Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1900, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Boin Draw Hit Forcei Out from Bloimfon
tin and Battls Follow
Oat GapUln Killed and Bmn Offior Aio
Among the Wounded,
Eooarti Eelatti that tho BnrRner Aim; Has
Rttmttd to Brandfort.
llobert" Hlrlpplnw Furors In Jllnur
Spheres of OiUTiitlnnn f WnKOim
nuil Transport Anlnmls to
llnntrn Atlvmme.
of the War oITlce, Mr. Wyndham, was asked
whether an expedition was on Its way to
tho relief oi Mafeklng, He replied that tho
government was precluded on military
grounds from giving any Indications of
Ionl Roberta plans.
hi it ft tho llelielllnn Crimbeil, Iiut
ESf" Seven tlnnilreil .Men on
mikkk)vrv't"iril There.
,,- .irnSfcfcfcss Publishing Co.)
World ' Cab'lcaiaBHr Telegram.)
Lord Kitchener and etlSfpnssed tho tem
porary bridge nt Norvalspont latrt night.
On tho way thcro a six-foot Hood had been
signalled down the river and tho crossing
was delayed pending arrival of tho en
gineering corps. However, tho flood did not
dumagu tho bridge.
Kitchener, who had 3,000 men under his
command, left "Oft nt Prloska. lie considers j nlm at Baler April 12 last.
In Bit Official Report Hi Lindi the Braiorj
of His Crew.
Develop. Hint He Wns nnilenvorliin
to Prutect Two of Yorktown'a
OHlcer Whom He 1 1 ml III
rcetcit to I-uiid.
WASHINGTON, March 30. The Navy de
partment has Just received from Admiral
Vatnon n copy of tho report made to him by
I.toutcnant Glllmoro of the clrcumstnncoi at
tending tho umbusendo and capturo of the
Yotktown's boat und crew, commanded by
tho rebellion crushed, though tho flro may
smoulder some timet Kruger Is reported
to have commandeered ifiOn.OOO In gold
from tho banks of Pretoria this week.
I. on! .Mil or of l.nniloii Henitn n Cheek
for 'I'm o 'I'll ii ii ft a nil I'o it n tlx
LONDON', March 30. Tho executive com
mltteo of tho American hospital ship Maine
has received the following letter from tho
LONDON, March 31.-ThO Illocmfontcin
correspondent of tho Dally Chronicle, tele
graphing Thursday. March 29, Hays:
President Kruger'a latest proclamation
ihn women nnd children to leave
. . . , , . .....
Illoemfontcln within nvo uuys, ns uu m- ioru mayor ot i.onnon, a. j. .ewion:
tends to bombard nnd destroy tho city nnd j i encioac you n check for 2,000 storl
to ehoot the burghers whom ho capture! nR frora tho Transvaal war fund, to be
therc I applied to tho beneficent work the American
I l.fnllnl aV.I. lnlhn lu .Inlllcr frtl nllf mtt
LONDON, March 30.-9:20 p. m. Tho War j nnu WOUU(je(j troops. This check represents
m Vina lumipcl tho following:
"Krom Lord HobcrtB to tho secretary of
"BLOEMKONTE1N, MarcU 30. 2:15 p. m.
Owing to tho activity of the enemy on
our lmm6dIato front and their hostile ac
tion toward burghers who surrendered, I
found It noccf ary to drive .them from some
kopjes they bad occupied near tho Kareo
Biding station, a fow miles south of Brand
fort. The operation was successfully car
ried out by tho Seventh division, nssletod
by tho Klrst and Third oavalry brigades,
under Kronen, nnd Lo Oallals regiment of
mounted Infantry. Tho enemy rctruatcd to
ltrandfort nnd our troops now hold tho
kopjes. Our casualties were:
Killed, Captain doing, Scottish tiordercrs;
wounded, Captains Sollar, Luard, I'cebles,
Curgonven nnd Kdwards, Lloutonanta Coul
rson and Krench and about 100 rank and fllo."
(Brandfort Is thlrty-llvo rallcu northeast
of nioomfontoln.)
Forward Movement Soon.
Tho renorts that Lord Itoberts
will remain at Dloenifontoln nnother
.nnnh urn tirnhnhlv Intended for
Hoor consumntlon and tho recent movement
of troops and other Indications point to
preparations being well advances lor a ior
rarard movement.
Tho head of tho army of Lord Robert
In now about twenty-ono miles north of
Hloemfontcin. It occupies u-ciusior oi nius
wnn from tho Ttoerfl.
Tho Boers havo born using theso hills
nn a baso In boating up the country, in
lrlvlnir off cattlo and forcing non-reilstant
Kna Staters Into tho ranks again. Th
,,mv miiMt. Iinvo been In consldershl'J fore.
for Lord ItobertH sent 8,000 Infantry aud
3,000 cavalry against them.
Series of Forward 'Movement",l Ilnherln ndvanoo to Pretoria will
probably consist of a sorlcs of rapid forward
.nwmi.ntn. In which Doer positions will
Vo attacked by a portion of tho urmy nd-vnnr-lni-
ranldlv with wheel trnnsport, tho
main army coming up as tho railway Is
repaired. Iord Roberta is stripping mo
forces In tho minor spheres ot operations
of their wagonB and transport nnimnls In
order to hasten tho advnncc. This Is un
derstood to bo the reason why bo recalled
I,ord Mrthucn from Darkly West to Klm
licrloy. Tho reason -why a hot chaso was not mado
nftir Commandant Olivier Is that Lord Roh
erts did not wish to wear out tho cavalry
trnnsport. General Krench lost 3.000 horses
In the. relief of Klmberloy and tho pursuit
of Ocnernl Cronje. l.ord Methuen has lost
1,500 transport cattlo and probably 4,000
other animals sinco tho forward movement
began on February 13.
Tho advance nromid Hloemfonteln Is
through a barren country and supply officers
poa an Increased difficulty for a great army
moving along a slnglo line of railway, oven
iwhvn tho latter Is working smoothly and
with amplo rolling stock.
The Canadian Mountod Rifles were part
of tho forco that 'occupied Kcnhardt yes
terday. Tho rebellion throughout the northwest
districts ot Capo Colony Is almost sup
pressed. Cunril for St. Ilelenn to Soil.
Tho Goth will sail tomorrow with COO men
for St. Helena to guard Ounoral Croujo nnd
4,000 prisoners.
A dispatch lo tho Daily Mall from Koffy
fonteln. dated Thursday. March 29. says:
"Oonoral Clements' flying column, after
a. forced march of thirty-seven miles yw
torday, arrived here unopposod."
some of tho contributions Americans have
mado to tho fund and It therefore does not
Infrlngo on the graceful determination of
your committco to accept only American
money for the humanitarian purposes of the
Trnimvnnl t'nmmlHHloiier l.trnortU-
iiury Confers with' the President
unit Nceretury liny.
WASHINGTON. March 30. General Jamo3
R. O'llelrno, who was appointed by I'rcsl-
dont Kruger commissioner extraordinary of
tho Transvaal, had long Interviews today
with Via president and Secretary Hay about
affairs concerning tho Hour government.
He was cordially received.
Whllo General O'Delrno discussed tho
Transvnal matters with Secretary Hay the
laYter Is authority for the statement that It
was In an Informal nnd unofficial capacity
Tho report Is a, concise; plain, yet thrilling
account ot the tragedy at the mouth ot tho
river, which resulted In the Iofs of lives of
several sailors nnd tho taking Into an oight
months' captivity of tho remainder of the
little crew.
It nppcars for tho first time from this re
port that Lieutenant Glllmorc did not violate
his orders In entering the river, but did eo
for tho solo purpose of protecting two of the
Vorktown s officers whom bo had been dt
rected to land. Tho Yorktown at tho time
wi's trying to relieve n smull Spanish garrl
son which was beeet by the Klllplnos In a
church at Hnler, and the two olflcors referred
to had undertaken to make n roconnols
Tho officers were Ensign W. II. Standley
and n quartermaster.
Denilly Klre from Ambush
Telling ot tho ambush Lieutenant Glllmorc
"As wo ueared the end ot tho swamp land
I was about to glvo orders to return when
we rounded tho bend and camo full on an
outpost on solid ground. Ho hailed us and
fired a rifle as a signal. Before I could
answer the hall, a volley was fired Into us at
close range 50 and 60 yards. Tho effect ot
this volley was terrible. Morrlsscy was
killed Instantly, his brains being scattered
oer tho boat nnd crew, and Dillon was
mortally wounded, ucver recovering con
ectousness and dying shortly afterward in
the boat. Senmau Rynders had his fingers
cut off tho hand, but kept bravely to hi
starboard stroke oar. Tho starboard oars
were riddled and most of them shatterod
besides tho boat was pierced by the Rem
Ingtou balls and mado water fast.
"As eoon as possible after recovering from
this first shock wo opened flro with the Colt
and rifles. Tho ambush was so completo
that wo could not seo at what to fire, not
even tho smoke. Tho Colt was thrown out of
action before tho second volley, shattering
or 18 years of age, nnd showed remark-
bio coolness nnd br.tvery.
"Edwards and Woodbury, for coolness In
trying to swim the boat out, and the former
with I'cterson, for attending the wounded
afterward. i
"In conclusion, I trust that my notion In
attempting to savo Ensign Standley and the
quartermaster from imprisonment, if not
death, will be approved. My sclo thought
was to this end. and although the expedi
tion turned out so disastrously, I have suf
fered for It. My only rcgrt is that my
boat's crew should have suffered with inc.
I nra, very respectfully,
"Lleutennnt United States Navy."
Committee on 1'iii.toincen nnu i-om-
ronilM Heportn l'nvorihly on the
l'cnilliiK Memi'ure.
WASHINGTON, March 3(1 (Special Tele-
erara.l Tho Dostofllcca nni postroads com
mittee of tho houso replied today tho
nostnl economics bill. McBholson of iown.
Spcrry of Connecticut. Durie ot Texas and
Llttlo riling a minor
mltteo alto authorized
HnirllKli Hepty Feebly nml Mvimnnle
Position nt Fourteen
St rrn inn.
PRETORIA, Thursday, March 29. A dis
patch from Fourteen Streams, north of War-
renton, Capo Colony, eays tho Hoers Maron
28 opened a bombardment on tho Drltish
oamp thoro and that tho Drltish replied
feebly and evacuated the place during tho
Sln" of Mourning Were llnlvemnl
mid llrltlfth Ollloern Semi
n Wrenth.
TRKTORIA. Thursday, Mifrch 29. The fu
neral of Genornl Joubcrt took place this
aftornoon. and was attended by all classes.
Tho foreign military attaches. In uniform,
wero among thoso present, and the Rritlsh
officers who nro prisoners here sent n wreath.
There wero uulvcrnal signs of mourning.
OjlnmbU Destroyed by Flames and a Nnm
bar of People Hurt.
Actum In Continue ltiifth Into the
Street Thenter llullt by lliiverly
unit Itcc hrlfttcneil by
1211m Terry.
CHICAGO, HI.. March 30. Tho Columbia
theater, one ot tlui oldest nnd most popular
playhouses In tho city, was destroyed by tiro
this afternoon, entailing a total 1o?h ot
$190,000. Tho flic was discovered In the
laundry of tho Iroquois club, which occupied
apartments on tho sixth floor of the build
ing. It U supposed that somo hot conls
dropped from tho stovo to tho Iloor.
Thu' flames spread with great rapidity and
I U'ltliln tnn mlnllla nflitr tliA illflPOVPrv flf
Ity retort. The com-, tho flro tho tnuntcr wn8 beyond saving. Oc
l whaUs cillcd the new cltpnnt8 of ,,,J0 buiuing and employes of tho
! the republication of lhealer oud lh(j cU),( wcrp dr,von , t,,e
KorocnFt for Nebraska
Fair nnd Warmer; Southerly Winds.
Teinpernture nt (Inuilin yefttcrilnyl
Hour. llt'Ki Hour. lieu.
tt n. to. ill I i. m...... II
tl ii. nt ill) t: i. iii Ml
7 ii. in :ui :t p. in -in
m it, in :tii i ii, m is
ti a. in , .... :tr r, ii. in it
10 11. Ill fill II l. Ill Ill
11 n. in !tS 7 p. in tit
1U m U! H p. in IU
II p. n Ill
'tucky, whoso nnmo has been very prom
inently mentioned with the troubles In Ken
tucky, Is In this city nnd has beeu for a
week. Governor Mount has officially rec
ognized Taylor ns governor of Kentucky
and has entd ho will not honor any requisi
tion coming from Mr. Ilcckham. It is said
this position of tho governor has caused
Kcntucltlans who do not feel K.ifc at homo.
or who nro wanted there by tho authorities
In connection with the Ooebcl Investigation
to como hero nnd somo of those hnvo ex-
prerscd themselves os feeling perfectly safe
from being sent back to Kentucky, even
should papers como for their persons.
AVIH it Honor Tnylor'n Iteiiutftltlon
COLUM Ilt'S, O.. Mnrfh 03. Governor Nash
today refused to honor a requisition by
, I ..Ml ... ... ..f.
l.uiui uiu iu vui vti ...
books at a cent per poundrat and return j strrct ,n auch haglo Umt ,n th(J CXCCI11C1U
privilege to noBagent. (.ongressman , thrco womcn woro ovt.rcome, Ue(oro Ua.
Mci'ncrson saiu ne oppusiu jn,aiu l u ro wfl6 extinKUishod tho following wero In- Governor Taylor of Kentucky. Governor
nomlca bill becauso no urn noi i-euoc in un , Jurt.d. Nnsh Baya ho wlll ,10t hoMor n requisition
mil ns ararieu. i . Fmncrs Miller, ovcrcomo bv sinoko and
Coneressman Robinson slated today that . , n.,,., ,,, ,, iv,i, .i. i,
he believed his district would renominate j ' . ,
him without much dlssensfon and thought
thla was generally tho condltltn of nil tho
minority moaibers In cub&mh from Ne
braska, t
Senator Thurston, who Ids been quite 111
for tho imst week, having lieen confined to
his bed slnco (Monday with nn attack of
ncuto Indigestion, Is bctterjtand expects to
bo out tomorrow. jf
Senator Warren's bill gmntlnK travel pay
to members of Torrey's Rough Ttlders, who
wero ut home Blck when tljo rcglmont was
mustered out, was favorably reported today.
An application to organize tho Klrst
National bank of Eldon, lift with a. capital
of J25.000, was also approved. Henry E.
Rctz, J, A. Bradley, J. O. Hunnidl, It. Rotz,
J. W. Allen and D. C. Hradlby aro named as
Tho application of tho following persons
to organlzo tho Klrst Nrttlonr.l bank of
Moulton, la., with a capital of $26,000, was
today approved: J. A. llradley, A. T. Urad
ley, G. R. Holbcrt. August Post. J. S. Greg
ory and others aro tho Incorporators.
Dlaonasea Urn ItiHtrnctlona to New
Co nun I mil on In t I.onir
WASHINGTON, March 30. Tho cabinet
was in session louuy iur uh uuu. .......
John Hums, fireman, hit by falling glass
and cut about tho face nnd bend.
John Courtney, policeman, Btruck by fall
ing cornlco and glass, head cut nnd shouldero
Mario Ellis, fell downstairs, wrist
sprained nnd head cut.
Mrs. Mary Robinson, hurt nbout the faco
and head.
Tho lossoo ore distributed In this way:
Columbia Theater Amusement company ot
Chicago, owner of tho building, $125,000 (In
surance, $100,000); Klnw & Erlanger, pro
prietors of the Rogers Hrothcrs' company,
$35,000 (Insurance, $20,000); Iroquois club,
$10,000; . M. Ilernstcln, Jeweler, $5,000;
Howlnnd block, $3,000; Hnnnnh &. Hogg, sa
loon, $3,000; Chicago National bank, $3,000;
Bollevuo Medical Institute, $3,000; miscellan
eous losses, $3,000. Total. $190,000.
A company owned by Klaw & Erlanger of
New York und headed by Rogers brothers,
presenting "Rogers Hrothors in Wall
Street," was paying an engagement nt tho
FlnmeN Interrupt n Itehenrnnl.
Tho flro Interrupted tho progress of a
rehearsal, nnd twenty men and women In
costumes wero driven to tbu street In haste.
When nn excited stngo hand rushed Into tho
theater and shouted that tho theater was
on flro there was a wild rush on the part
of tho players, and n frightened crowd of
from cither Ucckhnm or Taylor, but If each
Ifsucs a requisition for the snmu man on
llko grounds ho will sign the necessary pa
Common Svtlnitlei' Wurlm AiiineroiiN
VlellniN in IIHTerent Tciinii All
(Her lovtn.
FORT DODGE, la., March 30. (Special
Telegram.) Society circles hero were rudely
awakened today from drcamB of bliss bo
causo Count Fountain, a s-mooth and unctu-
oiia native of Krance, has proved counterfeit
Miss HorlocVtr Cleared of Obargo of At
tempting to Polion Mn. Moray,
Toucbinj; Scne Whoa tho Verdict is Raad
in the Oourt Roam.
Batty Then Embrects Her and tho Two
Weop TeatB of Joy.
Verdlet Not t'nepeeted by Those
Who llnve Followed the Cne
Outline of .Indue Ailnni'
Churue t the Jury,
HASTINGS. Neb.. March 30. (Special Tel
egram.) Tho llnal climax to tho celebrated
Horloclier-Morcy poisoning easo camo at
11:15 this morning when the Jury brought
In a verdict of not guilty, niter having been
out but one hour.
State's Altorni'y McCreary closed hh
plea nt 10 o'clock nnd Judge. Adams linnnv
dlately Instructed the Jurors nn lo how thev
wero to be governed In forming the verdict.
At 10:30 tho Jury went out and tho Judga
and attorneys departed for various placet
nbout tho city, as thoy wero under tho Im
pression that the Jury would not report
until after dinner. Hut after having been
out less than nn hour the Jurors had agreed
upon the verdict.
Thcro wero less than .100 peoplo In tho
court room when tho Jurors enmo filing In.
Tim uolf.utvtnd riinnt nrrlve.l lnHt wetil: and
was heralded through tho local papers ns ; tiio ueiemiani sai in nor acciiii)nnn iu-
a genuine represontntivo of the nobility of close to tho Jury box, with her slstcm on
open arms. His story
pathetic simplicity, lie was tho son of a
Krance. Ho was welromcd by society with cither side. A deathlike, silence prevailed
open arms. His story was beautiful In Its as tho verdict w
the ammunition box nnd cutting the loading j loading topio of , discussion I performers shivered in a neighboring saloon
tnpe. Tho order was given to back oars, but i ' 3UM' "' . h , elven ' the now whllo friends went in search ot BUltable
l . r . l I.- ,,1 V, nthora t.lni I IU wo nu... uv..-..- o-- - - .1
KB unij U 1UVT vuum viu uaiu, . . . .. v. . Hu.n
qui:i: kixijlv mkssack
Iloers Look Vv Him i
(rent Lender oC Their
Clilili-N Her Sj nipiltli V to the Ilrml
(leneriil'H Willow.
LONDON. Match 30. Queen Victoria has
cabled Lord Roberts asking him to convey
to Mrs. Joubert. widow of General Joubcrt,
her sympathy at tho loss of her husband nnd
to tell her that tho Ilrltlsh peoplo always
regarded tho dead general ns a gallant sol
dlor and honornblo foeman.
shattered, tho tldo drifted us on a sandbank.
Ellrfworth, Edwards nnd Woodbury tried to
swim tho boat out, but did not succeed.
"Tho volleys wero poured Into us on the
left bank, wounding mortally Nygard. At
this time I was under the Impression that
most of tbo crow were either wounded or
killed. Tho bodies of the men who had been
killed had fallen on the- wounded men, who
wore struggling In the bottom of the bout.
Tho boat whh covered, with blood -nud pie
eented n fearful sight.
"The cries of tho mortally wounded In the
stern of tho boat, asking me to Bhoot them
and not allow them to fall Into the hands
of the savages, were heartrending. At tho
same tlmo could bo seen coming down the
right bank of tho river, a band of men armed
with Remingtons, bows and nrrows, bolos
nnd epenra. I gavo tho order to hoist tho
white Hag, which was done by Rynders,
who received a shot lu the right wrist and
dropped tho flag. I thought tho enemy ln-
...iii i nmmiinn. Thisn instruct ons. cioming lor uim
, . iM,i t,nv rtot vot been formally The early part of the flro was marked
' . ....i . .i, nmmlRslnners. hut In with gallant rescues of .glrls employed In
nil probability they will bo within a day or laundry of tho Iroquois club, where
uii ii vuuux.w i l atnrtnil Tun (Irrmnn pllmliril
tvf' . . .. , ,1,,. it u the tho tiro escape to the sixth floor nnd enrried
purpose of the president 'to mako the civil men who had grown hysterical, to n
purpose oi mn .... . renresentpd placo ot safety. Tho rescuers woro urged on
govwnment of tho PPnw P"'' L thc chcorB of thousands massed In tho
uy mo commissiuii, uiunui ,u i"u
In all matters pertaining to the government
ot the islands, not strictly rfcllUar in cijir.
ucter. It Is believed that JU'flgo Tatt, before
ho accepted tha chairmanship of tho com
mission, had a perfect understanding with
tho president n to tho relations which
should exist between the civil nnd military
authorities, and also that, from tho tlmo tho
commission arrives in Manila Its authority
istrcot below. The two gliis who mado tho
nerilous Journey under tho guidance of thc
firemen were Iraures Miller nnd Mario Eillw. j
Tho others wero escorted down the stairway
through tho blinding smoke.
A few minutes after the discovery of the
fire tho root of tho building fell with n
crash nnd to many it sounded llko a great
explosion. Tho collapso caused a general
stnmpedo among the Bpectators, and in thc
ruined fortune. 1'atrlotlo devotion to a
fallen cause had brought ruin upon his fam
ily, lu whoso vclUB coursed the bluest blood
of the Krench nobility. His fnther had been
nmbaB3ador at Washington, representing the
Krench government of Louis l'hlllppt.
Ho approached Rev. Mr. Wlard, Congre
gational minister, nnd so convincing was
his "manner that he occupied the Congrega
tional pulpit Sunday ovenlng, nnd doubting
Thomases were then convinced of his truth
and honor. Tho Mosaic club, composed of
lending society women of tho city, stood
sponsor for him and he was received and
dined by lenders of tho fashionable act. Ar
rangements wero perfected for an enter
tainment to bo given undor tho count's pa
tronage next Wednesday evening, when to
day it developed Umt the count Is a com
mon swindler nnd has left his trail nil over
north centrul Iown.
His methods aro to win tho conndenco
of church-going people. Then his work Is
easy. Ho borrows nil he can from his dupes,
gives entertainments, pockets tho proceeds
nnd skins without paying his bllU. At
A!,.mm ho fnllod to nav his board till. Ho
Irducrd. one of tho hotel attaches lo nOvanC'.'
$30. promising to meet him lu Mason City.
whero ho would Introduce mm io mo
mysteries of acting. Ho also endeavored to
close a deal with two young women for tho
Baoio purpose. At Hclmand ho had a similar
cxperienco and has tnken several thousand
dollars from various towns.
will be supreme, under the president, as to ruf)h BCverfl, wero BUf.My bruised. Later.
nil matters of government
Secretary Gago occupied somo tlmo In
making a statement of tho receipts and ex
penditures of tho government. Ho stated
that slnco July 1. 1899, there had nccumu-
whon tho cornice of tho front of the building
fell, several firemen had narrow escapes.
Ileehrlnteiieil by llllen Terry.
Tho Columbia theater was built by J. II.
Haverly a short tlmo nfter tho Chicago lire.
Slnle Di'i'iurlnirnt lteeelves Cable Dln-
imtehen from t'nlteil Muled Min
ister 1,1'lncliiiiniin.
WASHINGTON, March 30. The State de
partment has received cable dlspatch from
United States Minister Lelscnmnnn nml Mr.
Trohano, counsel for the McMurdo heirs,
iboth at Hernc, confirming the prews account
of tho awnrl made yestorday by tho Delagoa
bay arbitration.
l'rmlilent (Ireeteil by llnillle Crlen
mill I'elleil vtlth I'uper
HOME, March 30. On the president of
the Chamber of Deputies taking his, seat for
today'o Beislon of tho house the extremo
leftists raised a tumult, shouting "Go out!"
tended to marsacro all of us, bo continued i J" , ,.. vnP mHnifi
to fire, tho flro of the enemy coming faster, j $53 000 000, and that by tho end of nnd a,tcr lt V trom h,s humlB 1,1 1881
We wero now hailed from the left bank, , ,T. ' rnhnhtw u-nnli! nmnunt It was rcchristcned the Columbia by Ellen
I- L". I . HI n.,n kn. It .... .11.1 j . "UII VI ll.tD J ' J m . 1. .1 ... not '."on.'Hlinl I II
tunnnnnnn Thla anrnlua u nr. i erry Ul lliu lllliu ui -'i mn. w "
counted for by largo recelptn from customs Chicago with Sir Henry Irving. The leas,
Lumueu iui uj i b i- . nnliimhln Amimnmnnt eomnanv CX-
and by a matorial reuueuon jn me expenai
tures on account of war. Tho secretary Is
of the opinion that tho present rate of taxa-
in Spanish, nn officer saying that if we did
not coaso tiring nnd surrender ho would
kill us. I then surrendered.
Lined Uii to lie Mint.
IliifnpD tha nfflrAP nn ihi 1tft Kanl .nlllfl
get across, the oavages on the right bank lion might safely be reduced to some extent
rame un. took us off the boat, robbed us of ' and It was with a view to a pofslhlo rccom-
i.i.. i .. .mcndatlon to congress by tho president on
11IIK3, nuicuts, uuid, uaiit,! VIULUI.O, JU i.ll, i i . i
overytblng that they could get at short
notice, tied our nrms behind us with bamboo
thongs nnd lined us on the beach to bo shot.
"Those who had rifles loaded them and
tho subject that tho becretnry mado his
Judgo Taft announced tho names of tho
ofllcors of tho Phlllpplno commission, with
had them already cocked when an officer ! ho exception of that of secretary, whoa?
camo out cf tbo brush and ordered other- , selection nas not oeen uum iy u i.-....,,..
wise. Wo were then sent on board the I Arthus W. Kergusson of Washington, who
beat and after plugging up the holes made
of tho Columbia Amusement company ex
plred May 1, 1900, and would not havo been
renewed, as tho company Is now building n
theater of Its own. The Iroquois club, wh030
homo wns destroyed, Is tho largest demo
cratic club In Illinois and has among Its
members many of tho prominent residents
ot Chicago.
.liiHflee Lewis Siijn .Not n Unllnr Will
He I'lild for Ciinfes-
Is about 11 years of age, Is to bo tho Spanish
secretary. At preaent Kergussoh Is chief
translator of tho Bureau of tho American
Republics, which brings him in closo con
tact with tho Latin races of South America.
t..!.,,. iVt.a crBlnna nf tin Prmpn rnmnilfl
. i. . . . ... .in ,nHn tim following statement concern
Rynders nnd Wcodbury, seriously wounded; 1 8 " " Z tho storv sent out from Winchester
.myself slightly wonnded In tho kneo by a!1110, commissi.. i uuu u....K ... ,h't Altorney James Andrew
imii 'nuiuu L-uiiiti wiruuKu xoo hhio oi ine I , , , Tho wniin.l hmle.1 nn mrivni in 3nn met ho accompanied tho I'anamcrlcaii
Yaldi-o. ! rongress on Its trip through the United
'by rifle balls, pulled up tho river. I regret
to say that I now found tho following
"Morrlssey and Dillon, dead: Nygard and
McDonald, mortally wounded; Vnnvllle,
KRANKKORT. Ky., March 30. Ex-Chief
Justice James II, Lowls, chairman of tho
commltteo selected by thc legislature to
have chnrgo of tho Goebel reward funu, to-
"We were landed some distance up tho river
and wero allowed to tako tho mortally
wounded out of tho boat nnd place them on
shore, and to arrange tho bandages to the
"Tho seriously wounded we carried with us
to the commandants office, about a mllo
Krank A. Branagan, a native of Ohio, Is
to bo tho disbursing officer nnd accountant
of tho commission. Ho acted In a similar
capacity for tho Paris Peace commission
and Is now tho chief of tho bureau ot no
us handed to thei Judgo nml
ho began to read. Eacli word that ho pro
nounced sremcl to touch the heart-stlrrlng
chord of all as they waited with bated bnuth
until ho said "Not guilty."
Upon hearing theso words Viola Horlocksr
sprang up with emotional excitation, ut
tered a heart-romllng moan nnd sank to her
chair In n swoon. R. A. Hatty, nttomcy
for tbu defense, drew tho girl to his bosom
and tha two wept Liars of Joy.
As soon as Viola had sufficiently recov
ered to stand hor attorney escorted her to
tho Jury box, where nho stood, with heart
throbbing, quivering Hps nnd tears In her
eyes. As tho Jurors emerged from the box
she attempted to express her gratitude, hut
sbo could do nothing more than grasp them
by tho hand, ns sho was emotionally over
come. Thoro were but fow -women In Lbo
court room, but most of those prosent camo
forward to shako her hand and whisper
words of encouragement.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Moroy wore nbssnt from
tho court room when tho verdict was ren
dered. Thu verdict was not unexpected, ns tho
majority of tho peoplo felt that tho de
fondant would bo tiuarel or tho Jury would
dlai,icc Ohtf iT Ih,' j, mf said ere was
n inlying link In tho chain nf evidence, as
not ono ot tho witnesses hnd testified to
having Been the defendant with n box or
pnekngo on tho fatal day, and said ho would
havo stayed with tho Jury a lifetime before
ho would hnvo given a verdict to convict.
Judge Adams said that, considering tin
testimony nnd tho facts ,ih offered, ho
thought tho proper verdict had been rn
dured. The .ImlKe'H Clinrtte.
Kollowlng are extracts from tho chnrgo
of Judgo Adams:
The law iiirsumes that every person Is of
a sound mind until there Is somu evidence
i.MjAka '-i"""' to thft rontriiry. In thlH case thu defendant
sensational suiciuo oixmieu entitled to an nciiulttnl If the evidence
Island near tho spring. A man waded out engenders a leasoimblr doubt uh to the
., f,.- u im pmild shot himself threo times mental capacity nt the time tho alleged of-
au far as ho could, shot nimseii uirco i .i . cfy cnilrKl,d ,( hav ,ip(1) t.on,,lv t,.,i.
In tho head, pitched forward into tho water uvldenco rebutting or tending to rebut tlin
and was swept down between Luna and Goat presumption of sanity need not, to entitle
islands, colng over tho falls at the Cavo of .'J?'!1!';1
i ' . . l i 1,1 ti" wi iiio iii i iinnii i n iiivaiiiiniii"ii
! tho Winds. Krom papers and lotters leftnf n0CUIK.(. ntteiulji tho accused step by
behind ho Is thought to bo inppoiyio 1 slop tiirougn tnn enure case, as well upon
Schneider ot Pittsburg. Letters lu
wero found addressed to Madamo
Russell Infanta Dahlia and tho westing- or hucji strungtn ns io require tmii tnn ni-
. ' J f iiiMBhi,ri. in nnn lnti er , loncn show souniliiexH of mind beyond rcn
houso company of IMttsburh. m one. loner ; Homil)ln (toulti , ,t ,H n()t of HU'ch cr
ho blames tho woman, Lillian n. Russell, utt t0 require the state lu tho llrst Instance
for his death and leaves hor nil his property, nnd before the Introduction of evidence
rpi.n i..uoru rmnlillni? nnd Indicate that tending to hIiow mental incupaelty. to prove
Tho lotters wero rambling ntm inmcaio mai th() ,nentll ,.,,ncty to have been In the
tho mnn was Insano. Naturalization papo.s normal condition uhuiiIIv possessed by ordl-
wuro found on him, dated March a, JSSa, at . nary persons. ...
llisnurt,. nrtidllceil hv mentnl iIIncuhu lu not n erlme
If tho defendnnt had a mental disease which
Irresistibly compelled her to commit nn uot,
If tho net was tho object of mental disease.
In her. she Is not Kiilltv: she Is Innocent.
SnenUN nt Klve Town In Two Wnnh- , uh Innocent an If tho net hud been produced
' . . ! l.v l.,.l,,t.t t. ., I..,.vl... .!.. n.. 1...
lnn Ciuntle-He In person using herlid ngalnit her utmost
Iuk;. i(lstance. Insanity Is not Innocence unless
' It produce tho committing of the deed. If tho
Ho inndo hIx Hpccchoft In Whitman anil '
Sill ll llelleveil In lie Insnne AiluplM ll
Sure Wny of l.eiivlnic the
NIAGARA KALLS, N. Y.. March 30. A
ippoiyic siep inrougn inn enure cuie. us wen upon
Krench "lut of mental eapiuity us upon nil other)..
. .... Tho effect of the presumption of Innocence
Lillian Upon the iiuestlou of mental capacity Is
Scott had proposed to tho relatives of H. K.
Youtsoy to glvo him a portion of tho re
ward money for a confession or mo ueuum
of tho conspiracy to assusslnato Governor
"Tbo money appropriated by tho lcgisin-
" ualll lie. IO DO USCn 111 rillllllllH
down tho ussasslna of Governor Goebel at Karmlngton, 1,500 peoplo heard him fori Tho Jury Is further instructed that you
and bringing them to Justice will bo dls- ,on mlnutes, and at Spokane ho addressed l"'.. rainffi
i'OKANE, Wash.. March 30. This has defendant hud mi Insane Impulso to lolstin
. .. It i ,.i ' ,ii ..,jn Mrs. iMorey and could havo restated It, she
i a day of hard campaigning for Hrydn. , wnH resnonslble. Whether ovcrv iiiHiinn lm.
made six speeches lu Whitman nnd ' pulse la Irresistible Is u iiurstlon of fact.
Spokane counties nnd addressed 35,000 poo- J Whether In tills ease the defendant had un
pie. At Colfax ho addressed an audience
or i.uuu; ai uruuum, ui icnuu, i,vvu, iuci.
counts In tho State department. Rutherford ik a n nrnvidpd nt tho flrat mooting iWn audlunces of 10.000 ench. sneaktnK after- i fnct nf hop rninml! Ilriir -thn pHm nrAvlrlfi
jt - t,if jitnni nr. j rnrhtn n rn nf Adlutnnt. flnnnrnl f!nrhln ( . t -.1 .mmicdnn an miinh fnr thn nn nn.t mmnlnir 11 tlw mnntp tnnt nf I VOU llnd that Hho did nnmnilt ihc rr(m nt
f0."1 "T" "il?".""''.- .rf;!- !h Guard. Tho omcer'ln charge of us would not ' of the army, has been chosen as assistant L9sassln a so mch for' tho conviction of tlm exposition. Ho was met at the depot ttxt ahZ
,uiivci..,,. ... w. - . allow the mortnlly wounded to bo taken with secretary of tno commission. uoruin each accessory. hero by 1.000 peoplo nnd escorted over tne tVOI, f0. lti (or the law nssuincs that there
pnmurai lu,., . ,. , us Tup oflleer Bai, lnpy h.d a meUCa about 25 years of ago ana has had consiuor- "Tho preliminary work is in mo nanus principal business streets, through banns or j is n iiaa motive, mat it is promptod by
nfflpr nnj ivmiM nn,i him Xu in n,,,iinhln emerlpncB In this lino of work, hav-I eninmnnwnilth'ii Attorney Kranklln nnd ri,r,rinir hiiinnnltv. With Hrvan enmo Gov
tho chamber toflaywa'' the mon. I never could ascertain whether 1 lng filled positions of Importance with tho no nrivato citizen has authority from Mr. ornor n0gcrs nnd a party of other state offl
ineu uciween
United States
tonluht for
Whlto Houso this evening to tho members been spent and I think you can safely say
of tho newly appointed Phlllpplno com- that not n dollar of It will bo paid for con-
The scene in tno uianiDcr Ionay'" the mon. I never could ascertain whether 1 lng filled positions of Importance with tho no privato citizen has authority from Mr. ornor n0gers nnd a party of othei
dramatic. After threats by tno sociaiisis Ms wflg don(( . the npxt a a who parla Pcaco commission and tho first I'hll- Kranklln or from tho commission to offer cala nml they were entertalne
It was thought that Slgnor Loimniio woum cQu)J m(jve wnrQ n)arcnwl ucross tf)0 coun. 1 ipplno commission. rewards for confeFlons of alleged acccs- Bpcceneg nt tho residence of Un
not preside, but nt the appo ntcd hour he o SaQ President McKlnley gavo a dinner nt tho sorlcs. Not a cent of tho $100,000 has yet Hnnntor Turner. Tho party left
Letter Hint Wnn Never Kent.
Tho scene In
NEW YOHK. March 30. A World corre
spondent, writing from Pretoria, March 7,
v!i: The lloer hero of tho first four
months of thn war Ih Louts Uotha, tho , entered tho houso and calmly took hU chnlr,
victor of Colcnso and Splonkop and the ' A howl of rage went up from the extreme
youngest general In tho republican armies, left. Slgnor Colombo sat Impassive, with t tho commandant's office I requested to
The Hoers nro too stoical to havo many i his hand renting on his hip and looking bo allowed to wrlto the commander of the
popular heroes, hut the namo Hotha fixedly at tho leftists, somo of whom be- y0rktown to notify him of tho facts and to
is on evory tongue In the two republics nnd ! gun to throw paper pellets nt him. Several rcnUest medical attendance. This was al-
nlrmdy he Is being mentioned as n possible i oi meso ion soon mm mm. .m .n..,....... i0Wed, nut t round later that tne letter was
i-.mdldato for the presidency. It reminds one ! t tho ministerial benches. Tho ushers in- ncvor sent uofore cn(,nf, Ms rcport j w
of the dayu In America nfter tho light ot i cd tho paper throwers to stop, but It mcnton men whom I particularly noticed;
.1 ii- ft c I m imau 1 11 f r nil t1 llln II tl TflH r. lllli 1 1 t it.
Manila, when Dewey camo Into prominence
Tho light on Splonkop In the latter part
of January was the first of any great con
eequenco. Inasmuch as a Ilrltlsh victory
would have been followed by tho raisins
of tho slego of Iadysmlth. A defeat for tho
lloerB would havo changed tho tide of the
entire campaign In Natal, aud to guard
ngnlnst such a calamity General Joubert
placed General Hotha In charge.
To show how successful General Hotha
was In combating tho Urltlsh forces It Is
only necessary to say that seven days after
tho battle there remained on the sides of
Splonkop and In tho valley below more than
TOO bodies of English soldiers, while the
total Ions of the Btera wns fifty killed and
123 wounded. Tho total Boer force engaged,
in the fight was not more than 350. whllo
tho Ilrltlsh force was no lefts than 2,000, and
probably twlco that number.
Hotha did not teem to bo proud of his
wns Imposslbln to calm tno uproar. mo ai behaved well
rightists then rose nnd cried "Viva wj- .. w Wa;ton( for hg cooincss In tho
lombo." The majority, composed ot tho bQW of tho bont wlth Ule CoU gun He
rightists nnd centrists, rose in a body and ,,ad tno vItor of h(a cnp Bnot oR an(1 CQat
Joined in tho cheers, to which tho leftists lercea 0 balu ,n tho nrBt volloy ,)Ut El0 d
responded with shouts of "Go out," "Go
out." After ten minutes' deafening din
Slgnor Colomba put on his hat and ad
journed tho session.
The leftists In tho lobbies declared they
will never nllow Colombo to preside at
another sitting.
to IiIj gun and worked it until it wns thrown
out of action.
"Paul Voudolt, who assisted at the bow
with tbo gun and to whose knowledge of
tho Spanish language I nm especially In
debted. He was under flro of the cnomy
nil of tho tlmo In the bow and I commend
him for coolness and bravery.
"J. Ellsworth, who, In his capacity of
coxswain, handled the boat well, and was
especially ccol tinder fire, being In tha ex
posed position of coxswain and only leaving
I'll noun Wnr Correspondent Iniies
Annr ut III Home In
Loudon. tho coxsv.'ftln'B box to assist in swimming
j tho boat out.
LONDON, March 30. Archibald Korbcs, j "liynders, for staying at his oar, although
tho well knota wnr correapondent, died lu . Burlously wounded in both arms, and doing
this city during the night. He had been ' everything to osalst In backing the boat
' ' .. I i 111. 0nm anmA VAM iu Onrl itllflnD IhU nut lllu AAlnnid O fl rl liM VltPV fl 1 r Vlrt 1 1 CT Vl
yi01?'',.1 V?, on,r,0,.fc,h,,1,,r,Ty ll ast six months had bee unable to write or suffering from his -wounds, cannot be too
tho British soldlora nnd the injustice ot J ...ii....,. , m.,w m.i
lbo wlileh mn.le Rllh HblOchtpr nMISi- I Onyill.UB, u.uH .u ..,,...v..w..n """'"' :"" .. . . .
mission. Those present included: . fesslons.
t . . ,i i. it rr T, t iinn t , . I
juuiiu ii. it. luti, nut, il-uu j. uuivii,' ( nn..rnern
ter, Luko E. Wright. Hemy C. Ide. rrof. CULTUN HAb NUI UUNrCOOCU
Hornnrd Moscn, Secretary Gage, Secretary
Tlnot. Attornov General Orlctm. Postmnster wires Ills Fntlier Hint HcporU
General Smith. Secrotarv Ixmc. Secretary to that KITeet Are
Hitchcock, Secretnry Wilson, Senator Tur- Knlse.
ley, Representatives Cannon and Henry A.
Cooper, General Joseph Wheeler and Colo
nel Charles Donby,
RICHMOND, Ky.. March 30. Rev. J. N.
Culton, father of W. II. Culton, charged
with being an accessory' to tho murder ot
FlfiHT IIF FRFNP.H AND ARAR3 Goebol. Is deeply incensed at what he do-
clanis is an attempi io urn ins " m."
Knrmy'a I'nnltlnu Tnken by Column
Under Co in mn nit nf Lieutenant
Colonel Mu.
western Washington.
Hun Xnt Suit! lie Would Support llrynn
Nor Indicated II Ih I'ohIIIoii
nt All.
mallcn If nothing cIko appears,
i:-rreNlilent Suyn Hint lie Apprnveii
uf the lliiy-l'iitiuc elote
l'RINCETON. N. J., March 30. Kx-Presl-dent
Grovcr Cleveland today relaxed his
customary reserve ns to the discussion of
public affairs, and lu tho course of un In
tervlow expressed himself In approval of
PARIS, March 30.-2:15 p, m. An official
account has boon announced of tho victory of
tbo Krench troops over the Arab army at
an alleged conspiracy. Ho has received
from bis son a telegram saying: "I nave
mado no confcnslon. I havo nothing to con
"Tnllnw DleU" Itelenaed,
HEATTYVILLE, Ky., March 30. "Tallow
i,i i-mm, ..m,ii with .h m.i nt Dick" Ccombs, charged with complicity in tlotll, You mny 8ay that i have not Indl-
nttacklne the Krench expedition which re- lnB "OK"ei ". i cnteu my pmnauio nuiiuno m uy y
centlv occunle.1 the oasis of Insalab. south- rora Ja on a writ or nnueas corpus . inn ,tape or manner.
west of Algeria. " " 7 "Aw ' u '
Tl, T.-.Qr.h l...rnl il,n e.l,arr,a nn IlOXl .llllllUiiy. IU Il.tai lluiliui.un
nnivncrnw v t Mnrch an. Former tho Hay-Pauncefoto treaty for the noutrall-
Prwld'cnt Orover Cleveland said today to "tlon of the Nicaragua.! canal. Mr. Clove-
an Associated Press correspondent relative nJ addod that ho hoped tho treaty would
to reports that havo been circulated that "atl',1ea' . . .. ,.,. ,
ho had announced his Intention of support- Mr. Cleveland said: "With reference to
lng W. J Bryan for tho presidency In tho J ho cana across Nicaragua, I Ifavo always
coming campaign' thought that whatever was dono In Its pro-
"I do not think theso reporta aro worthy n"1" ''X " Bovornmenl of tho United
of denial, but I will simply my I havo not Statu should bo dono as a contribution hy
in any way signified to auyouo what courso It to tho cause of progress and advancing
I shall tako in tho next campaign. civilization. It has seemed to be that wo
"Tho statements accredited to me aro ah- , bad gained, that position among tho nations
solutely false. In fact I havo not given any or tne world tnni would mano it nppropriatu
consideration nt all to tho approaching cloc- lor us, In nccordnnco with the spirit of our
institutions, io maae sucn a contribution
This, of coureo, moans tho absoluto noutrall-
(Inlet uu lluberta' Pimm.
.1 nvnnv Mnreli sn In thn llausa of
Commons today tho parliamentary secretary ' States, Qcnoral M. C. MeigB
from rheumatism and paralysis. Ho spent "Vnnvllle, for his bravery and ccolness
most of his tlmo nt his home in London. . under fire, endeavoring to get a clip out ot
His wlfo wns a Miss Meigs, daughter of the a Leo rule for me, and aunougn wounacu
late quartermaster general of tho United , seriously four times, stayed In position. Hs
is a youug mau ui exemplary uaous, oniy
Movement uf Oeeiui Vessels, Mob, ltd.
! At Now York Anived-Gormantc. from
Uascogne, from
umn led by Lieutenant Colonel Eu. Tho fraNKFORT. Ky., March 30. Captain At Chorbourg-Halled-Knlser Krlcdrlch,
town was nrst bombarded and men stormed, Jonrj nnv9 waR released from Jail this after- from Hamburg anu woumumpion, tor .ew
r,;'"" "".I. im'," noon- lorii.Kiro v"'" " ' At Yokohama-Sailed Goodwin, for Taco-
u ...u ...u.s..vo. ...v, .. w ......... Hon. L. J. (Jrnwiaru oi iew iiuri uvuauiu , nl!l.
elded to' iorr the enemy's ptToV whkh to give Coombs up to Clark county ofilcers. . At r p, S W
was succeeofully carried March 19 by a col- ,., ,..,.,, froln .in. At llnvre-Arrlved-Ua C
100 wounded on tbo field
In nddltton 450 prisoners wero taken. Tho
Krench losses wero nine native mildlern
killed, thirty-eight wounded and two officers
surety for him.
il'e' "IiivIiik ut InilliiniipnllN.
INDIANAPOLIS, March 30. Charles P.
Klnloy, tormer secretary ot statu of Ken-
At Oimenittown Sallod Dominion, from
Liverpool, for Halifax and Portland.
At Brisbane Sailed Mloworn, for Van-
CAt "Southampton Sullod Kaiser Krleder
Ich. from Humburir, for New York.
zatlon ot tho Nicaragua construction, nml
slnco tho Hay-Paunccfots treaty Is directly
In lino with this sentiment, I am, ot course,
strongly In favor ot its ratification."
Iiiltux uf .liiimicne I.nbnr.
SAN KRANCISCO, March 30. Working
mon In this stato are becoming alarmfcd nt
tlm steadily Increasing rjunibor of Japanese
iinmlgrnnU, It Is stated that ulnco Junu
ury 1, ISM, no less than 3,120 laborers from
Jnpan hnvo arrived In this country and the
Immigration bureau Is Informed that 1.400
more are due here by April 7. Accordlne
o Labor Commissioner North 7,000 pass
ports have ben obtained In Japan for
laborers Intending to como to this country.