1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAKCir 'J5, 15)00. PAHI PV fHTI hfiVU IVNiWTMT appointments until April 3, when tho whole VUULIj 1 UUKjIiMVjU lUmUliU 1 , batch will be sent to tho council for nppro Jury Deoides Ha Did Not Embezzle Funds of Road lie Reprtssntad. ACCUSED ACCEPTS GOOD NEWS CAIMLY Jury IteninliiH Out Ariirly Tttont). I'oiir Honrs Dellticrntliiir (ln-r the Ktlilritoe Adduced During tliu Trial, af. Tho iholco of a pollco commltsloner for tho vnruicy left by the clcnth of Com missioner Karbach will also bo cxprtnscJ at that time. As to the personnel of tho new administrative family no one Is qualified to speak with tho slightest authority. Tho short vacation during which respon sibilities were- thrown to tho winds has ap parently lifted years from tho mayor's shoulders. Tho demands of nn exhausting campaign had taxed his strength, lessened by recent IIIdcsh, to tho utmost limit. Ho returns from his outing, however, In ail tho visor of perfect health. "1 simply banished dull care," said tho mayor, "and gave myself up to tho pleasure of visiting BARRETT FAMILY ONCE MORE Man Whoso Testimony Hanged Hii Brothers Back in Omaha. COUNTERFEIT MONEY BURIED NEAR BRN it fi t , .v.- my friends. I stopped first at Logansport, i" n J y' x1-ca,slh,Icr1Ior thoi Jnd.. where my sister lives and then went & Omaha road In this city, who , on my ol(, omo ln ohlo... Thomas MlnncatKilis has been on trial In Judgo Maker's court for soveral days, ehatged with embezzlement of railroad funds, walked away from tho court houso yesterday morning a frco man. Tho Jury brought In n verdict at 0:30 o'clock declaring Cooley not guilty. Thcro was no demonstration when tho verdict was read. Cooley remained nn calm as though ho wero a disinterested spectator. Ho hur ried away, Maying ho must go to work. Tho Jury had a somewhat tempestuous tlmo during tho night. It Is iuld that the first ballot stood six for acquittal, five for conviction and ono blank. Ilnllot after bal lot vaa taken without change but finally thoso who opposed acquittal began to yield and at 2:30 o'clock In tho morning an agree ment was reached. Tho court was not In session at that hour, so tho verdict was held until morning. Tho agreomcnt was reached on tho twcnty-Nlxth ballot. Soveral features combined to add Interest to tho trlat of Cooley. When the case wus LOW RAfUS FOR TEACHERS cliruKtcii Pedagogue nnil Other Will (l't Deduced Hate on Ae count of Various Meetings. Coin Declared lo lie Work of (In; Ml! t'nrty (.ling, SIkmUiik Cmitte ctloti lloliteen Tnn Set of I.iiii Ilreiiklng I'niulllcN. At tho olllco of Captain John Webb are fifty-two counterfeit silver dollars, which Hot Mr, J. F. Harton; reading. "Nlda." Huh wor Lytton Miss Alice Howell, soprano solo, "Song of Life," Cowcn Mrs. A. P.Ely! reading, "Just Like Other Folks," Halgiit Miss Howell; vlollnccllo boIo. (a) "llcr ceuse," Oodard; (b) "Poppllllon," Popper Karl Smith; solo, "Afterward," Mullen Mr. Uarton; reading, "Tho legend lleau tlful," Longfellow Miss Howell; solo, "Love's Trinity," DeKovon Mrs. Ely. Ncarintj the End of . . . The Great March Clearin q Sale ROOT'S SCHEME FOR CUBA Arrangement Have lleen Made for tin CoiiHolldnt Ion of T De partment In tin Island. Tho riurllnston has authorized reduced rates for a number of events of Importanco which will take place within tho next fow Weeks. For the Central Nebraska Teachers' arfcoMntlon, to be held In Hastings March 28 and 30, n rato of ono and one-third fare for tho round trip will bo made from all points In Custer, Dawson, Pholps, Franklin, Kearney, Huffalo, Sherman, Valley, Greeley, Howard, Hall, Adams, Webster. Nuckolls, Thayer, York, Fillmore, Merrick, Seward, Hamilton and Clay counties, Nebraska. For the Central Missouri Ministerial and lay Confcrcnco of tho Methodist Episcopal church (colored) nt Marshall, Mo., March WASHINGTON, March 21. Secretary Hoot said today that while ho was In tlnonnn nMOihnnniflnlfl Wflfn 111 fl 1 1 1 tnr wero .found I this week In tho rear of the home consolI(lallon ot tho department of 'he of Mrs. Mien Darrett at 3,01 South Twen- provlnco of HaVnna and Plnar Del Klo. oiiuuit iU0 counieneua navo noon , rommam,ctl by urlgadler General Fltzhugh examined by experts and pronounced to bo L nnd th(J dcpnrtmcnt f Havana, com- chief of which, John McCarty, Is now In tho , ,nt0 ono department, under command penitentiary for tho term of flvo years, his ' . U ' , t , i. unu n, n. ..tltnnr... l,n..n I. . ,, I .... Ul U-"" . " k.u..v..vu ...... .it, uvtu ivtt-lllljf IIUIIUIVU uy 3.90 foot, biasrt .690 tho United States court of appeals Thu Ilarrctts aro alt known In tho crimi nal annalH of several states. Two of them have paid tho highest penalty for murder, being convicted upon the testimony of their brother, who was implicated In tho murder, and who turned state's evidence lo save his neck, and who later served tlmo ln tho peni tentiary ior tho crlmo of counterfeiting. Mrs. Elleu Uarrott, tho mother of these three brothers and tho owner of the property whero tho counterfeit money wns found, Is well known in pollco court circles us thu keeper ot a houso whero criminals' mado their home. In tho palmy days of "Illack Jack" McCarty bo was a frequent visitor ho was morn or Icfs connected with all tho crimes of this family. About ten years ago thero was n scries ot 2S to Anrll 3. n rato of ono and one-third called last Monday ho did not appear, and faro trom a, polnl8 ln Nobraska and Kansas lnt tno HaVre t home and t isCl eved that it wai supposed that ho had "Jumped the wilt , m.! 1 t . .-. ! ' It is believed that town," as tho pollco Bay when they mowi VoT lno Southeastern Nebraska Kduca that a defendant has fled. Judgo Haker do- tnnai n!I!.nplnilnn. in ho held in Hp.itrlcn clarc.l tho bond forfeited and a capias was Mnrcn 29 t0 3h ral0 ot one au,i one-third Issuwt. It dovelopcd Tuesday morning that faro from pontB ln Nebraska south of the Cooley had not loft town nnd that he would .Iatt0 rlvor aml pnBt of a nortt nni; gouth navo appearexi in court ror trial mil ror tno no drawn tUr0Ugh York; also from points fact that ho had not received official notlco n airpy county. ot tho dato of trial, nnd tho (lrt ho knew T. .,.. i.-ii' nf fhn n,t.rn Wnndmnn of America, which will bo held In Lincoln April 1, will enjoy a rato ot ono and ona thlrd faro for tho round trip from nil points within scvonty-flvo miles of Lincoln. Tho annual National Conference of Chari ties nnd Corrections will be held in Topcka, Kan., May 18 to 21, and a rate of ono nnd ono-thlrd faro from all points will bo mado. of his bond forfelturo was when ho read of. It In tho nowspapers. Ho was exonerated as to forfelturo and tho trial proceeded. Another sensational feature of tho trial wag tho Introduction ln evidence of a letter written by Cooley to Itobert Miles, assistant cashier of tho Minneapolis & Omaha road, ln which Cooley nswertcd that tho shortago had been handed down to him by a prede cessor. This lottor was written when Cooley believed himself to stand upon tho brink of IIiiiiiInoiiip Omaha I'nlrniliir. Tho Illinois Central has Issued a decidedly eternity, for shortly after writing It ho mado handsome calendar, which is appropriately n desperate attempt, nt sulcldo nnd his Hfo named "Tho Omaha Calimdar." A separate was saved by a narrow margin. sheet Is given each remaining month ln 1D0O Tho content between opposing counsel wan I and the upper half of each shows a view of so spirited that it fringed upon bitterness, somo of Omaha's prominent buildings and Sovoral times tho court had to rebuko the I plcturea taken from tho resldenco district. nttornoys rather sharply, I Tho different pictures nro as follows: Cooley Is married nnd has n family of chll- "Douglas County Court House," "In tho dron. HIa wife, contrary to tho general rule Now Kesldcnco District," "V. S. Govern In criminal cnnes, did not appear In the court mcnt Hulldlng," "Omaha Club House." "City Hall and Court House." "In Hanscom Park," "Illinois Central City Ticket Oillce," room during tho trial. IMtlVK.V TO SIiV II Y l'OVHKTV. I'atlirMc Plea Set I'ortli lv MIok.cI I'orKPr Ilpforp .Indue linker. Louis Knapp was before Judgo Baker In tho criminal court yesterday on tho charge of forgery. Ho entered a plea of guilty and accompanied his plea with tho explanation thnt ho committed a wrong ln ordor to oavo his wlfo from starvation. "I was out of work couldn't And a Job nnywhoro," said Knapp, "nnd myself nnd "wlfo wero stnrving. I didn't care so much for myself, but I couldn't seo her go hun gry. I grew desperate; I committed forgery. will tho court be merciful to mo?" Judgo Uakcr govo Knapp a scntenco of ono year In tho penitentiary, allowing credit for tho tlmo he hns served In Jail, which Is two months. Knapp admits that ho forged a check for $15, using tho namo of P. M Hornn. Ho secured cash on tho check. 'Looking Up Capitol Avcnuo to High School Hulldlng," "Public Library Building.- "A Shady Hosldcnce Street." She Will Try It Unci More. Mri. Sarah Ver Mehron has for tho second tlmo within tho last six months filed pott tlon for divorce In the district court. Her man Ver Men mi Is tho accused husband. Ilitllivn v nle ami I'erxiiiuilN, J. C. Nicholas. Koneral ImKcnco ncent of tile Missouri I'ucltlc, is ln tno city from St. i.ouis, General Mnnnccr Holdreco of the Hup llngton loft Frldny night for a southern business tnn. General Passenner Acent Francis of tht liurllngton nns returned from n Hurried business trip to Chicago, Assistant General Freight Acent Allen D. Smith of tho Tiurllncton. nceoinnanlod by a party of friends, left Frldny for u trip to tno nortnwest. Sam Downs, tho crucK shot anions the Union Paclllc llremen. has returned from a hunting trln to Central City. Ho brnucht with htm llvo dozen ducks and three dozen wild ireese. AV. T. Holly, general niront of the nas- sengor department, nnd W. It. Knlcht. cen- eral ngent of tho freight department, nro L uicago oiucinis ot tno i nion l'acino who nro in tuc city. Ciiliinel lliilllilay llylnu: TOPI3KA. Kan.. March 21. -Colonel Cvrns K. llolllday, who has been dangerously 111 fnr Hnmn tlm,. lu rn.iinrleil In h,. ,lvlni in- Tho allegations nro numerous, cruelty being day. He was tho founder of what Is now ninong tho number. Mrs. Ver Mehren nets "o Atchison. TopeKn & Santa lo rallwny. forth that her husband has repesitedly threat cned her life nnd that ho has ln various ways heaped Indlgnlttcn upon her. This pe tition, however, Is tamo ln comparison with tho original document. Judgo Fawcett hna granted a restraining order on application of Mrs. Ver Mehren, enjoining tho defendant from In any mnn- nor Interfering with her. The hearing Is set for March 31 ln Judgo Fawcctt's court. nartment of Havana and Plnar Del rtlo. Tho department commanded by General Ludlow was practically confined to tho city of Havana and Is within tho limits of the provlnco of Havana, commnnded by Gcn cial Lee. Tho details of tho execution of this general plan ot merging ono depart- . ment Into tho other wero especially con fided by Secretary Root to tho three olllcers most directly concerned, namely, Major General Wood, General Ludlow and Gen eral Lee. They will agree ujon somo plan for tho government of the city of Havntia pending Its complcto transfer to tho Cuban authorities. Tho probabilities aro that Gen eral Leo will act as tho mllltnry governor of tho city under tho direction ot General Wood. When General Ludlow Is rellevod ho will return to this city and resume tho consideration ot tho Important work of or- ganizing tno propositi m-my .u- l-uui-ki. A not Inn mk nnd this wonitiu'f. Hoiiit'inbor wo soil for cash or civil sold for cash only. Solid (Ink lied Itooni Mull. UOtUI bevel pl.ito mirror on dresser, high polished, worth JK.0O- 14,75 Anlliiue l'niicSea'tt M'ttpts it I feet lonir, worth JG.DO only Iron tied. mIHi Iiimv to: ralf on head and spindles and brass kfilth. worth 11' mile 1 1 ri t, .1 mil i, (!,.('..... lll. a-i.l.lii.' tires, well built, worth W.00; to mnko rojm for another carload - A si they go for 0,0 lX(s Woven Wire Springs SSi- J.'.OO Extension Slats, only $1.19 Guillen Oak Mantel folding tied, spring pupported on .1 rows steel coll. nlcelj finished, worth O si JK on sale for IA. O IliiiuNoiiK I'oneb, niilioUtered lit velour. golilen o.ik or mahogany lln Ished rococo frame, 6 ft. 7 ,io long, worth H.5o ' .-0 Handsome-Poster Pictures C9o l.nl'lede llleeleM for men anil women, a regular W0 Ofi Sin wheel for AV.OU iSold on e-asy terms.) til price outline; will liavo to stop, until It ln furniture, cloak ami millinery ilepn Christie Cako Sot-3 pieces only . lOo Kitchen Knives l"ic HutoJM-r Klilvcf) 15e Cake Knives Set bono handled Knives nnd Forks, worth fl, for Hard rubber handled Knives and Forks, worth 4.00 Set lingers' 1S.7 Knives nnd Forks, set Hencon Alarm Clocks llottle Furniture Polish s-poitncl package Curled Hair... loo.plece decorated undurglazed Din Ingush ware, 112.00 value I2.6 Toilet Set. Pieces 13.50 Hannuel l.iinipi r-gal. Ualvautzed Oil Can 2-n.uart Dippers, only Mn Potts' nickel plated Sad Irons, per set Model Globe Wash Hoard Square Dinner Pall, with Coflro Mill, sleel urluders IMtieh Pot Covers, worth 4e 1- iiinrt' Funnel, worth le... fi-lm-h t'n Pie Plate Tin Wiis'i Hanln, worth 5c 2- plnt tin Teapot eup. 15c fH! .... loo .... DO .49c 2 89 .3.19 .... rV) .... 19c .... 120 ner Set, 6.76 n.w n.su .... -I!0 .... Ic ..89c no 24c ISc DC o can learn the condition of our stock rtinents. All j:iKds on main lloor Guillen Oak I'enler 'I'alilis UIUI top, regular height, very ptvtty de sign, highly iKillshed. ORr worth only Golden link Slileliiiarilx. IiIkIiIV nolHhed. swell top. 11x21 French beveled mirror, worth IU e( ). stwclal sale prlic uJr W.M Hreakfast Tables tl 9i Kitchen Chairs on sale for :so Kitchen Tables' on sale for '.)c Golden link llvlenliiii 'I'atileN, vorv stylish design, highly polls. icd, woith 10.UU. special Of) sale price ,J' Jy' Another lot of IIIkIi Clialr. arl uus styles, worth up to I- QHc each, iholcu for Seulnw Itneker, cane-neateil, brace arms, worth f2.2.", OO only IIIC CAItlMVl' S.VI.IJ 'I'OMtmilOW. Collon t-'arpelM 19C Wool t'ariiels, neat worth C6c a yard-only A tit I iin tor rariiels, lieiinllfnl patterns, snto price-- , QQc Iiatloriis, 42c yard. robberies in.M.nneapol.s Minn., which, from ! . . " ' also' said that a gradual their sttnllnrllv imra InM t ..n. . -j-'. j their sitnllarlty, wero laid to one camr. Street car conductors wero robbed after dark, and ln tho last of theso robberies tho conductor, who resisted, was killed. Cir cumstances pointed to tho Ilarrctt brothers and they wero arrested. Frank Darrett turned stnto's evidence, and upon his testi mony his brothers wero hanged. Frank Darrett returned to Omaha, whero he lived with his mother until 1892, when ho was arrested for counterfeiting, nnd through tho efforts of the present deputy United Stnto3 district attorney was sentenced to the peni tentiary, his term expiring a short tlmo ago. blnco coming to Omaha ho has re mained quiet, nnd tho officers did not know that ho was hero until tho discovery ot tho counterfeit money this week. Predatory chickens wero responsible for tho discovery of the spurious coin. Frank Webber, son of n tenant of Mrs. Uarrott, living nt 3702 South Twentieth street, was coming homo Tuesday evening when ho saw nppnrently n silver dollar which had been scratched out of a plio of dirt by tho chick ens. He went Into tho yard to pick it up when he found forty-six more, which ho took home. After waiting a couple of days his father notified tho police of the dis covery and turned tho money over to them. Further Investfgntlon discovered flvo more counterfeit dollars, which have all been turned over to the federal secret service officer, who will send thom to Washington. Tho counterfeit Is good, tho coins ringing almost true, nnd being of excellent work manship. It Is said by Judges of theso mat ters that tho coins have been burled not moro than two years, which would Indicate that some ono connected with tho Darrett home other than Frank Darrett was In terested ln competing with the government ln the manufacture of money. reduction of tho military forco now occupy ing Cuba will ensue. CANNIBALS EAT HIS FRIENDS Ollleer of n Gorman Sleainor Sees Three CinniiniitiiiiM Hewmroil In New Guinea. ' VANCOUVKn, H. C, March 21. Tho steamer Warrlmoo today brings from Dutch Now Guinea, a Paclllc Island, tho account ot tho devouring of thrco pincers ot tho steamer General Pell by cannibals, who caught them while on shoro taking photo graphs. Krncst Wlegan, ono of tho party, was wounded by arrows, nnd while hiding, saw tho barbarians tlo his thrco companions to trees, cut oft portions ot their living flesh and finally roast and devour them. Tho Dutch man-of-war Sumatrn Is re ported as prepared to avengo tho atrocities. Lace Sale COO pieces fine Torchon Laces, ranging In width from 1 to 8 Inches, selling nt very special prices. ."( I, nee lie l-o. I.iioom Re U.-,o I.iioom Hie Belt Special 200 dozen lino Dog Collar Holts go on sale; values range from $1 to $2.50, at special prices 3'Jc, 2Dc ami 19c Hair Goods at Special Prices. Ilulr Dressing ISc Shampooing 25c, lfffli & TADNAM SIDEETu OMAHA. Notion Specials Hox of M Invisible Hair Fins, only Box (gross) Mourning Pins 2 dozon Hooks nnd Kyes, So kind, for Crown Jewel Pins ...Ic ,. Ic He 3c Women's Underwear Women's Villon Suits, with short sleeves and sleeveless, also lisle thread Vests, jr worth fine, choice IMC of the lot Y. XV. C. A. .Voles. Tho gospel meeting today at i o'clock will bo led by Miss Cady. Subject, "Fasts." Tomorrow night a popular entertain ment will bo given In the Young Women's Christian association gymnasium, which will bo qulto up to tho high standard set by this association. Tho occasion Is n recital given by Miss Allco Howell. She will be assisted by others equally woll known. Tho featuros of tho program are: Piano solo, "Ily Moon light," Ilondel Miss Grnco Hancock; barl tono solo, "Song ot Hybrlas tho Cretan," EI- llov Ik Hurled Alive, PHILADELPHIA, March 21. At Mulllra Hill, N. J., near here, tho startling discovery has been made that a boy had been burled nllve. An undertaker was exhuming bodies of tho members of the Smltzer family, who lived at Mulllca. Hill about twenty-live years ago, for llnal burial ln this city. One collln contnlned tho skeleton of a boy nnd Its con dition bore evidences of an awful struggle utter the supposedly dead body had been burled. The bones of tho legs were drawn up and the arms were extended across tho fuco. Tho glass of the casket which had been above the boy's head was broken. Tho position of the body and the condition of tho collln Indicated that the victim of n horrible mistake had died in terrible aitony. ' Used Malls t Defraud. CHICAGO. March 21. A Jury ln the fed eral district court here today brought In a verdict against Charles K. George, finding him guilty of using tho malls to defraud. Sentence was deferred till March 31. George Is nlleced to have swindled many persons, securing about Jo.OOO by representing that they wero heirs to the estate of James Mc Cormlck, who died In Guatemala. Georgo who was an attorney, said he represented tho estuto which, he said, was valued at $1,000,000. Ills victims wore nil of tho name 'McCormlck nnd forwarded various sums of money to "secure their Inheritance." War MiiiiiIm In Amerleii. NKW YOItK, March 2I.-.T. P. Morgan & Co. announced today that only a little over $3,000,000 of tho English war bonds would come to this country. Over $50,000,000 wero subscribed for, most of tho subscriptions being for moro than $50,000 worth. Mrs. Iliiiriiiait Winn Iter Ciikc Mrs. Fannlo Bowman has been awarded Judgmont for $l,G0O against the city nn ac count of tho drowning of her 8-year-old son ln a pond at Twenty-eighth and Davenport streets seven years ago. Tho case has Jufct been finished In Judge Baxter's court. It wns tried several yearo ago, resultin:; In a verdict of $1,000 for tho plalntttf. Thu de- I fondant appealed to the supremo court, jvhero Judgment was reversed ami the case remanded. City Attorney Connull has Hied application for a new trial. Tho contention of tho plaintiff was that damages were duo from the city bocniibo tho pond was created by street grading. 00D POISON. Merarij AMD Potash Make WrccKs, Not Cures Arraigned llefnro .Indue linker. Pleading day In Judgo Baker's court brought out the usual number of alleged offenders. Tho list follows: Winer Woodern, Harry Shelly, Dock Slekert, burglary, plcu not guilty; Thomas Carroll, burglary, plea not guilty; John Johns, forgery, plea not guilty; Frank Cochran, nsmult, pica not guilty; Laura Flttor, larceny ns bailee, plea not guilty; John Harder, assault, case dismissed; Mary Drown, petit larceny, nolle prosso entered. In some cases the external signs of Contagious Blood Poison arc so slight that the victim is firmly within the grasp of the monster before the true nature of the disease is known. In other cases the blood is quickly filled with this poisonous virus and the swollen glands, mucus patches in the mouth, sores 011 scalp, ulcers "on tongue, sore throat, eruptions on skin, copper colored splotches, nnd falling hair and eyebrows leave no room tor uouui, as tnese are all unmistakable signs ot Contagious llloou Poison. Doctors still prescribe mercury nnd potash as the only cure for Blood Poison. These poisonous'min- erals never yet made a complete and permanent cure of Contagious Blood Poison. They drive the disease back into the system, cover it up for a while, but it breaks out again in worse form. These powerful minerals produce mercurial rheumatism and the most offensive sores and ulcers, causing the joints to stiffen and finger nails to drop off, Morcury and potash mako wrooks, not ouros, nnd those who have been dosed with these drugs are never after free from aches and pain. S. S. S. acts in an entirely different maimer, being a purely vegetable remedy ; it forces the poison out of the system, and instead of tearing down, builds up nnd invigorates the general health. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this specific virus, and therefore the only cure for Contagious Mood Poison.' No matter in what stage or how hopeless the case may appear, even though pronounced incurable by the doctors, S. S. S. can be relied upon to make a rapid, permanent cure. S. S. S. is not a new, untried rcmcdv ; nn experience of nearly fifty years lias proven it n sure and unfailing cure for this disease. It is the only purely vegetable blood medicine known. Mr II. I Myers, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, K J , says : " I was afflicted with n terrible blood diieane. which was In spots at first, but nfterwnrds spread all over my body. These soon broke out Into sores, nnd It Is easy to Imagine the suffering I endured. Before I became convinced that the uuciors coum uu inc nu kwn i uati upciii a nunurcu nouars, wmcn was rcauy uirown awav. 1 men tried various patent medicines, but they did not reach the disease. When I had finished my first liottle of S. S S. I was greatly Improved, and was delighted with the result. The large, red splotches on my chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I regained my lost weight, became stronger, and my appetite improved. I was soon entirely well, and my skin as clear as a piece of glass," Send for our Home Treatment Hook, which contains valuable information about this disease, with complete directions for self treatment. Our medical department is in charge of physicians who have made a life-time study of blood diseases. Don't hesitate to write for any information or advice wanted. We make no charcc what ever for this. All correspondence is held in the most sacred confidence. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA, Noli'H of (lie ('tutrix. Ora Pearl Pardeo has sued Louis Pardee for divorce, alleging non-support. Ellen Short has been grnnted divorce from t:alvin Mliort. ueneral Indignities wero nlleged. Tho suit for adjustment of tho cstnto of the late Lucy l.add Is still In progress before Jiiuso ueysor. Judgo Baxter will go to Washington county to hold court Monday, and Judgo Kstello win go to Hurt county. E. Jt. Meyers has been appointed execu tor of tlio estate of Esther liryc on. nn nged woman who died a few decks ago at Waterloo. A writ of peremptory mandamus has been lssufld against the city of South Omaha to compel t lie council 10 levy a lax ror the payment of a Judgment which tho courts awarded Paul Elsfelder some time ago, ln a shit for persounl Injury damage. Jnmes Franklin DoDolt, an octogenarian who Is without means nf support, Is de tained ln tho county Jail pending tho ar rival of olllcers who will take him to his former home nt Logan, la., whore will be examined as to sanity. qOOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOO OOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOOOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOO o0: o o o o o o o o .0 o o o o o o o o o o v mor 01 Youtn. Every Man May Possess It-Wear Dr. McLaughlin's Electric Belt. MAYOR'S HOLIDAY IS OVER Full)- lloslnred lit lleallli the Itera tive TttkoM I'ii Allow (be UiiIIoh of II In Otltoo. lie , 0 O O o o o o o o o o o o o o Mayor Moorcs htiB returned from a two week' outing nnd Is busily engaged In di minishing tho piles ot mail accumulated dur ing his absence. Some nt tho letters are from suppliants for political plumt; many others contain hearty congratulations on tho outcome of the election from nil parti ot IIIC cuilllliy nun uuuuti iu iuenu wctc aiuic-a Ul UIISltlllMUt TUIIO 1.UIUU IIUIIUIIUIIO. The word of tho mayor's return spread rapidly among tho applicants for favors and tho executive oillce was booh hcslejed. Other moro Imperative duties, however, made It necessary for the executive to deav himself to nil comers. In regard to th" offices nt his disposal the mayor says that all claims aro being given full consideration and that no Intimation will bo given ui to Mclaughlin s electric belt. You feel Its vitalizing warmth as soon as It touchca your body. Put It cn when you are retiring, set tho regulator Just ns you llko tho power, and It pumps n gcntlo stream of elec tricity Into your body while you sleep, Its touch U the touch of magnetism, the essence of vital for-c. It soothes pnln, qulet'ti tho nerves, and enlivens the blcod. It makes nil who use It stronger. "I would ro' tako $2,000 for my belt " writes a grateful patient. It is worth moro than money when It brings health. Aro you a weak man? Aro you nervous, fretful nnd gloomy? Is your sleep broken? liavo you pains and aches In different parts of your body? Is your back weak and painful? Havo you lost tho vigor of youth? Aro you Rheumatic and Gouty? Havo you Varlcocelo? Theso aro all tho result of the wasto of vital force. The gentle stream of Klectricity from Dr. McLaughlin's Klectrlc Belt going Into tho nerves and weak parts for hours every night soon replaces all the lest energy and makes every organ perfo t. It cures permanently In every ense. To a man whoso vitality Is exhausted and who finds hlnuelf. whllo still young In years, a broken-down wreck of what ho ought to be. the Ur. McLaughlin Klectrlc Holt is full ot encouragement. It is tho success ot tho ago In elevating tho condition of men suffering from a loss of vitality. It If worn whllo you sleep. For six or eight hours every night It pours a steady stream of electricity Into tho nerve center, saturating tho weakened tlssiutj and organs with its life. This Is strength. From It comes tho vim, tho energy, tho flro of por ted physical and mental action, It renews the health and happlners of all men. ttnntftinl f,e'"1 mo your oltl ,lelt "f "ny otl,er Op3CI3 1 mako and I will send you one of my latest improved appliances nt half my regular price, CfkA DaaI V i'0.u cannot call, write for 1 tMJJ f tree hook leiunir This book Is full of truths for weak men, all about It. Call or addrpss dr. m.g. Mclaughlin, 2issi o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o , o o o 8! i o 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o OOOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOO OOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOOOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO 000 0 Marvelous Showing New Spring Dress fabrics, Silks Colored Dress Goods. Double I'olil Pristine I'laldx till the leading colors and 1 JLr shades worth 20e a yard ll-lnoli Tufted SuKliiU" very rich and desirable dress fab- 1, rles worth 3oc a yard, only ... 2 W-lneh All Wool (iulf Clolli (Ik; regular 73c quality on sale tir for, per yard "" JtS-lneli ItiiHurene I'IiiIiIh very rich waist material worth ACXn G'Jo a yard, on sale for t-cw IS-lneli All 'Wool IIIiikoiiiiI suitings, ln tho new- green and blues, reculnr 90c quality 4.0c per yard -trw 17-lncli I'reneb 1'iiiiIIiim all (lie pastel shades, newest thing for spring, cannot ho duplicated AOo for $1.25 yard U-fV Silks. !7-lnoli Twilled I'onl mils nl new greens nnd blues. In dots nnd worth 75c a vard only i:lrii (litallly I'rlnleil .Iiiiim, -."- In tho new green, rose and blue, $1.00 value, yard I (ho figure.", 45c Ineb 63c Tnffela SIIUk JiimI arrived al pastel shades, regular prlco 70c a yard, only Heavy lllnok Tnn'eOi nloc far Ins worth 79c a yard on sale for I (ho 43c !7-lnolt Heavy Illack Satin worth $1.23 a yard, only :7-lneh Heavy lllnok AViKe Japanese Ilubltunt Silk, the $1.10 quality, on sale yard plait- .43c .75c rproof 59c Black Dress Goods lll-iiteli lllnok Storm Serue good value at ;S'e a yard- 23C JlS-lneli lllnok Mohair llrllllnii- plaltlng, regular C9c quality Alr' tlno, nice for dresses and .-. l-lneh Heavy lllnok Sicilian the best of wear guaranteed, fChr $1.23 value, yard KJ J ll-lneli lllnok Knullnlt Wliltt- uordp very stylish ami pret- fZfn ty worth $1 a yard, only JJ lllnok Frotu'li CreiiiniN very now llgures, miitelnsso effects, $2.fu Quality on sale 1.49 ,'t-liieli All Wool ('aiiiol'n-ltalr Cloth extra good quality worth $1.9S Dor yard sale I 1(1 price lyf Phenomenal Offerings . . In Women's New Spring Wraps An excellent showing of the new spring styles In with this beason's styles. Several lots bought nt very Women' stylish (iilliir-innde .Inokols velvet collar, strapped seams, made nt nn all wool Venetian cloth, worth fully $C50 - Mtl special sale price t,,,u Women's .Merolinnt-(nlltirod All "Wool kersey Jackets, lined with silk, Homan strapped scams, sleeves, front and bot tom hand.somely stitched tho best $10.00 valuo ever offered, nil colors and sizes.... Wonien'H Tan Kersey llov Coitls lined with Sklnner'ii satin, shaped seams, fancy tailor stitching, In tuns and colors .one or tho best $17.50 Jackets In tho city, price.... Wnineii'M Fine Illack TnlTeln WiiImIk tho very latest styles, excellent llttlug. well made, positively worth Jj.00 on salo Monday for Tallor-mado Suits, Jackets, Skirts, WaUts, elc. Kvery garmont compiles low prices will bo sold tomorrow on tho samo basis, Women's Tallor-.VIinle Sails revern stitched front and bottom. Jacket lined with Homan or tuffeta silk, new box pleated skirt worth $S.GO sale prlco Women's Finest Kaney I'overl nnd cheviot suits, ln all the now spring shades, Jackets lined with taffeta silk, tailor strappings, fancy stitching, a lino tnllor mado garment, at factory prices $10 vuluo Wonien'M Venetian Tit llor-ninde Stilts in eton and short tight-lit ting Jackets", np- pllquo trimmed, nlso black storm serge, " rfl ut.mlquo trimmed lined with taffeta,! :!!( for Women's pern nil sizes. ."c l'oroalc Wrap- 7.98 gi ll. 98 WA 2.98Jfj 5.98 9.98 skirt lined with nearsllk, $30.00 valuo. Women's Fancy Venellaii unil Covert tailor-made skirts, worth positively $3 on sale for Women's lllnok Slorni SorRo Sepuralo skirts, all the latest patterns, black nnd blue, $5.00 value 3.49 2.98 New Spring Millinery. Too much crodit cannot bo given our milliners for the ele gant showing of now spring headgear they produced. Kvery critic pronounced tho styles ex cellent and many say with groat earnestness thcro Is nothing to equal our display ln the city. Now, such being tho case, wo havo reason to expect every woman hero to Inspect our bu perb lino. Thoso that do not care to upend over $3.00, $1.00 or $3.00 for n hat will find nn excellent line to chooso from hero. Tho sumo applies to tho moro costly huts. Some Shoe Snaps. Special values for Monday's selling. Women's $2.50 fine Tan Shoes, panel silk vesting top, plenty of large sizes in the lot, on sale Monday 1.45 Anothor lot of thoso elegant women's Shoes, worth up to $3.50, go at about half price, all stylos and leathers, for Mon- i day's selling, special price lUO n "u1;11.!11,8,,0 Mt'!''j f101 Wf,rlh fib' $2..ri0and $l.no, go valuenftfi'eso1 Stfc llnJ l YU Cn,,,,ot f"" l" ,,n" lt fords aVai.0,rt'i;lcet'.aVa,'Ced Bly,ea ' WOme,,'a X' Bargains in . . . Wash Goods, Linens. Lininas Etc. llnnilxniue I'eronleM newest spring styles, goods worth Qlr 12lsc a yard, on salo for U2W White niiiillleN iilnlii, Hie regu lar 15c quality on salo CSlc Monday for India l.liion Hie quality on salo for remilnr Iflo 5c XnliiKOok el ru kiioiI iinnllly worth 15e a yard, T .')- for 4 w I.otiK CTnlli extra quality, wurlli 15o a yard on salo 8-iC Apron l,iai it It lull Krnilc, it ell worth 13c a yard on Kile Qlr Monday for Silk '.epliyrs highest DOe a yard, only Latest Style Dliiilt Ion iietvesl pittturiiH. very choice color- CI.'1 r lngs So quality, yard lloantlfiil ChallU tho regular ..4Ac grade very latest styles worth IP If 8c quality, yard, only Highest tirade (iliiKlianiM lieiuillriil patterns the regular Vic mini- la ity, yard Ot. Madras Clolli mont doNlrnlile niil- ierus--goous just arrived worth ISc a yard, only High liritde. Dimities ery rlolt pat. teriis iori tc Taylor goods worth 25c a yard, on salo for SheelltiK nnd Sheet 8-4 I'epperell Sheeting bleached special, per yard 4Mnch I'epperell I'lllow Oaring tor iL'xOJ Hemmed Sheets, for ' 45x30 I'lllow Sllns, for ft.ooo yards, extra quality, inilHlln. special per yard i.iiiinuN, i:e, '.',000 yards, Cambric, lining, worth Co a yard, on salo for Striped Taffeta Lining. J 6c grade, yard ,. M0 yards extra quality shirting, 25e grade, for Collar stlffenlntr, worth 10c yard, only High grade polka dot Taffeta, 23c value, yard Uic lint- .15c 9c 35c .9:1 c ,52c "H-lneh Itlenelii-il Dm iiiiinI. t ery good quality, neat patlerns, o i worth 35c a yard IC ril-lneh lliiir-llleneheil Mtrit Quality Unmask worth Heii07t yard, on sale for 4. nil-lueli Turkey lied Table Da mask, 25 pieces go on e.ilo very neat patterns, goods worth i7lt- 30c a yurd. on salo for I aw 75 I'leees (Jinx Tint el I n k koimU sold regular for 10c a yurd Ar on sale Monday for ll I.', ,-( VitrdM Crush TotvelliiK goods worth tic a yard O Ln 24c 62 c 15c ,3c 12ic on salo for !."( Do.en l.liten Dojllex- frlnsfcd. worth I2'c each, on salo for Turkey lied Table Covem S-l sizes, very pretty patterns, nliely fringed, worth $1.00 on salo tro.-. Monday for OVC ,TO(l llnek Tint el m- ea'h on snlo for only 7 ilnron Hit Hi and Huffy 10c kind, for -aleely 4c ttoi lll I J l-o 63c Tint el large 8c Dress Trimmings Wo purchased a largo stock of Dross Trimmings, Buttons, Skirt Binding, etc., at 25c on tho dollar. Flno black headed Dress Trim mings nnd Orna- -i " incnts, worth up to I I ICj $1 50 yd, 19c, 12MjC v Monday's Special Grocery Prices 23c 5 lbs. nraimlatcd Sugar Sold only to those bringing this part nf our advertise ment or with grocery orders of $1.25 and up. KMb. Back l'eoplo's Superior Flour per QKr sack .VOC 10 lbs. llrcukfast Holled Oats 10 bars Laundry Heap 10-lb. sack l'uro Graham Klour 4Kdl. sack Clold Medal h'lour , Large Italian I'ruues, pound,,,,, 3 lh. can solid packed TomntocB, ,171c 23c ...17c ..87c ...24c ...74c 2-lb. can extra fancy Sweet Sr.t:or.n: 62c Large hot. puro Tomato Catsup Fancy Japan nice, pound H-lh. can Dr. I'rlco's or Itoyul linking tOLn I'nwder 15 2 n'-j lbs, hand picked Navy Jleuns Tall can red Alas ka Salmon 3-lh. pull best Lard, any brand... Strictly new laid Kggs, per dozen.,,, 12-oz. pkg Wash- Olr Ing Powder AQC 7c .22c 10c ...8c 23c ..He Dress Trimmings 1,000 gross of Bui. tons of every descrip tion, worth from f)0c to 2.00 a dozen, at 5 c, ftc Ort and S.OOO yards brush edgo Skirt Illndlng, Bold regular for fie, 8o nnd lOo n yard, on salo at ono price choice,,, 2c