12 THE OMATIA PATTjY IVRE: THURSDAY, MAItCTr in, 1!MK. LADIES' DARK WRAPPERS 25C Tcdny the Second Dty of Salt of New York Underwt&r Faotorj 8took, AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA rSrrntcM .n1r of Hi Klnil liver llr'rf -Hicr) linriuriit, I'IiiIrIhmI or I'n UllInlK'il, nn Writ nn Vnril (iltlllln, (ill T(Mlllt AT HOSTON STOItK, OMAHA. DARK COI-OIIKIJ WIIAI'I'KHS, 2."C. One ImmenBo lot of ladles' nearly finished irniper, lu dark colored patterns, ro at 23c each. Tho balance of tho cntlro lot of unmade, partly finished and nil finished muslin tin rierwonr. ladlt'H" and mioses' shirt waists, ladlw', children's and misses' aprons, petti coal, wrappers, etc., ko In four lots. $1.00 MUSLIN UNUnitWIiAH, 15C. Lot 1--'(intnln luilles' white pique whlrt waists, nearly flnlhed corset covers, draw ers and ladles' and children's white and col ored aprons, many In thin lot worth up to $1.00, cholre on bargain square. ISc. 11.25 UNDHIIWEAH. 23C I,ot 2 Ladles' nlfiht sowns. all finished except tho buttons and buttonhole, elabo rately embroidered corset covers, ladlifi' and children's beautifully embroidered aprons. In this lot many arc worth up to fl.25, choice at 25c each. $i.no u.N'miitWKAit. roc. Lot .1 Contains ladles' embroidered outing runnel nlKlitKOwns, all finished except but tons nml buttonhole; Jl.uO whirl waists In madras cloth, lawns, perenles and white em hroldered shirt walstH. whlto and colored dressltiR wieuues, ladles' embroidered un derskirts, ladle' colored pettlroats, ladles' gowns, drawers, etc. Many articles In thin lot worth $1.60; choice, 60c. $2.00 UNDKRWKAH. 75C. Lot 4 Contains all tho oulliiK flannel nlRhtKowno, trimmed with ultlo em broidery, also skirls; ladles' llpht percalo and dimity wrappers trimmed with laro and embroidery. All If finished would be worth $2.00; on sale at 75c each. MATERIAL KROM THE UNDERWEAR rACTOHV. All the India linen, nalnrook, etc., worth 15e; o at Be yard. All tho 2.",c Indian linens, 1214c yard. All the checked, ntrlpcd and plaid nain sook, worth 2.c yard, at 10c yard. All the lflc checked, striped and plaid nalncook, 5c yard. All tho percale, most of them already cut In waist lengths, worth lfic yard, go at 5c yd. All tho puro all linen lawns, worth up to 50c, go at 15c yard. All tho French corded glnghum and French percaUe, worth 23c, go at 8'4c yard. HOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. SIUK MAN IN ELECTION BOOTH I'eeullnr SlrnIlM lo Uhleh llenlth 41111 ! Are IteiluiM'il (or Wnut of 1'cMt Holme. At the meeting of the advisory board of tho city tho health commissioner unkeil that an order bo mado authorizing him to employ a watchman ror a temporary pest house, which he had been forced to establish. Somo days ago James Cornell, n Kansas City traveling man, called at the olllce of a local phyiilclan for treatment. The physi cian believed that tho man was HitfTcrlng with smallpox and reported the case to the health comtnlHsloner, who In lieu of a pest house socured one of tho dlsiiKcd election booths and had It taken to tho grounds of tho old poor farm, whero It was set up, Studding was placed In tho booth and the walls papered and tlm booth floored. A h;ovo was set up and tho suspect placed in tho booth with an attendant. When asked iih to tho remilt of tho observations of tho physician In charge thu health commissioner replied: "We are sure enough of tho cuso to keep the patient In the booth until he Is cured, which will be In a nhort time, as the tllseaso is progrewslng favorably, though It will always bo a case of Himpected smallpox with us. The board granted the request of the com mlsslonor and a man will be stationed near the booth to keep tho public from gotttng Into danger. This Is overcoat day nt the Continental's alteration sale. BOYS ASSAILED BY THUGS 'I liree Anntlin Set I pon liy n (iunir of llriiiiUen .Men nml .Severely lleiiten. Oscar Wclmer, his younger brothor, Paul, nnd Oscar Smith, whilo returning to their homes about 11 o'clock Tuesday nlgbt wcro annulled at Twenty-fourth and Hamilton streets by n gang of six drunknu men. They wero nblo to describe two of their assailants nnd upon thrtso descriptions John Sutton and Sam Davis havo been arrested. Tho Velmern uppeared In police court yos- torday to Hwcar out a complaint against tho men. Smith, they sny, was so badly Injured us to bo unable 'to leave his bed. He has n gash over ono oye, whero ho was kicked In tho face after having been knocked down Oscar and Paul Welmer live at 3209 Seward street and Paul Smith at 293S Franklin. Cut prices at A. E. Wyllo's. 1513 Farnam Hermitage, llnurbon, Ouckonhclmor Hyc. ! years old; drink. 10c; '4 pt., 25c; pt., 50c qt.. $1; gal. sent C. O. D.. $1. 4'lemiluK OiiiiiIih'n Slrrets, The snjw yesterday but temporarily stopped Omaha's annual snrliiK rleanlmr. With over 1M men at work, every paved street and all of the alleys In the thirklv pupulateil parts of tho city nre to be put In Fnn:c ror mo summer, rue rumor or u re duction of force upon tho return of City Engineer Itosewater lias failed to mnterl- allze, but he has reorganized tho work, so that murh more effective service Is being rendered. The present work will last for a few weeks, when the force will be materi ally reuuroci mr mck or juncis in tno sireet cleaning department. The coming of the spring tlmls the streets lu much better Blinno than Is usual at this time of vear nml the spring cleaning Is fnr in advain e of the average year .xu naving so nuicli snow to remove, the work can bo better done at less expense. C. F. Harrison sells land. This Is overcoat day at tho Continental's Rltor.itlou sale. YOUNG UPSTART We mean those young doctors, after crad Dating, who get a "Trunk for a Medicine. ease. He careful Hume of vou "I pstarts wnen you write preeripttnns. don I go Plugging too num. ror tno patients you get have been dealing for years with drug stores, and don't trv to "rlnir in" nur nml fresh drugs That was done by one of theo young "upstarts" on ux. it leaves a tiad Impression on your patients The next lime ii Happens to us we will not be so miiii, nut win striKo rrom t ii shoulder Tamer s iwuuey v. nre . ,,x" -Miles nervine 7.1c 1'alno's Celery iMmixiund 6!)c Carter's1 Liver Pills iro Hromo uulnlue 15c Hehaefers C ougli Cure , 2iV .Pliikham's Compound 7.v noun's Pills 10c ixin-ne-ouis irv Jlennen s Talcum rowcier I2i Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets .... 1ft, Scott's Emulsion 73r Peruna .. ? ( Ltaturllio . ,-,;(, l Syrup of FIks j. Pennyroyal mis i (,) SCHAEFER CUT PKICF. DRUGGIST Cor. lUlh nnd CIiIuhko Sis. HOSTON STOIII2 IflKMMMl SHOli S.U.K. Cliillee ii f rinllre Stuck Mold lij- Trtm trra, llrrliert, .MrnonHI A Hmltli. ON SALE NOW. AT HOSTON STORE, OMAHA. ON HAHOAIN SQUARES. AT 75C, 68C, $1.69 AND $1.98. . The extraordinary Bhoe values offered havo drawn greater crowds each day since this sale started last Saturday. Tho men's shoes and ladles' shoes are made by A. E. Nettleton. Todd, tlancroft & Co.. Plngrce & Smith, Eddy fc Webster, Torrey. Curtis & Terrlll. Klorshelm, Harding Sons & John son, Sldwell, DeWlndt Shoe Co., etc., actually WOHTH FIIOM $3.00 TO $6.00 A I'AHl Tho men's shoes Include every kind of single, double nnd triple soles, lined with drill lining or with leather lining, In black, and tan, nt $1.98. for men's shoea worth up to $1.00 and $3.00 nnd for men's shoes made to retail for $6.00. At 73c. 08e. $1.69 and $1.9S we give you the choice of all tho ladles' shoes In the entire stork worth up to 13.00. No finer shoes made anywhere. There aro nlso special bargains In Infants , children's nnd misses' shoes at IBr, 23c, 39e, 50c, 69c, 69c. &9c. 98c, $1.23 and $1.39. HOSTON STOIIE, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. This Is overcoat day at the Continental's alteration sale. BRICK BUILDINGS FOR LEAD Jeore lleemer, lliirllnMoii ABOHt, TitlUn Alimit Heeent I'lre Which lleslroyetl HimlncsH IVnlrr. Oeorge Hcemer, agent for the llurllngtpn at Lead. S. I).. Is a visitor In tho city nnd called at general headquarter yesterday. The uptown city ticket oinco of the Durllngton nt Lead was in imminent danger of tho tcr- rlblo fire which razed a portion of tho bual nwB section of the city a few nlghtt ago, be ing situated directly across tho Direct from whero tho fire ruged most fiercely. 'No ono can Imagine," said Mr. Hcemer In Kpenklng of tho lire, "what a dreadful ca lamity It was and yet how weird and beau tiful tho nccne. Ono cntlro block and parts of two others were burned to the ground, but tho ruins had hardly stopped smoldering beforo workmen were on the ground prepar ing for tho rebuilding of tho cntlro burnt llstrlct. In Icnd tho burned bulldlngH after a flro have always been replaced with mag nificent brick Htructures, and this will be done In this Instance. When the new build ings aro completed Lend will be one of the mewl substantially built townn in tho west. The flro will doubtless result in one great Improvement, and that will be the erection of a fine hotel, nomethlng wo have long needed. Owing to tho dynamite blasts set off dur ing tho flro In an effort to stop tho progress of tho flames every plate glass window In tho city waH shattered. I estlmato that It will take four carloads of plate glass to re placo the? broken windows." This Is overcoat day at tbo Continental's alteration sale. BEET SUGAR ORGANIZATION Association Formril to Culllvnte n Hundred Ac rr or More In Doiik Iiin Count)'. The Omaha Sugar Hcot Growers' associ ation was organized yesterday at the rooms of tho Commercial club, with John K. Utt ns Its president nnd F. H. Hochstol- ler as secretary and treasurer. Among those present at tho Initial meeting wore Messrs. Utt nnd 'Hochstcller, M. C. Peters, Cap tain H. B. Palmer, H. T. Clarke, E. M. An dreescn nnd A. Hospo. Although no effort had been mado to sectiro subscriptions the list drawn up somo time ago and kept In tho ofllco of Secretary Utt of the Commercial club contained subscriptions aggregating $C,000. Provision .was mado at this meeting for tho creation of an oxccutlvo committee that will perform tho functions of a board of directors. i.M. C. Peters was mado Its chairman and In connection with Mr. Utt will select tho remaining members. It was decided that tho association shall ralso by Its own efforts not less than 100 nor moro than 200 acres of sugar beets, and will en- courago tho raising of beets by others as fur as possible. Steps wcro taken to In- creaso the subscriptions to $12,000, so that for tho cultivation of 100 acres tho as sessment will not exceed 25 per cent. Announce iiiriitx. This afternoon a special matinee will be given of "Secret Service" nt Hoyd's. To night tho engagement will terminate. Tho production Ib promised with a most elaborate scenic setting nnd nn exceptionally strong company, headed by William II. Smith, who assumes tho rolo of Captain Thorne, tho se cret service man. Tho double bill, consisting of the regular professional progrnm and tho bi-weekly am ateur performance, at tho Crclghton Orpheum theater tomorrow night, will furnish an evening of much enjoyment to tho largo audlenco that will bo In attendance. The Orpheum always has a crowded house on amateur night. Tho nmateur program, to bo given by about twenty persons, will In cluilu singing, dancing, comedy, burlesque, violin playing, "coon" eccentricities nnd numerous original nnd unlquo specialties. Tho curtain tomorrow evening will ratio promptly at S o'clock. Why llnilrcaa In the Ilnrlc When by traveling In the luxurious sleep ing cars or the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY you may turn on the electric lamp and make the berth as light as day. City Office, 1504 Farnam st. The New Snow Church company has re moved to rooms 401-405 Now York Life bldg. GOLD AT CAPE NOME. First steamer tor Nome via all-water route leaves Seattle May 10. Quickest way to reach Seattle is via the Burlington. Tourist cars every Tuesday and Thursday. Drop in and see about it. TICKET OFFICK, l.-,Oi IMIl.VAM ST 1 1 13 1 VI'. I'elenhnnc HflO. lllAYDC.V IIIKIS. M'llllllMl l'li IAI.5. The III ."Ilk llriinrtniritt. i.Mnny new specials added for Thursday. Whlto wash silk, flno grade, for 39r; black taffeta, 19 Inches wide, nil silk, ,19c; all colors In plain satins for 39c; 21-Inch wide taffetas, new shades, 39c; black brocades, pretty designs, 39c; brocades and fancy silks on sate, 39c; corded silks In new styles. 39c; plaids nnd striped silks on sale, 39c; flue black India silk at 39c; fine j velveteens In all colors nnd black, 39c; col ored grenadines, double wiutn, sue, au tnosc silks on sale Thursday. DKESS OOODS SALK. On salo tomorrow, 52-Inch strictly all wool homespuns, usually sold at 98c; our price only 75c; nil wool zlbcllne plaids, sold everywhere at 73c, In this sale only 19c; silk and wool French novelties, made for spring, 1900, worth $1.25 to $1.50; on sale tomorrow at 98c. Tho finest line of golf suitings for rainy day skirts at from 73c to $1.60 yard; also the new reversible double-faced cloth for tailor suits, to bo mado up without linings; also tho new spotted skirting, Hemnants; 10,000 yards of remnants on salo tomorrow on the center nlsle. HAVDEN BROS. This Is overcoat day at the Continental's alteration sale. th a v-ati,a vrie Tit w i:i,i;nx Piirnlnliril Sprelul t(cmliint liy the I'ciiiinytt nnln S .lutein, Tho btlcrau of attendants for trnns-At-lantlc travelers established In Jersey City and Now' York City twenty years ago by tho Pennsylvania System, has proven a great convenience to persons making European trips nnd to tourists arriving In America at that port. It will be particularly convenient for visitors to tho Paris Exposition because the departure docks of most of tho Atlantic Steamship Lines aro convenient to the new Jersey City Passenger Station of tho Penn sylvania Hall road Company. This buerau consists of experienced agents whoso duties are to meet passengers arriv ing In Jersey City nnd Now York over the Pennsylvania Lines and assist them In ar ranging for trans-Atlantic trips via any of the stcnmshlp lines by conducting them to steamships nnd aiding In preparations for a trip abroad. These agents will provide cabs operate' by tho Pennsylvania System nnd aid passen gers with their baggage. They are fully posted on matters pertaining to steamship leaving New. York, and arrangements cat. bo mado through them for procuring steam ship tickets in advance. They also meet Incoming steamships lo aid travelers In shaping detnlls for con tinuing Journeys from New York over the Pennsylvania Lines by furnishing tickets, arranging Tor the transfer of baggage froiv steamship docks after It has been passed by customs Inspectors, and having tho same checked through to destination. They will reserve sleeping car accommodations and re lieve persons of tho foregoing details, mak ing themselves useful as attendants nnd guides frco of charge. Further Information on the subject may br obtained by addressing H. H. Derlng, Ass't General Passenger Agent, No. 248 South Clark St.. Chicago. rorit of 'km i'oii Chicago. Vln the IlurlliiKton. Daylight Express 7:25 a. m, Vestlbuled Flyer 4:00 p. m. Chicago Limited 7:30 p. m. Chicago Special 12:35 midnight. Tickets at 1502 Farnam St. Trains dally for Chicago via the NORTH WESTERN LINE. A full list of them can be secured at HOI and 1403 Farnam street. This Is overcoat day at the Continental's alteration sale. llOtt.V Luclle Parmer atatthewe. -widow of II. It, Matthews, a baby girl, .vtarcli 13. 1900. ut tho home of her parents, M. M. Parmer, Walnut Hill. SIGNS OF SPRING "That tired feeling" nnd bouse cleaning. You must clean and brighten up the house ami wo havo Just what you want. Ce mcntlco for the walls, paint and wax for t lie Moors, enamels and varnishes for tho fur niture and woodwork. ICemontlco, any shade, per package 33c Floor Paint, per can 33c Floor Wax, Hutclers, lier can 60c Whlto Ennmel, per can 30c Stovepipe Ennmel. per can 20i Hronzes, all colors, per package 10c Aluminum, for wuter pipes 2r Paint Hrushes lOc Everything to make tho house bright and cheerful. 4. A. FULLER & CO cut mid druggists. l-lth nml Douulta Sta. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Painless Extracting If you dread tho tortures of having a tooth extracted tako VITALIKKD A I It una you will not feel any pain or even realize your tooth is being extracted. Always fresh Extracting Vitalized Air sc 50c T5c Teeth Cleaned Ulltinn l.-mlnra 1 3c Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms. 1517 UOUGLAH ST. IllinMNGTON STATION, KITH 1X11 MASOX STHKKTS, Telephone VM. IIAVUK.V IlltO. M I'miniln Simnr for f I.OO. STRICTLY FRESH NEW-LAID ECH1S, 10C DOZEN. When you pay 12c ror eggs that Is 2 per doz. more thnn ttiry are worth. This nilM winter has made rrh eggs so plentiful thf they nre down to 10c. In a few days eggs will bo as low ns 6c. Fresh roasted peanuts, per (iiinrt 2c. Minnesota XXXX Hour, per sack 85c. Oood country butter. 17' . IS nnd 19c lb. Seperator creamery, extra fan -y. per lb. 20c. Full cream ehecHe, per lb. 12tijc 3-lb. pkg. cats, only 5c. Hrlrk codfish. snw white, per lb., 6c. n nlco fat mackerel for 10c. Mb. pkg. new Turkish figs. r.i,i Java and Mocha coffee. (ier lb., 124c. Oil or mus tard pardlnes. 3'4C. Every Item Is a bargain. These prices arc on the bent quality of gro ceries. Others may ask higher prices, but that docs not change the quality. HAVDEN HROS. This Is overcoat day at the Continental's alteration sale. The Attention ol the Traveling public Is respectfully Invited to tho magnificent equipment offered to pntlons of tho CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY between Omaha nnd Chi cago. Solid vestlbuled, steam hraied and electric lighted trains Talaco sleepers and j diners, buffet nnd library cars, frc i coin ing chair cars, fast time and union depots. City Ticket Office. 1501 Farnam st. F. A. NASH General Western Agent. Oninli n-Chtcni;n. 7:00 a. m 8:30 p. m. 4:55 p. m 7:45 a. m. 7:30 p. m 9:30 a. ra. via "Tho Northwestern Line," 1401 nnd 1103 Farnam street. "Tho best of ovorythlng." We are pleased to advise our patrons that ' we aro now ready for business ut 1213 Harney St., third tloor. All orders previously taken by this ilrm will bo promptly filled. Your3 respectfully. OMAHA TKNT &. RUDHKR CO. This Is overcoat duy nt the Continental's alteration sale. NOT TODAY . . Hut BV13RY day In HVHUY WKKK and I5ACII WIS UK In the month-ALL tlm months In the ye.ir--wc are cutters not PLAIN ClTTi:itS. but "AUORKSSIVH" "AlJVHHTISINtl" cutters. Itl'AU OCR ADS and you will know the extent of our cuti. Our prices nre the same to all who pay ASH. Ill .01 Hurnlinm Sarsaparllla 4!ic 11.00 Duffy Mall Whiskey ,v La Grippe Cough i'urc L'.V Splendid Hard Rubber Atomizer ',, 2.V Tetlow's Swansdown Powder i.v 60o La Hlachu Face Powder 60c Pozzonl's Face Powder '.: $1X0 Madame Yale's Goods 11.00 Peptogcnlc Milk Powder I1.M Vln Marianl 11.50 Fellow's Syrup Mexican Hair Hostoratlvo JJc Humphrey's Sperlllcs Small Sized Sozodont 2Tis llublfoam 2ia Laxative Hromo Quinine iro II. & 11'. Soap, for cleaning 0c 50o Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets . 400 Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go New Store. S. W Cor 16th and Douglas Strcts. Fire! Fire! Fire! The disastrous lire next door succeeded in slilitly damaging a great number of our finest pianos damaged them in no way to effect the toneor durability but damaged them in price from 100 to 250, on each instrument. SALE NOW IN PROGRESS They must go investigate them. ...Schmoller & Mueller... The Old Itcllnlile I'liinii Stelnway & Sons Representatives. ( 1313 337 iiAvncir Si,rin skirts' S!,rins IIAT UCIlS Suits, Spring Waists. Our stock is in gala readiness, tilled with the flowers oi spring tailoring. AVo give you quality and elegance without expense. We make extra preparations lor Thursday. Wc have several lots prepared for you. See them before buying and you will be the gainers. 300 Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, first-class in every respect Look Well, Fit Well and Wear Well All the newest styles Look like 20.00 7 R Suits, on sale at kpO. 1 O 175 LADIES' NliW TAILORED SUITS In all colors, ap plique dfects, some all silk lined, litons, tight dl A 7 SL fitting and double breasted, look like U5 suits,at-4-'iHr. 1 kJ 50 Sample Suits at $20, $25, $30 and $35. More About Silk Waists. But what more can we say? We havo the largest assort ment at the lowest prices in the west, livery woman knows it. Black and Colored Talfeta Silk Waists, corded Ol O J CS back and front, stoak collar and dress sleeves, atiP,-' 200 Ladies' Silk Waists, in all colors, in tho LA A&t newest styles, worth up to 7.50, on sale at ilp , Hr O 100 Imported Sample Silk Waists, as shown in our til 1 f window, worth up to 25, on salo at each jCplvJ1' Advance styles of Ladies' Wash Goods now on our counters- Ladies' Dress Skirts. 12.00 for only 10 LADIKS SAM PUS SKIIITS Worth 23.00 at 100 hAUIKS' SKIItTS In I.urao mistered Crcponn. worth $0.00, for Ono 'PAUL 13 SMUTS Worth uji to M.OO-for LAUIBS' SriUNti JAC'KKTS New Coverts, nt LADIKS' TAN AND Al TO.MOIHU: t'0TS In nil tho new shailrs anil ' Q I ( new Btylea-each 3 H.JW See the Equisitc New Spring Styles in Millinery now on dlsylay. Save Your Clothing and Furs i) .tit IP j PAIGE ODORLESS MOTH PRQOf BAG VtiNS APWWl W"KtuirstTt.j ROM Ml'MlcruMDiWI'i MOTHS, DtiraifwauciQl MTRCIT KICK A MOTH PROOF HAG AT 60C OR 76C WILL DO IT. Just the thing for Dress Suits. Keeps them frco frcm dust and all odor readv t wear at a moment's llOlli'C. O-PCOFIELD U lULOAK&SUITCO. 1510 Dontilas St. Quicker Time TO AND AFT13R MARCH 1ST "THE COLORADO SPECIAL" will leave Omaha It 35 p. m. nnd ar rive Denver 1:20 p. ra np.xt day. mak Ins nearly an hour quicker time than formerly. ''THE PACIFIC EXPRESS" for Colorado leaves Omaha 4:25 p. m. arrives Denver 7 '35 a. m. next day. Through Pullman Slecpors, Dining Cars, lluffet Cars. City Ticket Office 1302 Farnam. Tel, 316. limine. Farnam Street Broadway, Council Bluffs. Women's Dress Skirts, ap pliqued down the front and back, with Wattcau pleated L back, woi-yi gQ SI 0.00 84,08 81.08 x i. us SPRING HAS SPRUNG BACK The weather man sprung tho spring and spring sprung back. Funny, isn't it? Vou can't tell whethor to cut ice or cut grass. Ono day hot, next day cold next day half an.Minlf but you know tho saying about the "ill wind." Tho shoe man laughs, at the cloak man and says "rubbers" are all the go now, and wo wish to remind you of our Men's Box Calf Shoes for $2. Medium weight soles, popular too, a genuine good bus iness shoe. Also: iMen's heavy solo tan shoes, medium and bulldog toes, a great sho for the mm who spends the most of his time outside We're not tho only house that carry men's heavy tan. shoes that are a-t good as ours, there' re other shoe stores in town, the difference is they ask you While we're satislie I with a lessor profit, and only ask you $2. You can't pick up a dollar every day as eay as this, but it goes here just the same. Men's Goodyear Welt Shoes heavy or medium soles, black and tan, vici kid, Russia or box calf, all sizes, all styles, all widths, only $2.50. Then there's the Russia calf shoe, kid lined, a special shoe made for our trade, regular $5 shoe for 3. 50. A to Ji widths. Little Gent's Shoes Oil goat with good heavy soles and low heels," solid counters and made to wear, to lo, $ 1 . 10. The kangaroo calf ones witli good heavy soles and low heels, improved backstay, sowed three tunes around, it's a stayer for I he boy who is hard on his footwear, $1.25 We Shoe Men, Women, nAY SJCEls wear, Corsets and Gloves exeat vtirietv Ladies' milled yoke worm Toe on sn.lo at Ladies' drawers, full tucked, " cambric rnllle, worth 60c, at Ladles' line cnmlii'lr Corset Covers. Inee trimmed, worth ."Vie, at A tine line of hire mill embroidered trimmed now"", worth Sl.-", nt Luilles' lure trimmed skirls -worth "."ic on sale nt Ladles' lure mid embroidered Irluimeil skirts -worth ifL.'i), ut The best stock of Corsets in the city 200 dozen ladies' corsets in pink, blue, blacks and drab, all sizes from 18 to 30 made to sell at S1.00 on sale for real Kia cioves, eye 4 4 S rf" $i ladies' lino kid gloves in all the newest shades, all clasps, and warranted new and per- ZC- feet; would be cheap at $1, on salo at $1.50 Kid Gloves at $1.00 All tho new colors and styles. livery pair war ranted, on sale at Ladies' Cashmere Gloves at 25c. SIWIAL ON BOY. W'UTH Iln.ss' Sinn to hell ai .".' mi sU ut U'j'-. S.'.o Summer Wash Ci .! on salo at, per THE BEST TEN-GENT I CONTAINS THE FINEST CUBAN TOBACCO, r. n. rick m. c. co MA.VDi-Acrt iir.Hf,, st, i.ouis, aio-JBny U AfC O. A. IIAILSIIACIC, OMAHA, UISTUIU V'i'UIL. UlllUll ITIIIIIC Boys, Girls and Babies Muslin Under ut price special sale on bright stylish women's wear. Hundsoinoly made women's ijarmonts In full elzo gowns, tucked unit ""p ( Ladle' '2')i corset 15c 25c 75c 59c 98c -l t eovora... 49c r r f - i, - 'uu pairs omarorw $1.00 WaiHls In pon-nlo and outliiR flannel, mailt ml 10c. GOOD TEETH nre .iui"iii tin must iiluiiiiic of w til.- Kit'-' Willi- I. 'tlin llllH llfl'll iinkl'ul. ii rt n.i'l -kill fiiiply tho ilc- ll l lir Alt INK I AI, TKr.TII iiuiiln in. 'I lltti'il lv us .iro pnrfprt In torni, color find ux'' Our system of I'WM.r.sM ih:tistiiv has rtnoi"l all KroumlH for npiirelien xlnti Kxtnn tlror. filling. i'ti-, Ii riniKi u.ihmu liu ot ' tileliii' lo i.i i fill. rrmvn nn'l lnI'lKe work nt lowcHt poi Klhli' . ut i .iiifiili iih nml ;t iri'vn bf. foi.' K"'"i riHiwlKire l-'xiimlnatlori BAILEY, the Dentist .11'-' 'nKni lllk. Kith .t rarniuu. I, ml) Adriiiliiiil, I'liunc 10H.',. In1 Dr. II, U. HiilIi-), Tootb l'iiilttr, Alt ilruuiclNl. CIGAR IN THE MARKET