8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1900. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL .MINOR MUNTIO. f Davis sells glass. I'udwclscr beer. L. Itosenfcld, agent. Fine A, n. C. beer, Ncumaycr's hotol. Wolsbach burners at Hlxby's. Tel. 193. Dr. Stcphcnion, Mcrrlam block. Tel. 359. Sir. nnl Mrs. J. T. Hvans anl daughter have returned from Chicago. Oct your work dona at tho popular Eagle laundry, 721 Uroadway. 'Phone 157. Uee nrtopravures. Alexander & Co. give special price on frames for them. V C. Estep. undertaker, 2S Pearl street. Telephone: Onice, 97; residence, 33. House cleaning, rarpet cleaning and put ting duwn. I'. 11. Swan, W 8. 7th. St. A. Overton left Inst evening on a busi ness trip to tho south to bo absent sovernl wcehs, (Miss IMl'h Shreves and Mis:; Itosn. Harden -will leave today for n month' visit with relatives In Ncola. There will be a npcrlnl meeting or lix rolslor Masonic lodgo this evening for work In tho second degree, William Thomas, sheriff of Montgomery county, wart In the city yesterday on busi ness In tho federal court. A marriage license has been Issued to Michael J. lllgglns of Omaha, ngetl 28,- and Mamie Illloy or tins cuy, ngeti a. 3trs. A. . Hazelton and children are home tfrom Den Moines, wnero tnry spcrn. scvciui dnvH with Htnte Senator Ilnzelton. 11. V. Hatty, editor and publisher of the Avorn (la ) iicr.ua nnn uejiuiy uv tho district court nt that placo, was In the city yesterday. I K Cummins of the Illinois Control en gineering department' wilt leave for Carbon clalo 111., In a fow days, to which point ho has been transferred, The case In which John llnlle was charged rwltb assaulting his wife was dismissed In Jiittleo Vlen's court yesterday by the as sistant county attorney. Council muffs lodge, No. 51, Ilcnevnlent nnd Protective OruVr of Elks, will hold Us nnnunl election of ofllcers next Wednesday evening at ltoyiil Arcanum hall. County Superlnlendent McManus will hold examinations for teachers' certlllcates on tho following dated: Walnut, April 6 and 7, Carson, April 13 nnd 14; 'Macedonia, April 50 nnd 21. Judge Aylesworth will hold a Bpeclal ses sion of the superior court this evening from i.m i s-nn nVlnrk fnr ilm nurnose of grant ing naturalization papers to thoso seeking nnd entitled to tnem. Samuol D. Itohrer, brother of ex-Mayor Jtnhror of this city, Is candidate for state nudltor on the democratic ticket In Mis pourl. He Is nt present treasurer of Living uton county, to which position he was llrst elected In 1830. Among the recent additions to tho collec llon of documents In the Aldrlch cabinet In Hie public library In a letter from Hlshop B'erry under d.ito of Juno 20. 1893, notifying the late Hon. D. C. Bloomer that Griswold college had conferred upon him the tltlo of 1,1.1). The comptroller of the currency at Wash ington has approved tho application of Julius Sector. O. Mosher, J. P. Itonnn, 13. H,. Mosher. J. G. Hounds nnd J. H. Merrill for nilthorlty to organlzo the First Kntlonal (bank of walnut. In., with a capital of 525,000. A. A. Fosdlck. charged with breaking Into tho premises of N. 'P. Nellsen of Oarner township and stealing a number of tools, Jiail a preliminary hearing before Justice Vlen yesterday morning and was bound over to await tho action of the grand Jury, Ills bond being llxed In the sum of $200. Mrs. Anna Strankhauer, aged 72, died nbout midnight Thursday ut her home In INumer settlement from paralysis. Tho fu neral will bo held Sundny morning at 9:30 o'clock rrom the family residence nnd liurlal will bo In the Plumer settlement cemetery. A enso of destitution was reported to the fpollco yesterday morning nt ICleventh ave nue nnd Sixteenth street, whore Mrs. Frank (Humes, an aged woman, was lying sick and nloue. The attention of Overseer of the Poor 'Miller was called to-, tho case and tho (necessary relief furnished. The senior class of tho High school nt Its regular weekly meeting yesterday adopted tho following as a elnss motto: "More Be yond." Tho ndvlsablllty at getting up a class book was dlscimsed. but no decision arrived at. The gencxiil sentiment nppeurs to bo against Issuing ono this year. Considerable excitement was caused last fvenlng by a lire ularm being turned In ifrnm tho -Monarch Manufacturing com jinny's plant on Sixth street and Kleventh nvoniip, wliero tons of axle grease nnd other combustible material are always on storage. IA smoking chimney caused tho alarm and this was remedies before tho arrival of tho department. Tho show that people seem to never tiro of, "Undo Tom's Cabin," nnd the biggest organization of them all, Is to be the at traction nt tho Dohany theater Sunday night, with Sunday matinee. The makeup of tho company Is said to be llrst-class and thoso who go mny expect to see ono or tho best periormancos or tho piece ever given In Council Bluffs. Genrgo B, Smith, who recently served a pentenco In tho county Jnll for assaulting his wire, was .arrested shortly nfter mid night Thursdny at the request or the nu Khorltles In Missouri Vulley. Ho Is charged with the larceny or 130 rrom u man there After spending tho night In the city Jnll he rwas taker, hack to Missouri Valley yester day. Ills wife llled a ictltlnn for divorce in the district court hero a few days ago. N. Y. Dumbing Civ Tei. 250. Two Pnrniers Bankrupt. Tho rush of farmers to tako advantage of the bankruptcy law continues unabated nnd petitions from two tillers of tho soli wore tiled In tho United States district court hero yostorday. I. Ellsworth James of Corning kas unsecured liabilities aggregating $1,049.21 nnd secured debts amounting to $1,755.25 which ho desires to bo relloved of. 111b as sets consist of somo household furniture, two cows, ono calf, thirty-three chickens, ono plow, one harrow and ono cultivator, worth In all $185, which he claims as ex empt. Zacharlah T. Dunham of Dunlap, (Harrison county, has liabilities amounting to 11,618.59 nnd assets aggregating $3,234.60, of which $2,300 consist of mining stock aud life Insurance. Mr. Itlley C-cent cigar. Henl Untitle Transfer. Tho following transfers were filed yester day in tho abstract, title and loan offlco of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl slreot: J, W Hemsted nnd wife to Town or Carson, lot 11. In c. il. & o n.iii. road add. to Carson, w. d War: O. Allen and husband to John Freese, lot 15, block II, Potter & Cobb's add,, q. c. d Heirs or Bernard Kuper to Anna K. Kuper, lots 9, 10 and 11, block 17, Town or Neoln, q. c. d Kutlo and Ida M. Hyun nnd husbands to Gcorgo Dewey, so".; nw4 21.77-42, w. d., Thomas Hlley to John Mullownev. 75 400 2,000 nnd. i or lots 1 to 10. block 4, Thompson's add., w. d Same to F. M, Sackett, und. 1-3 or lots 1 to 10, block 4, Thompson's add.. w. d , Sarah ll'arstn and husband to Gcorgo K. Hnrsln, und. 1-0 nti sU 27-74.39. w, d , Georgo K. llarslu to Georgo W. Agan, same, w. d.... Hen Agan and wiro and Eliza Mitburv and husband to same, und. 2-3 of 700 700 WW nH se'i 27-74-39. w. d JJttu P, Chapman nnd husband to 1,200 Stella M. mason, part lot 3, block 3, Cnsady's add., w. d i,oo Ten transfers, aggregating $6,ST7 DOES COFFEE AGREE WITH YOU ? If notdrink Grnln-O mndo from pure grains. A lady writes: "Tho llrst time I made Grain-O I did not like it, but after using It for one week nothing would Induce mi to go bnck to coffeo." It nourishes nnd feeds Oio system. The children can drink It freely with great bcnellt. It Is the Htronirthenlng substanco or nuro crnln.. Get u package today rrom your grocer, fol low tho directions In making It and you will havo a delicious and healthful table beverage for old and young. 15c and 25c. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska and Iowa. Juraes N, Casady, Jr., . W Main St, Council Bluff. BLUFFS. DAVIS DECIDES TO CONTEST BelleTii that Ho Should Be Counted in as 8obool Diatriot Tmsarer, WILL REFUSE TO TURN OVER THE M0NLYS lie Claims tlmt lliiverstock' Allcircil .Majority of Two Votes Does iot Best on a Vnllil 4 Foundation, j Gcorgo S. Davis has definitely decided to contest tho election of Y K. Haverstock as treasurer of tho Independent school dis trict of Council Bluffs, and will refuse to turn over tho moneys In his possession until compelled to do so by tho courts. The posi tion that Treasurer Davis Intends 'to pursue will necessitate Haverstock or the school board taking quo warranto proceedings against hlra and then this will bring up tho question of tho legality of Haverstock's election. As tho matter stands at present Davis claims 'that he was elected by Boventy nlno votes over Haverstock, while tho can vass of tho votes as made by tho Board of Education nt the meeting last Monday night gives Haverstock a majority of two votes. Davis claims a majority of soventy-ntno on tho assumption that tho entlro voto of the Fourth precinct cannot bo countod, as the Judges failed to certify to tho vote on tho returns. This, he claims, invalidates the voto of that precinct. Tho precinct gave Havorstock 382 nnd Davis 301 votes, so If theso figures aro deducted from tho totals each candidate recelvod It leaves Haver etock with 1,088, as against 1,167 for Davis a majority for tho present Incumbent of the ofTlco of sevcnty-nlno votes. It wan understood that Haverstock was ready . to qualify yestorday afternoon and fllo his bond, and a special meeting of he Board of Education was ordered, but was lator countermanded. Davis was on hand ready to subscrlbo to tho oath of office and with his bond already to fllo with tho board, his bondsmen being tho name as on his formor bond, who are tho officers and stock holders of tho First National bank. Davis was accompanied by his attorney. II. .1. Chambers, and intended to submit tho fol- lowing statement to tho board In protest ngalnst a certificate of election being Usued to Haverstock lo, !' Hoard of Directors of the Indo p.Snd?,Ht School District of tho City or Coun "luffs: Oentlemen-The undersigned snows to your honorable body as follows, to U,Th ftl U10 oIeclln "eld In said city ?(LCLunc11 1,Iufrs on tlle 12th llny of March. ;ri-he,wus..a candidate on the democratic ticket for the olllco or treasurer or tho school district aroresald. in T.hJ'n",110" on li,e faco of the roturn In the poll books used ut said election nnd containing the names or the voters nnd the voto cast at said election, which said books Jl. lub' r,eturinrl to tho secretary or said district and which said books were can vassed by the board ot directors us nfore- sald on Mondnv. Mnrnh 10 trum i' slcned received out of all the votes cant at other6 cnCnd0.nnraari0rrVL'1Lv"VM.: ! of said district. (For a verification' of w-hinh ttds hJiarrt to .'"ih1108.."1,0 n,l,entl of rSlurWcM' ofsnld P!l "nd the That because or the unmistakable showing ' o? sSld dlslrfrt VVm ,m1? "'treasurer ?5..s?i? o18'"?.1. at.anld election rrom sa ,1 Jlable extrinsic evidence, leads hhn to .vuiiio u.aii-1 usrw nh nnrMi nun nr inn canaiu Dener tnat by a mil, ralr, com plete and trim onnnt r th. r i . said election ror said omee of school t?cas- ih o! L f . " "niuest'onaiiiy elected to the office of treasurer of said district, HQ tnercfore nrrehv rianaf.tfnit., tPOnynfrtv"."0rinl? y.aKalnHt its declan : .'0"..f w' h'i Haverstock as' tho duly elected iitriiaurcr oi sam uistrlet and rurther de mands that your honorable body declaro the undersigned duly and lawfully elected said office for the ensuing term and Issue to him a certificate therein. OKORG E S. DAVIS. At tho tlmo that the board canvassed tho election returns, the fact that tho Judges had failed to cortlfy to the veto In tho Fourth precinct was not noticed and tho vote was accepted as being correct and In duo form. Tho omission of tho nocrfisnrv Judges' certificate wns discovered by Attor ney cnamners artor tho canvass and tho an nouncement by tho board that on tho face of tho returns W. E. Haverstock was the duly olocted treasurer of the school dl trlct. in each poll book Is a blank on which tho Judges are required to certify to the returns. In the Fourth precinct, how ever, this was not filled In, although tho Judges had made an attempt to certify to tho returns on a blank provided for a re turn of the excess ballots left over when voting under tho Australian system. It Is also claimed by Davis' nttornev thnt other Irregularities exist In the returns that In ono precinct, at least, there is noth tng to show, as required by law. that tho oath of offlco had been administered to the I judges and clerks. This omission, it i claimed, Is In Itself sufnclcnt to throw out ' tno vote in such precinct when, thin iP. i regularity occurs. Commonwealth 10c cigars ore good cigars. VI3UIHCT OIIDKItMIt I "OH 11AN IH.KTT. Former llmlnnriiiit Mnn Wins Cae In the' Federal Court. IIIn me inai oi me C, B. ltandlett bank ruptoy case in tho United States dlstrh-t iZL q u 1 8U,,"cn 0,080 by Judgo Shlras taking it from tho Jury and directing a verdict for tho defendant. This was nn exact roversiil nf thn -.,11 . ,1.- late Judge Woolson Wo th. case' had oeen tried at the last term of court here. A motion for a new trial had been submitted nnd taken under advisement by Judge Wool- son, who failed to pass uron It before hla death. This necessitated n now trial. Th. 1 . n - ... formerly a well known restaurateur of this 4 no iitiiiuuuiu, u. 11. unmiiett. was city. In December. 1S98. tho Cudahv. tho Omaha and tho Swift Packing companies with the following respective claims, $14753' $452.47 and $144.42, filed n petition in tho United States district court asking that Itnndlett be declared a bankrupt. The po- tltloners alleged that Randlctt hnd In inrt committed nn net of bankruptcy by giving a bill of sale of his restaurant and other property to Alphonse Metrgcr for $4,000. This, It wua asserted, was dono to prefer me ciaira 01 '.Monger for $1,000 and that of A. P. Langmado and the First National bank of this city for $3,000. After tho evidence had been submitted yestorday morning the court Intimated that unless the plaintiffs could amend their peti tion no would De forced to Inke tho case away from tho Jury and order a verdict for "le clly 'lection occurs next Monday. Flvo tho defendant. J. J. Hess, ono of the at- aldermen are to bo eletted. Tho present torneya fnr tho plaintiffs, asked permission col,"c" Is republican and It will remain so, to go on the witness stand In an attempt to as tno voters aro well satisfied with tho ad keep tho case before the Jury, Judgo ministration of Mayor Skinner and havo Shlras told him If he did so he would havo to withdraw from the case as counsel. Dillon Ross, who had boen associated with Hess In the case, had already gone on tho witness staud and under tho ruling nt Judgv Shlras bad beeil compelled to withdraw as attorney. Thus, If Hess had elected to go on the stand, the plaintiffs would have been left without counsel and Hess decided not to do so. Counsel for the plaintiffs then attempted to amend their petition, but tho defense objected on the ground that the four months tlmo limit under tho law since the starting of the proceedings hud clapsed and that tho amendment practically set up a new cnuso of action, Judgo Shlras upheld tho contention of the de fense and refused the filing of tho amend ment. Ho then took the case away from tho Jury and ordered a verdict for Hand lott. In making this order Judge Shims said thnt tho evidence was Insufficient to sus tain the contention that tho sale had been made to profer certain creditors. Ho said It was only natural thnt under the cir cumstances as they then existed that Hand lett should bo anxious to dispose of his business nnd that It was only natural that ho should sell to Metzger, who had formerly been In tho business and was anxious to ombark In It again. If any preference had been shown to creditors, tho court said further, it may havo been in the disposition of the proceeds of the snle, but this- had not been attacked by tho plaintiffs nnd therefore did not enter Into the case at bar. Tho completion of this case concluded the business of tho term nnd Judgo Shlras and other federal ofllcers left last evening for Dcs Moines. Davis sells paints. I'HHI'Altl.NO roil Till HI.ROTION. 1'lHces AVIiero Cllliens Must Iteitlstc If They Would Vole. Today is tho last day for registering for tho city, election and nil thoso who havo changed their residences since tho election last November and havo faded to register must do so In order to voto next -Monday. Tho places of registration In each precinct aro as follows, whero tho registrars wilt sit' from 8 n. m. to 9p. m.! Klrst Wnrd First precinct, Hereld's feed store, 131 Knst Broadway; Second precinct, marble shop, 21!) Hast Broadway. second wani First precinct, cuy mnni- feckK Third Ward-First precinct, Chlcngo house, corner of Main street nnd. Willow nvenuo: Second precinct, IS. C. Hrown's drug store. 907 Mnln street. i Fourth Wnrd First precinct, orflce or J. T. Collins, 520 South Mnln street: Second precinct, Kelly house, 1212 South Main street, Fifth Ward First precinct, county build ing, corner Firth nvenuo nnu Tweirtli street; Second precinct, county building, l&U South Thirteenth street. Sixth Wnrd-Flrst precinct. 2020 West Uroadwny; Second precinct, Hansons 1'lace, near Sixth nnd Uocust streets. Qravel roofing. A. 11. Head, GU D'way. "Mailt In Ilolii-inln." Thomas Ootz's "A Night In Ilohemla," given at tho opera house last night for tho benefit of tho Woman's Cbrlstlnn associa tion hospital, attracted an audience com posed of tho elite of the city, but not as lnrg0 " ono ns tho wortby obJect for wh,ch U wnK glvon lcscrve(1- , QeorKc Cronk as "Tho oiu lioncmian," uaiz as "Dusty Ithodos" and E. P. Mullen as "Officer Calla han," as usual, scored an unqualified suc cess, whllo little Lillian Kinsley, who Is no etrnngcr to a Council Bluffs audience, literally captured tho house. The perform ance will bo repeated this afternoon. Howell's Antl-"Kawf cures coughs, colds. Proposnln to Cnrry (lie Mnll. Postmaster Troynor has been Instructed by tho department at Washington to rccelvo proposals for carrying the mall between tnU postofflco nnd tho Illinois Central depot. Tho routo will bo known as No. 143,077. Dlank forms for submitting proposals may be ob tnlned by applying at the Dos'tofflce. Post- mastor Troynor has also been advised by tno department that tho now system of registration of letters by carriers will bo put Into" operation at. this ofllceion April 1. ,.i. ... . . ...i,," . Wl "IU lUVDCUt UU DOlUill Will UU UUUllUUU to IJio resident districts of the city. Kern I.nxrn n Foot, J. P. Kerns, who, with his son and a young companion, wcro attempting to beat their way to Kansas City, Kan., slipped whllo boarding a freight train in tho Burlington yards last evening and had his left foot badly mashed. Ho was removed to tho Woman's Christian association hospital, whero it was found necessary to amputate I tho foot above tho ankle. Kerns and his son wcro on their way homo from Aspen, Colo., and being without means, wcro traveling by tho box car route. Tho performance of "A Night In Bohemia" for tho benefit of tho Woman's Christian as sociation hospital, which scored such a suc cess last night, will be repeated this after noon. Friends of the association should see to It that tho houso Is packed, net your seats early and avoid the rush. Tho show Is well worth tho money. IOWA RAILROAD ASSESSMENT Amount n Fixed Iiy Slnlc Executive Council In Much llliilicr Tlinii Iiimt Ycnr. DES 'MOINES. ' March 23. (Special Tele gram.) As fixed by tho Biato executive council today, tho railroad assessment of tho state Is about J1.1C0.000 higher than It wns ,ast ycar' I"'10 assessment on tho old roauB w reduced nbout J1EO.00O and nn- Proxlnatuly $1,500,000 of now roads wns "i"ci to tno total. Tho nurl ngton road secured a reduction of J200.000 on Its branches; tho Hock Island secured a reduc tion on Us branches, mostly In tho south west, amounting to $232,000; tho Northwest ern main lino was given an Incrcnso of $250 n mile, making nbout $90,000. Tho i.Mllwau kce, tho Wabash, tho (Jreat Western and tho Illinois Central were undisturbed. Tho total increnses decided uncn amount to nhnnt ssnn nnn. n,. .ii leavlllK a t decrease on the old line, o $150,000. Thn niinrll ntn(n.1 ..t . ' J"'"'""1 luu 01 assessing J10 ?. S"L ""8t be(i B T"7.' ""..r-Ta unironed. About COO miles or new road aro added to tho assessment. Tho totals of tho assessment cannot bo given In detail and accurate or comploto.' for the reason that tho secretary of tho ennnMi ha.a "ot yct 'ocal',l all of tho now roadbeds cn . vo "ct'n millt' Tne council adopted ,, ot arBeBSlnR tho small linos $2,B00 " mll anl "ed that of tho now lines Just 111 nt tuls1, u "lB0 "ocldod to reduce $500 a m" on BUch "nes as showed a loss of 500 tt mllr. The total assessmon't will bo approximately $46,000,000 on all lines In the Blal0 junn uierriott, treasurer of stato, de clined to participate In. the assessment. It was arranged to work on tho assessment In tho rooms whero Auditor of State Merrlam was confined by illness at tho Savery hotol. Trcnsurer .Horrlott declined to Join his col leagues In that meeting. CrcHlou lllpcttoii JVevt Week, CRESTON, Ia March 23. (Snoots i no desire to change, Tho First, Second and Fifth wards aro qulto certain to eloct re publicans, while tho Third and Fourth will probably go democratic. IlUtrlct Court nt (Vinton. CRESTON, la., March 23.-(Speclal.) The district court Is In session, with Judgo Tcdford presiding. The Important case of tho term Is that against Al Williams, who shot nnd killed Deputy Sheriff Walsh last December. Tho case will attract great at tention. A special venire of thirty-six jurymen has -been drawn. IOWA HOUSE ON PORTO RICO Resolution Passed bj Loner Body Goei on to the Senate. BELIEVED IT WILL BE REPORTED FAVORABLY House Spend liny In Considering-, Do fentlim, HeeonslderluK, nnd Ite f err I iir 11 1 1 1 to ltrlniliiirne Stnte for TrmiNportntloii of Army. DES MOINES, March 23. (Special Tele gram.) The Porto Itlcan tariff resolution paSHcd by the Iowa houso vosterdav lis oeen the ono topic of conversation In the legislature today. Tho resolution was men - naged over to tho senate and wns at onco sent to tho commltteo on fodcral relations. it is believed that It will bo favorably re ported and stands a chanco of going , lng on tho lino and hor oklrt caught flro through tho upper body. It Is known that; from a burning brush pile. Sho was tor the majority of leading republicans of that rlbly burned, flesh foil from her limbs and body favor the resolution In spirit, but .she cannot Hvo. somo of them would rather not be put on A special from Washington says' "Tho record. In fact several have admitted In news that tho Iowa house had passed reso confldence to nowspapor rcprescntntlvca lutlons denouncing tho proposed Torto Illco u" w" opposeu to tna tnrltT bill, uvuwc.i uui m oo puoiiciy quoteu, so there Is a question as to whothcr on the final passage tho rosolutlon would bo adopted. Many Actions on i mil. Tho house today held a little "Joshing" match In the consideration, defeat, recon sideration nnd reforenco to committee of mo mil to rclmburso tho stnte for th ho Flfty-flrst Iowa from Snn Francisco to Council Uluffa last fall. Tho measure was first amended to Include tho I-orty-nlnth Iowa regiment under the provisions of tho bill. This was done at tho morning session. At the nftcrnoon session tho bill was loaded with amendments, nrovldlne that tho organizations entitled In rnlmhunx.. ment were the four Iowa regiments, tho lowa signal corps, tho two Iowa batteries of lleht artlllnrv nn,i tt,. ?... . . tho navy. In this condition thn bill was killed by a voto or 39 to 48. At onco a mo- j,."cJror 1 rt0 "'. I am inclined to bo tlon was filed to reconsider, which carried , V , mcn,c hav teen deceived by nuu me bin was referred to the npproprta- lions commit Inn with ln0ti-i.H .un n - - " uviiviid ill I tLR thn trlfimVlfira r -r nl,nn,1 ll .. a I At Its afternoon 1 7, r:,1 a resolution providing that tomorrow it shall adjourn until next tLTv nrn i.. u t. ' . uiciuucm ui iuui uoay a cnance to voto at tho city elections Monday. As tho passago of tho Blanchard sub ttituto yesterday provided for the assess ment of telephone companies as well as telegraph llncs, tho Chcshlro telephone bill did not come up today. In place of It the ouuuing nnu loan commltteo bill was taken' up ns a special order. Nothing was ac- I compnsnea moro than the adoption of scv- v.... vuuiii, c u.uenumenis. mere waj under consideration, howovcr, a substitute for section C of tho bill, offered by Sen ator Hubbard, which bids fair to consume a largo share of attention from the mem bers of tho senate. Tho substitute pro poses.. an amendment to one' of the most vital cllm.. t,lll ..,..1 tho rate of Interest whloJi may be charged. by building andtjloan associations. Th "vvnwno u .uu uui. lUttl lUlMllUK IU committee bill aeJt. stands provides that in case'of fofecloifrt oa mr. .Ivph by tho iharenoldef or any'liulldlng and loan association, ihe mortgagor shnll bo charged with a rate of Interest agreed upon, not, however. to exceed -fl.ner cent Der annum. A provision, however, is made that all con- tracts entered lnlojprlor to the taking effect of this act and piuco the new code went Into effect, Involving an Interest rate not to exceed 12 per cen, shall stand. Tho Hub bard substitute In effect Is to leave the 12 per cent clause open to future contracts of such associations, one of the features of the old law which building and loan bor rowers deem most objectionable. Senator Hcnty'a Oppoult Ion. Senator Healy, chairman of the building nnd loan commltteo, is violently opposed to tho substitute and declared on the floor of tho sonate today that If It passed ho would not support the committee bill on Its final passage. Tho senate passed ono bill today, the houso mcasuro by Hum, legalizing nil county elections on tho questions of erect ing a court house, held prior to tho taking effect of this act, validating all moneys borrowed or bonds Issued therefor and tho levy of taxes to pay said bonds, as well as authorizing counties to issue bonds voted for nt such elections and to levy sufficient taxes for tho same, If not already voted. The bill applies to three counties which held such elections with Irregularities In tho ballots taken. The houso passed tho bill by Stuckslagcr providing that directors of banks may as such bo paid for their services. Tho senate bill by OarBt provides that all warrants drawn by the auditor of state snail near upon lui-m a siiuimcui mui- eating tholr purpose. Senator Smith Introduced a bill providing for the nppolntment of n commission o( three to Investlgato needed repnlrs and im provements on the capltol building and to report to tho governor by December 1, 1901. Imvil Church Conf prenceo. CEDAR RAPIDS, la March 23. (Spe cial.) Tho Iowa conference of tho United Hre'thren 'church will conveno hero next Wednesday In lts.flfty-nlnth nnnual moetlng nnd will bo In session for four or flvo days. Tho sessions will bo presided over by Bishop J, W. Hott of Dayton, 0 and will be at tended by 200 or .100 lay and ministerial delegates. A number of noted men will bo present, among them Dr. D. R. Miller of the Union Biblical seminary; Dr. D. Hook waiter, president of Western college, and Rov. W. R. Funk, representing the publish ing Interests of tho church. Tho annual convention of the Christian churches of the Northeastern Iowa district will bo hold In this city next week. The convention will open Monday and close Thursday noon. A splendid program, In cluding all branches of church work, has been arranged. Shoots Himself with Utile. FOREST CITY, la., March 23. (Special Telegram.) IM Steadman, a wealthy farmer living two miles north of hero, committed sulcldo this afternoon by shooting himself with a Winchester rifle. He was walking along tho street near the Methodist church BITES, STINGS, CUTS, BURNS, SCALDS, BRUISES, WOUNDS ll tlio accidents which brtnif tenor and dls comlort, could havo been alleviated or avetled had thcro been upon the closet tlielf a remedy at once available Fain is inttantlj relieved by Voi 0LCANIC T LINIMENT Directions lor Its uis lor all occasions ac f.onipany rvery bottle, and there ia nothing like It lor domestic emergencies in sickness. Per manor beast. 23 cents, at druggist, ' amendments should bo reported as separate ' . lno ,owa iema- bills. It Is believed that the original bill ! I,ncC0,r,, w,lh th n" pertaining to tho Flfty-flrst Iowa will nass. , ? 0f l.ho l0,wa delegation in congress, and KES, UIL and, arriving at the steps, asked a bystander If ho over saw a man shoot himself. On being answered In the negative he seated 'hlmeolf on tho church steps and placing the rlflo between his kueos, with the muzzle nt his throat, pulled the trigger. The ball passer.! through his brain. He was 32 vcars old and unmarried. No cause for the act Is known. DRAGGED AND KILLED BY TEAM Wcnlthr Ioirn Fnrmer In Kicked to Dcntli by I'nir of ltmitmit) Home. DES MOINES, March 23. (Special Tele gram.) Clayborn Terhuno, a wealthy fnrmer living a fow mlleo west of tho city, was killed In tho suburbs this morning while driving homo from tho city. His team ran away nnd ho was dragged over tho dash 'board nnd under tho heels of tho horses, whero ho was kicked to death as ho was dragged along. His wholo face wan crushed In by ono kick, tho mark of tlio horseshoe Doing loft. Ho was B8 years old nnd simile. belne ono nf Ova i.rniko. u.. . .,..! on tho Terhuno, ono of the largest, best , and most profltablo farms In the west. tMrs. Trod Anderson, the wife of a coal miner, wns fatally burrfed In her own vnrd. She went out to bring In some clothes dry- iarin acted llko a bombshell among Iowa congressmen. Bpoakor Henderson was en ragod wheat tho nuwa was taken to him by a reporter. Ho burst fnrih uHth. n not matter what the legislature of Iowa, does or says on the Porto Illco tariff bill. Wo havo our views hero Just the samo as they havo and what they think about it will havo no effect on tho measure In thn hn. Thcro are things tho legislature of Iowa J"1 UlnaUn "Sdonhi,ll 'V"0 , ' , . . K , . d on tho llncs wo havo mapped out, legislature or no lecls lature. 1 do not know what they think; uuu i uo noi rare wnat they think.' "Other members of tho Iowa delegation -wcro seriously porturbed. Somo ware lu cllncd to do what thn tint u others looked frightened, while still others a,cled lnd"Ierentl)r' 'r quotation, however, I ..i tui.ivi.-iy a ionows: Cousins It Is hard to bellove that the IO"a ''"'ature has adopted a freo trado " 4"vv"kI' iiuia in mo west orn PrCfiS. . "ll'ver-I am surprised to hear thla nc t,on, 7 T Iowa Jlslnture. but do not i0. "cu" tho lnaer ' tMr inionneu 'Hull I presume the legislature knows what It Is doing, but I am at a loss to un dorstnnd the motives thnt led to tho adop tlon of such a resolution. It will not. how ever, havo any effect on my views on the Porto Itlcan tariff." Look Forward to SirlnK nine SIOUX CITY. Ia., March 23. (Special.) ' There 1b llttlo question In the minds or thoso best posted that a largo strip of land n South Dakota within a verv fow mirM or bioux city will become an Island by reason of the river making a Jump across a narrow strip known as Ilenlngor's bend during tho high water of this spring. This " o".i u.m is within a short distance now of connect I n . - i " " , " tit.?," 'Un? ?"in""'fn P JWhcn " .)! 7i V Z 7 1Z u",''"u"u cuvereu vlth tlmbor twe" tl" old bed or the r.lver and. th0 new chaiel- It nearly cut aT0"a laal ,CIl- na tne river would "0,D "cuu ,UI,u'ui "vel luu "arrow necK ere thle hat' not tnei efforts of some men who de8,ro1 thl" beon frustrated by tho gov meut. Thoy had placed dynamite nl ready to blow open a channel, fearing If tho stream did not tako this course It would Jump over into McCook lake and tbreaton Riverside park on the Sioux river, which is Sioux City s summer resort. Tho action of tho river this year Is therefore a matter of somo concern. I'rrpnrRtloim for ConTrntlon, SIOUX CITY, la., March 23. (Special.) It aas often decided that tho Western. Union Telegraph company will handle nil of the reports from tho fusIon-Dnnulist rnn. vcntlon In Sioux Falls May 9, with relays In Sioux City. It will bo quite a difficult task to handle the 'business and already tho local management has figured out a num ber of railway lines It will be nblc to use. Only experts In the cipher code will handlo tho keys on this occasion, sovcral men com ing from the cast to do tho work. Just how much press matter will bo sent out it Is Impossible to estimate, but preparations aro 'being made to handle rapidly every lino thnt is handed In nnd that at as early nn hour as possible. This is one of the small est things to bo attended to, howovcr, and the main question In Sioux Falls Is how to earn for tho crowd. Indicted for Mnrder, SIOUX CITY, March 23. (Special Tele gram.) Tho Brand lurv for Wmvlhllru ontintu touay returned an Indictment against Ernest Mover on the oliaren of murdering his brother-in-law, Christ Bauer, In this county, March 10. This Is rather a surprise, as tho most serious chargo placed against him had been manslaughter. No indictment wns returned against Jack McChrystal, charged with the murder ot John El Robson, for tho reason thn case was not presented to tho grand Jury ns expected, Tho county attorney held thn dismissal of tho case upon preliminary hear ing would probably prevent a conviction, oven If tho man was Indicted. He still thinks McChrystal guilty. Chilli II 11 r mm with IMvellliiK. VINTON, In.. March 23. (Special Tele gram.) A disastrous Are occurred at tho farm of Noah Nowllck, noar Quasqucton, resulting In tho destruction of the homo and tho death of a 2-year-old child. Mrs. Nowllck wan at homo alono with the two children, ono a baby 6 months old, and the other 2 years old. Sho discovered that tho houso was on flro and (led with one child In her arms, Sho ibecame overcome with tho oxcltement and fainted away. When aid camo thn houso was burned down nnd In tho ruins was found the body of the oldest child. Home Will Now Decide. DAVENPORT, la., March 23, (Special Telegram.) Hlehop Cosgrovo positively Btates that tho publication of namrn fnr tho Dubuijue nrchblshoprlc selection Is wholly conjectural. Nothing has boen given out Ho prefers to reimaln here. There will bo no division of this dlocesei There will bo no archdiocese for Omaha. Tho wholo matter Is up to Roma nietrlrl Court Clours, SII1LEY, Ia., March 23. (Special Tele gram.) Tho Mnrch term of the Osceola county dletrlct court, held by Judge Oliver, closed today, tho calendar being pretty well cleared up. Tho Osceola county teachers' Institute has been In session all week with a lino corps of Instructors and will cnntlnuo through next week. An oven hundred mem bers are enrolled. ' to tv 11 Nmv Voten. Tho railroad eating houso nt Iowa Falls was entirely consumed by fire. Ottumwa proposes to require the street railway company to equip Its cars with fenders Waterloo la elated over the realization of i uu uui umieraiHDU it. Nervous People That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People have cured obstinate cases of locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, and St. Vitus' dance, is the best evidence that they will cure all lesser ner vous disorders, because the principle in the treatment of all nervous diseases is the same. Nervousness is a question of nutrition. Food for the nerves is what is needed and the best nerve food in the world is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People tsr r7;Annni0.n'agC0,ofr?rt An. Michigan, says: "My dstish. iVml rnn? eneralTeal to say they have he n.rt . itl' - 11 .?f" Wi,llam8 PIk Pi" for Pale People contain, in a condensed form, mil the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and Vlnm?n,er? 7eiVeB,i ,Theare n unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St.Vitus' Dance, sciatica, neuralgia. rheumatism, nervous headache, the after-effects of the grip, palpitation ?n '"I' P 6 "nd "".complexions, all forms of weakness ei her in male or female, ,'ll Pi-.1HlU".S' F,ink Pi,l9,for ?a,e,reoplc are sold by nil dealers, or will be sent, postpaid,, on receipt of price, 50c. a box or six boxes for fi.So (they are. never sold in bulk or by the too) by addressing Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N.Y. BEAR IN MIND THAT "THE GODS HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES." SELF HELP SHOULD TEACH YOU TO USE SAPOLIO H9HSE& tho hone of erection of shous by tho Illinois Central nt that place. Sneaker Henderson nnnounocR that ho does not desire to attend tho national con vention a a deleirnte. Oils Wutorstrnub ot Van Horn wns killed by tho premature explosion ot a blast which he luiU put Into a big lot; for the purpose of splitting It. V. O. Pnvntv. Junior editor of the Nevada Representative, announces himself as 11 candidate for tho republican nomination for conuress In tho Seventh district. F. S. Carlisle of Inirens has broucht suit against the Modern Woodmen fnr $10, 000 damages for personal Injuries which ho alleges ho received whllo belnc Initiated into that order. Two men, ono of whom was recognized ns nn ex-convict, were arrested nnd nre belnsr held nt Annmosa on suspicion. They were try nir to dispose or a quantity ot Jowelry which Is believed to havo beon stolen. There aro several wnicnea ana somo bracelets In the lot. Tho home of John Melyek of Quncaueton was destroyed by lire. At tho tlmo the mother nnd two children were alone In When the nelchbora arrive. was found uncCc"ousTn th tho house, tho mother road, chipping her baby In her nrmx. Tho other child wna burned to death. On re viving the mother said she had taken both children from the house before becoming unconscluus and Is unable to account for tho eh id getting back into tno nurning bullilliic iM. . Smith, nutternut, Mich., hays, "Dc- Wltt'H Llttlo Karly Risers are the very best pills I ever used for costlvcness, liver and bowel troubles." tllierHole Ciihp Set for Trlnl. NEW YORK, .March 23. -Justice Furpmnn n tho criminal branch of tho supreme court today wet the trial or Miss Olga Nethersolo and tno otner parties derendant lu tho Indictment returned yesterday by thn irrand lury for April 3. The DOHtnnnn. ment nf the trial was due to tho representa tion of Mlsi Nethersola'H counsel that she was ton 111 to appear In court. A new imncl of ino talesmen will bis drawn, from which a Jury will bo selected. Minor' SlrlUi I'rohnhlr. INDIANAPOLIS, I nil.. 'March 23. Reports 1 John Mitchell, president of the United Mine Workers, nre that tho miners of Mvcrsdale. Pa., and the Georges Creek rxiil.l Held, known as district Nn. IS. lmvn been untitled by the operators that on April 1 an advance of 10 cents a ton will be paid. This advance Is not acceptable, It Is wild If It Is not lucreused tho lB.Ofw men employed will strlko. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature af Am Fac-Stnlle Wrapper Blow. Tory mall and cur in taka tut saifar. FOR HEAIACIL. FOR IIUINEtt. FOR IIU0UIIESS. FOR T0NPII LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION afgU I rarely TealeyUyg CARTER'S OUR 6 SICK HEABACHaU SA Vr 1 ". "' EE'0.! A1" iPPr no he When you have dental work done why not have the boat? It costs no more than inferior work and is certainly much moro satisfactory. We guarantee to please you both in qual ity of work and in price. Telephone 145. H. A. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluffs - 30 Pearl St. " Grand Hotel WEIGHT II HOXBAN. I. T. DR. RADWATf & CO., Now Vork-Oen. tlemen; I send enclosed 11. O., for which you will please send mo one dozen Had way's flendy Flcllff and one dozen Had way'H l'llls. Your Ready Relief Is eonslfl. rel hereabouts to be worth Its weight In old. This Is why I am Induced to handle It. I have handled Oil for some time, but I consider tho R, R, R. far superior to this, as It gives bettor ttatlsfactlon. J. M. ALEXANDER. Radway's Radv Relief cures the worst P.alns ln from on ,0 twenty minutes. For L"" ....c, ...-i,c,.p,". 11-1,1,1141, an,, 1,U!I1U;U, pains and weakness In the back, spine or kidneys, pains around tho liver, pleurlrv welling of the JolntB and pains of all kin'"' the application of Radway's Ready Rc will afford Immediate ease, nnd Its con'.ln 1 use for a few days effects n perjnanen' Bold by Druggists. BB BUUK. TO UT BADWAYS. TiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiigiBiif f Constipation, BEECNAN'S i , Indigestion, ; Biliousness, Sick Headache, I in roon, women or , children, cured by PILLS : actthcpcnulnclfyou 1 want to bo cured. ' 10 casta &2S cents, ) at drug storos. , lllll II llllll MANHOOD! WOMANHOOD! iuntur vfitor rffttorl, jouth a mltUAknt rorrct4, nroVcS' The Kerr Nodical Institute llnx CHOI, Clnclnnitll, Ohio. r.slalllihilHC7, Th olil ' urcBKt and mot wlilolr known Institution in UuUJl . Uook "out ealod f r loriour cents lu ttusca SOME: Good Things "Langtry" Stick Caady A beautiful stick candy contain ing only the best Mould "A" supar. Puro flavors und qolors, Sold to tho dealers In tin cans. ... JOHN C Woodward & Co., Mm 11 11 fac tu rln u Con fee (loners. Jobber nt 1 1 lull Ormlc Clxurs. COUNCIL IIMII-'FS, IA. Dohany Theater Burke's Big Uncle Tom's Cabin Sunday, March 2S, and Sunday Matinee, You will seo tho Kreatost Topsy, most ec centric Marks, funniest, cuto, smallest Eva, llntbt Ltfgroo, best Ophelia, most gorgeous scenery, largest dogs, best equipped, company on tho road. l'rlcos, 10c, 20o and 30c. .