THE OMAHA DAILY BEEu MOK DAY, MARCH 26, 1900. HEW HIGH SCHOOL LOOMS HP Plans Will Bo Submitted at Once to Ecbool BorJ for Approval. 4 - CONTRACT WILL BE SIGNED IN SIX WEEKS Structure to lie Kreeleil nt Thin Time yiiXl Form I'nrt of Klnnl Scheme to He Carried Out ni KuntU Are Jlcule Avulliible. Bight bo dottrers a lecture which will bo Illustrated with stereoptlcon view. Ho will talk about the work of tho army, and tho pictures -will Illustrate It. Tomorrow night ho will appear to South Omaha. Tho coming of tho commanding ofllcor of this division to Omaha Is a notablo ovent In Salvation Army circles, and tho local mcmbera ac corded their chief a cordial welcome. He expresses himself as greatly pleaeed with tho work ne It Is being conducted In Omaha. WALLACE WEOS MISS KENNARD lulet Ceremony Performed In l'reitcnce of Ilelutlvea nnI In timate Krlentl. the Ofllclal Architect Latenser returned from a business trip on Friday and tho omco forco under his direction Is now rapidly drawing up tho plans for tho new High school building. Thoy will undoubtedly bo In shape for submission to tho Hoard of Education at I(h regular meeting next Mon day night, and following their approval tho CRANK IN TRINITY CHURCH Interrupts Bnndty Morning Berrioet in tte Epit copal ONE WOMAN SCREAMS. AND FAINTS Author of "Orlnln nuil Ilencent Jinn" StnlUn Down the AUlc with III lint On Looks " I.Ike Metihlsto. of Tho appearanco ol a crank In Trinity Cathedral during services riunday morning caused a flurry of excitement that for u moment threatened a panic. A woman screamed and fainted. Several of tho more timid congregation left their (powa nnd started for tho exits. Near tho epot where tho woman tiwooncd there was como confusion, but It was all over In a moment. Tho dean con tinued ronllng tho morning lesson, and the fact that qulot was reatored so soon was due largely to his self-possession. Tho cathedral was crowded with wor- Tho marriage of Miss Eva Kennard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Kennard, to Mr. James Grant Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace, was solemnlzod Saturday evening at C o'clock nt tho res idence of the bride's parents, Nineteenth and Dodgo streets, TH. pnrnmnntf na n almnltf nnn tn OVPTV contract will bo let as soon as tho speclfl- respcctmi t occurrence at this particular cations can bo prepared. It Is expected tmo wng n jccf(le(i surprise to the many that the contract will bo signed within six frIcn(j o tno contracting parties. In Jan weeks and that work will begin Immediately uary ,DB cngagcment of Miss Kennard and thereafter. Tho new building will prob- Mr Wallace was announced, but It wns ably bo ready for occupancy next spring. presumed that tho wedding would tnko Tho omclnl architect prepared ten rough puco uortir nfter Lent an elaborate sketches of tho front elevation, embodying ci,urct, nfrar D0ng anticipated by tho social different phases of tho earao general Idea. wor,(, of 0maha. A few daya ago Mr. it. .n- ulilimlttiwl tn the bUtlll- 5if.ll Ii lo., .,..., nrmmutpn nnd a selec- .. .. . designing playful mosaics upon pew anil u" Z IV. nnhmlttod to " U'V. .r T" " ' .." i..: chancel, relieving tho stately gloom. Tho lion wu iuhuu, nunu nurneuiy niuuu lur mu wcumug uu.u.u uw -- ,.... .i.t. tho entire board for final approval. departure. mornlne Pracr n? CM "W,hV" tilrU' ..,!..... In A.l.l.-u. Itev. Nowton M. Mann performed tho loners had bowed their hrods In adoration tJlr . u ,,.. n was attended only and with becoming humility had murmured Tho noriion 01 ino new uuuis i - .- . . . .. Is now purposed to erect will bo placed to by tho Immediate relatives ana mtimaio Within a short tlmo after tho conclusion of the service Mr. nnd Mrs, Wallace wcro aboard nn eastbound train, with Europe their destination. Thoy wero nccom- THESE ARE SIGNS OF SPRING Various If nrhlnnrnr of Worm Wenther SlKnlllcnnce afnthc Stolen Via lirelln nnd tlioiRtYelllnir Hud. The signs of spring rare unmistakable. The appearanco of light garments upon tho streets may be misleading; thcro may bo no significance In UriJ fact that tree buds aro swelling; tho htnnidlty and balm In the air may mean much or little, according to circumstances, but: the other day a sneak thiol ontered a hallway and etole an urn brella, leaving n henry winter overcoat un touchod upon the rack. Tho Import of this Is beyond cavil. It Is pregnant with meaning. When tho fact was reported to tho police an order wan Itsued for tho patrolmen to brush up their spring uniforms. Then, there aro other signs corroborative i.;' nm MV-iMnnn'B ' ' tno foregoing. Tho Junk dealer nnd tUVHIUKIO ... i. 1 .1 .V it Hi ......rj. -- . ... .. , . . . , . imiunuiu iiiurcnuui ohyu utuukui uui lueir rnkes, horn nnd pruning sheers. Tho su burban goat Is shedding his winter coat. The hobo and the millionaire, plan to denert tho city for tbo fresh air and calm rcposo of n rural life, and tho young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love. Thoro Is still tlmo for cold wenther, no Bhlpors, whoso drees and numbers betokened "" larcl cnmo , ,K lamo- " 1 10 tho solemn Ltnten season. Dlack was tho 1 rnust make a It-onlno exit; but, nevertiolws, ,w.mmn ,inr Tint thrnuh th Rt.ilnr.d tIle "n-0 ' ripe for tho thrifty citizen to twentx , candidates Monday evening, the Mondamn degree start doing the Initiatory work, A program has been arranged and light refreshments wilt bo served. Maglo City lodge, No, 80, has organised n degree team which Is being drilled by Captain C. M. Rackley. Do You Know Barney? OSMMBHyBiaMMBUMMnailMI glass windows camo shnfts of ruddy light, ttm nnut nf tho old structure, with n norm nnd south frontngo of 200 feet. A now fenturo which has been added within tho last week is n girls' gymnasium In tho i.nnnr Hlorv. Tho gymnasium wna i-.u vldcd for on tho petition of a largo nuinbor panled by Mr. William Wallace, father of ,.1.... v.i .i,inni. nn,l nthors. Tho tho croom. nnd tho party will meet Mrs. front entrance will bo directly In lino with Wallace nnd her two daughters upon their V. . . .. .. . ..,! ilo- arrival on tho cont nent. Tho dato of ,ii,,i in Tim lice, anyone mounting tho their return to Omaha Is not yet fixed. unobstructed view - ,.i,inr -xir foot lone to tho his- "I U3ed Kodol Dyspepsia cure In my family torlo snlrnl stnlrway now doing service, with wonderful results. It gives Immediate Tho architectural Idea of tho building Is relief. Is pleasant to take and Is truly tho similar on a small scale to that of tho new dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Hartgerlnk, oliiir. it will faco In tho same Ulrcc- ovorlscl, Mien, uigesis wnai you eni. tlon nnd will resemble, llko tho postonico. tho upper half of tho letter "II." Tho lecture rooms, ono tier deep, open upon a corridor lighted from tho Inner court. AKcrntloUN to Old HiilltllnK. In ordor that tho old building may con form to tho new nnd for tho moro Im nortnnt rcimon that tho llro mennco may Can not fall to cure. noponsu. In tho litany, men tno msnop descended from tho pulpit. Tho silvery paoans from tho choir lolt died away, and tho whlte-hnlrcd dcun arose, to read tho morning lesson. Out of the Ordlnnry. At this Juncture a fcaturo wns Introduced which la not In the ritual of tho Church of England. At a moment whon all was nulot nnd every faculty nlert to catch tho words of tho vcnornbla speaker, a heavy step was heard In tho aisle. A tall man, wearing a soft derby hat, was walking swiftly down toward tho, nltar. Instinctively overy eyo turned In his di rection unreel his lawn hose and patch tho hoka which tho mlco hnvn gnawed In IU Why UnilrcnN In the ftnrk When by traveling In tho luxurious sleep ing cars of tho CIIICAaO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL. RAILWAY you may turn on tho electric lamp and make tho berth as light as day. City Office, 1E01 Farnan st. with which ho moved, perhaps tho fact that Hunker' Union of the Worlil. 'no rciaineu uis nai in mm uuiy iJiutt, ii-i- Omnhn. lodire. No. 1. has changed Its meet- 'haps thoro was something wild In Ills visage ing night to Wednesday nt tho hall in Tho 'that startled theso who saw him. I3o that lien hulldlni: " It may, thero was a perceptible flurry wrntornni in.tun No 3. Tuesday n ulit UirougUout tno congrogauon. incro wero nleoteil .1. M. Klnncv loduo deDUty. A com- suuaen rusilingn nnu gasps, uno womau n,itiM wn nnnninini tn nrmnirn for an looked un Into his face aa ho passed, then bo minimized, tho upper two Btorlcs w'11 cauorat0 entertainment to bo given Irarao- scroamed nnd falnteil. A half-dozen rushed Frnternul Vnlon of America. Danncr lodge, No. 11, met Thursday even ing and, after a business session, progrce- olvo high flvo was tho order. Tho first prizo was won by Mrs. L. M. Itooso and tho flrst men's prizo by Ilert Davis. Refreshments wero served. Tho commlttco on tho enter tainment for April C, tho occasion of John L. Ilnndlcy's visit to tho lodgo, Is making preparations for tho event. Omaha lodgo, No. 311, has changed Its meeting night from Wednesday to Friday, Perhaps It wns tho unseemly hasto anj n0w meetB In tho Fraternal Union of Well, he Is tho young man who has cbargo of the silk department at llayden Hro8 tho man who Is always talking "WlnBlow tnffetn." Harney suffered con siderable with kidney complaint and ap pealed to us for a remedy that WOULD; cure. As ho hnd tried all tho different rem edies made. We naturally recommended CRAMER'S KIDNHY CURE-alid nfter tnklng only ono bottle It effected a perma nent cure and ho Is one of tho stauncheat advocates In the city of this wonderful remedy. Cramer's Kidney Cure 7Bc Peruna 5c Syrup of Figs 29 Llsterlno t9 Patno's Colery Compound 6c Hood's Sarsapnrllla C9o Wlno of Cnrdul 75c romo-Qulnlno 15o CUT PRICE DRUGGIST Cor. 10th and Chlnniio St. SOHAEFER America hall, third floor, 1510 Farnam street. Mondamln lodgo, No. Ill, will lnltlato The Most DnnU To Montana nnd tho Northwest Is via tho Union Pnclllc. SlctpinB enra milk- Iiik close connections nt l'ocntollo for Kutto nnd other Montana points arc rim dally. Dlnlntr Car service, free Reclining Chair Cars. CITY TICKET OFFICE: laOS li-AUNAM ST., Telephone !U0. 1m nlinrn from tho present structure, tho main hallway of tho second floor leading Into tho third floor of tho addition. Tho operation will consumo In tho neighborhood of 510.000, and this Item has been tho sub ject of considerable discussion nmong board mnmbers. Several havo contended that to her assistance. Some went for water. Others sought to improvo tho ventilation by opening windows. Tho Intruder passed on down tho aisle, depooltcd an nrmful of pamphlets on tho communion tablo and, turning, faced tho dlatcly after Lent. At the request of South Omnba lodgo, No. 08, Deputy Itlco begins work among mombcrs nnd friends of tho Hankers' Union of tho World thcro next week with a view to increasing tho membership, tho charter only allows tho board to use , h, h flV(J (Jan'Co at lts unll u was noticed then that ho was tall, slen $25,000 yenrly from tho general fund for i Jcr nnJ tan(jsomo, ito had a long, curv building purposes. Others ueiiovo umi ino - Thursday to Ing. 'black moustache, tinged with gray, and Rinrllnir a new lodco In descending from hu chin was a enarp-pointeu " . . .. ..... nmnhn ntmnt Anrli 1. imperial, ho resemnieu mo cnnracirr 01 sum set. Tho tower win not ue umu.rucu ,n ,lvn 0,lrnrU Menhlstonhclcs as scon In tho opera "Faust." for tho present nnu wi iiaKe o ... n,nv t l.H ..resident. W. A. Riddle, last Tho dean continued reading tho morning pearance or nerenseo e Ku. s liplnc h , fortletu blrlUuay. lesson removal ot ino mason. urn.. . " -"K." :t Intruder In Uaeorfcd Out. it la the. ovcntiuii Tunoau ca.u. .uunv, n . i ... . ... n is ' ... I ...nhrn nnrtv nvpnlm? tn 150 momborBl Tho Interloper woe-mod about to f n miadrnnBlo carrying out tho similarity and guosts. After distribution of prizes a whon Usher Ilarvoy Reynolds stepped up to V1 ...q . mnhnt dU- .lrnmatlo and musical program was ron- hlm and, taking him by tho arm, led him lO mo vuaiuii.Lu. .... .. ...... .... .... o f nt nf thn Plmreh. H1 UWed UV UUUUIUKi v. ..... I " " ' ' uy tnis tlmo consciousness nau rcturncu speak t.nll.llnir will bo rotuoved dcrod. followed by dai . .. .........x' u Uwuhl into vnuni? noooln of No. 12 havo formed a ami mo i JT ' ' . A,inPnlt class under tho direction of Prof, to tho woman who had fainted, and tho con- n Bjrrame.r, ....u - -- - grogaUon had recovered possession of Its cMnlu-liutrnuce on - ZZo Secretary Judge Ryan returned nerves. Tho principal ontranco of tho completed ' ffom MnneapoIlB and rCp0rt8 that Tho crank was W. M. Kilmer, author of a structuro will bo from tho south, as ttie promisor to havo 1,000 mem- pamphlet on tho "Origin and Descent of largest number of students will seek ail- befonj thQ c,oja n, Man u ,g (wId thati ,n atteraptlnK t0 jnlttnnco from that direction, ino norm, reconcllo tho theory of evolution with tho eouth nnd west entrances, which will proli- ,nAtra wnr nrcanlzcd last wook at scriptures hla reason has become, unbal- . . . ....... t ...... I Kl n, otnnrn Tctr nn I " v l' . 1 Roiy noi wiw " i..t,.u.o v.o w ... .. a Neb . aary g, d.; Seymour ana auceu. indoflnlto Period, will bo similar to the east 0 UQt0i rn(i now- "Well. I'v entrnncv. which Ih striking in design. On "P"""."' " said to Usn v. i ji, .i.m.. iWuinv. Anti-rlne tho uc" . . . .... tho cast tho thrco doorways entering the main corridor nro Bet In a projecting fea ture of tho building eighty feet In length. Tho entrance Ih supported by four Imineuso Ionlo columns four feet In diameter. In tho center of tho qundrnnglo It Is In tonded to retir a tower which will surpass In altitude that which has long been a landmark to tho homecoming Nebraakan. Ita foundations will 'la separato frotn the main building, so that tho latter will not bo affected by any pcnslblo settling. An enclosed corridor will lead through tho quad e accomplished my purpose," ho Usher Reynolds. "I did what I nuini? tn tho constantly Increasing num- started out to do. h..r nf Hankers' Union of tho World lodges Dut If his purpoio was to clrculato sample In Omaha, a plnn Ib on foot to build a hall copies of hla pamphlet thero was madness of their own to bo known aa tho banners- m uiuinw, JOr mo orotuureo wcro tuu Union hall. Tho projectors promlso that it nscaiea -Dy ino janitor. will bo up to dato In overy respect. Ashland ledge, No. 149, will hold nn open meeting Monday night. Itriiiiirkithle Cnren of HheiimntlNm. From the Vindicator. Rutherfordton, N. C. Tho editor of tbo Vindicator has had occas- slon to test tho cfllcacy of Chamberlain's The Attention of the Traveling public Is respectfully Invited to tho magnificent equipment offered to patrons of tho CHICAQO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY between Omaha and Chi cago. Solid vestihulcd, steam heated and olcctrlo lighted trains. Palaco sleepers and Four and They're All Fast. Four fast trains to Chicago daily via the Burlington. Daylight Express 7:25 a. m. -Parlor car. VeBtibuled Flyer 4:00 p. in. Sleeper diner. Chicago Limited 1:&0 p. m. Sleeper diner. - Chicago Special 12:85 a. m. Sleeper diner library car. Berths, Tickets and Information at TICKET OFFICE, 1B0S PAnVAJI STREET. Telephone "SO. Iirni.lNOTON STATION, 10TII AND MASON STREETS, Telephone XiiS. I niuu ... tvai. . ' " ...... j i 1 1 .i III.... 1 1 ronglo from tho main entrance on tho south ,, , a,m tvvlco wltU the most remarkable ..u.ury r., .1 .un to tho auditorium on tho frontage opposite. Stanch cso. First, with rheumatism st" Abovo the auditorium a room of equal size , tno ihonWw from which ho suffered ex- S" V 'sn GeVrT Western Acent -will bo dovote.1 to a gymnasium, tho torn- -rurlatlnis naln for ten days, which was ro- v' A' NAi5" uencrar western Agent. ipornry g)-mnaslum on tho upper floor of tho east wing being converted into ft natural history laboratory. Tho portion of tho now building to bo erected at thin tlmo, together with the old structuro In Its modified form, will easily nccommodnto 1,500 pupils, and tho corridors nro no nrrangcil that thero will bo no over crowding between tho recitation periods. Tho number nnd location of tho rooms, aa provlously described, nro determined. In nc cordnnco with tho most approved Ideas of school construction, nnd tho building In Its ultimate form Is oxpectrd to bo ono of the model high schools of tho country. cruclatlng pa lloved with two applications of Pain Dalm, rubbing tho parts afflicted and realizing Instant benefit nnd entlro relief In n very Sea C. P, Harrison's real eutato bargains. DIED. U lfRFU' A CHALLENGE IIAT UlUS SALE open TO ALL Pricus that defy all. And a variety that is greater than all Wo have selected several of our best lots for a challenge ! short time, second 1 i , rheumatism m thigh ..... .--r, March im ftl Rn1o to bo held Monday. No house in America bought their pXwhiTl. was relieved by two applications, Jewl 2PuSneUra1 it. .IncketS Qlld WaiStS Cheaper thatl Hayden Bl'OS. rubbing with tho liniment on retiring ui m t,0 held from St. Peter'c Parish ' . . . . It , T.nBf wont ton ........ ..... .nn,. fr fr.,m nt n. I phnrph Mominv. -Marcn zu. at u n. m. in- hnnoii in AmHriRU huuh liicui aa tuuuu. j-iu.uv " .v uigui uuu ?;. nt Hnlv SMMilrhrrv. Funeral nrl. " . . secured three manufacturers' stocks at 50c on tne dollar ana they will be on sale Monday. To secure tho original witch hazel salvo nBk for DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve, well Itnowu as a certain euro for pllos and skin diseases. Ilowaro of worthlcea counterfeits. Thoy aro dangerous. SALVATION ARMY IS ACTIVE Arrlvnl of nrlnmller Oencrnl .In men Toft U the SlKnl for lie vlvul Mct'thiKS. Sunday was rodletter day In f5alvatlon Army circles. Drlgndlar James Toft of lies IMolncB, thu cblwf olllccr of tho nrniy In INobraska, Iowa awl South Dakotn, was projent. Ho arrived Saturday afternoon ifrom the- west, having been to Deadwood nnd other Ulnck Hills points on a tour of inspection. Tureo Sunday services were held morn ing, afternoon and evening. Each wns largely attended, and much Interest was manifested, Tho service did not differ from the usual procedure of tho .Salvation Army except that thcro was moro of It, and tbo music was moro thau ordinarily elaborate Ilrlgadlor Toft led tho sorvlco. Ho Is nn nggrejslvo llttlo man of modest manner, yet iv glanco nt his faco shows that ho has tho determination requisite to a leader. The meetings wcro held at tho Salvation Army linll, 1711 Davenport street. Many testi monials wcro given nnd twvoral outsiders oponly ncknowledgod that thoy had been benetltod by attending Salvation Army meet ings, urignuicr ion Knows moro Salva tion Army songs than any member who has vlslltvl Omaha within recent years, and ho sings In such nn cnergetlo manner that great enthusiasm Is aroused. Brigadier Toft will remain In Omaha and f South Omaha until Wednesday morning, when too will return to Dca Molnco. To- tl4 lha Kind You Have Always Bought fjlgnatora Itemcmbrnnce. It should ALWAYS be rcmomborcd Only ono Chicago rnllway lino Cporates Library Buffet Cars On ALL limited trains. ONLY ONE railway lino Ituns a limited day train Prom Omaha to Chicago. Illinois, With Drawing lloom sleepers, library and dining cars. ONLY ONE railway lino 11UNS TWO fast night tratns From Omahn to Chicago With comnleto dining and library car service. THD OLDEST railway lino In Omaha. Tho greatest mileage of any Omaha line, Tho most moJorn nnd best equipped. THK NORTHWESTERN LINE. Stonecypher, printer, ad-writer. Up-to-dats cuts for sale. 1201 Howard. Tel. 1310. church Monday, March 2G, at 9 n. m. In terment at lioiy aepuicnro. runcrui pri- vntfl. Cheyenno, Salt Lako and Ottumwa papers pleaso copy. NOTHING IS BETTER Impossible to Manufacture a Bet tcr Remedy. Omaha People Make Good Witnesses of tbo Success It Has Achieved. There can be nothing better (or backache, nervousness, sloeplessnesd and all ailments arising from kidney disorders than Mor row's Kld-no-olds. It la Impossible to man ufacture a better kidney remedy. Kld-ne- olds contain the very best Ingredients that .m io.ii.mi. mnn. tailored sample suits In vonotlans, serges and cheviots, jackets silk lined throughout; mey como m uu-"-breasted, single breasted or tlght-flttlns skirts with tho now sluglo or double box pleat back; mado to soil for $16.60 Challengo prlco V-J' 100 ladles' suits In homespuns and Vene tians, jackets, rhadarae silk lined, tight fltUng or box front, now box ptea .back skirt; mado to sell for 112- C QQ Challengo price KJrJ 75 man-tallored suits In ctons. fly front, . . .. i.rnstcd. elaborately np- Kod " n trontr box pleated; some all silk Iloni Chnrited with Ilurwlnrr. Frank Gallagher. Tom Iltllory, William Hf.rrinrtnTi Fred Ilrown and Hoy Gunn, lads tn their early teens, are under ar rest nt tho pollco station charged with lirimklnrr Intn a barn owned by L. Hern- Ptoln. Thirteenth nnd William streets. It la said tho boy stole a set of harnens. Warrants won. Issued Saturdny nnd the pollco found tho defendants Sunday. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. of OASTOnlA. lha Kind Yo'j Han Always Bough! Bn tb I m ma m "a" wnj,f5 Jf. Jackson of Des Moines Is nt tho Her Grand, T. K. Gurr of Denver Is nt tho Her Grand. C. W. Orr of Craig, Neb., is at tho Mor chants. W. II. Harris oX Chicago Is nn Omaha visitor. P. D. Culver of Chicago is an Omaha visitor. Jnmea E. Wells of St. Louis is at tho Millard. A. M. Priest of Lincoln spent Sunday in Omnha. W. B, Sharp of Aurora, Neb., Is at tho Merclinnts. Miss Mary Stcgeman of North Platte Is nt tho Millard. B. J. Adams of Plttsburs was a Sundny visitor In Omnha. J, M. Hcdwny of Now York Is regis tcrcd at tho Millard, J. II. Chnpln of Sioux Falls, S. D Is the guest or omnna menus. C. P. Allen nnd wife of New York nro registered at tho milliard. L. B. Plumb of Craig. Neb., Is an Omaha viwtor, reglsterer at ino Jier urano. John Sturgls of St. Joseph, auditor of tho Uurllngton routs In Missouri, Is in tho Cltl". 1.:.nnvrnnr W. J. MoConnoll of Idaho Is at tho Her Qrand. Ho leaves today for the cajt. Judvo M. n. llopewoll of Tekamah was amonir the viators who participated In tho -Masonic Imnqucl uaturuuy nlgnt. Colonel W. P. Cody, who has been In tho citv two or thrvo days, rtalstorad at tho Merchant!), has gone to Chicago, en route to New York. "li,.- are cood for ailments arlslne from tho kid- neya. The vast number of people In this , cd throughout; mado to sen city wno nave icsiuieu 10 me meriis u kld-ne-olds Is sufficient proof that none of our cfalms are false, Mrs. C. E. Smith, 258 Sherman Ave., sajrsi "I have suffered from kidney trouble for the past six or seven years. I had a se vere pain In my back and was troubled with nervousness, headaches and swelling of the feet and ankles. I tried different kinds of kidney remedies, but they did not seem to help me. 1 heard about Morrow'. Kld-no-olds tad decided to try them. I took them Recording to directions and they have completely relieved me of all my for mer troubles." Morrow's Kld-ne-olds are not pills, but Yelfow Tablets and sell at fifty cents a box at all drug stores and by the Meyers-Dllloa Drug Co. Mailed on receipt of price. Manufact ured by John Morrow A Co., Chemists, Springfield, Ohio. 14.75 Guaranteed Paint Wo aro authorized to "BACK UP" tho guarnnteo of quality of SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT which la on the label of every can. This Is tho wording of guarantee: "We Kunrwnteo thut this pnint, vrhun i.rojiMi-ly uaeil, Mill not crack, llnko or uhnlU off nnd vrlll cover mora surface, work hotter nnd tveur liiuger nnu periiiiiueutlr Ioom better than anr other imlntu, Inolaclliitf Ino, Tfhlle lend nnd oil." 'We hereby uteres to forfeit .the vnlue of the liulnt and tho cont of nn- lilylnw it If lu uny liistnnca It Is not fonnd as nhtivo represented." We fully guarantee to each and overy purchaser of SherwIn-WllltamB paint the fulfillment of toe above guarantee; Sherman & McCqnnell Drue Go - COlt. 1TH AND DODG& for 125.00 Challengo nrlco Ladles' new automobile jackets, silk lined throughout, trimmed with very largo pearl buuona; worth UB.OO-Chal- Q.98 lengo price ladles' now eton Jacket. In brown, cardl- nal gray and blocK-ni io., rj IJf 112.50, 19.03 and , ni, .nrinir lackcts In covert and serges, silk lined throughout- A QQ Challengo salo price-only r , ,,. MlHtsrcd crcnon skirts, per- ill II ICS UVHIJ - A. .. iino.i ihrouahout, now box pioai back, worth 10.00-Ohallengo QQ sale prlco .inir .trrn cheviot skirts ap- L,ULO V a n .Vin (lllcl. 11UCU mm. Diiaucu u . . . , and trimmed wlthf brush braiu. s Cll worth 110.00 Challengo prlco ..--'vr im in,iip- nklrts In mohairs nnd brll- llantlnes, worth 3.00-Chal- 4 CZf lamia anln nrl(a Vr Children's Jackets. In all wool, elabor ately trimmed with braid, sizes 3 to 0 Challengo salo -4 ff price Children's Jackets with deep sailor collar; a very fancy lot of garments, f OA worth 15.00 Challengo prlco HpeelnU for Mimday In tho Clauk Depurtment. 25 dozen ladles sateen underskirts, deep flounce and trimmed with cord, A- worth 11 Challengo salo prlco ..TfcZW 10 dozen ladles black mercerized skirts, trimmed with accordion pleated ruffle, 10 Inches deep, with 18-lnch flounco -4 ff worth 12 Challengo salo prlco ..leVrvF Ladles' black mercerized Poulard undor- sklrts at!3.00, 12.50 2 00 1 tablo silk waists In nil now shades, Including black, mado of very best taf fetas, worth 10.00, for 1 tablo ladles silk waists, trimmed with accordion pleating, In all the nowest stylos worth 17.00 Challenge 50 45 high class Imported sample waists, worth 115.00, 118.00 and 120.00 Challengo salo price 60 dozen heavy sea Island porcalo wrap pers, trimmed with embroidery and braid, extra wldo at the hips, Zfi worth 12.50, for lOU 25 doien nercalo wrappers, ID-Inch flounce rufflo over shoulder and bock, cxtru wide at the hips, sizes 34 to 44 worth 12, for 25 dozen wrappers In blacks, grays, blues rufflo cardinals, rufflo over shoulder, extra waist lining worth 7SSi 11.50. for X 3.50 .8.98 1.00 HAYDEN BROS I Do Not Envy the Man Who Has Been Deceived... thoso who order SliliKIDAN UUAL nr0 never deceived in weight or quality boat coal mined in Wyoming. Lump $5.50, Nut or Egg 5, roanut,$4.50. VICTOR WHITE gic6ra4fia-tolfei..aSp. fMtaa&Mw LADIES' CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT. This Store Is not a leamor but a door, not a pupil but a maBtor. That's cause enough for the interested presence here dai ly of hundreds of people who visit our groat and growing Ladies' Cloak and Suit I)e partmcnU This groat spread ing, growing, far-reaching business is of your own mak- ing. A bond of common in terest between us. ThofruitB of its greatness havo been mutual confidence, closor trade relation between you and we. Confidence on your part, sincerity on ours the plummet and level in this grand business building. "VVo cannot oxpec t ovorybody to buy cloaks and suits of ub, but that all peo ple careful with ther monoy, will. LadicB'handsomo spring suits, in all wool cheviots, fly front jackot lined with fine quality silk BergoT ( new box ploat skirt, worti 10.75 kJVJ Ladies' double breasted, tight fitting Eton suit, mado from fine quality all wool homespun jackot, lined throughout with taffeta silk, box pleat back, Q OO in gray and oxford, worth $12.75 J JJ Ladies' man-tailored, tight fitting spring suits, in all wool cheviots, black, gray and oxfords, taf- . feta silk lined jackots, box pleated skirt, 14itt5 worth $10.00. First Glimpse of Spring Millinery. An interesting merchandise "func tion" of tho preliminary show ing of tho season's new millinery. Tho selection jombracea select styles in Ready-to-wear Headgear, and the figuring of cost saves you at least one half. tMPJOTTiAna iiounfiu vxi. -.n SACK SUITS Some men need n cliango of clothes this spring, and others need a change of clothiers. You can get the kind of clothes you want if you will come to the right store. We would like to talk It over with you and show you our new suits and prices in the Hart, Schaffncrft Marx tailor made clothing. Thoy're the kind adver tised In the leading rnaga zincs and worn by good dressers everywhere. Men's New Spring Suits at $2.75 to $22,50, Men's New Spring Overcoats at $3.95 to $12.50. nolter styles nnd larger assortment than all tho other houses In Omaha coip blned and nt lower prlcea. Wo don't neo how you can consistently put us by In Jut tlco to yourself. All garments must fit to YOUR satlsfactlon-nnd If for any reaioji . . i. ...I ml I tin .nnnnv you aro not satisfied wo cnceriuny taito ubck our ciuuiihb mm .num. ... .v-v,. HAYDEN BROS, NBW l'UIIMOATIONS. $3 va'h.c IOC 1(105 FARNAM. TKI. in actuul Samantha at Saratoga Tho Fimnle.t Hook Kvit wrnini. n.r lAO.noo conies (better binding) havo I. . . . i r A - ....... 1, hau -'. pages and 115 Illustrations, is exceedingly lunny ann vrry t-iuoi .annua. CONICUV'H IltJ.lll'l JUiiii..1.. Th. most ooDular family magazlno of tho age, nilwd vlth excellent reading matter and contains two or moro luei-cn u . sheet muelo In each Issue, worth fcoc to 11. JO. OUIl M.illVHLOUS OI'-I'-Ull. . I nt iitlv 1 f .nntia wn will maO postpaid ono copy of "Humantha nt Oardtoga" (the retail price of which Is Mo) and send our inncuzlne for 3 months, 'i ho ttctual vaiuo ot ino music in inrcu iiiuuui., rT-..i ...... ...... nn,. nt "All ?n Q tl t h IL lit Saratoga" would cost 3.00 If .bought sepa. rattiy, Aauress (.unuiii ci juuii NAL, CHICAGO. wnNTKn-Cnn in oa tiealth that R-I-F-A-N-S will not benefll. Band 6 cents to Illpam Chemical Co., Nev Tjrk, for II ftuople and l.wO tutlmonlaia. A Ground Floor Office wh,Bg located right on I-'arnam Street, In a FIHB I'llOOP building Is an oppor tunlty which may not como again fr yuars. Thero Is another large room adjoining which you may havo, It you m..n n a I lull I nil nnntll Ml hft rnll t Klcctrlo light, heat and janitor servlc aro Included In tho rental. nnnMnn thfira lu nn fiflvfintflfn In Ka. " Ing lu tho loat building in town & R. C. Peters & Co. I Rental Agents. Ground floor, Bee Building, j