Mnrch 18, 1000. icr cent of tho sugnr coutcut can bo ex tracted Irom high grade beets than from low grade, and for this reason factories cannot handlo at n prollt beets which test lower than 10 per cent sugar content. Tho principle of diffusion Is to obtain the sugar jutco held In the mtnuto sacs of tho beet without bringing nwny tho cell mem brane. From tho diffusion battery tho Juice, resembling muddy water, Is pumped to a tank, from which "measured quantities are passed for treatment llrst with a definite proportion of milk of Unie. This cither decomposes tho albumen, coloring matter, salts, acids, etc., or It renders them inert Thcsu undcslrablu substances having an nihility for lime, unite with It and carbeme acid gas Is nfterwards forced Into the liquid and, Joining tho lime, forms n pruclpltatc. The Julco thus treated Is forced through a scries uf filter presses, consisting of iron frames with perforated plates covered with burlap, and In this process nil tho foreign, solid nnd coloring matters nro deposited. After this it is subjected to a careful treatment with sulphuric acid, and then a nitration leaves It almost colorless and rendy for evaporation, when It. Is boiled by steam heat In vacuum. It is next passed to the vacuum pans, whero tho vacuum and heat are greater, and when tho prucess of granulation tins been carried to the proper point, which Is determined by tho sense of touch, the viscid mass Is passed through tho centrifugal machines. Hero tho molasses Is thrown off, the damp sugar crystals nro dried by hot atr and packed for shipment. Tho process seems intricate and com plicated, but is easily followed from begin ning to end through tho length of tho build ing, and abounds in Interest nt every stage. Tho tlmo required to convert the sugar beet into beet sugar is from twenty-four to thirty-six hours today tho raw product of tho soil, tomorrow n staple article of com merce used tho world over. The SUKlir Heel. Tho story of tho "beta vulgaris," com monly known as tho sugar beet, dates far back Into nncient history. Wo aro told that it was served as rations to the builders of the Pyramids, used by Hippocrates ns medicine, and that It has been food for man and OMAHA ILLUSTRATED 11 EE. American Beet Sugar Industry The history of the beet sugar Industry In 1,1118 'f l''t ""Km nnd 132.000 tons of cano the t'nlted Slates Is not a long story. The H1,Klir. 11 I"'"' ""'V 1127.000 tons, while wo llrst experiment of record was made near consumed L'.O'.i 1,010 tons. In brief tho United Philadelphia In 1SS0, but It was a failure, and States consumes 25 per cent of tho world's wo next hear of beet sugar making In Mass- production of and produces less than aehusetls. where another and more dlit- :l I""1" ,lf '"tul supply and lens than natrons failure was scored In 1S3S. Tho man 11 l"'r ' "' amount which wo use. A who tried It In 1SIIS (vntondod that the beets couserviillw estimate places the annual must be dried before the sugar was extracted Vllllu' ot iU'ried sugar at more than tlM.- and his pre duct cost 11 cents per pound. t,lMHH), part of which, however, goes to Ills experience was valuable to these who nl""'""'' m" " camo nfter. but twenty-live youts elapsed , 7, before another sugar maker discovered hlm- comes to tho self In 1SC3 a factory was established In Illinois, but tho soil was unsultctl to beet culture nnd nfter six years of discouraging effort the factory was moved to another part of tho state. One falluro succeeded an other, until the machinery was moved to Wisconsin, where It llnally dropped out of sight At Fond ilu hue. Wis., a small fnc tory attracted some attention about this time, but has not been In evidence since. In SUCTION SHOWING 1)1 INFUSION HATTI3KY l'hoto by 1 M. Mucy Told Out of Court In W Iscousm u recent decision of tno supremo court concerning lis superintending power over interior courts liaii pruvoueii some discussion when a lawyer, leaving tno state, uuuiessoU one of Uio judgia ot mat Court, saying tint lie had decided to locale lu .Michigan, where, in order to piactlco, ne wad required to bring u letter "lioni ouu 01 tho judges of the court ot vast resort ' ot thu state from which he came. In view of tho Jurisdiction whlcii tho court hud ussumeu, tho expression "vut resort" wad declared u perfect description of the tribunal. bolh cane and heel, Pulled Slates uuiclliied. While tho beet sugar production lu this country has inpidh increased during recent years the production of cano sugar shows a marked falling olT since lS'.H,. lu that year wo produced HS'.'.OOil tins; In ls'.7. IlKUIT, In Ifdis, 1:15,511 and lu IMiy only UL'.OOO tons. l''or llils rapid decrease no explanation is given. Tlu pioductloii of Cuban cano lu IS1.)'.) Is given at lOO.iUU) tons, the Hawaiian Islands come next with '.'75,1100, the Philippine Islands furnished 70,000 and the small Island of Porto Itlco added 50,000 tons to the world's supply The entire amount 1S09 a factory was Btartcd nt Alvarado. -uu' ",u'r ""W J1'" ""s'c.i. proiluei,(, , , MluuU ,! ii10 nulled States would supply only about 25 per cent of our annual demands for sugar, and in view of these facts It Is apparent that we still have room nnd prolltahte employment for several hundred beet sugar factoiles. One word upon a popular fallacy: There aro those who still assert that beet sugar Is Inferior In quality to cane sugar, hut the fact Is that standard ro llned sugar Is like pure gold, tho same the world around. Frco gold or gold from quartz cano sugnr or beet sugar tho chemist can not even delect a difference, because It does not exist. Batt aBBBBBVvajlwMrBBaBBBK B'fcsj u l H MnTwiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalBrJuBBBBwlBBnBBlVfi bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbEk Pointed Paragraphs The painful necessity that compelled a linn of Iowa lawyers to argue against a decision which tho senior member of the firm Imd pronounced while u. chief Justice of uio beast for ages past. Yet only In compara- supremo court produced tho following, whicn tlvely recent yenrs has It become a factor wo quote from tho Canada Law Journal: In tho civilization of tho world. About 1750 "Wo recognize tho tact that Uio senior ono iMargraff, u Gorman chemist, decided member of tho llrm, tho uamo of which is that cano was not tho only sugar producer, subscribed hereto, among hit last olllcial uu- and nfter a series of experiments declared ties us chief Justice of this honorable and that tho beet contnlned moro sugar than respected court, wrote tho decision in tuc other vegetables and enough to make It case of Ottuniwa against Stodghlll, reported commercially valuable. Ho failed to carry in 103 Iowa, 4117. Since that case his conclusions to a successful Issue, how- was decided the Junior members of the llrm over, and It was not until tho beginning of have labored long aud earnestly with the tho nineteenth century that M. Achnrd, n senior member to convince him of the enor Frenchman, then residing In Prussia, took f his decision. Wo have shown him that it up the- work whero Marcraff had left off. Is based upon a harsh, strict and literal In- tfn miliii.ntn.i .,...1 .....nii t l rr r , til i I n n fif t Ui i!nt ntn tlmt It U citniniri' tho law." vj u v v n tin., 1 1 1 1 1 v i . ; i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w - .. ........ .v., . v ... - - - j - - , , , , , , . , ... njnount of sugar In a crude factory, but to equity and good conscience, and opposed . . "Bnr ractories were In operation In the '" -'" "' " cnci,o.. u.u ago num. scientists had llttlo faith in his claims and to tho trend of modem and enlightened au- Il'lSIl I UI'llS 11110. TWlStS Ul,ltua states. It's always well to bury the lmtchut-and his success was small. Yet his porsevor- thority. Wo have pointed out to him that Since 1S'J7 the Industry hus developed ll's llIso well to remember tho spot whero It anco accomplished something m splto of tho ho wrote it as the shades of night worn Tho nutlior of "Irish Life and Character" rapidly and wo now liavo thirty factories lu ' Interred. scientists, nnd finally caused tho govern- falling upon his Judicial career, and that Ba'H tr,llv llml " IlaH ""'J' 1,1 '"'x wltl1 "Peration whoso combined output for the Tho worst thing ab tit a man who wnst-i ments of France, Germany and Kussla to "is theretofore clearsightedness In legal nn Irlsh uroW(1 tu huilr lmlll' 11 laughable season of 181111-11)00 will probably bo nearly his time 1m his penchant for wasting tho establish schools wherein tho culture of matters had become temporarily dimmed, expression, quite Innocently uttered. As the 05,000 tons of sugar. .Mr. .M. A. Lunn of this time of other people. beets nnd tho making of sugar was taught. d that ho Is now lu the bright light of u dko ami (Uichess of York were leaving Dub- city, who is n recognized uuthority .on sugar fH ii easy matter to Interest a girl. All m. . n. ... . n...i .n i. ......... ...i.. . .. ...... nil ill loi. tiiiiiii 1 11 noma 1 11: uiictTi 1 111. nil ni'i'i I'liiiiii,. 1 11 rn H iiiiu I 1111 ui ii kii I t.ii.i.. uio nrsi lactones wero erected in uerninny uu uuu unuomiicira In 1S05, In Itussla nbout 1S02 and In Franco capable of seeing In 1811. and from that day to this tho manu- proportions. W SECTIONAL VIEW CAUIIONATION TANKS. Photo by I .M Macy Chicago News: Caution Is tho foundation i f prudence. lovo IIiiiIh a way even If It has to iituud the furniture man If. Tho reproaches of a true friend aro always Just and not too fro.pieul. The coming man U usually the one who holds your promissory note. Worn It not for wine and passion some men would never speak tho truth. Funio never blows her trumpet for u man who Is too lazy to ralo the wind. Tho easiest way for a girl to prove that she can't slug It) to make the attempt. Thu hI.o of a man's bank account has promulgated lu the Ottuniwa case is not effort was llnally put upon u paying basis nol,tl,l,K t0 d" wllh "!h 'UiuimihIumh as a man. in jaay. as into as ib'Ji only elglit beet ". " k'" "is"" i" hum- uumiu vuien- facturers of beet sugar in Kuropo hnvo been under government protection and havo re ceived government aid. .Moro than 3,000,000 acres of beets aro grown annually in Ku ropo and about 1,-MS factories aro In opera tion, producing approximately 1,500,000 tons mpercd advocate, and more 1SU7, ,iml(1 llllll!ll!iallc cheering, an beet culture, furnishes the subjoined table, you havo to do Is talk about matr ny. no Ing things in their proper "'l J"111;111 ''u"m'!l1;, , w;Illul1 Klves, location and capacity ot b unets and sleigh rides, e have even quoted to h.n, A J" J J ho reception they ro heso ac.o, es ,u, may bo found Interest- S( , ,,,,, ,., ,., (), kmv . tho speech of Mrs. Hrownlng's uiniden to hor lover: Yes I answered you last night. No this inornliiu', sir, 1 say. Colors seen by candle Unlit, ijo not seem tno samo ny day. In short, though ho hns never said so pn-hHed their feelings: gettlir, goln' nwny?" Ing and Instructive. S Nnnio of company and location, with in 1802 Dublin university celebrated Its capacity In tons of beets: torcenlenarv and crowds of visitors wero l"11'"- bllgar Co., Alvurado, Cul 800 .. . V . ,i c1f0W(ls01 yora were western Ueet Sugar Co., Watsonville, attracted to the city. Two laborers, re- Oal ' i noil Jolced at tho general prosperity, thus ex- Clilno Valley Sugar Co., Chino, Cal l.ouo very much make better imi of their knowledge than others who think they know It all. of sugar. Only a relatively small part of in words, wo aro convinced that tho ex-chlef Los Alamitos Sugar Co.. Los Alamllos. , Vi I ' '..ii 'el,., u-.i.i ..n.i "iiii... i i i..... i i .......... i . .. .. ..... ....... ....v., W...I. v.... v..,.. (junior l i licet SllL'iir He n nir l!n . "- uuii.uu uuiiu.l m cuusuniuu at jusnco is neariiiy iisuameu ot mat narrow, rj,,a ,)oes a dale for the thrado of Dublin, Crockett, Cal 1 200 homo nnd In order to slimulnto export, nlmost medlaoval, decision, and that all we and no mistake " Sprotkuls Sugar Co., Sprockets, Cal 3,000 thereby keeping up tho Industry and af- havo to do Is to present tho question to his "oh falx they do!" said the other "And A"lt!rlwiii Sugar Co., Oxnard, Cal. 2,ow fording a inarket for tho beets, as well as successor and live associates In a proper whin, with the blcssln' of God, wo get homo uJc'go.i , BuRur Co.! La (Irunde.' ore".';; XO to enablo tho manufacturers to meet com- manner to convince them also that thu rtilo min. mim vin ran lmvn n mnnnv nf tnim I). C. Corhin. Waverlv. WiihIi .tji , HHRAKING GROUND FOIt FACTORY AT AMKS, as wo plase.' An old woman, seeing a ninn pulling a young calf roughly along tho road, ex claimed: "Oh, you bla'guard! That's no wny to thrato a fellow crather." "Sure," said a laborer to a young lady who was urging him to send his children to school, "I'd do anything for such a sweet, gintlcmnnly lady as yoursolf." Tho laborers on a largo estate decided that It wuuld bo more convenient for them if they could be paid every week Instead of every fortnight. One of their number was sent to place their proposition before tho laud agent, and this was his state ment: "If you plase, sir, It's me desire, nnd It Is also Ivory other man's desire, that wo re savo our fortnight's pay every week." petition, tho various ISuropenn countries whero sugnr Is mado, without n slnglo ex ception, pay n heavy bounty fcr every Ion sold In foreign markets. This enables ISu ropenn factories to send largo quantities of cheap sugar to the American market, nnd but for a tariff protection cur own fnctor'es, bporatcd with higher-priced labor and with out governinont assistance, would soon lie forced to tho wnll. How it Happened Chicago Times-Herald: "How did you come to sever your engagement with Miss Dashlolgh, tho heiress?" tho poet's friend asked. "I will toll you," tho bard sadly replied. "I wroto a sonnot to her and had It pub lished. In ono of the lines I mndo use of tho words 'her plaint.' Tho printer made It 'her paint.' So you soo how llttlo things continue to upset our fondest calculations." IiKirr SUGAR FACTORY AT GRAND ISLAND. Utuli Hiik'iir Co.. lju h . Utah :s'.0 Ogden Sugar Co., Ogden. Utah 350 Colorado Sugur Co., Grand Junction, Colo 350 Pecos Valley Sugnr Co., Carlsbad (Kddy), N. M 200 American licet Sugar Co., arund Jslund, Neb 3.V) American licet Sugar Co., Norfolk, Neb 350 Standard Heet Sugar Co., Ames, Nob... 500 .Mlnne."otii Ueet Hugur Co., St. liuls Park, .Minn 350 Illinois Sugar Co., Peklu, Hi 700 First .New iork Ueet Sugar Co., Home, N. Y 200 Hlngbamtou Sugar Co., litnghuniton, N. Y aw .Michigan Sugnr Co., Hssexvllle, Mich.., 500 Hay City Sugar Co., Kssoxvllle. Mich... 000 West Hay City Sugar Co., West Hay City, .Mich COO Alma Sugnr Co.. Alton, Mich COO K'nliuuazoo Sugnr Co., Kalamazoo, Mich 500 Wolverine Suimr Co., Denton Harbor, Mich 350 Holland Sugnr Co.. Holland, Mich 350 Detroit Sugar Co., Rochester. Mich 500 Peninsula Sugnr Co., Cnro. Mich COO Sovernl now fnctorles nro now building, ono nt Lyons, N. Y., another nt Rocky Ford, Colo., n third lu tho samo stato nenr Pueblo and ono nt Fremont, O. Pinna aro now under way for several others and tho noxt decado will doubtless witness a marvel ous development of nn industry which Is ns yet scarcely In Its Infnncy. There seems to be nn Idea prevalent In sonio (piarters that beet sugar Is still some what of an experiment nnd that It does not comparo with cano sugar, either in quantity or quality. Tho following Ilguros from a recent Issue of Wlllott &. Gray's Statistical Sugar Trade Journnl (Now York) may possl lily throw somo light on dark places: In lS!i!i tho total sugar production ot the world-- cano nnd beet Including countries which havo heretofore, been Ignored In re ports, was 8,151,000 tons, tho estlmnted In crease for tho year being 177,371 tons. Of this grand totul only 2,870,000 tons wore cano sugar ns against 5.575,000 tons of beet sugnr Pure Whiskey 1 Direct from ffiil J i iDistillerro Consumer POUR PullOuiirls, saves middlemen Profits. Prevents Adulteration. JOH thirty yonrs wo lmvn been IdlstllUng tho best whiskey Mint onn lio mndo. Ourrep utntloii for limiting puro whiskey Is iih wldo ns Ainerl cii.nnd woluivo IIIOUKIUIUS or ciiHlomerH lu lovory Htnto In tno union. 1IMKI J Ml I fir ir M' m.f' m X H Hayner's SCVCN YEAROW miR DISTILLING CO rtAC'i'aiim!!!'"""' i"0N.0HI0. U.5.H- We will lend youfourlutluuart bottles ot lluvner'a Seven Year Old Double Copper Distilled Hye for $, Uxpreis Prepaid, We ililp In plain package no marks to Indicate contents. When you get It and test It, II It Isn't satisfactory return It at our expense, and wo will return your $3.30. sucn wnisKey cannot Dopurcuaseu else where for less than $5.00. No other distiller sells to conHumnrai direct. Others who oiler you whiskey! lu this wny nro dealers buying nnd mjII- ' ' ing. Our whlslcoy litis tho Jluyncr rep- uiuuuii oeiiinu iu Eifrencei Third National Bank, any builiitia houie In Dayton, or Com ntrclil Agenclei. THE HAYNER DISTILLING CO., :i2.-).:i:ii west rifth st dayton, onio. V. R. -Orders for Ariz. . Colo. .Cal. .Idaho. Mont. . I KevN. Hex., Ore.. Utah, "Wash., Wyo., mustl 1 do ior qis. 1 uy i-eigni, preiuu Tho United States produced less than 95,000 uttrantceal)ovoMrmwillUoustiieyai!rco.-li,