in THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TIIUKSDAV, 3HABCH LM, 1900. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Markets on Board of Tnda Are Actlro and StroDg. PROVISIONS MARKET GOES UP TO RECORD turn Mnrket In Pnllurr nil UUnl of Wlirnl mill Provisions I'mlun- nf Onts In Itclnllie MtrviiKlli of Jul)- Option. 'Ml ICAOO, March 2S.-Mnrkots on the Board of Trade today were" neiio nnil strong. Aluy wheat closed lMfl'.ic over ycaterday. Inllllcncrxl largely by damage to tho Krcin li crop mid ncrvotiMU'H over a small war cloud reported from Turkey. Provisions continued their upward career founded on the email hog supply and the excellent cash demand, .May pork closing 4 May lard 2fic and .Muy ribs I7!vW2do higher. .May corn closed ',fi-V up and oats ' u for .May and V better for July. New of damage to tho Krenrh crop has beromn a bit of routine, having been cabled with morn or less persistency since the be ginning of the pennon. Sometimes It has been Ignored nnd nt other times given con sideration. It was ."helved the other day, but today It seemed freighted with Impor- v. iir jiiiiniy oerause tne damage report carried ail cstlmnti' reducing the crop tit. - l'.oo0 bushels. A more liberal explanation .f,i!?p '''""'e of tolny's strength lies In the ol.fiOO.fiO bushels In thn visible ,1,1,1 ih ji . col.oci bushels on ocean pannage, which the iMiirs novo oversold, iirge as are these. floras, iney would lie of small account were miners the wiirlil over compelled to .mm- principally rrom tile rtoeks mentioned from now till next Harvest. The plausibility of ihe tbcorv that the millers aro In thn position mentioned Is apparently borne out b 1 he excellent demand from eastern cen ters of consumption as well ns from abroad. However that may be, shorts cer tainly felt some strong Incentive for get ting In 11 safe porltlon. In this covering St Lou's Interests were leaders The ad vance late In the session was helped somo by nervousness over the possibility of war between Itumhi nnd Turkey. In which other milfoil might become Involved. May opened a shade over yesterday at C5Mi'7c and advanced to i;7c, closing htrong at W0 lV over yesterday, t'ahles were firm anil Pip market doubtless felt the exceptional strcii-Mh In piovlslons and the pit crowd was much larger than It has been recently. I e cash burtness wan not larue. IO.wh bushels being reported here and New York reporting twenty loads taken for export, t'lorancps In wheat and flour were ecpial to 322.000 bushels. Primary receipts went Wl.OH) bushels, compared with 110.000 bushels last year. Meal receipts were fifty-eight nr. nono of contract grade, while Mlnne npollH nnd Dultith reported 177 cars, against 6.11 last week and 4.13 n year ngo. The provision market set out apparently to shatter records and, according to per-' sons with memories for statistics, clam bered up to mi eminence, unknown during the corresponding months of nny year slneo lst3. The encouragement for the day was In higher hog prlcef, but back of this In fluence wns the condition which has oh tallied for months an excellent demand for current consumption and prospects of n diminishing hog supply. Slnco December 1 May pork has gone up nearly $!. while May lard and .May ribs hnvo gained a dollar and over. Today' market was an outsid er s market, their demand overtopping even tho pressing wants of the packers. The lard advance wns the feature, being fiO' per tierce There was some heavy piotit-taklng. which cheeked the advance for a time, but this opposition was swept awav after a brief existence dlirlnc tho middle of thu neiulnii. Opening prices, al though over yesterday's close, were tho lowest of tho day. May pork ranged nt from $12.15 to 112.50 ami closed 41c higher at I12.47'.i; May lard at from f!.:S to t.5'J'4, closing 25c Improved at $ii.f2'i, aifd Muy ribs nt from JG.50 to i;.C2'., with the close, 17Mi20o better at fi.fi2',t. The. corn market, as a rival of wheat and provisions for the calcium light and the center of the commercial stage, was u fail ure. Had It not been for themi markets tuei coarse cereal would probably have suc cumbed to the statistics, but with the In fluence, of these two centers! of strength tho market held firm. Western receipts, were 1.000,000 bushels, more than double last Vear'. Kecelptn here were 370 cars. I'oun trv offerings were Utunll. fables were not an encouragement, ('ash iieotjle reported bids for shipment within thirty days extra ordinarily heavy, In 'i'.o.OOO-bushel lots, but tho scnrclt.v of cars curtailed business'. May ranged nt from 3Sc to 3S:Vff3Sl.e und closed 'iWse over .yesterday nt 3vic. Tho fenturo In the oats market wns tho lelallvo strength displayed by the July op tion, which lessened the discount under May to -ijc. This was due largely to eoun trj buying, probably on the strength of the predicted stormy weather. The market In a general way was supported by the xtrencth of wheat nnd provisions. May ranged nt from 2l'ic to 2lgc. closing Idc Improved nt 24mc; July sold nt from 23c In 23ti234c, closing c up nt 23H1f231ic Kstlmnte! receipts for tomorrow; Whent, 60 cars; corn. 520 elrs; onts, 1S.1 cars. The lending futuren ranged ns followsj Articles, Open. I High, I Low. I C'losc.l Ycs'y. Wheat M. h. 1 .ten Men. May July Sept. fiats May J uly 1'nrk May July l.ard Mtiv July Whs May .1 MlV I rr.t; HSMfiM 67 I I I 61i 1,7 'WW), OS IC61jl)7l e'Wlfi7 671 1 85 36T 361,17 3S JMiSStj, 3SS4fiTsl 3Sj 3!)t4S9fl33S I 2II 2Pi 23N.Ti-'23U5fH I 3 3SWJ ns 3SSW.-I 3Sl3Sit)'.i 33 23 35 I 24'i 2I 24i; 235i 23H 23'S.fl-nl 12 1.1 12 60 I 12 15 12 32VSs 11 !I2'4 12 I7J4 12 27'4! 12 02' i 11 SO 6 27,i 6 37' j 11 02' t 6 33 6 V, 6 50 1 62Vj tai.4 (1 35 fi 5214 6 62",- 6 45 I I (1 6211 W 1 6 CO I 6 47HI 6 0241 6 ISO I 6 4.1 6 42!4 6 47141 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: 1-I.OI'H Kasv; winter p.itents, $3.40f? 3.00; straights, J2.00tf3.30; clears, S2.70ji3OO; spring specials, J3.S0; patents, 3.IO(if3.l5: Flrnlgbts. J2.oif3.ii0: bakers. J2.0Ofl2.1O. VIU?'Vr.No' 3 ('Iirt"''. 62'4'n66i4c; No. 2 red. USitifiSic. 374cH '"' '"' Vr"r,'",c' No' 2 yellow, OATS-No. 2, 2m'ft2tV4c: Ni 261l27'4r, No. 3 white. 26tif2ii4c. rye- No. 2, 551.C. No. 2 white. IMIII.KV- NO. 2, 39U43C. -1H,'J''J7S-I''l"',,i. No. 1 mid northwest, gr?de IV7 61W7 7V0thy' Cl0VC TO,ltr i-Tlo,v ls! ONs-Mr. ,orki '""r "hi., ju.sw '?.'w' l'iiri'- l"'r 100 J6.4-VfM.57b! Short nos sines noosei, ...fi6Tia.sil. Dry salted ' ri,,i...n 11111.MU1. n.-juD.ou; snort clear sides (boxeili. JG.WrfT6.90. WHISKY-Dlstlllers' finished goods, on h.iMs of high wines, per gal., Jl "5 SJ'OAHS-4'ut loaf. J6.00; granulate.!. fot'odav' "rf 010 rcccll1t!, nnrt shipments pi'i,,.rh Recelpfs. Shlpin'ts. ' l0"r; l 90.000 77.WV) heat, hu Mm 746,000 211.000 Rye. bu p 1 (M Hnrlej. bu ,,0fK) ;o;p0l) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market w-as weak; creameries. 19fi2iv,c dairies. 1612-.V. Cheefp, ilrm at J"l3e Eggs, steady; fresh, ini.e t-W13i. im,c m:iv YdltK tilJNUH XL ii a it k irr. ((iiotiitloiiN for (lie Day lln Vnrloiia ( ominoilllifn !. 2i.-FLOrR-He- . 2.591 bbls sales ' ".'.'"" 1 NEW YORK, March ceipts, un.033 bbls.; exports, S.W0 bbls.; moderately nctlve and firmer winter patents. J3.65y3.90; winter straights' ti 4.1113.65; winter extras, J2.60ii2.93; winter low grndes, JJ.23W2. 10; Mlnnpfntn pntents. V .OIiS.S.1, Mlnnesom bakers. J2.15ifi3.00. Ryo Hour. weak, fair to good. J2.Wli3.13; cholco to fancy. J.I.20W3.f.O. UIUIL CORNMEAI-- Firm; yellow western, SGc. Brandywine. J2.2O4i2.30. ' nll'oitKKlnn' N"' w,,Rl,,rn' e2c f- o- h. BARLEY - Steady, feeding. 43'41f5t4c. New York: malting. S0f(53c. 1 ' ilK'y MALT-U11II: western, MWc. WIIKAT-HeeelptH, 34,400 bu.; oxports lioiip; sales, 2.S0O.0OO hu. future. 20.1.W t ,, exports; snot, rtrong; No. 2 red. 80'ic f. o b. iillont; No. 2 red, 77t,c elevator; No. I northern, nulutti, 76Je f. o. h. ailoat pronipt; No. 1 hard. 15uuth. 7s4c f. o. b' afloat, prompt. Option opened steady on war news, together with reports of serious tench crop damate. nnd ndvanced lt 11 I'lishe . The Hreimth In provUlnus also bellied bull opcrntors by nlnrniiug shorts III the Btternoon, The close was .strong, 1'ulTio net advance. March closed at 7i&c; May. 72 9.161,-73V, flosed at 731sc: July' iJ 13-161ir34c, closeil at 73,c; September. 72J3.161I73!'4c, closed nt 73ii-. CORN Rccelpte, 100.125 hu.; exports. 10 bu . spot, steady; No, 2. I5'tc f o, b, alloat nnd I44c elevator. Options opened stendv nnd was later ndvan-ed In KVinnathv wiiii provisions nnd whent, together with a fair export trude; cloed Ilrm at ,c advance, j Mai. 4.-Mrv. . lo.ed at ,c; July, 41if l.1. . .osed at I'V. OATS-ltccelpts. 107.000 bu.; Kpot, steady; No I JV. No. 3. No. I white. 32c; No :i, :il'c, track. mixed western, 29fl30e: truck, white western, -It'lTdSc. Options dull all dHV. with little change, closing steady; May dosed nt 2Hc; No. 2 whltt, May, clewed at 3o,( . HAY Quiet; shipping, 6M"0c; good to choice. Isofj'rfle. HOI'S- Hteiuly; state, common to choice, ltf5 crop, fie; ISHS. 7iOc; 1S93. 12ffl3e; Pa cific coast. ISM, 4I?Co; ISM, 700c; ISW). 12 a 13c. IIIOKS-lMrni; (lalvcston, 20 to SI lbs., ISHc; California. 21 to 25 lbs,, 21'4c; Texas, dry. 21 to 30 lbs.. 15c. I. I-JATIIHU Steady to firm; hemlock sole, Buenos Ayres. light to heavyweights, 'Sty ZiVic; acid. 2r,ft2i',4c. WOOI, steady; domestic fleece, 25fl2Sc; Texan, 169 ISc. C'OAT.-Qnlet but firm. I'BOVISIONS-Bcof, ilrm; family, IBf( 13.R0; mess. JIO.finflll.M. beef hams, iVi.Mt 22.00; packet. Jll.501fl2.fin; city extra India mess. Cut meats, sternly; pickled bellies, W&liVw, pickled shoulders, li'ie; pickled hams, lO'HlOHe. Lird, strong; western i-toum, $6.77t; continent. $7.20; South America. $7.20; compound. $li.Oi'c5.2'-j. Pork, strong, family, J13.5011 14.W); Iiort clear, $11.75Ti 11' no; mess, JI2.5nt13.on. Tal low, steadier; city, 5'ie; country, 6',jiti63c. IJI'TTMU-Iteeelpts, 5.S75 pkgs.; steady; western creamery, 2I5i2."c; factory, 1Sfl20e. CHKKSK-Ileeelnts. l.fW pkgs.; tirm; fancy, large, white, 13c; fancy, large, colored. 131liV: fancy, small, white, Ulp 1.1'4c; fancy, small, colored, 13Ufyl3fec. r.(lS-lteeelpts. 21.730 pkgs.; steady nt decline; western, at mark, 11412c; south ern at murk, ll'yijll'ic. HICI-7 Steady ; domestic, fair to extra, Ukffifcc; Japan. I4ffll',e. MOLASSKS-Sfpady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. 4ltI5."c. riSANCTS-Stpnily; fancy, hnnd-plckcd, 4il',tc; other domestic. 3',Vfflc. FREKJIITS-To Liverpool, stendv: cotton by steam, 33c; grain, by steam, 3V41. METALS Huslncs" In the metal market was slack today. Cnblrs from nbroad for tin were somewhat Irregular, but hud enough Influence to promote an advance of 6n points In our mnrket. closing nt 1,11.50. entirely nominal, though, nnd dull In tone. Pig Iron wiirrunts cintlnun dull nnd nom inal: lake cornier unchanged, but verv firm. closing nt JIG.irt; lead ruled quiet, closing unenaneed at ji.iii'i nid and Jl.72'4 nrKeil; spiMier wns 111111 nnu unennnged, closing nt JI.50 bid nnd SI. CO nsked. The brokers' prlco for lead was- JI.I3 nnd for copper J17. (MIAMI AVIUM, r.S.W.r, MAItKRTS, ronilllloiis of Trinlc mill (Inotntloim on Slnplc nnil I'aiicy Produce. KOnS-Hecclpts Increasing; fresh stock, 5c. DUKSSKD POri-TRY-Cholcc to fancy turkeys, Oil 10c-; ducks, 0o; geese, 9c; spring chickens, Mi 10c; bens. 9f10c; roosters, 4t5c. IAVK POITLTIIY-Hens, Sc; spring chick ens, Sc; young, staggy and old roosters, lifific: ducks, 7'4c; geese, 7',4c; turkeys, Sc. 11 UTTHH Common to fair. lBVic; choice, 171 18c; scparntor, 23c; gathered creamery, 22ii'J3c. PIOKONS-I.tve, per doz Jl. VICALS-Cholce. 010c. OYSTKHS Medium, per can, 18c; stand ard, per can, 22c; bulk standard, per gnl.. J1.23; extra selects, per can. 30c; extra se lects, per gal.. JI.COtI1.75; New York counts, per can, 37c; Now York counts, per 100. J1.25. I-'ISH Herring, per lb., 3c; round perch, 6c; sun. 6c; cod, Cc; haddock. Cc; blue pike, Kc; scaled nnd dressed perch, Cc; clscoes, Cc; medium dressed trout. 71c: cropple, 7'.4c; pickerel, 7'o; flnnnn hnddlcs. 7Hc; white Ilch, 9c; yellow jilkc. dressed, 9o; smnll trout, dressed, 9c; red snapper, 9c; smelts, 9c; smoked white fish. 9c. HAY Per cnrlond lots; Upland, choice, tit; midland, choice, J1.60; lowInr.J, choice. $5; rye straw, choice, JI.50; No. 3 corn, 31c; No. 3 whlto onts, 23c; crncked corn, per ton, J13.O0; corn and oats, chopped, per ton, S13.50; bran, per ton, J13.00; shorts, per ton, J13.50. VKOETAnLES, ASPAHAOrs-Callfornln, per lb 15017c. NKW TUHNIPS-Per doz. bunches. 60c. SPINAOII-Per box. Jl. NKW UEKTSi-Pcr do hunches. 40SCOc. bKTTL'J'r; Per doz. bunches, 40c; fancy hend lettuce, per bbl J3. ItADISnKS-Ptr doz. bunches. 33c. SW1SKT POTATOES - Per bbl.. Illinois. 3: Jerseys, J5; largo bbls.. Kansas. $2.5. POTATOKS-Per bu . cholc- 30a40c. UAiJHAUl-J Holland seed. 3c; new California, per lb.. 2',iC. CAUI.IFLOWEll Cnltfornla. ner crate. J2.60ti2.7a. t,'Ki,KiiY-per uoz.. 235J30C; California, per bunch, 40ffT73o. TUHNIPS-nutabngas. per lb.. lUc. TOMATOES Florida. Der. s x-basket crate, 11.30. MUSHROOMS-Per lb. box, 60c. nnt'IlAIUt-Per lb.. SQSc. ONIONS-Itetnll. vellow. 73c: red. SMOOe; Ohloi, per bbl.. J2.25. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Few arriving from Texna and llorlda; per qt 45Q60c. APPLES Choice western sliliiDlnc stock. JI.50; New York stock, J4.60; fancy. J5.00. nKAPKS- .Mnlngn. per bbl.. J7.00O9.00. CRANUEHR1ES Jerseys per bbl.. J10.50: per crate, J3.60. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Cnllfornla. fnncr nnvels. ner box, J3.25tf3.60; cholco nnvels. J3.00; Cali fornia seedlings, per box, J2.6032.75. LWMONS-CallfornlH, choice, per box, S3; fancy, S3 CO; Messlnns, choice, per box, $3.50; fancy. J4. HANANAS Per bunch, medium, J1.750 2.00; fancy, J2.25S2.50. II1DS3. HIDES-No. 1 stern hides, 7c; No. 3 green hides, Go- No. 1 salted hides, 8c; No. 2 naltci hides, 7o No. 1 veal calf, S to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal cilf. 12 to 15 lbs., 8c. MISCELLANEOUS. IIONEY-Per 24-sectlon case. SS.00. NUTS - Hickory, large, per bu J1.25; shcllbarks, S1.25. St. l.ouls (irnln nnil Provisions, ST. I.OriS, Mnrch 21. WHEAT-IIIgher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 71'4c; track, ,72ft 72',4c; March. 71V; Mny, 70',4c July, 6bc; No. 2 hnrd, Gi,4B65V4c. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 36',4o; track, :i7',4'374c; March. 36Hc; May, 37c; July, 37'4,ri37if. OATS-Hlcher; No. 2 cash, 23'ic: track, 23'442.r.',4c; March, 25',4c; May, 2lsitf2l'io; July. 23'ic; No. 2 white, 27Uc. RYE .Firm nt 50c. FLOPR Sternly. SEEDS-Tlmotliy, wenk; ordinary, 12.000 2.20, Flax, iiomlnnl nt J1.6214. COllNMEAIi-Stcndy nt Jl.95iTJ2.00. BRAN Firm; sucked lots, enst track, 71 fl71'4c. HAY-Steady; timothy, J9.50fll2.50; prai rie. !7.50fiS 75. WHISKY-Steady at JI.25. IRON COTTONTIES-J1.30. KAGOl NO -GTd'Q 74c. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS-Pork, higher; .lobbing, old, $12.25; new. JI2.75. Lard, higher; prlmo steam. JO. 03; choice, J6.10. Dry salt meats (Imxpitt, higher, extra shorts, J6.62V4; clear ribs, J6.75; clear sides, J7. Bacon (boxed), higher; extra shorts, J7.1214; clear ribs. J7.25; clear sides, J7.60. METALS-Lead, Ilrm nt M.&li'Wl&). Spel ter, dull nt J4.37'4. POl'LTRY Higher; chickens. GftSc; tur keys, 7J9c; ducks, Sf9c; geese, 6'4c. EOC.S-lllsher at Dlic BUTTER Stenily; crenmery, 20t?2l';c: dairy, 16Ci20c. RECEIPTS-Flour, 4,000 bbls.: wheat, 30, 000 bu.: corn, 92,noo bu.; oats, 35,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 5,000 bbls.; wheat, 7.000 bu.; corn, 155.000 bu.; oats, 23,000 bu. KituHim ( lly Crnln unit Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 21. WHEAT May, 6l'4c: cash, No. 2 hard, 63Uc; No. 3. iKliCtc; No. 2 red. 69070c; No. 3, 65ff09c. CORNMay. 31',c; cash. No. 2 mixed. Sjc; No. 2 white 3ji4c; No. 3. 35'c. OATS-No. 2 white, 26fJ26Uc. RYB-No. 2. 53c. HAY--'holce timothy, J10.00ffl0.50; cholco prairie. J6.75fi7.23. BrTTER-Cn-unery. 20f(22c; dnlry, 1Sc. . l'-i'ljS-jstcmly feeling; receipts llbernl; ,ro'',, MI",,ol""l "'' Kansas stock, 1'4c. ciihcn returned; new white wood cusps 1... eluded, 9c. RECEIPTS-Wheat. 30,6On bu.; com. 16,900 bu.; oats. 6.000 bu. Hill P.MEN IS Wheat, 67.000 bu.; 11.300 bu.; oats, 5,000 bu. corn, Tolrdn .flnrkrt. TOLEDO. March 21WHEAT-Actlve and higher; No.' 2, ensh, 72!4c; May. 73U c CORN-Actlve nnd higher; No. 2 mixed, 39.ic. OATS Firm nnd unchanged. RYE Dull and lower; No. 2, cash, 67c. CI.OVERSEED-Actlvo and unchanged. II11I11II1 Whciit Mnrket. Dl'LCTII. March 2S.-VHEAT-No. 1 hard, cash, 67-V-: May. 6Sc; No. 1 north ern, ensh, f3o: May, 67';e; Julv. 6Sic; No, 2 northern, G3c; No. 3 spring, GOV. OATS -23'4fi24e. CORN-SOc. (irnln Mnrkot. MII.WAI'KEE, Mnrch 21. WHEAT Higher: No, 1 northern, 66'vfiC7',sc; No. C northern. CVfTMc. RYE Hlulipr: No. 1. 47f7l7'c. 3S11JY-Flrm; No. 2. 4IRI3c; sample, Llveriiool (irnln 11 ml Provisions. LIVERPOOL. 'March 21- nominal Futures, firm , March, nomlnnl, Mil V f.1 fllhri Till' l.t ' CORN-Spot, firm, American mixed, new, Ssll'id: American mixed, old. 4'd. I'll tures, ilrm; May, 4s d, Jut v. 3s 11',.l I'BOVISIONS-Lnrd. American reilned. In palls, ilrm at 31s 3d, prime western. Ilrm nt 32s Kd. K.U'on, Cumberland cut, tlrm at 40s, short ribs, Ilrm at 3s; clear bellies, Ilrm at 3s. Shoulders, square, ilrm at 31s tkl. IMillndelplilit Produce Mnrlict. t'HILADULIMIIA. March 2S.-BrTTK.R--rtc.idy; fancy western creamery, 15'ic; fancy prints, 27c. KOOS Steady; fresh nearby, western nnd southwestern,; fresh southern, 12'jtf 13c. CHHi:si2-i'nchiingrd. MlnnrnpolU Wheat Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS. March K-WI1K AT-In store; No. 1 northern. Match. Csc; May, m-Mii'il'nci July. iMMdDiV: September. fi.V4e. On track: No. I hnnl, WVi No. 1 north ern, 65'V; No. 2 northern, (E1V. Peorln Markets. PEORIA. March 2S.-CORN-Steady; No. 2. 37V.C OATS Firm; No. 3 white. 2.V4t2Cc. WHISK Y Firm, on tho basis of JI.2G for finished goods. MOVlJMBVr.S OF ST(K'K! AMI IIO.NMS. Another Dnj of Aetlvlly mid lluojnnt lllse of Prlcen. NEW YORK. Mnr. h 2S.-Annther day of furious activity nnd buoyant rise of prices marked the further progress of the bull campaign In the stck market. The process of digesting prollta by selling out on the upward course was going on nil the time nnd caused an nnnearance of some Irregu larity, pulling lack stocks here nnd there. Hut the buying demand and the nbnrptlve power cf the market wns not at all Im paired by this proccrs. The market cave every npprnraneo of having shaken off tho 1 control or tho professional clement Mn- In- nfes- the The nipuiaiton -was in evidence in some dividual stocks nnd the buying by pr sionnis on a large scale empnasized ndvnnclng tendency In some eases. protlt taking by the same element some- times checked or prevented the advance of other stocks, but the large genrral dc- mand of stocks frrm nil sources carrlrd everything before It nnd made the under- tone nf the mnrkot aggressively strong throughout. There Is manifestly a large , oouy or payers sefKins to sweure stocus. Their orders ore executed through com- mission houses nnd nre received bv wire from all quarters. Other movemerts pre Incidental, due to Individual cases In sno- clnl stocks or to the movements 10 tnkc profits above Indicated. Sugar was a point of weakness at different times during tho whole day and there was a heaviness here nnd there in the steel stocks. There was some disposition to go contrary to Lon don's lend, n number of the 'stocks which Mere ndvunced in the market being sold here, while others which fell In the enrlv trading there were abruptly advanced here. 1 1110 nun ii- uiui irue 01 llCH'll'lg lino OI Peuus.vlvnnla. In which nroflt inklnu was In evidence in mis marKet all dn. There was some heaviness during the enrly hours In 1 'v',, ' ',?' 1 '" rji4 !," ?" 'JIL "" J " the Pnelllcs also, but ns the dnv advanced .n11(rp J f'.'J ,i ? wi, Van?i iS the- strength In this group became nsgres- I A,",T b"rf,'lr '" f,'"1 Whi.nn iL "inftii s've. led by Northern Pnelflc. which ml- iif Te Pnhnne"-r, N' V 1 ri r ' s " 2n 4 vnnced 2'.4 to record price. I'nlon Pacific, '''ton A o o Vi'iLSlt. " ' v Missouri Pnclllc. Atclilson preferred nnd pi,A. AiV.i'T... i u "i' " Southern Pacific were all bought on an ' SI ' a .mil "rL r"" enormous scale nt ndvanclng prices, the hit- ",?" t Ali Kj,. A ? " opl'er " ? ,, pro.itTakVn'g' ,h" hcavlcM H,oMtlon , DoJ1, i.0:::":: BX!VMoni::3i9,J People's Clas was also stiong and Ihe ' '?. P-: ' ,ii?,stc,n' -J1-''4 strenuth was i nseminated all through t!ie 1 , rnl. ,,eel "" 22.. UlI'.& ?la 'ii, list. The trading In Sugar wns large n d K,'Shl',J iV,!' ' ",! gia1'1 fr ? tho price movempiit feverMi. the Mock .'hbi' 1.? , '' -- J;""k,!'-n Wk closing about the lowest, having fallen nn .:.p1"' J'' fir, ' '"ln2 V extreme 5Vi. A cut n nrlce bv n Hi-ni enm. Jl.' 9? Lrr,)t 4?5 pany(was the cause of the weakness of The special news of the rtnv wis lutlo m K.irded.,nsC"thc whole mA?to nttltoT nased noon general conditions. The state ments of railroads net turnings for Feb ruary published during tho duv wns con firmatory of the Impression made by the January statements of nn unprecedented '"V1 v earnings mr rnnronds. Ht. Paul with Its heavy clmrnPH foi : operating Vi- penses nnd n resulting decrease !n net earn- Ings, wnn 11 notable exception, but the price 01 tno stock wns not nffected. A icauire or the lnv wns the further sharp advance In the rates of sterling exchange. The fact thnt I.mloii Is ,.nrrvini, wan money borrowed In New York senes to pxnialn tho nppnrent nnomnly of n rlsp in stprllng exchange rntes when London buys- stocks here und nn easing of the money market when It sells. Aiioiner heavy day's business wns done. In rnilron.l i.omU ,,S V..iVi, .i, - LV,I"'lr.?:ll,.b0 M"1,"1"1 the,except on of some T.rnlll tnbl.. 1.: tuniuf. ,11 ngiri.'. nn live issues ir,1cRu0,vcr,. h.lKht'; To,al salrf"- I"'r value. J4,410,0). Fnlted States 2s declined '4 in the bid price. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The activity In the markets here was reduced today, but tho tone was maintained, except for gilt edged securities-, which were heavv. on tighter money, consolf, falling- e mid tho wnr lonn premium nt 2 per cent. Amerl enns wert. still nctlve, but business todnv wns almost a 1 professional and tho mnrket iW,aM nnk V", he nfternoon on profit tak ing. I hen it beennio strong, reaching the bpst points lust bpfore New York prices en mo In. Bnitlmore & Ohio nnd Norfolk & Weatern were most patronized. New York , 1;" V"1 "uumii in ine sireet, esne Chilli- 'nr. inn, CJ...... .' "I"3 chilly Northern and Southern Pacifies and I ro1'1 reserve In the division of redemption, Ontario & Western. Iindon believes ihe!sl'nws: Avnllnble cash batance, 1161,595,622; boom Is simply resting before a fresh i B'll. J9S.391.432. Vn'ri'-i. ' tlntOA to .IS and New I lork lifted Anacondas to 10. London then Cotton Mnrket. Innih. cv.'?iv?n.,,ill,."1,of Tllu lank F-l'. LOl'13. March 2S. - COTTON ITn- was In klrnm. l.Vmn,,. , V in ,..uui-j 4 ner rnli Th i, i "n'.1 1)11 s were nenrly innnnT 'le b""k 14 lllr ohbIhcsh . kuiu ... u.u. ail inonev leagf0siocko:r,ebll,PvqU,,V',,IOJ,s fnr o,Ynv lllL Npw York Pxc'ianse lodny Atchison do pfd Bnitlmore & O. Cnnndlan Pnc... Cuiiadn So ('lies. St Oho... 28'4 Union Pacific 71 do pfd M4 Wnbnsh 97',4 do pfd 52'4 W. St L. E r.5'4 '5 il'i do 2d pfd. I'lllcngO Ut. W.. 14. Wl. Centr .1 '-. H. St U 131!i, Third Amnu. Colorado So 7VVAmer. Mailing 41' do 1st pfd... 4I.V4, do pfd do 2d pfd.... 20 lAmcr. S. St R Del. St Hudson.. 11714 ! do pfd D. L. St W lM'.tj'Anier. Spirits ' ub..,v. .-.. IIU 111(1 do nfd. i4; Amrr. Steel H. 14?s do pfd 124 Amer. S. & W. 163 do pfd 19S A. Tin Plate.. 37 I iln if,l Erie do 1st pfd. Ot. Nor. pfd.. 1 locking Coal "114 Hocking Valley . 82'4 .107 .133 . 49"i . 73 . 50', . 31 Illinois Central... 115J4 Amer. Tobacco Iowa Central ... UV4 ,0 pfd . ! Pfd 53'4 A. Mln. Co...'. C. i . St a 20H Brk. Rup Tr. Lake Erie St W. 23 Colo. P. I.. do nfd 86 'Con. Tobacco . 200 I do pfd S.5 Federal Steel 9l3i ,ln .,f,l Iike Shore ... liuls. St Niii-ih . 81 4 . S4'H Mnnhnttan I Met. St. Ry, lGfi-ii (Jen. Kleotrlc "il ini; mvx. t-entral .... dlucoso Sugar .. r.JH Minn. St St L... CIO pill 96'4 Infer. Pnper ... 60-V do pfd 47',4 Lacledu Ons ... 12'.l Nntlonnl Biscuit nui j . . . . . - 9SI. do nfd. Mo. Pacific ... Mobllo St Ohio M.. K. St T.... do pfd N. J. Central. 6U 74 3614 S9 5U. do nfd... lity Nntlonnl Lead . 24 4 .104. . Il'i N. . Centrnl do pfd Nor. & West m National yje'eV ou pin... No. Pnclflo . do nfd Q1 Wi N. Y. Air Brake.. Ill do pfd S Nn. Alnprlcni. 15&4 Ontario St W., Ore. Ry. St Nav do pfd PcnnsylvaiYln .. Reading do 1st nfd... 26 Pnelflc Coant ' il ! 1st pfd '.;$, ' 'R. J'l I'M-- . 62 . 37 .1011, . 53'4 . 81 .181' 4 1 i '.' ncino .Mn'.l 20 Peonlo's Qim .. 6171 31 M4 Pressed S. Car. do pfd Piillmnn P. C. do at pfd... Rio C. . do pfd.. :u Stand. R. St T. St. L. St S. 1 11as Sugnr .. ,..103',i do 1st pfd do 2d pfd. St. L. Southw. do pfd St. Paul do pfd 0',4 do pfd .1111 . 95 . 13'4 . 73' 4 ' ill1 , 90 . S) . 2.'i V.TPlin, C. S: I. .. 12?i S. Leather. .. 33S ..124U do pfd V. S. Rubber.. do pfd Western Union .172 St. P. & Omnha.113 rio. I'aclfle ... So. Railway .. 42'si Rep. 1. 8.... I-.'. 110 prn do nfd 61W; 1 C. C. St St. L. 67 Tex. St Pacific... 18Vj AH nsspssmentH puld London Stock (tnotntloiis, LONDON. March 21.-4 p. m.-ClosIng: Cons., money .101 Pennsylvania ... 715, ll T.ltt ll,,,n. !Av do account.. 101 7-16 Itouillnir IA1' Can. Paelllc Kfl'4, No. Pnelflc pfd. 78TJ, 28 S1 R, 9 36 Erie n A tell Hon do 1st nfd 434. i.n.iit'iu. Illinois Central ..119U (iran.l Trunk I!- I'f'l 79 Anaconda .... St. Paul. com..e.i:!0 Rand Mines .. N. . Centrnl ...14J'3 M'Xv..l.l',,''Jlrs,p",ly 1,1 !'& l'or ounce. ,MO.MA-J,iil per cent; the rale of dis count In the open market for short bills. 3V(4 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 per cent. ' 1'orclKii I'iiiiinclnl. i.-"' SV,rch 2l7 the bourse today International . securities were firm and Simnlrh 4. Portuguese nnd Brazilians; Rio tlntos continued to advance, on repurchase-). In view of thp forthcoming settlement; Knfllrs were dull. Tho market closed quiet Three per cent rentes. 101 f 40c for tho ai count; exchange on London, 25 f i9Ue for checks. Spanlsl Is closed at 73.72ij. LONDON, March 21. Ameriinn securities opened sleady. but soon fell off under light rvallzlnc. later there was a rally, follow- L-iuciigo, i. v i... &iAd!tma Kxpie- 116 ;""es tiospu qinet and steady; Jlorch and do pfd MHsAintr. Exp -en' 17 -Mt". May. $9.36; June, $9.29: July. Chicago St E. I. .106 C. s. Ex.. s I $9.27; August. $9.17; Spptember, $1.17; Octo- Chlc4igo & N. W.llB iWollH-Furgo Ex'l''! ' 1",r' Js-''J' November and Dpcember, $1.06; C, R. I. St P....llA4 Amer. Cot. oil ' i n ! Jnnunry. $.1.07; February $S.0S. C. C. C. & St. L. 62Hi .In ,,f,i " ! LIVERPOOL. Mnrch 2S.-( 'OTTON'-Snnl. lug tho receipt of New York prbes nnd the mnrk-t lc ied it' adj Spanish 4s rlord nt l(i i. inlrrs, The nmnitit of bul lion taken into the Hank of England on . ... ii .odii; v., 1 JLji'.ny. fie gold pre mlutti at Ll.ilion has deillned to l'.'.'7'8. Oold premium' are quoted ns follows; Huenos Ayrr-i. 1:7 '; Madrid. 30.97-, Lisbon, 43; Rome, .s" j. Indian council bills wro ai.ottcU toclaj nt Is 3 31-3M. , BERLIN. MHrch 2 Prltex on the bourse today were firm. Portuguese securltle;' wcro :n strong dcmainl; American nnd Canadian Paclib s were In good demand; mlnlnr shares were actively Inquired for; bank shares were neglected; exchange on !omlon, Mm 4S pfg.. for 1 hecks. Discount rates; Short bllis, s per cent; three month' bill", 5 ;ier cent. m ork .Honey Murkrl. NEW YORK. March 2S -MONMY-On cntl. steady at 3t; p, per cent; last loan, nt 4 per cent: prime mercantile pnper, 4Mi3'4 Per ten'.. STERLING EXCHANOF. - Strong, with nctiml business In bankers' bills nt Jl.Sfijf,i, for demand mid at Jl.'?t for sixty day; imsttvl rates, JI.Wiiti4.S7; 10m merelal bills, J4.f2fl Is2's. , SILVER - Certificates. CO'ifjGlV; bar. ol-'dc; Mexican dollars, 4714c. HINDS Ctovernnicnt. cay; state, weak; railroad, strong. Th" following nro the closing quotntlons on botida: V. S. 2s. reu.'.....10V!i N.'Y.' Central IsTlWi do 2m ref 101 .. ,1. C. g. r,. .12.1 in, ,-, mi... .o. 1 aro: 1 na us..i.i',ii ibt loupon 1101 do 4s IM do new 4s, rcg.134',4 No. P.iclllo Si.... do coupon i;iiv, do 4s lojs, do old 1j, ieg..ll3'i N Y C & St L 4.10i, ,'i-3.-i. , . lull. is., jvj n-s ui'i 00 gen. tfl. ilo coiiiiou 1144 Ore, Nav. Is D. of C. 3 Bli tin do Is .132 .110 .10D .12S At nit. gen. 4s 102'4O. S. L. Gs... 110 ndj. 4i si "do con. 6-1 .11,1 Canada So. 2s. ...107 Reading gen. 4s.. S'4 Chci. & O. 414s... 97'iIt:o (1. W. Is 991, da 3s 119'iSt L S: 1 M o. 5-.113U iC. A- N. W. c. 7s. Ill St.L. Si S.F. g.Cs.l22 , lo S. F. deb. 5U21 Si. Paul cons 170 Chicago Tcr. 4s.. IS St. I C. & P. 1S.H91., n. & It. o. Is....l03t4 do ,V 120 I do 4s MS So Railway .Vs. ..113 E. T.. V. & G. Is.l02',4 S. R. Sc T. Cs 71 Erie grn. 4s 74',s Tenn. new. s. 3. W F. W. & D. C. Is. 71 Tex St Pne. Is.. 11,1 , Oen. K'.w. 5. ..116 do 2 57 1 t; II & S , fa iim Tnlon Pnelflc 4y.l0fii ! do 2s 10S 1 11. A T. C. r.s....H0 do con. C 110 la. Central In.... it I iWiibnsli Is I do 2s 1 West F'-ore 4.. Wis. Ce.11. Is.... HI", 92 K. C. P. A- n. Is. 7.1'sVu. Centuries .. I., 1. new con. 4?.. 107 do deferred .. L. A N. mil. 4s.. 191;, Colo. So. Is.... M. K. S: T. 24.... iif, So. Pacific Is., do 4s 1 OJ'k 9'4 S4 S4J When Issued. Offered. Ilimtou Slock (iiiiitiil Ions, BOSTON. Mnrch 2.-CnlI loans, li?4'4 per cent: time loans. 45i6 Der cent. Closing I prices for stocks, bonds nnd mining shares: A.. T. ,t S. !'... SO 4 I'nlon Pacific ... , do pfd 7n Union Land 'Amor. Sugar ....10i',4 Wl. Central ... do nfd Ill Atchison If Hell Te'ephono....H5 N. E. O. & C. 5s. Boston S- Al 210 Advcntute Boston Elevat1.122't A. M'n. Co Boston & Me 194 Amal. Copper .. C. H. S; Q MPi Atlantic Doni. Co-il 16 Boston & Mont. do pfd 115 Butte Sr Boston. Federal Steel .... 51 Oil. & Hecla do pfd 75lj Centennial Fitehbuig-pfd....r,0Vi Franklin Ccii. Electric ...130 Osceoin .V::: V Wvv.i r'"y 20V Tnmarnck 192 ;"r,n,nl0n '" l,!'"111 M,n,,,,? 31'4' Nciv York .Mlnliifc Stocks. NEW YORK, Mnrch 2S.-The following nre the ofllelnl closing nuotatlor.s for !" '"' hollar IS S'own, Vl"V.' ' " 'Jl I minim: shnres: Ontario S25 Onblr 73 Con. Cnl. & Vn.,.145 Dendwood GO (lould & Curry... 11 .Plymouth 15 Quicksilver 17.1 do pfd SCO Sierra Nevndn .. f0 Stnndnrd 310 , I'nlon Con 15 .Yellow Jnckct ... 13 llule k Nfrcrom. 17 "onies-nKe Iron, sll'-'pr "exlt'" 1 I .,5000 ...67 ... 20 I'lnmicliil .Noicn. i nii Auu, .Mnrcn z. L-earings. ji3,i2G,- 1 BIS; balances, J1.49S.932: posted exchange. "'3, uii.iinLC. J'.S1'f4 S7; New York exchange, par. PHILADELPHIA. March 2S.-Cle arlngs, JM.4-50,714; balances. J1.S39.743. BALTIMORE, March 23,-Clearlngs, J3, 57S.M3; balances. J416.G39. NEW YORK, March 21.-Clearlngs, J219, G39.1S3 ; ba la n ct-. "J 10.391, 159. BOSTON. Mnrt-h 2S.-Clearlngs, S1S.374.011: balances, $1,423,909. ST LOIMS. March 2S.-Clearlnss. $1,032. 61S; bnlaiuen, $534,917; money, 5fi7 per cent; New York exchange, 10c premium bid, 20c premium nsked. Condition of (be Treasury, WASHINGTON. March 2S.-Todays statement of the treasury balances In tho ppnernt pvetiislt-n nr Dm tiviriiannn ic iance.l: n sfilps: m ilril ni-'.c' ri. t..nns' .l. '1 pail'K, IIIIUII.IIIK. i-iu.-; ri- ceipts, 1,617 b.iln; shipments, 1.974 bales stock. C5.43.1 bales. & 1 .mleSrord-.rV3.16c7 'good ordinary. R 11-16.-: low middling. 9V-! middling. 938c; good middling, 9 9-16c; mld- diing intr. 9 13-16c: rece nts. 6.S45 hales stuck. 316,315 bales. Futures, steudy; Mnrch, i March 28, COTTON-Ftl- 111 iinuicu iiemnnn, l-32f(ll-l6d higher; June. $9,2119 27; July, $9,211(9.2.1; August, r- $19S''ul.9ri: September. JR.27fi8.2S; October, .,, I $7.9jfi7.9G: November. $7.S3fi7.87; December, iiu i $714: January. $7.S4fi7.S7. I,,,'1 I NEW YORK, - rtinprican middling, rnlr, B25-32d; good (:.ii I mlddllns, 59-1fid; middling. 5Vsd; low mld j) Idling. 5i;d; good orillnnry, 5 3-16d; ordlnnry. 2VJ I 3d The sales of the day were 7,000 bales, of 17 I wh'cl. 5i1 wero for speculation and export. 3G'i ! nnd included 6,700 American. Receipts, 17. M W bales, Including 15.300 Amerlcnn. Fu 57'i, ! lures opened steady nnd closed quiet nt the 94 . ."dvancp: Amnrlenn middling, I. m. c. .March. 5 23.64f5 24-Gld, sellers; March ar.d Anrll, 5 22-61(ni 23-Old. sellers: April nnd Mny. .1 19-6lf(5 20-64d. vnlue; Mnv nnd June. 5 17-64.1 buyers; June and July, 5 14.641T 5 16-64d. sellers; July nnd August, 5 12-6td, sellers; August and September. 5 03.61.1, value; Spptember anil October, 4 47-C4d, bin-, crs; October and Novemb-r, 4 36-64d. sell ers; November nnd December, 4 31-61(1, sell ers; Dpcember nnd Jnnunry, 1 29-6ld, sell prs; Jnnuary and Fehrunry, 4 27-6Id, buy el's. Market. BOSTON. March 21. -The American Wool nnd Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow: 1'hn wool market hns ruled weak nnd lower, especially on fleeces. Thero has been n fair business done, but It has been genernlly at tho expense, of quotations, although nt tompts to brenk the mnrket on certnln lines of territories hnvo not met with the mpns uro of success nnt'.elpated. Thero can be no denying the fact that the fleece market In on a lowpr IpvcI than current quotations for tho previous week would tndlcnto nnd, generally rpcnklng. It Is difficult to move iinv lines of wool except nt somo conces sion. 'P'o I ondon sales closed last Satur dnv nt a decline variously estimated nt from .'j to 15 per cent except on such wools a' America has been In the habit of tnk lnir, w itch apparently show very Itttlo de cline. The withdrawals ncgrecatp morn than 100,000 bales and thn purchases for American account are given at somctning like 10,060 bales. The sales of thp week In Boston amounted to 2.075.00O pounds domes tic and 307.0O0 pounds foreign, making n total of 3,012.000 pounds, ngnlnst a total of 3.f95,000 for the previous" week nnd 11 total of ::,76S.O' for the corresponding week last year. Sales slncp Jnnunry 1 amount to 11. fll.1.000 pounds, ngnlnst 4 4,832.50) pounds for tho corresponding time last year. Dry (iooils Mnrket, NEW YORK. March 21.-DRY OOODS-'p'-ci mnrket has been better attended to-du:-. but the demand has not shown any chun'.'o of moment. All brown sheetings nnd drills continue quiet nnd print cloths nnd other grny goods Inactive. Bleached also quiet, demand hardly comlnir up to expectations. Wide sheetings penrco on conrso colored cottons. Supplies continue very limited: dpmnnd modernle; prlrps stpndy throughout. Prints nre quiet, with out special feature. Olughums In nverngo request. Woolen and worsted dress good" aro In moderate demand for fall; tone of mnrket sternly. Silks without change. Cnllfornln Dried Trulls. NEW YORK. March 2S.-CA LI FORNIA DRIED FRl'ITS-lmictlvn nnd nomlnnl. Thn market fnr cviuiornted unples was Ithout Important new reature todav. Business wan genprnlly of n band to mouth on'c-. Tho undertone wns weak, until lib thI offorlpt-s and tho continued absence if buyers, with outside figures at the closp "xtreme. State evaporated nppleu. eom non, 4i4i5Uc. prime. 6j6',4c; choice, 7tf7'3c; fnncy 74fS'ic California dried prunes, I'vtJ.c ner lb., ns to 'size nnd nnnlltv Anrl- 'otx, Roinl 13'ijl5c. Moor Park. 15'cflSc. Pcucncs, peeled, &22c; unpeeled, 7WS0c. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET R'in Storm Cauies Lfght Receipts of All Kind?, NEARLY EVERYTHING SELLS SOME HIGHER Kinds of Cnttlr r.eiiprnll) Mlunv mi AiHmire of Ton Cents MoKii JlnUc n Slmllnr (iiiln Trnde Aellie, SOUTH OMAHA, March 2S. Heiflpls were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. X', . ,a ;'p"d.iy 2.078 4,119 5.3.V. wiui-ini 1 ucstiny Oltlclnl Wednesduy.... 3.231 1.21S 5.573 6.4i Ts.ico 25.3.14 9,!f7 2.176 17.139 16,6-tO 20.MM Thrpo dayn this week.... 6.6M huine days lat week 8,712 banie days week before.. 9,520 ame three week ni-,i tt in 24,627 17,911? 1S.571 Average price paid for lings for the last feernl days with comparisons: il9W.,lV99.'lH9S. 1S97. 1S90.1S93.1S94. March l.' 4 0S 3 il 3 71 3 CO! 3 Ml 4 77 4 661 3 r9i 3 XS. 1 471 3 74! 3 10 4 W , .March 2. .M.iridi 3 , March 4'. March 6. March U. i ih 3 671 3 53 3 491 3 50 i I 3 62 3 STI 3 4SI 3 SV 3 91 3 si 3 92 4 00, 74 4 70. 3 54 3 S2 3 ;.r-i 3 iS I 77 4 71 4 64 4 74 4 72 4 69 3 K, 3 79 1 .uuicn i 711 3 60 4 72 3 03 3 S9 3 76 3 80 Mnrch s 3 67 4 06 Mnr. h 9.... March 10... Murcb it . 4 7li ;i ss 3 7l 3 601 3 CS 3 tl 4 01 4 73 3 53 3 801 3 65 3 84 3 80 3 r.Q :i -i HI 3 R'2 4 10 Mnrch 12... 4 76 3 741 3 701 3 SOI 4 Hi 4 CI J J , S i A J March 13... March 14 4 79i 3 62 I 3 7SI 3 7'JI 4 20 4 50 I 75 , 3 631 3 91 4 79 3 59i 3 6S! March 15... Mnrch 16... Alnrpli 17 I 4 .W 4 Si 3 77' 4 271 4 47 3 S3I I 4 43 4 S3 3 Al 3 70 3 871 .March is " 4 941 3 65 3 711 3 91 ! 3 5S 3 731 .". W 4 S9j 3 73' 3 91 3 Sll 4 4C f! 74 4 4P 4 31 in mi in... J'nrch 20... March 21... March 22... Mnrch 23... Mnrch 24... Mnrch 23.. ' Mnrch 26... March 27... March 28... I 3 S6 3 551 4 00' 3 671 4 36 4 35 4 81 j 3 561 3 751 13 711 4 421 4 31 4 Sf.1 .'( C0I 3 76 3 9 1 4 41 1 mi 3 f3 4 93' 3 601 7G 3 91 3 751 4 CGI 4 4S 3 71 3 931 3 I 1 .1 R7 a !ri! 3 591 I 71 357 4 S9 I 97' 3 GO 3 Col 3 91j 3 t I S6I 4 17 I 3 Mil 3 71 1 4 74 4 15 2'1 1 7i' 1 J5 70 4 S2 11 5 03 3 60 3 67 Indicntes 8undny. Tho ofllelnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wns; Cnttle. Hogs. Sh'p, H'r's. Hy.. 1 2 .. M. Si St. V O. S: Ht. I. IJv Mlisourl Pacific Ry!! 'i I I 21 2 2T 1 4 19 1 3 4 1 l'. system 1(i . . v .-v. v. Hy 2 F E. M. V. 11, R.. It S. C. & P. Ry 1 C. St. P.. M. St O.... S B. & M. R. R. R.... 7 C, B. Si Q. Ry K. C. & St. J. Ry.... 6 C. R. I. St P., east.. 2 C., R. I. St P., west.. 2 Total receipts .... 54 SO 11 The disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cnttle. Hoes. Sh'p Omaha Packing Co O. 11. Hammond Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Omaha P. Co., Kan. City Cudahy. Kansas City... R. Becker & Degan Vansant & Co Lob man St Co W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntzlnger H. L. Dennis St Co Hobblck Other buyers 120 749 403 131 1.031 51 126 1.231 1,49.1 376 1,173 4S4 101 1.210 2,090 99 23 17 13 31 Ml 34 19 3 99 Totnln 1,270 5.454 4,529 1 A ri 1. 'i hero was only mnimm rim ..f ..., ! .,.. i.,. u .'.. ' ".'l. rounds. At tho same time Chicago eninP higher, so that conditions were all favor- able for the sellers, who u-erp nnt lnw m take advantage of the opportunity to boost prices. t omfed steciH were In active demand and Ilia r fl r 1 A a nil mi it.. tho packers were nil out ear.y clearing tho ynrris in a very short time at prices thnt wero pretty generally 10e higher. Sellers ns a rule were well pleased with the mnr ket and the trade as a wholo whs of a most satisfactory character. There were n few head good enough to bring .00. Cows nnd heifers were aim in good de mand nnd the buyers made short work of clearing the yards, paying as n rule prices tho t were 10? higher than yesterday. Veal calves sold higher than yesterday, ns will ne nniea irom ine sales neiow. At tills reason no marked Improvement could be expected in tne marKet for heavy bu Is. Stockers and feeders were. In eood re quest and the market wns reasonably ac tive. Home of the same cattle as wero hero yesterday sold for 6c more today. The market, to say the least, was firm and tno demand fully equal to tne supply. Hep rescntatlve roles: BEEF STEERS, No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 855 $1 Gil 20 1200 4 45 1130 3 60 970 3 75 910 3 75 7S0 4 00 950 4 M 720 4 10 910 I 10 920 4 15 1030 4 15 S9! I 20 882 4 25 99.1 I 25 1010 4 25 912 4 30 9f 4 10 1000 4 10 966 4 40 947 4 40 S60 4 40 1010 4 40 1.... 1.... .1060 4 41 .1110 4 50 .1050 4 60 16.. 20.. 21.. 19.. 6.. 9.. 'i.'. 14.. 19.. 21.. 01 16.'. 35.. 21.. 11.. 963 4 CO 10b8 911 1095 1366 1151 1161 1148 1198 1151 4 50 1 r,i I 65 4 60 4 60 4 GO I 60 4 65 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 16.... O 4.'!.'.' 4.... 1.... 19.... 3.... 15.... 1.... 5.... 19.... 22. . . 19.... 4 Gn 1165 4 65 .... 1111 4 61 1047 1103 1147 1131 1315 4 65 4 65 4 70 4 70 1 80 .1131 4 40 .1150 4 40 ..1285 4 80 12. ...1343 6 00 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ...1160 4 25 COWS. 1 820 2 25 13 R0 3 65 1 830 2 25 2 1160 3 60 1 1030 2 50 1 11S0 3 60 4 960 2 60 1 940 3 60 1 970 2 60 . 3 1160 3 GO 1 810 2 50 1 1070 3 60 1 9S0 2 hO 21 1076 3 GO 1 830 2 60 2 1227 3 60 1 1250 2 73 1 1130 3 CO 1 830 2 75 1 1300 3 60 2 961 2 75 1 1330 3 6.1 1 S90 2 7.1 3 1230 3 li". 1 960 2 9.) 16 1040 3 70 2 1140 3 00 17 1098 3 7.1 3 946 3 00 2 1050 3 7,7 6 1092 3 00 1 980 3 75 1 1000 3 03 6 1258 3 75 1 1040 3 10 18 1229 3 80 1 910 3 25 1 USO 3 80 6 992 3 25 3 1296 3 80 1 1310 3 25 1 1300 3 85 1 950 3 2 13 1296 3 90 1 950 3 :t5 2 1075 4 00 2 1225 3 35 11 1145 4 00 2 Vf0 3 40 1 1460 4 00 1 720 3 60 1 910 4 10 4 1217 3 50 2 1315 4 10 1 1000 3 60 1 1080 4 15 19 1033 3 60 COWS AND HJIFERS. 12 912 3 9.1 1G 1041 4 10 2 1425 4 00 13 1116 4 15 HEIFERS. 1 677 3 90 4 912 4 07 4 865 3 90 1 1060 4 1 0 1 400 3 90 1 1110 4 10 2 .110 4 00 9 862 4 10 5 900 4 00 1 ,....1090 4 2.1 6 775 4 00 4 940 4 25 10 700 1 00 1 1070 4 25 BULLS. 1 1200 2 75 1 1670 3 15 1 1260 2 75 1 1470 3 50 1 1170 3 00 1 1540 3 fO 1 1450 3 00 1 1810 3 50 1 1220 3 15 1 1030 3 65 1 12 3 15 1 1790 3 GO 1 1190 3 15 1 1700 3 60 1 1550 3 25 1 14)0 3 60 2 12:0 3 25 1 1600 3 60 1 1600 3 31 2 1675 3 67 2 1735 3 10 1 690 4 30 1 1150 3 40 CALVES. 1 160 4 00 1 260 6 00 1 320 4 25 1 120 6 25 4 240 4 70 1 100 G 60 2 275 5 75 1 120 6 50 1 160 7 00 STOCK CALVES. 2 410 .101 1 100 6 00 1 350 3 00 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 700 2 01 1 310 3 50 2.,.., 920 2 75 1 SS0 3 50 2 10IO 3 00 1 170 3 60 1 690 3 25 1 990 3 75 1 900 3 25 7 615 3 90 1 830 3 25 6 722 3 9.1 22 951 3 35 4 862 4 00 1 750 3 40 2 D50 4 10 1 760 3 10 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, 1 640 3 f"l 2 955 4 25 1 850 3 25 2 700 I 30 1 810 3 25 1 800 4 30 2 850 3 75 8 912 4 30 1 910 I III 5 681 4 3.7 1 (20 4 00 8 SS1 4 35 2 660 4 00 1 640 4 40 21 715 4 20 41 944 4 60 9 8'.. 4 25 21 1099 1 5 23 858 4 25 1...; 420 4 65 2 305 1 11 14 470 4 70 9 734 4 26 7 471 4 75 HOGS Hogs sold SfilOe higher today. th general advanro being pretty close to 10c. Tho market wns reasonably nrtlvo nt the advance, so that the most of the hogs chanced hands In n very short time after tho market opened. The most of the pack ers seemed to want the lions even at the high prices prevailing and Ihe market us 11 whole was In n good, healthy condition, tlood loads sold very lnrcrlv nt SS.ns. ns ngalnst Jl.95ill.97tj yesterrtay. The best hots sold as high ns J5.12W, 'while tho yesterday was only J.1.00. .. ...,.1 ....1 .... ., -. . . . Hogs sold today at the highest nrlre tmld during the month of Mnrch since 1S93. Dtir lr the month of Mimn tbnt year tho nveriiRo price pnld for hogs on this mnr ket ranged nil thn way from J0.55 to J7.v, tho month opening at tin- nigh point nnd ciosins nt tno low point. During month of Mreh. ISts, tlio nvcrage prlco Representntlve sales; No. 94... 81 ., Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 250 ... 6 05 239 120 5 0.1 .161 160 4 92' i .2.13 ... 4 95 . 191 10 6 ml .231 240 5 00 212 10 JA (O .221 ... 6 CO .243 120 6 tl IV. ... 5 00 201 ... r. 00 .209 40 5 02'4 67... 6... 64... 29 .. Ol. , , f.1... 64... so... 57... 61... 65. . . S9. .. 71... 52... 81... 56... 75. . . 41... 61... 71... fS... 66... tS... ,3. , . 51... 45... 49.... 64... ! W... 61... SO ., 7S... 66... 67.., 60, , 4S.. 60.. 71.. 63... .16. . , 76 . . 70... 78... 251 40 5 0.1 ...260 ... 6 0.1 ... f . Oil 40 6 01 120 6 OS SO 5 0.1 160 5 0.1 50 5 01 40 6 on ...2.11 ...214 ...271 ...241 ...HI . . .256 ...247 ..2)1 ... 6 024 40 6 021a ... 5 02Vi ... 6 03j ... 5 02'i 160 5 02"4 SO 5 02'i 40 5 02U ... 6 OJIJ ... 6 0214 ... 5 U1 ... 6 01 ... 5 (J 120 f, or. ... 6 03 120 6 05 ... 5 01 M 5 01 ... 5 05 200 5 0.1 ... 6 03 .... 5 01 10 5 n', ... 5 0.1 SO 6 0-, 80 5 0", ... 5 05 ... 60". 120 6 0". ... 6 0-, ...211 ...207 ...227 !!.222 .. 204 ...217 ...219 ...lis ...213 ...2IS ...231 ...237 ...250 ...21 SO 5 0.1 .211 K0 5 or. 236 40 5 to ...22.1 ...211 ...214 . . .204 ...229 .. 261 . . .270 ...215 ...241 ...269 . . .266 ...2.16 ...2S2 oty .'.'.'269 40 5 40 5 01 SO 5 tV". 40 6 07H ,.. 6 07ij SO 5 07', 50 5 07'4 40 5 07H 40 5 07' 3 40 5 07' a 40 6 07' 4 10 6 07', SO 5 07j in 5 07', .. 5 074 . . 5 07'd ;i... n T: 91. M 7S 60.. 46.. 2.11 57 275 70. .261 G). . 61.. 60.. 69.. SG.. 65 . 66.. 72.. r.V. 79.. C9.. 61.. 75. . C2.. ..210 ..231 ..2.1) ..222 ..221 ..210 ..221 ..271 ..219 223 .' 232 !i261 67.. 72.. 59.. .212 ,.27S 160 .1 07W ..270 120 f. 07V 269 so r 10 ... 5 10 .. 5 10 40 5 10 SO 5 10 .. 5 10 40 6 10 .. 5 r.w ... 5 12'i . . . .22 ....145 ....374 . . . ,2t6 ....2iV2 ,...2rs ....273 ...,2S1 51.. 72. . 4.1.. 61.. CI. . 62.. ..276 5 03 ..265 120 5 0.1 SIIF.KP-Thcro wns n good demand for sheep nnd yenrllngs. which met with ready ,,f X.airyi " " . 'irT' T,p,rr'T: ).rgoml seasor," n' Vi. w" h " , Inmb innrltPl u-n ln. im mnr,. limn lamb market wns slow nnd no morp tlinn s'endj- at the decline noted vcitcrdny. Mnonr; th- offerltiBs of luinhs were some fcedprs, which were 0 so s ow. Quota-inns. Hiolce hnn.H weight .ear- lings, $'. fiorco.13; ool ti choice fed vear- lings. Jr..S5H6.0.l: fair to rood yearling-. $1.65 ALSO; good to rhnlce wethers. $3.65510.90: fair 1 10 goon Werners. 5.).4I7...6J: coul to choice fed ep. C. IV!!-. 1.. , .mn.X rt.. I TI...10; -nod lo 1 bnlcp imtlvp lambs. $G.90 ..... ,''" v '-' 1 7.00; irond to choice western lambs, $6 7.VfT r..:-u; inir 10 .-nocl western lanilis, Jii.W.i, 7J, feedpr wethers, Jl.50fri.00; fpedr yearlings, 15.00fiC.60; food to eholep feeder lambs, $5.25 516.00. Representative sales: !N'o. .w. Pr. 13 lamby ewes 100 $1 0.1 1 buck il'i) 4 no 4 culls 113 1 73 41 western ewes nil 0 2.1 203 western wethers 10t 5 75 395 western wethers 101 5 85 109 western yearlings 99 5 9.1 121 yenrllngs nnd wethers 10.1 114 western yenrllngs nnd sheep 92 r, 23 G 30 0 45 6 SO 6 85 di wesiern inmns 201 wpstprn lambs (41 wpstprn lambs 1,358 Mexican lambs 73 si 19 CIIICAOO MVIi VI'OCIC M.UtKKT. Cnttle Genrriill St ronu Hons Active Iborp mnl l.niiilis llluber. CHICAGO. March 2S. CATTLE Receipts. 11. 06 Tiend: irpnrrnllv strontr in ln. 1,1 cylx... 1 natfvps. best nn inHnv i t". t-. D,.n.i Tn'. ....... . - 10 prime Hirers, poor to niPdlum. ' 4.85; selected feeders, firm at ll.OOfTI.SO; mixed stockprs, steady at $1.40ij3.90; cows, ilX.n04I4.it3' hnlrpm i-i ')ivr. i 7s i.iiniii,i omu 2.70; bulls. J2.50Ji4.25; calves. Jl.50fjj.75; Tex- inns, receipts, 1.20.) head; best on sale today nt Jl.f-0; Texas fed steers, J3.iWfi6.00; Texas I lulttu tt QMIA J A bulls. $3.20113.60. HOGS Receipts, today. 21.000 head; lo. morrow. 20.000 head, estlmnted; left over, 3,000 hend; active to loo higher; top, $5.37'4; mixed nnd butchers. J5.05tfj6.35; good to choice heavy, $3.1S'aG.37'4; rough heavy. $5.00 fei.20; light, $5.0.V(5.30; bulk of sales, $5.20 4(5.30. SHEEP AND LAM IIS - Receipts, 11.000 head; mainly 10c higher: 2 cars fed Texns sheep. $6.10; good to choice wethers, $5.S5fi 6.10; fair to choice mixed, $4.76fi5.70; west ern shoep, $o.60fi.3.10; yearlings, $S.OOfi6.50; rmtlvo Iambs. $".3O; western lambs. $6.0. Q7.35. St. I.onls Live Stock. ST. LOUIS. Mnrch 25. CATTLE -Receipts, 3,000 head, Including 1.103 Texnns; market 10c higher; native shipping nnd ex port steers, Jl. 6505.75; dressed beef nnd butcher strors, $4.00jj5.00; steers under 1,0O) lbs., $3.2534.70; stockers and feeders, J3.25ff 4.65; cows nnd heifers, J2.O0f?l.60; dinners, Jl. 252.85; bulls, $2.86ff4.00, Texns and In dlnn steers, J3.75f(5.00; cows nnd heifers, $2.40ff3.76. HOGS-Receipts, 7.900 head; market off 10c higher: pigs nnd lights, ?4.15T(5.10; pnek ers, J5.00f?5.20; butchers, $5.15fi5.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rppplpts. 1,000 had; mnrket stronc: nntlve mutton. $5.25 H75. 85; lambs. $6.50f?7.15; Inm'os, $3; culln nnd bucks, $4.0004.50. Xpir York Live Mtock, NEW YORK. Mnrch 28.-BEEVES-Re. relpts, 2.16.1 head; mnrket sternly; fop steers, firm: slecrs. $1.4071-5.30; slags, $1.70: bulls. $1.504.65; cows. $2 15fi4.nn. At Liverpool, steady nt 11 iff 12c for live cnttle, nt London. Il',if712'.4e; rerr sera tor beef. hIow: pxnorts. 3,410 quarters of bpef; tomorrow, none calvish iteceipts, 2,561 head; market fair nnd prices steady to 25c higher: veals. 3.00fr6.C0; tops, $6,25fi6.35. Slllil-.r AM) J,A.MiJtt IteCPllts, 4.712 head; sheep, steady; Inmbs, steady to 10c higher; sheep. $4.606 00; culls. $3.WMj4.CO: lambs, $6.G34ft6.1fl; culls, $5.(K)fi6.25: clipped lambs, $5.60; spring lambs. $3.60f(5.25, HOGS Receipts, 4,638 head; Ilrm nt $5.30 (56.65, Knnsn City Live Stock. KANSA8 CITY. Mnrch 21. CATTLE Re ceipts, 5,600 hend nntlves und 1.20 head Tex ans; market very active at 10c ii.lvnnre; heavv native stpprs. U.,.tifi.Z: I chl welehls. $4.5h'5.05; stackers nnd feederB. ll.OOfjfl.sO; butcher eows nnd heifers, $1.35f?l.6(i; enn- ners. Ti.wma. Jo, fed westerns, j4.loffl.S0; western feeders. $3.8Sff4.25. Texas, $3.90(4.1.1, HOGS- Rpcell.ts. 10.3CO hend: good nclvnncn of ofilO..; heavy. $3.0Ofi0.10. mixed, $4,9Gf(5 10; light. J4.7Gf5.02V4; pigs. J.1.764.75, SHEEP AND LAM US - Receipts. 2,600 head; Improved demand nt string to 10c higher prices; Colorado Inmbs. $6.751; S.RI): muttons, J5.5ofl5.GO; stockers and feeders, Jl.6036.00; culls, J3.50fi4.50. St. Joseph 1,1 ve Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo. March 21- (Speclal.i The Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts. 700 head: 111:1 rkot ac tive nnd strong to 10c higher; qunllty com mon to fair; nntlves. J4.OOfi6.00: Texas and westerns, J3. 50ft4. 80, cows and heifers. $2.25 194. tu; nuns nnd stags. J2.25fi4.60; yenrllngs and calves, JI.00fJ5.10: stockers nnd feed ers, ?3. 4084.60; venls, J4.0Oifij.6O. HO(,b-Uece nts. 4.300 hend: market BfilOr higher: all grades, J4.95fI5.20; bulk of sales, J.1.O3!i!05.12tt. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 500 bead: market strong; lambs, J5.OOfi7.60; yearlings. J5.35fj6.35; slippp and ypai lings, $3.onf5.75; owes, Jl.00fj6.25. Stock In Kliclit. Following aro the receipts nt the four prlnclpnl western markets mr Mnrch 2t: CnttiP. Units. Sheen. South Omnha I.21S 5.161 2.'76 Chlcngo 11,600 21,000 11,000 Kansas city 6..vm in.30.1 2.G01 St. Louis 2,000 7.900 l ,0rt) Totals 21,215 41,661 16,776 Sugnr Market. NEW ORLEANS. Marcti 2R.-SrC,An- Qlllet; open kpttle. .V41(4 3-16p; open kettle, centrifugal. 4'f4V,c; renirlfucnl. vpIIow. 4f4c: seconds, 2fimc. MOLASHEH-gillet; centrlf llgnl. 8f'36c. NEW YORK. March 21. HI'GA II- Iln w Ilrm; fair rcllnlng. 3 31-32c; centrifugal, 93 test, 4 15-32c; molasses sugar, 3 25-32c; re fined, Ilrm. Oil Mnrket. LIVERPOOL. Mnrch 21.-OILS -Cottonseed. Hull refined. Mny-Augurt, ensy nt 31s 9d, LONDON. .March 2S.-OIUS-Turpentlni spirits, 10s 3d. Coffee .Mnrket, NEW YORK. Mnrch 21. -COFFEE- Spot. Rio, steady; No. 7. Invoice, SfjS'.io; No. 7, J. 11. iv A 1:::. Conilgn your ORAIV unci NI'.KDN unit lend your orders In WARE & LELAND, 200-210 RIALTO BUILDING, CHICAGO. ' Write fur our IImIIj- tlitrkrl I.rtlrr. I'lftepn rrprec ntfttlrrs conttmitlr on llio floor of tho Chlcaio Hoard of Trdt, tlnia Im.irlnir prompt niecutlmi cf nil nrdf-o, und rloe iittniitlon tn all hunt, oeti tntrunlej to ut. JtllWAUll ii. HE KM AN, lu I'liurve of llecelrlug IlcpHrliuaai, Jobblnn, S'jftSSr-; mild, steady;-. Cordovn, i'4M4c. Tho mnrket for rutures opened Ktendy, partly 5 points higher. Ruled quiet, with a firm undertoiui on higher cnbes, ll-ht receiritM at Rio ulul Santos nnd steadier feeling In spot mnrket. Closed inii-v;- net unchanged in 11 lie nts 11 ciier. top J."!"1 .""If", ".ff hags. Including: May, " J'llj. SS.70; September. Jh.mwiO SS. No- .. VeMiltnc i! vr.. O.........I...H .? ... llrclxloim In (. lie ii 1 1 ( ourl. HfUO.V, S. I)., March 2S.-(SpoclaI.)-Ai two week' tetm of circuit court for Beadle thn ounty clcMd hero on Saturday. Judce A. W. C'atr.pbell presiding. A vnst niuinnt of himl. or 1,11 fan,, bji1! criminal mnl civil. Thrso Mrn penitfiitlnry entenc(u will be Ukru to Siouv Falls the early part of this week to enter upon their labor for the slate. P. ' MkI.'iii. I.. ...... . ...v...., ip oniy peron given a jnll u.:teni-e. nnd he will do penance for Mxty dajB In the lleudlo county Jnll. Mary Ami .Merrill Cameron paid n lino each of $100 for telling licit r Miohut license; William P. Fell crntrlbuted J.lo to the nainty for keep Ins a g,)inblliiit bouse, nnd William McClitr wns granted a rehearing on a similar charge. Sheriff Medlxry will take John Kellcy and (.(vrgc WhltliK to tho penitentiary, thn former to nerve two year and the latter on year rrr larceny. A of Importance to the entire- stnta wns passol upon by Judge Campbell. It wns that of U. M. Rowley, clerk of the city of Huron, against the Hoard of County Com lulsrlonera to recover money paid out for making registration lists of the cllv for turn In the :m election. Mr. Itnwloy iircRented h'o claim to tho board und It w.u rejected on the plea that tho city nnd not tho county Rhculd pay the bill. An appeal to the cir cuit court wns taken,, resulting In ,i derision ngnlr.t.t the cennty. In ulttunt every cllv in the stnto there nre similar claims pendinn nnd these will be dUpnsed of according to the- dec'u'on of Judge Cmipbell rendered In the Ilcadlc comity cue. " t,';'k" "' ''""imiiip.1. 1 , ,MUl x I' ALLS, S. I).. .M.irch 2.1. (Spee- ",r,cr- ns'lstiuit United Sl.itei " 7 '"r '""'"". has been ml- V"" 'no M nshl liston nuthorlllrs th. .. . "V "nsnituton nuthorlllrs w'p "earing before the t'nltel Stntes su- preme court In fhe mutter of the appeal of .John Had Flk n mr...v 1.. i... . V ' in iln 1(,rl i,'n . ,n,,,!,n' '" M now " Ja" ro "RK postponed until Mint. nay. April 9. I . 1 Kiiiiniin .Nolo ..l t:. . ..... .. .. . . .. ' ... , ill HP ,e K or Kiiuirln lu ,, fcrvnimnnder of the Kansas Sons or Vet- Accord'ng to a report of the Htnte unlpr slt ecological silrvcv the river at Hliin Rapids ut low water Is good for I.S00 horse pow pr. A Brown c-iinty man owns a cow that has rpgulany dropped twins for the last J'!I1"m! 'V.'f" "'"'hner of Baldwin, known lis the "fighting paison.-' Is n enndldalo for department ronimaniler of the Grand Army of Pin Republic. The Kansas Medical collpgp last week tiirnrl loon, upon the suffering penile a cities of twenty-six young doctors " Ono woman wns on the list. Surveyors are at work In the vlclnin o illrhlnnd. The guess Is that the. force H surveying r for thp propored Burlington Mlssmitl Rlwr line from Preston. Neb., 10 Atr llsoii. J,?YP.rno!l8tn"1,y ,lns Promised to re-oni-mend to the next leglMiiture the establish me ill of u brunch of the .state Agricultural college on the military reservation ceded I to con-Vc'loT 8 niy by a ro,cnl nrt ot A younjr Wichita man nihertlsed In a, nntrlmonlnl pnper for a wife nnd I1I1 sls- " ' ..'i'pc.ii.Mi 10 advertise 111 the snme pn per for n husband, both using ii.iime.l i nnmes. Then came the time for flip thange of photographs and the discov that the fnmlly was burdened wlth'nn I .... I. a . . ... p ex. overy r-uai urn, mi r in iooiimi children. An Important question lo be voted on nt the rail election is the proposition to nmen.l tho state constitution so as to Increase tho number of supreme court justices from threo to seven. The effect of this amend. . infm w.iiiiii no 10 no nwny witn tho appcl- c.?,"r.'- Tn" 'I'lestlon 's nonpartisan and it Is likely that nil the conventions will In dorso the amendment. Every Kansas farmer who owns his own land nnd Is nut of debt Is liidenendent. Hanks mav break, syndicates go to thn wall nnd mnrkrts mny nil be In the hnndsj of tho benrs, nnd yet the Kansas fnrmer sit on his back fence nnd whistle a merry tunc, for he has the assurance that srpd Hmo nnd shnll not full; thnt men trust eat and he must help to fppd thcin; thnt when nanlcs. como In ho Is out of raiifo nnu under shelter. Hutchinson girls contemplate rnlslni? church funds by .1 levy on the young men. T"c. scnle has been nnnoiinced ns follows: One cull, evenlns. 10 cents; one call, nfter noon. ."..cents; one hug, light turned on, 20 ccntr; one. hug. light turned down, 12 cents; moonlight hand sneeze. 40 cents; kisses In the dark. SO rents; kisses by lamp light. 37 tents; kisses with mamma present, per dozen, 6 cents; Invitation to ten. 31 centn; bii'rey ride, 13 cents; buggy ride, nne-nrm. kind. 21 cenis; hnmmnck swing. 36 cents; exchange of 42 cents; suylnjr "yes." $1.98; iixlng the day, $1; march to the nltur, nothing. Tho prlnclonl political conventions thus fnr arranged for nre: Rpoubllcan stato invention. Topokn. May 16; deniocrntlo slate convention, to elect national dele gates. Wichita. May 23: democratic statu nominating convention. Fort Scolt, July 21: pcpullsl slate convention, to elect national delegates. Cliiy Center, April 24; populist state nomliiatlns convention, Fort Scott, .Inly 24; Third district rrpubllrnn conven tion. Chanute. March 28; Second district reiiul.llcnn convention. Garnett, April 3; Seventh district nopullst convention, Great Bend. April 17; Seventh district republican convention. Hutchinson. April H; Sixth dis trict populist convention, Colby, April 3: Fifth district populist convention. Clay Center, May 15. Missouri 11 ml MIsNoiirlnns. Vernon county hns n woman cnndldnto for the office of circuit clerk. A farmer near Mcndon clnlms that h killed 207 ducks one day last week. Chlllicothe schools are crowded nnd citi zens lire neltutllig the question of a $.10,000 high school building. A felegmm was recently rerelved from Los Angplps Cnl., announcing tho death nf John B. Sergeant, onp of the founders, of .loplln. who wns wintering In California. Mr. Sergeant wns one of the. men who first dlscovpred IphiI In .loplln county, fifty-two years ago. Ills body was brought to Joplln for IntprmPni While nn engine was being denned nt Bronkfleld list week i big shepherd dog dropped out oT the nsh pun. The dog wns uninjured, nflde from his hair being scorched. The driver of the engine remem bered lhat he ran over n dog ubout fifty four miles Hlwivo Brookflold. Ilow tho dog ever InndPd in the nsh pan uninjured la a mystery. J. II. Mnjee. an old citizen of Hopkins, tPlls of a startling cxperlenco of back In the Mi's, while bo was working ut Burling, ton. In., during nn epidemic of cholera. Iln wan taken violently sick with the disease and was pronounced dead tho next day. After all arrangements had been made for the funeral a relative beiaiup convinced that life was not extlnel and upon culling 11 physician It wns f'-und that Mngee was yet alive. After being in a stupor for nine daya Magee be. nine .i.ns. Puis and ho knows whai P- is 10 be dead. RRPEriMEYcVCO. 0 GftAiN R0CM4Mr UFTBLDG. BRANCH 1030 tt-Vt 'jncoui ncBi JAMES F, BOYD & CO., Telephone lO.'W. Omnliu, Szj COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS and STOCKS ItOAIU) OK TRADE. Correspondence: John A. Warren ic Co uirect wires to Chicago and New York, i:. K. I.KI.ANII.