10 TTTTC OMATTA "DATT.iT TVEE: TUESDAY. APTUTj ',, 1000. ii.wnr.v ininArusi' sai.ij. 100 litfrn Clprkn for Tiiriilny " !HI :tlMI,0l .SiiiU of IVopli-'fi .Slorr. This rolwiifll Kale brounht even bigger crowds .Monday than wo looked for and wp liavo to nnolnglz to those cuatomcm who had to go Bay without being waited on. Tuesday the immense stork will bo better nrrancfl tor ni-lllng, and In addition wo havo put on 100 extra naleepeoplo and n suro tho best posslblo service. The earlier you conio tho easier to delect. Such tremendous bargains In fine new poods wero never oflored to Omaha buyers until "The People's Store" was compelled to sacrifice their Immense stock for Hay den's ready cash. Wo make the prices that do tho business. HAltOAINS ON' SAM: TTKSDAY KIIOM TUB PBOPLB'S STOCK IN DOMESTIC AND UNUN DEPARTMENT: All the 35c, 3!c and 50c towels nt 2.'c each; 25c towels nt 15c each; 32 and 40 Inch wldo India linen aud lawn, was 10c and Jfic, ut Hayden's, Gc yard; Sc and 10c checked nainsook at Hiiyrtcn'H, 2,4r; yard wldo mill remnants, bleached muslin, at tho nit? Store, 34o yard: 30-Inch fancy drapery Swiss, was 10c, 12',ie and 15c yard, all perfect, Hi Haydon's Sr yard; 25c anil 2'Jc bleached table linen, lRc; People's Store damask, marked $1.75, on sale at Uayden's, J1.00 yard; 2-yard long dresser scarfs, plain white and fancy printed, wero 25c, TuesJav. J5c. Now Is tho time to pick tip bargains In linens aud domestics; toko a look through our department, the largest stock and tho lowest prices every time. imi:ss ooodh sai.k. Jmt hear the other fellows roar. All the blow and all tho gush do not mako prices. Wo have tho People's 7-month-old dress goods, and any lady wanllliR a new drcm, It Is Just llko finding it. .lust read: Neat new spring plaids, 2'4c yard, all you want of them (no peddlers); half wool cashmeres, he; half wool serges, 10c; storm serges 42 Inch wide, 10c; homespuns and silk and wool novelties. Oc; plaids, Miltlngo, novelties, sold up ns high an C!c, on this sale, 15c. Seo our 2.1n tables; there Is not a yard on them that the People's did not sell from 50c to J1.00 per ynrd. See our 30c table, all goods wore hold nt from 75c to $M per yard. All the cheviots that the People's sold at $1.50. we will sell nt 75c; all tho crepons that thn Pcoplo's sold up to $2.50 will go at 9Se; all the golf plaids that tho People's sold at $1.08, will go on this salo at 75c; nil the Krench flannel that the People's sold nt 75c and OSc will go on this sale at 40e. Sweeping reductions will be made each day until all this surplus stock will be rinsed out Come early. Several special salesmen here to wait on you. TUESDAY WOOER AND DETTEIt P.AR C1AINS KKOM THI3 PEOPLE'S SILK STOCK Such crowds, such bargains, such excite ment, was never beforo witnessed at any silk salo ever held. We will bo in better BOSTON STORE'S CHALLENGE Our Annual Challenge Sals Startine Todaj tbe Greatest MercintiU Erent in Omaha. BARGAINS ALMOST BEYOND BELIEF Tlir Immense lltiyltiK Crrmil (lint 'TliroiiKetl livery Alule In Our Mtiirr Toiliiy PriM eil Hint Nil eh llur unlni Were Aever OITereil, STILL GRANDER tlAKGAINS TODAY. Wo say It again and provn It again. No other store can glvo you un good values as no do. No ono can glvo you so much for your money as we do. No matter what happens, No matter when or how. We ehalleugo any one to offer such re markable bargains as these: Ladles' laundered shirt waists, this season's style, 75c iiuallty. Challenge salo price, 2'jc. Ladles' $1.50 flgm-ml brilllantlno skirt, challenge sale price, 19c. Ladles' $5.00 silk lined spring Jackets, black and colored, challenge sale price,$ 2.19. 75c Krench coutlllo and summer corsets, black, whlto and fancy floral designs, all sizes, main floor, challenge sale price, 29c. CHALLENGE SALE DRESS GOODS. 25c dress goods, 5c yd. $1.00 dress goods, 29c yd. $t.50 dress goods, 19c yd. 50c silks, 9c yd. 75c illks, 25c yd. $1.00 silks, 49e yd. $2.50 black silk velvet, 69c yd. CHALLENGE SALE SUITS AND SKIRTS. $12.50 ladleH' tailor mado suits, $5.00. $17.60 ladles' silk lined suits, $9.9S. $3.9S silk capes, $1.50. $7.60 all wool tailored skirts. $1 .03. Ladles' tailor made skirts, $2.9S. CHALLENGE SALE MILLINERY. $1.00 pretty trimmed hats. 39c. $1.25 trimmed walking hats, 50c. 50o untrlmmed hats, be. $1.00 untrlmmed bats, 25c. $2.50 trimmed hats, $1.00. Copies $10.00 pattern bats, $3. OS. Copies $15.00 pattern hats, $1.98. $1.00 and $1.00 flowers 10c and 19c. Challenge salo of all kinds of dress trim mings, worth up to 75c, go nt 3c and 5c yd. 1.000 bolts almost every style dress trim mtngH, worth up to 25c, go at lc and 2c yd. 300 pieces silk fringed gulmp, all colors, worth 35c, challengo sale price 3c yd. 2.1c fancy buckles, chalkugo salrprlco Cc. Dig bargain table with torchon and silk laces, challenge sale price l'c yd. Kour bargain counters with Valenciennes, Mechlin. English and German torchon, silk position to wait upon you, tables will again land oriental laces, worth up to 50c, challenge CLOTHING AT A SACRIFICE All Profit Pnjhed Aiidi-All Energj De Toted to Quick Selling. THE CONTINENTAL MUST IKVZ THE ROOM Money nil Olijerl. Too Vt (iiiriuent llr Hprveil Snip A (Trot llnllre MneU of I'llie Itenily to Weiir Clothe HntM, Mliuci, I'ttriiNhliiK. The one great opportunity Is now n't hand. Never again will you bo able to buy such reliable clothing nt such prices, but we'ro determined to move tho goods and we'ro cutting tho price devper than It's ever been cut before. $20,000 worth of clothing must be got out of the way this week. Top coats worth $S go nt $5.00. Top coats worth $10 go at $6.75. Top coats worth $12 go at $7.50. Top coats worth $15 go at $10. Top coats worth $1S go nt $12.75. Top coats worth $22 go at $15.03. Suits worth $10 go nt $7.60. Suits worth $12 go at $10.00. Suits worth $22 go at $16.00 . Stills worth $25 go at $18.00. Hoys' long pants suits go nt J3.S5, $5.50 and $8.60 that are worth double. Hoys' 2-plecu suits at $2. S3, $3. So, $1.50. Hoys' reefer suits, $2.50. Hats at 75c. Hats at $1.00 and $1.50. All our hnts at half prlco or less. Shoes at $2.50. A shoe that will cost you $4 and maybe $3 at other stores. This Is a. genuine cut prlco sale forced upon us by tho tearing down of our Klfteenth street wall and by the arrival of the new spring suits for which we must find room. CONTINENTAL CLOTHING CO., N. E. Corner 15th and Douglas. t ii i,i,i:m: sai.i; ni xitor.s ii..ii. U.lMMl l.ntllp' ..-.. OH, Kt.tM) nmt :i,00 lliiiiilttirn mill Welt Shoe nt !l.:tl. AT IIOSTON STORE, OMAHA. We have always told you that we sold more shoe. and better shoes for the money thmi nil the other stores In town put together, nnd we demonstrated this fart again yester day and will do It again today In n manner which leaves no room for doubt and which Is really remarkable. $1.39 KOR LADIES' $5 AND $4 SHOES. You Just think of It. hero we put on sale no less than 2.000 pairs ladles' nno black and tan hand turn shoes, absolutely made to re tall this spring for no less than $3.00 and for up to $3.00 pair, nnd glvo you your choice for $1.39. Theso are facts which cannot bo denied, get our share today while this oppor tunity lasts, It Is almost Impossible for It to occur again. Wo have also a big salo of men's shoes nt $1.69, which are better thnn any man's $2.50 or $3.00 shoes that are offered nnywhero else. k Our misses' shoes at $1.15 arc better than anybody etaes $1.60 shoes. And wo have splendid boys' shoes nt $1.39, j which uro better than anybody clses $1.73 , shce. Iloston Storo fells more shoes nnd better shoes than anybody else In town and you know It. Como to this salo today. IIOSTON STORE. OMAHA. N. W. corner 16th nnd Douglas Sis. nt hi" rib- were broken The old Injury Trnelim s l.otiN lieiimler. ATLANTA. (in . April 2 - The Journal's Ja.'ksoiu llle. I'll, i orrr-pomli'iit nerd tile following The oilier or polloe Ill rerellH of lixmlilrx rrom SI Louis akln Inf. r inatloti onrertilng tbe u bi-re.ili -'its i I Roland fju'titln. t iibb' of ,i I it'n' ' orpor Mttou of that 'll He Is said to hive ubsi otiib d with Jl" (Jiili tln wiii trai ed to New (HN.in-i ft. .in w hli b tl.i' ' l left for Klorld.i, K""U bv way of Atlanta Grand millinery opening Wednesday nnJ Thursday. Kred Kern, 1408 Douglas. bo filled to overflowing with theso wonderful values: Moro silk at 10c. More silk at 25c. Moro silk at 33c. Moro silk nt 29c. $2.00 fancy silk nt 49c nnd 69c. $2.60 brocado and evening silk for 69c. $1.00 black silk at 50c. Foulards aud wash silk almost given away. No ono ever dared to sell silk so cheap. No sale ever compared to this. Come nnd bring your friends. $25,000 worth of silk to be sold at once. 1E0PLU"S NOTIONS, RIBBONS, ETC. Como and seo tho marvelous bargains. A lot of 25c, 35c nnd 50c belts from tho "People's" store nt 5c each. 5c, 10c and 16c dress trimmings lc yard. Spool cotton lc. Crochet cotton, best quality, 2c. A big lino of 25c and 3."c picture frames 10c each. 50c dresser scarfs 19c. Rest quality corduroy binding 2'c yard. Host quality brush edge binding lc ynrd. 60c belt hose supporters 16c pair. 60c handbags 16c. Ribbons worth 25c at 5e yard. KURNISHING GOODS KROM "THE PEOPLE'S." Men's finest 50c neckwear at luc. Regular $1.00 neckwear 25c. Men's 25c hosiery at 10c. Men's 35c suspenders 15c. Men's 75c white and colored shirtB from tho "People's Store." slightly soiled, nt 26c. All "The People's" 75c underwear nt 25c. $1,00 kid gloves 39c. $1.60 kid gloves 69c. Ladles' 36o hosiery nt 15c. Children's 23c hose at 10c. Ladles' 60c underwear 1214c. Ono lot of ladles' underwear worth up to $1.00 nt 26c. Ono lot of cornets worth up to $1.50 nt 49c. THE ENTIRE GROCERY STOCK OK "THE PEOPLE'S STORE" NOW ON SALE IN HAYDEN I1ROS. GROCERY DE PARTMENT AT HALK PRICE. "Tho People's" 25c baking powder, 9c. All kinds of spices In pkgs., "People's" price 10c; ours 3c. IS-oz. cans sauced mackerel, "The People's" price 3Sc; ours 23c. 15c baked beans; our prlco 6c. Pickles In glass, "Tho Peoplo'B" prlco 15c; now 6c, Their 6o prunes now 3c. Their 10c prunes now 5c. Runkle Pros, cocoa, their prlco 45c; ours 25c. Aunt Jemlna's pancako Hour 5c. "The Pcoplo's" 10c Japan rice, 6c. Their Sc Jap rice, 3c. 25 lbs. sugar for $1.00. The Peoplo's 12c quality corn, 7V4c. "Tho People's" 10c cans lyo now 6e. HAYDUN I1R03. salo nrlco 34c. 6e and 10c yd. An ImmuiHo quantity of all kinds colored embroidery, challenge wale prlco 5c and 7V4c yd. Embroidery and Insertion, worth up to 3. challenge sale price 3',ic, 5c, 7'4c nnd 10c yd. CHALLENGE SALE CLOTHING. $7.50 men's wool suits, $3.95. $12.60 men's wool suits, $6.50. Men's llnent $17.50 business stills, $12,60. $3.00 boys' sultf. $1.25. $3.00 boys' suits, $1.98. Hoys' wool kneo pants suits, doublo knees and seats, 29c. CHALLENGE SALE KURNISHING GOODS. $1.00 men's laundered shirts, 39c. 60c colored laundered shirts. 29c. Men'" $3.00 spring hats, $1.3S. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. corner 18th nnd Douglas. I mi In lii Servlee. The Anchor Lino steamship City of Rome n resume her regular plnco In tho New York nnd Glasgow service nt once, bavin,'; Just been released from tho service of tho Hritlsh government. Her next sailing day from Now York will bo May 6. Why t'lulrrmi In dip Dnrli When by traveling In tho luxurious sleep ing cars of tho CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn on tho electric lamp and maku tho berth ns light as day. City Office, 1504 Karnam st. Grand millinery opening Wednesday nntl Thursdny. Kred Kern, 1108 DoughiB. Stonecyphwr, prlntor, nd-wrltor. Up-to-date cuts for sale. 1201 Howard. Tel. 1310. I tonipnt limner. It should ALWAYS bo remembered Only ono Chicago rnllway line Operates Llbrnry Huffet Cars On ALL limited trains. ONLY ONE railway line Runs a limited day train I'rom Omaha to Chicago, Illinois, With Drawing Room sieepers, library and dining cars. ONLY ONE railway lln RUNS TWO fast night trains From Omaha to Chicago With complcto dicing and library car service. THE OLDEST railway line In Omaha. Tho greatest mileage of any Omaha line. Tho moBt modern and best equipped. THE NORTHWESTERN LINK. Viinoiiiieoineiita. A matinee will bo given tomorrow of "The Old HomeHtcad" at Boyd's. Denman Thomp son will positively appear at this perform ance. Usually Mr. Thompson dims not ftp pear at mid-week matlnew, but ns this 1s his first appearanco In Omaha In this play he has consented to play his part. Sydney Klower, LL. D., of Chicago, has consented to give ono more, lecturo in Oma ha boforo ho leaven. Tonight at Credghton hall ho will speak on Zolsm, tho new rellg Ion on magnetism nnd perpetual youth. Tlie Attention of thr Travollng public Is respectfully Invited to tho magnificent equipment offered to patron? of tho CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY between Omaha nnd Chi- eago. Solid vestl'iuled, steam heated and electric lighted trains. Palace sleepers and diners, buffet and library cars, freo reclin ing chair cars, fast tlmo and union depots, City Ticket Ofllce, 1504 Karnam st. K. A. NASH General Western Agent. Witnesses wanted parties who were present Monday morning In Hayden'a dress goods department when a young man was dragged through tho storo and called "shoplifter," etc. Address D 33. Hee. All palms, bulbs and other choice plants from Greater America exposition aro for sale nt Apalry building, Exposition grounds, at very low prices. Open Sunday. I TIM IBWMK'CTW STCETli! FOUR OF 'EM FOR CHICAGO Anl they'ro nil fast. Daylight Hxpr ss 7:23 a. m. (Parlor and chair cars.) Vestlbuled Klyer 4:00 p. m. (Sleeping, dlnltiB and chair ears.) Chicago Limited 7:30 p. m. nieuping. inning ami cnuir cars.) Chicago Special 12:35 iMidnleht (Sleeping, dining, library nnd chair cars.) Ticket Ollloo, Burlington Station, 1 502 Farnnm St. 1 0th and Mason Sts Tel, 260. Tel. t2D. 1 TWENTY ARRESTS, NO FINES "Mine Momlny" MnrullIK I'liftnrn III 1'ollce Court nnil In No Ciinp l I'll II iM ll III Ollt llllllONPll. Twenty arrests were made by tho pollco between noon of Saturday and 9 a. m. yester day. Tho names of all of these wero called In police court h,i the morning, and all wero arraigned savo those who were out on bond, yet In not a single caso was a pun ishment Imposed. All who pleaded guilty wero discharged and tho cases of all who pleaded not guilty were sot for hearing at somo future time. One of tho officers, who had an especially strong case against his prisoner, snld- There Is very little encouragement for the pollco to mako arrests when they feel confi dent that tho chances aro fifty to one against conviction. Tho testimony of a pollco olllcer seems to have very little weight In this court. Tho word of tho prisoner Is usually taken In preference to that of the arresting officer, and petty offenders throughout tho city simply give tho police the laugh." Of tho twenty offenders booked for ar raignment live, wero plain drunks, three were vagrants, threo disturbers of the pence, throo wero charged with assault and bat tery, threo with hauling manuro within the city limits, ono with maintaining a nulsancs, ono with violating tho garbage ordinance and one with driving a tuck without a number. Aloptnllt.v StntUtloN. The following births nnd denllm were re ported nt the olllee of the Hoard of Health during tho twenty-four hours ended nt noon Monday: limbs-James V,. Llndley. 1510 Corbv, hov; C). V. Itosengren. loi will'iitns, boy, J. V. Carroll, Thirteenth and Kavan, bo , Charles Smith, 26X1 Decatur, boy. Dentil Albert Hell. UOS South Thir teenth, 23 venrs; Hannah Illooin, tiurkso-i hospital, 56 years; I'. A. Krleksnn. St Jo seph's hospital, 23 years; Hlatieh (. Davie, 1341 South Korty-olglith. 11 yearn. ArlrmN Goo Inwiino. NEW YORK, April 2. -Mis Emily OMgh lnn, rister of Rn I'oghlan. the netres. and herself well known on the stage, was taken to Hellevue horpltnl todny apparently iluiane. She has been III several days nnd yoiterda:- she twenme so violent that her physician d n-e'eil that he be sent to Helle- TritliNiort f'liiiiliiiiniloi- III. RAN FRANCISCO. April 2-i'antnln ! Hurt, rommander of the transport Warren. Is ill at st i,uko s nospuni mpvpnii years ngo ho met with an accident In which two DOES COFFEE AGREE WITH YOU ? If not, drink Graln-O made from puro cralns. A lady writes: "The first time I made Grnln-O I did not like, It. but nfter using It for one wek nothing would Induce me to go back to coffee." It nourishes and feeds the system. Tho children can drink It freely with great benefit. It Is the strengthening substance of pure grains. Get a package today from your grocer, fol low the dlroctlon In mnklnc It and you will havo a delicious nnd healthful table beverage for eld and young, luc and 2sc. "Honest Injun" Dec. Do you think It's a gentlemanly net nfter you receive from your patients money for attending them, to Insist on them having your prescriptions filled at rertaln stores so vou can get your "rtke off ' Now, Doc, Is It n sqimrn dal to tell your patlont. when other druggists Mil them that It's wrong. "Doc," our opinion of you I that you arc a flrst-clasn "grnftr," "sponger"' nnd n fraud. Schaefer's Sure Death OV :rnmer's Kidney Curo 7,"e Duffy's Malt Whisky Pnlne's Celery Coin-pound Ulrney's Catarrh Powdor OzomuVlon Physclne , Scott's Emulsion West's Nervo and Drain Pyrumld Pile Cure Pinkhum's Compound wine or Ctirum Fresh Mineral Wafer We have told von before that our -.tore Is the PRINCIPAL MINHRM. WATER DEPOT OF THE WESTERN cnl'N TRY. This statement I iiliolutel true nnd we go farther bv mnklim th tutc tnent. which we i hall, tige ,m one to dlproe. that we havo MORE KINDS of MINERAL WATER THAN I carried by any dealer WEST OF NEW VOIIK. We mention a few kind. which are imrtlculiitiy hard to obtain, but which we always have ftosh from spring. POLAND WATER from Male-. ALl.ol'EC WATER from Wl-consln. IDANIIA WATER from Idaho. CAR A DANA WATER from Spain. HORO LITHIA WATER from Waukesha. WEST HADKN WATER rrom Indiana RI IHNAT i ' i N 1 I , WATER from Spain. VICIIV WATER from Franco CARLSHVD W TKR from ll.dieml.i VERONICA WATER from Louisiana. j Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go New Location. Cor Itith nnd Dodge Omaha to San Francisco 56 I i Hours 55 Minutes Is tho tlmo made by "THE OVERLAND LIMITED" II hours 55 minutes quicker than any other line. Through Drawing Room. Pullman Palace Sleepers. Huffet, Smoking anil Library Cars. Dining Cars, meals a la carte. CITY TICKET OFFICE: 1RU2 KARNAM fT. Telephone it It). g BAD TEETH MADE GOOD Wo chango old teeth to now ones Hot ter teeth mean bettor health. Our plates ato lomfortablo and mittsfactory. Good Set $,ri.00 Gold Killings $l.G0 up Teeth Cleaned ,. To TaiTs Philadelphia Dental Rooms. 1517 lIUUIiLAH ST. Kor an appetizer Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne leads all. Kor 40 years It has taken tho lead for lta purity. Mile Nervine flchnofer's Cough Curo .Peruna i lirorao Quinine; ... S. 8. S. ..LATA... Grand millinery opening Wednesday and Thursday. Kred Kern, 1408 Douglas. SCHAEFER CUT PRICE URUGKIST Cor. 101k Ml Chlcngo Sla. 8..0 roe I . IT Collar HAYDEN s THE PEOPLE'S STORE STOCK ON SALE mm $300,000 Worth of Fine New Dress Goods, Silks, Linens, Domestics, Wash Goods, Furnishing Goods, Notions, Embroideries, Ribbons, Shoes, Sheet Music, Groceries, Etc. sacrificed for spot cash, will be sold at the most ridiculously low prices ever named by any house in America. The most gigantic merchandising deal ever transacted. The Biggest and Best Bargains Ever Put on Sale "Tho People's Store" was in business for.le3s than seven months and every dollar's worth of goods they sold us was new and stylish. They had the highest priced goods in Omaha, but there was not ruiflicient demand for them. UAYDEN'S WILL MAKE THE PRICES THAT WILL DO THE BUSINESS. 40,000 Pairs of Shoes on Sale The entire immonso shoo stock of "The People's Storo"--tho Taylor, Crookor & Young stock the French, Skinner & Minor stock, and tho Underwriter's Salvago Co., bought for spot cash at a fraction of their value, will bo sold at about one-quarter their real value. All on Bargain Tables, arranged in sizes to make selection easy. Tho earlier you como tho bettor a hundred extra clerks to wait on you. A STORE FOR THE PEOPLE Spring and enterprise combine to bring the standard of tho store up to that of any iti the land. The col lection of spring ready-to-wear things under this roof today, speaks a quality of enterprise that tho town has not experienced before, and tho stock ofFors advantages in prices that only the greatest amount of capital can insure. There is no good rea son why you should not get inter ested in the selling going on in this store. Space will not permit us telling much about them, only that the facilities that this store commands, the opportunities that the great output creates, etc., lifts the selection away above tho best efforts of any hereabout. Men's Spring Overcoats. Thai's the price of the best Spring Overcoat that's to de found an where in America jor $o. ITS COrR7 LA 7 EST ST VLB, CORRECTL Y TAILORED PROPER LENGTH, and it's worth eight dollars of any man's money. The only question arises iy, do you want one?. If you have one, you don't need it. If you havon't one, now's your chance to get the best overcoat you or your neighbor ever bought for $f. We've other coats'as high in quality as you might want, then start at $5 and go at fifty cents and a dollar a jump and your money's worth in every garment. An assort ment unapproached and unequalled in all the land, the same styles, tho same lit, the same tinish and one-third the price the merchant tailor asks you. In tfie Millinery Store Third Floor. How seldom a woman gets thoir money's worth in millinery! And we are told that Omaha women pay more for their hats than do women of other large cities. Why? This state of things will soon alter is being altered. Tho store's latest move is to sell you ready-to- DUt-OIl lllillillfirv flip inrrnnt . - - - J w v t j vvyu jvuiu the latest and choicest styles, at one-half and less than can bo found elsewhere. Tho department is ready for your looking. Wo'vo marked every hat in plain figures. You'll take no chance of go ing wrong in your Kastcr selection. ES EERE. Tho end of tha great Are Rain of I'Unoj drawn near. nocllon must bt mad quickly, hut Mh la oaay with mich tempting prices na the ttfti on the Pteaoa ohow. This salo entera into Its fourth week with mid Im In In hod TlEor, but It doaerves to, for It has been A PIANO BALK WITHOUT A PAHALLEU. The Pianos, tuu prices nnd tho tcnus havo mado It ko. A Few of the Many Bargains. Fine Upright Pianos, all varieties of woods, $188 and upwards. Cabinet Grand Upright, worth $825, only $188. Fine Hallet & Davis, walnut case, only $225. Ebony Case Upright, only $100. BTKINWAY, A. R OHABK, VOSK, STBCBit, FJMKRSON AND PACKAflUJ Planoa, $100 la than regular prior. Now, clean, dry PIno on which tha factory made Bpocla! concession owing to our lows by flro, at correspondingly low prl 'ea. Kvery In-itrtiment fully warranted. We noil on eay monthly payment and rive hundBcuue Stool and Scarf fro with each Instrument. Senile Mueller, if &J Reliable Piano House, 1313 Farnam Street. 337 Broadway. Go. Bluffs HURRY TSfiflE FOR PIANO BUYING HAYDEN B m CURE Y0URSELFI I Itic 43 int Uti.nttin4 la 1 1 i Jll. YM (Mm liar -iii, loimmilin' l..n. liotrtoUfll U 1 ruuiiHiiM ur mi nmiiDDl 041 U llrUture U IIIU w II H t'jMI'll.lll 4 tMrQM flouitliao, I't i tu., tin '. t l iMtriu THfEvmCHlMMlCo. ''" ' I'1" " C1NCIHHT O.JHM " "y "rilESUU. l 'i- ..r I. Iiotili'. (. -(.ircuir cui in iikiu.V IIOWI l.lS fi-Kawf Curfs when all oi hem fall Prompt in a. Hon. H,if , ,4 ""' Try it, WANTHD-luae ut fo, tivulth that IM P-a-N H wll' not be nZnt. 5ml . cinti to IUpHtix Chi mlral Co.. N Vor c. for S uimpluu and 1 0fi0 testimonial. THE BEST 7EK-GEHT CiBSR IN THE MARKET 1 mmii' Selling; "The People's Store" Stocks. CONTAINS THE FINEST CUBAN TOBACCO UNION EMDE p. r. niCK m. r. co MA.i;r.fTi nuns, st. i.olis, aio. O. A. KAIUiUACIC, OMAHA, UISTIUUVTUU. A