THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MAKCH 28. 100. CHANNEL IS GIVEN A PLACE Bute Engineer tod Secretary of the Btato Board of Irrigation. KEARNEY MAN NAM2D 70 SUCCEED WILSON Gkkc. Count) ( lllrrnx Cmnplnln of Dlnerlniliiiilliin mi I'll it of Ailniim mill I'ltc'llli; liiremi ( oiiiiiiiiiIcm Statu lloiixe Itriiin, LINCOLN, March 27. (Special. )-C. It. Channel of Kearney nan today appointed state engineer and secretary of the State Hoard of Irrigation, to succeed J. M. WIIsjii of Omaba, who h resigned to accept n jioaltlon In the government service In Ne vada Mr. Channel was connected with tin Irrigation olllrc for two yenrH. holding the posit lou of Meld engineer. lie Is n populist end was h delegate to the last state con veil Hon in thin city. The resignation of Secretary Wilson will take effect April 1. The duties of Mr. Wll- h n a new olllco are somewhat similar to thoso of hltt present position, In that hs aIII devote his entire attention to Irriga tion matters. He will be connected with the experiment station In Nevada and the Nevada State unlvetslty. Ills work will be along the experimental line, calculated to demonstrate whether or int Irrigation Is jirofltablo In that state. Tin State Hoard of Irrigation today adopted a resolution expressing regret at tho loss of Mr. Wilson and congratulating him upon ticcurlng tho appointment. Two long complaints, each signed by thirty citizens of (Iftgc county, were filed with the secretaries of the Slate Hoard of Transportation today, against the Adams o ml the I'.icllle express companies. The principal canst for the complaints Is the refusal cf tho exprrss companies to deliver packages or consignment!! to citizens of Jl'uo Springs, while In other towns no larger than niuo Springs packages nre delivered without extra charge. Following is tbo complaint: The t mi ill n I ii t . The undersigned citizens of (Inge county, NMirasknt and residents of the city of Mite Spring lesppctfiilly' show to your honor able liodv that the l'arlllc Kxpri'SH com tiatiy, operating a linn of express to the city or nine SprlugH in tho state of Nebraska, nre unjutlv and Illegally discriminating Mgnlnst the iiairoiiH of said express com jinny at Ittiio Springs, Neb., and have beet; doing vo for the last four months; that said express i "mp.uiy transfers packages from different points within and without the state of Nebraska to the city of Blue Springs. Neb to tho I'nloti I'arltle depot and do not deliver such packages from the same points to Wynicre, Neb., and delivers the name to any citizen and business houso within the city without extra charge: that nald expresn company charges for deliver ing thi' said packages at the I'nlon Pacini depot the same prleo that Is charged the citizens of Wymore for delivering to their places of business, thus favoring the patrons of said express company of the elty of Wy more iliy delivering tho tun kages free to said business houses and charges only for the transfer to the depot and refusing to deliver said packages to the citizens of Hlno Kprlngs and requiring them to transfer the name to their business hoiues at their own expense from the depot; that said l'acllle Kxpress company lias entered Into a cor rupt pool and an Illegal agreement with the Adams Kxpress company, who are doing business nlso at said cities of Wymore ami Hltie Springs, for the purpose of favoring the patrons of their oltlrcs at the elty of Wymore in violation of the statutes of Ne braska and are dividing between said eom jmnles tho aggregate or net proceeds for such transportation. Wherefore, your petitioners ask that an Investigation be made by said board of these charges and that the said l'aclllc Ex press eoniiMiny bo reoulred to answer this complaint and show Its contract with the raid Adams Kxpress company, with Its list of charges from various points In tho state of Nebraska to said cities of Wymore and Mile. Springs; that reparation be tnndc fnr said inlurles anil to thu citizens of llluu Springs urld'tHat said ebmpa'nr he required to pny tho penalty for violation of law to the state of Nebraska, j "'lint .li-nlilnn fuse. Several months ago Charles T. Jenkins, a Lancaster county attorney, was found guilty of contempt of court and lined by Judge Sedgwlek. Tho attorney appealed to tho supremo court nnd a decision was after wards rendered against him. Ho was re cently granted a rehearing nnd In response to bin appeal the state today filed a brief in the supreme court. The case has at tracted considerable Interest. The following interesting paragraphs nro taken fiom the brief of tho state: "Wo havo some fault to Iind with Mr. Jonklus In regard to homo matters which nppear In his latest literary effort In this case. In that he springs some new and quite unexpected propositions. "The first of these reads as follows: 'Wo took our probation In tho law under the Instruction of the late Hon. 0. l Mason ami believe that wo havo been a close and caroful student at all timet".' Now, Just how many there are of Mr. Jenkins Is not ills cloned by the unexplained personal plural 'we,' hut wo presumo ho intend to refer to his dual character as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; at least, that Is tho only Icgltlmnto nnd appropriate use he could make for the plural. "Hut It Is unfair to spring such n thing an this on tut at this lato time. All through these proceedings he has led us to believe, that ho never had any real legal trninlng, but that, like Topsy, he 'ica grewed.' and now ho overwhelms us with the statement of a fact highly Important In th's case, for which we were entirely unprepared and Iho existence cf which wo certainly had no right to stuped. " Jenkins had made some objection to cer tain niattorn that had been brought up In thn supremo court, ns he contended, tiutaldo tho evidence. On this point tho attorneys for tho stato say: "In this trial for contempt we make no at tempt to prove all the facts which led to tho making of the Interlocutory order. They are not properly before the court, but were drawn In. so far as they appear, by Jenkins hlnnelf. Wo onlv sought to show that tho ordor wan duly made and had been con temptuously disregarded. The evidence In those respects Is very conclusive, though It comprises lets than hnlf the record, being CATARRHALJEADAGHE. Moro Often the Mffcct of Treatment Than of Dis.-uso. Can Only lie Relieved by R.-storinc Ilotlily llent. Most persons In the temperate zone j,ilV0 Mirrieneeu ctinrrnai Headache, and If asked what caused tho aches the answer would not b forthcoming. Few peoplo rtop to Investigate causes. They know tho effect and nlso know that ordinary treat nient falls to stop It. All pain Is a nerv ous sensation, or In other words It Is tho nerves which Indicate, to the brain that ills ease has settled In a certain ppot. When tho secretion of mucous havo becomo In lamed or congested and the mucous Ilu Inrs likewise Inllumed. there Is a nerve )ii-aiiic mm u is mis prcpwuro that ind1 flltAI 111.1,1 1-.. u.n.. .1... - . Clltej ltnlfl. To StOO tht neheu u-llt .rnnlm spmetning thnt will lift tho nressure and tlllllK that Will !ifl 111., nrnuattm .. .... this Is nccomiillsae l on v- i iir.nidi i,' .. Inllammatlnn. A good : weatlng relieves it If It Is only a cold, but catarrh must be treated iiivvii ui iii'-uii'iiiitiii, bo as to act upon the membranei and thus reduce an excess of heat In the nasal passages. Inllamma tlon Is an txccw of bodily heat nt soma weak point and catarrh Is Inllnumutlou f'V,""11" uii.ii iu me, iiings. stomach b adder and bowels. t K. tinuss. Mar stomach, mail, .Mien.. prepuieK a Catarrh Tablet that cures tho dlbc.isc. People have become In oculated with the Idea that thev mH r.iiit I.,, . i ... .jL. .I . boso to get ......,-,.... ,. ,,-, niui iu num. a moment . ,:, nni m ii iu rec.iu u euro or genuinn vitarrh by local npplltatlon. Catarrh suf rerers and tho.e who have, catarrhnl head iches should try (iautvt' Catarrh Tablets. Ml first-class druggists sell them at lOota l l Ml A Sic nil for valu.ibln lit tin hnnl f..ll.. lalnlnc all forms of caturrh. on extraneous matters drawn In by Mr. Jcnkloa." ('nil for Convention. The c nferenco committee appointed at the fusion conventions In this city last wcclt havo Issued a call for holding the congressional conventions of the First dis trict at Auburn on Wednesday, May 23. Tbo Indications point to a lively struggle for the congressional nomination. Tho democrats and populists both havo candidates, thoe Oeorgc V. llcrge. Arthur J. Weaver and i possibly James Manahan. Articles of Incorporation of the Kearney Tontine &. improvement company were fllej with the secretary cf state today. The capi tal stock Is 120,001), and tha incorporators arc A. O. Onllantlnc, K. 12. Ellsworth and W. K. Jnkway. The Iletn Thetn PI Hulldlng association Incotporatcd today. The purpose of this corporation Is to build a chapter houso for tho Heta Theta PI fraternity In this city. The stock is limited to $20,000. First Lieutenant K. A. Vorls, Company A. First regiment, has resigned on account of departure fro.n the state. Members of Comrany K, First Nebraska volunteers, havo petitioned tbo military au thorities to reorganize the old company at David City. Tho State Hoard of Irrigation today bus- talncd the ruling of Secretary Wilson In the, tnl8 work tmu h(j wfla thrown lrQm Ma cjsos of the ftoll .Milling c.cipan ag.ln.t nor!0 a hlgh.,prleil natvo anlmal ,he McLaughlin and of Andrew I . Palmer , caUB, R ,8locaton of tno , bonM against McUughlln. giving the last named SpeaklnR of the comlltlonH , tue' ,,,. In each case the right of priori y. . plno Islands Captain Culver said that the Lieutenant Oovernor Gilbert of "iotk , ng flro ,)c visited the . ate house today tMr ln,It,pell(,cncc w, be M , lnwCrn?lLTK 7baPT. ,lss oD"ilfn11 lreUon 111 thls the lowing delegates to the TransmlsslsslppI , var.n... ... nn . . ' ,.,.. Commercial congress, to be held at Houston, Tex., April 17-20: Congressman William Neville. North Platte; J. W. Kdgerton, (Irnnd Island; O. W. Wnttlea. Omaha; J. O. Sccrckt, Lincoln; Hon. J. H, Meserve. Mc Cook; M. A. Hnrtlgan, Hastings; U. L. Mot- calf, Omaha; John Mann, O'Neill; J. N. Onflln, Lincoln; John S. Freeman, Columbus. FIRST THUNDER OF SEASON Sininu Sturm Is tienrrnl ThrmiKlion t the Stnto of tirnsltn I)e tiilled IteiiortN. KOGAIt. Neb.. March 27. (Special.) Thla part of Nebraska was visited today by a very heavy thunder storm. From about 1 to 2 o'clock rain fell heavily, mingled with I . .. L.. ........ hall. Tho storm was accompanied by vivid lightning nnd almost constnnt crashing of thunder. HUAINAIID, Neb.. March 27. (Special.) The first rainfall of tho scns'on sot In here about 5 o'clock this morning, continuing for ntout two hours. This puts tho ground In good shnpo for spring work. CLAIIKS, Neb., March 27. (Special.) A thunder storm prevailed here last night. Following so doMiIy upon the light rains of Inst week the ground Is In excellent con dition for spring work. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., March 27. (Spe cial.) Haiti has teen falling In this vi cinity nearly nil day. OIIAND ISLAND, Neb., March 27 (Spe cial.) During a thunder storm last night lightning struck tho barn nt tho Soldiers' hemo and killed a cow. A flno rain fell last night, which was needed and highly appre ciated. Lawns arc now becoming green very rapidly. SYRACUSE, Neb., March 27. (Special. ) This section wns visited by a thunder shower Monday night and Tuesday. Tho prc cipltntlon was light. FREMONT, Neb., March 27. (Special.) It rained hero quite steadily all day, tho total precipitation being over an Inch. It will bo of considerable benefit to the ground, as there has been but little rain or Bnow during tho winter. Illoodliouuds Hunt for Itohbors. HEBRON, Ncb March 27. (Special.) Saturday night tho barber shop operate I by Ornves and Caldwell was entered through a nacic wmuow nnu ourgiartzen to tno ex- tent of K)0 In cash and the contents of the cigar case. It had rained nnd tracks were ' left In the mud. Suspicion restol on local I parties nnd tho Beatrice bloodhounds Were I sent for, arriving here from Hardy at about 2 o'clock. An hour Inter they were given the scent and followed It to Caldwell's resi dence, nnd then to thnt of E. R. Smith, nn employe. The crowd which gathered be. ' camo so annoying that the dogs wero taken off to rest till about 10 o'clock at night. I They took thn same trail followed before, but went on to the homo of Howard Young, tho bootblack at tho shop. They rcpo-ited this twice. No evidence having been found no arrest was made. Vim (ionler Churned with lllunmy. BOONE. la.. March 27 (Special.) Rob ert I). Van Oorder, a paperhanger, was arrested today for bigamy, the complainant being Mrs. Emma Van Gorder, who camo hero Saturday from Now York, whero ho left her to come west, promising to send for her as soon ns ho obtained a permanent situation. Instead, on February 15, he mar ried Miss Anna Kencrson of thlB city, who supposed Mm to bo a slnglo man. He was taken before Justice Parker, who held him to tho grnnd Jury. Not being ablo to fur nish ball, he was sent to Jail. The young wife fainted when ho wns taken to Jail. rinttsiuniith Court I'rocc cillna". PLATTSMOUTH, Neb,. March 27. (Spe clal.) In district court Judge Paul Jesson granted a divorce to Cora E. Lovelady from Joseph I.ovelady, on the grounds of cruelty, desertion and non-Biippnrt. Tho appointment of a receiver for the Rocbford Mercnntllo company of Loulsvlllo was submitted, argued and taken under advisement by the Judge. The caso of D. O. Dwyer has occupied much of the time of tho court today. Ilortnn Cnse nf Humboldt, HUMBOLDT, Neb., March 27. (SpeIal.) The caso of tho State against Mrs. Etta Horton, charged with tho murder of her newly-born child, came up for hearing on preliminary examination beforo Justlca Nell! this morning, but wns taken Into Juttlco Smith's court on a change of venue. Tho hearing Is still In progress this nfternoon. with the result very much in doubt. County Attorney Leyda Is hero from Falls City looking after the prosecution. Conventions for Nuckolls County. SUPERIOR. Neb.. March 27. (Special.) Nuckolls county will havo two conventions this year, ono for tho selection of delegates to the stato and congressional conventions, the other to select delegates to the senatorial convention and nomlnuto a county ticket. At tho meeting of tho central committee yesterday. April 19 was decided upon ns tho dato of the first convention, and Nelson ns tho mectlnc place. Xew Owner for I'oiieu Paper. DIXON. Neb.. March 27. (Special.) W. H. Olbsou of Dixon has purchased the Oa zetto plant nt Ponca. Neb., of H. V! Wood and will talto chargo of tho paprr tho first I nt nnvl mnth T.. rlh.,n . .. 1 n,i in i. ..., i. ....... ' I . . .. . . ' .V " I r"RKcn in mo newspaper uus.ness nt Dixon. m,t n,oro recently has been In the mer cantile. Dusmcts. Present for Sirs. Niuith. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. March 27. (Spe clal.) Mrs. C. II. Smith, corresponding i secretary of I'latto council, No. 372, Knights und iJidlei of Security, was presented with an clogrftit piano stool at tho last meeting of tuo lodge, as a token of appreciation for i her scrvircs I, re (iets Fifteen .Months. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. March 27.-(Spe-clal Telegram.) This evening Judge Jessen sentenced George S. Lee, former night cp erator at Loulevllle, to fifteen months' servl tude In the penitentiary. f Vk niMliflRTTn TUV FVCUV ui t uo uumiuui iu i u u lwii Li ji i - Bryan's Nam) the 81o?an of the Bebals in the Philippine Islands. NATIVES THINK HE ViLL BE PRESIDENT !! l-tl Tnnnln Continue Tliclr Hope lrn itltb the lilen Hint the Hoy Orntor Will tilt v iiu in Liberty, LINCOLN, March 27. (Special.) Captain J. II. Culver of tho Thirty-second United States volunteer, who was Injured two months ago in tho Philippine islands, was , In tho city several hours today. Ho left to- night for h h home near Mllford and will 1 tcmaln there until ho rccovets from his wounds, which aro of a very serious nature, Captaln Culver was n month in the hos- , pltal at Manila and Is yet unable to walk ' without crutches. Cuptalu Culver and his company were cn guard duty In central . Luzon during the movement of tho In HUrgcnts' forces from the northern to the SOtlthem lino unit t. Wa tfl.lln nnooml In uvu uii nf lumiiwa nt,IU till CdUi hostilo towards each other and that several hundred of the Maccabebes havo tnken up arms against tho Tagalcs or Insurgents. "We have tho larger bodies of Insurgents well dispersed." said Captain Culver, "and tho natives aro now divided Into small bands, i They scatter and then concentrate Into bands of 200 or 300 nnd attack our men In a man ner quite similar to the Indian warfare on tho plains in this country years ngo. In prlvato dispatch on nnd proclamations that wo havo captured tho Insurgents aro In structed to scatter and annoy tho enemy until after tho fall election In tho states, when their friends will be elected. And be sides, they have extracts from IJryan's specchcrt in Tagalo language, together with " . ,7 , . , y , ' for securing tho Indcoendence asked for. ex- : their own comment. They have no hopo cept by tho election of Ilrynn. A few dayn T before I left we captured Insurgent ofllcers nnd tho first thing they said was: 'Is Ilryan going to be elected.' They nil know Dryan's namo ns well as Agulnaldo's. .Mlici'iilieties nn Scouts. "When tho Insurrection first began several tribes Joined with tho Tagalos on tho rep rceentatlon of tho latter that the American soldlcts would help them In their revenge against Spain They have slnco withdrawn from tho insurrection nnd we now havo seven companies of 'Maccabebrn organized as corp3 of scouts. They even asked for tho privilege of fighting tho TagalcH. There Is no doubt that tho Insurrection Is held up by tbo en couragement received from tho United States. With very few exceptions, through out tho Tagalo provinces, the business men nro petitioning for our troops to bo gar risoned In their towns for their own protec tion nnd for the protection of commercial in terests In general. "I think that with the exercise of terri torial government, with tho United States nffordlng protection to life and to com merce, tho Philippine Islandn will make a very wealthy and prosperous country. Ev erywhere they nro welcoming American schools, many of which aro taught by our soldiers." As to tho efTect of a republican victory at tho next fall election Captain Culver said: "So far 03 any organization Is concerned they will certainly lay down their arm If they sen tho present administration Is to bo continued, while on tho other hand, If Bryan Is elected thcro will be troublo throughout the Islands and the Insurgents will have trouble nmonc themsel Vf. In tha event of bis election each people of any considerable number would assume to havo a government of its own. "It In very noticeable." continued Captain Culver, "that tho more Intelligent people n mo i-niitppino islands, I mean the ua Uvea, of course, feel the need of a uniform Innguage. While no tribe will nccept tho language of another tribe they aro. In most cases, willing to compromise on English." CAPTURE PERIG0 IN KANSAS Sinn Who Shot llansoii nt Krnnklln Overtaken by City Mnmhnl M'rluht. FRANKLIN. Neb., March 27. (Special political hostility." Telegram.) Word has Just been received After some other preliminary remarks thnt Perlgo, who shot Hanson nt this placo tno hrlef definitely and specifically names last night, has been captured nnd would Marcus Daly as tho chief Instigator of tho bo returned at once. Tho city marshal, contest. J. W. AVrlght, left hero last night on his I TT. Wo". krV.? ?,B, n1' SP.UNOFi,E7:D,,,,,,;.,:,Meh,2, Kan. It was thought last night publican congressional convention of the tnat tho wounds Hanson received wero Seventeenth district met here today and only slight, but It now seems thev are very decided to hold the state convention April 7 dangerous. Two bullets urn mm in v,i. nt Taylorvllle. Cnllom has delegations from hn lv JhrV entering 1 1 I . 8l! , ln " Silicon. Logan and Christian counties, and body, they entering his side below his tllllft controls the convention, and the ful hcart. Ills mother nrrlved tonight to nurso lorn contesting delegation from .Sangamon him. Ho is much weaker tonlcht and , wl" ,m seated, thus setting a precedent for suffering a great deal. JOHN WOODS TALKS O.V THH I'lfifiS. In HI" Opinion the I'limlly Is Insane on ltellulons Mutters. FREMONT. Neb.. March 27. -(Sneclal.)- Jchn Woods, who was released by tho county Judgo nt Pnpllllon on the chargo of being Implicated In the Flgg tnrrlng nnd feather ing nffoir at Orotnn, returned to Fremont yesteulay. Mr. Woods talks freely of the Flggs and having known them for years Is well posted on their peculiar views. In his opinion Flgg Is Insane on tho subject of religion. "In till other matters," says Mr. Woods, "he Is nn honorable, straightforward man of good business ability and a kind nnd obliging neighbor. If you should go to his house ho would treat you politely and noth ing would bo too good for you, unless you mentioned some religious subject. Then he's off. Mrs. Flgg is tho head of tho family. She Is a good business woman and when Flgg wants to sell a lot or anything of that kind he does as she fays. I think ho ought to bo taken to nn nsylum. I think It wns what tho Judgo told Mrs. Flgg about my being able to prove by several witnesses that I was In Fremont the night of tho trouble, Instead of tho spirit of the i. urn, iniii. iiuiiie nun dismiss his caso I against mo. Neither of tho Flggs was hurt I nearly as bad as they claimed and Mrs. Flgg didn't get tar in her hair so that Bhc had to have it cut off." Vim S'rcii Will riled. FREMONT. Neb.. March 27. (Special.) Tho will of the lato A. II. Von Scgren of Logan township wa. filed for probate In the county Judgo's olTlco this unornlng. He left nattitn rnnclatint. nt tkl.n,, c.ri - rnrmim. tnn.i nn.i n io . ..... .... ......r. .M.u ....ju.tiit in lltu stock nnd other personalty to his widow nnd thirteen children, the oldest of whom Is 2.1 years anil tho youngest, William Mc Klnley Von Segren, Is 2 years old. rVilur II it i I tlx DetmterH Win, CEDAR RAPIDS. Nob.. Mnrch 27.-(Spe-clal.) The Albion and Cedar Rapids High schools discussed the Boer question in Joint debate at the opera houso last ovenlng to i ono of the biggest bouses of tho season. Albion was on dock about fifty strong, tbo entire corps of teachers being present. Tha contestants wero: Albion Anna Arm strong, Eugene Culver anl Archibald Camp bell. Cedar Rapids Ray Balrd, Adah Beardsley and Pearl Wilson. After n very exciting coutcit the Judges returned a da Iclslon In favor of the negative, which was mir pportcd by the Cedar Hap Ida debaters. A special feature of the program was a I vocal solo by Miss Mae Halrd and a reclta- tlon by Miss Minnie Patterson of Albion. MACON POSTtFFlUE ROBBED Snfe HIimtii Open nnd thrr Tiro Iliin ilreil Dollnrs i'nUcn lllood liounilx Sent For. FIIANKLIN. NebT March 27.-(Spcclal Telegram. 1 The postolflce at Macon, Neb., was robbed last night. Macon Is an Inland town eight mile north of here. Tho post ofllco Is In Thomas Moore's storm. Tho nartv ealned an entranco throueh the front door by breaking tho glass. Tho safe was ' blown open. The work was done very ! neatly and by somebody who understood tho business. Over $200 was taken. Illood- ' hounds from llcatrlco have been wired for. The party left several articles around the safe which will enable the dogs to get a good hUM- Thn hloodhnunds from Ilentrlen arrived on tho train tonight and left at once for j Macon, whero they will be put on the trail of parties who robbed and blew open the safe in the postoluco at that placo last night. I'nrm Ciiimuo llnndn. DIXON. Neb., March 27. (Special.) A. J. Harrington, ono of the old settlers of Dixon country, today sold his farm of 320 acres, situated six miles north of Dixon, to Peter Illoom of Wakefield, the consideration being $7,920. Mr. Harrington retains pos sesion of tho farm the coming year. Utorin Causes WreeU, SUPEIUOK, Neb., March 27. (SpeclaV) A storm here last night blew n stock car, which was standing on a siding, onto tho main line of the lturllngtnn, nnd It was run into by passenger train No. II. -lioth engine and stock car wero badly wrecked. No ono wn3 hurt. District Court Coin cues, TECUMSEH. Neb.. March 27. (Special.) The March term of tbo district court for Johnson county convened hero yesterday with Judge C. H. Letton In the chair. Tho session will probably bo short. Concert lit I'latlsnioiit h. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. March 27. (Spe cial.) Tho concert given In the Presbyterian enurcii oy inc . nam. was arge.y attended, nnd was a success musically, bo- dally and financially. McrehnndUc CIiiiiibcn Hands, SYRACUSE, Neb., March 27. (Special.) C. C. Smith, proprietor of the Racket store, has sold his stock to Rlsser &. Williams, who will place It In their stock of general merchandise. IlullilliiK Ilooni nt llrnlnnrd. URAINARD, Neb., March 27. (Special.) This place Is enjoying a building boom this spring. Six dwalllng-houses aro being erected at tho present time. Ilulin Will Itecover. ALHION. Nij., Mnmh 27. (Special.) Sherman Hahn, who accidentally shot him self last Friday, la apparently In a fair way to recover. Date for County Convention, ALniON, Neb., March 27. (Special.) Tho republican central committee has fixed tho date of tho county convention for April 21. A Communication. MR. EDITOR Allow mo to speak n few words In favor of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I suffered for three years with the bronchitis and could not sleep at nights. I tried several doctors and various patent medicines, but could get nothing to give me any relict until my wlfo got a hottlo of this valuable medicine, which has completely re lieved me. W. S. BROOItMAN, Bagnell, Mo. BRIEFS IN THE CLARK CASE (Continued from Second Page.) document Is throughout nn arraignment of tho prosecution. It begins with the nssertlon that "an ex amination of this testimony will confirm tho most skeptical In the belief thnt those who seek to brand a majority of the repre sentatives of n sovereign stato as 'dishonest' and as 'bribe takers' aro Inlluenccd by no lofty purpose of remedying nn evil, nor Is It centered upon n desiro to maintain the Integrity of tho members of the senato of tho United States. "Tho facts shown In this record fully Justify the assertion that those who orig inated this prosecution were controlled only by sentiments of tho bitterest personal and similar contests in state conventions. Soldiers ChlirKcd tvltli Drunkenness. NEW YORK. March 27-Uev. Dr. Frank SI. Wells, formerly ehnplaln of the First Tennessee regiment, has published a letter hero asserting thnt drunkenness Is scanda lously jtrovnieni among tno ottlcers nnd Backaches of Women aro woarylng hoyond dc8' cHptlon and they indicate roal troublo somewhere Efforts to boar tho dull pain aro heroic, but thoy do not overcome It and the backaches continue until the oauso is re moved Lydia E. Plnkham'i Vcgttblc Compound does this more certainly than any other modloino It has been doing It for thirty years It is a wo man's medicine for wo man's ills It has done much for tho health of American women Read tho grateful lottors from woman constantly ap pearing in this papor Mrs Pinkham counsels women froo of charge Hor address is Lynn, Mess privates of the nrmy In the Phlllpptnc.-i. 1 Or Wells nlso alleges that on the voyage I iiontc on board tne transport indlnna ottl eers wero repeatedly Intoxicated and con ducted themselves In n manner "too vile for me to mention." A committee of seven from the Daptlst ministers' convention, be foro which Dr. Wells made this statement yesterday. Is going to Washington to make n protest to President McKlnley and ask him for a remedy for the evils complained of. IlAHItlMIN 'I'll Y A KMICKOIT, To Stop Jeffries' KntertnliniH'iit If lie Meet More Thnn tine. ClllCAno, March 27,-Mnyor Harrison has determined to land a knockout blow on the proposition to let Jntnes J. Jeffries, fistic champion of the world, trv conclusions : with three men at 'I'attersall's. "I have given orders that the tights must be called off." said Mayor Harrison, "unless Jeffries boxes with but one man and keeps within the limit of six rounds. I understand that IK. IS tlitnltixl In cm HfvdlMttf Oifnn t,o. It. tlr evening. That simply means that they win iei mm ngnt mr eignteen rounds, six rounds to a light, and hammer these scrubs within an Inch of their lives. I do not pro pose to allow any of that sort of work. If they want to slve a boxlnir exhibition slm jdy to show Jeffries' cleverness, all right, but In that event one tnnti would be suf ficient and they must not keep It up for more than six rounds." Coal Denier Arrested, ST. I.Ol'IS. March 27. -Michael Joyce, the coal dcalet, who wns yesterday Indicted by the grand Jury on the charge of attempt ing to bribe city employes, was arrested today. Ho gave bond In tho sum of $1,000 and was released to await trial. Joyce has been the representative of the dealers who have eotitruetM to supply coal to vari ous municipal establishments. Y. M. C. A. Spoils Cllli. lulus. NEW YORK. Mnrch 27.-The Washington dispatch stating that Miss Helen M. Oould was pracucauy paying tne expenses or nine or ten ehnplalns in the army In the Philip pines was shown to her last night. She salt! tho work referred to had been done, not by ' her. but by the Young Men's Christian as- I soclatlon and that she had only helped a . little in it. Eugene J. Hall, the poet and publisher, I says that ono doso of Foley's Honey nnd Tnr restored his voice when hoarseness 1 threatened to prevent his lecture at Central Muslo Hall, Chicago. Nothing else as good. , For sale by Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha, i and Dillon's Drug Store. South Omaha. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER It ii I n or Snow Predicted for Today vtltlt (lie AVIuiIn llceoniliiK .Northerly. WASHINGTON. March 27. Forecast for Wedncnlay and Thursday: For Nebraska Rain or snow Wednesday; Thursday fair, winds becoming northerly. For Iowa Rain In Kouthcrn, rain or snow In northern portion Wednesday; Thursday fair In western, rnln or snow In eastern portion; fresh, easterly winds, becoming variable. For Mlfsourl Rain Wednesday; colder In wostern portion; Thursday rain In south ern, snow or rain In northern portion; colder In southeast portion; variable winds, beromlng northerly. For South Dakota Snow Wodnestlny; Thursday fair; north to cost winds. Wonderful Ueniedy that tlulekly Cures the Disastrous Consequences of the firlppe. Such iin Heart I'll 1 1 ll re, Kidney Disease, Par alysis, Consumption nml Many Xervr Troubles. All Who Have liter Hud firlppe or .Votv Suffer Krom Its IIiivukcs Should Try This Itemed nt Once. Those who have Had the grippe during tho past few years' and who experienced more or less weakness and vital derange mcnt will bo glad to know of a remedy that will cure them, put life and strength Into mind nnd muscle, tlssuo and nerve. Tho remedy Is known as I)r Dix' Tonlo Tablets nnd ban a most wonderful consti tutional action In building up the shattered system after a slegn of the gilppe Step Into tho nearest drug store ntid get a box of Dr. Dlx" Tonic Tablets today and bo well and happy again. Tell your friends and neighbors about thls most won derful remedy. Slost cases of lame back, rheumatism, lung affections, poor circulation of blood, unstrung nerves, kidney and bladder , troubles, paralysis, heart palpitation and 1 many other diseases had their origin In the i grippe and Dr. Dlx' Tonic Tablet will cure. They cured Hardy Slorehead. Onnwu. Iowa, or paralysis. 1-rniiK iiarneau, vn noma 10th St.. Omaha, Neb., was entirely cured of extreme nervousness nfter several doc tors had failed . C. SI. Boyd. ox-sherlfT of Tuskegee, Ala., was cured of nervous de rangements. Win. Simpson found in theso tnbletn a euro for a severe kidney troublo anil hundreds of other run-down sick peo ple havo legalned their health after many discouragements with other remedies. Wrlto for freo book explaining why theso tablets cannot fnll to restore health nnd strencth. Dr. Dlx' Tonic Tablets nre for snlo by nearly all druggists 5rt cents a box. ln case your druggist does not havo them, oncloso tho amount to the proprietors. Hayes fc Coon, Detroit, Mich., and they will send you a full box prepaid. VIN MARIAN I MARIANI WINE WORLD FAMOUS TONIC IIOCTOUS' tll'IMD.Vdl "It Is iineiiualled In cases of Nervous Depression, Melancholy, Brain Exhaus tion, Fatigue and Sleeplessness." "Vln Marian! nourishes, strenuthens, sustains, refreshes." Sold by nil druggists. Refuse substi tutes, COLUMBIA BEVEL-GEAR CHAINLESS. Hcilnrcil In Wclnht nnd Im proved tfirouKhout, If7.", 9(10. COLUMBIA, HARTFORD, STORMER and PENNANT CHAIN WHEELS . . . .Meet every prrfereneo ns to put lent or price, If.'l), If It.",, " 15:10, ifir,. COLUMBIA COASTER BRAKE. Applicable to either Chitlu less ..r Chain Models. Snvcs one-third of thu tvork. Anierlenn llleyele Co., l'OPi: -tAI.ES IM3IMHT.MIJ.Vr, Hartford, Conn. Neb. Cycle Co., Columbia Dealers. Omaha Illcyclo Co., Stormcr Dealers. OMAHA. NEB. ip5.0u a MONTH. DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST, Tr uti U Fortr.i cf DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 Yean Experience 12 Ywriln Omaha, EI.KCTniCITY and HFinrii, n , " tf.An.1.1 ,tmA 1' . . i . 1 - Stricture, Syphilis, iVossof Vigor and Vitality. CUBES OTURAXTKED. Cbrirr low. HOME TRKATtK?lT. Hook, Consultation aud Y.xaxu. InatinnFrer, Uouci.S a. w. too; 7 to h p.m. Sunday, 9toir J. O. Ho 706. Office, N. H. Cor. lltuaud Farnam Stretti, OMAHA. NtU. GR FS m EFFECTS A Noted Knight Templar Owes His Health to Peruna Colonel T. P. Moody, a prominent Knight Templar. Is well known ln every city In tho Fnlted States west of Buffalo, N. Y. ln tho city of Chicago as a prominent lodgo man, being a member of tho K. T.'s and nlso of tho Masons. Tho cut shows Colonel Moody in tho costtimo of tho Oriental Con sistory Masons, 32ml degree. In a recent letter from 6000 .Michigan nve nue. Chicago, III., Sir. Moody eays tho fol lowing: "For over ttvont) -live jeurs I sulTereil from catarrh, mill for over ten jenrs I sufTerril front cnlnrrli of tho stomach terribly "I have taken nil kinds of inrdlcliies nml bote been treated by nil kinds of doctors, n thousnuils of my nr. imiliitiinccs nro nttiire In dltVereut luirtM or the 1 illicit .suites, nlirrc I luivi' trateled. hut my relief ttns oult temporary, until it little oer n ear iiko I started to tnhc I'eriiuii, nml lit the present time I nut better than I have been for tttenty enr. "The soreness hit left my stomncli entirely iinil I am free front Indiges tion unit ibspepsln nml vtlll sny to nil Mho nre troubled tilth catarrh or Ntoiiineh trouble of nny kind, don't put It off nml suffer, hut lirnln to fake I'eriiuii rlKlit iitvny. and keep It up until .sou are cured, as you surely Mill he If ou persevere. "My wife, as many In tho southwest can say. wns troubled with n bad cough nnd bronchial trouble, and doctors all over tho country gavo her up to die, ns they could do nothing more for her. Sho began taking Peruna, with tho result that sho Is better now than nhc has been In years, and her cough has almost left her entirely. The soreness has left hor lungs nnd sho Is as well ns she ever was In her llfe with thanks, ns sho says, to Peruna. Yours very ru'y- T. P. MOODY. Catarrh In Its various forms Is tnpldly be coming n general curse. An undoubted remedy has been discovered by Dr. Hart man. This remedy has been thoroughly tested during tho Inst forty years. Promi nent men have come to Ifnow of Its vlrturcs and nre making public utterances on the subject. To snvo the country wo must save tho people. To save tho people wo must protect thetn frotn dlsense. Tho dlseaso that It at onco tho most prevalent and, stub born of euro Is cntnrrh. If ono were to make a list of the differ ent names that havo been applied to ca tarrh ln different locntlonn nnd organs, tho result would bo astonishing. Wo havo often published a partial lltt of theso names, and tho surprise caused by the first publication of it to all people, both professional and non-professional, was nmnslng. And yet we havo never (nutuc tated nil of tho diseases which nro classed os catarrh. It must be confessed, however to Bco even this partial list drawn up in PIASIC. U-necd-a Arc you going to buy a thump box? There is only one P)flQ to own. The HARDM Mueller Piano & OrganCo., Parlor 214-16-18 So. 18th St. Masterpieces of Art. "THE BALLOON" and "DEFENSE OF CHAMPIGNY" Tho Niagara Lithograph Co. recently succeeded In malting arrangoments for the rt production of Uireo master pieces in the finest protogravuro process. Theso photograv ures represent paintings that havo been sold for thousands of dollars. Theso repro ductions would soil rapidly at any store at $2.00 each, but thoy cannot bo purchased ex cept directly from us, n wo absolutely control tho copyrights. Are the Works of the World's Most Famous Artists. You havo read about many of these paintings and the enormous price, paid for them, but, doubtless, never oven dreamed that you could obtain a perfect facslmtlla ln ele gant form and at a nominal prlco to adorn your parlor or drawing room. Theso photogravurea are printed from tho finest plntes that modern workmamhlp can produce, on extra heavy paper mado oxprcsBly for this work, alzo 22x30. The masterpieces of tho world's greatest artists aro now for tho first tlmo available. A Great Premium Offer. Our Special Proposition. Tou enn haro either or both of th eso fnmous pnlntlnRS for lOo each ant) 8 consecutive coupons cut from this ft dvcrtlsemont In The Dnlly IJee. Theso beautiful pictures lmvo novcr been soltl tor Iosh thun $1.00 ench. Tbo Hco has purchascil several thousand us n special subscription feat tiro, thus making tbo prlco very low for Heo readers only. Ten urntK extra wlirii sent by mull fur iiimtiiKe nml tube. 3 C01P0NS ONLV 10c AHTOOH.WUHU Ot II. netntlle'a I'limoui l'nlntlnu. 'The Defense of Champigtiy" fill I'OX ron MAHCII ZH. This coupon, with I wo others of consecutive tlutcs ami 10 cents, pre senU'il at the Hco ollke entitles any reader of tho Ileo to this beautiful picture, li2x!!0 inches. If you want tt mailed, send 10 cents extra for tube, postage, etc. If you send part or all In two-ceni not stick together. Address all lettet TUB U Colonel T. I'. Moody of hlciiKo. 1 1 ml Cat n i' rh Ttt ent.t -tl r A cars mill Wns Cured by I'eriinn. battle nrray Is rather appalling. If the reader demres to sen this list, together with a short exposition of each one, send for our freo catarrh book. Addrest tho Peruna .Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. THIS IS IT CUT IT OUT. AHTOCiHA VUHB Of Dnvre'n Mitrvrlou. Tainting, "THE BALLOON" f Ol I'O.V roil .11 AltCH 'H, This coupon wltn two others of ,i.,,n,. ....A -in . cuiineuMiivi- uHiun uiiu iu (.cum, pnt R Beiitwl nt the lice ofllco entitles any 8 reader or iiio isee to tins beautiful picture, 22x;50 Inches. If you want It mnllud, send 10 cents extra for tube, postage, etc. twtage stnmps bo caroful that thoy d to ART DISPAUTMIONT, EE rUUMSUlNQ 00., OMAHA, Ni;i).