I THE OMAHA DAILY 3$EE: SUNDAY, MAKCII 18, 1000. NO CAUSE FOR COMPLAINT Republican Oonntj Primary Oall Glyes Freo Eipreision to Vetera. CRITICISM ARISES FROM MISCONCEPTION It tile It e-nnncteil from Thane Adopted liy City Committee Juot AVIint 't The t'onteitiiilntc nnd I Provide I'pr. propweg to hold primaries In every ward 1 11 M IIP Q UMllVn )i(T f Ml TV and precinct In Douglas county, appoint Its IlWLlHLO lUUilU ilUl bUlLll "When you And republicans rushing with grievances to tlio Brynnito fusion organ you can rest assured that they aro not tho kind of republicans who can bo 'counted on to tunlty to oust tho present members of tho voto mo rcpuoucan uckci ai ino election, i rcpUbllcan county committee and put them own election boards, canvass Its own votcn, J mako Its own ballots, Issuo Its own ccr J tlflcatcs, without any direct authority from tho rank nnd flic ot tho party. "Contrast It also with tho action ot the dcmotratlo county committee, which has ro tuscd to hold a primary at all, and which has appointed tho tiolegatea to tho stato ond congressional conventions called for tho so lection of dclogates-at-largo and district delegates to tho democratic national conven tlon without even consulting thei democratic voters. "Tho men complaining about the county committee's call would complain no matter what a done, unless tho commlttco should resign and turn the party machinery over to them, as their only object In demanding a county convention Is to souo tho oppor Jury Deliberates Half an Hour and Bitnrns Verdict of Acquittal, This was said by a prominent member of tho republican county commlttco with reforenco to tho ronr In the World-Herald over tho alleged dissatisfaction among republicans with tho call for the republican primaries to elect delegates to tho stato convention. "It is a tempest In a teapot," ho continued, "raised by fellows who still smart under their rebuff at tho city primaries. Thesa wcalled republicans always seek aid and comfort from the popocratlc paper. "They really havo no ground whatever for fault-llndlng. Tho county committee has Issued a call for a republican primary to be held in every ward and precinct la tho county on Friday, March 30, at which overy i republican voter Is Invited to record himself for delegates to stato and congressional con- , vcntlons. Tho call contains new departures In only two particulars. "The delegates elected at tho primaries -will go direct to tho stato convention on certificates furnished thera toy tho county solves In their places." FIRE AND POLICE MUDDLE City Attorney In Notincil Ttint Xcw Comnilmiliifi Will I'etltlou In Intervention. City Attorney Connell has received notice that on Tuesday next n potltlon will bo filed in Intervention by tho now Fire nnd I'ollco commlrtjlon appointed bytho governor for hearing tho quo warranto proceedings now pending, In which tho attorney general seeks to oust the present board, and on tho satno dato the city attorney will Me a petition for Intervention on behalf of the mayor and council ot the city ot Omaha setting up tho decision of tho supremo court In tbo old eutt In which the old llcrdman commission was ousted. In tho pending suit tho members of the existing commission aro made respondents nnd tho attorney . til ... rT 1. 1 - .Inn., nt.tni. ...111. 1 1' .1 nllt,t. cun.umi-. j. . uu , 7;" l"",,": general Is relator. By next Tuesday's pro convention, It Is true, but as tho convention . . . . would havo nothing clso to do than to cor- tlfy tho delegates to tho stnto and con grcsslonnl conventions, there being no nomi nations to bo made. It simply takes away a piece of unnecessary machinery. Ordinarily tho delegates elected to the county conven tion Blmply re-elect themselves as delegates to' tho state convention, so thnt so far us tho porsonnol of tho delegation Is concerned It will mako no difference. May Vole, for Whole Deleuiitlmi. "Tho second changa is with rcfcrcnco to tho form of tho ticket. Instead of voting for a slnglo ward delegation every repub cccdlngs tho new gubernatorial commission ers will seek to bo mudo relators and tho mayor nnd council will seek to be made respondents along with the existing com miifaloti. "I havo no doubt regarding tho final out come of the case," said Mr. Connell. "When tho Issues are mado up, which will soon follow tho filing of petitions of Inter vention by tho appointees of the governor and thu mayor and council, It will be mado clearly apparent that tho overturning of tho former Judgment rendered by tho supremo court would bo In titter disregard of all pre cedent and would bo nothing short 6t RAILROADS FAIL TO PROVE MAIN ISSUE t'npxirctcil UnttltiK nt I'rimeeullon Attn Inn t Aliened I'nrKcr of Itnll w n ) 'I'm 11 11 io rt 11 1 1 11 n 0 (her Chin-Ken SHU l'etulliiit. After thirty minutes' deliberation, a Jury In Judgo Baker's court returned a verdict ot acquittal In tho cone of E. V. Holmes, who stood charged with forgery of railroad tickets. There aro four couuts against Holmes and this trial only covers one. Ho will bo arraigned laler on tho other charges. The 'information Is Identical In each case. Holmes maintained tho sarao calmness when tho verdict was read that has. char acterized his action from the beginning. Ho appeared to look upon tho result fw a mat ter ot course and exhibited no surprise. Tho cane of Holmes Is one of tho most re markable that has within recent years en gaged tho attention of railroad detectives. That somebody did an cxtonslvo manipula tion In railroad tickets thcro Is no doubt, but It appears to bo a difficult matter to lo cate tho responsibility. It appeared that Holmcu was tbo guilty party, so tho rail road authorities assort, and ho was tracked to Natchez, Miss., and arrested thcro by Thomas It. Oorman, who was at that time In thu employ ot the Santa Fo railroad, but who Is now the superintendent ot Kenney's detectlvo agency In Kansas City. Mr. Dor man was In court as a witness, Jarucu Hltt, a ticket broker of St. Joseph, was another witness. Mr. Hltt testified that ho received a consignment ot tickets which bo discovered to bo bogus and that they were sent to him by Holmes. Ho observed that punch marks had been filled up In such manner as to validate, tickets that had expired. Tho work was as clever a has ever been noted In ticket manipulation. Blnco tho Jury has found Holmes not guilty on the ono count, It is a question It ho can be convicted on cithor ot tho others. Holmes operated In Omaha ns a "curbstone broker" during the exposition. HOMAM'll OK l'llONTinit DAYS. llcan will bo nblo to cast his voto for tho ( judicial nnarcliy. in view or tno previous ,nw,.,,r f imuIiui niooil seeks Adjust- entire number of delegates apportioned to . declaration of Governor Poyntcr I am sur- j meiit or liNlnio in Court. Douglas county, which thU year happens to I prised that ho should be coerced Into mak- Hiram Chase, Jr., county attorney ot bo ninety-six. Any republican can have his '"8 these appointments, which, according Thurston county, appeared before Judgo name filed as a candldato for delpgato or any i to his own admission, nro In direct viola- siabaugh yesterday to argue a suit In set of men not exceeding ninety-six can have ' lon vt tho lnw 08 declnrod by tho supreme wi,icu no s plaintiff against John Zwelbcl their names fllod III one delegation, provld- court- Governor Pc-yntcr has no legitimate of Sarpy county. chaso seeks to hnvo the lng only that their eet of delegates Is made 1 rBul 10 conclude that n the pending action mlo to a yaluablo farm set aside. He Is tin so ns to represent tho different wards und ,ho wremo court wil declare the law to ha, jndlani HlB ,ttthc( who ,vas onQ of iio. tn ihn. rrtiin , fnrit, in . bo otner man as nircnuy ueieruiineu. n . tho earIv tho call. thn nnrlv nnttlnra nf Vnhrnufen marrlnil fin tho sworn duty of tho governor to obey . d woman. nnd when ho died In tho "It la truo thcro Is an npparcnt conflict between ono of tho rules adopted by our commlttco and tho provision of the now primary law on tho number of signatures to tho 'petition. I tako It that so far as the rule conflicts with tho law tho law will stand and Hupcrsedo tho rule. Tho law pro vides that n candidate running in an ontlro county shall havo his petition signed by 2o0 registered republicans, while our rule, which is copied from tho rules adopted by tho republican city committee, fixed tho number nt fifty. I do not think tho committeo would want to bo technical with referenco to the petitions, but that It would bo disposed to give e-very petition filed In a bona lido manner full recognition. "Tho only effect ot this change of tho ballot will bo to mako it moro llkoly that tho delegation selected will bo composed en tirely of men actuated by tho eamo Intercut tofa. r'arrtcuW candldato or' set of candi dates. Even here, howovcr, this Is nothing unusual. Two years ago a republican con vention endorsed tho candidacy of Judge Ilukcr for governor and allowed him to select nit delegates apportioned to Douglas couuty from among his own friends. In that way Judgo IJaker secured a delegation rom- tnlttod to his Interest luotead of being divided between him nnd other candidates. Tho ad vantage of such n delegation la readily con ceded by overy ono familiar with tho work ings of stato conventions In which tho dele gations from tho soveral counties are called on to voto as a unit. NntltlitK New III tin Utile, "As to tbo rules which the county com mlttco has adopted, they uro almost Identical with tho ruleB dratted and adopted by tho republican city committeo for the last re publican city primaries. Thcso rules wore formulated by a committee consisting of A W. Jefferls, Charles 13, Morgan, John C. Wharton nnd W. J. Counoll. When put Into practice nt tbo last city primaries they seemed to meet tho requirements ot the situation as well as could be expected. "Nor was thcro anything arbitrary In their ndoption. On tho contrary, thoy were sub mitted to and discussed by tho mombers ot tbo executive committeo at a meeting held tho night bctoro tho meeting ot the full com mittee, and after revision In certain par tho law In place of violating It. Ills action cariy -go's ho left a large estate. An admin- in recenuy nppoi ning inuwuvra ui Istrator sold a farm owned by the elder of Flro nnd Police Commissioners for tho chaao and contonllon now , city of Omaha is sufficient to Justify his , irregular nnd on that rir si . mar.;ro"thfcm,zenN;0of0Omaha: J& , Chase is one ot the most un.quo and ,n- regard to party. In favor of homo rule, but "es Ing characters In Nebraska. He Is i nr .niunnrt -ivlih tlm nresent talented and ranks high In his profession. jjonr(j Tho case was argued yesterday morning and "I cannot believe, ns was frequently rep- ul luu juukd o.uuu8u iou u un reached during tho recent city campaign ler advisement. He will render a decision that n majority of tho Judges of the su- when ho goes to Sarpy county to bold court, promo court havo entered Into n compact Evidence was taken there a few weeks ago. to ronder Hn opinion overturning mo Pre- , .,v ...... lous juugmeni 01 iuu buihuuiu James Connell. S. M Crosby, 3 W Carr. Lawrence Hath. B, D. Pratt. J II. Piper, St. II. Iletirietil. Dennis Kcllelier, C O. Loberk. Wllllnm Fleming, Frank llnnsim. nr. 8. It, Towno, W. M. Maupln, Ornhnm Park, Dr C J. aprngue. Krlc Peterson. D. D, Gregory, D. M. Johnston. Hen Durham, 1 It. II Vnll, K, B. French, William Orabacli, Ilalph Sunderlnnd, A Travis, O W. Coyell, Jnmes Drown, Jolni Staekin. ,Captntii Lyons, II. T. Druse, Dr. H C Whoolcr, J. II, Hell, Dr. It. V. Connell, Thomns Orecr, Ueorge B. Olbson, Hen B, llttghcs, S. Arlon Dowls, Wnldo Anderson. PECULIAR FATE OF EHRHARD Arrentcil for StenlliiK n I.i-llrr Vlume Lunh Hi IliorttMl tu PlINl ollloc Autlinrllle. Deputy United States Marshal John O. Moore has returned from Wichita, where he took A. Ehrhard on a chargo of opening a registered lottor nddressed to Mrs. Helen Ehrhard. Tho story told by Ehrhard Is tnat ho never received the letter, but that some ono forged his signature. Ha says that the money was sent from relatives nt Ilagan, Neb., to himself nnd wife at Medicine Lodg", Kan., for tho purpose of enabling them to como to this state; that they waited In vain for the money, but upon receipt of a letter from their Nebraska relatives telling them that tho registry return card had been re ceived by them, reported the matter to tho postofllco Inspector, and thnt tho Inspector after Investigating tho caso secured tho In dictment of his informant for receiving tho letter, which was addressed to Mrs. Ehrhard, wife of tho prisoner. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ehrhard wero dwelling to gether In harmony at their homo ot Su perior, Neb., when Ehrhard was arrested and there is no doubt in tbo mind of thu wife of tho Innocence of her husband. Ehr hard has bcou a man ot more than ordinary means, a successful farmer and stockralser, and his arrest Is a great surprUo to his ac-qualntiyiccs. A I'leuillMli A 1 1 ni' I.-. An attack was lately mado on C. F. Collier of Cherokee, la., that nearly proved fatal. It camo through his kidneys. His back got so lame ho could not stoop without great pain, nor sit In a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him until ho tried Electric Hlttors which effected such a wonderful chango that ho writes ho feels like n new man. This marvelous medlclno cures backache and kidney trouble, purifies tho blood and builds up your health. Only COc at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. fttiltl Ilnrn ror Security. CHICAGO, March 17. Judgo Dunne to day appointed a receiver for a safety de nnall liny In tho vnults nf a local safety deposit companv, said to contnln six bars of gold valued at J50.000, deposited ns security ty It. O. Miller and William Scliroeder In the course of negotiations with in TCmrllfthmpn. tinmpd Frederick O. Vigor and Theodore T. Grnyton. for the nurohnsn of a cold mine near Golden. Colo. Thn ilp.-il fell ilirmieh. VI tor und Drayton clulm reimbursement for the time nnd mnnev snout In the necotlatlons. The cold was deposited by Schroeder and Miller previous t0 n trip to the mines. Assaylsts nro cxamininc me minion. DlnlinmlH Sliintenl Clulm. CHICAGO. 'March 17.- Tho Record says: President llnrner of the University of Chicago, impelled by the frequent reports of poor class work on tho part of tho mem bers of the Glee, Mandolin and Banjo clubs, yesterday declared the clubs dlsbunded for the rest of the year. The Immediate re sult of tho proclamation of President Harper was n complote dissolution of tho organization and the, cancellation of dates where tho clubs had arranged concerts for their annual spring vacation trip. The edict of the orcBldcnt will also nut an end to the plnns ot tho musical organization to make a tour of the south in iMay, ns had been contemplated. MARCH FURNITURE CLEARING SALE Tho values offered during this preat Mareh l'urnlturo (Meniliiu Snlc have kept mmee with the lucrenslnc patron. nee this sale attracted. As the sale prepresses It pains prettier Impetus nuti its lorce sweeps uie euuie -i-uou i w.u country, llesldents In distant cities dally derive of Its benellts. 1.X CLRDB IlICYCLES-for men nnd HniKOf II T flklliflfK r'mirJ'S" women-hubs with knockout axles- llOUM.UI lllolllliyd oml t'"- 'oaU J.' star ball retainers-drop forged fork- x. 8 ,inIvr Wn.h Hrr . . OOe o?" crown detachable sprockets-eccentric io-iinri Ii.mh, tin FlnrliiK Pnll He olUe or maroon leather- ((l chain adjusters Daclcdc conclcss ped- lo-unnrt lienvy IMkIi Pan 17" .n0 alue als Watson nutomatic sent post Meely .Inuniiiieil t'iiiililurii .... ! BI.EOANT DAVENPORT mahogany bayonet shaped cranks, otic OO K( '"".'.V ''!"rl,!,,r? 'V.'1' -!! finished fra-uie-7 ft. long-upholstered piece-a JI0.00 wheel for ...M.OV XXrLTnU: orlenUI patterns-worth 2(.50 KITCHEN TAULES with oak QQ.( Decnrnlcil Mntm, nnt color. . lo jlO.OO-spcclnl salo price v base-on salo tomorrow for ..VOL, n:!-.leee lllnner Set, nicely "" MEDICINE CAHINET French beveled SOLID OAK IlOCKEIt-quarter-sawed t,r,tiv'1' ,,MO ,'""'' 'vnrc. onl,..S plnU mrrorM,a oak-well mado- Iron rod connexion between scat and r.. r..: C4 good design worth 3.r.O O arm-leather seat-worth O ()1 K(flS, CUrtSltlS, LlC, special sale price "0 ,C.GO-speclal salo price .....O. J ENAMELED TOWEt. HINOS-An- SOLID OAK CENTER TABLES- itviii K otn Uiikii, ifUO nine. . . .ifl l.lo other lot I different Q 15x13 top worth (1.00 on OQp tT- Art Siimires, Inrge vnrloty. colors worth 20c, only salo for u , new ileslns. Ifll viilur, tl.llH j.itnnif COAT RACKS solid 1 H,. HANDSOME EXTENSION TARLF- Xi:, ...19C K 3.98 "...e. it !... .,rtl, 1.1..10 HANDSOME COUCH-upholstered la IlOX SEATc'aNb'sEATED CHAIR vZu'sLve' V',,.;.,H.nM;.;.h vclour-rococo frnme-5 rows tuft.ng- quarter-sawed oak-French leg- wl. iH-'J nnl Umib. iw.rtli worth $12.50-salo 7 . D worth U 00 Bbcclal sale OTX ifa.oo pnlr !e price worm special saie ,70 Tinentr- Pnrtlere. In ilrrli mi- ..., Pf'w mure. Immli.iW. etc.. ifU.OO FANCY GOLD LEAF CHAIR-worth CANE SEATED DINING CHAIRS value, per unlr ijil.B" M.BO special salo C QQ braco arm worth $1.25 Hullleil .Muslin Ciii-IiiIii. it nnl ,,rco .tU nnv I JJ liinu, urlli Wl.00 iulr, only.. Bile CI, LD'S HIGH CHAmS-w-lth and M PHOT ANT ZZT" to $2.00-to close-choice '" IliiUNelinlil ki.o.U of nil Kinds ale price onl wiiitki pwimw pd riUFFOVlFlt- ,,p,,, ilil n "retofiiri fin- Mf'" p a HINET quarter-sawed oak VvHITB LNAMELBD CHIhrONlUK r L.r,.,t. (Vtillt nUu Klvcn In ni.hti inMirn lileh 12 very pretty design-five drnwers- ,, ...! Milliner, ilei.iirtiiient. -gold nnlsh-39 Inches l lgh-12Vb top 20x3l-worth $12.00 X( G..1.1U on Miilu Flour sold for on all luv... uov plU Inches ttiilo 7K salo price O.OU .. - -worth 11.00-only niiRtlnc tho orcsent members of the Board of Flro and Police Commissioners of Omaha. I havo too high an opinion of both Juclgc Holcomb and Judgo Sullivan to bellevo this SEEKS MKW THIAL. JndRP linker Looks lutn ChnrKrs at IrreKulnrlt- In Jury Itoi.iu. Shortly before noon yesterday the motion of John Shannahan for a new trial was tnken to bo true. Tpo movement stnrtea ns a , up n juag0 nnker's court ernnd stand 'tiTay for tho purpose of In- I roeantlv ronvlrtpd of mnnlnni?htr a 4hn ro fluonclng tno brewers anu saioon kcupcib iu suit of n double killing which occurred In tho recent city campaign In favor of the hta Soutn 0maha ,.aoon H (ew montn8 as0, domocrutlo nomlneo for mayor. It failed to Uo wag glvcn separato tr)ai9i nnd on flr?t win In tho spring campaign, but the fight hearInB hp was aenuttc,i on n plea 0f self Is now continued in hopes ot having a fav- dcfen8ei Tho circumstances surrounding tho ornblo influcnco at tho November election. two ulling8 wero tho same and there was It Is to bo regretted that the governor or ; consl(lerablc gurptlH0 whcn ho was found tho great state of Nebraska should use gut 0Q second trn his ofllclal power for tho upbuild ng ot a , Thu moUon fof a n(JW tr)a, ,nc,U(efl tw0 political combine, and It will bo still moro affl(lavlts by n-rcmbers of tho convictlag Jury. to bo regretieu saouiu .l v,,,' I which allege that Homer Kirk, foreman of that any of tho members of tho highest influence In bringing court of Nebraska havo Indicated In advanco wuai uieir UUU.O.U.. u. u ... that phnso of tho case and some Interesting "B. "1,." '.", 'r., : "7 ;r ,;7. results are probable. Importance than tho honest and unbiased Interpretation of law." KING'S KINDNESS REPULSED Struck liy u Pnllceninn Who W'nn liu pervloiiH to I'leusnntry Expe rlei.ee of n Cnuil Snn.nrltnn. In pollco court yesterday rollccman Joo Cunningham pleaded not guilty to a charge of assault preferred by Cleorgo H. King, nn employe of tho water works com pany. King gives this explanation: "Friday nftcrnoon I saw a horso tangling hlmsolf up in tho hitch rein Just west of thn Now York Llfo building. I straightened Oculars wero recommended to tho county matters out and then, thinking tho animal committee, by which they woro adopted. So was restless on nccount of being cold, I took tho committee has not acted in an arbitrary n blanket out of tho buggy and ntrapped It manner. Its call dobs not shut any ono out nround him. from becoming n cnndldnto on tho ofllclal i "Just then tho owner of tho rig, a well ballots or bar any ona from voting who Is known physician, appeared and reprimanded entitled to vote. mo for Interfering with his business. I "On tho contrary, tho committeo has re- I apologized and started to walk away, but orrod tho selection of delegates to tho voters tho horso began plunging and rearing worse nt primaries which aro to bo conducted by than over. A crowd gathered and 6omcone men chosen directly ns tho representatives wont for n policeman. Meanwhile the doctor ot tlio several precincts. Tho elections In had dropped out of sight, tho country precincts will bo held under tho ! "As tho policeman camo upon tho scene direction of tho mombers from these pre-. I walked back and watched him as ho tried clncts and In tho city undor olllcors rccom- to quiet tho nntranl. Then, thinking to warn ote of tlm Court. A f Tliirllnrrln mi Otnnlin nfttnrv nilhlle. was nrrnlgned in tho dlrtrlct court on n chargo of aiding John Jones of Crawford county, in., in rorgtng tno name or reier jiuuer to two iiceas. no pieaucu not guilty. Jiillus Lunno, In Judge Slabaugh's court, bus Just lost his third tlnmngo suit against the Omaha Street Hallway company for nn necldent to his person In 1SU7. Three Juries hnvo heard the ovldenco In the. case and each timo found for tho defendant. Silver Ilepulillenn Ueleimte. Tlio county central committee of the silver republicans has selected the follow ing delegates to attend the state convention nt Lincoln Monday evening: Ouy C. Uarton, Dr. J. J. Savllle, II. F. Williams, II, B. Burnham, J, O Arthur, Icelmunil Stcniuer Slithtcd. ST. JOSEPH, Mich.. March 17. The smoke of the Icebound steamer Louisville Is occasionally sighted where It has laid Ice bound tlvo miles out on tho Chicago courso the last twenty-four hours. The harbor tug with President Graham of tho firnlmm k- Shannahan was Morton company nbonrd started to plow mroucn uie ico ai i a. m. a lorco or men had worked all night preparing provisions for tho twenty-two passengers nnd crow aboard tho Louisville. Tho tug Andy carries twenty tons of conl to replenish the empty bins on tho Louisville. Today tho stenmer was sighted from here. It Is be lieved to be ull right. Mnrtnllty StiitlIU-N. The following births und deaths were re ported nt the ofllco of tho Board of Health during the forty-eight hours ending nt noon caiuruuy ; Births John Johnson, Bust Omulm. boy: Mlko Conlnn. 3122 Jones, girl; Henry Scheuer, 4124 North Twenty-elghth, girl; iiumiuun wninon, y-oi iNorin Twentv seventh avenue, boy; Arlo Wundercreck, 1133 North Twentieth, boy: John Wuchtler, twin sirls. Deaths Margaret Corcoran, 73 years, 3S03 Charles, ncuto enteritis; J. P. Nelson, 11 years, 3102 Meredith nvenue, heart dlsense. .tgree on the .Mine Seole. MASSILLON, O., March 17.-A com promise has been rencheil nt the miners' nnd operators' conferenco here and as n re sult there will be no strike In this district during the present year. Tho miners with drew their demand for n 10-cent differential nnd nlso tho t-cent Increase for thin vein work. The miners get u slight increase on "room turning" and "break throughs.' Vhltccups Arc Uulet. COLUMBIA. 8. C, March 17.-Oovernor MeSwoeney, who last night received dis patches from Necces, Orangeburg county, stating -that tho community was terrorized by whltecaps, has been Informed that quiet Oirevnlls there today. mended by tho members from the respective wards. Some Strom; Contrast. "Contrast this with the Blackburn scheme, by which a committee, appointed by ono man, representing threo different counties, FREE TO STRIGTURED MEN. A Free Trial 1'ackanc of a Famous Remedy to Show Men that It Actually Cures Stricture. Men Can Now Cure Themselves at Home Without Pain, Dancer, Op eration or Loss oi limo. Free trial nacknees of n most successful remedy for tho cure, of stricture nro being mailed to nil who write tho Bmnlro Medi cal Co, They havo cured so many strict nred men that tho company has decided to senil free sample pnekages to nil who write In good faith, it is a uomn treat tnnnt for stricture, eiilureemvlit und Irrltn tlou of tlio prostrate gland, urethral In flammation nnd chronic mucous discharges. Do not hesltnto to write for a freo sam ple. It will cost nothing, nnd will enable, you to seo how easy It Is to obtain ii euro without u particle or pnin or suiicrmg. Tho company wnnts to reach every man who I nhln In liersnuallv visit their ottlce. ns well as those who are umiblt to leave their home, nnd provo to them thut strict ure und nil other urethra! troubles can bo cured .without operation or the use of In utrmnentH. A request to tho lCmplre Medi cal Co., 401 Atlantlo avenue, Dept. 60, Bos ton. Mass., stilting that you deslro u freo trial packago will bo promptly complied with. It will bo mallei! In n plain wrapper so that it may bo examined privately at horn. hlra against receiving a rebuff from tho loc tor, I said: "You'd bettor not do tnat, omcer. I got called down for. that n while ago," " Do you own this rig?' he asked, "I told htm I didn't. " 'Then what have you got to say about It? I'll teach you to Interfere with an ofn rerl' and ho struck mo In tho chest with hlfl fist, knocking mo down." Cunningham, whoso hearing win to next week, sayB ho Just pushed King; that King becamo tangled up with nimson ana feu. TAILOR ROBBED BY FOOTPADS Three Nero IHjtliwuymen Take fOO from a I.nko City, (In.) Mnn One Arrest. B. II. Lelgb, n tailor from Lako City, la., wa3 held up and robbed of $60 Friday night by threo colored highwaymen at Twejlth and Capitol avenue. Ono of the footpads, Lou Carter, has been arrested and Identified by Leigh. As to tho Identity of the other two the police hnvo no clue. About 7 o'clock In tho evening Leigh vlst ted a saloon near Twelfth and Capitol ave nue, and bolng Intoxlcatod,-ho displayed a roll of "bills. In tho saloon were several negro loafers, As ho went out they followed him, and, beloro ho had walkod a half block ono of thera solzed him from bohlnd and held him whllo two others bearchod his pocketB. No weapon was dlsplayod, and tho men woro no masks. To securo the original witch hazel salve, ask for DoWltfs Witch Hazel Salve, well known as n certain euro for piles and sklu diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. They aro dangerous. Our Bupply of pictures Is being rapidly di minished. It you havo not seen "The De feiuo of Cbamplgny" and "Tho Balloon," call at tho Bee office. Bring our coupsoi cut from The Bee. ! Spring Millinery Opening, Wednesday and Thursday, March 21st and 22d. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. We beg to annottnee the j i y urwuc- spring opening oi our millinery department, Wed nesday and Thursday, March 2 1st a?id 2 2d. Our spring styles are revelations of the beauty of millinery, Decidedly up to date, styled after the ack7ioivledged mit linery leaders of the zvorld. A careful sivdy of the styles and months of matketing has borne its Jruits. Our remark able shoiving is the restclt. I Ilk 1612 & FAUNAM STDEETS. OMAHA. Optical Dept. Eyes Tested Free und glasses nccurately Ilttcd by our expert refracttonlst KXTItA HPECIAL-dold plat ed, nlumlnold und solid nickel s;iectucles unu uyo gluMrs. tit. ted with llnest crystal lenses, worth $2.0"J n pair, on salo to morrow, choice ,y.rn, hi- 79c Hair Goods at Special Prices. Hair Dressing ISe. Sli liipoolng 25c IfilU '& fADNAM STDEEI&. OMAHA Camera Dept. Vlsll our cut lirlco Kodak anil t'limcni ilt'imrttntMit, Sup lilies tiro Kohl hero nt the low est prlccH over known. Here nro Instances; 17c ..8c 25c Toliilol Developer, '.15c puckneo for .. Kiirnin Mnts only We Photo Albums Another Consignment of Dress Goods on Sale Tomorrow Choice sprinR dross fabrics foreign and domestic creations tit trndc-wlnnlnp prices. Black Dress Goods 31c 63c 10 nieces black Mohair Hrllllant Ine, e a yard, on .salo for 7 pieces black Mohair Hrllllant Ine, 4(J-ln wide, J1.00 value, yurd 18 pieces black brocaded novelties, fCn 40-ln. wide, 19c value, yard 7 pieces black figured Vclourcf do Jus. marvels of benutv worth i a yard; sale price 10 nieces black hnblt cloth, -fj fk wide, for tailor mado suits, $1.50 JL values: per yard 11 pieces Victoria cloth, wortl $2.00 a yurd; salo l.OcJ price 10 plocos wash silks, nil colors 60s value, yard 21 pieces c J 'd j 1 wash sllkii, now strlpsi-wortli 70i yard .. 33 iitoca f JUlur d silk-27-lu. wide B'Jo valuo, yard i nt . ! Colored Dress Goods 7c "28c Silks 45 pieces l'luldf, all tho pastel shudes. 15c value; yard 2.1 pieces camel's hnlr l'lalds, the nowest styles, ivortti vv a. yarn; only .".7 pieces German novelties, silk gg nnd wool, worth J1.00; nnC yard 16 pIfccm extra uuallly silk nnd wool novelties, l.i. value; yard 11 pieces newest novelties, direct Importations from I.ondon, OTn trimmed with cut velvet, all tho ft J j pastel shades, 1.9S vuluo; yd.... w 59 pieces Vcnotlnn cloth, nit col- OOrt ors, 1.I9 value; QilC per yard w 95c 35c 55c 46c 7 pleco" heavy black taffeta 70c value vara JVJ w l'iplecos heavy blsck habutal bIIU 'JV-ln.CQp. wltlo 89a value van! 85c Extra heavy ulaok batln yard . Silks Women's Tailor Made Suits nnd lino talfeta waists tit Irresistible prices. Women's new spring Tailor-made Suits, In blue, black, brown nnd cas torfull patln lined jacket best qual ity percallno lining In mm qq skirt velvet facing a J10.00 suit- for Mlpscs' Navy Bltto Tiillor-mado Sulti irnld trlmmod-sllk lined f OS inoifotKsin nn vniiin . -J eir.es II. 16 nnd IS on J sale tor Women's lino Venetian Tullor-made Bulls the latest double box pleat back a full line of colorings with tailor strappings equal to any fAC J19.00 Bult 1n tho city I ' M1 sale price J. 4mJ only Women's lino Tallor-mnde Suits black satin berber tlght-llttlnEr Jacket box pleat tailor -4 MEn strapped Jackets I tJV $2S.ou value on X Jt sale for Women's spring weight Kersey Jackets tnns, blues, und grays-all the latest mode! $6.50 values on sulo for Women's Blnck Sntln nnd Taffeta Silk Wnlsts knife pleated worth $6.60 only .3.98 3.98 Monday's Shoe Specials Hero nro shoo v Allies that cannot fail to interest economists. Bargains that aro rare, and only here. Wo aro still selling- womon's high grade shoes for lens than half price. Tho flnet vicl kid shoes In tans and black, with silk vesting) and kid tops, nil styles, nnd toes, M worth up to $1.00 I W a pair your choice 1 A V of all Klr.es M. W V-F for i... Womon's fine kid Shoos with funev scroll silk vesting top cheap at $2 -4 ffe a pair on sale I X m for LmU Child's flno kid band turned Shoes worth fCjf1 $1.00 a pair on ealo Monday J for Misses' extra quality Box Calt Shoes tho QA regular J1.D0 Iclnd special salo 0 price Men'a good Buckle Working Shoes the Qr $1.25 klnd-on salo at C5C pair P'oiir big lots of men's fine shoes go on salo at $1. 13, $1.85, J1.9S and 12.48 tho values range from $2 to $1.50. l.ve.ry pair Is well mnde and the product of somo notable shoo factory. 11 New Wash fabrics, Domestics, Linings, Etc Thousands of pieces of wash fabrics Including percales, dimllios, s-.eyhyrs, long cloth, whlto lawns ond nainsook -nlso curtuin swIss and rernnnnls of cambric linings go on salo at remarkably low prices. Sheeting prices reduced. Lleht Percalo itemnants. very good qunltty, fast colors, worth Qlr ia4c yard on sale for U2L Handsome Dimities, very good qliiilltn fast colors, worth 10c a fAi' yard, salo price RemnantB of lino Zephyrs, very pretty" patterns, goods worth 12Vic ftlr1 a yard, on sale for yj nemnants of I,ong Cloth, very good quality, regularise kind, on ifr salo for, yard IVJW Itemnants of Long Cloth, superior quality, ISo vulue o yard H5t Klegant Curtain Swiss, verv nout nut- torn gods, worth 20c n yard, -j on sale for lJC Flno Nainsook, very nout pat terns, 12'4c quality, yard ,84c Itemnants of White l.awn, the reg- fr ular 9c grade, on snle for, yard VJW Remnants of White Lawn, very good qual ity, worth 12c a yard, on sulo fip for llcmiiauts of White Luwti, extra f nn good quality, 15c value, on Rile for IvJL l'eppcroll l'lllow Cuslng l'.'-in., yd., 8lc 45-In., yd., 12k i'equot l'lllow CasliiB- 4L5-ln . yd., 12c-45-in., yd,, 11c I'epperell Sheeting 8-4, porynrd. Itlc 0-4 per yard, 18c 10.4, por yord. 20c. rillow Cases, 42x36, lOo value, tile 35c .. aoc each Monarch Sheets , hemmed ready for use, 72xW, only "Dallas" Shcet-&0x90 .24c ...2c Itemnants of Cambria Lining, tho Go grudo, on saio nionuay.. Heavy Black Calico, on sulo Monday, per yard Huck Toweling, worth 6o yurd, OJLc on salo Mondny for aw nmniint nf Kntlonul Cambric. 6 cosch on sulo Monday at, per Ac yard w Fringed Towels, good size, worth T.0 each, on sale Monday 2iC Hiinker'Vlunnel. tlio regular Cc qual ity, on salo Monday nt, per o yurd. only Blenched Muslin, tho regular 4?C 7V4C quality, Monday, yard 18o I'crcnllno Dress Lining, , JQC yurd ; Itlbbon Cloth Shirting, all col- 0 ic Ul, uiu " i Neckwear 00 dozen bund bow tlos.f'ill mini Uy silk, excollont nnttorns, wortli Si 14c Men's Fine Silk NecUwotir now spring patterns, worth "Cr-l 75c, for., uuv Candies 50 moro palls of thoso lino choco late drops go on salo Monday, worth 10c lb. ... Monday' Special Grocery Values Tho People's Buporlor llluhest QQr Patent Minnesota Flour, sack.. -Ofc Snow Whlto Flour-highest RQp patent sale price only o-w Good Whlto Flour, for family EQr Dr. Price's linking Powder, 1 pound can 2"Jc ',j pound can Itoynl Baltlnsr I'owder, 12 oz., 19c '.4 pound can 10-pound sack puro Oruham Flour 10 pound llri'iikfast Boiled OntH Largo ltullaii Prunes pound Large bottle Assorted Pickles for Larso bottlo Tomato Cutsup for 15c 15c 19c 25c ...3c 5c 8c 3Dound enn Lard (uny brand) Superior Link Snueuge, pound Puro Cider or White Wlno Vinegar, per gallon Fanny Jars French Cr Mustard Pound package Mixed Bird Seed Rood Broken Mocha und Java Coffee, per pound New Crop Dngllsh Breakfast, Uncnlorod .Inpaii or Sun Dried Jiipun Tea per pound 10 Burs Lnundrv Son-.) ill! t HI'KOIAL pkg. colli wnter stnrcli free to every purchuscr of 1 pound of our Superior Blend Coffeo 25c 23c 7c 10c ,3ic 10c 35c 25c Jewelry Sterling Silver Sleeve Uiitton.s lor men und wo men, i EL- wth30o IrJC pair...- Women's Holt HtickleH worth from 50o to 41 00, s'1 25c Sheet Music 10,000 copies shoot music oi an Kinus on salo Monday, at, pnr 4 cony kmt Sale Mended Gloves Wo offer tomorrow about G00 imlrs of women's flno gloves at creutly re duced prlccr. They uro mado of lino kid In tho now shades, white and black. Each pair lias a tiny defect, hardly noticeable, but U'b there, Their vuluo Is not Impaired to tlio wearer. $1.00, $1.25 and $1.D0 gloves go for 49c, 59c & 69c Monday's Book Bargains "No. 5 John St" regular 1.M rf(r Alexander," by Frank It. Btock vJ(J ton; $1.25 edition, only "No. 5 John St," regular UQn edition, on salo CjzJlj for "In Ills Steos," hy I n Sheldon; ialo Ow prlco Ink or Pencil Tablets 2c each Carter's Ink :cr bottlo 2c only Shelf paper, per package 2c only w Big Ribbon Sale 300 pieces new satin and silk rlbbona go on salo tomorrow nt Just half price. Tho lot Includes all colors In both plain and fancy ribbon, nlso nearly nil wldthc. Three speclul lots; LOT l-lllbbons worth 10c a yard, on sale Ji .ui ' ..... LOT S-lllbbons worth 20o a4fn yard, on sale 1 VfU jur LOT 3-Illbbons worth 2so yard, on sulo g 4-r&