Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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M&M Alteration Sale
At the "Continental," while a trermndous sacrifici of profit to the store, is a nevcrto-bz-for-gotten
saving to the psople who wear good c'othis. Saturday the sale will be of greater
interest prices will be cut to an astonishing extent nothing wi'l be reserved the space
must be cleared for the workmen who will tear down the Fifteenth street wall. &
97ens Suits
Every medium weight suit in
the house every new spring suit
that came b'fore the alterations be
gan will be piled high on the
tables of the first floor ready for the
Saturday buyers an exceptional
opportunity for getting a fine suit
M2.00 Suits will CO
JIR.OO Suits will go
2.00 Stilts will ko
IS.OO Suits will co
Sftoys' Suits
Our entire children's depart
ment now on the first f'oor in
cluded in this great lose-sight of-the-profit
sale. Never have you bought
boys' suits as cheap as this.
Goternor RelleTes Superintendent of the
State Initiation at Beatrice.
Shoes $2,50
$2,50 for any shoe in the house
no more, no less no job lots to
close out, but every shoe made for
this season's wear, cut and shaped
liki the shoes you pay $5.00 for.
Wo'll give you another pair It "" C
they're not nn good a shoo us you . 1 1
ever hud on your foot only
ijfiurn isiin gs
Some great values in furnishings.
Fancy Half Hose Qq
3-ply Linen
Collars for .
. 5c
Men & Kino irtr
aicn h t'nderwenr 'I Op
half prlco J JU
Men's $1.00 Fancy CQr
Shirts for JU"
Men's "5c Fancy
Shirts for
Men SI 60 Ncrrll. 7Kp
rvn Slilrfs fnr ... '
Long Trouser Suits
Light and Medium weight
-In three lots-JS.50.
Jj.SO nnd
Hovs' Two-l'leco Cheviot
Suits worth nnd sold
for 6.vt nnd tl.OO-S.ttur-day
J3.50 and
Itovs' lteofcr Suits
matched up from stock
only a few left
Hoys' Top Coats
nges 9 to It SI.SO. $1.93,
Jfazts .
Our hat department is getting
thinned out at a lively rate. The
first to be moved, we make our
greatest effort here and cut the price
beyond recognition. $6,000 worth
of hats at half and less .than half.
75c, 1.00 and 1.50
Special . .
We have just opined up on our
second floor a large shipment of the
new spring suits of the celebrated
Alfred Benjamin & Co. make.
All the very latest Ideas reorescntcd wo
guarantee thei suits to bp equal In lit and
llnlsh to any tallor-tnade suit
llveeutlvc Appoint l)r, W. II. Dccrlnw
of t'ns County to the Vnciuit lo
Nltlou Trst "f Governor'
t.tvrnt.N. March 30. (Special.) D. F.
ijinff nf York, cne of Governor l'oynter's
appointees, no longer noias me mm m
superintendent of the Stftto Institute for
Fcehlo Minded Youth ftl iieaincc. nu un
relieved of this position by Governor I'oyn
ter this mornlnB nnd Dr. W. It, Dcorlng of
Cass county was appointed' as his successor.
No change will be made at tne lnsuiuwun.
how over, until about May 1, and Mr. Lang
will remain at tho bond ot the Institution
until that time.
Governor I'oynter Issued a statement this
morning of tho result of his Investigation
at Hcatrlce last week, exonerating Dr. Lang
from all charges preferred agftlnBt him hut
that of being Incapable of governing his
subordinates. Governor I'oynter announces
that Dr. Lang voluntarily tendered his res
Ignatlon. but In tho light of the fight waged
during tho past few months by the super
intendent ot tho Ileatrlco Institution It Is
tho general Impression that ho was given
the alternatve of resigning or being dis
charged. it Is announced that Dr. Deerlng will be
permitted to cho'sc his own steward and
that'ttovcrnor I'oynter will accept his recom
mendation nnd appoint tho man preferred.
I'oynter Slntcn the C'nse,
Governor l'oynter's statement of the In-
vcstlgatlon at Ileatrlco follows:
After .v most, careful nnd thoroupn '"-
vestiffiitlon 01 uie minus; v;.
for Feeble Minded louui m ivnn it...-.
warrant sworn out by W. J. Frltts, a mem
ber of the town board, charging them with
criminal assault. Nenry and Kdgell had a
hearing before Justlco Clements this after
noon nnd were bound over for $S00 each to
appear before the district court. Neary
was able to give tho required ball.
Meeting nf the Different Aorlntlon
Throughout the Stnte llnte
l!n ilril.
Says Peruna, the Catarrh Cure, Gives
Strength and Appetite.
Continental giotbing Company
'The .MiiKketeem"
upon her shoulder, is certainly artistic, not
even excepting the startling shrieks of the
woman crazed with pain. Hut IVArtngan
remains the same tho lovnblc "Musketeer,"
whoso fearlessness, bravery, devotion, im
petuosity, Impulsiveness and nffectlon, so
capably presented by Mr. O'Neill, awaken
miration associated
er. Mr. O'Neill's
slilc Is strong
! enough to offset tho rather medlocro ability
of his associate Impersonator cf the mascu-
K,WWUtt en.hush,, and art
Iloyil's theater for'th6tlrt time In Omaha , with this popular charact
Friday night by James O'Neill. . tiippnrt on the feminine
TUB CAST. ! enough to offset tho rathe
Druinrriin ' r9 din nccnnliiln tmnnrennnl
?&ooeiM lln" rolc!'- Mn,i" "c11, nr Anno,,lc Tf
Anno do nroull Maudo O.Iell ; nnd Mlladi. Is nn actress of superior attain-
1 r-ti m II
1) Artiignnu James O'Neill
mcntK and possessed of a beauty of the
. 1 . 1 ...I.lnt. n.Ma tenml nrf,! II v In
l.ouls Xlll .rinur iwrri'iH oi pans, ixorn u iinrn us iunu ui aunum
Mhos ..f..ieiicrw n i.iou i . (jPrtru(lo Itcnnctt as Constance arc botn
well caBt and qualified In every wny to
essay tho roles assigned them.
l'orthos.... Musketeers".. ...J. V. Thompson
ArnmlP...i ...aiark Kiiswortn
Ho Trevllle. rnptnlti of tha Musketeers..
J. A. Nunn
liouaclcux. u provision merchant
Jaeiues Kruger
Innkeeper .Inclines Kruger
Mllndl - Miiude Odoll
Anno of Austria Nrn O'Hrlen
op Minnie Vlrtorson
Constance Gertrude Hennett
(Irand Corps of Musketeerf. Canllnal's
Ounrds. Courtlrrs, Citizens, etc
Although dramatic productions of Dumas'
famous story. "The Musketeers," have been
given In Omaha twlco within the liiht nine
months. It remained fnr James O'Neill and
his capablo company of artists to present a
I radically new offering to the public In
this third appearance of the ever-populnr
novel as dramati7cd. Tho'verslcn given by
f-'ydncy Grundy, the celebrated English
playwright, Is a radical departure from
former dramatizations, and exceeding liberty
has becii taken with the story by tho play
wright. Still, the same central flguro of
D'Artagan Is preserved with all promlnenro
nnd the scheming Klehcllcu anil tho Intrigu
ing Anne do Hreull continue to occupy tho
Important parts which their connection with
tho original plot deserve.
Tt-o new version Is stnpcd In a magnificent
manner. It la presented In ten tnbleaux.
with n careful attention to detail In point
of scenic effect anil costuming which Is
nbovo criticism.
Tho nromler feature Injected Into the
now version Is the prologue, establishing In
tho minds of tho nudlcnco tho Identity ru
Anno do Hreull long before tho denouement
With a loss capable cast of characters th s
prologue mlnht bo nlntost hideous, but the
ndmlrnble manner in which Maudo Odoll
enacts thn part of tho branded felon, when
Mr. O'Neills engagement clcsss with n
second performance of "The Musketeers"
at this afternoon's matlnea and "Monto
Crlsto" tonight.
The snnltn'ry condition ot the Institution
Tho buildings nru neat and clenn nnd
. .i.- .xt Ait. nml nttontlon.
The inmates are well cared for, brlna
kept tidy both as to person and clothing.
Thero is no sickih'" " 'y .u . ,i
tho lowest 111 tne msiory ui
""' - . . - i,..n
Tho flnnncini maiiHiieiucni i
honestly conducted. The superintendent
has not profited to the nmount ot n iienn
so fnr as could be found to the detriment
of tho stnte or nny pmroii oi iul- msnvu
Tlio superintendent Is deserving of grent
nn.u fnf ii rrpnnrnl nonenrnnco of the
institution, the admirable condition of the
lnmntes nnd tho careful mnmtzement of
the business inieresis oi inn sum-.
Tho Investlcntlon proved that there nnd
grown up dirrcrences oomecn ine bui-'"
tendent and stewnrd which it was Impos
.a .Mnnnlln find wlll.ll ITinterlallV In
terfered with the harmonious worn which
i,.. i,i nrinrnKtprlzn the Institution. This
unfortunate stnte of nffntrs. It seemed to
mc, must ultlmnteiy resun in very serum
ir, t, Hi,, rrnrwi name of the Institution
nnd bo a detriment to the Interests ot the
At iio n!nA nr tiitt invpsiiizaiioii ine su
nnrininmlnni nnd sfewnrd both tendered
mo their resignations, which, under the
circumstances, I have thought best to ac
Smyth Trepnre a llrlef.
Attorney General Smyth has prepared a
brief to bo filed In thei United States su
premo court In answer to a brief filed by
tho Stnto of Mlesourl In support of its
claim to a number of acres of land cut oft
from southeastern Nebraska by a changs
In the course of the Missouri river. When
Nebraska and Mlesourl were admitted Into
the union aB states the Missouri river was
designated ns tho lino between them. Later
a largo block was cut off .. from Nemaha
county by the action of tho river and Mis
whlrh the Improvement cllihs declare aro sourl now claims mat tnis DlilII is a poruon
,..,. lof Atcnison county, .msjoiiri. mm :uii
After tho school ouestlon had been fin- tention. Attorney uoncrai omym arguea, i
Ished It was decided to add two additional wrong, for the roason that tho action o
members to the commltteo annolntcd soma the river was sudden. It was not a gradual
time go to solicit funds for tho support accretion of land that placed tho bluff, once
of a Base ball team during tho coming sea- on the Nebraska sldo or tno river, on in
favor one school, to bo located centrally
A motion that the executive commltteo of
the Itlvorvlew club be appointed to ac
company a committee from tho school
board on a tour of tho district carried
unanimously. This is for tho purpose of
lemonstrntlng the need of hotter facilities
son. The clubs wnnt to raise $300 and 7.rj
of that amount has already been subscribed.
John Power acted as president of tho Joint
I'nrin Work In Vvlirankn.
DOUGLAS, Nob., March 30. (Special.)
Winter wheat In Otoe county appears to have
passed through the winter in good condition.
Fields ore already looking green. Prospects
aro for a good crop this year. Farmers have
begun to sow oats. Next week the great
bulk of the crop will be put In. The ground
Is In good condition for grain sowing.
Missouri side. Pecaufo of the fact tha
this action was so sudden, as the attorney
general maintains ho can prove, ho argues
that tho bluff should bo declared still
portion of the state of Nebraska. Tho at
torney general denies the claim of tne stat
of Missouri that tho Inhabitants of this land
aro at a loss to know whether thoy belonR
to and aro under tho Jurisdiction of th
stato of Nebraska or the Jurlsdltclon of th
stato of Missouri. He says they have, al
ways submitted to tho Jurisdiction of the
stato of Nebraska and their land has al
ways been recognized as "Island precinct
of Nemaha county." They have cast thel
vote for years, he says, In tho stato of Ne
brnskn. They have served on Juries In this
IlEATItlCB. Ncb March 30. (Speslat
Telegram.) Tho Southeastern Nebraska
Teachers' association closed Its three days
session here tonight. The meeting has been
one of unusual Interest nnd largely attended.
Tho clcslng feature tonight was a lecture
by Hon. J. Sterling Morton at the Paddock
opera house before n crowded house, his
subject being. 'Dcglnnlngs of a Stnte." He
was at his best and was thoroughly enjoyed.
The following officers of the association
for the ensuing year were elected today:
President, Superintendent Heed, Crete;
secretary, ltuth Davis, Hcatrlce; treasurer,
Superintendent A. It. Staller, Hcatrlce;
executlvo committee. Prof. C, C. Dansforth,
Tecumseh, and A. C. Fling. Nebraska City.
WAYNB, Neb., March 30. (Spjclal Tele
gram.) Today was the last day of tho most
successful meeting ever held by the North
Nebraska Teachers' association. Many
splendid papers were read and discussed nt
bcth the morning and afternoon scjslons.
During the forenoon Miss Alma Case of
Plum Valley read a paper, subject, "Factors
In n Child's Kducatlon. the Home, the School
nnd Outshle Associations."
"Tho Hthlcnl Value of School Architecture
and Decoration" was tho subject of nn excel
lent paper by Mlis Mary Mason of Wayne
Miss Viola Murray of Pender, on the sub
ject. "Tho Teacher's Duty to the Heglnnlng
Child." presented one of the best papers oi
the session. Among the best papers of tho
ftcrnoon session was ono by Prof. Pyle ot
tho Nebraska Normnl college, on the sub
cct. "What May lie Considered as tho hs
scntlals of Arithmetic; Aro Wc Aiming to
Teach Too Much of This Subject In the
niiiie Schools?" and one by Prof. Clemens
f tbo Fremont Normal, on "Methods In
Teaching Arithmetic." Hotli proiessors
handled their subjects In a manner tnat was
greatly beneficial to tho largo number of
enchcrs present. The association nujmiriiru
i r, n. m. Manv of tho teachers rcmaineu
n tho city to hear the lecture to be given
t tho opera house tontgnt oy i.oionei .
Hastings. Neb.. Marcn au. vapwnu
Telcgtam.) The three days' session of the
Ichth annual meeting of tno central
braska Teachers' association was brought to
a close hero this evening. The program for
this morning wns as follows:
Music by Hastings High Scnool nuanei.
Manual Training," Itegcnt K. N. Farrell;
Mathematics." T. J. Stoctzcl of Scotia;
Science." A. P. Stephens, Holdrege; "His
tory," V. II. McLucas, superior;
cuneeH." G. O. Sears, Grand Island; "Ilus-
inets Training." C. A. Murch. Kearney; "The
Personality of the Teacher ns a I-actor in
Kducatlon." O. C. Hubbcl of Knirnciu.
Tho afternoon session wns opened witn a
vocal solo by Mrs. Gould. Then came papers
n follows: "Heading Circle Work." Supt
c r nishon of York; "High bcnooi
Course a Preparation for I.lfc," Supt. J. T
Mnirinnnn of Kxotcr; "A Preparation ior
piii.o. " Sunt. H. C. Ostein of St. Paul. The
nfflpers elected for tho ensuing year were
President, It. J. Uarr of Grand lsinnn; vice
president, W. A. Julian of Hastings; secre
tary, Miss Punnlngton of St. Paul.
Hon. XV. N. Roach, United States Senator from North Dakota.
Hon. W. N. Itonch. United Stntcs senator from North Dakota, personally ondorses
erunn. thn urenl catanh euro and tonic. In a recent letter to Thn Peruna Medicine
Company, at Columbus, Ohio, written from Washington, 1). C, Senator ltoach says:
"I'ormniilod h.v n frletiil I hnve iisctl rernnn, an n tuiiie. nnu i nni Kinii
entity thnt it linn urently unpen nif in mrennin, vik'nr nun uppt""-.
hnve been hiIvImimI by frleinln thnt it m reinnrKnmy ciuciiciouh nn n. euro
for the nlinnst iinlversnl eoniplnlnt of t'litnrrli.
Senator Roach's home address Is Larlmore, North Dakota.
runa has no substitutes no rivals. Insist
upon having Poruna. Let no ono persuadn
you that no other romedy will do nearly n
well. There Is no other systematic remedy
for catarrh but Pcrunn.
Mr. liyron J. Kirk huff, nttorney and coun
sellor nt law, writes
Thoiupsiin'H lliiom for Senntnr.
WNCOIA. March 30. (Special Telegram.)
-About 100 Ilurllngton railroad employes siai an(i (heir land Is recorded with tho
tonight formed a non-pnlltlcnl Thompson
club, tho purposo of which Is to arouse.
favorable Interest In tho candidacy of D. B.
Thompson for United StatC3 senator.
A l-'lemllHli Attuok.
An attack was lately mado on C. F.
Collier of Cherokee. Iowa, that nearly proved
fatal. It camo through his kidneys. III3
back got so lamo ho could not stoop with
out great pitln, nor sit In a chair except
propped by cushions. No remedy hoipeu
him until ho tried Klectrlc Hitters, whlh
effected such a wonderful change that ho
writes ho feels llko a new man. This
irnrvelous medicine cures backncho and
kidney trouble, purifies tho blood nnd builds
up your health Only 50c nt Kuhn & Co. s
Drug Store.
I'nlon Mrrtinc of Impro venirn t Clulm
ut Which Sellout l-'nellltleM re
The Hlvervlew and tho Southslde Im
provement clubs met In Joint session at
Metz's hall on South Thirteenth street
Friday night nnd discussed public school
fncllltlfH until nearly 12 o'clock. Messrs.
Johnson. Human! and Smith of tho School i
ilnwti to nnmltml
t.-nfn In ntlnnihtipn TtlA unilthsldO I l,tlta.1 Mm iviindivnrV
uwuii. ... . -- - nary in uiuo cuuuij i"r iuur yrurs, was up'
clubi are domandlng that two schools bo Tho usual monthly dnnce was nlven Frl- foro lho district court this afternoon In t.
built, one on the Vinton site nnn me oiner " t "'' "i1,1"" ,
......... i T.-r.t w Thn : ornnmi lodre. No. 70. S nr of Jupiter. A
ill nuui i nii" 00)i . m(, was 0ly,.(l uy the IITKP llllm
argument In favor of maintaining two lipr in attendaiice. II. D. Christie. J. W
schools Is thnt tho area Is too great for Kurtz, nnd Miss Anna Kelly were tho en-
on .rlinnl. The School hoard, so far as , lenninmeiii commiuee.
Mrs. Millie Itynn, nn Instructor In vocal
culture, lost a nocketbooK Thursday con
..!.. tin Cl,n il.U.t. ulm Inul It frnm tmr
muff while on her wny from' home to her spondlng secretary,
.studio lu tho Itamgo flulldln?.
At the Patriotic League club meeting
this pvenlnir the sneakers will he Nel
con O. Pratt and Phil 15. Winter. .Mr,
Pratt's subject will be, "The Influence ot
tho Itcpubllian Party on tho Nation." .Mrs.
rcuiiren nnu outers wm sing.
Tho two-ston- frame and brick dwelllnc
nt MO South Twenty-fourth street, occil
pled by Marlon Hlce. was discovered to be
rn flr vPMlprilnv. lint iho lire ilpniirt-
i menl arrived in time to keen the damiices
An overloaded stovo
tho llamltg Iron tnprlnts tho fieur-di-lls represented nt the meeting, seemed to
Bewate. of Little Expenses
A small lejk will sink n larp,e ship.
10,000,000 Welsbach Lights, in nightly use,
yield 600,000,000 candle power light.
l.nm 11. Ir
v S129.000 per'hour
from this
35,000 per hour
from this
$250,000 per hour
v mm m nmr
Produces light at
( tltt exfimse of the tip burner '
and yi the cost of the incandescent electric light
Sold Everywhere Price CO cents
White Fawn council. No. 9. I), of p., nnd
nmaliu trlble, No. 18. I. O. It. M., enter.
tniucd memners mm menus Krlday even
ing nt tho Labor temple. Progressive IiIkIi
llvo nmt dancing nrronieci amusement for
nil. The committee in charge consisted of
Mesdnmes VoorheeH, Itosslter. Smith.
Albln; Messrs. Shnckclford, Haumester and
W. O. Ileckman. nsslstant suuerlntendent
of the railway mull service at Washington,
l), i'.. is in i no city on nis wuy trom Uevll H
Utke. N. D.. to St. Joseph. Mo. While hero
ho inspected the local system tor thft trans
fer of mull between the depots nnd tho
powtolllco and conferred with the nostnias.
tcr regarding Improvements which may bo
introduced ny tne department at tno expi
ration ot tne contracts now in torce.
Gcorno A. Gwyer, an employe of C. F.
Adams & Co.. sustained a broken leg yes-
tornuy ny oeing kickcii uy u uorse. tie
wart driving u delivery wngon on iiownrn
htreet, nenr Fourteenth, when tho animal
suddenly kicked, demolishing the dash
bjurd and fracturing Gwyer s left leg be
tween tho kneo nnd nnkle. The frncturo
was reduced at the police station, nfter
which tho Injured man was taken to his
home. 2027 Miami street.
Frank GnlhiRher, Fred Brown. Wllllnm
HarrlnRton, Tom lllllery tind Roy Oumm,
bojs whoso iK0t range between VI nnd 15
years, were given n preliminary hearing In
pollen court yesterdny on u charge of
burglary, after which they were dismissed.
Tht'V were accused of entering ti barn be
longing to L Hurnsteln. Thirteenth nmT
Plereo streets, on the night of March SI,
nnd stealing parts of u sot of harness. The
parents of the buys are Indlmmnl because
of tho arrests nnd tnlk of tntltutlnir pro
cccdlnc against the HuriiHtelns fnr nllegpd
mnllclous prosecution.
Next Wednesday nnd Thunday. April I
and S. the regular semi-annual examination
for departmental clerks, government print
ing ottlco otnnlnyes nnd tie rillwny mall
service will taSe place lu the grand Jury
room on the fourth floor of the federal
building. Thero are sixty applicants for
placet. 111 tho departmental and printing
branches, who will be examined Wednesday.
Seventy persons will b examined Thurs
diy for places In the railway mall service,
two of lho larseat classes ever assembled
In Onia a. The eXHtnlnatlons will be con
ill" ted by I.. W Ccvell of Wnsh'ngton. as
tLituU by the nicuibcu of the local buxrtl.
uicrl, s.-liool npclnmiitiiry Contest
hastinc.S. N'cb.. March 30. (Special
Telecram.I The thirteenth annual Central
Nebraska High School declamatory contest
was held tonight, tho following cities ocing
represented: Mlnden, ork, (.rami isianu Snwnrd. Aurora. Lexington, Kear
n iv.iir ciav Center. Harvard ann
Har'tlngs. A. H. Stephens of Holdrege. C
t. Anrtomnn nf Ord and II. C. ostein ot oi
Paul were tho Judges. The first awards
nt. trlven to nalnh Adams of Mlnden, ora
torical; Maudo Harnett or ueneva, uniimmc
nnd Erctna Hnnlon of Hnrvartl, numorous
u'.vno Content lienor! Wrouic.
AllLINOTON. Nob.. March 30. (Special
Tnlruraml Tho report from Wayno con
corning tho North Nebraska High school
iipeinmatorv contest held thero Marcn -
was wrong In stating that Fremont eecured
second place In tho dramatic class, in
aggregate markings of the Judges on a seal
of 1.200 nolnts stood: Homer rayton, soui
Omaha. 1.144 points: Ray Conrad, Arllng
ton. 1.125 nolnts: Zoe Olldden, Fremont
1.118 points, thus giving Arlington eccon
placo and Fremont third. One Judge gave
Arlington first placo and two judges ga
South Omaha first place.
Iteniihllciin Cluli nriutnlr.pil
TAHLK ROCK, Nch., March 30. (Special.)
Tho republicans of Table Rock and vicinity
met ut tho city hall last night and organized
a republican club for the coming campaign
Tho following are the officers elected:
C. Hoyd, president; Captain R. P. Jennings
nnd A. A. Wlddficld, vice presidents; U,
Wood, sccrotnry and treasurer.
Ilr, .Iiiiifn lloiinil liver.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., March 30. (Spe
clal.) In tho case of tho stato against Dr.
Isnac I). Jones, after hearing the testimony
and tho arguments of thn attorneys, Justice
Archer considered tho evidence sufficient to
Justify him In causing tho doctor to glvo n
$500 bond to guarantee his appearance In
district court, which was done.
Ileimhllenii Paper In XehrnsUn.
STrtOMSHKIlO. Neb., March 30. (Spe
cial.) The republicans of this city hnvo In
terested Mr. Allphln of Kdgemont, S. D., to
put In a republican paper here and he will
Issue the first copy In about ten days. The
republicans are well organized hero this
year and hope to accomplish a great deal
during tho campaign.
"I used Kodol Dyspepsia Curo lu my fnmllj
with wonderful results. It gives Immediate
Mr. Kd J. Mnklnson, contractor nmt
builder, BIO Ornnil block, Wabash street, St.
'aulj Minn., says
M any uocior
bills can bo saved
by tho use of Pe
runa. I havo all
my friends tak
ing Peruna nnd I
hnvo heard noth
ing but praise
from them. Last
fall I had a bad
cough. I took four
bottles of Peruna
nnd It cured me.
1 am Inclined to
ward consumption,
ns all my family
havo died with It.
1 weigh 185
Mr. R. J. Maklnson,
Contractor mid
nounds nnd I believe It Is Peruna that has
glvon mo such good health."
Pnruna Is not u guess, nor an experiment;
It Is nn nbsoluto, scientific certainty. Po
runa cures catarrh wherever locaieu. re-
from 691 Hates ave
nue, Hrooklyn, NY.,
tho following:
"I hnvo used your
Peruna for catarrh
and find its curative,
powers nil you rec
ommend. It cured mo
of a very bad attack
and though I suf
fered for years, I
feel entirely reliev
ed, and If It will
benefit others I
gladly glvo It my
endorsement." Ad
dress Tho Pcrunn Medicine Company. Col
umbus, Ohio, for n free book on catarrh,
written by Dr. Hartman.
Hyron J. Klrkhuff,
Attorney nnd
nt Law.
register of deeds of Nemaha county.
The; State university base ball team played
Its first gnmo of base ball yesterday after
noon, defeating the High school team by
a score of 7 to D.
Tho Nebraska Art aF60ciatlon has elected
tho following officers: President, F. M.
Hall; vice president. H. B. Lowry: word
ing secretary, Mrs. T. M. Hodgman; corre-
MIfs Sara S. Hayden;
treasurer. A. O. Oreenlee; trustees, C. K.
nossey, I), n. Perry, J. Sterling Morton,
Mrs. S. C. Langworthy and Dr. Harold
Clifford ot Omaha.
Stnte llnnae Note.
Treasurer Mcsorvo and Lnnd Commissioner
Wolfe have gone to Nebraska City to In
spect tho now gyranaalum building con
structed for tho HIInd asylum.
Lorn Kephart, sentenced to tho peniten
tiary In Otoo county for four years, wns be
case of habeas corpus. Kephart escaped
after he was sentenced nnd was not cap
tured for several months. When he was
finally delivered to the penitentiary tho
date of sentence was not changed. Ho
claims that tho warden hns no right to
Av.nna 1. 'a limn in rni'ar tha. r.M.ln.1 ,,-V. M ,
he was a ftultlve from Justice. The dentitv relief, is pleasant to take and Is truly tho
Generally Spring Colds
nro cntiHod by wot foot tlirn como. tho
hot foot Imtlis nnd tonics. All these
i-nn lie avoided If your boy wenrs Drox
I,. Shoomnn's kIiopk-Uio ?1.M) pIiocs-Uio
shoo Unit lio 1ms sold these many yours
sells them for the Ritnie boj'H iiKiiln and
uRiiin more of them every year. It Is
the genuine value that makes the de
mand no Kteat there Is no other shoo In
these parts that begins to Rive such a
value for ,?1.M), It's no Idle boast with
us when we say we sell the best boy's
51.50 shoo In Omalia.
Drexel Shoe Co.,
attorney general appeared for the warden
and contended that tho tlmo lost should bo
added to tho sentence Imposed by thri
district court.
UM'AMP.MKVr OF THI3 tilt AX!) A It MY.
Depnrtinent of NehrnnUn Will Meet
Tlila Venr nt lleiitrlee.
LINCOLN. March 30. (Special.) Orders
hnvo been Issued from the headquarters
stating thnt the twenty-fourth annual en
campment of the Department of Nebraska,
Orand Army of the Republic, will bo held
nt Heatrlce, Neb., beginning on May 0, 1800,
at 3 o'clock p. m.
Commander-in-Chief Albert D. Shaw has
accepted the Invitation to bo present at this
encampment meeting, If possible.
For the purpose of securing the location
of the twenty-third annual reunion of tho
soldiers and sailors, to be held In tho year
1001; nt such tlmo and place ns may he.
designated by the twenty-third annual en
campment of the Department of Nebraska,
(rand Army of tho Republic, the depart
ment commander will rerelvo senled pro
posals at department headnuarters nt Lin
coln, Neb., until May 7, 1900. at 12 o'clock
noon, from cities, towns and villages In the
Meillrnl Soeletr Meetn.
TECUMSEH. Neb.. March 30. (Special )
Tho annual meetlg of the Southeastern Ne
braska Medical society Is on In this city. A
short session wns held this afterncon and a
banquet tonight. The program will be con
tinued tomorrow.
dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Hartgerlnk,
Ovorlscl, Mich. Digests what you eat. Can
not fall to cure.
Snttirdny In lie I'nlr nnd Sniulny
Wh r in er Winds Due to Become
WASHINGTON, March 30. Forecast for
Saturday nnd Sunday:
For Nobrnskn nnd Kansas Fair Saturday;
Sunday fair, warmer; winds becoming
For Iowa Fair Saturday; Sunday fair,
warmer; varlablo winds.
For Missouri Fair Saturday; Sunday fnir.
wnrmcr; northerly winds, becoming vari
able. For South Dalrtn Fair, warmer Satur-
day; Sunday fair, winds mostly southerly.
It Looks Impossible
that the prices can be out to nearly one
half on new, elean, dry, IiIrIi srado
pianos. Think of buyltiK a full size
piano, continuous lilnjjes, Ivory and
ebony keys, patent roll fall board, duet
music desk and the latest stylo carved
case for $11i7. ?1:17, S1IS, .flfiS, iflHS,
for only $1." cash and per month,
fuller hlub made Stelnways, Klmballs,
Knabes, Kranlcli - Hnchs, Hospes, Vic
tors al correspondingly reduced prices.
.Seeing Is believing. A half hour spent
lu our piano rooms will convince tho
most skeptical.
Music and AtL 1513 Ooutfas.
Cluirireil nllh Crlmlniil AmxiiiiM,
LYONS, Neb.. March 30, (Special.)-Wit-!
Ham Neary and Anfiis IMgell, both of this
city, were arretted this morning upon a
Thn makers of
OP BKKP will mnil frro to nny
liouBcwifo nu attractive cook book
containing 100 recipes. Kond your
address on postnl to Liebig's Ex.
tract Co., P. O. liox 2718, N.Y.City.
Special Desserts of Ice Cream -
The following are a few of the many
desserts which we make to order: Kggs,
natural size, containing yolk, ?l per
w i dozen; birds' nest. ?1 per dozen; small
I ... ,. . 1.. 1.. ........ ,,jlo C1
CIIICKOIIS, .! per iiu.uu, liiim i iibhh, vi
I each; setting hen, eggs. 1'J portions,
' Sf-Jt each; wish bones, tied with ribbons,
i.;t per dozen; large rabbit, ir portions,
$15 each; wine Jelly. SI per quart; St.
Honore. Ili to 1(1 portions. .?;!; Jardiniere
! en bellevue. .! per dozen: doves,
Individual wine jelly. l per dozen.
W. S. Balditff.
1520 Fartiam St.