12 THE OMATTA DAITT BEE: TIIITRSDAY, MAIUMI 29, 1000. WANT INCREASE OF WAGES Building Trade UnioDi of Omaha Will Make Many Dtmindi, ASK ADVANCE OF 5 TO 33 PER CENT I'crlliiK I (ifiicrnl (lint Hip Atlvniieen Will ll (i runted Wllliout 'J'r mi III i (I lJ ( 1 ii n In 'ii liiK C'lileiiMO Akm'nniim'III. With thn coming of April the union work tngtncn of tho city hIiovv a renewed Interest In the affulrH of their craft, for upon that date, In most Instanced, the wage echedulo for tho year in adopted, nnd this year Id Omaha thn building trades havo almojt without exception demanded an Increase of wagin or n rearrangement of tho wage scalo 'which will practically uniount to an ad vance. In most of the unions the feeling ft) ; en era I that the udvnurm will be granted without a content because of tho Improved condition of thn building trades. Tho first demand of the year made upon tho contractors resulted In a compromise natlsfaetory to nil parties. In this cae thn I'alnt(rn' union asked an Increaao of wagen from 35 to 37Vi centH per hour. Tho contractor!) mnt the workmen half way anil u two-year contract was Hlgnod, the paint rrB to receive their old wages during 19C0, thn Increase to he granted April 1, 1901. Tho new riealo of the Ilrlcklnyers' union was arranged last fall. It went Into effect March 1 and since that date the brlcklayem have been receiving u! cents per hour, an ndvnnco of fi cents. Tho hodcarrlers nro iiIho satisfied for tho coming year. Tho employers recognized the union for tho first time this yoar and granted an increase of from Wf, to 25 cents per hour, with extra pay for overtime. Other unions In tho tititldlng trades with settled denies arn tho BteamflttcrB' helpers and tho brlckmnkcrn. Tho Sheet Metal Workers nro demanding n n Increase of Ii and 10 rents per hour. Thoy now recclvo 30 nnd 33 cents and. want a Hat Bcnle of 40 cents. The Carpenters' union demands an increase of about 15 per cent In the ncnle, wanting wages raised from 3."i to 40 cents per hour. Plasterers desire nn increnso of 10 per cent, from the 50 cents they now recolvo to 05 cents per hour, Tho Stone Cutters want a restoration of their former scale. Some years ago they were revolving 43 centa per hour, but wagon were reduced to 4" cotita and thoy will oak tho old figure this year. The Oravel Roofers are tho most ex orbitant In their demands ns percentage goes, wanting a rnlso of 33 1-3 per cent. Thoy are now getting 30 cents per hour and demand 40 cents. ( Tho Klectrlcal Workers nnd numbers nro demanding rearrangement of their scales. In tho former trado theTO aro two crnsfieg. ono working eight nnd tho other ten hour.s. Tho union now requests that both classes work eight hours, without n corresponding reduction In pay of tho class which has worked ten hours. Tho demands of the plumbers nro for a Bomowhnt slmllnr re adjustment. Tho Woodworkers nro asking for nn In crease In ono or two lines of their work. Tho classification of workmen in this union is bo elaborate that It requires ono familiar with tho technicalities of the craft to deter mine whether tho now Bcnlo Is worthy to be called an ndvnnco or not, but it Is gen erally so considered. In the Omnha Building Trades' council nro tho unions of the carpenters and painters of South Omaha and their demands nro In harmony with thono of the Omaha unions of tho samo trades. Pliieeil In a I'coiillnr roxHIoii. Speaking of the proposed ndvnnco of wages In tho building trades O. P. Shrum of the council said: "Tho union workman is placed In a peculiar position when asking for Increased wages. Many of tho contran tors look upon It ns a 'hold-up.' They will pay, ns they nro now doing, an ndvnnco of from 25 to 75 per cent In the price of Iron, 20 to 60 per cent In tho prlco of lumber, nnd never say n word, simply bnBlng tholr fu ture contracts upon the Increased price of material, but when their workmen ask for higher wages they take It ns n personal af front, something not Intended In any re spect. With tho Increaso of wages proposed the workmen in tho various trades will fnro little better than thoy did last yoar under tho old scalo, for tho better conditions which prevail over tho couqtry, with certain other causes, have Increased living expenses In Omnha, and In our demands wo nrn hardly keeping pace with tho Increased cost of living." The only serious contest on tho proposed increase is with tho gravol roofers and it is expected that they will receive nn advance equal to about half of that demanded. Thorc Is a loud protest among members of certain unions connected with the build ing trades over tho assessment of 5 cents Iter member by the National Dutldlng Trades' council for tho benefit of tho Chi cago building trades' workmen now locked out. Secretary Hell of tho Painters' union Is particularly Indignant. Yesterday ho used tho following langungo In speaking of the matter: "I think that tho nntlona. council has no right to levy tho assessment. The mntter of raising funds should be left to tho unions composing the council. Take for instanco tho Painters'' union. In this union we can not levy an assessment upon tho Omaha members for tho members of the Chicago union without u vote by tho mem bers of this union, but hero u lot of enrpen ters and bricklayers levy nn nssebsment upon us without our consent." At tlio olllccs of the nullclors' and Traders' exchange tho employing contractors In the different linen of tho building trades have dlscuskcd for tho last fow days tho demands of their employes for Increased wages In a cursory manner, but so far as known no definite action haB been taken except In thn cmcj of tho hodcnrrlcrs, where the de mand was complied with, nnd tho painters, whero a compromise satisfactory to both sides wns arranged. "Wo expect no trnublo with the employes," said Secretary Wedge, "for the reason lliqt the not harmonious feeling exists between the contractors and the workmen at present. Tho demands of somo of the unions nre worthy nnd will be met without opposition by the employers. In ono or two eases It' appears that tho demands aro somewhiit exorbitant nnd no doubt In those cases earn promises will bo effected, beneficial nllko to both parties to the agreement." A ii linn lie e in n I m. Tomorrow evening n double bill will be presented at tho Crclghton-Orpheum the aterfirst the regular professional program nnd then thn bi-weekly amateur performance. About twenty persons will take part In tho amateur entertainment, presenting n program mado up of singing, dancing, gym nastics, comedy, "coon" specialties and va rious novelties. Tho curtain will risa at 8 Bhiup. At the Saturday matinee every lady nnd gentleman attending will be presented with an artistically colored picture of Miss Kathryn Ostermnn, tho beautiful nnd tal ented comedienne. IttcT UHARGED WITH BRIBERY Com pi ii I lit In rilcil AkmIm"! 1'orinrr .MciiiImt (if lliuiril nf I'll it fit 4 1 (i it t Tmi ( mini AIIcuimI, 'A complaint charging (leorge (1. Irey, ex member of the Hoard o; Kduentlon. with receiving a bribe was filed In police court Wednesday upon Information furnished by I. J. Dunn, nstUtniit county nttorney. The charge is set forth in two counts. The fli-it ; alleges that, on December 11. 1S09. Irey pc I cepttd $10 from Charles A. Chlnlquy. in ! consideration of which Irey was to nsslat him In getting n contract from the school bonrd to furnish 3,200 square feet of Vene tlav blinds for threo now school buildings at 28 cent3 per square foot. Tho second count is substantially the same. It alleges that five days later Irey ac cepted from Chlnlquy a cnshler'a check on I tho Merchnnls' National hank of Chlcaeo for 15, tho consideration being the same as In tho first count. These witnesses havo been subpoenaed: J. M. Olllan. J. l llurgess, William It. Klbourti nnd Miss Hello Klnlcy. Tomorrow night James O'Neill nnd hi company ylll begin nn engagement nt Hoyd'B that terminates with tho end of tho week. The, opening bill will be- "Tho Musketeers" and this will also be tho at traction for Saturday afternoon. On Sat urday night "Monte Crlsto," Mr. O'Neill's big weenie production, will bo given. The O'Neill company Is composed of nn even 100 people. Sydney Klowcr. I.U I)., of Chicago lec tures upon "Hypnotism Its Use and Abuse" at Crclghton hall this evening, and will demonstrate from the platform upon sub Jects the different stages of hypnotism, different methods of hypnotizing and differ ent uses to which hypnotism may bo put Tho lecturer's opinion Is that this power Is dangerous In Incompetent hands and that evilly-disposed persons may and do abuse Its employment, but ho holds that In Ignorance lies the chlefest danjrsr nnd he Intends to make every point In his dis course so plnln nnd easy of comn-chension that after hearing him no one s 1 longer remain In lgnoranco cither of the dangers of hypnotism on tho ono hand or of tho ad vantages of a knowledgo of hypnotism on tho othor. There Is every reason to bcllevo that tho subject will bo ably dealt with by this lecturer. Hciiicmtiriincr. It Bhould AliWAYS be remembered Only ono Chicago railway lino Cporatcs Library Huffet Cars On ALU limited trains. ONLV ONE railway lino Huns a limited day train From Omaha to Chicago, Illinois, With Drawing rtoom slocpors, library and dining cnrB. ONLY ONE railway line HUN'S TWO fast night trains From Omaha to Chicago With complcto dining and library car service. THE OLDEST railway lino In Omaha. Tho greatest mileage of any Omaha line, The most modern nnd best equipped. THE NORTH WESTERN LINE. The Attention of flic Travollng public is respectfully lhvlted to tho rpagnlflcent equipment offered to patrons of tho CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY between Omaha and Chi cago. Solid vostlhuled, steam hented and electric lighted trains. Palaco sleepers and diners, buffet and library cars, free reclin ing chair cars, fast tlrao and union depots. CUy Ticket Ofllco, 1G04 Karnam st. V. A." NASH General Western Agent. Sciittlalt Kite .MiiHoim. All members of St. Andrew's proceptory. No. 1, are requested to meet on Thursday, March 29, at S o'clock p. m., sharp, at council chamber, Mnsonlc temple, to nr rnngo for tho obsequies over remains of our lato brother, John Forguson Smith. JAMES OILUERT. Preceptor. .Not lee. A meeting will be held at Fortieth and Cuming Htreets Thursday evening for tho purposo of organizing a west and northwest sldo Improvement club, and all persons In terested In such meeting aro Invited. Let us havo n crowd. Why Umlri'm In the Dark When by traveling In the luxurious sleep ing cars of tho CHICAOO, MILWAUKEE I AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn on tho clectrjc lamp and make the berth at light as day. City Office, 1501 Fnrnam st. KIHKITl The Most Route To Montana nml tlio Northwest la via the Union Pad tic. Sleeping cars mnk Idk closo connuctloiiH nt Poiuitcllo for llutte unil other Montana polntu nro run ilally. Dining Car service, free Iteellulns Chair Cars. CITY TICKET OFFICE: liiOU lMH.XAM ST. Telephone .11(1, The Surveyor's Chain mado tho Burlington llouto tho shortest line to Denver. Hock ballast and heavy steel rails niako ii tho smoothest. Powerful loco motives and easy-running cars make it tho fastest. Leavo Omaha at 4:25 this afternoon on tho Donver Limited and at 7:10 tomorrow morning you are in Denver. ticki:t ni'i'icE, 1COS IMH.VAM ST It IS 1ST. Telephone '-30. nurtLIXGTON STATION, KITH AM) MASON ST HE UTS, Telephone 123. Sec I In- Xrw Knriiitnrr. Tho Shlvcrlck Furniture Co. Invites tho public to see Its new stock of goods, Just received. HAYIH'.V II ItOH. SrllhiK Moil In Chenii, No. 1 picnic hams, beat brand, "lie No. 1 hams, sugar cured, lOUc. Rest bologna saumge, Clic. Now Frankfort sausage, "lie 3-lh palls best brand lard. 2!U HAYDEN RROS. Stonecypher, printer, ad-wrlter. Up-to-date cuts for sale. 1201 Howard. Tel. 1310. Seo C. F. Harrison's real estate bargains. NEW -SCOFIELD'S SPRING GOODS Fever Thermometer The presence of a tem perature higher or lower than the normal is gener ally indicative of disease. Tho Fever Thermometer, therefore, is the one thing needful in every house hold. We sell a good re liable one for $1, sent by mail on receipt of price Write for Cut Price Drug Catalogue. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go H. W. Cor. llllli mill IIoiIkc Jackets Tailored Suits Separate Skirts Many of tho styles we show will not bo found elsewhere and all aro unexcelled Our values are tho best. Wo ask you to call and look. ;SCQFIELD CUW&.SUITCO. ' In 10 Doimlas St. Piano Sale Unparalleled The Pianos, the Prices and the Terms Make It So. Owing to tho great bargains we have eclipsed all other attempts at piano selling. Wo nro pelting from 10 to 20 plnnou a day. IU2.MBMI1KU Although wo sell pianos from $100.00 to $250.00 less than any other house In Omaha, we still coutlnuo to make tho best of terms, $3.00 and $10.00 monthly payments as tho buyer may desire. Satisfaction guaranteed not only by uh, but also by tho manufacturers. We havo had special concessions mado us by tho factories nnd therefore, can sell now pianos at much less than any other dealer for tho samo grade. Stool and Scarf free, with each piano. Schmoller & Mueller, Reliable Piano House. 1 1313 Farnam Street. 337 Broadway, Co. Bluffs. 0 HAYDEN S Ladies' Handsome and Stvlish Suits. Waists, Jackets and Skirts. Thursdny tho Rig Storo presents somo very spcslal bargains In tho souson's choicest styles. Unmatchable Values in Suits. Venetians, grays and 6.98 orted cloths, Jack- 10.0O nd other novelties, 15.00 75 tailor-made Suits, flno all wool browns, jackets silk lined throughout, now box pleat back skirt worth $12.00, for 290 ladles' tallor-mado Suits, In fine Imported cloths, jack ets .taffeta idlk lined throughout new box plrnt back Bklrt worth $18.00, on Thursday nt 213 ladles' Suits, In Vcnotlans, whipcords and other novelties, somo all silk lined throughout, appllqued nnd braided effects, tho now Kton nnd jack ct styles, single or doublo-bnusted, -worth up to $30.00; ns displayed In our window 70 Sample Suits, tho cream of tho markets, bought at COo on the dollar, silk lined throughout, at $25.00, $30.00 and $33.00 each. The Largest and Cleanest Stock ot Silk Waists of Any House in America "Wo mako this o'.ntomcnt without fear of contradiction. WO U1UKO IU1S nuiumi;uL Two tabliw of Satin and Taffeta Silk Waists, in every color made, all styles Im aginable, at $3.98. ,,,,.. Ono table ladles Snlrt wnisiB, in conieu ami iiiisuiu vuccis, new nuns, new col lars, n $7.00 waist for $I.S. 115 Samplo WulstH, worth up to $25.00, for only $10.00 each. Ladies' Dress Skirts. Indies' all wool Crepon Sklrtu, worth $9.00, for $1.98. Ono tablo ladles' Sklrtu, In blacks nnd grays, worth $1.00, for $1.98. l-adles' all wool Crenon Skirts, with ploated rulllo flounce, made up with tho now pleated 'back, worth $15.00, for $7.9S. Ladles' Uton Jackets, now styles, ni i.nv, b.uv ami u.uu. Extra Specials for Thursday. Infants' Cnehmcre Cloaks, braid trimmed, worth $2.50, for $1.19. lnfant' Jackets, sizes from 3 to 0 years, now style, trimmed with braid, for $1.00, 25 dozen ladles' Illack Sateen Underskirts, nicely corded, for 49c. 20 dozen ludlea' Pcrcalo Wrappers, 15. Inch llounce, rufllo over shoulder nnd trim med with braid, extra wldo at tho lilps, bct valuo In America, only $1.00 each. 10 dozen heavy Sea Island rorcalo wrappers, our regular j.'.&u wrappor, lor Tho advance styles of our ladlrs' Whlto Waists havo arrived and nro tho work of, artists. Tho moat beautiful waist creations wo ever had. Thoy nro dlsplnyed In our Cloak department, on Hocond floor, tho liveliest and largest Cloak department In Omaha. Tho workroom Ih In chargo ot an expert fitter, who gunrantecti tho tlttlng ot every gar ment or money refunded. Special Sales in Millinery Parlors. HAYDEN BROS I Perfect Teeth guaranteed for years nnd which will perform all tho functions of tho nat ural masticators aro tho only kind mado by us. 8uperlor material, lit and workman ship aro features of our Artificial Teeth They aro so perfect In nppenranco that they exactly duplicate nature Tako laughing gas when having teeth out-$1.00. BAILEY, the Dentist kit: I'lixtmi HI U. llllli .t Furiinni. l.uil) A ICfiiilnul. I'liuue 1085. (?) 0 mlwt There The Opening Continues. ,$ ?) is a strong tie Of confidence between this storo and its patrons, ono that can only exist as result of years of acquaintance; wo have now served tho people ot Omaha for well nigh fifteen years, and whatever suc cess has crowned our efforts came as the result of honest, con scientious effort season after season we have endeavored to do bettor by you than in the year before to elevate the quality and workmanship of our garments, and to lower tho price. Tho more than generous public has encouiaged us to prepare for tho spring season of 1900, an assortment of Aden's and Women's Clothing, Mens and Women s Headgear, Mens and Women s Shoes, Mens and Women s Fwnishirfgs Far in excess and far superior to anything wo have yet offered in our entire business career, an assortment that we can say without fear of contradiction, was never before even approached by any other retail storo in tho land. Tho workmanship, stylo and finish of our garments for both men and women, represent the highest perfection of ready-to- wear clothes. At the time of writing the store is full of customers, regardless the weather, and we appreciate your coming the more, yet for tho benefit of those who couldn't get down town, wo extend the open ing days throughout tho week, and all are welcome. Special Showing of Ladies' Spring Suits. Special Showing of Raa dy-to-Wear Spring Millinery, o :) - SCHAEFER'S SURE DEATH KIM.S IVSTVNTI.Y I1HD HUfiS, WATEft lllllJS. COC'ICHOACIIHS, ANT. SIOS IM'ITOS. MOTHS. rVHI'UT OH 1HIK 1WI.O MOTH. AI.Ii INS ISO'S AMI VIJIIMIX. A few applications of "Sure Death" will rid your apartments entirely of these pests. The liquid kills the Insects, nltw or eggs nnd leavos an agreeable disinfectant In sect powder that will keep the Insects of your neighbors away. IMXT JIOTTI.KS 20e Half million liottlrn fWo linllou Jiiht" If 1.00 CUT PRICE DRUGGIST HAYDE T PURCHASE s THREE IMMENSE SGHAEFER Cor. 10th anil Chicago 9ta. Dental Work Rntrusted to our caro will bo done so as to glvo porfect satisfaction. Only best ma terial used In our best work. nest Set Teeth $8.00 Good Set Teeth " 00 Gold Crowns J5.00 Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 1517 UOUGI.AS ST. SHOE STOCKS. The Nay lor, Croolcev Young Stock. Tho Underwriters Salvage Co. Stoolc. The French-Shriner fc Urner Stoclc. ROOljsjlROSj vej Win 'lll-llliM There's Lots Shouting Just now by nil kinds of concerns nbout I'AINT. Some of them hardly know tho color inside the can and yet pretend to tell you what to get nnd how to put It on. How to paint and vdiat to put on Is a dif ficult matter and the guess-so fellows can't toll you right. We have n practical painter lu our paint department only one in town who can tell you Just WHAT TO 1)0. About Vnrnlslies the guess-so fel lows know nothing. Our man can tell you just what to do nnd SAVH YOf MONKV. Wo nre the OI.DICST paint houso in Omaha. Try us. J. A. FULLER & CO cut iMticr, imunciST.s. Dealers In Dry Taints, Oils, Varnishes nnd Ilrushes Mill nml DiiukIii" Sin, OPEN ALL. NICJHT. SWIFT THE NAME OF Gn Lard, on Ham, oi Bacon is a guarantii of purify. Swift and Company, Chicago, Kaolins City, Omahu. St, Louis, St JoHcpli, St. Paul, Tho largest doals in shoos over mado by any house in America. Three gigan tic purchases will soon begin to arrive, and we must wake room for them. Wo are closing out thousands of pairs now on hand at ridiculously low prico3 to mako room. Ladies' fine vici kid turn sole lace shoos, with newest style Frouch heels, kid tips and silk top facings shoes made to soil for 4.00 on sale at Ladies' fine velour kid lace shoes with silk vesting eyelet stays, single flex ible soles and best trimmings shoes worth 3.00 on sale at Men's fine vici kid lace Shoes tan and black with new London tips and double stitched soles shoes worth $3.00 and 15.50 now Men's fine tan box calf lace shoes- made to sell for :J,50- in this sale only 1.50 1.50 lv; uiiubn i ci 1.1 1.50 X call IUV.C rin 1.50 S nft3 Headquarters for shoe bargains. HAYDEN BROS Lowe Bros.' High Standard Paints Are warranted to contain no water, henzlne. chemlcaln or other adulteration, if properly applied nre guaranteed not to oreak, peel off or blister, and to produce a bettor result than can he obtained by any hand mado mlxturo of tho best linseed oil and strictly pure whlto lead. Send for pamphlet entitled "HOW TO PAINT,'" and color cards, showing harmony of colors. Midland Glass and Paint Co. 'Phone 791. 1408-10-12 Harney Street. HYPNOTISM ! Sydney Flnwer, I)., of Chi cago will glvo a lecture, with demon strations of Hypnotism, etc., at' Crclghton hall, Thursday evening, March 2!)th. Tickets on sale at tho door or at Megeath's Hook Store. THE BEST TEN-CENT CIGAR IN THE MARKET aniiiEiHsarajw ! CONTAINS THE FINEST CUBAN TOBACCO, p. n. ntCK m. c. co, . MAMiKAcrimnitn, .st. j.ouis. mo. UH p umun mnuc f. A, IU.ILSDACIC, OMAHA, UIKTItlUVTOIL. 0 0 0 0 S