Q-055 H. HAAS, Florist, 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plants, cut llowers. boquets, hall, resi dence, wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly tilled. Q-G56 NEW bicycle tires. J2.25, J2.50 and $3.(0. Onnil secondhand wheels. $S. $10 and 112. VJIIiaiUi IIU3 UIC UIIU V lUL UM .!. IJ-C57 SAFBS.buy. sell. Schwartz, 114 8 13. Tel 1697 Q-M8SI A 14 CUT prices at A. B. Wylle's, 1513 Farnam, Hermitage Hourbon. Guckenhelmcr Rye, S years old; drink, 10c; Vi-Pt., 25c; pt., 50c; qt., Jl; gal. sent C. O. D., $1. ' Q-M8S5 A14 HOUSE eloppcrs repairs; grind raiors shears, clippers. A. I. Undelnnd. 1W8. 14. Q-MS84 A 14 WIRE fence. Iddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. 1500. Q 615 Ailg-9 GET our price on our pneumatic-tired blko buggy with wood rims, bicycle spokes, ball bearings; the latest out. onmna-Mi-cycle Co., 16th and Chicago. Q-M746 FOR LEASE, good business corner lot, 30th nnd Ames avenue. No saloon. Appiy Flodm.in & Co., 1511 Capitol ave. Q-M744 7 FOR SALE, S head good fresh cows. Call afternoon, jester s yarn, zsm ami nun 01, Q 752-2 OOOD stnblo manure for hauling. 2720 t)-MKi) 5 Illiiliclo. MISCRI.I.A.M'.Ol'S. WE are all ready for business; largest lino in city of 2d Hand household goon, r.u terprlso Fur. Co.. 102 S. Uth. R-MC72-A10 NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furnlturo H stoves nt lowest pi ices, carman 101s or less. Chicago Furniture- Co., 1 1045-10 Dodge. R-659 FOR RENT, barn, at 202G St. Mary's Ave. it uw ci. viii vol Avrs. MMB. CiYLMER genuine palmist. lGttj Dodgo Wll MRS. FRIT., clairvoyant, S12 N. 16th. S-602 MRS. HILL. Dewey's friend. 7th daughter, born with veil, fortune teller, locates hid den treasure: ladled, ."'V; gents, $1. Read ings by mall. 20O2 Cuming. Prof. Spiers, magnetic healer faith cure. S 32S-A22 HI. H( TIIIC THE T1IEVT. MRS. BERRY, electro magnetic treatment and baths 119 N. 16th St.. 2d llo.ir. Op posite P. O. T-519-Ap-2l MMB. SMITH, room 2. ltSMi N, 15th; mag netlc treatment and baths. T MSS.", 7 PERSONAL VIAVI. woman's way to health. 310 Bee bldg U-G6.I MONHEIT.CHIROPODIST. IMS FARNAM. Y'our hair shampooed, dressed 35c. Hair toi let goods. Monhclt, 1518 Farnam. Tel.2.B3. IT 072 L1EHBN, costumer. 1313 Howard. Get cata logue, u oo PRIVATE hospital for ladles before, & dur ing confinement; b.ibiea adopted, 1136 N. 17. U-G69 DR. ROY", chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed hy electricity. Room 12, Frenzar Block. U-l PLEATING and pleated fklrts of all kinds. M. Goldman : Co., ztw uougias niori;. U-.6S PRIVATE home before and during conllne ment. babies adopted. Mrs. Hurget. 1033 Decatur U-070 STAMPS for collectora: albums, rupplie. Frailt flxown, K0j 3, Uth. U-671 I i'i:uo i KflTftlB cured, no knife, no pain, no danger, fend fur clnulars. Kmplre Hup turn Cure, :S N. Y l.'.fe lllilir , Omaha. U-66T CANCHIl critKl), no twin. Or. Henshaw. lentinc sH-iallt, 616 N. 19th et.. Omaha. U-M713-A10 II-' YOC suffer with your feet and desire Immedlato or permanent relief call mi I'rof. I.und, 311 Karbacli block. C-W.1-A17 M.MK. SMITH, mut;netlc treatment and baths, nsifc North l&th, room 2. U-51S-S WAI,I I'AI'Ktt cleaned like new, reason able. Heck & Co., 15204 Capitol ave. Tel. 2JJ3. IT-MSM 7 .mom: to mia ustati:. PK1VATH money, ii, fi'j. 0 per cent; no de lay, uarvin uros , ivia i-arnom. n-nn 1M11VATB money. 1'. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. bi I WANTKD. city und farm loans; also bonds and warrants. It. C. Peters fc Co., li 1'arnam St., Heo Hldg. S 6m 5 PER CENT money. Uemls, Paxton btnclt. KIVB per cent fiirm loana. llutuson. Chas. B. Wll-W-677 MONEY to loan on llrst-claw Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne Knox Co., New York Life. ti,8 5. Ri.,, 0 per cent on Omaha, S. Omaha. W. It. Thomas, Sot 1st Nat. bank. Tel. lfilil. MONEY to loan at and 5! per cent on Otnnha proiierty. V. H. Muikle, 101 S. l.dh. W i9 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Hrennan-Lovu Co., 309 So. 13th. W 90 LOAN'S on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent. Uorrowers can pay iW or any multiple. Any in tercst date. No delay. llretinan-I.ovo Co. .109 South 13th Htreet, Omaha, Neb. Y )1 il.OW anil Howard to loan on Imprjved city property and farms. V. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam. 09. I HAVE for sale a few choice Omaha city loans nt 6 per cent. C. A. Starr. 721 N. . I,tfo Hldg. W -MS79 3 .MO.VBV TO l,OA CHATTELS. LOANS made salaried people on personal note without security; rat"S reasvnsble. J. W. Tayloe, 21S First Nat l bank. 12 to ti p. m. -v w MONEY" liwns on furniture, rigs, bicycles diamonds, watches, etc.: payment un known to friends. Omaha Ujai Hank.llltt Farnam. upstairs. X ay MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent position on their own naino without endorser or mortgage. ST HI CM LY CONFIDENTIAL and LOW EST HATES. No Inquiries mnde of em ployer or frlendP. You can borrow any amount und repay on easy weekly of monthly payments Heforo borrowing see us. OMAHA CHEDIT CO., suite 625-52U N. Y. Life Hldg. X-C37 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOl'SBHOLD Fl'RNITl'HB. PIANOS, diamonds, watches, on easy payments, un known to others; you keep the goods, each payment lewena tho cost of tho loan; no c-hargo for paper." and wo make no In quiries of your neighbors. HBHC.EHS' LOAN CO., 1601 Farnum, over 11. & M., ticket office. X COS SALARY loans after working hours. If you want cheap money address II G7, Hee. X-S20-AU MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 70S N. Y. L. Hldg. X-701 MONEY" to loan on furniture, piano, horses, cows, utc. J. W. Tayloe, 21S First National bonk building; 12 to G p. m. X-702 AlONBV loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, otc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X-700 LOWEST RATES, QUICKEST SERVICE. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, llvo stock, etc. Y'ou have tho nso of both tho property and the money. Y'ou may pay the loan back In one month or keep It longer and pay for It only what tlmo you keep It. No expense for papers and nothing kept out of the nmotint bor rowed. OMAHA MORTOAGE LOAN CO.. (Established mi). 300 South 16th St. X 922 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses cows. Jewelry. Duff Green R. 8, Darker hlk X-703 MONEY ADVANCED FOR SALARIES. Solaried employes of good character can ootain accommodation at mucn less cost nnri nmli.irrnt.munt thnn li'ia lioriilnfn.i. 1 Leen possible by npplylng to American 1 in,,,, f'n nnm rir., td.iir -v-sir. iMONBY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their own name. In amount from JlaOO up. A comparison of our rates with others is all we ask. as we aro positive that ours aro tho lowest in the city. Remember that we are the only loan company giving you the privilege of puying your loan ALL or In PART at nny TIME and thoreby stop, ping tho cost. Business conlldential. Treat ment courteous. OMAHA MORTGAGE I DAN CO.. Tel. 2295. Room 119, Hoard of Trade Hldg. X-M931 III SI.M1SS CIIAM'ES. GROCERY stock, splendid location, well established trade; as a business propo sition will pay to Investigate. Address C 20, Hee. Y M160 A17 FOR SALE, .a smnll steam browery with mnlthouse, in eastern Nebraska, in excel lent condition, with good location: must retire on account of ill health. Fur fur ther particulars call on or address F. W. Platz. Schuyler. Neb. Y-.M260 A20 FOR SALE, one of the oldest Jewelry stores In Omaha, nt a great bargain. Ad dress D 33, Hee, Y MSS9 3 TUB NEW SNOW CirURCII CO., gives strict attention to ull elas-M-p of 1 ollcc- Hons. 41)1-2-3-1-5 N. X. Life Bids. Y 737 FOR SALE, drug store or half Interest in same; doing good business and located In 0110 of tho best towns In Nebraska. For particular address Frunk Nedela, Crete. Neb. Y'-M750 For raciiaxui: FOR TRADE. $0 500 modern well located residence on paved street for good farm. W. II. Green. 401 N. Y. Life Bids. 7.-MS2S-I FOH S A l,i; HEAL ESTATE. PAYNE-KNOX CO. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS; LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES. FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First lloor. N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-701 CHOICEST TRACKAGE PROPERTY ON THE MARKET. S. E. comer 16th and Izard; half block, 132x264; heart of the city; for prlco and terms see George G. Wallace, Brown Hlk.. sole agent. RE-705 HENRY B. PAYNE, Wl N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate. Rentuls, 'Loans, Insurance. RE-700 IF YOU have a bargain lo offer In real estate see S. A. Broadwell, &d N V. Life. RB-707 HOUSES. lots, farms, lands, loans; also tile Insurance. Bemls, Paxton hlk. RE 7n FOR QUICK returns on bargains only t-ee S. A. Broadwell, 501 N. Y. Life Bldg. RB-709 A BARGAIN, four acres, loth und Pnclilc, two blocks from car line, on belt rail road, $2,51"); easy terms. McCague In vestment Co., 1500 Dodge. RE 710 4 . - - ... BARGAINS. Chris Boyer. 2123 Cuming. Tel. K-2G52. RE-.M5!S A9 HOUJ1C3, farms. R. C. Patteri-on, 305 N V U RB-711 SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L. L. Johiifon Co.. 311 S. 15th St, RE-712 GOOD-BYE! I am going to Chicago. My residence nt 2117 Wirt is going to be sold for what It will hrlng. opened dully for Inspection, make your offer, Incumbrance. G.(n). 5 years, 5 per cent. J J Gibson, 506 First National Bank Bide. r HE M5S5 A1J ron mm: hum. i:h i-ati:. COHNKIl. WxTS feet, with two cottages, close In. early rental, MflO; price. jn.RdO Wxt3I feet, sightly corner down town, cheap at tin,Mi Houses and lots from f0 to M6,(io l-'Hrm lands near Omaha from MTV to J") per acre rive (5l per cent money to loan on Rtll-edge ! property and farms. joiin n. rm:N.i;it. ot'i'. old t. o llB-MSin I'KOI'KUTY that wan offered you last week has btt-n solil. but other eipinltv good home are still to bo hud. Will you come In? W. 11. Huspell. real estate, ! rental. Insurance. CK, N. Y. Ufp. , HE-M918 3 CHBAI homes on monthly payments. In surance. Money to loan. O. li. Ttirklng ton. C tlee llldg HB-9- roil SAIjB. trade or rent at a bargain: Threo acred tine garden land with build ings; n'panigus btils, hothouse, etc.. four mllos from pcstofflcp, ilrs. K. (1. L'rlau, 970 N. 25th Ave. UB-gia-.V HAUC.AINS. April 2 nnd 3. 1W. c. v. HAimtsoN & ai:o. t. mohton, PI3 N. Y. 1,1 FB TEL. 311 OK 2fll2-F. ? S. 17th street. 9 rooms, 75 feet, east front, good barn, all, J2.200. S-room house, 2517 South 32nd street (not avenue), 101 feet on boulevard, J2.20O. S-room house, W feet, ground ileur St. Mary's nvenuo church, asphalt street. J5... SPBCIAI-S rooms, Oeorgla Ave.-ASK CS. ItE-911-2 CHEAP garden land and 5 acres near Omaha, only J725. Hicks. 325 Hoard Trade UE-.M937 P Alt'TIOX. THE best and largest amount of furniture t ever offered to the public will be sold at ....l.llr. ,.,,. tint, to th hlt?llftt lll.lili.r rn Wednesday and Thursday, April 4 and G. 1900. The entire contents of the Kirkwoo.l family hotel .situated at 200 ami 211 N isth street. consNtlng of Windsor, com- i bluation, Hrunswlck And mantle folding beds. Iron beds, oak bedroom suites, side- i boards, extension tables, dining room chairs, rockers, parlor furniture, maliog iiiiv and nntlaui- mahogany furniture, cafpetf. rugs, bedding, draperies, llhcs and cooking utensils, etc. Sale to com mence nt 10 a. in. sharp ouch day. Tho Omaha Auction Co. S91 I I'l ll.MTl ltB HKPAIIUAfS. OLOllB Couch Co., 1519 Ix-uVth. Tel. 2529 5VS PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feather renovating. Tel. 1331. M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. 713 Mattress upholstering, finishing, carpentry Omaha Cabinet Shop, 1600 Cns. Tel. 21Si. -930- Al 6 Ll'NDBEN. upholstering, cabinet-making. reflnlshliiE; mattresses made over. 1521 Leavenworth. 292 May21 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, 515 N Y. Life. Hldg.: Alice Johnson. D. O., ladles dept.; Old. B. Johnson, Osteopathia, mgr. -714 M. E. DONOHl'E. D. O., of Still school. Kirksvllle, Mo., 604 Paxton Hlk. Tel. l.W. -715 A. T. Hl'NT.osteopath; nil chronic diseases; "results tell." 305 Karbach Hlk. Tel. 2352. -716 SIIOHTIIAM) A XI) TVPEWlHTl.Vfi. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. AT OMAHA Hus. College, 16th Douglas -72S nOY'LKS college, court reporter principal Hee Hldg -729 NEBRASKA Huslness and Shorthand col lege. Hoyd's theater. 730 TVPEVIUT!5K. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $1 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co., 162T, Farnam St. Telephone 12S4. 719 REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and supplies. 1619 Farnam. -720 TYPEWRITERS, secondhand, 1116 Farnam. -721 MEDICAL, LADIES out of health Ilnd prompt relief. Hox 232, Omaha, Neb. Conlldential -M573 A27 LADIES. Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills are the hest: safe, reliable; take p.. other: send 4c. stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladlpg," In letter by return mall; at druggists. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. iiicvci.r.s. IN order to reilce stock we will sell for a short 'tlmo only second-hand bloycles at one-half price; good wheels, $3.00 to $15 00. Flescher, 1622 Capitol Ave. 717 Enameled. $2 up. Bicycle Hospital, 711 N. 10. -71 S Repaired, 24 & Charles; tires, $1.75. Tel. 2327. -917 May ! HOTELS. METROPOLITAN. European, 12th A- Doug las; lowest rates. Wm. Barr, Mgr. Tel. 211. M-67G THURSTON, 15 & Jackson; American & European. Newly rellttod. Prices inod'r'te F M74I- LOCKSMITHS. KEYS fitted, locks repaired, by B. W Schneider, at Townsend Gun Co. Tel. 870. -M620 A 2i C. R. HEFLIN. expert locksmith nnd model maker. 307 South 16th St. 'Phone 2022 -9'JI - AI'CTIO.MIEItS. OMAHA AUCTION CO. Satisfaction guar anteed. 520 N. Pith St. Telephone 2IfiA -M732 MlllltOlt 1'ACTOItV. OLD mlrrnri resllvered: new ones to order country orders promptly lllled, 70s x in S71 A 13 AV VTEH FILTERS. STANDARD" Water Filters, all kinds of lllter supplies. Tel. 3(. 1507 Hnrnoy SI -Ms 13 A31 MClvEL ri,TIG, CYCLE PARTS, all kinds plating. Fluting Co., Hee Bldg. Tel 2535. Omah.i 72G Till MC FACTOR V. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit, eases Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 1201) Farnnm rriiMTi hi: pacicixg. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511'j Fnrn. Tel. 15T.9, sra -72.1 ST( E II El V HIS. GASOLINE stoves cleaned. Kfll-3 N. 16th -M35I lilt I'.SS.M AN IN families. Miss Sturdy. 210 Davenport -S79 A13 L A I. A 1)11 Y. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 Leavenw'h. Tel F4I 7l PLBATIMi. ACCORDION pleating, ivory-rim button-'. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th & Farnam. R 1-11. -600 A20 IIIUCK SIDEWALK, 7'tC FOOT. If ordered early you can save niuncy. John McCowan, b) 8. 2sth st -M5I4 A 16 I.OM'. 8THAYK.li ,.r stolen, a small tll.g p ig dug. blind In right e,- iml b.i- a ri .1 rihbn on mik, an.iHrs tin n iini of Midget Kln.ler please return t. l.li 1kurIiis iin.l receive liberal rewar I l.st 915 -2 I) ( IM! St IIOOI,. LAST term, lust i han c Mornn.1 . t."th anil llaim . lulult.- Tue-xlit) and l'rMa . hll dren Snturhns, assemblies YVcdmsday and Saturday. - 31 A-J A l'i:il-l'() IIOHIIOW. $5oi) on clear 1'arnam st lot. near 3sth. nt i 6 ,icr cent, no agents .'.fl I' S Hank Hldg Ms-71 3 iininx vsi) Ttm:itM. STOCK S Hlrd store. 1C03 Leavenworth. -25 stvmmhium; ami stiti'iiiiimi. Cl'KBD. Julia Vaughan. 43-) Hamge Hldg. 711 P W Ml it ok i: IIS. E."'t.i: Loan ntllce. reliable, nccnnunodat tug all business cnniltlcutlul. 1301 Douglas. -733 SUES & CO. I'utont Lawyers Uca Klilfj., Oiunha. Tel 10-23. Advlco froo, It VII, W IV TIME TAIII.BS. ILLINOIS CKNTItAL Itallroad. City Ticket otllce, 1402 Farnnm street. Tole inon 245. Depot, Tcntn and Muson streets. Leave. Arrive, a 4:05 pm a 8:15 am Chicago Express Chlcngo Limited Minneapolis nnd t'aul Exprc?s Minneapolis and a 12:10 pm a 7:35 pm St. b 7:00 am b St." 9:40 pm 8:15 am Paul Limited a 7:35 pm a Fort Dodge Local from Co Uluffs .... b 4:39 pm b 10:15 am a Dolly b Dally except Sundays. KWS' OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road -Omaha, Kansas city &. Eastern Railroad "Tho yutney Route" Tlckot Of fice. 1415 Fnrnam Street. Telephone. 322. Depot, Tenth nnd Mnrcy Streets. Telo. phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Cannon Hall a 5:05 nm a 7:55 am St. Louis Express Kausan City and Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a uuuy MISSOlTUI PACIFIC RAIL rund (Jcneral Olllccs and TI. kot Othco Southoast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone, 104. Depot, 15th nnd Webster Sts, Telephone, 1433. Leave. Arrive. St. IxjuK Kansas & Neb. Limited a 2:30 nm al2:&5 Dm K. C -St L. Express a 9:50 pm a 5:50 am Nebraska Iocai la Weeping Water b 5:03om a 9:45 am a Dally, b Dally except hunday CIIICAOO, MILWAUKEE & St Paul uaiiway city Ticket Olllce, 1504 Farnnm Street. Telcphono 2i4. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone C29. Leave. Arrive Chicago Limited Ex.. .a 7:35 pm a 8:05 am Chlcngo Ji Omaha Ex bll:00 um b 3:55 pm Sioux City and Des Moines Expross hlDOOam b 3:55 Dm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. S7 PAUL, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "Tho North. western Line" General unices. Nebraska Dlvl slon, 15th and Webster Sts Cltv Ticket Otllce. 1101 Tarnum St. Telephone 561. Depot, 15th unu i cosher cub. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. .a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Omaha Passengei ull;20 am eioux c uy i in or 1 11- east Nebraska a 3:40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sundar. SIOUX CITY" & PACIFIC Railroad "The North wstcrn Line" General otltces, united States National Hank Dutldlng, 8. W. Corner Twelfth nnil Farnam Sts. Ticket umoe, iwi Farnam St. Telephone 661. De pot, Tenth & Mason SU. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a 6:55 am al0:50 pm Twin City I Imlted a 7:20 pm a d:15 am Sioux Cltv Local a 8:00 am u 4:20 pm a Dally FREMONT. BLKHORN & Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Lino" Gsnernl Otllces, United States Nutlonal Bk. Hldg.. 9 W, Corner Twelfth anil !,imnm Kta Tlr.l,f Office, 1401 Farnnm St. Telcphono 661. De pot, 15th and Webstar Sts. Telephone 1458. Leave. Arrive. lllnck IIIIIs, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, York, Duvid City. Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward ...b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Lincoln, Wnhoo und Fremont b 7:30 am M0:25 am Fremont Local c 7:20 m a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun daj only d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Mondav. CHICAGO & NORTH, western Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farn..m Streot. Tele phone 661. Depot, Tenth noil M.isnn RlrnAlu Tnin phonr. C29. Leave. Arrive. uuyiigni Chicago ope- clal a 7:00 am all:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pin alO.10 am ! Eastern Express. Des Moines, Marshalltown, Cedir Rapids and Chi cago aiv;as am a :x pm Enstcrn Llnvted, Chi cago and Kas a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Mall, 1 hi. ago to Omaha a 2:45 pm Omahn-r hi. ago Special. a 7:30 pm a 8:00 am Fast Mall... a 8:30 aro a Dally. I BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Rnllroad- "The Burlington Route" General Olllees, N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Farnam Sts. Ticket otllce. 1502 Far nam street. Telephone. 250. Denot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone, 128, Leave. Arrive, l.lorntr. Itmllnirs and McC'ibk a 8:10 am a 7:23 pm Lircoln Deiver Coto- I rado, Utah, Calif ornla. a 4:25 pm a 3:00pm ' Lincoln. Bla K tuns, I Moni.ini & I'UEet ! Sounii a 4:25 pm H 3:00 pm Lincoln I" i, . ...o7:00p.n n!0:35 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm al0:85 am Efnver Col'.rado Utah & fiioforoia al2:3S am a Dally ti uaiiy exceot sunaay. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON A Quiccy Railroad "The Hurungton itouto Ticket imee. 1502 rnmam St. Tel.. 250. DoDOt. Tenth A Mason Streets. Telephone. 1 na ' 1 1 'I V 1 ArHua Chicago Special nl2:33 am Duy-lght lOxi.ress ..riTSnm Chicago Vestibulcd Ex..n 4.00 pm a 7:46 am Chicago Local Exnress.a S:G0 nm a 4:U nm ' Chicago Limited a 7:30 pm a 7:16 am Pacltlt Jun. ton Local. al0:4.r, nr.. cast .Man a 2:45 pm a Daily Kansas city. st. jo f.-,h & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling- on uuuie iienet uince, 02 l-'arnum Street Tele. phone. 250. Depot, Tenth a.id .Mason tstreow. Tele phono. 12?. Leave. Daj Ex . .a 8.50 um Arrive Kansas a 6 17 pm a C:li am all:H aro Kantus Clt Night Ex al0:15 pm I St Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Loula..a 4:55 pm IV' A II A II II RAILROAD Ticket Ofllce. 1504 Farnam aireei. jeiepnone yjs. nt pot. Tenth and Marcy Leave. Arrive Exjireis r. Dally a C:05 pm a 7.55 am 61. Louts "Cannon Ball" MHW'ttE! !: ItULWAY TIMi: TAIll.BS, CHiCAtJO. HOCIv ISL. and tt Pactllc ItAllr.u "The Oreat Hock Isl and P.oute.' City Tick et Odlce. 1123 Farnnm Street Telephone 42S Depot, Tenth A Mason Streets. Telephone, 619 Leave. At rive. be s Moines and Daven port Local a 7:05 Am bll :35 am Chtutgo Express bll:15 ivm a S:10 am l ago Past Lxprei. a S.dl pm a 1:23 pm St. Paul Express n 6:00 pm bll:35 ura Lincoln, Colorado 3pgs., Denvur. Pueblo and We; a 1:25 pm 4:25 pm Dcs Moines. Hock Isl and and Chicago.. 7:25 pm a 5 50 pm C-durado .4 Texus Flyer. a 5 56pm a 9 20 am a D.ilh b Dally exceut duudav UNION PACIFIC "THRO V Ell land Iloute" Onner.il Offices, ' N B. Cor Ninth nnd Farnm ' i Streets City Ticket Otllce, UiU Farnam Street. Telephone Sit. Depot, Tenth and Mason Btreets. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive Tho Overland Limited a S:20 am n 7:20 pm Tho Fnst Mali . .a 8:50 am a 3.25 pm Tho Colorndo Special ..all:35 pm a 6:G0 am Tho Portland Special, .a 8:20 am a ( 35 11111 Lincoln, tieatrice and Stromsburg Express.. b 4 10 pm bl2:25 pm Pacific Express a 4.25 pm a 6-50 am Grand Ilund laical. ...b5:3i)pm b 8:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunda. STEAMSHIPS, ANCHOR LINE MAIL STEAMERS ....... . .... . . . . . 1 OIll, GLASGOW, LONDONDERRY l'.thlopa Noon, April 7 , Alll'hiiria Noon. Anrll "1 ' City of Rome Noon. May 5 1 Astoria June 9. July II, August IS Ity of Rome June 2. June 30 1-urticsMiu .May 19. June 23. Juh 25 RATES QUOTED TO PARIS DIRECT. Or with tour cmlirm-linr Mi-ntlnml I'm.. land and Ireland. Herths must be reserved how for best accommodations. Apply to uny of our local agents or I1K.NDEKHON BROTHERS. 170 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. III. posTorrici; mitick. (Should be read DAILY' by all Interested. as iiangcs may occur nt any time.) i-ori-ign mans ror tno week ending April lim. will close lI'ROMPTLY In nil c.isi-. at the General Postoffk'e as follows: PARCELS POST MA .H cose one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels Post MuIIm for Oerni.-iti v i-l.w.. .it 6 p. m. Monday and Wednesday. Trans-Atlantic .tlnlls. TUESDAY' At 7 a. 111. for EUROPE, per a. s. Smile-, via Cherbourg, Southampton and Bremen. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. St. Paul', Via Southampton; at 9 a. 111 (supplc mentarv 10:3u a. in ) for EUROPE, per s. s. Germanic, via Queenstown: at lo.30 a m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Frlcrtlatid. via Antwerp (mall must be directed "ner s. s. FHeshind"!. THURSDAY At 6:30 a. in. for EUROPE. per s. s. Allguste Victoria, Ma Pl.wnnut.l. Cherbourg and Hamburg (mall for France, Switzerland, Italy. Spain, Portugal Turk Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal. Tur key, Egypt and British India must bo directed "per s. s. Augusto Victoria"); at 6::w iu tn. for FRANCE, SWITZER LAND. I' PA LY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. La. Bfetani,e, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe, nuift Ih di rected "per s. s. L.i Brelange"); at 11 a. tn., for AZORES ISLANDS direct, per t. s. Peninsular. SATURDAY-At S a. m. for NETHER LANDS, per s. s. Rotterdam, via Rotter dam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Rotterdam"); at S:30 a. m. (supplement ary 10 a. in.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Lu-VJ,1.".1'.1.-. vla Queenstown; at 9 a. m. for IIALY. per p. s. Ems, via Naples (mall must be directed "per s. s. Ems"); at lo a in. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. I-.thoiiia, via Glasgow (mall must be di looted "per s. s. fethopiu"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take printed matter, etc., for Germany, aim specially addressed printed matter, etc , for other parts of Europe. American and Whlto Stnr steamers on Wednesdays, German and Frtiii h steatnern on Thursdays and lununi uuu uerman steamers on Satur days tako printed matter, etc., for all countries for which they aro advertised to carry mat',. After the closing of the supplementary Trans-Atlantic malls named above, addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of tho American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of bulling of steamer. Mulls for South and Cenlrnl Anierlcn, West Iodic. Utc. TUESDAY At 10 a. tn. for 1NAGUA, CAPE HAITI und PORT DE PAIX, per s. s. Auier (man ror inner parts of Haiti must bo directed "per s. s, Adler' '); at 9 a. m. for JAMAICA, per h. s. Admiral FarrnKllt. from Boston. WEDNESDAY-At 2:30 a. in. from NAbSAl , N. P., per rteami-r fiom Mi ami. Flu : at 9:30 a. in. (supplementary Hl:30 a. tn.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Athos. via Colon (mail for Guatemala must be directed "Vf,r Athos"); at 10:30 a. m. for PUERTO RICO, per U. S. Transport, via San Juan; nt 10:30 a. ill. for HAIl'l, per H. s. Prlns Wm. IV. (mall for Curacao, rr.nldad, Venezuela, British and Dutch (.ulana must bo directed "per t s. Prlns '"!. 1V "; at 1 ! In- for CUBA. YUCA-LSAyu'l:cnii- TABASCO and CHI APAS, per s. s. Seguraticu, via llnvunn ond Progreso (mall for other parts or -Mexico must bo directed "per s. s. Scg urunea"); at 1 p m. for MEXICO, por s Matunzns, via Tamidco (mull must :' '"?'' " H.-r s. s. .Matanzas") THURSDAY At 10 a. in. for BRAZIL dl- i-i uuu i.rt ni,l COUNTRIES, per s. s. Hove Hus, via Pernambuco, B.mla and Rio de Janeiro (mall for North Brazil must be directed "per h. s. llev. llus ); at 10 n in. (supplementary 10 :v n m.) for BERMUDA, per s. s. Orin.jc , at it p m. for JAMAICA, per s. h. Ad miral Sninnson from Hiwm,, FRIDAY At 1 p. in. (sunnlementnrv 1 "n n I?'vf0iri?,'!.'.,f,,?i?,,,SIjA;ND IJOMINL CAN REPUBLIC onr u , -i,r,.,i,..,. SAnT,lU')AV,At, 10 "It. 'supplementary iv.ov, 11. hi. nn- ! un ri'c; INLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and CARTHA ! .A,ni'cr H' H' . A'lt'Hhany (mall for v?is , Rl'.',1 ninst l"' directed "per s. s. In..,,. Kl,,"J .'.v..'"- iHiiPPiementary 7"" ":. ln;J J?r..''AITI- I"r Alps; nt ii 11. in. ior 1. 1 11 a, per s. s. .Mexico via Havuna: at 11 11. m. isiintil.inei.r.. 11 .,,! il-'n1?-'.', f?-ri-Ai'SAr' N' V.' 11,111 SAN- . .:; .,'.S1,,.,A.' !,...H...' Wash - Ington; at 11 11. m. ?. .pieu ei ury 11. :io 11 .in.) for PUERTO RICO, (via San Juan) CURACAO. VENEZUELA. SAVANILLA and CARTII AOBNA, ner s s. CaraV'i at 11 a. in. for YUCATAN, per s s Tnr- !",' o-'y.ci i.-J11,,1- '"' fr,r l'A PLATA COI NTRIES direct, ner m u U'.,u,i,ii SUNDAY-At 2:3i) n in for NASSAU. N i'.. per steuiner from Miami, Fin. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, nnd thenco by steamer, close at w L..i?.,,i..r-, n'e"n.neotl"B Saturday). Malls for Mlmi.dnn '.J .lii "III Boston, and thence I iiv iirenmar r n.- this olllce ilnl.y at S:30 p. m. Malls for thtcVy.Varneclor dally (except Monday) at 7 a m (tho cuoneciuig cinses art .,n hundav. Wed- nesuay nun i-riuay) Malls f.ir Cuba, by rail to Miami, Fli-., nnd thence by steamer, viupu ui lion oiiicu every .Monday, Tucs- day and Saturday at 2:30 a rn. (tho con necting closes nre on Tuesday and Satur day 1 Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close nt this ofllcc doily at 2 30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. Mnlls for Costn Rica Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, nnd thenco bv steamer, close nt this onice dally at 3 p. in. iconneciing closes Hero Tuesdays for Costa Rica and Mondays for B.-iize Puerto Cortez and Guatemala) Reals, wren man closes ai 0 p. m previous day. Registered mall closes at ti p. m. second day befors. TrmiK-Pnc llto Mulls. Malls for Hawaii. Japan. China and the Philippine Islands, via San Fran cisco, close here dally at K.3n p. rn. up to April 2d, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. China. Mnlls for Chlnn and Japan, via Vancouver, close here dally ut (,.30 p. in. up to April loth, Inclusive, for dispatch per s s. Empress of Japan (reg istered mall must ho directed "vlu Van couver"). Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan uuu j iiiiippiin iniiiniiH, via nun rrnucisio cjiise liero dally at 0.30 11. m. 1111 to Anrli -"i-iii. inclusive, ior oiNoiucn per s dlsiin Doric. Malls for Australia (except West Ausiraiiii . ,m-' '.euiuhfi, Hawaii, FIJI nnd Samoan Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 0:30 p. m. after March "Mist 11 ml up to April lith. Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s s Campania, due at New York April llth, for dlpati-h per s. s. Mounn. Mails for China. Japan and Philippine In lands, via Tacoma. close hern dally at 0 30 p 111 ui) 1., April '18th for dis patch per s Goodwin Mulls for ''hir.i nnd Japan aid Philippine IslunUs. via Seattle lose hero dally at 0 :o p m up to April '"19th for dispatch per b. a. I'os rorricB mitk i: Itlojun Mitru ireglstereil letter must be directed "via Seattle 1 MhIIs for llH. II Ma Sun Franc Isce. dose here dally at : p tu up tn April 27th. Inclusive. r dlpntcli per s s Australia. Mails for Atistrnlla icxcept West Austrnlln. which goes ilii Europe, and New .ealanil, which goes ln San Franclscoi, Hawaii and Fl.ll Islands, via Vancouver, close here daltv at tii.ti) p m. up to April 2th. InOlusHe, for dispatch per s. s. Mlowera. Transpacific malls are forwarded to pott of sailing dally and tho schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Heglstered mall closes at 6 p. m. pre vious dav. Potolllce, New York. N Y , March 20. 1900. COHNELU'S VAN COTT. Postmaster. (iovBitx.MB.NT xvnen ROPOSAI-S FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Dffiiartment of the Interior. Olllce of In dian Affairs, Washington. D C . March 20, 1XI -Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for beef, Hour, etc ." as the case may be, and directed lo the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 215 Johnson street. Chi cago, III , will bo received until 1 o'clock p m. of Tuesday, April 17, 19n. for fur nlshlns for tho Indian Service beef. Hour, bacon, beans, coffee, sugar, rice, tea and other articles of subsistence, also for boots and shoe,", groceries, soap, baking powder, crockerv. agricultural Implements, paints, oils, g'lass. tinware, wagons, harncis, leather, shoo llndlngs, saddlery, etc.. hard ware, school and medical supplies, nnd :v long UsU of miscellaneous articles. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for blnn Unt. vv.nnl.Mi and cotton goods, clothing. ,( - . im im, 1 .in, nm.. tie. nun directed in ih Commissioner of Indian Affairs, v tt mid To Wooster street. New Y'ork 111 i. . .I.-... I M 1 'r,l,i,.U 1, ,,, r Tueninv. Mav 15. 19i. for furnishing for ii,!, Indian Service blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats aiu. caps. Bids must lie made out on govern tnent blanks. Schedules giving nil neces sary Information for bidders will be fur nished on application to the Indian Of llce, Washington, D. C: Nos. 77 and 79 Woorter street, New York City, or 835 Johnson street, Chicago. 111.; the Commls sarles of Subsistence, U. S A , at Chey enne. Leavenworth. Omhii St. tsiuls, St. Paul and San Francisco, the postmasters at Sioux City. Yankton. Arkansas City. Caldwell. Topcko. Wichita and Tucson. RUN will be opened al tho hour and days above stated, and bidders are Invited tn be present at the opening. The Depart -ment reserves the right to determine the point of delivery nnd to relert uny nnd all bids, or any part or any bid. V. A. JONES, Commissioner. M2G to A16M CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFtCB otnaha, Neb.. Marc'i 31. 1900. Sealed pro posals, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 2 o'clock p. m. April II. U. and then opened. In the pres. en.-e of attending bidders, for delivery nt such places as may be designated, of forty live (15) artillery horses. U. S. reserves the right to reject any or an proposals, or any part thereof. Blank forms for bid ding and circular giving full Information and requirements will Ih- furnished on ap plication to this olllce. Envelopes contain ing proposals rhould bo marked "Proposal for Artlllerv Horses," and addressed to F. 11. HATHAWAY', Major and Q. M.. Chief Q. M. A2.3.M10fc!!M PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION-OF-tlco of Chief Q. M , St. Paul. Minn.. April ;t 19.) Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will bo received at this olllce. until 11 o'clock a. 111., Mav 1. 19ii. and opened then for tho construction of a bakery at Fort Meade, S. D. Plans and speclftt ntlons 'nay be seen and blank proposals with full Instruc tions had upon application here, or to the quartermaster, Fort Meade. S. D. United States icseivcs the right to accept or reject nnv or all proposal", or nny part thereof -Geo. E. Pond, C. Q. M. A2-dlt&2S-30 INSANE S0LDIER A DESERTER Esi-npes from 11 Plillliipliies llospltnl mill IteiK-ln-n Hour Koiik lt--lio r In nt St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, April 2 Alf W. Mllor who. by IiIh ortii confctfllon Is n deserter from tho United States army, walked Into the re cruiting olllco cf Captain Davis In the old federal building today. Miller, who Is 22 years old, enliste! In March, 1S99. Ills home he said was In Fort P.mlth, Ark., where his mother now lives. Ho sald ho was nent to the Philippines with company K. Fourteenth Infantry, where ho served elx months. Ho said that the ex pcfuru and hardship set him Insane- and that ho wus sent to the hospital last Sep tember. After two months there he de serted while still under the Influence of his disorder and when he turned up sane he was In Hong Kong. There ho recovered his senses and was as tonlMhed to find himself away from tho army. Ho talked nbout going back to tho service, but 3ome friends that he made told him that ho would bo severely punished cvmi for un conscious desertion nnd advised him to get hemo tn tho United States, whero ho would not bo molested. Mllor shipped from Hong Kjiik to New Y'ork by way of tho Cape of flood Hope and St. Helena on nn oil boat and landed at Slnten Island. Mllor's story waa credited by Captain Davit, who ordcrnl him examined. Ho will hold the man until ho henro from tho adjutant general's office. J. I. Carson. Prothonotary, Washington, Pa., says: "I have found Kodol Dyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy In case of Btomorh I trouble nnd have derived great benefit from Its use." It digests what you eat and can not fa'l to cure. INNOVATION IN EDUCATION Assoolule lli-gn-i- Conferred on I'mler-i-liiNMineii by ClileiiK'i Uni versity. CHICAGO, April 2. In the presence of nn audience of RtinlontH and their friends As sistant Socretary of Statn David J. Hill to day delivered the convocation address to tho , '., , ., ,., , nl. """" -. . ..1 v,- r.-ii-n. PresidciiL Hnrner delivered his nunr- I terly statement, telling of the $250,000 which 1,,,,,,,,. ril,Hwl Hln.n .i,l,.llnrv iherehv , . . ;:.::;. . , . . luiuiiiiiK no- tifsi uv-iiicijL niiiuii nt-.j1111.-n 111 the university tho $2,000,000 pledged by 1 John I). Rockefeller on condition that tho university ralso n liko amount. A fepturo of peculiar Interest was the granting nf the degree of nssoclato to llfteeu frcHhmnn and sophomore sturtents. The de gree was only recently established. Th's Inimvnllnn In tlm I'rnollnt nf lt inprtt 1 mentioned by President Hnrper to the pi'chI dents of fourteen dirferent colleges at their recent mcciini: in 1 iiu.iku. ih exnccieo 10 affect not only ( alleges the crimtry ott. high schools as we.!. The Idea wa, tiPProvcl by ull but Harvard. Its purprs- 18 to get men into wnui is praciicnuy grau- uate work In the last two years before re ceiving the traditional bachelor's degree, nr to start them Immediately In professional schools. A Coiiiinlllilciltloll. MR. EDITOR Allow ino to speak a few wordB In favor of chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I suffered for three years with tho bronchitis and could not sleep at nlghti , ' " c. . ' , . . ' U .r ' medicines, but could get nothing to glvo ma any rPllef until my wlfo got a bottle of this valuablo medicine, which has completely re lieved me. W. 8. HROCKMAN. liacnell, Mo. One More Murder Victim. SEATTLE, Wash, April 2 -Passengers arriving from Skagwav by the City of Seattle say that Detective McGulre. the Plnkerton man who is working on the Relfo-Clayson-Olson murder mystery, be lieves that a fourth man was killed with the uurty and his body burned. McGulre. It Is said, thinks Graves, the partner of O'Brien, the suspected murderer, wus tho ' fourth 'victim. Graves Is mlsslnir. und heretofore It has been thought b c-ume out to the const Immediately after the crime was committed. The supposition Is that O'Brien murdered his partner l.i-ini- ( hi Hem- I'lshi-riiiiin to Die, SAN RAFAEL, Cal , April 2 -Because tin was suspected of being a spy of 11 rival company. Chov Fook. a Chinese llshermnn at Point Sun Pedro, was tied by live mem bcr of the various companies to n beacon st.ikc on a hurren rock In Richardson's Iii.n and there left for two days without food or twater When discovered he wm almost In a dying condition. His wnuld-b murderers have not yet been captured,