THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, APRIL !J, 1900. WILL NUT REINSTATE LANGir1 amount covered Is $10,000. Pojntcr Tnrn a Deaf Ear to the Friend of the Beatrice Superintendent. PROPOSES TO STAND BY HIS DECISION I.miK Trlli frrrnl of 111 l'rleml lie Hum .Not HealKiiiil nuil Hint 1 1 win riuiit it out in tlx- Court. LINCOLN, April 2. (Special. )-Governor t'oynlcr will hiaml by bit decision of la3t. neck and will rofime to relntate II. ' Lang of York at superintendent of the Stat Institute for l-'ceblo-.MIndcd Vouth at - atrlce. This afternoon a delegation headed by Lieutenant Governor (illbcrt ntid Judgs Hate of York ami ex-Mayor h. (J. Krct warrants registered from 1 V llfl'l) A TIiV lV WW T!) U V STnr.K f'RflWFRS flF WYfiMINl payable April 10. The UlrtUliOlUl 1 iVil Uf LH llUim " " OrttniiUntlnii Hold lt Tn enl) -Fifth Aiinunl Srmlnn nt Cheyenne Nriv Oillecm Are Cli-cteil. (nrilucll (' Aunln. Deputy Attorney Oeneral Oldhntn filed a brief In the supreme court this morning In support of the action o'. the trial court of Sheridan county, which found Lloyd Card well guilty of criminal assault and sen tenced him to ten years In the penitentiary. Thn brief filed by Cardwell's attorneys In support of his petition for a reversal al- Bill!) SHOUT AT LUNG ISLAND Two Nebraskani Among the High Score Men the Firt Day. Through Service Between St. Lorrs and ! Portland Will Be Instituted. j r heybsnb. wyo.. April :.-Speciai Tel. egram.i The twenty-fifth annual session of the Wyoming Stock Gnweis' are,o.ia"on wis EASTERN CONNECTIONS MADE VIA 0MH ! hcM ln 0htenne ,odi,y- of a membership PARMELEE AND LINDERMAN THE MEN 1 V7i U1U, 11U "111, vi ii(iirBI.IMtil V,' I proxy. The old officers were re-elected, as I follows: l'rcsldent, V. C. Irvine. Hots, Wyo.; lce president, K. V. Whltcomb, Moorcroft, Wyo.; treasurer. II. 0. Hay, Cheyenne; secretary, Alice Smith. Cheyenne. The land-leasing matter wan not brought leged that the verdict was not supported by Noit irler to Hp Operated liy llur tho evidence, that errors wcro made In I HiikIom ami Northern Piu'ltlo U- glvlng and refusing instructions ami a so t-cctlril In lMMnme Only In admitting certain testimony. Theac ai- ,,. ..,s,. Limited." legations are aeniei ny tno cieputy attorney. The case came to the supremo court on error. Tho Stato Hoard of Purchaso and Supplle3 met this afternoon to purchase supplies for tho various state Institutions for the quar ter beginning April 1. Judge Holmes. In tho district court. t0 ior.i.nj Tht, .lutaneo In 2.371 mlled. 'ho bH now before congress to restrict tho Kill TnMu Ulril Mrnluht In the llnrotiith of (Incen'i n eeittiUe (rami American llnniHe'iip on Weilnesilnj . NEW YOKK, April 2. The eighth annual up. but a strong resolution favoring tho Thn Kienml Ihrnliph train serV iC(! continuance by the government of its frea ! in tho United States will be Inaugurated distribution or vaccine was unanimously live bird shooting tournament oi me inter Sunday, April 2fl. when the Uurllngton and adopted. Iiy an almost unanimous vote the slate association was inaugurated today at VnrlkflrM t).,..ifl. nil,niIl. ..Ml V-t I n . hr association decldtl o join tho National Avo Intcrntato nark. Queens county, Long , fui tin t ii i ai nil i uiiiunus hi "v - - - - - ot.eratlon nf through trains irom St. Louis Sloc association. A resolution oppoilng Island. Tliu initial matcn was me micniair heard arguments this morning In the case i The ,hro,Ji?h" sunset Limited" train on tho manufacture of oleomargarine was also Park Introduction, eight birds, $5 entr.Mce, brought by (Seorgo 1 Collins to restrain , v$oUljjern .aclljt. between New Orleans and passed. A resolution providing for the In- birds extra, thirty yards rise; four moneys. TK7 J, TXO on lb." taitol' ai h. e-.m.n, The report of 8to"k cs shootiiig; ties to be IllWded. The' en- o ,r 7 ,1 or I --''on the nues.ion of 'her the vl. ago L-rv o ?s opc au.f' b 1 ant rofovor Inspector Talbot of South Omaha showed tries for thl. even, closed with 100 shootcra of Lang At Hit clone of the confereru'! buM toiie a license of $1,000 per yotr Rrt.ater bmlffMcs the cxccptUm that M.oon Wyoming cattle were Inspected , In line, among whom was Mr, a. S. John- Governor Poyntcr said that he had no de- tor '"f. "I""- ... hn hM ,n thl. c,v nolc1 ,he'e Is no other through train cover- " 'hat point during tho year ending March ston. each contestant beginning at No. 1 r., k Jlhn ih. nnn rendered last Municipal election will be bidd In this c ty .ilstanre ,31.1900. The number of Wyoming eetraya set of traps and finishing on No. I, com- c, ion other than the one rendered laat ,omo ,0 eU.ct n po,c Judge water ' Mnw,, ,,. ... ,0Und there was elghty-one calves seventy pletlng the first bait of the work. i v. i rinm m nnnr f'liv niiiii nrv. i 1 1 ritiLiuLLii ward. WILLIAM I't 1. 1. lilt IS HOI Nil OVI'H. Hum It nan been quietly intimated that units , cem(,tery trustee, throe members of tho tin was reinstated Lang would refute lo noar( 0f Kducntlon. one member of the go out of olllce until compelled to do so by KxrS0 board and one councilman In each the courts. (!oeriior fnyntcr asserts that ho has Lang's resignation in writing over lils own Hlgnature ami that he cannot there fore contend that be han any lawful right to the olllre. Lang has told several of his friends that he han not resigned and that he does not propose to be removed from office without cause. Mali Hoard Ik IteMl ulneil. Members of the Slate Hoard of Tr.insioita tlon were this afternoon served with ropy of an order Iwsued by Judge Mungor of the federal court restraining them from entertaining, hearing or determining nnv III rrellmlnary Hearing la County Court nt O'Neill. O'NEILL, Neb.. April 2. (Special Telegram.) William Fuller had bis pre l'mlnary hearing in tho county court today upon the charge of Btatutory rape of th person of Ivy Mount and was bound over to tho district court In the sum ef Jl.f.OO. The defendant Ifl aboil- IS years of age and the complaining witness i year younger. They are both rcflldrnt. of complaint which has been or may hereafter I Stuart and highly connected. The alleged be filed with the hoard, touching the ratrw ot charge made by the Chicago ft Northwest ern, the Kremont. KIMiorn & Missouri Voi le) or the Chicago, St. Paul. Minneapolis ,t Omaha rullroads. Thin order Is to con tinue In force until April 5, when the com plainants will move for a permanent In junction. The Hoard of Transportation is alfo restrained from mnklng any order fixing or prescribing the ratcn which either of these companies shall charge for trans portation nf freight between points In Ne braska and from taking any proceedings for the purpose of enforcing any order here tofore Issued. Very 111 tin surprise was expressed at the stato house this nfternoon when the Injunc tion was served. It being generally ex pected that the Hoard of Transportation vnuld bo restrained from proceeding with tho hearing of the eases pending against the Fremont, KIMiorn ft Mlfnourl Valley and the Omaha roada. both of which wen recently continued until tomorrow. Tho case of the Huslness Men's nssola tlnn nf Norfolk against the Omaha road hai been Inst In the ma of railroad rate liti gation that has been piling up for thn last two months nnd there is little prospect that It will receive any further consideration date of the crime Is July. ISM. IoiIk' Cooot) MiirlKiiBi' Hecnrrt. Fit E.MONT, Neb.. April 2 (Special. ) The following Is tho mortgaGO record of Dodge, cciinty fer the mouth of March: Chattel mortgage! filed HS, amount $43,743.11 : re-le-aed 150, amount $33,797.63. Farm mort gages recorded 53, amount $139,!)'ifi.30; re leaned r,l. amount $91,721.20. Town nnd city mortK.'iges recorded 10. amount $4,799.00; re leased 2fi. amount $19,399.73. The nmount cf farm mortgages recorded Is greater than any Mnoo registers of deeds have been required to keep a record of them and aro principally purchase niuney mot (gages and renewals. train frm Omaha and points cast of this bulls. 2-'29 8lrrs nnd cows, a total city of the "Q" system, a new train from "aiuaiion or I'corla to Lincoln, passing vln Omaha, will cn,.(ji3s be put into service April 29. This train will j leave I'corla about S:30 a. m., arriving at I'rainol Ion on ort1ivrpstrrn Line He. I.N ItAILHOAI) LINUS. Omaha about 9 p. nr., anil leaving here for Lincoln after a twenty-minute stop. The schedule for the new service provided Frank S. I'armclee of Omaha was the fitst man to be called to the mark, and after making the round had four kills to hlo credit. The match was concluded In the remark ably good time of one hour and fifty mln ute. Twenty-four men kl led eight straight and divided money. These were; Powers, Ell, Hlrschey, Crosby, Nauman, Morrison. Claw Woodruff. Doty. Hood. Marshall, A for this new servlc Includes sleepers, diners, reclining chair and smoking ears, which aro now being built by the Pullman company. To maintain the regular dally service be tween St. LouIh anil Portland ten trains are modern Improvements. I'ASSDNtiCIt THAI'' I'll ItToM A II !v A 111,1". eclvcil nt Huron. IH'RON. S. I).. April 2. (Special Tele gram.) An order received here today from for departure from St. Louis at ft a. m. and Chicago promotes H. It. Sanborn, nsslstant arrival at Portland nt S:iin n. m. nf ihe third ' superintendent of the Dakota division nf the day. Tho entire run will be made without Chicago ft Northwestern railway, to superln- ' 1'. Smith, Hryant. Dubr.iy. Llnderman, Orosj i . ... . . . ' . . .. . '. nlnUn T,l lni.L-.nn Mul Khnrt. Mnlnnr mi tunnel- oi tar wnaiever. i ne equipment , "uiuiii ui iuc nvsiciii iuwa envision on tne same system, with headquarters at Uake City. In. J. S. Oliver, for seventeen years superin tendent of tho Dakota division, with head quarters here, is succeeded by F. N. Stewart required. Five of these trains will be owned i of the Winona division, which consolidated . birds high guns, not clrus shooting: lies ny inc. uurllngton and five by the Northern 1 with the Dakota division n short time since. nnt lo ho hot off; money to be divided. The Pacific. The eais will be uniform In' np-I V. T. Catlllon of Winona becomes su- ' following killed twelve straight and received pearance. finished In the familiar Pullman ' perintendent of tho Northwestern line from i each: color, wide vestibules and equipped with all Winona to Pierre, making the main lino of I a Parinelee Omuhn; C. M. Powers, Dc- tho system under ono superintendent ic- cntur. 111.; "Jay Ell," Milwaukee; L. N. tween the Mississippi and Missouri rlvrrtf. i Morrison. St. Paul; W. It. Crosby. O'Fa'llon, Thcso changes aro a great surprise among , , . ..i)anR," Cleveland; Captain Darker. railway men ann citizens nl all points on .. YorU. n. nickev. Welllncton. Mass : Blnke, Tripp. Jackson. Mai, Short, Maloue, "Hobln Hood" and lluckwalter. Illuh Sroren of the Day. These arc the high scores of thn day's events: Horough of Oueens sweepstakes, twelve GOLD SEAL ytA fern AMERICA'S BEST KOKL -S M C H AM PAG N Ei1 ipSA FERMENTED IN THE DOTTLE, gjfflpjl wsillii) I for Convalesce Jits. f I Jtffl"l B TA.Y OXE-HAZP 7 UK H 7 1 Uw' B rUCJS OF THE IMPORTED.! S ( JWj fc'si FuitBANA win'b CO. C! I'unilM for Imlln SuOerers. CAMHHIDOE. Neb. April 2. iSpeclal Tel egram.) A mass meeting called last evening for tho purprso of raising funds for relief of tho India famlno sufferers resulted In the sum of $130 being raised by tho people of Cambridge nnd vicinity. This town has al ways responded liberally when nppealed to for the relief of suffering humanity. District Conrt nt Trenton. TIIKNTON. Neb., April 2. (Special.) Tho adjourned term of district court opened from tfce secretaries or members of the j this morning, with Hon. O. W. Norrln of board. The records do not show that It Heaver City on the bench. Several cases wra continued with the other numerni s rate I aro on the docket, most being equity, with ratm frnm i ho nm,.iiiiir hni.i inui u o.,w Important law cases added. Sev- ln fact there Is no record to show that It was set. for healing on that occasion. When questioned concerning this ease the secre taries nssume an elr of defiant Indifference nnd make no nttenipt whatever to explain why It has not been giving a hearing. Sec retary Laws said this afternoon, before the restraining order of Judge Munger was served, that he supposed the case would come up tomorrow, hut neither the de fendant nor the complainants were nntlfie-1 to bo present. It ' admitted by near'y every member of the board that they can not furnish the relief asked for by tho citizens of Norfolk, yet they refuse to either dismiss the case or to take steps to wards enforcing the order made at the Nor folk meeting. Norfolk People In the llnrli, Thn elllj!Pn nf Vnrfnll ,,1VJ v (V M flfirU pfittnrnlii(T tTha uiniu. nr unt- . ' r uir iitiu in iiii-ii and all of their requests for Information are speedily consigned to the waste benket by tho overworked secretaries, who apparent') have no time for nnsworlng letters concern ing olllclal business. Tho case 'against tho Elkhnrn rallroad Is tho ono In which an order wis Issued re ducing rates on cattle 10 per rent and on hogs ii per cent. It wa-. set for healing cral prominent attorneys nre In attondance. Tec li m well ltenioiiilH to Appeal. TECUMSEII, Neb., April 2. (Special.) A mortlng of citizens was held nt tho Presby terian church last evening for the purposo of raising money to send to the sufferers of India. A considerable amount has been do nated and n canvnHsing commltteo is still at work. New Chureli Deillentril. SYRACUSE. Neb., April 2. (Special.) Tbe, Hantlsts of this village dedicated their new church yesterdav. The cost of the building was nearly $t,000 and was dedicate.! free of debt. Nelson Vamlerpool Spcnkn of Kicel-l-n Cnmlltlou of Itiillrunil ArTnlrn. "Tho present activity in eastern railroad traffic, both passenger nnd freight, Is some thing marvelous." stated Nelson Vamler pool of Chicago, traveling passenger ngent of tho New York Central. "This Is looked UDon tho consolidated lines. DAKOTA Iini'l'IILICAVS SICCESS. (irrnl i:ieetlun nt Yankton Show CliniiKe In City Vote. YANKTON. S. D., April 2. (Special Tcle- as mo nun season or thn year In traffic I gram.) Republicans aro jubilant over a matters, nnd yet all passenger trains In the I great chnnco In tho city vote shown by to east are loaded and tho freight departments , day's election. John Holman. republican, aro taxed to furnish accommodations for the i was elected mayor by S.1 mnjorlty. Tho demands made upon them. This condition democrats last year had 160 majority. The of affairs gives great satisfaction, not only I democratic majority for treasurer wns re- ii i.niroau men. nut to tne people at larg?. i iiucea rrom Jb3 to zi, tne marsnai reiucen I ,.rceby, O'Fallon, III.; C. C. Nauman, San This largo passenger traffic Is not caused by I from 230 to 111 and city Justice changed from J r.,rainiHco; L. D.'Morrlaon, St. Paul; T. W. tourist trael and thero nro no particular , 237 democratic majority last year to 209 re- Austeriitz! Ky.; A. Woodruff. Ellza- nttractlons In Boston and New York to ' publican this year. Tbe republicans claim I tc( ' N- j.- ,. ii'oty Ilal, don. N. J.; "Hood." direct thn ChlcaSo. Omaha nnd western bus!- ; one. aldermnn. Ncw' York'.' 'T' A M'nrRhani KCiih,V,urg. III'.: in-.-.!, iiinu nitre mi n mission oi picasuro now. A. Woodruff. Elizabeth, N. J.; E. Work. Cin cinnati; It. O. Helkcs, Dayton; A. H. Fox, Haltlmore; C. D. Llnderman, Adams, Neb.; W. Wagner. Washington; J. M. Thompson, Yonkcrs. N. Y.; L. Fulton. West Superior, Wis., and J. Caugban. Hrooklyn. Interstato Park Introductory, eight birds, thirty yards rise, high guns; not class shooting. The following killed straight and divided tho moneys, each receiving $20.S0: C. P. Powers. Decatur, 111.: "Jay Ell," Milwaukee; H. Hlrschey. St. Paul; W. R. yornions CHEY On April leave Will Mlsrnte. A. P. Dr. Hryant. Hrook- I..-, r. w l,,.l,.. ,i.,l,.,,.,il . n 11 I l '"'in n HUH l.lll.M'll inn HilVillie. I lie TWO 5YBSNE. Wyo.. April 2.-(Speclal.)- lyn: C . Dubray ( In innati C D. ' " I schedules take effect today and $2.r,0 mat I aril 10 the first train of Mormons will I derman. Adams. Neb.; lake Peru. In.!.. ,n ,h, of , , hp ,ltu,mplI( Woodruff. Ctah. and vicinity for tho K. M- Tripp. nd anapo Is; J. A Jnc. I haVe l.n;n undo by the operators to Increase f . .. ... lliifitinna Will 11 frrntP. . i!..!..! i wiittfiiurnuy, ji is pusy 10 tfOi tnat tnia travol ln nuKinrntod by tho lomnmlR of the business world. mon nnd m?r- matters of business, and as ft thi i, ' valley of tho Shoshone In the nig Horn i ';' ' . . l' 1 ihn fa. a . n.. ,i.n.j .. i. . u . h.inln. This train will be followed bv an- 1 " country Is prosperous. There h' no better "'her on tho 1.h from Morgan City and) ";'' ' ""SlT To"' Index of business than a passenger trade. Points near Cokevllle. Wyo. There will I Kbln liao,i- Springfield, Mo. If It Is crowded tho noanle have monev and ne between hiw ana iuu persons anil several (.rnau American iianuienp. are happy and contented, but If. on the other nunnreu neaii oi norBes, sncep ann cattle, hand, the seats aro emnty and few nas- The Immigrants will "trek" Into tho basin (0Wa miners walk out Hlfierenee of Two I rut t nini'n a Mrlke In the ( iirliotiilnle Mini,. DES MOINES. April 2 (Special Tele gram.) 1 hreo hundred mlneis In ihe bnndalo iiilnes here walked tuday bv.uuse of a dlsugriHMiient about the scale of prices rtMcntly ndepted by the mlneis and iprr- ntoM of tho stnie In Joint conferetue. The t miners arc getting $2.21 per day and they claim they ought to be getting $2.20. a dif feionce of 2 cents. For eveiy day they aro out on strike they will thus lose what II will take 112 das to make up, even If the get their demand, so It la not likely tbe strike will last lung. A spe-lal from Washington says: Senator dear stateM today that the president wauld , send the appointment of Smith McPhorsou ns fcilernl Judge cf the southern Iowa dis trict to the s"nato for eonflrmntlm some day early this wefk. The president has been olPclally notified of thn choice of the Iowa delegation nnd It lii now only a matter of a few days at the outnlde. He will be con firmed without a doubt. How oon Is now 1 the question. The delegation Is tnvor.ilie to the ldc-. of having McPheiaon bold b's prrisc-nt posl'loti as congressman until su, h Mine ns will prevent a .-.pedal election. Hon this will bo done In not definitely settled, for his term does net expire until next Mar.-h. almesl a year. Senntor dear Introduced a resolution today to readjust tho salaries of all pestmastcrs In i Iowa. I A miniature bombshell was exploded In the camp of the saloon force this morning when It was discovered that the new petition, through a rank error, larked one day rf tun -Ing been publliheil u sufficient length of tlmo as required by law. It Is now .hmight tho saloons will bo tied up until tho Jul) I meeting, though everything depends on the ! legality of tho action nf the board at tho mcellng tomorrow. Pccplo of Des Moines, beginning today, will fcno "i pay $3 per ton for their coal nnd the Indicatlciis nre that the price will l"t be reduced for years to come. The nd vnncn recently given thn miners through out thn state nnd tint to the coal haulers of this cltv has caused thn advance. The two thai.ns koh CHICAGO LICAVi: AT IS IP, NOtlX, AND 7135 1. M. New Short Line to Minneapolis and St. Paul Umr ut 7 a. la. noil 7 ills p. in. TICICICTi AT 1-102 KAHNAM STIIEIST "The Now Ofllco." Wlien others fall consult ,0 0 Neal. Hloomlleld. In!. Alsohm. New York; J. R. Malone, Pa' cto a SEARLE5 & SEARLES OMAHA. the price, but concerted action was not had and they came down op soon as cheaper coal i was shipped in. Cheap labor In this state. I so fnr as thn mlncf are concerned. Is nnw 0P MEN SPECIALIST We Bu.irant-f t .nr. ull nsc euriibl" ol WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SKXl'AI.I.Y. Cured for Life Night l-'mlsMims. Ijo-t Mniilion-1. 1 1 drncelo. tho principal event of the tournament, will ployed. songers aro aboard It Indicates that tho by easy stages, as tho Journey Is over oOO begin Wodnenday morning. Two hundred 1 Oeorgo n. Teak, a prominent citizen, this people, havo no money to spend ln travel and miles In length nnd for the most part over and ten entries have been received nnd It la morning Introduced a resolution nt the reg there nre no business enterprises necessl'at-' rough mountain roads. The Mormons cx- , believed this number will be Inceaicd by j ular weekly meeting of tho Ministerial as Ing travel." I pect to reach their new colony not later than. a score or more. Nearly every stnte In soclatlon asking that the mayor and city Mr. Var.derpool called on the local rail- ' May IB and will at once set about building tho union Is represented by one or more council suppress "Sapho," which Is billed to Impossible, and the Increase In the price of , Vi.ri. ni He. etoiinriiioeii. isieet SihllK Tho Orand American handicap, which Is ' tho greater portion w-Jll go to tho labor em- Strliture, Pllen, Fistula .mil Itr- til flreri hum an ! l'iiate Dlaeasev anil DlNiirileln of 'Men sirlrliire ami tileet t ureil nl llonie. Consultation Free Call on or address nit. m:hi.ks a si:ki,i;n, II!) South Mill St. (I.MAIIX. road fraternity In company with W. H. Jerocio of Chicago, general western pas senger agent of tho New York Central. Hotel ('limine 1lamti. SYUACl'SE, Neb.. April 2. (Special.) D. Scott niedson of Concordia, Kan., haa lci.el the Review hotel and taken charge. Mr. Hlcdsio Is an old hotel man. Cleanse the liver, purify the blood. In vigorate thn bed)' by using DeWltt's Little Early Risers. Thrso famous little pills al ways act prrmptly. Keokuk null Duhuiiue Kloet lon. KEOKUK, 'a-. April 2. At the city nice tlon todnv the demccrats eleied the ns- tomorrow. hut hy the terms of the mandate ! t-c-.sor nnd threo out of six aldermen, mak of tho federnl court it cannot now be beard ling no change in tbe pnlllhnl complexion until after the hearing before Judge Munger ! f 'he council, which Is still a tie. en April :.. Dl'DCQUE. la.. April 2. Politics cut no Two of tho bondsmen of ex-County Treas- figure In today's election. CUH. Hcrg. cltl urer J. W. Lynch nf Platte countv were at zens' candidate, was re-ole:ted mayor by thn slate house today with a view to effect- i over 2.000 mniority. He -will carry tho cit ing ti compromise with the statn of the claim coering tho shortage of tint official, amounting to npproxlmatcly $13 001). Lynch's total shortage was In the neighbor hood of $30,000. of which nmount $17,000 belonged to the county nnd the bilanco to tho state. The county funds wero pnld by the bondsmen, but the stnte has not teen reimbursed. It Is clalmefi by tho state olll elnls that the bondsmen bad no light to pay the county and not Pan state, and It Is not probable that the attorney general will ngrre to any compromise. It Is reported that the bondsmen have considerable prop erly that was turned over to them by Lyu-h. Trcnsuter Mescrve today Issued a call for tiro ticket with him. I'nlnn I'nellle l.eim-x I, n rice Trnot. R. A. Smllny. J. C. Davis and William Daley, representing the Wool Cirowers' as sociation of Carbon county, Wyo., havo been ln conference with officials of the Union Pa- homes for themselves. If this colony Is successful It will bo followed by several thousand Mormons next year. shooters. Nearly 200 of them were at the spnear hero this week Hcnrlncc on Sliootlnic ArTnlr. KEYSTONE, S. D.. April 2. (Special.) W. R. Lylc. the partner of Norton, the man who was killed In the wood haulers' shooting Two Week affray near this city Thursday, has been shooting grounds today and a score of them took part In the Horough swcipjstnkea, which was the second event on tbe program. ksti:h hwim; si?so opkn. the clfic Innd department, relative to the leasing , bound over under $100 bonds to appear before of 1.000,000 acres of railroad land In Carbon the next term of the district court. The town county to the association. It is reportet and mining camp are greatly stlrre-d up over that thn sheepmen proposed to pay 1 cent 1 this shooting affray. The preliminary hear pcr ncre anninlly on the basis of a five , tng of tho seven word haulers Is being held years' lease, and that the railroad com- at Hill City. There aro two sides to the Meetliijr lleiiun 1J Wnxlilimloii .Iiu-li i-i Cluli. II I eilTVnTnv I ....II o Tl. .....ii,.,. ., ....... l.i . ...r . , . . ..,,, . . ... racing season of mno pened today, when 1 '' " ' -' ."r. Tho resolution wnj. read before the nso- olatlcn and was unanimously adopted by that bodv without comment. F. P. Fltzserald of Eldorn was todav ap polntcd as superintendent of the C.lrls' Re form schor.l at Mltchellvllle to succeed ,T. N Miller. Mr. Miller was thn man In rhurgn at thn time rf thn famous riot there Inst fall . tho Washington .lo. key club began n two weeks' meeting The opening was auspi cious, the weather pli.isiuit and a large crowd In attendance. The Ir.u-k was In goon connnnn inrenen .mcijowcii pnny substantially accepted this offer, Its t gtorv Lyle ptates that he was unarmed nt the presiding lodge and Mars Cns!dy only counter-proprsltlon being n reserva- ; -be ho and Norton were fired upcti. 'arter Tbe nrlnclpal events of the day tlon of right to sell the land at any time. Hy Xorton wa8 follni, to be armed. Hoth parties ?p'rBf imndlcap.'' co'moMRan' e.,in means of the leaso of this enormous tract rlnlm that the other sldn enmmpneed shnnt- nine the former and Hnnev Hnv the latter. of land the sheepmen of Carbon county, will be able to satisfactorily adjudicate the problem of suitable range. The nrea will be divided among tho members of the ns60- ing first. Grant Many Chnrters, PIERRE, S. D.. April 2. (Special Tele- I In tho steeplHi-hase there were thn usual i falls and nei idents. Lovelorn fell. He wns I ut Itidlv In the foreleg and ('nrsnn. Ills I rider, was carried off thn Held Tnnmr mvi'rvni iiii'ii ,ti i ut- .ninip lino uii' iit'i."ii rlatlon and a pro rata assessment will be I gram.) Sixty-seven chnrterp for corpora-, nnd coreornn. his rider, nas thrown hut I-ltzgtrald han been te'i years nsslstnnr superintendent nt the Hovs' Reform school at Eldera. His wife will be matron. paid according to tbe grazed. number of sheep Chlrnuo C- lton Meetlnir. CHICAGO, April 2. Stockholders and di rectors of the Chicago & Alton Railroad company held their nnnunl meeting today. About 220,000 ohares something morn than tions were granted hy the secretary of stato ln?r month. The fees of that office for the month wero grpatnr than for any other month slnco tho organization of the state, amounting to $1,102. Huy Out llrlilne Coiiipnnr. YANKTON, S. D.. April 2. (Special Tele- 1 "V ntZm Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels cuaNses the System a EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES lTii ' .rf . PERMANENTIY PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. T Hill nf Fremont Is ln the city. W 11. Mumford of Heatrlce Is In the city. F. Jewel of S.m Francisco ts at the Mer- e hants. W. 11 Corbln of Alliance Is at tho Mer chants. (Irian in Tcfft of Avoea Is at the Mer elinnts. j n. Pope, a lawyer of Friend. Is at tho Murrnv. II. M. Crnno of Hloomlncton is at the Mf 'cluints. Mrs. O W. Holdrege lias returned from mi eastern trip. K W Pendleton, a capltnllst of Detroit, U at the Murray. I .. ... ... . - r t . n 1 1 . .. , y-t L ItlrK Hllll MMt-'l in I .liuiliuii tirr guests of the Murray. Harr:- II. Smith and wife of Day City, Mkh , are at tho Mlllanl. (iriumln Terft. state senator of Avoca. I Nf b . 's at the Merchants. W S Deyo. an liisurtincn agent of Kan pas lity, Is nt the Millard. James Hansen, a newspaper man ot Papilllon. In nt tho Murray, Mr nnd Mrs. C. V. Conkllng of Tckamah were at the Merchants Monday. i; M. Collins, nn Implement dealer or Fremont. Is registered nt the Murray. Fred Hragg nnd U. L. Shaw of Fremont were Monday guests at tho Her Orand. Mr and Mrs linker and twelve members of 'The old Homestead'' company nre rcg-if.!-... nt the Darker. WIUI.i McEver. an auditor for the 1'nkMi Pnrltlr Railroad company of Colum bus, it' ut tne Murray. M J Murph), buyer for the Cudahy Pa. king , oniimny, has returned from a lslt t Hot Springs, Ark. (Jus Ilabson of Sownrd. W. H. Price of I.ln.'nln nnd II. J Caullleld of Norfolk were slat, guests at the Murray Monday. M K Oetter nnd II. A. Ilabcock of Lin i oln registered Monday nt the Darker. A J West of Wlsner Is at the Millard. Dr J Ray Ilentty. ,i successful young pll)slelan lit Lincoln, Is In the city visiting ills parents nun many iriencis tor n row da ys Mrs Ellen Ludlngton, Mrp. Iiuisa Morso and Alhtrt Harne.-i Myers, members of tho old Homes-tend" company, are eucsts or ths Merchants. Denmaii Thompson and wife. W. .1. KII patrlck and wife nnd Mrs. Frank Thomp son of the "Old Homestead" company aro tuests of the Millard. Cnil Williams, n typical western cowman, who Is the foreman of the Rawhide Hutte cattle raniil. of which Russell Thorp, well known In Omaha Is thn prnnrietoi. Is in tbe city. Mr. Williams lias come to Oinalut for meillcnl treatment and nlso to en1oy a i.iuple of weeks of metropolitan life. ; eiwing to nis iiroaii-rimmeii .Mexican som brero, corduroy suit and lilgh-lieeleil boots tho iitmarel worn bv oowhovs on all dress suit oceasluns Mr Williams Is the object of much Interested observation on tho streets !0 per rent cf the entire holdings were J gram.) -Joseph Oelsler of Sioux City has represented. The directors were re-elected i purchased the stock of the Yankton Hrldgo and all of the old otllrers were chosen for and Ferry company nnd will put in a pontoon another year. Hccause of a change mado In the ccmpany's fiscal year, no ofllrial reports of thn road's operations for tho last twelve months were made. bridge across the Missouri hero. Clileaito V Alton MeellnK. CHICACiO. April 2. The nnnual meeting of tho Chicago & Alton railway stockhold ers was held today. Owing to the change made ln the company's fiscal ycHr there was ATTEMPT TO BLOW UP HOUSE PncUnite nf I) j iililnl te Is Sent to a Prominent Ohio itrpuli llean Lender. CINCINNATI. April 2. An attempt to de stroy tho residence of Oeorge H. Cox. the re- no statement of earnings to be presented publican leader, was made today by some anil It Is taken for granted that the pre3 cnt Hoard of Directors will be re-elected. r.i-I'rcililent of Minn Ml. CHICAOn, April 2 Timothy II. Dlack- .u m.i.. t. ti.n ,ii,,i i ..iii.. 1 dynamite. A match and powder wero so UI lilt' v.uivfw ,w .,,.ui, .,,,,.,, ,n cut luimij . unknown person placing on the veranda a package of dynamite addressed to Mrs. Oeorge H. Cox. Mr. Cox suspected danger nnd turned the package over to the police. It was found to contain a largo charge of ill at his residence In this city. Ho Is suf fering from pneumonia. ItnlMTllj' Notes anil I'rmnnnla. General Passenger Agent Lomax ot the I'nlon Pacific has gone on a western trip. Contractor Draco, under whose, direction tho Union station was erected. Is ln the city from Chicago, looking after somo minor Improvements that nre contemplated. Tho award of the contract for the Sher man Hill work on tho Union Pacific has not yet been made and officials who have thn matter In hand state that they nre not yet decided upon any d.ate for making the awurd. 1 arranged that In drawing out the lid the esea.ied Injury. Results hirst nice, six rurlougs. for a-vear-oiiis and upward, purse: lieneral Mart (Jary won. Cupidity second. Sidney Lucas third. Time: 117. Second race, one-half mile, Aillnglon purse for 2-year-nIds. KM: Fake won. Connie second. Light Dall third. Time. ii:31i,. Third race, about two miles, steeple chase, for 4-year-olds and upward, purse IW: Cosmopolitan won, Emory second. Time: Fourth race, six furlongs, Hennliigs spring handicap, for 3-vear-olds and up ward: Hiine-y Hoy won. charentus second, !m: third. Time: 1:10 l-S. Fifth rnce, one mile nnd forty yards, for 3-year-olds and upward, selling, purse .W: Asqultb won. Diminutive second. Holdup third. Time: 1:1-12-5. SAN FRANCISCO. April 2. - Weather showery and track muddy. Oakland re sults: First men, six furlongs, for maidens, sell Inc: Rcgnlong won. Mllometo second, llHrry Corby third Time: Second race, elevi'ii-slxteenths of a mile, selling: Fidel Youlln won. Mnydlne second. Swift Wnter third Time: 1:11. Third race live furlongs for 2-yeor-olds, purse: Ilernato won. Illusion second. Com bermele third. Time: l:iG. Kourth race. Futurity course, selling: Tarda won. Orion second. Pomplno third. Time: 1:13 llfth rare, one and one-eighth miles, stmiiiim; iii'iuv at fout ioih;i:. i:ii-ellnn mnr-ii'i'i Culminate In n SerloiiM Miti. l-'luht. FORT DODC.E. Ia.. April 2-iSprual Telegram i- A serious stabbing nffrav i curre.l here last night, ln whlih Joe l-'qllon stabbed Will Alnaworlh. The stabbing wa the result of an election dlfferen e. cul minating In a street fight. Alnsworth was j stabb?d In th left side. Jusi below th- heart. Fallon waived examination and was bound over to the grand Jur) under $l.oun l.o nil.-.. hrrllT Secures I1U Mini. LE.MARS. la., April 2.-(Speclal. (-Sheriff Herron returned last night with Hermann Mchr. wanted here on a charge of criminal arsault. The fhcriff arrested the man, who was working for n farmer, near Millard, Neb Mohr .ays he Is Innocent. machine would have exp oueq. Mr. cox 'Tr n,e,,"rU-."J",, ""' ronrrted to the nollce that he was warned uiv.i, r, i , I last nleht that an attempt on his life would i Flower of Uold won. Dr. Nebula se.-on.i! . ln soutlicrn portion: cdncsday ruin and FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Itnln In I'l-nlli'li-il for TcicHilny noil Weilneiiilii.v mHIi Colder for eil iiemln j , i WASHINGTON. April 2. Forecast fori Tiirtday and Wedneslay: For Nebraska Rain Tuesday and Wednes day; colder Wednesday; variable winds Fnr Iowa nnd Missouri Increasing cl ud Iness Tuesday; rain Tuesday night an 1 Wednesday; easterly winds. For South DakotaCloudy and warmer in eastern, rain In western portion Tucwdny. rain and colder Wednesday; easterly winds. For Kansas Rain Tuesday with colder TELLS HOW TO MAKE LAWNS be made. Fretter third Tlrce 1 D colder, variable winds. (SUlvRNIAlTGVP 1 1 1 u li I'm I Point of I'roiliielloii. In the hlslory of the AnheuserUusch Brew, ing Ass'n was reached during 1890- They lead the world In output as well as In qual ity of their brews. Orders addressed to Oeo, Krug, manager Omaha branch, will be promptly executed, .1, Y. CrnlK. Talks to (he Members of Ihe North Oiiinliu Improvement ('lull Moodily r.tciiliiK. Tho mc-etlng of the North Omaha Improve ment club Monday night was In the nature of an open parliament. The matter ot the location of tho proposed school house In tho vicinity of Thlitleth street and Ames ave nue was discussed at length, and tbe club adopted a resolution In favor of an eight room building being located upon tho site of the present school In Monmouth park and the maintenance of the existing schools of Druid Hill and Central Park. Tho matter ot the- laying of a permanent sidewalk where It had been ordered by tho council on Fowler avenue was taken up and the committee on sldowalkR nnd cross ings wns instructed to take tho matte-r be foro the council and have the customary penalties levied upon the person who had tried to evade tho orders of the council. The matter of se.-urlng city water on Meredith nvenue between Twenty-seventh and Thirty-fourth street waa referred to the proper committee for a report nt the next meeting, ns was also the matter of paving Ames nvtnuc from Twenty-second to Twenty-fourth street. Tho matter of making lawns wns dis cussed, and J. Y. Craig gave a number of valuable suggestions The subject of "Tho Lawn" was made a special order for next meeting. Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt J ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. For thirty years I have been the confidential adviser of thou ands of suflerers in all parts of the world. I have devoted my life to the careful study of Nervous De bility and weaknesses of men and women, from whatever cause. I have made a life study of electro therapeutic appliances and have restored over a hundred thou sand men and women to physical strength and vigor with my world renowned Dr. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT The use of Galvanic Electricity, as applied under my personal di rection, has become universal for the cure ol nerve, glandular, or ganic weaknesses, rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, varicocele, etc. Nature demands a certain sup. ply of natural Electricity, and if this supply is reduced by excesses, overwork, exposure, etc., weak ness and debility are the results. To repair this weakness, nature must be paid. I pay nature by returning to her storehouse that which has been wasted and dis sipated this is electricity which is the very essence of life itself. LIBRARY GARS Dost Dining: Gar Setvice. A Skin f Ileanty in n Joy Forever. nn. t. mux cimjii aud's oiukntai, CKI'A.M. (til MAGICAL HKA ITI FIIJIl, lt 'noro Tan. Pimples r'.'i- lti.-s, Moth. I'atclm t;nn ami skin cm. eases, and every i.ii'nitsh on henuty, nil ill-lies rtelpo iiun It tins stood Ihu test nf lij years ami i nn harmlosit wo tnsto It o bo sure It is Innpcrly iil.nle. Accept u ,'ountnrfelt or slml- Ui.' ii.iiiin lr L. Sayre said to k ely of tlmliaut-ton a patient As you ..lilies will wta tlioin I rrcotmunnd Onur.uid h Ooam as thn loasl harmful of nil Bleln preparation ' Kor ! oy nil Rnif rl"tn nd Fancy Goods Dealer In the United StatrA, Canada ftud Kurop If Kill) T llorniNS, Proo'r, !7 Jouc-s 9t N Y. K A'A . Electric Suspensory for Men; with all Belts. Why should suffering ones hesitate to try this cure by natural means ? a cure based on nature's laws. Of course there are thousands who are as yet unacquainted with the value of my great discovery, and to these I say I have decided for a time to allow my latest and most improved 1900 Model licit to be taken on THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL. From this offer it is apparent that I am sincere in what I stale. I will cure where drufis have failed, and it is my knowledge of this fact that warrants me in offering )ou my Pelt on 30 Days' 1 rial. "It cures while you slefn, and you pay when cured." Worn at night, it sends a pleasant, soothing current which you feel through Ihe entire weakened orpins, the suspensory attachment to the belt resting directly over the prostate gland. Write for my little book, mailed free, or call. o Dr. F. G. Sanden, 183 S. Clark St., Chicago, III. 1 r- 1 . . vim c mmii 9 a m 10 o " unaay. 10 a. m, to 1, eune.aj) ;in4 -utunUy until 0 1.11, W Hot Weather or Cold Weather You want a comfortable placo lo work. You spend more time In your olllco than you do at home. Why not be comfortable? TUB PICK IIPILD INC Is tho best heated building lln the winter and tho coolest building In town In tho summer. No west ex posure. Light anil air from every Hido and perfect ventilation through the court. The rents nre no higher than lu poorly constructed and baily heated and ventilated buildings. R. C. PETERS & CO., ftentnl Agents, Ground Floor, Hen UulMIng, $5.00 A MONTH. DR0 McCREW, SPECIALIST, Treats all Forms cf DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 Yesri Efxpirlincs. 12 Yejfjin Omaha, KI.KCTIliriTY a nil iBKHK.'AI, '1 rraiiurut cotnhint-d Vjrimcnle. St rlctnre, Syphilis, LosBof Vigor and Vitality ri'HF.S (irwUNTDKD. Charges low IIOJIK TIUUTMKVT. Hook, Cnnsul-ation and Kxam. Inatloti Tree, Hours, U a, in od; 7to8;i. ui Sunday, 9to 11 I O. llcs7f. Oftlre, N. K. Cur. litUaud Fir-jam Streets, OMAHA. NEU.