4 THE OIUAIIA "DAJLY BEE: SUNDAY, MATICJT 2o, 1000. BOH ACCIDENTALLY SHOT "While Hunting on Out Off Lake Ralph Rjd man is Fatally Wounded, DRAGS TOWARD HIM A LOADED SHOTGUN nVrnpon Ik IMnpliiirKeil rtntl Hp Hp-c-rlvpft Hip ClinrKC I'lill In the Knee r'nlln from the llonl llrail. Ilnlph Uedmun, 1G years old, accidentally shot himself at 8 o'clock yesterday morn ing whllo hunting on Cut Oft lake. Ho reached forward, eelzed a fowling piece which lay ncrors the seat of the boat and, ns ho draped It toward him, the hammers caught and the left barrel of the weapon was discharged. He received the charge In tho face, Tho shock caused him to stagger und ho fell from tho boat. His companion grasped the dying boy by tho hair as ho arose In the water and held bis head Just above the surface. With his light hand ho then manipulated one of tho cars and towed the body to shore. Umll Larson, custodian of tho boats, was called to assist In drugging thu body upon the platform. Hy this time life was quite extinct. Tho dead boy Is the son of Ocorgo A. Iled man, a live stock dealer living at 620 South Twonty-nlnth avenue. Karly In tho morning four boys set out from town to go duck hunting on Cut Off lake. Tho party comprised, besides Ilcdman and Arnold, Arthur Welsh, 10 yoars old, son of L. A. Welsh of tho Weather bureau, and Howard Blackburn, 14 years old, son of At torney T. W. Wackburn. Arriving at tho lake, at the foot of Ames avenue, they di vided Into pairs, Welsh and Illackburn se cured a boat first and pushed out. Hodman and Arnold had some trouble In choosing a launch and In this Interval tho party becamo separated. Ily the tlmo tho socond pair had selected a boat tho first was well out upon the lako and had passod out of sight around a mlnlaturo peninsula. Itcdman nnd Arnold threw their hunting paraphernalia Into tho skiff. This Included two double-barreled breech-loading shot gucH, a quantity of shells, two pairs of wadcra and some decoy ducks, I lMV It llUltllPIIPll. Young Arnold seated hlmsolf In the stem of tho boat and took tho oars, itedman oc cupied tho short bench at the bow and 6at facing his companion. Arnold had ta'kc'n but a few strokes when Hcdman spoke tt him: "Is your gun loaded and cocked?" ho osked. "No," Arnold answered, "Its loadoa, but not cocked." Redman's pleco was lying across the,- mld dlo seat of tho boat, tho stock resting upon tho bottom, tho muzzlo pointing upward at a slant of about forty-flvo degrees. As Ar nold ceased speaking Hedraan aroao from his seat, leaned forward, took hold of tha bar rels of bio gun and dragged It toward him. Tho hammors caught on tho bench. Thero was a loud report. Hodman staggered and fell from tho boat Into tho water. He sank Immediately. Upon tho surface of tho lake, marking tho, spot where ho went down, tho wator was colored a livid red. A fow seconds later tho body arose. Ar nold grasped It by tho hair, held tho head nnd faco nbovo tho surface and then with bin freo hand managed to work the boat back to shore. Hosldes Arnold tho only oyowltncss of the tragedy was a 6-year-old iboy, Albert Han son, who was stnndlng on tho shore. He corroborates tho foregoing account. Tho pollco department and coroner wcro notinod by telephono. Sergeant Hudson and Ofncor Ilclglemun wcro sent to tho sceno, and soon after tholr arrival tho coroner's wagon carno nnd tcok tho body to Coroner Swanson's undertaking rooms. A brother of Iledman who works In Cudahy'o packing houso In South Omaha was notified of tho accident. . Kiiep Frlulitliillr IUflKiirpl. Tho faco of tho dead boy Is frightfully disfigured. Tho charge entered at tho left of tho noeo, a Ilttlo bolow the eye, and tho bono beneath tho flesh 1 caved in. (As tho muzzle of tho gun was probably not moro than eighteen Inches from his face at tho time of tho accident tho hair and eyebrows aro singed and thu flush is pitted by tho powder. An examination of tho shotgun ohows that both hammers descended upon tho shells, as tho caps of both shells aro Indonted. The shell In tho right barrel, howover, failed to explode Upon both hammers Is paint rubbed from tho seat ncrons which tho gun was dragged, and In tho bottom of tho boat was found a splinter torn from tho bonch by tho gnu hammors. Tho dead boy was a student at tho Farnam school and was considered by his teachers very bright and promising. His companion had been his friend slnco early boyhood. The parents of the dead boy called at tho coroner's office to view tho remains. Asked it they desired an inquest they replied that they did not, as they had every reason to 'bcllevo tho affair was purely accidental. Tho funeral will be early next week. DitnKProitH Couiiterfrlt Hill, A dangerous counterfeit $10 certificate Is roported by tho government socrct service department. Tho bill purports to bo of the series of ISDi, check letter A, plato number 72; J. Fount Tillman, register; D. N, Mor- HAVE YOU ANY OF THESE Bymptniim of u Very Co nun on Trouble f Thero Is no dlsoaso so common In tho United States as catarrh becauso It appears In so many forms and attacks so many different organs. It Is a common mlstako to supposo that catarrh Is confined to the noso and throat. Any Inflammation of tho mucous membrane wherever located accompanied by abnormal secretions, la catarrh. Catarrh of stomach or bladder, or Intestines Is nearly as com mon as nasal catarrh and much more serious although It Is true that stomach catarrh and catarrh of other Internal organs Is tho result of neglected nasal catarrh, A new remedy has recontly appeared which so far as tested seems to be remarka bly effective In promptly curing catarrh, wherever located. The preparation Is sold by druggists genorally under the name at Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, and In addition to' being very palatable and convenient, pos sesses extraordinary merit, In many cases giving immediate relief from tho coughing, hawking and constant clearing of tho throat and head, thoso symptoms with which every, ono Is familiar who has ever Buffered from colds In tho head and throat. Catarrh Is simply a continuation of these symptoms until tho trouble becomes chronic nnd grows gradually worso from year to year. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are composed of Hydrastln, Kucalyptol, Oualacol and similar antiseptics and catarrh specifics, from which it will bo seen that no secret Is made of the ingredients and also that no mineral poisons aro used, us Is tho case with many well known catarrh medicines, Kor catarrh of the nose, throat, bronchial tubes, for cntarrh of stomach, Intestines or bladder no preparation Is so safo and gives euch rapid and permanent results as Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, All druggists sell them at 50c for full sized package. You can use them with assurance, that you will not contract tho cocaine or morphine habit as the results from this catarrh euro arc apparent from tho first ily' use. gan, treasurer; portrait of Hendrlrks; small scalloped carmine seal; nnswers description of counterfeit certificate reported November 11, 1K9S, except the period between D. and C. In "D. C." below the portrait of Hendricks has been omitted. Imprint of the bureau of engraving and printing has been omitted from the left end of the back of the note; tho "N" Is upside down In the words, "This certlllcate Is receivable for customs, (axes nnd all public dues," in the panel nt , the left end of the back of the note, whllo the "V" In the wnnl "certificate" In thn i small panel at tha upper right back of note looks like nn "K." PAT HAVEY RAISES A SIEGE Incident In Poller Circle tlmt Siik KPStn flip K-MTllt .StlrrlliK IJvpntn In South Africa. For thirty minutes Saturday morning .Mrs. 1,. It. Marvin of 1819 Izard Btrcct was in a stato of siege. In tho street car power house at Nlnotcenth and Izard she played the part of Ladysmlth, whllo her Irato husband without essayed tho role of Oeneral Joubert. Sho dared not come out lest he assault her. Ho took an lmpreg nablo position upon the curbstono command ing both exits, seated himself upon a kopje In the form of a water plug and lit. a cigar. A moment bctoro 'ho had chased her from home, sho alleges. She ran down tho street as fast as sho could, ho following, and the raco continued until she took refugo In tho power house, whero ho dared not fol low. Hut in laying his plan of campaign the husband had neglected to Issue an ordor to cut tho telephono wire. Tho beleaguered forco wag quick to tako advantage of till B. Sho called up Desk Sergeant Havey, the Oeneral Hobcrts of the engagement, and nsked for reinforcements. Tho patrol wagon was dispatched to the scene and tho Blego was raised by arrest ing Marvin and taking him to the station. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. "Tho big republican rally at Woodman halt Friday night Is already bearing good results," said H. A. Carpenter, manager of tho republican campaign yesterday. "As has been noted In The Uee tho principles of tho party and the Idea of reform In municipal affairs were tho leading themts of the vari ous speakers and on account cf tho present condition of affairs residents generally aro looking to tho republican party tor relief." Continuing, Mr. Carpenter said that during the day qulto a number of democrats, mem bers of tho Democratic Municipal club and others not .members of any club called at tho headquarters In tho Murphy block und expressed themselves as willing to not only voto tho republican ticket, but to work tor the candidates. Through .tho addressen of .the different speakers attention has been forcibly called to tho extremely rotten condition of tho police, garbago and street departments. The promlso of Candidate Kelly to make n clean ing out in itheso departments caused, in a great measure, tho turning of democrats to tho republican ticket. iHcretoforo It has been customary for can didates for mayor to get out and hustlo for votco on itho strength of their personal popu larity, and tho candidate whoso barrel held tho most usually won. Tho republican nomlneo for mayor, (A. It. Kelly, has estab lished a precedent In his mayoralty contest that should secure for him tho confidence nnd endorsement of overy taxpayer and resi dent of tho city. In speaking of .this attltudo cf Mr. Kelly Editor Dennett of tho Sun said last even ing: "Never beforo has a candldato for mayor In thla city submitted to tho voters a full and. 'complete declaration ot prin ciples, which ho as mayor would enforce, and maintain." Ono of tho Important planks of this. plat form reads as follows; "Tho city of South Omaha should bo governed In tho Interest of all its citizens without class distinction. No favors should 'bo granted, tho rich that aro withheld trom .tho poor. Tho welfare of tho paoplo is, and of right ought to be, paramount to personal interests." Continuing. Mr. Dennett said that thcprln clplo enunciated in tho foregoing paragraph Is an important one, and its enforcement In tho .management of tho affairs of tho city moans that tho humblest of South Omaha's citizens will receive proper and Just con sideration In all matters. Wr. Kelly has pledged that If elected he will secure for tho taxpayers tho strictest economy In tho matter of current expenses and this Is a matter which is very much sought after by tho rcoldonts at tho present tlmo. Other members on tho ticket have mado similar pledges and their standing In tho community Is evidence enough that theao promises will bo 'fulfilled. Frank Koutsky, tho candldato for city treasurer, has 'been n business man hero for years, and haa hosts of friends who bcllovo him to bo strictly honest. Tho samo may 1o said of Nela NeHon, candldato for city clerk, and also of tho nominees for councllmen and Hoard of Education. Today tho republicans will hold meetings ns follows: , Danish meeting, at Franek's hall, 2 p. m. (Polish, nt Hex hall, Thirty-third and L streets, 4 p. m. Bohemians, at Koutsky's hall, 7:30 p. m. Local speakers will deliver addresses nt all tbeso meetings and n number of can didates will bo present for tho purposo of making a few remarks nnd getting ac quainted. Commencing on Monday meetings will bo held In all parts of the city every night, and on next Saturday night another rally will bo held at Modern Woodman hall. IJeM-py .Viivnl Pnrnilc. Tho Dewey naval parado was the grand est, the greatest demonstration over made on tho faco of tho earth In honor of any man or people. At this parade tho Hud son river was tilled for seven miles with 1,015 vessels, Including somo of Undo Sam's most Important engines of war. All re produced true to llfo for tho first time In tho west at Blum's hall by South Omaha enterprise. Wo kindly solicit your patronage of home enterprises and guarantee satisfaction. To thoso who nro not satisfied and feel that they have not received their money's worth twlco over nftor having seen this great demonstration wo will cheerfully refund their money. Mntlnce at 2:30 p, m. and evening show at 8 p. m. each day until March 31. Do not miss seeing this great entertain ment. Children, 15 cents. Adults, 25 cents. 1llK 'Wiirpliniise Talked Of, Tho grading of O street Is nearly com pleted and It Is understood that a number of Improvements will be wade by prop erty owners during tho coming summer. Rumor has it that tho Culver Buggy com pany will erect a good-sized warchouso nt j Twenty-fifth and O streets In order to J secure storage room for a largo stock ot mini iwuiuiuuuiB uim veiimitB, Tho Watklns property nt the southwest corner of Twenty-fifth nnd O streets Is about graded, and more than likely buildings will bo erected on this land In tho spring. One or two breweries havo prepared plans for buildings on O street between Twenty fourth nnd Twenty-sixth streets with a view to bolng in on the ground flour In caso a viaduct Is built across the tracks. For n Simnr Ilerl Factory. On Wodnesday afternoon of this week a mass meeting will be held nt the council chamber under tho auspices of the South Omaha Commercial club for tho purpose of taking some steps regarding the ostab- . llshment of sugar beet factories here. Pres ident Flynn and Secretary Watklns havo succeeded In arousing considerable Interest In tho project and there promises to be n largo attendance. Farmers In the vicin ity ot South Omaha are especially invited, with a view to making contrncts for tho raising of beets. Several tracts ot land whero beets can bo successfully grown nro under contemplation and reports on theio will bo mado at the mass meeting. Sev eral well known sugnr beet growers will be present, ns well as thoso directly Inter ested In factories ot this kind. It Is stated that a factory hero will glvo employment to a largo number of people during tho season nnd to many children. The plnns of tho Commercial club In con nection with this project seem to bo meet ing with tho hearty approval ot business men hero nnd an enthusiastic meeting Is predicted. TIiiip for Wlfliilrnwnln Kxplrp. Tho tlmo has expired for any alteration In tho three' tickets nominated nnd now no changes can be cnado In tho official bal lots. With tho exception of tho odlcc of police Judge the thrco tickets will stand In full as nominated. Doth tho democrats and republicans declined to nominate nny ono for tho offlco of pollco Judge. Tho labor ticket mndo a nomination, but tho candl dato withdrew and another name was sub stituted. Ofllclal ballots will show tho republicans at tho head, tho democrats next nnd tho united labor party third. Tho assignment of places on tho official ballot goes by the voto cost at tho last general election. Last fall tho democrats fused with tho Independ ents nnd tho freo silver republicans, but with no fusion this spring tho voto Is di vided, thus plnclng tho republicans nt .the head of tho ticket. It was reported on the streets yesterday afternoon that Ballard, tho labor candidate, contemplated withdrawing ami rumor turthcr had It that the central committee of the united labor party had mado preparations to placo n man named Harto on tho ticket In plnco of Ballard. As tho tlmo for making such changes haa passed, according to tho present election laws, no changes will bo made. Tho copy for tho ofllclal ballots will bo sent to tho printer at once. It is expected that samplo ballots will bo out In a day or so. , Will Siinimrt (lie Hipnlillonn Tleket. "I understand that there arc papers afloat purporting that I havo signed endorsing a certain candldato for mayor ot our city," said F. H. Crcsscy yesterday. "I havo never In nny manner mixed In politics nor have I ever signed such pnpers to my knowledge. Being a republican, I havo ad vocated tho election of tho cntlro rcpub llcan ticket, nnd I bcllevo In every citizen exercising his right for cholco nt the com ing election." Mnttlc City t!onMli. Seo Ed Munshaw & Co. for lumber. Tel. 2R3 Miss Casslo Riley has returned from a trip to Clilcaco. J. A. Cavern Is confined to his home with a sevcro cold. The bank clearings contlnuo to show a gratifying Increase. Horse sales nt the stock yards last week were very successful. Mrs. C. K. KolT, 2103 N street, was ro ported qulto sick last week. W. B. Tngg Is traveling In the west look ing nfter business interests. The union Inbor party will hold a rally at Koutsky's hall this afternoon. Last night the Order of the Kastorn Star Initiated a number of candidates. The report that Mnyor Knsor will re sign Is not given much credence. Many republicans predict that tho ticket will bo elected from top to bottom. Republicans say that It. A. Carpenter Is making a llrst-clnss campaign manager. An excellent portrait ot A. R. Kelly Is published In tho Illustrated Bee today. Dr. II. F. Helms ot Gllddcn, In., Is the guest of Judge and IMrs. W. S. Babcock. :Rcv. Joel A. Warner of Crcston; Nek, Is tho guest of Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Wheeler. Tho work of plnclng the slnto roof on the new Episcopal church Is nearly completed. A npeclal song service Is announced for tho Prefbyterlnn church Wednesday night. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shrlglcy was reported somo better yester day. W H. Overton, secretary of the Young Mens Christian association, Is still qulto sick, Tho platform adopted by the republicans seems to catch tho popular Idea at this time. Tho usual services will bo held at the First (Methodist Episcopal church today by Pastor Johnson. J. N. Snyder, who has been at the Metho dist hospital for tho last two weeks, Is slowly Improving. Candidates were tiling nllldavlts of nom ination expenses with tho city clerk and county clerk yesterday. Ralph Sage, one of the pioneer residents of tho city, celebrated his Slth Wrthday at his homo Friday night. Somo stnrtllng statements of democratic misrule will bo made nt tho republican meetings to bo held this week. "Man's Hln Indolence" Is the subject of Hov. Irving Johnson's sermon at tho Epis copal church at 11 o'clock today. Thursday nftcrnoon thn I.mllnu' rlrrt nf tho 'Methodist church will meot with Mrs. C. C. Howe, 1811 Missouri nvenuc. Tho Foresters of camp 1093, Modern Wood men of America, gave u very enjoyable danco at Woodman hnll last night. Window glass nt Melcher's drug store. Saturday's issue of tho Hoof and Horn, edited by Dcnna Allberry. eontnlned a lino likeness of Candldato A. R. Kelly. Mrs. R. W. Havens hns returned from Atlantic, In nnd Is stopping with her son, DoForrest Havens, Fifteenth nnd M streets. .Misses Huby nnd Jessie Brlndlc of Perclval In., are guests of their aunt, Mrs. C. W. Wright, Twenty-fifth and H streets. Mr. and .Mrs. Dwlght L. Holmes enter tained tho Whist club at their residence, Twenty-fourth nnd D streets, Friday even ly. D. Spencer. D. D., will lecture nt the I'lrst Methodist Episcopal church Thursday evening on "Great Battlellelds of the World," Tho King's Daughters of tho Presbyterian church will meet Friday afternoon with tt?' ?' V- bright, " North Twenty fifth street. Tho Bohemian Presbyterian Women's Mis slonary society will meot with .Mrs. A. Meachky, Twenty-first nnd S streets, Thurs. day afternoon. Hov. F. A. Hatch of Omnha will spenk at the Men's meeting nt tho Young Men's Christian association rooms nt 3 o'clock this nftcrnoon. Mrs. Laura Slosson has recovered from her severo Illness nnd Is nt homo again, after having spent somo tlmo nt the Pres. byterlnn hospital. Mrs. C. M, Hunt nnd daughters Coo nnd Iou entertained a largo number of friends nt tho family home, Twenty-fifth and E streets, Thursday nftcrnoon. Tho Merry-Go-Rouml club, composed of prominent young women, entertained their gentlemen friends at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Christlo last night. This evening Rev. Irving P. Johnson rector of St. Mnrtln'a Episcopal ch"?: will deliver a sermon on tho tonic "Whv All Christians Should bo ConnrrnedV' Noxt Saturday, March 31, hns been desle nated as a day for a revision of reglstrS tlon. All those who did not register last fnll must do so this spring or they cannot vote. This mo nil n l- at tlm Vlmt Trnui, ,.,!.. M,,urc,LlDr Wheeler win preach on tho topic "Breaking Up the Eaglo's Nest." His oven! int" "milieu - uiner ! oiks' Buna. Swedish American Republican leaguo No. 2 will meet at Workman hnll Monday night. Candidates will bo present and members of vlted resming in umulia havo been In- ,tH.niV' if. Av .Jollns,oii. Pastor ot tho First Methodist Episcopal church, has decided to hold special services every night this week In observance with tho cull of tho bishop. These- services will bp for tho members of the church and a faithful attendance Is de sired, From Editor Merrill of tho Presbyterian "Tho paper read before, tho 'Presbyterian Womnn'B Missionary society at Omnha bv our Mrs. W. J. McBurney 'last wk was excellent In point of rnorlt nnd was well rendered, Our South Omaha Presbyterians nro second to none," Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Mllesburg, ra. says, "As a speedy euro for coughs, colds! croup and soro throat Ono Minute Cough Curo is unequaled. It is pleasant for chil dren to take. I heartily recommend It to mothers." It is the only harmless remedy that nroduces immediate results. II bronchitis, pneumonia, grlppo and throat and luns uiseascj. it win prevent consumption. YOU complain of fulness and pressure ......-..: t i i ii aner eating; your neaci acnes, usually in front. You are subject to the annoyance of bad breath and an unpleasant taste. You arc hungry even after a good meal, and you keep thin and weak. These things affect your temper and disposition, and you are none too sweet to those around you. That's Dyspepsia " For two years I suffered from dyspepsia, until for days at a time I could not cat a thing. I had tried nlmost everything, hut could not get relief. I then thought 1 would try Avers Satsapa. rilla, and In one week 1 was a new man. My tired feelings were gone; I was stronger and better in everyway. I believe now If it were not for this medicine I would be in a dying condition." John MacDonald, Philadelphia, Pa., August lO, 1890. " I was troubled with dyspepsia for over twenty years, and it got so bad I came near dying. I was then induced, as a last resort, to try Aycr's Sarsaparilla, and after using several bottles of it, I became entirely well, and have felt well and strong ever since. I have used It in my family the last fifteen years, during which time we have not required the services of a doctor." I. B. Williams, Central Point, Ore., July 6, 1899. A Sarsaparilla made of chemically pure drugs, thoroughly examined, scientifically exhausted, and prepared with the utmost care. Manufactured under the personal supervision of pnarmacy, yOUR. muscles are flabby and flat. Your shoulders stoop. You are weak, list less, and tired. You are too cold or too warm ; short of breath. You are like an engine that needs more fuel. You are one day sick and one day well ; yet one day's good work brings three days' weariness. You feel old and ready to drop all the time. That's Starved Blood " Last spring I could not walk, my feet-were so swollen. I was emaciated and my blood was like water, it was so colorless and thin, tight doctors tried to cure me, but they did mo no good, A council of doctors said that I could not possibly live. Then I thought I would try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, as I had read so much about It. I took three bottles, and now I am perfectly well and weigh over 150 pounds." Mrs. M. K. Slater, Pulaski, N. Y., July 13, 1899. For Biliousness, take Aycr's Pills. Take them with Aycr's Sarsaparilla; one aids the other. JOHN A. GREIGHT0N HONORED I'lilvcrHlty of Notre Dunn- 1'respntn to Illiu tlie I.uetnrr Mvilitl III Itvcng iilllnii of IIIh l'lilliiiitliroii)'. "What tho "golden rose" Is to royalty honored hy tho Vatican, tho Laotaro medal Is to democratic America a recognition ot distinguished lay services rendered to tho Catholic church In tho rcnlm of lettora or philanthropy. The former Is of ancient ori gin; tho latter a modern Institution, It was instituted In 1883 by tho Unlvorslty of Notre Dame, Indiana, and Is annually con ferred on "Laotnro Sunday" tho mldlont Sunday, no named becauso the mass of that day bcglim with tho word "Laetare," which, translated, means "rejolco." Tho medal Is tho best thnt can bo pro cured from any Jowclor, It Is a heavy gold ploco, hanging from a "bar," nnd Is appro priately Inscribed. On tho obverse eldo It bears tho legend, "Magna est Veritas, et praovalehlt" (Truth 1h groat and will pro vall)j together with "Laetaro Medal" In largo lottcrs, and tho year of presentation below. Tho reverfo side bears this Inscrip tion: "Presented by tho University of Notro Damo to In llocognltlon of Distin guished Services Rendered to the Ameri can Cntbollo Public." Accompanying tho medal Is an address, usually In Latin, printed on the rarest watored silk and ornamented by nnme beautiful aud appropriate design In paint Rial's a graduate in chemistry, and a graduate B2 ing, In yenrH past tho designing and paint ing hns been done by Slgnor I.ulgl Oregorl, a celebrated Roman artist, and his skill doubtless will bo In ovldenco In this year's addrcus, Thin bit of decorated silk la prized as highly as tho medal. Tho first reclplont of tho medal was tho lato John Gllmnry Shea, tho distinguished historian and author, who was, perhaps, better versed In tho Indian dialects than any other Amorlcan scholar. Tho list of medalists Includes Patrick Keeley of Now York, famous as n church architect; Miss AUzn Allen SLarr of Chicago, artist nnd lecturer; Oeneral John Nowton, soldier, scientist and engineer; P. V. Illckcy of Now York, editor of tho Catholic Ilovlow; Mrs. Anna Hanson, noted wrltor of religious fiction; William J. Onahan of Chicago, nn Inllucntlal layman; Daniel Dougherty, tho famous orator; Henry F. Hrownson, eon of tho distinguished philosopher. Orestes A. Hrownson; Patrick Donoghue, ncstnr of Amorlcan editors, founder nnd publisher of tho Iloaton Pilot and Donoghuo's Magazine, nnd Thomas Krnncls Egan, waiter and lec turer, now profensor In Notro Dame. Iortnllt- NlittlNlli-M, Thn following births nnd deaths were re ported nt thn nlllco of tho Hoard of Health lurlntf the twenty-four hours ended nt noon Saturday: Ilirths JamcM II. Adams, 115 South Twenty-fifth, boy: Heubeu Moto, 1718 Jackson, girl; John N'llson, 3101 Webstrr, girl, Kndra Ulngtill, KM South Twenty-third, girl. Frank Hellborn, 1913 South Twelfth, girl, Abram Levi, 910 North Sixteenth, to), Ncls VOU arc as tired in the arc at night, lou do not know what it is to have sweet, refreshing sleep. You have an appetite, yet your food seems to do you no good. Your mind does not respond quickly and your memory fails you. You lack energy, the eyes droop, the head is tired and heavy. You want to do many things, yet do no one thing satisfactorily. That's Overwork "Last July my oldest daughter was taken sick, and I m on my feet, it seemed to me, night nnd day for weeks taking care of her. I had no other help than that which my husband gave me, and by tho time daughter began to mend I was dow n sick myself. I was discouraged, and did not caro much whether 1 lived or died. My husband got mo a bottle of Aycr's Sarsaparilla, and its effects were magical. Two bottles of this medicine put mo on my feet and made a well woman of mc." Janb M. Urown, Bcntonsport, Iowa, Jan. 19, 1900. " In 1S9S my daughter, after graduating, was taken down with nervous debility. Sho had no .strength, no appetite; could not sleep, and doctors did not seem to do her any good. At last, by the advice of a friend, I pavo her Aycr's Sarsaparilla. After taking two bottles of this medicine there was a decided improvement. We followed up this treatment for two months, and my daughter quickly recovered her health." Mrs. Ollii; Helmick, Gardiner, Ore, Dec. so, 1899. f worry over trifles, and strange fan cies, born of a disordered mind, rob you of sleep. Things which would not trouble you in the day take horrible shape at night, and you get no benefit from your sleep. Or you toss uneasily, asking for morning to come. Sights and sounds annoy you and stillness oppresses you. You com plain of numbness and a prickling sensa tion in the limbs. That's Nervous Prostration " During last year I was suffering with nervous prostration. Kor weeks I grew worse, became thin, could not sleep, had 110 appetite, and was in a wretched condition. After taking several kinds of medicines without result, I took Ayer's Sarsaparilla witli more than pleasing results. My appetite returned, I fclept .soundly, my strength and weight increased, and now I am well and strong without the slightest trace of my old trouble. Indeed, I would hardly believe it possible for medicine to bring about such a change in any per son." Clara Mealy, Winter Hill, Somerviile, Mass., December A 31, 1899. All druggists sell Aycr's Sarsaparilla. $1.00 a bottle. Peterson. 3340 South Seventeenth, boy Dcn'h Harvey It. SchmlUlcr, Windsor I ii'Jiei, i-j yenrs. WORLD-HERALD IS "TAKEN IN" Mhlili'K on f'lilli-uc Hoy I'riink 11 ml (ietn IfHi'ir II111II)' ".StiuiK" TlirlllliiK Story. Nowsboys who emerged from tho circula tion department of tho World-Herald yes terday afternoon wero Instructed to cry: "All nbout tho mysterious dlnapprarnnco! Illoody streaks! Looks llko murder!" At least tho lwys uttered words to that ef fect nnd It Is supposed they wero noting under Instructions. Tho "bloody streaks" to which referenco was made wcro told about In a story from Lincoln published In tho W'orld-Hornld to tho effect that Heuben Sampson, a student at tho Stato university, hud suddenly dis appeared nnd that thero was ovldenco do noting foul play. It was stated that he had ?200 on IiIh person and that a survey of his slcoplng npnrttncnts showed tho bed clothing to bo saturated with blood nnd that great gobs of goro bespattered tho Moor. Search for Sampson revealed him not, so tho story ran, It was a well written talo, thrilling to a I high degree, and would havo been Impor tant If true. Hut Itcubcn Sampson road Itho World-Herald In Omaha yesterday after noon nnd said somebody was mistaken. "I ,havn not bwn Injured by nny one, I havo j not, lost any money, and I have, cot morning as you a graduate in in medicine. mj-Bterlously disappeared," said Mr. Samp son to u reporter for Tho Dec. "If so much crlmt-on lluld was found In my room somebody elso must havo spilled It after I left, for I havo suffered no blood-letting. I simply camo to Omaha on a business trip and thero is no mystery about it. If tny classmates havo put up ft Joo on tho World Horald It Is no fault ot mine." WhyExperiment when in you havo tho results of the medical ex perience of fit) years? , Tarrant'i Effervescent Seltzer Aperient is tho ono perfect remody for nil forms of Constipation. Hcadacho. Distress After Katlng, Uiliousncss. Tho best climlnant of Uric Acid known to tha medical world. 1 TAKKANT & CO., ChemliU, Nw York. At druggliu, (4c, unit 11.