12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAUCI! 23, 1900. BOSTON STORE REMNANTS Grand Speoial Offering Carload Mill Rtm ctnti All Kinds Cotton Qnods. 85C CORDED MOUSSELINE DE SOIE, 29C Anil the (Irpitlmt Lot iv Sllli Item lllllllx, Drews (lootln Itt'llllllllllx, Cloth lti-iuiiimtn mi fiile fur rimt 'Unit; Toiluy. iZG COnURD MOUSSEMNB DR SOIE 29C. Thousands ot yardu o( corded and silk inousscllno do sole, with floral designs on light and dark grounds, silk embroidered dot mousscllne do solo In evening shades. 1'luln mousscllne dc solo In evening shades Including black. Silk Imported zephyr glng 1mm In beautiful bright plaids for waists and children's dresses. All on sale In remnants at 2'Jc yard. Kcmnants ot Imported challls and French flannels, goods worth up to 75c, on sale at 29c yard. J1.00 IMPORTED DRESS OOODS, 33C. Remnanta of high cluss dress goods that hcrctoforo sold at Jl .00, go on bargain tsrjuaro at 35c yard In lengths of 3, C and 7 yards. 60C DRESS OOODS, 15C YARD. Wool novelties, ladles' cloth, flannel, all En Halo at 15c yard. English cashmeres and checks and plaids, on salo at Co yard. Casslmercs for boys' nnd men's wear and rainy day skirts, go at l'Jc yard. Spring cusslmercs for tailor made suits, Talny day skirts, men's wear. All wool and 98c yard. REMNANTS OK SILK. All silk fabrics Imaginable, brocades, laffutas, checks nnd stripes, go according to length of remnant at Cc, 10c and 26c yd. SILK REMNANTS HY THE YARD. Special silk bargains to go on bargain iqitarcs at 39c and C9c yard. Remnants In Basement. 20 cases all new, best grade percales, In Jhort lengths, ut 3o yard. 10,000 yards cotton covert and bicycle tloth, worth lCc, go at 8V4o yard. 32-Inch wldo Madras gingham, -worth 20c, toon at 8'4c yard. Chambray gingham and Scotch gingham, worth 12c, go at Cc yard. Drajery ticking, sateen, cretonno and lenlm, worth 40c, In long mill remnants, go It lOo yard. Long romnanto bent grade foulard prints, north 8 lie, go at 4o yard. Long romnunto bo.it gmdo drees prints, worth T'ic, go nt 3c yard. Ploln black percalo remnants, worth 1214c, Xo nt 3,4c yard. Short remnants of all kinds shirting prints, Worth Cc, go nt lc yard. Short romnanU best grades organdy, fllmlty, batiste, imported lawns, worth up to loc, go nt 3o yard. Orand special bargalnn In -whlto lawn, India linen, ha Unto und long cloth, worth up to DOc, go at Cc, 7Vc, 10c, 12VJc nnd lEc yard. And hundreds of other remnant bargains In tho basement today. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. lGth and Douglas Sts. "SAPHO" PLAYERS INDICTED Adorn nml Mntinwr of tlio Piny CltiirKi'd ivlth OrrftulliiK Pub. lie Herein--. NEW YORK, March 22. Tho grand Jury today reported nn Indictment against Olga INothcinole, Theodoro Moss, Marcus Mayer nnd Hamilton Rovellc, charging them with offending public decency. Tho offense was In tho production of tho play "Sapho" at Wnllack'a theater, of which Moss Is tho manager. Tho Indictment characterizes thoso named na "persons of wicked nnd depraved minds nnd disposition, who, not regarding tho common rtutlcB of morality and decency, but contriving nnd wickedly Intending to far na In them lay to debauch nnd corrupt tho moralR as well of youth as of divers other persons, nnd to rnlso and creato in their mlndB inordlnato nnd lustful desires," Old, nt Wallack's theater, "unlawfully, wickedly nnd scandalously exhibit, show and repent and cnuso nnd permit to bo exhibited divers lndecont, lewd, filthy, bawdy and obsceno representations, practices, perform ances nnd evil conversation," being tho play, "Sapho." Tho Indictment further alleges that "tho motions, postures," etc., of the performance were such "that a more par tlcular description thereof Is not fit to be set down in thoso nl legations or spread upon tho records of this honorable court." Sole- of County School Limit. TYNDALL. S. D., March 22. (Special.) At tho annual salo of public school lands In Ron Horarae county nbout 1,900 acres of lands woro sold at nn nvcrago prlco of bo tweon 15 and $16 per acre. Some sold ns high as $23. This sale nots tho stato nbout $29,000. Rvcry acre of this land was eold to lion Homme county farmers. Tho greater part of tho desirable school lands In this county are now sold, Tho contractors -who hnvo the work on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad ex tension Into Charles Mix county, nro on tho ground with their forces and It Is under stood that work -will bo pushed from now until the completion of tho line. Dnkotn liiNiirniicr ltiinlui'aN. PIERRE. S. D Mnrch 22. (Special.) Tho ndvunco sheets of the Insurance com missioner's report show thnt tllero aro forty-nlno firo Insuranco companies doing 'business In this state. Tho total premiums received by them for their 1899 business nmountod to $444,125.80 nnd the total losses paid for that year amounted to $226,694.17. Tho total risks written for the year were $27,923,704.93. This Is nn Increaso over their 1898 business of $37,653.19 In premiums received, of $33,015.15 on losses paid and of S5.3SG.692.61 In risks written. Mrs, Calvin Zimmerman, Mllesburg, Pa., Bays, "As a speedy cure for roughs, colds, croup and soro throat Ono Minute Cough Cure Is unequalcd, It Is pleasant for chil dren to take. I heartily recommend it to mothers." It Is tho only hnrmless remedy that producos tmmcdlato results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and Jung diseases It will provent consumption. Penitentiary for llimU Olllclnl. CHICAGO. Mnrch 22,-After nn Ineffectual fight In tho courts coverltiK n period of nearly four years, Edward 8. Dreyor. former heart of the bunking tirm of Droyer it Co,, and ex-treasurer of the West Park board, wns today taken to tho Jollat penitentiary to sorve nn Indellnlte sentence for embezzlement, it in probable ho mny lm brought back to Chicago within a week to testify In the ease of bis former partner, llobert Herger, who Is now on trial licensed of having received deposits nfter the In Ktltutlon was Insolvent. Droyer has hud threo trials nnd his case Is now un nrpenl beofro the state supreme court. Smallpox Aiiioiik Mmitann Cruller. MINNEAPOLIS. March 21 -A Times spe cial from Great Kails, Mont., says: SmnlliHix has broken out In thu Great Northern prndliis ramps near Tort nenton, whera about 1 2WJ men are nt work. Thirty ruse hnvo been already reported and It 1h feared that It will be Impossible to check the disease, us the men are huddled torether nnd tho sanitary conditions nro naturally very bail. It Is supposed that tho dlsenw was carried from unothor camu on the main line. It is likely that a quar antine will he established against ull camps nlonc the lino. (iencrnl Loimntreet llcoover. MACON, Miss., Murch 22,-aenernl Long street, who has been 111 hero for foveral clavs, has recovered. Tho Now Snow Church company has re BoyciI to rooms 401-405 New York Life bids. 1 h.vydhx iiitoN. Tin; IIIk Silk Department, Wo nro getting In new silks every day. Wo aro cutting prices on the finest silks; It Is hard on competition, but It's good for you. Urocado lining silks, pretty colors, 19c. Plain silks In all the new bright shades, 25c. Corded wash silk in pink, light blue and many other shades, 29c. Fancy stripe silk, light shades for waists, 35c." All colors In 24 Inch wide, fine grade tnffetas, 39e. Cheney Uros.' Foulards, light shades, 49c. Velveteens In black nnd all colors for 23c. l'lalds In fine all silk, on sale for 39c. Ulack taffeta In very lino grade nt COc. A big salo on black grenadine, all double width at 75c, 98c, $1.25 nnd $1.C0. Wo show tho best black taffeta for plcatlngs, 27 Inches wide for 75c. New black corded tnffetas for waists, In beautiful styles, worth $1.50 for 98c. DRESS GOODS SALE. Tailor suiting, homespuns In nil grades nnd shades 56 In. extra heavy, 59c. 52 In. strictly Uotnny wool, 75c. 58 In. double warp, 98c. Camel hair homespuns, sponged, shrunk and ready for tho needle, in cream, light gray, medium gray nnd Oxfords, will put It up against any $2.00 goods In Omnha; our prlco only $1.23 yard. Extra heavy double worsted wnrp nnd fine Australian filling, 66 to 60 Inches wide, sponged nnd shrunk; from 18 to 24 oz. cloth, to be made up without linings nt $1.98, $2.25, $2.50, $2.98 and $3.50 yard. Rcvcrslblo plnld back home spuns (not golf), but a clqth to bo mndc up without linings. Otto of tho finest und most stylish cloths In tho market, (seo all tho fashlonnblo Journals), It comes In nil tho grays, blues, enstors, etc., nnd is front 50 to 61 Inches wide. We sell them nt $1.50 to $4.50 yard. Lansdowne In 72 new spring shades. Challls, 49c, 75c, 85c and 98c yard. HA YUEN I1ROS. PLAGUE LEAVING HONOLULU ElirournKlnc He-port Conic from Aoi'lnlrd Pre Correspond ent In Pacific Inland. SAN FRANCISCO March 22. Tho steamer Hong Kong Maru arrived today from Hong Kong and Yokobnma, via Honolulu. Tho correspondent of tho Associated Press at Honolulu, writing under date ot Mnrch 13, says: "Dut ono case of plague has developed during the last eleven dayB. This encour nglng situation hn caused tho Hoard ot Health to modify n number of Its rules and now all classes of American and Ruro pean goods aro allowed to bo shipped to tho outsldo Islands. Passengers hnvo been al lowed to depart for tho first tlmo In many weeks. "Reports from both Maul nnd Hawaii are to tho effect that both ot tho islands aro clean ngaln. Tbcro hnvo been no fro3h out breaks nt cither Kahulul or Hllo. Tho ex penso of fighting tho plaguo has reached ovor half a million dollars to this date. Tho council of stnto will bo asked to appropriate $250,000 additional. Two hundred and twenty-ono native Hn wnllans, men, women nnd children, crouched on tho lloor In tho hall of tho cxccutlvn building yesterday, importuning tho govern ment for food. Ofnceirs ot tho Hawaiian Relief society ad dressed Minister Young nnd Minister Day men on behalf of tho petitioners. Minister Young replied that tho hands ot tho govern ment wero tied for tho reason that tho ap propriation was exhausted and it was Im possible to have legislation on tho subject nt present. Not a cent for rcliof could Lo given. The government had exhausted Its appropriation In caring for tho largo number of pcoplo In tho camps nfter their periods ot quarantlno wero over and could not carry on tho work nny longer. Minlstor Young ndvlsed tho Hawaiian Re lief society to spend Its balance of $7,000 for tho emergency. Tho women of tho society decided that tho money must ho spent. FINNS SEEK THEIR FREEDOM Two Hundred Vteneh Plillntlelpliln nn One Stonincr und Conic Went. PHILADELPHIA, March 22. The Red Star lino steamship Switzerland, which has arrived hero from Antwerp, brought nenrly 200 Finns, who aro said to be tho first of many thousands fleeing from tho cruelty ot tho government of tho czar of Russia. The party will locate In Mlnnesotn, Iowa and Montana. They say that the czar, Instead of appointing Finns to govern tho country, had nppolntcd Russians, who have dealt harshly with nil, especially tho poor. Rather than submit, It Is said, there Is to bo a general exodus to tho United States and certain districts where the land is owned by tho royal family are being depopulated. Cossacks woro stationed on tho frontier to provent tho Finns' departure, but thoy crossed tho border at unguarded points nnd reached Belgium, whenco they sailed for this country. Mortality Stat lt lc.' The following births and deaths were re ported nt tho offlco of the Hoard of Health during tho twenty-four hours ending ut noon Thursday: Births C. W. Cowell, 709H South Twonty soventh. boy: Duvld Johnson. 2720 South Sixth, boy; Hugh Kennedy. 2744 South Thir teenth, lioy; Joseph Hlackburn, 2819 Pewey avenue, glri: Samuel Hoff, 611 South Fif teenth, boy; John W. Lampman 4307 Hur dette. girl; 11. G. Lynch, 2414 South Fif teen! n, uoy. Deaths Peter Pllth. 58 years. 3102 llere- illth, stnrmirh trouble nnd exhnustinn; Mrs, l. c, wuton, si years, at, josopn h hospital, peritonitis; Margaret Mucluscl, r, months. 813 Dodge, pneumonia: Rebecca Hterndorff. 58 years, 1211 South Sixth. Ilo sure to go and see tho moving pictures of tho Union Pnclfio "Overland Llraltod" train at tho Orpheuin. On exhibition there every night this woelc. Seo C. F. Harrison's real estate bargains. MORE FAST TRAINS TO CHICAGO Via tlio lturllnglon tlinn via nny other lino 7:25 n. in. (Daylight KxprcKs), -1:00 p. m. (Vcstibulctl Klyor), 7::) 1. in. (Chicago Limited), and 12:35 midnight (Chicago Special). All but ono of theno trains mnko U10 .VX) miles run from Omnha to Chicago In 11 hours or better. TICKET OFFICE, 1303 FAIUXAM STREET. Telephone i!KO. 1IOSPIJ A I.TI1 RATION PIANO SAMi. I. el hi Prlec Dunn on A'eiv, Clean, Dry I'liino and OrKium, Every family In need of n plnno can now. satisfy their desires when they can buy it new piano for $127, $137, $148, $168, $173, with but $15 cash nnd $7 per month moro so when you know that these samo pianos retail regularly at nearly doublo tho prlco asked. Then thero nre better pianos at $197, $213, $248, $267, on terms of $25 ensh and $10 per month, Theso prices and terms aro nbout one-halt of what you can get them nt nny whoro else. Organs go nt $10, $12, $23, $27, $29, $32 nnd $35, on terms as easy as $2 cash nnd $1 to $3 per month. New organs as low as $19, on $4 payments. All Instruments fully warranted ns rep resented and marked In plain figures ono prlco only. Tho stock Is still complete ex cepting a few styles In certain colors. Re member wo nro $50 tinder any prlco mndo In Omaha, on terms tho best known. Tho guaranty perfect. Your opportunity is at hnnd. "A word to tho wise." A. HOSPE, 1513-1515 Douglas. Open evenings until S p. m, TWIN FOOTPADS OUT OF LUCK Tito IIIulMvn ymeii Who Look Alike KnuaKc In n Non-Ill vlilcnil-l'ny-IiihT PiimIIiiic. Two young men with a revolver and nn In clination to bo bud started out early Wed nesday evening to try their fortunes ns footpads. They held up two men, ono nt Twenty-fourth nnd Michigan avenue, the other near Ninth und Douglas streets, but neither venturo netted them enough to buy a round of drinks. On nccount of a lack of distinguishing features of person nnd dress, the3o nm bttlous highwaymen nro peculiarly well fitted for their chosen line. Tho victims ngrec that they look ns much alike as two peas In a pod. Both arc about 27 years old, both weigh approxlmntoly 150 pounds, both nro smooth-shnven, nnd both nro nbout five feet eight in stature. They nro dis tinguished from each other only by their clothes, ns No. 1 wears n light and No. 2 a dark suit. At S o'clock thoy held up John M. Englcn, scale dealer, nt Twenty-fourth nnd Mich igan avenue. No. 1 pointed n plstot nt his face nnd ordered him to throw up his hands while No. 2 searched his pockets, but they obtained not so much ns a canceled postago stnmp, for Mr. Englcn's money was in tho sweatband ot his hat. An hour Inter they pounced upon John Ynger, n cripple, nt Ninth and Capitol avenue, and hero tho program was repeated. The search "waa moro successful than the former, however, as It yielded a bunch of keys nnd a broken pocket knife. Don't Wiinl Ilrynn HU-oloil. Attnchcd to a bill of ludlug which wns on tho clnlm desk of ono of the local freight departments yesterday wns nn Invoice of merchandise shipped to tho N, C. Foster Lumber company, one of the big Michigan lumber firms. Tho invoice, before returning to tho rnllroad otllco, uccompunylng the bill of lnding for some correction, had passed through the hand of the Foster Lumber company nnd hnd beep ncepted nnd ap proved. Stumped on It, however, with a rubber stnmp, were the following words of significant meaning: "In cuso W. J. Brynn Is elected president In November we re serve the right to return nil goods nnd de mand n refund of the purchase price." "I used Kodol Dyspepsia euro In my family with wonderful results. It gives Immedlato relief, Is pleasant to tnke and Is truly tho dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Hartgerlnk, Overlsel, Mich. Digests what you eat. Can not fall to cure. IIIKI). BURKE Sirs. Johanna. March 22, at resi dence of her on, Alliances Neb. Funeral from residence of her daughter, Mrs. T. H. Dnlley, 1S3I Sherman avenue, Saturday n, m. RITTER John, nfter a lingering Illness nt Phoenix, Ariz., aged 32 years. Brother-in-law to J. H. Richard. Notice of funeral Inter. RIPLEY Guy Allen, lnfnnt son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy b. Ripley, March 22. 1900. of pneumonia, nged 1 year, 4 months nnd 13 dnys. Funeral from residence, 2224 Cuming. Frl day, Mnrch 23, nt 2 p. m. Interment nt Forest Lawn. Friends Invited. HHFT Mrs. Frank, at 8:30 o'clock Thurs day night, ut LHW South Twenty-seventh street. Funeral notice later. BEATS THEM ALL The Colorado Special ONLY TRAIN TO DENVER FROM CHICAGO VIA OMAHA With llnffct, SmokliiK and Library FASTEST TRAIN TO DENVER Via Oninliu. I.enve Omnhu lttU. Tonlsht Arrive Denver Ii20 p. in. Tomorrow. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 11102 FAUNAS! STREET. Telriiliouc a 10. IlimUXGTON STATION, IOTII AM) M.VHO.V STKEET9, Telephone l'-H. "rilB M I7H Ii UT. V RJ 14 fell t'.l lf. IIOSTON STOHI3 MVS KMIIHUIDKIl Y. iMost M.Ylrnorilliinry Pnroline IIIkIi (Iradc llmlirolilery. FROM V. 3. CUSTOMS HOUSE. ' 43,000 YARDS FINE EMBROIDERIES ON SALE TODAY 5C, 10C. 12HC, 15C. ThcSn nrn ntl afimntn atrlrtA In Ipncrtlia i - . .,..., ... - - r, - - from 3 to 5 yards many to match. They wero sent to this country by a St. Gall I Swiss exporter and held nt the U. S. cus- toms on account of dlsputo In appraise ment of duty, nnd consist of Swiss, nnln sook, Jaconet nnd cambric embroideries annd insertions from ono to fifteen Inches wide, Including tho very finest embroidery mode, nnd go In lots on front bargain squares to morrow nt Cc, 10c, 12e nnd 16c guaran teed worth absolutely doublo tho price. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas. ELEVATION OF SEE OF OMAHA C'liitm-rllnr of i. Illocene Give Lit tle Credence (o Story from Sioux City. Tho report from Sioux City of the clovn tian of Omaha to tho position of nn nrchl cplscopal seo Is received with Incredulity hy tho chancellor of this diocese. "Thero Is entirely too much guessing go ing on," said Father Colanerl, yesterday. "Of course tho elevation of the- seo of Omaha Is among tho possibilities, hut I don't think it Is contemplated at present. Tho creation ot sees nt Sioux City nnd Des Moines, I think, will tako plnco shortly. "If I knew who wns recommended hy the convocation of hlshops at Davenport I think I COUld tell Who Will 1n ll,n nn.l archbishop of Dubumie, but f do not know." 1 uen you no not place much importance to tho selection mado by tho counsellors and permanent pastors tho other day?" "N'ot thnt, nocessnrlly. but 1 do not know tho names of thoso oclected. Tho papers havo published threo distinct lists, nun dui ono namo common to all, nnd that Is tho nnmo of Rlshon Llnehnn nt ri,n. enno. I think tho published lists aro nil guesswork. It is generally understood thnt Hlshop Llnehan will ho removed from Cheyenno becauso ot his health, which suffers from tho high nltltudo of thnt place, but that ho will bo mado nrchblshop of Duhuquo is another question. Ho will, more likely, bo given ono of tho hew Iown sees, that of Sioux City or lies i.Motnes." Homnrkiihlc Cure or ltln-umntl-.ni. I rom tho Vindicator, Rtitherfordton, N. C. Tho editor nf Mm V'ln,llont I. 1..... ' .., ..uulvvut lm0 Iml, cra,. slon to test the eftlcacy of Charabcrlnln's Pnln Ralm twlrn with ihn ....o. ....... ... muni I UHJil I Kit Dl O results In each case. First, with rheumatism hi iuu nuuuiuer irom winch ho suffered ex cruciating pain for ten dnys, which wns re lieved with two applications of Pain Halm, rubbing tho parts ntTllcted nnd realizing instant benefit nnd entire relief in n very short tlmo. Second, In rheumatism In thigh Joint, almost prostrating him with severo pain, which was relieved by two applications. i.i.i. ...i.t. .1.. . . ...I'uuiK mm inu iinimcnt. on retiring at night nnd getting up frco from palu. Curd of Tlinnk. Wo hereby sincerely thank our many kind friends who havo shown their apprecia tion of good will during tho fatal Illness of our beloved mother, Mrs. Rebecca Sterns dorff. Ocorgo J., Mnx, Mary, Josephine and Ilarbara, children; John SternsdortT, hus band. If you havo nothlnc on hnnd. vnn rnn spend nn evening very pleasantly nt tho Orpheum theater, and Imnglno you aro cn- rouio 10 California on tho celebrated Over land trnln of--tho Union p.ifinr. r,.n,-,! These wonderful moving' pictures can be seen every night at, tho Orpheum theater. LOOK in our BIG WINDOW Is ono of tho best mndc It ndjusts readily to nny form. Mndo for MEN and WOM1CN, 110YS and OIRLS. Prices, 7rc, 1.00 nml tM.--"S. Look in Our Hlg Window. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go Cor. Kith nnd DoiIkc, Oninliu, Giant Tack Puller. The greatest invention of the on sale Friday for Grand Lace Sale. 25c torchon laces 5c 35c point D'esprit JOc $1.00 allover laces 50c $2.00 allover lace and tuckings 69c Our finest quality Liberty Silks, Moussoline De Soie OQp and Chiffons, regular 75c quality, only Vt Grand Embroidery Sale. Over 100.000 yards of the finest edcres and insortiiirs. Dainty baby edges, lacy insortings and elegant wide skirt embroideries, all in Ah yard strips, to bo sold in strins onlv. goods worth from 20c to 50c yard, on salo at lUc to 20c a Yard Do not miss this sale. Dress Trimmings Sale. 5c, 10c and 15c dress trimming, rrA only CI Jdl U "Wo havo nothing to say of theso goods. Como in and see them. $1.00 black silk dress braids, the very latest 25c yd Our Spring Millinery. Is of tho richest description, in ttyles that combine the best foreign hat elegance with tho brightest of American ideas. Novelty, fashion and stylo aro here and at low cost. For exquisite headwear visit the big millinery depart ment. The stylo is in tho millinery, not in tho prices. HAYDEN BROS. I 1IOSTO.N STORM .MIl.l.lM'.ll V OPHMNIl. .Sn turd iiy, March 21th. MessrB, J. L. Rrnndcls & Sons, proprietors Hoston Store, Omaha, beg to announce that their GRAND OP15N1NO of Spring Millinery, faster Hats nnd Imported Pattern Hats , takes plnco Saturday. Mnrch 24, and request tho pleasure of your attendance. ROSTON STORK, OMAHA. AniioimcemeiitN, U Bcems to bo the consensus of opinion 1 nmong tho patrons of the Crclghton-Orphsum thentcr that tho program of this week has never been excelled nt this houso either ! for cxcellenco or variety. It Includes a ' comedy, "Domestic Petn," produced by Mr. Fdlsworth nnd Miss Hurt; I'rotopapas, tho 1 strong man; ICsmernldn, the slack-wire per- 1 former and xylophono plnyer; Gilbert, tho ' comedian. In monologue; Burton nnd Ilrooks In humorous dialogue nnd topical songs: ii.um uuiuo, ino ienor singer; mo d. Foreests In whirlwind dances; nnd tho blo grnph pictures, nil new. Thero will bo a matlnco tomorrow. Sunday night nnd Monday night Archlo Doyd will present nt Iloyd's theater his pastoral drama, "Tho Vlllngo Postmaster." Mr. Doyd Is seen In tho role of Seth Hug gins, who presides over thu dcstlnlfn of tho village iostnnice. Mr. Doyd was seen to advantage In tho "Old Homestead" nnd "Shoro Acres," but In this piece ho Is said to bo seen nt his best. Tin- Attention of the Traveling public Is respectfully invited to tho cnngnlflccnt equipment offered to patrons of tbo CHICAOO, MILWAUKKK AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY between Omnha and Chi cago. Solid vestlbuled, steam hented nnd electrlo lighted trains. Palace sleepers nnd diners, buffet nnd library cars, free reclin ing chair enrs, fast tlmo nnd union depots. City Ticket Offlco. IfiOl Farnnm t. F. A. NASH Ooncral Western Agent. Xnt Ice. A series of threo of those palatable luncheons nerved nt tho First Presbyterian church will bo given beginning Friday. March 23, from 11:30 to 1:30 p. m. Tho Indies hopo to seo ngaln nil those who so kindly patronized them In tho winter, Como and bring your friends. Stonccypher, printer, nd-wrlter. Up-to-dnto cuts for sale. 1201 Howard. Tel. 1310, Section One Reads "Em-li of Hiild m-eretiirlo nhnll ro-im-Ivo n oouipeiiNiilloii of Ut." per ilny for i-ni-h liny' Nervier- nctiiully nnd neoeiirlly performed," (, Nmv the Stnti- lloiird of Examiner mint 11 lo iiuike pernimnl couiplulnt nliniit proprietor nnd clerk that nre not ri-KlNtf red In Oninhn. Are you not pnld n nlnry to do nueh work yonr-M-lvrrif Why, urntlcmt-n, Jnt tnke your thirteenth niinunl report nnd eompnre the nnme of proprietor und lieml prencrlptlou clerk, nnd If you i-nn't nnd notne thnt nre not pnh. Ilheil In your llt, renlicn your pol tlou nn exumliier. We repent iKiilu, "Enforce the NehriiMkn I'hnr- mney In.v In Ouiiihn." SCHAEFER CUT PRICE DRUGGIST Cor. Kith and Cbtenuo 8ta. They Are for You .,.At. vury .moderate prices. Ladles gold tilled watch for $12. A tetter ono for Jls. A beautiful engraved case for J20. in gents' watches vn have a large variety. We aro filwo showlns a nlco stock of dlnmonds looso und mounted. S, W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler, 1610 Douglas St. HAYDEN s age, a 15c puller, 5c Boys' Belongings. Moro and New Top Coats We know what cood clothes are, where to buy them and how to select the nobby styles and patterns. We want to say that we have never had as choice a stock of good clothes in our store as we have right now, and we're ready to quote prices that will interest you. We sell the Hart, Schaff ner & Marx tailor made suits and top coats. mmmm They're the kind adver tised in all the leading magazines and worn by good dressers everywhere. Men's New Spring Suits at $2.75 to $22.50. Men's New Spring Overcoats at $3.95 to $12.50. Hotter Htyles mid Inrjror assort mont than all tho other houson In Omaha combined ami at lower prices. We don't soo how ynn ean rnnslHteiitly pass us liy In Justice to yoursoll'. All gar ments must lit to YtM'K satisfaetlon-aml If for any reason you nre not satisfied, we cheerfully take back our clothing ami re fund the money. HAYDEN BROS. No Vice Like Advice ! No coal like SHERIDAN COAL Best coal mined in Wyoming. Lump $5.50, Nut or Egg $5.00, Peanut, 4.50. VICTOR WHITE 1605 Fam Street. The New tyko Wo havo Just received a heavy shipment of Cameras and with them tho latest model ot Camera mndo hy tho Rochester Optical nnd Camera Co. This Camera Is fitted with their Hectlllnenr lens, Iris diaphragm, bulb re leawo nnd solid leather carrying case. I'rlccs, $12.00 for $9.00. All other photo material up to dato ut lowest prices. The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 Ftirnniu St. Developing and Printing Done, WIioK-niiIo nml Itutall, IIOCIITA S.t.MUMVUOI) C.l I'Sl'l.rj.l. Cures Gonorrhoea, Gleet c- unnatural discharge- In a rw days. Full directions. 1'rlco 11.60. All druggist!, or inn II D. Dick & Co.. 113 rntro t.. Now York WANTED I. a so ut n.u neulth that n-I-I'-A-N-S will not nonfllt. Pfnrt t cants to rtlmni Chemical Co.. Nev York, for II Mtsplu and 1,000 testimonials. BRILLIANT BENEFICIAL BARGAINS moro every day, as PRUDENT PRACTICAL PARENTS Compare Clothing Claims as they realize that for clothing, stylo and cloth ing service, thoro's no place like Tho Nebraska to lit out tho young American. EXCELLENCE ELEGANCE ECONOMY Aro tho sign posts that direct the atten tion of buyers. The collection of beau tiful clothes that wo havo gathered to gether is tho choicest that it was possi ble to obtain, making selection of tho best and newest only. Childhood is no longer sncrlllced to the tailor. Tho tailor's nrt has nt lata found tho wny to keep tho mnll hoy graceful and youthful not make him prematurely old. Our great (dock of hoys' clothing illustrates this $1.50. 11.73. 2.00, Vi.Zo. J2.C0. $3.00, $W0. $l.00, tUO nnd up. 'Twould ho strange, Indeed, If you nhmlld fall to Und just what you want nmong so largo nn assortment. l ? i 5 5' ? 5' 4' - 'i J- $ $ ' A Ground Floor Office With a Big Vault Located right on Knrnam Street, in a FIUK l'llOOI-' building Is an oppor tunity which may not come ngaln for yearn. There Is another !ari;e room ndjolnlnK which you may have, It you want it, which opens on the court. Electrlo llh'ht, heat and Janitor service nro Included In the rental, Resides, there Is an advantage In be ing In tho best 'building In town. R. C. Peters & Co. Rental Agents. Ground Floor, Bee Building. , . J. J. iffy 0 $? 3 4 it, y i, it G, BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS MANUFACTURED BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. uvtm run mai 4 ltr,SUI.TH TELL. (?) THIS II HI J WANT ADS i'iioiiuch itusuivr. 4