Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1900, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephones 618-694.-
Constant Arrivals
of new goods, the pick of the market, swells our
seasonable merchandise.
ladlcs' Suits
Tho tailor- '
made suits,
which wo sell
are altogether
diirerent from-
most ready
made gai'inents.
In tho first
place, we sell
onlv well made
suits tho cloths are better,
the tailor work is tho linest,
Tho linings, and oven to tho thread, Is
better than Is unel In tho common
kind wild by lots of merchants u visit
to this department will pay yon.
Flm Suits at $15.00, $22.00, $25.00, $30.00,
Walking Skirts In black cheviot at $8.00.
Saturday wo received a lot of new and
pretty underskirts, mndo of a very
' llKht weight black shadow silk, "all
cotton," inado with 2 rows of knlfo
pleating and frills prlco $2.75.
Now Houho Wrappers I'retty stylos at
$1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25.
blac.k Grenadine
The beauty and
variety of design
is wonderful.
tho great advance
in tho cost of
rraw Bilk, these
prices are no higher than last
year. They run,
75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.55, $1.50, $1.75,.1K'0.
1U3LIAIILE which means rlghtncss.
prlco and Tightness of quality." It rls
always In stylo, especially for 'a 'Alee
black skirt always looks modest and
well. Our special prlco will bo 98c
a yard.
tijain coloukd dress goods are
the rworites.
Thdro Is no mlstako about It, smooth
faced goods aro fashion's pets 'this sea
son. Venetians, broadcloths, hen
rlcttas, cheviots, zlbclincs and cana
sjs twills,
And right hpro Is where tho Dress floods
stock Is strong, In all the deslrablo
colors and tints, Including tho delicate
.pastul shades.
HENRIETTAS All tho now spring col
ors. Its lino luster and Its beautiful,
rich softness selected from tho best
t Imported goods, 46-Inch $1.00.
TLAIDS-On light and Trench combina
tions are being used for skirts 50c,
60c( 85c, $1.00 nnd $1.25.
CANADENSIS CLOTH One of tho most
effective nnd distinguished dross ma
terials of tho season, a fabric thut
We close
Thompson, Beiden & Co.
The Only Exclusive Dry Goods House in Omaha.
Work mi UiiderKroiiiid System Coiu
11 mcnveil l- .Mn or Vim Vek
with Mllver Sniide.
NEW YORK. March 21. With a sliver
'spado and In tho prcsenco of thousands of
'persons Mnyor Van Wyck' today lifted from
'an opening In tho city hall square a few
Tounds of cart'i, which formally began tho
work on tho underground rapid transit rail
way system. Addresses were mado Ijy
Mayor Van Wyck and Prcsldont Orr of
tho Rapid Transit commission. Tho under
ground railway 'tunnel will bo twenty-ono
mllog In longth and will lnvolvo tho ex
pendlturo by tho city of Now York of more
than $36,000,000. Tho contract timn for com
pletion Is unlimited and about 10,000 men
will bo cmplo)ed.
Blood Humors
In the Spring
Aro Curod by
"I nlwa'ys tnlce
Hood's Sarsaparilla In
tho Spring nnd It Is
the best blood purifier
1 know of.'.' Miss
I'KAiiLKGMmN, Bald
win. Mich.
" My blood was poor
and sores broko out
on my hands. Since
taking three bottles of
Hood's Sursapnrllla I
havo hail no sores of
any kind." Miss
Mamon UNllER, 23
Clark St., N. Y. City.
"I had that tired
feeling all tho time.
1 took Hood's Sarsa
parilla uml It mado
mo feci like a new
mun. My wlfo was
ull run down; Hood's
has given her good
health." C Rowley,
Manvtlle, It. I.
"Scrofula sores
broke out on my llttlu
girl's face. I got a bot
tle of Hood's Sarsapa
rilla and before she
had taken all of It the
sores were gone. Wo
think Micro Is no blood
purltler like Hood's."
Mas. Harvey Dicker
o.n, 14 Townly Ave.,
Cortland, N. Y. ,
It Purifies
the .Blood.
All Eruptions.
Tired Feeling.
gives great promlso of popularity our
own exclusive styles, both color nnd
black, 46-Inch $1.25.
VENETIANS Not a color missing the
most popular shades aro castor and
French gray: beautiful, rich satin fin
ish $1.00, $1.60, $3,25,
CHEVIOTS All sorts of weaves, colors are
principally grays and blues; also hand
somn line of mixed colors 50c, 75c,
85c, $1.00, $1.25.
Scotch Woven Fancy woven
Linens linen, for ladies'
shirt waists. Aro
more popular this season than
32 Inches wide prlco 50c per yard.
Our Notion Counter Is crowded
with the
many choice spring novelties.
Among tho new nrrlvnls aro Chatelaino
Rags, all sizes, colors and price.
Finger Purses, In all tho new shades of
Shopping Hags, In all leather and pretty
combinations of cloth and leather.
Fancy Hat Tins at 10c, 25e, 50c, $1.00
nnd $1.25 each.
Ueauty Pine at 2 for Cc, 5c and 10c each.
Marguerite Rlns Belt Sets at 25c and
60c set.
Pully licit Rings 10c per pair.
Pompadour and Rack Combs, with bril
liant settings.
Fancy Hair Brooches, with brilliant set
tingsat 20c, 25c and 30c each.
Wash Goods
Now finish at 12&c ynrd.
BEDFORD CORD In plain colors at
25c yard.
PEBBLED WELT Plain colors, nt 15c.
FANCY LINENS at 16c, 18c, 20c, 25c
per yard.
OA LATE A CLOTH Fancy and plnln, nt
liio nnd 35c per yard.
DUCK SUITING Plain nnd fancy, at 10c
and 15a yard.
our store Saturdays at 6
German Governmont Will Probably Get
Them by Eight of Lense.
llclny of Foreign ItclntloiiN Committee
to Aft on lllll for 1)11,000,0(10
Appropriation Fntnl to
din Solictor.
NEW YORK, March 21. A special to tho
World from Wnshlneton says: Tho res
ignation of tho Danish cabinet moans two
things of Importanco to tho United States.
1. It Is Imnrobablo that this rouutrv will
bo utile to buy tho Danish West Indies" for
Jl.uw.imo, u provided for In tlie Gardner
bill now before the foreign relutlons com
mlttco of tho house, or for any other
. llv tho timn this conurpM adjourns tho
German ling will bo living over the. Islands
or si. Jonn and St. i nonius of the u.inisii
Wmt Indlce group by right of lease from
tho Punish government to the emperor of
Negotiations between this government nnd
Denmark for tho purchase of tho Islands
were practically terminated by tho resigna
tion of tho Danish ministry, headed by
Prime Minister Hocrrlng. Tho cabinet re
signed becauso of tho great popular up
rising against tho salo of tho Danish West
Indies to tho United States.
King Christian and tho cabinet of Den
mark had commuted to sell tho Islands to
this country for $1,000,000. It was stipu
lated, however, that tho salo should bo
mado before tho adjournment of tho present
session of congress. Tho Gardner bill was
Introduced at tho Instance of tho president
nnd Secretary Hay and had It been acted
upon speedily, or even considered, tho
cabinet might havo been forced to resign,
but tho bargain arranged would havo been
carried out,
Tho now cabinet will bo mado up of
Danish politicians in favor of retaining tho
In ISO" a contract of salo between tho
United States and Denmark for theso
isiamis was entered inio. mo price was io
bo $7,500,000. The treaties failed by tho
refusal of tho United States scnute
ratify them.
Germany has been trying to sccuro tho
Island?, and while It is tho determination
of Denmark not to sell them to any other
lummy mm uui. iu ecu iiicui in 'iiiu uuiieu i
Studs If It can bo avoided, an option for
a lease for long term of years has been
given to Germany for the Islands of St.
i nonius aim ai. jonu. u uie unneu males
does not buy them Germany will lease
them and get control of the magnificent
harbor at St John.
COPF.NIIAOEN. March 24. The Danish
cabinet has Intimated to the king Its desire
to resign, owing to the attitude of the Folk
ethlng (tho lower bouse of Parliament) re
yarding tho government's taxation proposal's,
Dce, March 25, 1900.
magnificent stock of
Make your
sole c t i o n
now and have them fitted bo
fore tho lato Easter rush is on.
Our spring lines aro ready: every faah
lonnblo shado and color, all sizes, In
these popular makes:
"Foster," with tho now Improved hooks.
"Trcfousse," with patent clasps.
Wo mnko special mention of our Foster
Sucdo Gloves, with fancy stltchlngs
and Jeweled hooks, In light grays, tnns,
modes, browns at $2.00 per pair.
Misses' Two-Clasp Kid Gloves In colors
tnn, brown, red, green nnd blue at
$1.00 per pair.
GLOVES CLEANED 10c per pair.
New Corsets
New models of
La Vida
Corsots aro
hero, includ
ing the
perfection of
the "straight
A tencher of hygiene and health princi
ples thanks us for tho "straight front"
coTset, (for health's sake), and dress
makers thank us (for its stylishness.)
"La Vltla" Corsets are braced with
real whalebone. Tho possibilities of
this corset nro no great 'that wo really
do not want you to take ono unless
you aro nbsolutely and perfectly fitted.
Call and bo fitted with "La Vlda" Cor
set. Wo have exclusive sain for "La Vlda."
Prices $2.75 to $8.00 each.
Roman Satin A mercerized cot
ton, for linings
or petticoats, which is as
pretty as real satin.
They aro .mercerized In tho yarn, which
process adds most wonderfully to their
strength, and aro as nearly Indestruc
tlble as It's possible to make them.
In colors only, which aro absolutoly
fOBt, 31 Inches wldo and 35c per yard.
p. m.
but tho ministers will remain in oftlco until
tho end of the parliamentary session.
i'kxsioxs rou wK.sTuit.v vi:ti:haxs.
Wnr Survivor Ileinenihcreil liy
l.encrnl i veriiinciit.
WASHINGTON, March 24. (Special.)
Those pensions havo been granted:
Issuo of iMareh 8:
Nebraska: Increase Daniel C. Roderick,
llubbcll, $0 to S.
Iowa: Additional Alfred A. Thompsbn,
nithllriim tfi tn V hinntiuo Il.nru If
I Ogleshee, Cresco, $14 to $17; Job Ulanchardi
j.imniiiK u io .i; jumes i.. uo uoursey,
Des Moines. $11 to $17; Josoph White, Star,
tn to $10; John Dennett, David Cltv, JIG to
121; John JO. Cononhoven, Iowa Kails, it to
IS; Samuel U. Yohn. iPrlncoton, $G to $8.
Reissue John D. Sullivan, Cascade, JS.
South Dakota: Increase Olo Iverson,
Dryant, $s to $10.
I'ropoNiil for WeNtem Minis,
WASHINGTON, March 2 l.-Asslstant Sec
rotary Vanderllp, Treasurer Roberts nnd
other treasury otllclals wero before the houso
comtnltteo on colnago today relatlvo to tho
several bills proposing tho establishment of
mints nt various points In tho west, five In
nil. Mr. Vanderllp said that nt most ono
additional mint would sulllce for all govern
ment needs.
Representatives Cusbmnn nnd Tonguo In
quired of Treasurer Roberts as to tho proba
' bio gold product of Alaska and tho Klondike
during tho present yenr nnd wero Informed
that It probably would reach $30,000,000, a
material Increaso over last year.
Allen AxUn Philippine Stntrment,
WASHINGTON, March 24. Senator Alien
today introduced n resolution, which wont
over until Monday, directing the secretary of
war to send to the senato a statement of the
number of soldiers, volunteer and regular,
who havo been killed and who have died from
wounds received In the Philippines since
August 1, 1899: the number of regular nnd
volunteer soldiers who have died from dis
ease during that -period and various other
information concerning tho deaths, together
with steps taken to better protect the health
of tho soldiers in tho Philippines.
1'limn for the I'lilllpplnea,
WASHINGTON. .March 24. Allen C. Rake
ivell, 'commandant cf Iafayptte post, Grand
Army of tho Republic, cf New York City,
and Wilbur VS. Ilrown, adjutant and past
commander of tho inran nost. wxrn nt th
Wnr (lcpHrtnnent ttday and nrrnnged for the
I trar?portatlon on tho transport Sumner of
i RIM ITnllml l.i..o fl.lixi In Minlla
....... (..nv ... ,,. lb, IIUU
! ilf.jtIUitl In.. !.. nn.l... T 1 . ,
cUUrng of t nat clty. Tney aro ,our ny u
f(.ct ma(e of tho bMt DUntlDS ,n Blr,ct at
I cern-anco wltu miitrv regulations.
Nominations hy I'rcxlileut.
WASHINGTON, March 21. The president
, today sent tho following nominations to tho
John J. Glroniondl of California, to be
consul nt Santos, Drazll,
Regular Army Infantry- First Lieuten
ant II. J, Hunt, Sixth Infantry, to bo cap
tain; Second Lieutenant J. H. Allison, Sev
enth Infantry, to be first lieutenant, Second
Lieutenant L. T. Jewell, Twentieth Infan
try, to be first lieutenant.
Housa Adopts Oonferenca Eaport on the
Island Appropriation Bill.
.Needy Inlanders Will Receive Over
$U,(H0,0)() In Revenue Alrrnily
Collected To Continue lo Hnrc
Collection Refunded.
WASHINGTON, March 24. After a brief
and spirited debate tho houso today took
tho last congressional step In completing
the Porto Rico relief bill, ngreolng to the
conference report by a voto qf 135 to S7.
Tho bill turnB over to tho president for
tho use of Porto Rico over $2,000,000 of cus
tomn receipts collected on Porto Rico goods
up to January 1 last, and such amounts as
may hereafter accrue until othorwlso pro
vided by law. Tho debato lasted hut an
hour, hut in this time the wliolo tango of
Porto Rico legislation was discussed,
Richardson, tho democratic 'loor leader,
asked leave to print In tho Record eotno edi
torial prcos criticisms on the subject. When
Dolllver o Iowa objected, Richardson de
clared that this wan most ungracious, to
which Dolllver answered that ho doubted
tho propriety ot reprinting tho newspapers
In tho Record.
Payno of New York, chairman of the
ways and means committee, denied tho re
ports that any rampnlgn fund was involved
In tho bill, and denounced as falso the
statement that mich reports emanated from
members on tho republican sldo of tho
chamber. Ha also combated the Idea that
tho trusts would be beneficiaries of the
pending tariff bill and declared that the
two great trusts, sugar and tobacco, would
benefit moat by getting their sugar and
their tobacco froo of duty. So that, he as
sorted, If there was any campaign "boodle"
It wtis escorted ngalnBt tho proposition of
placing a tariff on goods coming from Porto
Cannon of Illinois closed tho debate In
support of tho conference report. Ho de
clared that the minority, llko cuttlefish,
were trying to muddy tho waters and divert
attention from themselves. Rut tho people
would recognize tho fact thnt tho minority
opposed this practical measuro of relief to
tho Porto Rlcans. For half a century the
democratic policy had been ono which would
havo carried tho governmont to anarchy
and destruction. Now that party was pos
turing and asking power under false pre
tensce. Opposition I.oscit Fourteen VoIch.
At 1 o'clock a yea and nay vote was taken
on tho report .and It was ngrced to yeas,
135; nays, 37; present and not voting, 20.
Tho voto was on party lines, except that
a number of democrats and Independents
voted with tho republicans for tho report,
viz.: Bell, Colorado; Chandler, Pennsyl
vania; Cochran, Mlesourl; Cummlngs, New
York; Davenport, Pennsylvania; Davey,
Louslana; Dcvrles, California; Mceklson,
Ohio; Newlamls, Nevada; Scuddor, New
York; Shafroth, Colorado; Thayer, Massa
chusetts; Wilson, Idaho; Wilson, South
Carolina. t
Speaker Hcndorson at onco signed tho en
grossed bill and It went to tho sonato for
tho signature of tho temporary president,
preliminary to being presented to President
The resolution of Cummlngs of Now York,
requesting of tho secrctnry of state Informa
tion and correspondence relating to tho
open door" In ,Chlna, wns, on motion of
Chairman uttt or tno committco on rorcign
affairs, agreed to.
McCleary of Minnesota called up the bill
appropriating $10,000 to secure plans for a
sultablo memorial to Ulysses S. Grant, to
be erected in Washington. McCleary paid
a glowing tribute to Grant and appealed to
members, north and south, to unlto In favor
of tho measure The bill was unanimously
Resolutions of respect and eulogy of tho
lato Representative Epes wore passed, and
at 3:05 p. in., as a further mark of respect,
tho houso adjourned.
Tho appropriation bill was signed by tho
president at 4:20 p, m. today. Comptroller
Dawes was tho bnly person present when
the president nttachod his signature.
I'ornker Announce IIIh Intention to
Tent Ktreniftli of MeuMtirc'N
WASHINGTON, March 24. For a few
minutes In the ncnato today surprise, bor
dering almost on consternation in somo
quarters, was created by a request of Ftor
akcr that tho Porto Rico governmental bill
bo recommitted to tho Porto Rico commit
tee. Tho requent precipitated n lively col
loquy, but It finally was developed that tho
bill Foraker wanted recommitted was tho
governmental measuro now on tho calendar,
and not tho unfinished business. During
tho elucidation of his request, however.
Foraker plainly Indicated that It was bis
purposo to ecparato tho bills and press tho
Porto Rico tariff bill to an early vote, his
desire being to havo tho vote taken not
later than next Thursday.
A measuro was passed providing for the.
appointment by the president of a commis
sion to Investigate tho trado and commerce
of the Orlont with a view to the extension
of American commerce.
Galllnger supported the bill, saying tho
pretildcnt had strongly recommended tho
pacsago of tho measuro. Germauy had al-
; Saved by S
Gooa Food!
Read a doctor's words
5 about J
Grape-Nuts :
'W Bhort time ago I was called to a pa
tient who had been given up by his physi
cian. His stomach would not bear food,
and, consequently, ho got no nourishment
and was nlawy dying from exhaustion. He
was reduced io skin and bones. I Immedi
ately put him on Grape-Nuts food and Pos
turn Cereal Food Coffee Ho could keep
both articles, on his. stomacn and neither
caused him any pain. Ho has bocn using
both the food and tho cereal coffee and has
gained so rapidly that I feel ho will be out
, of bed In about a week,'
I Dr. C. Leutwoln.
The reason n delicate stomach can take
Grape-Nuts food Is that It Is predlgotted by
natural moans during Its preparation, and
even n small babe can hnndlp It as It causes
no heavy work by tho stomach and dlgpstlvo
apparatus', on the contrary, being pro
digested, It Is quickly assimilated Into blood
and tissue.
Tho' food as well as the Postum Food
Coffeo contains elements selected from the
grnlus of tho Hold that aro of first Impor
tanco to the human body In nourishing and
rebuilding it.
All grocers keep Grape-Nuts and Postum.
ready sent commissions to the Orient to In
vestigate trade and commerce. He said It
was now proposed to send this commlEtilort
to China, Japan and other Oriental countries
with a view lo ascertaining whether In
creased markets cannot bo found there for
the products of American farms, mills and
Hoar opposed the appointment of senators
or representatives In congress on commis
sions or on other similar bodies and after
somo discussion the bill was amended so no
member of cither branch of congress shall
hereafter servo under any appointment
mado by tho executive department of the
government whllo holding ofllco as BUCh
member, Tho bill was passed,
AIIIkoii'h Tribute to Morton,
Tho closing hours of the session were de
voted to the consideration of resolutions
accepting from tho stato of Indiana a
statue of Oliver P. Morton. Fitting and
eloquent tributes wero paid to tho memory
of Morton by Fairbanks, Allison nnd Ucvcr
Idge. Allison, following Fairbanks, paid a trib
ute to Morton, with whom ho had served In
tho senate. Ho said It was not only his
plcnsurC to servo with Senator Morton, but
to know much of him, nnd It nfforded htai
special pleasure, after bo many years had
passed nnd tho antagonisms of a genera
tion ago bad been softened or qulto for
gotten, "to address tho senato briefly on tho
occasion of tho receipt by tho United Stntcs
from the ptatc of Indiana of a statue of
this great mnn."
Allison paid particular attention to Mor
ton's enrcer In tho senate. Ho was ono of
tho fow men In tho country's history who,
Immediately upon entering tho senate, had
becomo tho leader of his party In that cham
ber. Referring to Morton's advocacy of tho
reconstruction policy, Allison said:
"That policy has been severely criticised,
but It is not posslblo now to say what
would havo happened had tho states which
had been In rebellion been readmitted to
the union without limitation."
In the courso of his rcmnrks Allison ad
verted to tho work done by Morton on the
financial legislation of his time, particularly
tho Impress the Indiana statcEcnan made
upon tho resumption net.
Difference In Commerce Ilctween Fell-runrj-
of Thin nnd I.nut Yenr
WASHINGTON, March 24. Tho detailed
statement of the February Imports and ex
ports wero completed today by tho treasury
bureau of statistics. Tho summarization
which accompanies them shows the foreign
commerco of tho month by great classes,
compared with that of tho corresponding
month of tho preceding year, as follows:
Imports. Feb., 15S9. Feb., 1900.
Articles of food and live
animals $ 17,010,759 $ 16,251,153
Articles In u crude con
dition for domestic In
dustry 19,783,05? 25,936,601
Articles manufactured
for use In tho me
chanic arts 4,091.413 6,732,437
Articles manufactured,
ready for iwnsumptlon 9,520,993 10,731,423
Articles of voluntary
use, luxuries, etc 9,216,229 9,116,531
Total Imports $ 60,2oM53 $ 68,774,150
.Per cent of free 46.63 44.66
Duties collected from
customs 16,921,572 19.S.S2.203
Foreign goods remain
ing In wurehousc 34,560,542 33,291,614
Domestic exports:
Products of agriculture. 62.378.9S5 70,097,746
Products of manufac
tures 24.4S9.S60 3I,2K,!2S
Products of mining 1.8S9.S26 3,1.11,022
Products of the forent.. 2.741.927 3.548.209
Products of tho fisheries 253.0S9 ;:S9,560
Miscellaneous 431, Svt 910,779
Total domestic ex
ports $ 92,185,372 $117,336,411
Foreign goods re-exported
1,561,779 2,003,438
Total exports $ 93,837,151 $119,389,902
Gold Imports 5,118,900 1,964,330
Gold exports Gfi7,962 1,403,653
Silver Imports 1,427.027 2,795,789
Silver exports 4,319,074 4,952,841
Total imports of mer
chandise for eight
months 427,201,833 555,069,671
Total exports of mer
chandise for eight
months 843,433,266 919,497,241
Room In London 'Attributed to I'nu
HUKe of Currency Act I'roviNlon
for (iolil Stiiiidurd.
(Copyright, 1900, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, .March 24. (Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Tho money
market lo still In an unsettled condition and
Is likely to Vcmaln so until tho cud of tho
quarter, when dividends and other payments
will be made. Tho Hank of England's
prompt releaso of tho excess of tho war loan
appropriation money enables tho market to
llquldato a considerable part of Its Indebt
edness. Anticipating easier conditions, blllB to ar
Tlvo next week havo been down to 3&, but
on Friday tho .tono wan slightly harder;
3 11-16 was tho rato for threo and four
months nnd S for six months' bills.
During 'tho week tho markot reduced the
Indebtedness to bankB $40,000,000. This nat
urally Improved the outlook In South Africa
and has affeoted tho stock market, but tho
volumo of business Is still only slightly In
creased. Governmont securities under tho lead of
tho khakl loan displayed exceptional
strength. Foreign Btocks Improved, on tho
whole, Rraztllans receiving exceptional sup
port. South Africans, while moving up
ward, are still nlugglsh. The mcst active
market has been for Amorlcnn railroads,
buying on Thursday coming from all quar
tern, sending prices up rapidly. This move
ment Is probably duo to tho belief that tho
passage of the currency net provision for
tho maintenance of the gold standard secures
American prosperity for many yearn
Tho Statist says on this point: "America
during tho recent depression accumulated a
great deal of capital and groatly doveloped
Industrial resources. This growth In tho
country's manufactures and mineral produc
tions must havo a permanent beneficial ef
fect upon the prosperity of the country."
Sir. fieorRc Itnvlnir Over I,o of
Dug Which Wore a llnmrm
of Rublen,
(Copyright, 1900, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, March 24. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Mrs. George
Law advertloea In every paper and on every
wall of the French capital a big roward
for tho return of her pet poodle, which has
been stolen, together with a fortune In
rubles, which tho llttlo beast always carried
about Its person when It went promenading
with Its mistress.
It will bo remembored that six months
ago Mrs. George Law, who Is as ccccntrlo as
she Is beautiful, created a good-sized sen
sation by engaging the best Jewelers to
'fashion Jewels for her dog. Among others
was a completo ruby sot sot collar mado
of four rottu of largo rubles arranged clcaoly
together and maintained by a supplo gold
, mounting. For each leg there wns a brace
lot of similar design, with smaller stones,
i Tho whole decorations, the choicest gems
being used, were worth a large fortune.
On Wednesday last Mrs. Law wont to Dr.
Rykert, a fashionable American dentin, ac
companied 'by Romeo, her dog. While Mrs.
law's teoth were being examined Ronifo
remained In the parlor outside the cabinet.
When the dental work was done tho poodle
disappeared und the patient began to shriek
murder. In her fury she threatened Rykert
and his assistants with the guillotine. How.
ever, Rykert having guaranteed the hon
osty of his staff, tho magistrate considered
They Poison the Blood, Become Infected with
Disease, Break Down the Entire System
and Bring on Bright's Disease.
To Prove What The Great Kidney Remedy Swamp
Root Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of The
Bee May Have a Sample Bottle Scut
Absolutely Free by Mail.
Liboutory ol Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Horns ol Susmp.Rott, The Wotld-Famoin Kidney Remedy.
You know what happens to n Bower when
It becomes clogged, don't you?
Do you know what happens to tho humnn
system when the kidneys becomo clogged?
They nro unable to throw out tho Impurities
from tho blood, and become Infected with
poisons; they decay, fall apart, and pass out
In tho urlno; tho blood, unllltcrcd, carries
tho poison all through tho system nnd If not
checked, death follows. The kidneys are tho
sewers of the human system.
When your kidneys nro not doing their
work, somo of tho symptoms which provo
It to you nro pain or dull ncho In tho back,
excess of uric acid, gravel, rheumatic pains,
sediment in the urine, scanty supply, scald
ing Irritation In passing It, obliged to go
often t.urlng tho day and to get up many
times during tho night to empty the bladder;
sleeplessness, nervous Irritability, dizziness,
irrcgulnr heart, breathlessness, sallow, un
healthy complexion, puffy or dark circles
under the eyes, sometimes tho feet, limbs or
body bloat, loss of ambition, general weak
ness and debility.
When you arc sick or "feci badly," no
matter what you think the name of your
disease Is, tho ilrst thing you should do is
to nftord old to your kidneys by using Dr.
Kilmer's Swnmp-Root, tho great kidney
In taking Swnmp-Root you afford natural
help to nature, for Swamp-Root Is tho most
perfect healer and gentlo aid to tho kidneys
that Is known to medical science.
rerhnps you nro In doubt about your kid
neys and want to find out. Here's a slmplo
test. Take from your urlno passed when you
that wan suniclent and declined to search
any of them.
Threo detectives are on tho case. Rcslden,
Mrs. Law Is spending another fortune ad
vertising a reward. The police theory Is
that, tho dog's valuo 'being well known,
crooks watched their chanco und possibly
omploycd a well dressed woman to enter
tho dentlst'a parlors nnd then, among tho
numerous patients, pick up the poodle nnd
depart calmly as If It belonged to her.
li, J. Cornish mill .lohn I,. Welmter
Kneh Deliver InterrxtliiK
iB. J. Cornish und John L. Webster ad
dressed tho regular weekly meeting of tho
Patriotic lcaguo Saturday night. Mr. Cor
nish directed his remarks to a discussion
of tho genernl principles of tho American
government and especially tho relation of
the republican party to Hicro principles.
Mr. Webster directed tho platform adopted
by tho Nebraska fuslonlsts nt their state
Mr. Cornish spoko of a criticism ho had
heard mado recently by a man who hud
lived in Cnnnda on the 'political condition
of tho United States. Ho asserted that in
Canada there wero no political upheavals
and no financial and commercial disturb
ances mich as nro experienced in America
during presidential campaigns. Ily com
parison, however, .Mr. Cornish stated, tho
United States Is nwny head of Canada In
material prosperity and In tho progress nnd
energy of her people. "I tiollevc In our
syHtem ot presidential elections," ho de
clared. "Every person haa opportunity to
discuss great public questions nnd problems j
i , . p.., ..... i ... . i
or xuuen unpen iuo euui'tuiuuui lu.iiuivn
arising thorcfrom develop men and charac
ter." Desplto the criticisms mado concern
ing tho United States, Mr. Cornish called
attention to tho fact that people who havo
migrated to this country from foreign shorcn
aro always exceedingly glad to return to
tho United Stated after they huvo gone to
their natlvo land for a visit.
Discussing tho fusion platform adopted nt
Lincoln Mr. Wobster called attention to its
reaffirmation of tho Chicago platform.
"They aro clinging 'to n doctrine." ho said,
"that ,tho nconlo of tho United States re
pudiated at tho last election. At that
time, after going through n campaign of
education lasting for several monthn, tho
pcoplo went to tho polls and expressed their
opinion of this samo platform by defeating
it ovorwhelmlngly." Mr. Webster dovoted
a considerable sharo of his time to n dis
cussion of tho Philippine question.
llnnuhter of Convict Diem,
MAHYVILLH. Mo.. March 2l.-(Sneclnl
Telegrum, ) C O. Jesse, who killed Kdltor
Frank (Jrltlln and Is now In tho Nodawny
county Jail waiting to tie taken to Jeffer
son City to serve two years In prison, Ih
the object of moro sympathy Just now than
ho has ever been before, Last night n tele
phono message wns received hern that hln
little daughter Tot was dying ut Mound i
City. An effort wiih made to get Sheriff
CollliiH to take tho prisoner to her, but ho
thnuirht It would he ussumliiK too much re
sponsibility, although the place is hut forty
miles uwuy. This afternoon unother mes
sage came stating sho was dead. Jonso Ih
said to he ulmoHt crazed with grief. He bud
four especially bright children und has al
ways been a great family man.
.Movement nl Oeeiui VrxxelH, Mnreli -I
At Now York Arrived Ilelln, from
Copenhagen; New York, from Southamp
ton; LuTouruInc, from Havre. Sailed -Truve.
for Naples: Campania, for Liver
pool Patricia, for Hamburg, via Plymouth
nnd Cherbourg; "Werkendum, for Hotter
dam, via Holngne.
At Tenerlffo Arrived Tunis, from Hun
Francisco, via Montevideo, for Hamburg;
Ultonln. from IloHtou,
At Liverpool Arrived llhynlund, from
Philadelphia; I'ltonlu, from IloHtoii.
Ktrurla, from New York, Sailed Lucanla,
for New York.
At Hrcnu'iii-Hulled Muuchon, for New
At Hong Kong Arrived Olympln. from
Tncorru. via Ifllo.
At Antwerp Sailed Houthwark, for New
l iirr.
At Havre Bulled La Hretugne, for New
York. Arrived L'Aiilltalne, from New
At Cherbourg-Suited St. Paul, from
Houthnmptnn, for New York
At Queenstown -Arrived Ktrurln, from
New York, for Liverpool.
At London Arrived Menominee, from
Nw York,
At Yokohama Arrlvcd-C'optlc, from Sun
rise In the morning nbout four ounces; place
It In a glass bottle nnd lot It Htand for
twenty-four hours. If. upon examination,
you find any settlings or sediment. If It in
milky or cloudy, or If particles lloat about
In It, disease has gotten n foothold In you'
kidneys and nut nro Is calling for help.
If you have the slightest symptoms of
kidney of bladder trouble, or If there Is a
trace of It In your family history, you would
profit by taking Swamp-Root every now and
then ns n preventive, and thus absolutely
forestnll kidney nnd bladder troubles.
Tho famous now discovery, Swnmp-Root,
has been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work, In private practice, among tho helpless
too poor to purchase relief, and has proved
so successful In overy case, that u special
arrangement has been mndo with Thu
Omaha llee by which all of our readers
who have not already tried It. may have n
sample bottlo sent nbsolutely free by mull;
nl ho a book telling all about kidney nnd
bladder diseases, and rontalning some of tho
thousands of testimonial tributes from men
and women reclaimed to lives of happiness
nnd usefulness by the means of Swamp-Root,
the groat kidney remedy.
Swnmp-Root Is so remarkably successful
that our readers nro advised to write for
n free trial snmplo bottle und tn bo sura
nnd stnte that you read this generous offer
In tho Omaha Sunday Deo when sending
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Illnghnm
ton. N. Y.
If you are already convinced that Sunnip
Root Is what you need you enn purchaso
tho regular llfty-cent und ono dollar slzo
bottles at tho drug stores ovorywhero.
Drs. Shepard & lieadrick
Medical 0fflccs-gKIrY3.L,FE
3615 II, 24th St., Omaha, nsb
SAMTAitn m nun, dim;.
All Chronic Diseases Treated
By Modern, Successful Methods.
We treat: Catarrh In all its furmx, affec
tions of the Nose, Thriml. Hum idcafuomO,
llroiichlul Tubes and Lungs. Stnniuch,
Liver, HowcI.m, Kidneys. Illiulilor, Womb;
Hay Fuver, Asthma, Rheumatism,
Neurulglu, Purnlysls nnd other sauted nll
ments which the family physician has not
tho facilities to thoroughly cure for and
treat. Selected Surgical and Collllncmcnt
euses will uIko bo received.
sMTiiii Tin'.vrviM.vr
meetH the ni'tunl needs of eiieh euso nnd
lurludPH proper diet und medleiil attention.
Itiithc In ull forms-electric, elei'tio-therniul
nnd siillne. Kleetrlclty In every form. Ozono
lnhuliitinns In ciitiurlm! und liruiirhlul -nil-mentH,
medical und Hurglr-ul care of women,
chemical nnd mlcrnscoilrul tents. In affec
tions of the iiuigM und kidneys; Itivugo and
"test feedings" In stomach discuses, etc.
X-Hni' apparatus for diagnosis in obscuro
OIliccH In the New York Life Hullilliig,
Rooms 3W-7-8, will bo coufliiiif'il hh
formerly, where consultation ami nlllro
treatments will be given. All pittleiits lu
city or country should come to thu down
town ofllco. Hours, 0 to I dally; evenings,
Wednesday and Sutiirdiiys only, 7 to Hi
Sunday, 12 to 1.
Theso who nro not seriously 111 or who
cannot spare time to ('nine to tho
Sanitarium may bn (rented by cm respond -ence
with excellent results. We Iiiivh
t routed over six thousuiid people bv mail
during the pust eight yours. Send fur full
lilcntlon lists und illiiKliosIs sheets. Also
for special literature pertaining lo your
Address nil mull to
Drs. Shepard & lieadrick,
:ioh m:w yoiiic i,irr in ii.di.m;.
Best Dining Car Service,