Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1900, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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Our new stock
of seeds com
prising every
thing known in
J 3 cents
per set
1 tractive.
Beauty pins, 0 pins
on n card. Good m
rolled gold plate,will
not tarnish. Very
neat, novel and at-
AVo place the entire i
Continuation of Our Grand Opening Sale of Carpets and furniture
The wonderful showing in our carpet and furniture departments last week, won words of
high praise from all visitors. New arrivals of artistic and dependable goods will make the sec
ond week of our Grand Opening Sale brighter and more interesting than ever.
the vegetable
world, Last year we did a
wonderful business in seeda
lot on sale Monday.
come in sots of six on
a card and for this
sale, per card
This season wo are
L'OlllL' todobottnr. KtnniWn'
seeds, flower or vogctablo,
par pacKnfjo
t i tt t s-
"Qt ....................
An elabor
ate display
of the latest
novelties for
spring wear. Our prices speak
with eloquence more powovful
than the best words of the
world's most famous orators.
Waist sets with pins or
buttons not with tur
quoise, pearls, emeralds,
rubles and saphlns unit
a lot of hard Russian
enamel sets
Bolt Huckles-sllvor, gilt
nnd black, with and
without settings, a
Hplendld lino to select
from, nil at, each
Collar pins and hair or
naments, with opal,
rhlncstone. emerald, ru
bleu and saphlres, tho
circlet style, ut
An assortment of ladles'
and cent's lover and
link sleeve buttons, reg
ular 4Sc Roods, this sale.
Imitation Torquolse Shell
Hack Combs and Prongs,
carved tops
Pompadour Combs, 12
Hair clasps set with Jew
els, very stylish
Wo excel in
watch value
any and every
in the city. Get our
on Waltham, Elgin,
C Zltvnfhfo Continuation
i ifll iiPj I f 011 r Grand
VMI Opening sale
of carpets ifc
draperies. We are showing
an elaborate assortment of tho
most fashionable and artistic
goods over displayed in Oma
ha. Tho same splendid val
ues prevail which made last
week tho banner one in our
carpet history. The selection
will he even better than last.
We have just received a splen
did hue of
SANFORDS VKLVKT8. netually 7Qr
ho d at Mr. Kor this week, yard.... C'
WILTON VHLVISTS-Mnny carpet buyers
were pleased with this remarkable bargain
laHt week. Tho samo quality Is sold In
exclusive carpet stores at $1.2j per nflr
yard. Our price per yard VUt
Magnificent assortment of best all wool 2
!ly value at 80c. Our price, flEin
opening sale, per yard uuw
Dent union hulf wool tilling, regular 1,1-.
loo KOOdS J4C
buyers aro attracted by our elegant line
of mattings. Words fall when It comes
to describing tho quantity, quality and
vnluo that wo offer. Mattings that sell
regularly at (Tic, on sale this A tin
week for VJV
STRAW MATTING-lntcrestod in straw
matting? Then see our stock. Prices nro
very pleasing, and rango from lZic up.
Best linen warp, per yard, 43c,
Hoc and
Hampden or Hamilton watches
Wo call your special
attention to our su
perb line of hand-
Clocks s
ur new spring
stock is now com-
- plete. An immense
assortment of 8-day and man
tle clocks; made for service,
some rugs.
These rugs nro made from the best Wilton
Velvet, Gl-lnches long. 27 Inches i
wide, wool fringe, each B. W
Rrussels Rugs, C4 Inches by 27 Ttr
Inches, each ft
LINOLKUMS Our spring stock of Lino
leum and lloor oil cloth Is complete and
all the very latest designs of the most
fashionable makers aro shown.
LACK CURTAINS A great variety of pat
terns. Dcllcato new designs, the product
of the most skillful curtnln makers In the
world. A neat curtain, fair 7zn
quality, per pair
Others, at !Sc. $1.48 nnd up to Jj.CO per
pair. A full lino of the new Bobblnet cur
tains, tho popular drapery.
III Wagon running down hill the lighter tho load
HJJ the more racket they make. We have expert
t help in this department and our guarantee
'method gives our patrons that feeling of absolute safety so
hard to find elsewhere.
SPRING MEDICINES This Is the time when you begin to think of spring mod
islnos. Tho Impurities that have accumulated In tho blood during tho long winter
months begin to make themselves felt In the early spring. Your thoughts turn to
ward Sarsaparllla and sassafras. Science has demonstrated that sassafras possess
wonderful blood cleansing properties nnd It Is becoming moro popular every season.
Wo have tho best quality and tho best flavored sassafras In tho city. It's fresh too,
nnd freshness has n lot to do with tho value. Our price Ib really lower -4 ry I
than tho cut price druggist ask. Hy the pound, any quantity 1,2 w
SARSAPARILLA Wo have all the standard preparations Including Hoods, Ayres,
Grants, etc. Wo especially recommend Bonnett's Sarsaparllla. Its curative powers
nro equal to any In tho world nnd far superior to many. You rccelvo a much larger
boltlo for less money and every bottlo la guaranteed, E0
Price, largo size bottlo OVw
Hennctt's Malt Whiskey haa a wonderful effect on a sluggish appetite, M ey ,
Largo bottles A.
Rocker bargain. Solid oak rocker with cob
bler seat. Strong and substantial, handsome-
ly finished for $2. 50.
Center Table, lii-lnch top, well made, modern design, sold In "lO'"
most stores for doublo our prlco OVv
PICTURE FRAMES Wo frnmo pictures to order nt lower prices than exclusive
stores ask you .
A handsome picture framo 7x9 Inches In n variety of colors, mado of
wood and metal, completo with glass nud mat, each
Picture frames, 8x10, mado similar to above, better
quality, only
Pa! fit C Linseed Oil is the only paint material used that
I Ullllo will stand the changeable climate of tho temper
- ate zone. Linseed oil forms the basis of our mix
ed paint. A full line at popular prices.
Package containing one pound of extra
fine note paper, 18c.
Popular books of fiction, cloth lxiund, loading authors, good
clear print, your cholco at
Day Rooks, canvas bound, 160 pages, extra quality whlto wovo paper, each, 15c.
Pencil box with lock nnd key, 4c.
furniture: Groceries
o f furni
ture is now open for your in
spection on our third floor.
Furniture that was bought
with tho thought uppermost that It would
please, our patrons. Its all of the substan
tial sort.
No trash goods, but tho kind we nro not
nfrald to guarantee.
HUD ROOM SUIT Our lender, 3-plece bed
room set, solid oak, handsomely polished,
and llnlshel In tho very best 1 fl ecn
manner possible. 1 vl. JJ
COUCHES Fnshlonablo couches, possess
ing that remarkable, boauty and luxurious
design aro to be found here at moderate
prices. A splendid couch, 27x71 inches,
well mid substantially made. Handsome
finish, upholstered In vclour, g c35
A magnificent eastern couch at $7.85 up to
FOLDING HEDS-Handsomely finished
with Maud carvings and prlco o ttc;
rnnso from $21.50 down to BO. CJC
IRON HEDS-AI1 tho latest noveltlos
Many styles J17.S5 down Q
Our ef
forts to
the pub- y
lie with pure food aro appre
ciated by tho public. This is
evident from tho increasing
popularity of our Grocery de
partment. Intensely inttirest
ing prices will rule Monday.
15th and Capitol Avenue
We have
just re
ceived a
new im
pollution of tho populur Jot
Fire Proof Tea Pots. These
nro vory highly recommended to all lovers
of ten. The many advantages over the or
dinary tea pot nro apparent nt a glnnce.
Wo olfor you an extraordinary opportunity
to secure this splendid ware.
Tho entire lot on salo Monday at
each OtfL.
TAHLE TlTM RLE RS Thin blown table
tumblers, beautifully engraved, Ofln
set of six fiOl'
LAMPS Crystal sewing lamp, high XCir
pedestal, remarkable value, each....-,IJ'
ORANGE HOW1.S Extra largo orange
bowls, many and varied designs, t(n
your choice Ut
FRUIT HOWliS-S-lnch lily fruit i(r
bowls, each IVJW
ceut ussortment of the beautiful Opales
cent ware. This new and popular ware
comes In many nnd varied tints, beauti
fully decorated with llornl designs and
trnced with gold.
Cream sots, oiml decorated, Ifio
4 pieces, per set OIJL
Opalescent beauty assortment, your tdn
choice of tho lot JVC
Cut bottom tumblers, full Hint, Olr
each Jl'
See our special tablo of odd glass nnd
china ware. Every article a raro bar
gain To clorto them out wo offer On
them Monday at, each
Anderson's Mlnco Meat,
per can
Crown brand preserved Straw
berries, can ,
favorite breakfast food,
2-pound packago
Asparagus, one-pound can,
Queen Olives, per bottlo
Honey lleo Com, per can,
absolutely pure, 1-pound - A
can lLf
French Mustard, bottle,
Cheese, full cream, good qunllty, -4 l,
pound 1 42w
Plncapplo Cheese,
per bottlo Ov
Hennctt's Vnnllla Extract n
per bottlo Ov
Van Houton's Cocoa, 1-4 pound
Horse Rndlsh, superior quality,
fresh, bottlo
Pickled Onions, per bottle,
Pears, 2-pound can In heavy
Hread, fresh, rye, wheat or graham, i
per loaf JC
Cakes, pics, cookies, buns, crnckcrs and
bakery goods In endless varletv.
COFFEE Our 20o coffeo Is 'far superior
to many counterfeit Jnvn-Mocha coffeca
sold for a great deal moro money
equal pound pnekago 28c
Hii Presence on Strnw Police Board is Odieni
to Moits Gang.
O'Conuor'n Appointment n Forced
Coiicemlnii to IrUh lOlemeiil
Connty Kcmoeriiey Tries A'rw
iMcnim tu Secure Clear Field.
As a result of tho fierce war between
factions of tho democratic party, a chargo
of bribery has been preferred ngalnst John
i, O'Connor, recently appointed by Governor
Poynter to a placo on the propowed new
beard of flro and police commissioners,
Tho complaint wns sworn to Into Saturday
afternoon In police court before Judge Gor
don. Tho warrant for the arrest of O'Con
nor was placed In the hands of Dan Davis,
officer of tho court.
Whllo tho name of John Shelby nppeara
as tho complainant, It Is snld that Cunning
ham R, Scott, lato Jmlgo of the district
court, drow up the papers, Tho bribery
chargo ngalnat O'Connor grows out of the
troublo he had with Judge Scott three years
ago relative to litigation. In which O'Con
nor represented John A. Crelghton,
Contrary to tho usual custom, Deputy
County Attorney Dunn, when Interrogated,
eald ho know nothing about it nnd would
not prosecute it except by express orders
of County Attorney Shields.
John Shelby la tho husband of Mary
Shelby, -who wns the plaintiff In n will cbho
ngalnst her uncle, John A. Crelghton, which
wa8 tried bofore Judge Scott, nnd tho com
plaint filed Saturday nfternoon alleges that
on December 23, 1807, O'Connor offered
Judgo Scott a reward of $5,000 If ho would
grant certain concessions In tho benrlng of
tha case.
'Kenr Krlurn .TnoUionliiii.
The warrant ngalnst O'Connor Is tho first
Nature's Provisions Against Chilling
the Lungs.
Should Be Well Cured For and Not
Flared Up.
In tho back oortlon of tho nasal cnvltv
nre two largo mnsscs of blood vessels which
pour out uoon the surface of thu mucous
membrane u watery substance that
moistens tho air which wo breathe In
through tho nostrils, and also warms It.
This Is nature's wuy of preparing tho
B.tmoahere so that when It reaches the
lungs it Is purltled, warmed and moistened,
o ub not to disturb the equilibrium of the
lung temperature. These blood vesel aro
very delicate and sensltlvo and one cannot
be too enreful against forcing liquids Into
the nose that may aggravate anil disturb
their action. Catarrh appear to tho suf
ferer us only a noso trouble, but It usually
extends along the membranes Intlamlng
the lurynx, the wlndplpo and tho bronchial
tubes, so that In nearly nil cares of
catarrh and colds treatment through tho
nostrils Is useless and harmful, The only
way by which all the affected parts In a
genuine case of catarrh may bo reached Is
by Internal treatment. In this way tho
entire mucous lining Is restored to oroucr
pecretlvo condition and the nerves, hlood
and temperature serve to carry off the dis
eased mucous to tho proper excremontorv
channels. Since Gauss' Cntnirh Tablet)
cams Into us catarrh has been better
understood by the masses and thefe tablets
aro a ture euro; In fact, catarrh cannot be
cured In any other way. A trial of these
celebrated tablets will soon clear tho head,
throat and air passages, besides having a
stimulating effect upon the bowels, bladder,
kidneys and stomach, which are nearly
nlwava uffected when the hend Is stuffed
up, Try these tublets". All druggists keep
them or they will bo sent direct, prepaid,
upon receipt of price, 60 cents, by C. i
Guus. Marshall, Mich.
Hend for valuablo little book fully ex
plaining aJl forma of catarrh.
outward evidence of tho intense, but sup
pressed, excitement In democratic circles
caused by tho contest for places on tho pre
tender pollco board appointed a few days
ngo by Governor Poynter. Both tho Jack
sonlans and tho County Democracy insisted
upon exclusive recognition at the hnnds of
tho governor, but tho board when announced
ns comprising Ilroatch, Peabody, Miller and
Poppleton, wns Immediately seen to be tho
creation of Molsc, Metcalfe and Fanning,
the sponHors of the County Democracy, nnd
cast consternation through tho Jncksonlnna
for fear that somo of tho prospective powor
might escape them.
When Mr. Poppleton mado public his dec
lination ho snld ho withdrew In favor of
Attorney F. L. Weaver, who was also
promptly endorsed by Molse, Metcalfe et al.
and confidently awaited his commission by
next mall.
Tho furoro among tho Jocksonlans and
especially the Irish elemont knew no bounds.
Attorney General Smyth wns mado tho point
of nttnek nnd so strong wns tho pressure
brought upon him by Irish democrats that
ho Is nald to havo made a peremptory de
mand upon Governor Poynter for the ap
pointment of J. J. O'Connor, tho attorney
for John A. Crelghton, to tho vacancy left
by Poppleton's resignation.
(iovortiur Foreetl in Yield,
Whon the governor remonstrated nnd
gavo ovldenco of preferring to enrry out
tho wishes of the Molso crowd. Mr. Smyth
Is snld to havo given tho ultimatum that
unless O'Connor wns appointed ho would
dismiss tho whole ult and leavo tho gov
' ernor's board high and dry.
I As a result J. J. O'Connor was given the
! vacant comnilsslonershlp on the governor's
I pretender board to tho intenso disgust of the
1 Molso end. who realized that his presence
there would bo nn obstruction to question
I able schemes they might bo promoting. As
a consequenco thoy havo been busy trying
I to dovlso somo plan by which to rid them
l solves of O'Connor's objectionable presence
! in that capacity, nnd tho present movo la
said to be a part of their deep-laid plot.
In this connection It Is nlso Interesting
to nolo thnt In tho democratic convention a
year ago O'Connor was a mont prominent
lendor In standing out against the nom
ination of Judgo Scott on tho democratic
Judicial ticket, whllo Molso, Fanning & Co.
championed Judgo Scott's cause in the
democratic convention nnd later managed
his campaign ns a petition candidate.
Further developments nro expected In tho
bribery caso Monday.
Hemnrlitilile ( urex nf ItlieiiiiuitlKiii.
From the Vindicator. Rutherfordton. N. C.
Tho editor of tho Vindicator has had octarf
slon to test tho cfllcncy of Chamberlain's
Pain Halm twice with tho most remarkable
results In each ense. First, with rheumatism
In tho shoulder from which ho sufferod ex
cruciating palu for ten days, which was re
lloved with two applications of Pnln Halm,
rubbing tho parts atlllcted nnd realizing
Instant benefit and entire relief in a ory
short tlmo. Second, In rheumatism In thigh
Joint, almost prostrntlng him with severe
pnin, which wns relieved by two applications,
rubbing with tho liniment on retiring at
night and gottlng up frco from pain.
HorHOHlM r.iilertiilu.
The master horHeshoers and many of tho
Journeymen of council Bluffs, South Omaha
and Omaha were entertained In royal style
at a smoker given at Labor temple Satur
day evening by Master HorHeshoers' union
No. Si of Omaha. Cigars, curds, conversa
tion and a nlco lunch furnished enjoyment
for nil. W. Q. Da bunch of Qulncy, 111., wns
an honored guest. Tha arrangements com
mittee was comiosed of W. A. Watson, J.
C. Pedersen. C. H. Isard, A. Murphy. J. F.
Ooerne, D. Cunningham, W. Russell and
A, Henderson.
JiifkHonvlllo Receive DiMvey.
miral and Mrs, Dnwey reached Jncksonvllle
this mc rning at lit o ciock nnu were mei uy
a reception committee The guests were
taken to the Windsor hotel, where a public
reception was held from U to 12, After a
luncheon a military reception was given at
tha armory. Tho party left ut 2 p. m. for
St. Augustine,
Good Sport is Put Up at the Y, M. 0. A.
Handsome. Sliver Cup Are Awnnlfil
lo the Winner of l"lrt mill Sec
ond I'rlzen SiiiiiiiinrleN
of Hie Invent.
winner for tho reason that ho had tho
smallest handicap.
Handsome silver cups were awarded tho
winners of tho first nnd second prizes In tho
severnl events. The officials who presided
over tho contest were ns follows:
D. J. O'llrlen, starter; F. I). RarneH, ref
eree; N. II. Nelson, scorer; T. C. Oravcs,
assistant; Henry Clarke, clerk of course;
Howard Stillson, W. H. Overton, A. C.
Jones, E. J. Neville, H. R. Ellis, Judges;
F. L. Willis. F. Pickering. H. R. Ellis, II.
E. Fredcrlckson, Thomas Mlckel, F. H,
Harnes, timers; A. Goldsmith, N. Ilernstclu,
inspectors; Harry Mahaffey, marshal; J, A.
Reason, announcer.
Omaha athletes, belonging to the Young
Men's Christian association, engaged In a
friendly contest at the gymnasium Saturday
night for tho purposo of demonstrating their
Individual capability in gymnastic sports.
It was tho first open handicap meet held
under the auspices of tho nssoclntlon.
Though tho contest was open to all, tho
entries were without exception association
men. Tho exhibition wns witnessed by an
Interested crowd of spectators and tho en
thusiasm and excitement of tho contestants
were equally as marke-d as on tho part of
thoso who witnessed tho events.
Tho first event was a twonty-ynrd dash.
Tho entries woro: W. iA. LMcElroy, H. E.
Eld.son, C F. Patterson, Henry E. Finney,
Clnudo R. Pike, Rex V. Henry, M. C. Rush.
Henry (scratch) won; tlmo, :02 3-D. Rush
(1 foot) second, :03 1-5.
Putting twelve-pound shot. Three en
tries: W. A. McElroy, Honry E. Finney and
Rox V. Henry. McElroy won, his record!
being 30 feet 2 Inches. His handicap over
Finney wns 2 feet 10 Inches. Henry wns
second, with a dlstanco to his credit of
38 feet 11 ',4 Inches. Ho had a handicap of
2 feet 8 Inches. (
W. A. 'McElroy. C. F. Patterson. Henry E.
Finney, John N. Haskell and Frank W.
Engler were tho participants In the running
high Jump. McElroy (scratch) won first
place, making a Jump of fi feet 10 Inches.
Finney (!i inches handicap) came second,
with a record pf C feet 0 Inches.
Tho entries in tho stnndlng broad Jump
wero W. A. McElroy, II. E. Eldson, Henry
B. Finney and Rex V. Henry. Eldson (1 foot
1 Inch handicap) was awarded first place,
his Jump being 10 foet Inches. Henry
! Inchos handicap) wns second, with i
Jump of 10 feet 3U Inches.
In tho three standing broad Jumns tin
entries wero W. A. McElroy, Honry E. Fin
ney, Rex V. Henry and C, F. Patterson.
Henry (scratch) won, with a distanco of 31
feet 7 inches, and Finney (G-lnch handi
cap) enmo second, with n distance of 30
feet 11 Inches.
The fenco vault was engaged in hy W.
A. McElroy, R. C. Finney. C. F. Patterson,
Henry E. Finney, Jchn N. Haskell, 0. A.
Fisher, Rex V. Henry and Frank Engler.
Fisher (1-Inch handicap) won tho contest
with a vault of fi feet 8 Inches. Henry
E. Finney (scratch) camo second with a
vault of fi fctt 7 Inches.
W. A. McElroy, Henry E. Finney and
Rex Henry wero tho contestants in tho
hitch and kick performance. Finney
(scratch) wns first with 8 feet 3 Inches to
his credit, and McElroy (7-Inch handicap)
camo second with 8 feet 2 Inches.
In tho polo vault the entries wero R. C.
Finney, H. E. Eldson. Henry E. Finney
and John N. Haskell. Henry Finney
(scratch) won this contest, vaulting 9 feet
lOMi Inches. Haskell (I foot 1 Inch handi
cap) came second with 9 feet 10 Inshoj to
his credit.
W. A. McElroy, R. C. Finney, Claude E.
Pike, William Parker. M. C. Rush and
Henry E, Finney wero the participants In
tho quarter-mllo potato rnce. McElroy,
Henry Finney and Rush ench made tho race
In 1 minute and 11 seconds and no award
was made, although it was considered that
McElroy should havo been declared tho
(nicer Are Uleclotl nnd I'rlxrn Are
II u UK I for Sciimoii Cluli OrKiin
Izeil In South Otiiiilui.
Tho annual meeting for tho election of
ofllcors of tho Omaha Crlsket club was held
at tho olllco of tho secretary Saturday
evening. An Informal ballot resulted In tho
election of the following: President, John
Francis; vlco presldeut, Matthew A. Hall;
secretary, J, R. Reynolds; treasurer, John
Douglas; corresponding secretary, J. II.
Vaughn; captuln, C. Lennox; vlco captain,
J. H. Slmms; committee, W. R. Vaughn, J.
Cameron, J, Neal and Row W. H, Moore.
Challenges wero received from cricket
clubs at Salt Lake, City, Denver, Kansas
City, St. Paul and Chicago, showing thu
llvn Interest taken in tho game In this sec
tion of the west. Several now membera
wero elected nud the season of 1&00 op em
with a bright outlook.
Vlco President Hall has offered two prlzo3
which aro calculated to stimulate tho play
during tho summer. The. two mcmbcis
proving themselves the best batsmen by the
season's averages will each bo presented
with n prlzo bat. Cnptnln Lennox tins also
promised n bat to tho member having the
best bowling average In foreign matches.
A final bat will bo presented by President
Francis to the member having thu highest
batting averago In foreign games. In addi
tion to thiwo awards tho usual club prizes
will bo conferred nt the end of tho season.
Any person not affiliated with tho club
who takes an interest In tho gamo Is Invited
to correspond with the secretary nt 1302
Farnatn street. An increased Interest Is
being taken In tho game locally this spring
and a club haa been recently organized at
South Omaha. Arrangements aro being
mado to havo frequent interurban contests.
won, Dandy II second, Clara H third. Time:
SAN FRANCISCO, Mnrch 2I.-Weather
clear and track fust. Tanforan results:
First rnce, live-eighths of a mile, for 2-year-olds.
purse: Rernnto won, Merlda sec
ond. Screen well Lako third. Time: 1:02?4.
Second race, eleven-sixteenths of u mile,
selling: St. Caslmlr won, Mountebank sec
ond. Fidel Youlln third. Time:
Third race, ono and one-eighth miles, hur
dle handicap: .Meddler won. Durwnd sec
ond, Duko of York third. Tlmo: 2:03.
Fourth race, one mile, handicap: Vesuvlan
won, Fretter second, Zoroaster third.
Time: 1:40V...
Fifth race, ono and three-quarter miles,
selling: Forte won. Twlnklo second, I'o
tente third. Time: 3:02.
Sixth race, seven-sixteenths of n mile, for
2-yenr-aldM, purse: Toah won, Hilly Taylor
second, Dill Rohnnseu third. Time: 0:43.
Article SIkiipiI for n Mulch .Inly .
They Will Ttvmty-Flvn
NEW YORK. March 21.-Rob Fltzslm
mons and Kid McCoy wero matched today
to light on July i twenty-flvo rounds at
catch weights, Roth men posted $2.GO0 for
feit, with tho understanding that thev aro
to double this sum when articles nro signed
with tho club which gets the match. The
dato has not yet been decided upon, but
April U hap been set ns tho time for recelv
Ins bids.
HeHiilt on Hip Itiinnlnu; Truck,
NEW ORLEANS. March 21,-The season
closed In dismal, rainy weather today. The
featuro of the card was the Turf Congress
handicap, for which Trlllo nnd Sidney Lucas
wero such prohibitive favorites that they
wero burred In tho betting. Track heavy.
First race, six furlongs, handicap: Ban
Durango won, Tom Collins second, Mugglo
Davis third. Time: 1:1SV4,
Second race, llvo furlongB, for 2-yenr-nlds:
Wild Plrnto won. Sad Snm second, Rllnk
third. Time: 1:024.
Third rnco, two miles, selling: Admetus
won, Lonongnh second, '.Possum third,
Tlmo: 3:47.
Fourth race, one inllo. Turf Congress
handlcup: Trlllo won. Knight Banner sec
ond, Eva Rico third, Tlmo: 1:47;.
Fifth rnce, one mile and seventy yards:
Clareoba won, Shelby second, Tlncraft third,
Tlmo: 5:01.
Sixth race, ono mile, selling: Warrior
Ilent HrlloiiN liy Culile for Third Time
-Xt'iviU'S ("up III SIkM .Vfil
NEW YORK, March" 2i.-For tho third
tlmo America won the Anglo-Amerlcun
chess match out of the llvo matches played.
Tho score of six wins to four Is tho same as
was mado last year. Tho International
ohes.1 championship cup, donated by Sir
Oeorgo Newnes, will remain hero for nil
1 other yeat and It takes only ono additional
i victory to mnko It a permanent possession.
Tho rontest 'wns spirited throughout.
I England scored first victory, hut later In the
, day It was a question whether America
would bo ublo to win the match by one nar
row point. Tho whole Issue hinged nn the
gamo between Plllsbury and Ulaekhurno
and tho contest between lielllugham and
Hodges. Hlnckburne, by very lino play, re
gained a pawn lost in tho opening and
Dually had thu better position, but not suf
1 llclent to win. Hodges had been put on tho
I defense for 11 day und n half, but finally, by
excellent play, succeeded In establishing a
won game. Seeing that the match would
have been won for America anyhow ho of
fered 11 draw which, however, was not ac
cepted. The gallant Englishman resigned
Chess club from Roston to California and
from Mulno to Texas wero rcnresentcil hv
ono or morn delegates.
Tho veteran Delmar gavo an exhibition of
chess prowess which to older pluycrs re
called tho days when ho was considered
champion of the United States. 'Playing
with sterling brilliancy, yet with soundness,
, he forced Trcnchard to lower his colors.
I Tho score of tho match follows:
1 America. Great Rrltaln.
.Plllxbury U Rlackbumo ... .. .. .14
Hhowalter V Len it,
Harry 1 AtWns '0
llodgn-H 1 lielllugham 11
llymra V. Mills u,
Volgt 1 Lawrence 0
Marshall 0 Jackson 1
Hampton 0 Jacobs 1
Newman Wnnl 14
Delmar 1 Treniftnrd 0
Total 0 Total 1
Tho Americans now have two straight
victories to their credit and need only to
win mm Ifl IfMtl In tin In t,nrmnm,nf rynuaaa-
pion of tho Nownes trophy.
UUNUU.n, .Marrn 21. Tho Cafe Monaco
presented a brilliant scene this evening,
when, at tho conclusion of thn International
cablo chess match. Sir George Nownes an
nounced thai tho fifth match had been won
hy tho American team by bIx games to
four and proposed three cheers for tho
Tho rooms were crowded with tho leading
Kngllsh and continental chess players, who
dlspluyed the greatest Interest, particularly
when at 10 o'clock It was noted that tho
match was u tie. Soon after this Delmar
defeated Tronchard, giving tho Americans
un extra point. This left veteran Hlack
burno against Plllsbury nnd llclllnghnm
against Hodges. The announcement of a
draw g.imu between Ulaekhurno and Pills
bury gavo great satisfaction to the friends
of tho veteran, although It decreased (Jrout
Britain's chances of success. Rolllngham a
few minutes later resigned In favor of
Hodges, giving tho Amorlcan team tho nd
vuntage by two games. Congratulatory
messages wero exchanged between tho
Jokonin Olnb Wants to Taka a Hand in
Djmocratio Affain of Magio Oity.
L'hnrKCN Filed AKnlnnt Tito Member
Snld to llnvo Joined Patriotic
Lea mi e Since Recent City
Tho Jaeksonlan club is frightened at tho
nspect of things political In South Omahn
and Is not. In tho least backward about say
ing so. At tho meeting of tho club Satur
day evening attention was callod to tho
serious condition confronting tho domocrats
down there. Will Herdman brought tho
matter up nnd (1, M. Hitchcock called nt
tentlon to its seriousness. Ho thought nn
appeal should bo mado to tho party spirit
of tho democrats down thorn nnd to thnt
end Introduced tho following, which wns
Whereas, Tho city of South Omnha Is
to hold nn olectton early In April; nnd,
Whereoa, This Is presidential year und
said city election is likely to havo an Im
portant bearing upon tho approaching cam
paign; now,
Therefore, Tho Jaeksonlan club earn
estly calls upon all democrats In thnt city
to support thn democratic ticket nnd glvo
It tho full party vote, as republicans would
do under liko circumstances.
There wns n manifest dcslro upon tho
part of somo of tho democrats present to
tako nn active part in tho South Omaha
scrnp, but it was fenred thnt their intrusion
on their own motion might bo resented. To
nvold giving offense, It was decided thnt a
commltteo comprising O. M. Hitchcock, John
S. Murphy nnd J. O. Dahlman should rnrry
to tho democratic commltteo of South Omahn
tho abovo greeting and diplomatically sug
gest that tho club and its members ure ready
to render nny asslstnnce, even to visiting
South Omaha 100 or moro strong to par
ticipate in a meeting or work ns Individuals,
iA. C. Shellenbergcr of Alma, who wnB
expected to speak at tho meeting, did not
Tho commltteo to nrrango for tho trip to
Kansas City to tho democratic nntional con
vention reported thnt there is n promise of
a great delegation from Nobraska. It will
go in Pullman coaches, which will be used
for lodging purposes during tho stay.
Forty-eight new members woro enrolled
and thirty-nino appllcntlons submitted.
Olrlchs Jclon filed charges against Julius
Kaufman nnd Potor Drozda, members of tho
club, Btatlng that since ho recent city elec
tlon they hnvo Joined tho Patriotic loagun.
Secretary Cosgrovo wns directed to notify
them to nppoar at tho mooting In two weeks
and show causo why tho club should not
tako action upon tho charges.
E tln,.c- Tho men tied with nlnety-ono
killed out of 100 .birds and In tho deciding
&rfinly;flvo blri, ""Ikes won by
ono bird, killing twenty-two.
To socuro tho original witch hazel nalvn
ask for DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, well
known ns a certain euro for pilos and skin
diseases. Rowaro of worthless couuterfelts.
They aro dangerous.
Throe "Workmen Reported Fntnlty
Injured by 11 Cnve-ln at
PITTSIIURO, Pa., March 24. On man
was killed and five Injured by a cave-In nt
Whlto Hall tunnel on tho Ilaltlmore & Ohio
railroad, ten miles south of this city, today,
Tho killed:
ANTONIO DB RONO, Italian laborer.
Frank Alltler, Italian.
John Lee. colored, Philadelphia.
Thomas Clark, colored, Charlottesville:, Va.
Unknown American.
Unknown colored man.
Tho men wero engaged nt cxcavatling
when the timbers gavo way nnd burled them
under tho debris. All wero tnken out alive,
but Do Dono died a few minutes later. All
tier, Leo and thu unknown Amorlcan aro un
conscious and it is thought will dio.
i:i)Dii; j.itiM:it whips
Truck for ItuinlHler.
H, II. Allen's driving nark on the north
sldo Is completed nnd will bo ready for the
drivers of Omaha, South Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs to speed their roadsters today. It
is oxpeatod that there will he a full turn
out of thn best driving horses In the threo
cities and several brushes are anticipated
As soon ns tho Chicago Houso Wrecking
company gets Its buildings out of the wuy
Mr Allen will nxtend the track to tho full
regulation half mllo,
Illoiv 011 (lie Point of Hie .linr l)ne
Ilie Work.
NEW YORK. March 24,-Eddla Gardner
or Wheeling knocked out Hilly Harrett
of New York before thn (Jreenwnod Ath
letic club In Brooklyn tonight In the four-
Iiranill 1 nine. m.Ji it. nnmnii un inn Jlllllll.
of tho Jaw. Tle lighting was fast and
vicious throughout, Rnrrett showed ex
treme cleverness In tho tlrst noven rounds,
but ho was no mutch for tho rugged
brother of Oscar Gardner.
Oscar sent his brother In to finish his
man In the fourteenth and Gardner sailed
In. nutting right and left to tho law und
1 stomach with terrlllo force. Harrett wont
down, ins nean striKing the lloor with a
thud. Ho tried hard to get up, but tho
refereo had counted him out,
llenlH i:i I lot liy One lllrd,
TRENTON. N J., Murch 2l-Roll,i O.
Helkes of Dayton, O,, captured thn "enst
Iron'1, omblemallc of the chumplan
vhlp ut live pigeons, at Yurdsvlllo, Pa., to-
A Certain Cure for l'llen,
Tho Pyramid Pile Curn Is a success be
causo It has tho merit which brings surenss.
It cures every form of piles and cures them
to stay cured. It In now the most popular
nnd best known pile remedy before the pub
lic, nnd ono reason for Its great popularity
Is because, it has taken the placo of surgical
operations, onco considered tho only sure
Peopln often wonder that so simple 11 rem
edy will so promptly euro such an obstlnato
trouble as piles aro known to be. Yot tho
greatest remedies and grentost inventions
wo havo nro tho simplest, and tho fact that
It does euro Is all tho sufferer from pliea
wants to know.
Tho Pyramid Pllo Curo cures piles In any
stogo of the disease as shown by tho fol
lowing testimonial letters which aro pub
lished ovory week and new cases roportcd
ench tlmo:
From Gcorgo C. Gclok, Owens Mill, Mo.:
Somo tlmo ago I bought a packago of Pyra
mid Pile Curo for my wife, who had suffered
vory much. Tho first trial did hor mora
good than anything sho had over tried. It la
Just as represented.
From Richard Lonn, Whipple, Ohio: r
hnvo used tho Pyrnmid nnd am entirely
pleased nnd satisfied with results. It doos
thu work and no mistake.
Mr. W. .It. Hlnes of Magnolia, Ark., snysj
Although I havo used tho Pyramid Pjlo Curo
only a vory short time, yot It hau bcon very
beneficial to me.
From Mrs. Poter Lnko, 'Mohawk, N. V,:
I received tho Pyramid Pllo Curo, but put off
using It until last week, whon I became so
bad I decided to try It. I havo sufferod
twenty-nine years with bleeding piles and
havo used u great deal of medicine, but
never had anything that did so much for mo
as your remedy.
Tho proprietors of this remedy could pub
lish columns of similar letters to tho abovo
If necessary, but theso are onough to show
what it will do In different cases,
Tho Pyramid Pile Curo Is prepared by tho
Pyramid Drug Co. of , Marshall, Mich.,
and for salo by druggists everywhere at CO
cents per packago, Ono packago is suf
ficient to euro any ordinary caso, Youc
druggist will tell you more about 1U