THE OMAHA DAILY HTCE: SUXDAY, MAnCTI IS. lf)00. SMALL DOINGS OF SMART SET Jewish Charity Ball the Only Notablo Function of tho Weok. MANY LESSER EVENTS HAPPILY TRANSPIRE I.oiitf I,Ik( if i:tijuiililr Innl I'nrtlrs anil .Minor deception In Itocurilod t IIIiiikI Klvnl Oului'iii-rnlti UiMj. ScIh-iiiIiik Smiln, Social Cnli'inliir. SION1MY, Mirrch 20-Iton Ton Card club, Mr. and Jlr, chnrlcn I'ruuhnrt. TUKSDAY, Mnrch 21-K. K. Kard klub, Mrs. K. I, llobertson nnd Mrs. Cox. THURSDAY. Murch 2J-lteceptlon, Mrs. Jinx Morris and her dnUKliters, Mrs. SlKfrJcd llcyn anil Mrs. Ktnll Onnz. A dniicc, Winter club, Morand's assembly. Fill DAY, March 8S-Hljrh livo Card club, vMr. ntid Mrs. V. II. Oatcs, At homo, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 13. Illack, Mr. and Mrs, H. 14. llrnndn. SewlriB society. Mrs. Itemlngton. BATUHDAY. .Murch Li-O. C. C. club, Miss Dorothy Douglas. Chicago Cinch club, Air. and Mrs. Mid lam. Tho third Lenten week come to tho rcscuo of despairing society reporters and saved tho social column from going Into actual bankruptcy. Tho chief event was tho bril liant ball In Jewish circles given for sweet charity's sako and attended by representa tives of tho most select circles. Tho cos tumes worn on this occasion attracted much attention for their elegance. An other cnjoyablo oveut wa3 tho annual ban quct given by the members of Unity church. A Htug chafing dish club has also sprung Into existence, and that tho Initial meeting wan ono of unqualified success Is tho eighth wonder to tho femlnlno mind. "All is fair In lovo and war" decided tho hero of this llttlo tulo as ho eagerly rang tho bell of Arabella'!) home. Ha had made a firm determination to "do up" and that right speedily, that lean, lank whitewashed blondo who was receiving too warm a wot como from Arabella. Tbo Sabbath sun shono with a warmth qulto IrreHlstlblo and tho adorable Ara bella clappod her littlo hands for very Joy ns she Jumped Into tho nhlnlng rubbcr-tlr.ed buggy and tho beautiful black horso pranced Off. f Our hero was in a stato of bliss, but lm nglno tho unalloyed happiness of actually passing his hated rival und seeing tho look of disappointment thut cast a deep Bhadow over hlB countenance. This was Joy heaped up and running over. All unconscious ho happened to drive by n, clairvoyant and tho uubject turned on I fortuno telling. Arabella had never had her futuro unveiled, but with a woman's cu rloalty Bho would give "a pretty" to got Just a, peep. Our horo became wildly enthusiastic over thin particular magician of tho spirit world, who could summon special littlo spirits to toll tho past and present; who could summon other littlo spirits to glvo pointers on tho future and who had a special caso full of select ones who didn't do a thing but toll who your next husband or wife would be. Arabella decided In tho most secret recess of her heart to know tho futuro tomorrow. What a long tlmu before she would actually lenow whom sha was to marry and perhaps that particular brand of spirits that dclva In matrimony might bo busy tomorrow. Hut already our magnanimous hero was nsklng her 'if sho wouldn't enjoy tho fun of going, uud already tho horso was stop ping at tho door. Our hero manfully decided not to nccom finny Arabella, for fear of prejudicing 'the "spirits." "I was afraid you 'wouldn't come," began tho great mogul, and then, as Arabella's great Innocent cyn opened wider, th "spirit" of her departed forty-second cousin fiavo a nervous laugh und explained: "I knowod you wuz a-comln"; any spirit could tell that." Now our young hero hnd unfolded this great and glorious schemo a day or two bo foro to a friend, who, thinking it a great nnd glorious Joke, told tho rival blonde. Accordingly tho fortuno teller had boon handsomely tipped by both parties, tho blondo In tho lead. (Ono-half hour later): "And what did ho tell you?"'cagerly asked tho young pian os hq tenderly lifted Arabella Into tho buggy. "To marry tho blonde," sho innocently answered. Clu.rlty Hull. Ono ot tho most brilliant events In tho toclnl history of tho Jewish circles was tho charity ball given at Metropolitan hall Wodncsday evening, Tho combined efforts of tho Jewish Ladles' Aid and Sowing so ciety nnd tho members of tho B'nul B'rlth auxiliary Insured tho success of tho under taking both socially and financially. Tho hall presented n magnificent appcaranco with Its many radiant lights, Its decorations of smllax and evorgrcens gracefully fes tooned about tho walla, Its charming array of booths, where handsomely gowned women dispensed Ices and (lowers. Promptly at 9:30 tho ball was oponcd with tho grand march, led by Ilabbl nnd Mrs. Blmon, Mr. Julius Meyer and Miss Lena Itchfeld. Tho floor committee was com posed of Messrs. Julius Drelfuss, Sol Frank, Mark Heller, Ed Morrltt, (leorgo Sollgsohn and Abrnm Kallsh. Mr. Julius Meyer was master of ceremonies. Tho elaborate sup per served at midnight was In chargo of Mrs. Morris Levy and Mrs. Albert Heller. Mrs. Ben llosenthal and 'Mrs. Abrnm Simon tvero at tho head of tho Indies' reception ind booth committees. Am one the stunning frocks noticed wero THE FEAR OF I1U.UIJUG Frove-iit Jinny People From Trjinjr n (iiiimI .Medicine. Stomach troubles aro bo common nnd In most cases so obstinate to cure thut peoplo no apt to loow with suspicion on any remedy claiming to be a radical, permanent euro for dyspepsia nnd Indigestion. Many such prldo themselves on their ncutencss In never being numtmgged, especially in medicines, This fear of being humbugged can be car tied tuo far, bo fur, In fuct, that nniiy peoplo Buffer for years with weak digestion rather tha,n risk a littlo tlmo and money In faith fully testing tho claims mndo of a prepara tion so reliable and universally used ns Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, Now Stuart'E Dyspepsia Tablets aro vastly Different In ono Important respect from ordi nary proprietary medicines for tho reason that they tire not n secret patent medicine, jio secret is mudo of tholr Ingredients, but analysis shows them to contain tho natural digestive ferments, pure nseptlc pepsin, the digestive acids, Golden Seal, bismuth, hy drastls and mix. They aro not cathartic, Pelthcr do they net ponorfully on any organ, but' they cure Indigestion on the common len'se plan of d'gestlng tho food eaten thor oughly before It has tlmo to ferment, siur ind cause tho mischief. This la tho only lecret ot their success, Cathartic pills never havo and navor can euro Indigestion and stomach troubles bo rauso they net entirely on tho bowels, whero as tho whole trouble Is really In the stomach. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets taken attar meals digest tho food. Thut is all there Is to t. Food not digested or half digested Is lol$on us It creates gas, acidity, headaches, palpitation ot the heart, loss ot Mesh and ap petite and muny other troubles which aro often called by some other name. They aro sold by druggists everywhere at CO, cent per packuge, Mrii. I.ovy'8, of heavy black antln, with last month, left for Denver Wednesday chiffon trimmings. ' evening' and will return to this city about MUa Polack was charming In whlto satin. ; tho first of tho month to mnke arrange Mrs. II. Hugo Ilramlcls wore her wedding ments to go abroad for six months. cown of cream satin, claboraloly trimmed In real laco and enhanced with diamond . , """"" " 51 Krlgbaum entertained at dinner Tues ornaments. ,, ,.. Mrs. lien Itoscnthal woro n fleecy nown of , whlto tullo and point lace, garnished with fragrant Kngllsh violets. Mrs, A. Ilrandels was becomingly attired In white satin covered with block spangled net. Mrs. Klmchbraun, art elegant gown of heliotrope broadcloth nnd violets. Mrs. Mondclbcrg an all black gown of vel vet. (Miss Heller was dainty in blue organdie. 'Miss Itchfeld wore a becoming frock of pink chiffon over pink taffeta. (Mrs. Simon was gowned In blue taffeta covered with whlto chiffon. Miss Katberlno l'olack ,woro black net over black taffeta. TrnoluT' Ktlori Appreciated. Mrs. Samuel Keen entertained at dinner Friday tho principal and thoso teachers of the High school who have had charge of tho clas3cs In which Mr. Samuel and Miss Hen rietta Hces have been enrolled during their four years In tho High school. Tbo colors used In trimming tho dining room were thoso of tho High school and of the senior clats, tho former being jmrplo and whlto and the latter green nnd gold. Tho table wan handsomely ornamented with a largo bed of yellow tulips, daffodlla nnd ferns, whllo there was a profusion of palms and Binllax In the room, the sideboard and chandelier being handsomely decorated with tho latter. Tho flowers in tho parlors wcro La Franco roses nnd scarlet carnation pinks. Tho dinner cards woro of a. nlco whlto card, with a heavy green nnd gold border, tho names being written on In purplo Ink. After tho dinner tho guests wero ontcr talned with music by Miss Henrietta nnd Mr. Samuel Kecs, Jr. Tho dinner was given as a token of appreciation of the- efforts of tho teachers. Thoso Invited were: Mr. and Mrs. AVatcr house, 'Misses Mcllugh, Snyder, Wedgwood, Valentino. Shlppey, Pfclffor, Copeland, Adams, Itoys, Green, Mackenbush, handle, Wheeler and 'Mrs. Craven; Mrs, Heos also entertained on Saturday evening for dinner thu teachers at present In tho schools who wero teaching In tho 'Omaha schools at tho tlmo sho was married In 1877. Unity Church Iliiniiiict. The annual banquet of tho members of Unity church was held In tho parlors of tho church Thursday evening. Tho sumptuous feast was served by tho woman's auxiliary. Tho pastor of tho church, Itov. Newton Mann, mado a felicitous toastmastcr. Toasts wcro given by Mr. Kilpatrlck, Hov. Mrs. Andrews, Judge Illalr, Mr. Stebblns. Mr. Boucher, Major Buchanan, iMrs. White, Miss Watermann, (Mr. ltalph Badgor, Mrs. Sackctt, Mr. McLean nnd Mr. Whltemore. Music was furnished by Miss Helen Millard, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Coo. Tho banquet was fittingly closed with tho hearty singing of "America." CixikliiK Club 1'ViiRt. A dainty luncheon was Berved to the members of tho Cooking club nt the homo of Miss Wcsscls Wednesday afternoon. The tablo prosented a charming picture, with its snowy napery and ccnterploco of crlni- son roses and ferns. Covers woro laid for j suss urace Allen, Miss Elizabeth Allen. . MIbs Edyth Smith, Miss Kcnnard, Miss Kilpatrlck, Miss Hlgglnson, Mlsa Brown, Miss Morse, Miss Towle, Miss Crounso and Miss Millard. Vor Sirs. Wrnklpy. ) Mrs. E. E. Bryson gavo n reception, de lightful in Its Informality, for Mrs. Lnw ronco Weakley Friday afternoon. The rooms wero charmingly nrrangod In decora tions of pink nnd white. Tho tablo In tho dining room) hnd n centerpiece of bridesmaid roses nnd ferns. A dainty con ceit was tho placing of Ico cups in pink chrysanthemums. Mrs. Bryson was as sisted by Mrs. Weakley and Mrs. Draper Smith. Sirs. Judd presided over tho Ices. MtivviiicntN Hero mill There. Miss Morso Is homo from Chicago. Miss Nelson has returned from Chicago. Mr. S. Lovo Kclley returned from Denver Tuesday. Mrs. L. D. Davis has Just returned from tho east. MIs3 Besslo Fltzpatrlck will go to Du buque Tuesday. Miss Rowcna Hlgglnson leaves for the oast noxt week. It. C. Hnrgraves has returned from a visit to Muryvlllo, Mo. Miss Besslo Fltzpatrlck Is visiting rela tives in Dubuque. Mrs. L. C. Munning has gone east for a fortnight's visit. Mr. Georgo M. Tlbbs mado a flying trip to Chicago last weok. Mrs. D. II. Goodrich and daughter aro guests at Puoblo, Colo. IK' I".) ,Mr liCrtn u0th ,eft mwa for a visit to Kansas City. Mls&cs E. H. and Lou Terrlll aro expected homo from" Now York today, Sir. and Mrs. Cady left Tuesday for a two weeks' trip In Wyoming. Mr. Dan Klvlcn has gono to Chicago, en ternoon. Their beautiful home was exquts routo to tbo Purls exposition. lto In floral decorations. Tbo receiving Mrs. It. Conlev is vlsltlnn- hnr pUtc i party was composed of Mr. nnd Mrs. Superior, Neb., for a few days. Peter Her la homo after a threo-months' trip through tho east and south. Miss Jesslo Goctz has returned from an extended visit In Ohio nn'd Indiana. Ide "e. Vt3 No H, rVTs ' e" airs, uoucn h. uingwaii nas returncu from a Blx-months' visit in Dotroit Miss Mrs. Dickinson, accompanied by Dickinson, left yesterday for Chicago Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Cady left Thursday for ii two-weeks' trip through Wyoming, Mr. Charles II. Swift Is homo from a ten-days' visit with his parents In Chicago, It." f Ruble, formerly of Omaha but now of Denver, Is spending a few days with i Omaha friends. Wlndhelm, tho consolations to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Noo of Georgia nve- Robert Young. ; nuo havo returned from a thrce-weeks' stay ! Tno Kensington club was royally enter r at Hot Springs, Ark. i tnlnod by Mrs. Andrew Haas Friday oftcr- Mrs. Henry Copley, accompanied by her "00'V chahng dish luncheon was ele daughter nnd Miss Mlnnlo Collctt. havo 8ntly served! Tho centerpiece a beautiful gone to Fort Worth, Texas, Mrs. Edward Dickinson loft Saturday evening for Chicago and other castorn cities to visit for a short tlmo. Mr. nd Mrs. Charles 8. Squires havo re turned nnd will bo nt homo to their friends at 2817 North Nineteenth nvenuo. Mm. N. Ernest Johnson returned ThursJ day from a visit with her parents, Hov. and Mrs. W. P. Ilelllugs of Jamestown, N. Y. Mrs. J. II. Dumont nnd Mrs. E. E. Womersloy will return Friday from a two weeks' visit at St. Paul, Minn., Chicago and Jollot, 111 Mr, and Mrs. Harry P. Whltmoro and daughter hnve'gono to Old Mexico via New Orleans. They will also spend sqme tlmo in iaiiiornio. Mann and Mr. It. H. Davles. Miss Nelllo Chllds, Miss Nina Haner and ' 0)0 ot tno most e,,ioyablo functions of Miss Vera UeynoldB havo gone for n two- tlQ eail0n wag tllB complimentary hrgh flvo weeks' sojourn with friends in Stuart and pdrty Snturijay evening given by tho LadleV Des Moines, la. I j T Co(T(,0 cllb at- tno -.jgUnj-co 0f Mr. Mrs. F. It. McConnell loft Wednesday for am Mrs, W. H. Wlgman, 2211 Graco strcot. a two months' visit with friends In Call- T10 room wero artistically draped with fomla, accompanied by her children, Fred- playing cards. First prizes were awarded orlek and Gretcben. 1 10 Mr Ui u young and .Mrs. W. H. Wig- Mrs. J. H. Williamson hat returned from 'muni second prizes, Mr. Georgo Mlttauer an enjoyuble visit with hor relatives and i and Mrs. Thll Wlndhelm; third prizes, Mr. frlonds In Chicago. Sho Is making her I j. a. Burster and Mrs. W. T. Misener; con homo at tho Kurbach hotel, Bolatlons, Miss Chlodl and Mrs, J. A. Mr. William F Head of Denver. Colo,, Burster- Music was rendered by tho hostess Vibo has been dangerously sick for the and Mr. Mlttauer, while the cake walk, by ' Wednesday Lunch club met with Mrs. Bailey this week. Mrs. Ocorgo Purvis gave a Kensington Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Patricks entertained for her son, Louis, Monday' evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Garney entertained at cards Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Tom Hogers gave a luncheon Satur day complimentary to Miss Louis. Tho Mil Sigma Lltcrnry club was pleas antly entertained by Mrs. Van Horn. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Hugo Brandels gave an cnjoyablo muslcalo Thursday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joh'n Spotts entertained n Jolly crowd of young folk Thursday evening. Mrs. Bradley gavo a delightfully Informal tea Wednesday afternoon to a dozen friends. Mrs. Henry Jayncs gave two beautiful luncheons Wednesday and Thursday after noon. Tho Hanscom Park Card club was pleas antly entertained by Mrs. C. S. Saylor Fri day afternoon. Mrs. Mumaugh gavo an enjoyable studio tea Saturday afternoon for tho young women of Browncll hall. Mrs. Gcorgo Marplcs entcrtnlned last week In honor of tho fifth birthday of her littlo son Edward. Mrs, Ochlltrco nnd Mrs. Patten delight fully entertained the Neighborhood Card club Friday afternoon. Mrs. J. C. Smith nnd Mrs. C. F. Wolver ton entertained at a Kensington at tho Mid land Wednesday afternoon. Tho C. C. C. club was entertained by Miss Iloso Langdon Saturday evening. Tho hours wero spent In music and dancing. -Mrs. Gcorgo Hoagland entertained in an nttractivo manner for her guest, Miss Hord of Central City, Wednesday evening. Mrs. M. C. Peters entertained tho mom bors of tho Wednesday Lunch club nnd their husbnnds at a Jolly poverty party Friday evening. Mrs. Gannott was at homo to a number of friends Wednesday. Cards wero tho feature ot tho afternoon, after which a mom en ticing luncheon was served. Thurston Hlfles gavo tho fifth In the series ot dances at the armory Tuesday evening. Tho attendanco was unusually large, and the rtvculng was ono of much merriment. Mrs. Hooblcr entertained tho Whist club nt tho homo of Mrs. Strelght Friday. Tho fnvorlto game was closely played during tho afternoon and a luncheon was served nt the close. Morand's hall was tho sccno of another delightful dancing party given by tho Southwest Dauclng club. Tho entertain ments of this club havo proved most pop ular during tho season. Mrs. T. It, Nenl and Mrs. Flanders enter tained tho It. F. Card club Wednesday evening. Tho next meotfng will bo enter tained by Mrs. Mnllory and Mrs. Myers at tho homo ot Mrs. Mallory. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Penney enter tained tho M. W. club and their husbands nt cards on Saturday evening. Mrs. F. V Sanborn won tho ladles' prize, a lovely hand painted plate. Mr. George I. Cronk was the winner of tho centlemen'H nrlzo. Two successful kcnalnctona were given Wednesday and Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Goss. Tho rooms wero beautifully decorated with bridesmaid roses and palms. Tho re freshments' wero dainty In whlto nnd green. Prizes wcro awarded to Mrs. Mcintosh and Mrs. Abcll. 'A charming chafing dish party was given by 'Mrs. E. H. Spraguo Wednesday evening. Tho tablo was beautiful In decorations of whlto roses and hyacinths. Tho partici pants wero: Miss Edyth Smith, Mlws Eliza beth Allen, Mr. Jame.3 Paxton, Mr, Charles Young and .Mr. and .Mrs. Spraguo. The Oom Paul family was delightfully entertained on Friday evening by Mrs. Talmago nnd Miss Burdock at 212 South Twenty-fifth street. Six tables of high flvo wcro engaged during tho evening. After dainty refreshments tho prizes were awarded to Dr. Hoo and Mrs. Cully. Tho Bon Ton Card club was entertained this week by Mrs. Longwell. Great bunches of pink carnations, palms and smllax at tractively adorned the rooms. Tho first prize, n beautiful statuette, fell to Mrs. Boss, while Mr. Harry Itobson captured tho geutleman'B prize, an elegant Inkwell. Tho South Sldo Whist club held n very ploaBant meeting Tuesday at tho homo of tho club president, Mrs. Marty. Mrs, Biggs won tho first prize, a beautiful Bohemian glass vase, Mrs. Tlppery taking second, a, cut-glass syrup pitcher. At the close ot the games dainty refreshments wero servod, Tho first meeting of the Stag Chafing Dish party was held at tho Millard hotel Satur day evening and was highly enjoyed by tho members present, who wero: Messrs. Brown, Sherwood, Young. Pratt. ' Allen. ' Crelgh! Shlverlck, Samuel Burns, Will Burns, Ilns- call, Swobo, Wallace, Towle, Caldwell and Cooley. Mr. and Mrs. II. Hugo Ilrandels gavo their second post-nuptial reception Sunday nf- Ilrandels, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Brandels, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brandels, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Cohn. Tho K. K. Kard klub held Its meeting with Mrs. Welsh und vMrs. Bodman. Deco- ' p.ttlnno nml ii.lni,nn tmtn n ff. intl i,..l t, !IBC1, f ltA!t0r " fl" 'luncheon, tbo tlrst prize, a pitcher and trny ot vedgewood. was awarded to Mrs. W. B, Wallworth. The eccopd prize, a bouillon cup and saucer, was won by Mrs. Holler. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mlttouer most delightfully entertnlned tho Excelsior club Friday even ing nt their residence, 81? South Eighteenth street. After two hours at high flvo cards wcro laid aside and refreshments served, following which first honors wero awarded to Miss Fannie Fruehauf and Mr. Phil vase of Bohemian Bln, filled to overflow lng with white carnations, won much ad miration. Covers wero laid for Mrs. Maurice Rosenthal, Mrs. H, RosonBtock, Mrs. Arthur Brandels, Mrs, Katz, Mrs. Unversagt, Mrs. Cahn, Mrs. Morltz Meyer, Mrs. Herman Cohn and Mrs. Haas. Tbn guests of the Utopia woro very de lightfully cntortulned on Monday evening nt a houso party given by Mrs. K. K. Mockoy In honor of her friend, Mrs. J. Walton Brown of St. Paul. Progresslvo high Ave was tho leading fejaturo of tho ontortalnmc-nt. with ten tables In piny. refreshments had been served the prizes wero distributed. First prizes were awardod t0 jjla Amy nudd and Mr. B. J. Scanncll, whlle second prizes fell to Mrs. Louise B. Mrs. illseuer and Messrs. YoutiR and AVIndi helm, wan well received. (hit of '' ii (itirntK, Mr. D. P. Mnrkey of Port Huron la In tho city. Mr, W, H. Kingsley of Denver Is an Omaha visitor, Miss Hord of Central City Is the guest of Mrs. Georgo Hoagland. Miss Gertrude Mnrsland of Lincoln was an Omaha guest this week. Mr. M, V. Llnncll, accompanied by his wife, Is visiting In tho city. Miss Bollo Sutherland of Blair la visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sutherland. Miss Edyth Smith has had for her guest Mrs. Bobert Duff of Fort Illley, Kas. Mrs. Morrison of Lincoln wag tho guest of her mother, Mrs. Tukcy, tho past week. Mrs. Alfred James Lunt returned this week from a visit In East Ornngo, N. J. Miss Kntherlno Morso of Klnsdnlo, 111., Is visiting her brother, Mr. Colvln Moic. Mrs. Emma Anderson Bioko of Maryvlllo, Mo., Is tho guest of Mrs. It. C. Hargrnves, Mrs, Williams of Denver, tho guest of Mrs. William Burgess, left Sunday for her home. Miss Iva Hubbard of Cedar Itaplds, In., was tho guest Thursday and Friday ot Mrs. Munu. Miss Joan Morton of Nebraska City Is visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Hamlin, 2023 Charles street. Miss Ella Cook of Fargo, N. D., Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Charles McCloskey of tho Utopia. Mrs, Catherine Peters and Miss Ella Peters of St. Louis aro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters, Ynwdlm was In Omahn Saturday for n few hours and will bo in Omaha again on tho 20th and 30th. Miss Jnuo Wilson Fair arrived In Omaha Wednesday frojn Ireland and Is tho guest of her brpthor, Dean Fair. Mr. Voorhees S. Anderson of Camden, N. J., nnd Mr. Jay Nelllgcr of Chlcngo, arc tho guests of Mr. Charles Young. Miss Allco Vllo of Los Angeles Is the guest of Mrs. A. Whltmnrah, 3011 North Twenty-third street, for a few days. Mrs. D. E. Sayrcs of Dcs Moines visited Mrs. H. F. Shearer this week whllo enrouto to Lincoln for an extended visit with friends. Miss Peters and Miss Allco Peters of St. Louis aro visiting Mr. nnd Mis. Alleyno D. Peters nnd Inter will spend n fortnight with Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C. Peters. Mrs. J. Walton Brown returned to St. Paul on Tuesday evening. Her visit was unexpectedly cut short by tho receipt of a telcgrnm announcing the serious Illness ot her mother. AWiltlliiKM nml lliiKHKciiicntN. Mr. Joel T. Stownrt and Miss Minnie Brusch wero Joined In marrlago Mnrch 10 at tho homo of tho groom's mother, 2010 Graco street. Hev. Charles W. Savldgo ofllclated. Davles' millinery opening next Tuesday and Wedncsdny. Berolzhelmer millinery display Tuesday and Wednesday. Joyce, the Milliner, 1624 Douglas St., Is showing mnny now novelties In spring and summer millinery. Davles' millinery opening next Tuesday and Wednesday. OMAHA SUIItmilS. llellNon. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hor ton. iMarch 0. Miss Frances O'Conner spent two days of last week visiting In Council Bluffs. Mrs, Jamch Walsh visited her rormcr homo about flvo miles west of hero last Monday. Mrs. Will Moron entcrtalnod her mother, Mrs. Kelly ot Omaha, during tho past week. Tho Infant daughter of Mr. and hire. L. P. Larson, who has had nn attack of lung fever, Is hotter. Mr. nnd iMrs. Poto Uahm of Omahn vis ited the latter's sister, Mrs. Will Moran, one day of last week. Mr. Joseph McGuIro has almost comploted tho construction of a largo Implement house. It Is tho only ono In tho village. i.Ir. nnd Mrs. William Grayball of Omaha, formerly of Benson, spent Inst (Monday nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Grove. A now cottago is being built on McCaguo street below Mr. 0. W. Hawkins' plnco and !h to bo occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Wyantt and child. Sites havo been selected for a brickyard In tho vlllngo by a brick firm of tho city. They aro situated near tho town hall on tho iMIUtnry road. Omaha peoplo took advantage of tho nice weather during tho first part of last week by visiting nt tho St. Jnmes orphanage aud other Interesting points. Miss Ada E. Stlgor, who visited In Bloom flcld nnd Crelghton, Neb., during tho past month, returned to hor homo Inst Thurs day night nftor n very pleasurablo trip. i.Mr. James Howard nttended the funeral of Mr. Calvin Hampton of niack Hills, S. D., last Wednosday and returned Inst Thursday. Tho funeral was hold at Battlo Creek, where tho deceased formerly resided. Benson lodgo, No, 221, Independent Ordor of Odd Fellows, Is booming. It has degreo work every Thursday night. Clover Lent lodgo, Modern Woodmen of America, nnd Fraternal Union lodges of Bonson nro also thriving. Tho i.M. K. L. S., which was to havo been held at tho homo of Mrs. Frank Kclar, Thursday of lust week, was postponed on ac count of tho absenco of so many of tho monitions nnd will moet with Miss Frances O'Connor next Friday. March 23, A puper will bo edited by tho soveral members. Tho Ladles' tAld society met with Mrs. S. R. Hoffman last Thursday. A fair sum wan realized from their cantato, given Mnrch 0 and 10. Tho greater part of thlB will bo given over toward repairs for tho Methodist Episcopal church. The next meeting will bo held Thursday, March 29, at tbo homo of Mrs. Georgo Hawkins. There will bo elec tion of oincers aud all members aro urged to bo present. Services will bo held at tho usual time this morning, with Rev. Totninn presiding. Owing to Hov. Luco's Inability to occupy tbo pulpit last Sunday, Hev. Leavltt of tho Child's Saving institute of Omaha conducted tho services. Tho officers nnd senior mem bers ot tho Sunday school met to consldor about tho Easter preparations. It was finally left to tho good Judgment or superinten dent E. G. Hills nnd his assistants. A most Interesting feature of social ovents was a "ghost" party given in honor of Misses Pcarlo and Maudo Lowo at the homo of A. Lowo last Friday evening. March 16. It was both unlquQ and entertaining and In Bplto of tho extreme cold weather was woTl attended nnd a pleasant tlmo reported by nil. About olghtccn couples of Omaha and Ben son wcro Invited. Among thoso present were: Metsrti. Tlndell, A. Tlndell, Kellar, Hills. Schonburn, Smerch, McGuIro, Stlger; Misses Hogan, O'Connor, McGuIro. Morgan. Novlres, Stlger, Andorson, Burr and Bovornl others. Fire cuught In tho roof of tho houso oc cupied by Prof. G. R. Fox and family last Sunday. It had gained so much headway when first discovered that oven tho com bined help of tho uolghbors could do noth ing to check It. Nearly nil tho furnlturo and other belongings of value wero saved tilmost without Injury and the entire loss was esti mated to bo but $20. No other houso In tho village being vacant, many of Prof. Fox'i frlonds opened tholr bouses to him, but he refused and took up a temporary abode in tho town hall. Tho fact that several houses novo been burned lu Benson which could otherwlao hnvo been saved suggests tho Im mcdlato need of n llro company, nnd tho matter Is to be considered. I'liirener, Miss Fnnnlo Morso mode a business trip to Omaha Thursday. .Mr. James Smith of Omaha was visiting L. K. Yost Wednesday. Mr. (A. Wilson of Tekamah was a business visitor In town Thursday and Friday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Dowell's daughter of Fremont visited them Snturday nnd Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Androw Anderson went to Blnlr Tursdoy to visit relatives n couple of da s. Somo ono helped themselves to chickens out of John Simpson's hen houso Tuesday night. 'Mrs. Henry Anderson nnd Mrs. ,0. J. Hunt wcro business visitors In Omahn Wednesday. Mrs. W. B. Backus went to Beaver, Pa., Tuesday on tho account of tho serious Ill ness of her father. Mrs. J. G. .Hunt was called to Bridgeport, Nob., Thursday on account of tho serious Ill ness of Mr. Hunt, who Is nt that place. Miss Agnes Wyatt Is teaching in the place of Mis, Bnckua while she Is absent, In tho prlmnry department of the public school. Rev. M. L. Bradcn of Omaha held services horo In the lresbytcrlan church Thursday night, going from hero to Blair, wbero he will hold services. Tbo democrats put tho following ticket In tho Held for the siirlnir nlpnllnn- Atnvnr J. V. Shipley: clerk, C. A. Smith; council- men, urst wnrd, F. M. King; Second wnrd, Davo Andrews. Tho republicans nominated the following ticket Thursday evening! For mayor, F. S. Tucker; clerk, John Bondesson: treasurer. T. P. Hcrsklnds: couiicnmen 't,'ih.i .-.r,i John Simpson: Second ward, Olo Olson. H. Hall of St. Louis, Mo., a former resi dent of this city, was hero Wednesday visit ing friends nnd procuring somo men to work with his grading outfit, which Is now ut Creston, In. L. K. Yost and John Nichol son returned with him. Davles' millinery opening next Tuesd'ay and Wednesday. Berolzhelmer millinery display Tuesday and Wednesday. Spring and summer millinery opening of hats und bonnets Thursday and Friday. F M. Schadell & Co. ' itiiiiy nccliirc Dlvlileiiil. NEW YORK March 17.-The directors of the 'IcnnesHO Coal, iron nnd Railway com puny havo declared a dividend of 2 per cent on the common stack. ThU Is the llrst dividend eotisequentr upon the payment Of accumulated dividends on the preferred stock. Tho director declnred the ac cumulated dividend of 54 per cent on Its non ussentlng preferred stock payable May 1, and also extended tho time for preferred stockholders to exchange their stock on the basis of 1M) shares of common for 100 shares of preferred. Mr. M. H. Bliss has removed recently to 1417 Douglas st. Davles' millinery opening next Tuesday and Wednesday. Madam Hickman, who wns for years one of Omaha's leading milliners, l now with Hnydcn Bros. In tho millinery department and Invites her many friends to-call on her there, ns sho Is In position to afford thorn ovory advantage of style and assortment In tho selection of cxqulslto and becoming headwear. Davles' millinery oponlng next Tuesday and Wednesday. llnnliN piily fur Incrciiftc. NEW YORK. March 17. -A majority of the national bank." In Now York hnvo al ready made applications to lncreoNo their circulation to the par value of the bunds deposited by them at Washington and the necessary ia;ers havo lu most cases been forwarded to the secretary of the treasury. It Is estimated that the increase of circu lation will amount to at least f2.KO.000, ex cluslvo of tho circulation that muv be taken out on the deposit of additional bonds. O ii ii Inc. Joyce, tho Milliner, 1624 Douglas St., Is showing many now novelties in spring nnd summer millinery. Mr. Garelssen will be at his studio, 215-216 Karbnch block, until August 1st. Davles' millinery oponlng next Tuesday and Wednesday. Berolzhelmer millinery display Tuesday and Wednosday. EPHOLM THE JEWELER WHO IS RELIABLE Seu our lino B. P. O. E. Watch Charms, $12 to UQ. 107 N. 16th St. If vou tntnk of buying n Stwlnj ch"' SEE US It makes no dlffcrenco what make of Machine vou want SEE US You may want a Davis Hall Bearing or Singer, u Standard or Domestic, or n cheas muchlno for $16.00 No difference which, wo con Bell you and save you money. SEE US. Wo havo no agents, we pay no commis sions, ho YOU have to SEE US. Wo rent machines for 75o per week. We repair all makes at reasonablo prices. Monday wo will glvo you cholco of any Second-Hand Sewing 'Machine on our floor for $5.00. Some of theso 'Machines nro cheap at $18.00. NCBRASKA CYCLE CO, Cor. 15th and Harney. j A GREAT PIANOS ... THAT IS ... MAKING HISTORY Tlu tire which occurred nt 1311 Farnam street (next door to our wiles and warerooms). when our Immonso stock was slightly damaged by smoko and water, has conspired to ninko this the most favorable tlmo In tho history of Omaha fot tho purchase of a piano or organ. This unusual opportunity bos been mndo possible for tho rcawon thnt we have settled all our losses with tho Insurance companies. You get tho benefit in dollars; wo get the ndvortlsement. We aro compelled, owing to circumstances, to get rid of every piano In tho prcsout stock nnd we have decided to reduco tho price on oil grades of pianos from $100 to $250. Our stock consiHts of several hundred pianos and orgnns, In over GO designs and finish, nnd Is the MOST COMPLKTK, UP-TO-DATB AND HICL1ABLE stock ever thrown on the market at such prices. We proposo to sell pianos In this great salo nt figures that will ninko n NHW LOW PRICK RKC'ORD In tho history of piano wiling. Tho salo H now in progrrsi and to any one contemplating tho purchase of a piano we would suggest prompt notion, ns these groat bargains cannot last long. Among this great assortment o. Instruments can be found the greatest of nil pianos TUB STKINWAY--which leads them nil. Also the celebrated Steger, A. B. Chase, Vose, r.merson, Packard, Ivors & Pond, Ornmer, Pease aud soveral other makes. We Guarantee the Quality of Every Instrument Sold. NOTE PRICES BELOW. HKFOIt PRICK. $1,150.00 735.00 630.00 500.00 475.00 375.00 330.00 2 T"H V NAM K. Stelnwny nti: Stelnway A. B. Chase Mahogany or Walnut... Vose Cabinet Grand EmciHon St. Domingo Mahogany. Steger Antique Oak I'cnso Fancy Walnut !i.w) Arlen Upright Cabinet Grand 175.00 230.00 Other reliable Upright Pianos at Orgnns, $10.00 ond up. AN IMPORTANT FEATURE. Although wo have reduced the price on all our pianos from $100.00 to $250.00, wo will continue to sell pianos at tho regular monthly rate of payments. Stool nnd Scarf freo with each piano purchased. STORE OPEN EVENINGS DURING THIS SALE. Schmol ei 1313 Farrcam Street. The Largest Piano House in the West. NOTICE-No Pianos Sold to Local Dealers. Mrs. Night Gowiib tbat wero 1. 15 Monday 41 Ffafia or m One-third olE the regular price of Khineatono eide, pomp, adour and tuck Combs. Price 35c, 05c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, 2.50, 3.00 and 5.00. Savon and Frangipjine Soap box of three large cakes Sterling Silver Embroidery and Manicure Scissors Best quality os 15c Box Paper and envelopes .' One-third oil regular price on Fancy Swiss Tea Aprons. See the now Kabo Bust Perfector. Price 1.00. See tho now Chi lion Boas. Now shapes in Woven Wire Bustles and Dress Forms. ma Mnui Tailored Suits Waists Jackets and Skirts LPCQFIELD 1 1 XCLDAk'S.SUITCO. 1510 DoiiuliiH St. HOWELL'S Anti-Kawf Will euro t'nuirhs, Colds. HoarheneFH or Soro Tbrout AI witj'jS reliable. I'"or Hilft by all drill; cists. &c ami Mc. FIRE SALE I ti"ii;u Till': Kim:. STYLK. PRICE. .Mahogany Baby Grand $875,00 .Upright, figures! walnut cose 635,00 530.00 375.00 325.00 275.00 $110.00. $120.00, $135.00 and up. & M J. Benson I onnay and 1.00, 75c 10c 50c iOc Paint Brushes Cheap. We nro tho poopln on Paint Uruslics--wiiether you want the brush for painting a IIOI SH, eimmellng u HA1IV t'AItltlAOIJ or whitewashing tho CHICKKN ItOOST. Wo sell tho Sherwin-Williams HATH KK AMKU which will wltlistnud hot und cold water. Milken tho eld tub look like porce lain and It wears like porcelain. Made In four tints Ivory, porcelain, rose, Nllo Kreen. Iteeiulres no skill to npply It. Dries lu 21 to 30 hours, Put up In oiin'-lmlf pints, 75c; pints, :s, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co Nimv'iif Ion, Cor. Iillli t I1iiiIk. Arthur Deimore Cheney Basso-Baritone Vocal Instruction Special Attention Olvcn to English Oratorio. Suite 315 Ramge Bldg Omaha Mueller