Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Pronrnint Contmotort Aro in Omnha to
Learn Runlt of Kids.
,ni Mi.tiiium Hill liit-OIT Alone Will
Co-. I .-,11(1,11(111 Tin- Klliurli'k
.ikv 1 1 it CnntrncfK Cnll
iiiK for If l,7."0,000.
I'romlncnt western railroad contractors
Cirrlvud In Omnha yeterl.iy III full
force, exijtlriK that tUo contracts
for tho building of tlio new Slicr
cian Hill cut-off on the Union I'a
elllo would ba uwarded. In the Invitation
for MdK on this work yesterday was tho limit
set for tho receiving of bids and the con
tractors who have made estimates on tho
iork were on hand to learn the result.
Owing o tho absenco (roin the city of Pres
ident Hurt and Ooneral Manager Dickinson
It was Mated at Union I'acllie neauquariciH
that tho bids would not be opened until to
day, when the olllclals are expected
homo from tho west.
President Hurt passed through tho city
In tho morning enrouto to tho west after an
extended nfc.icnce In tho Mint, during which
hn attended the meeting of executive olllcws
of western roads held at New York.
Tho Improvement contemplated by tho
fnlon I'aclllo In tho Sherman Hill cut-off.
and for which contract!) will bo made, aro
(liilto extensive. It la expected that tho
-rl will approximate J2,r00,00 and that
about two years will be ooiiHumod In com
pleting the Job.
Work on tho Union 1'acltlc cut-offs now In
eoiirne of completion is being iunhed rap
idly. Kllpatrlck llros., the, contractors who
havo tho bulk of the work In charge, state
that over 2,000 men are engaged on .the va
rious contracts. The cost of tho work now
under way will amount to $1,730,000, which
is Justified by ofllclata and directors of tho
Xnlon Pacific because of the great Improve
ment resulting from straightening the
ourves, modifying grade and shortening
Hotnticr. Tho contractors believe that tho
cut-offs east of Hawllns will bo ready for
travol by Juno 1 and thut tho wcwiern end
of 1ho line will fou completed by September
1. Them calculations arc based upon the
dpeej with which tho work Is being carried
on at tho present time. When the new route
Is ready for operation tho distance will be
ffiened by nbout thirty miles.
Cut-offa iiro now being constructed In
seven illlWuit branches or districts of the
Union Piwlflo. The first extends from How
ell to Hutton and Is fifteen miles In length,
replacing eighteen miles of the original
road. West of Lookout, Wyo., the old lino
Is being Improved by tho elimination of all
curves. Tho next cut-off Is twenty-live
hollos In length unil represents n saving of
t velve mllcfi In distance and a considerable
lovellng of grades. At Hnnnn the new route
uhcs the old Hnnnn coal mine branch to Allen
JiiLctlon, from which point It extends a
Hhort distance teyond Dana, cutting out the
wort grndca of Simp. on III11 and .shortening
tho distance. West of KawUns a forty-two-tnllo
branch makes a material saving In
grades and alignment, nnd the Oreen Hlver
llryan branch, eleven mile. In length, will
nt a heavy expense modify the grades. West
of Bryau Is a twenty-two-mlle cut-off, rep
resenting; a saving of ten miles, In which
there Is u tunnel a mllo nnd n quarter In
Union 1'in-llli- Liiivitk Iteeoril.
A Union I'acltlc freight train left rhey
enno Tuesday which bore tho distinction of
lining tho biggest train In point of tonnage
ever sent over nny railroad. Prior to thin
tlmo tho Loblgh Valley railroad hulrt the
record for tho transportation of a hcnvlly
louded train, but the Union Pacific beat tho
world's record, when engine No. l.'OI pulled
out of Choyonno with 110 loadeI freight
cam, having a tonnage of nearly 5.000 tons.
Tho train was cnsttiound and tho run from
Cheyenne to Sidney, as well as over tho en
tire Nebraska division, was made with ex
traordinary speed, considering the length of
the train and tho weight of Its cargo. Offi
cials of tho Union Pacific wero especially
pleased with tho accomplishment of this
feat nnd a congratulatory telegram was sent
out from North Platte by Assistant Super
intendent PnrkH, saying: "I havo on tho
Nebraska division today a train that beats
tho United States and world's record."
All Mim'n iteiliioir Oralii Itiiti-s.
Tho Union Pacific freight department hns
Riven notice that on March 1" It will make
n reduction In grain ratos from Nebraska
points to Chicago nnd tho Mississippi river.
Tho reductions nro on a parity with thoeo
already announced by tho Hurlliigton 5
cents per 100 pounds on wheat and 3 cents
on corn, with tho Missouri rates as a
minimum. Tho statement Is mndo that the
Union Pacific Is Joined In this tariff by the
Whirls Central, the Hock Islnnd, the
Omaha & St. Iiuls, tho Northwestern and
tho Milwaukee. With theso railroads
furnishing an outlot ei'thcr by way of St.
1niln or Chicago tho nssuranco la given that
neither of thwo gateways will be given the
preference, the routing resting entirely with
tho shipper. Inasmuch as tho rates to both
Chicago nnd St. I.ouls aro tho rame.
T11I100 IllMlrlliiitlini of Fnvori.
Freight officers of tho sevtjial railroads
maintaining extenslvo freight ofHrcs In this
rlty havo been taken nback by the Informa
tion given them by tlielr higher ofllclala of
nctloit tnken by the president!! and executlvo
olllcors at the recent New York conferenco
relative to freight matters. Inductions
havo been glvon that In no cane shall re
ductions In the normal tariffs bo made In
order to secure business nnd tho giving of
liasses to shippers In order to Influence them
1s tabooed. It Is stated clearly that any
deviation from this iron-clad rule will re
sult In thn discharge of tho employo re
sponsible. Hiiilmiy Note niul I'crminiiW.
Oenernl Agent C A. Hu'hcrford of Ibe
Hock lhland Is in Chicago for a brief busi
ness visit.
S. F. Randolph, traveling passenger agent
of tho Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern nt
Si I.ouis, is In Omaha.
Cienetal Passenger Agent Fram Is of the
Hurllngton U home from the 'hU-ago pas
senger meeting.
V, 1U MeVnlty, city passengor agent at St
Joe, and O. W. Fogg, agent at Preston, oro
Hurllngton men wiio nro visitors In the
Assistant Oenernl Passenger Agent S A
Hutchison of the Union I'tnitW- has returned
from Chicago, wiiero he attended the mass
aiieetlng of western passenger representa
tives. Oenernl Iewis Fitzgerald of N'ew York,
(president of tho Mercantile Trust otnpany
ami n uirecior ot me rnion l'ni lll road. '
pushed through tho city yestcrdav. ne- t
isimpanled by n party of frlen Is Ttios were
the guestB of President Hurt, with whom
1'hey cams from New York, and will use his
tnivnto enr for their Journej to California
C M. Rnthburn, supeiintendent of the
(Ml!sourl Paelllc, Is In the iitv from At bi
son. I In Is ueconipanled hy W II Hush of
tho entineerlnt department
Till- AUi'iitloil lit (lip
TraTfllnK public Is respectfully Invited to
he maKlilllcent equipment offered to rations
1'AUL, HAUAVAY betweeu Omaha and Chi
cs;o. Solid vestlbuled, steam hcaicd and
electric lighted trains Palace sleepers and
diners, buffet nnd library cars, free reclln
I uk chair cars, fast tlmo and union depots.
City Ticket Olllco, 1501 Farnam st. F. A.
NASH General Western Auent
ArrcMtliiu ( iiiirli'Niiua,
Acting under orders from Hie . hief oft
pollen about twenty woimn of the town j
and a coup! - of their male em ortn were
urroateil Wodnexday ulRht ami will be prose
cutcd under tho viisrnm.)' act. The charge
one of the men Is resisting till of-
bi aus" he entered n thMtl ai nrotcst
altisf one of the women bring t.iken
was stated at the poiico Million unit
then? urrests are only a beginning, the
persons arrested having1 taken up their
resilience outside or "the recognized dis
trict ' and Mi ome frequenter of wine
rooms. According to oftVInt statement the
ehlef of police has determined to keep these
women nnd their "friends" in bounds and
especially out of tho wino rooms.
ItnfcH AVIII .lvniii'e Mrtrcli 20.
Present reduced rato of $2,", Omnha tti
Helena, Ilutte, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma
and Portland, will be discontinued March 19.
Ticket office, 1502 Karnam.
The Turner Damen Vereln will hold their
children's masquerade March 21 at Turner
hall 19th and Harney streets.
An mm iicfiueiiin,
The fifth number of tho Association Conine
nt Doyd's theater will bring a new attrac
tion to Omaha Katharine Hldgcway, a west
ern girl with all the spirit and "go," all
tho sympathy and earnestness of western
womanhood, will appear for tho first time
with her own company. It would bo n
misnomer to call .Miss Hldgcway an elocu
tionist or reader. Neither could sho he
properly styled an actress, but It Is In hct
wlnsome, captivating personality that lies
her greatest charm.
Three musical artists of noto will appear
with her next Thursday evening, Mr. Walter
W. .McPhcrson, tho basso, who Is well known
to music lovers of Omaha; Mrs. Viola Water
house, soprano, and Mr. Kranklln C. Hiwn,
This ovcnlng Is amateur night at tbt
Creighton-Orphetim theater and an enter
tainment of much enjoyment Is promised to
all who attend. Immediately following the
regular professional program tho amateur
porformancn will bo given 'by about twenty
persons. Tho bill includiu comedy, sing
ing, dancing, burlesque, "coon novelties,
Juvenile violin playing nnd numerous orig
inal specialties. The curtain rises
promptly at S. Tho regular weekly
mntlneo for women nnd children
will bo given tomorrow afternoon. Tho
program includes several attractions of u
very pleasing character.
"Sowing tho Wind.'" Sydnoy Orundy's
"Sex Against Sex" drama, will begin a five
performance engagement at noyd's tonight.
Mntlneo performances will bo given Satur
day nnd Sunday. This season Is tho l.ou
"on tho road" for this piece and those who
havo not seen It should do so.
Members of Minnehaha Council No. 2.
II. of P.: You are requested to meet at
Hurket & Dodder's undertaking rooms. 23d
and Cuming streets, Friday at 2 p. m., to
attend tho funeral of Sister Ualer.
All members of tho I. O. It. M. and De
gree of Pocahontas nro Invited to be present.
Hy order of MHS. KIRKKNDALL,
LUKLLiA JACKMAN, Keopcr of Records.
Vlri the HnrlliiKton.
Daylight llxpress 7:25 a. m.
Vcstlbuled Flyer 4 00 p. in.
Chicago Limited 7:30 p. m.
Chicago Special 12:33 midnight.
Tickets nt 1502 Karnam st.
Why Unilreaa In tlir Dark
When by traveling in tho luxurious sleep
ing cars of the CHICAOO, MILWAUKKE
AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn
on tho electric lamp and make the bartb as
light as day.
City Office, 1504 Farnam st.
7:00 a. m 8:30 p.
1:55 p. ra 7:45 a.
i:m p. m 9:30 a.
"The Northwestern Line,"
1401 and 1103 Farnam street.
"Tho best of everything."
SIIOEN Mrs Lizzie; age 25 years.
Funeral Friday morning, March ic, nt 9:30
n. m . from the residence or her father, IV
.1 Mcquillan. 1501 N Twentieth street, to
St Phllomcna's church. Interment. Holy
Sepulehcr cemetery. Friends invited.
With II ii tie I, .SmokliiK ami Mhrnry
Vln Omnliii.
Li'iii- Omiilin 11 inn i'oniahl
IrrlvpH llcnvcr 1 ii!0 p. ni. i'oniorro w.
Tclrplmiip ti HI.
ota ta i wt p .rsr v-
That is what our Omaha ticket oflice is for lo
assist travelers lo show them how to save time and
money and trouble to arrange about sleeping car
berths, tickets, baggage, to do anything and every
thing that will contribute to comfort in travol.
Denver, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis ALL
points east, west, north or south.
Full information at
'I'eloplinne 2r0.
All Short Endi, Rraniinti, Smill Lots Ac
cumnlattd Daring tho Last Big Sale.
Dinililr- Width r.nullli 'inlimcre, I
111 Mlk Itrtiiiiiuitx, U.'ic, !.",, 10c,
fie mill tie llucli Itciiiiutiit,
MilrtliiK I'lintn, lc.
Remnants from our dress goods depart
ment, tho accumulation from our Immense
drc! goods salea tho past few days, goods
that huvo been selling from 35c to 6uc, In
lengths of 2, 3 and 5 yards, all on sale at
luc yard.
11.00 DRKSS (iOODS, 35C.
All the silk and wool drew goods novel
ties ladles' cloth, covert cloth, silk nud wool
crepon in colors, lengths from 3 to U yards,
on bargain square at S.jc yard.
Thousands of yards double width Kngllsh
cashmere, in all dark colors, twills una
plaids, in lengthH from 3 to 10 yards, on sale
at 5c yard.
$2.50 CASSIMHRES, 98C.
Strictly all wool casslmcres for rainy day
skirts, boys' and men's wear, nil of it VA
yards wide, in plain colors, checks and
stripes, on sale nt !8c yard.
Single width casslmerm. strictly all wool.
large plulds for boys' pants, rainy day skirts,
etc., at 19c yard.
High cost imported dress goods remnants
In silk and wool, checks, plaids and stripes,
goods worth up to $1.50, two, three and four
pieces to match, go nt 15c each.
A great assortment of silk remnants In
lengths from 5 to 10 yards, stiltublo for
waists, linings, etc., go at 35c yard.
Short remnantti of silks in taffeta, plain
and figured gros craln, silk foulards. tc;
lengths of , and ono yard and up,
go according to slzo of remnant at 25c, 15c.
10c, 5c and 2c each.
Tomorrow wo add another Immense lot of
ladles' unfinished tnuslln underwear, ladles'
and misses' shirt waists, children's and
misses aprons, petticoats, wrappers, etc.,
which will go again In four lots ut 15c, 25c,
50c and 75c, worth $2.00.
All tho long remnants of best grade 36
Inch percales go ot 3fce yard.
All tho long lengths of regular 23c- Mill
remnants percale go at tfVfcc yard.
All tho fancy corded gingham worth 25c,
go at S',c yard.
All the short length of drapery donlm,
sateon. cretonne, burlap, etc., go at 7Vic
All tho remnants of shirting prints go at
ic yard,
All the remnants best grade dress prints, !
go at 34c yard
All the remnants of nainsook and India
linen worth 10c, go at 5e yard.
All tho remnants 15c India linen
S,4c yard.
go at
All the remnants 25c, 40-Inch lawn go at
12',4c yard.
All tho short remnants very fins dimity,
organdy nnd finest grado 2oc lawns, go at
3',4c yard.
And hundreds of other bargains In the
N. W. Cor. lGth nnd Douglas Sts.
Fifth Ward Itepulillenni..
Regular meeting of tho Fifth ward re
publican club ICth and Locust streets Fri
day eve.. March 16, 1900. Discussion of tho
Porto RIcan question. Hon. E. J. Cornish
will speak. P. H. SEWARD, Secretary.
Wo aro pleased to ndvlso our patrons that
wo are now ready for business at 1311 Far
nam St., upstairs. All orders previously
taken by this firm will bo promptly filled.
Yours respectfully,
Trains dally for Chicago via tho NORTH
WESTERN LINE. A full list of them can
bo secured at 1401 and 1403 Farnam street.
Thotv Is no nioio pleasant
study than that of taking
pictures. We kIvo free Instruc
tions and carry all the host
makes of KODAKS AND
V A M 13 U A S. IOverythlnp;
for tho amateur pliotofirnplicr
for cards, glnss and bind
ers, for passe -parbout pic
tures call on us.
The Robert Dempster Co,,
1215 Farnam St.
Developing and Printing Done.
Telenlioiict 1SS.
Thir Grm AlUrition Sale the
Talk of Oimha.
He In ColiiR to lli'ilnee the Kiioi'iuiiim
Mult mill Hut Miii'I; llitlck The
front..! Diiiikit Here 111
Dli) h 1'iiiln.v mill Sii(iii'dii) ,
G.000 suits that are of tho very latest cut,
best material and workmanship; bought for
this season's trade every garment new a
bargain nt our regular prices, but In thin
great ultoratlon s.ile cheaper than shoddy.
$10 and $12 suits gd for $7.50,
$12 nnd $15 suits go for $10.
$22 nulls go for $lti.
$25 suits go for $1S.
This means tho giving away of more than
. our pront, but we must move them and wo
i nro making the prices lo do It.
I Wo were busy yesterday with an extra
J force of clerks, but come to the sale if wo
can't wait upon you help yourself.
I Then thero Is tho hat delmrtment. Wo'vn
! cut prices in half here everv hat must he !
sold or moved. The walls must come down, j
so must the hats. You can pick out ti hat
hero for $1.50 that won't b duplicated any-
where for less than $3.00.
This great alteration cut price sale lilts ,
everything In the store from tho front door j
back. The gents' furnishing goods, the boys' :
suits nnd overcoats and tho big shoe de
partment. Como prepared to buy for you never can
resist our alteration prices.
Tho rearing down of the walls begin next
week and you may never have such a
chance again.
N E. Corner I5th and Douglas.
See P F. Harrison's land bargains.
There is ono "doe" in Douglas rountv that
wo oro for Ho Is no "plugger." nor .i
"grafter." Ho pas his own mliie rent We
refer lo "Ihk Tanner of South omnhu.
proprietor f tho South Omaha Tribune
Doc wants to get on the school board We
are satlslled If ho gels there that lie will
bo n credit to the board and the people of
l South Oniiih.i will not be disappointed.
s.vrup oi ! ibs "i
Cramer's Kidney Curo Trie
Pond's Extract In,
Pennyroyal lills $t mi
Stunrt's Catarrh Tablets 4(e
Pierce's Favorite Prescription 75c
i linknanrs compound ,ne
I Kilmer's Swamp-Root 7
Dr. Miles' Nervine T.V
I Hood's Sarsuparllhi tilt,'
Palne's Celery Compound (.
Listerlno (Lambert's) ,vi
Scott's Kmulslon 7,'ie
J'eruua ?.",
Hromo Qulnlno i;,.
I'bysclne $,
Winn of Cardul .. .
. tor
Cur. lllth niul
Cblcnco SU.
Fire! Fire!
Greatest Piano fire Sale on Record.
Every Piano in our immense stock will bo
sold at a saving of from $150 lo $250. Never
has a like value been offered to the public be
foro by a Leading Piano House. In the lot to
be sacrificed will be found tho Stoinway, A. U.
Chase, Voe, ISmerson, Packard, Ivors & Pond
and others. Sale in progress now at our old
stand, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1025. Come at
once and obtain the choice of this great offer.
The Old, Reliable Piano House,
...Schmoller & Mueller...
1313 Farnam Street-
I a
IS a
Our Pre-Eminence
EMI um
Understand Fully These Special Offers
LOT A 100 Suits, In Venetians, whlpcorda and homespuns, Jackets ellk lined
throughout, mado In tlght-flttlnp, Ktons and double-breasted, the aklrts either single
or double box pleat, pcrcallno lined and bound with velvet, for $8.7.1.
LOT H Ladies' Suits, in Imported Venetian cloth, in blues, blacks nud tans, In
the now style Etons, single and double-breasted, tome all silk lined throughout, on sale
nt $12.75.
LOT C Ladles' Double-Faced Suits, rovorso side In plaids, especially adapted
for bicycle, golf or rainy day wear, value $13.00; on salo for $S.D0.
LOT 1) Ladles' Halny Day Skirts, box pleat back, twelve rows of stitching at
bottom, worth $7.00, on sale at $3.93.
LOT E Ladies' Ulack Serge and Covert Skirts, box pleat and back, well built, on
salo at $3.75.
Last Call on Winter Jackets.
123 Winter Jackets will be sold Friday nnd Saturday, no matter what they bring.
They aro all lino Imported cloths, lined with Skinner's satin throughout anil worth up
to $23.00. Your cholco at ono price tho linings alono nro worth more for ouly $5.00.
Ladies' Underskirts.
Our ladles' fndcrsklrt department Is one that wo havo given closo attention
and Is now tho most coinpleto between Chicago and San Francisco. New arrivals, re
cent styles and recent colorings make It up-to-duto in every respect.
Ladies' Silk Skirts, In very newest pleated elfects ,at $8.00, $10.00, $15.00, $20.00
and $30.00.
Ladles' Mercerized Foulard Skirts at $2.00. $3.00. $1.00. $5.00 and $6.00.
50 dozen ladles' Undorsklrts, In blacks, blues, pinks, cardinals, ccrlso, worth
$1.75, on sale for 9Se.
Continuation of the Sale of Wrappers.
From M. D. Mlrsky & Co.
50 dozen ladles' Wrappers, In dark colors, at 33c.
75 dozen ludies' Wrappers, with flounce, braid trimming, at PSc; worth $1.50.
Grand Annual Opening
of Spring Millinery
Bo sure and see tho handsomest
Millinery Parlors in Western America.
Exquisite New Styles in Street
Hats on Special Sale.
i.imm) pai it i, Minis iu unmix, mi
't'odiij- nl S O'clock mi Snlc In 1 lie
Mine Delia r ( men t In lliieiiient.
1.000 pairs Indies' plain rubbers, nil sites.
i go at ine pair.
TO pairs misses' spring heel rubbers, 10c
Ladles' $1.00. $.V0o and $0.00 shoes, $1 OS
Men's $3.00 and $1.00 shoos. $1.9S.
Men's $6.00 tun and patent leather shoes,
All on bargain squares. No finer shoes
mndo or sold anywhere under any circum
stances at any price.
Como today sure! everybody In town
knows nbout this sale. Don't miss the big
shoo hnrgalns.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Dougtns Sts.
Thn New Snow Chur -h company has re
moved to rooms 401-405 Now York Life bid.?.
Hut EVERY .iny In EVERY WEEK and
KU'Il Hl'.llk in the month ALL the;
! ni'inths In the .ire cutters not 1
"ADVKHTI.-'lNi:" i utters.
HEAD ol'U ADS .mil you will know the
extent of our iiits. our prices arc tho same
to all wh., pay CASH.
$1.00 Hurnhum Sarsnp.irllhi 4!e
$1.00 Duffy Malt Whiskey S
La Orippe Cough Cure 25c
Splendid Hard Rubber Atomizer Owe
2.)C Ti How's Swiinsdown Powder 15e
We La Hhu he Face Powder 35c
IKV I'ozzonl's Fine l'owder 3.V
Jl.ot) Madiime Yale's Ooods 75e
$1.0(1 Pi ptoKenle Milk l'owder W
$1.5o Vln Murium $1.15
$1.50 Fell'iw's Sriii $1.20
Mexican llilr Restorative "or
2fc Ilumphrev's Spec Hies i'Oo
Small Sized Sozodont S)
2fie Hilblfnam 20r
Joe l,iinttf Mr mo Quinine 13e
If 11' Soap, for elc.inlng !
5"e Stunrt's Dyspepsia Tablets 40c
Sherman & McConnell Drug Go
New Store, S. W c,,r ifiih and Douglas
A few pieces of siher brlKhten up the
nppeariinee of the dinner table wonderfullj
Either solid "r nltited silverware Is an ex-
' i eiini invesimeiu. inr n uiros inu- u iookim-
inail twuilll rll rwili e imii l uittiijc oieiiiv-
Ing See our asortmetit
The Jeweler, 16 Hi Douglas St.
Friday Wo W RMr
Demonstration of
in Suits, Skirts and
I 9ZoCra4&a gfolfiit.a fix
Two Things
Thero are two things to boar in mind when buying
a suit of clot lies one is to buy a good article, and tho
other is to buy it at tho right price.
Tho English language has many queer kinks and
turns in it many a plain sentence plain, common,
every day Knglish is susceptible of being turned around
iuto an entirely dilfereut meaning. Take a blackberry
when it's green it's red. Take the average man in
search of a bargain in a suit of clothes he walks into
a store, walks up to the salesman and says: "1 want a
cheapsuilof clothes!" -Now, that's Juat what he don't
want he wants a suit of clothes cheap. They sound
a great deal alike, but they're two different affairs.
Some stores make a business of selling cheap suits,
but our business is to sell suits cheap.
Time and again wo havo demonstrated that whon
we advertise to sell anything cheap, the goods aro al
ways good.
Men's Sprino
for Men's
- ciin i'ctl.v rniistnicird. jicriVrt tit -tliif;,
vi'lvcl (-iilliu-s, noml quality
UiiliiK--ln not pay mon- Un- this
quality until you m-i- ours. Your
savins "III run un Inlo dollars if
you i-iiiv to save.
for Men's
' Overcoats
-In dink olois. llj.-lil wcljrlit and
(liossy-ili,. same coat Is liolim sold
elsewhere for ss.."'. You'll dud
the place If you looU. Afler you
do tluil II. eoiiipare the qu.-illty nnd
stylo, and we'll sell you the over
coat. $8
for Men's
that wo challenge any house in this
section to equal It In quality, style,
make nnd price. If you haven't
KPun your tailor yet, see this coat
then clve him a chance.
And yet you need not take our word for it. You
can prove it yourself. See what others offer. Search
the market from beginning to end thon como here and
we'll show you the money saving points, black on
Spring Overcoats
For your inspection. Come in and look them over.
Won't bore you to buy: simply want you to become aquainted
with a few solid facts about correctly tailored ready-to-wear
Spring Overcoats. It will be a pleasure for us to point out
to you the many superior features of our garments over the
ordinary kind.
Permit Us to Unhesitatingly Chal
lenge Comparison.
A f ft" OO tin'13 Jl" wol COvei'f' Spring Over
.rY V iJiD VJJ coals, satin sleeve lining. Your sav
ing will be two dollars and a half.
A "f" 47 tO en's 'me Mak lay worsted, fancy
-rV V p X kjVJ cheviots, coverts and thibets, some Bilk
lined throughout, all sleeves lined with Skinner's best silk,
all sizes from IU to -I t,
will be at least $.'150.
At $10 and $12.50
of gentlemen who have their Spring Overcoats made to order
to the extraordinary offerings at these prices. These lines
contain all the newest and most fashionable fabrics that are
shown only by the swell merchant tailors. Wo will lit you
perfectly and save you from $0 to 810 on your Spring Ovor
coat. Our Spring Styles in Men's Suits are so complete that the
most fastidious dresser can be gratified. 82.75, $.'. 75, $5.00,
80.75, 87.50, $0.50, 810.00, 812.50, 8l-r'.00 and 818.00. Ovor
.'500 new, beautiful patterns.
Freedom of Press
Is a Public Blessing,
so is SHERIDAN COAL-Hust coal
mined in Wyoming. Lump, $5, 50. Nut or
Egg, 85.00. Peanut, 84.50.
VICTOR WHITE 1605 J1. Street'
iJIeonwfta clolBiita &
Men's Sprino
Overcoats j
$9 ,ot
--lierrlnclmiio imllerns, finely tail
ored, reinforced, cut in Hie newest
style, and positively uueipiall In
the market. Your money hack If
Mime other store can please you
for Men's
In the newest, nolililost and most
exclusive styles and patterns. Your
tailor couldn't put more style or
lietter workmanship In them If you
paid lit in three times twelve.
for Men's
that roprpsrnt the highest class of
merchant tailoring Hip cut Is very
stylish the make nnd lit are per
fect they were riPHlgnort to retail
for most stores ot It nnd
claim It cheap for the quality.
also slims and stouts. Your
the attention