TUESDAY, MAHCIT 20. 1J)00. i 10 THE OMAHA DAITjY "DEE; S.1.15. HO.STO.V STOHIJ SII.K I'MMt. I0t. IIAVIMJ.V I.HOS OlttH KIMIX. I.,AMJS JI-flllSKHY iUO.. PLAN TO CHANGE DISTRICTS Popccutio Majority of County Board Pro poses a Gerrymander. PROPOSITION WILL BE INTRODUCED SOON CnnitnlMMlonrr Citiiniillj In Snlii tit lie the lnnllKiilor of flic Si-li chic, Wlileh Ik Oiio-il l,r Hc inilillcaii 31 Iier. Tho jiopocratle majority of the county fcoard la planning a gerrymander or the com tnlHsloncr illatrlcts. The nronosltlon will Iirobalily ho Introdttred at tho next meeting of tho hoard, which Is Saturday. It would fcavo been sprung last Saturday but for tho reason thero was not full attendant of the members. Tho plan In to ehange the districts so that Commissioner Harm, who Is a rrnldent of tho Hccond ward, will havo to move hla residence to Bomo of tho other wurdn of hla district In order to bo eligible to oince. Commissioner Connolly scoks by the proposed (jerrymander lo odd tho Second ward to bis district, and tho law requires that a commissioner shall not llvo beyond the boundary lines of tho district ho represent. There are five com missioner districts an follows: Klrst Second. Seventh and Fourth wards, represented by Hartc. Second Third, .Ninth and Eighth wards, represented by Connolly. Third All of tho county precincts except Mlllurd, McArdlc. Douglas and Clontarf, rep resented by Hofeldt. Fourth First ward, nil of South Omaha rind Millard, MeArdlc, Douglas nnd Contarf rreclncta, represented by Hoctor. Fifth Fifth nnd Sixth wardB, represented 1y Ostrom. Tho changes proposed ure to add tho Second ward to Connolly'a district, cutting Harto out; nnd to put the Ninth ward In Harto'a district; to cut tho First ward off of IIoctor'H district and add It to Connelly's nnd tn glvo Ostrom the Klghth ward, which la now represented by Connolly. This will glvo to Connolly two new wards, the First nnd Second, and tuko from hlra the Klghth nnd Ninth. Commissioner Connolly, It la Raid, will soon chnngo hla renldenco from tho Eighth lo tho Third ward. Commissioner Harte has long been n resident of tho Second ward. U la n property owner there and hus fixed up a homo which ho could scarcely afford to leave. Ho expected to bo a candidate for rc-clcctlon nnd If tho gerrymander la wndo ho will bo compelled to change Ills rcsldenco from tho Second ward or sacrifice IiIh official nsplratlons. Ily this arbitrary districting tho popocrata would mako Connolly a district overwhelm ingly democratic and Insuro hla retention even If Commissioner Harto Bhould bo re rlcctcd this year. Ily this means they woul keep threo democratic members In tho board nt least until the expiration of Hofcldt's term, Jnnuary 1, 1903, and thus retain tho court houso patronago for three years. As it la now tho republicans would have a ehanco to regain Connolly's district a year from next fall, nnd with tho board divided, aa It la now threo nnd two between tho two pnrtlca tho capture of ono district would mean tho enpturo of tho entire board. iio.xi'i: 1M ixo IIOSTO.N STOKK'.S IIIC S110K SAM:. 'J'oilnV Shoo ItfirKiiInn Will Ilrntr the IliUKi-wf Crtnvtl We Hver llntl. 1,000 pairs ladles' rubbers, 10c. noo pairs Infants' 35o mocnsslns, inc. fiOO pairs Infants' r0c fancy soft sole shoes, E.jo pair, iMIsscb $1.35 shoes, 8!)c. Child's $1.15 shoes, GOc. .Ladles' J1.D0 shoes and oxfords, "fie. Indies' $2.00 shoes nnd oxfords, 98c. Ladles' $4.00, $5.00 nnd $6.00 shoes, $1.98 '.Men's $1.00 shoes, black nnd tan, $1.98. Men's $0.00 patent leather and tan shoes, 13,00. nOSTO.N STORE, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. lfith and Douglas Sta. i Sco C. F. Harrison's real estate bargains. Sydney Flower, L. I,. D., of Chicago, lcc- lurca on "Personal iMagnotlsm" at Crelgh ton linll on Thursdny evening. Tho hand mmoly printed courses of Instruction given In nil thoo who attend tho lecture arc on Vlow nt Megcath's. timnlia-Ctileniro. 7:00 a. m 8:30 p. m. 4:55 p. m 7:45 a. m. 7:30 p. m 9:30 a. m. via "The Northwestern Line," 1401 nnd 1403 Farnam street. "Tho best of evorythlng." Polish iiiloiiul .Mllitnec. OIIIOAHO, March lS.-Delecuten from n dozen cities and many towns, rexiresuntlnc foeletles In the I'oltsli National Alllnnco of America, gathered In Chicago to attend tho special convention of tho central or- KuiiiAiiuuji which ni'gan nero lixlay and which will continue throughout ihi. ,.i. Among the moro Important subjects for viMimt:i ituuii i nil. new constitution, which, It Ik said, will unite tho life ln tmrunce feature with thn educational nnd patriotic features of the old constitution i'or the Hrst time In the history of tho organization women wll bo admitted to membership. They will bo on an equal footing with tho men. Tin Attt-nllon of tn Trayellng public Is respectfully Invited to tho magnificent equipment otTerod to nations of tho CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. TAUL UAILWAV botwecn Omaha and Chi cago. Solid vestlbuled, steam heated and electric lighted trnlns I'alaco sleepers and diners, buffet nnd library cars, free reclin ing chair cars, fast time and union depots. City Ticket Omce, 1504 Farnam at. F. A. NASH General Western Agent. rive Trains dally for Chicago via tho NOIITH XVESTERN LINE. A full list of them can bo secured at 1401 and 1403 Farnam street. nu: i). GIHSON-Cnrrle M.. daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. O. nilwon, at I'tilo Franklin street, March IS, 1000. aged 19 years, 5 months and 6 days. Funeral from St. John's church. Twenty. Hlxth and Franklin streets. Wednesday, March 21. at 'i p. m. Friends Invited. HJ'ILLKTT-Eilwnnl Albert, Infant son of Sir. and Mrs. i;dw. Splllett. Sunday. Starch IS. 11KJ0, nt 3:3i) p. m. Funeral Tuesday. March 1. at 2 p, m from residence. 20.12 N. 25th street, to Pros pect IIII1 cemetery. Board of Pharmacy The Stntq Hoard of Pharmacy of Nobraskn requires nil persona conducting n drug store to huve a license Issued by the board. Is this rulo enforced In Omaha? Wo say not. if tho list of druggists published Is cor rect. "Josle." what's tho trouble? Syrup of Figs 29c Crnmer's Kidney Cure 7f,c Llsterlno r.Oc Kuro Deuth ;0c fi.-haofer's Cough Cure 20c I'erutm 7oC S. S. S 75c Carter's l'llls j5c Hood's Sarsaparllln 69c 'n I nu's Celery Compound 69c ryramld Pile Cure 4nc Ktuurt's Tablets 40c "Wine of Cnrdul , 76c T 'omo Qulnlno ISc 1 doz. 2-grnln capsules 7c 1 dozen 3-gruln capsules 10c 1 dozen 5-grnln capsules isc SGHAEFER CUI R&sr Cur. 10th and CIiIohbo tita. I.cttlnu Dim 11 tin- Prleo In Our Alter iillon .Snip im .Never llcfnrr. There have been piano sale and sales. In fflet. we have had tho greatest sales lit Omsha. but It haa remained for this, our great alteration sale, to push tho prwlt aside nnd force a cut price sale of high grade, perfect nnd dr pianos that has opened tho eyes of the prospectlvo plan? bujors. Every piano In this sale haa been marked In plain figures and that is our prise, no moro on 1 no Icfa. New planes In this sale nt $127. $137. $113, Jlfi! $178 nnd up to $3SS. That meant a genulno mnrk down of 25 nnd oven L0 per cent In some cases. There has never been a timo before In Omaha In plain selling vhen such low priced on stfch guarantcca pianos were never quoted. This Is not n salo of unknown Inslru ments, but thero arc pianos representing thn highest art In piano mnklng. suc'j jh thu Slcltiway, Kimball, Knabe, Krell, Kra- nlch and Ilaeh. Hoyal, Hnllet & Davis Hospo r.lld others. It Is the one opportunity you will have of caving fiom $100 to $200 on a reliable piano. xtaieruay, ino nrst day or tho rale, wo fold eight of the Inctruments on our main ('or. Today and tomorrow we will fell moro and It will bo to your own Interest If you contemplate ever buying a piano to come now at tho beginning of the sale and select the Instrument you want. Wo cannot order from tho factory nnd dupli cate these prlcrn. This wilo will Inst only so long, n pianos nro on tho lloor that muat bo moved. A. HOSl'E, 1513-1515 Douglas St. 1'. 3. Open tl'l 8 p. m. Wli j- (Miilreaa In the Tlnrlc When by traveling la iho luxurious Bleep ing cars of the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn on the electric lamp and make tho berth ai light aa day. City OITtce, 1601 Farnam at. A t'nril of Wo wish to extend friends, nnd especially ho kind to U3 durlnc Tlinnks. our thanks to our the Elks, who were our husband's and father's lato sickness nnd death. MRS, R. X. WHITE nnd CHILDREN. PEARL ENTERTAINS A HOBO Trnnip I'liuU n. Six-Ycnr-Oli! Alum- In tin- Iloiinr 11 ml In vlten lllniNi'ir In, Child Six-year-old Pearl Nesbltt entertained n hobo unawares Sunday. During tho fore noon her aunt, Sirs. Slagglo Clinker, 1617 Cass street, left tho child In tho houso alono whllo she went to tho homo of a neighbor to return n drawing of tea. Pearl was contentedly playing In the kitchen when thero come n knock at tho door. "Good morning, Miss," said tho hobo. "Is your mamma In?" And he smiled so engagingly tho llttlo girl failed to notico that his clothes hung In tatters and that his eyes wero bleary. Sho doesn't remember exactly how It hap pened, but a moment later her guest was 8eatcd at tho table, mill spread with the remains of breukfast, and sho was pouring a cup of coffee for him. Then sho took a sent at tho head of tho board as a hoatesa should, and they chatted merrily. A neighbor woman entered nt tho front door, Baw tbo pair In cosy comfort nnd withdrew. Sho said nfterward sho thought the child was entertaining her uncle from Arizona. When Sirs. Clinker returned from her call tho tramp wns gone. Then she got a tablet of paper, made n list of tho stolen artlclea and reported the matter to tho police. Morlitllt) NtntlMlm. I Tho following births nnd deaths wero re ported nt the office of the Board of Health during the forty-eight hours ending nt noon Slondny: Ulrths: Arthur Lowrlc, 4619 Wnkeley. girl Leonard Allstrom. 611 1 Marcy, boy; Sands Ki.Voo1irlll1e.::61 .Capitol avenue, girl; William Oambal, 2fit5 Cuming, girl. Deaths: Alfred Petersen. ur& Piwino n J3 days, pneumonia; Esther Ionian Pnlm. 22 North Sixteenth. 2 years, acute bronchitis: Frank Kosumbnrk. mil n,.n. I'welfth, 10 years; Lucy E. Eaton, 51 year. St. Joseph hospital; Lid Jannk, 1209 Will Hams; Jan Krlvan, rt months. 1725 Hickory, convulsions. Haby Dalmke. 819 South N-lnhl tccnth, 13 days. MtiMt IteiiinrUnlile Siile IMiinli, Velrt, Trim 111 1 11 Ki mill I, nee Till Nrnsoii. $1.00 SILK PLUSH. 10C YARD. Today we will sell 100 full pieces of silk plush, 20 Inches wide, In cardinal, grays, Inns, blues, browns and yellows, as displayed In our window. Regular value $1.00, on salo on main lloor 10c yard. $2.00 PAN VELVETS, 75C YARD, Pan velvets In nil colors, pure silk velvets, so stylish for waists, trimmings nnd mil linery, every yard worth $2.00, In velvet department, 75c yard. 10C TRIMMINGS. 1C YARD. Slany thousand yards of pure silk cords and trimmings, In reds. navy, black, white, yellow, etc. Every yard worth 10c, on sale Tuesday at lc yard. 1,000 holts of nil kinds of torchon laco and Insertion, flno quality, different widths, all go nt l"4c yard. 50C LACES, f,C AND 10C YARD. Two largo bargain squares with over 1.000 bolts of almost nil styles of lace, Including black and cream silk lace, net top oriental Ince, all extra flno quality, worth COc, go at Cc and 10c yard. One Immense lot of embroidery and In sertion In nice, line qualities, well made, nnd worth regular up to 15c, go nt 6c ynrd. Immenso lot of high class embroidery and Insertion, Including Swiss, Jaconet nnd nainsook, all go in one lot nt 10c yard. COC HOSIERY. 10C PAIR. 10,000 pairs children's tine Imported French lisle thrend hose, fancy plaids nnd stripes, worth up to 50c. go this salo at 10c pair. I10STON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Corner 16th nnd Douglas Sta. LAKE AT RIVERVIEW PARK Peanut .rP n,vn-Frmli llonxlcil VlrKlnlti IVnnutfi, Mtiiirt, Ue, Wo arc not to blamo for peanuts being so menp, tne crop was too large for the peanut trust to handlo nnd hence we are forced to mako that price. Wo aro very glad It hap pened on account of Its benelltlng so many people at the expense of the trusts. COCOA.NUTS ARE CHEAP ALSO. 1 IJirge, freab, Juicy cocoanuts, each, lic. Wo received a solid carload of these fancy largo nuts direct from Florida. You never I saw such nine large cocoanuts In your whole life. Tho quality In far superior to any that could be bought In Omaha. We know they nro fresh, which Is more than we know about tho Omaha cocoanuts. HAYDE.N HROS. tlrenli.! Soiixittliinnl Snip of This ."prill TiiUc IMner Weil or mIii . AT IIOSTO.N STORE, OMAHA. S3.000 yards of the finest quality high class summer wnsh goods bought nt less than 25c on the dollar will be placed on sale nil at one timo Wednesday. They nre nil 1 in tho new weaves, novelties and staple cotton wash fabrics. McCreery carries only tho highest grade merchandise, consequently this salo will be very much out of the ordinary. Watch this evening's papers for prices. IIOSTO.N STORE. OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas iits. SRcGraofiaePolgin 9IGGra4fia(SPofl5i..a& There was a time I'nrk (.'oiniiilxMoiH-ri. nt Work on I'lnn to I'urlfj It Wilier by Klliul 1111 1 1 11 If Si'iiimi:. Tho park commissioners aro nt work on a plan lo preserve and purify the waters of tho lako In Rlvervlcw park. At present tho Valley street sewer empties Into a creek which flows Into the lake, making that body of water a reservoir for all of the scwago of tho neighborhood. Tho pcoplo who aro familiar with the park and Its surroundlngn say that tho banks of tho creek, which nro steep and filled with trees, Is one of tho most picturcsquo parts of tho neighborhood, but thnt people are de barred from enjoying the scenery by reason of tho fllthlncss of tho creek. Tho plan pro. posed by certain members of tho board la the construction of a sewer which, connect ing with tho Valley street sewer, will carry the sewogo mound tho lake and empty It Into a creek oast of tho park, where It will bo carried directly to tho river. When this lino been dono It l Intended to pump thi water from the artesian well to the head o." the creek and have It flow back Into thn lake. I J HAYDE.N HROS. j dnto cuts for sale. 1201 Howard, Tel. 3310. 1 I A GREAT FIRE SALE ! PIANOS III HHfllBBflBSBflQBBBESEEXSHBflflflflflflflflflfl H ti&ik' JMWK 1'iiiaiBBBBBBBBF, B) Mf ffwSB ...-THAT IS.... JS0HBL B I H 9 a 1 B I I! GRAIN-0! GRAIN-0! Remember that name when you want a delicious, appetizing, nourishing food drink to tako thn place of coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used It. Graln-O Is made of pure grain; It nlds di gestion and strengthens the nerves. It Is not a stimulant, but a health liullder, and tho children as well as the adults can drink It with great benellt. Costs about one fourth as much an coffee; lflo nnd 23e per package. Ask your grocer for Graln-O. Your Old Wheel Felons, Ulcere Old Sores. All sluggish and unhealthy sores arc stimulated to quick healing by the use of will look like now with a coat of Sherwin-Williams Rlcyclo Enamel. Don't Jump nt tho conclusion that because tho enamel upon your blcyclo looks dingy you must get a new wheel or send It back to the factory to get It ro-enameled. It Is not neccbsary. A small brush, a little en amel nnd a llttlo timo is all you need, nnd tho old blcyclo looks like new. Use any of tho following colors: YELLOW. STERLING. GREEN, CARMINE, ORANGE, DLUE, BRILLIANT GREEN. VERMILLION. MA ROON, GREEN. WHITE, BLACK. Put up In ',4 pints, 25c; each can sufficient for ono blcyclo. Paint Brushes Wo have a very complete line of Paint Brushes, ranging from 6c to $3.00. A nlco brush for 15c or 20c, good enough for Bmall Job. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co n. m. tor, iuiii nun UoiIkc OLCANIC LINIMENT Oil It is a specific for the cure of pain. By its use the tense con dition or the muscles is relaxed, normal heat restored and pain allayed. It is useful in all irri tations and abrasions of the skin anywhere on the body, and its soothing effect is invariable. For Man or Beast. For Sale by All Druggists. 25 cts. per Bottle. sr.. r.i- BEATS THEM ALL . The Colorado Special ONLY TRAIN TO DENVER FROM CHICAGO VIA OMAHA With HutTi'l, SmokliiK 11 ml I.llirury Ciirx. FASTEST TRAIN TO DENVER Vlu O11111I111, l.riMvx OiiiiiIiii 1 1 ill,-, Tonight Arrlr Denver liHO p. m. Tomorrow, CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1H02 PAH.VAM STIU3UT. Telephone; 310. Every Thursday To California. Leave Omaha say Thursday afternoon with ono of tho Bur lington's Personally Conducted Overland Excursions and 11 reoch Sau Francisco following Sunday, Los Angclea Monday. Tho tourist sleeper In which you travel is the best ear of lUs kind over built. It has wide vestibules, Pintsch gas mid hlsii back scats. Tho bed linen and furnishings aro clean nnd of good quality. Second-class tickets are uceepted and tho berth rate Omaha to California Ik only $5. Full Information on request, Ticicirr OFFICE, 1302 F.VHXA.M ST II II KT. Telephoue 250. Ill'm.I.VfiTON STATION, 10TII ANU SIAKOX STIIEKT9, Telephone 12S. MAKING HISTORY Tho Are which occurred nt 1311 Farnam street (next door to our cales and warorooms), when our Immense stock was slightly damaged by smoko nnd water, has conspired to make this tho most favorablo time In tho history of Omaha for tho purchase of a piano or organ. This unusual opportunity has been made possible for the reason thnt we have settled all our losses with the insurauco companies. You get tho benellt in dollatu; wo get the advertisement. Wo are compelled, owing to circumstances, to get rid of every piano In the present atock and we have decided to reduco tho price on all grades of planoa from $100 to $230. Our stock conslBts of several hundred pianos nnd organs, In over 50 designs nnd finish, and Is tbo MOST COMPLETE, UP-TO-DATE AND RELIABLE stock ever thrown on tho market at such prices. We propose to sell pianos In this great salo at figures that will make a NEW LOW PRICE RECORD in the history of piano Helling. . Tho sale is now In progress and to any one contemplating the purchase of a piano wo would euggest prompt action, ns theso great bargains cannot last long. Among this great assortment of Instruments enn be found tho greatest of nil pianos THE STEIN WAV which leads them nil. Also tho celebrated Steger. A. B. Chnee. Vose, Emerson, Packard, Ivors & Pond, Oramcr, Peaso und several other makes. We Guarantee the Quality of Every Instrument Sold, MOTE PRICES BELOW. nUKOHI? PRica $1,150.00 735.00 cr.0.00 500.00 475.00 375.00 350.00 230.00 Other rut: Fiui:. AFTER Tim nilE. NAME. STYLE. PRICE. Stelnway Mahogany Baby Grand $875.00 Stelnway Upright, figured walnut case 636.00 A. B. Chase Mahogany or Walnut 550.00 Vose Cabinet Grand 375.00 Emerwn St. Domingo Mahogany 323.00 Steger Antique Oak 275.00 Pease Fancy Walnut 225.00 Aden Upright Cabinet Grand 175.00 reliable Upright Pianos nt $110.00. $120.00, $135.00 and un. Organs, $10.00 and up. AN IMPORTANT FEATURE. Although -we have reduced the prlco on all our pianos from $100.00 to $250.00, wo will continue to sell pianos at tho regular monthly rate of payments. Stool and Scarf freo with each piano purchased. STORE OPEN EVENINGS DURING THIS SALE. Schmoiler & Mueller 1313 Farnam Street. The Largest Piano House in the West. NOTICE--N0 Pianos Sold to Local Dealers. When women who desired exolu siveness in dress had to seek tho HiH'vieed of a tailor and put up with all! lie petty anoyances and incon venienced that having a costume niade-to-order subjects one to. That period, as far as it concerns The JSebraska, is happily past. The cul mination of our efforts to provido our constituents with oxclusivonoss is shown in tho initial display we aro making this week. Jt requires excellent taste, executive ability and sound judgment to bring you such excellence and reiineniont'in an as sortment that contains so few du plicates and many of ono of-a-kind, only, as are being shown hero. Theso costumes aro well worth your time spent in viewing them. Tho trouble you may be put to will be as nothing compared to the pleasure you will experience when you see t lie very choicest products of the foremost tailors in tho world. in ii i .i i ii ii ii 'Second S Day of the GREAT CLOTHING SALE. Hundreds took advant ildG (if t,Ili cnJn Almwln,, r i. OU to come, to compare, to try us. The suLerior m,mv t 4 "1 j ol our goods, the unusually low prices atwhich they aro of fered, permit us to challenge comparison. For balance of this week we will offer Men's t iioys' and Children's New Spring Clothing at a saving from 25 to 50 per cent., of high grade materials, with a selection of over J300 of this season's newest styles to select from the workmanship in our clothing is of tho very best. This clothliif; Is not tho accumulation of n season's oddH and ends, cnrrled over from last season, hut the result of months of preparation In gathering the new choice- patterns. ALL-WOOL CHEVIOT At $2.75 At i$S375woN At $5.00 Men's Suits In stripes and plain patterns, Suits In ., neatly all wool worsted and tailored; every suit a ens-real S675 $750 AND 5(000 new Btyllsh patterns In fancy worsteds. In dark an,! 111.M suit positively worth from HAYDE The marvelous growth of our clonk de partment proves that our of torts to concentrate the good, the stylish and graceful, the trustworthy and reliable at the closest prices have been sue cessiul. Modorn merchandising is advanc ing and our method of doing business in this department is different from that of any other cloak department in the west. "We have looked everywhere and came back," "We find your suits bettor for tho money than anyone else showed us;" theso remarks we hear every hour in tho day in our cloak department. SPHC1ALS KOIl TUKSUAY SO sample suits, Jackets all hint lined, hKlrts pcrcnllne lined nnd velvet hound, they wero made to bell rrom $8.00 to $20.00 our huyor ticcurcd tnem for half prlco and they go at JS.flS. 75 suits In black cheviots, either slnglo or double-breast ed, silk lined Jackots, skirts now box pleated back, percallno lined anil interlined and velvet bound; n nobby suit; other h iiises ask $15 for them Tuewday on salo nt $7.50. The suit we tell at $10 Is well known by all. They como In etons, double-breasted, slnglu-breasted and all styles. Tho materials aro Venetians nnd whipcords. Tho Jacket Ih taf(e;a lined; tho skirt Is double or slnglo box pleat; lined with nest quality piTcallnc, corduroy and velvet bindings and a stylish suit worth $20.00 on sale for $10. 00. Hundrods of women enmo back for our $15 suits. They are direct Imitation of Imported samples and are nado from ver y lino Venetians, man-tailored throughout a suit lit for a queen. They aro worth doit hie. Wo havo moro oxpcnslvo suits, at $25. 00. $15.00. $50.00 and JfiO 00. no ueiy wouiu-do competitors on tho a M dozen wrappers Tuesduy nt 25c. W dozi-n wrappers full 15 Imh lloiinco rulllo over shoulder, yoke and front trim med with b-nld iiml body lined; would bo cheap ut $1.76011 mlo Tuesday at $1.M. Your mien of nnv I. idles' Jiii'kH In our house, worth up to $2j.w, for only $I.3J. Millinery Open ing Continues AdmlrtnK women Oiled the handsome 111II lluer department of the hlg xtoro Satur day nnd Monday. T wonderful "Dewey Arch" of riowern and all the beautiful decorations so tustlly arranged were praised by all. TI'HSDAY ANT) WKDNKIDA Y TIIK OK AN I) Ol'KNINO DISPLAY will ion llnuo and wo will liti pleased to haxe uii call and Inspect the exriulsilo Parisian creutloPH Hhowu us well as our own ehiirmln and varied Btyles. Ask 10 neo the new ehle styles In ready-to-wear stiect huts for early H.irlnt HAYDiN bovo garments and Invito comparison. BROS MEN'S SUITS. o aro showing orth $5.00. Wo nro showing Men's slmere, natln piping, etc, $7.50 to $!) 00 value. AT We are showing over 100 "ul,u,n niiijun. liiuikh mm plain gray and tirown; every 25 to 50 per cent more. AT $1250 $1500 AND $1800 We are showing tho very latest and most striking styles. These garments arc tail ored by tho fnmoiu mokers. Hart. Schuffner & Max of Chicago. Michaels, Stern & Co of Chicago, etc., which is the highest standard of ready-to-wear clothing produced In Preparing for Naylor, Crooker in accordance with telegram printed yesterday, this great $7.1.000 00 shoe stock will .bo hero In a short time, and to make .00m wo will closo out tho balance of our former purchases nt $1 50. The groatcit bargains In shoes can bo found now on ut tho Illg Store. & Young Shoe Stock mwm bros. What Can You Do If you cot a poor t i,Mir'-' You can't toil until you smoko It how jrooil it In, und after you'vo liurnuil vour iiionov you can't Kot it back. "THE STOECKER" is tho niuno of 11 j-cont cigiir that's food nil tod and nlwas will be gnod. Sold by ail tinnier and at our two stores 1404 Douglas nnd 221 South I Oth Stroot. If SIGNS OF SPRING 'Thut tired feeling" nnd houce rle.mlng You must clean und brighten ui he huti:ie and wo hnvo Jiibt what ..n uunr cv- mentlfo for the walls, paint mid w.ix for the fluors, enamelH and urnlshes fur the fur niture nnd woodwork Cement leo. any shjil , per package r.5e Kloor P.ilrt, ner enn SJe Kloor Wax, Hiilelers. per can f,i)c White Knamel, per enn suc Stoseplpt) ICnamel. per can 20e Hronzes, till colors, per package i0c Aluminum, for wutcr pipes 2j( Paint Urushes pjt Uverythlng to mako tho house bright nnd cheerful. J. A. FULLER & CO tl'T l'ltll'i: IHIUCCISTN, lllh mill IIoukHn Sta. OPICN ALL NIQIIT. CD GAR EOF THE TEETH O'joil teetli are eHtntul to proper ninHtl- ,eatlon. wlihuiiL them the general liealtli 1 1 linnet be maintained In lu hlehest ii'irfI- I)Id degree Il.nt yuur teeth examined--no charge Silver Fillings 75e Teeth ('leaned 75e Kxtrnetlng 25o nOWELL'9 Anti-Kawf Will eure t'ongliH ('Ida, lIunrseriecH or Sure Throi.t Ai Mum reliable I'"nr wile lu nil ilrug lllstrt 25 nnil 50c Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 1517 DOIXil.AS ST. THE BEST TEN-GENT CIGAR IN THE MARKET CONTAINS THE FINEST CUBAN TOBACCO, v. n. rick m. : en.. MAvriwd riiuns, sr. i.ouis, mo. C. A. It.VII.SIlACIC, OMAHA, UISTIIIUVTOU. UNION MADE it 1 r 1