I t 10 THE OMAHA DA FLY NEE: FTUDAY, MATlCir 10. 1H00. COMMERCIAL AND IIVANCIAL Both Wheat and Corn Tke a Step in the Wroag Direction. CORN MARKET IS ONLY MODERATELY ACTIVE TrmllnK In Onl Almost Without Fen turf, nml on .Siimll Clllc I'm Vi llon (CllllTMtrI otlie nml llnllicr Irremiliir. CHICAOO, March 10 -Roth wheat and corn took it step In the wrong direction to. day. wheat closing 'if lower nml corn nt a decllno of Nc. Wheat scalpers koIiI In anticipation of heavy Argentine shipments, light clearances nml the weakness of eorn lo depressed the markPt. The decline In corn wan due mnlnty to Influential llqtlldn tlon. OntH closed unchanged and provisions unhnnged to iV lower. The eiirly trading In wheat was not marked liy any dpgrpc of activity or liny marked tone. The opening for Mny was atj Wntiettifcr. ii decline of U'l-V' from yester day, the slight loss helng due In part to dis appointment over the reluctant response of tho Liverpool market to yesterdii 's ad vance here. The loss was recovered allium Immediately, May advancing to tWV under covering by local shor's, hdl before 11 o'clock weakness again developed anil kept tirleps on the down grade for nearly an lump tlnrliifr Mils tinrt nf IIia session the foreign demand for American wheat was I reported poor, while expectations of hoay) Argentine wneat snipnicuis tomorrow, a feature which tins knocked good f ructions off of the prlco of wheat for three kui -tensive Fridays, resulted In considerable short selling, the theory being that tomor row's opening would show a decline. About noon, however, the market turned quite strong on rumors of crop damage ami the price, which had In the meantime fnlb n off to about WaTWic, advanced to file. Hut this was the price that heavy holders had apparently been waiting for and offer ings became so heavy that '4c was knocked off May figures In a luirr . At fiS?i a Kood demand existed ami the market beld steady at around that tlgure for some time, reports of a good demand for export at outside shipping points having considerable Influence. Shortly before the close, how ever realizing sales and uneasiness over the weakness shown by com caused another decline and the tone during the last few minutes" trading was one of weakness. May eased off to 66c and closed at 06'5e. Chlago receipts were 36 cars. Northwest receipts were 662 cars, compared with 521 last wpek and 279 a year ago Total prl mary receipts were 590.0"0 hit. Atlantic port clearances amounted to only 2ti.nvi bu t'orn was only moderately active Early In tho session there were Indications that Influential holders wire deposing of their lines of Mny and buying .Inly and this re sulted in considerable liquidation nnd short Felling The belief that a reaction was due augmented the selling movement. Heavy clearances had a steadying Influence later, early sellers turning buyers, hut toward the close the market again developed a tendency to decline and the close was rather easy. Receipts were 367 cars. May ranged from 37'io to 37V' and closed V lower at 37'ifi37V. Trading In oats was almost without fen lure nnd was on a small scalp all div. This In fact was the principal depressing feature A report of 50.000 bu. being en gaged for export created a languid Interest late In the day, but had little effect on prices. Receipts were 210 cars. Mav ranged from 2Te to 21c and closed unchanged at 2.17e. Provisions were moderately active and rather Irregular within a small range. Pack ers were fair sellers, but pit traders showed n disposition to cover short sales, which, with some commission house huvlng. kept the market fairly steady most of the ses sion. At the close Mav pork was Br lower nt J10.97'i.; May, lard, a shade lower at Jo.ooi 6.02'i and ribs uuchauKed at t6. 001(6.02'-. Kstlmated receipts Friday: Wheat. 63 cars: corn, IT. cars; oats. 270 cars; hogs. Cj.neu head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Wheat Mch. May July Co'n Mch, May July Sept. OatF May July Vork May July l.nrd M ay July Jtlbs May July me Jl 'V)i.nw fut meats, quiet, plrkled bellle. n .!7',ff7 .7); pickled shoulders. 16.00ft" 6.25. pbkled hams. J9no710 50. Lard, firm, western steam, lofiS 32, March closed in 32V nominal: refined firmer; continent. !".". South American. J6.K0; comiHiund, KIJ'j. I'ork. quiet; short clear, tl2.O0fi13.2li, mess. Iltiiofll 50. Tallow, easy; city, 6 5-Hft 6Sc, country. tVflS'ji llt'TTER Itecelpts. 3.(00 pkgs.; firm, western .reamer.., 2of2c; factory, 17fi20c CHEESE-Hecclpts. 2,136 nkgs ; firm: fancy, large, while, I3c ; fancy, Inrge, colored. IWill'.c; fancy, small, white. ny MV. fancy, mall, colored. 13'i?13'jc. E(l(iS- Ilecelpts. 271 pkgs.; steady; western, at mark, 16c; southern, nt mark, IMilM.c RICH Firm; domestic, fnlr to extra, 4'4, 6'ic; Japan I'.fSc. MOLASSES - (julet; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, IHidoc. PEANrTS-Stendy: fancy h&ndplcked, 40 4'jc: other domestic. .Iij'qlc. FREIOHTS-To Liverpool, quiet; cotton by stpam, .lie. grain by steam. 3id. METAI.S- Ituflness was generally slack In the metal market today. Tin. however, ad vanced fMj7 points from yesterday's close of X1 and ruled firm all da' on the rlso of i;i 7s In London, closing here nt IM.fW bid and ?! I asked i opper, although higher nt Lonilon, was quiet here, closing unchanged at II6..1"). l'lg Iron warrants continued dull. I.inkI remains unchanged nt 11.70 bid nnd l.7."i asked, dosing quiet. Hpeltor also was unchanged, closing at II 60 bid and ll.i7'j askeil. The brokers' price for lead was 14.45 and for copper llfi.60. hard, fi'4c; No. 1 northern, 61V, No. 2 northern, C3'4c. I'porln Market, I'KOrtlA. Mnreh H.-COHN-Iligher; No. 2, ."M'jr. OATS-Steady; No. 2 white. 25ff:.Vc. WHISK YKtrm, on the ba-ls of 11.211-6 for finished rood?. Mo. balance"'. 10r dlrouiit . ll.'vi.PS), New York exchange sterling exrhniige, I.Vl','rj sr. Oppti.l High. Low. Close.lYeVy. I I. I :i7-iSiTil I I l2.T.fi2l fi7 C7 ISUI 3S'i I t;i C7',,! I I r,14l 67 I 21 2.1 I 3MM I 21 fi7'4 r J. .'173, i 2.V. 22'4 2:)M li 02ia u nr. i in 37', 11 O-J'il 11 021 f. 1 10 M r, 02m fi 12'il 1 021.1.1 6 IV, I 05 I 6 12'4' I r. 071,1 n 07'4I 6 00 I fi 07'5I I fi CO ! fi Wili 10 7'1 10 !I3 I I fi 021 3 fi 10 I fi H2 1; 2a; 11 02IJ 10 !I7 fi 02 1 10 " fi 02'i 02 1 i No 2. npsh quotntlnns were as follows; I'LOt'It Dull: winter patents. M.tOrt 3.60; straights, 2.90fl:i..TO: clears, $2 7IMM.0O prln specials, .I.Si; patents, SIMOffXU: Mrnlt'htH. 2 603.00; bakers. I2.00ft2.40. WHI-7AT No. II spring, fi'.Tififie; No. 2 red, 6S't,ffi!ic. rOHN No. 2, M',o; No. 2 yellow. .Wjfi OATS-No. 2. 21V: No. 3 white, 2.14c. UYK - No. 2. Kir. HAHLKY--NH. 2. .Ifi'sf) KV. H12UD.H Klax. No. 1 and northwest. II CO l'rlmo timothy, 12 70. Clover, rontrart grade. IS.aofiX. 10. PHOVIHIONS-Mess pork, per bhl., 110 T,K fill no. Lard, per 100 m.. ir..W.1(5.!i7',.. Short ribs sides (loose). iri.M1iil.iri. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). t;.2.VR6.fpO. Short clear Mrs (.boxed). fi.2flfii.3.'i. WHIPKY-DUtlllern' finished goods, on tiasils of high wines, per gal.. 11.21'ii. RraARS-Cut loaf, -.H5; grauulated. jr..33. Following are tho receipts and shipments for todav: . Hecelnts. Shlpm'ts Flour, bbls ni.ooi) "i!),oi)i) Wheat, bu W,!""! . 14 Lino t'orn, bu 4::i;,ooo ir2.ooii Oats, hu :!22,nno i!7,noo Uye, bit l.l.om :,mw Hurley, liu KI.Oiki 20.(K)o On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy, creameries, I!)fi3lr; dairies, ICfl22r. Cheese, firm at 12'l.!c. Kggs. firm; f resell, l(ir. M-:v vniui ii:M:ni, iahkkt. llloliillon for Hit' liny on Various Co 111 III ml 1 1 lex. NKW YOltK. March 15. - FLOCK - He celpts. LVSIt bbls.: exports, s.KV. bills. : steady but quiet; spring patents were held a llltlo higher on some brands, on winter straights buyers and sellers were Ro apart; Minnesota patents, l.l.7,"fo' 3 90, Minnesota bakers, 2SMi3(i(): whiter. imients. :i.tii'ii;i mi, winter straights, iru 3.6.1. winter extras, 2.ilfi2.!K); winter low gradef. I2.H',1I2 10. Uye flour, dull: fair to good, J3.10H0 20, choice to fancy, l3.20tf3.eo. HiirkwheHi flour, steady at SMiofrl 73. HCCKWHKAT-DtUI nt f.tiV. '. I. f, New York. COHNMi:AL-Flrm: yellow western, t5c, city, Mr. HYH-S teady; No : mloat. state, SSS'Jr car lots BAULKY - Quiet, feeding, 4. Hi 16c KorK, mailing, mi:u: .New York. HAW.F.Y MALT -Dull; western, J0?I65p. "WHBAT - Itecelpts. IVS.Siij bu ; exports, 16 220 toll. Spot, steady. No 2 red. 77'-,c. elc valor; No. 2 red, 7!V, f o. b.. afloat" No. 1 northern, Dultith, 79'ic, f 0 l.. nlloat, prompt; No 1 hard. Dulu'h. S0r, f . !., nfloat. Tirompt Options opened easv bp cause of realizing and then developed a llrmer tone, on strong cables from Umla Pest. Following this ratne afternoon weak tiess baseil on fears of heavy Argentine Hhlpments, Inspiring liquidation The 'lose OMAHA WHOI.KSAI.i: MAHKCTS, ('oiidltloii of Triide nml Qnotnt Ions 011 Stnple nml Fancy Prodiini-. HO(lS- llecelptp light, fresh stock, lie. nnr.ssin) ponriiY-choice to fancy turkeys, fcflOc: ducks, ifiOc; geese, MiOc; spring chickens, 7'c; hens, 7'ic; roosters, 41i.V LIVH POCLTIIY-Hens, 6i4'&7c; spring chickens, fi'sK'e. young, etaggy nnd old roosters, Vd&c, ducks, 7Mi1fSc; geese, "HfSc; turkeys. 7i7'jc. HI'TTMU Common to fair, 16c; choice, 171lSc; separator, 25c; gathered creamery, !2fl23e PIOKONH-Llve. per doz., II. VKALS-Cholre. Pit 10c. OYSTKHS .Medium, per can. ISc; stand nrd, per can, 22c; bulk standard, per gal., 11 25; extra selects, per can. 30c; extra se lects, per gal.. II. Coin 75; New York counts, per can, 37c; New York Counts, per 100, 11.25. FISH Herring, per lb.. 5c; round perch, Be: sun, 5c; cod, 6c; haddock, 6c; blue pike, 6c; scaled nnd dressed perch, fic; rlscoes, 6c; medium dressed trout. 7'fcc; cloppte, "'ic; pickerel. 7'Jc; flnnnn haddlcs, 7Hc; white fish, 9c: yellow pike, dressed, 9c; small trout, dressed. Be; red snapper, 9c; smelts, 9c; smoked while fish, 9c. HAY Per carload lots: Upland, choice, 11; midland, choice, J5f0; lowland, choice, 15; rye straw, choice. II.KO; No. 3 corn, 27V4e; No. 3 white 0.1's, 22'ie; cracked corn, per ton. 112; corn nnd oats, .-hopped, per ton, 112.S0; bran, per ton, 112.50; shorts, per ton, 113.50. VKOKTAULES. ASPAHAC.rS-Callfornla, per lb., 20c. NKW TL'UNIPS-Por doz. bunches, 0c. SPINACH-Per box, II. NKW BKKT.H-I'er doz bunches, 40iTCOc. LKTTITCK per doz. bunches, 4c; fancy head lettuce, per bhl , 5. HADlSliKS-Per doz. bunches. 33c. SWKKT POTATOES - Per bbl., Illinois, 13: Jerseys, $.".; large bbls., Kansas, 12.75. POTATOES Per bu , choice. JOif?40c. C AH HA OK Holland seed, 2UJ12V.C. CACLI FLOWER - California. p"cr crate, 12 50T?2 75. C'ELEHY Per doz . 25330c; California, per bunch, 40fT75c. TCHNIPS-Rutnbagas. per lb., UJc. TOMATOES - Florida, per slx-baskct cra'e, $3,50. MCSllftOOMS-Per lb. box. 60c. HHUHAHH Per doz.. KSjlBc. ONIONS-Hetall. yellow. 75c; red, 85S90C: Ohlos. per bbl.. 2.2o FUUITS. STHAWHKUIUKS-Few arriving from Texas and Florida; per qt., 45Q&OC APPLES Cholco western shipping stock. II. M; New York .stock, 14.50; fancy, H.75R 5.00. OUAPES Malaga, per bbl., I7.0OS9.00. CHANItKItHIES-Jerscys. per bbl., 110.50; per crate, JlfiO. TROPICA L FHUITS. OP.ANOES-Callfornla, fancy navels, per box, I3.25iSj3.I0; cholco nnvels. $2.753.00; Cali fornia seedlings, per box, I2.50if2.75. LEMONS California, choice, per box, 13: fancy, 11 CO; Messlnas, choice, per box, 13.50; fancy. II. HANANAS Per bunch, medium, J1.754J 2.00; fancy, J2.00Q2.23 HIDES. IIIDES-No. 1 green hides. 7c: No. 2 green hides, r,v No. 1 salted hides, Sc; .No. 2 salted hides. 7c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 9c; No. 2 veal cilf. 12 to 15 lbs., Sc. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 24-sectIon case. It.&n. NUTS - Hickory, large, per bu.. 11.25; Bhellbarks, 11.35. St. I, mils (irnln mid Provisions. ST. LOUIS. March 15.-WHEAT-Lower, No. 2 red cash, elevator, 71,c; track. 78 y i3lj,e; March. 71V; May, 70V; July, HGUc; No. 2 hard, 67c, receipts. 10.21!) bushels. COUN-Lower; No. 2 rash, 35V: truck, 37c; March, 33V, May, 35V; July, 36i4ift' 20 V. OATS Steady; No. 2 cash, 25c; track. 2T.f(23',r: March, 25r; Muy, 24V; No. 2 white. 27c. It VK Firm at Mir. FLOI'H-Flrin. higher; patents, I3.55ff3.e5; extra fancy, .l.20ii3..'IO; clear, $2.70513.00. HEEDS Timothy, easy; ordinary, $2,155? 2.25 prlmo, worth more. Flnx, nominal at 1.57. ( 'ORNM EA L-Stendy. $1.9502.00. IIHAN-Stlff: sucked, east track. 6S70c. HAY Timothy, easier, $5,001(12.50; prairie, steady. Hi 7Gff.G0. WHISKY-Steady. $1.241,4. COTTONTIES Higher. 11.30. 1 HAOOINC,-0T'!(7V. 1 1 EMI TWINE-'Jc. PROVISIONS-Pork, better: Jobbing, old, 110.75, new. $11.25. Lard, steady: prime steam, $3.W. choke. $5.75. Dry salt meats (boxed), hlsjher; extra shorts. $ti.l2Vj; clear ribs. $6 25, clear sides, $0.37't. Bacon (boxedi, higher: extra shorts, 16.624; clear ribs, 16.75: clear sides. $6.S7'5. METALS Lead, firm at H.57',4. Spelter, lower nt ll.iO. POI LTRY-Steaily : chickens. 6fi7c; tur keys, fiUftSc: ducks. Br: geese, 5'ig6c. EtlC.S-Hlghet- at U'..e. HUTTER - Steady; creamery, 20ft24e; dairy, 16i20c RECEIPTS-Flour. 4.000 bbls.: wheat, 10, 000 bu. ; corn. 71.000 bu.; oati. 36.000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour, N,000 bbls ; whfat, 40,001) bu. ; corn. IfiO.l'OO bu , oats. 30,000 bu. western. 63V. f. o. b.. c I. f., New Vork, New KiniNiis CHy (, nil 11 11 ml Pi-nvlslnns, KANSAS CITY. March 15. WHBAT May. 627hi : iash. No 2 hard. (ilpfilHo; No. 3, Wifilc; No. 2 red, 7lr; No. 3. 605ifi9e. CORN -Mm. 31V: ensh, No. 2 mixed, 35i4fi.r.i,c; No. 2 white, :1514c: No. 3, 33c. OATS-No. 2 white. 2S.,ii25'2c. ll.YF.-No. 2. 51c. HAY-Cholie timothy, $IO.(W7l0.60; cholco prairie. $7.2uf7.GO. HUTTER-Creamery. 2023c; dairy, 19c. ECi(iS-Cold weather gave, strength to tlm market; supplies light; demand liberal; fresh MisMiitil and Knnsas stock. 10V doz., cases ivturned; new white wood cases In cluded. Mr. RECEIPTS-Wbent. 15.000 lit). ; corn, 10. &0O bu. ; oats. 2.1X10 bu. SIIIPMKNTS-Whent, 21,000 bu.; corn, 24, ("0 bu.; oats, 10,0011 bu. I.U r riioiil (irnln find Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Mnrch 13.-VHEAT-Spot, linn: No. 1 unrlhern spring, 6s 2'id- Fu tures, dull: March, nominal; May, 6s9',id; July, 5s CORN -Spot, steady; American mixed, new, .IsllVI: American mixed, old, 3s 115;d. Futures, steady; Mny, 3illVl; July, 3s 101,11. PROVISIONS-Hacon, Cumberland cut. steady, 3is fid Lard, prime western, In tierces, steady, 21s. wns weak nt 'iliV net derlin Man h losed .11 73c; , .September, closed at 76V; IMny, 73ti"3V July. t.''1i'ht;i i-ioo, cii'seii at 72Ml73r. t-loseil at 72V CORN Herelpts. 02.1)25 bu ; rports. 22.92 bu. Spot, easy. No, 2. 4 f n l . afloat, nnd H'fi', elevator. Options opened steadv ill ruble news, but KUbfciMiueiHI.y derllneil under realizing, despite heavy sealiard 'lenrance and light country arreptunces. Closed weak at V net decline. Ma. 42Mi 42V. clofed nt 42 V; July, 42Vn 12 15-l5c, closed at 42V. OATS-Rerrliils, 69.0ii) bu, 8pot, steadv: No. 2, 2Se; No. 3, 2Si4r; No. 2 white, :t2c; No. 3 while, 21V; truck mixed western, CMI-30V; track white, SPilKKUc. Options, qulei HAY Firm; shipping, tSIi70c; gooA to choice, SO-oviV. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1KM crop, fic; W rrop, 7i(?c; 1S99 crop, J2fl 13o; Pacific cossl, lSW crop, lijfio; 1S93 crop, 769c. iftW rrop. 12til3c. IIIOBS-Firm; Halvrston. 20 to 20 lbs,. 19t,c; California. 21 tu 25 lbs., 21V. Texas dry. 21 10 30 lbs , 15V. LEATHER-Steady; hemlock sole, Hiipnns Ayres, light to heavyweights, 25'tfJ5V; acid, 2iJl2Si40. WOOL - Quiet; domestic lleoce. 23'u2Sc; Texas. 15ilc COAI, -Steady. ritOVISIONS-Meef steady: family. $110) S 13.00, mess, IIO.iWilOl.'. beof bains, $20.Wif .00; packet, III0OUU73, city extra India Toledo lni-kp, TOLEDO. O. March 15. WHEAT Higher, quiet; No. 2 uasli, 7ls.r; Mny, 73r. CORN-I'lrm. hlghin- for May; No. 2 mixed, 37c; May. 3ic. OATS-D11II, lower: No. 2 mixed. 24V. RYE-Du!l. No. 2 cash, H.r. SEEDS Clover, active, unchanged; prime cash. old. $1.95 bid: March, new, $5.r5 bid; October, $5.20 bid; No. 2 Feed, ll.65tfl.92W. Plilliiilelnliln Proilner Inrliet. PHILADEliPlllA. March 15. HUTTER tjulet but stemly; fancy wostrrn. cream er, 25V. fnm y western prints, 27c. ElltlS- l'lrni, gorul demand: fresh nearby, 16V; fresh western. I6i,tc; fresh southwest ern. 16'jc; fresh snilthern. 13'j.f16c. CIIEESE-FIrm but quiet. M 1 1 v Holier liruln Mnrket, MILWAUKEE. March 15. WHEAT Steady. No. 1 northern, 6fiis?T67c; No. 2 northern, 6516SV ItYK-Lower. No 1. 5ifi5Si..c. It XRLEY-lllgher; No. 2, 43fillc; sample, 37'.1i4lc. Dnlutli lienl llnrl.i-1, DUl.lTII, March 15.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard rash. Cii.e; May, tifii4e; July, 67V; No. 2 northern. 62V. No. 3 spring, 50'.e. OOP.N 25c OATS- 2l'.1(2lr IKiiim'iiimiIIn U bent mill Clour. MINNEAPOLIS. Mnrch 15.-WHEAT-Tn store No 1 northern, March, 64c. May. C4V, JuU, 654ij65V On track. No. 1 MoviiMn.vrs of stocks ami homis. Prlnelpnt Intercut In Tmlnj's MiieU Mnrket Centers In Sinnr, NEW YORK, March 15 -The principal In terest In today's slock market centered In Sugar, Third Avenue nnd llurllngton. Tho rest of the market gave evidence of soma disappointment over the noneffect of the currency nnd refunding law. Prices wero sustained for n time by the strength of tho three stocks mentioned nnd somo others less prominent. llurllngton wns most con sistently strong nnd gave evidence of manipulation, said to be by n pool formed to advance the stock. Its extreme rise was 2V It had the most effect on the other grangers, but served as 11 tonic on the whole of the railroad list. The Iron nnd steel stocks 11s 11 group were Inclined to llrmness on the confidence expressed bv trade publications In the maintenance of prices. Third Avenue was feverish nnd nc tlvo nil day. Its strength was nttrlbtited by many to operations ngnlnst a largo outstanding short Interest unit the stock advanced at one time ubnve 70, compared with 50 on n drive nt the opening. This violent fluctuations In the srlce reflected tho doubtful nnd rcttlllcttug opinions of speculators ill the stock. It rinsed With 11 net gain of 2". Sugar was not so erratic nnd did not move over so wide 11 range, but Its extreme rise of 3'v nfter nn opening decline gave way to reaction In the late dealings and It closed practically un changed There wns n decided Inclination to throw over stocks by tired holders In the late transactions nnd the closing was quite ur tlve and wenk. the oarller gains, except In a few rases, being wiped out. Reading first preferred fell sharply nenr 2 points on the reports by trade authorities of soft ness In the anthracite market. People's Has was nlo conspicuous In the late brek. The general expectation of a poor bank statement wns the underlying motive of tho selllnr. The rnte for call loans was, however, rather easier than yesterday under the In fluence of dividend disbursements. Tlm prevailing rate was G per cent nnd loans were made nt I tier cent. New York ex change at Chicago hardened sharply to 10c discount, compared with 25c yesterday nnd there was n similar movement at other points. Hut tho subtrensurv made another large draft nn the rash resources of the banks, bringing Its total withdrawals for the week thus far up to $1,273,000. As tho surplus last Saturday was below $fi.noo,on) and tho currency movement Is generally believed to have been In favor of tho Interior since then, while the loans of the banks hnve evidently been further ex panded. It Is dltllcult to believe that ntiy thing can be snved In tho wny of a sur plus for the banks this week. The report of a deficit Is bound to have an unfavorable sentimental effect on prices, however soon relief may be forthcoming from new bank circulation or tho disbursement of the gov ernment bond premiums. London sold stocks In this mnrkel, npjmrontly on ac count of the conditions of the money mnr ket there, which are called stringent and which the statement of the Hank of Eng land shows -ects of Improving In tr- immediate future. Business in bono continued on a large scale, but prices yielded In some portions of the list. Totnl sales .par value, $2,S2i), 000. United States 2s nnd new 4s declined W nnd the old 4s nnd 5s In the bid price. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London flnanclnl cablegram says: The mnrket here opened barely steady today, no new busi ness resulting from news of the occupation of IHoemfonteln. Dealings fell nwny on 1'arls snles of African mines and tlnlos. There wns less trading In the war loan, but the premium remained nt l'i. Market regards Is; as the minimum premium, since the Insurance companies are glad to secure the stock nt par. I understand uuotllclally that tho applicants number 39.000, aggregat ing 335.000.000. It Is reported that the government has given Instructions to allot fully for 100 lots; others to receive pro rnta, but there Is a strong feeling that the United States and the colonies should be trented better than the big speculators. Americans were dull, except Atchison pre ferred and Erics, which New York bought late. Coppers were erratic, tlntos being 53Uti54. New York sold Anacondas to !U. The bank bought 1S.000 gold In bars and 11.000 In Scandinavian coin. Call money wns 111 good demand, but discounts were easy, unusually. Over tho large amount duo the bank, two-thirds was repaid, thanks to the large government disburse ments. The bank return shows public de posits Increased 9,5oO,000, other securltlas Increased 7.5o0.009, both Increases being attributable to the war loans. Silver was strong on outside buying. The liullnn gov eminent bought last week 300.000 for coln uge. Tho Hank of Hengal reduced Its dis count rate from S to 7 per cent. Tho following are the quotations for the lending stocks on the New York exchange today: imv ork Mnnej Mnrket. NEW YORK. Mnrch 35-MONEY-On call. Ilrtn at 415 por cent; last loan, nt 4 per cent, prime mercantile paper, 6t?53 per cent. STERLING EXCIIANOE - Irregular, xslth actual business In bankers' bills nt II W, f..r demaiid nml at l2 for sixty days; posted rales. $1 53's nnd I4S7; com mercial bills, !I.Mi4(ftl 1-V SILVER-Ccrtltlcalcs, fiO'iflfilV-i bar. C9V; Mexican dollars. 17V. HONDS llnvernment, weak; stnte, strong; railroad. Irregular. The following nro the cloilng quotations 011 bonds: u.s..'"r7rrr do ref. 2s (when issued) do 3s. reg do coupon do new ., reg. do coupon do n d (, reg. .. do coupon do , reg do coupon . . . . 1). of ('. 3 f.s Atchison Ken. 4s. do ndj. 4s ('a Hilda On Ches. ,fc O. 4ljsi! 'HI II? V. & N. W. c. 7s. do S. F. d. 6s.. Chicago Ter. 4s.. D. i R. II. Is ... do Is )'; T.. V. ,v (!. 1; Erie gen. 4s F. W. St V. C. Is. tlen. Elect! le 5s. O. II. S. A. 6s. do 2s 11. & T. C. fis.... do con. 6s la. Centrnl Is K. C.. p. a n. i. l.a. new con. 4s., L. & N. unl. Is., M.. K. & T. 2s .. OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Thursday Sbowi a Fair Run of All Kindi of Live Stock. NOT MUCH CHANGE. IN CATTLE VALUES miiji do l 9l'i ;s. v. 1 . is no'4 IW4 N. J. c. gen. .121 Ill's No. Carollnn 6s.. .127 1IH4 do 4s IOI liSi iNor. Pile. 3s 66'J llf. I do 4s HO 1I6 N Y C & St L 4.10 II7 N. W. con. Is. tT34 116 I do gen. 6s 116 116 Ore. Nnv. Is KH 120 I do Is 102'i lOlUOiegon S. L. 6..I27U I do consol 5s. ..in, 107 Reading gen. 4s. ! 07 Rio U. W. is HVi mi St. I.. Sc l.M. c.f.s.lll'a 141 SI.L. fi S.F. g.6s,12o 121 SI. Paul consoKlfiT" 9IL St. P. C. .li P. ls.110'4 103S do 5s I2i)i I !) So. Railway d". ..iw 111 S. R. T. fis 70 71'S. Tenn. n. s. 3s. . . !." 70 Tex. & Pac. ln..116if, llfi's' do 2- M ins Union Pacific 4s.. loci; 107H,Wnbash Is 117 limJ do 2s 100 110 West Shoro 4S...11.V4 Ill's Wis. Cent. Is.... !'", 72'iVa. Centuries ... W'i 107 1 do deferred ... 10 ilSCoo. So. 4s S3 r.lHHo. Paclllc 4s.... S3U Mors n Little lllcher Tlmn .Vrclne. ilnj Slieop I oinninml Mtrnuic Prices nml I.nmlis rll In Minir .Nolrbcs nn nn Previous Dny. SOUTH OMAHA. M.ireli 15 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oflletnl Mnn.l,.. otllclnl Tuesday.'..'.'.'.' Olllelal Wednesday.. Ofllclal Thursday..... I Ml 3,011 3.6V) , 2.HS l.f.2t 5.361 S.7I3 10.270 11. 1.971 11,001 3.591 1.. I . I 1 1.. 1.. 1.. 1121 . ,.IKM ..1110 ..liwo ..1210 ..loth ..1340 3 25 :s is 3 35 3 el 3 Ml .1 to 3 40 ; 10 40 1. 1. 1. . . . ,1555 ....1510 ...,lfX) ....1i) ,...1"0 .... XM ....10.10 ....nio .l'MO STOCK MRS AND FEEDERS. 3 SO 3 50 3 ,Vi 3 1,0 3 60 ;i w 3 75 3 75 3 75 London stuck Quotations. LONDON, March 15.-1 p. m. -Closing money. 101 3-16 N. V. Central account. .101", Pennsylvania Pac... 07', Reading lis no. racuio pfrt Atciuson Cons., do Canadian Eric do 1st pfd... IS) Illinois Central ..116' Ittlsvlllo U. P. pfd 76'surand Trunk St. P. common. .,127 'Anaconda ... ir,s-i 69'4 UN 76' i 21U S3i St4 9Vj Hour days this week 11,70$ 33.62 S 21.195 Same days last wppk 7.723 25,402 26,711 S'ltne days week before . 7,271 26.516 21.671 Same three, weeks ago. ..II. 452 27.127 26,722 Average price paid for hogs for the last several days with comparisons: 11900., 1S99. IMS. ,1SJ7. 1896., 1805. 11S94. t il 4 69 4 77 3 91; 3 171 3 92 4 to; 4 06 4 031 March 1.., March 2.. March 3 .. Mnrch 4.. March G . March 6. . , Mnrch 7.. March S... March 9... Mnrch 10., March II. Mnreh 12., .March 1.1., March II.. March 15., I 4 6SI 3 61 4 661 I 69' 4 74' 4 70 ; 7i I 4 72 4 71, 4 73 3 59i 3 57 3 621 3 541 3 ol 3 63 3 5i .1 53 3 59 ! 4 76 4 79l 3 621 1 - - ' 1 ... .1 0.11 I 79! 3 69! 3 7S 3 S5, 3 SSi 3 87' 3 82 3 W 3 761 3 76' 3 S0 3 79 3 741 3 70, 3 69 I 3 6S 3 50. 3 4i 3 49, 3 4SI 3 65 3 65 I 3 C7I 3 fiO 3 651 3 61, I 3 851 3 74 3 10 3 50 3 89 3 88 3 79 3 SO 3 Si 3 84 3 S2 4 77 4 71 4 61 4 74 4 72 4 1)3 1 10 3 80 I 16 4 til i "j 4 35 4 38 3 791 I 201 i 4 3S 10 HA It SILVER-Slendy. 27 9-16d per ounce. MONEY-3'jiTI per cent. The rnte of discount In the open market for short bills. I per cent; for three months' bills, I per rent. Nciv York .Milling Stocks. NEW YORK, March 16,-The following nro tho otllcui closing quotations for mlnlnc shares: Atchison 31V4 Texas & Pacific. do pfd fi7HUnloii Paclllc .... Haltlmoro & O .. 621 do pfd Canadian Pac 95 iWabash Cillitda So 4.SV do pfd Ches. & Ohio .... 2vjiWheci'u .t L. E... Chicago G. W.... 13V do 2d pfd.... (V, H. & Q 126VWlf. Central .... Chi.. Intl. & 1 21',i Adams Ex do pfd 5IH Amerlcnn Ex Chicago & E. 111. 95 ,U. S. Ex Chicago & N. W.161',i,Wells Fargo Ex.. 1:., it. 1. & 1 P"".. Ainer. l-oi. uii... OOLjI UO pill ." I A ... . .. I. I . C. C. C. & St. I Colorado So 6VA111. Matting do 1st pfd... 4.TM do pfd do 2d pfd.... 17 Amer. S. & R.... Del. & Hudson.. 114 do pfd Del. L. & W......I77 Am. Spirits Detivur & R. Ol. !'. 'lo. pfd do pfd 7IHlAmer. S. Hoop... Erie 12V do pM do 1st pfd... 37V Amer. S. & W... (It, Nor. pfd 17 I do pfd Hocking Coal ... 14 Amer. Tin Plate. Hocking Valley.. 32 do pfd Illinois Central ..113 Ampr. Tnbarro .. Iowa Contra' ... 14 , do. pfd I) Amer. .Mill. Co... 12 Hrooklvu It. T... 20i, col,,. Fuel .v I... S3 Con. Tobacco ... 1H do pfd Federal Steel ... 91'j do pfd 16314 Oon. Elect! Ir .... 12", O'uroso Sugiir . . 02 do Pfd do pfd 91 Inter. Paper ). Pacific IP! "ilo pfd . ll' i.acieiip (.as . 10 National Hieeuit. . '"'4 do pfd .115 National Lead .. .131 1 do pfd . :f." i National Steel ... . 76 do pfd . 52'i N. Y. Afr Hcike. . 7.1 No. American ... . 21 .Pncllb Coast .... . 42 do 1st pfd . 76 I do 2d pfd .13H4 Paclllc Mall . 17'iiPeople's (las . . . . ffi'i Pressed S. Car. . . KV do pfd . .v.ij Pullman P. Car. . S) Standard R. . T. . 10'4 Sugar . US 1 do pfd . 34U Tenn. Coal & I... . 11 U. S. Leather ... . 29'!. "do pfd .122'i, U. S. Rubber .... .173 do nl'd St. P. fi- Omaha. 107'. Western Union .. So. Paclllc 37', Rep. I. & S So. Railway . . 13 "do pfd do pfd 57TkP. C. & St. I.. "First asst. paid. "Ex-dlvldend. do pfd K. C. P. & (i. L. E. Sr W do pfd Lake Shore ... L. St N Mantiuttan L. Met. St. Ry. . Mex. Central Minn. & St. L d Mo. Mobile & Ohio Mis.. K. T. . . do pfd N. .1. Central . N. Y. Central Norfolk W... do pfd No. Pacific .... do pfd Ontario St W... O. R. S- N do pfd Pennsylvania .. Reading do in pfd.. do 2d pfd.. Rio C. W do pfd St. L. St S. F... do. 1st lfd do 2d nfd St. L. Southw.. do pfd St. Paul do pro. Ifi'i 9 Tl's fin, 20 " 9', 26 4 16 lit 116 It 122 3.1'j 91 5 2(Vi !, 91 I 17 338 SO 55 V, m 311 4 Si) M 135 16H fiTi 11' i 23',i S2i V) 7:1 125 52 9 ?r 33 0I4 2.1V, 101 "if' 9'i 121'., I4'i 50 SO fiO 37 96' 3 525', S)l'. 1st 6'.', 10l' 101 w 71 27' 91 " t27i 21 'v Cfi 66' i Huston Mining Slock. HOSTON, March 13,-Call loans, 3'iT(i. psr cent: time loans. 11(5 per cent. Closing prices for stocks, bonds and mining shares: A.. T. & S. F do pfd Amer. Sugar .... do. nfd Hell Telephone.. Hnston Alb'y.. Hoslon Elevated. Hortoii St Me.... C . 11. St Q Dom. Coal Federal Steel ... do 4'fd. Fltehburg pfd... tlen. Electric do. pfd Ed. Elec. Ill Mex. Centrnl .... N E. ll. St C... rd Colony . ., Old llimlplon . Rubbtr Union Pnrlllr ... 23' 101',, HO lit'. 21S 117 111 19' 73 131 125ls 117 203 11 17 205 16 'n'on Land .Vest End "-. Central .... AtehlfOii 4s N. H. (1. .t C. 3". Adventure Alloucz Mill. Co.. a -Mil Conner ... 126', AtluniV 11 MoMou ."i Mont.. "liltto ,i Hoiton.. 'a'liniet & Hoc Centennial Franklin Osceo'a Parrot Oiilncy Santa Fe Conner. iTnmarack Utah Mining .... 274 Wlnonn 11 iWo'verinos Ex-dlvldend. JlnnU CliMirliiga, PHILADELPHIA, March IS.-clearlrns, l3.s2s,o:il: balances. I2.nm,5s. HALTIMORE. March 15,-Clenrlngs, 11, 42s.3xO: balances, ."Ji7.3iv.i ST LOUIS, March 13 Clearings. $4,575. Sfls. balances. 1311. GS, money, 5fi7 per rent: New York exrhnnse, 25c premium bid, 35c premium asked NEW YORK, Maroh 15. Clearings. J196, 56l.5ls. balances. 19.337.426. , CHICAGO, .Match Ij-Clcarlncs, J20.71V Chollar 2f Crown Point . ... 11 Con. Cul. St Vn..H5 Dead wood 53 Oould St Currle .. It Hale & Nnrcross. 23 Homestako 5C0O Iron Silver 68 Mexlcnn 23 'Ontario SS7 Ophlr 7.1 IP y 111 on Hi 12 Quicksilver 150 ' do pfd 760 c'err-i Nevada ... 50 Standnrd 295 Union Con CO 1 Ye w Jncket .. 15 Co re lun I'liiuneliil, LONDON. March 13. -Tho weekly stute ment of tho Hank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve. Increase, C5I9.0X); circulation, decrease. .C210.O0O; bul lion. Increase, t:i,!9,2l0; other securities. In crease, C7,5'i7.noo; other deposits. Increase, .C9.954.0OO; public deposits, decrease. 2,197, O0; notes reserve. Increase, 946.(4)0; govern ment securities, decrease, .CS30.nO'). The pro portion of the Hank of England's reserve to liability this week Is 3s ,tj per cent. Last wiek It wns 12 25 per cent. Hate of dis count, unchanged nt I per cent. American securities, nfter a dull start, were steadier, then quiet, with little ibuslness, but strengthened up later In the day nnd closed firm. The attention of trader. Is given M the settlement now going on. Spanish Is closed at 71. The amount of 1111111011 taken Into the Hank of England on balance today was 2.).Co. Tlm gold premium nt Lisbon has advanced to 41. liar silver, firm at 27Hd per ounce PARIS, March 15. Tho weekly statement of the Hunk of France shows tiie following changes: Notes In circulation, increase, ICiO.OOof; treasury net mints current. Increase, S.KOO.OOof; t'Old in hand. Im rinse, 14.275.iO0f. bills discounted, decrease. 11.6).oi0f. silver in hand, decrease. Ifin.OMf. Prices 011 the bourse opened weuk and declined further. Later there was .1 general rise. Spanish Is, prompted by tlm gtmeral rise In ltlo tlntos. rovered sharply. yeHeers mines were eas ier. Kaffirs wprfi weak, but hardened slightly at the tlpsp. Mozambique charges were In strong demand. UERLIN. Mnrch 13. Prices on the bourse today were dull. Toward the close local securities were In better demand. Spanish Is declined nfter the close of the hours.". Exchange on Ionilon. 20 marks 4D!-j pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, fl per cent: long bills. 5'., per cent. CALCUTTA. March 15.- The Hank of Hen gal's rnte of discount was today reduced from 8 to 7 per i ent. Comlllloii of Mir TreiiKtirv, WASHINGTON. March 15. Today's statemet t of the condition f tho treasury shows; Available cash balance. 156,64s, S7S; gold, exclusive of the resen e, 195,611, 963. 91 16 9) 09' 5 2U 9! 2V i 291 61 730 17"j lt'I 6i; tl's 110 1 01 'hi in (01(011 llai'Uct. NEW YORK, March 15,-Afler a tame opeiilny tho cotton market beenme quiet, advancing rapidly and showing great ac tivity. The llrt call was at an advance of 5 points to a decline nf 2 points. Through out the se.si.lon the new crop months wore a drag to the geneial niaiket, being de pressed bv reiterations of a radical Increase 111 tile territory assigned to the new rrop. Prlvato cables stated that the Liverpool market was nervous, fearing further ad vance at New York. Such fears were rea lized and. although the market was Irregu lar 'Hires at one lime showed 1111 advance of H'ul7 points on the summer positions. .May advanced to $J.54 and August 10 19.50, thee figures ibcliiB within 5'(10 points, re spectively, of the highest prices of the ses sion. It was called a -'one-man market." but the buying at times was general. The "oiib man" had at bast ten brokers In tho ring all the afternoon. Parties who wero not In sympathy with the upward move ment bought either to rover short con tracts or In n purely s illative way. The transactions of the dn reached TCO.OeO bales, as sein!- mclally estimated. Toward the close selling to secure profits caused a par tial reaction, with the market tlnallv sleadi. at a net ndvaiue of 1 11 13 points on the old crop months and l'(6 points on tho now crop months. NEW ORLEANS. March 15.-COTTON-Mrm; sales. 11.00) bales; ordinary. M4e; good ordinary, Ss,c low middling. 9 3-16c; middling. 9 7-16,; good middling. i)v; mid dling fnlr. 9',c; receipts. 7.5S1 bales; stock, S.o.iiss bales. Futures, steady; March. I3.4S bid: April. $9. 191)9 M : Alav. JO Slfi') .:,! limo ;..ut .1 my, j'.i.iny.oo 9.26; September, ISllffH. II 7.85; Nrvember, $7.7Ki7.i1; 0T.T.1. ST. LOUIS, M.ir h 15 COTTON Firm at ' advance; sales. 1s bales: middling, 9, -16c; iccelpts, 3,1 IJ bales; shipments, 4.IJ3 bales; slock. 7.1,376 bales. LIVERPOOL. March 13.-COTT ON-3pot, fair demnnd and prices 1-bid higher: Ameri can middling fair. a,d; good tiild.llliir, 5 11-16d; middling, il'id; low middling. 5l-.il; good ordinary, 5f-16d; ordinary. 6',Kd. Thn sales of the day were 12,000 bales, of which l.no.) were for speculation and export and Included l0,iki American; teirlpts, lR.isoo bale", all Amerlrnn. Futures opened and closed steady at the aihance: Amerlcnn middling, 1. m. r.. Marc h, 5 3j.6lft5 36-6ld, seller-i: Marrh and April, 6 ll'l-fild, sellers; April and May. 5 2:i-64d. sellers: .Mav and .lune. 5 23-6H15 26-filil. sellers: .Mine nnd .Inly, fi 22-64111,1 23-64il, bu.vers, ,luly and August, 5 ISi-iyiif ,2i -6ld. I,uers: August and Septem ber. .j.S-i.ld. sellers; September and October, 1 is'!i!'' '"uytTs; ()i tuber an I November, I 30-6ld. sellers; November and Decembor. I 24-61$ I 2I-6I1I. sellers: December and Jan uary. 4 22-6I1M 23-6ld sellers, January and February, t 21-Old, sellers Indicates Sundny. The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought. In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. C. M. & St. P 3 7 O. Sc St. L 1 3 Missouri Pacific 1 1 Union Pacltlc 25 S3 C. Vr N. W 1 9 F. E. & M. V 11 21 S. C. ,V P 3 C, St. P.. M. & O... 11 3 H. cv M. R 31 29 C, H. St Q 2 S K. C. Sc St. J 6 ('.. R. I. .t P., east.. 2 6 ('.. R. I. Sc P., west... 1 3 llllpols Central I :. 131 16 Total receipts ! The disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: lluyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 91 ill (5. II. Hammond Co 210 1.891 Swift nnd Company 21.1 1.731 711 Cudaliy Packing Co Ill 2.392 1,740 Armour Sc Co 616 2,602 782 Omnlia P. Co., from K. C. 20 Swift, from country 410 R. Hecker St Degan M Vnnsant Sc Co 68 Lobmim St Co 69 W. I Stephen 16 Hill Sc Huntzlnger 49 Livingstone & Schaller... 21 Hamilton Sr Rothschild... 137 L. F. llusz 7 II L. Dennis & Co 42 H.' F. Hobblck I Other buyers 163 Totals 2,243 8,919 3.673 CATTLE Receipts of cattle today were much smnller than yesterday and (lay be fore and the markt wss given a sort of a breathing spell. There, npneared to b a prettv good domand for all kinds, so that a clearance of the pens wns made In retson nbly good season. Not much change took place In the steer market, prices being very much the snme as prevailed yesterday, though rather un even. The demand seemed to be a little better for the reason that there wore fewer on snle. and for that rcavon there was a better feeling prevalent At the same time 1 bo market could hardly be quoted as any 'better. The movement wns fairly active nnd most everything clmngad hunds In good MOIBOII. Cows nnd heifers sold nt about the same prices as yesterday, but the mnrkut was a little moro active. The most of the early arrivals changed hands In good season. Hulls, stags, etc., were also Just about steady. Feeding cattle seemed to be In pruttv fair demand and the market on desirable kinds wns quite active. The market was firm and tho prices paid fully as good as yesterday. Representative sales: UBEF STEERS. 2 loin 3 50 4 787 I a. 1 into 3 .V) 1 730 4 23 1 740 3 fo 4 M? I 30 4 6S2 3 70 4 9'0 4 30 I !! ., ii) 6 9)6 4 U) II 871 .".75 S 860 4 X, 5 6?2 3 90 15 919 ir.i 4 OSS 3 90 6 lPof. I ;v. 5 798 .1 95 II 8S0 t 35 IS 910 4 ID 3 $06 I 35 a 726 I (0 1 1010 4 .V. 19 991 4 01 5 1015 I 37' j 1 450 4 00 26 1151 4 40 2 950 4 mi 1; Si) 4 10 4 7s5 4 15 R 1057 4 40 2 HO I 15 HWS 4 4.1 1 730 4 20 117 950 4 60 2 SS'i 4 ;,) n inn 4 ,7) 21 959 I 20 4 1076 I 45 731 I 26 29 115S t M) 2 920 1 2. 2 1200 I 00 ' 90 4 25 4 622 4 75 1018 4 2,1 2 475 4 75 ' 720 4 21 HOCiS The general market was 2ls0 higher nnd fairly active at the advance. o that all the early arrlvsls were soon dis posed of. in seme cases hogs may have fold higher, but the general mnrket could hardly bo quoted mole than 2tjc higher. The hoes sold pretty largely at II 7?'t'ii I 80. as ngalnt Jl 7Mi4 77's lesterdny. (Julie n number of light mixed loads sold ut II 75. as against f ( 72' yesterday. There were soiiih right jrood hogs ntnong the dny's receipts and as high nt 14 90 was paid for ;'?l-1"l?k,'"' wnl,e the top yesterday wns only l.8v J ho market closed a little easier, or about like the opening, leaving the high Point In the middle. Todav's nd nitre wiped out the most of tho deelliift jestenlny and It will be noted 110111 tlie table nlvno thnt the average price wn.4 about w;here It was on Tuedn and decidedly higher than It was one week ago. Representative sales; I steadv; common sheep. II. 5", fair lo prim lambs, I7.MMI8.00: culls, 15. 1 IIOOS Receipts. 1.518 head; weak for nil ' weights; western hogs, 5.IMf5; wefltern j Pics, U.t5. .stork In SlKlit. Following are the receipts at the four principal western markets for Maroh 15: Cattle. Hojs. Shep. South Omaha ,iss ".i.cOl 3.5't Chicago 8,00) 27.000 U.iiy Kansas City 4.iV) ii,im 3,m St Louis 3,000 9.1U) J.2W No. 102.. 70... 94... 81... 8.1. . . 67... 47... 7S... 78... 69... 62. . . 41... 47... 75. . . 73... No. 1.... J.... I . t . I. ... 1.... II. ... '.'.'.'. is!!!! 3.... 3.... 21.... 1.... 13.... 13.... 7. . . . 61.... 75.... 1.... 3.'.'.'. I.... 5..,. 2S.... 1.... 1.... Av. Pr. . 7S0 13 70 70 1X3 1440 HCO 865 893 810 1045 1011 976 986 1022 1110 1038 118.1 1('.7 953 !W2 lOaO 1070 Ifi56 115 1114 list 1110 ..140') 3 ' 3 75 3 73 3 75 3 90 3 9) 4 00 4 () 4 no 4 10 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 13 4 20 4 20 I 20 4 20 4 20 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 No. 22 14 .... 1 16 26 11 10 32 1.1 S3 21 7. . . . . 8 16 66 31 35 1 49'.'.'.!! 20 16 15 1 40 IB Av. 1205 1286 .....1200 ....1030 .... 951 ....1097 ....1035 ....1131 ....1127 ....1111 ....KISS .... 955 ....1162 ....11'20 ....1211 ....1162 ....1078 ....UNO ....1385 ....1151 ....121) ....IMS ....1330 ....1460 ....1375 ....1178 .1450 Pr. 4 X 4 25 4 25 4 30 4 :w 4 .10 4 30 4 31 4 .15 4 31 4 .15 97.... 71.... 19.... 81.... St.... 61.... in.... 60. . . . 43.... 68.... 60. . . . 40.... SI.... 10.... 10.... 60. . . . 6S.... 89.... 7 00! ! ; '. 86.... 8.1... . 81.... ). 91.... 79. . . . 65.... 97. . 7S.... 65.... 64.... 76.... 57.... 71.... 68.... 61.... 81.... 73. . . . i7. . . . 84.... 65.... 82.... 64 ... 51.... 74.. . 10... 76... 6S.... 69. . . 75. . . . 81.... I.. 72 . 80 ... 74. Av ...172 ...201 ...2ii ...221 ...201 ...222 ...221 ...217 . . . 196 ...217 ...199 ...240 ...210 ...2.12 ...219 . 21 ".'213 ..265 ..217 . .223 ..230 ..261 ..291 ..219 . .257 ..247 ..261 ..216 ..350 ..268 ..218 ..2.1) ..2.H ..2.14 ..276 ..20.1 ..22.1 ..2-Vi ..211 ..306 . .236 . .226 ..221 ..211 . .221 . 2(2 ..213 ..256 . .23.1 ..218 ..2S6 !!23 ..2.10 ..241 ..260 ..22S . .238 ..225 ..2t5 . .310 . .221 ..264 . .262 . 235 . 208 ..231 . .225 ..208 .237 o0 120 '80 'i'l 10 40 10 40 121) 40 120 160 40 it Mil. Pr. 200 ( fioii ... 4 72' 40 II 4 4 4 4 75 77H il;: 77'h "i.Z 80 120 120 80 40 '40 ieo 126 40 so 40 80 120 '80 SI) so 120 120 320 40 '40 160 'so ft 4 77'? A "I A "l8 , ii 2 : iiJ' 4 77'c 1 77'A .3 4 771 7'? 7' 77i! No. 72.. 61.. 83.. 10.. 68.. 19.. 61 . 46.. 26. . 64.. fit.. 66.. 52.. C-S. . 64.. 69.. 75. . 63.. 63.. 78.. 75 . . 61.. 67.. :i9.. 66.. 65. 1 63.. 69.. 57.. ill.. 62.. 66.. 12.. 78.. 65.. 45.. 65.. 64.. 61.. 77'a 77's 77'!, 77'fc iiji "' 11, "'it 4 77'i A 77K, 1 Ii! 4 77t 4 77'i 4 1 1 '2 7.1... 89... 66... 74... 82... 70... 83... 80... 71... 74. 59. 71. tfi.. 63. 73. 66. 66. 47., 59 , 60. 60. 66. 66., 110 51., 78. 68. 61 . 48. Av. ...242 .. 263 ...2.15 . . 258 ...2.I1 ...28I ...270 ...303 ...240 ...2I0 . . .242 . . .273 ...277 ...270 ...3(0 ...271 ...211 ...266 ...211 ...25.1 ...248 .. 260 ...248 ...21) ...230 ...254 ...229 ...267 ...261 ...280 ...215 . . .290 ...219 ...3IS ...262 ...301 ...2.K ...270 ...251 ...231 .. 228 ...200 . . .235 ...213 . . .278 ...228 ...231 ...217 ...224 ....253 ....'.HO ....24S ....212 2SS 287 . . . .255 ....291 ....319 Sh. 80 120 '16 40 80 120 '() '46 'so '40 40 80 120 80 40 SO Pr. 4 77U 4 77', 4 77' 3 4 80 4 80 4 SO 4 SO 4 80 I 80 4 80 I SO 4 80 4 SO 4 80 t 80 I 80 I si) 4 SO 4 si) 4 sn 4 ) 4 '0 4 SO I SO 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 SO I 80 4 vi) 4 si) I 80 I 811 4 so 4 80 I SO 4 80 . .210 ..303 ..241 ..280 ..291 . .277 ..376 . .251 ..263 .303 ..43T. 20 40 80 80 SO so 80 SO 80 80 4 80 4 80 4 M 4 80 4 80 4 SO 4 82' i t 821, 4 82' 4 4 S2'i 4 82' i 4 82'i 4 8-2' 4 S24 t 82'c, 4 8.1 4 V. 4 S3 4 81 4 85 I 85 4 85 4 K2'4 4 S7lj 4 90 33 40 1.1 174 60 ;o 50 STEERS AND HEIFERS. S50 4 11 .130i) I 10 STEERS 17 AND August, 9.21ft' October. I7.SI1I December, 17.72 2s i2d; bales; bales; ls.Vsd. M oot .llll'l.et. LONDON. March 15 -WOOL-The offer ings at the wool auction sales today niuounted to 9,276 bales. The home trndn and America were the chief buyers, tho rontlnrnt showing Iims Interest. Crossbred were In keen reouesl for Yorkshire nnd America. A quantity of merinos was wllh drawn. Lambs were well supported. Tho sales arc scheduled to close en March 21. Following are tuda.i's sales In detail: Now South Wales, 1,200 bags; scoured, Is Udfi greasy, Sil'n2'jd. (Jueenslnnd. 9H) gre.ny, S'ydli Is Id. Victoria, 2.(0.1 scoured. Kids tl'jd; groesy. 6I41IK West Aimfalla. I. Hon bales: scoured. Il'?d1ils 6';d; greasy. 6d1f1s ',d Tasmania, 10) bales: scoured. suDlld: greasy, SMflld. New .calami. 3.101 bales, greasy, 5;d1?ls 2(1. Cape of (loud Hope and Natal 2'V) bales; Fcourcd, Is SUillils sd; greasy, 81,1191311. Ilri (iooil Mill-Let. NEW YORK, March 15.-DHY OOODS Hli'iiclied cottons moving up: fnlr demand for nil grades. No changes In heavy brown cottons, but line brown sheetings are stiffening Print cloths and prim rloili v.nn goods Hre without special feature. Wide sbrellngs srine and strong The course colored rot tun situation Is un changed, goods scarce no all hands and prices very firm Prints and glnrhnms without change Cotton linings (Inn In all Maplo varieties Hosiery and underwear quiet but firm, knitters talking of higher I rices, owing to tho high market for years, 13 15W 4 40 COWS. 1 860 2 00 2 1 910 2 25 7 2 950 2 35 4 1 900 i 35 2 1 890 2 40 2 1 1100 2 50 3 1 10S0 2 .'0 6 1 1060 2 Till 3 1 1070 2 75 1 1 880 2 75 1 1 970 2 75 2 18 816 2 75 4 1 730 2 75 7 1 790 2 75 1 3 570 2 85 fi Ill 1100 2 85 1 6 9SI 2 90 1 2 1005 3 Oil 1 1 SSO 3 00 3 2 HOI 3 Ik) 2 1 1100 3 00 14 1 860 3 00 11 3 1050 11 no 1 2 1175 3 10 43 1 860 3 10 II 2 1010 3 10 3 11 1169 3 10 2 9 1(07 3 10 2 2 IC60 3 10 1 1 910 3 10 2 1 1010 3 10 5 :: 1120 3 15 2 1 m0 3 13 2 1 1401 3 20 2 2 1005 3 20 1 5 1076 3 20 4 4 1350 3 ffi 6 1 1230 3 2f. 1 1 1270 3 25 1 t 12m 3X. 11 1 1190 3 25 3 1 780 3 25 2 2 1120 3 2.1 1 1 910 3 23 1 1 840 3 25 11 1 D 1222 3 30 1 10 1038 3 30 2 1 1320 3 30 1 3 1120 3 30 1 2 1160 3 30 2 COUS AND IIEIF 12 979 3 10 20 II 1024 3 10 17 It 785 3 50 HEIFERS. 1 1100 3 75 1 1 IU.0 3 75 2 1 1090 3 80 2 2 1165 3 85 1 1 39 wo 3 no 1 7 832 3 90 1 5 913 3 91 1 CALVES. l 110 6 no 1 1 311 6 00 II 1 2)0 7 01 1 .1337 987 .. 973 ..1134 ..1W7 ..1230 ..1135 ..1180 ..1200 ..1020 ..1110 ..1070 ..1125 ..1145 ..1042 ...1010 ...1018 ... 980 ...11C0 .. 910 ...1146 ...1015 ...1176 ...110.) ...1160 ...1122 ...1182 ...1323 ...825 ...1160 ...1370 ...1130 ... 616 ...1661 ...112S ...1110 ...1050 ...J2V. ...1986 ...1240 ...770 ...110.1 ...1240 ...1160 ...1160 ...1010 ...1151 ...1O10 ...1300 ... 830 ...1220 ...820 EHS. ...1127 ... PS7 ..1010 ..KOO .. 810 ..1300 ..lino .. 170 .. f60 220 157 180 1 55 4 .V. 4 65 4 65 4 65 I 75 4 80 5 00 4 40 4 50 3 31 3 35 3 35 3 33 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 (0 3 10 3 f. 3 60 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 .V, 3 55 3 60 .1 60 3 60 3 65 3 61 3 63 3 rtl .1 61 3 (VI 3 61 3 70 3 70 I 00 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 80 3 8.7 3 85 3 81 3 5 3 81 3 90 t 01 I 10 3 90 4 SO t no 4 10 1 15 I 15 I 2.1 4 50 4 50 7 no 23... 1... n 1 1... STOCK CALVES. 370 I 70 1 JfO 3S7 I 75 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS 7 50 1 SO 180 805 .. S2S . . 970 .. 1.80 .. f.no .. 4V) .. 620 .. 770 . . 9W ..1250 ..fill . . 860 .1510 . . 1 410 .110 1570 lino .1630 1. 1 1 Um.hhi 1 2 90 3 25 3 t.1 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 60 2... 3 65 STACH. 3 fO 1... HU1 I.S. 1 . 50 880 660 816 SS0 410 737 frti 3 75 3 75 3 SI 3 90 3 90 4 (V) t ni 1 00 910 3 Vi 2 50 2 75 1 i1 3 15 3 II 3 13 3 ?) 3 23 .. 910 .1910 . 710 17)0 .1580 . 1590 nto . M.J 3 r, :l 50 3 0 t 50 3 SO 3 50 1 VI 3 5) Mill-. i:: I ' 'rnmiv-M pa,,, ni. ..... light as compared with previous days and the market on sheep wii? a little strong under the Influence of the very good de mand. The Intnb market was Just about steady with ye?terday. I'he mnrket opened active nnd the early arrivals were all sold and welshed up at an early hour. The sales reported below will give a correct Idea of the kind of prices paid for the dif ferent kinds of stuff. Quotations: Choice handy welpht year. ngs, I6.U1I6 25; good to choice fed year Hngs. 5.!)0Wfi.l0: fair to good vearllngf, . ii.1J5.90; good to oholce wethers, 15. 457io,75; good lo eholc fed ewes, I5.151i5.25; talr to good ewes. 14 906. 16: good to choice natlo atnbs. I, (HVS7 10; Rood to choice western Inmbs, I6.90W7 00; fair to good western lambs, IG.50fiS.sii; feeder wethers, I4.5O1i0.0O; feeder yearlings, I5O(vri5.60; good to choice feeder lambs, 5 75ft 6. 20. Represcntutlvo snlc?: '" Av. Pr. 219 western ewes 114 15 21 '02 westurn wethers and yearl'g 99 5 so 406 western wethers and ye.irl'gs 101 5 92'3 440 western wethers nnd yearl'gs 102 6 92'j 467 western wethers and vearl'gs 91 1 X. 219 Colorado lambs 87 7 00 CHICAGO .11 11 STOCK MARKET, (ieuerul Cnlc Mnrket Sternly Sheep nil I.11111I1M (ienrrnlly Strmly. CHICAGO. March 15, CATTLE Receipts, S.000 head; general market steady; natives, good t0 prime steers. 11.401(5.60; poor to mi -(Hum ll.Wtr4.60; selected feeders, netlye at 14. 1OH4.80; mixed stockcrs. 3 3OS3.G0; cows. $1.0iviil.25: heifers, strong at l.l.lOfi.1.50; can ners. S2.l0tiC.D0; bulls, 13. 1504.20; calves, SI. 6057.00; Texans, receipts, 10.000 head; Texas fed steers, steady to strong nt 13 S5 4(4.80; Texas hillli. steady ut 13 20H3.70. HOOS - Receipts, today, 27.WO head, to mortow, 25,000 head, estimated: average, steady; good hoav, (lrm ; light, lower; mixed and but hers. 14.801(5.02'; good to choice henv, 14 W 5.07' v. rough heavy 11)0 4.90. light. Il.751i..97'; bulk nf sales. 11.9' silBEP AND LAM HS - Itecelpts. 12.0)0 head: gpiiernlb steatb : good to choice weth ers. I5.5WiG.90; fair lo choice mixed, 14.751c n'!.; western sheep, !.V!0lfi.S(); yearlings $1801(6.40; native lambs, SA.iVrfjT.X: western' lambs. I'i 0017 7.25. Kiiiiniin Illy 1,1 r Stork. v'A'VS.-r,TV' ,larl1 ,s CATTLE-Re-celpts, 4 ono head natives and 200 head Te ans; small stipnly disposed or quickly nt ndvan of M(10c; native steers. II. lOfl 1.95; stockcrs and feeders $1 Wf.l.lO; butcher cows and heifers. I1.25H 1.30: c.inners, J2.sr.fr 5 2..; fed westerns, I.S.Wfi 1.5.1: western fee'd rrs 13. SCifr 4.3.1: Texans. l.(()fi).40. IIOCS -Receipts. 11.000 head; market ne Mye and steady to 2Vc higher; heavy, II SO ?.'.iSi.,ni'"',, N'oifH-ss: light. $i.3nf7i.75, pigs. I(.20((4 50. SHEEP AND LAMPS - Itecelpts, 5.601 bead; demand continues i exceed supply, today s offerings disposed of promptly at firm nrlces; lambs. J66ofe7 00; venillngs 6 indii 10, muttons. f.l.CWH.00; stockcrs and feeders, Il.n01(i no; runners. I3.001il.no. S(. .IohcjiIi ,, r .Slock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo., March 15.--(Speclal.) The Journnl (unites: CATTLE - Receipts, 1. 101 head: market steady to strong, natives, l.noii,l,25; Texas and westerns, 83.5oli5.00, cows and heifers', S2.26tM.40; bulls nnd slacs, S2.001M.65: year lings nnd calves, I.l.'iii5.00: sdickers nnd feeders. 13 251(4 60; cenls. 14.6017.60. HOOS-Recelpts, 8.300 head: market steady; all grades, II.701M.95; bulk of sales, 71. 7514 85. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recplots. 1.(00 head; market 0c lower; lambs, I1.(i17.n0; yearlings, I5.351i6.20. sheep nnd yearlings, I3.n0ti6.75; ewes, $1,0015.21. St, Louis 1,1, Sloe!.. ST. LOUIS. March 15 CATTLE - Re. ce'pts. 1,000 head, Including I 100 bead Tex ans: niirket steady; native and 1 xport steers, II 6011 85. dressed beef and butcher steers, $l.mf. (: steers under I i"n lbs , $!S5 (f4.85; stockcrs and feeders HWM.sn. coks and heifers. I2.n0fM.65; c.inners $1,2112 si. bulls. $3.noif4 25; Texas and Inillnn slcers H.nOljiVcO; rows and hilfers 12 3,11(3 60. HOOS- Rerclpts. !,i A) head: mark' I sleaih to strong; pigs and light. IIoi(9o. pink er. 11 8014.95; butchers. JtfOf5no SHEEP AND LAMPS Reccli.is. 120" head; market steady to stronc. iio'Im- min ions. 110013 75- lambs. 5no7 23, nil and bucks. SI.iKVri6.rfl. Totals 17.118 69,001 20,391 CiiIIim Mnri.el. NEW YORK, March 13.-CO FPU!.-Futures opened steady, wllh prices unchanged to lo points advance on bullish cables, mod erate iccelpts nt Rto and Santos, largo warehouse deliveries nnd relative steadi ness In spot departments, lending to local covering, while outside speculation was deficient. Tho greatest advaure for the day wns 15 points, with n pnrtlal reaction later under realizing. The mnrket was finally steady In tone, with prices 61il5 points net higher. Totnl sales were 17,500 bugs. In cluding: March, 16.75; May. $6.75; .lulv , $6,811; September, 6 85t6 90. October. lO.WIr 6 93; November, $6.:i6; December. $7.l01f7.l5. Spot, Hlo. steadv. No. 7, Invoice, S'ir; No. 7 Jobbing. 84r, mild market, steady; Cor dova, !i',114c. SUllAR -Raw. firm: ictlned. firm. NEW rrlpls. steadv frlgerali 83 bead CALV lower! little en SI I EE head ( lambs, im, iirl. l.lo Mock, YORK, March 16. REEVES II 312 head, none lor sale; feeling Cables from LUerpnol ciuot.d re or beef lower at r per lb : exports, sheep, uoii tomorrow LS Receli.ts. 311 bead, dull and roinnvoi to good unls, $1 001(6 7.1. Ives $3 IP AND LA. MRS Receipts 1,311 beep n Intei I nominal but i irady extremely dull, bcllcia holding (III .Mnrket. OIL CITY, Pa . March 15.-Credit btl iilices. $1.6; cerllllcnles. no bid or offer: shipments. 116.773 bbls ; average 86,581 bbls. ; runs. 105,185 bbls.; average. 87,441 bbls. NEW YORK, March l.l.-OILS-Cottotl-seed, easy; prime crude, 3,1'5c, prime yel low, 36c. Petroleum, llrm. Rosin, steady: strained, common to good, $l.72'j. Turpen tine, llrmer ut 67'tf57'jc. LONDON. Mnrch 13,-OIL8-Turpentlno spirits, 40s I'jil. LIVERPOOL. March 1R.-OII.S-Cottoti-seed. Hull reltued, Mny and August, dull, 20s 3d. California Dried I'riills, NEW YORK, March 18 CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS- Inactive nnd nominal. Tho market for evnpornted nfiples, whllo not active, developed a decidedly Ilrtn undertone, duo largely to the sinallnoss of receipts nnd nn absence of sellers. Country ndvlces were about as expected and tho market nt the close wns llrm, but at pre viously limited prices Stale apples, com mon. I'fr1l5i5c; prime, 61i6'4c. choice, 7Jf7'.a"; fniicy, 7-'418i.ic. Prunes, 3ViJ7c per lb. Apricots. Roynl. 131715c; Moor Park. 151i 18c. Peaches, peeled, 18j22e; nnpcelcd, 7"j CSc. Sonar llnrUcl. NEW ORLEANS, Mnrch 15. - SUOAR -Quiet; open kettle, 34TM!,c; open kettle, centrifugal. 4Llfl'5c; centrifugal, yellow, 4Vc; second, 21nl',,c. MOLASSES- (julel; cenlrlfitgal, S'u36c. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI No 916.1. Fannie Hernhelmer against Francis C. Hainer et nl. Afllrmeil. Appeal from I in rfa I. . county. Sullivan. .1 1. Objections In the rotillrmallnn of a sale of leal estate must be speclllcnlly as signed and hnve been called to the atten tion of the trial court In order to entltlo them to be considered lu this court. 2. objections to an nppralsal of property to be sold ut Judicial snle should, except where fraud Is nlleged, be Hied prior to thi date llxeil for the sale. 3. An error In Hpprulsing real estate for Judicial sale where nn outlawed lien wan deducted Is without prejudice where tho properly sold for more than two-thirds Its gross valuation No. 9152. Hiram D. Upton el nl against Oenrge Hefts et nl. Allirmed. Error from Snllne county. Sullivan, .1. 1. In an action quia timet, whom tlm onl Issue wns the validity nf a deed under which defendant nsserted tltlu a decree In fnvor of the plaintiff will not pieclude tlm defendant from nf let-ward nsserllng an ecitiltnhle lien for money paid by him In d's cbarglng a valid mortgage on (be property. 2. A matter In Issue covered, either gen erally or speclllcnlly by the decree of thn court, cannot bo again litigated without a modlllratlon or vacation of thnt decree. 3. A Junior Incumbrancer who rlalnii priority over an elder cetultablp lien must allego and prove that he acled lu good faith In the transaction and that he paid out the full amount secured by his lien In Ignorance of the prior equity. 4. The findings of tlni court must respond to tho Issues raised by the pleadings In tho ense. 6. Evidence examined nnd found to sup port the findings and decree! of the court No. 10,965. The State of Nebraska ex rel V. T. Emerson against C T. Dickinson. Writ denied. Mnndamus. Sullivan. J. 1. It Is Immaterial whether the court gives a pood or a bad reason for Its con clusion. If the court has reached tho cor rect decision Its Judgment will not be dis turbed. 2. The relief nwnrdcil bv a court must respond to the Issues and be within the raw made bv the pleadings. 3. A tlndliu: In ail equity cause which does not respond to the Issues and which is at plaliitlif's Instance treated ns and de clared to be advisory only will not wnrrnnt the court In rendering a personal Judgment against the defendants, nnd in such ensn manilanius will not lie to compel the court to render n personal Judgment In favor of the plaintiff on such finding. No 11,151. (luslnve Hlart et nl agnln-t W. II. Mvers et nl. Motion denied. Error from Sarpy county. Nnrvnl. C. J. I. The lack of a motion for a new trial will not Justify a dismissal of a petition In error. 2 A motion for n new trial Is nol essen tial to a review of a decision of the dis trict court afllrmlng a cause taken to that court bv proceedings in error. 3. When ii defendant In error has filed a cross-assignment of errors without bring ing lu now parties he Is thereby precluded from urging the dismissal of the petition lu error nf his adversary on tho ground of do fecllve parties. No. 9161. Mnndell against Weldln et al. Affirmed. Appeal from Huffnlo county. Norval. ('. J. 1. Points not argued In this court will bo deemed to be waived. 2. Oblei Hons to the continuation of a judicial sale will be disregarded on. review when not brought to the attention of tho trial court. 3. A motion to vncate n sale when filed li n pait of I lie recoid and should not be em bodied 111 the bill of exceptions I A motion to set aside a sale cannot bo considered, unless rertllled In the transcript h the clerk of the district court. No. 9L4. Cox against Parrett el nl. Af firmed. Appeal from Huffnlo county. Ner val. C. .1. , 1. This court cannot review u decree of force losuie when the same was rendered more tlmn two years prior to thn perfect ing of the appeal. 2. On n motion to vacate n Judicial sale, objections to the decree under which such sale was made cannot be consldeted. No 9105 Hee Publishing Company ngalnst World Publishing Cotnpativ. Judgment ac cordingly. Error from Douglas county. Sulllvnn, J. Cimi Victim of Wreck. KANSAS CITY. March 15,-Mrs. Sallio Halke of Cincinnati died at Hie hospital here today of Injuries received lu Hie Mis souri Pacific wreck near Independence. Mo, on Februnry 27. The body will be taken to Ohio for burial. Mrs. Halke Is Iho fifth victim of the collision. The others were her daughter. Mrs. J 05. Schmldlnpp and her gtaudilaughter. Miss Emma Schmldl inn. both of Cincinnati; Miss C.nlilsteln of SI. lyouis nnd Waller VniiKhan. a Clnrlnn.ill newspaper mnri. Iiiry Ar(iills Col-bell. RACINE. Wis. Mnrch 11 The lurv In tlm case of the state against Henry F. 'rbelt, charged with assault with Intent lo kill Rev David H. Cheney, today rendered a verdict of not guilt.. Hurnlnrs shot and seilouhlv wounded Dr. nnd Mrs Chenev at their bouie here several month ago. Cor beti, a bonk agent, was arrested on sus picion. The clri umstantlal evidence offered failed to convict, however. With pictures as cheap ns tliosn offered by Tho Hen there should bo no bare walls In any home. Only 10 cents and couponu for "Do frnso of Chainplgny'' and '"I he lialloon." RR.PEi1NE.Y8, CO. URAlM rjooM'iHr LtrcEUJC BRANCH lf)3atC5T mr.oL'1 NI? JAMES E BOYD & 00 Telephone lo:?!. Omnh.t, S: COMMISSION, CHAIN, I'UOVISlONSumi STOCKS HOARD OF TltAIUS. Correspondence. John A Warren & Co. Direct wires tu Chicago and New Vork. I