OMAHA ILLUSTRATED HEK Mnrch 18, 1000. The Beet Sugar Industry in Nebraska 1 Great Industries as a rule do nut spring up In a day or a year, but aro the product WsrJ vXtVfcygfe of gradual evolution ESiSffltC mid iirowth. Such haH been tho hlBtory of tho beet sugar IndiiBtry In Nebraska, wlilch, though It Is now on a Hound foot in l.'. Ih Htlll In ItH In fancy. Tho first BUgar factory was erected liy Henry T. Oxnard nt Grand Island In 1800 and wan tho result of several years of agitation and experiment by men In that community who had come from tho beet Biignr producing BectloiiH of Europe. Tho follow ing year n factory was built nt Norfolk and hero tho growth stopped until last season tho ono nt Aiiich wan erected. Hovornl causes havo prevented a moro rnpld Incrcaso In tho number of factories. It haa been sottlod beyond a doubt that tho noil of most, If not all portions of Nobraska, la especially adapted to tho culture of tho sugar bect. Tho cultivation of sugar boots, however, waB a matter which worked a revo lution In tho ontlro system of farming from tho oxtenslvo operations, all carried on by machinery, to tho moro Intcnso methods and a largo amount of hand work. Without a knowledge- of tho proper methodB of cul tivating tho beets tho product wan unsatis factory. Tho ylold was often disappointing and Its water supply Is obtained from ar tesian wells varying in depth from 230 to 1,200 feet. Tho How from Borne of thesu wolls rises to a height of fourteen feet above tho BUrface, In tho Btnndplpe, and the quan tity Ih ample for nil purposed. The quality Is pure and, It may bo noted In passing, this company 1b tho llrst to securo a satisfactory How of artesian water In tho 1'lntte valley. Only n llttlo moro than ono-hnlf tho en. paclty of tho plant la being utilized at this time, as tho machinery could not bo started until January 8, nnd only about 15,000 tons of beets were- available, a largo part of last year's crop having been shipped to Norfolk. Next fall tho managers expect to hnndlo C0.000 totiB of beets nnd tho "campaign," ns tho working season at tho factory Ih called, will last nbout 100 days. This will mean nbout COO tons of boots per day of twenty four hours (beet sugnr factories run day and night during lhp "campaign"), 300 wagon loads or nbout forty carloads. It will mean tho employment of from 225 to 250 men, tho consumption of 100 tons of coal por day, sixty tons of llmo nnd ten tons of coko. Tho not results should bo 120,000 pounds of granulated sugar por day and 300 tons of pulp, nil of tho latter being used In tho feeding of cattlo and sheep. Vitluc or flic ImliiNlr;-. Tho valuo oi such a crop to the fanners will bo at IcaBt $250,000 nnd nbout an equal amount will bo pnld out In wages nnd bup pllcs for tho fnctory, making n total dis bursement for onu season of more than $500,000. Tho valuo of tho sugar should bo nunrly $000,000, and It Is well to remember HOYS AND GIRLS AT WORK IN HKET FIELDS. THR M UN 11EHIND TICK HOES Hr-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBPBJPuBBBBBJpBBBBBBBBBJ 4 'I KKKKKKKKl i 1 TltAIN LOAD SHIPMENTS OP I1EETS TO NORFOLK FACTORY. Photo by I. M. Mncy and sometimes when this wns satisfactory that this nmount has been going out of the beets wore deficient In sugar. Nebraska and Into tho pockets of foreign Thcso failures had 11 tondoncv to dls- irniinr,.ra nn,i nnt..r, mii,.D t, i n courngo tho farmers and for a fow years It ndontly expected that theeo figures, largo 70 ce.nts l" ?1 'noro fr cncl) ndimlnal ton ncres of beets were grown on tho land of this company, and this year arrangements nro being made to handle 3,000 acrce. Farm ers In tho surrounding country will prob ably plant nearly ns much moro, so that tho totnl acreago tributary to tho factory should bo about G.000, ond tho valuo of tho crop from $250,000 to $350,000. Tho yield of beets per aero from all plantings nt Ames, from 1893 to 1893, hna been from ten to twenty tons, making nn averago of fifteen tons, nnd tho cost has been roughly estimated nt $25 p6. aero for n yield of twelve nnd ono-half tons of beets and from UB wiiii uiiiiuimy mm mo lactones coum a they now appear, will bo doubled In securo enough beets to keop thorn running. i001. ns tho factory will havo sufllclent cn- rho proprietors of tho factories sot about ,mc,ty nml tho 0Illy ,uestlon is whether the to oducato tho farmers In tho proper method neccHBttry quantity of beets can bo secured, of cultivating tho beets In order to securo a T, ,r ... . . . , .. ... , good yield nnd produce boots of tho re- K; A1Ion' Pjcmcnl of the Nebraska quired richness In sugnr. This accom- nJot s"Knr n8BOcl"tl0"' 18 tuo orlglnnl pro- pllshod tho farmers found tho rnlslng of Jcct"r, of V10 ,nclory ftt Amca nni1 bKa" bootB profltablo nnd tho wny la now open to oxi'urltncnting with sugar boots In 1893, at tho moro rapid growth of tho Industry. wh,ch tlmo 500 ncrea wero Panted. I" tho Tho legislature of tho stato In 1891 passed following year tho acreage wnt Increased a law granting a bounty to -boot raisers, but t() 070 nml tho yield waB so satisfactory that It was later repealed and tho Industry Is I)lftnB wcro begun for tho building of n now dopendent solely upon Its own merits factory which should havo n capacity for Its success, and tho fact that capital was greater than thoso nt Norfolk nnd Grand willing to Invest tho Inrgo nmount noccssary Island combined. A company wns organized to erect n third factory In NobrnBkn during with II. O. Lcavltt, president; It. M. Allen, tho Inst yenr Is tho 'best ovldcnco of Its vlco presldont, nnd J. G. Stearns, secretary, pormanency. While tho production of sugar Eastern capital wa Interested nnd on from beets Is only n small part of tho re- April 7, 1899, ground was broken for the sources of tho Btnto thcro Is plenty of room building. Prom 1891 to 1898 tho Staudard for expansion nnd tho best of ronsons for Cattlo company did not plant a largo acre- bellovlrig that within n fow years tho num- ngo of beets, from 100 to 200 ncres only bcr of factories will bo largely Increased being cultivated for tho purposo of study nnd Nobraska bocomo ono of tho greatost and experiment. Last yenr, however, 1,978 sugar producing sections of tho world. Di'Mcrlpt lou of Factory. Tho lntcst factory to bo erected, tho ono nt Antes, Is equipped with tho most modern machlnory nnd nppllances known for con verting tho Juices of tho beet Into sugar. It is nlBo tho 'nrgest of tho three, It will cost, when completed, nearly or quite $750, 000, and Is ono of tho largest ond host equipped In tho world. Tho mnln building Is 83x203 feot nnd 103 feet from tho ground floor to tho gablo, n groat structuro of brick and steel. It has n capacity of 500 tons of boots por day of twenty-four hours. It Is bo constructed that this cnpnclty may bo easily Increased to 1,000 tons and It Ih worthy of noto thnt 90 per cent of this machinery Is of American manufacture, tho remaining 10 por cent not bolng obtainable In this country at tho present time. Tho main structuro, however, Is only a part of tho factory, thcro bolng a largo boiler house containing eight 250-horno power boilers nnd four engines, with n combined forco of 1,000 horso power; n commodious warehouse a llmo Iioubo 40x100 feet, where all tho llaio used In tho fnctory la burned, n fully equipped machine, and blacksmith shop, bo Bides oxtcnBlvo sheds nnd sovcral rows of cottages for tho uso of laborers during tho senson, Tho factory was erected by tho Oxnard Construction company, which Is entirely dlrforont from tho Oxnard sugar companlos, and haa no further Interest In tho company nt Ames. Tho factory has Its own electric light plant As tho prlco for test beets la $1 per ton, It THE CULTIVATOR HHIGAOE. Is apparent that sugar beets can bo made a profltablo crop. It Is nsscrtcd by those who ought to know that nn experienced mnn can handle ten acres of beets without extra help, except at tlmo of thinning and first hoeing, with very llttlo special machinery nnd with out interfering with other crops. At nn averago yield of twolvo and ono-half tons per ncro this small crop should bring In $500 cash. Not n bad addition to tho nvcrago farmer's incomo and derived from the surest crop ho can plant In Nebraska, as it will stand moro drouth than nny other, with tho possible exception of nlfalfn. Each year Nebraskn factories offer addi tional Inducements for tho raising of sugar BEET SUGAU FACTORY I ft II .dtfwlHl UEET SUQAR FACTORY AT AMES. AT NORFOLK Photo by I. M. Macy. beets. Tho prlco for 1900 has been fixed at $1 per ton for averago test beets and tho factories will pay tho freight on all ship ments within a distance of 150 miles. OnciiN Another I'lolil. There Is yet another Industry open to tho farmers and seed men of Nobraska. All of tho sugar beet soed planted In tbo United States, several hundrod tons annually, Is Imported from Franco nnd Germany, nnd sold hero nt 15 cents a pound. It can bo grown hero; n fow experiments nnd a llttlo oxperienco will open n wldo field. In Europo tho sugnr beet has .been bred up to Its pres ent high stnndnrd by n cnroful selection based on sugar content nnd coefficient purity, size, density, shape and color, n survival of tho fittest as It wero, and each year a hlghor test has been obtained. In this country California beets havo shown tho highest tests so far, but thero Is no gooil reason why grent Improvement cannot bo made In Nebraska. Tho next step should bo Into tho now Industry, tho supplying of American grown beet seed to tho American grower of sugnr beets. Thoso who nro familiar only with tho slmplo process of extracting sugar In Its crudo state from tho sap of tho maple tree or tho Julco of tho sugar cano are but Illy prepared to understand tho costly machinery and tho intricate processes by which .sugar Is extracted from tho beet. Many old set tlers of Nobraska havo tapped tho sugar maplo "down east" and on frosty mornings of early spring havo collected the sap In tho sugar camps, built great fires under hugo kettles and watched tho boiling down to sugar through the day or tho long hours of night. What stories wero told and what pranks wero played while tho firelight danced among tho trees and ghostly shadows dodged hero nnd thero about tho lonely camp! Tho sap simmering slowly down to golden syrup und tho sugar which later granulated In rich brown cakes nover lost Its flavor of tho forest, nnd Its dainty aroma of tho wlldwood, onco known never forgot ten, will still bring back to many a western pioneer fond memories of boyhood days. IJut tho Nobraska boy who watches tho making of Nobraska sugar will miss tho romnnco and tho fun which wero and aro still a part of every old-tlmo sugnr camp. Ho will not see tho tlrellght dancing on tho trees, but if ho visits tho factory at night ho will see a glaro of olectric light on rushing wheels and racing bolts, a great building filled with costly, and to him, complicated machinery, and a forco of busy men; ho will seo an endless stream of beets coming In at ono end of tho building and at the opposite end n man sacking snow-whlto granulated sugar, ready for tho market or your morning coffee. Tho process Is clear nnd slmplo enough to tho Initiated; to tho uninitiated perhaps a brief description, without too many technical details, may bo Interesting. I'rnceMM of Milking SiiKiir. Outsldo tho factory aro rows of bins filled with beets, from which a constant supply Is drawn Into tho building by means of minia ture canals of running water. As each wagon or carload Is delivered to tho bins a few samples nro soloctod nnd tested to as certain tho per cent of sugar content and tho purity, or proportion of sugar to other salts. This test determines tho prlco per ton which shall bo paid for tho beets. Entering tho building tho casual visitor is struck by a peculiar odor arising from tho fumes of boiling beet Juice, commingled with tho dust of llmo, of which largo quantities aro used. It Is not wholly a pleasant odor and carries no suggestion of new-mown hay or crushed violets, but Is soon forgotten In matters of greater Interest. Tho beets aro first washed by machinery running In (lowing wnter, weighed automat ically and dumped Into tho cutting machlno, whore they nro sliced Into a pecullnr shape by rapidly revolving knives having fluted edges. Theso ribands, called cosottcs, aro fed Into the diffusion battery, where tho process begins. This bnttery consists of twolvo colls, resembling upright steam boil ers, each charged from tho top and having a capacity of three and one-half tons. After being charged, water Is admitted first Into ono, then through nn Intervening heater into another, nniV so on until this wnter has com pleted tho circuit, when It will havo becomo so saturated with Julco as to bo nlmost pqii'l In donBlty to tho expressed Juice Itself. This first water Is followed by other supplies until all tho sugar has been washed out that Is commercially obtalnnblo; then tho exhausted ribands aro discharged through tho bottom, compressed and stored for cattlo food. This residue, or pulp, from high grndo beets, con tains only nbout two-tenths of 1 per cent of tho sugar orlglnnlly In tho test. It Is proper to stato at this point that n greater