THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY. MATIOIT 2S, 1000. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these, column trill lie taken until 12 in. 'for tlie evening edition nun until Still) i, m, for morning mill Sunday edition. Hntca, 1 l-'Ju n mini flrnl lnertlnn lc Miinl tliereiif trr. Nothing tnlicii fur less Hiiiii 2."e. for the first Inner Hon. These nilvertlsenicnt must lie run I'oiiMt'oiMl t ely. Ail vertlsers, It' reiiirtlnK it num. beretl check, rnn have nimiTern ml dressed to it nil in lie red letter In on re of Tlic lire. Animer mi nilil resscit frill lie ilcllereit on proven tntlon ol tlie check mil)'. WANTED-SITUATIONS. A. STENOGRAPHER. When you want ont ptonso call up the Remington typewriter unite, ioij i ariiam si., teiepnone 1573. A-13.1 GERMAN gentleman wishes Inside work. C 61 Bee. AM371 31 WANTED, situation us) superintendent or foreman on stock or grain farm; best ot rcfcrenreH. Address Ilox J. Hee olllrc, riouin umiinu. a m za WANTED JIAI.ft help. WANTED; wo linvo steady work for a few good nuntlcrs or Boon Halms and nppenr- nnce. C. l". Adams Co., I'd Howard St. D-1SI WANTED, mnnngfr nnd ngents; snlary or commission; cheapest, nnd largest line. Hunter Tailoring and Shirt Co., Cincin nati, Ohio. , B-M1IGA7 3 plcturo agents; expenses paid. 1S19 teav'lh. SOLICITOR wanted, a reliable, hustling ralesmnn for tnllor-mado suits and troiis- ers; salary or commission. Twin City B-M54D 1 tldtf I (llh V.'K 4 fl'tlll HA LESM EN to sell ntlleo sneelaltles: fine sldo lines: tired by nil merchants; catalog rrei. mouci mir, tjo., uox u. soutn iienu, ina. , ji .miivi Ai- BARBER trado taught thoroughly In short time: catnloguo and particulars freo, Addresi, Western Barbers' Institute, umann, weo. inus WANTED, nn experienced, competent flor ist wno spenKH nermnn nnd i;ngnsn. Ap ply B. Hans, 1811 Vinton St. B-211 WANTED,- men to learn barber trade. On account of the demand for our graduates we will furnish frco transportation to our eiillcirci at ChlcnKo. Ht. Louis or Sun Frnnclsco. donate, comploto outfit of tools nnd pay Saturday wages from start; S weeKR term compiotes; wo nw want renresentntlves thrntichnut Uio west: can earn scholarship; bowaro ot cheap Imita tions. Wo havo no school In Omaha or Denver. Address nil corresnonrenco to Moler Bnrbsr College, Chicago. HI. B-M3I1 23 GOOD coatmake'r wanted 'nt once. C. Iver- son, Hue City, III. H M5I9 29' 10 MACHINISTS nfter April 1; stato wages expected, experience, etc; union or not. 1J s, nee uince. H MuiS 2 WANTED. experlonciMl retail Jewelry sales man; must liavi- thorough knowledge of watches and competent to handle watch trade: stato ago, experience, salary ex pected nnd give licst refereives In Hist letter; young- man preferred. Address D ll. Jieo Olllce. H 2S WANTED, men to learn tho barber's trade: wo offer the best lndu.'ompntH to those In tcndlmr'tp lcdrn tholiarber's trade thor- oiiKiiiy; .hoiiii ror catniogue. Tnq Amerl caii Ilarlior College. Midland Hotel build ing, enrhdr lUth and Chlgngo Sts.. Omaha, .NClt, li .MS7I WA NTID, a man . who' tout soli A No. 1 mining fiock can get a good tiling: ex penses, salary and commission. w)7 N. Y. Liro Intlldlll!!. B M5B3 23 AYANTED'. overywhert., hustlers to tnck signs, distribute- circulars, .stamps, etc.; no canvassing: goon pay. nun Adver tising Hurenu, Chicago. B MKfi 2S AVA'NTED, a .flrttt-olajss traVUoK.salesmnn to "sell natent m?dlclnes: attention clven only to replies from traveling salesmen of experience. Address Drnwor IV. Blnlr, .xeiirasiia,, - ii m&w 2' 8ALICSMAN wanted: n thoroiiehlv cnnable. pushing man to obtain orders from doc tors: nlso pno ror tlur state: established trado; worn permanent; good pav. p. o. uox, ISM, I'niiadcipnia. B M5C3 2S WAXTBD KHMAI.K 1IKLP. WANTED. 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. To.1. 87(5. C-137 fO girls wanted. Cnnadlan ofllco 1522 Douglas u m YOUNG lady or gentleman to solicit for rraternai insurance; special deal; good wages. Address, C 18, Bee. C 317 29 WANTED Deputy for fraternal accident aim SICK neneui insurance; special con tract. Address in commence, c M, lice. C 327 29 WANTED Young lady or gentlemen, well Acquainted In , city, for special work. Addrow, C 1.,,Beo. C 326 29 WANTED Young ludy typewriter. Ad dress, stating wages, j iu, itee. C 325 29 WANTED, a young girl to wait on tnble at tho Alrtmlto Farm. Apply Room 223. Bee HUllding. mtornoons. M350 WANTED, young lndy or Rentleman col- lector In Omahiv, and Soutn Omuhn. ' Ad dress, with particulars, o 60. Bee. C-323 29 GIRL for general housework, street. 220T, Hownrd C-u53 2G WANTED, girl for general housework: must bo good cook; no washing. 11. Todd, ma a. jaw si. . .moij GOOD girl for general housework. 1021 i'ark avenue. C MC51 23 WANTED, cook; good wages: German or CUTTERS of drug prices, Sherman & Mc Bohemlan preferred. 110 S. 32d Ave. Connell Drug Co., Cor. ICth find Dotlgo 1 'i ' C-M571 31 hta. Q-1p8! AVANTED, girl for second work nnd to as sist In tho caro of two children. 110 s. 3AI Ave. C M670 31 Av ANTED,, competent girl for inmiMtworK? two in rnmuy; good wnges, -ju.1 wensier hi. C Maui 30 YOUNO Blrl to onerato Remlneton tvne. writer; light work and moderate salary to begin with. Call 423 Beo Building.' C-M577 29 FOR RENT-HOUSES. IF YOU want your houses well rented placs tham will, aminwn .P. ft .na ...w... ...... ""i . iy i HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douelas. D-116 FINE modern resldenco, 12 rooms, on motor nno. ;o. ij in or in street, j. T uiarue, zi uonra ot Trade, u JI23C A2 lfOUSES, all kinds. 36 U. S. Nut. Bk Bldg. FOR RENT To small family. 7-room cot. Uiko In Rood rcnnlr! city water Inside; cistern; coal shed; 22nd and California 1 pis., in. inquire at but n. istn St. D 115 FOR RENT, two nlco seven-room houses in sixmo yard, almost opposite Bemls park; all modern except furnure; are now ielng papered and painted throughout. Will rent for $20 euch tu good tenants with references. OMAHA LOAN .fe TRUST CO.. 16th nnd Douitlas Sts. D-M5I ALWAYS moving II. II. goods. Pianos. unico uu iariiam st. Tel. ilia or 863. D-H7 IlOUSfiS for rtnt In all parts of the city. uruniiun-uovo i.o., o.'j ao. mn street. D-H3 . . i, i i FH'E rooms. 2321 South 16th st. D 7S6 CHRIS BOYEU. 2123 Cuming. Tele. K 2652, D-M337 A3 CHOICE, houses, cottages, stores. He-try B. Payne. 601 N. Y. Life. "Phone. 1016. D-139 HOUSES. Mores. Bemls. Paxton block. D-140 MAOOARD Van & Storage. 1616 Cap. Ave. Tel. 14J. D-lll jioi'ses to rent. , X Llfo, U, C. raUcrson. 3M N. D-143 roii hunt iiot iii?t. HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt. Barker blk. D 141 DETACHED 8-room modern hduse wl'li barn. Mil Pierce. D-S8I-28 FOIl HUNT, S-room house, .10 ncres Innd; plenty or small rruit. J. ll. Pnrrottc, Dotlglnn block. D-M513 31 , , n G-HOOM modern cottage, near motor, will please. 2710 Parker. D 3Si FOR HUNT, April 1,. No. 3111 N. 27th St, (-room cottage, nrst-ciass condition, pore- lain until, not nun cold water, Rax, cistern cement cellar; large bam. Addres V. D. Mead, Jr.. York, Neb. d-.mij3 31 G-ROOM modern cottage, 2715 Chicago st. imiuire 321 37lh st. u .mjw .j- $15 per month. 7-ronm house. 1621 Park nvc. W. V. Hedges. 123 Hee Rldg. D-M5I0 27 FINE 7 and 8-room npartments In the Nor- mannie; special inducement, i inn o-room apartment In the Albion. $27.60. Call and see um In regnrd to the Inducements. Payne-Knox Company, first Moor New York Llfo Bldg. D-M372 1 rou rent furnished 3 NICK rooms; housekeeping. 1112 S. ifth. 1 f fWYl ROOMS, modern. 2SS0. Hnrnoy St. , , Vlffit.V fiirnUhnif rnnm. stationary' wash? stand, not anil coin water, nnin, anu leic phono privileges, In finest brick feftldelico. on Georgia Ave.; good board next door. Cull phono F 2006 or $23, , 1-M31G 3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping t'tc man ana wire; rcuimKen in.uparu. w N. 17tl. ,, . . H-3t 2 ROOMS, with bath, furnished or ti'nfur? nlslicd, by April l. 2J7 uus.. K J1333 30'. FOR RENT, onn or two -nicely furnished rooms, nn mouern conveniences,. zjs j street. South Omaha. . . E-M46I 31 . FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. 2f.2; st. Mary's Ave. I3-M521 All' 3 Ftllt.MSIIi:il ROOMS AM) IIOAUI). THE Merrlam family hotol, 23th and Dodge. TO 2 gentlemen, In prlvato family. 2020 St Mary s Ave. F-113 ROOM and board, U to J5. 1512 Davenport. I' (522 A-3 THE PRATT, deslrablo rooms; 'phono 1S32. svs HO. Zotll. 1' 11-' FOR RENT, nicely furnished room, with nonrd, uass. ) atiis ai- ELEOANT front room with board. 19M Capitol avenue. ! msic 31 rou iiKXT sToiiiis ami ornciis. FOR RENT, storo In first-class location. rent renmname. Apply it. u. Peters & Co., ground floor, lleo bldg. I 2C3 STORE ROOM. HOC Farna'm. Opp. old P. 0. 1 EX) STORE ROOM. 110 Farnam. Opp. old P. O, i-wa AC5I2XTS WAM'KI), AOENTS mnke J to $10 a day selling the clieapest nnd most pcrroct water inter ever Invented; retails nt S1.G0; big profit to ngents; exclusive territory. iiqcu Filter Co.. Seneca, Mo J-M318 23 SPECIAL plan for COO hustling ngonts to naniiio wilte' und rancy ruober collars, cuffs, necfttles; -pntentcd nnd guimnitwit goods; no better line to sell; few ns giiod. M. & M. Mfg. Co., 'Sprlnglleld, Mnva. J-IoOl 25 GASOLINE lamp, Improved; largest profits; retails ?.rpollsnod lirass; iw-nts electricity, cheaper than kerosene. Sthndftrd J.ainp Co., 112 Michigan tft., GhlcligO. 1 - J-MMS.25 "WANTI3I1 TO llKXTv .1, m -'- -, II, . WANTED to rent, offlco or deskToom in Omaha and south omana; must be cen tral. nccesslble ind "hVitllnblc 'evenings. Aihljps.Xth tcrms,..9,3 'J.&i. . Jv w 2u WANTED- to rent, furnished rooms for four people;, central,. moderate.. Address, with terms. C D2. Bee. K-321 20 STORAGES. PACIFIC Storage ana Warehuost Co.f 912- tiiuoues, gtnerai storage anu lorwarding. ' ' 152 OM. Van Stor. Co., lSUTarn. Tel 15T.9. 803. nt io3 L , W.VSTUD-TO BUY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels,. etc., in largo or smau uuaniiues. unicngo t or tilturo Co., 1400-10 Dodge. Tel. N-154 WILL purehaso a limited number of Omaha savings iinnit accounts. . urennan 1.0VO Co.. 309 So. 13th. ' N-155 ENTERPRISE FUR. CO. pays high prices for good uouscnoia goous. uk . inn. N-M674 A10 2D-HAND books for cash. Crane, 207 N. 16th St. "K MS70 GOOD second-hand electric, motor, 5 to 10 horse, power; alfo No. 6 Remington .type writer; do not answer unless you havo a bargain. S. N. White, Co', fluffs, Iowa. N-M5C7 30 'till SALE HOUSES, VEHICLES, KTC, TOP BUGGY for sale, - In, good condition, U 40, uee. , t' jum ONWARD JR.. No. 11.992. f6r" sale or lease, bay horse, lti nanus, weigut nro, regis tered. J'or partieiiiars auuress a. uari lug, Grand Island. Neb. , l'-M34-2 roil SALE MIHt) I '.I, L.V.N EOUS. CHEAPEST and best poultry and hog fence. 901 Douglas 'St. Q 157 . FOR SALE, ten R-I-P-A-N-8 for S tents at druggists, uno gives reuer y 1 2DIIAND safe cheap. DerlglltiU16rjurq. B. HAAS, Florist. 1S13 Vinton St. - Tal,'T78. deuce, wedding und , ra-wdocorhtlhris. Orders by mall or oxprcss promptly filled. ' . ' QH0 " NEW blcyclo tires, $2.2o.r $2.54. and $3.00.1 Hood seconunnnu wneeis.ryi, nu ana $12. Omaha Blcyclo Co., ICth and Chicago Sts. Q-163 FOR SALE Noarly new upright Stelnway ulano ror jioo. Auurcea .mis jiee, . Q-253-SH1 FOR SALE, pldewalk plank, all wldtlis. 6 to 12 incnes, anu u, s anu iu moi longins, for $9.00 per thousand feet. Also kindling wood at $1.00 a load. Chicago ,Uuf wrecking Co., Exposition Grounds., Phone- 2561, M33 31 -I CUT prices at A. E. Wyllo's, 1513 Farnamn iierniuage isouruon. uucKenneimcr - Rye, 8 cars old; drink, 10c; Vi Pt., 25c;, pi, SOcj' qt., $1: gal. sent C. O. D., $4. Q-MS83 A14 , HORSE clippers nnd repairs; wo grind razors, shears, clippers, etc. A. L. Undo land. 1U6 S. 11th St. Q-MSSl A14 (j.,.-r.n v,,,.. Pn .to aVrV.i iro? " iC1, . Schwartz, 114 S. 1S.( y .Miv- WIRE fence. Leddy, 1617 Howard. Tel, 1590. Q 13.Aug-9 CAN sell somo choice Omaha, Council Bluffs or eastern Nebraska farm loans to cuptomer; equal division ot commis sion. C. A. Sturr. 720 N. V. Llfo bide, Omaha. 'Q-M2S7 FRESH Jersey cow and heifer for' sale. 1310 Pad lie. Q-M314 A SMALL block of select "Gilt Edgo1' min ing stock nt a sacrifice. D 7, Bee. Q-537-31 FOR SALE, maple shade trees, D. 1. Red man, 4602 Redman avo. Q M313 2 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers, Sdhand furniture & stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago t'urnltuiv Co., 11W-10 Dodge. R-161 FOR RENT, barn, at 5024 St. Mary' Aye. It 165 wis are nil ready for buslne"! largest line ' MONET loaned satnrled peoplo linldlns per in city of 2" hand ThonoldVoo.K K.! I manent position with resnslblo concerns terprlse Fur. Co.. 102 S. 14th. R-MC72 A10 CI.AlllVOVA.vrs. MME.OYLMER genuine palmist. IC'jS Dod(?o s-ie? OHUAT KORTCNK TEM.ER-Frce test Just arrlveil from Europe; will remain a short time. Tells six dlrfcrent ways; past, present nnd future; In person or by letter; tells lady or pent who the future husband or wife will be by the letters In the hand; hrlims back husband or lover In so many days; loltles family troubles;, breaks evil Inlluences! makes bnmilness: elves advice on craln nnd stock speculation; loiatcs mines nnd hidden treasures; also linn hair i Browlnt: tonic; nlso removes wrinkles, ' race blemisiies; curen corns, bunions; also cures nervous trouble; Rives good luck ennrm rrco this wceK. i use no pen or paper, Satlifactlon guaranteed or money roiunneo. ionics in trounie can at once. Remedies fur the cure of nervousness, 1 . . . , I .. ........ U ..,11. I female troubles and tumors, coughs, colds, rncumatlsm, asthma nnl catarrh. -MADAME HE HAZARD. Parlors: 5K S. 12th St., upstairs, between 1 Inward nnd Jackson Ms., Omaha, Neb. uiiico jiours: in n. m. to 3 p. in.; open Sundays. Will touch hand of each cus- tomer free with only true luck stone In America. s JI553 2S' MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, S03 N. ICth. S-1C6 MRS. HILL, Dewey's friend. 7th daughter, norn wiin veil. lortune lener, locates hid den treasures; ladles W)o; gents, $1. Read ings by mall. 20"2 Cuming. Prof. Spiers, magnetic henler fallh cure. S 32S A22 1H.I2CTHIC Till! ATM H.' MRS. BERRY, electro mngnntle treatment and baths. 113 N. lflth St.. '2d lloqr. Opo. I. O. T-.TI9 Apr. 21 MME. SMITH, room 2, US',4 N. 15th. T-MIS9 31 PER SON A l VIAVI, woman's way to health. 3IG Boe bldg U-1CS DR. ROY. chlronodlst. corns nnd sunerflu. oils hair removed by electricity, r. 12, Frenzer Block. U 175 SHAMPOOING 25c. hair dressing 25c, hair toilet irofidj. Monhelt. 1518 H'nrnnm Tel EtM ' , ... . . I U lbj I LIEI1EN, costUmcr. catalogue. 1313 Howard. Get U-172 RPPTURE cured, no knife, no pnln, no uiuiKcr. Dcnu tor circulars, wmpiro itup ture Curo, 332 N. Y. Llfo Bldg., Omaha. U-171 PLEATING nnd pleated skirts of ,nll kinds. i. uoiuman & co., sou Douglas 'uiock. U-171 PRIVATE hostiltnl fnr Indies before Xr ilur. lug conllnemunt; babies udopted. 1136 N. 17 PRIVATE hon'lo boforo nnd during con finement. Iionies adopted, airs. 'Utirget, iuAi uecaiur. u Aizti STAMPS for collectors; albums; supplies. Frank Brown, 2204 S. 13th. U-M270 CANCER CURED, no pnln. Dr. Ifenshaw. Hcientiuc specialist, ulfi N. 13tb St.. umann. , U M713-A10 MON1IEIT. chiropodist, 1513 Farnnm, 2d 1IUUI. iCl. OJ. u 1IU '-LYPYi 1ntt'r W"h "rT'i.r'.l'Ir'n'n Immedlato or permanent relief -eall on Prof. Lund, 511 Knrbach block. U-M Al, MME. SMITH, magnetic treatment nnd baths, HS'.i North 13th, room 2. U 277 27 AGNES, meet mn at tho Renovator Klub masquerade, Krelghtoii' hall, Sat.. March 31. Berny. ' '.U-MI31 31 A BUSINESS mnn would llke'tn meet dis creet lndy; letters will :be strictly confi dential., .Address p io, nee. r ssi MOXIlV TO l,OA-m:,l, KSTATIS. PRIVATE money, 5, BV&. 8 per cent; no do- lay. Garvin Bros., ioi3 Faninm. w 176 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas w ns WANTED, city and farm'loan! nlso bond ntftl wnrmnlH Tt P PMpru X i lTrt"! Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. W-179 5 PER CENT money. Befnls, Paxton block. w- 1 en FIVE per cent farm loans. Chas. E. Wil liamson, w 1S4 MONEY to loan on flrstctass Improved city property or for building' purposes. Payne- Knox uo.. sew lorn v isi 5, 6V4. 6 per'cent lonns on Omaha. S. Omaha. W II Thnm RfL11IMnl hn,.l, Tl ICiO W 1S2 MONEY to loan at 6 any o'A per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle, 401 S. 15th. W-1S3 MONEY to loan on Iniprovod Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th. W-1S5 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent. Borrowers can pay $100 or any multiple. Any In terest date, no ueiay. urennan-iove uo., 303 soutn istn street, umana, iven, AV-GS3 $1,000 nnd upwards to loan on Improved city property nnd farms. W. Farnnm Smith uo.i tozo f arnam. . w isu 7UOM3Y TO LOAN CHATTELS. I-F-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-M-O-N-E-Y -S-E-E IJ.S- Wo'havo a largo amount to loan on house- hold furnlturo, plnhos, organs, warchouso receipts, norses, carringes. etc. You can get the money within n few hours after making nmillcatlon. WE CHARGE YOU NUTllINU WIIATKVER FOR MAKINU OR FIL.INU PAPERS. Wa.glvoyqu as much tlmo as you need ana you may repay tho loan ns soon as you chooio and you need not pay for It ONE DAY L.U.UWll THAN YUU KEEP IT, OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Tel. 2295. 306 South" 16tll Street. X-611. LOANS made salaried people on personal noto without security: rates reasonable. J. W. Tayloe, 21S 1st Nat'l bank, 12 to 6 p. m. . .X 135 . i MONEY dlam londs. watches etc.:' nnvm t , I known to friends, Omaha Loan Bank, 1416 arnam, upstairs, x V)i MONEY J.OANED SALARIED PtCOPLE holding pormnnent positions on their own name .without endorser or mortgago. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and LOW EST RATES. No Inquiries mado of em ployer or friends. You can borrow any amount and repay on easy weekly or monthly payments. Befoto borrowing sea us. OMAHA CREDIT CO., sulto 023-526 .-s. l . Lillo uiug. x 1S8 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FL'HNITURE. PIANOS, diamonds, watches, on easv nnvmenin. mi. known to others; you keep the goods, euch payment lessens tho cost of the it.nn- nn chargo for papers and wo make no In- qulrles of your neighbors. BEROERS' LOAN CO., 1501 Farnnm, over IS. & M. ticKci omce. X ISO SALARY loans after working hours. If you want cneap money address B 67, Bee. MOM'A Joaued on pianos, rurutturo, jew elry, horses, cows, etc. U, F, Rood, 319 S. 13. i-191 GOLD, Silver, Greenbacks lot High-class snlarled people, r, TAKE YOUR CHOICE. Lasy to get and easy to pay. Lowest rates. No Indorsei- or mortgago required. QUICK AND CONFIDENTIAL service. Ques tlons nusweted cheerfully ami you will reculvo courteous attention whether you uurruw ui nui. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Room 601, Bee Bulldln?. X-M239 MONEY. LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their own names. In amount from $10.00 up. a comparison or our ratet. with others Is nil u'A risk, ns we nrn nnaltlv.. Ihnt nnr, nrn the lowest In thn cltv l?fmmn!ii.r tiint wo nro mo only loan comnanv civini? you tho privilege of paying your loan ALL nr In PART nt any TIME and thereby ston. ping the coat. Business confidential, Treat ment courteous. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Tel. 2295v Room 119. Board of Trade Bldg. . X-61S- MCINEY loaned on pianos, furniture, ho.-ses cows, Jewelry. Duff Green R. 8, Barker blk. X-190 .momiy to loan-cii tthi.n. upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. I.. Hldg. A-1st MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. J. V. Tayloe. 213 First National bank building; 12 to C p. m. X-1M ciiAxcns. GROCERY stock, splendid location, welt established trade; as a business propo sition will pay to Investigate. Address C 20, Bee. Y-M160 Al7' RESPONSIBLE firm wants to .employ Btfd business man who can loan employer JV to 11,000. Address B 67, Bee. Y M207 BtY onn of our new or second-hand merry Ko-rounus. awo iiko at., uraann. Y M173 31 FOR SALE, a small steam brewery With . V 1 ....... 1 . ,. . I .. ... I malthouse. In eastern NnbrnHka: In excel lent condition, with good location; must retire on account of III health. For fur ther particulars call on or nrtrtresa F. W. naiz. acnuyier, ,-seu. azd FOR SALE, stock clothing, shoes nlid fur- ulshlncs nt a barcaln: new coods. tin to date; no trade. Lock Box 30, Mnltland, MO. 1 .MWU 31" FOR SALE, mining stocks, property lo cated on name mouniniu, nuioiniug tuo famous Portland and Independence prop erties, In Cripple Creek. Colo. : stocks bid nur to iiotiDio in snort time; niso v) ncrei patented ground In Crlpplo Creek. Ad dross D G. Bee. Y-MKM 2S HARDWARE business for sale mi B. ft M. It. R. Address Comb. Box -in, Ilnvenna, Neb. Y-M550 23 A MAN who has had n large experience In me real estate, loan, rental and insurance business In Omaha wnnts u partner. This Is n good opportunity for party who lias somo money: best ot references given. Address D P, Bee. Y 55!) 23 'OR SAI.E-RU.VIi 1ISTITE. rrr tvriv nn nv inni'i"n"a 1'AYNE-KNOX CO.. IIEApQt'Aiv . ER9 C-, ni,'AI. I.-'I' A '1 11 A Iff I A I JS1 T IHV. c?Tr t Tia t onftvn tvt. J'iO I 1A J ljU IIVKI1"J HW. il SCRANCE; HOl'SES, FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RB-133 CHOICEST TRACKAGE PROPERTY ON THE MARKET B. is. corner 16th and Izard: half block. 132x201; heart of tho city; for price and terms see ueorgo u. Wallace, Brown Blk.; sole agent. urn iat HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate, Rentals, lxians, insurance. FOR SALE or trade, brick residence, all modern improvements, nno a acres ot ground, containing outbuildings, trees, small trim, snruonery; wen insiuo cuy limits In town of 10.000 Inhabitants, cost uver J20.000: good reason for selling. Write ror particulars, raui uoison, fremont, NCD. Jt& .MilJ Al IF YOU havo a bargnln to offer In real cstato sco H. A. uroadweu, &ui N. Y. Life. It U 205 FOR SALE. $20.00 for east front lots on grndo on -W for wwt front lots on Hth St., ock of new ,,0UlevnrJi - imo0 for )nt Glxm rt wth i,ousei 0n South 13th st. car line one Hth st.. near Valley st. j3M.'po for lot on Half Howard, between 41st ard 42nd sts. J35O.0O for 2 1-5 acres pn Hamilton st., four blocks west of Military road. ji.;;o.oo for 2f. acres. 1 miles from postofllce. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1C01 FARNAM ST RE M2CS 31 A RAROAIis-Wo havo Just sold Judge Keysor a line residence property near Hanscom park and am authorized to offer ills nomo at z.iit Laidwii street at n great sacrifice. Nine rooms, gas. bath, marblo wash stand,, six cloijets, stationery re ingorainr, pantry, iiirnuce, cistern, uricK and cement sidewalk, street tiaved with brick, sfieclnl'itaxes uald In ful. Prlco $2,2(). R. C. iPoterf,, Ji Co., excluslvo agents, tieo, nuuitnK.,B.. . itE 331 I HOUSES, lots, f af ms,' laads-, loans; nlso flro insurance, iiemis, paxton ttlK. Hid 199 FOR QUICK returns oil bargains only seo t. a. uroauweii, iui xv. x. i.ue uidg. ' RE-203 A BARGAIN, four ncrcs, 40th and Pacific, two blocks rrom car line, or. belt mil road, $2,500;- easy terms. McCagtie In vestment Co., 1506 Dodgo. RE-200 BARGAINS Chris Boyer, 2123 Cuming. iUII1. JV'iUW. Illi-.Mj'JS A3 jmiiRpq tarmt n c Pnttnrsnn "rr. v v I1UUBL.B IttrmS. It. i attorSOn, Y, RB-201 CORNER 66x73 feet, with two cottnires close in: yearly rental, $360: nrice. $3,500 93x132 feet, sightly corner down town, cheap at u.wu. Uiuisoa nnd lots from $350 to Ji", OfliV Farm lands near umalia rrom $2o to $60 ner acre. Flvo (5) per cent money to loan on gllt-cdgo proporiy anu iarmi. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. RE-MG10 SNAPS In real estate, money to lonn. L. L. jonnson '-0., an a. lain at. uti svt FOR SALE. 66x132 on 8th nnd Center st. south front, tnreo i-room houses. JSOQ; on terms to suit. Onn acre on tho Military road on tho Ben son motor line, a corner, ror the low price or J2W). J. A. LOVGREN, G13 PAXTON BLK. RE-M540 2 CHEAP Irrigated lands In Wheeler nnd Greeley counties. Neb.: abtindanco o water supplied by the Cedar Valley canal sandy soil like that of Salt Lnke and Colo rndo, for potatoes and beets: rich clay loam lor corn unci wneat: uiruirn grows well; sand hill grazing laud ndjolnlng best opportunity In state for cnttli ranches; good water, short winter nnd sure croo under tho ditch. Inqulro Plbel .i uo pinei, Nei. he 550 1 BARGAINS, March 27 nnd 28, 1300. C' R "ARIUSON & GEO. T. MORTON 913 N. Y. LIFE Tel. 311 or 2612-F. 1914 Victor street, 10-r. house. sxu, s. ironi iih; want orrer. n'K" Bround near 19th and Vinton .150S Mndlson nvc, S-r. h. Street paved, handy to cnr. Want offer. 9-r. brick resldenco nenr C. N. Dletz's residence, o. front, only $S,000. 1135 Park avo., S-r. house, up to date, specials paid; a seller, $3,300. SPECIALS. $3,000 7 per cent wnrrants for sale. RE-558 27 M A G .V ET I ( ' INFIRMARY. PROF. AND MRS. KITARAS now own am 1 opernto nlno Inrgo Mngnotle Infirmaries in .NenrnsKa nnd mwn. Tho last to be es tabllshed Is at North Louti. Neb. Prof Davis, n grnduate of tho Nebraska School of Magncllrm, was placed In chargo by Prof. Kharas. Prof. Davis works on u salary for tho Kharas Infirmary company Prof. Kharas was guaranteed ten patients nnd also given a large cnfch bonus by tho peoplo of Valley county tn Induce him tn establish this Infirmary nt North Loup. Other ttiiools take their students' money and then let the student hustle for him self. Do you want proof? Ask for It. All kinds of "free" offers are made by un principled uartles to catch tho unwary, but tho propositions made by Kharas aro plain nnd Fquaro fnr all concerned. Noth ing free but Information. Treatment nnd Instruction cost money at tho .Khiirnp in stitutions, but you get your money's worth. Next week the prlco of tuition for tho course In tho Nebraska School nf Ma?petl3in will bo udvunccd to $200 nnd It's cheap at thnt price. Every ncceptablo student guarautceu a position, nnd none but acceptable students taken. Ms!n olllce, 1315-1517 Chicago St., Omnhn. Neb. -31575 28 OSTEOPATHY. junour. usieonainic institute, aia m. y. kiiu uiuK., 4ini'M doiinnii, iJ, u,, lames dept.; Gld E, Johnson, Osteopathlst, mgr. .'U M. E. DONOIIUE. D. 0 of Still school. Klrksvllle, Mo 604 Paxton blk. Tel, 1.167. -214 A. T. HUNT, oteopath; allchronlodlseases; "results tell." !06 Karbach Blk. Tel 2333. M-43S l'lR.MTt it 13 ni:i'Aiiua. QLOllE Couch Co.. 1519 Leav'th. Tel. 2S29. sss PAGKINO, upholstering, mnttrss, feather renovntlne. Tel. 1331. m. S. TValKlln, 2111 t'ltmiUK si. us Mattress tiphlsterlnB, nnlshlrw:. carpentry Omnlia cabinet snop, teoti Tel. sivj. 3'J-A16 I.CNnEEN. upholstering, (stblnetmnklnu. rellmsiun, mattresses made over, uzi I.ejivenworth. 2P2 May2l BICYCLES. IN order to reduce stock we will sell for a short tlmo only second-niuid blcyclo at onr-half price; good wheels $3.00 to $15.00. Fleschor. 1022 Cap. Ave. -M1S2 Innmeled, $2 up. Blcyclo Hospital, 711 N. 16. 608 HOTELS. METROPOLITAN. European. 12th & Doug las, lowest rates, w m. unrr, iMgr. Tel. zh, M-76 HE THURSTON. 15th and Jackson; Amer ican nnd European. Newly refitted. Prices moderate. F M 741 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $1 per month. Tho Smlth-Piemler Typewriter Co.. 1623 Farnam St. Telephone, 1281. 106 REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and supplies. 1619 1'iirnnm. 207 TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 111C Farnam. 203 .MIRROR FACTOR V, OLD mirrors resllvcred; new ones to order; country orders promptly attended to, 70S N. 16th. M-S71 A13 DANCING SCHOOL. LAST term, last chance Morand's, 15th and Harney: adults Tuesday and Friday; children Saturdays- assemblies Wednes day nnd Saturday. 391 A-3 Till NIC FACTOIl. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunk. icpaireu. um. iruun t-aciory, eurnnm 220 I ' I ' It N I T I! 1 1 E PACKING. OM.'Van Stor. Co.. 131114 1'ar. Tel. 1559, 863. STOVE REPAIRS. GASOLINE stoves cleaned. 801-3 N. 16th. DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 210 Davenport. S7!A.13 IAUN"RY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 L,eavcnw n. Tel. 517 -219 BIRDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S nird store. 1603 Leavenworth. 223 MAGNETIC lNriRMAHV. PROF. & MRS. KHARAS. 1517 Chicago st M3IB NICKEL PLATING. CYCLE PARTS All kinds plating. Omaha Plating Co.. neo Uldg. Tel. 2535. 634 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A C. VAN SANTS scfibol. 717 N. Y. Life. 203 AT OMAHA Bus. College, 16th & Douglas. am BOYLES college, court reporter principal. Beo Bldg. -211 NEBRASKA Business & Shorthand col lege. Boyd b theater. 212 MEDICAL. LADIES. Chichester's English Pcnnyroynl pills a.-e tho best: safe, reliable; take no other; send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Lndlj?," In letter by return mall. At druggists. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. LADIES out of health, get Immediate re lief. Address Box 2X umann, jeu. ron lldentlal. -M373 A27 PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating. Ivory-rlm buttons. Mrs. A. L. .Mum, mn and i-nrnntn. it-i-u. -560 A26 lilt It K SIDEWALK. 7,C FOOT; If ordered early you can savo 'money. John McGowan, 845 S. 28th st. M5I4 A26 STA3I3IERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramge Bldg. -217 AUCTIONEERS. OMAHA AUCTION Co. Satisfaction guar anteed. 520 N. 16th st. Tolephono 216S. M749 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Olllce, rellnble accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -215 SUES & CO. Patent Lawyers Beo Dldrr,, Omaha. Tel 1023. Advlco freo, RAILWAY TI3IE TABLES. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad, City Ticket ofllce, 1402 Farnnm street, Tele-pnon-. 215, Depot, Tentn. and Mason streets. T.envp. Arrltr Chicago Express a 12.10 pm a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:35 pm a 8:15 am Minneapolis and St. Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9:40 pra Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited a 7:35 pm a 8:15 am Fort Dodge Local from Co. Bluffs .... b 4:30pm b 10:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sundays. OMAHA .t ST. LOUIS RAIL-road- .Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern Rnllroad "Tho Qutncy Route"-Tlckot Of. !lf.r 141f l.'nrnnm Ulrn U-sa-xirm-'d Telephone. 322. Depot, Tenth llJIlUI nt"' Mnrcy Streets, Too Jfc3fflS5eS?g5 phone, C23. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express , a 5:03 pm n 7:55 am K.-insa Cltv and Qillncy Local a 7:00 nm a 9:00 pm a uuiiy, CHICAGO. ROCK 1ST. and ft Pnclflc Railroad rno tireiit hook isi and Route " City Tick et Olllco, 1223 Farnam Street. Tclenhont I2S Depot. Tenth (c Mason streets. Telephone, C23, Lcavo, Arrive. Hex Moines nnd Daven- itort lleal ..a 7:uo am dii :x am i r hlpi.n Exnress bll:15 am a 8:10 am chUatu l ast Express, .a 5:M pm a 1:23 pm St. Paul Express a 5:00 pm bll:35 uio Lincoln, Colorado apgs. tiivur. Puohlo und Wes'w a 1:20 pm a 4:23 pra Des Moines. Rock Isl and nnd Chicago a 7:23 pm a 5:60 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer. a 5 5Cpm a 9:20 am u Dally- b Dally excuut titindav. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & f St Paul Railway - City A.i.7j;J?? Ticket Olllce, 1501 Farnam lnl!LWA"Ctl Street. Telephone 2il. Depot, Tentn and .Mason streets. Telephone 629. Lonve. Arrlvo, Chicago Limited Ex., .a 7:35 pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex ,bll:00 um b 3:65 pm Sioux cuy anu Des Moines Express, bll:00 am b 5:65 pra a Dally, b Dully except Sunday, l I 1 Rll, WtV TIME T MILES. FREMONT. F.t.KHORN A 1 Mlssouil Valley Railroad -Tho Northwestern l.'.no" General OfTlces. United States Nutionnl Ilk. Bldg., v. corner Tweirtn nd Farnnm Sts. Ticket OHlC. 1101 Famsm Rt. Tnlptihnn Ml tl. pot, 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone 145S. ,, Leave. Arrive. Blnck Hills. .Dendwood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:M pro V yomlng, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm a 5:00 pra Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva. Lxetcr and Seward ..b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pro Norfolk, Verdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 am blO:H am Lincoln. Wnhoo and ! remont b 7:30 am bl0iS3 ain Fremont Local e 7:30 m a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun nn only d Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Monday CHICAGO fe. NORTH western Rnllwnv "Tn Northwratern Line" City Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnam Street. Telo phono 661. Depot. Tonth nnil M.'isnn Mlrnnla Tl. fh0"'. . Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spi- i'!l . ... a 7:00 am all:30pm Chicago Passenger ....a 4:13 pm alo.10 urn Eastern Express. Des Moines, Marshalltown, , Ccdir Rnplds and Chi cago ,nl0:53 am a 4:06 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago nnd Eas, .a 4:55 pm a 4:03 pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omaha a 2!4S pm Omaha-Chicago Special, a 7:30 pm n 8:00 nm Fast Mall a 8:30 am a. Dally. CHICAGO. ST-. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Rnllway "Tho North, western Lino" General Olllccs, Nebraska Divi sion, 15lh nnd Webster, Sts. City Ticket Olllce. 1401 farnam St. Telephone 661. Depot. 15th nnd Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... a 6:00 am n 9:10 pm Omnhn Passengei ull:20nra Bloux City & North- enst Nebraska n 3:40 pm a Dally b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" Genernl Offices, United States National Bank Building, 8. W. Cornor Twolfth nnd Farnam Sts. Ticket Omce, 1101 Farnam St. Telephone 561. De pot, Tonth & Mason Sts, Telephone C2. Lenve. Arrlvo. Twin City Express a 6:65 am nl0:50 pm Twin City Limited ....u 7:20 pm n k:l6 nm Sioux Cltv Local a 8:0" am u 4:20 pm a Dally BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Rallroad "Tho Burlington Rotite" Oencral Olllces, N. W. Corner Tonth and Farnnm Sts. Ticket office. 1502 Far nam street. Telephone, 251 Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. 128. Leav6. Arrive. Lincoln, Hastings and McCook n S:40 am a 7:23 pm Lincoln, Denver. Colo rado, Utah, California, a 4:2j pm a 3:00pm Lincoln, Black Hills, Montnna & Puget Sound a l:2S pm k 3:00 pm Lincoln Lica! a 7:00 p.n nl0:35 nm Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm al0:35 am Denver, Colorado Utah & California a!2:35 am a Dally b Dally exccDt Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINOTON & Qulucy Hallroad-"Tho Burlington Roilto 'Ticket Olllce, 1502 Fatnam St. Tel., 250. Depot. Tenth & Mnson Streets. Telephone, 123. I.fnvi. ArrK. Chlcugo Speclnl nl2:3 am Daylight Express a 7:23 am Chicago Vestlbiiled Ex. .a 1:00 pm n 7:4B am umcago iocai Express. n nm a 4:it pm Chicago Limited a 7:30 pm a 7:45 am Pnclllc Junction Local. .al0:15 an. Fast Mali a 2:45 pm n Dally. KANSAS CITY, ST. JO- soph Si Council RlufTs Rnllroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Olllce, 1502 Farnam Street. Tele phone, 250. Depot, Tonth aud Mnson Streets. Tolc Phono. 128. Leave. Arrive. Kanrns City Day Kx ...a 8:50 am a 6:17 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:15 pm a 6:15 am St. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis.. & 4:55 pm alt:15 am h Dally. UNION PAOIFIC-'THEOVER-land Route" Gnneral Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnam StrcetB. City Ticket Ofllce, 13UJ , Farnam Street. Telephone 311. Depot, Tonth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 629. 'ltll i-enve. Arrlvo Tho Overland Limited.. a 8:20 am a 7:20 pm Tho Fast Mnll a 8:50 um a 3:23 pm Tho Colorndn Special. ..ull:.l5 pm a 6:50 nm Tho Portland Special.. .a 8:20 am a 4:35 pm Lincoln, Beatrlco and Btromsnurg Express. . u i. in pm bl2:23 pm Pacific Express a 4:25 pm n 6:50 am Grand Island Local. ...b 5:30 pm b 9:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Olllccs and Ticket OfliCL? Southeast Cor. ner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone, 101. Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone, 1433. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis, Kansas & Neb. Limited a 2:30 pm nl2:55 pm K, C -St. L. Express.... a !:50 pm a 5:50 am NeurasKa ixical via Weeping water b u.Ouom a 9:43 am a Dilly. b Dally except Sunday WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Ollle. 1304 Farnnm Street. Telephone 835. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone 029. Leave. Arrive. , a 6:03 pm a 7:55 am Express n llnliv. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" rosTorricn notich. (Should bo read DAILY by all Interested. nu chances may occur at any time.) Foreign mans tor tuo wook cnning .Mnrcn 31, 19U0, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) nt tho ucncrai rosiomcc, ns louows: Parcels post mans cioso one nour oaruer than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany eloso ut b p. m. Monday. Ti-niiN-Atlnntle .Mnlls, WEDNESDAY -At 7 n. in. (supplement ary a a. in.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Now York, via Soul hninpton (mall for Ire land must bo directed "per . s. New York"); at 9 a. .m. (supplementary 10:30 n. tn.) for Eliuui'E. per s. s. 'l'cuionie, via Queenstown: at 10:30 n. m. for BEL OIUM direct, per s. s. Noordhind, via Antwerp (mnll must be directed "per s. s. Noordlnnd"). THURSDAY-At 7 n. tn. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR '4 Jllk TUGAL. TURKEY, Eini'T nnd llltlT- TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Ofllce Bu ISH INDIA, por s. s. La Touralne', via pcrvlslng Architect. Washington, D, C, Havro (mall for other parts of Eurono March 14, 1900. Sealed proposals will bo re must bo directed "per s. s. Ua Tnnralnn"). of,ved at this olllco until 2 o'clock p. tn. on SATURDAY At 5:30 a. m. for EUROPE, the 24th day of April. 1900, and then per p. s. Mesaba, via Plymouth; at 8 a. opened, for tho extension nnd changes In tn. for NETHERLANDS, per s. s. Spaarn- I cldental thereto, at tho United States court dam, via Rottordum (mall must be dl- house, custom house and pnstlllce building rected "per s. s. Spnarndam"); at 9 a. 1 nt Omaha, Neb., In accordance with th m. for ITALY, per s. s. Allcr. via Nn- drawings and specifications, copies of pies (mall must bo directed "per s. . 1 which may bo had at this olllce, or ut thn Allcr"); at 11 u. in. for NORWAY dl- ' olllco or the superintendent nt Omaha, red, per s. s. Uekln. via Chrlstlanla Neb., nt tho discretion of the supervising (mall must be directed "per t. s. llekla"); architect. James Knox Taylor. Supervls- at 12:30 i. m. fnr A.ORES ISLANDS, per a. h. Tartar Prince. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. - German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take printed matter, etc., for Germany, and specially countries- for which they are advertised Af?urUiyo, of Iho supplementary Trans-Atlantlc malls named 'l'oye.lildl- .i.i V .i.i -Vinn i.' hiiis i French tho piers of the American, Lngllsli . erencri and German, steamers, und remain open until within ten minutes or tuo nour oi Balling of steamer. Mulls for South nnd Centrnl America, West In ill en. Hie, WEDNESDAY At "2:30 a. m. for NAS SAU, N. !', per steamer from Miami, Fla ; at 9;3'i n. m, (supplementary 10:30 n. rn.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s, s. Finance, via Colon (mall, except parcels post, for Guatemala must bo directed "per s. s, Finance")) at 10;30 u. m. for PORTO RICO, per U. H, Transport, via San Juan; ut 1 p. m. for CUBA, YUCATAN. CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Orl- n, , ....nn ..rin.ri mn nr p r . rur nini-r i . par r Europe AineMcnn nnd While '' fed WauV. Neb' Mureh ' posTorrit ii NOTirr. inbn. via Havana and Progreso tmall for ounr parti of Mexico muet be dlrcetcU ";er s s. Orizaba'), at 1 ). m (sup plementary 1.30 p. tn.) for NASSAU, N. IV. per s. s Antlllfi (mall must be di rected "ner s. . Antllln"! THURSDAY - At 1 a. m. for JAMAICA. -" r s. s. .Mimirai !eniey from rniuuiel P' la. at 11 a. m. for PONCE, per s. s. Mae (mall for other parts nt Porto Rico must bo directed "per K. s Mae"); at 11 a. m. (supplementary 11.30 a. in.) for PORTO RICO, via San Juan, also CURA CAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s, Mnra calbo, via Curacao (mall for Savunllln nnd Carthagena ihust bo directed "per s. s. Mnracalbo"); at 1 p. tn. (supplement ary 1:30 p. tn.) fnr NASSAU. N. P. nnd SANTIAGO, per s s Santiago. SATURDAY At S a. in for BERMUDA, per . s. Trinidad, at 10 a m (supple ment wry 10.;tO a. tn ) for FORTUNE IS LAND. JAMAICA. SAVAN1I.LA, CAR THAGENA nnd OREYTOWN. per s. ! Aleno (mall for Costa Rica must b directed "per s. s. Alene"); nt 11 n. m, for LA 1MVTA COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. Roman Prince; nt 11 a. m. for CUBA, per s s. Havana, via ll:vntm; nt 1 p. m. for NUEVl'IAS, OIBARA, BARACOA and PUERTO PADRE, per s. f. Ollnda (nrdlnary mall only), at 1 P. m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. s. Polycarp, via Para nnd Mnnaos. SUNDAY-Al 2:30 a. m. for NASSAU, N. P . per steamer from Miami. Flu ; nt R-.30 p. tn. for ST. PIERRE-MIQUE-LON. per steamer from Halifax. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close nt this ofllce dnlly nt S:30 p. m. (connecting eloso hero every Monday. Wedue'dov and Saturday). Malls for Mlquclou. by iT.ll to Boston, nnd thence by steamer, oloso nt this olllco dnby at 8:30 p. in. Malls for Cuba, bi' rut! to Port Tampa. Fla , and thence by steamer, close at this olllce dally (except Monday) at "7 n m. (the connecting closes art n Sundav, Wed nesday nnd Friday) Stalls for Cuba, bv rail to Miami, Flu, nnd thence by steamer, close nt this olllce every Monday. Tues day and Snlurdny nt 2:30 a m (the con necting closes are on Tuesday nnd Satur day). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this olllce dauy nt 2:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. Malls fnr Costa Hlcn, Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence bv steamer, close at this ofllce dnlly at "'1 p. in. (connecting cioxes hero Tuesdays for Costn Rica nnd Mondays for Bellzo, Puerto Cortez and Guntomnla) Regis tered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. Registered mall closes at B p. tn. second day before. Trnns-l'nrlllo .Mulls. Malls fnr Hawaii. China, Japan nnd Philippine Islands, via San Fran cisco, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. tn. up to March 261 h, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Hong Kong Maru. Malls for Society Islands, via San Fran cisco, eloso here dally nt 6:30 p. m, up to March 26th, Inclusive, for dispatch by ship Tropic Bird. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. nt. up to March 301 h. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Australia (except West Australia', which goes via Europe, and Now Zea land, which goes via San Francisco), Ha waii nnd FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, eloso here dnlly nt 0:30 p. m. up to March 31st, Inclusive, for dispatch per , s, Wnrrlmoo. Mnll for Hawaii, Japan, China nnd tho Philippine Islands, via San Frnnclsco. close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April 2d, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. China. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, close hero dally at 6:30 p. tn. up to April 9th. Inclusive, for illrpntch per s. s. Empress of Japan (registered mall must be di rected "via Vancouver"). .Mulls for Aus tralia (except West Australia), New Zea land, llnwnll, FIJI and Hamonii Islnnds, via. San Frnm Iseo, close here dally nt 0:30 p. m. nfter March 31st nnd up to April Hth, Inclusive, or on day of ar rival of s. s. Campania, due nt New York April Hth. for dlniutch per s. s. Moann. Malls fnr China, Japan nnd Philippine Is lnnds, via Tacomn. close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up tn April 19th for dis patch per s. s. Goodwin. Mails for China nnd Jupnii and Philippine Islands, via Seattle, close here dally at 6:30 p. tn. up to April 19th for dlspnteh per s. s. Rlojun Mnrti (reglsteied letters must bo directed "via Seattle"). Transpacific mulls are forwnrded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes nt 6 p. in. pre vious dav. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster, Poatolllcc, New York, N. Y., March 23. 1900. COVER N 31 1 1 T NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Departinenl of the Interior, Olllce of In dian Affairs, Washington, D. C, March 20. 1900. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for beef, flour, etc.." ns the case may be, anil directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 235 Johnson street, Chi cago. HI., will bo received until 1 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, April 17, 1900, for fur n I m 1 1 1 Ii for tho Indian Servlco beef, flour, bacon, beans, coffee, sugar, rice, tea and other nrtlcles of subsistence; nlso for boots and shoef, groceries, snap, baking powder, crockery, agricultural Implements, paints, oils, glass, tinware, wagons, harness, leather, shoe llndlngs. saddlery, etc., hard ware, school and inedlcul supplies, nnd a Ions list of miscellaneous articles. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for blan kets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, etc.." ns tho ease, may be, nnd directed to the Commissioner of Indlnn Affair. Nos 77 und 79 Wooster street, Now York City will be received until 1 o'clock p. in. of Tuerday, May 15. 1900, for furnishing for thn Indian Servlre blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats nn. caps. Bids must bo inndu out on govern ment blanks. Schedule giving nil neces sary Information for bidders will be fur nished on nppllcntlon to tho Indian Of fice, Washington, D. C; Nos. 77 und 79 WootMer street, Now York City, or 23. Johnson street. Chicago. 111.; tho Commis saries of Subsistence, U. 8. A., at Chey enne, Leavenworth, Omaha. Ht. Ixmls, Ht Paul ami Han Francisco; tho postmasters at Hloux City. Yankton, Arknnsus City, Caldwell, Topekfi, Wichita nnd Tucson. Bide will be opened at tho hour and days above stated, and bidders urn Invited to bo present at tho opening. Tho Depart ment reserves the right to determlno the point of delivery nnd to reject any and nil bids, or nny part or any bid. W. A. JONES, Commissioner. M26 to A1C.M PROPOSALS FOR SEWER SYSTEM. Department f tho Interior. Ofllce of Indian Affairs. Washington, D. , Mnreh 13. 1300. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for Sewer System. Genoa, ' and nddressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C . will bo received at this olllco until a o'clock p. m. of Wednesday. April 11. 1300, for furnishing tho necessary materials nnd labor In con struct nnd complete nn addition to tho sower system nt the Genoa Indlnn School, Nebraska, In strict accordance wlili Plans, specifications nnd Instructions to bidders which may bo examined ut this oHlee, thn 'olllccs of Tho Beo of Omalin, Neb., tho Nebraska, state. Journal ot i.incnin, neu,, i thu Northwestern Manufacturers' Assocla- st paui, Minn.; tho Bi Builders' und Trnders' Exchange, Omaha. Neb,, nnd ut the school. For further Information apply to James E. Ross, Sunt. Indlun School, Genoa, Neb. W. A. JONES, Commissioner. MlO-13-21-23-26--30 A2-4 i lug Architect. .mi.ZI-Oi-2s-su LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The following commercial papers have . i Si'.c' n.iio mS, dated Waiisi! XJ-,,";, 5SSSf,r,,o3rlf, i0; j date, beorlng 10 per cent Int., payable ' t0 t'10 Farmers Hlato bank or wausa. .-Men, , umo nl),,rsed, without recouise, and pay- ment gunranteeu ny t. a. Atiiuony as cm. laterals. Tho public Is hereby warned agalliBt buying same. A liberal roward will bp paid for the return of said papers or fdr tho Information lending to recovery ot samo by tho Farmers Stale bank ot Wausa. iNeb. Open Port nf Honolulu. HAN FRANCISCO, March 27.- Tho War lenurtment has recoEtilzed Honolulu lis nil open no. t by ordering thu transports soon to sail from hero to call there enrnute to Manila. I'ho Hancock, which sails with thn Philippine commission on April 10 will stop at Honolulu and Guam. Ill" Meade ana Grant will ulna touch ut Honolulu.