Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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True Economy
The difference of cost between a
good and a poor baking pow
der would not amount for a fam
ily's supply to one dollar a year.
The poor powcler would cost
many times this in doctors' bills.
Royal Baking Powder may cost a little
more per can, but it insures perfect,
wholesome food. In fact, it is more
economical in the end, because it goes
further in leavening and never spoils
the food.
Royal Baking Powder used always in
making the biscuit and cake saves both
health and money.
Fruitless Effort to Beieh an Agreement in
Ltioj Ladd Estate 0ss.
You cannot, if you value good health, afford
to use cheap, low-c?adc, alum hakinfj pow
ders. They are Dt to spoil the food: they
do endanger the health. All physicians will
tell you that alum in food is poisonous.
Yeiier'i Endowment bj Douglas County
Populists Threatens Complications.
1'cter Cooprr C'luli'n SlrrHuoim IJtTorl
to Split lUdf Will Itcmuueil
and Henr Fruit nt ll ltcti
lar Weekly Meeting,
KuslonlsU aro becoming much concerned
over the prospect of troublo ia effecting un
advantageous gubernatorial nomination next
fall. The pructlcally unanimous endorse,
ment of tho aspirations of John 0, Yelscr
by tho Douglati county populist convention,
authorizing him to namo tho delegation
from this county to tho populist stato nomi
nating convention means breakers ahead
for tho fuslonists. Speaking upon that sub
ject, an observant democrat reflects tho
nentlment of many of his party In say
ing: 'Governor Poyntcr docn not seem to havo
n slnglo ardent friend among the populUts
of this county, and I am Informed that ho
is llttlo worst off hero than ho Is out In tho
state. Populists all over tho stato appear
to have their knives out for roynior.
im Wen nartlculnrly unfortunate in
othcre, against tho mld-roaders, under E. V.
Morearty, John C. Tlerney, Michael Mc
Oulro et al to ascertain wbtch must retire
from tho club, as it Is practically settled
that tho factions cannot dwell together In
harmony and brotherly love. After the con.
trovorsy had been threshod over for three
hours last Tuesday night a postponement
of tho voto on tho expulsion of tho mid
roaders was taken, an tho lattor claimed,
that they had not had nottco of the pro
ceeding and bad not had an opportunity to
rally their friends.
Doth sides of the controversy havo had
nmplo tlmo to rally their frlendsfor tho con
test tonight, and it will be a question of
strength. It tho fuslonists outvoto tho rald
roaders tho latter will bo cucpclled. If tho
mld-roaders muster tho greater strength,
tho other sldo will bo expelled. Then 'the
members expelled will organize n new club.
At tho conclusion of tho meeting a week ago
tho fusion leaders unnounced that they would
not como in again. They were wroth be
cause Chairman Yelser had permitted tha
.Indue Krrxnr L'nlla Jury Into Court
nnil IMarlinrK" It from Duty
-Cno Will, He Tried
A Kill n.
After nearly forty-eight hours of delibera
tion tho jury In tho Lucy Ladd estate case,
on trial before Judgo Keysor, tailed to
the governor of the stato, that he would
consult tho governor today and would bo
able to announce the Intention of tho Stato
Wednesday morning. With this under
standing the court reserved his Judgment
until that time.
IKMlHItS' Wll.l, AtSAlX IX COt'HT.
lliinlinml of the Uiu'cnKPil Srekn
ltulill!i HlKlit to Property.
Ono of tho wills loft by Mrs. Clara Hogers,
who died in this city last September, Is again
attracting nttentlon in tho court. This mat
ter was tried several months ago and ono of
tho wills wherein .Mrs, lingers bequeathed
tho bulk of her property to St. James' or
phanngo at Uonson wns declared void. Tho
enso now comes up on tho probating of nn
other will in which Alexander T. Hogers,
husband of tho deceased, Is named as beneficiary.
agree, and tho court ended tho matter for Several sensational features havo entered
tho present by discharging tho Jurors. Thl into this case. First, Mrs. uogcrs mntio a
means that tho case will bo tried again, It , will In favor of her husband. Subsequently
has been on trial a week and has at- sho made another will In favor of tho orphan.
tracted moro than ordinary Interest. age. This was contested by Mr. Hogers and
Estimates differ as to tho worth of tho three brothers of tho deceased on the grounds
estate Involved, but it Is, generally agreed that Mrs. Rogers was not In her right mind
that tho wealth left by tho deceased, Mrs. when sho mado tho will and that unduo In-
Ladd, runs well up Into big figures, bome fluence was exerted. A letter was discovered
of the most conservative attorneys con- n which (she accused her husband of nt-
nectcd with the case say J100.00C ,3 a low i tempting her life, but tho testimony of num
cstlmatc. crous witnesses proved conclusively that Mr.
The action beforo Judgo Keysor camo up Hoccrs had nlwnys treated his wife kindly.
on appeal from the county court, where tho Tno WU ln favor 0I tno orphanage having
will of Mrs. Ladd was filed for probate, oecn declared void, tho original Is now be
There aro a dozen or moro cousins, neph- K lod into. The estate is estimated at
ews. nieces, aunts and 'uncles Hnd other $3)5oo, consisting principally of two suburban
relatives 01 mo ueccaseu, iiuereaico. in iuu I renldonces
litigation. To her brotner, ueorgo 11. .ow-
ton of New York, Mrs. Ladd willed tho Mr, lliiiton SeeU Divorce
bulk of her riches and that started tho Emma lllnton has tiled suit In tho district
trouble. Tho property left by Mrs. Ladd court, asking divorce from Thayer lllntnn.
Is ln many different places. She owned Abandonment Is tho chief allegation. A no-
city realty In Omaha, tenement houses In cullar phase of tho caso la tho fact that
Gold SeaI
Un cq'u aJlc d as a Tonic
for Convalescents.
Mrs. lllnton is a brldo of less than thrco
months. Sho was married January 21 and
alleges that her huobnnd left her March 11
of this year.
Nolo of flit Coiirln
In Judgo Haker'i' court Fred Duckies Is
on trial for nllened liurRlnry. Ho Is
charged with entering the recldenco of
Allien Hschwnlt, 1711 Clark street, October
5, ISW.
In Juilcn Slnlmunh'H court tho Council
Illuffs Savings liiitik Is suing C. K. Coolcn
and others for J3,W. which ropreHcntH un
amount alleged to huvo been advanced on
n enttlo deal.
Wllllum II. Camp of Wymore hns filed
Paul J. Sorer, Land Owner, Snci Hotel
Company Owning the Uoute.
Wniitu u lleeelvcr Aiiiiolutvil to Tnkc
L'luirKc of the HiihIiiciid ami an In
junction IkniiimI Aitnlimt
PrcNFiit .Mmmmra.
New Members Hold Pint Meeting and
Perfect an Organizttion.
JVew l'renlileiit Ilium to the Occnuloii
nnil tlie LeRlalutlve lloily TU
Vp It nurilen Auxpl-clouiily.
The newly elected city council met for
the first time yesterday afternoon In Informal
Bwslon, tho principal business being tha
exchange! of felicitations and tho acquire
ment of a certain familiarity with the sound
of its voice. The meeting wan callou to
order by Retiring City Clerk Hlgby, who
New York city, farm lands In various parts
of the western prairie states and a sugar
plantation In Hawaii. Sho died while
visiting relatives ln Omaha several mouths
ago. It Is alleged that Mrs. Ladd was of
unsound mind and that in making ner wm
ln favor of Newton, sho was prompted by
unduo Influence. Although sho was with
Omaha relatives at tho tlmo of her death,
sho had spent tho greater part of her de
clining years with tho Nowton family In
tho east.
Tho testimony was voluminous. Numer
ous witnesses appeared, and depositions
wrrn rend from nersons In all rtnrts of tho
country. Dr. Crane of New York testified niiiuici won in uio i ni en hhucu uisii-iei
, " .,. f,i !,. i,inff enurt to bo declared a bankrupt. Ho Is 'i
that Mrs. Ladd onco told him about being flirm0P who IlllH sm:i.t.,u.,i niiiK up
struck over tho head with an ax handlo $1,101.25 of liabilities with J10 of ushoIh.
during an nltorcatlon with n neighbor. This NeH Peterson linn filed suit iigulnwt Schll-
was lntcndod to show possibility of mental linger llros., contractors, of St. Louis, nk- nihor ultnp9itefl told of ouecr nc- '"K L"W ilnmngea for Injuries alleged to
Injury. Other witnesses loiu 1 " Queer ac ,iaV(j bt,(in I,ecelV(.ll whMo , ,.mlluy ot
tlons on tho part of Mrs. Ladd, such ns tho defendunts on -Motz Uros.' new bulld-
faneylng that sho saw funeral processions ing.
In tho night, and so on. Thero was, how- In the eano of Thomas R Kltzgernld
ever, considerable testimony which Inclined against tho Chicago, Milwaukee & Ht. Paul
.""""" ' railroad, for personal itunmgcx, the tie-
to overbalance this. fendant has filed npnlleatlon to Imvo tho
The purpose of tho suit Is to nave tno ,.jiS trimxferred from tho stuto to tho
will declared void. It Is ono of tho most federal court.
nf,v.! !, hns hern tried In tho In the 1'nlted States circuit court yes-
iiiinf t within rpcent voars. Tho 'rilny Judgment was rendered ngulnst
district court h'n recent yoars. ino CUll)t county NCbrnk. for tho sum of
Jury retired at 4 o'clock Saturdoy afternoon $i,6s;i.35. In a enso wherein 11. T. Morton
and at 11 a. ra. yesterday when called of Michigan Is ulalutllT. The order of tho
court uneets ino county commissioners in
Chuso county to appropriate from the pen
cm! fund of the county an amount equal to
one-fourth of tho Judgment during tho
years 1901, l!-'. 1903 and 1K0I for tho scttle
muut of the claim.
their votes to accomplish what they hoped
to do, and would havo dono It had not Yelscr,
ns chairman, entertained a motion for tho
amendment of tho previous questloit,
whereby tho voto was postponed ono wook.
Instead of being taken at once. Morearty,
Tlornoy and their followers had kept tho
atmosphoro hot during tho evonlng with
stinging personalities, and the fuslonists de-
He iclarcd that they did not propose to como and
hlB bo lambasted for thrco or four hours more.
nppolntmonts, for In manning each ot tho They appear to havo changed their minds
stato Institutions ho has arrayed against and will bo present Tuesday evening to con
hlm n largo number ot ardent populists and tlnue tho fight. Each side expresses con
fusion democrats. nuenco mat iuo oiner ieuowH wm uu nreu.
I understand that tho feollng in uougias ; Uoantlmo Jonn u. loiscr wiems ino gavei
postponement of tho voto. They had milled 1 explained that In pursuance of section 10
of tha charter tnis was tno louriu .niraud
after election, the appointed dny when the
old council should yield to lt successor.
On toll call it developed that all tbo mem
bers woro present.
Councilman Hascall then nominated My
ron D. Karr, member from tho Sixth, ns
president of the legislative body. No other
name was put forward and Karr was elected
by tho full eight votes. On motion or
Hascall, Clerk Hlgby appointed a commit
too of three, consisting of, Hascall, Mount
and Zlmman, to escort the president to the
beforo Judgo Keysor It stood six against
six, with no possibility ot a change, so tho
foreman stated.
I.ovi'r Clone 11 Serlen of Injuries liy
Knocking Her Down mill TnkltiK
!ia The Worm Turns.
Ilonrit OliJretN to Action While Cnse !
HelliK Appealed.
Yesterday In the United Stntes circuit
court wqb argued tho matter of tho form
of tbo order to be Issued by the Judgo In
the caso wherein ho denied a writ of In
junction to tho railroad companies to re- whllo strolling with his sweetheart. Kiln
strain the Board of Transportation of the Towles, through Tln-Can alley, near Six
state of Nebraska from promulgating and tcenth nnd California HtreetH. Mnminv morn.
enforcing rates nnd orders affecting the nR "champagne Frank" knocked her down,
railroads of tho state. robbed her of $12 and ran away. A few
Tho point discussed was the phraseology umlr8 later ho wns nrrceted by tho officers
oi ino oruer wuitu wus prepared ny iuu 1 an,i locked up.
attorneys for tno rawroaup. in wnicn tney Thls mtlo lncI(CIlt forms tho BeqUfl of n
nsKea mat ine coua grauj. a suporseueas 01 serlea of pventg ln tho )lvoa nf Frank nl)d
us reuitsi 01 mu iiijuiicuoii pruyi-n iui mini K bo( , of whom are color(!(1. Throfl
tho enso can be determined ih tho court of
anneals. Tho attorney general held that
such a sunersedeas would' be a virtual re
vocation of tno decision of tho court, as In
cases hero such supersedeas Is usually
granted tho party appealing Is required to
furnish n supersedeas bond-for the payment
of dcmageH which may accrue by tho opera
tion of the Injunction should tho case bo
decided against them on appeal. In this case
Buch n bond would bo of no use, as tho
amount of damago could never bo dcter-
weeks ago ho needed money to shoot craps,
so he pawned her trunk and contents. Sho
forgavo him for this and wont to work to
earn money with which to redeem It. Mon
day the necessary sum was at hand. She
notified hlra of her solvency, but when ho
suggested acting as her agent to negotiate
with the pawnbroker she became distrustful
and Insisted upon going In person. They
compromised by going together nnd tho
sceno In tho alloy wns tho result.
Klla has now neither trunk, clothes- nor
platform. Iloforo Karr had an opportunity
to express his acknowledgments for the
honor J. W. Morrow appeared at tho head
county Is but a reflection of tho sentiment nna finds himself ln a decidedly ticklish 0f a largoi delegation from the Sixth ward
that exists throughout the stato wherever 1 position
l'oynter has had any nominations to mane
of state servants ! J ST0RK OUTWITS THE COURT
irtJUKlu vuuuiy o -
11-1 i...... Iu nilvnnntlnir thfi rOnOLLU-
nation ol l'oynter. All are outspoken In Yo.. S.r.umcr Arr.vrs n, nny,Vn
opposition, and tho granting to Yelscr of tho Home Ahenil of the Otllccr
jirivtlego of naming the delegation is uui
nniitwithv to 1'ovutor. Douglas county
ponullsts claim that they havo recolvcd no Tho lawB ot nature nnd those of Nobraska cnth wna elected temporary presldenU Tho
and conferred upon him fellow-ward resl
dent a gigantic bunch of roicn. Karr. some
what overwhelmed by tho double visitation,
returned thanks as gracefully as could bo
expected under tho circumstances and the
pleasant incident was over.
Mount for Tempornrr President.
On motion of Trostlor Mount of tno sev
r.nPnition from l'oynter, nnd whenever I clashed yesterday ln police court, with tho omco as sneclflcd In the charter Is designed
1,0 im nnnearcd to realize that thoro wero I result that the latter wcro temporarily bus- tft nr0vido against tho temporary absence
any populists hero it has been simply to I ponded. Tho caso was that ot tho state ot tp, president. Tho temporary president
snub tbcni. against j. u. noyu, uhuik"! iu aiso presides in commiitoe meetings, iuouni
'When Clom DWivor was reim """" larceny, no is accuse" 01 wKing irom -ue 1 acknowlcdKcd his election wltn a lew ap
Ills position at tho dear ana numo lusuium postofflco a letter addressea to anotner J. u. rot)rato remarks,
his place was given to a democrat, anu ,,ojrJ Bm, of appropriating to bis own uao Representatives of tho Kingman Iraple
when J. H. Joues gave up ms pinco in iuu tno $35 lt contalncd. mcnt company then secured tho nttenUon
grain Inspection work to hecomo deputy Th0 caa0 wtt3 sel ror tr)ai Monday. A dozen o the council, their petition being for per-
sheriff tho governor appointed a democrat or moro wtneEscs for both sides woro there, gjon t0 build an elovatod sidewalk on
to succeed him. And, by tho way, tho pic- bt (hp cl)cf wltneBS for tho defense, tho Tpnlh treet from Farnam south, In front
turo ot (lovernor loyiucr ius ui 3 defendant's wife, was not present. As sho . thelr proposed building. A concurreu
been hung upon uu . .,' hnd been duly subpoenaed, tho Judgo issued roaolutlon wlll probably bo Introduced to-
Cooper ciun rooms, ino - a bench warrant for her, and an officer went . h, E,anUnE the request.
appearance mere m u out to servo It. umbo o amendment to the rules
S'"J 1 '.inubU cm rca Ulng that tho ,cer was unable to secure per- con8ldcred whlch wlU be discussed at
mined until tho Board of Transportation I nQncy aml lndeC(, hng llttlo jeft 8avo thrce
makes a ruling, something It cannot do alaHCH anA a ,p tuat ooka ko 15 ccnta
wnuo sucn superseueua uuuu a ruc-mx.. worti, 0f ,e(f ver.
Tho attorneys for tho railroads tnndo no ..!,- Pr.'t,i u hnntn
argument and the Judge announced that ho Rrca't proficiency. Thero was a tlmo when
wouiu renuer 111s uecwiou ui ulut , , , , ho was known ns Frank Oroves. and then
in iuo aiiernooii juutu .uuii&ci lu h. nnm ...,, nt)npar tho pltv tree.
attorneys interestoa in mo caie nmv ovcry year, but ono night ho "made
had determined upon his ruling in the mat- i,min' in i,Ih tnvnritn ir.imn anH hnnht
tcr of tho appeal and thut'ho would grnnt the cnampagno (or tho crowd. This wns tho
supersedeas asKeu lor Dy iuo auorueys 01 ,urnnlr noint In his career. Ho became n
tho company, provided they would porfect professional nnd won tho uobrlquct In which
their appeal ana nie tneir transcript wiium )10 rej0iccg(
ton days.
Under this decision there aro Interesting nAMRI IWR P.AfsFR WlPFfl flllT
11... 1 I.. . !, f rarl, n UlllllKl.iVi w , , w w ' ww
vOIUpilwVlla IU iuu uuaiiu v,....
other Nebraska railroads now beforo tho
State Hoard ot Transportation. When the
suit of tho Durlingtou was being heard on
demurrer tho attorney of tho Elkhorn road
presented a bill to tho court ot tho namo
Mnki-fi Seventeen Attempts to
Convict mill I'll I Ik In Kiiuli
I until nee.
'Monday afternoon In tho United Stntts
circuit court I'nul J. Sorg of Mlddlctown.
O., Instituted suit against the Hotel Asso
ciation of Omaha, J. B, Market & Son,
Jucob U. Mnrkul, I'ryor L. Markel and 1.
Henry Markel, Tho petition llled by the
plaintiff alleges that tho defendants leased
from the plaintiff lots G and C and tho west
one-third ot lot 7, block 103, Omaha, for
a period of nlnety-nlno years, nt an annual
rental of $ll!,000. raynble lu gold coin of
tho present fineness, lu four equal quarterly
payments; that by tho tenns of tho lease
the defendants wero to pay ull taxes, water
rates, etc., nnd agreed to keep tho premises
Inourcd In tho sum of $100,000 ln favor of
plaintiff: that upon the premises no leased
tho defendants 'built the brick building
known as the Millard hotel; that nbout IS'.itl
thero wns duo ond owing to said plaintiff
as rental on these premises tho sum of
In November, lS'.iG, nccordlng to tho peti
tion, Jacob B. Markel met the plaintiff at
the St. Nicholas hotel In St. Louis, where
ho asked that tho rent on said premiss bo
reduced, temporarily, to $10,000 a year, nnd
In consideration ot such reduction orfered to
give plaintiff demand notes for snld reduced
rent, together with short time notes for the
$20,000 then due, and further agreed that If
said notcH for tho $20,000 In default wero
not paltl during tho year 1S9S, ho would glvo
said plaintiff ti mortgage upon all of the
furnlturo In tho hotel as security for the
payment of tho amo: that in consideration
of theso Inducements tho rent who reduced
a.s requested, but nsldo from the luterest on
tho notes to September 22, 1898, no money
uas 'Seen paid upon said notes; that thero
Is now duo nnd payable upon rent necrulng
sinco tno reduction of rent tho sum of $3,333
Tlie petition further alleges that the de
fendantrf havo failed nnd refused to execute
tno promlso to glvo a chattel mortgage on
the furnlturo to sccuro the payment of the
dent, nut now threaten to removo tno latin
dry and other property now upon . said
premises, which would damage tho tejurtty
of tho plaintiff; that bocauso of tho length
or tlmo tho Iioubo hns been used ns n hotel
nnd becnuso of ifs peculiar construction, tbo
building Is of moro value as a hotel than
for nny other purpose, nnd because of Its
reputation tho security of tho nlalntlff would
suffer were it closed, the plaintiff nsks that
a receiver bo appointed to conduct tho hotel
pending tho otilt and that an Injunction bo
Issued restraining tho defendants from re
moving nny property from the promises
until tho issue can be tried and determined.
Continuing, the petition stntes that under
tho terms of the lenso given by the defend
ants, the buildings are fo become tho prop
erty of tho plaintiff should tho lenso bo
terminated at any time beforo tha expiration
of tho nlnety-.nlno yews; wherefore, the
plaintiff prays Judgmont against the defend
ants and 11 docreo enforcing bis Hen upon
tho building.
Judgo Munger Issued an alternative re
straining order returnnblo Monday. April 2.
requiring tha defendants to show came upon
Unit day why tho temporary injunction re
quested should not bo granted, nt which
tlmo It Is stated the application for tho ap
pointment of a receiver will be heard.
l'lTHOIIIllit J Of I'lllllllin.
Paul J. Sorg, who figures ns plaintiff In
tho suit, Is proprietor of ono ot tho Inrgest
tobacco manufactories ln the world, his
plant being located nt Middlcton, O. Tho
cntorprlso furnishes employment for over
1,000 men. Sorg wns elected to tho Fifty-third
congress ns a democrat at a special election
held in May, 1SS4, to fill tho unexpired term
of tho Into (Jeorge W. Houck. In November
tenitnco of a lnrge family upon him. The
rudiments of his education were obtnlncd In
tho Queen City. In the early '60s ho began
tho manufacture of tobacco In Cluclnnntt
nnd from that small beginning his present
business has grown.
Moderate Tniitlon nnil Increased
Money HupplJ" Appreciated In
lip n. k. .inhnunn of this city Is 111 re
ceipt of n letter from his brother. Corporal
W. ft. Johnson, who Ii a member of Com
pany K, Twenty-second Infantry, now in tho
Philippine Islands, lt Is dated at Cnndnba,
Luzon, P. I.. February II. The writer Is
jUo a brother of llev. James A. Johnson ot
South Omaha. He writea that ho Is lu ex
cellent health and good spirits, nomewhat
tanned nnd rough looking, but all right.
His letter contains much that Is of interest
regarding tho conditions prevailing ln
Luzon, nnd from lt tho following extracts
aro selected:
We lust one ot our ablest generals when
(lencral Lowton was killed. I served under
htm In throe campaigns hero nnd hnd loarucd
almost to love him, for ho was always look
ing for tho welfare nnd tho good of his
commnud and was utterly regardless of dan
ger to himself, lt wns through this that he
met his death.
Tho Insurrection la slowly but surely
dying out now, nnd business Is taking on Its
old form again. Tho natives havo found
Just what kind of 11 thing an American Is,
and havo como to the conclusion that ho is
a flno fellow after nil. They nearly fell dead
when thoy found that the American author
mi's only charged them (muled only) a
peseta, or 10 cents, for a credula, or tho an
nual poll tax, whereas formerly tho bpan
lards levied 11 poll tax ot $2 a year, and It
fell nllko upon tho males, sonorltns and
senorus, besides Inrgo taxes on almost any
thing they ponaoFsod. They nlso hold tho
Americans In high regard because we havo
put so much denero (money) Into circulation.
Why, when I camo hero a year ago nil tho
cash I could see wero n fow copper pieces,
ond tho people wero In rngs. Now It Is
different. They dress fairly well nnd all
hnvo a few dollnrs. You see all that kind of
lufluenco goes to put down 11 rebellion. Still
a fow bands of iiistirrectos nro scattered
around nnd attack small parties.
"I have been nil over the Island now. nnd
know lt pretty well and in my opinion lt
has unbounded resources, nnd things will
boom. I havo learned to speak the native
tongue nnd Spanish, but Chlno 1 can't 'snbe.'
"I nm saving a few dollars ns I go along
for Just, such opportunities as you offer In
letter. .Money Is no pleasure here, for nil
that is to buy aro bananas, etc., and
beno, tho nntivo drink. It has destroyed
moro soldiers, ulmcst, than bullets."
picture' roqucsteu, uouul'"8, "''"" ,r: sonal service. Tho nurso met him nt tha '" ter i0ngth at the regular meeting. Ths
11 rtirMSSz dr f 3300 venworth street and. hold- c!ed altera Son! were mostly .minor
WH is nUoPn stable act tha Governor P " Anger to enjoin quiet Informed lmim nn(1 woro all suggested by Ha,-
11 is aiso 11 uumuiu . . hini that tho stork had lust visited tho 1 .. . ,.. i,i i.. knrn,nr,.hir.
Pnvnter does not seem to stanu in nr - - ":..., v. 10 wnm"
treater favor with the democrats ot Doug- uu ." - 0f tho committee on judiciary.
SI with the member, ot bis own a fow llaya lertalnl a The mayor sent a commun
jnrty. Ho was not in especially buu - Tl
beforo his recent nomlnatlontf for tho dummy
The officer returned with his bench war-
Icatlon to tho
council announcing the death ot Mrs. J. H.
Adams, tho wife or nis private, secretary,
lUt HIV uuuiin 1 . , ... 1 1 lUU lD( nw - '
Klru and Police commission, but since the , - -;---- "V" He Ueslred tne 'ff "J''D'- "
reitlon of that board bo has especially , --- attend ino tunerai 10 w u .um imiuv"
tho Iro of tbo democrats ot all tempt. The case was continued for two ! t 2;30i Tuo councll wlll raoet at tho clty
irousei tho tro
tlamen and nil tactions
.... , ,i. !nhn n Vnlapr In 111
1 position to causo both l'oynter and the 1 1
flemocrats a whole lot 01 angutsu. iuu wm
hall and will bo present In a body.
Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Mllesburg, ra.,
says, "As a speedy euro for coughs, colds, ' Bhould follow tho fato of tho Uurlington un
goneral purport as that of tho Burlington, gambling cases was wiped from tho docket
An agreement waB then made between the of tl0 jUtic0 courts Monday, tho stato hav
attorney general and tho uttorncy ot tho lt,K iae(1 to sectiro n. conviction in every
Hlkhorn that no steps would be taken ln caac Tno arrests were mado Just beforo tho
tho caso of that road beforo tho board pend- jagt Cty election. The first fow enscu to
lng tho decision of Judgo Munger ln the bo taC(i Wero conducted with great care,
Burlington case, and that If tho Injunction tho hearings in ono or two Instances last
was granted upon tho bill of tho Uurlington ng two and three days, but toward tho last
road tho same should .bo considered to apply tney becamo tedious. Thero was a monot
to the Klkhorn. ouotis sameness In tho testimony nnd tho
Tho cases of the Omaha road and tho flnaj complaints woro dismissed without
Elkhorn road como up 'beforo tho Stato hearings.
Doard of Transportation next Thursday. Tho defendants wero South Omaha sa-
Tbeso cuses not only involvo the conditions loon keepers und tho charge ngulnst them
presented In tho Burlington case, but also was that they maintained craps and poker
Involvo the Norfolk "rate case. Attorney tables nnd slot machines ns nuxlllary to
Oenoral Smyth was asked what course ho their liquor business.
Intended to pursuo In tho matter, and re- Monday afternoon six of theso dcfondanti
piled that since Judgo Munger bad refused wero arraigned for hearing In Justlco Craw-
to grant the Injunction he would press tho ford's court, uodlo llcdroan and John Car
case against tho Omaha and Klkhorn roads low wcro tried and acquitted. In the caso
before tho board, and that tbo rates would of John Jackson, tho testimony of tho slate
no doubt be promulgated in those cases wis Introduced and thon, upon motion of
woro they shown to bo reasonable. Some his attorney, he was discharged. The cases
attorneys bellevo that under tho ngrcomant ngnlnst O'Nell & Mulcahey and Chrjst Marko-
tho cases of tho two roads 'beforo tho board son wero dismissed upon motion of the
I of tho same year Mr. Sorg enjoyed tho dls-
Tho last of tho seventeen South Omaha j tlnctlon of being ono of the two democratic
representatives from Ohio, being clcted to
the Fifty-fourth congress by a plurality of
only 202 votes In n district containing 50,000
Sorg was born in Wheeling, W. Vn., Sep
tctnber 23, 1810. Ills parents originally camo
from Kuhr HoshcsIii, Germany, in 1830, and
ln 1832 removed to Cincinnati, where young
Sorg apprenticed himself -to a. moldcr. Tho
early death of his father shifted tno main
Wlint'i dnr Fner: Worth r
Sometimes n fortune, hut never, If you
hove a sallow complexion, it jaundiced look,
moth patches and blothes on tho skin, nil
signs of, liver trouble, nut Dr. King's Now
Life Pills give e'enr skin, rosy cneolts, rich
complexion. Only 25 conts nt Kuhn & Co.'s
drug Store.
is defined by Webster ns the act of
nioistcniiiK and rubbing tlie diseased
or affected part with some oily liquid.
answers every requirement of a per
fect medium for eiiibiocation, in that
it is smooth and penetrating.
For cold in the chest or stiff neck,
for pains in the back, abdomen or
limbs, there is nothing so effective or
so immediate in its results as
McLean's Volcanic Oil Linimhnt
gently but persistently rubbed into the
affected part.
Stubborn cases of every variety of
aches and pains, inflammations and
irritations which have defied internal
medication have yielded iiuickly to
this external treatment which reaches
the sent of the disease directly by ab
sorption, and dispels pain by counter
irritation, Prcparcil only by Tho Dr. J. H. McLean
Medicine Co., St, Loult, Mo.
romcraber that before tho recent populist iteccnt Aiitl-Clunrctte Order InhiiciI by cr0up and soro throat Ono Minute Cough der the supersedeas bond, which restrains tho
convention spilt ho was given tho power tot -Wenther Ilurenu Kinds No euro Is unequaled. It li pleasant for chll- (action of tbo board until tho caeo Is do-
lelect delegates to tha populist stato conven- I'ners Here. dren to taKe. 1 nearuiy recommend 11 to termned In the court of appeals.
lion In this nctlon both tho mianie-ot-tne- . mothers." it is me oniy narmiess remeay
Hr. fuslonists participated, That "Say. Mr. Welsh, that order from the chief ,hat produces immediate results. It cures COUNTY
leaven Yelser In pcsltlon tq go to either or office abolishing tho uao of cigarettes Is tho bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and
county attorney,
lung diseases It will prevent consumption.
An 11011 nceine nt".
Every feature on this week'a Orpheum bill
Is far above the average. It Is pronounced
a superior program In every respect. A
in. sntnr.inv l,v ChlRf Moore of thn Weather matlneo will 'bo given tomorrow. At the
- : - .1 ..
hnih mentions with, his delegation Should talk of tho town."
he go to tho fusion convention with 103 dele- "Well, Caesar, we need not worry about
tateo Irrevocably bound to him. as ho will If it, nu It doesn't affect us in any way hero,"
bo so desires, It would ha strango If ho can- responded Forecaster Welbh of tho United
nn r.wio ihim nround to set a nomination States weather bureau at Omaha.
out of it as against a man so unpopular as They wero talking about the order Issued
, i t, .,.. m ih. mllilln-nf-the-I Inct Snturdnv hv Chief Moore of tho Weather
road convention ho will doubtless have no bueroau of tho Agricultural department, lu matlnco on Saturday every lady and gentle
...i.,n. nnminniinn for cov. I uihirh hn fnrhlds tho uao of clcarettes by em- man nttondlng wlll bo presented with 1
ernor It would bo of no avail for Yelser to pioyes of tho bureau during offlco hours and finely colored picture ot Knthryn Osterman.
secure the nomination from tho fusion popu- requests tho chief officers of all stations to tho charming comedienne. The following
lists for tho democrats would never en- report to tho central office the nnmea of all amateurs wlll take part In the amateur en-
dorso him. They claim that ho Is too radl- persons In the employ of their station using tertalnmcnt l rlday evening: W. L. Corn-
" .1. .!.. i i.i miee riritM nt nnv time. well, the Kzra Kendall of Omaha; Bessie
, ... ,w, .hih mimnr mint No." continued Mr. Welsh, "that order Oassaway, child artist; Frank Cooper,
bo Placed for victory. Should he, 011 the does not affect tho Omaha office, as not ono Omaha's strong man; James Warren, eccen-
other hand, receive tho nomination from tho ot the men here la addicted to tho clga- trio comedian; William Nelson, parody
mlddle-of-the-roaders he can prevent Poyn- rotto hnblt. I am not surprised at the rule, singer; Bell sisters, coon specialties; Phil
iMiir. . .iivi.iincr h nnmiihkt vote, linwftver. for from my uersonal experience and Lillian Grayson, In a one-act comedy;
especially in Douglas county. It ueems to mo at many of tho offices In tho southern states Prof. Leo, trick skater; Paulino and Irene
'"-v' . ... .. . I .. ' , . ., t... .1.- , 11 I Wo.lrhr "ennn aholltont nml hllplr n.inn.
that Yelser is in a position wnicn entuiei ino uervicn i criiiuvu vj iuo nwiuiui .,.......-..
him to consideration at tho hands of the fu- nppetlte of certain cierKs tor cigareiics. uut, er. "i""
.tn.ilut. " really, I cannot see why tho matter should
have been mado public, Tho clgarotte habit "Other People's Money" in tho name of a
Peter Cooper will again resound Tuesday is no worse with us than with some of the new legitimate comedy that wlll be presented Fair and Jockens, to Judge Munger for his
evening with tho thundorouu and belligerent others, but then, I suppose we aro harder to at Boyd's tonight for two nights and a mat- . signature Attorney General Smyth was
eloquence of the contending faetlons of popu- govern." 1 Inco Wednesday. Hennessey Lcroyle, a present and filed the usual formal exceptions
limn that comnrlio Its membership. It wlll young comedian ot excellent reputation ' to the Judgment of tbo court. Asked
h htti hetween the ofUceboldlng fusion-1 'Millions drink Cook's Imperial Dry Cham- throughout tho cast, will be seen in the I whether bo would appeal the case, he replied
tsts, under the leadership of Elmer B. pagne every year and the number aro rolling 1 leading role. He Is surrounded, It le said, that at present he could not say, as ho
tvouiu dc gumca entirely oy me uecision oi
lll.l MIKHS.
Uefentlnnt Churned Mltli Iltiruliiry
tious Free on n Technicality.
Frauk Davidson was beforo Judgo Baker
yesterday to stand trial on tho chargo ot
burglary. He Is now free, ihavlng ullpped
through a loopholo loft by tho county at
torney. Davidson was charged with burg
larizing a warehouse in South Omaha. He
was arrested In tbo bouse. It looked like a
clear case ngalnBt him, but tho county at
torney neglected to lntroduco testimony
showing that the warehouso contained prop'
erty ot value, and on this ground tha at
torneys for tho defendant filed a motion to
take tho case nway from the Jury, which
means acquittal. Tho motion prevailed and
Davidson wan set freo so suddenly that he
was greatly surprised. Tho Incident leading
to tho chargo of burglary occurred on tho
night ot January 16.
Today Drex L. Shooman
Culls your iittuntlon to tho advance
din nl of KprhiK in IiIh inen'H new 1JKX)
?:i.iV) shoes. All the new nnd doslrublo
sliiiiloM of Inn In the new tnes-broml.
lint Holes that lilvo such comfort in
wnlkhii;. Wo havo pioduced thin your
11 better kIioc for tho money tliiin wo
ever huvo lioforn it hns ever been Unit
wny with thlH Htore better every year
never koIhr buck. Wo wlll be Kind to
show these new nrrlvnls un If you
deelde ( buy wlll glvo you a lit mich
us 11 shoo Htore like ours alone en 11 give.
Drexel Shoe Co.,
MBfca'a Vt-at aha i
C'une of Fnlr nnil Jockens,
When tho deputy United States district
nttornov an Mondav afternoon nreaented
the order for tbo discharge of the soldiers, ios Aiigeics, v-i
of California the good padres woro
nsilstcd by Nuttiro's uncivilized rsce
tho Indians - thon sturdy of form ami
strom; ot limb, duo to tliolr knowledge nnd
uso of oxtritots from roots und herbs Unit
proventod and cured Urlo Acid Poisoning.
Tholrforinulnsani used In SAN CURO nnd
Cur far Rheumatism, Kidney, Bladder anil
all Uric Acid Troubles,
Ask tho Druggist for
California's Mission Remedies
Ili-n 11 1 1 fill 1 v llliutrntod hfiok mulled freo
on application to Han Cuuo Mkdioai,, Co.,
Thomas, Victor Wilson, U J. qulnby and up with ruso.
hy a, caat ot clever tarceux
Cala Cactus Liniment
Acts with llglituinif Hjieod in
reducing all Inflammation.
Look at This List-
of IiIkIi Krudo fitnniliird plunoH overy
Insti'iinieiit deim, dry nnd perfect Unit
wo iuu closing out nt UiIh f?reut niter-
uilon Hiile they Inelude, tho Htifliiwny
Klmlmll -ICnulie Ki'iuileh a Ilueli
Ilnllot k Duvls Honpo und ninny other
well known und reliuhln lUHtrtiiueiitH tit
?:i''7 ?:H8 $308 on terniH that nro 11
HurprlKu to piano buyers und Unit huvo
never been eauulled.
OiytuiH t;o ut $10, $11!, $27, $'JS,
S.'l-' nnd .f:i., on termB iih cuhj iih $2 cash
nnd ?1 to $:i per month. Now orguim uh
low iih $11) 011 $1 piiymeiitH.
Music and Art 1613 OoukIii.