Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Est. t)r. Btortnion M&lci Appsaranos at
Second Presbyterian Church.
Telln Ilia KottntTern 1int He IVnnld to
Umitr Tlicm l'ernoimlly iinil Heckn
Tbclr llcnrly Ci-0tr rullua
In Church Work,
ficr. Dr. Hobert M. Stevenson preached
t tho Second Presbyterian church Sunday
morning and evening. Dr. Stevenson has
Just accepted tho pastorate of this church.
Ho comes from Madison, Ind. Ho Is an
orator of marked ability and Is said to bo
an Indefatigable worker In church circles.
Dr. Stevenson took for his text: "I seek
not yours, but you," II Corlnthlnns, 12:14.
Ills sermon was largely nn Introductory
address to tho congregation. Dr. Steven
son preached two previous sermons at tho
Second Presbyterian church, but they wero
delivered prior to his acceptanco of tho
call and bis first ofllclal appcaranco was
Sunday morning. In substance Dr. Stev
enson said ho hoped to enlist tho co-operation
of every member of tho church, llo
was not satisfied with standing still, but
-wanted to push onward nnd upward In
church expansion. His sermon was well
received and nt tho closo of tho regular
servlco tho now pastor visited tho Sunday
school room nnd mado nnother Introduc
tory nddresa. Ho was Introduced to tho
Sunday school by Dr. Lemp, who has
preached from tlmo to time In tho church.
In his Introduction Dr. Lemp referred to
tho fact that llov. Stevenson was recently
honored with tho title, "doctor of divinity."
In responding Dr. Stovcnson said: " I want
It understood that 'Dr. Stevenson' Is no
bigger n. man than when ho was plain 'Mr.
Stevenson.' I apprcclato tho degrco con
ferred upon mo, for It Is a mark of confi
dence, but I really prefer to bo called Pas
tor Stevenson."
Dr. Stevenson's family has Just arrived In
Omnha from their former homo In Indiana.
Tho church has accorded n, hearty welcome
nnd nt tho Sunday service Dr. Stovcnson
mado tho personal acquaintance of almost
every member of tho congregation.
llov. IlorrliiK rri'itohru on ChrlMlliui-
lt- mill Hcir-Sucrlller.
Itov. H. C. Herring, pastor of tha First
Congregational church, preached Sunday
morning from Phlllpplans II, 6: "Let this
mind bo In you, which wns also In Jesua
Christ." His subject was: "Law of Solf
Bacrlflca" Ho said that sclf-sacrlflco Is a
characteristic principle of Christianity and.
whllo Christians havo not acted upon It to
any great extent they rccognlzo It as bind
ing. Tho BUbJcct was discussed under four
heads, as follows:
"First Christianity recognizes this prin
ciple In the selection of thoso whom It la
willing to honor. It chooses tho eclf-for-gotful
thoso who forego selfish pleasures In
order to accept servlco on behalf of hu
manity. Notablo examples of this aro Wash
ington, Lincoln nnd Tolslol.
"Second It Is recognized In tho world's
buslncfls. Wo deny Instantly that n man
has tho right to get money any way ho will
and spend It any way ho will. Illustration
of this Is scon In tho general condemnation
of exorbitant profits of certain corporations
and of tho extravagances of luxurious liv
ing. "Third Wo rccognlzo tho obligation of
Bolf-sacrlflcing service. In our freo Insti
tutions wo mako our president tho chief
servant of tho wholo people. Wo accord to
him no artificial honors or rank. Wo havo
created n public school system of which tho
motto Is: 'From each according to his abil
ity: to each according to his need,' To tho
degrco to which our public officials accept
their offices with tho spirit with which they
aro offered they aro following In tho foot
stops of Him who came not to bo mlnlstorcd
unto, but to minister.
"Fourth Wo rccognlzo the obligation of
uelf-sacrlllco In our Ideal of tho church. A
church which should claim tho exclusive
right to uso Its privileges becauso it had
provided them would receive tho contempt
of tho community. But a church which
builds Its houso of worship for tho glory of
Cod nnd tho welfare of humanity, opening
Its doors wldo and sending Its efforts out to
blcea mankind, Is recognized as a genuine
church of Christ.
"Tho establishment of this law of self
socrlflco In tho world must begin In Indi
vidual hearts. Christ asks us for ourselves,
and when wo glvo thnt gift Ha will mako
known His further desiro until wo aro
brought to lay all wo have on the nltar ot
servlco In Imitation of Him whoso hand re
leased tho Hcoptor ot thu universe to wel
come tho nail which bound It to tho cross."
among rational beings, causing thorn to en
gago In warfare, nnd It requires the eyes ot
faith to see that God Is In It.
Christ laid down the principle that order
Is heaven's first law. Order docs not mean
absolute sameness throughout tho universe,
but that there Is an underlying principle
which Is universal. What la truth In heaven
must bo truth on earth, We are told that
there Is absolute unity In the heavenly tod
ies, each solar system working Independ
ently, yet each working nround somo com
mon center which cannot bo discovered at
tho present time. That center to tho Chris
tian Is Cod. The Immensity of tho heavens
Is practically Infinite. Like rank upon rank
among the angels, so Is there rank upon
rank of systems In the heavens nround us.
These systems are nil linked by tho power
ot gravitation so thnt they revolvo nround
tho throne, tit Is so with men. God could
not crcato human or angelic beings and send
them out to work out their destiny alone,
but linked them to His throne. God gave
us mind. Ho will havo freo servlco or noth
ing. He has created us bo that we can serve
or rebel; wo can unlto or lcavo each other;
but In spite of tho tempter He will bring
every order of rational creatures Into har
mony with himself. Tho great prlnclplo of
unity exists In tho Christian world. Yet
In tho church cnthollc or ulttmato we havo
tho prlnclplo of division. It Is no greater
sin to create sects than to dtvldo congrega
tions with dissensions. Whenever sclt
comes Into rule you havo tho spirit of di
vision, which kills love. It Is vain to find
fault with men who go out from tho church
of God and call themselves after tho names
of sects unless wo can show a higher order
of tho lovo ot God.
"Unity cannot bo brought by public dis
cussion or argument. Wo cannot bring men
to us by controversy. Tho brightest truth
of Christianity 1b love lovo Uiat will sur
render everything except tho truth revealed
Regular weekly chango of bill at tho
Crelghton-Orpheum theater Sunday.
Nicholas I'rotopapna Feats of Strength
Ivsmeralda... .Slack Wire Musical Specialty
De Forest's Society Dances
Ellsworth nnd Burt In "Domestic Pets"
Burton and Brooks
; Humorous Convcrratlonnllsts
Frank Collin nvnni-
John D. Gilbert
New Songs, Sayings and Doings
Tho Blograph New Motion Pictures
A vaudeville entertainment well un to
the Orpheutn standard Is furnished in tho
week's bill at this popular playhouso. All
of tho acts wero well received by both Sun
day audiences which, as usual, wero lim
ited In slzo only by the capacity of tho
theater. The performances Is freo from sug
gestlvcness and two hours of really good
amusement Is furnished.
It Is hard to tell Just which net Is tho
leading feature of tho bill, bb teveral ot
them come In for about an cuunl nronortlon
of applause. Protopapas, tho strong man
who halls from Greece, manipulates dumb
bells weighing from CO to 300 pounds with
caso nnd grnce. Ho also supports a dozen
men, who stand upon a bridge which rests
upon his knees and ohouldcrs whllo he Is
In a scml-recllnlng position. Protopapas
is a nandsome lellow with a physical de
velopment that would do credit to Sandow,
bamson or any of his predecessors. Ho
has perfect control over all of tho muscles
of his body.
Esmeralda performs some remarkablo
feats of balancing upon the slack wire,
Among other things she plays a xylophone
boIo whllo 'balancing herself with ono foot
upon tho wire. Tho xylophone, which
out of the ordinary was In progress and
realized that ho4wos Implicated In some
thing ot a tnysttHotfs nature. Ho listened
to tho convcraatkmrolng on about him and
heard ono wotnani say, whom he knew was
looking straight at Jilm.
'Why, he ain't" euch a bad-looking fel
"No," her companion replied, "but look at
his eye. It's n badiono and Just makes mc
shiver for fear he nmy try to hypnotlzo me."
Obcrfelder was'-flnnlly apprised of tho Joko
and retreated to tho smoking compartment,
whero ho remained securely hidden from
curious eyes until ha reached his destination.
Ho swears ho will get even with Wilson If
ho has to lose sleep In figuring out somo plan
ot torturo to apply (to him.
Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Mllcsburg, Pa.,
says, "As a Bpecdy euro for coughs, colda,
croup and soro throat Ono Mtnuto Cough
Curo Is uncqualed. It Is pleasant for chil
dren to take. I heartily recommend It to
mothers." It Is tho only harmless remedy
that produces lmmedlato results. It cures
bronchitis, pneumonia, grlppo and throat and
lung 'diseases. It will prevent consumption.
rnu;mn: cBtpe1nndedh,ro,fsbtore,ooofflht1y,pofun,,18
how wrong they are and how right we are; "T ,t "J,?" i?" K
that will do no good. Unity will bo brought
.about by mutunl concessions nnd mutual
confessions In love. Men will havo different
conceptions of truth, but thero Is no differ
ence In the conception of lovo self-nbnega-
tlon. Wo must understand th principle
that God Is Love. Only lovo can bring
Berinon of Hp v. William nt St.
lliirntiliiiH S ii ml ii y MornliiK.
(At St. Barnabas church Sunday morning
tho pastor, Hov. John Williams, taking his
text from tho gospel of tho day preached
upon tho subject of unity of tho churches.
Tho Import of his sermon was:
"There nro but two absolute principles
govornlng the earth, or, moro properly, one
absolute nnd tho other relative ono tending
toward God nnd tho other tending from Ood.
These forces aro not Hko tho centrifugal
nnd ccntrlpcdal forces In naturo, ono equal
to tho other and keeping tho object acted
upon In equilibrium, but only one can event
ually rule. Thoso who bollovo In Ood as tho
only supremo power In the universe can
havo but ono belief, nnd that Is that every
thing la working to the ulttmato purpose of
God. Wo sco not only material, but evil,
Stands Well in tho Esti
mation of tho People.
Attention is Nriturally Excited When
Anything ia Prulscc by People
When We Know.
k thing that stands high In the stlmatloa
at the public, and which la especially recoro
maadsd by Omaha paople, naturally excites
Mr attention mor than If our own people
did not praise the article. Such a thing la
coins; on right here In this city every day,
bedple are praising Morrow's KId-ne-olda
bes&use they cure. There la no deception.
bo humbug, they do positively cure, and we
rurnisn the evidence.
Mr. II. L. Small ot 1S10 Ohio street, aayat
have suffered from kidney trouble for the
f ait tan yars. I bad ben so badly afflicted
attly that I oould not do any kind ot work.
I had a dull heavy pain across the small
ot my back almost constantly. Tha pain
extended from the region ot my kidneys to,
my shoulders. I waa subject to apella of,
dizziness and urinary disturbances ot an
laming nature. I could sot sleep wet!
on account ot nervousness. Learning about
Morrow's Kld-ne-olds I decided to try
trium. I took thorn according to directions
and was greatly relieved in a very short
time. I continued to tak them and they
have completely oured me ot all my former
Morrow's Kld-ne-olds are not plfli, but
Tollow Tablets and sell at fifty oents a box
at ail druggists and by the Myers-Dillon
Drug Co.
Mailed on receipt of price. Manufactured
by John Harrow A Co., Chemists, Spring'
lM Qbjo,
IllnriiNiiloii of lltiNlm-HN Mnn'n Ilclntlon
to Kingdom of llruvcu.
At tho First Presbyterian church Sunday
morning Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks took for his
thcrao, "Why Is It hard for n business man
to enter tho kingdom of heaven?" His text
was Matthew 19:23 "A rich man shall
hardly enter tho kingdom of heaven." In
part Hov. Jenks said:
"Tho rich man typifies that largo portion
ot humanity to whom tho raco for wealth
Is ono of tho main objects of life. Tho king
dom of honvon represents tho highest hu
man felicity and the Saviour says it Is a
hard thing to pursue both objects success
fully. That condemnation of riches or dis
approval of tho rich Is patont or latent In
theso words Is not tho Master's thought. But
that tho business man Is under pe:ullnr
temptations, that his strugglo for tho high
est llfo Is opposed by mighty forces Is what
Ho teaches; and It is true.
"Wo must Interpret words by tho spirit of
Him who utters them; thus Jcbub' kindly
llfo robs theso words ot harshness and om
phaslzes his sympathy."
Tho themo was discussed under thrco
heads. "First," Bald Hov. Jenks, "In what
does tho kingdom of heaven consist? Jesus
Idea of heaven Is the highest conception of
tho condition ot the heart. A subjective
heaven John's heaven a walled city, four
sided, thrco gates on a side, tho walls gems,
tho gates pearls, tho streets gold, tho river
crystal proceeding from the throno and the
Lamb tho light thereof, Is tho most perfect
conception of placo. It exhausts languago
and resorts to symbols to tell of tho glories
of tho 'homo ot the soul.' Christ Bpenks of
heaven tho placo also, but mostly He
preaches and Insists upon a kingdom ot
heaven 'at hand,' n heaven In tho now. Wo
aro to seek It first. It Is very precious. It Is
not hereafter, it la not far off. 'It Is within
"Wo nssoclnto Ideas of heaven hereafter
with Ideas ot homo and affections, of peace
and Joy, of purity and love. Theso nre
qualities of which llfo Is tho essence. Wo
know and apprcclato them now. It Is a sub
joctlvo heaven aftor all beginning In the
llfo which now Is.
" 'The mind la Its own place,
And of Itself can muko a heaven of hell, a
hell ot heaven.'
Second Now Christ says It Is hard for a
rich man to enter tho highest state. Why?
No class stands higher In moral Integrity. But
tho cares of riches choke out tho higher
things. Business controls tho man, not man
tho business. Ho cannot drop It. Ho has
no tlmo for anything clso. He begins to find
his satisfaction In commercial Integrity. This
suinmum bonum Is forced upon him so con
stantly ns to spoil his powers of perspec
tlon. Tho trees among which ho walks hide
tho mountains beyond. How can a man
havo tho sereno mind of Christ when his
good fnlth nnd honor rest In tho keeping of
hundreds ot men Indebted to him; or Is put
nt tho hazard of changes In politics or fickle
ncss of sociological changes?
Third With men It Is Impossible, but
with God It Is possible. Make tho center of
llfo In God. Let Him bo our providence nnd
our rownrd. Let Christ show us how to fix
our lives upon eternal realities rather than
changing things of the material world. Hold
riches subservient to God. If wo havo riches
let them bo our mission. If wo aro poor
thero Is the enrichment of heart which can
not bo tnken nwoy.
"And let the business mnn remember that
ho bears out Into his world of work and care
tho lovo nnd sympathy of God. Christ loved
the rich young rulor for what he was, for
his Integrity and moral character and bo
Ho loves tho business man nnd wantB to
help him. Cast your caso therefore upon
him, for Ho careth for you."
New Vnv for WlreleHM Telcnrrnnhy.
Wireless telegraphy has had a new demon
stration of usefulness by tho captain of n
lightship, who used It utter ordinary signals
had failed, to notify tho shoro authorities of
danger. In a like manner Hostetter s Stom
ach UlttcrB, tho famous dyspepsia cure, nets
when nil other medicines fall. Its superi
ority Is quickly felt In tho renewal of
strength. 'It regulates tho bowels, Improves
tho nppctlto nnd cures indigestion. Try it.
nround her neck. The net Is ono of tho
most wonderful of Its kind that has ever
been seen hero. It Is a novelty worth see
Tho blograph, which Is always a favorite.
returns this week, showing n number of new
and Interesting motion pictures. Ellsworth
nnd Burt offer an amusing one-net comedy
Tho Do Forrests dnnco gracefully, as well
as giving somo clever Imitations. Burton
and Brooks Indulgo In somo bright repartee
that keeps tho audlenco In nn uproar of
laughter. Frank Coffin has a splendid tenor
voice, which ho uses to advnntago In the
rendition of several ballads, and John D,
Gilbert amuses with somo new monologue,
A Good Cornell MimIIcIiip for Children.
"I havo no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," says F. I
Moran, a well known and popular baker of
Petersburg, Va. "Wo have given It to our
children when troubled with bad coughs
also whooping cough, and It has always
given perfect satisfaction. It waB recom
mended to mo by n druggist ns tho best
cough medicine for children, as It contained
no opium or other harmful drug."
(Mel Uhl nnd Jlmmle Houston requested
us to run the above. W don't know
what It means, but they are both buoIi
good fellows wo couldn't refuse them.
Syrup of Figs
Cramer's Kidney Curo
Pond's Extract
Pennyroyal Pills
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets .....
Pierce's Favorito Prescription
Plnktmm'B Compound
Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot
Dr. Miles' Nervine v
Hood's Sarsnparllto.
Paine' Celery Compound
Llsterlne (Lambert's)
Bcott'B Emulsion
Bromo Qulnlno
Winn nf Cnrdlll ...
Cor. 10th uud Chicago sis.
Itntm Will Ailvnncc Mnrcli 20.
Present reduced rata of $25, Omaha ta
Helena, Butte, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma
and Portland, will be discontinued March 19.
Ticket offlcc, 1502 Farnam.
Trnlns dally for Chicago via tho NORTH
WESTERN LINE. A full Hat of them can
bo secured at 1401 and 1403 Farnam strcoL
Tho New Snow Church company has ro-
moved to rooms 401-405 New York Life bldg.
Sco C. F. Harrison's real estate bargains.
Mntilln llONpltiil Aid Society.
A BocWtv wns formed some time ngo by
tho American women In Mnnlln for the dis
tribution of books, gnmes, etc., among tho
sick nnd wounded United States soldiers
nnd pallors servlnir In tho Philippine
Islands. Mrs. Lawton, wife ot tho late
Major General Henry W. Lawton, was
deeply Interested In this work and was
elected tho Ilrst president of tho society.
Slnco her return to this country the asso
ciation has been reorganized, committees
formed, olllcers chopou nnd Mrs. 10. II.
Llscum hns succeeded Mrs. Lnwtoti as
Thero are many people In tho United
States who have nlready greatly assisted
the society by their generous contributions,
but It Is believed that others should know
of nnd aid the undertaking, for although
begun on a comparatively small scnle, tho
necessities of tho work huvo been greatly
Books, magazines, games or nny nrticlo
which can add to tho rnmfort of tho sick
or wounded In a tropical country aro most
welcome. Boxes containing theso nrtlrles
will bo forwarded freo of clmrco by tho
government. Each box should bo marked
with tho Pender's namo and "For distribu
tion nmong hospitals," nddressed to Mrs.
E. H. Uscum. Manila. P. I., and delivered
to the depot commissary at tho government
rorrnll In this city. Pncknges welshlns
four pounds or less can be sent at domes
tic rntes of postage
With IlufTet, Smoking nnd Library
Via Oninhii.
I.rnveN ) m nil ii lliitB TnnlKht
Arrive Ilenvor A'i ii. in. Tomorrow.
Telephone UHI.
7:00 a. ni 8:30 p. m.
4:65 p. in 7:45 a. m.
7:30 p. m 9:30 a. m.
"The Northwestern Line,"
1401 and 1103 Farnam street.
"Tho best ot ovorythlng."
Sliite Fish Coiniiilnsloiier linn Unen
viable Notoriety ThriiNtViion Hint
by Traveling Coiiipniiloim.
Robert S. Obcrfelder of Sidney, a member
ot tho Nebrabka Stato Fish Commission, was
the victim of a practical Joko Saturday
which occasioned him as much aunoyanco
as It did his traveling companions merri
ment. Tho affair happened on an eatt-
bound train. At Lexington, whero'the fa
mous Dlnsmoro murder case had been In
progress, Judgo H. M. Sullivan, who pre
sided over tho case, Sheriff Cy Funk and
Norrls Brown of Kearney, attorney for
Dlnsmore, boarded the train on which Obcr
felder was ft passenger and tho fish commis
sioner was soon ono ot tho party discussing
tho famous caso and other matters ot current
John Wilson of Kearney, United States
rcvenuo inspector, chanced to pass through
tho car nnd noticing tho quartet, with all of
whom ho was intimately acquainted, de
termined to whllo away tho monotony of a
railroad Journey with a little amusement nt
Obcrfelder's expense. Pointing out tho fish
commissioner, ho told several persons in tho
car, "That's that villain, Dlnsmore, who hns
Just been sentenced to hang for murder.
Every cyo was soon turned on Oberfclder.
PassengcrB from other cars passed through
tho particular car In which ho was sitting
and observed him Intently. Finally, Ober
felder Intuitively recognized that something
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Used by peoplo of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
W. H. West's minstrels, numbering fifty,
will bo aeen nt Boyd's tonight and at a
special matinee tomorrow afternoon and
night. All tho old favorites aro with the
show. Carroll Johnson, Richard Joso and
Fred Warren being among the most proral
ncnt. Tho threo Lukcns, tho phenomenal
aerlallsts, and tho three Marvcllcs, gro-
tcsauo dancers, are new features. A now
closing spectacular designed by Mr. West,
entitled "Tho Rough Riders' cnargo up
San Juan Hill," Is also a big feature.
Just Stir it Up
You STIR IT UP nnd spread It on with
an ordlnnry paint urusn. 'ine tsnerwin
Wllllams pulnt is a perfectly proportioned
n.ilnt. requiring tio thlnnlnir for ordlnnry
work nor any further preparation of nny
kind, wo nro authorized to "UAUK.
tho guarantee of quality of SII13RWIN
WILLIAMB PAINT which Is on tho label
of every cnn.
This Is the wording of guarantee: "WE
"We hereby ngrco to forfeit tho VALUE
PLYING IT If In any Instance It Is not
found ns above represented."
Vo fullv cunranteo to each and every
purchaser of Sherwin-Williams' pnlnt tho
rulluimcni oi me provisions oi wiu uuuvu
Sherman & McConnell Drug Go
New Location, Cor. 10th A Dodgt,
'llie Attention nt tn
TrftTclIng public Is respectfully Invited to
tho magnificent equipment offered to pations
PAUL RAILWAY between Omaha and Chi
cago. Solid vestlbuled. steam heated and
electric lighted trains. Talaco sleopera and
diners, buffet and library cars, free reclin
ing chair cars, fast time and union depots.
Cltr Ticket Office, 1601 Farnam it. F. A.
NASH Qoneral Western Agent.
Why Umlresn In the Ilnrlc
When by traveling In the luxurloua sleep
ing cars of the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE
AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn
on tho electric lamp and make the berth aa
light as day.
City Office, 1504 Farnam at.
Stonecyphcr. printer, nd-wrlter, Up-to.
date cuts tor sale. 1201 Howard, Tel, 1910.
LEAVE 7:00 A. M.-4:55 P. M.-7:S0 P. M
LEAVE 6:65 A, M.-7:20 P. M.
LEAVE 3.00 P. M.
City Offices. (401-03 Farnam,
No changes; no delays; no chance of missing con
nections, if you take tho Burlington Route to Cali
fornia. Through sleepers for Salt Lake and San Fran
cisco leave Omaha 4:25 p. m. daily. Dining cars.
Finest scenery in the world across tho Rockies and
the Sierra Nevadas by daylight. Berths and tickets
11502 FAUNAS! ST11EET.
Telephone r0.
Teleiilionc l'JS.
At Wonderfully Low Prices
Monday, March 19
Tuesday, March 20
Wednesday, March 21
Thursday March 22
Friday, March 23
Saturday March 24.
The memorable purchasing
chance of tho year. Wo ask
you to come, to compare, to
consider, to try us. The su
perior quality of our goods,
the unusually low prices at
which they are offered and
are always offered, permit
us to unhesitatingly challenge
For the next six days
From March 19 th to March
24th, wo will offer Men's,
Boys' and Children's Now
Spring Clothing at a saving
from 25 to 50 per cent., of
high grade materials, with a
selection of over 300 of this
season's newest styles to select
from the workmanship in
our clothing is of tho very best
This clothing Is not tbo accumulation ot
a season's odds and ends, carried over from
last season, tiut tbo result of months of
preparation In gathering tho now cholco
We are showlus Men's Suits In Btrlpcs aud plain patterns,
worth $5.00.
Wo aro showing Men's Suits In nil wool worsted and cas-
raero, satin piping, etc., neatly tailored; every suit a real
$7.60 to $9.00 value:
AT S6.75 $750 AND $10.00
Wo are showing over 100 now stylish patterns In fancy worsteds, In dark and light
shades of stripes, chocks and plain gray nnd brown; every suit positively worth from
25 to 50 per cent more.
AT $12.50 $15 00 AND $18 OO
Wo nre showing the very lateBt and most striking styles. TheBe garments are tail
ored by the famous makers, Hart, Schuffnor & Max of Chicago, Michaels, Stern & Co.
of Chicago, etc., ifblch Is tho highest standard of ready-to-wear clothing produced In
America. MfD
$5.00 sin
Another Step Forward in
Men's riT nnPTTTlVTrr
and Boys' jliJ I m U
When tho well-dressed critical public becomes enthusias
ic over a display of clothing, it is fair to presumo that there
is something moro than ordinary merit about it. When our
spring styles wero spread out for their careful inspection they
bund so many oxcellent features in tho numerous examples,
they wore unanimous in declaring it tho grandest aud most
attractive collection of clothing over exhibited in Omaha.
While tho selection of patterns is an indisputable feature to
tho wearer of fashionable clothing, thero exists ' no question
so important as procuring garmonts of tho propoffi
mako, fit and style, producing thereby an exclusive
individuality of the highest order. We ask no more iu price i
for our well mado suits of exceptional qualities than othora
ask for inferior grades that possess few of tho merits of ours".
No adequato idea can be formed of theso garments unless!
by personal inspection. Wo will submit, howovor, a few facts
concerning their merit and qualities that aro of interest tty
every economical purchaser who buys his clothing in Omaha,J
Tiq excellence of the fabric,
The beauty of the styles,
The loivness of the price,
The greatness of the vahtex
command your attention. Wo aro wholesalers who retail v
retailers who wholesale.
You buy your garments at this store on tho same baBis ofl
cost, as merchants who attempt competition with us, theim
selves must deal. You can depend upon tho garments you
buy here. We're .always willing to guaranteo them because
wo know all about them. Wo bought tho cloth and pickefl
the lining; selected the trimming, designed the patterns
shaped tho garments and finished tho suits, under our own
You get tho best that is possible to give and pay less foj
perfection than tho citizens of any city in the world. ,
P. S. Don't fail to read Tuesday morning's papers.
UAVnClll Ladies' Tailor
HAT UCI1S Made Suits.
Wo havo devoted many months of timo to securing thi
most magnificent stock, and now make tho claim that we havo!
the most beautiful line of Tailor Made Suits tho now
est styles, the newest shades, tho best materials and tho largf,
est stock between Chicago and San Francisco. Tho prices aroj
$15, $20, $25, $30, $35 and $40
NO. 1 A remarkable suit at a wonderfully low price.
There are just 275 of them, secured by us for spot cash. Tbeyl
come in all styles, iiguu iuiing, single or uouuiu-uruusiuu; duo
jackets are lined with tatleta and satin; the skirt is made lh
the new Btyle, with single ana double box pleats, porcannfl
lined and interlined, velvet bound jl Q
bought to sell for $15.00 Challenge Sale Price. . ..M- -f
BARGAIN NO. 2 An extraordinary value. Throd
tables of Silk Waists, mado of Givernaud's talfotas, all witli
the new backs and all the nowest styles, ra h
now miff nnd new sleovoH. nleatod and hWr' '(
nnvAoA fronts thorn aro somo of those t2Rfti
- fvIUBv
lVnialo nrnrfli nn tn ft1f Jltlfl linilH WOl'i 11 JWffSMMI
1 iirtrt 4 linn i7 fC nn
ICDD UHU1 yi.uu uuuvu""fl"
. 1 TL1. J 1. 1 1 n -. ciiria 9 . J ( M
specially lor i nib wiaiieiiux amc-i - m&M
Tn31f MTUC IT T,nrliiH' Wn HH. tm
black mercerized foulards, finest throughout, trimmed with 10
rows of cording In front In bins or Btralght effect, f O
worth uo to 13.00 Challcngo Salo I'rlco only. zf Ow
...... . . rt 1 0 1 1 1, U'illn iirnrftt tin Inll "V
To jjames imporieu ounpiu ou !, nun., m. ivy;! ( B aj
$25.00, your cholco tomorrow kPlvr llfr
Challenco Clearing Salo In nil winter Jackets, cnoico a tf&fttlJ
of any garment In tbo house, worth up to J25, for....kPtJ Mil
i-., t,ioA r.t tr.n nhlMron'H Jackets tf -4 f O wtl
i.yo ma.
nw. ... f T.-. - IMfll
Ladles' I'oroallno Underskirts, drop flouneo and twosSQr"
ruffles, worth $1.C0 Challenge Sale I'rlco KJZs
. . . n . 1. tn. to n sitn
Laules' IJiacK caiuun unuurbKina, wuu iu iunu H wi
cording and runie, mado to ecu lor jx.&u on saie ui...
Our Silk Waist Department Is tho largest in tiio west and tho
V. natrncl nml tt thnt rnlll(l lift fOlinil 111 t ll 0
market. Our Ladles' Dret skirts are a p Ieasure to us and our customers. All ttf
now styles ut '
$8, $10, $12, $15 and $25 each.
Our New Enlarged Cloak Department la Busy All the Day
Good habits make homes happy
so does SHERIDAN COALbost coal mineol
in Wyoming. Lump 5.50. Nut or Egg $5.00. Poanu
VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam. Ttl. flj