THE OMAIIA DA1LV JiJUJiJ: U 111 DAV, -MAHCIT 30, 1000. 11 SPECIAL. NOTICES AitverTlnriucntft lor tlit-sr- column will In; taken milll Hi m. tor (lie ctcnlnu edition mill ""HI Ht.'lo " fop mornliiK nnd Sunday cillllon. It n(r, ll-Sc n word Oral Inscrlloni lc n word theri-nftrr. Nothing: tnUcn for less (linn 'Mo for the first Inner, tlntt. Thru nil viirtlsi-ineiita uiuai lo run consecutively. Advertisers, by rrqtirstlwr n num. Iirreil elicek, enn have nimwcru nd-ilreoRi-il lo n numbered Irttcr.ln qnre of Tlir lice. Answers no addressed will lie delivered on prcncnlntlnn ol tlir check only. H'AXTIUI SI T V A T I O N S . A STENOGRAPHER. When you want om plrnso tftll up tho Remington typewriter office, iwj Juarnam st-, tciepnono is. A-133 GERMAN gentleman wishes Inside work. C 61 Ilco, A-M371 31 BOOKKEEPER, nvllh largo and varied ex perience, thoroughly reliable, Dost or rei crences, In onoii for engagement. C 6.', Ben. A-OT) 31' WANTED MALE II ISM. WANTEDS wo hnve steady work for a few good ntlotlers or good nablts'uid appear ancc. C. F. Adams Co., 1M9 Howard fit. B-134 WANTED, manager ttnd agents; salary or commission I cheapest and largest line. Hunter Tailoring and Shirt Co.. Cincin nati. Ohio. ' II MIIU a- S ptcturo agents; expenses paid, ,1810 Lfay th, 13 3ii A-3, SOLICITOR wanted, ft 'irellnble, hustling salesman for" tailor-made suits nnd trous ers: snlarV -or commission. Twin City Tnllorlng'C6.,1609 Farnnm. u ama mt.fUMtrw in .nil nfllro specialties: flno side lines; used by nil merchants; catalog free. Model "Mfg. Co.. Box B. South Bend, Ind. B MOSS A' BARBER trado tnught thoroughly In short time; catniogtia ana particulars tree, Addresii Western Barber' Institute Omnha, Neb. -BIX WANTED, nn experienced, competent flor 1st who spenks German nnd English. AP ply ii, llnas. iki;i vinton nt. is -u WANTRD. men to learn tho bntber's trade tvn offer the belt Inducements to those In tending to learn the barber's trade thor nughlv; send for catalogue. Tho Amerl run Ilnrher Oollece. Midland Hotel build Ing. corner 16th nnd Chicago Sts.. Omaha Is'Cli. j i ."on WANTED. 11 first-class traveling salesma to sell patent medicines; nttentlon given only to replies irom traveling pnicimcn ni . I 1 ..11 T, ,1- T 1 1 1 experience vhhux'k: uiuivfr 11. ninii, Nobrnska. R-M5C1 V WANTED, n coachman nnd n gardener: references reaillred. IT. W. Yiites. Ne braska National Rank . II-5S2 3 REL1AIJLI'' wnu I" ndVertlse nnd nppolnt ngents; tWA per vear besides cxncivea nnd commission. Permanent. References. G. Adams, X Dcnrlmrn, Chicago. R-397 29 SALESMaN In every city of rf.OOO to sell high grado shoes to consumer. Carson Shoo Co., Mcdlnah Temple, Chicago. R-595 29 WANTED, man who enn milk and do f.irm work. TransmlsslsRlppl Milk Dalrv. 23tll npd K. Spulh Omaha. H M390 31 PAfPERII ANGER and' Painter to tako part pay In houso rent. D 13, Hee. R-M592 31 ROY, 16 to 18 yenrs old; mechanical Ideas; industrious; ambitious to thoroughly learn the optical business! living nt homo; ref erences required; good opportunity. Col- umbliin Optical Co. R M593 WANTED A good carrlago painter. 1409 Dodgn St. n-BCl 31 YOUNG tniin of good mldress to travel nearby. (ryi)H; dlbernl salary nnd oxnenses paid. Address, with references, R. II. AVQodwurd,.Ualtlmore. H-MG17 30 W ANTED, men nt, good.iOdrjyis; .pnrmn. netit usruplOymlit tairlghtiiutrthM. rM7 Nl " I R-MCn 30 AVANh'ED. oxnerlencnil 'ookkeoncr imnleV to do half (lays (forenoons), posting on IMger st wholesale, houso; may lead tb permanrnl employment; do not apply un less proficient in pennniiiHhlp nnd (lgures. Address jxick iiox .w, council muffs. U-M626 At WATBO FEMALE HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. J52I Dodge. Tel. 876. C-13T 10 girls wanted. Canadian offlco 1522 Douglas C 25S YOUNG lady 'or gentleman to solicit for fraternal Insuranro; special deal; good ..... ...... ArfilM.d 1 JQ linn. n ... m WANTED Deputy' for fraternal accident anu sine neneiii nimirnnrn; special con tract. Address 'In contldcncc, C 51, Hoe. C 327 29 WANTED Young Indy or eentlemon well acquainted In city, for special work. Audrey, u 4o, nee. U 326 29 WANTED Young lady typewriter. Ad dress, stating wages, C 46, Ree. C 323-29 WANTED, a young girt to wa(t on .table at the Alamlto Farm. Apply' Room 226. Ree uutiuing, iinornoQiis. u A1330 WANTED, young lady or gentleman col lector In Omnlia nnd Soutli Omuhn. Ad urcss, witii particulars, u w, nee. C-123 29 WANTED, cook: good wages; German or Bohemian preforred. 116 8. 32d Ave. C-.M571 31 WANTED, girl for second work nnd to ns slst In tho caro of two children. 116 8. 32d Ave. C-.M670 31 WANTED, competent girl for general housework; two In fnmlly; good wages. 2203 Welwtor St. C-M563 30 WANTED, competent girl for general housework! family of two, Call nt 535 So. 29th nve, 'C-5S1 30 WANTED, a first-class cook nnd laundress to go west: three In family; wages $10; references required. No. 1306 S, 30th nve., cU . C M5SS 31 WANTED Several experienced shirt niuk crs at once Albert-Cithn,.1322 Farnam St. v ' .'v C 60S 1 GIRL for general , housework; 'referencesl 716 N.22nd. C 605 31 ' WANTED, saleslady for ladles' neckVear. NcbntHkiv Clothing- Co. C MC21 1 WANTED, girl for light housowork; twft In fnmlly 512 S. 21th ave. C - MSI 1 31 FOR RENT HOUSES. IF YOU want your houses well rented place them with Benewa Sc Co. D 138 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. D-145 FINE modern residence, 12 rooms, on motor line. No. 413 North 23th strcnt. J r. Clarke, 219 Hoard of Trade. D M296 A2 IfOUBES, all kinds. 38 U. S. Nat. Ilk Bldg. ' . D-M993 FOR RENT-To smnll fnmlly, 7-room cot tage In good repnlr; city water Inside; cistern: coal shed; 22nd and California 8ts $23. Inqulro nt C07 N. 19th St. D-115 ALWAYS moving Hv II. goods, rian Olllco 1511V4 Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or 86: nos. 863. D-117 HOUSES" htVrsr.nni"l?,.i'axton block 110 HOUSES for rent'ln all parts of the city. uronnuu-Lvo t.ti, sw no. inn street, , D-142 FIVE rooms. 2321 South 16th st. D7s6 CHRIS BOYER, 2123 Cuming, Tele. K 2652. . . . U ,.M59 A3' CHOICE houses, cottages, stores, He.nry ii. j-ayne, eui . v. Lue. 'rnone. ioik. ' . D-139 FOR RENT, 5-room hous 10 ncrea land; plenty of mnall fruit, J. II. Parrotte, Douglas luncK. u nm ai FOR RENT, April 1. No. 3414 N. 27th St., 7-room cottaite. first-class condition, pore. lain b.tth, hot and cold water, gas, cistern cement cellar; larga Darn. Address, w u, Mead, Jr York, Neb. D-M453 31 rou HHvr-iiotsns. HOOM modern cottage, near. motor, will please. 2710 Parker, D Dffi HOUSES and flats, Rlngwalt, Barker blk. u ill FINE 7 nnd 8-room apartments In the 1 r- . A mancue, special inducements, riue o-r"mi npartmunt In the Albion, 7.60. Call nnd seo us In regard to the Inducements. I'ayne-Knox Company, first Moor New York Life Hldg. D-MS72 1 MAflfJARD Van & Storage. 1616 Can. Ave. lei, u-" HOttSES to rent. R. C. Patterson, 303 N. 'OH UENT-7-room modem, oak llnlsh; Koo.d locntlon; rent low. Arv'.32 I.env enworth St. D-fi02 31 TWO or threo furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; mouern. Ml S. 29th t. D-M61I lt FOIl HUNT I'UllMSIIEn ItOOJIS, 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping, HU S, 11th. ROOMS, modern. 26S0 Harney St. NICEtV furnished room. stntlonar- wdsli Yttarid, hot and cold water, n.un nnn ieie phono privileges, In llncst brick rejldenco on Oeorgla Ave.; good board HeW Moor. Call phone V 260C or S23, E-M315 3 Ft'RNISHED rooms for'liousckeeplng for mnn'nnrl U-lfn'! rftlt tnkPn'Itl lin.ird. HID N. 17th. " "TlfToMS, with bath, furnished or urtfur nlsiied, by April 1. 2007 Casst,E-M339, 3,0,. FOR RENT, one or two "nicely furnished rooms, nu mnaern conveniences. " j street. South Omaha. E-MIGI 31 FFRNISHED rooms, hpilsJkeeplirg. 2623 St. Mary's Ave, E-M521 A2l -t-r FUHMHIIED ROOMH AM) HOARD. THE Merrlam family hotel, 23th and Dodge. F-HS TO 2 gentlemen, In privates family. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. F-149 ROOM and board, II to 5. 1512 Dnvenport. F-C22-A-9 THE PRATT, dcslrnblo rooms; 'phono 1592. 212 Ho. 2r.U1. F 112 FOR RENT, nicely furnished room, with board. 2102 Cass. F-MM 31 ELEGANT front room with board. 1900 Capitol nvenue. F-M510 31 tr ArrqfYtp; nnrinr hud room. ntliLT rooms gentlemen only; rates moderate. The Rose. 2020 Harney. F MS89 A12 HAXnsnsiEI.Y furnished front room, with board, for two. cir s. I6tn, ar.i noor. soutn slue. i-. .it aw "V- ;'WO desirable ropms with board; refer ences.. 202 N.. ISth. F-COM FOIl HET-l M ritMMir.l) ROOMS. 3 NICE unfurnished rooms In a cottage t1o children: references. 1120 n. litn St. J. II. Cokeroft. G-BO FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, storo In first-class location rent renronamc. Apply k, u. peters & Co., ground lloor, uco Diug. 1 2B0 STORE ROOM. 1106 Farnam. Opp. old P. O. I BXJ STORE ROOM. 1106 Fnrnam. Opp. old P. O. 1 bJJ WANTED TO RENT. WANTED to rent, olllco or desk room In Omnha and South Omaha; must no cen tral, accessible anil available evenings. Address, with terms, C 49, Ree. ' - K-322 29 WANTED to rent, furnished rooms for four people; central, moderate-:' 'Address, With terms, C 62, Ree; K321 2ft PLEASANT rooms with board for two. Address D 12, nee. n-nfrj as' RODXt nnd board, exce'nl lunch? by"yo'urtg Tiutn; south sum prcrerreu; state priciv D-14, .Uee. .. t lv-M5S6 2S WANTED By-a young: couple for ttw. sum mer a lurnisimi cottage or nouse, 11 i,, Ree. K-tfOM 31 STORAGE. PACIFIC S torn go ana Wnrehuose Co.. 912 911 Jones, general storago and forwarding. 152 OM. Van Stor. Co,, 1511V4 Farn. Tel 1559, 863. M-153 i. WANTED TO IIUY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc., in largo or small quantities, cnieago u ur ulturo Co., 1106-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. N-151 WILL purchnso a limited number of Omaha Savings Rank accounts. Urennan Love Co., 309 Ko, 13th. 1 N 155 ENTERPRISE FUR. CO. pays high prices for goodi nousenoia gooas. iik a. inn. N-M671 A10 2D-HAND -books for cash. Crano, 207 N. 16th st. ' N-M870 GOOD second-hnnd electric motor, 5 to 10 horse power; ulso No. 6 Remington type writer: do not answer unless you hnvo a burgahi. S. N. White, Co.. Bluffs. Iowa. N-M5B7 30 HOUSE to move. F. D. Wend. N M5U4 4 ELK teeth. Albert Bdhotro,- Jowelcr. 107 N. 16th St. N-607 FOR SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. TOP RUGGY for sale. In good condition. . U 40, llee. P-M190 ONWAUD JR.. No. 11.992. for 'sale'br 'lease, bay horse, 16 hands, weight 1275, regis tered. For particulars address A. Darl ing. Grand Island. Neb. P M310-2 C-PASSENOER carriage, cost $300 new, for sain for $1151 goon wheels, Mmost new Columbus light, phneton, cost fvi-.. nm,. tina Top- buggy, good as new, handmade, $100; cost t- new- DRUM.MO.ND CARRIAGE CO. ' P-G1P 1 FOR SALE, horse, phaeton, and Jiartie ss: horpo gunrnnteed gentle. 1507 Yates' st. , P-.M019 HORSE nml liuggy, cheap: separate or. to gether. 210 South 27lh street, near. FiVr num street. ' I'-i.M0l51 r-n : r FOIl SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CHEAPEST und - best poultry nnd hog fence. 901 Douglas. St. Q-157 CUTTERS ot drug, prices, Sborman & Mc- conncll Drug co t;or. lotip-ana uoiic Sts. Q-liT FOR SALE, ten R-I-P-A.N-S for 5 cents at druggists. Ono gives relief. . Q-lto 2DIIAND salo cheap. Dorlght, 1116 Farnam. ij iw B. HAAS, Florlet. 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plants, cut lloweis, lioqucts, hall, resi dence, wedding nud gruva decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly filled. Q-1C0 . FOR SALE Nearly new upright Stelnway vl.ino for $t50. Addrcrj XG'j Bee. Q-253--M31tr NEW bicycle tires, $2.23, $2.50 and -$3.00. Good secondhand whceU, $S, $10 and $12. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. Q-163 FOR SALE, sidewalk plank, all widths. 6 to 12 Inches, and u. 8 und 10 feet lenstlis, for 19.C0 per thousand feet. Also kindling wood nt $l.i) a load. Chicago House wrecking Co,, Exposition Grounds. 'I'honeSSl. q-M297t31 CUT prices at A. E. Wyllo's. 1513 Farnam; irrrmltagu Rourbon, 'Guckenlielmer Rye, 8 ,-cars old; drink. 10c: Vs pt., 25e; pt, C0o; II.. i. gai. sfill yj. jj., i. Q-M5S3 Alt HORSE clippers nnd repairs; wo grind razors, shears, clippers, etc, AT L. Undo land, 106 8, 14lh St. Q-MSSt All SAFES, buy. sell, etc. Schwartz, 114 S. 13. Tel. 1097. 1 Q-M163 CAN sell some choice Omaha, Council muffs or eastern Nehratka farm loans to customer, equal division of commis sion. C. A. Starr, 720 N. T. Life bids-,, Omaha. Q-M287 rou sale miscellanf.oi-.x. W111I3 Loddy , 1617 Howard. Tel. 1530. ! Q-fllSAug9 I ntUSH Jersey cow nnd heifer for sale. oiu n. I3tn. I'none wj, w-juii SMAU block of select "(lilt Edge" mln ins m u. aunm. u Q-637-31 FOR SAIE. maplo shade trees. D. P. Red man, 4002 Redman ave. Q-MMB i FOR SAUE or trade, books; Washington Irving, Alcxnnder Dumas, 9 vol, och; t,n rlyeopedla Hrltnnnlca; cash or wheel wuiittd. 11. H. Walter, Orlswold. la. Q M616 30 .MISti:i,l,.V.EOLS. WE are all ready for business; largest line 111 t.iiy ui 11 iiiiuii iiuuri'iiuiu ni'vm, xu- in city or 2d nana nouseliold goods, kii terprlse Fur. Co., 102 8. Hth. R-M672 A10 NOTICE, country dealer, 2dhand furniture gloves at lowest pnees, carioau ipia. or . less. Chicago Furnltute Co., 1106-10 Dodge. 11 lb FOR RENT, barn, at 2026 St. Mary's Ave. R-1C5 CLAIRVOYANTS. GREAT FORTUNE TELLER Free test- Just nrrlved from Eurqtie; will remain a short time. Tells six different ways; past, present nnd future; In person or by letter; tells lady or gent who the future husband or wife will be by, the letters In tho hand; orings uacK nusD.nui or lover 111 so many days; settles fnmlly troubles; breaks evil , iiiiiuliucm; miiiits Happiness; given mivice oiugraln and stock speculation; locates mines nnu Midden treasures; nlso line nnir growing tonic; nlso removes wrinkles, i. - face blemishes; cures corns, bunions; nlso ,-,Vevolk.lroubl5i .K,veH K001 ' yck chntm free this weekf. I ufo no pert or paper. Satisfaction guaranteed or money reinnueu. iridic in trouDln cull n onco. Remedies for thn etlrn nf nervousness. remnie troubles and tumors, coughs, colds, rheumatism, asthma and catarrh MADAME HE HAZARD. Parlors: 616 S. 13th st., upstairs, between nownru ami jarxson sts,, um.itia, Neb. Olllco hoird: 10 a. m. to 9 p. in.; open numiny. win loucn naild or eacn cus tpmcr freo with only truo- lurk stone In a America. S-M6G3 30 MME.GYLMER genuine palmist. 1606 Dodgo " "m MRS. FRITZ, clalrvoynnt, S12 N. 16th, B lUti MRS. HILL, Dewey's friend, 7th daughter. born with veil, fortune teller, locntes hid- WANTED, partner with JiMO In legitimate i llE THURSTON. 15th and Jackson: Amer den treasures; ladles 50c; gents. Jl. Read- 7uifue urlng business well under way; lean and European. Newly refitted. Ings by mall. 2002 Cuming. Prof. Spiers. . 0 j Spotltlou: r'sk whatever; orders Prices moderate. F-M 741 magnetic healer faith cure. 8 32 A22 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MRS. IIERRY, electro magnetic treatment nnd baths. 119 N. 16th St.. 2d lloor. Opp. I'. O. T 519 Apr. 21 MM E. SMITH, room 2, 11SH N. 15th. T Mi 31 PERSONAL. viavi, woman s way to ncalin. 340 nee bldg U 103 I DR. ROY. chlronodlst. corns nnd suDcrflu- ous hair removed by electricity, r. 12, lTcnzcr uioci:. u 175 SHAMPOOING- 25c. hair dressing 25c. hair toilet goods, Monheit, 1518 Farnam. Tel 2333 U 16SI LIEREN, costumor. 1313 Howard. Get catalogue. U-172 RUPTURE cured, no knife, no pain, no I danger. Send for circulars. Emplro Rup ture euro, 932 N. Y. Llfo Ride., Omana. U-171 PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds. ni. uoiuman & Co., 3jo uougias diock. U-171 PRIVATE linimitnl for indies before & dur ing coiiunomcni; uaDies uuopicu. i 11 U 114 PRIVATE home, beforo". nnd durlntr con finement. .Rabies, adopted. Mrs. Ilurget, 2C33. Docattlr., , , . , . U M2tl STAMPS for . "co'Ilcctbrs; nlbums, supplies. ' I-:rank.,Drqwi)(.220Va 13th. , IT-JI279 CANCER c.UjlEp.,n6 pnln. D.r. Hpnshnw. ; Hetenrirtc .specialist. 5l,N. 18hlt.. -Omaha, k 1 1 . c-rf.j V-tMi1I.-A10 , Monheit. eJiironodiat. lsis Farnam. 2d . uoor. ,4ei;jJ. . .i unv IF Y0l7 syher with "your feet .and desire ! Prof. LufuL 511 Kiirbnch block, U-953 A17 immciiiiiia ur ncrm in ni i pjiul triiii m AGNES, meet mo at the Renovator Klub I masquerade, Krelghton hall, Sat.. March si. Harry. c mi..i ;u MM E. SMITH, masnetlc treatment and baths. USV. North 15t h. room 2. U-51S 3 .MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money, 5, 6. 6 per cent; no de lay. Garvin uros., lcis Fnrnam. w 17U PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas v lis WANTED, city nnd farm loans; nlso bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Reo Bldg. W-179 6 PER CENT money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-1S0 : wi VI? nnr cent farm loans. Chas. E. Wll- llamson. W 181 MONEY lo lonn on flrstclass Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne- Knox Co., .New iorK iie. W-181 5, 514, 6 per cent loans on Omaha, S. Omaha. W. 11. Tliomas, ouj 1st is at. panic. Tel. mis. W 1S2 MONEY, to loan nt 6 nnd SU nor cent 'on Omaha property. W. B. Meikle, 401 8. 15th. W 183 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha roal y Ji5 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms nt 5 per cent, Borrowers can pay $100 or any multiple. Any in terest dnto. No delay. Brennan-Love Co., 309 boutn lain street, umann, wen. W-533- $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property nnu arms. v. I' amun co 1320 rurnnm. v isu MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. I-F-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-M-O-N-E-Y 8-E-E U-S- Wo havo n lariJo amount to Iflan on house hold furniture, pianos, organ, wurehouso receipts, horses, 'carriages, etc. You can get the money within n few hours after making aunllcntlon. WE CHARGE XSV-.xV.'Wr tO.HAT SXSl1 VOU .iwiiw.u i-,.,iv 1.11.3. ll bi.u uu 11a 111111:11 1111,13 ua jruu KL'triJ mill you nr.iv repay the lonn as soon ns von choose iind you need not pay for It ONE DAY LONGER THAN YOU KEEP IT. - OMAHA MOKTUAOIS LOAN CO.. Tel. 2293. 306 South 16th Street X-014. LOANS made salaried peoplo on personal noto without security: rates reasonable. J. W. Tuyloe, 21S lbt Nafl bank, 12 to 6 p. m. .v jyj MONEY loans on furniture, rigs, bicycles, diamonds, wntches. etc.; pament un- known to friends. Omaha J.oan Bank, 1416 i-arnani, upsinirs. x i:a MONEY LOANED SALARIED PiCOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name without endorser 61' mortgage. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST RATES. No Inquiries made of em ployer or friends. You can borrow any amount nnd repay on easy weekly or monthly pnymetils. Beforo borrowing seo us. OMAHA CREDIT CO,, sulto 623-526 N. Y. Llfo Rldg. X-1SS MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS, diamonds, winches, on easy payments, un known to others; you keep tho goods, each payment IcsfccnB tho cost of tho loan; no charge for papers nnd wo miiko no In- ? Ulrica of your neighbors. RERGERS' .OAN .CO., 1501 Farnam, over B. & M. ticket ottlce. X-1K) SALARY loans after working hours. If you want cheap money address B 67, Bee. X-S20 All GOLD, Silver, Greenbacks fat High-class salaried people, TAKE YOUR CHOICE. Easy to get and tasy to pay. Lowest rate. No Indorscr or mortgage required. QUICK AND. CONFIDENTIAL service. Ques tions answered cheerfully aid you will receive courteous attention whether you borrow or not. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 601, Bee Uulldlnz. X-M2J9 MONEY T( LOAN-CIIVrTHLP. MONEY loaned on ptanos, turniturOr Jew- j elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 319 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible coucerns upon their own names without security; cusy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. I Hldg. MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. J. W. Tayloe, SIS First National bank building; 12 to 6 p. m. X 198 MONEY. LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their own names, In amount from $10.00 up. A comparison of our rates with others Is all we ask, as we aro positive that nnra -ir i lip lowest In the cltv. Rcmembtr (hnl w.-n nrn thn only loan COIllOallV giving " i , yR Pln,t"0,,?rI;,1"U9lne" conlluen"nl' lleal' nil 1 nnmAftR LOAM CO. Tel. 2295. Room 119, Hoard of Trade Hldg. X CIS MONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture, ho.-ses cows, jewelry, uun ureen 0. urKr um. 190 IIU5INE5S CHANCES. GROCERY stock, splendid locntlon, well established trade; as a business propo sition will pay to Investigate. Address C 26, Rcc. Y M1C0 A17' rjUY ono of our new or second-hand merry- go-rounds. 2200 IlKe at., umana. " Y M175 31 nR SALE n small steam brewery with malthouse.' In eastern Nebraska; In excel- c"t condition, with good location; must retire on account ot ill health, For filr- ther particulars call on or address F. W. I'iniz. scnuyicr,. .ncu, i .n.uu r0R SALE, stork clothing, hoer nnd fur Ilil....u n li,n.,ln. nnu (vriilI. Iltl tn i1 " 1,1 " " " ...v.. date; no trades. Lock uox so, Ainttinnu, i. Mn Y-M300 3P man who has had ft large experience In ,ho n,a, Pst,ite. lonn. rentnl and lusurnneo T,,B (" kU opvwiunliy for party who business In Omaha wants n partner. Has some money; ucsi ot rciorenceB kivi-h. Address D 9, Uec. Y-559 29 on hnnd will net $745 profit ; ofilco man or bright mechanic preterreu. jumress w iu, llee Olllce. ' WANTED man of lonff residence In city nnd good business standing. Mr partner; no capital required. Address I) 15. Ree. Y-M5S7 3U r MKIimtANDTSH STOCKS FOR SALE, 1 IW1 nwxiri'i rinllt mmh MIllcH. ST.!. Vi.m groceries, hardware and shoes; yearly I ury gous, grocru mm suuu, ,... j Mlivrt, ;,ifn'. Several siock owners win ihkc jmii mui . If you want to buy or sen a miHincsa cuu on us. . MERCHANDISE HltUKMH, 607 Karbncli Ulock. Y-M023 1 WANTED, to borrow. 1,000 on good secur ity; If party is gnou nusiness man coum glvo him good position. Address D 18 nee. -M62J 1 WELL Improved 160-acre. farm In SJerrlck V4IUIliy IU l-AUIIUIIb" I' . .. "v. Karbacn diock. i-ii FOR SALE, one of tho best equipped cus tom boot and snoo snops in .enrnsKn; a r-nrvii chnncp for ii eood.. stead v workman. n , " : aim . . . I. I inquire ot me owner; iw. jumra niarcu- KnnV Ilnv il r tv. Xcll. Y XIG1S 2' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. l,. : BARGAINS, (March .29 and 30, 1900. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON. 913 N. Y. Life. Tel 314 or 2612 F. in - . 70x140 E front (also west front) IQ-room houSM! tnlidod condition: specials paidon W(- hlph plnteau betjvuen Farnam and J.eayenworth, f0.7CO. Wo know of, no lictterbarhln anywhere. 6-room house, new, every modern Improvement; near High school, J2.S50. SPECIAL $3,000 7 per cent warrants to sell, RE-CO I 29 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATH IIAHUAIKS; LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES. FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First lloar, N. Y. Llfo Rldg. RE-193 CHOICEST TRACKAGE PROPERTY ON THE JIAUKtn . .J'-, corner iitn ana Izard; half block. 132x261; heart of tho city; for prico ana terms see ueorgQ u. Wallace, 'Urown Blk.; solo agent. RE 234 HI..SRY n PAYNE. 001 N. Y. LIFE BLDG i.iai Kstate. Rentals, Loans, Insurance. ' RE 203 DO. For sale or trade, brick residence, all I 1 nio,lcrn Improvements, and 6 acres ot ground, containing 'outbuildings, trees, ?,.n fmit. '.iruhlierv: well Inside cltv limits In town of 10,000 Inhabitants; cost for particulars. Paul Colson. Fremont, Keb. RE M269 Al IF YOU have a bargain t0 offer In real estate sco S. A. Broadwcll, 501 N. Y. Life. RE-205 FOR SALE. $2i0.00 for east front lots on grade on South 13th st. car line. $125.00 for west irom mm 011 mn 01., 0110 blocK south ot now uouieviiru. $400.00 for lot 64x115 ft., with house, on llth I JU.W lOT Kit UU llllll. nunaiii, ucifftutt no and i-iid sis. $950.00 for 21-5 acres oil Hamilton St., four i.inrlca wr,i of Mllltarv rond. $1,250.00 for 26 acres, 4 miles from postofilco. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST. RB-M2CS 31 HOUSES, lots, farms. lands, loans; nlso flro Insurance. Bemls, Paxton blk. RE-199 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only seo S. A. uroauwen, uut ci. x. iuo tiiug, RE-203 A BARGAIN, four acres. 40th nnd Pacific, two blocks from car line, on bolt rsll- road, $2,5w; easy terms, aiccaguo in vestment Co., 1500 Dodge. RE-200 BARGAINS Chris Boyer, 2123 Cuming. Tele. K 2652. RE M593 A9 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson. 305 N.Y, I l 2U1 pnnwi tv?r. rit with i.n ,,insu ln. yearly rentnl. $360: price. $3,500. 'JJX1J-' iem, sigmiy corner uown town, encap at $10,000. HoU-as and lots from $330 to $23,000. Farm lands near Omaha from $23 to $60 per ucre. Five (5) per cent money to loan on gllt-cdgo property and farms. JOHN N. FREN.ER, OPP. OLD P. O. RE M510 gNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L. I Johnson '-0.. Sll S. 15th St. P.l-301 FOn SALE. 66x132 Oil Stll nnd Cciltrr St.. south fiont. thrco 4-rooin houses, $t00; on terms to suit. One acre on tho Mlllttiry road on tho Ben son motor line, n corner, tor mo low price of $'.tiO. J. A. LOVGREN, 519 PAXTON RLK. RE-M5I6 1 CHEAP Irrigated lands In Wheeler nnd Greeley counties. Neb.; abundance of water supplied by thn Cedar Valley canal; sandy soli llko that of Salt Lake nnd Colo rado, for potatoes and beets; rich clay loam for cqrn nnd wheat: nlfalfn grows won; sunn 11111 grazing iiiuu unjoining best opportunity In state for cattle ranches; good water, snort winter and t.., ni-ni, mirint. Ilin .lllnh Tnmilrn Pllinl it Co., Plhel, Neb. RE-336 1 !. . GREAT BARGAIN Fine garden tract close. 1 oioux v. 1 1 to worm to cltv: only $750. Hicks. 325 Board Trado. ea .Nebr.fti,'511.. tt S-P P'." - 111.1. nr.. RECOC. 29 GOOD-BYE! I nm going to Chicago. My residence at 2117 Wirt Is going to be sold for -what It will bring; opened dally for ItiMioi'tlun; make your offer; Incumbrance $3,000. 5 years, C per cent J. J. Gibson, KM First Nntlonal Bank bldg. RE-M5K3 A12 LOCKSMITH. KEYS fitted. locks repaired, by B. W wciinemer, at townoenu uun t o. ti xru, -M620 A2i firnitlrh repairing. GLOBE Couch Co., 1519 Leav'th. Tel. 2525. SSS- PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feather renovating, lei, imi. m, a. waiKiin, 2111 Cuming St. 21S Mattress uphelstcrlnff, finishing, enrpentry otucc, uoi i arnarn Ot. Telephone 661. De Omaha Cabinet Shop, 1000 Cass. Tel. 21S3. pi". 10th mid obater Sts. Telephone 1I5S. S50-A16 , Leave. Arrlvo. 1 Ulack Hills, Deadwood. H'NDEEN, upholstering, cnblnetmaklng. ,,Iot Springs a 3;00 pm a S:00 pm rellnlslilng, mattresses mnuo over. i:jj Leavenworth. -292 May21 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, 513 N. Y. t i.. tii.i,. it..n n n in.ilAa. I t.- noviMtttl.- TS r . nf Rtlll vhnnl. -o?" v; w : . . . : . . i Klrksvllle. .Mo.. 604 l-axion dik. 'icy.- A. T HUNT, osteopath: allchronlcdlseases; 1 "results s ten. 305 Karuncn iiik. tci. jib, M-4S3 I.OXT. I.O8T. diamond, between Mllliird hotel to Dodge and 13th or 2.'nd nnd Uike to 2.1 Miami St., or on Dodgo street car between above points. Reward ti.. Allllard hotel ofllcc. Ix)st-M591 30 ' - -" I IXJST. 11 fur glovo on or near 20th st.. be- tween Douglas ami Davenport, itewiiru . f . tin...'. .11.1 i. nrn 1 ir roliirnnrt in line's art store. lJSt-M599 31 LOST, near Will nnd II, nn electric seal collarette. Return to 2HM ".?m'th I Omann. Vni:Z a, rter.n "'f. ,' iVyf u, Return to m ii JISl .MOli Jl," Rornard pups, 7 months old, ,nKe. itewaru. M62d 31" IllCYCLEH. ... ..--i. iii ii . . orucr io n'uure : i , hort time only second-hand bicycle at one-halt price; good wnceis, 3.w to 51.1 uu. triainlinr 11.! Pnn Avn. M132 1 t Enameled. J2 up. lllcyclo Hospital, 711 N. 16. 60S HOTELS. METROPOLITAN, European, 12th k Doug las, lowest rates, wm. unrr, .Mgr. i oi. m. M 070 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRIT E R S for rent, SI per month. Tho Smith-Premier Typewriter Co.. 1C2j Farnam St. Telephone. 12S4. 206 . REMINGTON Stnndnrd Typowrltcr and supplies. 1619 Farnam. .vi TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 111C Fft'nnm, 1 r DANCING SCHOOL. LAST term, last chance Mornnds. 15th nnd Harney; adults Tuesday nnd Friday, children Saturdays; assemblies Wednes day and Saturday. 391 A-3 MIRUOR FACTORY. OLD mirrors resllvered; new ones to order; country orders promptly aiwnnra w. im N. 16th. M 871 A13 TIU'.NK FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks t I m 'Criinlf l.'nntfirV. 1. fl TTTl n m. ,tm....u. --.-.. FURNlTIjRE PACKING. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1511Vi Far. Tel. J5503- STOVE REPAIRS. GASOLINE stoves, clpaned. 601-3 N. 16th, -.UWl DRESSMAlilNO. IN fnmllles. MIps Sturdy, 2216Davenport. IiAUNDRY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 Lcavcnw'h. Tel. Hi IIIHRS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Ulrd store. 1603 Leavenworth. 222 MAGNETIC INFIRMARY. PROF. & MRS. KHARAS, 1617 Chicago st M316 NICKEL PLATING. CYCLE PARTS All kinds plating. Omaha Plating Co.. Reo Bldg. Tel. 2G3... -654 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A C. VAN BANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life, M AT OMAHA Bus. College. 16th & Douglas, - BOYLES college, court reportor principal Beo Bldg. -2" NEBRASKA Business & Bhorthand col lego. Boyd's theater. 212 MEDICAL, LADIES out of health find prompt relief, Box 232, Omnlia, Neb. Confidential. .lltllO 41.1 PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating, lvory-rlm buttons jirs. A. C. Mnrk, 17th nnd Farnnm, R-l-R -560 A 26 IIRK'K SIDEWALK. v,'C FOOT; If ordered early you 1 can savo miinev. John McQowan. S48 8. 2Sth St. -M644 A26 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 130 Ramge Bldg, 31 AUCTIONEERS. riAxt AttrrrirvM Cn flailafnetlon iruar. anteed. 520 N. 16th St. Telephone 216$. M749 PAWNIIROICERS. EAr.l.E Loan Ofnce. reliable arcommodat Ing; all business confidential, 1301 Douglas. ilO SUES & CO Patent Lawyers Deo Wdj;,, Omaha Tel 1C23, Advlco free. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. CHICAGO. St. PAUL Minneapolis & Omah Railway "Tho North western Lino" General omceB. Nebraska n vl slon, 15th and Webster Hts city Ticket Ofilco, H01 Farnam bt Telophone 661. Depot. 15th "nu 01a. I Leave. Arrlvn. Twin City Passenger ..a 6:00 ara a 9:10 pm Omaha Passengei . . all:2U am a Dally, b Dally oxcept Sunday. SIOUX CITY Sc PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" Gencrul Offices, United States National Bank Building, H, W, Corner Twelfth nnd Farnnm Sts. Ticket Office, 1101 Farnam St. Telephone 561. De pot, Tenth & Mason Sts. Telephone 623. Leave. Arrive, Twin City Express a 6:55 am al0:50 pm Twin City Limited a 7:20 pm a 8:15 am piou. j-u i.ui, ...... .a. c.w tu viu I ft Dally. 1 FREMONT EliKHORN & Missouri Valley Railroad ' The Northwestern t.!ne" General Oftlces. Vnlled States National Ilk. Hldg.. H W. Corner Twelfth nil Farnam Sts. Ticket huihuik v-asper aim Douglas d 3:00 am o G:M nm Hastlngj, York, David City, tlupcrlor, Geneva, Exotcr and Sewnrd. ...b 3;00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgro nnd Fremont ., b 7:30 am b!0:23 am Lincoln, wnnoo nnd a uniiy. o ualiy except Sunday, e Sun- nai oniy. a unny except Saturday. 1 iuny except nionaav CHICAGO NORTH, western Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" City Ticket Oftlcc, 1401 Fnriiam Street. Tele phone 561. Depot, Tenth nnil Milium Simula Tln Phone, CIS. Lcnvo. Arrive. cllll a 7:00 am nll:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm alo.ltf am Eastern Express. Dcs Moines, Marshnlltown, ccdir Rnplds nnd cui- cngo al0:55 am a 4:05 pra Enstern Limited, Chl- cago nnd Kaat :dj pm a :w pm, lnll ,i,lrn.. r I .1U,I. .V Omnhn. K 2:15 tim Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:30 pm a 8:oo am Fast Mall a Dally, a s:ju am UURLINGTON tt Mis souri River Rnllroart "The Hurllngton Houto" flpnernl OllirtS. N. W. Corner Tonth and Fnrnam Sts. Ticket olllce, I5i3 Far nnm strent. Telephone. 259l Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele- cr. .o pnone. iia. uncoln, Hastings Mid lviliru. ntinu, McCook a :u " " !.,,.!., n,nnT Colo rado, Utah, tTaiuornia.u fin u o.wjjiu Lincoln, UlacK inns. MnnLinn Sr. Pllcet Sound . . . , AJ:5pm HJ:2?pm Lincoln Liea: a 7:00 p.n nl0:35 nm Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm nl0:33 nm Denver. Colorado Utah & California al2:35 am a Dally, b Dally excent Sundny. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON Qulttcy Railroad "Tho Hurllneton Route 'Ticket cuncc, livi i-urnjin ki. Tel.. 250. Denot. Tenth & Mason Strcots. Telephone, Leavj. Arrive. Chicago Special nl2:3 nm Daylight E Chicago Ve Chicago Lot Chicago Lli pnciile Junt xnress .. . .a 7:25 am stlbulcd Ex..n 4:'W nm a 7:45 am nrul K:f0 nm fi 4:(6 nm I Chicago Limited a 7:30 pm a 7:45 am nclllc- Junction Local. .a!0:43 an. 'ast Mali, , a 2:45 pm n, Dally. KANSAS CITY. 3T. JO sph & Council niuffs Rnllrond "Tho Hurllng ton KOUtO TICKCt ouice, 1102 Farnam Street Tele nhone. 2S0. Denot. Tenth nud Mason Streols. Tele phone, 128. Leave. Arrive Kansas Cltv Dav Ex a S:50 am n 617 nm Kansas city iNitznt ux..aiv la pm a c 15 am 8t. Louis Fiver for St. Joseph and St. Louis.. s. 4:m pm au:U am a uaiiy. UNION PAOIFIC "THE OVER land Routo" General Oftlces N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olllce, UOJ fnrnam Mreot. Tcieunone 31. Depot, Tenth nnd Maaon m ree is. lei'.-pnono 629. Leave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited. .a S:20 nm a 7:20 pm Tho Fast Mall a 8:00 am a 3:23 pm Tho Colorado special. pm n 0:60 um 1'ho Portland Special... a 3:20 am a 4:33 nm l.tncnln. Ilcatrlco and Stromsnurg isxpresa..n !iu pm ui2:25 nm Pacific Express a 4:25 pm a 6:00 am Grand Ixland Local. ...b 5:30 pm b 9:30 ara a Dally, b Dally except sunuuy. Chicago, nnctf tar. nnd & Pacific Railroad "ine ureat nook Isl. nnd Routo.'' Cltv Tick et Office. 1323 lirnnn Street. Teleohnnn in Depot. Tenth & Mason ntreciB, 1 eiepnone, C29. Leave. irrtv. Des Moines and Daven port Local a 7:05 nm bll:3T, nm Cfilcuso Express bllilS am a 8:10 am Chicago Fast Express, .a 5w pm a 1:23 pm 1 . 11.. . . , I". .nA ........ oi. rttui express a d;uv pm uii:ja lira Lincoln, Colorado dpgs.. tjonvur, i'ucuio una Wes'w t.... a 1:29 nm a 4:25 nm Des Moines, Rock Isl and and cnicago a 7:2.1 pm a 3:50 pro Colorado & Texas Flyor.a 5 o5ptn a 9:20 am a uauy. u uany ?xceut Hunuuy- ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket olllce. 1402 Farnnm street. Tele pnim". 215. Depot, Tcntn and Mason strcots. Leave. Arrlvn. Chicago Express a 12:10 pm a 4:00 pm Chicago Limited a 7:35 pm a 8:15 am Minneapolis nnd St. Paul Exnrcss b 7:00 am b 0:40 nm Minneapolis nnd St. l'nui Limited a V:3j nra a S:15kti Fort Dodge Locnl from Co. Bluffs .... b 4:30 pm b 10:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sundays. OMAHA A ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas Cltv & Eastern Railroad "Tho Qulncy Route" Tlckot Of fice, 1115 Farnam Street. Telephone, 323. Depot, Tenth nnd Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. . St. Louis Cannon nail Express a 6:05 pm a 7:55 am Kansa.4 City and Qulncy ixcai iwam a:wpm a Daily. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices nnd Tlckot Office! Southeast Cor ner Hth and Douglas Sts. Telephone. 104. Depot. 15th una wcDster avs. icicpnone, 1433. Lcnvo. Arrive. Rt. Louis. ICnnsaa & Neb. Limited a 2:30 pm al2:56 pm K. C -St L. Express. ...a 9:50 pm a 5:50 am Nnbrniika Iocal Via Weeping Water b G:05om a 9:45 am a D-vily. b Dally except bunday CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & Bt. Paul itauway city Ticket Office, 1501 Farnnm Street, Telephone 2M, Depot, renin atiu Aiason streets. Telcphono 629. Leave. Arrive Chicago Limited Ex. ...a 7:33 pm a 8:05 am Chicago 'H Omaha Ex..bll:00 um b 3:53 pm bioux city nnu ues aioines express oiK'onm d :hs om n Tin II v Ii Tin 1 1 V AYritnt Hnnrlnv ' TV A R A 8 It RAILROAD Ticket Office, 1301 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 895. De pot, Tenth and Marcy directs, leiepuono usj, Leave. Arrive. Express ,.1 a 6:05 pra a 7:53 am a uaiiy. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" POSTOFFIOE NOTICE. (Should bo read DAILY by nil Interested, as change may occur ut nny time.) Foreign mulls for the week ending March 31, 1900, will close. (PROMPTLY In all cases) nt tho General Postoillcc. ns follows: Parcels post mnlls closo one hour curlier limit closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany closo at 6 p. in. Monduy. TritiiH-Atlnntla MnllN, 8 AT U R D A Y A t 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, pur i h. Mesaba, via Plymouth; nt 8 a. ni. for NETHElt LANDS, per s. s. Spaarn ihini. via Rotterdam (mall must bo di rected "per s. s. Spiiurndnm"); nt 9 a. m. for ITALY, per s. s. Allor, via Nu pies (mull must bo directed "per H. s, Alter"); nt 11 11. in. for NORWAY ill- rect, per s. s. 1 ii-Kin. via curistinnia (mnll must bo directed "per f. s. Hnkla"); at 12:3u p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per 8. s. Tartar Prince. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - German steamers sailing on Tuesdays tako printed matter, etc.. for Germany, aim specially nddrrsMed printed matter, etc., for other parts of Europe. American mid White Star steamers on Wednesdays, German steamers 011 Thursduys and C'uniird, Fronch nnd German steamers on Satur days tako printed matter, etc, for nil countries tor which they aro advertised to earn' mall. After tho closing of the supplementary j Trans-Atlantic malts named above, addl- n'Mt, w"vv time taiim:. lMLm"HEEl postoffk i: No rit n tlonal supplementary mails are nponed on the piers of the American, Engilali French and German steamers, and remain rpeu until within ten minutes of the hour ot sailing of steamer. Mult for South mid I'culrnl Ainerlon, We it Indies, lite. SATURDAY-At S it. m. for REHMUDA, per s s Trinidad: at 10 a. m. (supple nientnry 10:30 a. tn.) for FORTUNE IS. LAND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA, CAR THAGENA nnd ORHYTOWN. per s. s. Aleno (mall fur Costa Rlcu must bn directed "per s. s. Alene"); at 11 n. in for LA PUVTA COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. Roman Prince; nt 11 a in. for CUHA, per s s. Hav.iua. via Havana; at 1 p. in. fur NUKVIIAS, OIHARA. 11ARACOA nnd PUERTO PADRE, per s. s. Ollndii lordpiary mall only); at 1 I), in. for NORTHERN IIRA'IU per a. s. Polycarn. via Pain and Maiuios. SUNDAY At 2:30 a. m. for NASSAU, N. P. per steamer rroni .Miami, Fla.; nt S:30 p. tn. for ST. PlEllRE-.MiqUE-LON. per rteamcr from Halifax. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, nnd tnence ny steamer, close at this olllce dally nt S:30 p. m. (connecting close hern every Monday, Wrdncsdav and Saturday). Malls for Mtquctun, by ir.ll to RoKton, nnd thenco by steamer, oloso at this office dnhy nt 8:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by mil to Port Tnmpn, Fin., nnd thence by stenmer, close nt this ofilca dally (exceiit Monday) nt 7 n 111. (th connecting closes' nri n Sunday, Wed nesday and Friday) Malls for Cuba, by rail to Mlnml. Flt nnd thenco by steamer, close nt this olllce every Monday. Tues day nnd Saturday at "2:30 a m. (the con nectlng closes arc 011 Tuesday nud Satur day) Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by stennier, close nt this office daily at 2:30 n. m. atid 2:30 p. tn. Malls for Costn Rica, Rellze, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, nnd thence bv steamer, close nt this otllca dnlly at p. tn. (connecting closes boro Tuesdays for Costa Rlea nnd Mondays for Ilellzo, Puerto Cortcz nnd Ouatcmnla Regis tcred mnll closes nt 6 p. m. previous day. Registered, mull closes at 0 p. m. n-cond dny before. Trnnn-I'ncllle Mnll. Mails for Hawaii. China, Japan nnd Philippine Islands, via Snn Fran cisco, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. in. up to March 26th, Inclusive, Tor dis patch per s. s. Hong Kong Maru. Malls for Society Islands, via Hun Fran Cisco, close hero dnlly nt 6:30 p. m. up to March 2th. inclusive, for dispatch by ship Tropic Bird. Mulls for Hnwnll, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. 111. up to March 30th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Austrnlln. Mnlls for Australia (oxcept West Australia, which goes via Europe, und New Zea land, which goes via San Francisco), Ha waii and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to March 31st, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Warrlmoo. Mulls for Hawaii, Japan. China nnd tho l'hlllpplno Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. in. up to April 2d, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. China. Malls for China und Jnpan, via Vancouver, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April 9th. Inclusive, for dlnpntch per s. s. Empress of Japan (registered mall must bo di rected "via Vancouver"). Mulls for Aus tralia (except West Australia)! New Zea land, llawnll, FIJI and Sanionn Islands, vl.t Sun Francisco, closo hero dally nt 6:30 p. ni. utter March 31st and up to April Hth, Inclusive, or on day of ar rival of h. s. Campania, due at New York April Hth. for dl?paU'h per s. s. Moana. Malls for China. Japan nnd Philippine Is lands, via Tacomii. closo here dally at 6:30 p. m. tip to April 19th for dis patch per s. s. Goodwin. Mulls for China und Japan nnd Philippine Islands, via Senttle. close here dally ut 6:30 p. m. tin to April 19th for dispatch per s, s. Rlojun Maru (registered letters must b directed "via Seattle"). Transpacific mails are forwnrded tn port ot sailing dnlly anil tho schedule of clns. lug Is urranged 011 tho presumption ol their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. pre vious dav. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postoillcc, New York, N. Y- March 23, 1900. GO VEII NM ENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUI'PLIES Departtnent ot the Interjor, Olllce of In dian Affairs, Washington. D. C. March 20, 1900. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for beef, Hour, etc.," ns tho case may lie, und directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 235 Johnson street, Chi cago, III., will bo received until 1 o'clock p, m. of Tuesday, jprn it. iwp, ior inr nlshins for tho Indian Service beef, flour, bacon, beans, coffee, sugar, rice, tea and other nrtlclew of subsistence; nlso for boots and shoes, groceries, soap, baking powder, crockery, agricultural Implements, paints, oils, glass, tinware, wagons, harness. leather, shoe findings, Bauuiery, nie., naru ware, school and medical supplies, nnd a long list of nilsctillniu-oua articles. Sealed proposuls, nuiorseu --i-roposais ior oian kets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing. etc.," us tho cifsn may be, and directed to tho Commissioner or tnuiun Aiiairs. Nos. 77 nnd 79 Woostcr street, Now Yorlc riiv will I.,, received until 1 o'clock P. m. of Tuerday. May 10, 19'W, for furnishing for tho Indian rservicc diiiiikciw, wuuiuii uiui cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats ana enps. Rids must be made out on govern ment blniiKS. cneuuic giving uu ucira s.iry Information for bidders will bo fur nished on application to the Indian Of fice. Washington, D. C; Nos. 7i and 79 Woostcr street, .New yorK i ity, or iiu Johnson street, Chicago. 111.; tho commis saries of Subsistence, U. S. A., at Chey enne, Leavenworth, Omaha. St. IOUls, St. Paul and Snn Francisco; the postmasters at Sioux City. Yunkton, Arkansas City, Caldwell. Topcka, Wichita und '1 Ucson. Hldti will be opened nt tno nour nnu inivn nbovo stnted, and bidders urn Invited to bo present at tho opening. -11111 uopuri nient reserves tho right to dotcrmlno the iinint of delivery nnd to reject any and all bids, or nny part of nny bid. Y. J JU.Nlio, ullIllIlllHaiuili'i . M20 to A16M PROPOSALS FOR SEWER SYSTEM. Department ot tho Interior, uinco or Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C . Mnrch 13, 1900. Sealed proposuls, endorsed "Proposals for Sower System, Genoa," nnd addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Washington, I). C. will be received nt this olllco until 2 o'clock 11. m. ot Wednesday, April 11, v.w, ior iiirmsning Mm necessary mnterlals and lalior to con struct nnd complete nn addition to the sower system nt 1110 ncnoa iiiunui ncnuui, NelirnsKa, ill Btrict accoruniico wun iiiiuin, speclficntlons nnd Instructions to bidders which may be examined nt this office, the offices of The Beo of Omaha, Neb.; tho Nebraska Stato Journul of Lincoln, Neb. j tho Northwestern Manufacturers' Assocla- , Hon, Bt Paul, Minn.; the Builders' and Traders' Exchange, Omaha, Neb., and at the school. For further Information upply to James E, Ross, Hunt. Indian School, Genoa, Neb. W. A. JO.VES. Commissioner, M10.19.21-23.:V.-!S.3O A.2-1 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Ofilca Su pervising Architect, Washington, D, C, March 14, 1900. Scaled proposals will ho re ceived at this olllce until i o'clock p. m. on tho 24th day of April, 1900. und then opened, for tho extension and changes In cidental thereto, nt thn United Htntes court house, custom house and posttllcu building at Omahn, Neb., In accordance with thn drawings und specifications, copies ot which may be had at tills oftlee, or nt tho olllco of the superintendent nt Omaha, Neb., at tho discretion of tho supervising architect. James Knox Taylor, Supervls ing Architect. M19-21-23-26-28-30 OEFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, OMAHA, Nebrnsku, March 3, 1900. -Sealed nronoKiilu ln tilnllcnte. subject tn thn usual conditions, will be received nt this olllco un til 2 o'clock p. in., central time, April 3, 19U0, for constructing a Dead House In con nection with Hospital, Including plumbing and gas piping, nt Fort Crook, Nebraska, Full Information furnished upon application tn this olllce, whom plans nnd specifications may bo seen. Proposals to be marked "Pro posals for Dead House" and addressed to Major F. II. HATHAWAY. Chief Quarter master. M6 dlt M30-31 M Serves Ills Purpose, A boy's code of ctlquctto does not con form with tho manual most approved and adopted In so-called polite society, suja thn Memphis Scimitar, hut It servos his purposu all right. Two chubby little fellows wero strolling along the sldowalk tho other afternoon, when they wero Joined by a third, who was a stranger to ono of the two chums, so tho other proceeded to Introduce them. " 'Ned' Bright, do you know 'Tom Brown?" ho questioned. "Nopo," repllod "Ned." "Well, 'Tom' Brown, do you know 'Ned' JJrlght?" "Nope," returned "Tom." "Well, now you know each other." So "Ned" and "Tom" proccoJed to "throw" each other In tho most approved manner and roll over und over In the Uuit la tb friendly way boy have.