Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1900, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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THE OMAHA DAILY U 15.15: StJXDAY, Al'lULi 1, 1000.
Ho Ripple Btira tha Social Pool at the Bi
ginnlng of Paiilon Week.
gram, which Is nearly ready (or announce
ment, wilt follow the usual linen of club
Interests, namely Art, education, tho
home, and tho Industrial conditions affect
Ini? women nnd children. Mrs. C. H. Buck
waiter of Springfield, 0., well known to
Omaha club women, Ih chairman of the pro- I g, stockham were Riven first
cram committee. The local biennial board )UBi nna Mr. Hunter were consoled
contains such familiar names ns Mr. J. 3. i the booby prlies. After
ltd the I'nuslnic of !. t Tlirrc Will
,Uc MitrrliiK mill til. Iiik In Mur
rlnmc Simm'llii ' 1,11
Wliltc ."Mitlnl.
a home to a large number of their women ha. She lenves this evening for Denver nnd
friends. A cuetslnc contest was furnished other points In Colorado.
for the amusement of the guests. Miss Iaura Klshcr of Florence. Wis . Is
Mr. nnd Mm. Edward Orr entertained roy i visiting her sister, Mrs. Arthur l'lnto.
allv at hleh Ave Friday evening. Twelv.- 1
Peck. Mrs. William Planklnton, Mrs. K. V.
Vilas, Mrs. Hamilton Towntend, Mrs. T. H.
Drown and Mlas Elizabeth Lcee. white Mies
Zona Oalc of the Evening Wisconsin Is
chairman of tho prc-ss committee.
games were played. Mrs. Hunter and C.
delicious lunch
.Soeliil riilrniliir.
Mnsnw. Anrll 2 Dancing parly, Miss
Hazel anil Master Kugeno Kurd.
Odcon Dramatic club, Mr. Charles
Tl'KSDAV?' April 3-NelKhborhood Card '
club, Mrs. komh.
'I'll I in lit i llet'.
Mrs, Frank C. Fuller entertained at a
"thlmblo boo" on Thuradty afternoon for
Mrs. Merrltt of St. Paul. A novel method
of amusement was Introduced, consisting
of a contest In draping potatoes with Japan
ono napkins, transforming them thereby
Into clown dolU. The prize for tho nuvt
I effective costumo was awarded to Mrs. Pcr-
Houth Side Whist club, Mm. lllgtfs. feet. A trophy for the most grotesque pro-
WEDNESDAY, April l-Cooklng club, Miss ductlon fcU t0 thc lot ot Mrg, Jensen.
Helen Peck. . . I
TIIl'HSDAY, April 5-Wlnler club, a
Curd party, Mr.. Snyder.
SAT I'll DAY. April 7 Hall, Jolly
Dunclng club, Washington hall.
IIiiuIIiik Party.
Rowling parties for young women nro
Htlll so rare In the west as to make that
mcdo of entertainment extremely Interest
ing. Evidently the friends of Miss Elmu
Itothechlld were delightfully entertained in
thlf. unltUo way. Judging from the merry
peals of laughter and thei general nlr of
gayety which rang through tho hall of tho
.Metropolitan club Monday afternoon.
Wi'ilctluu mill IliiuitRriuiMit..
The mnrrlago of Miss Envnia CrelRhton
and Mr. Fred Nash will be solcmnljed April
Miss Clara Palmer and Mr. Hermnn
Kountze will be mnrrled Wednesday. April
IS. nt Trinity cathedral.
Cards are out announcing the marriage of
Miss Clarn Henrietta Loronzcn and Mr. Clar
ence H. Sweet of Council Muffs, April IS.
On March 21 MlB3 Mary A. Shaw of Wil
mington, Del., nnd Mr. Lysle I. Abbott of
Omaha were married at the homo ot the
bride's brother, Mr. Albert W. Shaw, 123
Clark avenue, Austin, Chicago. Mr. and
Mrs. Abbott vltl be nt home to their friends
at C32 South Twenty-eighth street after
May 1. "
I The marriage of Mr. Ilobert Towno of this
city and Miss Frances Da Shlcll of Albln,
I la., will bo solemnized tomorrow at the
home of tho bride's parents. Miss Da Shlcll
' Is tho daughter of Georgo 0. W. Da Shlcll,
had boon served by the hoJtcfa Mr.
look a ilashllght of the Jolly crowd.
Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Chtittle wele pleas
nntly surprised at their home, 22C5 North
Nineteenth street, Friday; evening by u num
ber of their friends. The occasion was the
seventeenth anniversary of their marriage.
Cards were played, followed by a dainty
luncheon. The flrrt prizes were awarded
to Mr. Noel Ctirtlths and Miss Carolyns
Licder. The consolation were given to
Mrs. Dean and Mr. Hay Cook of Council
I) luffs.
Tho third of the series of afternoons given
by tho George Crook Woman's Relief corps
No. SS nnd their friends for the benefit of tho
old soldiers' monument was held at the resl
denco of Mrs. William S. AsUwIth Tuesday.
Many ladlcu were present, notwithstanding
tho Inclemency of tho weather. Refreshments i well known In that section of the state. Mr.
"Isn't It a shame?" "What made her do
It?" "That's Just llko a man; couldn't put
off a mere trlile, such as Important business,
for bo necessary nn ending to girl life as an
elaborated wedding."
Such wcro n few of tho remarks of thc
ultra-foshlonablo whon tho announcement
camo that (Miss Eva Kcnnard and Mr. James
Wallaco had been quietly married Saturday
evening nt C, and soon after wero speeding j
toward foreign shores.
Tho placid calm of the fourth Lenten week
was considerably ruflled by tho event, and
naturally, for Miss Keunard occupied nn en
vlablo position In society and thc disappoint
ment of not seeing tho winsome miss In her
wedding robo was keen. Tho unfortunato
part wns having tho groom called hastily to
Kurono bv Important business and thus
cheating Damo Society out of nn elaborate t
function, not to mention tho annoyunco to ,
kind-hearted friends who throw rice nnd old
. . ... i. .n.i.l. It ttwtlt linnnrlntl I
snocs ana wuo V"" ,r f I Mrs. Klggs entertained tho
torture Just to Insuro by their acts of good
will n happy married llfo on tho grounds that
a bad beginning makes n good ending.
Tho charm that hangs about so many west
ern wedding tours was clearly explained tho
othor day by tho remarks of a recent Ucnc
dlct: "Tho western winds would take the
starch out of any bride. When Noll undj I
boarded tho Denver train her hair wns blow
ing In seven different directions, her hat was
coquottlshly dropping over ono car, her prim
tailor suit was beaten by tho wind till sho
presented a most dclapldnted appearauce. In
deep distress sho urged mo to wait for tho
noxt train so that sho might at least colt up
her dishevelled hair.
" 'Not much!' I cried, 'Wo can rldo tho
rest of tho Journey In peace, for no ono
would tako you for a brldo now." "
Wedding bells will ring out with unceasing
Joy during tho month of 'May and, if Dame
Itumo- knowa whereof sho speaks and sho
usually does an elaborate Easter wedding Is
on tapis.
A recent magazlno describes nn Ideal wed
ding of EaBter-tldo as an all white one one
In which tho decorations nro all of tho
beautiful Easter lilies. Tho bride and her
m.ilda nro devoid of a vcetlgo of color In
tholr gowns. Wo might mnko it Idealistic
"by having tho rooai and his attendants In
whlto duck suits.
Sonic Illimrr Turtle.
Mr. and Mrs. Lomax gavo an elegantly
appointed dinner Thursday oventng for Mr.
nnd Mrs. Downing of Portland, Ore. Tho
contorpleco wns a beautiful bed of pink
rosea and ferns. Each woman's plato was
marked with a fcunch of violets. Tho par
tlclpantu wore: Mr. nnd Mrs. Downing,
-Mr. nnd Mrs. It. W. Paxter, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Tlogors, Dr. and Mrs. Gllmorc, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Ono ot tho most elaborate luncheons of
tho soason was glvon by Mrs. Ben Rosenthal
to twclvo women. Tho tnblo wns olaborato
in ferntt nnd lilies, whllo each woman re
ceived a canary bird. Covers wero laid
tor Mrs. A. Ilrandols, Mrs, II. nrandr-U,
Mrs. Dr. Simon, Mrs. Cohen, Mrs. Mandcl
bcrg, Mrs, Knlz, Mrs, II. Cohen, Mrs. C.
and L, Klrschbraun, Mrs. Morris Levy.
Mr. John A. Crelghton gavo an elegant
dinner Thursday evening. Covers wero laid
for ton. Tho dinner was given compli
mentary to Miss Emma Crelghton. Scarlet
carnations formed u beautiful ccntcrpleco
for tho tabltx
IliiiuiliiK 1'nrty.
Thursday owning Misses Hattlo and Jull
otto Morris gavo a reception nnd ball tq a
number of their frlnnds In tho rooms- of trio
Metropolitan club. Tho roamn wcro -beautifully
decorated In pink and green. In tho
banquet hull covers worn laid for flfty-ftvo
guests. Music was furnished by a full or
chestra. At 11 o'clock tho banquet was
nerval, nfter which tho guests returned to
tho hall nbovo whero dancing was continued
until nn curly hour.
MIm Hattlo Morrln received In n gown of
foluo g re n mil no nnd, with Mr. Den Newman,
led tho march. Miss Jullotto Morris wore a
creation of -whlto opera bntloto trimmed with
point nppllque.
I'leimurm I'nxt.
Mrs. F. M. Beach entertained nt cards
Saturday afternoon.
'Mrs. Charles Jaynes gavo a kenslngton
Thursday nftcrnoon.
Mrs. Oeorgo Marplcs gave a delicious
luncheon Thursday.
Miss Chapman entertained delightfully at
cards Saturday evening.
Mrs. Rector entertained her friends at
cards Saturday aftcrnoou.
Tho Sowing Clrclo was entertained by
Mro. Remington lust week.
Miss McKolvcy entertained at a "palm
istry" party Monday evening.
South Side
Whist club Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlcn Urquhart entertained
tho Hon Ton Card club Monday evening.
Wednesday evening MIbs Jonnlo Undcland
was greeted by a masquerade BUrprlso party.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Vnn Court gavo a card party
Thursday evening to a largo number of
Tho Hanscom Park Card club was de
lightfully entertained Friday by Mrs. Frank
Tho K. of A. club gavo a dancing party
to a largo number ot guests Friday evening
at Magnolia hall.
Mrs. Joseph Nevillo gave n successful sur
prlso party on her daughter, Miss Aln,
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Coakloy entertained a dozen friends
Informally Tuesday afternoon complimentary
to her sister, Mrs. Anthony of Chicago.
Tho Thurston Rides wcro nt homo to
their friends Tuesday evening at the ar
mory. Dancing was tho featuro of the even
ing. Master Arthur Kuhn gavo a birthday party
Saturday In celebration of his nine years.
Music formed a charming part of the after
noon, Mlna Luclla Bradley entertained a num
ber of her friends at her home, Twcnty
soventh and Davenport streets, Saturday
Mrs. Crittenden Smith gavo an Informal
5 o'clock tea Friday afternoon for Miss Ben
nett, a prominent member of James O'Neill's
Miss McKcnna nnd Miss Donno gavo tho
last of tholr successful dancing parties Fri
day oventng. A large number of guests en-
Joyed tho dances.
Tho members of tho Tuesday Morning
club wcro charmingly entertained nt
luncheon after tho recital by their hostess,
Mrs. Horaco Hurt.
Mrs. Charles Black gavo a large card
party Thursduy evening. Tho decorations of
cut lloworw nnd viands most dainty added
to tho evening's enjoyment.
Mr. Fred Brodegaard gavo a box party Fri
day evening at Boyd's opera house for Mrs.
llrodeganrd, Mrs. Mltllo Ryan, Mrs. Frank
Mahoney and Master Edward Ryan.
iMrs. Oaten entertained tho High Five
Card club Friday evening. It was tho last
meeting of tho club for tho season and
proved qulto tho most enjoyable.
Mrs. Julius Kcssler entortalncd charm
ingly tho Wednesday Lunch club. Mr. nnd
-Mrs. Kessler entertained nt a theater party
and supper nt tho Omaha club afterward.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Field entertained nt
dinner Friday evening in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Wllllnru T. Robinson nnd Mrs. M. M.
Allen of St. Louis. Covers wero laid for
Homer Shoarer entertained nt tho homo
Of his parents, In Dundeo Place, tho La
fayette Card club of young pooplo Wednes
day ovenlng. Tho enjoyments wcro cards,
music and dancing.
Mrs. Pfelffer of 832 South Twenty-tlrst
street gavo a conundrum tea euncRuny
evening to a number of friends. Tho mode
of entertainment as well as tho tea wan
were Eervcd and a very pleasant social tlmo
was enjoyed by all. Tho next of tho series
will be entertained by Mrs. C. L. Perkins,
Twenty-third and Charles streets.
Tho Daughters ot tho Revolution were en
tertained Monday evening by Mrs. Alfred
Millard. Tho guest of honor, Mrs. Anglo
Newman of Lincoln, delighted the largo
party present by a description of tho society
nnd customs of tho natives of Honolulu.
Papers wcro read by Mrs. F. E. Hall, Mrs.
Edwsrd Porcvr Peck and Miss Dutchcr.
Muslcnl numbers wcro furnished by Mr.
Conrad nnd Mr. Albrecht. Refreshments
wcro served nt tho closo of the program.
Saturday, March 24, wns tho twentieth
anniversary of tho marriage of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Turner of 2115 Emractt street and In
honor of the event tho mctnbura of tho Twin
City High Flvo club and other friends met
ut tho Turner home, whero tho evening was
pleasantly parsed In progressive high five,
music nnd conversation. Prizes given In
tho gamo wcro won by E. A. Butler nnd
Mrs. C. A. Sherwood, whllo consolation
prizes woro carried away by Dan Davis und
Mrs. H. Laufenburg. Mr. and Mrs. Turner
received many beautiful presents.
Towno hns grown to manhood In this city
nnd Is employed by tho Pacific Express com
1-Vilcriitltin of Wihim'h'n ('IiiIin.
Tho announcement that tho biennial meet
ing of 1000 ot tho General Federation of
Women's Clubs will bo held In Milwaukee Is
being widely heralded nnd clubs ovorywhoro
nro talking of dues, delegates and rnllroad
ratoa. Tho Omaha Woman's club recently
authorized tho payment of Its dura, amount
ing to $55. nnd will elect tho soven dole
gates to which It Is entitled nt Its meeting
of April 16. Tho dnto of tho biennial meet
ing Is Juno i to 8, Inclusive, nnd tho pro-
Prevent Mini' People from Trying h
liooil .Medicine,
Stomach troubles nro 60 common nnd In
most cases bo olmtlnnto to euro that people
nro apt to look with suspicion on nny
romcdy claiming to bo a rudlcnl, permanent
euro for dyspepsia nnd indigestion. Mnny
Biicn prlilo themselves on their ncutencss
in nover being humbugged, especially In
This fear of being humbugged can bo car
ried too far. so far. In fact, that many peo
ple Buffer for years with weak digestion
rather than risk a littlo time and money In
faithfully testing tho claims made of n
preparation eo reliable and universally used
OB Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
.now, stunrt s DyspepBla Tablets are
vastly dltTerent In ono Important respect
from ordinary proprietary medicines for tho
reason that they aro not a Bcciet patent
medicine, no secret Is mode of their Ingre
dients, but analysis shows them to contain
tho uatural dlgestlvo ferments, puro aseptic
pepsin, tho digestive acids, Golden Seal
bismuth, hydrastls and mix. They aro not
cathartic, neither do they act powerfully on
any organ, but they euro Indigestion on tho
common sonso plan ot digesting tho fond
eaten thoroughly before it has tlmo to fer
ment, sour and causn tho mischief. This is
tho only secret of their success.
Catbnrtio pllu never have and never can
ruro Indigestion aud stomach troubles be
cause they net entirely on the bowels
whoreas tho wholo troublo Is really In tho
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets taken after
meals digest tho food. That Is nil there Is
to It. Fcod not digested or half digested
Is poison, as It creates gas, acidity, head
aches, palpitation of the heart, loss ot flesh
end appetite and many other troubles which
atu oftvu called bv stuuu athiu noma.
MovcmentR tiinl Wlierenliotitn.
Mr. Georgo Iloorncr Is homo from a trip to
St. Louts.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Joslyn arc In Los
Angeles, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs Charles Dickey have gone to
St. Joseph, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heller returned yes
terday from tho east.
Mrs. E. V. Low-Is Is homo from a sojourn
at Hot Springs, Ark.
Mr. and Mrs. John Frauds arc spending
tho week In Chicago.
Miss Jessie Goctz Is homo from nn ex
tended trip to Cincinnati.
Miss Blancho Rosowatcr Is spending her
spring vacation In Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates returned Sun
day from their wedding trip.
Mrs. E. Dickinson and Miss Dickinson re
turned last week from Chicago.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Brandels have gono
to Minneapolis for a month's visit.
General and Mrs. Manderson have gono to
ashlngton for a threo weeks' visit.
Mrs. C. L. Garrison nnd Miss Atkinson
nro home from a week's trip to Chicago.
Mrs. A. L. Reed and dnughter havo re
turned from their trip to Colorado Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Arnstcln left for Chicago
last night. They will bo gono about ten
Miss Florence Lewis Is home from St.
Mary's, Knoxville, 111., for the spring vnca
Miss Ina Heath Is homo on her Easter
vacation from tho State Normal school at
Mr. i-orrest uicnaruson nas gone nn a
thrco weeks' trip to BoBton, Washington
and New York.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Dletz aro expected
homo from their extended European trip
tho first of noxt week.
Mrs. G. W. Llnlnger has returned from
St. Joseph, Mo., whither sbo was called by
tho death of her brother.
Judge Woolworth Is home from New York
City. MIm Woolworth will remain thcro
for tho grand opera season.
Miss Georglo Krug has returned homo
nftor a threo months' visit with fricndii
In St. Louts and Galveston
Mrs. W. G. Templeton nnd daughter, Flor
ence, left yesterday for Hot Springs, S. D.,
for a short visit with friends.
Mrs. Dnlton Rleloy, who has been danger
ously 111 with pneumonia, Is now out of
danger nnd improving rapidly.
Miss Mario Lulso Helnrlch will return
from Chicago on Tuesday, to spend a fort
night with relatives in this city.
Mr. William Wallace left last Saturday
for Europe. He was accompanied by his son,
Mr. James Wallace, and his bride.
Mrs. F. M. Marsh nnd daughter, Mts
Harriet, of tho Winona havo returned from
a six weekb' trip to tho Pacific coast.
Miss Sarah Macomber, who has been nt
Miss Ruth Wellcr roturncd yesterday
from Laramie, Wyo., where sho has spent a
month with hor sister, Mrs. Ralph Crandall.
Martin J. Cannon, Jr., returned from Chi
cago last i-riuay, wuero no was called to
tho deathbed of William F. Reed of Denver.
J. J. Gibson and wife and daughter havo
returnud from a three months' trip In tho
south nnd nro now located nt their old
home, 2117 Wirt street
Mr. nnd Mrs. Metcnlf, who havo spent tho
past threo months In California, will visit
during tho month of April with Mrs. Met
calf's sister In Portland, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. L. Eekormnnn sailed
from Now York April 3 to spend
months In tmvel through Europe and also
In tho Btudy of music.
Mrs. 1). M. Vlnsonhaler and daughter,
Isabel, aro visiting Mrs. Vlnsonhaler'a par
tno onts, Judgo and Mrs. Andrew Ellison at
Mr. J. N. Horten Is building a dormer
window on his residence.
A called political meeting was held at thc
own hail last Friday nignt.
Mrs. W. H. Tlndall, who has been confined
to her room with grip, Is bettor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wy.outt havo moved Into
their new homo on McCaguo street.
Mr. J a men A. Howard -mndo n business
trip to tho Black Hills during last week.
Mrs. Sherwood Quinn hns been qulto sick
for somu tlmo, being confined to her room.
Tho dirt Is being removed In tho place
whero tho new club house la to bo built on
-Military road.
Mrs. Harmon Hollenburg wns taken sud
denly 111 last Friday. Dr. Dlppel was called
and sho Is ugulu better.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hatllllnger nnd family havo
moved to Ames, Nob., whero Mr. Hnlllflngcr
will farm and rulso sugar beets.
Littlo Louise Hoffman met with quite nn
accident last week while playing. She fell
and cut her lower Hp qulto ljadly, though
not seriously.
Instead of tho regular routine of Sunday I
school work at tho Methodist Episcopal ,
church, each teacher gavo a short talk lust I
Sunday morning. i
Tho Ladles' Aid society held a short meet
ing last Thurssday utteruoon nt tho homo of
Mrs. Georgo W. Hawkins. It will hold an- '
other meeting in two weeks. I
Tho Infant daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. !
, l.nnscn, who has been sick some time,
died Inst Monday. The funeral was held ,
,tinwiinhlv nnlnvntl liv thn IMlnatH.
...u.f wujwjw.. j , ..-I I... . I ,..
Tho drill and Informal hop of Monday nnw , , ,,.v , rhI,
ncnnlni, vlvnn l.v Ihn. Hninhn nilnrrla vnu ' n
thoroughly enjoyed by tho largo number
present. It was held nt tho armory. Ser
geant Jamrs Allen won tbo modal.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Undoland entertained
ut high flvo Tuesday evening. Tho house was
tastefully adorned for the occasion with cut
flowem Prizes were won by Mesdames Sut
ton, Schiller and Bergstrom, and Messrs.
Connoran, Llnzendorf and Bond.
Miss Eugenia Mo rami gavo a dinner to a
fow friends at her homo Wednesday ovenlng.
Covers wero laid for Miss Ruth Dnhlman,
Miss Ircuo Perfect, Mies Helen Hlbble, Miss
Blancho NWatermann. MIbs Mnry Murray,
Miss Madgo Nagcl, Miss Helen Buckingham
nnd Miss Eugenia Mornnd.
Tho Cooking club was entertained
Wednesduy by Miss Ethel Morse. The table,
with Its gorgeous decorations of brides
maid roaes, tied with largo loops of pink
ribbon, the ends of which extended
length cf tho table, wns much admired by i Klrksvllle, Mo. They will remain two
tho members of tho cluu. An elegant
luncheon was served.
Tho Oom Paul family was very pleasantly
entertained Friday ovenlng by .Mrs. Blake
and MIbs Miller at 212 South Twenty-fifth
street. Tho score-cards wero In tho form
of transcontinental railroad tickets, each
gamo won signalling tho arrival at a station.
Prizes wero won by Mrs. Cully and Mr. Pratt,
Mrs. Tnlmnge and Mr. Cox.
A very pleasant surprise pnrty was given
In honor of Mr. F. W. Williams at his home.
Saturday evening, Mnrch 21, by the Forest
ers ot Camp No. 120, Modern Woodmen of
America. The evening was Bpent In play
ing cards. Refreshments were served and
tho Foresters presented Mr. Williams with
n handsome rcckcr. Prizes woro given nnd
all had a merry time. Ladles' first prlzo
was awarded to Mrs. 13. P. Graney of Coun
cil Bluffs; second prize, to Mrs. J. S. Clark;
gentlemen's first prlzo went to Mr. II. U.
Martens; second prlzo, to Mr. W. Welch.
Dr. and Mrs; C. W. Hayes nnd Mlas
Pnxson entertained forty of theJr friends
Wednesday ovenlng at cards at the pleasant
homo of the former, 2010 Lake street. The
houto was artistically decorated with palms,
emllax and cut llowors. tho provulllng color
being red and white. Dolnty refreshments
were served nt 11 o'clock. Tho first prizes,
pretty delft pictures, wero won by Mm.
Francis F. Porter nnd Mr. C. II. Walworth;
tho second by Mrs. Carl vVoodworth and
Mr. W II Gatm, In the afternoon of the
3,-ujo day Mrs, lKyits aud Mice Paxtou was
llll-of-TMvli (itieitK.
Mr. F. D. Culver of Chicago Is an Omaha
Mrs. Moore of Sioux City Is tho guest ot
Mrs. Howard.
Mrs. Rrldgemau of New York Is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Hoag.
MIfs Black, Mrs. Klein's guest, hns left
for her Atlanta home.
.Mrs. (I. v. stebbln? of St. Louis was an
Omnha guest last week.
Mr. J. B. Chapln ot Sioux Falls, S. D Is
visiting friends In tho city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. II. Plummer of Beatrlco
aro visiting Omaha friends.
Mrs. D. C. McKllllp of Seward Is tho
guest of Mrs. R. E. McKclvey.
Mr. Will McKcll of Dea Moines, formerly
of Omaha, Is visiting friends here.
Mr. Harry P. Miller returned to his home
In Salt Lako City after a brief visit.
MIbs Beatrlco -Mangan of South Omaha
was a guest of friends lit tho city during
tbo week.
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Busk nro the
guests of Dr. and Mrs. Crummcr. They sail
for London March t.
Mr. J. J. Evans of Denver has visited rel
attves In Omnha for the past two weeks. Ho
leaves for homo tonight.
Mrs, Charles M Fitzgerald of Kansas City
Is spending a few days with friends la Omi-
Ali-MiniltT onnu k ppnlnteil Interne
of ConU Count' 1 1 1 p 1 1 ii 1 After it
(limpet III ve i:nniliiiillnii.
Alexander Young, who graduated from the
Omaha High school nlth the class of 1SU
has received his diploma from the Chicago
Homoeopathic college and last week won
additional honors In tho examination for
Internes of the Cook rounty hospital The
examination Is open to graduates of any
local" medical college, and of nil the partici
pants Dr. Young secured tho second high
est percentage. This achievement will en
title him to two years' residence at the hos
pital. Dr. W. II. Hanchett of this city, who
acted ns Dr. Young's preceptor for come
length of time, has recolvod a letter from
tho president of thc Chicago Homoeopathl
college In which Dr. Young's record is
spoken of in the highest terms.
l.i-ii 1 1' ii MiinIi'jiI.
Tho fourth recital In the scries of Inten
muslcnlcs attracted a large nnd thoroughly
appreciative nudlcnco Saturday m -riling
The muslcalo wns given at the First Meth
odist church by Mr. Thomas J. Kelly, or
ganist, assisted by Mrs. Kelly, soprano.
Tho classic program proved a revelation
ot the muslcnl possibilities of that magnifi
cent Instrument tho organ nnd each selec
tion was given with tho finest artistic Judg
ment. An Interesting featuro of the pro
gram was tho short talk with which Mr.
Kelly pro-faced each number on tho llfo
of tho composer or tho Inherent beauty of
tho selection.
It was a program calling for versatility,
having ns numbers tho big Cnntlleno Ms
tlcalo of Dubois, Gullmnnt's most effe. tiv
composition, Melody in G, Orison's "Canti
lena," which wns played with crystalline
delicacy nnd exqulslto phrasing, nnd enl
lng with tho Fantasia "Carmen," arranged
by Mr. Kelly, which proved tho most en
joyable numbtir of the program.
Mr. Kelly showed a complete mastery of
tho organ nnd nn adhorenco to tho loftiest
Mrs. Kelly wns never heard to better ad
vantage than in Dellbes' nrlota, ' Thou
Great and Mighty Sea." Her interpretation
wns full of nobility anil her voice rang
out on tho dramatic climax with brilliancy
nnd lire. Sho gracefully responded to an
encoro with "Tho Four-Leaf Clover," whl-h
received poetic treatment, E. (1.
J. I. Car.ijn. Prothonotnry, Washington.
Pa., pays: "1 have found Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure an excellent remedy In case of stomach
troublo and havo derived great benefit from
its use." It digests what you eat and can
not fall to euro.
You will savo money nnd be pleased If you
have your suits made at 1305 Farnam street.
Polnck Tailoring company.
last Tuo;duy at tho residence. Interment
was nt Mount Hope cemetery.
Tho 01. K. L. S. club met at tho home of
Mr. Frank Kellar last Friday evening. The
poet and writer Milton was discussed. On
account of revivals next week no meeting
will bo held till Friday, April 18.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Walsh havo moved
their household goods to their farm, where
they will remain about a month before going
on an extended trip to England, Ire
land nnd also take In tho Paris exposition.
Services this morning at 11 o'clock, ns
usual, at tho Methodist Episcopal church.
Mr. Tolman will occupy tho pulpit. This
evening Rev. Luco will conduct services, be
ginning nt 8 o'clock. This will bo the open
ing ot revlvnl meetings to bo held during
tho week.
-'lore nee.
Miss Mlra C.oodlett wns a business visitor
In Omaha Friday.
Tho Misses Stry and Tracey wero business
visitors In Omaha Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Whitney of Lincoln
visited friends hero Thursday nnd Friday.
Mrs. Clark ot Omaha was visiting friends
hero Friday, returning home Friday night.
Miss Anna Arnold! of Omaha was visiting
her sister, Mrs. William Pultc, a couple ot
days this week.
Mr. Jasper Smith nnd his son made n bus
iness trip to Admnh, Neb., Tuesday, return
ing homo Thursday.
Mr. L. K. Yost und dnughter Maud went
to Council Bluffs Friday to spend n couple
of weeks with relatives.
Mr. Andrew Anderson goes to Blair to-
day to attend tho funeral of one of his
nephews who died Friday.
A girl was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. George
Foster Wednesday nnd a boh to Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Simpson Tuesday.
Claus Anderson, who has been nt Blair
for the past two months, returned hero Sat
urday nnd is visiting bis brothers.
Master Carl Miller of Calhoun visited his
undo hero, Mr. Otto Stubcn, Thursday and
Friday, returning homo Friday night.
Mrs. A. Smith was called to Hosklns, Neb.,
Wednesday on account of tho serious Illness
of her elstcr-ln-law, Mrs. John Foster.
Mr. Porterfleld, with the Omaha Water
company of Omaha, spent Wednesday and
Thursday hero hunting ducks. Ho bagged
about a dozen.
John Corcoran went to Tyndall, S. D.,
Tuesday, whero ho will figure on n contract
to do somo grading near there for tho Mil
waukee railroad.
II nn ilec.
Sunday evening services will bo held reg
ularly nt tho Dundeo school hoiiHo ut 7:30
p. m., Rev. J. E. i.Mooro officiating.
-A business meeting of nil those Interested
In tho church work In tho vlllago wns held
on Friday evening at tho school house.
Ou Thursday Mrs. W. L. Selby entertained
at dinner Mr. and -Mrs. I). I.. Johnson nnd
tho brother and sister ot Mrs. Johnson, who
aro visiting her.
During tho storm of Tuesday the lightning
struck tho trolley on the Dundeo line, tem
porarily disabling ono of Its cnrB. No other
damage was reported.
Owing to tho death of a rolatlve, the lee
turo that was to havo been given by Rabbi
Simon last Thursday evening has been
postponed to tho same evening of this week.
We Are Ready
To show n complete
styles in ladles'
line of up-to-dato
Tailored Suits
Jackets and
At prices that will meet the approval of
thoso who appreciate quality of material
and superior workmanship. Many of our
styles aro exclusive. We Invite you to
111 u
15 10 Douglas St.
Baiii Tub EsianieS
Tho old Iwh tub will look like new If you
will apply some SHERWIN-WILLIAMS
amel, mind you not the ORDINARY en
amelbut the kind made especially for bath
tubs not tho ordinary make of "bath tub
enameJ," either but SHERWIN-WILLIAMS
BATH TUB EN A M EL" no other so
good or so handsrmo in results. It onus 1 1 1
the following shades: WHITE, PORCE
hnlf pint cans. Call for color card ny
ono can apply It.
You can have a NEW LOOKING kitchen
Moor by using about 40 cents worth ot Sher-wln-Willlamo
HARD In ono night. Tho best paint made.
Sherman & McConnsIl Drug Go,
Kith und Dodge.
.Mrs. Robert Hunter. 1807 Lotbrop street.
Kountze Place, Is propared to accept classes
In cooking. Classes of four can bo formed
for either mornings or afternoons. Sho Is
also arranging for young girl classes, to bo
given Saturday. Telephone, A2C39.
Small chip diamonds set In Infants'
ringn. low ns $1-50 larger and better
diamonds in rings for grown folks,
$10.00 to $300.00.
107 N. 16th Street.
Now hats and toques arriving dally. Hair
department largest stock of mado-to-ordor
wigs, bangs nnd switches In tho city.
F. M. SCIIADELL & CO., 1522 Douglas.
Mr. Garolssen will bo at his Htudlo, 215-2111
Karbach block, until August 1.
Mrs. Coutts,
plnno studio, IO.'i Boyd's
For late stylo bike surreys, phaetons road
wagons, sco Llnlnger & Mcfalf Co, Sixth
and Pacific streets.
Arthur Delniore Cheney
Vocal Instruction
Special Attention Given to
English Oratorio.
Suite 315 Ramp Bldg,, Omaha
Easter Opening
Wednesday and
April 4 and 5
Our second annual showing of
Pattern Hats ia for Kastor trade
and are all exclusive deignf.
All our hats will be out on display
find every hat marked cheaper than
it can be produced by any other house. We don't
care where from. Wo have beyond a doubt n full line of SWKLL HATS
nil the LATFST CUKATIONS the MISS 110IH1S Hat In a variety of volois
will take well tho DIUKCTOIIti:. In both black and colors this Is n splen
did style and very becoming. Then we havo hundreds of our own DKAD
SWKLL nnd EXCU'SIVH drigns entirely different from anything you see
elsewhere nnd there Is not the least doubt but we sell a great deal cheaper
than any department store as wo have not tho expense that they hne
therefore we can nnd do sell a great deal cheaper than they do.
W 1 1 V 1 III ..W
Our Line of Pretty
Street Hats
They are simple
Very fashionable
And not expensive.
Remember Next Friday
... 5625.00 IN CASH PRIZES .
The magazine, "Till: CMIILDllKN OF TIIH 1'NITT.D STATUS." edited and
nubllHhr-l tiy Oni -e Soreiison. 513 South 20th avenue Oiiwh.i Neb offer; the follow
ing prize to ihlldrcn under tl years Ji for best original Hhort story . U M for sc -omi
best. $:s f"r best original ioi-m, $2 for second best number und mi tno
size of prizes will be g ven to children between II and li ears In u-lUlllpii .o
"AWAKD OF MIOHIT I'ltlZI'Jri" will be given for m inns rl-iis worthy .f putiil; i
tlon, Sample eoiiy of magazine with full InstriK Hons uDo-it prize nut -t and llt
of premiums olferrd f'-r huIkm rlptloni. sent to any adlre-s fir live crnts.
Ono day only wo will sell any and all ot
Mrs. Gerv.'iise Grnliiim's Toilot
Goods nt Hull' JJrice.
This Is simply doue to seduce our tremendous sto. I.
Extra salesladies hired for our opening.
.-WW-WW -W- 1tv W W-W-V
id Gloves
For Easter.
In all i he new shades, New Violets, Tans'
Modes, Coral, Browns, French
Gray, Etc.
Prices, $1 tip to the Best.
nyii i i oitie. i wi
Tho end of tho Kreat fire sale of lianos draws near. Decisions must be made
iiulckly, but this Is easy with such tempting prices as tho tans on tho lianoa
show. This pale enters into its fourth week with undiminished vigor, but It
deserves to, for It has been A l'lANO SALR WITHOUT A PARALLEL. The
1'lanos, the prices anil tho terms havo made It ko.
A Few of the Many Bargains.
Fine Upright Pianos, all varieties of woodts $1.18
and upwards.
Cabinet Grand Upright, worth $.'J2f, only $lss.
Kino llallet it Davis, walnut case, only $225.
Ebony Case Upright, only $100.
Pianos, $100 leas than regular prices. New, clean, dry Plunos on which the
fuctory mudo special conrcHslons owing to our Iohs by lire, at eorrcflixindliiKly
low prices.
Uvory Instrument fully warranted. We sell on easy monthly pavment-s and
glvo handsome Stool ami Siarf free with each iiibtiument.
Scfimolier & Mueller,
Reliable Piano House.
1313 Farnam Street. 337 Broadway, Go. Bluffs
I $11.75 Made To Your Measure
r g ( Klllu-i' nil wool Inrnesptin or Venetian
I SATn ,n lilu-k -Dark firny .Medium flrn
IflllLlI thrr-n shades of Light Cray thrco Nhailcs
v wm f I.-,,.,.,, ui,,i.,u f ui,,
ti li.u K-Knllr) In fifint double breast.
oil- four rows ut stlti-hliig all around
good ciuallty velvet eollar lined through
out with iroou we.iiinir wlk.
CI," X Wutcau box plait In liack sldo front
lf IPT rhleld-llvn rows of stltchlng-lnterllned-Olmll
l lined with guod ciuallty pc-rcallno good
iiunllty water-proof binding.
This suit Is made by skilled ninn-tnllors for Indies,
every garment under my personal supervision nnd I
claim to rank with nny of thn high priced exiiunhf
ladles' tnllors of America or Kuropo.
WHITH TO MK roil SA.MI'LKH of elolh nnd HULK
MHAHI'IIHMHNT BLANK you eall tako your ."
measure anil I do the rest. My suits ALWAYK KIT If
ini-iiiiuro is . orreet nnd trying on before, completion I"
not uecfHHury. I ulso make other wtyli-s and ut higher
.Mmle In Order Slrlelly Mmi-Tiilloi'eil,
Tho HO!) M HI) I SAM