10 THE OMATIA DAILY BEE; TITrKSDAY, fATlOlI 22, 1D00. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL ' ' Wheat Market, Encouraged by Foreign Dt- ' Band, Goes Upward for a Tims. REACTS FINALLY AND CLOSES W-AK Trntle In Corn I Local In Cliaraelrr Unlit MnrKrl In Slcinl I'm visions Market, inr In Mil Pork, Is Finn. CHICAGO, March 21. The wheat market, encouraged -by a good foreign demand, forged upward and onward for a time to day, but reacted when this demand was satisfied arid closed weak. May un der yesterday. May com closed Ue lower and May oats a shade better. Provisions at tho close were fie lower for May pork to 5c higher fnr May ribs. May wheat opened a shade down at KM 0C!Ho and eased quickly to (HV. Inllueneed by the prediction of heavy Argentine ship ments. A cabin from that country said flf'y boats were being loaded. At the de cline matters took a better aspect nnd a reaction followed, .May selling to 6rVf 667frc. T1i scahord reported a good de mand, both from England and the con tinent, and 60,000 bti were reported sold hero for export. illds for I.Vi.ow were In the hands of cash people. Liverpool was H'eady and Paris higher. The bulge met prollt-taklng, however, and the demand. .Having apparently been siitlsiied, the mar ket turni-.! tall. Hlumnlng to WUc. Tho close was weak. Muy Wi'Ai' depressed at WdftOOUc Trade on the whole was rather ilull and feeling bearish. New' York r- ported 2y load taken for export. Atlantic port clearances In wheal and Hour were equal to 2GI,'o bti. Primary receipts were .!'S.iM) bn against 11-0,'WO ,u, n(,t y,.:ir. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 531 cars, comimred with tta last week and 112 a year ago. i.ocai receipts were si) cars. 1 01 con tra, t grade. The cash wheat bids were fill right, but differences arose concerning h lipping terms, as bidders clamored for ririmpt shipment, while brokers asked for de'ay. pleading lack of ears. Trade In corn was altogether local In character and at that there was not 11 Kreat deal of l. Country offerings wero umall. but the shipping demand was also light; 150,'fiO bu. were reported sold hero for shipment to the seaboard and New York reported 31 toads taken for export. Local receipts were 2S4 cars. M.iy ranged from J.e to 37'ic ol closed 'fee down at 3'e. Tho oais market was steady, helped bv some demand from shlpoers and the smith raslem stocks. The range, however, was narrow and' the session quiet. Local re rplptH were 101 cms May sold fiom 21 to 3-l'l.c, closing 11 shade Up at 21ft 2 Hke. Thn provisions market, save In Mav pork, was llrm. Pork scored an advance In sym- fiathy with lard and ribs, shirts cover ng but lost It and cloxcil weak. I'or laid find rlb there was a good ctsh demand. " l'.r, "licnlng was -Hther easy. In sympathy Ti ,ii-r,,,nF, hofH- M,,.v l",rk oPied at JI1 Xlfll.17'4 and advuneed to $11. 31), but re Ji'tcd to Ill.Si'i and cloed 5c under ves- iwi'r''iM'i , M,"' ,"r1 rnnged from Ji..(!2'yfifi.()'in5.0. 'closing iKr up nt 0.07" nn.l May ribs from W.07Vifjfi.lS1iA17'S. with the close 6c improved nt ?6.1f. Kestlmated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, s5i'.rH; r?rn' 3,13 cnri'! ",H- 120 cars; hogs. S.).oi( head. The leading futures ranged as follows; articles. I Open. I High Low. I Close.l YeiTvT Wheat I Mch. r,c, I t I May IM'sfiJtXVu-f,! fii?i fi5-V C'i'.filW.flU! 67 07JA 0574 fifi-4 t;7's. i . 3S5i j iii'i 5? I "14 , 1 .iiiij- mi-w.4aiilMiJ4 Corn I i -Men. May .luly Sept. I 335;, 37' i 37 37 " V '!7Vfl'i:i7Mij 3741 ..,! ... i I 37U1V, as'" Ct I Oats .May July Tork May July Lard May July nih May July til I Jl'.l'.i 21 I 22Mi23 11 33 11 lf fi 05 6 12U 11 50 11 32U 11 27'4 11 12V 11 33 11 23 6 0714 6 15 fi 15 C ITU 11 40 11 15 fi 05 6 12'4 r, io 6 20 6 0214 6 12'. 0 071fci 07'i! fi 0 10 fi 20 6 10 I ii 10 6 12',4 No 2. c,,t!,Jj.n,,,,oti;Uons wcrc as follows: . ,V'01. Kr?,PH,i'V: "inter patents, $3.IOff S3.S0: spring patents; $3.103.45; Btralghts $2.6(-3.o.); bakers'. $2,001(2. f;i ""-aifctiis, WHEAT No. 2 ted, 6Si;c. ikVOIIN-N' 81 361'4o; ?fo' 2 'eo', t? tn. JV. . ,u upring specials, v'VT0' i:.1';.' 3 white, 26!,27c; lo. white, Jfii'ifi2ii'7ic. 1 RYE No. 2. fnGjOSifcc. HAIti,EY-No. 3S142C. sides (boxed). $3.35fi5.45, imiisio -Distillers' finished goods, on basis of high wines, per gal.. Sl.24'4 .SUGARS-Cut loaf. $6.00; granulated, for0todai"B " tho rccel'ns nnd shipments Receipts. Shlpm'ts. nour, bbls "Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Hyp. lm Uarley, bu .103.000 4S,(VV) . 49.000 .SOOOH .4S2.000 . 1I.IW) 43,000 110.(KV) 3(2,0( 8l!000 l's'r) ' inXv 9.COJ Oil the ProdlIPP nyphnni.n .mini, it.- ..... er markot was i:mvv print..,.,!.. m. in. tlalrles, 16fl22c. Cheese, firm. 120130. Eggs'. Kteady: fresh, 12c. sb ' MiW YOUIv GMMJIlTl. MAUKKT. Quntndons for lho"llny on Vtirlous C.iiiiiiiodltlrN. NEW YORK. March 21.-FLOUR-R0-celpts. 21,052 bbls.; exportp. 11.113 bbls moderately active and barely steady winter patents, $3.65fi3.90; winter strnlghts, $3.45'(T3.C0; winter extras, t-COtf 2.95; winter low grndes. 2.23Q2.40; Mlnne- 'IrwW'Vit: t'758 Un:. M"Mtitu bakers'. $..X;iff,!.0o. Ryo Hour. iiict; sales, 230 bbls ; $!i 2Wr:roBO "' ixww-- choice to fancy; CORNM UAL Steady; yellow western "liv1, ,,r"",Av"'. S2.20fi2.3O t0rn' i. HX 'u'n?y.1 No- - western. VaVic f. o. b, utloat; state rye. 5S1J9c. c I. f. Now York cor lots. ' cw YotkU1'KYU"": fc,,,,l"fc' 3fMbV. Now lIAn.K1' A'r"1'1': western, 35i3c. tcl V 'ii'vuipis, tiMiu mi.; expoits. steadv and wcrp 1 11 n 11111., i t rt 1 , , . . . J. . . 1 . . . .! : lifter .00,1 on foreign cables, with report ?LJ."mH:;o 11 erop compiuints S?i-?u.A" 5.ol,,.l,rr 118 ' ''"'le Into however. waS much we, kir p. I n'a& ! d Tii..iin,i,i,. 1 -I'I.,. . " I tuia nun neipeu ny reiwts that Ar-en- ' ...... xniiuiieiiis won 11 be beav er In thn near future, Clo.-ed n,.k at Lc 111 i !in,?' ''losed at 7V.; .May. 72 13- 65? iS'.c. cloiyd at 72?c; July. 73P73 7-16C. 1'1,0".vVTl.at 73t': Soi'leinber. 72T( 73 5-lb", closed cvi '-eeelpts, 46.SOO bu.; exports, IS. .? 'V1'' "I10' pWi N. 2, i.1c. f ,). ii. nlloat. and 43c, elevator. Options opened teatly with wheat anil wero sustained bi ght country acceptances most of ho lay. n" ;'ip ,l'l0l,e whi'll tlwy eased off on the break in wheat; closed onry and tincliniiKeil: Slay. 42Mjt42MiC closed at 4Ji;c- "MTJf" 01080,1 lU He. OA TS-Recelpts. 84.603 bu.; exports, 1,143 bu.; spot quiet; No. 2. 2S'4c- No ' siie No. 2 white. 32c; No. 3 white, ailAV rracl; mixed western. 30Uci track whl e. S.'jf 30tV;v0,;l 0"1' '"I'r1 1nrp' steady. chd.-Wf!le8''l,,1,1,,S' ffi5rrUC: 800,1 t0 . ''Ol'S-Steady; stntc, common to choice. K9ti crop, lies INtS crop, 7P9c; 18S9 crop 20 13c; Pacific coast. ist crop, 4S6c; 1S9S crop 7ii9c; 1S99 crop. I2irl3c. ' ' PROVISIONS-Ileef. quiet; family. $1100 (fT13.(Vl; mess, SIO.ODftio.GO; beef liams $2')(0 .22.(W' packet. Stl.00ij11.73; city extra India n.,C7' . VW1'-"-, .,t-',,t "". Hte".l ; pickled bol les. bMimc; pickled shoulders. 6Utic; pickled hams, opioiic, Lunl. linn western steamed. $J.3Jia; teilticd. llrm; contl- tceS-.h,i So.l.lthi A,,1"?rlci. compound. ii.00pt..l2i. Pork. Ilrni' mess, Sll.topis.OO TnteA'!ll!li; l'".y'. Sfi ''oumry 5,(fi5,o RUTTLR Recelnts, (1,531 pkgi; llrin1 '"'r,!;; "eiV,,u,r;. 2iP25c: factory, 1S:jc CHEESE Receipts, 2,57;! pkss., urm; fancy-, large, while, 13Vac; fancy, large. colored. 13pl3t;o; fancy, small, while. 13P 13'o: fancy, small, colored, lauffisu-. EGGS Receipts. 10.617 pkgs.; llrm; west- rr."v n,f.."mr,fl 'SViPiec; Bouthern. at mark, SUGAR-Raw, strung; refined, strong. HICK Kit m; domestic, fair to extra, 2U l4Wc; Jajian. 4i4i5f, MOLASSES- Steady; New Orlenns open kettle, gootl to choice. 4lfl55c. HIDES Firm, but quiet; Galvoston. 20 to 2f, lbs,. 19'jo, California, 21 to 25 Itn.. Jl'ic; Texas dry, 24 to SO lbs,, 13'c LEATHER Firm; hemlock sole, Uuunos 13 I.' I.Mt! tx - T ct .pT' 'sen. -. I and northwest. , '..,, 'A, '-v a. 1 . ., Sl.f-i. Timothy seed. nrlm... iiiix.iw' 1 1 ISlv Steady at $1. Clover, contract grade, iv.tiins tn '-". PROVISIONS Pork. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, nor bbl . linri ti0-'i- cw. H.S0. H'40; lard, per ltw lbs., $5.9J?6.03; sbort Piu."' r.,; choice. Jo.Sd. ribs, aides (loose). SG.isifi.no: Hpv iiV.ii. .1 , meats, dull; extra shorts. Fhouldcrs (boxed), tii .sfn! sn- .hnV. i". elevator; 'Not 3 red, 79'i.c, f. 5. C uffl No. 1 northerii. Duluth, 79?.c. f o , alloat, prompt; No. 1 hard. Diiluth. S0Ti c. I. O. b.. llllo.lt. nrn.nol 1,,H.,.. Ayres, Unlit to heavy weights, 2SC25'4c: ncld, IV&r.ic. WOOL Dull: ilnmpatfn rtcorp. K(Wli! , icxns, lt'irc COAL-Htcudy. 4BI;;?iN;MfflcSactf,o.h"ndp,cked r lu'iiiiiris Htentiy; cotton, by steam, 33o. grain by steam, 3'4d. METALS Business vns slow In the metal market t3day. Cables were nbotit as expected. I.ocnlly, tin icactcd a partial 12's points from yesterday's decline, ruling steady all day. Tlu closo wns ntilet at S1I.85 bid mid 32.W asked. Pig Iron war rants wort iiulet (no quotation Riven). Copper ruled quiet and unchanged, closing at $l.5o. I ml was unchanged at Sl.67',4 bid and $I.72W nsked. Spelter, while quiet, rt'led a shado easier, closing easy at $4.60 bid and $1.60 asked. The brokers' price for lead wns $1.45 and for copper JIG.tO. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition of Trade nnd Quotation on Slnplr nnil I'nncy rroilncr, EGGS Receipts Increasing; fresh stock. 10c. DRESSED POULTRY-Cholce to fancy turkeys, Off 10c; ducks. S10c; geese, SQ9c; s)rlng chickens, SftSi4c; hens, 8fJ8',4c; roos ters, 4fa6c. 11 VH POULTRY Hens, 7c; spring chick ens, 7c; yotin?. staggy and old roostprs, 3?Se; ducks, 7H7'4e; geese, QV,ic; turkeys, MUTTUR-Common to fair. ICHc: choice, ITSflSc; separator, 25c; gathered creamery, 22ii2.1e. PtOEONS-Llve, per doz $1. VEAI.S-Cholce. OfllOc. OYSTERS-.Medlum. per can. SSc; stand ord. iier can, 22c; bulk standard, per gal., $1.25; extra selects, per can. 30e; extra se lects, per gal.. JI.COfll.75; New York counts, per can, 37c, New York counts, per ICO. f 1.23. FISH Herring, per lb., Co; round perch, no; sun. dc; cou, t.c; naiiiiock, lie; blue pike, Vp: scnled and dressed perch, fie; clscoes, M;'i medium dressed trout, ,1,4c; ciopple, I Ho! iilckerel, .!5c; llnnan baddies, 7V4c: j white llsh, 9c; yellow pike, dressed, 0os small trout, dressed. !)c; red snapper, 9c; smelts, 9c; smoked white fish, 9c I HAY Per carload lots: Upland, choice, I tt; midland, enolec, JS.C0s lowlar.J, choice, to: rye straw, choice, $1.50; No. 3 corn, 31c; No. 3 white oats, 23c; cracked corn, per ton. tl.1.00; corn and oats, chopped, per ton, J13.5H; bran, per ton. $13.0"): shorts, ocr ton. 113.50. VEOETAHLBS. ASPARAGUS California, per lb.. 20e. NKW TUItNIPS-Per doz. bunches, 60c. SPINACII-Per box, $1. NKW m:ETS-Per dor. bunches. 40J?SOc. LKTTUCK Per doz. bunches, 40c; fancy head lettuce, per bbl., J5. ItADIStiKS Per doz. bunches. 35c. SWEET POTATOES - Per bbl., Illinois. $3; Jerseys. $3; large bbls., Kansas, J2.75. POTATOES Per bu , cholc;. 30Q10c. CAI1UAC.I. Holland seed, 2Ui2',4c; new Calilornla. icr lb., 2!ic CAULIl'LOWEIt - California, per crate, t2.ROff2.73. CELERY Per doz 23030c; California, per bunch, 40(f775c. TURNIPS Rutabagas, per Ib U!c. TOMATOES - Florida, per slx-basket crale. J3.30. MUSHROOMS-Per lb. box. tC. RIIUUARR -Per dor... C6iU7Sc. ONIONS-Retall. yellow. 75c; red, S5S90c; Ohlos. per bbl., J2.25. KRUITS. STRAWDICRRIES-Few arriving from Texas and Florida; per qt 45S60c. APPLES Cholco western shipping stock. $4.50; New York stock, J4.50; fancy, $4.75 5.00. GRAPES Malaga, per bbl.. $7.00G9.00. CRANBERRIES Jerseys per bbl., $10.50; per crutc, J.l.co TROPICAL FRUITS, ORANGES California, fnncy navels, per oox. $3.2383.50; cholco navels. $2.7503.00; Cali fornia seedlings, per box, $2.6032.75. LEMONS California, choice, ncr box. $3: fancy, $3 60; Messlnas. cholco. per box. $3.50: fancy. $1. HANANAS Per bunch, medium, $1.7o0 2.00; fancy, $2.25fi2.50. HIDES, HIDES-No. 1 green hides, 7c; No. 3 Krcen hides. Go- No. 1 salted hides, 8o; No. 3 salte'J hides, 7c No. 1 venl calf, 8 to V th .!. Vn f! I'anl o'.lf 1 tn IK Ilia c Misi'Ri,i.vrni!K " HONEY Ivr 2i-5ect!on case."$S.fA NUTS - Hickory, large, per bu., $1.23; Bhcllbarks. $1.35. St. I.ntiln Ornln nnd Provision. ST. JOUIS. iMarch 21.-WHEAT-IOwcr No. 2 red. cash, elevator. 71j.c; track. 71 .2'hc: March. 71e: Mnv TOVtp: .Inlv ct.tictcro. No. 2 hard. 65'4Cc. ' ' i uu. weitK: ,o eash, 35Uc; track. V,"" ' SHic:.Jiily. 3C4c. "u'Y.1 xrWr-,k.i-No- tnsli- 23c; track. 25ff vo40i .'!.r.': '' "y' W 22Ho; ; No. white, 2G?i27c in u Master; t5'. I' l.iM'ii uti'et but steady. y-?tom: timothy, $9.50tfl2.75; prairie, -112. firm: Jobbing, old. iari. urm; primo Dry salt boxed $6.2.1; clear ribs. ! ?'.3.i,i; clear sides, $ti.50. Uacon. boxed s houiders, dull: extra shorts. $6,75: clear 1 -i i.m i t-i. . ,.1 t Art 1 IlAGGING-6T41i7S,c HEMP TWINE 9c. M ETA LS Iead, easier; $4.654.57H. Sjielter. firm; S4.40QI.45. POULTRY-Qulot: chickens. 67c; tur keys. fifpSo; ducks. Sc; gceae, 61.6c. EGGS Lower; 10'ic. MUTTER -Steady; creamery, :0g2H4c; dairy. lfiiiCOc. RECEIPTS Flour. 7.000 lihls n-bpnt. IS . m b" ' corn- m-m l,"'i "nt". 36.000 bu. a'KN'ra-Eln..r, 7.O0O bbls,; wheat. iu.wu uu.; corn, si,tw on.; oats, n.wo bu. Kiuinnn City (Jriuii mill I'rovlslon. KANSAS CITY. March 21. WJIEAT May. GS'ie; cash. No. 2 hard, 63c; No, 3, C9fifi2Hc; No. 2 red, 09T4c; No. 3, 64j?CSo. CORN May. 31c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 34i 35c; No. 2 white. 35c; No. 3. 34?ic OATS-No. 2 white, 2C14W26C. RYE-No. 2, 53c. HAY Choice timothy, S10.OOI710.50; cholco prairie. $7.267.oO. HUTTEH-Crpomery, 20tr23c; dairy, 19c. EGGS Heavy receipts yesterday nnd to day caused weak feeling and decline of Mc; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock, 9io dpi., cases returned; new white wood ca?s In cluded, 10c. RECEIPTS-Wheat. 27,000 bu.; corn, 21, 100 bu.; oats, 7,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Wheat. 22.S00 bu.; corn, 3I.S00 bu.; oats, 3,000 bu. I.I veriiiml C nil 11 11 ml I'rn vlnl.iim, LIVERPOOL, March 2I.-CORN-Spot unlet: American mixed, now, 3s lO'.Jd; Amer ican mixed, old. 3 lid; futures steady; May, 3s 10Vd; July. 3s 9i.d. WHEAT Spot. No. 1 northern spring, firm at 6s 3d; future steady; .March, nor mal: May, 6s914d; July, fis 9?id, PHOVlSIONS-l.ard, American refined In pails, dull nt 32s Cd; prlmo western In tierces, dull at 31s Od. Hams, short cut. steady at l.a Cd. Uacon, clear bellies, easy at 37s. Pliiliiilrlpliln Produce Mnrkct. IMnLADKLPHIA. March 21. UUTTEIl rirm; lair uemanil: fancy western crenm. i i v. m-;v: iiiucy western prints, 'JTC I.'f.llU 1.1..... .....1 ... l.ll. M . . , . 1 ihbiiit; iresn ncaruy, wetern, He: fresh southwestern! southern. 13c. ' .. ' V . 11r.'..r"fi1..'i' CHEESE Quiet but steady. i Toledo Mnrket. TOLEDO. March 21. -WHEAT-Dull and lower; No. 2 cash. 7H,c; May. 72,c. nH.,"A,.,.,V0 nml ,1r,n: N'- 2 mixed. 37c. (,JA.T,s";A"llve: '"'ver; No. 2 mixed, 2l;c. R L--IOwer nnd dull; No. 2 cash. 57Uc. OLOVEItSEED-Qulet and unchanged. Duliitli Grain .Mnrket. DULUTH. -March 2I.-WHEAT-NO. 1 ' 1J"r(1'..L,"ual,fc;.M.a.?i: No. 1 north- tii, men. wp; .uiiv, ouic; Jlliy, S.',,c: No. 2 northern. I3c; No. 3 spring, C4'4c. OATS-23HP24C. CORN-31'ic MilMiuikrc Grnln Mnrket. MILWAUKEE, March 2I.-WHF.AT-Dull; No. 1 northern, 6p07c; No. 2 north ern. 654jC6c. RYE-Dii l- No, 1. 67c. HA RLEY Higher; No. 2, 43044c; sample. 3sp 12c. I'eorln .Market, PEORIA. March 21,-CORN-Ensier; No. 2, 36! :c. OATS-Qulet; No. 3 white. 25!iP25c. WHISKY Firm, on the basis of Sl.24'3 for finished goods. MliiiienpoIlN Wnent nnd I'lnnr. MINNEAPOLIS. March 3I.-WHEAT-In store, No. I northern, March, 63c; Stay. CI14P6IV; July. fine. On track. No. t hnril. I't'c; No. j northern, 6Sc; No. 2 north ern, 63iic. rullee .Market. NEW YORK. .March 21,-COFFEE-The market for futures opened steady, with price 5P10 points higher on firm Euroean mnrket news; smaller receipts than esti mated; light demand for Investment nc count and dmiand from local shirts. Trad ing was not vigorous, however, and ro actions later followed the opening rise. The sltuatlrn was n t materially changed sta tlrtlcallv ur I the demand for the pot nr tide continued ulugssh. The market closed Bi'.i'.iJH nmotiiy, easy; ordinary. S2.0On ' Cbl. v nt . . nn M6? pr ' worth '"ore. Flax, steady at Chicago & N. W.162 ' i.'.?,r'vMP.Ar'-StoaJU. 'T ,-M2-0)t ! C" C.l'c!' frSt!" i"li HRAN 1- Irm; sacked lots, east track. 69 rv.1nr.win Sn 7i2 i "C. 1 No. 7 Invoice. uWr. iu i.nhtn M.iri I un " c'oed at .2.4 !.. 8Tc; mild, qulef, Cordova. 94fjHe. MOVEMH.VrS OF STOCKS AMI IlOMiS. Mnrket Today SIhmtn Sump Impressive Element., of Strength. Nf' lORk, March 21. There were lm- V,aI business In bankers' bills at $I.S5U for presslvo elements of strength In the stock "fmand nnd nt $1.82 fur CO days; josted market today, duo to large and confident claMdi'SVl str, i'Vo,(1 "M'-40 S7! c'mer buylntr of some of tfie railroad stock-.-. SILVER-CertTileut'cs, CO'.iS761Uc; bar. We; rim market was not very broad. Cic de- Mexican dollars, i;-c. ma ml being conllned to comnnratlvcly few 1 i 'JO'Nt3 Oovemments, Irregular; railroad, rhM" rufflffl i 0?S Mi c,os,n "uotttUo"9 Interest In the stock market. Tho buylnir '?,-"- was undoubtedly based, however, on tho 1 , s- 2. re. 101 do Is 9 expectation that tho public will shortly !l0 rcf.- (when 'N. Y. C. is no iuiu inio iop siock murKcl. ii is contrary to me custom or this out- side public to come In anil buy stocks when prices are nt an Invitingly low level. Thoy ' wait until a rise Ip In full iirogress and apparently the siresent movement has been i Inaugurated with a view to affording an object lesson In Increasing values. Tho i Since movement today wu actively ma- nlpulated and was curefully nursed. It Is """ " iniiiiHriiy upon tne generally pros- ItiiffiitH ...llil.... t... 1 condition or buslners. the high railroad earnings which' Is being led and tho symptoms of an early m In the money market. the movement thus far Is confined i'viuub vui.iiiiiiiii 01 oiisiners, tne nign If VI .11 1 malntnlne telaxatlon U'hll,. Il.n to 1110 tak tig nil of xtni Uu liv u.. .lll,. professional operators or by Insiders In tho Vlirintln nrnnnrl n. If ld . I . i ,V ' ' v ' ,,v lfc ln " I c lll.'IM lit I t'.l inui such a movement is a necessary fore- rnn.tnt nf II,.. 1,....... i heuslve advance which come with : iMuiuiii .tun inui.' cum.irc- iiuctuating between that and ICO. Tho inner iacai siocks were active, but showed a. notable tendency tnwnrd relapw late Jii the da;'. The convincing evidence that Third Avpnitp stnrtT In rnini,ritr.ii in,ia . n dlllcent efforts on the part of bear oner- ators caught short to effect a private set- tlemcnt. The possibility of such a result int. una IV nf A..l...... 1 1 .....1, , cautious about operating In tho stock nftcr thn recent violent advance "hero was a dlnnnultlrm n ratmln trnm ........ im .F4jn-i..n.iii llit.l.'IU llllllll IIIIO nctlvo operations clfowhero In the Pacific, the Raltlmnro & Ohio stocks, Penn sylvania and Norfolk & Western. Haiti more & Ohio and Union Pacltlc were easily tho leaders of tho movement, tho former advancing an extremo l"4 net nnd tho Int ter 2',i. Thero were sharp gains in less active stocks, Including the Wheeling & Lako Erie stocks. Great Northern pre- lerreu. unicago Terminal transfer, Mlnne aoolls & St. Louis and a few others. Iaiii- don bought Stocks here llhernllv nnd slpr. ling exchnnerp pnnn.l ntf i . rnunii v,,. ! ork exchnngo at interior points was rather enslcr, hut the local money market showed no hardening tendency. Dealings In bonds wero rmallcr and price changes were Irregular. Total sales, par value. $2,090,000. United States old 4h and 5s advanced ii and tho new 4s declined U in tho bid urice. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: Ruslnes was re duced In the markets here today and buy ns wns more ragged, with the movement Irregular, nlthough the close was firm. Americans wero active nnd strong, London buying freely, particularly Raltlmore & Ohio, which New York hoisted $1 nnd fur ther In the street. Atchison preferred wns tho soft rpot on rumors of pool troubles. Paris advanced tlntos to 55 9-16, but then relaped to 544. It is rumored that there will be a smaller dividend than recent expectation. No gold was shipped or re ceived. Calls werp only In fair demand. About half the sum due the bank was re paid. Hills wero more plentiful and nc tlvo. Tho following are the quotations for the lending stocks on the New York exchange todny: Atchison do pfd Hnl'ttmnra X. n 2i,4 Union Pacific .. 9U do pftl.... 7:1(4 AVabash 93 I do prd 49Uf.Wlieefl. & L. E 2Sil do 2d prd.. G3V4 7C, 6'4 20?4 ?22a Canadian Pac! Canada So.... dies. & Ohio Chicago Clt. 1 W. mvs is. roiitnil K'.i ..jo; ..115 ..147 C II. & Q. .127?; Third Avcnup Chi.. Ind. & L. 3',4 Adams Ex Am. Express.' u. o. ... 4'i Wells Fargo Ex.. 122 Amer. Cot. Oil... XIM do pfd 9314 Amer. Milting .. r do pfd 21 Amer. S. & R.... 40'A do pfd 9U. Amer. Spirits ... 2U do pfd 17 Amor. S. H :S5 do pfd ID 14 Amer. S. .t '.... rriU do pfd TO Amer. Tin Plate. 33 ,ln 1u r.f.1 iC.i .Io 2d pfd.!!! 20 el. A HUdOU..115vii IJPI. 1.. V l.N.i Donvor r, m a . mri do pfd f2W Erie , 13 3S4 nn , 17 do 1st nf.l.. Ot. Nor. pfd... Hocklmr Co.il . -.. . . r si?; do Pfd. nrtl.n 8. Illinois Central ..113Vi Amer. Tobacco Iowa Central .... 15ii do. pfd tlo pfd 51 Ann. Mln. Co. K. C. P. & G... 171,4 Ilrooklyn R. T Lako Erie & W. 2014 Colo. Fuel & 1. do pfd S3 Con. Tobacco Lake Shore 194 . do pfd L. & N 831.4 Federa.1 Steel Mnn'.mtran It.... 06?i tlo pfd Mft. St. Ry 167'4Gen. Electric Mex. Centra'; .... 13T4 Glucose Sugar ..10S ..135 .. 4Gl .. 71 .. 45i .. 3214 .. RI'A .. r.24 .. 7 1 ..127V4 .. 52 .. 9S Minn. & St. L, tlo pfd Mo. Pacific .... Mobile & Ohio Mis.. K. A- T.. do pfd N. J. Central ., N. Y. Central . Norfolk W.. do pfd No. Pacific .... do pfd Ontario A W.. ffi do 11 fd 9 Inters 1'aner . 19 I.I--4 do nfd K!A VtVi Laclede Gns 71 :i. .. 11 National Hlscult. 33". .. 33i do pfd M) ..115 National Lend .. 21 ..13314 do pfd 10.'! .. 33; National Steel .. 43 .. 7?i do pfd 951; .. f'HN. Y. Air IlMke.Ho .. 75 No. American .. 1.1' i iiu i-aciuc ionst so 41 , do 1st pfd.... SO Ore. Ry. & Nav do pfd 76 do 2d nfd 1,0 I'ennsyivnnia ...13G: Pacific Main 37 Reading 1" People's Gas ....KO'i do 1st pfd.... 6S'J Pretictl 8. Car... 53 do 2-1 pfd.... ' I do pfd S5 Rio O. VT 5Ui.Pullman P. Car..lS4 do nfd. 90 S. R. & T. Git St. L. ft S. F... WsiSugar .lOOTi do 1st pfd.... 61 do pfd UK) M do 2d pfd.... 31 Tenn. Con'' & I !t:Pa 13 73 no 91 y.i; 22' ; fid C7 i. it. .soutnw... 11 t; H, Leather do pfd 2951 do pfd SI. Paul 124?; U. S. Rubber... do pfd 174 do pfd St. P. Omaha. 107 'Western Union . So. Pac'.fle 40 Rep. I. At S So. Railway 13V, do pfd 1o Pdl 6915 p. C. C. & St. L, Texas JiPacllle..17i; All nssessmcpts paid. Ronton Mining: SlnoUa, ROSTON. Mnrch 21. -Call lonns. 3K.p4'.i per cent' 'Jmo loans, liiC per cent. Closing prices for stocks, bonds nnd mining shares: A.. T. Sr S. F 24'Un:on Land 2 19 'i West End 9:1 ! do nfd 1 Amer. Sugar do pfd... KfiiAVestlngh. Elec... 42U .irt r.i i.n 14. .1. I , np'l Telephone. ..315 '.Adventure 414 Hoston & Alb'y..2l2 Aliouez M. Co... 1 , I V IJ. ."""'"un is y.,2 Uosum Elevated. 116 Amal. Copper ... 0514 ouaiu iv ..iu,...ii '.11n1111p "T .191 I'., 11. 4c Dom. Coal .... do pfd Federa'; Steel . tlo pfd Fitchburg pfd Gen. Electric . do pfd Mex. Centnl . .127 Hoston & Mont. ..tax ri Hiitto Hoston.. 0 14 ...H4T4Cal. & Hecla 40 ... K' i-entenui 11 .... . .. 75VFranklln ..131 lOsceola ...127 .Parrot ...139 iQulncy ... i:ri Santa Fe Cop. . .. 17? Tamarack .... ...2H Utah Mining . . .. 15?4 Winona ... 30 Volverlnes .... . ., 53V.J. . IS u . 66 . 45',; .132 . 5?; .1S . 29'A : oi.I Colon? R H N. B. G. & C. old Dominion Rubber Union Pacific Nmv York .MlnliiK .Stocks. NEW YORK. Mnrch 21.-The following are tho otllcul closing quotations for mining shares: Chollar 23 !Ontnrlo Crown Point .... II Ophlr Con. Cal. & Va..lC3 ll ymoutli Dead wood CO Quicksilver . Gould & Currle.. 18 1 tlo nfd Hale & Norcross. 25 Sierra Nevada Homestako 6000 S'andard .. Iron Silver fii Union Con Mexican 25 Yo'lcw JncUet . fO . 12 .150 .-( . f .300 . 15 . 13 Furelirn I'liiiinelnl. LONDON, .March 21 Amerlcun peeurltles opened llrm. with prices for the mo.st iiart abavo parity. Afterwartl thoy were below the best, but toward tho closo reacted'nnd closed firm. Trading wns light. Spanish 4s closetl nt "IU. India council bills were allotted today at Is Id. Gold premiums nro quoted at lluenos Ayres at 127.10; .Madrid 30.43: Rome, 6.90. .iniriti, HE KLIN, .March 21 -Prices on the hours. today wero llrm but quiet. American se curities wero maintained. Iirnls wero firm. PARIS, .March 21. -Ruslncss on the lioursn today opened good, hut luter became easier on largo realizations, Transactions were, restricted on tho general reaction, iiauans wore nrin anil npanisii 4r wetk '.vu. . "".'" iitn-iwru 011 rumors mat inn , dividend would not eaual anticipations. in.- speculation. no teverlon or tho IA v n'iii lex. t t'ae. is...lH'4 .Mnr.-h a ' i 1 J ii " ' w ? l: ' ', Third Avenue railroad to the sir. ng ban S r,'V I:3,c?' Bsi 11B do 2a 63 ,Ma?ch in ' ' i ?. 5s 3 76 3 60 3 SI 4 03 4 72 J 50 of tho Metropolitan affords noi O. L & 8. A. (H.J09 Union Pacific 4s. .10.1 1 March l" V3 2 S 3 $ 3 3 ' ,J2 !g,surn&n VVc.'3s::::'.!-:::::::t SI - 3-53 35S 3S 38 IS 4,ls::::::::::,ij thestock market, but bu8,Us c.rc.es fwm. ..ll? SS-tISj":::iiS iWcri::" , S J-" 1 s - " ' S B J 8 , i):::::::::: S8 'Hm Micpnlnllvn ,n. o,oi ..t ..i C. P. O. Is. 71i Vn. Cpiitnrloa on i"!1!' I?"- 4 79 3 591 3 CX 1 , 4 3D 4 31 , 907 some basis In the relief tiffo" letl by jw con. 4S..107 Mo doferreil .. 9 ' :2 M 3 65 3 70 3 87 3 77 ! 4 27 4 47 HOtl development In Third Ave u" off nil 'Vlio U U (,olo. So. 4s .. . ., 4 91 3 05 3 71 3 91 3 83 I 4 43 than; shorts In this tock spent nnotl eV bad tiny M K' &.T12-.....6VA So. Pacific 4s Sl?i 11 . .J 3 to 3 73 3 88 j 3 SI, 4 46 ileclln, lotiuv. thn nrirn nmiiiiin- im in no omi i (-rrmi I wnue inini Avenuo was going through Its I iiaii i.t u,,,i,. , - ., , erratic changes It was afteY the stock i MonEY-3 .7r cpnV 7 ""1M' hiitl beenmp rnthnr mi ,.i tiv.i h.. ,',u''1'.1 'ii i'ei cent. sivn drm.ni.i ,tnf.i,i.,i f, .u 1 .'.i i.', ' '"P rate r,r discount In the open Includlne M s.o t.rl Pn H.l i nni s,.V,i nr I ."?.rl. . "' .3?i13Jfc ncr cent; Xpw York Money Market. NEW YORK, March Il.-MONKY-On cull, steady at 3ft5 per cent; last loan at J Per cent, prime mercantile paper, &gc,4 Per rent. I STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with ac . '""U UHls N. J. C. gen. 6s.. 124 t o 3, reg 110 ,No. Carolina 6s. ..127 , "".'vi ii' 1 iiu is do new 4s, rtR.134 jNo. Pacltlo 3s..!. fifiiji do t'Oltnnti 111 .1- J- ,n.? do old It. regiilifttiY.C. "ft'stVlVisilOS do coiion llfi(4N. & W. cou. 4s.. j" HH4 00 gen. 6s v.',i dO COUPOII ttlll On. fine. 1 inn V: ? c- 3 O-'s 119 I do 4s... ,r.... k.-i., ..i.,...uiii ure. a. i,, es 1277. fin flfll In rnr i . l' J- 4?. lo contol 5s. ...113 nl,'iin c -.2s..los Iteadlne gen, 43.. R3i O. 4ij,s.. 97U II, a. W. Is...... m .,,ln. V."',;; lin?gSt.I. & I.M. o.fUtliJU 1 ', J- ,e. 7s.H2 St.L. S.F. g.6s,120 .v " V. 0-i (, consoi os. ...11.1 " ' tl. 6S. .121 t. Pnllt pntun' Ifflli ',lr.nK? T.cr-. " St. P. C. & p. ls.HBi, If. 0 Ii. Ii. 1M IfnU. fl IfkMZ , , ' .,. . .' vvu 3.4 So. Unllway 59...1I0t$ .'. & O. ls.122' S. It. & T. 6s n. 4m...... 7.J Tonn. n. s. 3s.... 95 ,v r,. T.. V. t.rln London Slock Utiotnt Ions. LONDON. March 21. t p. m.-ClosIng: Conq.. mnn.iv 7 i.-t.:Tin.,.,e.,i..nM... T7! d" account lOJ Rending " sI 5 auadlan Pac... gsulN'o. Paclllo nfd.. 771; J'p 13i.Aichlson ... u tin In. ..r.l . ... tl7 ,,,, , I'11' I.OUISV.IIO Nl IJHnolft Contrnii.'in' .o'rand 'Trunk'.'!;! RH J,."'0.'.1 1 ,c- tr,l" """i Anticonda 914 HI. I', cotninnn l?s ili,,.,,i mi.,. itil' N. Y. Central ...tl:i Central ...na i market for three I'lllllllClllt ll PH. -urn.,C.An' -nrcli 21.-Clenrlngs. $I9,7S3, iVjn,,,'!l"Jit,t'!l'. L"S7.Si:0; iiostcd exchange. JI.STslUi; New ork exchange. 10c ore mium MALTIMORE. March "t.-t'lcnrlna m . 't'.r Hi'. I.,l,,....flu .'.nil tm , . PHILADELPHIA, March 2I.-Clearlugs. J1I.1MI.332: liiilnnrpa Tl" tno ""h. WW. v.olK' March 2I.-Clearlngs, $1S0. 5,591: balances. iT'iOi.ni.r 'rim Uni, had n debit balance today of $373,232. BOSTON. March 21.-ClearlngH,,$19,309,990; balances, Sl.i3i.siS. ST. LOUIS, March 21.-Clcarlngs. $5,163, 629; balances. $712,218; money. 4f7 per cent; New York exchange, 23c premium bid, 40c premium asked. Clillilltll.il .if (ho Ti'cnnnrv. WASHINGTON. Mnrch 21.-Today's state- merit of the treasury balances In the gen- .T.11 nino. exclusive or tho $150,000,000 gold reserve n thp division of redemption. gob), wSr0 CflSh CalaMCei M'onl .Mnrlipt. LONDON. March 21. WOOf-At the wool auction sales today 13,(05 bales worn .f'v... .1J,"'A?"l'n' '..:ood and logucs. A co-xl selection of Vnci lLs and itisaMiu'iip wero mKcn uy tnp. liome trn.le Tho American representatives wero tho chief purchasers; continental buyers wero cautious. Theie were large withdrawals of scoured lochs and pieces, which attracted tho attention of the French and German ifintwiiiiuivos, nnu sold at flightly lm- proved nrices. Ciiim nt n,.n,i iir,.i Natul wools wero fairly competed for' nt 11 limning decline, unit lollowlng Is tho sale In detnil: New Kimiii u'nim. 1 inn bales; scoured, 1 Hidpls 11 lid; greasy, 6'id (Is hi. Queenslnntl, 1,900 bales; scoured, Is BVjdPls 9!d: greasy. 6dPls ttfrtl. vie. torla, tOO balt-sj. scoured. Is 3dpls 9itl; p.w,., , 1 .... 1 .-. 'iii..!. nuiiin Australia, M) bales; scoured: In 9dfi'l !iu.l; pronv 1oa Is 2d. New .ealantl, 6,000 bales; gTeasy. 5Vit 1 - . (-ane of.,u')'Ml Hope and Natal, 500 mm i i 'i,.",v oTio'inu'sti. i'unta Arenas, UOSTON. March 21 Tin. lmlran wnni nnd Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow: Thero lias been more Inquiry for wool during the week under review and Jlio tone of tho market Is rather stendler. Thero has been no advance in prices, but the downward tendency in values appears to bo temporarily nrrested nt any rate; tho market seems to have settled upon 11 basis on which actual business can bo consum mated to porno extent nnd tho general feel ing pervading tho trade certainly shows moro hopefulness and confidence. No great amount of business has been done, however, nnd If It wero not for a large HalO of 1.000.000 imitn.lu rn.mrto,! Iii- r. ,.r. tain well known house thp business of the ween wouki 1001 up a pretty small total. On tho uverngo there has lieen a tleclino of 51714 per cent In tho price of domestic wool from the top edge touched by tho mnrket last November, but for the tlmo being tho mnrket is In a sternly position as to prices. Tho sales of tho week In Hoston amounted to 3.0U7.00O pounds domes tic nnil 5SS.000 pounds foreign, making a total of 3,595.000 pounds, against a total of 1.907,000 pounds for the previous week nnd a total of 2,390.600 pounds for the corre sponding week lust year. Salon slnco Jan uary 1 amount to 3S.C03.COO pounds, ngalnst il.0iil.500 pounds for the corresponding tlmo last year. Cotton Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS, Mnrch 2I.-COTTON Quiet; sales, 2,( bales; ordinary. Sc; K.....I .iiiiiiiiuy, 6-ic; iow miiitiiing, tt;j-ifie; middling. 9 7-Ific; good middling, 9Hc; mid - tiling. !iTc; receipts. 7,524 bales; stock. 35S,. X59 liales. I'utures quiet anil steady: Starch, V " ! , ,HU.) , fi.lt'j( t'.ttt) 1 June. S9.30PD.3I; July. S9.29p9.20; August. S9.02p9.03; September, SS.18pS.19; October, S7.S2K7.SI; November, S7.70p7.72; December, $7,701(7.71; January, $7.01f7.71. ST. LOUIS, Starch 21.-COTTON-Qulct anil unchanged; middling, 9 7-liic: sales, none; receipts. 1.953 bnles; shipments, 2,W) bales: stock, 71,077 bales, NEW YORK, Starch 21-COTTON-Fil-tureH closed sternly : .March, $9.42; April. $9.41; Slay, $9.40; June. $9.31; July, $9.32; Au gust. $9.20; September. $8.37; October, $8.05; November, $7.91; December, $7.91; January, $7.91; Kjfliruary, $7.91. LIVERPOOL, March 2I.-COTTON-Spot In fair demand; prices l-32d higher; Amer ican middling, fair, 5 13-1CJ; good middling, 6d: middling, 5 9-lfid; low middling. 6 7-lfid; uood ordinary, 5',tl; ordinary . 5 1-lCd. The sales of tho day wero 10,000 balee, of which 500 bales wero for spec ulation nnd export, and Included 7,700 bale American; receipts, 4,000 bales; no Ameri can. Futures opened and closed quiet nt tho decline: American mlddllnc. 1. tn. .. March, 5 26-011(3 27-Cld. sellers; Starch and April, 5 2l-64d, sellers; April and SIny, 5 20-0IPG 2l-6td, sellers; Slay and June. 5 17-C4P5 lS-Old, sellers; Juno and July, f. 13-C4ii, (sellers; July and August, 512-61 fi13-0ld, sellers; August and September, 5 2-C-lfifi 3-rtlil. sellers; September and Octo ber, 4 41-Ctpl 12-64(1. sellers; October and November, 1 31-64d, sellers; November and December, 4 25-6ld, sellers; December nnd January, t 2;I-CI1. sellers; January and Feb ruary, 121-6IP4 22-61d, buyem Dry (iiiiiilx Mnrket. NEW YORK. Starch 21. DRY GOODS Spot mnrket for cotton goods has been dull today In all departments. Slohawk Valley wldo sheetings advanced to basis of 25o for 10-4 bleached; no change In 4-4 bleached cottons. Fair mall orders re corded. Heavy brown sheetings and drills barely steady for futures; fine browns llrm. I'rint cintn yarn goous slow and unchanged, Prints firm but business modorate. Firm , market fnr fflnirbiimM nml pnnrun pnlnm.t cotton". Woolen nnd worsted dress goods . ,,. ..... ,i-,.unii w. niii; tttlll.i.'n. Plain fabrics quiet but firm. Silks nro I without cnungn in prices of staple lines, California Dried I'm Ho, NEW YORK, Starch 21.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Qulet hut steady nt un changed III ices. IiUHlues.4 in evannrntod npples continues slack. Sellers appeared to bo holding off. This, together with a strong dnsi of country advices, Influenced tint market hero, ruling stendy In tnno at , fully sustained prices all day; state, com- I .....n, l'yni j-'j,', i.iiiiit, u'ji..'.', ciiuice, v fi je; i.incy. iiistsujC. c-aiirnrnia dried iiruius, XVSt'c per lb., ns to Wzo and qual ity. Apricots, Roynl. 13015c: Sloar Park, I5i18('. Peaches, peeled, IMiiJc; impeded, 7!;fl9c Suuiir .Market, NEW ORLEANS, Starch 2I.-3UGAR-Qlllet. open kettle 3"ff I 3-lCc; open kettle, cwntrlf uirnl. JUftJUr. rpntrlf 111-11I vellnw. i?f"p, seconds, 2-vu I'iiC. MOLASSES Quiet; centrifugal, 8fi3Cc. uii.s, o'tij per cent. OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Liberal R'ceipta of Cattle, Hogs and 8hp and Actire Trade. ABOUT EVERYTHING SELLS IN GOOD SEASON CnMIc nrhm flic Sntnp Trlec. n on Tiiesdn lloK Kxpcrlenced n I)e e 1 1 hi Shrrp nnd I.nnibn Actlic nnil Strut!)-, li.noi.. SOUTH OMAHA, March 21. nmSf i'? wf're: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, 3.3.M K.4BJ 3.19J v;,. ....... i mriuuy 3 bo4 Otllclal Wednesday 2.7SS 11.424 S.509 H T Threo days this week.... 8,712 23.33I 13,70.1 2..i.u nays last week.... 9.52U 2i.ti27 Srt.rfll Hame days week berore.. 6,10.' 17,9lti 1,6TS tjnme tlireo weeks ago.. f;,2M 19,089 Id.tUS .vi'ri'er ,,rlec l",lu l,,r hogs for tho last several duys with comparisons: 1900.U99.189S.1S97.1896.1895.1S94. Marrh 1 Sl 3 51 3 78 3 001 3 SS 4 M .7 1 f B 3 l 3 ! 3 " 3 l 4 7 M , March i I i's I Il 3 Mi 3 ii i tOi 4 77 m. ."-:" I I J DZ I 2 52 3 S 3 4SI 3 89 3 91 , Afa lc 6 " March 7-" ainfSR ' 74 I TO, 3 4 3 S2 3 551 3 &S 3 S7 4 3 63 3 79 3 92 4 4 71 3 60, ' ;?! 3 S6 3 SS I 4 00 3 67 4 3C I 35 MarchJ!!. . . I fc0 3 56 3 75 3 71: 4 42 4 3S Indlcntes Sunday. T,ln. o'Ht'lal number of cars of stock road was: Hots. Sh'p. 10 1 2 is ii 'I jii !! ! 5 . . 31 7 9 io 1 2 1 lis" 32 C. M. & St. P. Ry Mlsrour'l Pacific' Yl'y!! '7 cc ri, 1,, ivy t'lilon Pnclllc System 19 . of w, ity E. A: M. V. R. R. S. C. P. Hv C.. St. P.. M. & O.... H. .i M. R. R. R C, M. Ai Q. Ry K. C. & St. J C, R. 1. & P. Ry., K. C. R. I. & p. Ry., W. Illinois central total receipts. ...illl 115 32 10 The disposition of thp day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. .. IG2 1,091 ,. 275 1.26S 46 ,. 274 1.940 1.49T. .. 29S 2,M0 697 ,. 35S 2,016 719 ,. 119 440 ,. 227 . lfil 13 1 . 67 31 4 43 25 . 521 3S0 . 2,307 9,233 3,777 "i"iiiiuii v.u... Swift and Company... Cudahy P. Co Armour & Company. Cudahy P. Co.. K. C. Swift At Co., country.. A ansant & Co I -oilman & Co W. I. Stephen Huston & Co JIIII lluntzlnger ... i.ivinsiono : clialler. f f ' lVpnnJ.;.A I Li'iJ?enn,a Co 1 n. ,. ; i?,.,V.V" I Otllor buyera Total without much change nnd ns there wpro 1101 very many cattle In tho yards every 1 : J..".. Wls sol1 uml welched up In good i , uv'ers .pp,p,i m .. .,. . i Zini.'1''0 , .V1.01' w.?,r" 1YU oM"K uv mmr uiu v..""""! wns K01 110 one nppenred to bo willing to pay ""', rnor" than yesterday. At llrst the nuirkpt, "',ls i1 llttle slowi ,,u' " hraced ' ,"'' ,l"1 'i1,? close, If anything, was a little "irons. bile prices were no higher there I , ur" in'iuiB n me maraet, Cows and heifers wero In irhml Hnnumi , n.,ul ns tlpro wero few In tho yards buyers 1 ,, " 1,1 uiposiug ot me supply, . I ho prices paid for all deslrnhln kin.iu uor.. Just about steady with yesterday, and the 1 market was without noticeable change. With canners the situation was somowhnt tllfferent. Buyers who hnvo been taking tiMmcin aecm io nave come 10 ine con elusion this week thnt thpv hiu iion .m- 'ng too much tho way other kinds of cattle are selling, nnd they have pounded the canner market good and hard, as will be miieii irom me snics Dejow. Hulls did not show any change today as regards prices. Feeding cattle were In irood demand tnrinv anil offerings of thnt kind of cattle as a ruie stun quite readily at good, firm prices. The feeder buyers took the most of the wnrmcu-up cnitie. Representative sales BEEF STEERS. No. 1. . L. 7.. 1.. 1.. 3.. Av. Pr. No. 900 475 IK.. Av. Pr. ....1201 4 Si ....12O0 4 33 10M 4 35 ....12)2 I 40 ....1200 4 40 ....1158 4 40 ....1116 4 40 ....1300 4 10 ....1123 4 45 ....1131 4 ;o ....12S3 4 50 ....I20S 4 50 . . . .1291 4 iO ....1267 4 55 ....1520 4 65 ....1221 4 55 ....1210 4 65 ....1462 I CO ....1437 4 CO ....1510 4 60 ....1284 4 05 ....13.TT. 4 63 ....1283 4 63 . . ..no; 4 70 ....1352 4 70 .... 870 4 70 ....1404 4 75 ....1102 4 73 9li. f. '.5 .... 870 3 75 .... 810 3 75 .... 970 3 SO .... 966 3 l0 .... 69G 2 80 .... 890 3 85 ....1053 3 95 .... 740 4 00 .... 830 4 00 800 4 1)0 1310 4 00 823 4 Of) .... 915 4 00 ....10C0 4 00 ....1010 4 00 .... 840 4 ffi .... 911 4 05 .... 915 4 15 ....1060 4 15 ....till 4 15 ....11S2 4 20 . ... 866 4 25 ....1230 4 23 ....110S 4 30 ....10T2 4 35 ....1150 4 35 ....1127 4 35 ....1191 4 35 ....1140 4 33 15.. 10.. S.. 11.. 6.. 26.. L. 20... 13.. 13.. 10.. 19.. 9.. 1.. 8.. 39.. 10.'. 1... 1... 1... 1... 4 46... o 24!!! 28... 26... 12... 11... 1... 12... 16... 1... 13... 13. 9.... 21.... 1C... 1.... 20.... 21.... 20.... 21. .1410 4 76 .1355 4 75 .1615 5 00 22.. lib. 1 t ,. ii?" STEERS TEXAS. ...1113 4 23 43 1138 4 30 ...1106 4 25 16 110! 4 30 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 20, 1212 4 25 14. .1001 4 25- 7 991 4 30 17.., COWS. ....1200 4 60 1 930 1 S3 1... ..1440 3 10 ..1160 3 43 ..1190 3 50 ..1450 3 30 ..1030 3 50 ..1120 3 50 ..1020 3 60 ..1170 3 60 ..1240 3 50 ..1006 3 65 ..1250 3 53 ..1170 3 fin 1 910 1 S3 1 750 2 00 1 1160 2 25 1 1000 2 50 1 1000 2 50 1 990 2 50 1 9M 2 50 1 1250 2 50 2 880 2 75 1 1000 2 75 3 1010 2 75 1 900 2 75 1 1300 3 00 1 1140 3 00 9 961 3 00 1 o 39!!."" 1 1. .1 980 3 65 .1070 3 r,i 3!!! ..1016 3 6i ..1300 3 r; ..1005 3 70 ..1020 3 70 ..1037 3 70 ..1108 3 70 . . f 00 3 75 1 URO 3 00 9 1 1050 3 00 1 1 1150 3 00 16 2 060 3 00 8 1 1160 3 00 L 20 1095 3 00 1 1250 3 00 1 1000 3 00 11 1141 3 75 1166 3 75 1 1050 3 75 1 1140 3 00 1.. ....1230 3 75 ....1160 3 80 ....1101 3 80 ....1010 3 80 .... 900 3 SO ....1031 3 80 ....1156 3 SO ....1393 3 83 ....1280 3 90 ....1285 3 91 ....1370 3 90 ....1060 3 90 ....1120 3 90 ....1200 4 00 ....12t!2 4 00 ....1095 4 00 ....1215 4 00 ....1010 4 00 ....1120 4 00 ....1280 4 10 2 1015 3 00 1 2 1020 3 00 3 1 1010 3 00 1 1 1120 3 15 1 3 1093 3 15 fi 3 963 3 25 6 1 n n!.';;;;; 1 1! .'!!.'!! 1 1 i"!!!!!!! 3 1 1 1 ..1030 3 25 2 ..1105 3 25 1 ..1134 3 21 2 ..950 3 25 1 ..1025 3 25 1 ..1010 3 f'5 1 ..1160 3 23 1 ..860 3 23 9 ,. 946 3 25 2 . . 90 3 41 2 ,.1226 3 40 1 ,.10?0 3 40 1 ,.1050 3 40 1 .1230 3 40 1. 1170 4 10 COWS AND HEIFERS. g 1095 3 SO til- HEIFERS. 1NS0 3 35 6 941 3 90 22 816 1 93 1 10TO 4 M 2 imo 4 00 1 1000 4 1". j jv)0 23 and" IIEIFERS. 1 870 3 60 1 700 3 63 3 870 3 65 1 931 3 f.5 1 910 3 75 2 760 3 75 9 491 3 80 3 990 3 Si) 1 S0 3 SO 2 W. 3 11) 9 807 3 90 1 600 4 00 3 BV) 4 10 zn 415 1 140 7 00 1 .170 7 01 3 140 7 25 1 110 7 2.1 S 250 7 23 4 670 3 J5 1 M0 3 60 2 893 3 IS 3 880 3 6i 4.. 1051 3 80 STOCK COW TM 2 00 860 2 60 fi50 2 75 966 am 770 3 23 863 3 23 720 3 25 876 3 25 1. ?"" 3"" i'"- 3"" 1"" 5 891 3 25 1 1040 3 25 1 1010 .3 ft) . 1 600 3 50 1 710 3 W) 10 715 3frt 2 185 5 25 Ii 218 6 3i 3 220 r,m 1 120 fi 75 8 14$ 6 '5 1 147 7 50 STAGS. 11 KM 3 CO STOOlv CALVES 55 321 4 23 1 6 321 S 50 530 6 00 COWS AND CALVES 27 S72 4 0) HULLS. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1." .' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...1610 2 73 2... ..1S00 3 10 ..1720 3 40 ..1520 3 40 ..1540 3 45 ...14T 2 75 ...12-0 2 90 ...KS0 3 CM ...IfilO 3 (0 ... 790 3 HO . . . tt'.W 3 tin ...1110 3 03 ... S10 3 10 ...14(10 3 23 ...1260 3 SB ...1510 3 33 1... 1... 1... 2... 53i 3 45 1 160 3 SO 1 ( 1150 3 50 ....1SI0 .1 M ....1CO0 3 50 ....1390 3 50 ....IfitO 3 50 ....2010 3 K0 ....1520 3 CO ....15S0 3 rs ....160 3 fir, ....1340 3 W ....1C0O 3 33 ....1510 3 .15 ....MM 3 3 ....IfiOO 3 35 ....IflfiO 3 35 ....145-) 3 35 ....2020 3 40 1. 1 10C0 3 75 1 1180 3 W 1 1220 3 90 1 fi20 4 00 1 430 5 7S 1... ....1700 3 40 STOCK KHS AND I'EKDKllS. .... 770 .1 00 2 7S5 i 23 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. .1430 3 23 . . 600 4 25 . KiO 3 25 . 750 3 25 . 7S5 3 55 . Sfil) 3 60 , 773 3 75 . 770 3 75 . 20 3 Si . 7f1 3 Ni . 9ffi 4 0) .10)0 4 00 1 1 15 4 9 69 41 IS.'.'.'.'.'. 3 ..1010 4 25 .. 951 I .11 . . 963 4 30 ,.117 4 S3 .. S0 1 35 . . 932 i 3S ,. 9'.9 4 33 .6(0 4 40 ..1016 140 . R72 4 40 jj'; 9. 7 69 1... 6. 30.... 77 , 4...... 71 2. . . . I lit -u. . . . HV, 4 00 S11 I 40 I no 4 00 4 (V) 4 05 4 10 4 10 4 20 41 IOCS 4 40 31 S25 4 45 3 IYI0 I 60 42 775 4 55 12 rnr. 4 75 27 9fl 4 SO 3 631 4 RS 4 20 IS Today's market was 6fi7',4e lower K 1 i'i"5' 011 "ccollt of the reported ., u.iRii uiui nic iiDcrni reci'ipin t'pftk nt nil .iitifUA i,li.t linv. m.";1'" boah right from the stnrt. io .. imirKPi wns slow in opening, nnd ?r.mo, .f u,e:P wero holding back, tln Jet mined to do nothing until they could Kit the hogs their way. When tho trade wan onco under way it was fairly active, and It was not long until a bund red or mpro loads had changed hands. Heavy and mixed loads were in the best demand and SOld tnoilt rtimllW u, ...... nl,nin. !,.... brought $4.90. but "the general run of g'ooii nt'JIVV mivpfl Inuila oi.l.l n l MIL -Ight loads wero slow nnd drnggy and holders of such found It dllllcult some- Imes to get a bid, especially If It did not happen to bo a good load. It will bo noted from the tabic of average Pl'ICP.4 lUmVP tll.it 111,, ,tnll,.n lV.la nnnV wipes out all of the gain made during Inst' ITIday nnd Hatllr.lnv unit lpnvpa thp innr. . .... ... .... i,,,.,,, rldllV mill Hiitiir.tni ,,,,,1 nntna !, ket, but little better than It was on last 'IhlirsrinV tin, I l,,,rr.l.. K.. l....l,..H 41 1, ...na Ihur.ldaV nn.l Imrelv S. IiIl-Ii nc lliuti tt tuna on Wednesday of last week. Representa tive sales: No. i7... K. . . 47... SI... S7... Mi... Av. Sh. Pr. No. 73... 74... Av. Sh. Pr ..261 120 4 80 22! ih I SO l.U 4'J 4 70 ..1W I 2!j 40 4 75 . .20S ..211 ..19S ..176 223 SO 4 80 SO 4 SO .. I SO .0 S3 232 20 26S 75 259 40 4 15 ... 4 75 40 I 75 .. $1 75 4 SO I. ,1!5 76 211 120 4 SO S2 233 10 I 80 70 230 SO 4 80 81 280 ... 4 80 74 229 80 4 SO 71 210 160 4 80 75 2(1 ... 4 SO 68 223 ... ISO 99 166 81 200 69 203 W I 75 74 20S 120 4 77'i 83. 203 ... I 77"i 78 .201 iv 1 i.'i 80 I 77'i 92. . . 92... 69. . . 47... 68... 85. . . 67... 79... S9... 91... 101.. 12... 73... 68... 65... 85... 77... 69... 77. . . 30... .210 .IPS .209 .205 .212 W I l"2 .. I 77' 4 40 I 774 1 61 255 100 4 SO 50 SO I 80 69 258 ... I 80 79 211 SO 4 SO ..223 120 4 771, ..215 40 1771 92. ..263 40 4 SO ..250 40 t 80 .219 ... 4 82', ..262 ... 1 82' . .2S7 80 4 S2'4 ..268 ... I S2U S3. :o7 4 it'.S 72.. 80 4 77 Vj 57. 80 I 77'4 SI. OA'J .'.'.'2T15 ...1SS ...189 .. i ilM 74 .. 4 SO 68 251 160 4 8214 15 160 4 80 41 243 80 4 82'j 69 257 SO 4 S2'4 71 2(6 ... 4 8214 66 211 ... 4 82'4 . .212 80 4 80 . .223 ... 4 SO ..207 160 1 80 ..219 ... 4 80 ..2fil ... 4 SO ..230 ... 4 80 66 256 120 4 S2'.i 3 232 4 821,4 60 257 61 274 69 251 72 219 71 261 ... 4 S2U ... 4 S2'.4 . . . 4 82' . . . 4 S2'i 80 4 S2'4 ... 4 82V4 . . . 4 8214 . . . 4 82'4 ... I S214 . . . I 82'4 .. 4 S2',2 .. 4 S2'2 . . 4 82', 8 40 4 80 70 231 SO 4 80 80 I SO 40 I 80 68.. 76.. 76.. 11.. 16.. nil 24 .210 160 4 SO 66 255 21: ... 4 SO ... (80 .. 4 80 .. 4 80 SO 4 80 40 4 80 ,.. 4 SO ,.. 4 SO ... 4 80 .. 4 SO 40 I 80 80 4 80 .. 4 80 64... .260 .210 .273 .220 71. 72 240 62 240 71 225 65 241 12. .... .224 12 !216 74 216 77 236' 83 220 85 215 63... 61... .241 79 234 68 244 74 251 59. . 265 1 60 4 82 1.4 30 285 64 24.1 .. 1 fi2'4 40 I 82'A 80 1 821,3. SO 4 85 " ... 4 85 . . . 4 S3 SO 4 85 . . . 4 85 . . . 4 S3 74 238 63... 65... 67... 66... 1.1 79. 212 264 267 25.1 69.... 77. . , . 60. . . . 166... SO.... 61... 81... SI... 80... 66... 72. . . 41... 46... 66... 88... 70. . . , 49 210 4 SO .238 80 4 80 .255 SO I 80 .227 ... I SO .232 10 I 80 .2.(1 ... 4 SO .239 SO 4 80 .233 120 4 80 48... .27(1 6 231 57.. 60.. 63.. 60. . OS.. 60.. 57.. 80.. 65. . 67.. 65.. 301 120 4 8.1 .2(11 ,26S .291 .269 .298 .280 .218 .254 .302 .26S 4 ST. ... 4 85 ... 4 85 80 4 S3 ... 4 85 40 4 8,1 ... 4 85 ... 4 S3 ... 4 90 ... 4 90 48 SO 4 80 ..236 . .255 !'.232 ..244 ..231 .. I 80 . . 4 SO .. 4 SO SO I SO 80 4 SO 40 1 80 4 80 sheep and lambs and In addition a fow loads carried nvnr frnrr. v..u..l... ... rn'nTiLt " ,".!,0!l'nB.e "'PPb'. Thn liers.-"The prices'" d were .111 Ft nbnut thp num. ' t n r rl n T , . . ' . i . . ', ' . ' ' '.' ". - h ilnZ . , ,, count ne said ot ket. suniclently actlvo to effect an early clearance. ' Quotations: Choice handy weight ycar ngs, $60006.16; grood to choice . fed year lings. SS.SSfltUlO! fair tn D-nr.,1 I !..'' ii !- KCrt. 1 . . ..... ,w nwv,. ,11 imp;!., ..TM fi.SO; good to cholco wethers, $5.55fc6.S0; fnlr fiKpwlWV,'';i3V6'6)i K0,I to cholco fejl ewes, $5.MjT..26: fair to good ewes. $4,60 Jtu.00; good to choice native lambs, $6.90 ..CO; good to choice western lambs, $6.fi5) 6.80: fair to good western lambs, $6.50C(f 6.65: feeder wethers, $4.6Ofi6.00; feeder yearlings W5.00; good to choice feeder lambs, $5.20 ,,iii coui.iuill u ail ICS . no. No. Pr. 125 C CO 2 bucks 27 bucks 127 US 130 170 94 80 ll 103 105 123 111 95 102 103 87 7.1 74 85 4 00 222 bucks 4 23 $4 60 4 50 4 m 1 75 n 05 5 05 6 15 5 40 6 60 6 65 5 70 6 75 6 00 6 60 6 60 C 75 1 gout 5 bucks 134 western ewes western ewes 17 western owes 242 western ewes 38S western ewes 3S0 western wethers 3;o western wethers 472 western wethers 142 Colorado wethers 216 western wethers itil I'oiorauo yearlings zi western lamns 1.3 .Mexican lambs 219 western lambs , CHICAGO I.IVB .STOCK MARK Hi'. Cattle Gonrrnlly Lower Sheep Strong; tn MiutlP lllulier. CHICAGO, SInrch 21. CATTLE Re celpts, 16,600 hend; steers 10c lower, except best; butchers' stock active nnd llim; na tlvcs, best on sale today at $5.60; good to prlmo steers, steady to n shado lower nt J4.75ifi4.80; poor to medium, 10c lower nt $4.00f4l.65; selected feeders, steady at Jl.fOf? iv, inixeu siocKcrs, quiet ui n.imis.yn; ows. firm nt $3.00'u'(.20: heifers. Hlenilv nt M.iuTM.uj; canners, actlvo at jz.25(jj3.w; nuns, steatiy 111 w.MitH.zu; calves, un changed at $1. 5016.00; Texans, receipts, 1,600 head: best on sale todav. $1.60: Texas. ieti sieors. acuvo unci stendy at I3.75W3.00; Tpxiih hulls. hIpm.1v nt J! ir.if.fl r.-. HOGS Receipts today. Sl.tjoi head: to. morrow. 23.00i) bend, estimated: left nver. 6,000 head; market 5f?10c lower; top, $3,12V2; mixed turn uiiicuers, i.mj'( j.iu; good to cnoicp. ncavy. ti.ywio.iVi: roucii. iionvv. Si.80tf4.90; light, $1,751(5.021,4; bulk of sales, $4.95r5.00. SHEEP AND LASIHS-Recclpts. 10.000 neaii: sneep. strong to a siuuin h h-her: lambs, 101 15c higher: good to choice wrth. ers, $5.60'j5.85; fair to choice, mixed. $VO0fti 6.60; western sheep, $5.4035.80; ycnrllngs, .iWD.tju; nativo iiimus, tD.&'ri 1.3a: western Inmbs, $6,001)7.15. St. I, mils Live Stock-. ST LOUIS. Starch 2I.-CATTI.F -nn. celpts. 3,400 head, Including 1,80) Texans; market generally llrm for natives, with ToxailS stendv: native shtnnlni- nnd exnort j steors. SI.G3fj5.76; dressed beef nnd butcher Hteors. S3.85fj5.00; steers under 1.000 lbs., i S3.60fj4.80; stockers nnd feeders, $l,(Offi.75; cows nnd heifers, $2. 004.60; canners, SI.M I i2.S5j bulls, S3.00fj4.00; Texas and Indian steers, S3.85tj4.85; cows and heifers, S2.30if , 3,75. HOOS-Rccelpts. 10.300 hend; market 60 lower; pigs and lights, $l.80fjl,95; packers, IV.m(.i; Initchers, Sl.l5fi5.15. SHEEP AND LA.MBS-Recolpts, 400 head; market strong: native muttons, $4.00 i5.S0; Inmlis, $3.rw7.25; spring Inmbs, $S.t; culls nnd bucks, Sl.Oofj 1.75. Kiiiimih Clt)- Live stock, KANSAS CITY. Sturch 21. CATTLE -Receipts, 6.600 natives, 1,250 Texans, supply most of Inferior grades; marktt very ac- 2 W) 6 7S 3 106 7 00 i'iSr?n',A,rPi,i,?, 10. "i1"11""; l,a'n nnHvo 1k?1 J't'1'.5?5' "l"1' and feelers, $3,505(5.25; butelier cows nnd heifers, J3.25& 4.W); ennners, S2.fiop3.28s fed westerns. ti"s 5'i i-2ii 5;cstorn fce,,crs. M.0OUI.26; Texans, HOGS-Recelpts, 13,200 head; good de iiiantl for all classes at Re decline; heavy. $4.858 5 00; mixed, S4.75P4.90; light, Slows 4.W; pigs, $.25p4.55. w , SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rccelpts, 3.700 head; offerings nearly nil Inferior; market steady to 6c lower; common lambs, $6.20', bfju; yearlings, S3.GOP5.W; muttons, $.-.ow 6.60; stockcrs nnd feeilen, $l.0Oi6.00; culls, S3. 0004. 00. mv York I, Ivr Stock. NEW YORK, .March 21 REEVES Re eclptj., 2,223 head; 2J cars on sale, steers stead: fat bulls firm to 1(V higher; light bulls lower; C1I11 cowp lOfllSo off; com steady to tlrni! nearly all sold; steers. $4.6 J6.40; tops. $3.50; oxen and stags, $.1.6Mr4.50: bulls, $3.(n4.75; cows. S3.42ti'ft4.0). Cables slow; exporrs, 177 cattle. 15 sheep and ' 'luarters of beef; none tomorrow. t AL LS Receipt!", 2,615 bend; 3.000 head on sale; market slow and LVif.W lower, except for top grades; 20O head unsold; Veals, Si.C0fi7.69; little calves, $3.503 3.75 barnyard utock. $J.tVl3.2S. SHEEP AND LAMUS-Recelnts. 1.344 ,'.axi 1?'T 011 "llt'; sheep steady; lambs I'-pPW; cull-". .1.(XVi 1 00; lambs.' $6.6iv,p i.rv, .iiii!-, n.imiiH.m, cupped intllbs, $6.75; sprlns lambs. SiW each. HOGS -Rei'plntH. KRIS lmn.1. Ml. nr. nn sale; market firmer at $3.30116.60. S(. .locpli ,v SlocL. SOUTH RT. .InHMI'l I Mn M.nh t (Special.)-flip Journal quotes: CATTLE Rpcclpts, 60.) hcatl; markpt nc tlce and strong to n shade lilgher; nunllty poor; natives. Sl.oOlr.l.ftl: Tpmiiii nn.i ..!. eriis, $1.fAii6.oO; cows and heifers, $2.251f 4.4..; bulls and rtags, $2.CMN.75: yearling' and calves, $l.0iaf.00; stockcrs nnd feeders, S-I.arft l.0; venls. S4.25T(7t HOGS-Recelnts, 6,7tV) bend; market So lower: nil crudes. 1 1 KOTi imtir ,,r S4.S5pl.92U. , SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 1.000 head: actlvo and stonily; Iambi, Si.O'tI6.93; yearlings. SV23!.J0: sheep nnd ycarllngi, S5.00f)5.60; ewes, $l.00pf,.23. SCoek In MkIiI. Following nro the reeplnt.q nt h f.mr principal western mnrketM for March 21: Cntllp. Il.iffu Klien.1 miiuii uiiinua i.ivs Chicago ii;.5O0 S.609 3.S.V, 31,001) I3.2.V) 10.300 10.IH1.) 3.70.I 100 . K"nfn,,.,clty fi,75n 3, no St. Louis Totals 29.43l 63,003 17,991 Oil Mnrkrl. LIVERPOOL. March 2I.-OILS-Cotton-sectl, Hull refined. May-August, steady at "In 3,1 'ri..i.-i.i.li,.. i,ll. u..,.1.. ... 11. 1 ., , ... ,, ,. . -,,. r.t,(i iu .1. I Itnntn onmitmn l.a.I,. ... r.. LONDON. March 21. -OILs'-Llnseed. 25 ! 1l,l .ni.pnnnllH. IA. l'vd. Turpentine spirits, 40s. NEW YORK. March 2l.-OILS-H.osln. quiet; strained, common to good, $1.72' j. Turnentliip. dull nt .'H'jiMUc. OIL CITY. Pa. .March 21.-01 LS-Crcdlt balances. $1.68; certificate.'. 110 hid or sole; shipments. 76.927 bbls.; nverngc. 81,710 bills.; runs, 99,613 bbls.; average. 81.610 bbls. Trial of .Mnrsli IIcuIiin. LANSING. Stlch.. Starch 21.-The first testimony wns taken today In the trial of Arthur F. Stnrsh. ex-Inspector general, for alleged complicity in tho state military flnthlng fiauds. Two deputy attorney generals swore to communications ibetween the Indicted px olllcer and Hip attorney general's ofllce In reierencp to tusposai or ciotnipg in ques tion. Witnesses testified that the now In dicted military officers did not follow tho nttorney general's advice, which was to turn over such clothing as the tnllttnrv board desired to dispose of to the board of statn auditors. Records of tho military board's proceedings wero Introduced as evidence. Thii KeiilnckliiiiN Kill Cncli Other. PINEV1LLE, Ky., SInrch 20 -On Starrow bonp creek, twenty miles from here, John Lnngley and .Moses g pher had an alterca tion, In which Langley nnd Sonher wero both killed and a man named Johnson was seriously wounded. The altercation was over Iingley nrrestlng Sopher uliout two years ago while constable on a charge ot obtaining goods under false pre'enses, Sopher wns acquitted and said Langley had no authority to arrest him. Johnson says he wns trying to separate Sopher and Lang ley when lie was snot. VrrniiKc for Kentucky Trliiln. FRANKFORT. Ky.. SInrch 2I.-County Prosecutor Polsgrovo went to Lexington to day, where ho is to meet Sergeant F. W. Golden, who Is said to he the most im portant wltnee for tho state in the trials of the suspects held In connection with thn Goebel assassination. Kx-Congressmau David O. Colson who is reputetl to liavn urged other suspects to confess nnd also to have rendered valuable uid to the de tectives, is obeying the advice of hla lawyers and refuses to talk. Mnnile ttetlnu Kot tiilllt)-, CINCINNATI, .March 21.-S!amle Retlng, who phot Edward Grafcon on the street after he had refused to marry her nnd legitimatize their child, was today acquitted by the Jury. The defense was temporary Insanity. It was shown that tho defendant had mado several attempts at suicide and was the victim of insomnia. The prosecut ing attorney nt tho close of tho testimony nrked the court to instruct tho Jury to Unit her not guilty on tho ground of Insanity. This wns done. Ciiurliie .In m px the Trnelt, ALTOONA, Pa.. Slarch 21 Tho englno hauling tho second section of the western express, duo here nt 3:40 o'clock this morn ing, from Komo unknown cause loft tho track at the east end of the Altoonn yard and fell over on Its side. Engineer Adam Kauffman, nged 45, of Harrlsburg, was crushed In his cab nnd died soon after. Fireman W. H. Shiimnn escaped with 11 slight scalp injury. None of tho passengcra or trainmen wero inlured. Killed at Grn.le f rosslng;, CHICAGO, Mnrch 2i.-Jennlo Patterson waa killed nnd her sister, Slnggle. was fa tally Injured hero today by u toeomotlvo at tho crossing of the Helt railway at Twenty-ninth street nnd Stewart nvenue. Tho girls, neither of whom appeared to bo over 17 years of age, were on their way to work. They did not see the engine, which was backing rapidly toward them, and both were run over. Ilrnrh .Show nt St. Paul. ST. PAUL. Starch 21 -Tho fourth bench show of tho Northwestern Kennel club opened In this city today. Sioro than 400 tings wero plnced on exhibition. An entlro carload of dogs arrived last evening from tho Kansas City show. Carlo, the corded noodle, tho llrst of Ills breed to be exhibited in this country, attracttvl much attention. Eminent H 11 rite on III, RICHSIOND. Vu.. Starch 20.-Dr. Hunter StcGuIre, tho eminent Virginia surgeon, who was Stonewall Jackson's chief tiled icnl oillcer. was paralyzed today. Ills con dition Is critical. A Fiendish Attack. An attack was Intcly made on C. F. Collier of Cherokco, Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. It camo through his kidneys. Ills back got so lamo ho could not stoop with out great pain, nor sit In a chair except ptopped by cushions. No remedy holped him until ho tried Electric Hitters, which effected such n wonderful change that ho writes ho fools llko n new man. Thla trnrvelous medicine cures b.irknclio nnd kidney trouble, purifies tho blood and ImlltU up your health Only 50c nt Kuhn & Co.'s Drug Store. i ro:- is RRPENNEY& CO. SfQfcKS l?00H4rir LIFE BUO. BRANCH 1038 ICiT UriCOUl tl JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 1030. Omnlm, MVj COMMISSION, (WAIN, PROVISIONS juuI STOCKS HOARD OF TRADE. Correspondence: John A. Warren & Co. uirect wires to Chicago and New York. GOV H It Jl K . T riOTICH. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERStASTER. OSIAHA. Neb.. .March 16, 900.-.Sc:tled pro posaLs In triplicate, subject to tho usual conditions, will bit received at this ofllcn until 2 p. in., rentral tlmo. April 16. 1900, for constructing a Quartermaster's Store house and an Oil I louse, at For' Robinson, Nebraska. Full Information furnished upon application to thin ofllce, whom plans and specifications mny bo neen, or to tho Quar termaster, Fort Rohluson, Proposals to bu marked "Propituls for and atl- dresfced to Slujor F, H Hathaway, Chief Quurtermaster. U19-20-2I-22-A12-13 r