G TIIID OMAIIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, MAHCIl 20, 1000. CLEWS' FINANCIAL LETTER Monetarj Conditions in Wall Street Sizid Up by an Expert. FINANCIAL ATMOSPHIRE MUCH CLEARER New York Kniilill)' HIhIiik Into I'rniii Inviice nn n Mom)- Center Coii- tiintl) (irimliiK l)eiiiiuiil (or Our IIcmI Scotirl Urn. NBW YOIIK, March 23. (Special.) Henry Clews, head of the banking houio of Houry Clows & Co., writes: Thn finnnclnl atmosphere ban been Rroatly cleared by this week's develop ments In Third Avenue. Now that tho road hnfl been absorbed by the Metropol itan Htrcet Hallway company, and tho tock has again rlicn to par, there Is less fear of disastrous conf"oiiionces In tho Htrcct, except to the. Indiscreet bear op erator who ventured too boldly on tho fihort aide. Tor thu latter there has been very llttlo sympathy, although the losses liavo been unusually severe anions porno of thu professional traders. Tho coup Is likely to havo u further beneficial effect In that It removes points of friction be tween certain large capitalists and leaves ahem free to operate In other miartcrs. iFor weeks past tho market has been In active nnd unpromising, largely becauso of Inharmonious relations between somo of tho larger Interests, and tho removal of these differences Is Inevitably a. favorable factor, tho effect of which Is wen In tho HharD rlso In other than the traction Is sues. In the general market there If a strong undertone, which would bo more safely ex pressed In tho present rise If tho April xettlcmcntH were safely passed, Until those lire over wo arc exposed to sudden strin gency In money rates and conrvuuent re actions In stocks. On tho other bund, gen eral conditions favor a substantial lm- firovement In values. Large railroad earn nsn havo become such an old story that thtlr effect upon values la overlooked, lint Inter on this all-Important fact must exert Hi" duo Inlluence upon tho market for railroad shares. As wo havo repeat edly stntetl, those shares which have re cently Joined the dividend tlst, or nre soon likely so to do, offer tho best Inducements ior purchase, Tho old seasoned dividend imyurn nre now so tightly lield at high prices that they offer no nttrntclons to tho nverago Investor, whllu Issues of rc orgaulezd properties that are In good phys ical and llnanclal condition arc likely to feo much better llgurca than those which rulo today. It should also bo remembered that tho supply of good railroad share la steadily declining, nnd our railroad sys tem Is so fully developed that there Is llttlo prospect of any considerable Increase, tho growth of branch lines and terminals lielng a comparatively small rourco for tho creation of now securities. While thero Is thus little prospect of largo new offer ings, tho supply of funds seeking Invest ment must bo rapidly Increasing. This factor should not bo overlooked an n bull Argument for the long run. Merchants and manufacturers aro all experiencing prosper ous times; they will have more funds than usual to Invest, nnd when tho rush of liuslneos abates sultlclently to permit them rorno attention to outside, affairs they will come Into Wall street as Investors or spec ulators much more freely than now. or eourso tho approaching cessation of the Transvaal war nnd the new currency bill nro favorable events of consequence, though somo parties entertain exaggerated notions of their Immediate Influence uuon tho market. Noiv York to Iie front. New York In rapidly rising In proml nenco us a llnanclal center, The railroads of the country long ago made their llnan clal headquarters In tho precincts of Wall street, much to tho disappointment of somo of our sister cities. Now tho great Indus trial combinations are coming here, anil more will follow, from the same Irreslstlblo tcntlenclen wiileli brought the railroads, wlillo tho latest cvldenca of (lnnnelnl di. vclopment Is tho placing of forelsn loans nn thL.4 market. Itussla Is understood to havo recently placed JM.OOO.OOO.of bonds over nun', miu, wiiiio mis amount wns noi in tho ordinary sense a loan being taken In payment ror raiiroail materials or to se cure life Insurance privileges In Russia MIU thn transaction Is slcnllicant as show Ing nn entirely new disposition of Amer ican capital to seeic investment in for eign government securities. The offer here. of $50,000,000 In subscriptions to the Urltlph war loan was still more remarkable cvl denco of this tendejicy, although only a I'nmll percentage of these offers will bo accepted, Thero Is no reason whutever why Bomo of tho better class of foreign -government securities should not nnd iv fair market here among Institutions wbo wish to Invest In tlrst-clnss securities, but who find United States bonds too high for purely Investment purposes. Some of our nblcM. financiers apparently nnnreclato this fnct as well as the advantage of having a market over hero to facilitate u readier cxchati-n In Such securities. Tho market will bo materially benefited now that tho Third Avenuo cr'rple has been nut Into tho hospital to bo taken caro of. Tho tock of tho Third Avenuo must bo regarded, for some tlmo to come nt least, as a minority non-dlvldcnd nro erti', sj It will be nt tho mercy of a cor poration which controls a majority of tho t'tock In perpetuity. Tho strength of the general market has been pretty thoroughly tested by tho fall of Third Avenue from 212 this tlmo last year to 45 recently, and 8ugar from H2 to 95 during the, tamo time. Tho 111 effects arising from the.o two adverse factors have been fully ills counted In the market and tho good divi dend-paying proix-rtics nre now in a posi tion to udvnnco In response to tho grow ing demand for them from Investors. When the South African war terminates, which mny bo tho case nny day, American se curities will be, wanted on the other ddo In largo amounts, and tho immenso wealth that has been created, and Is continually being added to In nil business under takings In this country, will nlso havo to peek Investment. This constantly growing dem ami ror our nest securities cannot ran to enhance their value. I'orelitn l'liiuiit'lnl. LONDON, March 25. Tho tone of tho biock exennngo insi weeK was more cneer ful. Thero was a decided Increase In bust. ness, ptlmulatlng tho hopo that tho long expected revival 'had como at last. Money must bo cheaper, however, beforo there can bo a thorough materialization of this Jione. but tno prosnects are distinctly en couraclng and thero Is moro elasticity ns well as "go" about tho market, Tho new loan closed firm at and tho premium will go lilghor when thu selling by small aiiotteea is over. Americans wero very active, Tho mar ket closed firm, with material Improvement In somo cases. Denver & Illo Ornndo common rose Hi points, Denver & Illo Q rami o preferred Baltimore & Ohio common 1, Baltimore & Ohio preferred Hi nnd most others fractionally. On tho other hand. Norfolk & Western fell U point Heading llrstH Vi, Union l'aclllc preferred K. Tho moro favorable war news has given 11 bctter' tone to mines. Tho nubile. In showing n disposition to uuy and certain operators aro moro in oviuenco, 'inn cniei movement hns been the rise In Hands, which, after rising Hi points, declined to 37 3-16. Money closed strong, Call money, 3 per cent; discounts, harder at 3- per cent, MADRID, Mnrch 25. The Hank of Spain report for tho week ended yesterday snows tno roiiowmg ennnges; uoui in nana, in creased 22S.0O0 penetas; silver In hand, In creased 4.8'.!5.00a nesetns: notes In clrculn tlon, decrensed 4,026,000 pesetas. The gold nuotatlon yesterday was su.ii. I1BRLIN. March 25. Tho quarterly set tlcment Is making unusual demands upon tho German money market, through tho high rates for a prolongation of money Oiavlng been tho most striking feature last week. A part of tho cause was tho fact that tlio banks wero accumulating for tho payment of tho yearly dividends. Tho end of tho week saw n sllzht Improve mcnt In tho situation. AVarnlnns to snoc ulntlve Industry ti go slow havo multiplied of late, Herr Koch, president of tho Holchsbank, announced In tho Helchstng inni tno nign rates ror money wouiu con tlnutf, owing to tlm heavy trado demands, St. Louis Rrnlu mill Provisions, ST. LOUIS, March 24,-WHEAT-Steady No. 2 red cash, elevator. 70yjc; Mnrch, 70'4c May, G9Wc: July. 65c: No. 2 hard. 65J66c. CORN Klrni: No. 2 cash, 36c; track, 37 37Vo: March, 36c; May, Mc: July, 36c. OATS Kaay; No. 2 cash. 23cj track, 2J,i0i ..-Hie: aiarcn, .May, -ic; juiy, zzftc rti. s wnue, lie. RYK-Knsv at 64Wc FIA)tIR Quiet and unchanged. BKICDS-Timothy, steady; ordinary, J2.00 iirx, nominnny n.t;. CXHINMHAI-Steady at J1.93W2.00. HRAN ririn; sacked lots, cast track HAY-qulet; timothy, J10.00O12.00j pral no, o.twin..a. WHISKY-Steady nt J1.2U4. IRON COTTONTIK8-J1.30. HAnaiNO-Hti"Sc. HKMI T WINK 9c. l'ROVISlONS-Rork, steady; Jobbing, old, JU.60; now, J12.00. Iard, lower; prlmo steam. 16.90: choice. J5.9G. Dry salt boxed meats, easier: extra shorts. J6.37V4: clear tides, J8.Gi',i. JJacon, boxed, esler; xtra shorts, t5.S7H: clear ribs, 7; clear sides, J7.12'. MliTALS-Iad, steady at M.57HOI.CO. Spelt' r easy nt II TT'yi.tO. POI'LTRY-Htendy; chickens, CQVic; turkeys, G41iS"v; duck?, 8c; geese, SHfiOc. Kfl8-low-r nt 9Vtc. Ht'TTKH Steady; creamery, 20U21',ic; ' VtVxM:?pTS-KIour, 6,000 bbls.; wheat, S.000 bil.; corn, 157,000 bu.; oats, 37,000 bu. .HHII'MKNTS-Flour, 7,000 bbls.; wheat, 11,000 bu.i corn, 46.WO bu.; oats, 15,000 bu. CHICAGO (JH.VI.V AM) IMIOVISIO.NH. 1'Vnturrs of (lie TrnilliiK nnd Closing Prices on Nntiiriliiy. CHICAGO, March 2t.-3trcngth derived by wheat from the early corn firmness nnd higher cables today slowly ebbed later un der tho Inlluence of lower export bids and other bearish considerations, May closing only a shade over yesterday. May corn closed a shado down nnd May oats n shade Improved. At tho closo tho provlrlons mar ket wad depressed. Under tho domination of higher cables from both Liverpool nnd I'nrls nnd tho Btrength of corn May wheat opened ?ic over yesterday at fiuTGf6c. Trade for a tlmo was fairly active, shorts covering freely. Today's cash business amounted to 310.W) bu,, but It was reported done at I lower prices than yesterday. This together wun larger receipts anil mo smaii clear ances, 'tho good weather and the fact that corn failed to h61d Its early ndvantaeo, caused h reaction Hnd the close, was rather heavy, May. only u rhndo over yesterday at KKp. Now York rennrled 10 loads taKeu for export and most of tho cash sales hero were for the other side. Clearances In wheat and flour were 115,000 bu, 1'rlmnry receipts wero 650,000 Int., compared with 497,000 bu, Iat year. Minneapolis and Uu- luth reported 635 cars, against 641 last week and 451 a year ago. I.ocal receipts were ik cats, 0110 01 contract trime. With Liverpool HiWl'.id up, light country offerings nnd a good outside demand corn gave an exhibition of obstlnnto perversity by slowly sagging from tho advanced po sition assumed at the opening, which was He up for Mny at 3SHUHc The loss lit prlco was duo to persistent profit-taking by longs, Cash burtness was rather slow, amounting to only 85,000 bu. The first half hour tho market was broad nnd active, but after that It was quiet and rather narrow. May declined to 37ic closing heavy at that price, a shade under yesterday, locnl re ceints wero 478 cars, 3 cars over tho esti mate. Chicago is expected to Increase 60J, 000 bu. , , , Tho oats market was, an usual, of minor Importance, Tho early strength or corn lm ri.wl n Hiinnnrtlnir Influence nnd the slug- lit, tnt lr ihni nit titi'flkellPtl tOO late tO the fa-t that corn wns retreating, and In consequence the oats market closed firm. laical receipts were ziv cars, y imww from 2IT124Vtc to 2IUil2IUo and closed a shade up at 21V6c. Tho trado In provisions was not large. There wna connldcrablo prollt-toklng and some selling by pacKers, nnti even u u sttength or corn was of llttlo Inlluence. Prices at tho yards wero lower und ship ments of product under last year s. May pork sold from J11.87V4 to J11.72K nnd closed Vic down at Jll.72',4; May lard from J6.25 to J6.K). closing btHW lower ai . " May rlbii from JS.33 to JG.30, with tho closo Ve oown ai jn.jiyj. .0 I...,ilmi,! rnmlnla MnndllV! Wheat. 43 cars; corn, 575 cars; oats, 215 cars! hogs, 33.CO) hand. , . ,, , Tho leading rutures rangcu in mi""" rtlcles.l Open. I High. Low. Close.l Ves'y. Wheat I Mch. C5H C5',; 65(6.V,4firf4 COVilCO'AO' 3CUI ECU 37il37;'ri 38'38i.ifi'4 May July 65fiCC CO 07 65!4fT' leoTi'uui 66 V4! C-. - I Mch, May July Sept. 33 37-M 3SM 3S',4l ,3S-lVs 39H 384 38 S8)i (lots May. July. nrk- May. July. May. July. 24Vi2H4Vi 24 2IU !l 5TV4 23 U 23 ff'.i 23 23 V(.;22Tii23. 11 85 11 S7,i 11 72V4 11 72W 11 fO 11 C2',4 C 27'A 0 35 6 35 6 5 11 C2V4 11 67Vi 11 W C 20 G 30 G SO G 30 11 62V41 0 25 6 35 6 35 0 35 C 25 0 20 0 3) 6 37V4 Ribs- May. July. C 3f 0 32H G 37V41 0 32',4l No. 2. Cash quotations wero ns follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents. J3.I01J 3.00; straights. J2.!Wi3.30; clears, J2..0i3.oo: spring specials. W.so; patents, m.iuuj.u; HtrnlgUlH, ;.wJrUJ.vu; oaiicrs, WHEAT No. 3 spring, -bijiWOHc; imo. s red. 6SV4c. . CORN No. i, ai'ic; ino. . yeuow, uww 37ie. OATH ISO, zliViV, sso. wnue, iu.vu 7e; No, 3 white. 26&27c. RYE No. 2. 6t'.Ac. HARLEY' No. 2. 38043c. SiOEDS Flaxseed, No. 1 and northwest, S1.CS. Prlmo timothy, J2.I0?2.U Clover, emit met tirade. J8.10. PROVISIONS fliess porK, per uni., u.iuw 11.75. Lnrd, per 100 ins., ju.oaiiu.ai. nori rl Hides (loose). SU.KilU.M. urv sullen shoulders (hoxed). Jo.lvuu.5U; short clear a lie Mliixeil). ir.fjyiiD.W. WH IS IvY Distillers tinisneci goous, on basis of high wines, per gal., HtjaARS cut loat, u.w; granuiaiea, 13.il Following nro tno rcceipxs nnu snipiiieiiiB for today; iieceiuis. ouiii huh, Vlnur. bhls 33.000 67.000 Wheat, bu 25.000 128,000 Corn, bu 355.000 111.000 Oats, bu 284.000 212.000 IlyO Mil ,u,v r Hurley, bu 54,000 14,000 fin thn 1'mduco exchange today the out ter market was steady; crcamorles. 19M23Uc; dairies. I6Si22c. Cheese, nrm at isuiiic, Eggs, steady; fresh, lOftiovic. OMAHA WIIOLKSALK MAllICBTS. I Condition of Trnilr nnil Unntntlona nn Simile nnd Kfiiicy Produce. EGGS Receipts Increasing; fresh stock, weak at 10c. DRESSED POULTRY Choice to fancy turkeys, 9?10c; ducks, 8B9c; geese, 889c; spring chickens, 9ffll0c; hens, 9010c; roosters, 4ijCc. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8c; spring CHICK ona Rc! voiintr. stnccv and old roosters. 365c: duckB, 7Q1V4c; geese, 7C71,4c; turk eys, sc. HUTTiSit uommon to tair. iumic; enuicr, 175J18c; separator, 25c; gathered creamery, PIGEONS Live, per doz., JL VRAI.S Choice. niflOc. OYSTERS Medium, per can, 18c; stand ard, per can, 22c; bulk standard, per gni., I1.2a; extra selects, per can. 30c; extra so ifftu n.r tr.il.. il.60Wl.75; New York counts. per enn, 37c; Now York counts, per 100. J1.25. FISH Herring, per lb., 6c; round perch, 6o; sun, 60; cod, oc; nnddocx. tc; diuo pinn, 6c; scaled and dressed perch, 6c; clscoes, Cc; medium dressed trout. 7Wc; cropple, 7Mc; pickerel, 7!o; finnan baddies, VAq; whlto nsn. vo, yenow pikc, urcjitu, vu, small trout, dressed, 9c; red snapper, 9o; smelts, 9c; smoked white fish, 9c HAY Per cnrload lots: Upland, choice, JC; midland, cnolce. J5.60: lowland, choice, No 1 white 'off c- cracked corn. I cr inn 111 : onrn nnd oats chopped. per ton. in fen bran nor ton J13 V shorts Ecr ton J13.50. bran, per ton. 13.W. snot is, per ton, VEGETABLES. ASPARAGUS-CnUfornla. per lb 15iT17c. NEW TURNIPS Per doz. bunches, 60c SPINACH-Per box. SI. ,. NEW HEETS Per doz buncnes. 40QWc LETTUCE-Per doz. bunches. 40c; fancy head lettuce, per bbl., S5. RADISHES 1'cr doz. uuncnes. )C. , SWEET POTATOES Per bbl.. Illinois. JS: Jerseys, J5; largo bbls., Kansas. J2.75. POTATiiria 1 er uu , cnoicr. jvuivt.-. CAHHAGE Holland seed, 3o; new California, per lb., 2,ic CAULIFLOWER California, per crate, J150JIC.75. . . , Uia.lJH v rer aoz aujuc; uniuomia, pvr bunch, 404T75C. TURNIPS nutnbngas, per lb., Hie. TOMATOES Florida, per six-basket crate. J3.60. MUSHROOMS-Per lb. box, 60c RHUHARn Per lb., 809c. ONIONS-Relnll, yellow, 75c; red, S5O90c; Ohlos, per bbl., 12.25. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Few arriving from Texna and Florida; per qt., 4560c. APPLES Choice western shipping stock, Sl.50; New York stock, S4.50: fancy, J5.00. GRAPES Malaga, per bbl., J7.O04I9.O0. CRANBERRIES Jersoys per bbl., J10.50; per crate, J3.60. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOES California, fnncy navels, per box, J3.25W3.60; choice nnvels, J3.00; Cali fornia seedlings, per box, J2.60fl2.75. LEMONS California, choice, per box, JJ; fancy, $3 00; Mcsslnas, choice, per box, J3.60; ffincy. BANANAS Per bunch, medium, SLT6J? COO; fancy, $2.252.60. HIDES. HIDES No. 1 green hides, 7c; No. 2 green hides, 60: No, 1 Billed hides, 8c; No. 3 suited hides, 7o No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 3 veal cilf, 12 to 16 lbs., 8c. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY" Per 24-sectIon case. S3.S0. NUTS Hickory, large, per bu., J1.25; Bhellbarka. Sl.SS. I) ninth Grain Mnrket. . DULUTH. March 24. WHEAT No. 1 hard, ensh, 66c; May, 67c: No. 1 northern, cosh, CI Tic; July. 66c; No. 3 northern, C2Hc. No. rln, 6Hfc OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Not Enough Cattle in the Make r Market, Yards to ONLY ONE FRESH LOAD OF SHEEP HERE I.lhrrnl Itorelpt of Hogs for I, nut lilt)' of tlie Week nnd 1'rleen Sliutv u Considerable Advance Over l'rldiiy. SOUTH OMAHA. Mnrch 21. Rccclnts worn! Cut tic. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday 2,120 6,101 3,3o3 Ulllclal Tuesday 3,501 Olllclal Wednesday 2,788 Official Thursday l.sn Ofllcial Friday 2,170 Olllclal Saturday 431 11,421 8,503 6,879 6,621 8,311 6,10) 6,877 4,001 2,209 171 Total this week 13,271 Week pfitllnir vrh U...HM 46,031 41,469 39,109 23,074 27.3S5 ks,wo 30,973 Week ending March 10... 9,613 Week ending Mutch 3.... 9,915 40,901 Average price paid (ur hogs for tho last several days with comparisons! 11900, 1S99.93.1837.1896.1S95.1894 March 1. 4 68 i i 3 7S 3 60: 4 V 4 69 4.77 4 77 4 71 4 l 4 71 4 72 4 W t 4 01 4 60 4 3 4 3i 4 47 4 43 4 31 t 36 4 33 4 41 4 4? 4 49 n ,.. 1 ,tarci. 3 1 March 4-"' I March 6 ( March G...! 1 March 7 .March s 4 66 3 69 4 C) 4 74 3 67 3 Ul 3 52 3 87 3 82 3 43 4 70) 3 54 3 65 4 71 4 72 3 60 3 89 8 76 )MHrth a 3 63 3 67 4 71 3 68 3 76 3 601 March 10., 4 73 3 63 3 69 3 so; 3 79 3 C6 3 61 .March II... March 12... March 13... March II... March 15... March 10... March 17... March IS... March 19... March 20... March 21... March 22... March 23... March 21... 4 76 4 79 3 71 3 G9 3 70: 3 78 3 G2 3 63 4 75 I 79! 4 851 4 91 I 4 9 3 59 3 05 3 G5 3 68 3 SSI 3 6S1 3 70 3 87 3 91 3 !$' 3 94 4 00! 3 71 3 73 3 Ti 3 861 4 81 3 66 3 C0 3 3 4 StV 3 9S 4 DO 3 G3 3 76 3 91 4 92l 3 CO 3 71 3 93! Indicates Sundny. Tho olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was; iaiuo. noss. on p. C. M. & St. I, ny 6 1 O. fc St. L. Rv. Missouri Pacific Ry I'nlon Pacific; system 4 C. & N. W. Ry I. 15. & M. V. R. R 1 C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry 1 R. & M. R. R. R C. It. & Q. Ry K. C. & St. J 11 2 36 1 32 7 17 8 "8 iis C H. I. & P. Ry., enpt.... 2 Total receipts 20 Tho disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber or head indlcateu: Ruvers. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. Omaha Packing Co.; 30 1,090 O. II. Hammond Co 1,411 1.765 2,685 1.75S Swift nnd Compnny 41 Cudahy Packing Co 72 149 Armour & co Omaha P. Co.. Kan. City. 85 Cudahy, Knnsas City.... 153 vansanl fi Co s H I & Huntzlnccr 8 ... Other buyers 31 .... -J Totals 433 8,739 172 fA.Bnf Km few limits of cattle re ported In tho ynrds there were seven loads rfiront in Pmlnhv nnil four loads to the Omaha Packing company from Kansas City, so that mere were noi cnougn raiuu uu sale to make any test or tne mnrsei. 11 wnH a irood deal like a holiday In tho yards, as usual on n Saturday. ' , During the last half of this week the enitle mnrket has been In fair shape for tho sellers nnd values havo snown con siderable Improvement as a rule. lieef steers cun safely bo quoted 105715c higher than tho closo of tho previous week, tho iiet enttln showing tho most Improvement. Tho demand tluring uie nmer nnu 01 mo ueek was of liberal nronortlons on tho part of local packers nnd tho feellny on tho mnrkct wns quite Bou, witn ins movemeni fairly active. .... Good kinds of cornfed cos and heifers showed Just about, the same Improvement na fnt steprs that Is. lOii 15o for the week. At tno samo timeline mcuium Kinus 01 cows wero sateiy ioii"c nigucr. vumiuuu kuihh of canners wero fully 23c lower for the week, but thero nro not many coming Just nt present, so thnt tho dccllno does not cut so much figure. Tho season Is getting a llttlo lato for heavy bulls and they wero rather idow all the week and the mnrket did not show any Improvement. In fact It could not bo quoted moro than steady. Light weight fat bulls were In a little better demand und fur that reason they sold to better advantage. Stock bulls, If choice, seem to be In pretty fair demand, but as a matter of course tho num ber coming forward nt this tlmo Is small. Stackers und feeders havo not shown much chnnge this week. The market has boon Just nbout steady from day to day. Tho scarcity of corn In somo sections has been tho cause of the canceling of n good many orders for half-fat cattle to bo finished In tho country. At tho same tlmo there has been a fair demand, so that prices havo been well maintained all tho week, ns noted above. HOGS For tho last day of the week thero was a good run of hogs, but for all that the market, under the Influence of tho good demand and the favorable advices from other selling points, showed some Improve ment. Prices wero about 2',4c higher, con sidering quality. The trade was reasonably nctlvo and everything was disposed of In good season. The bulk of the hogs sold nt J1.92H'fr4.95, as against J4.90 yesterday. It will be remembered that over half of all tho hogs sold yesterday at J4.90. Tho hog market this week has been high nt both ends and low In the middle. The week stnrted out with a decline of 5c. On Tuesday It was a shade lower and on Wednesday 5c lower. Wednesday proved to be tho low day of the week. the. hogs selling on nn nverago So lower than on Mondny. During the balance of tho week tho ten dency of tho market was steadily upward. At tho close, as will be seen from the table of average prices, the market was closo to 6c higher than It was on Monday and almost as high as at tho closo of tho previ ous week. SHEEP There was only one load of culls here today In other words, nothing to make n test of the market. Tho sheep market has been steady all this week and the demand trooil. Sunnlies have been reasonably large but none too much so for tho demnnd. Light or hnndy weight sheep hnve been the best sellers, whllo big heavy sheep wero on some days a little slow to move. Lambs for tho week could safely be quoted lOfilSo higher nnd fairly nctlvo at tho advance, There wero n good many Colorado and westerns In during tho week which sold nt prices entirely satis factory to owners, Quotations: Choice handy weight year ! lings'. JG.SMiti.00: fair to good yearlings." J5.65 .; good to choice wethers, J5.66fi5.S0; fair Kovd wethers, Jo.35S5.60; good to choice fp(1 c $5.0Mi8.25; fair to good ewes. J4.60 lings, jii.iMwis.iii; good to cnoico ten year (TiS.OO; good to cholco native lambs, I!,501? 7.00; good to cholco western lambs. $6,801? 7.00; rair to goou western lamns, jb.so-icg.w; feedor wethers. Jt.6O5i6.00: feeder yearl nits. J5 OOfiG.eO; good to cholco feeder lambs, J5.25 (UU.W. CHICAGO 1,1 VIS STOCK MARKET. Cnttle .Vontliinlly Stendy Hiik" Open Stronit mill Slinde Higher. CHICAGO, March 2I.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 200 head; nominally steady; natives, good to prlmo steers, J4. 90416.80; poor to medium, J4.101M.7G; selected feeders, S4.O0-l.76; mixed stackers. S3.60Q3.S3; cows, J3.00JI4.15; heifers. J3.104J-I.CO; canners, J2.16tf2.60; bulls, J2.5O0 4.20; calves, SI.004JO.00. Texans, receipts for week, about 4,000 head: Texas fed steers closed strong ut S3.804Jo.00; Texas bulls. S3.00 (U3.UI. liuua iteceints. toaay. iimw neon: .Mon day, 2S.0OO head, estimated; loft over, 2,500 head, opened strong and n shndo higher; closed weak: mixed und butchers. Sl,95(fr E.22U: cood to cholro heavy. J3.03W5.2G: rough heavy, i.wo.iw; ngnt, n.yo.ia ouik or sales. Jj.104iG.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.0W heail: steady: good to cholco wethers. J5.C0 B.w; rair to cnoice mixeu, i.(tio.ixi; western sheep, J5.404iu.oo; yearlings, u.wii;.ta: native lambs. J5.2Mr7.3o: western lambs. J5.004i7.35. RECEIPTS This week: Cattle. 45.000 head; hogs. H2,oo) head: sheep, 68,500 head. Last week: Cattle, 46,000 head; hogs, 151,000 neau; snecp, 01, wu neau, lCnnsns City Live Ntnok, KANSAS CITY, March 21. CATTLE Re celnis. SCO head: market acttvo and steady week's supply sutllclent; all classes of Blnughterlng stock. lOffSJc higher; stockers and feedtirs, steady; heavy native steers. Jl.iMiu.40: lightweights. 11.20110.00: stockers and feeders. J3.504j0.23: tHitchers' cows and heifers. J3.254.65: fed western. S .00414.75 western feeders, S3.604J4.60; Texnns, J3.504JI 1.7B. HOGS Receipts, 4,600 head: market strong to zVfcc mgner: excellent demand on an classes for week ut slight advance; htavy, Jl.9o4iO.OH4; mixed, J4.864jO.00; light, M.CC4H.90; pigs. S4.604j4.76. EEP AND LAMBS ReceloU. 2.000 tiead; good demand at steady prices; supply 3 SS 3 74 3 U) S 80 , 3 8 3 91 3 83 3 81 3 79 3 92 3 80 4 (0 4 06 3 81 4 03 3 84 3 82 4 10 3 80 4 16 3 79 4 20 3 82 4 28 4 38 3 77 4 27 3 83 3 SI 4 40 3 71 4 41 3 67 4 36 3 71 4 42 4 46 3 75 4 50' 3 65 Insufficient, last week's valuta fully main tained, spring Inmoc? 8.50, Colorado fed lambs. $ti.tfii.:,0; yearlings. J5.&M16.10, mut tons, rUOfj&fo, stcMKlrV and feeders, ll.OlW 6.60; culls, 13.0044.00: -... T fi- St, I.oulftCfilvr Stock. ST. LOt'IS. Mnreri 2I.-CATTLH-Hc-celpts, ICO head; market steady; native ship Pins and export slrCrs, Jl.T0Ti8.75; drcstvd beef and butcher Wtc-ers, J3.So.ji6. 00; steers under l.ona lbs. f.V.lnni.ia: Htncknrs nnd feeders, Jl.35fi4.S0; cows and heifers, J2.00 a.Wl canners. Jl.EKf'.85: uuiip, j.whi.iv; Texas and Indian stfvrs, J3.4504.S5; cows ami neiicrs, J2.303.C3L HOGS Receipts,1 ?i300 head: market steady; pigs and lights, J4.95if5.0G; packers, JI.5KVii6.10; butchcrii. ,J.ll0fl6.Z3. 8HHH1' AND LAMUS-Recelpts. POO bend; market nominal; native muttons, J0.WiS.S3; lambs', JG.0Ofr7.25; spflng lambs, JS.50(U'12.CiO; culls and bucks, J3.79t6.0O. Tim York Live Stock. NEW YORK, March 2I.-HEHVKS-Re-celpts, 3,639 head; no trading; feeling steady; cables quoto American cattle firm; refrigerator beef higher at 10c per lb.j ex ports, 72S cattle and 6,175 quarters of beef; tomorrow, 360 cnttlo and 4,0ST quarters. CALVES Receipts, 293 head; very llttlo trade; lower; veals, common to fair, J3.ootp 'sifEEI' AND LA M US Receipts, 1,193 nnnu s nn lint tr.niiv! tiritn sneen. u.i'.: . prlmo to choice lambs. J7.901fS.12i4. HOQS Receipts, 1,320 head; nominally firm. .St. Joseph Mc Stock. SOUTH ST, JOSEPH, March 24,-(Spe-clal.) The Journal quotes: CATTLE Receipts, 100 head; market steady and demand strong. HOOS Rocelpts, 4,700 head; market steady to 2',5c higher; all grades, J4.9O16.10; bulk of sales, J4.9ii4TJi5.05. siiciii' anu I.AMHS ncceipts, iw neno; market steady; lambs, J5.00ii7.05; yearlings, J5.355i6.30: J; sheep and yearlings, Ji.imb.,o; ewes, JI.0CK06.25. Stock III .KlKllt. Following ore the receipts nt tho four principal western markets for March 24: Cattle. Hoes, Sheep. South Omaha 4S4 8,344 Chicago 200 lO.OuO Kunsus City 860 4,500 St. Louis 100 2,300 2,li5 TotulB 1,611 25.1U 7.071 IIOIIKM.UIIK HITS AT M 1TUHIAI.ISM. Clinncellor'n Speech nt Variance tvlth Hint of the IvnUer. UERLIN. iMarch 25. Prince Hohcnlohe's toata at the luncheon given to tho bl-ccn-tennry delcgnttH In which ho deprccnted tho growing materialism which, ho said, re minded him of "certain processes of animal life," and expressed tho hopo that science would continue to counteract gross ma terialism, Is commented on vigorously by tho Gorman press. Tho National Zcltung today says tho toast will renew tho agrarian attacks on tho Im perial chancellor; but, fortunately, tho gov ernment, whoso ,'head ho Is, makes conces sion after concession to this samo material ism. Tho Vorwaerts draws an Interesting paral lel between Prlnco Hohcnlohe's and Em peror William's bl-centenary toasts, tho chancellor calling upon scientists to nld In tho warfaro against threatening re actionaries, his majesty asking science to keep aloof from politics. Tho emperor toilny gavo a luncheon to n .number of tho highest Pruwlan nobles, Hmong whom were I'rlnco and PrlnccsB Holicnlohe, Prlnco and Princess Rndlwlll, tho duka awl duchess of Ratlbor, Prlnco nnd Prlncfts Herbert nismarck and Count von Pless. , Tho Russian nmbaisador here, Count von Osten-Sacken, ton!ghtgavo a soiree. Among tho COO peoplo pfrnMut wero United States Ambassador nnd Mrs. White. Court circles regard the. ongagemcnt cf Prlnco Max of Daden to Princess Mario IiOiiiso of Cumberland a3 Indlcatlvo of a complcto reconciliation of tho Guclphs. STATESMEN IHWLINU LIKE HEARS. Terrl'lle llprnur 'in Itnllfin Clininlier Over 11 Itntlleitl MciiNtire. ROME,oMnrohf26.-'In 'th'Chambcrs1 of Deputies tho resumption of tho debate on tho motion of Slgnor Pantano, radical. first Introduced yesterday, providing for tho convocation of tho constituent assembly for tno rerorm or tho constitution, was marked by scenes of disorder. Tho president, who yosterday refused to put tho motion anB was sustained by tho houso, today provonted Slgnor Pantano from making a speech, whereupon tho socialists abused the presi dent, whoso action, however, was approved by tno majority of tho chamber. This gave rlso to n tremendous tumult. tho socialists and radicals shouting and cheering for tho constituent assembly, and tho conservatives and moderates responding with cheers for tho king and tho monarchy. eventually tno president was comnelled to nuspond the Bcsslon, nnd on Its resumption tho presldont designated n conservative aa tho next speaker, at which thn infiui. violently protested, demanding that Slgnor Pantano bo allowed to bo heard. A dtafenlnc uproar resulted. Tho chamher resombled n bear garden, each sldo trying to nowi tno otner down. Finally the president pronounceu tne adjournment of tho houBe. It Is tho gonornl Impression that In faen of tho oppositionists' determined policy of obstruction, tho solution of tho crisis Is tho resignation of tho ministry or the dlssolu tlon of tho chamber. President CiiIn Kent Hay. Gossip in one of tho cloak rooms nt thn national capital tho other day brought out a good story about old Davy Crockett of icnncssco. Davy had been to Wnshincinn nnd was again with his constituents nt a big country barbecue. After tho repast they wero seated on somo logs, chewing tho Juicy twist, when ono of tho party spoko up nnd nsked Crockett about Washington. "What tlmo do thoso folks eat un thero?" inquired ono. "Oh," snld Davy, "they eat nt different times. The congressmen eat dinner from fi to 8 at night, and the legatloners dine from 9 to 10." "And what time, then, does tho president cnt7" "Oh, ho doesn't cat until next day!" said Crockett. ICsMonee nf Itenllty. Dotrolt Journal: Hero tho herolno of tho drama shrank back In terror. "It all seems so unreal!" she protostcd "Oh. my darling, my angel, my life!" cried the hero, 'looking fondly down Into her frightened eyes. "Can't you sco that is necauao thero aro no Irish nnd Dutch comedians mixed 'up In tho story of our love?" t Ah, now thnt shO' understood It all, sho kicked herself former lack of discernment. NclirnskurNcwii Xiiten, The Union PicUle promises Papllllnn n new depot. stt y Tho Auburn Qliaptiuqua will bo held Au gust 4 to 12. j ,,j Tho Wlnsldo Mothodlsts have raised the debt on their church. A prairie llro near Moon Lake, In Brown county, burned"0VCr several miles of range. o The Southeaster! 'Nebraska Educational association will, be., held ut Beutrlce, March 2S. 29 nnd 30. vr' ' Last year was lrt'lgood ono In tho build lne lino nt York, but tho present ono la expected to btv better. Tho Springfield creamery has been com pelled to put In another separator In order to handlu its burlnesu. Thero was a lemon social nt Tobias nnd 0110 woman pronounced it u failure. Sho did not get squeezed once. Frank Selgcl, 11 railroad brakemnn. had a foot crushed at Bloomtlcld, Ho slipped ns ho nttemsted to bonrd the engine and tho foot went under tho wheels. Ord will have to pay more for Ice this year than common. Tho compnny which controls tho supply gives us a reason that wages havo gone up and It costs moro to freeze It. There Is a dispute between Lincoln county and tho Union l'aclllc regarding the amount of taxes due on the company lands and the commissioners havo In structed tho county attorney to proceed to foreclose the tux lien. Tho Omaha Railroad company for several years post has only been uracssed as hav ing ona and a quarter miles of track In Covington precinct, Dakota county, but Its track was. measured and It was found that It had six miles of track. It will be iLHspssril fur six iti!ten tills vear. The Hank of Orchnrd Is defunct. Mr. ' Ward, tho owner, decided that thevo was ?n 1 ,0:,Kr",n"nu. ,V,s, " .TV n i?d ' tho buslnees and returned to lown. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI No. 9181. Rust Owen Lumber Compnny against Annlo R. Holt nnd I. Holt. Af firmed. Appeal from Gage- county, 1101 comb, J. ,11 1. A mechanic's lien In favor of n princi pal contractor grows out of tho contractual relations between the owner of the property Improved, or his authorized ngents, nnd such principal contractor, and the right thereto Is based upon contract nnd for the purpose of securing debts duo thereunder, 2. Under our statute, -which provides that any person who shall perform any labor or furnish any mntorlal for the erection of nn dwelling house, by virtue of a contract or ngreement. expressed or Implied, with the owner thereof, shall have a lien to sccuro tho payment of tho sumo upon such house nnd the lot of land upon which the same shall stand, a mechanic's Hen cannot bo created upon the land of n married woman . -1 ...... ...... r. r I n 1 a f urmnniMl In Improving such V.fsbnml1 nets lor worn uuiiu ui m.m:.M"" ,.. .iii aner u vummvi ...... tho husband nets in-'i iiuj-imihi, ....v. . 1 . . 1. I . onl r 3. W'hetheror not the husband Is the agent of the wlfo Is a question of fact to be de termined ns other like questions nnd will not be presumed from tho marital rela tions nlonc. ... , 1 4. The mero fact that the wife has knowl edgo of the construction by .her husband of a building on her property does not of Itself necessarily establish tho agency of her hus band with nuthorlty to charge such prop erty with u lien for the material used thereon; nor will her mere fnlluro to dis sent from tho proposed transaction Import nn Intention to bind her real estate to tho payment of tho debt. .... ... 5. From the occupntlnn by the wlfo with !. i.,,.i,n.,,i ,.f ,, imiiiiliicr ns n fmnllv rest- ' denco, constructed by the husband cm the I wife's land, 11 conclusive presumption of . .-.ifi,.nttnn sir tlm tiiislmnd'H nets docs not ec,: : thereby arise, ho as to make effective a me . "1 chnnlc's lien, where none theretofore legally V, attached: nt most It Is only n circumstance to bo considered with other facts nnd clr- cumstnnces lor tne purpose 01 iieiet muuuB the question of tho alleged rntlllcntion. No 9206. Omaha National Bunk against Louis Klper et nl. AiurniKi. , 1. A petition which Is nttacked for the first time In this court on the ground that It does not stnte n cause of uctlon will be liberally construed. 2. Where the trial Is to the court without a Jury It Is not reversible error to udmlt In competent evidence. . ,, . 3. A bank which undertakes to collect n draft Is bound to keep within tho nuthorlty conferred upon it and exercise proper dili gence to obtain pnymcnt. 4. In enso a debt Is lost through the negli gence of n collecting agent tho mensurc of damages is the actual loss resulting from such ngent's omission of duty. No. 9201. The Northern Assurance Com pany against Charles A. Hannn, Affirmed. 1. A llro policy requiring proofs of loss to bo furnished within sixty days after tho tire nnd providing that no notion should be maintained on tho contract until the ex piration of sixty days from the time of fur nishing such proofs, contained no provision for n forfeiture In ooso tho proofs wero not rnrnlnheil within tho tlmo snecllled. Held. that time was not of the essence of the re quirement In regard to furnishing proofs of loss and that a failure to furnish such ithln tho nrescrlbed period did not work a forfeiture of the insurer's claim for Indemnity. 2. German Insurance Compnny against nnviM in Neb. TOO illHttnculshed. 3. A stipulation in 11 contract 01 iiiaui.tiii-e that no suit shall be commenced on the contract "until sixty days after full com pliance by the assured witn nil tne torego 4f remilremcnts.'' Is Intended to give the Insurer time to Inquire Into tho cause of loss nnd mako provision lor payment, i. If nnnn uresentnttnn to It of n claim arising under such n contract, the Insurer deny all liability nnd reiuse aosoiuieiy tu tt.iv nt nnv time, tho Insured may commence nn action on tho policy without waiting for the period or limitation to ellipse. No. 9108. Fulton ngalnst Ryan et nl. Error from Gago county. Alllrmed. Nor- vnl. C. J. , , 1. Where coverture Is pleaded by a mar- rleil wnmnn tn defeat n recovery oil n promissory note It Is proper for the plaintiff tn set up in tno reply nny met ur iucib which would avoid such defense, such ns that tho noto was given for necessaries fur nished tho family of the defendant, nnd thnt un execution had been Issued ngnlnst tho property of tho defendant and returned unsatisfied, or that the note wns executed with Rneelnl reference to nnd 111)011 tho faith and credit of the separate ostatc, trado or business of tho wife. 2. The sennrnto estate or n. marrieu womnn Is not chnrireablo for necessaries for the family until after a Judgment has been en tered thereon against tho huebund und an execution returned unsatisfied. 3. A Judgment will not 'Do reversed tor thn refusal tt nn Instruction which with draws from tho jury a material Issue raised by tho pleadings nnd the evidence adduced on tho trial. 4. Tho transcript of tho record of tho trial court Imports absolute verity and cannot be contradicted by extrinsic or original evi dencn on the anneal. ii. An objection to tne niimissiuiiity 01 testimony cannot bo argued ror tno nrst tlmo In tne nppciinto court. G. It Is not proper practice to permit a witness to nnswor a ouestlon without ab jection und then move to havo the testimony excluded. 7. A contract to be or nny Dinning rorce must bo assented to by all tho parties to It. No 9111. Elizabeth Dufrene, ox. against A. Johnson et nl. Appeal from Douglas county. Affirmed, Norval, C. J. 1. a tiecreo lor alimony is a nen uooii rcsii cstato the same ns Judgment at law and Is not enforceable In like mimner. 2. Questions not presented by tho record before tho court for review will not bo de termined. No. 9165. Hcnnev Buggy Comnnny against Purlin Orcndorf & iMurtln Company. Af firmed. Norval, C. J, No. 9164. Hcnney Buggy Compnny ngnlnst J. W. Ashenfelter. Alllrmed. Error from Gngo county, Norvul, C. J. 1. Tho conveyance by a falling debtor of practically nil his property to ono of his creditors In satisfaction of bis dobt, tho difference between the amount of said debt and tho agreed value of snld property being paid to snld debtor In cash, with knowl edge on tho pnrt of such creditor that such saio will result In hindering, delaying and defrauding tho other creditors In the collec tion of their debts. Is void as to such other creditors. (Swltz vs. Bruce, 16 Neb. 463, fol lowed.) 2. Alleged errors In tho giving of Instruc tions nnl In tho Introduction of evidence exnmlnel and held insufficient to work a reversal. No. 9172. The City of Omnha ngalnst Fan nlo M. Croft et al. Alllrmed. 1. A municipal corjioratlon Is not civilly liable for the nets of Its officers appointed to act for the corporation, which, In their nature, aro wholly and necessarily outside of tho powers of such officers, but such un authorized acts may bo adopted and ratified by other officers of such corporation, act ing upon a matter or regarding a subject within tho scope of their general powers nnd nuthorlty, although such unauthorized acts, In the manner performed constituted a trespass, nnd when so adopted and rati fied tho corporation would bo llnblo for tho damages occasioned thereby, 2. The question of ratlllcatlon or adoption of tho unauthorized acts of thu officers of a municipal corimrntlon, by those having nuthorlty to act In the premises, Is a ques tion of fact and when properly submitted to a jury us uniting tnercon win not bo us tutlied In this court. If supported by suffi cient competent testimony. (Omaha vs. Croft, fiyl, 2.) 3, A municipal corporation Is chilly llablo In dnmuges for the wrongful acts of Its officers, which relate to and nrlso out of matters or transactions within the general powers of tho corporation and In respect of which there mny bo a corporate liability, nnd If such officers, tinder the nuthorlty of the corporation to open or widen streets or tvoulovards. commit n trespass unon nnd seize nnd npproprlato private property for sucn purposes witnout complying witn tno stntuto providing for the condcmnutlon of such prlvnto property the corporation Is liable In dnmages therefor, 4. In a suit for damages for the seizure nnd npproprlatlon of prlvnto property for street or nouievard purposes n judgment in such action will work a dedication of the property so appropriated to tho corporation for tho purposes for which It was taken. 6. Instruction to tho Jury set out In tho opinion not approved, nut neni to havo not misled thn Jury and not prejudicial error. No, 11071. William Brower against Fass. Affirmed. Error from Otoe county. Norvnl, C. J. 1. Where, In n cause submitted under rulo 2 upon a printed abstract of tho record, neither party tiles briefs tho Judgment will oe niiirmeu, No. lllSi. Elkenbary against Porter. Af. firmed. Appeal from Cass county. Hob comb. J. 1. Tho legislature has Invested In tho elec CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. His Kind Ycr Have Always Bought Bears thu Blfiuaturo trrs of a school district the power and mi- tnorny to levy a tix ror nuiniing .ir tioes. It has limited and thr wn nstrl. - tlon nround their actl lis ngardlng su h matters fur the protection of all taxpayers nn.I to prevent unjust and oppresMvc levies ta tho exercise nf the tmwers nnd authority given nnd within the limitations dellued by stntuto the courts cannot Interfere solely on tho ground that such action may be re garded as unwise or Improvident, or that conclusions havo been renched which, by others, may be deemed Improper under the conditions existing nnu tno circumstances surrounding the nctlons complained of. no. bum. schmill .vt nro. company ngninsi , Mnhoney et nl. Error from Dawes county. Reversed. Norval, C J. 1. The names "Sehm It St. Brother Co " nnd "Schmidt & Brother Co." nre Idem sonanst. 2. The tirov s ons of the Code of Civil Pro cedure relative to nbatement nnd revivor of nctlons nre applicable to cnuses 'brought to mis court, 3. Under sect on 63. chapter xvl. Complied Statutes, a suit docs not nbnte by the disso lution of n corporation plaintiff or defendant organized under the laws of this stnte. i. A dissolved domestic corporation may, after such dissolution, prisccutv any suit in Its corporate name not censed to exist. 5. In tho nbsence of proof tho laws of n sister state will be piesumcd to be the same ns thoso of this state. 6. ny comity between the states corpora tions of ono Btnto may sue In the courts of nnother state, the same ns can a domestic corporation, unless prohibited by legislative enactment. 7. In n replevin under nn nnswer -consisting of n general denial tho defendant may prove any matter which Is a defense to tho cause of action of plaintiff, ns thnt the de fendant hns a special Interest In nnd right to the Immediate possession of the property oy virtue 01 a cnnttci mortgage. 8. In replevin when the value of the prop crtv Is stnted In the petition nnd ndmltted by tho answer tho question of value Is not open to proof. y. instructions must bo considered to gether. 10. A finding In replevin of n general own ership In the defendant Is not sustained by prooi ot n special interest in the property. 11. To review alleged error In refusing In structions they must bo culled to tho atten tion of tho trial court toy a motion for n new trial. No. 11016. Stnte ex rel Bugbee ngalnst Holmes. Mandamus. Writ allowed. Sulli van, J. 1. L'mler section 60, Code Civil Procedure, nny person who can by proper averments show that he hns no Interest In the matter In litigation mny, without leave of court, become n party to the suit nnd obtain nn adjudication of his claim. 2. An lntervenor ngalnst whom a Judg ment has been rendered must bo accorded tho rights which, under like circumstances, belong to nny other unsuccessful suitor. a. a corporation .holds iih property In trust for Its shareholders, who, like other bene llclal owners, may Insist that It shall bo properly managed nnd preserved from wnste. 4. Where tho officers of n rornnrntlnn full nnd refuse to protect nnd conserve tho corporato property tho shareholders may In tervene in penning suns ior tne purpose or protecting their own Interests. Ann I. Potter. S. E, Klrklinm. Potter & Kirkham HANKERS A.MI BROKERS, r.7 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. HUY AXI SELL STOCKS AND BONDS l'OIl CASH OR ON MARGIN. Special Attention Given to Investment Securities. RRPEHMEYaCO. R00M4 Mr. LIFE EUDG. OMAHA nlB. BRANCH 1038 rlVt (JtiCOUl til JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone loan. Omaha, NVj COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS and STOCKS nOAHU OK THAIIE. Correspondence: John A. Warren & Co '.Direct wires to Chicago and New York Masterpieces of Art. "THE BALLOON" and "DEFENSE OF CHAMPIGNY" Tho Niagara Lithograph Co. recently succeeded In making arrangements for the r production of thceo master pieces In tho finest protogravuro process. Thoso photograv urcs represent paintings that have been sold for thousands of dollars. Tbeso ropro ductlona would sell rapidly at any storo at $2.00 each, but thoy cannot be purchased oc cept directly from ub, ns wo absolutely control tho copyrights. Beautiful Pictures for the Home. AN ART EDUCATOR. These pictures besides being a bcautlfu 1 ornament to nny homo aro also an Arf Educator and will at once btlmulato a doslro for tho artistic. Are the Works of the World's Most Famous Artists. You havo read about many of these paintings and tho enormous prices paid for thcuty but, doubtless, never oven dreamed that you could obtain n perfect fncslmlllo In elo gant form and at a nominal prlco to adorn your pnrlor or drawing room. Theso photogravures nro printed from tho finest plates that modern workmanship can produce, on extra heavy papor mado expressly for this work, slzo 22x30. Tho masterpieces of tbo world's grcatcs t artUts aro now for tho first tlmo available A Great Premium Offer. Our Special Proposition. You enn hnvo either or both of th cso famous pnlntlnjra for 10c eneb nnfl 8 consecutive coupons cut from tills a drcrtl&emcut In The Dully lice. Theso beautiful pictures liuve nover been sold ior less than $1.00 eacH, Tho IJco bus purchased several th ousnnd ns a special subscription feature thus making tho prlco very low for B eo renders only. Ten cents extra when Kent !)' in nil for postnuu nnd tube. 3 COUPONS ONLY IOC AHTOCHAVlllin Of SI. Detnllle's fnmuua I'lilntlnu. 'The Defense of Chatiipigtiy" COUI'OX l'Oll MAHCII 'M. Tills coupon, with two others of coneecutlvo dates aud 10 ceuts, pre sented at tlio lice olllco entitles nny render of tlio Uee to Ibis benutlful picture, 22x:i0 IncbeH. If you want It mailed, send 10 cents extra for tube, postago, etc If you send part or all In two-cen not stick tOKetber. Address all letter TUE3 11 JODBEnS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA DRY GOODS. Mr E, Smith & Go. tspvrttrt aad Jobfcart ( Pry Goods, Furnishing Goodi AND NOTIONS, BOILER AND SHEETIR0N WORKS ry&ta Wilson u & Williams Successors Wilson A Drake. Manufacture boilers, smoke stacks and brccchlngs, pressure, rendcrlnc, sheep dip, lnrd and water tanks, boiler tubes cop atniitly on hand, second hand boilers bought and sold, Special and ptompt attention to repairs In city or country. 19th nnd IMorce. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. U ostein Electrical V Company Electrical Supplits Eleotrio Wiring- noils nnd Gns LlglttlDi Q. W. JOHNSTON. Mrr Ul tltwtrl fit BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS, n merican Hand 1 Sewed Shoe Go ii'frs Jobbers of Foot Wear wuiKHN AainTiron Joteph B&nigan HufcbM CHICORY. T he American Chicory Go. 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