Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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required to be absent from tbo city for n
few Jays. Judgo Vlnsonhaler granted tho
cotitinunnco and tho hearing Is now set for
Amniinj: Iooidenti in the Trial of Hugh
Landy Befora Judge Biker.
eoxmnr.n.vTioN or mitus imilj. 1 w
A x
With t
One nf the Wit nranPN ('hunt the Onth
In Lord' I'rnyfr I'lmlilon nnit
n l,nvrer (letn MKcd
on III Dntr.
Srnmttlniinl AiiKiter liy Defendant 111
.Suit In 1'Vilt-rnl Court.
A rather sensational answer has been filed
In tho United States circuit court by Krastus
II. Wells In the case of Jamen A. Allen
against Wells and others. The case In
volves the foreclosure of a certain mortgage I
on land In this state, and the collection
of certain notes given by Wells and his wlfo
Tho trial of Hugh Landy before Judge an purchase price. The answer set up that '
Ilaker on tho chargo of complicity In "hold- tho land In Question was tho property of (
lng up" a street car conductor on tho night one Hamilton Moore, who mndo a verbal
of November 2'J, took a comical turn yester- contract to deed It to his son, Josephus
day morning, nnd It required the combined Moore, the consideration being that the eon
efforts of tho court and two bailiffs to main- should provide a home for his father and
tain nnlrr nmnnp the snectators. When mother, and should Improve the laud; that,
this trial began Friday afternoon It was ncllnK un,,t,r contract. Josephiw did so
featureless, and but little attention was at- l'wvldo tho homo until his mother died, and
traded outside of thoso who were involved. unU1 n ,,ort tlm' Yarv the l,P,1!h of
Hut tho proceedings yesterday brought to tmher. when the father went to visit other
Judge Baker's court room a largo crowd of
James A.hay, of the New York "Clipper," writes as follows-
"I cannot find language to express what 1 think of Warner's Safe Cure.
Vot some years I suffered with kidney trouble nnd lame back, and could not
attend to business, and at times 1 could hardly walk. I consulted the ben
doctors 1 could hear of, and spent hundreds of dollars purchasing medicine
to relieve me, but could obtain no relief, and one year ago t began to take
Warner' Safe Cure. I used It faithfully for three months, and Improved
greatly, and today consider myself among thoso who are strong and healthy.
I regard Warner's Safe Cure as the one thing In this world needful to those
suffering from kidney trouble."
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Grape Cream of Tar
tar. Most healthful and effi
cient of all leavening agents.
sons In Indiana: that while the father was
In Indiana the sons exercised unduo Influence
over him ami caused him to deed the land
to their wive, ami that tho wives, for tho
purposo of defrauding Josephiw Moore.
doMod the land, without consideration, to
ono Ohave, who sold It to tho defendant;
that when tho defendant purchased tho land
. . . ..,,. .... UU Utll IIVF n,nillinif,w ...... va
iu OUu,;Ul-.,u. - ..uw ...e mu .io Jogopmm Mooro wi,ch )ias ,,roven para-
A young woman from South Omaha, win
was regarded as a mnterlal witness because
tho defense relied upon her to assist In es
tablishing an nllbl, came Into the court room
talking a foreign tonguo from the time sho
entored tho door. Tho attorney who caused
could not speak English end no provision
had been niado for an Interpreter.
"Hold on," said Judgo Ilaker, "you will
havo to got Bomo one to Interpret."
The attorney for tho defense made a can- ' chat.'cr wlthout notro.
vass oi me coun room, oui uopouy voiun
mount to his own: that tho notes given by
defendant to Ohave were transferred, after
maturity, to tho plaintiff, nnd that, there
fore, ho cannot claim to bo an Innocent pur-
HKCOItl) comiu.kti:.
Manj Patltionin Sua for the Faron at tbt
Major'i Diipoul.
Nnnirn of Some I'rlae Winner Will He
Submitted to the L'onnnll To
nlnht nnil Others Mnr Follow
In Ttto Weeks.
teered to translate Into English what tho UAM'TO MAK
young woman was saying. At last an Inter-
prcter was brought in from tho outside, and Ulri-i-tiir ' Defunet fiuiltiil Nntlnniil
ns ho qualified Judgo Ilaker ordered tho , ,"""k V'1 . u
vnune uomnn in Hmn,i nn m.i i. A reminder of the days of Charley Mosher
Shn didn't know what that meant, but the
Interpreter made her understand. Sho arose
and lifted her right hand lo tho grentc3t
possible elevation above her head. Then
Judgo Uaker repeated tho usual oath In slow
nnd measured tones. Tho witness evidently
n, Hi UU BUH1C JOri 01 ,.,..... ..,,,....,. I . . If wninf.ul fr.Mm 1 UU UHICI Ullll-VD (II IU17
r?"P:r-,.ru",i? b.Cr,"?ICP a.",tCl! ZCo court u . that of tho 1'nhed States. n' "C ' !
Major Miller tor tho position of city proso
cutor Clydo Simdblad, at present nn attache of
tho county Judge's ofltce, has 'his application
on fllo to becomo prlvato secretary to tho
mayor, In place of James II. Adam.
In tho Health department Commissioner
Spalding has a well defined hopo that the
present arrangement will not bo dlst1 .bed,
while Assistant City Halph would
offer no objection to a promotion. There Is
a chance, however, that tho position may
go to an outsider.
Ia addition to tho petitioners given above
aro a great number of miscellaneous claim
ants who havo tiled applications of an omul
bun character and nay that In case the mayor
docs not seo fit to deal out to them ono favor
lhji will Vv ntilnnl in r,vrtlvit nmithnr nr. In
. . ....... U- l-l .. "W to vw.... .. .... -.,
in accornanco wun iuo pru13iuu vuo , a(Jt any Qno Qf a dozpn nt tllp .ipognj of
charter tho mayor will submit a list of ap- tbo clllef TOCCUjVc.
polnteca to tno council mis evening. iuv
" "P. "rforo Judge Munger yterd.i fc ppocmca that the following officials . nixum nivi. am,.,-.
when tho defendants n tho caso of Holt b (, b h on th foUrlh gratifying to the
against Mosher and the directors of the ,rr -M.h eommls- - ' '..
Capital National bank applied to tho Judge prosecutor, city attorney, city
to have the records In tho case made moro rlcctrielttn nn the building, boiler and N
complete. Tho cato orlglnatevl In Seward .,,,. ln,nMnr.
county In lfcftj, and at that time tho do-
As tho petition at that tlmo phowed no
federal statutes In vol veil In tho case It was
n (do cast) it t, . v.
remanded to tho state court. The plaintiff ""y" ,,. , . , .
then amended his petition to show that tho J" 'arjlw executive has taken no ono In to
direct rs wcro governed by the national "7"''" " " """' " -.-
correspndlng with her uplifted hand and
chanted the oath In broken English, Lord's
prayer fashion, repeating word for word after
Judgo Ilaker, even down to tho "so help you
J court oYl sincerity of tho lmnklnB Iaws nni, tho defendants again " no conjecture can bo mad. as to who
joung woman and let It go nt that. She lnoVtt, to lmvo tho caso transferred to tho Prlzo winners will be.
proved to hoof no value as a witness, owing fC(ler.,, court whlch waa ,lone. Now tho Pr tho offlce of city attorney thcro are
to her inability to comprehend what was ,i.,f.,.i.u .'i, . ,.. n, mrt mnko an no prominent aspirants for the shoes of W.
rn? . L "s aBKea u tuc Uwyr3' order showing that tho case was transferred
That tho glrl-wltness was frightened was ,0 tll0 tccn court as soon as a federal
evidenced by her flushed faco and trembling quCBt,ou waB raised.
wanner. Sho has only been In America a No ,, ttlls ,.vor fl)ed In this ease In
,.l .1 am. U W"S h0r "r8t cxncrlcnc0 tho circuit court, but It was stipulated that
with tbo courts. ... oui,.
Tho amusement caused hv tl,e lno .'".n". 1 ." "'.;' '.,: berth of assistant city attorney, now occu.
, oi 'a 'u":""?.: Preataen nt tno inai. in . l,v KAr tl Sooli. Th asslsLant Is
against tho samo defendants, should apply to . " ... m. r ,.lwMon nf
this case, and tho defondonts also dcslro " v
niihlle n
Health commls-1 jnow of ono concern which Is not afraid to
generous. The proprietors of Hr. Kltu's
ew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
plumbing Inspectors. 1 colds have given away over ten million trial
The other offices at tho disposal of the foottlw and have tho satisfaction of knowing
It has cured thousands of hopele cases.
Ins tho sixth Tuesday after flection, so that
the appointments may go to tho council In
J. Connell, although a number of protests
havo been filed by persons opposed to his
.Strife for .Scott's Finer.
A considerable number are seeking the
Many mixtures, made in imitation of baking
powders, are upon the market. They aro
sold cheap, but are dear at any price, be
cause they contain alum, a corrosive poiioa,
tanguinary Okib Bstwson Rsprsuatatim
of PeopU'i Stors and flajdeni'.
Attorney Council, Kniploj-ril liy tlie
Hom'lltlinlH, Visits llnyilfiia' KhIiiIi-
llahinriit unit Coinen Attny
, with 11 lllouily Nose.
A lively aud somowhat sensational light
botwoen tho l'coplo' Store and Haydcn
nros. has broken out over tho salo of
tho stock of dry goods, shoos nnd groceries
of tho former to tho latter.
Opon hostilities occurred yesterday In
an arrangement to havo tho matter fully In
vestigated nt the closo of tho day's busi
ness. Council l.'i'tx 11 lllooily .ose,
Vo:' tho purposo of having tho head of tho
dres.i soods department, Mr. Nash, under
stand that this arrangement had been mude,
Mr. Connell, accompanied by Mr. Rosenthal,
informed him of tho agreement and re
quested to have nono of tho tlcketn removed
or changed I11 the interim. Nash replied that
tho tickets had already been removed, and
upon examination this was found to be truo
In tho caso of several pieces of goods, but
upon further Investigation, Hoscnthal dis
covered Homo of the original tickets on other
pieces and passed tho goods to Connell for
You know tho kind of goods this ticket
the oath had scarcely ceased when one of
tho lawyers for tho defense mado a mistake
that caused more merriment.
"Did you seo this defendant In South
Omaha on tho night of Ndvomber last?"
nsked tho lawyer.
A puzzled expression settled over tho face
of tho witness and thero wns no reply.
"Answer my question," stormed tho law
yer, "I want to know if you saw this de
fendant In South Omaha on tho night of No
vember last."
... cuse, u.m tho mayor. Principal amonj the applicants
tho Judge to '""' f i i imo ShSS' " ch"' M ot ,he Blhth war1'
Tho matter will bo referred to Judge Shlras. (
Parish and Phil B. Vinter of tho Fourth
With reference to tho office of city elec
trician, so far as known, no applicants want
tho placo other than Edward F. Schurlff, tho
Cntmot Act In (Norfolk t'nue Till Hur
llllKton Appeal li Deeldnl.
Yesterday In tho United States circuit
court Judgo Munger granted a temporary , present incumbent.
. i ,.!,. in ti,.i i.isn nf tlx. Htock- I For the oftlcft of cltv enslner William J.
Hold on a minute," said Judgo Ilaker. , v.nnn i.-ii.,r x. MUHourl ' MeRjlhron. a civil nnirlnerr nf lh Third
"and put that question a little more definite. vn, hm sV Paul. Minneapolis ! ward, has nn anolleatlon In to dlsDlace An-
Asthma, Urouchltls, UUlrlppe and all Throat,
Chest and Lung diseases nro surely cured by
It. Call on Kuhn ft Co., druggists, nnd get a
free trial bottle. Ucgular size, COc aud $1.
Every bottle guaranteed.
St. .lonrpli Sinn Is Shot.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., April 2.-J. V. Casey
of St. Joseph, captain of Company K,
Fourth regiment, iMIssouil volunteers dur
Inir tho late war with Spain, wan shot and
killed this morning- near Troy. Knn., by a
farmer named Bdwnrd Young. Casey re
cently squatted on n small Island in the
Missouri river, rlx mllo.t southwest of thlw
city, and fenced In the best part of tho
land. Youne claimed the land nnd In n
quarrel with Casey over Its ownership lie
drew a revolver and shot the St .Ioeih
man. Youne went to Troy nnd gave him
self UD.
by P. J. Sorg for tho purposo of foreclosing
mere aro several nignts in .November, you n - ha .. tho ChlcaR0 & Northwestern
T 1T' , ... , against these roads and the State Hoard of
thn llurllnctun road recently decided
Hy the order the Doard of Transportation
a landlord's lien upon tho Millard hotel and ",v .7" ;"h' . " ' ., "' Transportation. Tho points involved in me
for tho annolntmont of a receiver for that ;bJLr.. "LJi1!. qU"U: .... caso aro tho same as thoso In the case of
hotel ponding a trial of the case. ' cnarge(1 wlth tho 8trcct rauwajr i10lclup. It
Tho Judgo continued tho caso for ten days, 1,,,. iegod that they secured $16 from
nt which tlmo It will come up before Judge tho conductor. The robbers- was executed
in regulation bandit style, the porpetrators
being armed with guns of great caltbro and
their faces covered by black masks.
drew Rosowator.
Tho best known candidates for the position
of building Inspector aro Deputy Building was placed on trial In UrooUlyn today
Transfer of U'lilUcr Compniiy.
CbKVKIANU, April 2 -Tho Westlng
houso Electric and Manufacturing com
pany acquired formal possession of the
plant of tho Walker Munufaeturlng com
nany of this city today ly tho tlllntr of a
deed with tho county recorder, the tutmld
uration named bolnir $J0i).(XW. Tho Walker
company wiu formerly ono of the strong
oat rivals of tho Woatlnghoiiw company In
tho manufacture of electric street car
Syndlcntr onielnl on Trlnl.
NEW YOIUC, April 2 -William F. Miller
of 630 per cent Franklin syndicate fame,
r.epector It. II. Carter of the Sixth ward. Of tho twenty.oo ln.ll ct,m;uts .cn.llnB
Andrew Klewlt of the Second ward, Oeorgo ' inc him with grand larceny In tho tlrst and
Hassett and George Church of the Sixth
Is restrained until next Wednesday from ward, A host of petitioners ask for the po-
Carlaud of South Dakota.
HiiitiiN lltlsta In City Government
DiirliiK Which Xn Sulnry U
l'nlil lo the Council.
niittlnc into effect any rates or regulations
nnd from hearing tho cases of these roads
now pending heforo tho board. These cases
wcro set for hearing at L,incoin ihsi uum-
The defendants are being tried separately. con?,nuoa untll today, and
T&J1 the' stookholders took advantage- of the
on tne nigni or tno ronoery, while Hrown . . " .. 4i. t,n,r,i it is under-
. . 11(1 HV III Itntlillll 111L- iiunttta " no was in boutn uma m. Thus far h rf ted yester.1ay will
tho defense has been unable to secure the " - 7"? fm to ,imo until the
mi., ti ........ . .. 1 nttonrinnf a tT u' rtiAcaao rpnm rmmA 1 Tiii.ff.-, "tr v-" " . -1
ine council spent mreo noura yesieruay ""v v--" - v.. ,,urli,jCton caso Is dee ded by the court 01
in an effort to find nn equitable plan for the b' wnom 11 ls "'"P1"1 to establish an alibi """"f on CJ
payment of tho outgoing and incoming mem- for and flB tho next resort Andy's , -PP-n'3-
bers. Accordine to the charter framed hv lawyer Is attempting to show that Hrown 1 riinrlm .1. Iliirbcr Ih Sued.
populist hands three, years ago the old body was South Omaha on tho night In ques- Charles Saunders, executor of tho estnto of
relates to." said Council to Nash." and wo ' wont out of cxlstonco on March 19, or at tion, thus proving that he and Landy wero ,he ,aU( A,v, ganders, has Med suit lo the
sueli tlmo as I to successors were elected and , k district court against cnaries j. naroer, e-
the shape of nn assault by Mr. Nash, ono of j that ticket back?"
can keep this for the purposo of having it
examined by yourself and Mr. Haydcn."
Thereupon Nash seized Connell roughly
by tho shoulder nnd said, "Will you hand mo
the employes of Ilaydeu llros., upon W
J. Connell, attorney for the Rosenthal
brothers, proprietors of the People's Store.
Tho affair occurred in tho Hayden store at a
tlmo when It was 111 led with shoppers,
mostly women, nnd created consldorablo ex
citement. Tho events leading up to this assault nro
of u somowhat interesting character, and
tho story, hy reason of tho assault on Mr.
Connell, has becomo public property.
Tho agreed prlco of the sale ot Rosenthal
brothers to Haydens wus tho Invoice price
of tho goods, with a certain per cent dis
count. When the goods woro nbout two
thirds delivered tho Uosenthals, It Is as
serted, learned from ono of their clerks that
through tho counlvanco of somo ot their
employes tho goods wero being listed at
figures much below tho cost price, nnd that
tho cost prlco tickets were being changed
to correspond, Tho Informant declared that
certain linos of goods, originally Invoiced
t 60 cents, were being listed for tho pur
poso ot this salo nt 40 cents.
Manager Hoscnthal nt onco consulted his
attorney, who advised him to seo William
Haydon before tho goods wero place! on
salo or in stock, and get him to consent to
havo tho tickets examined at once, In ordur
to provo whut tbo changes wero und to
what extent they had been made. "In this
way," said Mr. Council to Rosenthal, "you
can show tho correctness of your claim."
An Interview with Mr. Hayden resulted in
Can't Keep It Up.
Can't Deceive Omaha People Very
Long They Learn Quickly,
Jtjs sometimes an easy matter to fool the
public, but you can't keep It up very long.
They are suro to tlnd you out, and every
tlmo a man ls fooled another skeptic ls
made. We aro naturally skeptical when read
ing a published stntcment given by somo
stranger residing In a far-away place, but
tho circumstances nro entirely different
when homo endorsement is presented. Tho
testimony of local citizens renders deceit
Impossible It Is to easy for you to Inves
tigate, Head this ono case:
Mr. Fred K. dlall, of COS North Thirty
second street, employed nt the railroad
brldco two miles from tho city, says:
"I had a bad back for nbout a year and In
tho winter of 189S It became, very severe.
When lying down It wjlst "dlfllcult to get up
and, Btooping, sharp pains caught mo In the
small ot the back and my kidneys wero
weak. It was for this that I procured Doan's
Kidney Pills nt Kuhn & Coa drug store
Tho next Instant ho Htruck at Connell,
landing his right on tho attorney's proboscis,
causing the claret to flow In a copious
stream. At tho samo time several of Na;h's
clerks rallied to the front and grabbed
Rosenthal, wbllo two othors seized Connell
by tho nrms, thua preventing him from de
fending himself. Connell, however, broke
lorso from his captors nnd retreated In
fairly good order toward tho street entrance,
soon followed by his client, who had been
I'linle Aiikiiik the AVniiu-n,
This warlike eplsodo created the wildest
excitement among the women shoppers, who
wero nt a loss to know whether It was a
scrap over somo bargain or whether some
shoplifter had been delected and was resist
ing arrest. Somo of tbt women screamed,
othors near
to places
nose seemed
much sympathy was expressed
qualified. Tho salary ordinance, as pre
pared by tho comptroller, fixed tho pay of the
old and new members for the month of March
at $G2.B0 and $12.50. respectively, thus
making up the usual total of $75.
Councilman Hnscall raised the point, how
ever, that ho had qualified on March 19, and
that Stuht, his predecessor, was therefoi-6
ls out of tho way nrown will bo tried.
STAnrs Tin; cash ovun .khms.
president of tho Homo Fire Insurance com
pany, for tho collection of Jf.00, which it is
alleged ls due by reason of a deal In Insur
ance stock. It is Kot forth In tho petition
that the lato Alvln Saunders authorized the
defendant to sell stock which he held In tho
Trnstre of Orcnter Aincrinn Kxponi.
lion lMI Amended II 1 1 1 .
Thn nrn'fwiillncrii In tl,.i l,l.i.l CI.Im .lie
riM .hmm . ii .,(i n.-n .t... in,,Mnrn eomnaiiv: that ho made a salo to
n,,i.. im,.i y.,..i ...i. .L vient nf J.100. and that ho failed to make
only ontitlcd to payment for nineteen days, pursuing their remedies In tho state courts prcper accounting. Two other suits, slm
nmountlng to $45. On the other hand, owing ; havo been started anew, with tho filing of ilar in nature, are pending against Mr.
to tno minsnng provision or the char- ; an amended bill of complaint hy tho trustee Harbor.
In bankruptcy who has charge of the prop
erty of the defunct corporation.
Tho caso was to havo been decided by
tcr, Hascall considered that ho himself was
only entitled to pay for tho five days fol
lowing March 2C, when ho was authorized to
takn his seat. During the soven days Inter
vening Hascall held that there was 110 coun
cil In existence. On his motion, the council ' Interested Indicating his Intention to
cut Stuht's salary from $62.50 to $15. that the proceedings in tho state courU
sitlon ot assistant
Colored Claimants I. rail the Hncr.
J. W, Iong, inspector of weights and meas
ures, hopes to continue in that capacity. His
chief compotltor ls Oeorgo Johnson, also a
representative of the colored race, at pres
ent employed In tho Dellono hotel. Johnson's
support comes from the Third ward, Tom
Mahamltt, the colored attendant In tho
mayor's office, also looks for this placw.
Harvey Hlnton is socking anow tho ap
pointment to tho plumbing inspectorship, his
rivals, so far as known, belnr limited to John
Lynch, whoso claim Is being urged by Second
ward residents, and Robert Duncan of the
Fourth ward.
Charles Unltt Is again an applicant for re
appointment as holler Inspector. A petition
from a number of trades unions endorse"
Kennedy, Foley and Madden, any one belnir
acceptable who may meet with favor In the
slglU of tho mayor. Another candidate Is D.
W. Gilbert of tho Scond ward.
A lively contest Is on for the superlnttn
dency of the city hall. Jerry Sedgwick, the
present incumbent, is naturally using all
honorable means to hold on to his Job, while
second degrees. It alleges that he com
mitted theft in taking money from Invest
ors In the Franklin syndicate.
.M) 1 1 n 01 mi- ..... r , , , 1 1 , ti ,,,, . . , . r. . . . ,
t.nlcro nieklnion Is confined to his room ,"--' "(" '""
,f Sikiieis. "o there was no : ward, C. Van Nesa, a vciteran of tho civil
Judgo Munger last week and when ho had call on his docket yesterday. war, endorsed by citizens of tho Third ward,
reached a decision he wrote to tho attorneys There is a notntde aniw on 01 . . aml E(1 simpsan of tho Eighth ward,
ho1,1 Af a doo " petitions have been hied There is also considerable competition for
wera !!.i,i i, i.wt week. thn offlco of Street Commissioner Doneckon.
Illlrklev said ho did nnt nhlrct tn nnlllnr? In fnrolnuf. llnna nnnn hiilMlnaa ..n,.. rt,.nn.l -.. u,,U fnp enlleotlon of a Of ftfkn .TnmAQ Allpn la nrvumlncr (hla Malm
Stuht's salary it all tho other councllmon : hy the Chicago Wrecking company nnd. lightning Insurance i,0nlcY, ',nH,Ill11.c," Var-! na chairman of tho city central committee,
were treated In tho samo manner, nnd he in- ' while tho result in thoso cases might affect before .Ji,fljms "we'ek I while Sam Walkup and James Stephonson be.
quired cf the city clerk when other new In- 1 tho amount of money to ultimately come r " -,w imlirn Minuter will go to Sioux llovo that they al60 havo claims entitled to
cumbents had qualified, it developed that Into the hands of tho trustee, yet tho cai03 Vniis. wht-To lu' will holil court for JutiKft ro.spcct.
...... . .... ..... - ----- . , ...i , r-i n in 1 .imii nu in 1
Tiro Oflleen Unflonffht.
So inr ah known there aro no applicant,
other than tho present incumbent, for tho
n o 01 inn women snrnnnind. run. ncn . v... i
rly fainted, nnd still others rushed 'Y' "mmnn. wdcck. arr a,a Mount had wero or a nature to no determined ny no Carinnu. an. . .... ....
ot safety Mr Council's bloodv M tho r certlflca'0!l f election on March state courts, and therefore the injunction P,mu",I: KCC"",,,
rd to havo a'terrlfylng effect, audi23' I,urkIe' on J,arch - and Whitehorn would bo denied. At tho tlmo set for render- vinsonhnler of tho county court
.. . ... . t . nnd Trntlfr nn March 21. It wn flnnll v Inir the iluclalnn thr. nttnrnpv nf thn Irnnlpn , t i .,.111, . I,a cnniit v commissioners
poor man" who . tlm smoke of battle ciea "d ' ""ooU to pay each outgoing councilman at , could not bn present and tho matter was his omdal report for the quarter ending positions of gas '"sPtor and clerk of the
away and the excitement subsided. I "te of $2 50 per day up to the day his passed until yesterday, when the amended A , 0 "9 'dlHmlrMnicnl. VHBM; ?"Ce 'S 0' X
Mr. Connell tacke.1 on h!s course nnd successor qualiflwl. During tho hiatus be- petition was filed by leave ot court. ieavinK balance of $11.53 duo tho county, bert . and Robert Clancy.
tween tlie two reclines the cltv saven tlie ' TUo amemlnd Dctltlon sets un a crndltlnn ti... I'nltml Suites court ot iipuuais n.ii """" """""
p.ilary of the whole council, amounting In different from thnt given In tho original,
tho aggregate to over $100. J Where tho original alleged a contract of sa!o
between tho Greater America company and court is nlllrmed and the resni
passed through to the stnlrwny, intending
to Interview Mr. William Hayden. Ho was
followed by Nash, who, as Connell alleges,
proposed to assault him ngaln. Council al
vlsed him to keep his distance, as ho did not
dcslro any further pertonal d.lh utty with
him. hut wished merely to see Mr. Hayden
In regard to what had occurred.
The ItiiM'iitlililN' CIiiIiiih,
"It Is claimed by tho Hnsenthals," says
Mr. Connell, "that tho change In the tickets
have resulted 111 a loss of $10,000 to the
People's Store. The goods wcro handled
largely by a forco of clerks from the Hay
den establishment together with a few of
tho employes of tho Hosenthals. Ono of tho
parties engaged In. this work admits ho
changed a large numbor of tho cost llckots,
but says ho did so under orders from tho
man over hlm.
"A decided sensation Is likely to result
fiom what has occurred. Dig damago
suits nre In sight. I proposo to havo Nash
arrested for what I maintain was an un
Justlllablo and unprovoked assault, nnd I
shall hold tho Haydens responsible for his
action. Their store is a
when anybody goes there
peaceable manner that person Is entitled to
protection naginst assault without provo
cation by employes ot that phce."
Mr. William Hayden declined to make a
statement for publication concerning the
trouble. "I havo been out nil tho morning,"
said he, "and know nothing nbout it. If
there was any trouble It has not been re
ported to me."
W. W. Mayhew, Merton, Wis., bays: "I
consider Ono .Mi 11 11 to Cough Curo a most
wonderful medicine, quick and safe." It ls
the only harmless remedy that glve Immodl-
Ask llrcelvi-r for 'WooIkoii Silep Co.
TOLEDO, O., April 2 A petition was
filed by tho Arbuckles today asking that
a receiver he appointed for the Woolson
Spice company. Tho Arliucklcs, who own
a minority of tho stock, claim that tho
;lant Is belnir run In he interest of tho
majority stockholders to tho detriment
of the property. H. O. Iluvemeyer controls
the plant.
nro suggestive of tho tawny race, who,
bafore tho IiuIIiIIiikh wcro wrought, dis
covered thnt BlckiicHK results when thn
kidneys liecome clogged and instead of fil
tering the blood, retain uric nclil Impurities,
until ths poUon rwrincuti'H tho whole sys
tem, manifesting Itself In many forms of
dlinate. With healthy kidneys you will
always bn well. S.n Cur. and Sn Curo
CatkartU Tablet! will prevent urlo acid in
cumulations, and positively remove them
from the syatom where they have (.enured a
hold. Rheumatism and Kidney and llhnlder
Troubles were unknown to the Mlnslun In
dians who llaeovercd thn wonderful prop
erties of tbeso specifics now given to thu
world as
California's Mission Remedies
For Sale by all DruggUti.
is a magio halm for nil Inflammation.
Its work is practically Instantaneous.
liinrKril svlth AnniiiiIIIiik Mrx, Km in 11
.Huston While She Ih Dimnril
III DnneliiK 11 lunilrllle.
In a complaint sworn to before tbo city
pio"c. iitor on Monday Will Stono Is charged
wiih committing an assault upon Mrs. Km
ma Marten und with "striking, bcatl-ig and
oihorwifo mistreating her." The document
scti out with great particularity tho fact
that the offenso was "committed In Omaha,
Douglas county, Nebraska," and even goes
so far as to say that Stono wa "then and
there being" at the tlmo, but nowhere docs
It touch upon the real points of human in
terest In tho case.
As a matter of fact Mrs. Maston was on the
floor dancing a quadrlllo nt tho time of the
assault. She was a guest at a private hop In
tho Wrecking company, tho amended rctl- is awarded jimgiiieni or -' is. 1
lion nlleCc that tho sale was completed; "J: ""(.Vrawn
The ense
Ich was
Drex L, Shooman
that under tho terms of sale tho Wrecking ,V " n if and William S. Snow, lately 1 l-'"''i -'ii no wi.-ur miocs a
company paid to the Kxposltlon company tbo m business at lioidrego under the linn Kiioi! for HiiinR ami summer wear In tan
that Hlmply ovurxluulowH any hIioo yon
ever wiw at tho fiiuno price $:t.50 Wo
have made the effort of our lives this
season to Rive n shoe that would look as
well as tln higher priced ones All thn
new toes and all tins new shades with
same price We recommend this par-
ular shoe to the men that aro out of
doors or on their feet 11 great deal as a
genuine comfort elver.
sum of $22 000 on the sale price ot $37 000 "'"JrrheifTe' &TS"
and rotainod the balance to settle any liens ',;,' ' ,,.m 0,VpS $fi,f.ll, with no assets. Ku-
wnicn nugni suusequeniiy ue
against tho buildings; that the Hxpo.iltl
company was indebted In tho sum of $e,0T0
to tho Wrecking company, which debt was
evidenced by two notes; that these notes
established Kugene Snow owes nothing and Is worth
0 Exposition ' while the assets and liabilities ot II-
nam snow miium.1: m .
Cmitiiln Musliee nt St. 1'iuil.
ST. PAl'L. Minn . April s capin n
were canceled by tho Wrecking company K,1"' V.m1w "WhK 1 )tf
and turned over to tho Exposition company tilafct j,. r,.(ptlnii and will he tho guest of '
as cash, and that the payment ot thoso no ej the illy fur the remainder ot tho week. tiet
In this manner by tho Exposition company
constituted a preference not allowed by tho
bankruptcy act.
In reference to tho cases brought by tho ;
persons claiming liens on tho property, tho j
complaint alleges that tho property was
sold upon open account; that tho paymen's
mado by tho defunct association wero gin
ssponslblo for his , a house near Thirty-first street and Llmloay "" ""-- ' . n
public place, and avenue last Saturday night Tho set ot rnl Pf-mc"ts to "PP'f xion ,ho cntlrp "n"
ami heinv.m in n n V 1 ...!.... 1 , w.u ... count u each caso. and not upon any spc. lilc
' .bclla.' , V1.11 Iwlllc" constltutPcl a ono-elghth part, hid nnna. m, ,hal n,,.r ,nn,,iiinns ev-
nt,. results. It cures coughs, colds, eroun.
Since using them I havo had no occasion bronchitis, grippe, whocplng cough, puou-
to complain of my back or kidneys and I
havo told friends my high opinion of Dean's
Klduey Pills and I will personally corrobo
rate tho abovo at any time."
Doan's Kidney pills nro sold for W cents
per box. Koster-.MIlburn Co., llulfalo, N. V..
Kile agents for the United States. Send by
monla and all throat and lung diseases. Its
early use prevents consumption. Children
always like it and mother endorse It.
Mlllnril Hotel iii' font limed.
Veaterday tho attorneys for the Omaha
Hotel association and Market Hro. appeared
until on receipt of price. For sale by all 'before Judge Munger In iho I'nlted Suites
Just tripped through the mazy "alaman left
and was about to execute "do-see-do" when
Will Stone, who had been doing the "wall
flower act" Industriously for an hour, sprang
upon her and seized her by the throat.
Mra. Maston s dancing partner Inter
ceded. Several olher men leaped to her res-
Worn Out?
at lssuo In tho various cari in the state Mnrinni vin Is a tonic nrennred unon
(courts teforo Judgo Munger for ndjudlca- truly siientlile nilmlples It is safe und
I M.irinnt Wine gives power to the brain.
purchase; and that under thn conditions ox
Istlng between tho vendors and the asoia
Hon tho creditors aro not entitled to enforco
thu liens.
Tho amended potltlon brings all tho points
tlon, but there is doubt tn tho minds of some
Drexel Shoe Co.
taaka'a ViaU Ik Mmt
Piano Talk
A plu no Is susceptible to chanses or
tho weather and shows It moro plainly
,,r,o' h ,,,pV,rL ..Tn ' 'ot th0 attorneys whether, under tho de,ii.n s:x "' eiastuity'to" he muHUoH ! in the action than on the case or stHiiRS
time to thank bis host for tho pleaiure of 1
the evening.
Stono Is Jealous of Mis. Maston, a widow
cf e!x months.
ho outlined In tho previous rate, he will richness to tne uinou. 11 is a : rummer or , ,..,..,..,
. v,,oii henitn lunui'viiv .(iihch 1110 oui
inwn pn.n nnn.n n j in,, m iiiith nnti i i ur - - i
.....v ; . : , young. kviH tne young Btrong 1 1 mi. on a ra
I will oin,l tha u-hnln h In tr I n I i n fit a t rnil rtR ' I,, ... II.. .ln.l ...-
..... ............. r, ... . .iiuriaiu n iii- in ri"mii) . -..,.,, .;n nvi.r 11 1 1'll t oil
... n. ... ...ill l. ... Ik.l.llllv 1 iv..r..s,rlr Won i . I " Illklll. Ull
1 iui fci Litjiiit'liL. ill,, ...r.i ..., urt raiu lu urui' , w..,,
after Judge Munger roturns from Dakota.
court and announctd that they woro not pro-
IJiiililnyiiieiit Aut'iil. nt War,
Mamlo A. Sadler was In Judgo Fawcctt's
court yesterday, keeking to enjoin Hartley ! Defeiiilniil (iiniucil ulili l.lln l Se
E. Whlto fioni conducting nn employment eurm 11 'oiitlniiiiiii,
ngoncy In this city. Tho plaintiff nlleges ' '- O. Ollbert, charged with uttering
that she purchased an employment agency criminal libel against U. Itosowater, (alitor
from White In 1S9S. and that It was a part of Tho Omaha Heo, was to havo been bo
ot tho trade that ho should not engage In foro Judgo Vlnsonhalcr In tbo comity court
business In Omaha as a compotltor. It Is yesterday for preliminary hearing, but ho
further alleged that Boon nfter the transfer failed to appear. The protection was
of his establishment to Miss Sadler, White ready fcr trial, and a telephone message
noaiembcr the name, Doan's, and take no J pared to take up tho matter of tho issuance J established another employment agency lu of Inquiry was sent after Mr Ollberi Ilia
of a tcmr-orry Injun t'on in the caee brought violatlou ot his contract.
ness from whatever causes.
reply was that he wanted a contluuan-e on all who writs for IU
carelessly loft open a short
luy day -a piano standlUK
a damp floor-makes a
Profound 1 decided chaiiL'e on the interior The
Depression nnd ExhauHtlon, Throat and ;,.ys stick, the wood swells, the felt fib-
a'MaVarhr'it IfTW" ! wrbH It. the string rust, the case clouds
the entire svhiern. up and ets murky, and then there Is
Miiri.inl Wine Is lnvaluablo for. over- n kinds of trouble Why the close con
:shlffie1n.,n'.,l! tu-t of the instrument to an outside
sustains the system nnd braces the body wall, where the changes are most rapid,
aim iiiuiii 11 iu iic. ( ' i 01 ten ruins piiiuos.
of a hot rog.
Sold by nil drugglits Beware of Imitations.
Msrlani Co , 53 W. l.'.th st , New York,
publish ,1 h imlnome honk of endorsements
of Ilmpenirs, KmprefS. I'rlni ess, Cardinal,
Archbishops and other dlstliiKulshed rer-
souages It is sent gratis and postpaid to
Mule Mi Alt 1613 Doutlll.
l Clfi)