THE OMATTA DAILY ItEE: TIIt'HSDAY. MAKCII 15, 1J)00. 1 1 ) ) SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these column "III I if tnkpit until V m. fur dm rvrnltiK edition nun until Stilll p. m. for niiirnhiK nml Suiuliiy rilltliin. Kntps, I -ae u vnril Ilral Insprtloiii ! n nurd lliprrnl ter. Nothing liikpu fip lea tliiin BSo for Hip llritt Inaer. linn. Tlirap nil vert lacineiit in II HI lie run 'onxci'ittl vrl)'. Ail vprllapra, li- request Inir n, limn liprpil pIipcU, cnn lime niiiiui'rii nil ilreaapil to n numbered lelli-r In cnn of Tlir Hop, Anavtera an nilil n-aaeil nlll In ilellterpil mi prcspiilntloii il Dip cheek mil)'. WAVl'llll SI'ITATIONS. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want on please rail up the Remington typewriter olllce, 1019 Farnam at., tcleptiono 1573. A-133 A COMPETENT nml pxnerlenccd young man desires position as liookkeoper or In general olllco work; rlly references and bond If required. Address 49, Bee. A-MS31 16 POSITION iih wet tuirso by strong, healthy woman. Address U 81. Bee. A-.M8T2 lfi wanted-mamv nni.i'. WANTED; we have steady work for a few good hmitlerH of good hnblts and appear ance. C. F. Adam Co., 1019 Howard St. 11-131 WANTED, mnnngcr nnd agents; salary or commission; cheapest and largest line. Hunter Tailoring nnd Shirt Co.. Cincin nati. Ohio. 11 Ml 10 AT 8ALESMEN to sell nfllro spe clnlttes; flna sldo linen; used bv nil merchants; catalog free. Model Mfg. Co., Ilox H. Sound Mend, Ind. H-MBSS M16 3 picture agents; expenses paid. 1819 Lenv'th. B--377-A-3 SHOUT HAND. There are always a contingent of people who deslro something cheap and easy to learn. What would a knowledge of short hand he worth If It could be ncqulred with out effort or time? If such a fact wero po-Milhle, that fact alone would make tho acquisition of a Riven thing vnluclcss. It Is estimated that aro ninety students In thla city now experimenting with a new system of shorthand. Tho result will be, at tho ond of six months, ninety medloero stenographers on tho market scrambling for" positions. Business: men, however, will contlnuo to call upon BOYLES' SCHOOL for hlgh-grado nmnnuenscs. Cataloguo furnished on application. Uce Bldg. B-M4S5 15 SOLICITOR wanted, a reliable, husTling salesman for tailor-made suits and trous ers; snlary or commission. Twin City Tailoring Co., 1609 Farnam. B M319 SALESMEN to sell olllce specialties; line sldo llneo: tired by all merchants; cutnlng free. Model Mfg. Co., Box U. South Hend, mi. II MWH A l" BARBER .trado taught thoroughly In short tlmo; ctitnloguo and pnrtlrulars free. Addresii Western Barbers' Institute. Omaha, Neb. B136 WANTKD, men to learn barber trade; free transportation to our colleges at Chlcngo. St I.ouls or Minneapolis; there Is tin in stitution In Omaha or Denver that tenches tho tiurto n.i wo do; beware of cheap f-reiit ohops calling themselves colleges; wo have MO positions ut JC0 monthly and mako this special offer to get students enough to III! the demand: then our diplomas' entitle you to work anywhere; our beautifully Illustrated catalogue with full iiartlvulars mailed free. Moler Bar ber College. Chicago, 111. B-M.199 13 BARBER wanted; a good barber (colored). Mcndy Job; $10.00 guarantee. 911 N. 21th St. B-S17 10 TAILOR wanted, pants and vestmnker. 621 Broadway, Council Bluffs. B-S1S II WANTED, good pant nnd vest maker good pay- I'att Bros., St. Joseph, Mo. B-MSM 16 MEN to travel: 512 weekly, cash salary. Triumph Information Co., Dallas. Texas. R-MU3 20 WANTED, two coatmakers. Sons. Diinlap, la. Jl. Barrett .1 B MS03 15 WANTED, a young man with some ex perience In tho Hhoe business. Address Deutsch Bros., Beatrice. Neb. 11 MS6I 15 WANTED, experienced bookkeeper and stenographer for grain ollke. Box 373, Kearney. Neb. B MS73 20 ACTIVE, experienced salesman wanted by New York tea Importers and coffee roast ers to imll'on grocerv trade; must hnvn connections; offer, Hillary or 13 per cent prollts. Address In strictest eonlldence. giving gross amount of lust vear's snles. Salesman, 1SI Front SI . New York. B- WANTED. men to lenm bnrber trade; posi tions Kiliiruntpeil, free tools, free board, freo railroad fan to our college at Den ver; oldest and largest In the world; be ware of fake cnt.tlosucp and 'iiHIeidliig offers; our diplomas recognized ever. -where; write for particulars. Moler Bar ber Collego representative. Crelghton blk., Omaha. B mssb io W'A NT 1 II lV 1 1 M A I. K 11111,1. WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. C-137 SO girls wanted. Canadian offlco 1522 Douglas u 25S LADIES, get a silk waist or petticoat for cents, can nnu examine Miunpios. uoom an Karnncn iiiock. .; MKi LADIES, if you have a little sparo time and wnnt employment we can put you to worK 507 Knrtmch block. C-M5G3 WE WILL furnish you with n silk waist or nettlciiat. made to 1'otir measure, for 25 cents aivl it little .time. Call and examine goods, but Kariincti diock. c mm) GOOD girl S. 2Sth St. for general housework. 1125 C-M723 13 WOMAN cook at Hackney hotel lis per montii. orui iiemi. iscu, C-S1S II WANTED, n llrst-clnss girl for genernl nouseworK. ltKi l'urK avenue, c-vjn n WANTED young lady organist for ijninll cnapci; j per umiiin. it in, net). C-M36 15 W.WSTED-GIrl for second work and to tenu nauy. .Mrs. it. v. HreekenrldKe, win nouin .aim Ave. fsiiir,' liot'HKKKKi'wit. wanteu on rarm by a widower; mldlle age pieferred. Address M. Do Boer, .Mount (. litre. Nub. C-MS? 15 WANTED, compeleiit girl for general housework; good wagef. 533 Ho. -ji i Ht. C-V92 10 IIKIil WA.NTKI). BOYLKS' COLLEGE assists young ladles and gentlemen to positions to earn lioard while In attendance, Send for catalogue. Bee building. M063 VOW. HUNT HOUSES. IK YOlt want your houses well rented place infill wiin iienewa .v i o u 1IOFSES, etc. F. D. Wend. 1521 Douglas. D-H6 FINE modern residence. 12 rooms, on motor linn Vn ill Vn.,1. ,.!. ....... ... Clarke, 219 Board of Trade. D M296 A2 HOUSES, all kinds. 36 U. S. Nat. Bk Bldg. u atwi FOR RUNT To small family, 7-room cot taga In good repair; city water Inside: S,.,8W.5 .L'oul. "I1"1. -'"I ad California. r.. u. iiiiunt ai Wi , mjtil. D 115 FOR RENT, two nlco sovcn-nom houses in .same yard, almost opposite Bemls park; ull modern except-furnace; are now ne ng papereu anu palnleil throughout. M III rent, for .120 each to good tenants wiin f I'lt'd'iicrn. OMAHA LOAN & TRl'ST CO.. 16th nud- Douglas Sts. D-M5U ALWAYS inovlng II. II 1 omce'tflP Farium 8t. gooila. I'liinua Tel. ISiS or S63. D-147 for it i:t-hoisf.s. CHOICE' houses, cottages, stores. Henry U. Paine. 001 N. Y. Life. 'Phone, 1016. D-139 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, I'nxton block. D-140 MAOOARD Van & Htorage. Tel 1496. 1616 Can, Ave. D-141 HOUSES to rent. Y Life. n. C. Patterson. 305 N. D-113 HOUSES and Hats. Rlngwalt, Barker hlk. D 111 HOUSES for rtnt In all part? of the city. Brennan-Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th street. D 112 5 ROOMS. 107 South 2lh afreet, city wnter, $7 00. Rlngwalt, Barker Block. D M6.0 DETACHED P-room modern house with barn. "CI 1 Pierce. D-53-15 rHRI8 BOYER. 3111 Cuming. Tele. K 1052. D-.M597 A9 FIVE rooms. 2321 fioutli 16th st. D-786 IVRNI8HKD 7-room new mpdem house; will retain two rooms; r)o children; I2j, 1530 S. 25th t. D-MW 7 AND -room apartments In Normandle. Special Inducements. . Klcgantiy furnished S-room house, near park, tM.00. , Klegantly furnished 11-room housi,' JI0.00. TUKSH ARK SNAPS! PAYNK-KNOX CO . First Floor N. Y. Life Illdg. D-MStK 13 lvm iil'.vr1 ilnirnnt 7-rriom house and largo hull, modem Improvements. Jffi.oi) per month; no water rent; 2217 Cass St. Iniiulro Joseph Ooldsmlth. Murray Hotel. Keys closn by, -110 North 23th St. D-M7 W MODERN house, Hanpcom Place. Hicks. V-m 16 'Oil ltE.VT I TIl.MSHi;i) BOOMS, FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. W23 St. Mary'B. E-M667 16 LAROE nml attractive rooms, furnished or unfurnished, In private rcsldcnfce, sultnblo for one or two gentlemen; on car lino and within easy walking distance of post olllce; stono house; hot water heat. AM drew B 28, Bee. E-M764 17 NEWLY furnished rooms. 1211 Douglas. E-819 IS ROOMS. 1900 Cnpltol Ave. 822 1S MODERN furnished rooms. 1811 Casd. E-MST6 19 l lJHM.Mli:i) ROOMS AM) IIOARD. THE Jlerrlam family hotel, 25th and Dodgo. F-14? TO 2 gentlemen, In private family. 2020 St. Mary'.i. Ave. K 119 THE I'll ATT, front room, with alcove. Tel. 159'.'. 212 S. 25th St. F S32 ROOM and board. 11 to . 1512 Davenport. F-622 A-! NICELY furnished southeast front room; modern conveniences; private family 702 So. 29th St. F-C21 li FOR RENT, nicely furnished room with board. 2102 Cass F-MMJ 17 TWO nicely furnished rooms. with board. F M0 16 2015 Douglas. DESIRABLE rooms, llrst-class board. 23S1 F-MS59 1'J Harney. FOR RENT STORKS AM) OFFICES, FOR RENT, store In first-class location, rent reaeonalile. Apply it. v. I'elera Co., ground tloor, Bee bldg. 1266 STORE ROOM. 1106 Fnrnam. Opp. old P. O. t STORE ROOM, 1106 Farnam. Opp. old P. O. 1-C39 AOKVI S WV.VTHI). AGENTS, $125 monthly: latest out; 10c for samples, etc. Electric novelty :o., uu bunue. J M8V, IS VA.TI1D TO Itll.VT, NEW house, S rooms, modern, vicinity of nanscom parK, iiay i. n w, nee onice. K-M671-13 STORAGE PACIFIC Storage and Wnrehuose Co., 912- uiijonca, general storage ana torwnnllng. 152 OM. Van Stor. Co., 15114 Farn. Tel l.V., S61. M-133 WAXTEO TO IIIIY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc. . .. i nm. .it .,.1.1 i. . . , ill iui,u 1,1 piiiuii iiuuiiiiiit'3. v nicngo v ur- lilture Co., 1400-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. X-151 WILL purchnso a limited number of Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brennan Ixivo Co., 309 So. 13th. N 155 AMERICAN denier; buy recondhmd furnl- turo ana stoves, ilia uuming. Tel. 1673. N156 STAMPS bought, sold. Mortensen. 301 Pax- ton IIIK. N M99O-JI20 ENTERPRISE FUR. CO. pays high prices ror goou uottscnom -gDOds: m n.-jitn. N-JI07I A 10 2D-IIAND books for cash. Crane. 207 N, N-M870 16th st. FOR S A 1, 11 HORSES, Villi ICI.KS, ETC. TOP Bt'GOY for sale, In, sood condition. P-M100 U 40. Bee THIRTY-FIVE secondhand carriages, too niiggies, pnaeions, itups, lumuy rigs, lour ami six piiDsvigcr; an in goon reriair; newly lulnteil; made bv llrst class firms; bftter value than new. cheap carriages nliil at ahoul oue-iourt i llrst cost. Druinmoiid Carriage Co., Ibtli and Harney, I' 7S 10 for sai.i:-.iisi i:i,i,am:oi's. CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing and hog ,,-14. r.. .-v. w.,uhin(i 1.1 crTTERS of drug prkea, Sherman & jtT Conuell Drug Co., L'or. iota and Dodge Sts. Q-15S FOR PALE, ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents nt drugglflls. Ono gives relief. Q 159 2DIIAND sn'fo cheap. Dcrlglit. 1116 FarnamT Q-161 B. HAAS, Florlrt, 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 770, Plants, cut How eis. boqtiets, hall, resl deuce, wedding nud grave, decorations, Orders by mail or uxpivsa promptly niled. Q-1C0 NEW bicycle tires, .23. J2.30 nnd 13.00. Hood hccondhnnd wheels, $!. $10 and $12. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. Q-103 FOR SALE Nearly now upright Stelnway piano Mr $150. Address XC6 Bee. Q-253--M31 SAFES, huy. Tel. 1697. sell, etc. Schwartz, HI S. 11. Q-M162 WIRE fence. Uvldy. 1617 Howard. Tel. 1C90. Q 13-Aug-9 FOR SALE, sidewalk plank, nil widths, 6 to 12 Inches, and t. S and 10 feet lengths, for $9.00 per thousand feet. Also kindling wood at $1.00 a load. Chicago House wrecking Co., Exposition Grounds. Phone. 2561. Q-M297 31 Cl'T prices at A. E, Wylle s. 1313 Farnam; lrermitiigo Bourbon. Guckenlielmer Rve. S years old; drink. 10c; ls lit.. 25c; pt, 60c; nt.. $1. gal. sent C. O. D., $4. - Q-M! All HORSE clippers and repairs; we grind razors, shears, clippers, etc, A. L. Unde. hind, 10 8. 14th St. Q-MWSI Alt MISCEI.L.VMlOrS. NOTICE, country dealers, Mhand furniture & iitnves at lowest prices, carload loin or less, Chicago Fi ' urniture Co., 1406-10 Dodge. li-ici lOR RENT,, barn, at 202 St. Mnry's Ave. R-10'. WE are all reudy for business; largcut Hue In city of Id hand household goods. En terprise Fur. Co., 10a S. 14th. R-M672 A10 CLAIHVOVAVrS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, S03 N. 16th. S-1C MME.OYLMER genuine palmist. 1006 Dodgo s lui MilE. TALMER. medium. Res. 1707 Cass St. 8-M71S M20 .MASSAtill AM) 1IATIIS. MRS BERRY, Turko-Russlan baths: porce lain tub; massage, best equipped In city; attendant. 119 N. 16th St., 2nd Moor, opp. postolllce. T M767 All JIMeTXaIES. R. 2, 507 S. 13; massage bnth. T-4S2 15 BEATRICE HARI.OW. massase. bath, steam heat, Hindoo treatment. 3174 N. 15th. Hat F. T-MC0I MME. SMITH, room 2, 11S',4 N. 15th. T-M673 17' ELITE PARLORS. 615 S, 16th, upstairs. T-M790 A10 MRS. BOYD. r. 1, 1613 Howard, 3d llorir. T M7S9 A10 MME. BRISSON, starch, sea salt, vapor, massago baths. 107 Jf. 12th. Expert at tendant. T-MSI2 A12 I'HIISO.VAI,, VIA VI, woman's way to health, 316 Bee bldg U-10S DR. ROY. chiropodist, cornn and uperllu pus hair removed by electricity, r. 12, Frenzer Block. U 175 SHAMPOOING 25c, hair dressing 23c, hair toilet goods, Monhclt, 1518 Farnam. To! 2333 U-169 MONHEIT, chiropodist, floor. Tel. 233J. 1518 Farnnm, 2d U-170 PROF. LFND positively destroys corns, bunions, warts, moles. 611 Karbach Blk. U-C45 M17 LIEBEN, costumcr. catalogue. 1313 Howard. Get U-172 Rl'PTURE cured, no knife, no pain, no danger. Send for circulars. Empire Rup turo Cure. 932 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. 1J 171 PLEATING nnd pleated skirts of nil kinds. M. Goldman & Co., 200 Douglas block. U-171 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before .t dur Ing conllnement; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17 U-173 PRIVATE homo before nnd during con llnement. Babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2633 Decnlur. U-M241 INFORMATION wanted ns tp address of Chaa. Broganza. who formerly worked at this place Beward of ten dollars will be paid by Pond-Docker Lumber Co., Deckervllle, Ark. U-M20d 13, harmless monthly regulntor; cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan, Milwaukee, Wis. U-323 STAMPS for collectors; albums, supplies. Frank Brown, 2201b S. 13th. C-M270 CANCER CURED, no pnln. Dr. llenshaw. scieniiuc spcci.uiMl, 5lt . I9tn si., umana. 1I-M713-A10 SIOMIY TO LOAN It MAI, ESTATE, PRIVATE money, 5,, 0 per cent; no do- lay, uarvjn tiros., itiis. rnrnam. W nt PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas W 1T WANTED, city and fnrm loans; also bonds niul warrants, -n. U. I'cters & o., itu; Farnam St., Boa Illdg. W-179 5 PER CENT monoy. Bemls, Paxton block W-lw MONEY to loan on flrstclass Improved city property or for building purposes. I'nyne- kiiox uo., New oru iuc. v Jbl 5, 514, 6 Icr cent loans on Omaha. 8. Omaha, W. II. Thomas, 603 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1018, W-1S2 f ner rent on Omahn property. W. B. Mcfkle. 401 S. 15th. W-1S3 FIVE per cent farm loans. Ilainsou. " Chas, E. Wll' W-1S4 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estaie. llrennnu-Love Co., 3U9 So. 13th. W-1S5 Jl.OiiO and upwards to loan on Improved city property und farms. W. Farnam Smith Ji Co.. 1320, Koriinm. W ISO LOANS on .eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent. Borrower! can pay Jioo or any multiple. Anv In terest date. No delay. Brcnnun-Love Co., suuin uiii sireei, umann, ien. W-C83- JIOMJY TO I.OA.V-CHATTELS. I-F-Y-O-F -N-E-E-D-M-O-N-E-Y -H-E-E-lT-S- We liavo a largo amount to loan on house hold furniture, pianos, organs, warehouse receipts, horses, carriages, etc. You can get tho monoy within a few hours nrter maKing application, ivii CIIARGI- YOU NOTHING WHATEVER FOR MAKING OH FILING PAPERS. Wo give you as much tlmo as you need nnd you may repay the loan as soon as you choose and you need not pay for It ONE DA Y l.UiNlil'ill THAN YUl' KEEP IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Tel. 2293. 300 South 16th Street X-614. MONEY loaned salnrted people holdlnir ner mnnent position with responslblo concerns upon their own names without security; easy payments, lounan, iuo n. y. l. Bldg, X-191 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name wltnout endorser or mortiruiro. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST itAi iiH. no inquiries made of em pioyer or menus, i ou can uorrow any amount nnd repay on easy weekly or monthly payments. Before borrowlnc aen uk. OMAHA CREDIT CO., suite 525-526 N. X. Llio iliug. X 1&8 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, diamonds, watches, on easy payments, un known to others; you keep the goods, each payment lessens tho cost of the loan; no ciuirgu inr impei-H nnu wo miiKO no in quiries of your neighbors, B ERGERS' j.uan -u., iwi I'lirnam, over Jl. & M ticket olllce. X 1S9 MONEY loaned on planus, furniture, horses cows, jowoiry. uurt ureen it. , Marker blk X-190 MONEY loans on furniture, rigs, bicycles diamonds, watches, etc.: navment im. known to friends. Omttha Loan Bank. 1410 I' aruum, uiisuurs. X 192 LOANS" TO SALARIED"" PEOPLiyem ployed In Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs, holding good position, on mcir own names; .-u muhtuauK; BEST jEii.Mi everyniiiiB iirivnie; niuney can tie pain n.ncit in small weeKly or monthly liiiyilienin. viuvi Ituii iuan uo., Jtooni (jUl nee iiuig. X 1!)3 GOLD, Silver, Greenbacks for High-class salaried people. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. Eay to get and easy to pay, lowest rates. No Imlnrser or mortttngo required. QUICK. AND CONFIDENTIAL service. Ones- Hons answered cheerfully and you will tecclvo courteous attention whether you uorrow or nui AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 601, Bee Building. X-M239 MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos horses, cows, etc. J. W. Tayloe, 218 First National ihiiik duiiuiiir; i.- to u p. in. X-190 LOANS made salaried people on personal note wiinnut security; rates reasonable, J. W. Tuyloe, 2lb 1st Nat'l bank, 12 to P. m. X-193 MONEY. LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their own names. In amount from $10.00 up. A comparison of our rates with others Is all we aifk, ns we are positive that ours aro tho lowest In tho city. Remember that wo aro the only loan company giving you tho privilege of paying your loan ALL or In PART at any TIME and thereby stop ping tho cost. Business confidential. Treat ment courteous. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Tel 2293. Room 119, Board of Trade Bldg. X-61S- SALARY loans after working hours, If you want cheap money address R 57, Bee, X-S20 All M(MJY TO I.OAV CHATTELS. MONKY Joancd on ptanos, turnlture, jew elry, norses, cows, etc f. t. need, aw h. 3. :-h lit S1MJSS I'1IACI. FOR RENT, cigar and fruit department In a large department store; capital renulred, 2.000, Address A 63. Bee. Y-M266 WE HANDLE general merrhandlse stocks of all kinds. Do ou want to buv, sell nr exchnnge? We can sell your buMnes or we can sell vou a buslnoss. Write us. Merchandise Broker. 607 Kurbach block. Y-M5.-.1 THE NEW SNOW CHLMICH COMPANY maketi a apeclaltv of collecting all classes of claims in every state In the union on commission basis. W. H. Green, presi dent nnd treasurer; J. h. Knley. vice president and attorney; C. R. Olover. secretary and attorney. Rooms 401 -2-3-4-5 New York Mfe Bldg. Y-J62 WANTED nctlve and honest partner with Nf)0 Tor eonil ii.ivlncr tmalness. estiibllsheil a Knap for tho right person. P. O. Box 161, Aurora, Neb. Y-M13 FOR SALE, $S.OO0 stock of drugs nnd fix tures for $0.poo before April 1. Address P. O. Box 710, Salt Lnko Cltv, Vtoh Y-M-74 19 HOTEL for snle; Pan-Amerlenn Exposition in Knr particulars nuaress nanersint, 496 .Main street. Buffalo, N. Y. Y 742 14 FOR SALE, anioon doing good business In .-oiiin iiinnna in gomt location. Address P. O. Box 28, South Omahn, Neb. Y-MS58 10 J3il Bl'YS cigar store, barber shop and shoe sinning piace; central location : part ensn, balance to milt purchaser; great snap. Columbia Realty Co., 613 McCncue bldg. Y-MM17 13 LODGING house; low price place; fin beds; low rent; just tne place ror man ana wire; a fortune in It; price $650, part cash. Co lumbia Realty Co., 613 McCague bldg. Y-MMVi 1.5 STOCK of millinery goods from branch storo ror sale cheap. Box ;isi, Norfolk, Neb. Y-MSC6 2) WE have for sale the furniture nnd for rent the hotel, 40 rooms, one of the best $1 day houses In Nebraska, located at Grand Island, nt a bargain If taken quick. Address Dill ,t Huston. Agent", Grand Island, Nebrusku. Y-MSM 16 HAVE a snap In South Omaha; brings' In i, per cent on price nsKCd. iiawve, 1312 Davenuort St. X MSSS 10 HALF Interest In gentle nnd prolltablo olllco miriness, suitable for lady or gen tleman; well established: price, $100; call for particulars. Columbia Reilty Co., 513 McCngue Bldg. X MSs.l 10 roil SAI.E RKAI. ESTATE PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for BEAI. ESTATE II A Itu A INH; LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES, FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First lloor. N. Y. I.lfo nidg. 1113-IM BARGAINS Chris Boyer, 2123 Cuming. RE M59S A 9 Tele. Iv 2052. HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 303 N. Y, R E 201 L. C. F HARRISON. FARMS, FARM LOANS RE-557 .Mil" FOR SALE or Hade, brick residence, all modern Improvements, nnu 6 acres or ground, containing outbuildings, trees, amoll fruit, shrubbery; well Insldo city limits In town of 10,000 Inhabitants; cost over $20,000; good reason for selling. Write for particulars. Paul Colsjn, Fremont, Neb. RE-M269 Al FOR SALE, bargains In South Omaha: I lots. 40x150 ft., hlk. 47, $100 each. N. W. cor., 10x150 ft., blk. 17, $150. N. E. cor., 40x150 ft., blk. 47, $50(i. S. E. cor.. 10x150 ft., blk. 17. $.i Lot JOxlM ft., hlk. 17. east front. $150. 2 the choicest resident lots In the city, 40x150 ft. each, cast front, 'Jitn und c st., only ka.uu it. iron i. North 40 ft. lot .1, blk. 63, between J nnd K sts.. east front. $,o.00 ft. fronl. Also 1,001) ncres good -western land for sale cbeau. , . GEORGE W. MASSON, South Omnua. RE-.M7I IS SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L. U Johnson Co., 3H s. lain st. HE 301 BUILDING lots one block of street car line, $150. u. it. nan, ii'l'New York Life. RE 528 HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N, Y. LIFE BLDG, Real Estate, Rentals, Loans, Insurance. v RE 203 IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real estato see S. A. Broadwell, 501 N. Y. Life. HE 205 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, lonns; nlso fire Insurnnce. nemis, i'nxton dik. HE 199 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only see S. A. uroauwen, wu n. i. i.iro mug. RE-205 905 AND 908 South 20th St., two houses; rental $360 per year: cneap at n.uou. S. AV. corner 3Sth ave. and Jackson St., 120 feet east front by 150 deen: snan at $900, Aero lots. 158x189 feet. Pratt's subdiv.; 8. W. or nanscom narK, eacn. 160 acrea smooth land S. W. of Rennlng ton; fair Improvements, $15 per ncre. JOHN N. FRENZER. Opp. Old P. O. RE 171 A BARGAIN, four acres, 40th ond Pacific, two blocks from car line, on belt rail road. $2,500; easy terms. McCague In vestment Co., 1506 Dodge. RB-200 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Nice house and full lot on paved street. ono block from street car, only $1,100 Good 7-room houso and full lot in Orchard Hill, only 730 Houso and lot In Dundee Place, only.. MX) 2 lots and s-room house, only 600 UIIENNAN-IXJVE CO., 309 South 13th Street, Omnha. Neb. RE MS40 19 1334 CHARLES ST., half, a .block from car nnd paved street, six-room cottage with unrn. i-rice, n.wj; mommy payments, 3018 Spruce St., small cottage, lot 48x122, very c ii cup. New seven-room house, strictly modern COxllo, on North 20th St., near Lake. All or nan ui inia lot at your own price. Catalpa Place direct car service 13 mln utes' rlo from P. q. una 50x127 feet, $100 cucn ensn anu ,i per mourn, A. M. COWIE, 211 S. 1STII ST. It E M S43 FOR SALE ON PHENOMENAL TERMS- Wo have thrco neat live-room cottages on Jackson st near 35th st., for $3o to $U0 cash, balance 10 years' time, without In terest. on payments of $11 per month; at tho expiration of 10 years tho property Is yours, clear of encumbrance. Theso cottages will rent for $10 per month. In 10 years you pay in rent at $10 per month and you have nothing to show- fur It 200 In 10 yenrs, on the above plan, you pay and hnvo your homo paid for i,i;o Call and sec us It this interests you. Why pay rent when you cnn get a home on such terms. PAYNE-KNOX CO. Main Floor, N, Y. Life Bldg. RE-M809 10 BARGAINS (March 11 and 15. 190.) C. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON. 913 N. Y. Life. Telephone 311 or 2612 F. Residence of eight rooms and largo attic, new and eomploto in every dotall, full Bouth front lot. "west Farnam district. $ We know of nothing better for safe. ECLIPSES them all In price and location, corner 33d and Dodge, 57x130. This lot nt the SUMMIT. $2,350. SUB BARGAINS IN W HERALD RE-S77-H roit st,i;-ni:i, iistati:. i , IRRIGATED lands for sal,. In Wheeler nml Greeley (.ouutlep-, Nebraska 3) acres, house, barn, irtttle sheds, corn crib, wells, lw acre under plow, fruit treef, etc., price $3,000. 3 acres, good house, barn, grntmrv. w) acrea pasture (additional pnsttirc tun be leased), day loam soli, ;i miles from town. lino farm, price $.1,600. ICo-acrc farm, limine. JrtxJO barn, gratinrx, 40 acres iwsturc, all In good condition. price very low. 32o-acre farm. S-room house, barn, cuttle sheds, granary, corn crib, hog pasture, wells, windmills; mostly lino level Hind. close to town. Write for price. 160 acres, house 22x20. barn 2lx2S; pa.stnro 0) acres. M ncres under plaw. mtndv loam. tame hay. 10 aercn fruit, etc.; price $3.2eo. 1C acres. lioue 20x24, granary 11x10 pas- line aim oiucr necessary outiiuiiiungs. fruit trres. running wnter, mndy Tils land Is located In the fertile vallev of tho Cedar river, which U surpiwiil bv none, where you can raise crops of any description. We have a large list of Vther farms not mentioned nbnve: also can offer the very best location for cnttle ranches adjoining thev lands. Write for full lmrtleulats. PI BEL & CO.. Plbel. Wheeler county. Neb. RE-i24-21 CHOICEST TRACKAGE PROPERTY ON the jiAiihur h. i;. comer iutn ami Izard; hair block, 132x201; heart of the. city; for price and terms see George G. Wnllace, Brown Blk.; solo agent. RE-251 5 ACRES cholcn garden land only $750. j II cks. Boom 326 Board Trnde Bldg RE-SS9 17 SI10H TIIAM) AM) TYIUlWIUTiMS. A C. VAN SANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life. 219 AT OMAHA Bus. College. 16th &. Douglas, 210 BOYLES college, court reporter principal. Ben Bldg. 211 NEBRASKA Business Sc Shorthand col lege. Boyd s theater. 212 LOST LOST, brown marten collarette. Reward It returned to Mrs. J. Benson's store. Lost-823 11 PURSE containing small amount of money nnd three rings. Hewaril for return to Meyer's cigar store, lltli anil Farnam, Lost -815 11 LADIES' black hat, on Shermiiu nvenue Finder return to ll. E. j rcdrlckson. 1122 Dodge, and recclvo reward. Lost-816 11 LOST or strayed, dark bny horse. Re turn to !)ll South Kid St. Lost ST& 16 OSTEOPATHY, JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute, 515 N Y I.lfo Uldg., Alice .lolinson, U. O., ladles' dept.; GUI 1'. Johnson, Osteopathlst, mgr. -21.1 M. E. DONOIIUE. D. O.. of Still school. Klrksvlllc, Jlo., 601 I'nxton blk. Tel 1507. -214 A. T. HUNT, osteopath; all chronlcdlseases; results tell. 3ft Karuacii iiik. Tel. 23j.'. M 182 TYVHWIIITCIIS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4 per month Tho Smith-Premier TyiM'wrlter Co., 1025 Farnnm St. Telephone. 1281. -200 REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and supplies, ltiia l'nrnam. ot TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnnm. :os HOTELS. METROPOLITAN, European, 12th - Doug las, lowest rates.. Wm. Barr, Jlgr. Tel. 211 M--070 THE THURSTON. 15th-.Iackson: Am ond European; pleasant rooms, $1.60 week up. M -714 bicycles. IN order to reduco stock we will sell for a short tlmo only second-hand bicycle at one-hnlf price; good wheels, $3.00 to $15.00. Flescher. 1022 Cap. Ave. M132 Enameled, $2 up. Bicycle Hospital. 711 N. 16 60S- - DA.VCIXG SCHOOL. LAST term, last chance-Monoid's. 15th and Harney: adults Tuesday and Friday, children Saturdays- assemblies Wodncs day nnd Snturday. 391 A-3 im itM i t iti; iti:i'Aini.;. GLOBE Couch Co., 1519 Leav'lh. Tel 129. -5SS- PACKING. upholstering, mattress, feather renovating. Tel. 1331. M S. Wnlklln. 2111 Cuming St 21S MEDICAL, LADIES. Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills are tho best; safe, reliable; tako no other; send 4e, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladla"," in letter by raturn mall. At druggists. Chlcheter Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. AV ANTED TO UOIt lt()V. HAVE client who wants $2,000: will pay 10 per cent Interest, good hccurltv. S. Hawver, 1512 Davenport. S0-13 IMtKSSMA KI.VG. IN families. Mls Sturdy, 2216 Davenport -S79-A-13 FI'R.MTURF, l'ACKIXG. OM. Van Stor. Co., 151114 Far. Tel. 1559, 801. -221 STAMMERING AM) STI TTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughnn, 430 Ramge Bldg. -217 lllltDS AM) T A. VIDE It MY, STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 Leavenworth. l WMIROKERS. EAOL10 Olllce, reliable accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -216 AtCTIOMlllHS. OMAHA AUCTION Co. Satisfaction guar anteed. 320 N. 10th st. Telephone 216S. M719 Till MC FACTOR . TRUNKS, traveling bugs. sill', casefs. Trunks repaired, um. l runk I 'ac tory.,12UJ Farnam 220 I, A t'.VDIt Y. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 17.V) Leaven wh. Tel ' 617 mn MHIROIt I'KTnilV, OLD mirrors resllverod: n w ones to order; country orders promptly attended to 708 N. 16th M-S7I A13 m (;m;i'I( iM'iim it v. THE NEBRASKA MAGNETIC INFIRM ARY. 1515-1517 Chliago Si.. Omaha. Neb. -Mil MCKE1, PLATIXCi. CYCLE PARTS- All kinds plating. Omaha Plating ( 'o . Be BldK Tel Jj;U. 651 R VII.W TIME TABLES. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL nnd & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock 11. nnd Route." City Tick et Ulllct. 1C23 Fitrnani Street. Telephone 423. Dopot. Tenth & Mason Streets Telephone, 029. Leave. Arrlvw. beg Moines und Daven port Iocul a 7:05 nm l11 :35 am Chicago Express bll:15 am a 8:10 am Chicago F.uit Express. .a 5:(") pm u 1:'.'5 pm St. Puul Express a 5:00 pm bll'35 am Lincoln, Colorado 3pgs.. Denver, Pueblo und We. a L30pm a 4:23 pm Dts Moines. Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:25 pm a 6:50 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer, a 3 56pm a 9:20 am u Dtilly 1) Dally ixceot ijunimy, R AIIA AV TIME '1' till, lis. Misspell! PACIFIC RAIL r. ,id Genernl Offices and TtiKot uiuci? soutnosst Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sti. T'lcphono, 104. Depot, lltll nnd Webster Sts. Telephone, 1131 ljilt'it. ArHi't T3E S Lcul. Kansas Sc ,.Neb I 'mlted . t !;S0 pm n!2:55 ptn 1 C -St L Express, .a 9:50 pm a &:S0 am Nebraska local Via Weeping Water b 5:03om .t 9:15 am a Dtlly. l Dally except rt A B A S H RATLROAD TUket, 1501 Farnnm Street Telephcne CM. De pot, Tenth and Marcv , Streets. Telephono 620. Leave. Arrive. St "Couls "Caunon Ball" Uxprcss u 6:05 pm a 7:55 am a Dnlly. Ill RL1NGTON ,i Mis souri River Rallroad "Tho Burlington Routo" General Olilcca, N. W. Corner Tunth und Farnnm Sts. Ticket ottice, 1502 Far nam street. Telephono, 2&1 nnd Mason Streets. Telo- Depot, Tenth Phone. 128. Leave. Arrive. L.UU -il n It'isllnirs nnd nocook n s:-i" nm Lip'olri rjenver. Colo- mdo, Utnh, California. a 4:25 pm Lincoln. Black Hills. Montana & Puget Sonnr. A 4:2T nm n 7:23 pm a 3:00pm n S:00 pm nl0.35 um nl0;33 am n12:3G am .Lincoln liea; . .. ,n 7.W p,u I Lincoln Fast Mail b 3:00 pm i Lenver. Colorado Utah n Dally b Dally except Sunday WjSSSSBBSSi Chicago, burlington I1UI 1, 11 IUI1 JOlll,T I ItKI'l Ofllce, 1502 Fnrninn St. Tel., 250. Depot. Tenth .1 Mnson Streets. Telephone. 123. 1 .Prtl' l Arrive. Chicnso uiiclul . .al2:;r, am Daylight .Express ... .a 7:25 am Chicago Vestlbuled Ex..n 4:00 iim a 7:43 nm a 1:06 pm a 7:15 um a 2:45 pm Chlcngo Local Expruss.n V50 nm ciucuko Limited a 7:30 ptn Pucitli Junction Local.. alO:45 an. Fast Mali n Dally KANSAS CITY. ST. JO soph ,i Council Bluffs Railroad - "The Burling ton Routo" Ticket Ofllce, ism farnam street phone, 250. Depot, and Mnson Streots. Tele. Tenth Tele- pnono, ks. Arrive, n 6:17 pm u 6:16 am i ICnnfns City Day Ex ...a 8:50 am iansus city Nlglit Ex..al0:13 i ' pm tat. L.0U1S Eiyer for St. Joseph nnd St. Louis.. a 4:53 nm alLIK nm s Dally ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket olllco. 1102 Farnnm street. Tole-pnon- 215. Depot, Tcntn and Mason streets. Leave. Arrive, a 12.10pm n 4:06 pm Chlcp.go Express Chicago Limited Minneapolis and Paul Express . Minneapolis nnd u ma nm a s:io am St. b 7:09 am b 9:40 pm St.' Paul Limited Fort Dodgo Local a. 7:33 pm a 8:15 am ti I'.tnntn from Co. Bluffs a Dally, b Dally except Sundays. OMAHA .t ST. LOUIS RAIL-road- -Omahn. Kntomc fiiw & Eastern Railroad "Tho 'JU'ncy ltoiite"-Thkut Of llce, 1113 Farnnm Street Telephone, 322 Depot, Tenth and Mnrcy Streots. Tele, phone, 620. Leave. Arrive. St Louis Cannon Ball Express a 6:03 pm n 7:55 am Kansa.i City nnd Quliuy Local a 7:00am a 9:00pm a Dully ciiicago. sr. paul. Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Lino" Genernl Olllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 13th and Webster Sts. Cltv Ticket rutin... 1401 rnrnam St. Telephono 661. Depot. 16th nnd Webster Sts, Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger ..a 6:00 nm a 9:10 pm Omaha Passcngei alt:20 ura Sioux City & North- cast Nebraska a 3:10 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" - Genernl Olllces, United Stntes Nntlonnl Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth find Pfirnnm Sis TlnUnl OfTiee, 1101 Farnam St. Telephono 661. De pot. Tenth & Mnson Sts. Telephono 623. Leave. Arrive, Twin City Express. Twin City Limited Sioux Cltv Local .. a Dnlly . .a 0:53 am al0:50 pm . .n 7:20 ptn a S:15 am ..a !:W am u 4:20 pin CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" City Ticket Onicc, HOI l'arnum Street. Tele phone 561. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- phonr. C29. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chl-ago clal Chicago Passenger Spo- a 7:00 am a 4:15 pm all:30 pm aio.10 um Eastern Express. DCS Moines, Marshalltown, Cedir Rnplus and Chi cago al0:55 am Eastern Limited, Chl , ago anil Has i a l:o5 pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omaha Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:30 pm Fast Mall n 4:05 pm n 4:05 pm a 2:45 pm a R:oo nm a 8:30 nm Dally FREMONT. ELKIIORN & Missouri Valley Railroad "Tho Northwestern Line" Genernl Olllces, United Stntes National Bk. Bldg.. S W. Corner Twelfth anil Unrnnm Hta. Tlr-ket Olllce, 1401 Farnnm St. Telephono 501. Do po'., 15th und Webster Sts. Telephono 1 153. Leave. Arrive. BInck Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3;00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglns d 2:00 pm o 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva. Exeter and Reward. 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk. Verdlgre nnd Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 arc Lincoln, Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:25 am Fremont Local c 7:30 sn a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun laj only., d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monday UNION PA IIFIC "THEOVER land Route" Genuifil Olllces, N E, Cor. Ninth and Fnrnnm Streets City Ticket Olllce, 1.1UJ r annuo rueoi. 1 eicpnone 31B. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason StrfcetH. Tel' phono 029, Leave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited a 8:20 am n 7 20 nm i mo rail .tiuu .. ..ii o;uv um Tho Colorndo Special .all:35 pm Tho Portland Special ..a 8:20 am Lincoln, Bentilce and Stromsbnrg Express.. b I 10 pm Pacific Express . . i I 25 pm Grand Island Local b 5.30 tint a 3:25 pm a 0:50 am a 1JK pin 1)12:23 pm a 0-50 am b 'J:Z0 nm a Dally, b Pally except Sunday CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE Sc St. Paul Railway - City ricKci umce, jsui ramum Street. Telephono 2il Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 620. , r-i Leave (h en go Limited Ex... a 7:33 pm Uilcngo & Omaha Ex. bll-.UO um Sioux City .and Dea .rrlvo. n 8:05 am b 3:55 ptn Moines Express MEN) am b 3:56 om n Dnlly. b Daily except Sunday. POSTOFI'ICU XOTICK. (Should be rend dally by all Interested, ns changes may occur nt any tlme.l Foreign mulls for the week ending March 17, 1D0U, will close (PROMPTLY 111 all cases) at the General Poitolllce. as follows: Purcels post mails close one hour earlier than dosing time shown b-low. Parcels post malls for Germany nose at 5 p. m. Monday and Wednesday Tllina-A tlnnllc Mulls, THURSDAY At 0:30 a. m. for GREAT B It I T A I N, IRELAND, BELGIUM. NETHERLANDS. AUSTRIA, GER MANY, DENMARK, SWEDEN. NOR WAY nml RUSSIA, per v. s. Furst Bis marck, via Southampton and Hamburg ilettcrs for other parts o' Europe, via. Clmrlyiurg, must be directed 'per s. s. Furst BlMinarck"i; at r,:.lo a. in, for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT und BRITISH INDIA, nor h. s I. 'Am, I. I talne, via Havre (letters for other parts of Europe must be il'rei icd "per s, s. I L' Aiiiltalnc " i i SATURDAY At 5:31 n in. for EUROPE. I per H. s. Etrui'lu. via Qiieeiistowu. at S a in for NETHERLANDS direct prr 4 B, Stuutelldmn, via HotUTduln (.leitcr.-i I! 1UMJMIKJIIIII HH Mim"HEE j POSTOI'FH 11 Mint i;, I must be dltecti l "per a Sl.tatetldam ")! , nt It n tn for NORWAY direct, per a a! 1 Norge. ln Chrlatlanbt (letters must bo I directed "per s. a. N'orge"). PRINTED MATTER" ETC. - Oermnn ateHtners silling on Tuesdays take printed .latter, etc. for Germain, ami specially nddreaxel priutut matter, etc, for other parts of Europe American nud Whllo Star steamers on Wednesdays, German steamers on Thursdays and Cunard. French and German steamer on Satur daya take printed maltrr. etc . for nil ctiutitiles lor which thev are advertised to curry mat,. After the closing of (hp supplementary Trntia-Allantlc tnnlN named almve. aildl lloniil supplementary malls are ipene.l on the piers of the .inprlc.iu, Englis'i I'reneh nnd German ateaniers, nnu remain open until within ten minutes or the hour of sailing of steamer. .Mulls for South milt Central America, WpsI Indies, Etc. THURSDAY At 1 n. tn. for JAMAICA, per a. s. Admiral Schley from Philadel phia; at 10 u m. isnpplcinentarv 10 30 a m.) for BERMUDA, per s s. Ttlnldnd. at 11 a. m. for SANTOS direct, per a a Catania: at 12:30 p. m. (supplctncntarv l p. in.) for LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS, per a. m. Mitdlana (letters for Grenada und Trinidad must bo directed "per s. s. Madlana"). FRIDAY At t p. m. for JAMAICA, per s s. orlgen (letters must bo directed "per s. s. Orlgen"). SATURDAY -At 2.30 n. in. for NASSAU, N P., per steamer from Mlnml, Fin . nt 7 a. m for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. Belinda; ut 10 a. tn (sup plementary 10:30 a. in ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVANIL1.A. CAR THAGENA and GHEYTOWN, per s s. Altai (letters for Costa Hlci must bo directed "per s. s. Altai "i; at II a. tn for CUBA, per s s. Havana, via Havana: at 11 a. in. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per s. s. Maraviil; at 1 p. in. for NUEVI TAS. GIBARA, BARACOA nnd PUERTO PADRE, per s s Lnueubiirg SUNDAY -At 8:30 p m for ST PIERRE MlQUELON. per steamer from Halifax Mulls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this olliee dally nt 8 .10 p tn. (connecting close hen every Monday. Wednesdav and Saturday). Malls for Mhiuclon. by rail to Boston, nnd I hence ti steamer clni-e nt this olllce ilaby ut 8:30 p tn. Malls for Cuba, by rui! to Port Tampa. Flu , and thence by steamer, close at this olllco dally (except Monday) at 7 a. m. (tho connecting closes ore on Sundav, Wed nesday and Frbhij) Malls for Cuba, hv rall to Mlirnl, Fit... and thenco by steamer, close nt this olllce every Monday, Tues day and Saturday at 2:30 a. in (the con necting closes are on Tuesday and Satur day). Malls for Mexico City, overland. utileMi specially addressed for dispatch bv steamer, close at lhl olllce tinny nt 2 .'!0 n. tn. nnd 2:30 p. tn. Mnlls ror Cosln Rica. Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rnll I" New Orleans, and thence bv steamer, close nt this olllce dally at 3 p. in. (connecting closes liere Tuesdays for Costa Rica and Mondnys for Belize, Puerto Cortez and Giiateinatii) Regis tered mnll closes ,it 0 p. in. previous day. Rcglsterei mall closes nt U p. m. second day before. Triilia-Piit'ltle Miilla. Malls for Australia (except West Aus tralia). New '.calami. Hawaii. FIJI and Samoati Islands, via fun Francisco, close here dally at 0:30 p. tn. nfter March 3d and up to March 171 h, Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s. a. Campntiln. due nt New York Mnreh 17th, for dispatch per s s. Mariposa. Malls for Hawaii. Japan. China und tho Philippine Islands, via San FrunclsCo. close here dally at (1:30 p. m. up to March 18th. Inclusive, for dispatch per h.p Gae lic, Malls for China. Japan and tho Philippine Islands, via Taeonin, close at this olllce dally at 0:30 p. in. up tn March 19th. for dispatch per s. s. Glenogle. Mulls for China and Japan, via Van couver, close hero dally at 6:30 p. in. up to Mnnh 20th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of India (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for China nud Japan and Philip pine islands, via Seattle, close Iter ..illy at 0.30 p. m. up to March 2.d, '. ir lls patch per s. s. lilzuinl Mnru (registered letters must be directed "via Scuttle"). Mulls for Hawaii, China, .la pan and tho Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close hen dally at ll:3i) p. m. up to March 20th. inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Hong Kong Maru. Malls for Society Islands, via San Fran cisco, close hero dally at 0:30 p. m. up to March 26th. Inclusive, for dlspalch by ship Tropic Bird. Malls lor Hawaii, via San Francisco, close hero dally ut 0;3i( p. m. up to March 30th. Inclusive, for dispatch per h. s. Australia. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zea land, which goes via San Francisco), Hn wall nnd FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally at 0:30 p. tn. up to Mnreh 31st, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Wurrlmoo. LEO. I, .NOTICE. RESERVOIR DAM. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. March 1, 1900.- Seuled proposals for constructing tin dam for tho WYOMING DEVELOPMENT COMPANY S RESERVOIR No. 2. located about twelvo (12i miles from Rock Creek, Wyoming, a station on the Union Pacltlp railroad, will be received by the Wyoming Development Cntnpnny until twelve (12) o'clock noon, March 21. 1900. Each bidder must make a personal exam ination of the 1 nation of the dam. All bids will be computed on the basis of the en gineer's estimate of work to be done, which Is ns folows: in) 344.000 i dhlc yards earth enlinnkment, (b) 15.6IK) cubic yards stone and 4.2IX) cubic yards gravel rlprapplng Sepuruto bids will be entertained for each class of work Bids for cnUre work preferred All proposals must he on the forms furnished by the company and accompanied by u certllled check of $2,600, payable to the order of the Wyoming Development Company, for a bid on the whole work, $1,500 for a bid on the earth work, or $1,000 for a bid on tho rlprapplng. A bond of $20,000 will be required for tho faithful performance of the contract ns a whole, $15,000 for the earth work or $3,000 for the rlprapplng. The person nr persons to whom the con tract may bo awarded will Im required to appear at the. olllce of the company ut Cheyenne, Wyoming, and execute the con tract within live days from tho date of notillcntlon of such award. Speclllcitloiih -t nil forms of proposal and contract can be obtained on application lo the uiidorsljrncd. The Wyoming Development Company re serves the light to reject any or .ill bids. JOSEPH M. CAREY, President of the Wyoming Development Company. G. W. SCORN. Engineer. MO-S-12-13-19 M NOTICE TO BUILDERS. Noll, e i hcicbj given that tho Board of Trustees of the University of llio Stale of Wjomlng will recclvo sealed bids for the erei'tlnn of a building upon tho university ground at Laramie, Wyoming, in accord ance with the plans and ripocilli .itlons of Ai'chllei t chas. W. Murdock, now on llio In the ollli e of the socreinr of the board, up lo 12 o'clui k noon on the ,6th of Murch, A. D. 1900. Said building lo no completed lv the llrst day of January, A. D. 1901. Said plans and spoclllcatlons can be seen at tho olllce of the secretary of the board. It lie lug distinctly understood Unit this said board reserves the right to i eject any and alt bids mode All communications should be directed 'o tin sti retary of sold board at Laramie Wyo. OTTO GRA.MM, President. GRACE RAYMOND HEBARD, MO 110t M Secretary. GOVHRN.MHVr NOTICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, OMAHA, Nib., Mnnh 10, l!). Healed pro posals will be ri'cclvrd here and at olllce: of iiiiartermasteiH ut stations iinmed until 2 p. in . central time, April 10. juuu. for fur nislilug wood, coal nml charcoal, during tho fiscal car ending Juno ). 1H0I, at Omaha. Q. M. depot, Forts Crook, Robinson and Mobrain, Neb.; Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; Form Leavenworth and Riley, Kan.; Logan II Roots, Ark.; Reno and Kill. O T. Pro posals for delivery nt other points will be entertained. U. H. reserves riuht to relect I or uccept any ur ull proposals, nr any part I thereof. Information furnished on applica tion here or to uuiirtermasti rs nt stnMmix named. Envelopes coulaliilng proposals to be marked. "Prnpoials for - ,. dressed to the undersigned or quartermas ters at stations above named. F. II. Hath uway, chief quartermaster MI2 UA0&7M PROPOSALS FOR FUEI-Onlcc of Chief U. M. SI Paul. Minn., March 15. 1900,--SEALED PROPOSALS, In triplicate, will be received nt this olllco or al the following named posts, until II o'clock a. in. Apt II It, 19iiO, und opened then for furnishing and delivery of such WOOD and COAL, during the fiscal year commencing July I, 19oo, as may be required at HI. Paul and Fort Runn ing. Camp Bacon, Walker, Minn.; Fort Yates N D. ; Forts AsHlnlliolne. Harrison and Rough, and Camp Merrltt, Mont.; Fort Yellowstone, Wo., and Furl Meudo. H. T. Blank forms of proposals with full Instruc tions will be furnished on application here, or t Um quartermasters at the several post tiameil United Slates reserves tho right to aiiceut or reject any or all pro- I'osais or any p.itt thereof GEO. E, POND, C Q M, M15-16-17-li)A12-U