TJIJi OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATUKUAl, JIA1U 1L UI. 1!JUU. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES AUvL-rtlNcmcntii for these nlll lie Inkm until 1U roliiiima fur tlto evening; Million mill until HiiW I lor iiKiruliiK mill Sunday edition. Ilntr. 1 l-'-ic n. word first liiserlloiii lc n vioril lierentler. Nothlnit taken lor less tlni it !i.-.c for the Urst liiNer tlon. These tulvertUcnient iiium uo run consecutively. AilviTllnvm, liy requcstlMB num. tiered elieck, t-nit linte dressed to n numlicriMl letter In enre of The llee. Ansvrers nililrciieil trill be ilellvcreil on presentation ol the check only. WANTL'U SITUATIONS. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want on please call up tho Remington typewriter onice, 1613 i-'arnam st., telephone 1573. A-133 GERMAN gentleman wishes Inside work. u- ei uee. A JiJii si" BOOKKEEPER, -with lime nnd varied ex perlence, thoroughly reliable, boxt of ref erences, in open for engagement. C 62, Ben. A COO 31 WANTED MAI.IV HELP. WANTED: we hnve steady work for a few KOofl hustlers or good habits and appear ance. C. F. Adam Co., 1019 Howard St. H-131 WANTED, mnnngtr and agents: salary or commission; cheapest ana largest line, Jiunter Tailoring nnu Biurt uo., Linuw natl. Ohio. B-M1I0 AT t picture agents; expenses paid. 1S1J Lcav'th Rnt.IiTT-t --nni1. n rrllnlllC. llUStlln Rfltrimnn 1r,y I n llnr-mnfln SUllS and trOUR ers: salary or commission. Twin City Tailoring Co., 1009 Farnam. B-MM9 CAt.i?iir,v in .ll irtli sneelilltlna- line sldo llnrw nril by all mcrohanls: rataloc free. Model .Mfg. uox u, nmun , "u ina. u .nina BARBER trade tnught thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particulars irre, Adrirest, Western Barbera' Institute, Omaha. Neb, -BIT. WANTED, an experienced, competent flor 1st who speaks German and English. Ap ply u, nana, ii.i vimoij at. u-.u WANTED, men to teiirn the barber's trade ti-n offer I he bust Inducements to those In tending to learn the- barker's trade thor niiulilv: neml. for rHtnloL'iic. The Amerl can Barlicr f'ollegi'. Midland Hotel build. Ing, 'corner Kth uild Chicago Sts.. Omaha Neb. U-.M3H WANTED, a llrst-class traveling salesmn 1 - 1 1 .......... .nn.ll., 'nllAllflnn frll'nn III Hell Jitil.'IIL iii;i,.vj..i;i , nuiiniwn n - only to replies from traveling salesmen of expctlenre. Address Drawer II. Hlnlr, N'eVnrkn. B-M50I 2 WANTED, n. coachman and references required. II. W brnska Nntlonnl Bunk a gnrdener; Yates. Nc-B-JW2 3 WJVTKII mnn vvhfi rrtn milk mill do fiirm work. Trnnsnilmlsslppl Milk Dalrv. t'th nnd K, South Omnha. . B-M500 2 - i i P AP EH HANG KH and na.l!iteT to take part pay in nouse rent, u ii, if:c. x .i.m. Ttnv. 1ft In 1R veirs old- meehntilcal Ideas: Industrious; nmblttoiis trt'thoroughly learn tlie ODllcni itiihiness: living in mime; rci eren'jes reiulrc;d: ,gnod, opportunity Col umbian Optical Co. B-M593 "WANTEDA good carriage painter. 1409 Dndffe Sti' ' B-Ml 31 WANTED, experienced, bookkeeper (male). to do half dnvfi (forenoons), posting on ledger of wholesale hotose; may lend to permanent employment: do not nunly un less proficient In pcnmnnshlp nnd llgures. Address IxicK liox 204, council ltiuns. B-M620 Al WANTED. llrst-rhiHS locksmith and model mnker. L. C. Sharp MucMno Works. 316 So, 13th St. H-GS.T 1 SALESMAN wunleU to curry ns n sldo line dry goods specialties direct from tho looms. To well t-ie country and crosn rnfldB trade. Address Enualal Co., Maiiuf.icturera, 213 Ionic St., Fhllndelnhln, I'll. IS Aliui l" MEN. everywhere, to travel: $15 weekly also expenses nnd commission: some lo cal; no fake- Addreru "Salr.i Depart nicmt," HWl Market St., Philadelphia. JJ-M736 ! TRAVELING Bailsman wanted for fall trado to sell our special make? of dry rood direct to retailers on commission. The Purnell Dnle Mills, Box 569, Philadel phia, I'll. B-M735 31 WANTED, carrlngo pnlnter at Omaha Car riage wnri, 3i a.-iitn-'st: h .mtis "WANTED, experlenred man ns eonehm.m and man nnoui nouse. i. ii. .Mci-oru, enro MrCord-Bnuly Co.. B M7I7 1 MOLER Barber Colleges aro located In New ork. C hicago. St. Iouls. Minneap olis um! San Fram-Uco and wo offer -freo tralis'iortatlnu to our nearest college for uuy ono to lenrn barber trade. Wo have no school In Omaha or Denver; we offer special advantages to graduates this spring nnd will guarantee ton wages nfter only two months' prnctlco: this saves two yearn' HP'irenlleeshlp- constant practice can bo nan in tun larger cities t'ataiogue nnd all particulars mulled free. Moler Barber College, Chicago, 111. B-M743 6 WANTED, four good salesmen to go on tho road; expenses advanced; salary and commission to right parties). 507 N. T, Life. B-M741 3l WANTED rr.MAI.K WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 876. in m C $0 girls wanted. Canadian offlco 1522 Douglas ; C-25S WANTED, cook; good wngos: Germnn or lioncminu prcrerrcu, iii a. rat Ave. C-M571 31 WANTED, girl for second work nnd to ns slst liv tho oaro "of two children.' lie S, 32d -AW. C-M670 31 WANTED, competent girl for gonernl housework: family of two. Cull nt 535 So. 29tll nve. C-5S1 30 WANTED, a llrst-class conk nnd laundress to go west; three In family; wages $10; references required. No. 1300 S. 30th nve.. city. c .moss 3l WANTED Several experienced shirt milk ers at once. Albert caiin, 1322 rnrnnm St. c 001 1 GIRL for general houso'w'ork: references. 710 .N.IKI. C 003 31 WANTED, saleslady f6r ladles' ncckwenr. NoiirnsKa fiotning uo. C J1C21 I WANT is 1 J, gin rpr light .housework; two in lamiiv. oi. o. iitn nve. l .mih ?a GOOD girl wanted nt onco ut tho Creche ror puiin ironing umi washing. . C-479 ! COMPETENT cook 111 smnll family. 2701 i-arnum, r csl 31 rou ttUS'T IioUsus. IF YOU want your houses well rented place IIICIII IVIII DUIIl'IVA C vu. U 135 IT HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. D 146 FINE modern residence, 12 rooms, on motor line. .-No. iij .Norm win sireet. J, T. uiarKo, n-j uoara or i raao, u Ji29fl A2 HOUSES, all kinds. 36 U. S. Nat. Ilk Bldg. U .M995 FOR RENT To smnll family. 7-room cot. tago in good repair: city water Inside: cistern: eonl shed; 22nd and , California on., mijiiiro at wi j, itu ar. u 115 ALWAYS moving II, It. 'goods. Pianos. uiiico ioiii i arnam at. Tel. 1559 or S6J. D-H7 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-140 HOUSES for rent In all part of the city.,i ft . !ftn C3.i .4.1. - . D-141 FIVE rooms. 2321 South 16th st. D-7i6 CliniS BOYER. 2123 Cuming. Tele. K 2051. W .1 k ,J J I . J ' . 1 1 ' I J 1 CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry u, j-ayno, cvi ., 1, j.uc, i-none. uib D-133 FOR RENT. B-room house, 10 ncres land: plenty of small fruit. J. H. Parrotte, uouiaj UIOCK, umn il rou iii2Yr-uorn. 0-HOOM modern cottage, near motor, will please. 2710 Parker, u- HOUSES and flats. Itlngwalt, Barker blk. D lit FINK 7 nnd S-room apartments In the Nor mandie: speeiai inducements, rinc o-room apartment In the Albion. $27.50. 'Call nnd u in rni?nril in the Inducements. I'ayne-Knox Company, llrst lloor New York Llfo Illdg. D-M572 1 MAnOArtD Van & Storage. 1616 Cap. Ave. Tel. HJO. uiti HOUSES (0 rent. It. C. Patterson, 305 N. Y Life. U1W OR RENT 7-room modern, oak llnlsh; good location; rent low. Apply 3003 Leov -enworth St. D-4VK3P TWO or three furnished or unfurnished 811 S. 2Sth St. D M6H 1 rou un.vr kuiinisiieii iioojis. 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. ROOMS, modern. 2CS0 Harney St. 3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping for man nnd wife: rent taken in uonru. mj N. 17th. E300 FOR KENT, one or two nicely furnished rooms, nil modern conveniences. J street, South Omaha. E-M461 31 FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. 2623 at. .Marys Ave. E-M521 A2l NEWLY nnd well furnished rooms, large nnd small. 2217 ' ' jO-GSG ! 2 Fl'RNISHED rooms, wtth oc without board; strictly modern nousc warning illstance. Address D 20, Bee. E-C84 3 NICELY furnlslml east betlroom, with good closet. Bathroom accommodations. Park nve., near Paclllc. References" de sired: $10 month. Address D 19, Bee oftlrt. E-.M7I9 1 I'UllMSIIEH ROOMS AM) IIOAIII). THE Merrlam fumily hotel, 23th ond Dodge. tin TO 2 gcntlomcn, In prlvato family. 2020 St. -Marys Ave, iiw ROOM and board, $1 to $5. ,1512 Davenport. A 1 flii A-'J THE PRATT, deslrnblo rooms; 'phono 1592. 212 80, 25tll. l n r?(!ar'"f 0 cts.lP f "rn,8f,Cd F-M47S ELEGANT front room with board. 1900 Capitol avenuoi F-M61.C 31 uwriHnMrc nnrlnp bed room, other rooms: ......... .... ....... . . , 1 fT'l. gentlemen oniy; rates raoomuu-. um Rose. 2020 Harney. f Jioia Aii' TWO desirable rooms with board; refer ences 202 N. ISth. F-Wi i" NICELY furnished room, good board: next door 70S Georgia Ave. v iw NICE front room for two, with board; rates very reasonably. 203 8. 21th tt. w r .in j i- rou it nxT rxi'iruxisiinn iioojis, .1 NICE unfurnished rooms In n cottnee; no children: references. 1120 Is. litn St. J. It. Cokeroft. it &vj S OH 4 modern (or fiirnislied). Vi block from car-line, facing Hnnscotu Park. 2001 Wool worm. it i. rou nuxT-sTouiis axd of'ricns. FOH RENT, store In flrst-class location. rent renewable. Apply it. u. J'eiers Co.. ground lloor. Bee bldg. 1205 STORE ROOM. 1106 Farnam. Opp. old P. O. 1 l)l STORK ROOM. 1106 Farnam. Opp. old P. O. 1 bJJ A HUNTS WANTED. AGENTS on salary, or commission:-Tho nirentM st'j it evrr- muuuwu. ...,. r . f tint. il.l.l Inlr 1. 1 1 v . It nn ' xlglit:" 2to to'GOO.ifer cent "'protict ono agent. H pairs w hi oij i.i.r., another $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. . . ...... 1 . I'nn ... .. I J nl.a. Co., X 16, La Crosse, wis. J .Miiu i- 1.IVM tnpii niul w'omen to "Veil oil water proof ehoe lousn: rninea iiseu; no urusii riMlUlrvU; UUtT. IIVI uguiu niv ".uiti'i, wntf" or mud does not nffect luster; agents mnko $-3 per day easy; demonstra tlve wimples free. Wonder Shoo Pollith fr. nrnvm Li Snlln St.. Chicago. y luioi t WANTED TO HUNT. WANTED By a young couple for'the sum mer a lurnisneii cuuuki-. ui huuci-, u ii, Bee. Kr-009 31 STOUAGR. PACIFIC Storage nna Wnrehuoso Co., 912- SU Jono9, gcnorai storage ana torwaraing. 152 OM, Van Stor. Co., 1511 Farn. Tel 1539. 863. ill 10 WANTED TO UUY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc.. In large or smnu quantities, unicngo r ur- lilllire 1.0. , nuo-iu uuvkc a vi. njM. N 151 WILL curchase a limited number or Omaha savings-Mnnic accounts, urummu Love Co.. 3U9 So. 13th. N-155 ENTERPRISE FUR. CO pays high prices tot good household goods. 102 B: llth. iN iiion aiu 2D-HAND books for cash. Ornne; 207 N. luin si. ':-"'" HOUSE to move. F. D. Wead. N-tiM59l 4 ELK teeth. Albert Edholm, Jeweler; 107 N". 16th Ht. roil SALE HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC. TOP BUGGY for sale. In good condition. U 40, llee. oiiw ONWARD JR.. No. 11,992, for solo or loao", Imy horse. Hi nanus, weigni vtiv, regis tered. For particulars nddrcss A. Darl ing, Grand Island. Neb. P-M340-2 0-PASSENGER carriage, cost $300 new, for sale ror J11W goon wueeis. Almost now Columbus1 light phaeton, cost t'R. now 1100. Top buggy, good as new, handmade, $100; cost .- new. DRUM-MOND CARRIAGE CO. P-C10 1 - 1 FOR SALE, horse, phueton nnd harness; horso guuranieca gentie. iwi xates hi. P-M619 ! linitSE niul buugv. chean: separate -or to gether. 210 aourn -nn sireet, near ;-ar. nam street. . l' Jldis 1 FOIl SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CHEAPEST nnd bent poultry and hog lonce. wi uougias at. WiaTr CUTTERS of druir prices. Sherman A Me. conneii urug v,o., ior. iiitn ana uouge at. w-ios i j. FOR SALE, ten R-I-P-A-N-B for 5 cents at druggists, uno gives rcuei, ij 159 2DIIAND salo cheap. Derlcht, 1110 Farnam. 4 161 B. HAAS. Florist. ISIS Vinton Bt. Tel. 776. Plants, cut no (vers. Dgnueis, nail, resi lience weuuing nnu gruve decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly tilled, W ion FOR SALE-Nonrly new upright Stelnway piano tor liw. Auurcrs .oi nee, Q-253-M31 NEW blcyclo tires, $2.53. $2.60 nnd $3.00. Good seconannnu wneeis, 3, tiu anu tl3. Omaha Blcyclo Co., ICtli and Chicago Sts. y uj FOR SALE, sidewalk plank, all widths. 6 to 12 inencs, nnu u, a nnu iu noi lengins, for per mousunu leet. viso ninuiing wood ut ll.TO a load. Chicago House wrecking C9., 'Phcne 256L Exposition Grounds. Q-.M237 31 CUT prices at A. E. Wylle's, 1513 Farnam; iirrmuagu iiouroon, tiucncnneinicr itye, 8 ears old; uriiiK, iuc: pt., c; pt, 50c; ql.. $1; gal. sent C. O. D $1. Q-MSS5 Alt SAFES, buy, sell, etc. Schwartr, 114 S. 1J. ' 1 CI. 1191. V JllW "Oil SALE MtSCEI.l.AM'.Ol .H. HOUSE ollppers a.nd repairs; we grind razors." sncirs, cuppers, etc. a, u. unae lunil. Wi H. Hin St. y Alt CAN sell somo choice Omaha, Council UlulTfl or tcastarn Nebraska farm loans to customer; enual division of commis sion. C. A. Starr, 720 N, Y. Life bid., Omaha. Q-M237 WIIIB fenct. Lcddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. 1650. H-Wj-Aug-y A SMAUi block of select "Ollt ICdgo" min ing stock at a sacrltlcc. D 7, uco. FOIl SALE, inple shado trees. D. P. lied- OET our prlco on our pneumntlc-tlml hlRp uuggy wittt wooil rims, nicycio .poKe, ball bearings: tho latest out. Omahn 111- I cyclo Co., ICtll nnd Chicago. , Q-M71G FOR LEASE, good business corner lot. 30th nnn Ames nvenne. rso saloon. Appiy I'iodman Co., isn vnpitoi nvc. g Mill i FOR SALE, 1 box couch nnd 1 Colonial t'ofa, cheap; both new. 1335 a. 29tn street. Q-M733 ! MINCKI.LA.MIOI.S, WE are all ready for business: largest line In city of Zd hand nousenout goods. En terprlso Fur. Co., 102 S. Hth. K-MG72 A10 NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhnnd furnlturo fi stoves at lowest prices, canoaa lots or less. Chicago Furnltui Co., HM-10 Dodge. H 16t FOR RENT, barn, at 2026 St. Mary's CCAIUVOVA.vrs. MME.GYLMER genuine palmist. 16o5 Dodgo ' S If? s-ie? MRS. PR1TZ, clalrvoynnt, S12 N. lfith. 11)6 MRS. HILL, Dewey's friend, 7th daughter. uorn wun veil, fortune tenor, locates Hid den treasures; ladles 50; genls, $1, Read ings by mall. 2or2 Cuming. Prof. Spiers, magnotlo healer fnlth cure. 8 32S A22 i:i.i:t rittc tueatmext. MRS. BERRY, electro mngnotle treatment nnd baths. 119 N. 16th St.. 2d lloor. Odd. V. O. T 319 Apr. 21 MME. SMITH, room 2, 11514 N. 15th. J -MIS) 31" PEHSOXAL. VIAVI. woman' way to health. 346 Bee bldg DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns and superflu ous nnir removed uy electricity, r. iz. lTenzer uioci:. u 175 SHAMPOOING 25c. hair dressing 23c, hair toilet goods, Monhclt, 1518 Farnam, To I Z333 U-169 LIEBEN, costumer. 1313 Howard. Oct catalogue. ( U-172 RUPTURE cured, no knlfo, no pain, no danger, acini for circulars, ismptro iiup- lure uure, l. l.iio jjioc.. umana. U-171 PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds. at. uoldman & Co., 200 Douglas uiock. U-174 . PRIVATE hosnltnl for Indies beforo & dur ing confinement; babies adopted, um is. ii u l.J PRIVATE homo before nnd during con- nnemcnt. Babies adopted. Mrs. uurget. sojj iecaiur. u aim STAMPS for collectors; albums, supplies. iTanic urown, zzoys v. I3tn, u M.'io CANCER CURED, no pain. Dr. ITenshnw, sclentlllc specialist, olG M. 19tb St.. umana. U-M713-A10 MONHEIT. chiropodist, 1518 Farnam, 2d poor. Tel. IJJ. U-170 IF YOU suffer with your feet nnd de3lro Immedinte or nermunnnt reller call Oil Prof. Lund, 611 Karhnch block. U-33 A17 AGNES, meet mo at the Renovator Klub masquerade, Krelghton'. hall. Sat.. March 31. Jiarrr. u-aii .u MME. SMITH, magnetic treatment and 1 1 . 11... .,11' baths. IIS'A .North 15th, room U-SIS'S MONEY TO LOAN HEAL KSTATIi. PRIVATE money, 5. 6&. 0 per cent: no de- lay. Garvin Bros,, 1013 i--nrnam. w lie IV.ATK ' ' 'RlvATh monej. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas W 17S WANTED, city and farm lonnsi nlso bondi and warrants, it. u. reters a: i;o 17U3 Farnam at., lien illdg. . - w 179 5 PER' CENT, money. Bmls, Paxton 1)1 ork. l W. ISO FIVE per cent farm loans. Chos. E. Wll- MUIII.iuiii i w MONEY to loan on flrstclnss Improved city property or for building purposes, rayne- Knox co now vorK iitf. w 1st 5, 5H. 6 per cent loans on Omaha, S. Omaha. w. ll. Tliomas, 1st isat. uamc i pi. ibis. W-1S2 MONEY to loan at 5 and B4 no cent on Omaha property, w. is. aieiKie, wi a, latn, l 8. 15th W-1S3 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. urennan-L.ove uo,. so. I3tn. W-1SS T.flA VQ nn nnntftl-tl ?CnlirflVn tl nil wn.lnrn Iowa farms nt u per cent. Borrowers rtnn nn. 1l1 n nti. tnnlttrtlA A m, l.i- tercst date. No delay. Brennnn-Love Co., 309 South 13th street, Omaha. Neb. W CSS - $1,000 nnd upwnrds to loan on Improved city property nna inrms. w. amun Co., 1320 Farnnm. W-180 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. I-F-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-M-O-N-E-Y -a-E-li U-S Wo havo it large amount to loan on house hold furniture, pianos, organs, warehouse rocclnts. horses, currlugns. etc. You can get the money within a few hours nfter maxing npuiication, wis charge YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR FILING PAPERS. We glvo you as mucli tlmo as you need ana you may repay tne loan no soon ns you cIiooho anu you neea noi pay mr it ONlu DAY LONGER THAN YOU KEEP IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Tel. 2295. 806 South 16th 8treet. X-614. LOANS made salaried people on personal J. W. Tayloe. 218 1st Nnt'.l bank, 12'to e i note witnout security; rates reasonable p. m. X-195 MONEY loans on furniture, rigs, bicycles, diamonds, watcues. etc.: payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank, 1416 Farnam, upstairs. X 192 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PrtOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name without endorser or mortgngo. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and LOW- fCn W A TI.-C: KTr. Innlll.lM mnA nf a . n'louoT- n l,l'.nJ. Vm, .A., l.nrrnn. amount nnd repiiy on easy wookly or moniniy paymciits. iiniore uorrowing see us. OMAHA CREDIT CO,, sulto 625-520 N. Tl. Llfo Bldg. X-1S3 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, diamonds, watches, 011 easy payments, un known to others: you keep the goods, each payment lessens the cost of the loan: no charge for pnpers and we make no In quiries of your neighbors, BURGERS' LOAN CO., 1504 Farnam, over B. & M. ticket o!tlce. X-1S9 SALARY loans nfter working hours. If you want cheap money address B 57, Bee. X-S20 All GOLD, Silver, Greenbacks fot High-class salaried people. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. Easy to get and easy to pay. Lowest rates, No Indorser or mortgage required, QUICK . AND CONFIDENTIAL service. Ques tions answered cheerfully and you will receive courteous attention whether you borrow or not. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room C01, Beo Building. X-M23J MONEY lonned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names 'without security; easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg. X-191 MONEY to lonn on furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. J. W. Tayloe. 218 First National bank building; 12 to C p. m. , X-198 MO.M1V TO I.O.VX I II VTTEI.S. MONEY ioaned on ptnttog, turntture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Heed. 319 8. IS. X-191 MONEY. LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their own names. In amount from $10.00 up. A comparison of our rates with others Its nil we asK, as we are positive mm ourn aro the lowest In tho city. Itememhcr that we are the only loan company giving 1 you tho prlvllcgo of paying your loan ALL I or In PAHT at any TIME and thereby stop i ping the cost. Business conlldentlat. Treat ment courteous. OMAHA MOnTOACIE LOAN CO. Tel. 2293. Room 119, Hoard of Trade Hldg. X CU- MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. ho.-seJ cows, Jewelry. Duff Green It. S, Parker blk. ih'si.m;ss niAxcus. QROCERY stock, splendid location, well established trade; aft a business nrooo- sltlon will pay to investigate. Aiuiress C 26. Bee. Y-M1C0 A17 DUY ono of our new or second-hnnd mry- go-rounas. 22W iiko at., umann, X ,IU Ji unn a.u.17 a amnll Hlenm lirnwerv with maitnouse, in eastern rtcunumi, in lent condltlou, with good location: must retire on account of 111 health. ! or fur ther particulars call on or address F. l'latz. acnuyier, eu. 1 ,i FOR SALE, stock clothing, shoe? and fur nishings at a bargain; new goods, up to dnte; no trndes. Ioek Box 30. Maltland, aio. 1 jijw ji- WANTED, partner with $000 In legitimate manufacturing ousines wen unucr n . 110 comtietltlon: no risk wh.itevcr; orders on hand will net $713 prollt: oinee man or Vr,Rht mechanic preferred. Address p ic, I'e Odlce. 1 mow 1' WAXTMn mnn nf Innir resl.lenee In cltV and good business standing, for partner; im capital required. Address u i:. nee. 1 Mm ji MERCHANDISE STOCK'S FOR SALE. ft(in irrnrnrl" drill V Rfllert. 17.1. J3,00) groceries, hardwaro and shoes; yearly sales. $3.C00. $1,000 dry goods, groceries nnd shoes: yearly sales. K'.ftTO. Several stock owners will take nart land, if you want to buy or sen n business can on us. MERCHANDISE BROKER, 007 Knruach Block. Y-M623 1 WANTED, to borrow. $1,000 on cood secur ity; If party is good business mnn could givo nun good position. Aiiurcss u is. nee. WELL Improved 100-ncre farm In Merrlrk county to exchange for city property. Karhnch block. Y-sMGJl 607 1 FOR SALE, ono of the best enulnned cus tom boot anil shoe Mhops in NebriiHKit: a good chance for a good, steady workman. Inoulre of the owner; $100. Juinos Mnrclt- HanK, unvid city, Men. v .mgis 2 FOR SALE, drug Ptoro or half Interest In samo: doing good business nnd located In ono of the towns In Ncbrnskn. For particulars nddreaa Frank Nedeln, Crete, Neb. Y M750 CANDY, cigar and stationery store for wile. Bargain; living rooms, lll.i ortli ami ft. V .MTUS 1' rou nvcii.Wfii:. FOR EXCHANGE A fruit nnd garden tract of 3.1 acres, 3. miles from Council limns, win trade tor umana resilience. Address, D 21, Bee. Z GS7-1 rou SAI.i: ltl.I. ESTATE. BARGAINS, Mnrch 30 nnd 31, 1900. !. F. HAItRISON & GEO. T. MORTON, 913 N. Y, LIFE-TEL. 311 OR 2012-F. 8-r. modern housP, .south -front, paved street, near High school, $1,750. 7-room modern, near High' school, paved St., 'Very desirable, $2,750. S-room modern, on Georgia Ave., near Hunscom 'Park, U.iViO;' want offer. SPECIAI-BHO Murc'j'v make i.tij. itE-CM) 30 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. JTADoUARTERS for REAI.I KSTATIi HAItUAlNS! LOW EST RATES on LOiVIS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES. FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-193 CHOICEST TRACKAGE PROPERTY ON THE MARKET 8. E. corner 16th nnd Izard: half block, 132x201; heart of tho city; for prlco , and terms, see George G. Wallace, Brown Blk.; .solo agent. n.E-231 HENRY B. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. IlCal UOIUIC, 1VVII tUft HUP( "" ItE-203 FOR SALE or trade, brick residence, all modern Improvements, nnd 5 acres of ground, containing outbuildings, trees, smnll fruit, shrubbery: well Insldo city limits in town of 10,000 Inhabitants; cost nver $20,000: good reason for selling, write for particulars. Paul Colson. Fremont, Neb R.E-M2C9 Al IF YOU havo a bargain to offer In real . . . . O A Tl -.. I ...nil mi ' X' V Til. HE 205 FOR SALE. $250.00 for eaBt front lots on grndo on H011111 tain si. car iuiu, MlSi.w lor west iroiu mm uu inn hi., ono I lilnr-lt HflllHl nf 11I1W bOUlCVlird. $400.00 for lot 01x115 ft., with house, on Hth st.. near Vnlloy tit. $330.00 for lot on Half Howard, between 4lst and 42nd sts. $950.00 for 2 1-5 acres on Hamilton St., four uiockh rt ui miuuiii mu $1,250.00 for 25 acres, 4 miles from postolllee. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST. RE M26S 31 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; nlso nre insurance, uemis, I'axton oik. his iw FOR QUICK returns nn bargains only sco a. A, uroauweu, wi in. 1. 1.110. uidg. A BARGAIN, four acres. 40th and Pacific. two blocks from car lino, on belt rail road, $2,500; easy terms, McCaguo In vestment Co., l&Ub uooge. RE-20O BARGAINS Chris Boycr, 2121 Cilmlng. loio. iv iu. nn; aiaai A9' HOUSES, farms. It. C. Patterson, 305 N. Y. L. HE zui CORNER 00x75 feet, with two cottages, close in; yenny rcniui, jou; price, .J,&w. 93xl3;,fi! teMy corner down town, cheap ut J10.CO0. Hnusps nnd lots from $350 to $23,000. Farm lunds near Omaha from $25 to $C0 per nero. Flvo (5) per cent money to loan on gllt-cdgo property anu inrms. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. RE-M510 SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L. U Johnson Co., 3lt b. I5tn at. he-oi FOR SALE. 00x132 On 8th nil(l LVlltOr St.. south front, three 4-room house, $VO0; on ' -,.111.. t . Ono ncro an the Military rnnd on tho nen- son motor line, a corner, for the low price or 2W). J. A, LOVGTtEN. 519 PAXTON BLK. RE-M546 2 CHEAP Irrigated Innds In Wheeler nnd Greeley counties, Neb. ; nhundnnce of water supplied by the Cedar Valley cannl; sitndy soil like thnt of Salt Lako uml. Colo rado, for potatoes nnd beets: rich clay loam for corn nnd wheat: alfalfa grows well; sand hill grazing Innd adjoining; .best opportunity In stato for cnttlo ranches; good wnter. short winter and sure crop under tho ditch. Iiviulrn Plbel & Co., Plbel, Neb. RE-550 1 GOOD-BYE! I am going to Chicago, My residence at 2117 Wirt h going to bo sold for whnt It will bring; oponcd dnlly for inspection; make your offor; Incumbrance, $3,000. 5 years, ii per cent. J, J, Gibson, 500 First National Hank bldg. RE-M5S3 A12 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, 515 N Y. Life Bldg., Allen Johnson. D. O., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathia!, mgr. -213 M. E. DONOIIUE. D. 0 of Still school. Klrksvllle, Mo.. 604 Paxton blk. Tel. 1357. -214 A. T. HUNT, osteop nil chronlcdlf cases; "results ten." wji Blk. Tel. 2352. M ISZ I't It X IT L UK It K I'AI III X O. 6LOUE Couch Co., 1519 Leav'th. Tel. 2529. 5SS- PACICINO, upholstering, mattress, feather renovating. Tel. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. 21S Mattress upholstering, finishing, carpentry Omaha Cabinet Shop, 1600 Cass. Tel 21S3. JJ - aklns. Lt'NDEEN. unhnlsterlng. eablnetm reflnlshlntr. mattresses ma do over. tr.23 . Leavenworth. 292 Mny21 I.OS'l LOST, a fur glove on or near 20th st.i be tween Douglas nnd Davenport. Reward If returned to Rose's art More. Lost-M599 31 LOST, near 2Cth and II, an electric seal collarette. Return to Sofi H. South Omaha. Iost-M612 31 LOST, 3 St. Bernard pups. 7 months old. Return to 4339 lnkc. Reward. -MC23 31 lOST, n pin In shape of Amcrlrnn eagle, rel. white, nnd blue center, rrouious on back. Kinder leavo mine ut Her Oramt hotel olllco and receive ruward. Iost-M7t3 31 SHORTHAND AXU TYPKWIllTIMfl. A C. VAN SANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life. 209 AT OMAHA Bus. College, 16th & Douglas. ilU BOYLES college, court reporter principal. Uco Hldg. "t NEBRASKA Business &i Shorthand col- lege. Boyd s theater. iit HOTKt.fl. METROPOLITAN, European, 12th & Doug las, lowest rates. vm. liarr, .Mgr. ici. jh. M C7C J'HE TIU'RSTON, 13th and Jackson: Amer ican and European. .-sewiy reiuicu. Prices moderate, F M 744 tyi'hwhitijus. TYPEWRITERS for vent, $1 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter uo., lwa Furnam St. Telephone. 12SI. 206 REMINGTON Stnndard Typowrltqr nnd tmpplles. 1019 Kurnntn. an TY'PEWItlTERS, secondhand. 111G Farnnm. .'in IJICYCI.US. IN order to reduco stock wo will sell for a short tlmo only wconu-nanu mcycie ni one-half prlco; good wheels, $3.00 to $UO0. Flescher. 16.22 Cap, Ave, M132 Enameled. $2 up. Blcyclo Hospital. 711 N. 16. DAXC1XG SCHOOL. LAST term, last chance Moramrs. i5tn nnd Harney, minus i ueoay anu r rimiy , cnuuren a.uuronys; usuiuunr ttuuiiw, day and Saturday. 391 A-3 MIllHOU PACTOHY. OLD mirrors rcsllvcred: new ones to order; country orders promptly attended to. i0? N. 10th. M 371 A13 MEDICAL. LADIES out of hcnlth find prompt relief. Bo 232. Omaha, Neb. Conildentlnl. M573 A27 LOCKSMITH. KEYS fitted, locks repalrel, by B. V, Sclinclder, ai lownsenu uuh MG20 A29 TUliNIC FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags. Milt cases. Trunks rcpaircu. um. xiuiiiv i-uuiuiji iw x- 220 rUHXITLHE PACKING. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1511V4 Far. Tel. 1559; 863. 221 STOVE HEPAIHS. GASOLINE stoves cleaned. 801-3 N. 10th. DHESSMAKIXO. IN families. MIps Sturdy, 216 Divenport. S79-A-13 LAUNUHY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL. aul'i'LiX. Iiju ijeuveiiw jj" BIRDS AM) TAXIDEIIMY. STOCK'S Bird store. 1C03 Leavenworth. MAGNETIC IXrinMAHY. PROF. & MRS. KHARAS, 1517 Chicago St. NICKEL PLATING. CYCLE PARTS All kinds plating. Omaha ... . . . , , . 11, .1 m I 1." T r r I I latlllg UO.. lll-n X3IUK. iri. mJJ. .-. . PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating, lvory-rlm buttons. Mrs. A. C. warn, Kin anu r aruuin. n-i-u. 500 A 20 nillCIC SIDEWALK. 714C' FOOT: If ordered early you can save money. John McGowan, SIS S. 28th st. -M544 A 20 STAM.MEUING AND STUTTEHING. CURED. Julia Vaugnan. 430 Hamgo Bldg. 21 1 AUCTIONEERS. OMAHA AUCTION Co. Satisfaction guar anteed. 420 N. 16th st. Telephone 216S. M749 PAWNIIHOKEllS. EAGLE Loan Olllce, rellnblo accommodat ing; ull business eonnucnuai. jjui jjouruis. 21ft SUES 6c CO. Patent Lawyers Boo Bldp;,, Omnha. Tel 1023. Advlco free, RAILWAY TIME TABLES. CHICAGO. ROCK 1SL and & Paclftc Railroad "Tho Great Rock Isl and Routo " City Tick et Olllco, 1223 Farnam Slroet. Telephone 428, Depot. Tenth & Mason StreetB. Telephone, 029. Leave. Arrive. ues Moines anu uaven- poit Local a 7:03 am bll:35 am Chlcugo Express bll:15 am a 8110 am Chicago Fast Express,, a 5:0n pm a 1:25 pm St. Paul Express a 5:00 pm bll;35 am Lincoln, Colurailo 3pgs.. Denver, Pueblo and Wes'. a 1:29 pm a 4:23 pm Des Moines, Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:25 pm a 5:50 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer. u 5 55pm a 9:20 am a uauv o uauy sxceui aunnay. M1SSOU11I PACIFIC RAIL roud General Olllces and Tlckot Otllct? Southeast Cor ner Htli and Douglna Sts, Telephone, 104. Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone, 1133. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis. Kansas & Neb. Limited u 2:30 pm a!2:55 pm K. C.-St. L. Express..., a 9:50 pm a 5:50 am Nobraska Local Via Weeping Water b 6:0ji)m a 9:1$ am a Dilly. b Dally except Sunday CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & st. I'aui iinuway uuy Ticket Olllce. 1504 Farnnm Street. Telephone 2-SI. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone C29. Lonve. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex..., a 7:33 pm a 8:06 am Chicago Sc Omaha Ex..bll:00 um b 3:55 pm Sioux City nnd Des Moines Express bll:00 am b 2:55 pm ft Dally, b Dally except Sunday. .vim- MlLWA'"EEf UA1I. WtV TIMI1 TAIII.i:?. CIUCAOO, ST, PAl'L. Minneapolis & Omaha Hallway "The North, western Line" Olllces. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Hts. C'ltV Tleknl lltllo.. HOI rarnnm St Telephoro Ml. Depot, l&th and Webster Sts. Leave, Arrive, ........ ,.. . . ' avenger.. ,n :w am a :io pm Omaha Passcngei all:V0 um oioujs -u- norin cast Nebraska , a 3:o nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. RIOUX CITY PACIFIC Railroad "The North, western Line" General Olllces. Inlted States National Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twolfth nnd Pfirnnm Rta 'rixL.! ODce, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 561, De pot, Tenth & Mason Sts. Telephone 62. , Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a C:D5 nm 10:BO pm Twin City Limited. a 7:20 pin u :l5 um Sioux City Local s:fj am u 4:20 pm a Dally. FREMONT. ELKHORN & .Missouri Valley Rallroad "Tho Northwestern L'.no" Gsnernl Olllces, United States Nntlonnl Ilk. Hldg., 8, W. Corner Twelrth 'ce. ,U Farnam Bt. Telephone 601. De pot, 15th und Webster Sts. Telephonn 143S. Tii.-i. Ttm . Leave, Arrive. Blnck Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper nnd Douglas a 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hnstlags, York. Duvid City, Superior, Geneva. Lxoter and S.nvard,...b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Lincoln, Wnhoo nnd iTcmont ... b 7:30 am bl0:23 m iTemont.Locnl c 7:30 n n Dally, b Dally except sindny. c Sun la) omy. d Dally except Saturday. Dally uxcept Mondnv. CHICAttO & NORTH western Railway "Th Northwestern Line" City Ticket Olllce, H01 Furiihin Street. Tele phone 561, Depot. Tenth a lnmn Hltn.ilii TMrt. P.UonP-,KJ- . . Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial i a 7:00 am all:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm alUilV um Eastern Express. Dos Moines, Marshnlltown, Ccdir Rnplds and Chi- cago al0:5o am a 4:05 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago nnd Enni s. 4:33 pm a 4:03 pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 pm Omahn-Chlcago Special, a 7:30 pm a 8:oo am Fast Mali a 8:30 am a Sally. BL'nLINOTON & MlS sourt River Rallroud "The Burlington Routo" General Olllctvs, N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Farnnm Sts. Ticket onice. 1502 Far nnm street. Telenhone, 259. DeDot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 12S. Leave. Arrive, l.liv.viln irntlner mid McCook a 8:40 am a 7:23 pm'nin nunvpp. Colo rado, Utah, Callfornln.a 4:23 pm a 3:00pm Lincoln, uiacK dims, Mnnlnnn & l'ucet Souinl a 4:25 pm n 3:00 pm Lincoln lc;I s 7:00 p.n nl0:35 nm Lincoln Fnst Mall b 3:00 pm al0:35 am Denver, Colorado Utah & Cnllfomla nl2:33 am tv Dally, b Dally cxceDt Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Railroad "The Burlington Houte 'Ticket onice. 1502 Farnam St. Tel.. 250. Donot. Tenth St Mason Streets. Telephone, km. I.eavA. Arrive. Chicago Special al2:33 am Daylight Express n 7:2." nm Chicago Vesttbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a 8:50 am a 4:05 pm Chlcugo Limited a 7:30 pm a 7:45 am I'acinu junction ixcai..aiu:t5 an. F&Bt Malt a 2:4a pm a Lmiiy. KANSAS CITY. 3T. Jo seph & Council Blurts Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Olllce. 1S02 Farnam Street. Tele phone, 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason atrccts. Tclo nhone. m. ' Leave. Arilve. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 8:50 nm a G:17 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:l& pin a 0:15 am at. L.OUI9 l- lyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis. .& 4:53 pm allilS am a Dally. UNION PAOIFIC- "THE O V Elt land Route" General Olllces, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olllco, 130J Farnam Street. Telephone 318. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 629. LeuVe. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited.. a 8:20 am a 7:20 pm Tho Fnst Mall a 80 tfm a 3:23 pm Tho Colorado Special. ..all:35 pm 11 0:00 am Tho Portland Special. ..a 8:20 am a 4:35 pm Lincoln, Beatrice nnd Stromsburg Express,. b 4:10 pm bl2:25 pm Paclllo Express' n 4:25 pm n 0:50 am Grand Island Locah....b 5:30 pm b 9:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. JMAHA .t ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas City &. Eastern Railroad "Tho Uulncy Routo"-Tlcket Of. t'.ce, 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone, 322 Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets, Tclo phone, C29. ieave. Arrive. Cannon Ball St. Louis Express a 5:03 pm a7:saam Kansna City and Qulncy L,ocal a Dally. .a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm ILL1NOIB CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket olllce, 1402 Farnnm street. Tele-pnun- 245. Depot, Tcntn und Mason streets. Leave. , a 12:10 pm Arrive, a 4:06 pm a 8:15 am b 9:40 pm a 8:15 am Chicago Express Chlcnco Limited a r.a pm Minneapolis ana bt. Paul Express b Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited a Fort Dodge Local 7:00 am 7:35 pm from Co, Uluns .... a 4:30 pm b 10:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sundays. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Offic U04 Farnnm Street. Telephone 895. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Streets, Telephone 529. Leave. Arrive, a 6:03 pra a 7:55 am Express a Daily. St, Louis "Cannon Ball rosTorricis notice. (Should ho rend DAILY by nil Interested, as cnnngivt may occur 111 uny unit-.; Foreign malls for tho week ending March 31, 1990. will close. (PROMPTLY In nil "V II, rnn.,rnl 1,.ut r.lllr.. i.u fnltntvu CllHUI-l III V, V ... .Ml . ...,...t..w. .... .V..W..U. Parcels post mnlls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels M.tlTv"8 fr Gorma"y cl0!iu ut p' "'' 01 " 'iViitiH-Atliiutlo .MnlU. SATURDAY-At 5:30 a. m. for EUROPE, n..r u Mesnha. via Plvinnuth: nt X n m. for NETIIEllLANDS. per s. s. Spaarn dam, via Rotterdam (mull must bp di rected "per s. s. Spnarndam"); nt 9 n. m. for ITALY, per s. s. Aller, via Na ples (mall must bo directed "per b. h, Aller",); at 11 a. in. for NORWAY ill reel, per s. s. Hekla, via Chxlstlnnla (mall must bo directed "per t. s. llekbi"); at 12:30 p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. h. Tartar Prince. n PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - German ' 80idcr there last fall and robbed him of hl steamers sailing on Tuesdays tolm printed nrtPrIy alary. Chief Donohue has tcle muttcr, etc., for Germany, nnd speelnlly qml" ,,;' , nn nffl.,P tn f0me and ..i..... m.iin. Ain r,. .tiin. irmnhpil them for a ll oillcer to como anu UIIUICBUll i'llllll. llll.k.v., w.v ', parts or Europe. American nnu wnue Star steamers on Wednesdays, German stcnmiirs on Thursdays and Cnnard, Fronch nnd German steamers on Satur days tnko printed matter, etc., for nil countries lor which they nro advertised to carry nial'.. After tho closing of tho supplementary Transatlantic malls nnmed nbove. addi tional supplementary mails nre -ipenod on the plofs of tho Amerlcnn, English, French nnd uerman steamers, nnu rnmiiin open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer SlnlU for South nm! Ceiitrul Auierlon, Went IiiUIch. Ele. SATURDAY-At 8 a. in. for BERMUDA, per s. h, Trinidad; at 10 a. m. (supple mentary 10:3) a. m.) for FOIlTl NE IS LAND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA, CAR THAOENA und GREYTOWN, per s, P. Aleno (mall for Costa Rich must ha directed "per h. s. Aleno"): ut 11 u. tn. for LA PLATA COI NTRIES direct, per s. ft. Roman Prince; at II a m. for CUBA, per a, e, Havana, via Havana; I'OS'l'OI'I'lt ii .XOTICH nt 1 p. m. for M EV1TAS, GIBARA. BARACOA nnd PFUUTO PADRE, per s k. Ollmln lordtnary mall only); at 1 t. m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. s. Polyearp, via l'nni and Mnunos. SI'NDAY- At ,,2.;W a. m. for NASSAU, N. I', per steamer from Miami. Fin,; nt S.30 p. m. for ST PI ERRE-MIQUE-LON, per etenmcr from Halifax. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thenco by steamer, cloco at this otllco dally at S:30 p. m. (connecting close here every Monday, WiMne'ilsv nnd Saturday), Malls for Mlquclon. by rult to Boston, and thence by steamer, close nt this olllco dahy at S;5i1 p. in Mnlls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fin., and thence by stenmer, close at this olllco dally (except Monday) nt '7 n. m. (the connecting closes art !! Sundnv, Weil nesdny and Friday) Malls for Culm, by rail to Miami, Fit., nnd thence by stenmer, close, nt this olllco every Mondny, Tues day nnd Saturday at "2:S0 n in. (the con necting closes nrc on Tuesday nnd Satur day). Mnlls for Mexico City, ovorlsml. unless speelnlly addressed for dltpatch by steamer, close nt this olllce daily nt S:3) n. m. and 2:30 p. m, Mnlls for Custn Rlcn, Belize, Puerto Cortcz and Ouatemnln, by rail to New Orleans, and theuco bv steamer, close nt this olllce dnlly nt p. m. (connecting closes liero Tuesdays for Costa Rlcn and Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez nnd tluateinnln) Regis tered tnnll closes at ft p, m. previous day. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. second day before. Trnns-l'uelllc Mnlls. Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philippine Islands, via San Fran cisco, close hero dnlly at fl:30 p. m, up to March 20th, Inclusive. for dis patch per s, s. Hong K01115; Mnru, Mulls for Society Island', via San Frnn Cisco, close here dally at 0:30 p. m. up to March 20th. Inclusive, for illspatch by ship Tropic Bird. Mnlls for Hnwall, via San Francisco, rlose here dally nt 0:30 p. in. up to March JOih. Inclusive, for dispatch per , s. Australia, Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, nnd New Zea land, which goes via San Francisco), Ha waii and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dnlly at 0:30 p. in. up to March 31st, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. Wurrlmoo. Malls for Hawaii. Japan, China nnd tho Philippine Islands, via San Franrlseo, close here dally al 6:30 p. in, up to April 2d, Inclusive, for dls- patch per . s. China. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, close hero dnlly nt 0:30 p. in. up to April 9th. Inclusive, for illnintch per s. s, Empress of Japan (registered mall must be di rected "vln Vancouver"). Mails for Aus tralia (except West Australia), New Zea land, Hawaii, FIJI nnd Samonn Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dully at 0:3i) p. m. lifter March 31st nnd up to April llth, inclusive, or on day of ar rival of h. s. Campania, duo nt New York April 14th, for dlppntch per s. s. Moann. Malls for Chlnn. .liipnn and Philippine Is lands, via Tacoina, close hero dally nt 0:30 p. 111. up to April 19th for dUs pateh per s. s. Goodwin. Malls for China nnd JHpan nnd. Philippine Islands, via Seattle, close here dally ut 0:30 p. nt. up to April 19th for illspatch per s. b, Rlojun Maru (registered letter must be directed "vl.i Scuttle"). Transpacific mails nre forwarded to port of sailing dally and the chcdulp of clos ing Is nrranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6 p. 111. pre vious dav. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmnster. Poslolllce. New York, N. Y., March 2J, 19lO. (iOVEHNMllNT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Department of the Interior. Olllco of In dian Affairs. Washington. D. C, March 20. 19110. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals, for beef, Hour, etc.," as tho case may bo, nnd directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affnlrs, 135 Johnson street, Chi cugo, III., will be received until 1 o'clock p. m; of Tuesday. April 17, 1900, for fur nishluz for tho Indlun Service beef, Hour, bacon, benns, eolTee. sugar, rice, ten and other articles of subsistence; also for boots and shoe,", groceries, soup, baking powder, crockery, agricultural implement!), pnlnts, oils, gl.iss, tinware, wngons, harness, leather, shoo lludlngs, 'inddlery, etc., hard waro, nchool and medical supplies, and u lone lift of miscellaneous articles. Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposals for blan kets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, etc.," ns tho ense may be. and directed to tho Commissioner of Indlnn Affairs. Nos. 77 and 79 Wooster street, New York Citv will be received until 1 o'clock p. m. of Tiiepdny, May 10. 19K). for furnishing for tho Indian Service blankets, woolen nnd cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats nnii caps. Bids must be made nut on govern ment blanks. Schedule giving nil neces sary Information for bidders will bo fur nished on application to the Indian Of llce. Washington. D. C; No. 77 and .9 Wooster wlrcct, New York City, or 235 Johnson street. Chicago. 111.; tho C ommls saile.i nf Subsistence, U. S. A., nt Chey enne, Leavenworlh, Omaha. SI. IauIs. St. Paul nnd San Francisco; the postmasters at Sioux City. Yankton, Arkansas City, Caldwell, Topeka, Wichita nnd Tucson. Uldn will he opened at the hour nnd days above stated, nnd bidders are Invited to bo present ut tbe opening. Tho Depart ment reserves the light to dctermlno the point of delivery und to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. W. A. JONES, Commissioner. M20 to A10M OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. OMAHA, Nebraska. March 3. 1900,-Sealcd proposals In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received a. this oilier un til 2 o'clock p. m.. central time, April 3, 1900, for constructing a Dead House In con nection Willi iiospuai, ini-iuiuiiK imM"'"K and gas piping, at Fort Crook, Nebraska. Full Information furnished upon application to this otllce, where plans and specifications may be seen. Proposals to bo marked "Pro doiiiIh for Dead House" and uddressed to Major F. II. llATIIAWAY, C'hlof Quarter master. M0 du MW-Jl ai BOGUS PASTOR PLAYS CRAPS Lunch Seveiity-Sevn Helium lie 11 ml Collected to II11II1I n Cliureli In Oiniilin. "Uev." John Williams, a negro of sanctimonious bearing whoso specialty Ik collecting money with whlfch to build phan tom churches, dropped In nt tho Holy Grail club, Fourteenth and Dodgo streets, Thurs day night and enlisted 011 the losing sldo ot a game cf craps. He -played until ho lost $77, money which wni havo beon used in tho purchase of a corner stone, and then ho concluded that tho gamo was not on tho square. Ho confiscated the dice and took them to tho pollco station. With a nutcrucker Scrgeunt Wbalcn broke open tho npotted cubes and found them to ho loaded. They were Hollow on ono side, tho cnvlty being filled with quick silver, by means of which Ingenious ar rangemcnt tho bits of freckled bono, would nearly nlwayo fall with tho aco up. Thb "reverend gentleman" Is now In Jail In tho doublo cnpaclty of prosecuting wit- 1 iicas agnlnst Johnnlo Hell, manager of tho ,, , .i.ln nn( 1 J'0' 0nm I 1 (tin CaBO Of lllS 0W11, nd as defendant la a 1 i "Rev." Williams, whceo other name is jnrry Johnson, operated In Omaha ncvcn years ago, when ho defrauded several proml- J ncnt bualncss houaai by soliciting from them subscriPtloiiK oatcnalbly to bo used In tho orcctlon of a church for a colored coiiRrcga- tlon. Tho church was never uuih. wiiiiama left town, his pockeUi well lined with tbo proceeds of a misguided generosity. A year ngo ho returned and worked tho sarao game, though on n umallcr scale, ns the police wcro on his track. It in belloved that ho is wanted now In Lawrence, Kun., for highway robbery. Both he and his wife nnswer the description of n pair who hold up nn old r." ----- identify them Tho Holy Grail club Ir a notorious resort, frequented by tho worst class of blacks arid whltcH of both sexto. Wlint'ii Your Fnee WorthT Sometimes a fortuno, but nover, If you havo a sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and hlothes on tile akin, all BKnB of llvor trouble. Bill nr. King's New ,e ,,, B,vo c,rnr Mt rnny cheek, rich j conip)BX,r)ni 0njy 25 ccnU ot Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. Iliillillnur Permits. The following permits havo been Hsued from tho oltlce of the building Inspector: Continental Clothing company, 1421 Doug lei, alterations, $7.i0; Patrick Lenhv, 1 113 North Eighteenth, alterations to two dwell Inss, $100; J, II. Schmidt. Thirty-sixth nnd Burt, frnmo dwelling. $3,500; Peter Meyer, Twentv-fourth nnd Bancroft, tram dwell.