12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; THURSDAY, aiAKCFT 22, 1HOO. BOSTON STORE LADIES' SUITS 115 Ladles' line Tailor-Mde Sumols Suits on Sala Tomorrow. SIO.00 LADIES' SAMPLE SUITS $5 00 AI.THIIATION PIA.VO HAI.K. Alm IIIk fnlr In Oilier !)rinrtmrnln .NMrl nl :t.1M 9 1 .r.O Klit Ulovt-n 7.'e .".Hi; I.iicm )() lllc IlluiilU.-rclilrfn U l-Uc. iio.oo suits, $;.oo. All of the $10.00 covert cloth suite, nil ool chnvlrrt nnllJ In tnti npnv nA . Uio waists Ilk-tlnol; skirts made In the LC!!"llnB ".enu,!,e roscw,ooJ latest stylo. Would bo 11 bargain nt $10.00, on sale second floor at $3.00. 118.00 LAMBS' HA.MPM3 SUITS. $9.85. Ilnspp Continue Letting Dnirn 11 n no 1'rlcrni Tho dales Increasing dally, and no wonder, when you can buy new, clean, dry, high grado pianos such as the Stolnway, Kimball, Kjiabe, Krcll, Kranlch & Bach, Hoyal, Hat lett & Davis, Hush & Oertz, Schlrraer, Whit ney, Hospe, Victor nnd Illntz nt $127. $137, $148, $16S, $178, terms, $5 down and $7 per month; $.127, $358, $388, terms, $50 down und $16 per month; $187, $218, $248, $267 and $298, teruiH, $25 down and $10 per month. Pianos which havo been sold for from $200 to $600, with terms that are as easy as rent. Kvery Instrument marked In plain figures, no more, no less. Kvery Instrument mado In solid wood cross-banded veneers of the veneers of the finest foreign nnd domestic woods, rep- San Domingo mahogany, quarter-sancd oak, curly-figure J wnlnut. cbonlzed hardwood, French walnut J finish, Including the new Golden Oak veneers GREAT CONTINENTAL SALE h Crtitinfc Mora Enthusiasm Toan Anj Site Ever Held in Omaha. $50,000 WORTH OF CLOTHING SACRIFICED Thin Week the Workmen lleulii Tear. liiK Dimvh I lie Wnlla nml We Arc I'll I iid Table Full of llnrKnlns Unit Miiot lie So 111 (luluk. HAVDHX llltf S. SI'lltlAI-S. Vlalt tho I.lnen nml llmiirntlo Dopnrt incut of tlir IIIk Slorc TOMOIirtOW FQR TUB FItlST TIME. 200 dozen 72-Inch long crochet fringed nnd Printed f1rpflt unnrln. nnv. Inn! mil. mniln to sell for 60c, llaydcnsf price, 25c each. Seo ! the bargains In Turkish towels, 10c, 15c, 20c nnd 25c. Turkish bnth mats, C0c nnd $1.00. ; 16 yards of lino bleached cambric, yard wide, I for $1.00. Long cloth. 10c, 121,4c, 15c. 18c, ' 20o nnd 25c ynrd. Ask to see the new pat- tern table cloth, silver blenched, nil linen, I 0 - yards wide, 2 yards long, $1.60 only to bo had at llnydcns'. DRESS (lOODS. 4 500 pieces of strictly nil wool new French ! rtn Never In Omaha's history havo the men challls, direct from Oreo Homnn, Turin, new nnd boys been ablo to buy seasonable up-to-. styles for 1900, In dots, stripes, Persians, umu niftu bhiuu doming ai sucn riuicu- " ovmi cverywiieru ui uuui uoc 10 ioc, o . lously low prlcts. Suits are almost given 1 nro. opening them this week nt 49c ynrd. ' away, but wo must have them out of tho -Anotner new line of doublo warp homespuns 1 $22.60 LADIES' SAMPLE SUITS, $12.50. Having closed from nn eastern manufac turing company 11G flno samplo tailored suits nt very much Jest) than their actual value, wo plnco them on salo Thursday nt $9.85 and $12.60. These nro worth from $18.00 to $22.50 suit. There aro no two suits nllke nnd this entire purchnso Is divided into which aro now becoming so popular at prices tnat havo never been equaled on new goods. Ever' Instrument fully warranted you take no risks. Remember this Is our regular stock, which Is well known to the trades. Every family that Is In need of an Instru ment can afford to buy nt these prices and terras. No uso putting It off until a moro . .. i , -. . r r . mi.. . i mm tj.ao aua jii'.uu. aaio tomorrow i . . . " - oniy, rnvorablo time, ns tho opportunity Is nt ladles' fine covert Jackets nnd fine nil haml and thoco who come early aro Borved wool covert box lackets. mado to rntnll nt m,u "ave meir cnoico oi wio irB $5.00, go tomorrow nt $3.60 IlundredB of rainy-day skirts, plaid backs, with ranny rows of stitching around tho bot tom, actunlly $7.60 skirt, go at $3.98. 200 novelty and black Bklrts, worth up to $1.00, go tomorrow at $1.98. $1.60 KID GLOVES, 76C PAIR. 10,000 pairs Iadlos'flno imported kid gloves, sultnblo for street or dress wear, In real kid. French mocha und dogskin gloves, In black, gruys, English roils and browns. Every pair guaranteed, worth up to $1.50, go In this salo at 75c pair. 50C LACES AT 10C YARD. 10 bargain equarcs piled high with all Wiids of lace, Including torchon, Valen ciennes nnd silk lace, worth up to 50c, go at lOo yard. ImmciiHO lot of narrow torchon nnd cotton Ireland laces nnd Insertions, all widths, at 114c yard. 5,000 bolts French Valenciennes lace nnd Insertion to match, go In this Bale at 2c yd. 10,000 lino, sheer, hemstitched handker chiefs, all widths of heraB, worth up to 10c, go at 3V4C each. 2,000 dozen children's plain nnd fancy colored border school handkorshlcts, many different stylos, go nt lc each. IIOSTON STORE, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 16th und Douglas Sts IIOSTOX STOItU MII.MMJHY OPK.M.Vn. n In nitty, .Mil roll 1M, tlie (iriiiutcM Mil linery Kvcnt In OiiiiiIiii'h lllslorv, SIX NEW ELABORATE SHOW ROOMS. Saturday wo open to the public what Is without exception tho most magnificent millinery display that has ever been seen west of Now York. For months wo havo been getting ready for this ovent. . Every lady wnnts to come. Every lady is Invited. No matter what amount of money you wish to Invest In a hat, you will And many to suit your desire. You will find tho samo excellent Judg mcnt, good tasto and correct combinations in overy hat in our establishment from tho one ut two nnd half to tho one nt fifty dol jars, ijo suro to como and you will bd nmply repaid by tho inngnlflcent display at mis GRAND MILLINERY OPENING, SATURDAY, MARCH 24TH. IIOSTO.V STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas. SWEDE FEARS HIS LANDLADY llrcniinr Two of Her Sons llnd Ilren HiuiKcil CJimt TorKlt'nn la Merle In Her I'reaenee, A tall, raw-boned Swodo, giving the, namo Of Gust Torgleson, complained to tho police yesterday that ho had been assaulted by ino woman witn wiiom ho boarded. When nsked why he permitted a woman to whip Mm ho answered that ho was afraid of her becauso two of her sons had been hunged. Ho was Invited to tell his story, which ho did somiithlng Illto this: "Val, Aye bnno boord'n by Mis' Bull'van now tra mont,' un' sha meet mo In hall sho say: " 'Mist Torgleson, von you pay me boord punka?' "An" Aye say, 'Mis' Sull'van, Aye pay you yust now,' an' glf her fourteen tollar. "An Bho say, 'You got for pay mo sklven tocn tollar,' und Ayo say, 'You got somo moro guess comln', Mis' Sull'van.' "Vnl, vllo vo bano chowens rag Mis' Sull' van sho yerk me 'round fromp time nnd jioko ino in nyo with th' fist of her hant, and I run nvay." Upon this Information a warrant was mado out for "Mis' Sull'van." To tho officer who was to servo the document Torgleson gave a list of property which, ho said, tho land lady refused to turn ovur to blm, Hero Is tlin list: Four fcathor pillows, ono coffee mill, ona pleco of cloth, ono photograph of himself, two boxes, one Swedish bible, two bottles of medicine, ono cook -book, ono undorshlrt, ono sheepskin. ' Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne ta tho puro Julco of the grapo naturally fer mented. For boijuet it has no superior. Anno mice men to. "Domestic Pots." tho comedy running as ono of the principal featum this -week at tho Crelghton-Orphoum theater, is ono of ho most amusing plnylets seen at this hmiso for many n week nt least that scorns o bei tho verdict of overy audience. Judg ing from tho continuous hearty laughter caused by Mr. Ellsworth nnd Miss Burt, principals In the comedy. Other numbera nro Protopnpas, tho strong man; Esmer nlda, slack wlro nnd xylophone; DoForocsts, whirlwind dancers; Gilbert, comedian, mon ologuo and songs; Rurton and nrooks, humorous dlaloguo nnd topical songs; Frank tomn, tenor singer; nnd tho blograph pictures. est variety of pianos and organs ever shown under ono roof, Tho organs wo offer Includes, Iho Smtth Amcrlcan, Chicago Cottage, Crown, Western Cottngo, Story & Clark, Carpenter, Kimball nnd Hospo. Tho prices nro $10, $12, $23, $27, $29, $42, $35, $39 and $32. Piano-cased organs, chapel organs, new organs, second-hand organs. Terras from $2.00 to $6.00 down nnd $1.00 to $4.00 per month. Such terms and- such prices were nover heard of before. Second Hand Pianos Very good upright pianos from $87.00 up, on $5.00 monthly pay ments. Square pianos nt $30.00 nnd $40.00, on small payments. Every Instrument guar anteed ns represented. We have nt all times In the quarter of n century of business made good any Instrument that did not give per fect satisfaction. Tho confidence that wo havo earned has never been botrnyed. A. HOSPE, 1513-1515 Douglas. P. S. Open evenings until 8 p. m. Ilonlon Store's llltf Shoe Sale. Ladles' $4, $5 and $6 shoes on salo today on Bargain square at $1.9S a pair, at BOSTON STORE. OMAHA. Also $2.00 Ladles' shoes and oxfords 9Sc. and $1.50 ladles' shoes and oxfords, 75c. Special, $1. $5 AND $6 LADIES' SHOES, $1.98. No lady In Oninlm need wish for nicer or liner shoes in black or tan, plain or fancy, than we offer In this grandest salo at $1.98. They aro really worth from four to six dollars. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. Oinuha-ChlcnKO. 7:00 a. m 8:30 p. m. 4:55 p. m 7:45 a. m. 7:30 p. ni 9:30 a. m. via "The Northwestern Lino," 1101 and 1403 Farnam street. "Tbo best of everything." Wli- Untlrma In the Dnrk When by traveling In the luxurious sleep ing cars of the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn on tho electric lamp and make tho berth as light as day. City Office, 1501 Farnacn st. way of tho flying brick and mortar, so profit nas been lost sight of while you reap thu bcnerit. Suits that wcro $12.00, now $7.50. Suits that were $18",00, now $10.00. Suits that were $22.00, now $16.00. Suits that were $25.00, now $18.00. Overcoats that wcro $12.00, now $7.50. Overcoats that were $18.0o, now $10.50. Overcoats that were $25.00. now $11.75. It Is such prices as theso on the Contl nental a known qualities that brings thn buyers by tho hundreds, yesterday was ft uusicr day with us than Saturday. Men's $3.00 hats, $1.60. Men's hats at 76c. Men's hats at $1.00. Boys' two-pleco suits, $2.50. Hoys' reefer suits $2.50. Hoys' top coats $2.85. Young men's suits $3.85. Then our shoes at $2.50, no more, no less. Shoes that could bo sold for $1.00 and you would bo satisfied with your bargain, In this sale only $2.50. Men's $1.00 shirts, 60c. Mon's 75c shirts, 38c. Men's hose, 10c. , And so on clear through tho store, not an Item reserved In tho groat alteration salo now going on at tho CONTINENTAL CLOTHING CO.. N. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas The Attention of the Travoling public Is respectfully Invited to tho magnificent equipment offered to patrons 01 ino uiilUAUU, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY between Omaha nnd Chi cago. Solid veatlbuled, stoam heated and electric lighted trains. Palnco sleepers nnd diners, buffet and library cars, freo reclin ing chair cars, fast time nnd union depots. City Ticket Ofllce, 1501 Farnam et. F. A. NASH General Western Agent. Strictly fresh eggs, He per dozen; good country butter. 20c per pound; choice bread, 2 loaves 6c. Win, Gentleman, 16th and Cass. Tho New Snow Church compnny hns re moved to rooms 401-405 New York Llfo bldg. Sydney Flower, LL. D., of Chicago lec tures on "Personal Magnetism" at Crelgh ton hall this evening. Tho handeomely printed courses of Instruction given to all thoso who attend tho lecturo aro on view at Megeath's, Second Ward Itepubllenna. There will bo a meeting of the Republi can club of tho Second ward at No. 1443 So. 16th Friday eve., March 23, 1900. ANDREW KIEWIT, Pres. I'lve Trains dally for Chicago via tho NORTH WESTERN LINE. A full list of them can bo secured at 1401 and 1403 Farnam street. NEBRASKA PHARMACY LAWS Monday and Tuesday we called the nttcn tlon of the Stnto Board of Pharmacy to' tho fact that there aro somo stores conducted In Omaha 'whero tho proprietors nor tho clerks nro registered. Since our exposure wo re ceived a letter from ono of tho Board of Examiners calling our ottention to Sec. 1', which reads as follows: "The State Board of Examiners shall Invcstlgato complaints whon properly presented, etc., etc." Havo not tho members of tho Board of Examiners who receive a compensation for doing what Is their duty a few sparo moments to com paro tho list of druggists that they publish ns registered pharmacists with tho names of tho druggists that nro proprietors of dru; stores In Omaha today und men that nro employed ns head prescription clerks, who nre not registered. Will tho State Board of Examiners enforco the Nebraska Pharmacy lows? If not, why not? CUT PRICE DRUGGIST Cor. 10th ana Cblnngo sits. SCHAEFER Stonecyphor, printer, ad-wrlter. Up-to-dato cuts for sale. 1201 Howard. Tel. 1310. Look in Our Big Window.., You will always find It of advantage to look In our big window." It will always be filled with goods which aro of Interest to the public (not the Drug Trust or tho ASHES of tho Drug Trust). Some times It will be tho GOODS themselves which aro of special Interest nnd ngaln the PRICE. This week It Is SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS. A lino of goods which exemplifies all that Is good In paints. LOOK IN OUR BIO WINDOW. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go Nrvr Locution, Cor. 10th & Dollar. SIGNS OF SPRING "That tired feeling" and houso cleaning. You must clean nnd brighten up tho houso and wo have Just what you want. Co mentlco for tho walls, paint and wax for the lloors, enamels nnd varnishes for tho fur nlturo und woodwork. Cementlco, nny shade, per package 33o Floor Paint, per can 330 Floor Wnx. nutclers, per can 60o Whlto Enamel, per can 30c Stoveplpo Enamel, per enn "Oj Bronzes, nil colors, per packugc ioc Aluminum, for water pipes 230 for tnllor suits nt $1.50, $1.93, $2.50, $3.60 ynrd. Come In and examine tho now pastel shades In our French foulo for waists, tho latest on tho market. 72 now shades In Landsdowne. Gros Roman's superllno em broidered polka dot French llanncls only 98c, sold all over at $1.25. Plaids, 10c, 19c, 25c, 39c, 49c. HAYDEN BROS. See C. F. Harrison's real estato bargains. Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits You can get suits at other stores but not J 0 l!ko ours not llko ours In cut, stylo or! finish. Look whero you may. vou'II not . .. . tauorcu Men's Spring Clothing. Our reputation for good clothes at low prices has been a matter evolved by constantly giving well-made, high grade good clothing for less money. That's all that ha's done it. Ready-to-puton spring suits and top coats, of the newest de signs, at half and less than half the cost that any good tailor would charge and not deliver any better clothes. Our carefully choson linos of men's nnd youths' spring clothing aro complete Much ready-to-wear clothincr for men is ricrht in evnrvihitur n ' ing ''right. Ours is mado to fit until worn outand to wear as well as it ur Farnam Btreet window is trimmed to frivo von nn irl in nl' wli.il'a ......... ...i of stay fits. ( u y .t.wtw w n ill iw.u iJiuym, aim uiu uuuuuiiucauy inclined man can save much of his elolhimr money by a careful inspection. Price tickets on overy suit, to guide you. MEN'S SLITS. $7.50, $8.00, $9.00, $10.00, $11.00, $12.00 All styles, all patterns, all wool all worth overy cent we ask for them and in each case for less than any other clothintr store in America will sell tho same styles and quality for Your money back for tho asking. MEN'S OVERCOATS, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $aoo, $9.00, $10.00 The style, the quality and the price arc unmatchable anywhere, regardless of any excuse that may bo offered. . Wo ask you to examine and compare prices, then make your purchase, whore advantages aro in your iavor. you may, llnd a better assortment ot. ladles' suits, spring Jackets and silk waists. Wo Invito you to Inspect our stock and comparo quality and prices with thoso shown elsewhere. OK SC0FIELD CL0AIO.SUITC0. 1510 Douglas St. vrawriwu vvg,grg,wtf,(i,(.)p 0 Sffi ftfr tt 1 1 AH A GREAT FIRE SALE Olr PIANOS THAT IS MAKING HISTORY. The salo Is now In progress and to any one contemplating the purchase of piano wo would suggest prompt action, as these great bargains cannot last long. Among this great assortment of Instruments can be found tho greatest ot all planos-THE STEINWAY which leads them all. Also tho celebrated Steger, A. D. Chase, Vose, Emerson, Tacltard, Ivors & Tond, Cramer I'easo and several other makes. We ODarantce the Quality of Every Instrument Sold. NOTE PRICES BELOW. lllOPOIlE TUB KIIIE. PRICE. NAME. ;i,iro Paint Brushes lOo Everything to mako tho houso bright und cheerful. J. A. FULLER & CO cut rnicB mtUGGisTs, lUli and Uoavlta St: OPEN ALL NIGHT. CARE OF THE TEETH Good teeth nro essential to nronor mnsii. canon; wunoui mem 1110 general health cannot bo maintained In its highest nossl . bio degree. Havo your teeth examined no charge. 1 Silver Fillings 750 Teeth Cleaned 7&0 Extracting 15c Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 1 1517 DOUGLAS ST. lAFTISIl THE riHK. STYLE. pntpp Stclnway Mahogany Uabv Orand air. nn 1S0 Stelnway Upright, figured walnut case 035.00 C..0 A. n. Chaso Mahogany or Walnut 550.00 COO Voso San Domingo Mahogany 320.00 475 Emorson Cabinet Grand 325 00 375 Steger w Antique Oak 275 00 350 Pease Funcy Walnut 225 00 2i)0 Arlon Upright Cabinet Grand 175.00 Other Rcllablo Upright Plano3 nt JU0.00, $120.00, $135.00 and up. Organs, $10.00 nnd up. A.V I.MIMHIT.V.NT KI-lATUItH Although wo have reduced tho prlco on all our pianos from $100.00 to $230.00 wo will contlnuo to sell pianos nt tho regular monthly rnto ot payments. Stool nnd Scarf Freo with each piano purchased. MT1C13 Xo Million Mold let local dralcrn durliie this nnlc. ...Schmoller & Mueller... 1313 Farnam Street. The I.nrKCHt IMmio limine In the West. Store Onen Evenings. HAYOEi Ladies' Suits and Skirts Modern merchandising It will prove profitable for you to study what it has done and what it is destined to do for trade in this department. All advertising Is useless unless truth Is coupled with argument. Wo hare on avowed purpose to assail and battle against HIGH PKICES and will rontlnuo the light until tho bitter end. Our silk wnlst sale crowded our department with buyers. Thurs day wo put on salo tho ladles' suits as displayed In our 16th street window. 500 OF THEM They come In all colors-grays, .browns, tans, blues, blacks, cardi nals nnd navies. They aro tlght-lltting. double, and slnel.,.! n .1... new styles. Blngle or double box pleat skirts; tho jackets aro all lined with heavy taffeta lining, the skirts nre lined with ncarsllk and percallne; rtr -4 A C KIJXEIIAI. XOTICE. Tho funeral of the lato Henry Krug, who died at Phoenix, Ariz., will bo held from Jils late residence. HI2 H. Seventeenth street, Thursday, March 22, nt 2 p. m. DIED. IIALT-Notherton II., aged 37 yenrs, nt Manrnnlllo, Mexico. APAMB-Charles. Mnrcli IB, lflOO, nt Pin rlnmitl, O., only child of Mrs. Cecelia J. Duncan, aged 25 years 6 months and 15 lays. The body will he at the undertaker's. II. lv Ilurkot. 1513 Capitol avenue, till 7 p. m, Wednesday, March 21. The funeral will tako place from his mother's residence, 262S Davenport street. Thursday afternoon, March 22, nt 2 o'clock. Interment nt Pros pert Hill cemetery. The deceased lenvqs n wife and two children, Fay. aged 6 years, nnd Ervlng, WV. years old. Services by the nv. Charles W, Savldgo. Frlonds are In vltcd. STo,?,nIS?P?rF-:Mr?- Jol,n' nt ,lcr home. 1211 South fit li street. Funeral will talco place Thursday morn ing nt 8:30 from tho residence to Bt. Jo noph's Cntholio church, thence to the Gor man Cnthollo cemetery. BTl'IIU-Mttx. nged 63 yenrs. nt his resi dence, two miles from Dundee, on Dodgo stieet road. Funeral will take place from residence Friday, March 23. nt 2 p. in., theuco to Evergreen cemetery (Mux Stuhr was born In Holateln, Ger many, enmo to America In 1S52 nnd settled In Douglas county In 1858. Ho was nn hon est, Industrious citizen, respected by all who knew him. Ho leaves an aged wife and several children. Chicago Trains A Plenty Four dally via tho Burlington: Daylight Express 7:25 a. m. Vestlbuled Flyer :00 p. m. Chicago Limited 7:30 p. m. Chicago Special 12:35 midnight. Sleeping or parlor cars and freo reclining chair cars on nil four trains. Dining cars on thrco of them. Library tars on the Chicago spoclal. TICKET OFFICE, lBOa FAUXAM STIIEET, Telephone 230. nUIlLIXGTOX STATION, 10TII AXI1 SIASOX STIIEETS, Telephone 18. HAYDENs $10.00 For Your New Spring Uur suits at this price aro ready-made, but look like merchant tailored. Over 50 magnificent patterns and every one a real $15 value. All the newest and beat fabrics and patterns, absolutely all wool your safeguard for correct ness lies in the fact that they aro made and de signed by the bestclothing manufacturers in Amor ica, whose labels are sewed on every suit, distinc tive out of tho ordinary and perfect fitting, that counts in wearing our clothing. Have you seen our new spring overcoat at 3.95 se Suit man-tailored and sowed with silk throughout: suitn suits sold In this city at $20 aro no hotter, our price 300 ladles black taffeta skirts, percallne lined and bound with nppnnueci uox pieat, nppnnued down tho nido and bound with silk braid a skirt worth $7.50 for 75 ladles' rainy day skirts In grays, brownst. IiIupUb nml Mm mixtures, 22 rows of stitching on tho bottom, mado to sell for $7.9S, on salo at Ladles' Spring Jackets In light tan .and gray colors, sizes 31 to 42, on salo at each only i 1 lot of Indies' underskirts mado from finest mercerized Fou lard, 3 rows of ruflles, they como In nil colors, cerise, blues, cardi nals, hellos, wlno colors, worth $3.50, for Lcdles' black satin skirts 12 Inch flounce, 1 rows of cording worth $1.25, for brush braid $3.75 $3.98 $3.50 $1.50 49c . d.z!!r ln,lies' rcrcnl wrappers with 1G Inch flouneo. mado to f O 11 for $1.50, on salo at zfCjC Attend the Grand Millinery Display. Prepare for the Great Shoe Sale. The great Bpot cash purchase of tho $73,000 noston shoe stock Is no on the way here. Wc must dispose of thousapds of hairs now on hand to makn rnnm f n r ( Ma ih. v, I . , . . .. . lbt,L.DV emu uvcr purcnasou oy one nouse. bee tho great closing out bargains in men's and women's shoes nt $1.50. They re worth $3.00 to $5.00. Tho lilg Stor Is headquarters for shoo bargains. 1.50 HAYDEN BROS Our new all wool covert sprincr overcoats. e? v r eatin sleeve lining, at O.VJv Better call and let us show you our great lino of $7.50i lieu o dujib vyu tmuw uuLier tstyies ana more ot them than all tho balance of tho clothiers in Omaha, at this price and guaranteed to save you 2. 50 on overy suit, or your money back. J Probably you aro thinking of getting ono of our now silk lined spring overcoats at $7.50, 10 or $12.50. 50c corduroy knee pants at 25c. 25c cassimero knee pants at 10c. Spring Arrivals of Hats and Caps, All the latest styles In golf thapo hats for men nnd boys, on salo at 75c to $1.95. Ao carry tho latest blocks In tho Derby hats In all colors and at prices to suit everyone Spoclal In soft hats In Pasha, Fedora and It. It. styles: regular $1.75 and $2.00 values, nt $1,00, Fedora hats worth $1.25 and $1.50, on sale nt COc. finest noToltleB In boys' and girl's caps and Tam-O'Shanters, at 25c, 35c and 50c. Pleasing Words Which bring hopo to many a mf. fercr and banish fear. Painless Dentistry is not a fiction, but a act. All work is dono by thoroughly skilled and. experienced graduates and each opera Hon Is successfully performed without Inconvenience or pain to patron. Oood set ot teeth, $5.00. Ilest set of teeth, $7.60. HAIL l:V, the Dentist 12 I'mlon III U. lUlh d: Fur nam, I.ncly Alleiulimt. I'liune 10HB. IW Dr. II. W. Ilnllpy'a Tooth I'oivilrr. All drnorirlita. i CIIEM 'Id I to tdM' CURE YOURSELF! ITih nifftfl fnr nnn..i dlirhirsei, lliBtnimtluD, Irrlt&tlfltll nr lllraratlnni nti to tirl.tirt. of mil ao un raemlnni- In.r.ai. .o.i.jloo. I'alnleia, mid i.ot iitria. IHlEO'ljCHtMICHCO. 8'nt POlMOuUl. SIMCINNtll.O.HH HOI DrumliU, .8.A. MLm ""I in rutn wripHr, r (.ircuur hii ob rausL. WA,N.T?,DJ"C'?,8.0 " ,'"a "ealth that R.1.I.AN.H will nn. k.n.fll B.nnA h - I to Illpans Chemical Co.. Neij York, for II ample and 1.000 testimonial. HAYDEN BROS THE BEST TEN-GENT CIGAR IN THE MARKET iifHSEEl CONTAINS THE FINEST CUBAN TOBACCO, p. n. niCB m. c. oo., manufactimiisii. t. louis, mo. Ililinftl ftflAltr f. A KAILSUAClt, UUAJtA, UIoTltiiiVTOll. UlllUll RIAUt. Q 4 0 I