THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 15)00. f J! iL 2 & Ji s 2 fjll r ..Music MILLINERY, CLOAKS, SUITS SPECIAL DISPLAY -OF- PATTERN HATS L.BRANDEIS & SONS Ifc JL 9, Ji PBl . HP TROPICAL DECORATIONS VALUABLE AND ORNAMENTAL SOUVENIRS , ...T!!',y. 5'.l0,n1n1!,y. for.m1Illy ,nnl0 our debut In our much Improved millinery Oepartmciit. prcHeiitiiiR what Is without question the best appointed, best lighted, beet ventilated pattern show roomB and positively the most attractive and commodious rooms In Omaha, , . A FEAST OF BEAUTY AND FASHION Awaits tho .eyes of the ladles of Omaha and vicinity. nh.JiiT'V.f Clff,rn if.aV0 bwn mu'lc ,Wo bave ercote(l lwent rU8llc nrbors- completely covered with bcnutlful flowers, foliage, beautifully , S, . . , w ? . ;Inmmoth P"1'" rees, with tba.r broad leaves, overhang tho floral arbors, making tho met mag nlflccnt and pleasing sight Imaginable. A fairy land of gorgeous colors and dazzling brightness. UUI, YOU ARE INVITED AND EXPECTED patronug m opportunity than ever before to show our magnificent pattern hats, to delight our visitors by a display worthy of their 500 beautiful pattern hats from tho, workshops of every famous designer in gay Paris, London and New York shown in our new Parisian show rooms. 2000 trimmed hats and bonnets, introducing every style, color and shape of the season. 1500 Btylish hats from our own work rooms are vioing with Paris hats for favors in our largo trimmed millinery department, Hats from out- own work rooms lead In low prices. r?irX 3t0r Wm b -Pl-y of rgeous millinery, but with such low prices as to verify In to further slgnallzo our opening days, we quoto the following Immense values: 800 elegant trimmed hats from pur own work rooms, modelB of artistic beauty made in the most elegant styles of the choicest and best material, of chiffon, malines, silks, and flowers, the like of which would coat you fully spiu else- Q where 9 Spncia! for oponlnrr day at i coat you fully 4.98 The "Miss Hobbs" hats, an attractive showing of this most becoming turban, in taf feta silk, black, white and maize, with white velvet or chiffon rosettes an extraordinary value at our opening sale, at . . s 3.49 100 very choice im ported pattern hats, models that usually sell for $25.00. Sale price Saturday at 15,00 Special Opening Sale of Flowers. Hoses, lilacs, daisies, apple blossoms, rose foliage, crushed roses, geraniums, fruits, etc our opening sale prices on two large counters IE j QP. at 15c and 25c each lUU an" COQ UNTRIMMED HATS Only new shapes exhibited at this opening sale every shape Imaginable, all the now colors, all tho new braids guaranteed to bo found m this magnificent collection. On 50c, 75c and $1.00 It Is needless to say that wo have every thing new in novelty ornaments, laces, chif fons, fancy braids in fai t, nothing l.s wanting to make- our millinery department "THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT" in the west. NEW SPRING FASHIONS EN OUR IMMENSE CLOAK ROOM Wo nro prepared ns never beforo to meet nil demands with tho choicest and most carefully s lected mock of tallor-mado suits, costume, wraps, waists, foulard silk suits, etc., that It haw over been our privilege to show. They arc all marked nt especially low prices for our opening sale, llhero are u few special bargain offerings for Saturday and Monday thut are matchless Ladies' line man tailored suiis in extra quality of imported cheviots, woruinbo Vene tians, vicunas, zibelines, broadcloths, with fancy or plain eton, single or double breast ed, form fitting jackets. Circular Hare, corded, tucked and slashed skirts. All col ors, all silk lined, from $2f to 75. $30-00 Suits $!5.00 SI7.50Silk Lined Suits$2.50 15-00 for an odd lot of! tf1-- for all silk lined $25.00 ' s75. 00 tailored suits, made of home spuns, Venetians, coverts, broadcloths, etc nearly every suit all silk lined and worth up to 30.00 oro at m W I SIC HA cheviot suits, box iackots. skirls, made with pleat in back, well tailored and worth . $17.50, be.sides soiuo excellent values In coverts una vetiQtmtiM. mudi otoii,3inp;lol . or tloulilo " v ' breasted f tljrht llttlng- nt I OUlliU UAtUl li it 111 (J 3 111 12.50 9.S5 for imported Venetian and covert suits, made single or double breasted etons and tight fitting ..IV 1 Ll.' 1. -1.1. 1 .1... untjcis. oKiris witu now uox uauKS well lined, and worth up to 15.00 go at 9.85 $5 for all wool covert suits, lino checked novelty -i..n. i i.... i i .i -. . uiuLn nun quunty 01 nomespun suiiS, made in new six button front jackets, finely lined und llnisbed. Roman silk lined juekots in nil colors. Choice, of those three lots Saturday at iitits, maue in s5.00 SKIRTS Kino dross skirts In n grand array of high art creations for this seawon, In all the now appllriuo effects with tho new flares, over-drapes, box and Inverted ploat backs. Mado of extra quality taffeta, broadcloth, Venetians, etc., nil silk lined, at $9.98; worth lip to $35.00 ', S4.98 for $7-50 new 20th Century Cropon Skirts, mado in tho new shapes, and the material quoted worth by the yard $2.00 On snlo today $9.98 S2.98 for 5.00 Skirts of Applique Cheviot that will be a revelation in Skirt bargains strictly all wool cheviots, appllqucd with taffeta. I'ercallno lined, velvet bound and worth $3.00 go at $4.98 $298 $3.98 fr 7-00 Kainy Day Skirts of doublo faced all wool golfing cloth, deep facing and heuvlly stitched, actually worth $7.00 for $3.98 " I'lnce on Hale today an assortment of line, dressy, stylish novelties In aia TsTSi eTmm ma IflliH K I Jackets', including a line linn of sample Jackets, no two nllke, mado of nil tho popu- dl J 91 1- aQC fill JHUIlb I J lor cloths and colors of the season. Etons with Medici appllqutt collars, box single I ,, J U 10 if II II w and doublo breasted tight titling styles, ourh onu i-xiOualvo In style, from $12.60 to $23 " H w 2.98 for choice of odd lot of fine tailored jackets, worth up to b. Duly 7.50 for 10 cloth jacket, fly or box front, tnlTotu sutin lineti, regular $10 value, today , black broad- 7.50 4. 9S for 7.50 Venetian and covert jackets in eton, single and double breasted box front, silk lined tailor stitched worth 7. 50 today at uuit) urt'asieu 4.98 one of a kind that we wish to eloso out, your clioico today al $2.98 WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE Now Monatarj Bill Givu Satisfaction at Treasury and Banks. IMPORTANCE OF CARNEGIE-FRICK COMBINE Hnle of Wool a I I.iiihIoii Hnvr Nhovru a Slmilr Mnro of St rcnutli Thnu 'J'hoae of Lutt Month. NEW YOllK, March 23.-K. a. Dun & to. a ookly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: In Its first week of oucratlon thu now inonetary bill ha Riven mills artlo nt thu ,r,.e,v'9l.',ry ,lnrt J",Mks- Appllcatlonn tov i ion J per cents havp exceeded $10ii.0u0,0oo and .tho net Increaixi in bank circulation Is Jilready over $10.(XiO.0O0. As the rate nt ?J'.l,,i?hi now 9lr,cl"'l'! can bo iHsued In limited except for banks which uavo ordera In advanco of tho passago of tho bill and tho iHHties lit llwt are largely for thu In orenso of notes to tho iar valuo of bonds IepoHltel, littlo can yet bo inferred remird Iiik tho other increase, thouch applications lndlcato thut It will bo Inrco for Interior bankH. Th release of millions employed In preparation for nctlon under tho now measure lias caused in bnnk returns con Ktdernblo chaiiKes, which are, nominal rather than real, und tho money markets nru undisturbed, Tho imported settlement of tho Carnecle-ii-rick controversy Is ono of tho createst Irnportanco to tho Iron and steel Industry, A IlKht between audi forces would in tho PLENTYJF IT. Lots More Proof Like This and it is All from Omaha People, 'Tho proof of tho pudding Is In tho eating bf It." If any city or town In tho union has tmfttclcnt proof on tho following subject It Js Omahiu (ienulno merit Is finding its To ward In tho hearty endorsntlon of local citizens. When pcoplo right hero at homo, friends and neighbors of our readers, glvo n statement Ilka tho following for publica tion It Is proof convincing for tho most skeptical. Head this testimony. iMr. Charles Honnlng of 1024 N 21st st., eays: "I was hurt In tho U. P. locomotive shops, and ever slnco I have been annoyed with attacks of pain in the small of my back. Heading advertisements about Doan's Kidney Pills led mo to procuro that remedy nt Kuhn & Co.'s drug store, cor. ISth and Douglas streets. It was tho best Investment 1 over mado, The treatment cured me," I)oan' Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers. Price CO cents. Mailed by I'ostrr vlllburn Co., lluffalo, N, Y solo agents for the Unltod States, Kcniember tho name, Doan's, and takn no substitute. end Jiavo affected prices and values beyond calculation, whllo tho combination of inter ests now Haul to bo agreed upon ninv prove revolutionary in Itn influence. Whether markets will bo Immediately affected Is not clear. As yet the tendency toward reaction of prlco continues, though In tho Pittsburg region Hcsscmer and basic pig nro strong. Cut eastern Uesscmer and gray forgo ai.d southern pig are sold thero at prices below thoso governing In larger transactions and It Is only tho demand for steel-making Iron which appear to exceed the supply. Hast ern markets aro weaker, with a reduction of $1 per ton at Philadelphia In somo grudes, Finished products nro generally unchanged, though theuts rise nt Chicago with tho coming combination, while plates sink lower nt Pittsburg and to tho lowest point slnco April 6. VJO, nt Philadelphia. Cotton holds nt 'JTi cents for spot, with a henvy export demand, though futures aro weaker. Huropean stocks in sight, with mill stocks reported by Kllison, cover con sumption at the rate ho reports for a largo part, but not for the whole of tho cmi year remaining, and tho vlslblo supply In this country Is being wold at terms which mako the 4o0,0"0 bales exported this month worth moro than 070,000 bales would havo been worth a your ago, when only 2H.00O bales went abroad in the. samo time, lte eelpts havo exceeded lust year's for iho week, though not for tho month. Tho goods market noro is only strong in de mands for Immediate needs, fow caring to baso future dealings on tho present prices, whllo somo mako concessions for dlstunt deliveries. Tho London wool sales havo shown n shade, moro strength thnn thoso or last month nnd cnnsldurablo American pur chases of 8iini(i grnde Indlcnto tho truo position of tho prices asked here. Yet tho markets aro called stronger In tone, al though of tho Biiles reported much tho greater part were nt concessions, nnd man ufacturers nro doing very little. Sales nt the three chief markets wero only 4,80O,Soo pounds, of which 3,771,600 wero domestic. Tho statu of tho goods market does not on courago manufacturers to pay tho prices now nskwl. Thero Is not only littlo ground to expect an advance In prices, but In other than tho leading grades bomo concessions nro frequently mndo to securo transactions and tho business is still disappointingly restricted. Tho manufacturers havo ad yanced hemlock solo 1 cent In spite or a further fall of Pj, per cent in hides nt t'hl cngo, making tho decline 3 por cent within four weeks. Tho advanco in wheat which followed ptntementH of tho quantity In farm ers' hands lias not been main tained nnd the declluo the Inst week lias been 1 cents, corn nlso yield Ing about cent. Atlantic exports wero l,i6J,02S bushels for tho week, nnd for threo weeks only 1,472, tss bushels, against S.S70.374 bushels last year, Kocclpts at western points. In three, weeks havo been ll.977.3Sl bushels, against 10.1W.937 last year. Meanwhile Pacific oxports nro heavy and In threo weeks luivo been 3.1S3.52-1 himhels, against l,Coti,277 last year. The foreign de mnnd for corn lessens, nlthnugh 1.217,470 bushels went abroad during thf week nnd In three weeks S,4,T9,S19 bushels, ugulnt't 10. 30a.4i5 last year. Failure for tho week have been 1S3 In tho United States, against 200 last year, and twenty-pven In Cunnila, against twenty-four luftt year. iutAiisTitnirr's im.amh.i, hi:vii:u Speculation Tlilx Week Develop Nome Iteiniirkulile Aetlvlty mid Mrenulli, NEW YOHK. Moreh 23. nrodstre?t's Financial Review tomorrow will say: Speculation has this week developed re mnrkablo activity and strength, the lutter feature being mainly confined to what nro known as tho standard railroad slocks. 'Hie fcaturo In tho market has been tho disappearance of the fears regarding the money market List week's bank statement showed a larso decrease In tho item of loans, Indicating that banks will h had purchaed government bonds for tho pur- poso of converting them Into new 2 per cents and taking out circulation were pay ing on these borrowings. This process Is money avaliablo for stock market purposes has evidently increased, ltates for call loans were however, only slightly easier and the activity of the stock market natu fundi! " t0 aUBmolu ,llu lemand for n .'.r.r ' Vj. rrj: V i r?i'r the ;,; "..... ,r iii.,t'iuii'ir!H one ni con- lldenco and tho disposition to discount the M.V.'i-.Vf Pll,''i,ency bill i the bank circulation has been marked. Large Inter ests havo consequently felt themselves able to glvo support to their fpecialtlcs and at tlio samo tlmo tho public both here ami i abroad has shown a readiness to ;artlcl. Tl.'llf, in tlm r,r,,..,,... , flM. . .M I ... i , Clin in. iiiu iiiovuineiu or I outsldo buying was considerably In excesa ...ij, iinb which i nu inarKet. nns wli-I uussed for somo months past. Iondon has taken a favorable view of tho effects of tho currency bill and the possession of Amer- , lean railway properties. , All tho Kuropoun markets aie strong on i tho belief that tho Hour war will soon ter- i mlnatp and that there will bo no political compllcatlon.s of an international character I growing out of It. Consols hnvo Phown an advanco nnd American stocks wero features I in tho rlso of values. It has been somo , time slnco Iondoii has been such a lari-j purchaser In this market. Its buying of Atchison, the Paclllcs, Riltlmore & Ohio , and other Ivomlnu specialties producing an ' impression upon tho exchange market ; which has been decidedly weak In conse fiuenco of offerings of bills against this I foreign buying. i Tho sudden nnnouncement of the pur- ' ehaso of tho Third avenuo road bv tho Metropolitan Street railway and the sen- sntlonnl advanco of moro thnn DO points In i tho former Ftock not only demoralized tho , bear party In tho street, lint created for a i tlmo moro or less fear that trouhlo might arlso In connection with the short Interest In tho stock. No actual dllllenltles, how- I over, developed In this connection and the i notion of Third Avenuo led to covering of I shorts in other directions and a"ded ma terially in stimulating public Interest as to other iiortp of tho list. j nit nsiiti:i: i's iiiivii:v or, ; I'imv Irregularities VUilile, lint on Whole Outlook In (iooil. NEW YOniC, March 23. Hradstreefs to morrow will euy: Somo few Irregularities aro vlslblo In tho general trado nnd Industrial situation, tho results of tho workings of counter currents In vurlous lines, but taken as n whole tho general outlook retains most of tho en couraging features noted for somo tlmo past in these columns. Favornblc reports as to retail distribution and as to collee lions como from southern, western and northwestern markets, duo to better weather. Continued good railroad returns, record breaking merchandise exports from New York, with signs of a resumption of heavy shipments or Iron to Europe, and good wheat nnd fruit crop reports, except from the central west, also features. An unfavorable element is tho prediction of a. general strlko of machinists, but It In pos. slblo that more, than Its proper weight has been given this threatened trouble. As offsets to this threatened trouble might ho cited tho settlements of differences umong tho hike oro handlers, u vltnl point In the Immcnso business looked for the coming spring nnd summer. Advances in wages of soft coal miners, of stove mnlders and of oilier workers allied to tho Iron and steel Industry would seem to point to labor conditions retaining most or the favorable features which havo made them subjects of favorablo remark on tho present pros perity wave. Foreign demand seems likely to piny a most Important part In tho Iron and steel Industries, Judging from the reports of ad vancing foreign marke's and of Increasing Inquiries upon manufaetures Some large lots of pig Iron uru being negotiated for nt New York and tit Ulrmlngham. Ala., and southern Iron prices would appear to bo on a parity with thoso nbroad. bllo somo slight concessions, might secure much to tho business nothing like u general eas ing of values is to be reported, llcssemer Is. In fact, llrmer than ever nt almost tho top prlco reached In tho present boom. Foundry Iron, ehlelly of low grade. Is cheaper, but llnlshed products note littlo if imv nluiiii?e. Anthriirlto coal rellects the advanced season In weaker quotations, but bituminous sorts aro in demand. 1'ho famine In coal In Europe seems to be grow Ing more pronounced, but somo rumored very largo contracts for southern coal have yet to bo placed. Copper is In good demand nnd some largo sales nro reported for export, with prices slowly hardening. Staple values generally nolo little change Flour Is In active export demand and llrmer on tho week, as nro also hog prod ucts on smaller receipts and a. reported squeeze of shorts. Sugar Is higher, mainly owing to the growing strength of raw ma terial. Wheat and corn nmong tho breadstuffs hnvo been weaker, rellectlng nnother ono of those short swings In prlco which havo been such a feature of the former market, but ulso expected heavy shipments from tho Argentine and good crop reports from tho south and west. In tho central west wheat crop advices are disappointing, com plaint of winter killing more than off setting increased acreage. The extent of the late advance In cotton discouraged bull ish activity, but short supplies abroad and a small crop movement at homo furnish little encouragement to tho bears nnd tho market for that staplo is about on a stand still as regards prlco movements. Advices so far received would point to the retail trado opening well, particularly In the south, the northwest nnd tho central west, except nt the lako cities, where the late ness of tho season and unfavorable condi tions hnvo operated as a detriment, Wool remains ono of the soft suotH in tho market, nnd though a littlo more busi ness has been dono this week than last concessions nre easier to obtain and prices are quotably lower. Leather, on tho other hand, returns a better report than for some tlmo past, quotations of hemlock are higher ann business has been larger at soveral markets, Tho boot nnd shoo industry notes somo Improvements In demand and prices, but hides remain rather dull. Wheat, Including flour, shipments for the week nggregato 2.1)03, lf5 bu., against 2,727,4j0 last week, 3.747.7CI in tho corresponding week of 1S99. 3.8!'fi,318 In 1S!IS, 1.719.1S9 in 1897 und 1,741,837 111 ISM. Since July 1 this season tho oxports of whent aggrcgnto 141,210.331 MAKER OF "ENKKGY." bu.. against 1S0,972,D02 last year and 170,- MC1SS in 1S97-9S. Corn exports for the week aggregate 3,123,843 bu.. against 3,723,291 last week. I :i,li!i9,C29 III this week n year ago, 4,190,237 In 1S9S. 5.8S2.C37 In 1S97 and l,727.tV 111 Slnco July 1 this season corn exports ng I gregato 152,507,977 bu., against 125,iri3,n82 dur i lug tho samo period u year ago and 131, i 0X1.920 In 1S97-9S). ! Iluslness failures In Iho Fnlted Slnles for l tho week number 192, as compared with 190 last week, 1S2 In this week a year ago, 215 In 1S9S, 221 In J897 und 276 In 1S9C. Dusluess failures lu tho Dominion of Canada, .number 23, as compared with 2S last week, XI In this week a year nso, 29 in 1&9R, 40 111 1&37 nnd 41 In 1S90. WEEKLY L'LEAItl.Vt; IIOI'SM TA1II.E. AugrcKntc of IIiinIiicnk TriiiiNiictcil by tin AsHiielnleil IIiiiiI.n, NEW YOH3. Ma roh 23,-The following table, compiled by Uradstreet, shows tho bank clearings ut all principal titles for tho week ended March 21, with the per centage of Increase and decrease as com pared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Amount. I. The AiiiiIjmIn of Pom I urn Fond Coffee, "Since I left off drinking coffeo nnd began using Postum Focd Coffee, my digestion has so Improved that I can cat eggs and drink milk, which I hove been unahlo to do for years. "1 find by Inquiry that numbers of my friends havo been helped by using PoBtura Instead of ordinary coffee. It is evident that coffeo has boon a poison to mc. I was only Induced to break off by 'tho order of my physician," Mrs. F. II. Monlng, C3 E. Now ton street, Iloston, Muss, Thero is a reason why Postum Food Coffeo restores tho chronic coffeo drinker to good health again. Tho analysis by l)r. II. F. Davenport of Iloston, New England's famous analytical chemist, Is: Moisture, n,8 per rent; bono forming substance, 4,61 per cont; cellulose, 8.70 per cent; fat and flesh forming substances, 11,73 per cent, energy producing substances, 06.11 per ceut. Inc. Dec. Now York $1,021,273,101 Iloston 110.115,307 Chicago 121,7X1,791 Philadelphia 81,010,729 est. iouis 29, Pittsburg 27,573,310 iiaiumoro i I9.;g9.9i7 Snn Francisco l,"i,57,4m Cincinnati 15,im.3jO Kansas cny 12.880.15: New Orleans 10.017,400 Minneapolis 10,001,2.19 ueirou ,,9.C',3:iS Cleveland U.231,104 IxiUlsvUlo 8.ES9.72G Providence fi,9H,000 i.miiwhukco 0.2.T7.M1 St. 'Paul 4,2."l.flfi Hllffalo I,40ti,430 U.MAIIA B.Oil.lii!' IndlanaiHilk G,133,0S2 Columbus, 0 4.02S.000I Savannah 4,HIS,449 Denver 1,021,590 Hartford 2.379,773 Hlchmond 3,219.102 MompniS 2.391,793 Washington 2,535,218 'Peoria. 2,023,2 111 Rochester 1.900.3IS New Haven 1,HS,&801 Worcester 1.2S3,4ySl Atlanta 1,K77,9 Suit Ilke City 2.239,733 Sprlnglleld. Mass 1.017.(530 Fort Wort'.i l.Klfi.R-K1 J Portland, .Mo 909,320' t Portland, Ore 1,710,3.'3 I St. Joseph l,097.fiVl I Los Angeles, Norfolk 1, 5.13X19 ( Synieuso 1.072.C35 lies .Moines 1,283,715 Nashville 1,.13S.12! Wilmington, Del 9fi$,0i Fall Hlver 715,997 Scranton 1,I5.S,115 Grand llaplds 1,171.279 Augusta, Ga I,2i2.&70 t n...nlt .,, ,r... i hwhi'ii ,,,i 11.1,111.; Dayton, 0 1.2.31,100 Hoatllo 1,913,579 Tawmu 8V0.IS3 Siioknno 1,2,232 Sioux City 9S7.7I7 New Ucdford 390.50S Klioxvllle, Ten ll 409.&6SI Topeka CSS.BSSi Ulrmlngham S13,49 Wichita K19.351 Hlnghamtnn 415.400: Lexington. Ky 410, Ho Jacksonville, Fla 3i;,ir .1 Kulamazoo ,., 39S,Vi2' Akron . . ., 4io,9(ioi I'hattunooga Horkford 111. 3 I 1M Canton, O i UM.&tXi! 19.5 15.9 fi.O 12.0 II. Ii Sprlnglleld, O. . Fargo. N. D.... Sioux Falls, S. Hastings, Neb. Fremont, Neb. Davenport Toledo Galveston Houston Helena Evnnsvlllo , Macon, Ga Littlo Hock .... Sprlnglleld. III. Youngstown ... Saginaw Totals, r. Totals outside H... N. 2.39,720 243.800 141.122 17I.3SS 182,1411 092,501 2,011,33:1 4,129,000 0.917.805 500,589 I'M. 193! I,C9!,0IX) 433,5421 fiS!,:il2 .TOI.jOS, 318,715 DOMINION $I..399.2.3S.2IS I 07I,9SI,S03 OF CANADA. I 9-2 0.0 1.1 17.5 127.0 I 2.1 I 3S.3 I 20.S 10.0 23.S! 42.2 13.1j l 11.9 0.3 lonlreal Toronto Winnipeg Halifax , Hamilton St. John. N. II. Vancouver Victoria , Totals $ 12.BS7.17S 9.29S.I20 I.ISI.IN 1,300,598' Wl.i'it 590,300 700,310 0.3S.873 ' 27.112.! .... 3.2'. 9.1. 20.21 1S.2 ' 'i.'i 0.5 15. 01. 21.8 . 10.9 2S.5 10.1 11.7 , 1S.0 . 'is!3 52.4 . 5.0 ii'tii . 41.51. 13.9 , ,3.1 6.1,. 1 I 4 8 20.4 18. 0 7 3.s 12.11. 42.7,. 4.1 20.9 20 2 81.1,1 .. 2.l .. 2.3 .. 29.41. 35 8 11.5 .11.1 4.0 2.4 17.1 41.4 -46.'5 . '2ii.2l 20.9 11.1 21 1 15.0 31 t 29.4 . 71.0' 12.7 30, 1 30 Oi Si 5 21 39 2' 20 li V 1 30 1 8,0 Chunking; to Secret Soclclj. CHICAGO March 2.1-To placo the Polish National Alliance on the basis of modern organizations a ritual, passwords and grip are likely to he Introduced. The cnmmltti-i itntKilntcd to frame the eniiHtlt nilmi ,,r, pured tho plans and Hie Inn convention hp ills cussed this question at today's session. Tho matter of udmlttlng women to mem bership will como up again boforo tho con vention closes and will, It Is expected, bn adopted in tho new constitution, which will contain a section changing the supremo management of tho alllanco Into a legisla tive body, to bo known us tho supremo convention. iiurni' iiri't'iii ri jihuim'iiii inn, CHICAGO, March 23.-Tho third annual meeting of tl-o Nr,:!onul llorso Hreeders, Dealers and Exhibitors' association opened at tho Grand Pficillu hotel today. Papers wero read by Goi.rRo McKorrow, Sussex, Wis., superlnlendert of tho Wisconsin Farmers' Institute: Dr. W. L. Williams, Cornell university; C. II. Elmdnrf, Lin. coin, Neb.; James It. 'Mclaughlin of Co. Inmtins. O. : Prof. E. Davonnort anil J. r U'lim (MiiimtmfL'n. Ill V. .1. Harris. nu Moines, la.; 11'. E. FloUher, Minneapolis; James Ill.ilr anil J. S. Cooiier. Chicago, und J. II. Settle, Monroe City. Mo. Holler EtpliiNlnn KIIIm Fonr, MUNCIE, Ind.. March 23,-Four men were Instantly killed today by a holler explosion at Hickory's sawmill at Anthony, seven miles from here. The dead: CI.1FFOHD IIUSICIUK, 10 years old, torn to pieces. MAItlnN HAltllY. 42 yours old, lubricat ing cap driven through head. TflOMA" SULLIVAN. 40 years old. LON J1I SKIUK. engineer. 35 years old. James Gratlen, aged C5, was fatally In-Jured m The box with the perforated seal The name on the mantle are two ways of telling the genuine X WAS ftANTLE A brilliant light and a long life are two other ways. Once used, always used. See that you get the genuine. Sold everywhere. Price, 50c