Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tdcrlicnm 01S col
Dm, March 22, 1000.
Muslin Underwear.
liocaiirio one's . underwear, is out of
sight is no roaeon why as much pride
should not bo taken in it as in' outer
garments. Iti many; -cases there is more
care exercised in tho selection of under
wear than in the choice of a dress. We
want to sell underwear to these particu
lar women. Wo want them to know
that fine underwear may be bought hero
for (ho price of cheap looking muslijis.
sasjr 1 w
Vote on tbo Conferenca R pjtt Postponed
in the Senate,
Ho Nil (lie I ounii I Hie
I'olillciil (Icm-riil lit (In.
H'llllllll'IIIM Itcilll)'
fur n Vole.
WASHINGTON, March 22,-Almost the
to bo offered la tho future?" asked Allen. 1
i-oraker rejponded with tho insurance that
tho voto should fco upon tho houso bill with
out reference to any .amendment which had
been offered, but said ho could not control
tho action of senators In tho matter of offer
ing future amendments.
Proctor of Vermont objected to Immedi
ate action,
"We want no 'unreasonable delay," ho snld,
"but wo do objeit td a voto this week. Klx
It for shy a wec"k from today."
After further colloquy between Proctor and
Foraker tho latter nfirced to Proctor's prop
osition. This did "not suit Allen, who snld:
"I don't llko tho senntor from Ohio to run
away from my pfpposltlon. Ho attempted
to run a bluff and his own party called hlra."
ai tills point Pettus called for the regu-
Mexico AcsepU McKinlej't Invitation for
Panamerican Gathering.
Scvniiit ConKi-rn of Thin nlnrr tit lie
Hold ii( city of Mexico
Ac.t Wlnlor .cct
entire session' of the senate tbdav was nnent ?J! po'" . u! c". ror
In tho discussion of u, ,w.,,.,., ,;, uont tninK those gen
upon tho rorto Itlco appropriation bill. Tho "'h.6" 1 , .come ,hcro and consume the ment of Mexico that It accepts the presl
oemocratlc senators .n-i. . " .w"6K"s "o saiui iuu -... o mniuuon lo Hold a second l'nn
WASHINGTON. March 22. The Stntn ,1.
partmcnt has been notined by tho govern-
ipwii, io J12. Reissue nnd lnrreasp-.Iohn
Uelnlr, llHzelton, IS to Jlo. Original widows
(snpcliil uecrued Mnrcli 8)-llclrn II. (lads,
Sibley. J12; Kllza Herbert, Anita, K Mel'
ran war widows (spoiiil accrued March S)
.Mm Kuruiiui iinnz, uuvcnpori, s.
I'oxltlnii of Wnr Drpnrttitrtit In
Kuril to (iruntltiu: I.Ipciincn
to l'roKH'PlorN.
Ladles' Pottlcoati Of muslin, embrold
rry trimmed (loitncc, at -$1.00; sizes
3S, 10 and -12-Inch.
At 11.25 nnd 11.60 each Of muslin and
cambric, embroidery trimmed llounco.
Other style more elaborately trlmme-d,
at JJ.75, J.'.OO, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $3.75,
$1.00, $1.50, $5.00 nnd $0.00.
Corset Covers of cambric, full and
tight lilting at 25c each.
Other prices rango from 35c to $3.00
Ladles' Drawers Of muslin, cambric
flounce at 25c each.
At CCc each Ladles' Drawers of cam
bric, embroidery trimmed.
A, good assortment of Ladles' Drawers
at COc each.
Other prices rango from 75c to $3.00
Indies' downs A largo assortment of
gowns at $1.00 each.
At 50c downs of muslin, yoke trim
med with Insertion nnd tucks, fin
ished with lawn ruffles thrco stylos.
Other prices rango' from $1.25 to $C.OO
A variety of styles In Chemise from
75c to $1.00 each.
inmcrlcnn congress and will In turn Invito
cmocratlc senators manlfnatn.i n . .. 1
tinn-n vmi " """"" oincr.
provision covering futuro collections of rev- , i DrouKnt-".i close the effort to fix n,the republics of North, South and Central
cnuc, professing to fltfd lh this action the a Vp,p' Amhon ,hcn nttcmpted to America to send their icpresentatlvcs In
dcslro to continue tho DIngley tariff I 800uro an "KfMment to vote today upon tho B"ch congress to the City of .Mexico. Thus.
Speeches wero made on thes line . acceptance of tho conferenco report on tho It believed, tho success of the movement
Ilacon, Cockrcll, Jones of Arkansas, Berry ' :,pproprlatlon bl"' but Tillman objected and 18 assured.
nnd Allen. Tho republicans met the taunt' miter went over. Now that Mexico has entered so earnestly
with a proposition to take, a votn lmmr.ii. I villi ..... . "lt0 tno Project It is believed that all the
Wo Close Our Store Saturdays at O P. M.
AOB5TA Fon posxnri Kin gloves XSU MeCALIS PATTinnNS.
Thompson, Beldeh &Co.
employers or employie. Sinclair had made
speeches In Sow York for Henry Oeorge, so
that tho governor said ho regarded him as
qualified to give fair consideration to the
testify uoxt Monday If tho case was still on
- Scnuiltlcillll TcNtlinoit) .
Tht .tcetlmony that created the greatest
scnsJittoh today was given by Phillip Kullor, ' labor. situation.
collector for tho law firm or Tlbbets &. 1 Representative , Lentr, objected nt this
Morey, who said that on tho morning cf point to tho line of Inquiry by Mr. Cheney
tho tenth day of last April Miss Viola Hoi- and questioned tho propriety of having prl
locker entered the olllcu library and eliowtil vato counsel direct tho Investigation,
him a card that had the sentence "Home- ! Chairman Hull replied that the prosecu
mado sweets" . written" on one . Bide, and tlon had selected ilr, Lentz to direct Its
asked him 'If tho writing looked anything side, Mr. Koblnoon, tin attorney for tho niln
like hers, and ho roplled, "Not very much.' ers. had assisted and the defenso was en
Mr. Puller said that on meeting Mlas Hor- titled to havo counsel. Tho committee voted
lorkor tho next morning they had quite a 1 to permit tho question to stnnd as tho nt
conversation, during which time Mlas Hoi . i torney propounded It. A there were fre
lockcr told hi mi that Mr. Morey had nc quont objections to questions tho committee
ciifcd her of having attempted to poison hl:i agreed to a motion by Mr. Sulzer that the
wife. Sho said she could see no reason for governor bo allowed to tell his story In hie
him raying to, as hIio thought Mrs. Morey own way without Interruption, dovernor
a lovely woman and wjpuld not harm a hair Stcuncnberg then related In detail tho steps
of her hoad for the world. After this Mlsa taken to carry out tho proclamation. The
Horlockor asked Mr. Fuller not to say any: "TesU were made; ho said, of those reason
thing about tho card sho had 'shown him nlIy suspected of complicity In the dlsturb
the day before, as she had lost rt and was nice.
afraid t'hnt perhaps . It ' had fallen Into tho1 Tllc governor snld ho took such precau
handB of somebody who might uso It for a tlons ns wero possible to look nfter the prls
had purpose. Sho alao said she could not i oners. Dut the conditions of Insurrection
sleep tho night before nnd th.oreforo was wero nl03t unusual nnd at every point tho
not feeling well. In departing from Mr. auino.rmes wore emoarrasseu hy tho Insur
ntcly upon the house Porto Hlco tariff hill
nnd It looked nt ono time r-s If the unani
mous consent would be secured for n voto
on tho tariff measure tomorrow. Senator
ItPliiilillemi I'pnec CoiiiiiiIHpp DppIiIpn
to Spiiirap .IpiinurpN.
Proctor objected, however, on behalf tf the tlran peaco commlttco of tho spnntn mnt
rnnuhtlrnn trot tviiinru n..t ...i. i. i...n attbr thn nrllnn.nMA,.i t n.- - .
r ,..,t., ..i,tl, uu mm- ----- '.ju.uiiiui.iiL lu ult. ouiiuiu louay j . ,,i,,. . , .
cated n wllllnennnu tn nimn in n ni and nractlniiv miini r, nrr. a a"a 10 cultivate nn Intlmacv not onlv
week Senator Pettus put on end to the pro- foraker In tho senate lo Hcpurato tho house ?!i!!mcrClIrI1 e"hnnKc- hut In political rela
cccdlng by calling for tho regular order of ,,orto lllc tariff bill from the senate gov- : , . , T nto ,IoPartinent has noted
linslnno. i nrnmnnl m.. .. IIH mUCU Concern (ho mnlnvnli .n..
" w,i uuii in lunu a voio on inn
republics of the thrco Americas will send
delegates to tho congress.
Tho president attaches great Importance
to tho successful working out of this pro
Jest, the main object of which Is to bring
iiuo closer touch tho American remil.lliM
Kullor sho a,galn appealed to him pot to
say anything about the card and finished by
saying, "You havo my llfo In your hands."
At iho conclusion of Mr. Fuller's tcutl
mony tho stato took a rost. As nono of the
witnesses for tho defense had been sub
pecnaed to. appear boforo Friday, court ad
journed till 9 o'clock tomorrow morning,
when tho defonso will proceed to examine
about thirty witnesses,
. rr? '
Oefpii CohliiioiippV TPMIiiioiiy lu
Hie Cocurj iI'AIpiiu JiivpnII-
At the opening of today's session these
resolutions wero passed:
A resolution by Allen requesting Informa
tion as to the tariff rates In force In the
Philippines, duam, Porto Hlco and Cuba
and tho amount collected in ench Instance
since the American occupation: n resolution
by Uutier asking the secretary of the treas
ury for Information ns to tho bank charters
granted since tho passage of tho currency
bill nnd for other information concerning
tho operations of the bill.
Pcttlgrow Introduced n resolution calling
upon tho president for an Itemized state
ment of the expenses of the Philippine com
mission and each of Its members, but Davis
objected to present consideration nnd It
went over.
Tho scnato then took up tho conference
report on tho Porto Hlco bill. Ilacon of
Georgia objected to tho changes, mado In
conference. Tho roport would, he snld, In
dicate that mutual concessions had been
nuuio on oenau oi uom me Ecnato ana tie
house, but ho held that an analysis would
show that tho senate had yielded practically
everything and tho house nothing.
ltPitilIU'iiu Accept CliutlpiiKe.
He favored a territorial government llko
Oklahoma and New Mexico and said tbo
democrats would vote at once for a bill on
these lines.
Foraker Will you agren to fix a tlmo for
a voto upon the governmental bill . now
Ilacon Yes, so far ns I am concerned.
Cockrcll Wo will wait until wo got
through with tho appropriation bill beforo
fixing tho tlmo for tho voto on another
Foraker Of course, If thoro Is objection
we cannot Insist at this time.
Ilacon You will not find any objectlou
to naming a tlmo for a voto when you com
pleto your bill and we will ngrco to a dalo
much concern the malevolent efforts
house measure. The peaco committee Is , ,cmnm interests to Incite deepseated
willing that n vote"shoud be token upon jca'ou,,y of,tho Unl,ei1 Slne8 arao"K hu
tho houso bill as It was passed by that .? American republics. It Is known
npparcnt that " 0 "l0 01 10090 crrorts orel
. anfenrn. Ji'".
body, provided It beebmes
It Is Impolitic ,(o attempt to
nnted with
nd Central
nn effort will bo mado to ascertain whether .., .'. ... w.cro ,lt'f,"-0"8 of crippling tho
ent to any modincntlon. ! 'V ,u Ilic1un,,M S,U,C8 wlth Mt section
tho house will conseni
Somo of the republican senators think tho
bill should bo so changed as to provide for
tho continued oxcmpjlon from duty of tho
arucies wnicn were exempted by the pros
of tho world.
Ilrnultiiiit I,o of Triulp.
They also Informed ihnan .nin mi
tho United States had sinister designs upon
luciikB oruvr. juey aiso.iinu the House bill l"cir political Independence. The nstonlsh
deficient In that it falls to nrovldo nnv Ing fart Is that Hi
means of collcctlhg(itho duty which It Im- tnlned n consldcrnblo measure of success.
posc3. Thoro will bo a conferenco with The figures now In the possession of the
members of tho ways, and means committee olllclals hero show that, contrary to the
of the house and If the latter does not dls- common belief, tho export trade of tho
courage amendments theso will bo offered. I United States with our southern neighbors
There Is, however, ,nn acknowledged fear hnB decreased enormously, the loss in
mm u mo mil is amended in any rcspoct . "guars Doing stnted at no less than MOO -
rectlonary element. Ho visited the barn and
stockado occupied by the prisoners and
Bought to hnvo 'tho' stockndc.i or permanent
quarters, completed. Ho said ho talked with
tho nrlsonors. who told him that tho lirenrl
was too light, but everything else was all 08 oarly 08 iB consistent with the necessity
right. The chief commissary of tho state ot a proper examination of amendments,
Informed hlra that tho parties who furnished Wo nro disturbed by whisperings that It is
bread ha'd bccrf'Waited'upo'rt by ft committee not tho Intention of tho party In power to
nnd wnrncd that they must not contlnuo tho settle tho tariff question and we do not
It may bo difficult If not Impossible to
secure Its ncccptanco by tho house on a
conference report. On this account thorn
may be no effort to modify the bill.
The free trade senators say there Is a
stronger determination now than evor beforo
lo reslsf the bill as It 'cimo from the house.
It Is usscrtcd there' nre eight senators who
will not subpart It Unless nmended. Theso
000,000 within the last decade.
urmnary commercial factors are said to
bo Insufficient to explain this loss, which
is attributed to political enemies. For In
stance, the experts of broadstuffs, which, In
13-jj, wore nearly $18,000,000 In value, de
croased last year to u llttlo n.oro than
$b,500,000. Provisions fell off from ncarlr
$11,000,000 In 1S91 to less than $S,000,000 last
Massachusetts, Mason of Illinois, Ilevcrldge j5 000 000 last ' '
of Indiana. Proctor of Vermont and Simon crca8e(, from ; ,00
nf Orptrnn. Whnt ihov will An In pnon thn i . . T '
bill Is amended cannot bo stated, but It Is
evident they oxpect a compromise, which
they can support.
urn onlfl in U nn..ta nti'.l Vlnnn . .
.A w ii . V "'"""-i ear. i:otton and manufactures of cotton
sota. Welllncton of Marvland. Hoar of . . -n . . v-unuu
- icn uii iiiiiii a,. mill iiimi in . , n i inn
Oils and minerals do
00,000 In 1806 to $1,000,000
last year. About the only important artlcl?
of export which shows any Increase In ro
cent years Is manufactures of Iron and
steel, whero tho total last year reached
$17,600,000, as compared with $10,500,000, tho
uignest previous record In 1893.
Tho loss In Imports from douth and Con.
tral America also was very great. In 1892
the United States Imported from the coun
tries coffeo to the value of $120,000,000; last
year tho Imports wero about $18,000,000.
Sugar and molasses Imports In 1894 wero
$87,000,000; last yenr about $38,000,000. In'.
Nun .In an Merplinnt Tnlka of Comli
tionn Tlipre" llpforp a Sew York
W ASHINOTO.V, March . 22.-tUnusual In
terest attached to tho Coeur d'Alenj In
vestigation today, as tho prosecution, after
presenting testimony almost uninterruptedly
for five veckg, closed Its caso and gave way
to tho defense. Governor Steunenberg of
Idnho was tho -first wltnros called to rebut
tho charges which havo been made. Ho is
a type of tho Bturdy far west, of masslvo
build and his. Indifference to conven
tionalities Is shown by n refusal to wear a
necktie. As bo tcok the stand he spread
boforo him sovornl hundred telegraphic dis
patches. Tho examination was conducted by
J. C Cheney, one of' tho counsel for the de
fense. (
Oovomor Steunenberg said he was elected
govornor of Idaho in 1890 on the peopln's
demoeratlo ticket, having accepted the
nomination of tho democratic convention.
Ho road u number of telegrams lintnil snvnrnl
lays prior to tho blowing up of tho Hunker
supply. A bakery was thqrcafter built by
tho authorities and good bread supplied.
Governor Steunenberg was asked whero
tho Insurrection had its Inception nnd what
mining camps engaged In It. Ho snld that
In his opinion the' mining' district of Sho
shone county had been In n state of In
surrection sines. 1S92. Tho Insurrection of
April 29, he said, Btartod at Durke, where a
meet Ing was held In the hall of tho Western
Federation of Miners. The participants pro
ceeded to arm themselves and went by train
to Wnrdner. At Gem, he said, a similar
meeting nt a similar hall was held and
arms and mnsks wero distributed.
want to leave the matter thore,
Foraker We havo heard nothing of that
kind over 'horo and I - again assure you of
our Intention lo ask for an. early vote.
Dajon And ,1 .nssurp you p prompt, and,
conilnl cb.o'perftt'loni' ;
Cockrell also opposed tho conferenco re
port. "For tho first time In tho nineteen years
that I havo been a member of tho commlttco
on appropriations," ho began, "I havo beiii
compelled to decline to slgii a conferenco
report on an appropriation bill."
Continuing Cockrell snld to accept this
NEW YOUK, March 22. A special meet
ing of tho Board iof Transportation to con-
hMpi thn Pnrfn Dlnn tnattot. u-na liuld tuliiw
There was an attendance of promlnont New "'" ,D "'y nrucio
vnrw hnoinn.. mnn tw nii.,1 h showing any substantial Increase In Ira-
tho doors. Nicholas. Oyangeren, a mer- , lc8' tho nR"rC8 bclnff nbout 8.000.000
chant of -man Juan) P. It., addressed the ,UDl lur' "K'""" ho.uuu.uuu in isau,
board. ' ' ' .
"Never the history of the Island ot
MpxIpo Mim a Melinite
It Is confidently believed by thet projectors
of this congress that, as ono of Its results,
He described the general concentration ot ' rcI'?rt ?voulll "x 'I10 DlnRlT law. 1,8 th"
Porto Itlco." ho 'saldv'hns there been known
such oxtrerao 'gcMoral' rafsoVy, such want of much of this lost trade can be recovered by
credit and nlmolyfto stagnation. The people eraij'lcutlns 'tho urifounddd susplelontf enter
aro slarVlng thfeWjy hundreds dally In'tho some of tho South American re
Interior districts." I publics. It Is said that Mexico and Brazil
A resolution was adopted declaring that I havo done excellent work In behalf ot the
tho policy of thei United Stnten toward Porto Unltud States In dispelling tho false. Ideas
Itlco should be definitely and Immediately entertained by some of the other republics
determined on conditions which relate to on this point and It Is well known that Msx
that Island alone, should not In any par- i lco completely extinguished a half developed
tlcular or degree'" bo affected by consldera- project which contemplated n league of
Hons which may be Involved In the rein- South Amurlcnh republics, Inimical to tho
tlons of tho United States to Cuba and tho United States,
WASHINGTON. March 22. Secretary Hoot
mado a brief statement to the press nt
the War department today In regard to tho
action of tho department In granting llconeoa
to prospectors to dredge the water front of
Cape Nome, Alaska. In their search for gold.
He admitted that one or two such licenses
hnd been Issued, but to whom he did not re
member, as It was In tho regular routine
f tho department. There were about n
dozen or moro abdications of that kind on
hand and they will all be giuutcd. The sec.
rctary explained that his authority In tho
matter was based upon thq statutes giving
tho Wnr department Jurisdiction over the
navigable waters of tho United States.
Under tho law no one could have done any
dredging on tho water front of Cape Nome
within a thrco-mllo limit without the uu
thorlty cf the Wnr department. This au
thority, the secretary Bald, had been granted
In several Instances because It wiw thnvn
the purposed dredging of sand would not In
terfere with navigation or tho riparian rights
of owners of adjacent territory. Tho par
ticular character of the sand to be dredged
did not onter Into the consideration of the
caso at nil. Tho secretarv ald further that
nn ono was privileged to dig for cold In thn
open sea and tho only question considered
by tho War department was whether puh
operations conducted within tho three-mile
limit wore an interference with navigation
or an Infringement on the rights of otheiK
When these conditions were compiled with
tho department was prepared to grant per.
mliulon to nnyono to dig In tho beach at
Cape Nome or elsewhere at any point lying
wlthlu thne miles of low water mark.
Although ho did not go Into detail. Sec
retary Itoot made It clear that the privileges
in quostlon wero free to all responsible per
sons and no discrimination had been in.
tended In the cases that had been acted upon.
nuveriior uraciy or Alaska says that he
sees nothing harmful In the grants to work
the sea near Capo Nome. They do not cover
tho tide lands, but aro out In thn nrrm
Largo plants aro necessary to securp tho
sand from which gold is taken. The gov.
ernor expresses surprise that tho Ilrltish
have not begun operations outside tho threc
mllo limit, as it Is probnblo that cnM
bo found In the sand beyond tbo limit, as
wen as insiuo of It.
Over 7,000
MssM Whisk&y
(America's Greatest Madlclnc)
For coughs, colds, grip, asthma,
bronchitis, consumption and
malaria. U stimulates the blood
and aids digestion.
f.ovf inmf nt itimp muki he uln i titeM.
AldtuCK, IKI.. -, ,Ji WHtnltle.
roev of lufoimifion oiw tonfnonull mm fr.
jwrr malt wnisKEYcoTr.cchestcr. n. r.
Wfeon ottioTfl fan cooauTt
r amman mimiM
op MEN
W cuaranleo to euro all oases eurable C
BUXUALLY. curod for Ilia.
NIchtly r.mlsslons, Lost Manhood. Ilydrocfllt
Verloocile, Gonorrhea, aleol, Hypbllls, fitrlct
V, Piles, FUiuU and Racial Uloer and
All Private Diseases
and Ulfiordora of Men.
Consultation frea Cull on or nddreat
mtu.nthiu OH AH At,
t'liniinlnn-H WniKn "(Ippii Duiir" Corrc
NpouilPMPp Moiiip Xpu- HUN.
WASHINGTON. Mnrch 22.-Rppre5ontn-tlvo
Cummlngis of New York today intio
duccd a resolution of Inquiry for corre
spondence relating to tho "open door" In
China, as follows:
.WhpreiiK. The commercial community or
tllo United Slates Is deeply Interested lu
ascertaining the conditions which are to
govern trade- In puch parts of the Chlneso
emplro as aro claimed by various foreign
Dowers to be within their "areas of inter
est;" nnd,
Whereas, Hill's nre now pending beforo
Doth bouses of congress for the dl;ntcli
of a commission to Chlnn to study Hh
economic condition; therefore,
Hpsolvpd, That the president of tbo
United States bo required to transmit to
tho Mouse. If lint lnrnmnntlMn u.ltli . I...
public service, such correspondence ns may
nnvo Missed between tho nniwnmniii ..r
Stato and various foreign governmente eon
cernlng thp maintenance ot the open door
policy In CHIna.
Tho "houso committee on Indian affairs
today reported a bill for tho establish.
mentof the Independent Order of Red ".Men
In tho' Indian Territory.
tho men nt Wnrdnor, where ho said they
waited In a disorganized stato until a single
englno arrived from Wallace. Then sys
tematic orders were given, tho first being
"Wnrdner to tho front." A party secured
dynamite, which was placed under tho mill
and fired. Firing" began Indiscriminately
and one of tho Invading party -was killed.
Snmo of tho Bunker Mill omployes -wero
taken prisoners by tho masked men.
Tho governor's description wns extended
and circumstantial, and brought out fre
quent objections from Sir. Lentz, on tho
controlling factor In arranging tho tariff i Philippines, and that duo regard for pledges
Tho senate today. In execnllvn nnuutnn
ratified "tho treaty -between tho t'nllod
States and Great Britain relative to the
estates of citizens of one country who die
in tno other, which hna been under con
sideration for tho last few days. Thero was
no debnto today, but several amendments
wero nccopted. Article -l was amended so
vi ins
for our commerce with I'orto Rico. Me
quoted Governor General Davits, Secretary
Hoot and President McKlnley In favor of
n frco trado condition with Porto Rico,
saying, ns be rend tho president's free trade
messase :
"I wish to God I could Inscribe this utter
anco Indelibly on tho tablet of memory,
on tho sleeping, dreaming senators on tho
republican side of tho chamber."
AIIInou DpfpinlH (lie ItPimrt.
Allison defended the conference report
and criticised tho democratic attitude of
j given demand nn extension to Porto Hlco
of frco commercial Intercourse with the
United Stateo and a civil form of government.
ground that It was hearsay. Governor
Mill , mill on April so. and leadlne un to , Steunenberg wn3 asked what part tho United delay. Tho mas3 ot tho people thcro wero
that ovent. On April 20 Frederick Uurbrlduo ' slntos troops took In tho arrest and detcn- j poor and tho greater Bharo of the property
of tho Hunker Mill unlho telegraphed that j t'on of Imprisoned miners. Ho said the po- was In the hands of a fow men, and, said
an armed mob had stopped tho Dunkor Mill ' B'"0" hy occupied was tho samo as that Allison, wo must so adjust our relations
men front wbrklug'ond culling for protection ' which tho state mllltla would havo occupied , ns to make them prosperous and at tho
to tho-prdperty Interests. ' Mo also read many I " "loy na'' Deon available j same tlmo let them contrlbuto to our pros
telegrams to nnd from' tho sheriff and T. ZT. .. I perlty. Wo must deal generously with
others, shoVlng tho stera taken to maintain ' :."' I",rnul- acn.. says, "Do- tho rorto Rcan8 nml ,o n that wo can
Tho date to he selected for the convention ns to provide for tho extension of the pro
of the Panamerican congress will probably visions of tho agreement to tho dependencies
Itefinrt nf Spvrrnl NiiNploloua Drntlm
In Hun Priiiiplnco Itrcclvcil
nt WnnliliiKton.
bo somo tlmo next winter,
Senator Tliiimtoii piorU 111m Nmiie
for Iiiillnii IiiMipe(or ot the
ItOHeliml Akpiipj-.
WASHINGTON, March 22. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho nomination of J.
WASHINGTON, March 22. A rep6rt has ' Wright of the Rosebud acencv. South n.i-
beon received at tho marlno hospital bureau kota, to bo Indian Inspector to tnko effect
from San Francisco to the offect that several n March 7, at the expiration of his present
suspicious deaths havo occurred In that city,
but that a medical examination gavo only
negativo results nnd It was not positively
known whethor tho patients died from
plaguo or 6omo other disease. Tho health
nuthorltles havo placed guards nt tho rall-
torm of offlce, was favorably reported to the
senato today by Senator Thurston from tho
committee on Indian nffalrs.
Senator Pettlgrow stnted ho had no ob
jection to Inspector Wright, although he
was a democrat. Ho understood Jin wis
order. Thq govqmor suggested nrbltra- I '.'."'l LUtI Ear,,jr, ulscrailaro th yry best t0 cnnblo thom to aUstnIn tholr denso pop'
tlon of differM.tM. i nir,," . ever used for costlvencss, liver and . ulntlon.
Allen contended that tbo appropriation
tlon of dlffoi'onc.cfl, but In answer Mr. Ilur- I
nridgo, stated thorp was nothing to arbitrate
and agalh .called for prbtectlon. '
Ou prji 20,'ot tho blowing up of
the mill. Governor Steunenberg said ho re
ceived at. 10:37 n. m. t dlsimtch from Mr.
llurbrldgo stating that all tho miners of
Canyon creek had laid off and wore coming
to Wardner tomenace;" tho Bunker Mill men.
This was accompanied by another request for
protection, At" the same tltno dispatches
wero recoivcil rrom A. L. Mohlcr of tho
bowel troubles."
UppUIvp Vote HHlPVPil to llnve
ICiiopUpiI thp Mensui'P Out Dur
lu if PrPHPiil CuiiK'reHM.
bill wns merely n makeshift to allow the
republican party to escape from an awk
ward dilemma. Tho republican ship was
leaking and wan about to founder nnd It
must be rescued and repaired. Mo pro
dieted that tho general bills would be
allowed to drift until tho temper of the
pcoplo could bo ascertained and a. way out
of thn dlfllculty discovered. Allen roferrod
to the fact that Beverldgo had given notlco
of a speech today on his amendment for
freo trade with Porto Hlco and added that
WASHINGTON, March 22. After a spir
ited dlfcuBsIon extending over three days the
Loud bill, relating to second-class mall mat-
Oregon Railway & Navigation cdmpnny waa recommitted by the houso today to
nrst stating that an armed foreo hail inltpn l"u "" u I'osiuiuco nnu posi roaus.
possession of, tho railway tracks at Warden i Tno "lnlor"Jr ln fuvor of tho motion to ro. that gentleman had not appeared to address
and then at 1 n. m. statlnir ihnt ihn rinim-u ' commit was no dcclslvo that It Is regarded the senate. This was only ono evidence of
had set lire to the mill, that they had placed as ""likely that tho meaauio will appear the wonderful system which controlled tho
uynnmito under thq mill and that It would a,lu uuring mo preseni congress. Loud . movomcniB in iuu rcpuuiituii jian, iui
bo blow up. Sheriff Young also tele- 8alu nfter tho voto was announced that this
graphed him from Wnrdner that tho mill wa tho "third tlmo and out," so far as ho
was blown up and glv.Uig the, gravity of tho was concerned. The vote on tho motion was
situation. At 0 p. m. tho governor said 118 to 90, with sixteen present and not vot-
no s,cnt a dispatch to tho president calling lnS'
for federal ud, as tho Idaho troops weroi
absent In tho Philippines,
Civil I.uiv DiIIpiI.
Rldglcy of Kansas declared that railroad
party being tho best organized of any ho
had ever known.
AIIIkoii, iiiio1poii of I'olltlcx,
"Tho senator from Iowa," said Allen, "Is
tho greatest political gonoral of tho age.
comparing In politics with Napoleon In war.
tho Coeur d'Aleno excitement, and being
unable to go lu person he sont a representa
tive, Dardete Sinclair, to tho seat of dis
order. On April 30 Sinclair telegraphed
urging that tho p'resldent, bo advised to r'u.ih
troops from tho nearest post. Ho also tele
graph that hu had thoroughly Investigated
the need-'6f-'martlal law; that tho local ad
ministration of tho law, was a farco nnd
nmounted to maladministration; that peoplo
wero afraid to testify, and that masked men
wero prowling about tbo vn terrifying
pcoplo; "
Jinny llko telegrams showing tho exciting
companies wero today telegraphing membein no wilt never permit theso general bills to
to support tho bill. Ho deemed this partlcu- i nn ihn ilnvllcht and under his leadorshln
they aro now and forever doomed."
Allen then referred to a newspaper report
that tho republican party was raising $30,-
000,000 for tho noxt campaign nnd In this
,,t i A.. ... ...
Tho governor said ho had been III prior to 1 . B "l,canl OI lno erest tno railroads
. n..,. ,miM i. , 'had In tho mattor.
A telegram from tho Ohio Farmer, savine.
"Our 100,000 subscribers ask you to support
; bound, which he snld was entitled to second
of tho citizens, tho making of arrests, etc.. I tM.: w.b"? '.l cloth bol,nd C0P' of
wero rend by tho governor. On this Infor-
tho LOUd bill," Was presented by Burton, pnn'nnrllnti fell Inln n nnmnwhat snlrlloil pnl.
mi ufuuii iiim it was nigu tlmo special loquy with Boverldgo
m"i uiui Kruwu up in mo country
should bo forced to pay their way as other
people did.
Cowherd of Mltoourl, speaking In support
of tho bill, said every official who had In
vestigated tbo subject had given his ap
proval to tho measure. Ho held up to the
view m ine nouso n copy of tho "Velvet
Hand, or the Life of Injun Dick," paper
matlon, tho governor said, tind from his own
knowledge of affairs for six years, Including
repented putrnges with apparently no effor
to apprehend tho guilty parties, be pro.
claimed that h, state of Insurrection and re
bellion existed at tho scene of disturbance.
Go.vprnor Stcunenbor'sad h0 cautioned
Sinclair not to align himself nith either side,
Wood's Pills
Da not grlpo nor Irritate tho nlirnen
tnry canal. They act gently yet
promptly, cleanse effectually mid
Give Comfort
Sold by all druggists, 'ii cents.
"Rob Roy," which ho had purchased for R
centa, could not bo sent ns second-class mat
ter. Hla argument elicited much applause.
A number of minor amendments were
ndoptcd before the final vote.
NoiiilnalliiiiN hy PrinhlPiil,
WASHINGTON,-March 22,-The president
today seut the following nominations to tho
Pointing to tho republican side of tho sen
ate Allpn said: "You daro not bring tho
Iioubo bill fixing n tariff of 15 per cent to
tho senato and put It to n vote. Your pur
pose Is to let that bill sleep and you only
dcslro to deceive tbo people."
Foraker naked Allen If ho would agree
on behalf ot tho opposition for a voto today
on tho houso bill. Mis proposition wns to
withdraw tho scnato substitute, which Is tho
governmental bill for Porto Rico, nnd permit
a voto upon tho houso tariff bill alono be
foro adjournment today.
Allon replied that so far as ho was con
cerned ho was entirely willing to consent
to this proposition,
"I Join moat heartily In tho request of
tho senator from Ohio," ho snld.
While theso remarks respecting an early
vqto on tho Pprto Rico tariff bill wero fly
mad and water exits of tho olty to examine gootl ofllcer and that was sufficient for
Chinamen who may attorapt to leave. ?.'
V'n rnnnrtK hnvo honn rnxnl In rarrA I "'as for tho erection Of nil extension to
to plague, at Port Towneend, Wash., and It th? now Postomco building at Omaha wero
la thought thero havo been no now case luo -arcn u anu will tjo
or tno United States, "only on direction nf
the lawmaking power ot tho United States.'
thus relieving the treaty of tho criticism
that It conferred too great power on tho
presldont. As amended tho treaty confers
on subjects of Great Britain nnd upon thoso
of tho United States ln Great Brltnln the
samo right ln dlsposirig of property ns Is
possessed by tho citizens of tho country it
self. As amended tbo treaty was ratified
by an almost unanimous vote
Senator Cockrell today Introduced a bill
for nn exposition nt St. LoUls In 1P03, to
commemorate tho Louisiana purchase. It
appropriates $5,000,000 to aid tho expos!
thero slnco tho death from that causa sev
eral weeks ago of a passenger on tho Japan
ese veasol Nanyo' Maru,
Tho British Columbia authorities have do
opened April 21. The specifications call
for granite of similar color and durability
as that which enters Into tho construction
of tho present building, which Insures the
.elded to quarant.po against vessels from San Tbo stone OThK "
i Thn tltlrt rtf Kn l.'l . V.. . J I
Bloomlngton, Nob., has been secured by tho
conversion of tho Franklin County bank ot
tno samq place.
Congressman Burket today Introduced a
bill for 'tho Improvement of tho Missouri
river at Nebraska City and appropriating
$50,000 for revetment purposes. This bill
ns an Independent mensuro Is mado neces-
OtlN' CiixuhM- I.lNt.
WASHINGTON, March 22. General Otis'
latest casualty list Is as follows:
MANILA. March 22. Killed: Luzon
Island, Thjrd cavalry, February 22, Alllom,
Troop C, LoUls B. Palmer; March 3, San
Francisco, Troop C, John I). King, Corporal i
Samuel Q. Davis; Sixteenth Infantry, March
lliirnn Pnmninv p r,i.n a An7 ary uccaus0 ' tno decision renrhed that
f.??i.S,?JS"LV&nr s' Anerson: luoro wm b0 no rlver Bnd Uarbor or omnl.
Thirty-third Infantry, March 9, Badoe, Com.
pany L, John W. Linn.
Wounded: Third cavalry, March 3, San
Francisco, Troop C, Henry Myors, scalp,
slight; Sixteenth Infantry, March 1, Cala
manulgan, Company C, Robert Borchardt,
sergeant, wounded ln chest, serious; Wil
liam Ryan, wounded In thigh, serious;
March 2, Llnnm, Company B, Victor W.
Lundblum, corporal, wounded In head, scrt-
bus bill this session. Ho also Introduced n
bill to pension officers and privates of tbo
Nebraska national mllltla.
A bill for the relief of Charles A. D.
Wlswcll In the Bum of $72, Introduced early
In tho session by Senator Thurston, pnescd
tho senato today.
Rev. David D. Kerr of Dollevue, Neb., Is
In tho city.
Authority was granted today for tho or-
ous; Stoward C. Foults. leg, slight; Edward ' ganlzatlon of tho First National bank of
Mccuny, wounded in thigh, slight; John F. Ccntorvllle. S. D,. with a capital of J25.-
ennnon, leg, severe; unoch M. Fallls, clav
icle, slight; John D. Coates, woundod in
thigh, seriouB. Twenty-ulnth Infantry, Feb
runry 22, Alllem, Company M, William Kysh.
corporal, wounded In thlgb, serious; Twenty
Representative Fitzgerald of Massachu
setts has Introduced a bill allowing $50 to
tho family or representatives of a soldier
dying In tbo service and $100 to the family
of nn officer dying under similar circuit!
stance, to cover tho funeral expenses of
the deceased.
From n statement prepared by Colonel
Edwards, chief of tbo Insular division of the
Wnr department, it appears tho total re
ceipts from all sources in Cuba during Feb
ruary wero $1,221,883. Tho working bal
nnco at tho closo ot tho month was $2,011,751,
showing a derreasa In tho balance for tho
month of $75,171. Of tho total recolpUt
$1,219,301 was derived from customs alone,
Tho Navy dopartmont has Issued orders
for tho repair of tho cruiser Boston, now at
thn Muro Island navy yard, tho cost ot
which will bo about $300,000,
The bill for tho Incorporation of Iho Na
tional Red Crosii society was favorably acted
on todny by tho houso commlttco on for
eign affairs, with an amendment providing
for an annual account to tho secretary ot
war and tho secretary of thn navy nud ft
publication ot this account.
Senator Penrose of Pennsylvania today In
troduced, a bill reciting tbo history of tho
Northorn Pacific railroad, especially with
000. R. W. Sayrc, James Aloe, Oustavus reierenco io ra w .
Norgren, Mrs. R. W. Sayre. William Mee declaring- that the sa o of certain prope-rty
and Martin Meo ore named as Incorporators, was Illegal and resolving that all transfers
An order was Issued today establishing a ot land to or by the said Northorn Paclflo
postofflce at Bridgeport, Choyonne county, Railroad company to bo Illegal and voln
third Infantry, March 5, Cabugao, Company I Nebraska, with Charles P. Clawges as post- and that tho committee on l'acinc raliwuys
L. Paul Rains, wounded In arm. slight! master; also at Scotls Bluff, Ssotts Bluff bo hereby empowered tn send for persons
March 7, Banguod, Company D, Cbrlstopbe county, Nebraska, with Charles W. Sim- and papers nnd aro roquestod tn oxnmlno
C. Calloway, corporal, thorax, severe; March noaa ns postmaster; also at reparation, into tnese ennrges nnu report inereon at
LISA VIS AT 1:10, NOON, A,M) CTtltr. I'. M,"
New Short Line io
Minneapolis and St. Paul
I,rne ut 7 n. m. ami 7!!.1 i. m.
"Tho New Oillco,"
Best Dining Car Service.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Itiirtllleiully digests thti food nnd ulda
Naturo In Btrcnutlionliif? und recon
structing tlio exhausted dltfestiva or
gans. 1 1 is tlielrttesfcdlscovcred digest
ant und tonic. No other jireparatlon
can approach It In clllclency. H In
stantly relievos and pcrinaifuntly cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick IIcadacho.GiistralKla'.Criunp'J and
all other resultsof Imperfect digestion.
PrlroSPo.und tl. Uirg)ilocon.talnsSl times
small sUe.B(X)kiillulKut(Jy.spejlli.taallodfro
Prcnarcd by E C. Do'VPT&CO., Chlcaoo
0, Badolc, Company L. Blza J. Oulnn, cor
poral, wounded In kneo, slight; Thirty
reventh Infantry, March It, Magdelena,
Company A, Karl Roberts, corporal, wounded
In urm, slight; Ralph Henry, elbow, severe.
Item!)- to Hcfnlo MiuTiuirn Tallc.
WASHINGTON, March 22. In view of tho
announced decision of tho house committee
on'forolgn uffalrs to mako tho Investiga
tion Into tho truth of former Consul Ma
crum's statements, proposed In a resolution
Ing back nnd forth Morgan declarod that Introduced by Representative Wheeler of
Joseph F. Monachal! nf iti,rt t.i... i . '"B MCK """ 'oml -morgan ueciarod that "" uupreseniaiivo wnecior oi
bo nisul nt Cemntz Oerrnanv t0 ho was favorable to the governmental bill Kentucky, the officials ot tho Stato depart-
., " ' acinniu, uermany. . . ,., ... nr., A, , mont do not care to make anv nuhiin utmn.
For appolntmsHt la, tho volunteer army
First sergeauts tq bo nwond lleutcmants, L
W. Caffey. Company B, Fortieth Infantry
William N. Vlnsqn. Jr.. Company L, For
tleth Infantry. , .
To r?nr colli tu Ono nnr.
Tako Laxative. Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money f t fa to cura.
E. . Orovc's Blgnaturo Is on each box. 2jj
nnd that ho did not relish tho prospect of
having that measure withdrawn.
"It will not bo withdrawn," said Mr. Far
akor. "Tho only purpojo Is to eparnto It
from tho houso bill, allow the vote to bo
taken on tbo Inttcr mensuro nnd then go
forward ind perfect tho governmental bill."
No Action In i'likc-ll,
"Shall wo hao n direct vote on tho house
bill without amendment)., except such u are I
Monona county, Iowa, with Archer B. Dow
ling ns postmaster.
Ingval Erickson was today appointed post
master at Pickering, Marshall county, Iowa
any early date."
Tho houso committee on foreign affairs
today directed a favorablo report on tho
Charles Hendrlckson of Indiana was tonay , resolution of Sulzer ot Now York, asking
appointed supervisor of Indian schools to , tna Becrotary of stato to send to tho house,
succeed R. K. Bauer of Nobraska. Mr. I 110. incnmoatlblo with tho nubile welfare.
Hendrlckson will be assigned to tbo schools
in Nebraska and South Dakota.
mont do not care to make any public state.
mejit respecting tho utterances attributed
to Mr. Macrum. Informally, however, it Is
learned that tho department Is fully nro-
, , . . , . ... . . - iu . . iiiiniii a, .uuui o, ouiiiij
i'.iini, in mo opinion or tne omcials, to meet l2s Dennlson J. Depue, Mead, S lb JI7;
any of Iho allegations. Tho statement that Jhn II. Kurtz, Vanango. S to 10.
oTV'ZZV Sff"6 lf. C R ane1!
Wnr Survlvorn Itrmenilieretl liy the
tioneriil (iovrrniiipnt.
WASHINGTON, March 22. (Special,)
Tho following pensions have been granted:
Ihsuo of March 6:
Nebraska: Increase lllrum Wlntersteon,
Salem, js to J12; Thomas J. Shires, Oenevn,
16 to J; William S. Moore, Sprlugvtew, U lo
copies of any and all letters on flic In tho
Department of State from citizens of tho
United States rosldont In tho South African
republic from January 1, 1800, to tho pres
ent time.
IW'lxirt oo Additional Arm- Men.
WASHINGTON, March 22. Tho senato
commlttco on military affairs today favora
bly reported a bill to add six ollleers to tho
subsistence department of tho army, ono
colonel, one lieutenant colonel and four cap
tains. Tho committee nlso reported a bill
to authorize the payment ot traveling allow
ances to enlisted men of tho rogular and
i'tili'llliona IStll
.ioiiv i), ;ii,iu:iiT.
Ill Ili'O.N mill IIIIOOKS,
i;smi;ii i,D..
'I'll II'll.
Showing Hrlilsh-Ilocr wnr pictures nnd
oilier new views.
Amntours wishing to nppoar at the Or
pheum Fiiduy night, March 30, call at Box
Oillco nnd make arrangements,
Wood w.i rd ft IJurges". Mgrs,, Tel. 1310.
TWO MlillT.S .M, . .
. . It If 1 1 : IIOVI). .
Village Postmaster
A 'I'remcnUJiis lilt. In New Vork for 20i
I'ltlC'HH U.W'k&Uv
ntcrferi between tho dlsputnnlH with n tj: Luzern Nichols. Ames. ts. Additional - voluntoer force when dlscharired l,v nr.w , Tin MiilV in.i .', im i..M , ...
iroprsltlon for arbitration It Is said Is not I William A. Mr Kern-p, Uraddyvllle, to 112. . ,n,oer ,0lrct, wnen iicnart 1 order lut.,du at ii. i y M,jtluee and Night
1 ' ,ur ui uuniiiuii, ii IB n.iiu, is noi ,,.-,,...,,,, , nj .,,;, ; :" :; 1 of Ihn secretary nf war nnd s.lntpd l,v him 1 Ili'' I , r. i f In '
n accordance with fact.. , ' james Vanscoy, Soldiers' horn;" 'Marshall: a. entitled to travel pay. . 'JW.. I'KOl'lM H MONKY."
- t