Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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S veral Witnsjm Hmrd in Murder Tri.l at
"Wiiinnn Trstlflea til I'lntiM l.nlil liy
Uliimiiiire li ml Herself for tin- Ac
coiiipllnliiiipnt f a lltirrllilc
Double .Murder.
' C Vt rV.fmi lrA4iiifdf f 2 SIrtrfnn
r IV MaIIiav. enelnoer. Tom Conner
I All the ministers of tho city were present
' Ofiil (.14, In annnrttifia nnilnnlnir thn nlPHrnr
administration .The fight this year win h T d Combines and Oompromiie Distnrb
li vv.-irm Ann llrenite lielnc file IftAllo. the : "
same as last year. Tho city lias been "dry"
for thn last two years. Tho license tl.-ket
will be placed In the field within n fevi
'scramble in fusion ranks nrr asks fair snow ;
olllie fir contnllrlty with Postmaster J W. I
Ili'lmntrn to Cum entlift Niimeil nml
U- TIckrlN Tilt In I'lelil
Tliriilluliniit Mntr.
I.BXINOTO.V. Neb.. March 11. (Special
Telegram.) The third day of the Dlnsmore
murder casn began this morning by com
pleting tho Jury panel. After three ehal-
bngid for cause the twelvo men were sworn
in to try the cause and derldo tho fate of tho
defendant. All are farmers.
K A. Nyo, county attorney, niado the
opening statement to the Jury, reciting the
circumstances of thu alleged crime, describ
ing tho Iaue residence and closing with n
feeling allusion to a ruined homo at tho
hands of a ruthless ussassln, who deserved
tho Heverest penally that the law could In
lllel. death.
N'orrls Drown opened for the defendant, re
citing the good chararter and standing of
the defendant, his happy marriage to Lillian
Hloomfleld of Chicago, whom ho loved as Ills
wn life and that It was Imposelblo for him
to have committed the crime.
The attendance upon tho trial exceeded
that of tho two previous days by far, every
foot of standing room being occupied from
pit to dome.
Tho first sensation of tho day was caused
by the mother of Mrs. I.auc taking a fit of
hysterics, so violent that she bad to be car
ried from the courtroom and medical aid
TcNllmoii)' of Dr. Ilrll.
Mr Dell wan tho first witness called. He
testified to being called by telephone to
Odessa on tho night of tho tragedy by Dins
more. He had found tho bodies and gave It
us his opinion that Ijiuc could not have
been shot In the position found. Ho Illus
trated tho courst of the bullet by exhibiting
a skull to the Jury with the crown taken off.
I to created ;i profound sensation when, in
answer to n question by Norrts llrown hb to
how the blood would How from a wound In
tho temple, ho Illustrated the samo by lying
prono upon tho floor, and having tho at
torney place his head In position.
Ur. Cameron was tho next witness. lie ns
ntcd Dr. Hell In making tho post-mortem
examinations und corroborated tho former's
II. F. TusBoy, the next witness, testified
that ho was county commissioner of Iluffalo
.nuntv and was called up at midnight De
cember 1, by Dlnsmorc, who said, "For
timi's sake, como to my house! Fred has
killed my wlfo and shot himself." Mo then
inllcd his brother nnd Constable Ireland
and went to tho Lauo residence and found
the dead bodies. Ho stated that Lauo was
a mild-mannered man; that he had known
him twelve years. Ho also described finding
ihe revolver under n chair eight Inches
from the bevL On cross-examination he Bald
he did not talk to Dlnsmorc at all after
h-lna called up.
Constable Ireland was tho next witness.
He eorroborated Tussey's evidence and said
lie put Dlnsmoro under arrest and took pos
uestdon of the revolver. He also examined
the bodies carefully, llndlng them rigid and
Chris Moore testified that tho pistol found
tintt tirrn seen bv blm before the muruer in
ninsmoro's Dosscsslon, which was corrobo-
.ni.. i hv I'.vim N'eal.
Henry Jordan testified that ho examined
the bod upon which the body of Laue lay
and that there was a depression on ine pu
tiirnn Inchcu deep near Lauo's head, In
....line Mint thn body had been moved
nflni. hplnff Hhot.
John Roll and John Sears testified as to
Lauo's dlspreltlon. habits ana nusmcbs can
Joseph Itoscnbaum sworn that he was at
tho Lauo lesldence tno evening 01 me mm
iinr nml that the family was preparing sup-
n.r nil tlm Innintt of the houmj being
niwspiit. nnd apparently happy.
The next sensation was the introduction
of two children of .Mrs. I-aue, draco, aged
12. and. Henry, aged 8. Kvery one In tho
miflleiicp nrreo to their feet during their
testimony, which was only to prove that
their father owned no gun. tney naving
slept soundly all through tho night of tho
Mm. I.iiup TnUea tin Stnnil.
Fallowing the children's testimony Mrs
Lauo was Introduced. The vast crowd who
dcelrcd to look upon her countenance wcro
doomed to disappointment. She was dressed
in black from head to foot; her eyes were
covered with spectacles and over her cntiro
face a thick, bluck veil, utterly and com
plotcly shutting every feature from the gazo
of tho Jury us well as tno puDllc. ine reason
given for this was that she did not wish
Dlnsmorc, who In said to have hypnotized
her heretofore, from being permitted to look
at her and by means of his power prevent
her evidence. Whether this be the true
reason or not will bo developed later.
Her evidence was highly sensational
throughout. She admitted having Improper
relations with Dlnsmore, beginning May ilj
anil continuing at Intervals up to tho day of
tho crime. She said that tho plan of killing
Mrs. Dlnsmoro and Frcl Lauo was Drat pro
potted In September, again In October and
ag.t!n thn night It was accomplished; that
she never lit any time, told her husband
either of tho Illicit Intercourse or tbo plan
to murder, as Dlnsmoro threatened her own
life If ohe did. The plan was to choko the
one. shoot tho other and have It appear as
n suicide.
A portion of tho time her answers were
rendlly given; at others, especially on crces
examination, she hrsltatcd considerably
Slin said that Dlnsmore boarded with her
family from August. 189S, to the time of bis
marriage, July 20. ISM, after which both
boarded thoro to the night of December 4
Court adjourned at S:30 till tomorrow
morning, when tho examination of Mrs. Laue
will bo resumed.
At least one-third of the. audience today
were women.
HBATUIfK. Neb., March 1 1. (Special Tel
rgram). The (lage county republican com
mittee met today with a good attendance.
It was decided to hold but one convention
and that will be Tuesday, April 17, In
llentrlco. The primaries will be held Sat
urday April II.
DAVID C1TV. Neb., March II. (Special.)
The Duller county ftuslonints held their
county conventions here yesterday afternoon
and selected delegates to the state conven
tions March 19. The democrats met at the
court house and the populists at the opera
house. Doth conventions were attended by
about one-half the number of delegates en
titled to participation.
DAVID CITV. Neb.. March 1 1. (Special.)
The republican city central commltteo
held a meeting yesterday and callo-l
the city convention for Saturday evening.
March 17, to place In nomination n city
ticket. The ward primaries will be held on
rlday evening to elect delegates to tho city
convention and nomlnnte eouncilmen.
HASTINGS. Neb.. March 11. -(Special
Telegram.) Tho citizens' mass convention
tonight nominated the following city ticket'
or mayor, A. H. Farrens; for treasurer.
A. McDonald; fnr clerk, William Shcashy;
for aldermen. First ward, S. J. Owens; Ser-
ond ward. Fred Llljeherg; Third ward.
Charles lllglnbotham; Fourth ward. Wil
liam Vastlne. for members of the school
board. Prof. Myers, Juilgo Dealt and John
Vilulpli i:tirlnirt Ik Clinrneil villi 'Ink-
Iiik Slitj-I'lio llnllnrx from
n Letter,
SUPERIOR. Neb.. Mnrch H. -(Special
Telegram.) United States Marshal Moorcs
of Palmyra arrested Adolph Khrhart here
this morning on tho chargo of umbczzllng
$05 from a letter belonging to Matilda Khr-hart.
Tho crlmo Is said by the complainant to
havo been committed at Medicine Lodge,
Khrbart has been taken to Grand Island.
Slumber of tho Popocnts.
olllie fir complicity with Postmaster J
Cole in the alleged ballot stealing
for similar
pi osecutlor, there not being rvllenre
connect him with the ballot fraud.
i-aso against John II. llrown, sheriff, , ... , . , ,
nllnr offense was dismissed by the AnnounMH Candidacy for Senate Sntj-ctto
County Convention Will,
l'oitillM Will I'riiliulily Appense the
lleiiiniiil mIIIi (,1ft of Treasurer
I'nj liter' I'rleiulK 1'enr Trimble
from Diniuliin Count.
(Illicit l iinv li-llmi of Thief.
OH AND ISLAND, Neb., March II (Special.)-
Yesterday John Dolan was arrested
for stealing a grip. In less than two hours
fiom tho time cf his arrest he was trie I.
convicted and lodged in tho county Jail for
thirty dae.
sxow stohm Tiinorcn tiii: statu.
Molnlurc Ik Xceileil for, (irniiml and In
Welcomed hy Fnriucm.
WBST POINT. Neb., March 1 1. (Special.)
A heavy snow storm, with a northeast
wind, prevailed during the greater part of
today. Tho snow is wet and Is melting rap
idly. Farm work, which had commenced In
thlH section, will ho somewhat retarded, hut
tho ultimate benefit will bo great, as the
ground Is In neeil of all tho moisture possi
ble. About three Inches of snow fell.
PIERCE, Neb.. March II. (Special Tele
gram.) It has been snowing hero nearly nil
ASHLAND. Neb., March 1 1. (Special.)
Tho spring-like weather that has prevailed
hero for tho last week was followed today
with a snowstorm. Farmers In this vicinity
havo begun their spring work, which will
have to bo postponed until the weather Is
Accldcntnt nim-linrce of IMrcnnu
Kill llmldcnt Near Wnlioo.
WAHOO, Neb., March H. (Special.)
Frank Hakel, n Herman farmer, about 63
years of age, residing In Chapman precinct,
accidentally shot and killed himself Monday
whllo trying to kill a rabbit in tho orchard
near tho house. Coroner Lamb was sum
moned, but decided It was not necessary to
hold an Inquest. Ho leaves a wife, daughter
and one son, Frank Hakel, Jr., n prominent
merchant of Weston.
Teeunixeli City I'olltlcn,
TECUMSEII, Nob., March 1 1. (Special.)
At a big meeting of voters of Tecumseh
last night It was decided to glvo tho license
question a direct voto at the coming muni
cipal election. Two non-partisan tickets
were placed In tho field for city offices, as
follows: For mayor, C. E. Smith and W
Robb; clerk. Rev. T. D. Davis nnd C. M
Wilson; engineer, W. L. Dunlnp, by accla
mation: treasurer, L. M. Davis, by acclama
tion; members school board, two to bo
elected. E. H. C.rlst. O. I). Dennett. L. C.
Chapman and W. H. Campboll: councilman
First ward, one to bo elected. William
Kornefclt and Charles Duerstotta; Second
ward, two to bo elected, W. D. Hlnton nnd
M. Shaughnessy (long term), and Ed Webb
and Dr. A. Oalser (short term); Third ward
two to be olectcd, A. O. Shaw and E. E
Young (long term), and Dr. Charles (iraff
and C. R. Duffen (short term).
LINCOLN, Mnrch 1 1. (Special.) During
tho last f"v days there has been consid
erable activity in the popoirntlc camps, and
at tho state house politics Is now the solo
topic of conversation. The number of can
didates for state unices Is Increasing dally
and much talk of trades, combines and com
promises Is heard, nnd with this are the
loud warnings of llie democrats, who are de
termined to make .t fierce light In the con
ventions for a larger share of the nomina
tions than they havo heretofore bad. So
decided are the democrats In Insisting on
receiving more than one olllce that the pop
ulists havo practically conceded the nom
ination for treasurer, but further than this
they havo made no advances. In fact, th
popullits are not saying very much at this
stage of the game, and probably will not
until they have their plans well laid. An
other noticeable and somewhat remarkahle
feature r.f the present situation is that three
state olTlcers are being mentioned as pros
pective candidates for congress. In addi
tion two deputy state officers iiro candidates
to surceed their present chiefs
The report that (Jovernor Poyntcr woull
beromo n candidate for the congrcssloml
nomination In the Third district, to succeed
Robinson, who Is now serving his first term,
has occasioned considerable comment, and
as the governor has not yet seen fit to deny
the report. It Is given considerable credence
by some people Secretary of State Porter
has for several months been laying the
foundation for a campaign for tho same
nomination, hut In this rity it !s not believed
that cither of them could be successful, fiir
the reason that the democrats form the big
end of fusion In the Third rtlstrlrt. How
ever, a llttlo talk Is heard of n plan by which
tho democrats of that section of the 3t:te
are to trado tho nomination for congress for
an Important position on tho state ticket
probably the governor and (lovernor Poyn
tcr Is looked upon as the man who would
bo named If such u plan was evor carried Into
effect. Apparently the Third district dem
ocrats havo confidence In Robinson and
thoso of tho same political persuasion In
this city believe that he will bo renom
inated, notwithstanding tho light that Is
now being mado by populists to secure the
As to tha nomination for governor on the
fusion ticket very little has been said. The
supporters of Poyntcr fear trouble from
Douglns county populists, nnd they wocld
not bo surprised to sco the delegation ?rom
that county cast Its vote for John O. Yelser.
whom they regard a perennial candidate. C.
J. Smyth Is also looked upon as a possible
candidate, on tho democratic side, but the
populists do not fear very much trouble In
securing tho nomination for one of their own
Mcserve A I inn nl ConnrcKii,
Tho other stato officer who is reported to
havo nsplrattons for congress Is J. B. Mo-
serve. Thoro Is a disposition on tho part of
a few populists to concede this position to
the democrats and on the other hand there
Is a strong probability that Sutherland will
ho renominated, conditions which would
raako it difficult for Meservo to secure the
fusion nomination.
For secretary of state the candidates who
havo appeared In the field are; O. C
Wesner, now deputy under Secretary Por
ter: Elmer Thoma3 of Douglas county and
Oeorgo W. Berge of this city, all being pop
ullstR. Tho latter was twice defeated for
tho congressional nomination in tho First
Tho candidates for auditor are: Edgar
Howard of Sarpy county, "Doc" Hall of
Meail nnd W. II. Dccrlng of Plattsmouth.
Mr. Hnll Is now secretary of the State
Banking board and Is familiarly referred to
as tho "brainy democrat of Saunders
Following are the names of a few addi
tional candidates: Land commissioner,
Nick Fritz. Ponder; J. II. Wright, Nuckolls;
attorney general, W. D. Oldham, Lexington;
superintendent of public Instruction, C. F.
Beck; treasurer, 0. II. Lulkhart, Norfolk
James Patterson. Plattsmouth.
Auurrmitc MnrkctliiK Miim (iroulli
IMrr llie Minn Wccl. Due
Vein- Abo.
LINCOLN, Mar.-h 11. (Special.) -t). E.
Thompson this afternoon practically an
nounced his cnnrlld.u v for United Suit-n
Beuat-jr by Issuing an open letter to the ic
publicans of Lan -aster county, n't'-ilng to
CINCINNATI. March 14. (Special Tele- fctibmlt to the will of the republican couniv
gram.) Price Current iys: The aggregato ' convention and If "repudiated" by tha:
j marketing of hogs was moderately enlarged convention, to luo his best efforts to sciur
the last week. The western pa"Kings wcro me eiicnon or t lit mnti they er.doisc, if
410,000, compared with 3S0.C00 the preceding they take such action. The letter follows
miiiick of A-plrniilm Mum Id Hp I'lneeil
on l'rlmni lliillot, tli. Winner
lo Si-eure llie IMciluc of
Coiint Iteleuutlon.
Clothing Company
week and 36.1.000 the corresponding week last
year. From March 1 tho total is 7o,000,
agilnst "3S.00O a year ago. Prominent place
compare as follows:
If to.
SO. 0,10
Kansas City
omiilia t
St Lout
Milwaukee '".(W
I'liK'IniKitl L'l.m i
St. Jiwcph 30.00.1
ItttltllWll 1MW1I
v.l, ir ItiinldH Undo
Sioux City .ii00
St. J'aul lS.M'O
With pictures as cheup as those offered by
The Dee there should be no bare walls In any
home. Only 10 cents nnd coupons for "Dc
lensa of Chnmplgny" and "The Ilnllcon."
I'o He tieiicrnll I'll I r iiitlrmln.v nnd
I'rlilny, llli North to I'.khI
WASHINGTON. March 14.-Forccast for ,),!y,"r'
Mil ii DniuKPil hy llorne.
RUSIIVILLE. Neb., March 1 4.-(Sprrlal.)
Sunday conlng about F o'clock a you"g man
named Orant Davidson was thrown from
his horse nnd drugged by tho left foot In tho
stirrup a distance of fifty rods. A number
of persons endeavors! tn stop tho animal
and finally a young girl named Elsie Baer
checked tho horso nnd drove him Into one of
the main streets. Hero a man grabbed the
bridle. Davidson's rlg.1t hind was kicked
by tho horse and he was kicked on tho left
sldo several times, but no bones wore broken.
He was terribly brulvrd and scratched up.
Fremont Dcpn rl nii-n I Will itiin.
FREMONT. Neb.. March 1 1. (Special. ) A
mcetlns of the Fremont fire department
was held at tho city hall last evening, at
which It was decided that tho department
should bo represented by a running team
at tho coming tournament at York. Tho
meeting was largely attended nnd was en
thusiastic. An organization was perfected
and n commltteo nppolnted to raise the
necessary money and another to pick out
tho candidates for tho team. The latter
commltteo has some first-class material to
select from and Is confident that work nnd
steady practice will bring In tho Fremont
men as winners of the first prize.
1 !!.,
LINCOLN. Mnnii 1.1.. -To the Retiubllc
nns of Uim-nstcr County: There are n Tow
men In Llmoln who, prompted bv i-crtn'n
men holding federal appointment, have
Implied tbemsflveM together nml nvowed
tnelr Intention to, nt any cost, prevent men
who tuny he friends of mine Hum receiv
ing nominations on the legislative tlcke:
I not aim uiiicnl m p-clf m candidate
for till- 1'llltl-ll Klllli-H XPII ill- lint llmJI fniv
Vi.ui, home men. siirrlinrneil with ,-uvv. luve ilc-
Hl.i)' termltieil that cnnillilons making It possible
ts.Wt 1 r"r me to hi- a candidate must not lie pel - ,
ll.Ciiii mltti-d and tin I r avowed Intention I- i
Vim) i wherever a miii thought or known to be
;'uin "ly friend !s n i-nndhlate, to put a man ,-f I
iti,i their i-hnosmir henlih- mv frli-ml unit oil I
in- 1'iiuriH unci iniiiieiire in wie lu-iii .Igu tiii i
bllll. My oiler to them Is that the, clmnse !
their man, or If jiriferable to tluin take
their whole lljt of .isnliauts, placing III" ,
nanu- of one or nil with mine on the nrl
liuiry ballot nnd the man who lecelve t -e
larcest number cf voles if the people n
the county lie ei iifldi'ted the i llolce fi-r
1 lilted Hati-M si n ilor. ni'il to have th
delegation with the 'ii-artv support of all as
plnuiln nml tbel.- It lends If he wants to be
come a cnndliliili- when the lime emnei
tor voting on I'nlted States senator
It l.i not my wi.i now and never ha
been mv wlcli to force myself Into n pbi' i
where tlie people of my own town ami
county oppose me going, hut In fiilriif t-i
the people nnd myself 1 eiinnnl think It
right that rlx men who i-onsld'-r Iheniielvei
bred. ediii-.iled and othel'wKe
Thursday and Friday
For Nebraska and Kansas (lenerally fair
Thursday und Friday; north to east winds.
For Iowa Generally fair; continued cold
Thursday; Friday fair; northerly winds.
For Missouri Cloudy Thursday; Friday
fair; northerly winds.
For South Dakota Fair Thursday; warmer I srntntlve.s of the whole etate.
In western portion; Friday fair, warmer; . ' lulv" effectively done much In several
north to cast winds.
equlnpen fur political fnvorw than I nm
should constitute thetnilve "pnnsori for
the whole peop.o of the lontitv, and to
these people I appeal for full' pl i.v mill .iil--th-e.
If I may have a vole of the people on
their estimation of me. if lhl vote repudi
ates me ind chooses another I will ulve
thin man my best efforts If he wants them
until he Is elected or ileteuteil ny me topre-
I, oeiil Iteeord.
OMAHA, .March H. Official lecord of tcm-
peraturo and precipitation, compared wnn
the corresponding day of tho last thrco
1'JIW. IMS). 1WS. 15S7.
Maximum temperature.... 31 10 ia
Minimum temnerntuto 1" 31
other counties recently to quiet discordant
ructions, l cunliler 11 the iititv or every
republican In the state to. at this time of
nil times, do this The Integllty of our
state and on- nation dem-mlH upon, as I
look nt It, ic;iubllcan sticcesii In our nct
national election. We cannot iiuiiriel
among ourselves and bo'ie for .invthlnu
better than defeat. Any man or set of men
XI I wiin will not at this critical time agree
in narmony caie nine inr our ioiiin,ii
. Venice temperature.
Itespei tfully,
Record of temperature nnd precipitation
nt Omaha for this day and since March
1. 10CO:
Normal for the day "I
Deficiency for the day 10
Excess since March 1
Normal rainfall for tho day Ot Inch
Excess In precipitation for the day.. .01 Inch
ota precipitation since Aiarcn i... .mnicn
Deficiency since Mnrch 1 Iii Inch
Deficiency ror cor. perioo, i-x uiuu n
' , nmrtiiii.v,'
'CI V. C. I illf.HI iil'ii
concerning mis iciii-r nun ine in "
to other candidates In the field a friend of
Mr. Thompson this morning gave out the
following Interview.
"Mr. Thompson is willing to mak" It a
straight contest between himself and Mr.
Moore or Mr. Whedon or Mr. Liinbertson
or Mr. Field ur betwen himself and any one
of the other candidates. If they can nitric
Deficiency for cor. period, 1S0S 15 inch . upon one of their number. If this Is not sat
llroort front Stntlou nt
Omaha, clear
North Platte, snowing. .Jiu'....
Salt .Uike, clear
Cheyenne, clear i.wjii...
Rapid City, cloudy
Huron, clear
Wllllston. dear
Chicago, snowing
St Ixiuis, cloudy
St! Paul, partly cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Helena, clear
Kansas Cltv, snowing
Havre, clear
HlsmarcU, clear
Galveston, cloudy
isfactory be Is willing to have the names of
each and every aspirant for sendorim Hon
ors go upon the primary ballot and let the
republicans of the county vnt their cholic.
tho one getting the highest number of votes
to receive tho support of the legislative del
egation from thts county should he desire
to be a candldato hefore the legislature In
other words, If tho republicans win The
171 ;n .hi solo aim of Mr. Thompson Is -o prevent a
n p, in.
u, "i
I a
; 33 r
: - : - 2
. rt ; rt 3
T Indlcntes trace ot preclpltntlon
Local Forecast Ollldul. tentlary
lu. T factional nuarrel that will wca.icn the par.y
' In this county, nnd not becauje h" has any
'-'ii ii fears of tho result of a fight with himself
Hi, .'1 pitted against the field."
101 .00
iii T Yenr l'ncli for Three I'rUoners.
-S I PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. March 14. (Spe
si '-cielal Telegram'.) Each of tho three youn;
511 .00 men with several aliases who pleaded guilty
.!r' 1 to tho charco of burning a tnxcar at Mun
111 'no i ley on Friday of lust week on the Missouri
To '.no Pacific were, by Judge Paul Jcssen. In the
district court this afternoon, sentenced to
one year at hard labor In tho state penl
IM MAC Nncniial
$f?ij&i! lillll
m w
INFANT FOOD. Cordon'o Condensoc! Milk Co., New York
m:s.tio iv a mi unnit casi
Atteniiit In IHaiiiI llnrrla-lllenklro
HAKTINGTON. Neb . March II (Special
Telegram.) A sensation ams sprung In the
Harris-lllcnklron minder cans this morn
Ing that en mo near dismissing It and ect
ting the prisoner free
i nis morning dlre.'tly alter court con
veued the attorney for Mm stito asked tier
niUslon to change Uo Cite in llie lufor'ii.i
lion, which chatged Harris with killing
lllrnklinn In Decemhcr, L'00, when it should
have read In December. S10.
The defense promptly moved the court to
dismiss tho rase on the grounds that the
prisoner was charged with killing lllcnklron
on on Improbable date. After a royal battle
between Argn of Sioux City nnd Jay of
Dakota City the state was allowed tn change
tlm date to conform to the facts.
The remote parts of the counly havo been
Uslted by tho sheriff nnd his deputies to
day, nnd the court room is filled with mm
served to sit upon the Jury, but ns yet It has
not been completed. The city Is full of wit
nesses and spectators, nnd the greatest of
Interest Is manifested In the case.
Cosier County Honor Soldier,
CALLAWAY, Neb.. March 14. -(Special
Telegram.) Tho remains of Private Harry
L. Doxsce, late of Company C. First Colo
rado Volunteer Infantry, killed In action at
Marlqulna. P. I.. May 23. 1S99. arrived hero
yesterday and were interred today in chargo
of tho local Grund Army of tho Republic
post and Company M of Broken Bow. Tho
town was handsomely draped and all busi
ness was suspended during the tmprcsslvo
services. Hundreds camo In from tho coun
try In honor of the enly Custer county boy
killed In the Philippine campaign.
Another Ticket at OHi-ctiln,
OSCEOLA. Neb., March 14. (Special.)
Some of the citizens of this place who were
dissatisfied with the ticket put up by some
of the other citizens for village trustees a
fovv weeks ago got together nnd pla.-ed a
second ticket In the Held. They nominated
a board of trustees, part of them for three
years and part for one year. The three
year ones are: S. W. Ousbee, S. A. Snider
and A. O. Mnnson. nnd tho one-year ones nro
Amos Deland ami John Ludlow. They sub
mit the questions whether the town shall
have a saloon, a billiard hill and electric
lights, the majority vote to govern on tho
questions submitted.
l iiknovvii MukeH SlriuiKi' MiitcniciitN.
BEATRICE. Neb.. March 1 1. (Special.)
A young man appeared at the city Jail last
night and said ho was a deserter from the
nrmy. He said he enlisted In 180S and his
regiment went to Cuba, but ho stayed In
Kansas City and worked In the postolllce.
He gave the name of relatives In Kansiu
City, who wcro telegraphed for and who re
plied saying they would come und get him
I.iivin ItefUNO to Talk.
LINCOLN, March 14. (Special.) Secre
tary (I. L. Laws of the Stato Board of Trans
portation this morning refused to be Inter
viewed concerning the letters whlrh ap
peared In The Bee this morning from Nor
folk, relative to the hoard's failure to hold a
meeting In that city on March fi to hear ad- ;
dltloual evidence In tho Norfolk rate cas".
He said the case was adjourned until March
in, hut refused to say why he had not ad
vised the citizens of Norfolk of this fact.
Mr. Uivvs said that he expected (he Board of
Transportation to be enjoined from hearing
any of tho rate cases that nro set for hearing
Trial Deferred Throimh 1 1 1 n .
ASHLAND. Neb., March 1 1 (Special.)- -Tho
preliminary hearing of Junes Warren
The tnrv of his desertion u nm er,uin,i , Coon, who was arrested last Saturday night,
here, hut is thniiBht to he a hallucination, i charged with attempting to shoot 'Mrs. Emilia
P. Coon, his divorced wife, was postponed
Geneva HIkIi School CoiiIchI. today. Coon lies been sick since bis In-
GENEVA. Neb.. March 14. (Special.) c-arceratlcn In the county Jail at Wahoo.
Tho High school oratorical contest whs hell 'justice of the Pence Moon bab received
last night, ten pupils taking part. In the , no word about the matter from Sheriff
dramatic Miss Maud Harnett tnik first prlzo Farrls, but from umdThial sources has
witn "Mvoro mi, in oratorical, .vtus llalllo
Selsor was second. "Garfield's Renlv to
Long." Judges were: Superintendent W. O.
Audcrsm. Seward, Superintendent W, L.
Stephrn. Fall-bury, ami Editor George S.
Towne of the Nebraska Teacher, Lincoln.
. nw
rax )W-
References: Hest limits .nul l,jaUiiin HusIhosh Men n( Om ilia.
Untlevolopsd or Atrophied Organs?
K li. 1M nii-1 -!" I !' ad 'o I'r w Hint "'if ' iniilnt -i ' ieni "i i
. .. . o, , .1 I.. IV t I . Il f ! It . ,l'"l III- '1 tl ' l.'-ll IV Cl . 1 '11
. '. .i..., ...ill ,nul.,r.. I'liilevelnliell I1.1IM - 1. 1 their lllMinil ml'iil'lin and HlZP
i.... ..r ,.le, iriitv iu.eil nl. nc WII.l. M T I Ni 'It KAf' r.
ir-ei I n t Hi uvvn "'W'i .n'"
.. ' met,
lit-, -vi-
T1ICIU SI.K. hlmplv lie-
, mi, ,1 1 1 .ii ii i lie -, n.i rt s mill el'-i I rl-
11 1 II' - i 1 1 i , "7 -.
... i. ....... i , I,., mil fltlv e ii 11,1 I ft l'l-iun - liovvi'l r v-iniii iiiii.,iii ui'-i '-.
!. ...i t ii,. iw.i noii ivitrm ri. !i I I . - I I- 1 i:.'i-'l lo lh He
e i.'h retn-'f -t hloocl i -II. vein ami iirti-r ' log the atrophied and undi-
v, lulled uriiun Is Htlnuihiied to a lien I ll.v growth.
,.,.Mi r- i-,,r,.,i in iiinil hv our iifW inelhi.d. without lb' Unite oi
WSfiiSilUljllLC ileienllnn freiii wo. U-a palnliM.. Mire ii ml permiitMin cure
lllll I iv
nth lining
n Sale
Thursday will be
The balance of our winter overcoats
in three lots
$7agQ,iOJD and SIS
Worth $12 to $25
Ulsters, Your Qhoice, 3 Lots
7.05 $10.50
and $14.75.
Spring Overcoats,
$10 and SI2
Full Silk Lined, Oxford Cheviot Top Coats, $12.75
O-flHiMl Xex Thursday we devote to making a
CIIICIU UCl los? on overcoat. You cannot af
ford not to devote some time to make quite a saving.
Clothing Company
To Readers of The Bee.
"The Balloon" and
The Defense of Champigny
are masterpieces of art by two of the
world's most famous artists.
The Ilagnra Lltlionraph Co. recently succeeded In makliiK nrrnnRpmentR for the re
duction of these pieces In the flneRt photogravure process. Thcfo photoaravtires repre
bent pnlntlnss that have hren sold for thou sands of dolbrs These reproductions
would sell rapidly at any are store nt $200 each, hilt they cannot he purchased except
directly fiom u, as we absolutely control tho copyrlfth'ti.
Beautiful Pictures for the Home.
, A Spirited
Battle Picture
Which was nwnnletl tlic prize medal
In tho Vnrls Salon. Cost SG0.000.
TIiIb line picture. In M colors re
proiluces line for line nml color for
color, every detail of the original.
Famous Oil Painting
Is 122 x,"0 Inches nnd Is nt to adorn
tho nrt Kullery of n Vnndcrbtlt.
In tho harvest Hold sec for the first
time u balloon In thu uky.
This Famous Painting,
owned by tho Metropolitan Art Mu
seum of Now York, reproduced In
color nnd effect, 1b 2'JxilO Inches, Is
handromc und beuullftil.
You have read nhout manv nf these ralntlnRs and the enormous prices paid for them,
hut, dnuutlffs, never even dreamed that yon could obtain a porfect facsimile In ele
pant, torui nnd at a nominal price to adorn your parlor or drawing room.
These photogravures are printed from the finest plates that modern workmanship
can prnlure, on extra heavy paper mado expressly for this work, size 22x30,
Tho World's (Jrcatcst Artists are now for tho first time available.
Thoso pictures besides being a beautiful ornament to any homo arc also an Art
l-Mucator nnd will at onco stimulate a desire for tho artistic.
Our Special Proposition.
Von ran have cither or both of these fnmous pnlutltiR.s for 10c each nnd
3 consecutive coupons cut from this n dvcrtUenicnt In The Dally Hep.
These beautiful pictures have no ver been sold ior lesn than $1.00 each.
The Hoo has purchased several thousand as n Hpeclal subscription fcaturo,
thus iiiaUlnn the price very low for live readers only.
10 rents extra when sent by mall for postage and tube.
- m . a.,. 4l..-aMQ4M.M I., I I I I' .... I H
THE STATE ELF.w?R-ar.',uU5 iWSllitfiH ,,;..;;;;,....
NI N KUVOl k 'laKASKrf tH' MI'.N AM' WU.MKN. The gr.-al in -ul. . hem- H
. . ... r .i, i - .. luiKiK nml tirufehhi-r f thin limlltute are far the lu st, tin H
learned ot the prisoner s Illness. No date
was jet for f'onn'H appearance, as it is not
known when he will lie able to stand trial.
niimt M-lenilile 'the world has even Itm wn. ami tin- man ur wlm plni-i'i hl
nr 'her t-.i e in the hands of u Me hHM without tlrst InvesllgMtlnp! nur innililned
treatment innki-. . lit tniM.Kf in i ueir liven, .in i iu-pubii m ''"i;""'
mnsl skeiitli .il we have nut said l alf that inluht he said In praUe of the v s
tem nnd Its results
t i Kr. in it . ri.i'.u i ihi- i ."iii ii i. i-i i. ii.
We have pprfii'teil the tnn-t runiplrt- F' trtn nt
mini irenlmint evrr ui-nl liv ,itiv 1: tu n nr dpi--
ure uhle tueffiit cuii- ii' n distune " .- uuli ah mil
penriatientlv n th'iush tlie patient vvitehere All orro.-c i.di -i- strl ' I- nm! ! n-tlal
tn list Hy tnennw ( It we arr
Itiiiiiliulilt 'Ifiiiiieriiiicr 'llel.el.
lKMnOLDT. .Neh., March H. tSpeclal.)
Tho municipal campaign was opened at tho
opera houso Oklniiday evening by the temper
twee people, who placed In the field an
antHlceuso ticket, an follows
Colonel E
I'iiiiI rnvero v I'iiiIm Sirluui j ,
rAIUIU'ItV. Neh.. Marih It.-(Special I -IM
Lemon ami J. llrniiRher had an alterea
tlon yesterday, In whleli Lemon received a
severe cut on the head from a pitchfork
handle, and nrniigher had two ribs brokn.
Petition for ii llrhlue.
WAHOO. Neb., March 11.-(Special.) The
i'ominlsloiiers nf this county have been
pctiiione-i oy ion -srvrn resmcnis ot saun- nroRhor Is 7.1 years of age and It Is feared '
uers vuuiii ii'iiiw ins mi- uu-ii-i ki iao ,llg lnriCR m,ly rrnult fatally.
nil uri CDpiii j !iio .inn riiici linn lilt- luujit'r
Me ii r I'm Million II v i-rrulril, j
THKN'TON. Neb. March 11.- (Spcial i
lVrmanently 1-ocatnO lUiiS Funi.i in Htrc-ti Wcnr I :St la. Ou.ali.i, Nuh
agreement with UoiiRlas county for the
construction of a bridge over the Platto
For mayor, 1 river connecting the two counties, sai l I Telegram 1 The county coniuilhsioners in.
K, Wines, councilman, First ward, bridge starting at a point In Union pre?lnct dav overruled the morion for a new trial
3. Frakcr, councilman. Second ward, in this county. made by W A Stewart, who was clcgied
What Can You Do
H you u-o n poor Clear? You cun't toil until you mnolto
It how jrood it K anil after you'vo burned voue nnaiv
you can't cot it back. "THU STOECKER" Is tho
namo nl n5cont uisnr that's pood all pood -and always
will be good Sold by all donlers unit at our two i.tnrc
1404 Douglas and 221 South 16th Stroot.
(11 M. netnille'a I-'niiioua 1'nliitlnij.
'The Defense of
tin iMi i it ii m mi ii tn.
This coupon, with two others o;
(on-i'cunvc 'hUes and 10 cents, pre
(it.ntiil ai the Hee otllco t-ntitles any
i-i-ader of the lb In this beautiful
ptititn, inches. If you want
i ti- r-i"!- SUI" 10 ceu1' '3trn for
tube, pes' if' -'"
AU'ionitA v t; ii is
Of Duiue'a Slur vi-loua 1'ntntluB.
( in im) rmi vi Am u in,
This cutipon wiin two others of
consecutive dales nun 10 cetilH, pr
hented at thu Hee olllce entitles liny
render of the Hee to this beautiful
picture, 'J'Jx.'iO ineheii. If you want
it mailed, send 10 cents extra for
tube, postage, etc.
If you Fend part or nil In two-cenr postage Rtnmpn bo careful that tho; d
not stick together. AddrcHs all lettem to AHT DHPAHT.MHNT,