TIT 13 OMATTA DAILY BEE: TCJESDAV, MATtCIT 27, 1000. IRRIGATION AND INDIAN CORN Themei that Will B Diiciswd bj Experts Before tho Commsrcial Olub. GOOD WORK OF MR. "CORNMEAL" MURPHY )Has Mario Corn Popular In l'uroir Tradition of Hip Orlnln of TliU I'oocl Product Till U liy Mm Uv,( well, (lip f rrluiitlonlnt. Ham Coburn. $S, D. M Vlnsonhaler, IS: T. H. Crocker, 110, Joe t'row. 15, Krt NorMi, 12: W 8. Hummers. 110; Dr. Spalding. Z; Dr. Italph. IIS: John Hnrker, ISi Jnmes Allen. 150. K lloscwntor, IJ'O, J. B. Hnutx, 75 cents, Chnrles Singer. IS, T. I.. Mat thew, 15: F C. Bhurlg. 120: A. I., Shaffer. 110, Oeorge H Thummcll. IS, Churles W. I'eurKHll, IS, Jiitnes Gilbert, 110; George .Mitchell, IS. HONOR MEMORY OF THE DEAD I'linrrnl of lli-njnmlii flnllnKhrr Held nt St. Peter's Church. Funernl ncrvlccB over tho remains of the late Ilcnjamln Gallagher wero held at St, I'oler' f'alhnlln rhllrr-h vesterdav. The This evening the Commercial club will sanctuary was filled with relatives and hold one of Its whilom popular monthly friends of the deceased. Tho service was ocial meetings, which will take place th0 impressive solemn high mass, rendered HrVJU .. h' '? beginning 81 ":30, Two " entirety. Hev. Father J. B. Kngllsb. t . , SZ, ll VJCKC.nt ,0 d"" P"r of St. Peter's church, was tho ccle- 1U" w.aiier'of inTat V h0 club anJ lu brant; Hev. l. McCarthy, the deacon; Iter. .i I ii t r '. . KC MaX" A. Judge, subdeacon, and llcv. S. Carroll, 7. tlnnSl Ll.ii T8t .,faC,0rS. l"0 of ceremonies fflhD.",M,L'.V"n - r...t,le r?c,?ma,lo!l Tho services began promptly nt 9 o'clock 7;,.;;mm .' ;. l"ruuK" nnd It was 11 o'clock when thei funeral ;V'T.. Thii rthpr up i . nl . , cortpK" proceeded ftom tho church to tho Ehv. w?on ,llCJrL.tr.C:1; Holy Sepulchre cemetery. hero Interment been abroad In the nrni.niinn nt ih ni WBM mane. h u j ..".. .. . A special fnature of tho ceremony was the neonTn VZT'' the music. Tho choir of St. Peter's church of Indian corn as a wbolmome chr. , and WM uMei 1,y ,lltmbc ,rom lh cholr sustaining food for tho toUIng poSr of of SL Jnhn'' anJ lhe mmle ",C!'lcn! ! ? that counlr. ii.. h, ,i. ,,v.. ... obscrvnnco of the mafs was rendered In dc- Impress unon tho rlrW -I..... n, tall. Tho organists were I'rofs. Schenk of rulncss of corn productH In tho preparation st' John' cliurcl1 an(1 ,,rovosl of st- I'ctor' of many delicious dish fnr ti... int.i... f Kcaturcs of tho instrumental program wen wealth. This ho has done by means of tno se,'l"'1 Ihn 1'hllharmonlc quartet, lectures, tho encouragement of experiments wnlch B1,nK "I-ail. Kindly Light." and the in restaurants nnd cooking schools, tho uso renumon py a uoumo quartet or tno sons, or tho public prints In exploiting tho vlr- ". Pirn. esi. in tne latter Jirs tuw of cornbread nnd kindred nrnducts A. F. H(thgo unng the soprano solo. and "by discussion of his favorite themo In Father Bngllsh delivered tho funeral tho food Journals of Kuropeati Countries. ! panegyric. "The memory ot the superior In moat of tho largo cities of Kuronc ho lnu qualities and tho good deeds accomplished at times interested local agents In the dls- i b' tho decosiswl." he nald, "tempers our trlbutlon nnd sale of cow products nnd corn wretchedness In his loss. It is Indeed sad moaa, nnd has gained tho world-wide pseu donym of "Cornmeal Murphy." In a lecturo dcllve'rd before the Na tional Agricultural society at tho Interna to contddpr that we will see hltn no more, except In our droams. As tho realizing senso that ho has gone comcii over our hearts I, .... I ...... - .... .. .. 1 .. tl... ... t ........ V. 1 V.n I lb Mil' ua un null').. ill,, iiunvitiuiu Ltii.i. THREE WITNESSES ARE MUM Offioen of tbs Defunct Mutual Hill Alio- elation Stand Together. submitted and uncovered the bid of T. K. Price, 2S64 Ohio street. Price offered to take ten shares, tho sum ot his purchase amounting to 1500. Ills offer will not be accepted pending action of the council, as tho proposed pop ular Iffluo was too palpably a failure. Tha council will probably authorlzo tho treasurer to consider tho bids ot outside Investors In REFUSE TO TESTIFY AGMNST HILUKER larger amounts, ns a number of Inquiries from such persons have already been re ceived. The failure of tho popular subscriptions was duo to the small Interest rate pffered, 3i per cent. To .tniitrr Cliientlonit MIkIiI 31 on it I n -1'rlmlnRtlon of Tlirmirl vrs, Tlio Sh) I'roKPcntloii Is In .11 Ilnril I,lnr, In the prosecution of F. H, Hllllker on a chargo of embezzlement County Attorney Shields Is encountering In the police court some unusual obstacles. lie openly uccucos tho defenso ot having run witnesses out of tho state, but Monday afternoon ncvcral of such wltneesrM ns he had been able to bo SOUTH OMAHA NEWS, j Considerable Interest seems to be taken by voters In tho selection of members of the Hoard of Kducatlon. Tho republican candidates A. 1. l.ott, A. V. Miller and rrn r.r.i.xi ..ni.,t i.inni tn ip.tifr. Thn fow Theodore Schroder aro making a personal who consented to answer question, touched "'" l'v"', .i , ,-ii l,,, I tuiiBinurniioii ill un piiria i me cuy. """ "' i'" " t ...... l., . . nu .oprntnrw nt tho. flra In flrnw. " uui anuiw ui ero' Mutual Hail asmclatlon, which recrntly went Into the hands of a receiver nnd baa tho change In the election laws regarding tho qualification ot voters In connection with School board matters, and for the gen ? ?h Th ,T tit nrln1r rR m' crjl '"formation of the public a section of joint y with P. . Miller, president; ('. M. ,ho FW Uw b(J ,e(I UnJpr U)(, Harris, vice prteldent. and C 0. White. hca(, ot ..QtmUncaton of Voters," section 4. treasurer, with embezzling 19,000 belonging ,,afic ,59( N,braska eccton laws, In forco to the slockholdors. Tho action against Juy 18n9 la foun(1 tno following: Hllllker Is In the nnture of a test case, ns "Kvery person, male or female, who has the evidence against him Is tho same as re8ded In tho district forty days, and Is that against each of tho other ex-offlcern. nt yoRra o(l nnJ wno owng r,a, propcrty 0r Mlllor, Harris and White wcro called to personal property that wns assessed lu tho the stand, tho purposo being to have them district In his or her name at tho last an- testlfy against their former associate, Hll- nuai assessment, or who has children of Ilker, but they refused to answer questions school ago residing In the district, shall bo upon tho ground thnt tholr testimony might entitled to voto at any district meeting or bo used against themselves. school election held In any district, villago James W. Sclden, assistant nttorney for or city, provided that all electors nt school tho association under tho former manage- elections held In cities whero registration mont. Identified several checks ns having of voters is required shall comply with tho been drawn by the defendant. Alfred M. provisions of such registration law beforo llagg, asslstnnt bookkeeper, testified that they shall bo entitled to vote. Women may he was not familiar with tho handwriting vote and hold ofllce In tho school district." of tho defendant. Within tho last few days quite a number Attorney John H. Ilrown of Wakefield ol propio nave canea ai mo oiuco of tno tlonal Congross of Millers, held In Paris, loneliness thnt com s from tho grieving fo- ? books of the association gtZ1 Franco, August 1880 Colonel Murphy spoko i loved ones gone. Vet In our sadness como -d y. Z thntVhey mUt mbe o of tho origin of maize, or Indian corn, as I the Injunction that wo lift up our hurt. the wmmt of 18.000 a.uv ually o theom- tho I)oanl of Kl,ucatlon Rt th8 com, oec. follows OrlKln of Inillnn Corn. "This wonderful product, which has con ferred such substantial benefits on the world, strango to say, is of unknown origin -wrapped In mystery, or at least not defi nitely fixed, A learned nutbor, after much thought nnd Investigation, concluded with tho expression: 'I.lko that of wheat nnd liarley, Its origin Is lost In tho twilight of antiquity.' "It was first cultivated In the United Elates by tho Bngllsh, on the James river, Virginia, In 108, tho seed of which was obtained from tho Indians, who claimed to foo the originators or first discoverers ot tho plant receiving It direct from the hands of the Creator. Schoolcrnft gives tholr mytho logical history of it: "A young man went out into the woods to fast, nt thnt period of llfo when youth Is exchanged tor 'manhood. He built a lodge of boughs In a secluded plnco nnd pnlntod his face a sombre hue. I)y dny ho nmuscd himself In walking nbout, looking nt the various shrubs nnd wild plants, and at night layedown In his bower, through which, being open, ho could look up Into tho sky. Ho sought a gift from tho Master of Life, nnd tie hoped It would be something to benefit his raco. On the third day he became too weak to leave tho lodge, and ns he lay gazing upwards be saw a spirit como down In tho nhapo of a beautiful young nnn, dressed In green and having green plumes on his head, who told him to nrlBe nnd wrestle with him, na this wns the only way In which ho could obtain his wishes, Ho did so, and found his strength renewed by tho effort. WrmtlliiK Mritt-li. "The visit nnd tho trlnl of wrestling were repeated for four days, the youth feeling at each trial that, nlthough his bodily strength declined, a moral nnd supernatural energy was Imparted, which promlsoj him tho final victory. On tho third day his celes tial visitor spoko to him. 'Tomorrow, said he, 'will bo tho seventh day of your fast, nnd tho Inst time I shall wrestle with you You will triumph over mo nnd gain your wishes. As soon as you have thrown me down, strip off my clothes nnd bury me on tho spot In soft, fresh enrth. When you have donp this leave me, but como occasion ally to visit tho placo to keep tho weers from growing. Onco or twice cover no with fresh earth.' He then departed, but re turned the next dny, nnd as he predicted, was thrown down. Tho young mnn punc tually obeyed his Instructions In every par ticular and soon had tho pleasure ot seeing tho green plumes of his sky visitor shooting tip trora tho ground. Ho carefully weeded tho earth, und kept It trcsh and soft, and In due tlmo wns gratlfleTI by beholding the maturod plant, bending with Its golden fruit nnd gracefully waving its green leaves and yellow tassels lu tho wind. He then Invited his parents to the spot to behold the now plant. 'It is Mondamtn,' replied his father; 'It Is tho Spirit's grain.' They Immediately prepared a feast nnd Invited their friends to partako of It, and thus originated Indian corn. .... v .... , , .i.i, u , ,. i uuiiui vi MucmiDU ui uio coming nnd tho comforting assertion thnt out ot ' T" .n n "n- Y Treasurer Ilroadwell wns not our despair wo see the life. No human power 12.000 Mr. Brown said he had between 300 nuthorUy , thn can mako us feel reconciled In the death of 0 oUcnis, stockholders of tho nssocl- premses m, g0 he ln(llte(1 tho followlng a Iovtd one. Thero Is only ono power that ". 4...,....k ictter to City Attorney Montgomery: P'ln Trinnl llln hrnbntt lipurl nnil lift hl null I airiCIlSmeniS. I l nfl omilf.h na n f n tr nnnnln nlalmlnn p.. nt ,lnlh ulnno. ran Mmlnrl nllr innrll JOITICS H. TatO, paying teller Of tho Com- I ,,, , c,l, nmnh, ot,, U .l. nnd minister to our fouls. mendal National, bank, Identified sovcral 8CS8or fae(1 , as)CM) havo mnJe npplca. "Whnn innrliP!) hv anrrnw wo r.in km the personal checks drawn oy tluliKCr upon mo tl , lh rrarpr'H mnco to havn their beautiful designs of God tho better. When tunas or tne association tmhcu were ou ne- namc9 placed on tho tax book for tho touched by sorrows our natures nrc xslt in tno banK. purpose of paying personal taxes, we would chastened. Then we aro enabled to sec Tno hearing will bo resumed this morn- i0 nn opinion from tho legal department through our tears, like lenses, the lovely lnK .t 1 1 1 ! I r ii n nf ,1,n n,nr.t .,,.t,a n.t ..Inlnn I Is clearer nnd we sen tho vanities of tho IMttllNb Ul" WUIYIAN O OLUD world nnd recognize that nothing endures but tho eternal. God ulono Is good anrt DPiinrtnirnt of Nnclnl Sclcncr Ills lovrly. Wo see Him Inflnlto In Ills perfec tionInfinitely wise, Infinitely good. 'I am tho resurrection nnd tho life. He that be- leves In Me, even though he be dead, Thn dennrtment of social sclcnco f tho held or owned on April 1 In tho year for ... ..... . ..... . .....v., r . ... . , , . . . 1 lives.' Let us wipe the tears away and sen Woman's club Is devoting Itself this year ..ii;u um pf. , . ....m. iu u tho love of God. Wo know that He would to the study of social Institutions, with spe- In my opinion tho city treasurer has no ,n ni .hiM,.. in.., .i..m c j refereneo to local condition!), and nav- rigi i" " or 1'iiicu u vuiuuuou un iiiup- ....... ,,c ul'l . ... . . . ... . ... ... ,!.. .i tr n, .,i,,,tl not begrudgo Him thnt Joy. '"S reacnea tno topic oi i no ruonc scnoor """ vu"lu "Tho docease.1 Is out of all suffering and " '"vlted tho teachers of the city to a con- wo eor. i no , . a- maie. ii mo a- nil pnln. Ho has entered upon tho true "renco wmcn wns ncm on aionuay. j fb. .u , "'.-': , in,ii.,w,..r. 3 llfo for which this Ufa Is but the nrpn- Harriet u. Jioiier reau a paper enxuieu , w aratlon" The sneaker told of his lonr ac- "The Public School: tho Theory of Its Ex- I tninK it win do wen lor mo ircasurcr qua Intnnco with Mr Oillagher emending the Tendency of Its Progress." to take a list of tho names and places of over twenty year II. k of b n Mre. Heller regnrds tho present tendencies residence of persons naklng application at ZlSrfiXlU,"'3. VilZy- in the public school as dangerous for the the treasuror's ofTlce to have their names :"0,.raH..ftmf.r:; mX"r;?:, nZEsUZS: too to meet ot paying personal' taxes, and hand the same rjtiKiian, ucvuini iu tun ii luiius mill lur ui i . - . ...... nm.k. i .fm etnin ni vaIipmb!.. a i ... t he ncedB of peculiar classes and indl. over to tho assessor so that their propcrty thing intended for the betterment or ad- vlduals. IT,, Tu'I i. . .i i... . S.nH Th .ptinnl with A 'hilrl tnnrnl nt. the time provided by law. vanceineni oi mu tuy ur uiu BiHie huh wiiu .,,, , ,u ,, ..in mospnero is a nowed oi social cvhb nna i ' """") hniiM hn rndirntPiJ n n nnhiln nnisancp. prevent any persons from listing their per- Third Tho general method tends to do- sonai property ai wis umo. an moso ii velop drudges, rather than men of strong now apply at tho treasurer's office for such controlled powers. a privuego arc smm h topy m mu i- T.-niirthThBrn Is nn narltv hptwpen head torney s opinion nnu weir names are uiKen wltn a view to turning wo same over iu tho assessor when tho proper time comes Cniiillilnto Krlly TnlUs. In speaking of , municipal affairs yestcr- ?lty CampnlKii i:ppimp. Trpasurer Charles K. MorKnn of the re iiubllcan city committee has filed with tho city clerk his statement of expenditures In tho recont campaign, showing tho con tribution nnd expendlturo of 2,151.ti2. Among tho contributors to tho funds of tho com mittee wcro tno roiiowing imuviuunis: w J. Council, 135; G, W. Thompson, 150; Wll oiiairn tlio (lupiitlon of the I'ulillc .School". of the city as to the right of tho treasurer to now so assess." In reply tho city attorney says: "Section 6 of tho revenuo act provides that personal propcrty shill be listed be tween tho 1st day of April nnd tho 1st day of June of ench year, when required by tho assessor, with refcrenco to the quantity ready response on his part. Ho was thor oughly wrapped up tn his home. In his charitable work ho was quiet and unosten tatious, but no deserving pica was ever un heeded nnd he heenme known as 'Dig- Hearted lien Gallagher.' " The remains of Mr. Gallagher reposed In and hand work, between impression ana cx- ono of the handsomest caskets obtainable, presslon. This was profusely covered with beautiful Fifth Wo tend to eliminate the teacher floral designs and flowers wore scattered and her personal influence. In tho vestibule of the church. Thcso offer Ings came from tho near friends of tho do ceased and some of the moro elaborate ones nero contributed by tho employes of Pax ton & Gallagher. Tho honorary pallbearers were: W. A Pnxton, C. H. Pickens, n. F. "Weaver, J. A. Sixth The tendency Is to turn the child ,ay a. It. Kelly, republican candidate for over to the school; tnat is, to tne state. mavor. said: She suggests In remedy: An effort on the part of the chief ex FlrBt Special committees of Investigation, ecutlvo of tho city and other city officials vacation schools and special schools for (0 interest corporations in thn employment rofractory pupils. - 0f local labor will, In my opinion, tend to Second Tho best of supervision and the 1 improve our commercial and financial condl Crclghton and C. B. Johannes. The active Intelligent co-operation ot parents. tlon. A large proportion of packing house pallbearers were: O. C. Williams, B. S. Third reconstruction of methods In prl- laborers reside In Omaha and tho money Strceter. It. E. Wlnkleman, J. E. Hunter, raary grodes, making Instruction less for- earned hero Is spent nlraost entirely there F. F. Turner. H. O. Fredericks, P. Cava- mal and giving a chance for tho development if preference was given to local labor it naugh and It. K. Downey. of the emotions. would only bo n question of tlmo when a Fourth Tho training of tbo hand to ex- creator part of thoso living In Omaha would r-ur-iiikinlo riiTrnTiiiitiPHTC press the creations of the mind. seek homes among us. With such a con- CVCmilU O til I tn I rllnlTlr.il I O I Fifth Shorter hours and fewer pupils, to uiiion our assessed valuation would In tho end that tho teacher may be first nnd creaso proportionately, as would nlso the tench nftorwnrd. business of our merchants. Tho commer Sixth Subvert the socialistic tendency In cjai ciUb can, I think, through an employ education by greater parental responsl- mPt committee, assist materially In bring ToiiIpk of 'Intercut to tlir Xrgro Are DIxciMnril nt African Methodist The Sarsaparilta (hat's used by Chinese and Hindu; in the bushes of Aus tralia and the wilds of South America; the Sarsaparilla that braces British and Boer, and gives strength to French and German, Russian and Turk, That's AYER'S The Sarsaparilla that has more than twenty pages of doctors' indorsements, extending over nearly sixty years, embracing every known disease which arises from impure blood; that's made on honor and made to cure, That's AYER5 The Sarsaparilla that's made of carefully selected drugs, the best and purest and most expensive from the world over that's made of a sarsaparilla root costing more than ten times as much as that which enters into the composition of any other Sarsaparilla, That's AYERS The Sarsaparilla manufactured by modern methods evolved from half a cen tury of practical experience; that's made so carefully that every bottle is put up as if it were an individual prescription, and to whose laboratory any phy sician, any druggist, any pharmacist is cordially invited and welcomed, s AYER'S Ayer's Sarsaparilla brings exhilaration to the tired body and hope to all who are exhausted, depressed, discouraged. It removes all impurities from the blood, impurities which irritate the brain and nerves, and cause countless aches and pains. You can afford to trust a Sarsaparilla that has been trusted for over half a century, That's AYER5 HI paired last summer nt a cost to tho city ot $1,600, but tho heavy t radio soon weals away the thin surface of asphalt, leaving tho con oreto ba.?o exposed. It has ibeen proponed by tho city engineer nnd others that the city entrr into a contract with some pav ing company to keep tho street In repair for a term of years at a certain sum per cubic yard. This plan, it Is understood, Is In forco in Omaha and Is moetlifg with entire satis faction. Hy doing this It Is thought that tho pavement can bo kept In flret-clnss shape for about $1,000 a year. KiilHooiinl Church bllltv. inir nhnut this result. In connection with street viaduct a ,i on..i.i.,mSni ciu..n Mnrwi.v nii-ht oi I Miss Margaret McCarthy spoke briefly or this I dps r to emphasize tho importance , jhiucm jtucimmui, St. John's African Methodist Episcopal tno "Kieais or mo i-udiic ocnooi. mo o( n co-operatlon or tne ciiy omcinis wmi ItiiKlc City (iotslp. Remember Snturday us a day of regis tration. Republicans aro being urged to voto the strulrht ticket on election ility. Grading contractors nrc busy In all parts of tho city nt the present time. Mrs. David Garrett, who lias been 111 with the grip, Is reported some better. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gusao. Twenty-eighth and H streets, report the birth of a daugh ter. Mnstor J. Gwynn Fowler Is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. S. O. Fowler, at Mil ford. Mrs. J. A. Johnson Is still detulneil nt Des Moines by the serious illness of her mother. Tho 1'nlon Stock Ynrds comnnny Is mak ing somo repairs to the llourlng of the I, church under tho auspices ot ono of tho child should learn nt least three lessons In th0 Commercial club In an effort to establish classes was well attended. Various topics 's puouc scnooi career; mui ni nguis euu a thoroughraro east to we mirnugiou hum. of Interest to tho nesro race wero profitably whero thoso of others begin; that a man Ai60 to assist tho Union Pacific Kallroan dlreussed J C Parker president of the born n,Sn ln tho social scalo may havo the company In reasonable requests for addl- rinaa ,imi,ii ' ' Instincts of a boor, while a man of his so- tom,i trackago nnd to support the club In HUBS, priSIUltl. .,l.l 1 , l, .,.lnn.n . !, ... ,! In,. Edward Uosewater mado tho opening ad- u"u " - "" "j air enons iur muuaiwa. dress, giving reminiscences of slavery times " p ,u ""1 1 ' provements. In tho south and then talking on civil gov- d,' participated In by . Ier HrW InUL.... eminent. , n.i,i. .. Tn annnklni- of tho government s efforts paylns: tellpr nt tho bank, uiinounces tlio Mrs. Pugh read nn Interesting and In- Mflg Koo8 Msg Lew,H Mls8 Cooper MUs toward an improvement In tho breeds of live structlve paper on domestic economy, the utUeflpl(li Mrs Marshall, Miss Falrbrothcr. stock held by the Indians Major Ash, agent sclenco of correct homo-maklng and house- Mr(1 Damon aml MrSi Andrews. It was of the Lower nruleii, said a few daya ago: keeping, which was much npproctnted by cloged by super,,tendcnt Pearse. "A marked change Ih already apparent and tho nudlrnce. a cl03e supervision Is kept by the officials in Hev. Georgo A. Woodboy followed with n nflON! ID ICCIIC c k Vkl IIDC chareo of tho reservation and tho outlook la nrly lecture on "Tho Nogro In Ancient ' " " n,uu,,k' fnP hloher erades of 1 Small Investors Shun I'nvInK Ho ml IlnrKnlnn OwIiik tn Siiinll Inter rt Attnctieil Tlu-rrto. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES lrfii 'ZSi, H,IUMI v ormj AKitrkrriV scholarly Itxturo on "Tho Nogro History." He dwelt at length on tho racial characteristics and discredited the Idea ad vanccd by somo scientists that these were the result of long exposure to cllmato. It was pmin 10 mm mai co.or was noi a prou- As antclpated the popular Issue of bonds ui-i ui uiu m... ii. huh ii u vtc.i. I J n denominations of $50 has proved nn un maker of bibles ho would preaent tho orlg- mmilfied failure. In accordance with ad inai parents, Aiam aim r.ve. in coior as vertlsements, bids were opened at 3 o'clock black ns tho shades of midnight. It was the Mondnv afternoon for the salo of 12S.O0O In speaker's purposo to show that many of tho pavlng bonds authorized by the election of ancient peoples wero negrooj, especially tne Xovcmber, 1S98. At tho stroke of the Cbaldeana, Egyptians. Ethiopians, early cock Chief Clerk Fead of the treasurer's Cnnaanltes and tho makers of tho first Car- ofllco broke tho seal of tho only envelope thagenlnn republic. Tho reverend gentle man produced n very Ingenious argument to support this assertion and sustained many of the points by quotations from tho early historians. Tho lecture sparkled with wit and humor. Itcv. J. C. C. Owens, pastor of the church, made a few appropriate doling remarks. A FEW FACTS ARRAIGNMENT OF O'CONNOR IMrnilM Not Guilty to thn t'lmritc At Icinpf inu to llrlhc .IiiiIko .SriKt. of John J. O'Connor, charged with bribery, was arraigned In police court yesterday. Ho pleaded not guilty, and his case was Bet for hearing next Friday at 2 o'clock. He was released on his own recognizance. O'Connor Is accused of oltprlng Judge C. It, Scott $5,000 three years ago In considera tion of his making rcrtnlu concessions In 1 tho will case of Mary Shelby against her uncle, John A. Crelgblon. County Attorney Shields was present this morning to conduct the prosecution. He read the complaint to O'Connor, and then notified Judge Gordon that he (Shields) pro- Ahout the Xcir Cntnrrh Cure. Tho new Catarrh Cure is n new departuro In so called catarrh cures, becauas It actually cures, and Is not simply a tem porary relief. Tbo new Catarrh Cure Is not n salve, oint ment, powder or liquid, but a pleasant tasting tablet containing tho best tpeclflo for catarrh In a concentrated, convenient form. The old stylo of catarrh salves and oint ments are greasy, dirty and inconvenient nt tho best; tbo new preparation being In tnb let form. Is always clean and convenient. The now Catarrh Cure Is superior to Catarrh powders because It is a notorious fact that many Catarrh powders contain cocaluo. Tho new Catarrh Curo Is called Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, a wholetome combination of blood root, beachwood tar, gunlcol and other antiseptics, and cures by Its action upon tbo blood and mucous membrane, the only rational treatment for catarrhal trou ble. You do not havo to draw upon your loiag OU? THE GENUINE - MH'fO Oy ui?rniaTgyrvf(2. . . . . 1 nrteiiA In Hlmnlsa na tn thn Inat rntint In thn I lO PERMANENTl compialnt. which alleges attempted bribery. ! inatlon to' discover whether you nre getting as the statute ot limitations would operate peneni irom oiusri s uaiarrn raniets; im- against It. No ofllclal action will be taken . proverasnu and relief aro apparent from in this respect, however, until Friday. An attorney named W. D. Heckett, who. was counsel ror Mrs, HnelDy in the will promising for higher grades of horses and cnttlo 'bred on the reservation ln the fu ture. Stock of tho scrub variety has been disposed of and tho Indiana aro now so- curing well-bred animals." Hcferring to tho method of living 'Major Ash said that tho Indians under his chargo were taking up with tho whlto man's way of living and a great many now rosldo In houses erected by tbo government. Every two weeks ra tions of meat, flour and clothing aro Issued, so that thero was little left for nu charges to do but eat, sleep and hunt. They are rapidly becoming civilized. Snitnr Ileet Culture. Secretary Watklns of tho Commercial club say3 that tho mass meeting to bo held Wednesday afternoon promises to be a great success.' Farmers In tho vicinity of this city have been Invited to attend and como pre pared to mako contracts for the raining ot sugar beets. II. M. Allen ot the 'beet sugar factory at Ames has promised to attend, as well as several others Interested In the culturo of beets and tho manufacture ot sugar. Members of rho Commercial club havo succeeded In Interesting nearly all tho busi ness men In tbo city in tho project nnd It is expected that the capacity of the council chamber will be tested at Wednesday s meet lng. SvrcilUli-Ainerlemi CI ill, Meeting. 'Nearly all tho candidates on tho republl can ticket addressed tho membern of Swed iJh-Amerlcan league No. 2 at Workman hall last night. The meeting was an Inter estlng ono and there was a good attendance. A number of the members of tho league re siding In Omaha wcro present and consldera bio enthusiasm prevailed. Tho l.ues of the day wero talked over and tho candidates present spoko particularly of the republican plntform nnd agreed to uphold It If elected. Every ono, of tho candidates recolvcd a cor dial greeting and the meeting was declared a success by all. Packers' National birth of a son. Alexander und D. llurness and T.ouls Fer guson havo gonn to Clnvk'x luko for a week's shooting. Most of tho candidates on tho republican ticket aro milking a personal cunvuss ot tho votlnu precincts. St. Martin's auxiliary will meet Wednes day afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Thomas Whittlesey, Twenty-fourth nnd 11 streets. Tho United Labor party will hold a meeting at Koutsky's hall tonight. Fivo speakers have been engaged for tho occa sion. A portion of the western mail which wns thrown oft hero Sunday afternoon was ground to pieces under lho wheels ot tho iiyer. Itov. Dr. Spencer will lecturo Thursdny ovenlnir at tho First Methodist Knlscoiml church on "Great llattlellclds ot tlio World." Michael Mahoncv died nt his home. Fif teenth and Y streets, yesterday. Tho de ceased wns IU years of age. Funeral serv ices will bo held today, with interment at at. mury s cemetery. To secure tho original witch hazel salve ask for DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve, well known as a certain curo for pllos and skin diseases. Dowaro of worthless counterfeits, They aro dangerous. the first tablet taken All druggists sell and recommend them. They cost but K0 cents for full sized pack- lltlgatlon, will appear as one of the prose- ages, and any catarrh sufferer who has cutlng witnesses Ho says Judge Seott will . wasted tlmo and money on sprays, salves testify that O'Connor had tndored the . and powders, will appreciate to the full tho bo tho repairing of tho pavement on Twen torlbo. 1 tutrlt of Stuart' Catarrh Tablets. i ty-Xourta street. Till pavsmnt nut re- Tvt enty-Konrth Street Pavlnir, One of the first questions of Importanco to be presented to tho new city council will "The Pneumonia Month" "If In need of further arguments for carefulness It la woll to remabr that March Is tho pneumonia month." From editorlnl In N. Y. Herald, Tuesday, March 13, 1900. Tho mlnutn your cough begins to grow harder and painful, your chest Ught and sore, und your breath grows short and hurried bewaro! A momont'a delay tuny be fatal! Pneumonia can bring you to death's door quicker than any malady known to medical science! Dr. Kay's Lung Balm prevents nnil cures pneumonia for iKo slmplo miaou thnt It Is tho concentration ot properties which net directly nn tho lungs nnd bronchial tubos, checks all complications and proceeds to SOCVUE, HEAL AND CUHK. I)r. Kay'o I.ung Halm exhilarates tho lungs. An Omaha Testimonial: EKA9TU8 A. BENSON, President Omaha Real Batate Exohangn, and ono of tho largest real eatatn owners In Nebraska, writes: "I tried Dr. Kay's I.uns Halm for a severe cold, us did my nelghlor. Mr. W. I,. Selby, and tho result was qulto remarkable. Tho effect was so quick that I would not havo trusted my senses had not Mr. Selby's oxporlenco been tho sumo." Roftipo substitutes. llemedles actually "Just as good" ns Dr. Kay's T.unr Halm nro not made or sold by any ono anywhere. At druggists or from us, for 10c and 2.'cts. Address us for freo medical advice, sampler and book. Or. II. .1. Kuy .tlcillcnl Co., Nnr aloga SurlnK", N. Y. DO YOU KNOW THAT THERE IS SCIENCE IN NEATNESS? BE WISE AND USE SAPOLIO j. ii. waiii:. k. r. lklan'd. Conilgii your Olt.VIV unit NKF.IIN nnd end your order to WARE lb LELAND, 200-2IO RIALTO BUILDING, CHICAQO. Write fur our Ilnlly srurkni I.rttrr. Fifteen rerefntllTPf! cnnnUintly on lh floor of tb fllileuKn Hoard of Trade, thu Inmirlnir prninpt elocution o! all nrilnm, and clous attentlao In all butt, tiemrutt luted tuna. KIIWAKI) 11. IIKKM AN, In Charier, of ICrcel vlhtf l)eirtiamt. 33 GOMES QUICKLY. Don't Have to Wait for Weeks. An Omaha Illustration. Waiting is discouraging. Prompt action pleases everybody. A burden on tho back Is a heavy weight. Hard to bear day after day. Harder still year after year. Lifting weight, removing the burden, Hrlngs appreciating responses. Omaha people tell of it. Tell bow It can bo done, Tell of relief that's quick nnd sure. Hero Is a caso of It: Mrs. Hanudo Thompson, S08 Douglas Btreet. says: "It Is nearly twenty years since I first had trouble with my hack and 1 kidnejs and in splto of all doctors and medicines could do I gradually grew worao. 1 There aro very fow people In my neighbor hood but what know how I sutfered. j Seeing Doan's Kidney Pills advertised I J sent to Kuhn & Co.'s drug store for a box. I After using It I found tho pain In my baik had passed away. I cannot uto words strong enough to express my opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills nfter what they did for me when everything elso had failed. j Doan's Kidnoy Pills aro for sale by nil ' dealers, Price 60 cents. Mailed by Foster- i Mllburn Co., Uuffalo, N. Y., solo agents for tho United States. Remember the namo, Doan's, and tuke no 1 other. J ARE BOUN D To appreciate the incomparable excellence of quality and perfection of manufacture in the PATHFINDER 5c CIGAR Absolutely Unapproachable from Every Viewpoint of the Con nolsenr. All Dealers Sell Them. They Smoke Them, Toe. DISTRIBUTORS: Robertson Bros., Rotheiiberg & Schloss For Omiihtt und vicinity. For State ot Nebraska. ' W- K. CRESH & SONS, Makers. I