1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MAKCII 20, mOO. 0 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for Itiese columns Trill lie tnkcii until 1- for ( tMcnlnic cillllon mill until Htilll p. tu. for nioriiiiiK nml Sunday nllllmi. HntPH, 1 l-2c n wiril llrnt lnirtlon 1c n tturil thereafter. Xotliliiu taken for trim tlmn for the llrnt Inscr- tlon. These advertisement intlxt lie run connccutli ply. AiliorllniTu, hy rcitictlnK n mint liercil t'liccU, cnii luivo nimvem nil ilrpNKril to n numbered Iptti'r In pnre of The IIcp. Aimuem nililrenneil will he delivered on iircHCiitntloii ol lie elieck only. W A NTI1D SITUATION'S. A STENOGRAPHER. When von want on please call up the Remington typewriter omcc, lets Farnam at., telephone um. A-133 GERMAN gontlemnn wishes Inside work. c z, uce. A not a' SITUATION ftfl clerk In store or business establishment by voting lady or fair odd cation nnd good address. References given. Address C 25, Bee. A-M163 20 SITUATION wanted, as engineer nml lire- man by a young man; can Kive goon rur erences. Address Box 209, Milton, In. A M217 2S LADY HO DV tmkkecper -wishes ixisltlon at reu nnblc salnry. C 31, lire. A-M22S 21' wanted si ai.u help. 'Oil RENT HOUSES. miscellaneous. mo.m-:y to i.ovx-cii vttf.i.s. f. FOR SALE HE L ESTATE NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furnlturo & stoves nt lowest prices, carload lots or Ics. Chicago tumltuieCo.. llOi-10 Dodsf. R 161 CHRIS BOYER, 2123 CUllling. 'l cie. n I m. ,lK;T. h,rn. nt ?026 St. Mary's Ave. I . I rill j 3 I - . - , , - HOUSES for rent In all part of the city. urcnnan-Lovo t:o., 3s so. uw sireei. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, ho.-ses cows, Jewelry. Duff Green It. , Barker blk, X 190 a i rrtoxr.nits. OMAHA AUCTION Co. Satisfaction guar anteed. 620 N. 16th st. Telephone 2K. M749 FIVE rooms. 2321 South lCth st. D-7M3 R-16. C-ROOM modern toltnge, 2713 Chlcngo St. Inquire 32-1 N. 37th St. D-936-13 NICE nnnrtments of rlx rooms and b.ith; location oesi in cuy, u." " ';( M. J. Kcnnard & Son. 310-11. Urowiitdk. 4-HOOM Hat. 610 Mrs. Thomas. N. 17th St. Apply to D-215 10 II, 3111 WOOLWORTH nve, moJern..$10.00 9 r; 21W ixicust, nil modern " 9 r. 2W. Maple, modern except furnace. S r..'2T22 Ilnrney. mod. ex. f nnd bam. 30.O0 7 r.. Oil s. atih unci .-s. pi u. 3 r.. 3110 Maple, 271S and 21 tMmlnfi and IIS S. 27th st. from J5.00 to 8.00 K. U. WEAD. 1521 I)OUOI.AS.r) 2j WE nre nil rendy for business; largest line In city of 2d hand household goods. I-.n-terprlso Fur. Co., 102 S. 14th. K-MS72 A10 (I,AIHV(Y WIS. MME.OYLMEH genuine palmist. IGjS Dodgo s-ir MME. PALMEIl. medium. lies. 1707 Cass St. S-M71S M2) Fou iii:xT-i't:iixiMin:i iioojih. MODERN furnished rooms. ,S1.,55 w. 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. Iv.MIW- NICHI.Y furrilshed rooms at 13 North 21th St.. comer of E and 21th t!,j.Mi27 J0, DEWEY'S FlttEND nAS AHHIVED. MItS. IIIU.. She Is the seventh daughter, born wIMi a veil: tells vour fortune, cures rheuma tism, lung, kidney, liver, eyes, deafness, asthma and bloody piles: locates gold and hidden treasures; her mother was tho seventh daughter: stood by Abraham Lincoln during the civil war. Price-Ladles' 60c. gents 1.00. Heading in Eng lish or German. Hours-8 a. m. to U p. m., Including Sunday. Letters answered containing 2c stamp and Jl.W. Mrs. Hill. 2002 Cuming street, corner 20th, Otnnlm. Neb, Prof. Splcss, magnetic healer and faith cure. Same address an above. S ill 3 2J FlIH.MSllEI) HOOMS A.M IIOAI1I). THE Merrlam family hotel, 2oth and Dodsre. F-1IJ WAKTP.rt! wo hnvn ste.idv work for a few good hustlers of good habits nnd appear ance. C. F. Adam Co.. 1013 Howard St. II 1 I WANTED, manager nnd agents; salnry or j commission ; elienpesi nnu mrm-si inn Hunter Tnllorlng nnd Shirt Co.. Unrln nntl. Ohio. H-M1IB A7 S picture agents; expenses paid. JfllD Lcny'th. lJ--3ii A-3 TO 2 gentlemen, In prlvato family. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. F-l 13 THE PHATT. front room, with alcove. Tel. I3K. 212 S. 25th Bt. F-S32 ENO, eiairvoyant, medium, teacher, oc cult science. 21S N. J6th st. S MI60 21 MONEY loans on furniture, rigs, bicycles, diamonds, wntches, etc.; payment un known to friends. Omaha J.onn llank, 1416 Farnam, upstnlrs, X 192 MONEY LOANED SALAIUEDi'EOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name without endorser or mortgage. , STHICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST HATES. No Inquiries made of em ployer or friends, You can borrow any umoitnt and repay on easy weekly of monthly payment, ltefore borrowing seo us. OMAHA CHEDIT CO., suite 623-52S N. Y. Life Hldgj X-1S8 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOrSEHOLD Ft'HNlTUHE, PIANOS, diamonds, wntchfs, on eary p.iymentF. un known to others; you keep the goods, each payment lessens tho cost of thi loan; no chnrgo for papers and wo mnko no In quiries of your neighbors. HEHGEItS' LOAN CO., 1501 Farnam, over 1). & M. ticket olllce. X-1S3 GOLD, Silver, Greenbacks Jot High-class salaried people. TAKE YOUK CHOICE. Easy to get nnd easy to pay. Lowest rates. No Indorser or mortgage required. QUICK AND CONFIDENTIAL service. Ques tions answered cheerfully and you will receive, courteous attention whether you borrow or not. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Room C01, Bee nulldltiff. X-M2J9 III MC FACTOR . HFY A HOME WITH RENT MONK . THE following houses are offered on phenomenal terms. A strall cash payment i lu advance, nnd the balance In 120 equal monthly Instalments WITHOUT IN TF.ItFST nl llm end nt which time the house Is vours and you have pa d on y a TRUNKS, trivellng bags, suit cases. Trunk 1S 0llr!' "Ma ou . ' ' i,avn repaired, urn. trunk Factory. KVJ Farnam trifle more than your rent would nac 5,ft been. Note carefully the comparison of monthly payments nnd rentals: 41I2 It Favette Ave.. S rooms, all modern MRS. FRIT,, clairvoyant, S03 N. ICth. ICC MASSAOI2 AM) I1ATII9. MME. SMITH, room 2, lli'i N. ISIh 120-21 am ipitoh wnnted. n reliable, hustling salesman for tallor-mnde suits nnd trous ers: salary or commission. "wlnUjy Tailoring Co., 1C09 Farnam. 13 M51D BALESMEN to sell cilice spoelaltles: lino sldo lines: used by nil merchants; catalog free. Model Mfg. Co., Uox II. South Rend, Ind, n-MSSS A7 RAimER trado taught thoroughly In short time.; catalogue and particulars free. Addresi, Western Hurbem' Instltiite, Omaha, Neb n MEN to travel; .12 weekly, rash salary. Triumph Information Co.. Dnnu,,8T1';on,, WANTED, experienced bookkeeper nnd stenographer for grain olllce. Box 3.3. Kearney, Neb. B-MS73 20 ROOM and board, $4 to to. 1512 Davenport. F-022-A-0 NICELY furnished southeast front room, modern conveniences, private family, ivi H. 20th st. F-M1C1 22 FOR RENT, nicely board, 2)02 Cas. furnished room, with F-Mlffl 2P I'llltSOXAl VIAVI, woman's way to health. 31(1 Bee bldg l. Ib5 lmnrnv,.i,.i,l i..nlu fur Mil. TERMS, )W cash and JI0.7O per month WITHOUT IN TEREST. 41M La Fnyetto Ave R rooms nil modem, f.ti i u fr iii tM.MiM.q tniil cash and $I3.W per month WITHOUT INTEREST. 2.V2 S. llth St.. 7 mom all modern except furnace, rents for 121. TERMS, $.Mp cash and 3i.30 per month WITHOUT IN TEREST. 3I0 Jackson St.. 7 rooms nil modem, good linrn, rents for J25. TERMS, cash and $25.30 per month WITHOUT IN TEREST. 3IIS Jackson St.. S ro"tns. not modern, city witter, rents for $fl. TERMS. J10O cash and JO.Wpcr month WITHOUT INTEREST. 3120 Jackson St.. F rooms, not modem, city water, rents for $3. TERMS, $100 cash nnd ?. per month WITHOUT INTEREST. 3122 Jackson St.. f rooms, not modern, city water, rents for $9. TERMS, $200 cash and WWiK't month WITHOUT INTEREST. I.AUXnitY. OMAHA STEAM IAUNDY AND CITY TOWEL Sl'PPLY. 1750 LcavenWh. Tel. 617 -213 ' HVII.AVAY 'IIMi: TAlll.I'.S. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVER land Houto"-Gencral Oinces, N E. Cor, Ninth and Fnrnnm Streets. City Ticket Olllce, lsoi Fnrnnm Street, Telephone 3I. Depot, Tenth and Mason Btrccts. Tel'.'phono 629. Leave. Arrive Tho Overland Limited .a S:20 nm a 7:20 pm Tim Fast Mall a 8:60 n m n 3:25 pm i Tho Colorado Special. .nll:35 pm a 6:60 am ! Tho Portland Special ..a 8:20 nm a 4:35 pm Lincoln, Beat! Ice and , Stromsburg Express. .b 4:10 pm bl2:25 pm Paclllc Express . . . .a 4;2S pm a 6:60 am Grand Island Local ...b 6:30 pm b :J0 nm n Dally, u uauy except aununy. MlltltOII 1 CT0ltV. ."211 Sownrd St.. 7 rooms, city water, rents for $12. TERMS. $2m ensh and $11.30 per month WITHOUT INTEREST P25 N. 27th Ave., S rooms, nil modern, fur nace, tents for $25. TERMS. $20n cash and $2o.30 per month WITHOUT INTEREST. LOANS made snlarled people on personal 1920 N. 22nd St.. fi rooms city , wnler good llllll, IUI11S 1111 .,1. I WIWHUI v...'.. OLD mirrors resllvercd: new ones to order; country orders promptly uttended to. 701 N. 16th. M-S71 A13 rPIIOI.STEIII.Mi. Mnttress upholstering. llnlhlng carpentry Oinahii Cabinet Shop, 1C0G Cnss Tel 21SS. W0-A 16 Illll IIS AMI TIMIIKHMY. STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 Leavenworth. 222 MONEY to loan (in furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. J. W. Tnyloo, 21S First National bank building; 12 to C p. m. X 106 nolo without security; rates reasonable. J. W. Tayloe. 21S 1st Nnt'l bank, 12 to 6 p. m. X-1S5 nnd $16.60 THRUST. per month WITHOUT IN- SALARY loans after working hours. If you want cheap money nddress 'j'j'0. 2215 Burt St , fi rooms, nil modern newly in repaired, rents for $3i. and $33 per month THRUST. TERMS. $500 cast WITHOUT IN ELEGANT front Capllnl uvciiue. room with board. lr0' i F-M173 21 DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns and superllu ous hair removed by electricity, r. 12, Frenzer Block. U 175 SIIAMl'OblNG 25c, hair dressing 25c. hair toilet goods. Monhelt. 1518 Farnam. Tel 2333 U 163 MONEY loaned on pianos, turntture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. r . "ecu, jwn. u. WANTED, n physician (regular school) In n small town. Address IU60, BceOmce. SUITE of rooms for man rtnd wife or two gentlemen. 518 S. 22d. F-212 2 NICELY furnished south front room, I rsi clnss board. 1722 Dodge. F-.M223 2G' TWO nicely furnished rooms, with iKin'd. 2016 Dousing F-M2I9 22' run Hi;xT-i"XFirii.Msiii:ii iiooms. 2 UNFURNISHED rooms with alcove, mod ern conveniences. 25S2 Ilnrney o FOll UI3XT STORKS AND OFKICUS. WANTED, men to learn barber trade nest opportunity ever uiicrriii miff i-i-,i-snn now; ranrn deinand for graduntcs than we can supply: we control 6oo posi tions In city nnd country shops. Pullman ears, hospital, hotels, etc.; $15 weekly guaranteed; special offer Just now to get graduates enough to till tho demand; free transportation to our colleges. Chi cago, St. Louis or Ron Francisco ana Minneapolis, as we have no school In Omaha or Denver: beware or cheap Im itations; free cntnlogue and special olTer mailed to any nddress. Moler Barber col lege, Chicago, 111. B-M323 22' COATMAKERS: stonily work. Nlcoll the Tailor. 200-211 South 15th St. n-fl3i-26 WANTED Experienced palesmnn for fine llni siisnenders for Nebraska, also west ern Iown. Snve time by giving experience nnd references. Address Room 416, t- en tinl Union Block, Chlcuso. T1M9M2J WANTED, nn experienced, competent llor Ist who spenks German anil , Lngllsh. ap- B. linns. 18i;i vinion ni. piy ONE ,h,.r,iiiiv niitmietent clerk: state sge. experience and salary expected Ad dress C .35. Boo Ofilce. B M232 20 WANTftD" exiictlenced man tt) demdnstrate high-grade shoe polish In big store; must be a tnlKer; sainry nnu niiunnmiuii. dress M. O. Walker. Arcade 20' WANTED, men to learn barber trade: posi tions guaranteed; free tools, free board, freo railroad fare to our college at Den ver: oldest and largest In the world; be ware of fake cntalogiicK and , misleading offers; our dlplomns recognized every where: write for particulars. Moler Bar ber College representative, Crelehton iuk. Omnllfl '.' i FOR RENT, store In first-class location, rent rcaronable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee bldg. I 2i,6 STORE ROOM. 1106 Farnam. Opp. old P. O. 1-633 STORE ROOM, 1106 Farnam. Opp. old P. O. AGI1XTS WAX TED. L1EBEN. costumcr. catalogue. 1313 Howard. U' Oct -172 FARM nnd pasture land near Plattsmotith and garden tracts near bo. umana m exchange ror umiiia or bo. umnna. prop erty. Address C 20, care Bee. Z-M137 20 RUPTURE cured, no knife, no pnlll. no danger. Send for circulars. Empire tuip ture Cure. 1)22 N. Y. Llfo Bldg., Omaha. U lil PLEATING and plented skirts of all kinds. M. Goldman & Co., 200 Douglas "''.'j PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement; babies udopted. 1130 N. 17 U li3 PRIVATE home before nnd during con- llnement. Babies adopted, airs, .nurgiu, 2633 Decatur. U-M241 STAMPS for collectors; albums, supplies. Frank Brown, 220Vi S. 13th. u-.m.'iu CANCER CURED, no pain. Dr. lrenshaw, scientific sneclnilst. 516 N. 19th St.. Omaha. U M713-A10 MONIIEtT, chiropodist, floor. Tel. 2333. 1518 Farnam, 2d U-170 IF YOU suffer with your feet nnd desire immcdlnto or permanent reuet see i-roi. Lund. 611 Karbach Blk. U-j3 All WANTED Three experienced agents to sell portable pantries, Address, Box 20S, Shenandoah, la. J 912 19 AGENTS make $6 to $10 n day selling the cheapest and most perfect water inter ever Invented; retails nt $1.60; big profit to agents; exclusive territory. Seneca Filter Co.. Senecn, Mo. J-M918 23' FIRST-CLASS male nnd female help. Snm'l Motzt's Employment Olllce, 1110 tarnnm. PUSHING, educated local agents In No brnsku for typewriter; commission basis: must give references nnd be willing to buy sample machine. Address C M Bee. PRIVATE money, WANTED. LOW moro canvassers for "South Africa and ,tho Boer-British War." by Halslead and Hopkins; nuthentlc, .reliable; enormous demand: highest commission; outtlt absolutely free on request. Write todav. J. L. Nichols & Co.. 119 Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111. J-.M220 25 WANTED, city and farm loans; nlso bonds nnd warrnnts. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. w lia AGENTS wanted, on salary or commission, to sell tho Famous mass i-imp iiurner, Electric Light on Kerosene Lamp. Over a million In use. Sells itself. Monarch Nov elty Co., Minneapolis, Minn. J-M221 20 W A XT Bll F ll A I.n II K LP. WANTED. 200 girls. 1521 Dodge Tel. 876. C-137 SO girls wnnted. Canadian offlco 1522 Douglas WANTED, competent girl for general housework, small family. Mrs. J. W. Rob bins. 3Qi2 Mnson St. C 911-19 LADIES wishing to dress nicely in silk waists, silk skirts, gloves or shoes, free of cost oiner in.ui irtuiuiireiiiiiin " .. this Is the grentest plan ever adopted. Ladles, call and examine our nian. uui nf.tnwn indies w rite us for full Informa tlnn. Every article mndo to your mcasuro. The Novelty Silk Wnist nnd Skirt Co., Room 607 Knrbach B1K.. Omaha, Neb. C M20S GOOD girl for general Park avenue. housework. 102 C-214 21 COMPETENT girl for general housivwork. 1131 S. 30th ave. C-M233 22 AVANTE1). lady solicitors for good paying work. :su iiee isuuunig. l -i- WAXTIH) TO IlKXT. MODERN cottage In good location. April 1. family of two, Address lu. neo ofllce. K-M112 20 STOIlAOn. PACIFIC Storage nnn Warehuoso Co.. 912' 911 Jones, general storage nnu lorwaruing. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 151US Farn. Tel 1559.863, M-153 WANTED TO ntlY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc., in large or pmau qunntuies. unicngo r ur lilturo Co., 1106-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. N 151 WILL ourchapo a limited number of Omaha Savings Bnnk accounts. Brennan Lovo Co., 300 So. 13th. N-155 STAM'PS bought, sold, Mortcnsen. 301 Pax ton Blk. N-MD90-M26 ENTERPRISE FUR. CO. pays high prices for good nouscuoiu gooua. u n. i nn. N M674 AID 2D-HAND books for cash. 16th st. Crane, 207 N N MS70 liinc.iiT iin-to.dnto business woman to ren resent us In this and surrounding towns, Good salary. Address, with references. R M. Woodward, Baltimore. C-M218 20 WANTED, a competent cook nnd laundress at No. 121 H. nun St.; i.w per ween. C M235 22 - ' HEM' WAXTKI1. BOYLES' COLLEGE assists young ladles and gentlemen to positions to cam board while In attendance. Send for catalogue. Bco building. -M663- WANTED, young lady or gentleman to ad dress, till In prices and mall postal card bids for grain; about threo hours work dally; state expcrlcnco, reference, salary expected. Address C 12, But; olllce. M 990 20 FOll 11EXT IIOIJSES. HOUSE In Central pnrk. Douglas. D. Wead, 152 N M326 33 owvi'iiu i wnnlil hnv nt rlcht nrlro severnl small houses and lots, not too far out. C 22, Heo. N-MM3-20 FOll SAI.E HOUSES, Villi ICI.KS, ETC, TOP BUGGY for sale, In good condition U 40, Bee. rMivj FOR SALE, llrst-clnss Shetland pony cart 1717 Cass street. f .miu -i FOll SA1.12 MISl'EIiI.AXEOUS. CHEAPEST and best onk cribbing and hog ! I-Liirwu Douglas St. 01.Y7 Q-157 IF YOU want your houses well runted placo them with Renown & Co. D 13$ HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas. D-118 FINE modern residence, 12 rooms, on motor line. No. 413 North 25th Btreot. J. T. Clarke, 219 Board of Trade. D-M296 A2 CUTTERS of drug prices, Sherman & Mc Council Drug Co., Cor. ltth and Dodgi Sla. MOXHY TO l.OA.X-ItBAIi KSTATK. 'RIVATE money, 5, B14. 6 per cent: no de lay. Garvin uros., iui3 f-arnam. w no F. D. Wcad. 1521 Douglas W-17S PER CENT money. Bemls, Paxton block, iv isu IVE per cent farm loans, llamson. Chas. E. Wll W-184 MONEY Co loan on flrslclass Improved city property or for uuiiaing purposes, i-ayne Knox (Jo., .New lorK xue. iv ioj 5, 5V4, 6 per cent loans on Omaha. S. Omaha, Iir II 'n,n,na Kill til Kill hinll 'C.,1 IfilS . 11, iiiui.tuu, vvv . v v. ...... .... W-1S2 MONEY to loan at 5 nnd 6H per cont on w. is. xvieiKie, n. iuin Omaha property. W-183 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. urennan-Lovo uo., auu bo. ism. W-1S5 Ji.noo nml nnwnrds to loan on Imnroved city property and farms, w. f arnam Biimn & Co., 1320 Farnam. W 1SS LOANS on easterp Nebraska and western Iowa farms at b per ceni. norrowem can nay $100 or any multiple. Any ln terest date. No delay. Bronnan-Love Co son Smith 13th street. Omaha. Neb. W-CS3 BUSINESS C1IAXCF.S. FOR RENT, cigar and fruit department In a largo department store; capital requireu .wu. Auuress a oj, uee. i FOR EXCIIAXtlE. FOll SALE-RE VIi ISiTATI RRIGATED lands for snlo In Wheeler nnd Greeley counties, Net.rnsKa. 20 acres, house, bam, cattle sheds, corn crib, wells, loo acrer unucr plow, fruit trees', etc.. nrlce $3,00. :0O acres, good house barn, grnnnry, 60 acres pusture (additional' pasture can bo leased), clay loam soil, 3 miles from town, lino farm, price $3,600, 100-acre farm, house, Z0x30 barn, granary, 40 acres pasture, all in good condition; nrlri, verv low. 3W-ncro farm. S-room house, barn, cattlo sheds, granary, corn criu, nog pasture, wellf, windmills; mostly line level land; cloan to town, writi ror price. 160 acres, house 22x20. bam 21x28; pasturo 60 ncres, W ucres unui.'r piaw. jmuuy loam, hnv. 40 acres fruit, etc. ; nrlce $3,200. 1C0 acres, house 20x24, granary 14x16. pas turo anil oiner necussury uuintiiiiiings, fruit trees, running water, pandy loam. This land Is located In tho fertllo vallev of tho Cedar river, which Is surpassed by none; where you can raise crops of any description. Wo have a largo list of other farms not mentioned nbovo; nlso can offer the very best location for cattlo ranches ndjolnlng thero lands. Write for full nrllpiilnrs. PI BEL & CO., Plbel, Wheeler county, Neb. 32nd and J Sts.. So. Omaha, 9 rooms, good repair, furnace, rents $22.50. TERMS. 3iio cash and $21.20 per month WITHOUT IN-TERKbT. 101S N. 33rd St , 7 rooms, brnnd new. eleant. furnace, rents for TERMS, i) on sit and $29.70 per month WITHOUT IN TEREST. 1022 N. 31rd St., 7 rooms, new. elegantly llulshed furnnte. rents for $30. TERMS, $400 cash and $2S.60 per month WITHOUT INTEREST. 3119 Hawthorno Ave., oeautlfnl Swiss cot tugp. hot water hciitlug. gas. electric light, rents for $12.50. TERMS, $SOO cash and $3.1.20 per monm without in TEREST. 10H3 Georgia Ave.. 9-rooni elegant house, electric light, gas, furnace, etc., rents for $10. TERMS. $1,600 cash and $60.50 per month without istkhkst. 102S S. 2Mb St.. 7 rooms, all modern, fur mice. etc.. rents for $30. TERMS. $100 cash and $11.10 per month WITHOUT IN TEREST. PA YNE-KNOX COM PAN Y. TEL. 17S1. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-210-20 SHORTHAND AMI TYIMJWIllTiXG. A C. VAN SANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life. -209 AT OMAHA Bus. College, ICth & Douglas, 210 BOYLES college, court reporter principal. ueo mug. 211 SUES & CO. Patent Lawyers Heo IM1I1;., Omahn. Tel 1023, Advlco free, CHICAGO, ROCK 1SL and & Pacific Rallro.td "Tho Great Rook Isl and Roulo," City Tick et Olllce, 1513 Farnam Street Telephone 438. Depot, Tenth A Mason SU eels. Telephone, 623. Leave. Arrive Dcs Moines and Daven port Local ...ATitbam Mi:s nm lil, iiLT,. Entires bll:15 am 'a 8:10 am Chicago Fast Exprc. .a 6:01 pm a 1:25 pm St. Paul Express a 6:00 pm bll:S5 am Lincoln, uoiorauo dpgs.. Denver, ruouio ami Vei n 1:30 pm a 4;15 pm Dcs Moines. Rock I si- and nnd Chicago n 7:25 pm n 5:60 pra Colorado .V: Texas Flyer. a 5 50pm ft 9:20 nm n uauy. o unuy xceui summy. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket olllce, 1402 Fnrnnm street. Tele-piioli"- 215. Depot, Tctltu uud Mason streets. Chicago Express Chlcngo Limited Allnucanolls and Paul Express . Minneapolis and l'nui Limited . .. Fort Dodge Local from Co, Bluffs ... a Dally, b Dally except Sundays. St. St.' Leave. Arrive, a 12:10 pm a 4:05 pm a 7:35 pm a S:15am b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm a 7:35 pm a S15nm b 4:30 pm b 10:15 am ,1 m 1 "A St. Louis Express OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL- road- Omalin. Kaiius l.ltv & Enotem Railroad "Tho liu'ney Route Ticket Of. lire. 1415 Farnam Street Telephone, 322 Depot, Tenth nnd Mnrcy Streets. Tele phone, 623. L,cavc. Arrive. I'nnnnn Ttflll . a 6:05 pm a 7:55 am Kansas City nnd Qulncy Local a Dully. ..a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm MlnumlM NEBRASKA Business & Shorthnnd col lege. Boyd's theater. 212 CHOICEST TRACKAGE PROPERTY ON Tin.- MAHkKr' h. 1.. corner 10m 111m Irani: half block. 132x201; heart of tho city; for price and terms seo George G. Wallace, Brown Blk,: solo agent. OSTEOPATHY. A BARGAIN, four ncres, 40th and Paclllc, two blocks trom enr ,iine, on w ii"i road, $2,500; easy terms. McCnguo In vestment Co., 1506 Dodgo. RE-200 FOR SALE, snup; 65x141 feel, north front. on Burt St., 2W icei wasi ui -iki. iui wnj $700 Think of It. live minutes walk from postolllee, and make -t wo lots. Potler Sholes Co.. 310 N. V. lMv RK-MIK5 20 JOHNSON OMeopathlc Institute, 515 N. Y. Llfo Bldg., Allen Johnson, D. O.. ladles' dept.; Gld E. Johnson, Osteopnthlst, mgr. -213 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school. I Klrksvllle. Mo., 01 Paxton blk. Tel. 1367. -ji A. T. HUNT, osteopath; allchronlodlseases; results ten. 30s Knruacn ik. tpi. '2s. M-4S2 TYPEWIllTIillfl. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. .HEADQUARTEnS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS: LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES. 'FLATS STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. V. Llfo Blcl BURLINGTON & MIS wurl River Rnllroad- "The Burlington Routo"- C.enernl OlllccS. N. W Corner Tenth nnd Farnam Sts. Ticket olllce, iwk i-ar-niun street. Tolephone, 250. nnd Mason Streets. Tele- Leave. Arrive. nnd MeCook ..as:tunm iiapra Lincoln. Denver. Colo- rado, Ulan, (.niuornia.u i.w inu u o.wiu Lincoln, Black Hills. Montana & Pugot Sound 4:25 pm h 3:00 pm Lincoln Lica! a 7:00 p.n nl0:35 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm al0:33 am Denver, Colorado Utah & California . , al2:35 am n Dally b Dally exceDt Sunday. Depot, Tenth tl 10 no. 128. Lincoln. Hastings (OVEIIXMEXT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR FUEI -Olllce of Chief Q. M.. SI. Pnul, Minn.. March 15. lin). SEALED PROPOSALS. In triplicate, will be received at this olllce or nt tho following named po.sts. until 11 o'clock a. m. April 14, 1900, nnd opened then, for furnishing nnd delivery of such WOOD nnd COAL, during the llsrnl year commencing July 1, r.w. as may bo required at SI Paul and Fort Snell lug, Camp B.ieon, Walker, Minn.; Fort Yules. N. D. ; Forts Asslnlbolne. Harrison and Keogh, and Camp Merrltt. Mont : Fort Yellowstone, wyo., nnu run .Mcauc, o. u. Illnnk forniM of tiriiniKiils with full InstrUi tlons will be furnished tm uppllcntloti here, or to the quartermasters nt the several posts named, fulled states reserves inn right to nccept or reject any or nil pro posals or any part thereof. GEO. E. PON D, poHnl 12. IJ. -M. M15-16-I7-19A12-13 OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, OMAHA, Neb., March 16. 190O.-Scaled pro posal!' In triplicate, HUbJeet to the usual conditions, will be received at this ollleo until 2 p. m., central lime. April 16. 1900. for constructing n Quartermaster s Store house and an Oil House, nt 1'ort Robinson, Nebraska. Full Information furnished upon application to this olllce. where p ans and spei'lllcntlons nun be seen, or to the Quat termarter. Foil Robinson. Proposals to bu marked "Proposals for .' and ad dressed to Major F. II Hathaway, i hlef Quartermaster M19-20-21-22-A12-13 c ...AMUSEMENTS. J CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulr.cy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route Ticket Olllce. 1502 Farnnm St. Tel,. 250. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, 123. Leavj. Arrive. Chicago Special al2:3i am Daydght Express .a 7:23 am Chicago Vcstibulcd Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a 8:50 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:30 pm a 7:45 am Paclllc Junction Local. .al0:45 an. Fast Malt a 2:4G pm n Daily. BARGAINS Chris Boycr. 2123 Cuming. Tele. K 2652. RE Mo9S A3 I TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4 per month. TJ10 Smith-Premier Typewriter i;o.. lfijo Fnrnam St. Telephone, 1284. 206 1 REMJNGTON Stnndnrd Typewriter nnd mipplles. 1619 Farnam -207 TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam. BanL,,V fiyVr for St. ' " 1 Joseph and St. Louis.. a 4:5 HOUSES, farms. R. L. C. Patterson, 303 N. Y. RE-201 LOST. FOR SALE or trade, brick residence, all modern Improvements, and u acres of ground, containing outbuildings, trees, small fruit, shrubbery: well lnsldo city limits In town of 10.000 lnhnb tnnts: . cost over $20,000; good reason for selling. Write for particulars. Paul Colsoru Fremont, jjel,, RE M263 Al SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. I. L. Johnson Co., 311 S. 15th St. RE-301 BUILDING lots ono block of street car line. $150. is. it. unn, w tw j iitk i.uu. ' RE-623 STOLEN, very small black, tan and grey skyo terrier; uuck nnu lau umin, neuu and legs grey, feet and noso tan; name Tatters. Reward for information lending to nrrest of one detaining him. ". C. Belden. 2018 California St. Lost-935-19 LOST, In business district, gold watch nnd pin attached. Reward It returned to 223 Chamber of Commerce. Iist M22.1 22 - SCHOOL OF MAGNETISM. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO soph Council Blurts Railroad "Tho Burling ton Route" Ticket Otllce, 1502 Farnam Street Tele phone, 250. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streots. Tele tihone. 128. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex.... a 8:50 am n 6:17 pm Kancus Cltv Night Ex, .al0:15 pm a 6:15 am all:15 am "Cava!-rendered a Daily. do pm HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate, Rentnls, Loans, Insurnnco. RE 203 WE HANDLE general merchandise stocks of nl k nds. Do vou wnnt to buy. sou v exchange? We can sell your buslnesji or we can sell you a buslnoss, Wilto us. Merchandise Broker, 607 Karbach block. Y-M551 TF YOU have a hargoln to offer In renl estate Vo S. A. Broadwcll, 601 N. Y, Life. It K 205 LEARN A PROFESSION nt which you can earn from $25 to $50 a week for years to come. If you don't want to go In business for yourself, work In the Kharns In llrmnrles In different parts of Nebraska and Iown at $S0 to $100 a month. Perma nent employment. Positions guaranteed. Call or write Nebraska School of Mag netism, 1C17 Chicago St., Omaha. Neb. M236 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire Insurance. uemiM, i uaiuh uu. ..- ,w THE NEW SNOW CHURCH COMPANY makes a specialty of collecting all classes of claims In every state In tho union on commission basis, W. 11. Green, presi dent and treasurer; J. L. Kaley. vice president and attorney; C. R. Glover, secretary and nttorney. Rooms 401-2-3-4-5 New York Llfo Bldg. Y-562 STOCK of millinery goods from branch store for sale cheap. Box 323, Norfolk, Nob. Y-MS66 20 DRUG store. lonsr established, central Omaha location, averages $15 dally. Ad dress C S. Bee. Y-M131-20 GROCERY stock, splendid location, well established trade; ns a business propo sition will pny to Investigate. Address C 26, Bee. Y M1C0 A17 pnn sale. 3523 N. 2Sth St. Seven-room house, tun 101 $1,000.00. , . 320 N. 26th St., Six-room house, bath, sower .. ' l OA 1147 N. lSth St Five-room house, city water, $i.ooo.uu. 2819 N. 27th St. seven roms mouern, new, 15th" & Cnstellnr Streets-Full lot, soven- rooni House, new, -suiw.i". 66 by 132 feet, comer lain ft; iiowaru sireeis, $1 500 00 21 ncres-6 miles from city. $1 250.00. GEORGE & COMPANY. lwi f nrnnm street. RE M135-20 RESPONSIBLE Arm wants to employ good business man who can loan employer $00 to $1,000. Address B 67, Bee. Y M207 FOR SALE, ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents nt druggists, une gives icnci Q 153 DerlKlit, 1110 Farnam. Q-161 2DIIAND safu cheap. HOUSES, all kinds. 36 U. S. Nat. Bk Bids. D-M99J FOR RENT To small fnmlly, 7-room cot tago lu good repair; city water lnsldo; cistern; coal shed; 22nd and California Bis., $23, Inquire at 607 N. 19th St. D-143 FOR RENT, two nice seven-room houses In samo yard, almost oppos-lto Bemls park; nil modern except furnace; are now being papered and painted throughout. Will rent for $20 each to good tenants with references. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. 16th nnd Douglas Sts. D-M5I B. HAAS, Florlrt, 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plant", cut ltotri. boqueta, hail, resi dence wiJdlne and giavo decorations. Orders by mull or oxpreas promptly filled. ' Q-1C0 NEW bicycle llres, $2.25, $2.30 and $3.00. Good heeondhaud wluvls. $S, $10 and $12. Omaha Blcyclo Co., 10th nnd Chicago Sts. Q-163 FOR SALIC, ono of tho cleanest stocks of mnemt merchandise. Invoice $7,000.00. In nnn nf the best towns In the state; 90 miles from Omaha; will sell at cost and purchaser mny step Into a splendid es ,iMiiiil business: average dullv sales, $31.00; rent reasonable; no trade, consid ered. Address Lawrence Rath, trustee, Wl-dicr. Neb. Y MS3 at- uriTi.'t. outtlt for snle: $150 worth of busl ncs. 11 monm. r or iiuriicuiiirn uiiiiress n , urauu isiauu, .-en. Y-M22S 20 A. H.imin, FIRST-CLASS bakery, soda fountain In miiineetlon: finest location In oily; whole sale and retail trnde. Address c 36. Bee. Y-M2.1S 22 MONEY TO I.OAN-CIIATTEI.S. FOR SALE Nearly new upright Stelnway vlar.o tor 5150- Addrera X66 Bee. Q-253--M31 SAFES, buy, Boll, etc. Tel. 1C97. Schwartz, 114 S. 13. Q-M162 AIAVAYS moving II, II, goods. Pianos. Ofllce 151P(4 Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or 863. D Hi CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry B. Payne, 601 N. Y, Life. 'Phono. 1016. "139 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Puxton block. D-140 MAOOARD Van & Storage. 1016 Can. Ave. Tel. 1498. D-Hl HOUSES to rent. Y Life. HOUSES and flats. R. C. Patterson. 205 N. D-143 Rlngwnlt, Barker blk. WANTED, 2 experience ' women In our al teration department. n t apply unless iVperltncea: Contlucntul flotlijnPjCo. WIRE fence. Leddy, 1017 Howard. Tel. 1690. Q-613-Allg-9 FOR SALE, sldewalki plank, all widths. 6 to 12 incnes, nnu u, a aim iu icei lengius, for S3.C0 per thuusand feet. Also kindling wood at $1.(0 a load. Chicago House wrecking Co., Exposition Grounds, Phone- 2561. Q-M287 31 CUT prices at A. E. Wylle's. 1513 Fnrnnm; Hermitage Bourbon. Ciuckenheliner Rye, S years old; drink, 10c: a Pt., 25c; pt, 60c; nt.. $;,M1. sentC. O. D.. $4. HORSE clippers and repairs; we grind rainrs. shears, clippers, etc. A. L. Unde land. 106 SjJl 4: Q-MS4I All FOR SALE, 1 billiard and 2 pool tables In good condition. Write to Box 231, Wnhoo, Neb. I.F-Y-O-U-N-B-E-D-M-O-N. a-K-w u-; E-Y wn hnvu a large nmount to loan on house hold furniture, pianos, organs, warehouse receipts, horses, carriages, etc. Yon can get the money within a few hours after making application. WE CHARGE YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OR FILING PAPERS. We glvo you as much time as you 111 cd and you inuy repay the loan us soon ns you choo.- and you need not pay for it ONE DAY LONGER THAN VOU KEEP IT OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Tel, 2235. 300 South 16tli Strcot, X-614 F II 1 1 X IT IJ II E n 13 PA I II 1 X (1 . FOR QUICK returns on bargains only seo GLOBE Couch Co., 1519 Leav'th. Tel. 2529. o a. iirnnawcii. wi i. auu iuh. 1 RE-205 PACKING, upholstering, mnttress, feather renovating, iei. m. b. waiKiin, -111 Cuming St. -218 M!LWA"WEf CHICAGO, MlLWAUKFjE & St. I'aui Railway t-'ity Ticket Olllce, 1501 Farnnm Street. Telephone 25,4. Depot, Tenth and Mnson SI reels. Telephone 629. i.eave. Arrive. Chlcngo Limited Ex ...a 7:33 pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex .bll:00 am b 3:55 pm Sioux City nnd Dcs Molncs Express bll:00nm b 3:55 om a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "Tho North western Lino" General Cilices, Nebraska Divi sion. 15th nnd Webster Sts. Cltv Ticket Olllee. 1401 Parr.am St. Telephone 661. Depot, 15th nnd Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ,n 0:00 am a 9:10 pm Omaha Passcngei all:20 am Slour. City & North- east Nebraska . ., a 3:40 pm u Dally b Daily except Sunday. West'n Minstrel William II. West nnd his company of vocalists and comedians opened a two nlEhts' engagement nt Boyd's theater Mon day, presenting his Minstrel Jubilee. Th iiijiml irnrirenus minstrel first part Is given over almost entirely to the vocalists of tho company nnd singing Is the pre dominating feature. although enough Hlory-telllng and bright rtpaiieo is indulged In lo ntlefy these who enjoy a hearty laugh. An last year, Kicn.tru J. Jose's splendid conira-tcnor voice in una of the principal fentuies of the performance, lie sand severnl ballads and was compelled l roannnil In llllnlorOUS CllCOl'CS. Till' lll- tcrme7.7.o from Muscngnl'a opera, lerla Rustlcana." Is beautifully by a sextet headed by Mr, Jose. The vaudeville features of the perform ance nre much stronger than last year nnd Include tho Three Lukctis, ncrobatn. th Marvelles, grotesque dancers nnd contor llonlstn; Dave Meier, bag puncher, und sev eral others. Tho military drill and tab leaux, with which the pcrfurnianej Is brought to a close, arc particularly good. In the drill scmo clever military evolutions aro Introduced by a company of fifteen well drilled men under Mr. West's personal dl dcctlon. Tho tableaux, showing Admiral Dewey In counterpart dressed in iuu mili tary uniform nnd surrounded with a halo of Incandescent llghlH nrranged to spell the word victory, Ib quite Inspiring. Altogether tho perfoniinnco Is an enjoyablo one. Thcro will 'bo a' matinee this afternoon, tho engagement closing with tonight's per formance. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Mllcsburg, Pa., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and soro throat Ono Minute Cough Curo Is uncnnalcd. It is pleasant for chil dren to take. 1 heartily recommend It to niuthcrs." It Is tho only uarmicss rcmooy fimi nroducea lmniedlnto results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grlppo and throat nnd lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. UPHOLSTERING, mnttress, finishing, carpentry. Omnha Cabinet Shop, loofl Cass. Tel. 2188. -M930 A16 HOTELS. BARGAINS. March 19 nnd 20, 1900. C. F. HARRISON M UliU, T. JIUHTU.N, 913 N. Y. Life. Telephone 314 or 2612 F. 2317 S. 32d St., S-room house, excellent condition, 2 full lots, on boulevard, tnx paid, only $2,600. 290S S. 17th St., 9-room house, lnrgo bam, 75 feet cast front, $2,200. S-room modern houso near 11. school, paved street, $4,750. BPEC1AI, 7-room houso west of park, $060. RE-213 19 METROPOLITAN, European, 12th ,1 Doug las, lowest rates, wm. tiarr, .iigr. toi zu. M-670 THE THURSTON, 15th-Jackson; Am. nnd European; pleasant rooms, i.iu weoit up. M-714 " BICYCLES. IN order to reduce stock wo will sell for a short tlmo only second-hand bicycle at one-half price; good wheels. $3.00 to $15.00. Flescher. 1622 Cap. Ave. M132 Enameled, $2 up. Blcyclo Hospital, 711 N. 16. 60S SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" General Offices. United States National Bank Building, 8. W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnnm Sts. Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St. Telephono 561. De pot. Tenth & Mason Sts. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a 6:55 am nl0:50 pm i will cuy i.imiicu a i;u pm a &;io am Sioux Cltv Local a. 8:00 am a 4:20 pm a Dally MEIHIAL. LADIES, Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills a.-e the best; safe, reliable; take no other; send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for LadlaV In letter by raturn mail. At druggists. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MAKE ME AN OFFER. I AM GOING TO SELL. T'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY. MRS. BERRY. Turko-Russlan baths; porce lain tub; mnssnge; nesi cqnippi-u 111 cuy; attendant. 119 N. 10th St., 2nd floor, opp. postolllee. -M76i A10 FURNITURE PACICIXO. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511 Far. Tel. 1559.863. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phono 661. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. C29, Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Bpo- clal a 7:00 am all:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 1:15 pm aio.10 am Eastern Express. Des Molncs, Marshalltown, Ced'ir Rapids and ("hi- cago ol0:55 am a 4:0u pra Eastern Llm'tcd, Chi- ,-ago nnd Ensi a 1:55 pm a 4:0a pra Fast Mall, Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 pm Omaha-Chlcago Special. a 7:30 pm a 8:00 am Fast Mall 830 am a Dally. mzm Bare States Natl i.i'iismr b w. Seven-room strictly modem house, largo bath room, porcelain bath tub, furnuco and gas. cemented cellar; Inside of houso must bo seen to bu appreciated, nicely nr ranged; two blocks from good school and lmif 11 block from car nnd nnved street: No. 4315 Scwnrd street. I nm offering this placo at $2,100. If you do not think It worth that make mo an offer; terms reasonable. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING CURED. Julia Vaughan, 130 Ramgo Bldg. 217 NICKEL PLATING. A. M. COWIE, 211 So. ISth St. Q M;..8 20 FOR SALE, two Saint Lambert Jersey cows. 5 and 6 years old, yoeng calves by side; extra good and gentle, will sell cheap. 715 N 21st street, South Omaha. 11, F Hobblck. Q-MP2S YOUNQ Jersey bull. 2S26 Wcbiter Q-MU8-:i MONEY. IXJANEU TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their own nnmes. In amount from $10.00 up. A comparison of our rates with others In all wo usk, as wo are positive that L. ' ' .. .l. I,, .tin All.: V. OUTn UlU HI? IUCOi 111 HI" V.HJ. ItC-lllUlUUCl I . .... nn,V. al Iwtttona. m HKJ? nAM8ne?aV: eanlat V VOU IIIU llllIH'hV ui '.jt!t JUMi luuu V. - 1 oc.i ...... nn,l lnnl.n,, nt 1fl :.! HA ITnl imv T1M1.: nnd Iherehv Htnn. S. W. Corner 35tll ttVl', anil JIlCKSOIl St.. 126 ulne tho cost. Business contldentlal. Treat- CYCLE PARTS-AII kinds plating. Plating Co.. Ben Bldg. Tel. 2S33, Omnha -651 I1AXCI.XC. SCHOOL. RE-216 LAST term, lost chance Mornnd's. 15th und Harney - adults Tuewlay and I;rldny; children Saturdnys- usscmbllcs Wedne. dny and Saturday. 331 A -J FREMONT. ELKHORN Sc vnuey itaiiroad rthwestern Line" Olllces, United onal Bk. Bldg.. Corner Twolfth ' and Farnam Sts. Ticket Otllce, 1101 Farnnm St. Telephono 661. De. pot, 15th und Webster Sts. Tulephono 1158. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3;00 pm a 5:00 pra Wyoming, Casper and Douglns d 3:00 pm e 6:00 pra Hastings, York, David City. Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward.... h 3:00 pm b 5:00 pra Norfolk. Vcrdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:25 am Lincoln, Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremont Local c 7:30 "n a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, c Bun rtn only, d Daily except Saturday, e Dally except Monciav. ment courteous. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Tel. 2295. Room 119, Board of Trade Bldg. X-61S- MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their own names without neciirlty; easy payments, Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg, feet east front by loo deep; snap at $;w. Acre lots. 15.U9 feel, rraii s suoaiv., s, w. ot Ilanscom pnrk. $260 each. 160 ncres smooth land B. . of Benning ton: fair Improvements. $45 per acre. JOHN N- FRENZER. Opp. Qld P O, R L 4 1 1 FOR RENT or sale, 46-urre farm, 3 miles north of Florence. Aiiurcss iienry ah derson, Florence, Neb, RB-M917 23' PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, rellnblo accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 216 IN families. DRESSMAKING. Mle Sturdy, 2216 Davenport. 78 A'lZ MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL roud General Offices and Tlckot Ollicc? Southeast Cor ner llth and Douglas Sts. Telephono, 104. Depot, 15th und Webster fits. Telephone, 1433. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis, Kansas & Nob, Limited a 2:30 pm nl2:55 pm K C -St L Express. ..a 9:50 pm a 6:50 am Nebrnska lical Via Weeping Water b 5:03om a 9:43 am a Dilly b Dally except Sunday Ms Express a a Dally. Bt. Louis "Cannon Ball" lleney t VIhII SI. LoiiI". ST. LOUIS Murch 19,-Admlrnl Dewey has promised to visit St. Iiuls next May. lust two year after his world-famous bat t lo and vie torv at Manila bay. Thn news of tho admlr.Vl coming was brought by a .tier received today by Secretary Jam -s tix of tie Business Men's league. In reply to an Invitation sent last week. LOCAL BREVITIES. "Yusca" mnntlcs nt 105 S. 13th. Edwin Bailey, assistant to Coroner Swan son, l.s very sick with gastritis. City Attorney Council has prepared tho answer of the mayor and council In tho case of the Omaha police commissioners and it will bo filed ut once in tho supremo court. ,i ni Mni.ii, ihn well known crltlo nnd essayist, will lecture nt Kountzo Mt- "p his Is Vho WeuilC'SlIliy eveiiiui., .,.,.. - -' rnnrih r.,nirii iii tho lecture course given by tho nubile school teachers. ThoiM who expected a ; green """"' In police court to follow St. I "trick's ; day read tho stars amiss, for ,H due (lor on s morning 'grist was exceptionally light. There wero only two arraignments on a. ehnrgn of lighting, nnd these parties had engaged In tho brawl on .Sunday. Advertisements for tho letting of the con tract for the annex of tho government building were Inserted In tho newspapers yesterday. Tho annex Is to occupy i lin 8m -onteenth street front of tin; situ. It will ho four stories high, and with the execution of tho towers will bo a reproduction of tho present building. St. Patrick's day wan celebrated very ap proprlately In St. Patrick's church, l'our teenth anil Caslellar street?, Sunday. I In; choir. In recognition of the occasion, had arranged an excellent program, and tho usual musical features were ill vorsllled by several member of the M , E. Nordln or chestrn. Rev. Father J. Smith preached nu usual. Bert Whltlen and Elmer McClure, railroad men from Council Bluffs, met two negro gambli'rs. Charles Callln and John Wood, a Twelfth and Douglas streets Monday nf -emoon. A dispute arose as to which pair should yield the right of way of the side. walk, whereupon c aiiin uiu i 'V,,. V and tried to slioot McClure. Sergeant Hud son and Olllcer Reptrcw saw the entire pre cecdlng and tho quartette was arrested. "Squint" Davis and John Sutton weio each lined $10 and costs In pnllco court Mon day for an assault committed upon Oscar and Paul U'lemer and Oscar Smith. On tho night of March 13, ns tho three boys wero passing Hamilton street on Twenty-fourth on their way homo from a prayer meeting, they wore knocked down, kicked In tin; fain and severely beaten 0v a gang of thugs numbering a nan uuaen. .mi mc-aii"--. Sutton and Davis. Sergeant Samuel Keyser of Company K, Tenth Infantry, stationed at I ort Crook, who was custodian of tho funds belonging to tho post ennteen. Is reported to have mysteriously disappeared recently, tak rg with him u few hundred dollars btdnngln to tho canteen. He had been in the service about three years and arrived at tha fort last fall, since which time ho hnd lieon In charge of the funds. Nothing Is known of his whereabouts, but efforts are being made to arrest lilin. The funeral of Corporal Inils J. Wegener of tho Thlrly-slxth volunteer Infantry will bo heM next Sunday morning at Dei Moines. la. Ho finnerly lived In Omaha with hlH brother. Rudolph A. Wegener, at 1105 North Twenty-first street, und enlisted at Council Bluff with tho Dodge Light In fantry In the Flfty-llrst Iowa, re. enlisting when his term expired with th Thlrly-HUlR ...,i,,,,i,.,.ru Wee-viler was killed 111 action '6:05 pro a 7:55 am pear Shu Fernando on th morning of Au ' gust 9. 18W, His body has been shipped V A B A S IT nAILROAD Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam Street, Telephone S95. De. pot. Tenth nnu Mnrcy Streets, Telephono J23. Leave, Arrlvo from San Francisco nnd will arrive in De