Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1900, Page 8, Image 20

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    What a Woman's
Iiye Saw in Ilayti
(Continued from Fourth Vane.)
nro niipiillltiK to tlio stranger and may not
lio described, Tho danccrH crnzo themselves
with rum, and as n climax drink steaming
blood, drawn from an animal "sacrifice."
This maddens oven more than thu alcohol,
and tho scones that follow aro degrading anil
repulHlvo In tho extreme.
All voudnulsts are fatalists, and when tin
great prophet suggests tho ponslhlllty of an
event they go nlioul causing It to happen,
particularly If It Is something they desire.
If tho papa-lol predicts a general or nn
tlr.nnl calamity they proceed to hum the
town; If the mama-lol, n tiorrlhlo old
witch, Hays u new political savior Is at
hand, a nuw president Is horn, they stir up
a revolution. Tho now made ruler, who
springs out of this revolution, thereupon
boasts that his high placo Is not of human
choice nlone, hut tho result of some heaven
horn favor with which ho Is endowed.
Altogether, they aro a most remarkable
lot, thodlaytlatiB. KKANCHS DKAKI3.
India's Peculiar People
Tho most peculiar (icoplo of India, Bays
llarptr's IJnznr. aro the l'atHls for "Pnr-
boos," meaning "I'orslatm"), who feed their
uoaii 10 :nu vultures upon tho Towers of Si
lence. They fled to India from I'orsla when
that land fell Into tho hands of the Arabs
twolvo centuries ago. Tholr men aro the
llrst very singular persons tho traveler scea
on hoard tho ship which lakes him to India,
their BliiRUlarlty consisting In tholr long
sallow faces and largo oyos, their shiny,
patent loathor looking tubular hats and their
long and ugly coats. Thoy nro moat nura
orous In Ilombay, but ono meets thorn In
othor cities on "IJombay side," and In
Mndras nnd Calcutta on tho othor Bide. They
nro tho richest natives of India nnd have
mado and still muko their monoy In trade.
Thoy nro tho only Indians who, tut a body,
ndmlro and cultlvato western progrosslvo
Ideas, who treat tholr women fairly well
(according to our Idcns), and who permit
their widows to marry again. Their first
rulo of llfo Is to practlco bonovolcnco, and
no pcoplo do this moro liberally. Thoy
nmlntnln nearly two scoro charltablo Insti
tutions In Ilonihay alono, Thoy nro tho
only people In tho world who do not smoke,
and this Is becauso thoy will not trlflo with
flro, which Is sacred In tholr bollof. Thoy
novor spit nnd thoy will not In any way con
tnmlnato tho earth or water or dotllo tho
trees and (lowers. That Is why thoy de
stroy tholr dead without burning tho bodlrn.
Thoy havo no beggars among ihom; thoy
nro monogamists; they nro not caste-ridden
(or rottod), llko tho Hindoos, for thoy ac
knowledge but two classes the priests and
tho pcoplo. They koop Now Year dav. not
only as a rollgloiia roto day, but, much an
wo do, as a day of general visiting. Tholr
women aro not Imprisoned with tholr serv
ants or otherwise degraded, but may bo met
nnywhoro and ovorywhero to tho samo ox
tont as English women In India. So often
aro thoso women comely, nnd so beautifully
nro thoy clad In such ooft and exquisitely
colorod silks that, as ono writer says, "they
appear as hourls floating nbout tho earth In
silk balloons, with n ballasting of nnklots,
nocklacos, earrings and Jowolry." It Is no
moro than fair of tho raral men to lot thlj
bo as It Is, for thoy nro tho ugliest men
that crawl upon tho globe.
An KngllBh lady advised mo to go and
bco tho rich Parsl young womon riding bl
cyclos on tho road beside tho sea at 4
'clock of any nftcrnoon. What an Ideal
The bicycle has no revolutionized young
womnnhnod In England that men who ro
turn thoro after n short absonco cannot
credit their senses as thoy noto tho chango
In tho maidens and their homo government.
What will It do or not do In India? Truly
that modest'looklng toy hn8 worked as much
or tho change In this swlft-bnotod century
ns many of our most lmportnnt Invontlonn.
It has proved n steed which leaps tho high,
cat bars of prejudice runs away with tho
deepest rooted conventions oven outpaces
tho p'.ans of women for their own emancipa
tion. I try to fancy what It may do In India,
hut, nfler nil, It has rnly a fow thousands pf
Tnrstfl upon wh in to work.
Aslt Sometimes Happens
Chicago Post: "I don't enro what my
constituents think!" exclaimed tho con
gressman hotly. "I think for myself."
"I onco know nnother man who boasted
of that," suggested tho man from homo.
"Oh, yes. And do you knw what hap
pened to him?"
"No. What 7"
"Well, nftor tho noxt election thero was
no one nlso for whom ho had tho prlvllego
of thinking."
Detroit Journal: "With us," said tho
European, "It Is not uncommon to meet with
tho dnughter of nn hundred kings!"
"And with us," said tho South American,
"tho daughter or an hundred revolutions Is
by no in rn n h unknown I"
Hut wo wero allont and mUornblv conscious
or being upon tho ono hand too democratlo
and upon tho other not democratlo onough
Brass Band
liiMriimriili. Hrmiia. rnlfurina.
A ii mii Irm, Wrlln (urcutnlou. 111
llluatrtt.loua, HUM It uiv In.
(urination or munlcUnifUul new
oaail.. LYON AHEALY,
fl'i V.Iriii. H I'lllUAUO.
The Bankers Reserve Llfo of Omaha Makes
a Ksmarkablo Showing.
Ollli-lnl I:iiiiiIiiiiIIoii mill A II tilt MiiiIi
ly liiHiiriu re l)inr(i it or
NIiiIh of 'liriiHlui, Mnrcli
LINCOLN, Nebrnska, Jlnrch 12, 1000:
Hankers IleBorvo Lire Association, Omaha,
Nebrnska. Gentlemen: I herewith hand
you olllclal report or Stale Examiner
J. U. .MCNernoy and It. M. Taylor, mado to
mo insurance department or this state, upon
completion or their examination and audit
or your company.
I congrntulato you upon tho splendid con
dition or tho company, Its rapid growth and
substantial progress; and moro 03peclally
uo i congrntulato tho policy holders upon
mo moat excellent huslness-llko nnd
economical management shown by this re
Hoping thnt tho people or Nebrnska will
rully nppreclnlo tho Hankers Ilescrvo Lire
Association, Its oxcollent policies nnd plans,
nnd wishing you every success, I nm, Very
rospectrully, JOHN 1 CORNELL,
Auditor or Public Accounts.
Stale liiiinliiern' llcport.
March 10, 1000, Hon. John P. Cornell,
Stnto Auditor, Lincoln, Nebraska Dear Sir;
In compllnnco with your letter or Instruc
Hoiim wo havo mado n thorough examina
tion or tho records nnd nffalm of tho Hank
ow HoBorvo Liro Association, or Omnhn,
Nebraska, nnd beg leave to report ns fol
lows: Hcglnnlng with tho llrst original Item or
record, wo Irnvo verified each and overy
Item or rocclpts nnd disbursements as shown
by tho cash and voucher books, nnd policy
registers nnd rrom tho orlglnnl record books
covering tho period April 10th, 1897, up to
nnd Including Pebrunry 20th, 1000.
H)'n('iii of Account n.
Wo consider tho system of accounting
adopted or originated by tho olhcors of the
company n most excellent one, furnishing
a complete nnd comprehensive system of
chock ns to absolute correctness of the
books, which was demonstrated when we
hnd completed tho chock or the business
from Its Inception. April iOth. 1807, to Peb
runry 20th, 1900, nlmost threo yearo or busi
ness without finding ono cent In error.
A brier mention or somo of tho sttong
features of tho systom, wo think, will not
bo out of placo hero:
Ono Is tho method of voucherlng for all
No matter how smnll the nmount a voucher
Is mado which must bo npprovod by at lonat
two members or tho Executive commltteo
bororo payment Is made, and when It Is
paid tho receipt Is pasted on tho back or
tho voucher. Prom tho stub of the vouchor
tho expenditure Is Journalized.
No olalm Is paid, howovor Smnll, rrom tho
caHlr drawer, but In overy Instnnco a chock
Is drawn nnd It Is paid through bank, upon
nn approved vouchor. Tho checks have nlso
to 1m) Hlgned by tho Bocrotnry or nsslstaut
secretary, and countersigned by tho presi
dent or treasurer beforo tho bank will pny
To guard against tho entry Into the lio-ks
of anything In tho Bhapo or a Journal entry,
not properly authorized by tho prosltlont
nnd secretary, n system ot bookkeepers'
vouchers Is used, and all "matters not
covered by cash or cashier's vouchers, nro
entered uprn a bookkeeper's vouchor, aftor
tho same has been duly npproved by the
Kcoiioni' of Miiiiituenien t.
Por tho amount or work required to por
ted tho ByBtom, nnd run It ns It has been
so accurately, and tho volumo or business
done, tho expense and salary expenditures
havo been remnrknbly low, and an In other
branches or tho business, shows tho wntch
ruluess or tho Interests or tho compnny by
thoso Intrusted with Its management.
TlioroiiKli IIiimIiicnh Principle.
Atter the thorough examination wo havo
mndo or all tho details of tho business
methods of tho company, (much of which
knowledge wo havo acquired by "porsonnl
observation slnco wo havo boon In tho of
flco), wo can hut say that wo doubt ir thoro
Is nnother business Institution In tho coun
try thnt can excel tho Unnkors Itcscrvo L'ro
nssnclntlon In the thorough business prin
ciples npplled In running Its affairs.
Dentil ClitlntN,
AND PROMPTLY PAID, except ono for
$2,000. suit upon which Is now ponding In
tho courts. The company Is defending upon
tho ground that proof of causo ot doath was
not furnished ns required by tho terms or
the policy, nlthough tho specific proor wns
donmndoj, and on tho further ground that
tho action was prematurely brought, hav
ing been Instituted within SO days fallowing
tho submission or tho only proofs offered,
whllo, by tho torms of tho policy, tho com
pnny had tho full 90 days In which to np
provo or reject tho olalm.
Tho proof submitted shows thnt tho as
sured died of consumption within eleven
months of tho dnto ho took out his policy,
and nil circumstances connoctod with tbo
caso, so far as wo have boon able to learn,
scorn to Justify tho company In contesting
tho suit.
Tho company's risks nro ivell distributed.
No policies nro written on any ono llfo ror
moro than $5,000, nnd In nil Instances
whero tho policy Written Is for moro than
$2,000 tho excess nbovo that sum Is Im
mediately reinsured, tho total reinsurance
now In forco being $313,000 on 105 policies,
mnklng n doublo nseurnnco lor tho policy
holdor nnd nn effective asset for tho com
pany to that nmount.
All rorms or policy contracts Issued slnco
Incorporation aro based on tho Actuaries.
or Combined Experience Table ot .Mortality
and 4 per cent Interest. Tho nremlums nre
pnyable In advance, aro plainly stlnulatcd
In tho policies, nro based upon applicant's
age at entry, lncludo lull mortality ele
mcnt, an expenso loading, and an Insurance
Mind or Surplus Itcscrvo Fund for tho se
curity nnd maintenance of nil policies.
PorniN of I'oIIvIvm.
Tho forniB or policies Issued Include ten
and twenty-year renewable term, whole lite,
continuous premiums, and ten, fifteen nnd
twenty-year limited paymont plans.
Tho term policies provldo for payment at
death. Tho new convertible term nnd llfo
twenty-yenr term policy provides for the
return or nny accumulation nt tho comnlo
.i -- . . .
nun ui mo iwcniy-year term. 'mo now
wholo llfo continuous premiums nnd ten.
fifteen and twenty-year limited paymont
policies provldo for option values after
threo full year premiums havo been paid.
Tho options Include paldup, extended In
surance, ensh and loan vnlues, tor return
ot tho ndvnnco Insuranco fund contribution
or clement of premium.
Tho option vnlues aro plainly written In
face of policy. All policies written since Oc
tober 15, 1899, embody nnd are Issued sub
ject to tho privileges and requirements of
Bectlon 85-A, chapter 43, Compiled Stntutes
or 1809, aro based on tho actuaries' tnblo or
mortality and 1 per cent Interest. Tho first
yenr being nnnunl torm Insuranco, tho pre
miums nro credited to tho general or ex
penso fund nnd all death losses occurring
flrBt year aro paid from gonornl fund.
Tho policies Issued prior to October 15.
1899, provldo for payment nt death, with
provision for adding any surplus contributed
n event or death nrter ten yenr nremlums
had been promptly paid. Tho first two years
premiums belong to tho general or expenso
ninti, mm nil deaths occurring under these
policies within two years aro pnyablo from
this fund.
StiiiMlaril I'rcniluiiiN.
Tho premiums or nil policies Issued nrn
legnlly adopted by resolution ot tho Honrd
or Directors, nro scientifically constructed In
nccordanco with the usages or standard lire
authorities nnd In conformity with tho law
or Its Incorporation. Hespoctfully submitted.
lit M. TAYLOH,
Slate 'Examiners.
United NIiiU-k of America.
Stnto or Nebraska.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Pel). 1. 1900 It Is
horeby certified that tho Hankors Itesorvo
Ifo Association Insurance comnanv nf
Omaha, In tho stato or NobraaKa, has com
piled with tho Insuranco law or this state,
and is therefore authorized to transact the
business or llfo Insuranco on tho stipulated
promlum plan In this stnto for tho current
yenr, nineteen hundred.
Witness my hand nnd official seal tho dnv
and yenr first ahovo written. v
(Seal.) Insurance Commissioner. I
4 c4 Perfect Food'
'"Preserves Health"
" 'Prolongs Life"
" Known the world over.
. . . Received tho highest In- B
dorscments from the medical
practitioner, the nurse, and
the Intelligent housekeeper m
and caterer." Dietetic and
Hygienic Gautte.
nnnouccTCD unco
Trade-Mark mi, miwo.
I on Every Package Ktabllhed 17S0. aj
All! iu.rTr..-llB.
Mr Smith, of In;!, mnila tsr.T w t!ri
0 month;. Albert Hill. of J.. jzih tirt
month. Str. Muner. of Texas, Hi SO Hri
I hour. Onrrla William, olrk, till In
8 wank. Mrm. llltchcoi. fiil. IkmIiUh
houkplni. I4da Kunnkl)r.fci while
laohln. LET U8 START yOU
No iwrianm nmln,!. Our ,(it.
ado over 17,000 OO laat month
npujrlnit thu anormnua itamand foi
our famoua Quaker llth Onhlnet, and
Hppolntlnii agents Wan jarful aalkr
It'e recommend atove firm as teliablt.-lj.t'u, .
Tho nbovo Is n cut of new patent nnnkln
ring, designed and patented by Mr. Ilcr
nard N. Uosnnblum. .n crcountnnt In tho
Chicago & Northwestern railroad oillces
In this city. Tho upper cut snows It opened
ready to placo tho nnpkln InsIJo whllo
tho lower cut shows It nearly closed which
Is dono by touching n clnsn auntie on tho
side. Mr. Rosonblum hns had Hovnrnl ftnf.
terlng offers to dispose of his patent, but
was not In position to nccept. but now that
ho has It patented ho will entertain nrono-
sltlons from responsible parties to dlspree
orlt entire, or will sell an Interest. Quite
n number or Jowelers who have seen It sny
11 win do mo ocst-sciiing napkin rlnc ovor
placed on tho market.
For Three Fifty
For threo dollars nnd fifty cents wo will
sell you tho same Identical shoo you havo
always paid ?5.00 and JO.OO for. Thoy are
tho eclebrntod REGENT $3.G0 SHOES and
lncludo overy known stylo nnd leather a
shoo that Is mado up In only the very best
qunllty of material by a firm that gives their
Individual attention to tho mnnufneturo ot
mon's shoes only. Shoes direct from tho
factory nt factory prices that's tho reason.
20.-. South lnth St., Omnliii.
Write for IlliiHtrated CntnloKiie free.
Mrs. Wlnaloir'a Soothing; Syrup.
flu been ued for over FIFTY TEARS by
CURES WIND COLIC, and la the beet rem
edy for DIARRHOEA. Bold by Druggist
In every part of the world. Be aure and
isk for "Mra. Wlnalow'a Soothing Syrup,"
and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents
1 bottle.
IZER to SL'uuro udupl-
Ioiih from school boardn for our Primary
Uuikuiiko Series. Splendid opportunity for
insurance, sewliiK muchlne, farm mnclunery
salesmen nnd. others accustomed to soMlui;
farm trnde. $100 per month to begin nnd
opportunity for strontr men to earn moro.
References required. National Kducntlonnl
Co., 523 nvenuo, Chicago, 111.'
March 2", 1000.
All the Lnillen Bnt
Gold Medil
Chocolate Bon bons
Br Hxpraaa,
1, St, 8 and B pound boxes, AOo a iiouikI
W. S. Balduff,
lnao Fa mam St., Omaha.
Flit (MOW TO 8E0URB .IT.) ..
ima la tns title of
iriueu uook, milcn
Hill ninif.aenled
In a rlnln nnrelone
for tho nkklnit. It
tells how Iwithout
Indr may romeim n
iwrfect nnd attract
ive finurn.
r.ven me piaintmt A
llfrure can lie trnns- 9
formed to onn of
quee nil J
henutr, au-
perl) and A
faaclnntlnit. W
, Write to.
any enclo- ,
I atamp. Oorrpnni1enrn ronfldentlal. A
Adilreaa, V. FEAU MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0. f
Instruction Free! Von cm bmmK i
II TDOOt lit In a tm hnura linu lt . I...n. ....
hmt. )m ran tht mind of olhm. control
fritrntiMp an,! KrTwtion, rur dl-t-i n l b.l tbiu,
crallf; t tut million aifl rnJur amuwmtnt by tt
llOUr. Mr tnalARIotlt llluitratt 1 tr K.. In II
IDoitim ftblcb I Mini frr f charf aal ot pl5,
Will tell TUU all about ttI Pnarrelolll IfUara. It Mia. .
fUln Imnlrtdt of Ulullful an-l artlatlet nmtlnri.
JaJ4 lo j on juM what llpnotltn U anl vhtt It
a win Mcompiun. rrnQ lor nana ittrntollyp-
5 you nommc. a roiai earn
will brine It. Ir tou nn.
- nruiiaiurr, tnia wunucTIUI UOOK DMUT
Uon thll paper, I will ft'ao lnlud Urct parkafe (
vf tbrr faluabU. latfrtdlnr and Drofuaclr It.
luitralrd Ilurttura, without cbarrt. A rhanr&L
or liretlm. Writ Wdi;, AdJrr, I'
L A. IIAUIUUE. J.ckaon, Blehljao.l
Jabon tie Arnica.
Savon Dentifrice li' Arnica.
Arnica Halm Selfe.
The Only International Dentifrice.
The Standard for 30 years.
PrPHPrves nnd wlillons the tootli, etrencthutia
U10 uiims tint'utftiatho breath.
25c at All Druggists.
C. II.STRONU &CO.,l'rops..ChlcaBO,U.S.A.
raj w&hyi
1 Qrinter I